Northside United Methodist Church


Northside United Methodist Church
A United Methodist Congregation
March 2012
Miniserial Musings
Dr. Gil Wason, Senior Pasor
I read in a magazine the
reflections of Dr. Merrill
Douglass. He sought to give us
advice for living and common
sense in our daily relationships.
BE THANKFUL. Form the attitude of gratitude. List your
blessings. Be glad for your opportunities.
MAKE YOUR MOODS. Cultivate peaceful attitudes. Rise
above your feelings. Talk cheerfully.
BE GENEROUS. Help others whenever you can. Give your
With that in mind, I thought
time and your money to worthwhile causes.
I’d share some of his ideas with
you as new ideas for spring.
MAINTAIN GOOD MOTIVES. Work for the good of
others, not just yourself. Avoid selfishness.
PRACTICE THE GOLDEN RULE. Try to treat others
LIVE A SIMPLE LIFE. Simple is better. Don’t clutter up as you would like to be treated.
your life with too many things.
LIVE ONE DAY AT A TIME. Make the most of today.
time to enjoy life.
SPEND LESS THAN YOU EARN. Stay out of debt. Save
money. Practice self-denial and patience.
Musings ....................... 2
worship ....................... 3
children ....................... 4
pastoral care .............. 5
young adults ............... 6
easter lilies ................. 7
sports & rec ............... 7
Music ........................... 8
women ........................10
students .....................11
Missions .......................12
preschool .....................13
Flower Guild................15
library .........................15
saVinG tiMe
LEARN TO RELAX. Take time to restore yourself.
Exercise. Get a hobby.
THINK POSITIVELY. Fill your mind with useful,
uplifting thoughts and images. Read, listen, and watch MAINTAIN BALANCE IN YOUR LIFE. Devote the
proper amount of time to all aspects of your life: spiritual,
family, community, career, physical, mental, material.
BE COOPERATIVE. Resist the common tendency to want
things your own way. Yield to the other person more often. It is never too late to say "Thank You". So to all of you who
were so kind and generous to me during the Christmas
Try to see their point of view.
season with fruit, candy, cookies, flowers, cards, and other
gifts, a belated but heartful “Thank You.”
iN This issuE:
As spring approaches and Easter is just around the corner,
let’s all work on our relationships. The spring begins to bring
new life to an old winter’s landscape and new ideas help us
work together to make the world a better place in which
to live.
You won’t want to miss any of the opportunities for worship,
ministry, and missions this spring at Northside.
Remember, there is always a place for you!
april 5 · 6:30pM · sanctuary
Maundy Thursday is the Thursday prior
to Easter Sunday when we commemorate
Jesus’ last supper with his disciples before
his crucifixion. The word “Maundy” derives
from the Latin word mandatum, meaning
“commandment,” in reference to Jesus’
teachings in John about giving us a new
commandment to love one another as Christ
has loved us ( John 13:34-35). This is a somber
service, including Holy Communion and
stripping of the altar.
Childcare is available for children from birth–
5th grade.
i Amy Walker | [email protected] | 678.298.5061 |
Pastoral Care
Lent is a season of discipline, focused prayer, repentance and faithful living, yet, that
doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. We hope you are using your Lent calendars and will join us
throughout the month for intentional ways to continue knowing & growing.
suNdAYs duRiNG MARCh:
Preschoolers: “Jesus loves everyone” based on John 15:12,
“Love each other as I have loved you.”
(discoveryZone3.4 at 8:30 & 11:00, ImpactZones at 9:45)
• Elementary students: “Conviction—standing for what is
right even when others don’t” based on 2 Thessalonians 3:13,
“Never tire of doing what is right.”
(ImpactZones at 9:45 and K25PowerZone at 11)
Parents: Download family resource sheets from our website.
sunday · March 11 · 2:45 – 6:45pM
We will be joining the parents and children from the United
Methodist Children’s Home Family Housing program, young
adults ages 17-21 in the Independent Living Program, and
participants in their off-campus Transitional Living Program
for a meal and worship around the tables. This is a wonderful
opportunity for the entire family and children of all ages to “go
share God’s love” together. We will provide a hearty dinner and
fun devotional activities. There is limited space for 15 to 20
persons. Contact Rev. Catherine.
Friday · March 23 · 6:30 – 8pM
4th-5th grade boys, grab your moms (or a favorite female role
model) and join us for our annual Mother-Son event. We will
be partying at Menchie’s (3655 Roswell Rd. Suite 112, Atlanta
Tuxedo Festival location). The cost for this event will be $10 per
person, which includes a frozen yogurt and lots more fun! We
hope to see you there.
medical insurance is commonplace and residents must overcome
tremendous barriers to receive even the most basic medical care.
For more information about the HEALing Community Center,
see Socks can be donated in
the collection bin in the Lobby of NMP or in the “mission bins”
by the gym from February 1 through Easter Sunday.
Ellen Griewahn: 678.298.5042
[email protected]
Dr. Ann Brightwell McCord: 678.298.6319
[email protected]
saturday, april 7
9am- Pancake Breakfast (Faith & Arts Center)
10am- Easter Egg “hunt” (Grassy Knoll)
There are few celebrations more wonderful in the life of our
church family! Join as we fill our hearts, bellies, and baskets with
the joy of Easter. Register for breakfast (only) online by Friday,
April 14. All are invited to join us for a community wide Easter
Egg Hunt on the Grassy Knoll.
Taylor Driskill is excited to take on the position of Elementary
Coordinator here at Northside. Taylor is a recent graduate of
Candler School of Theology at Emory University, where she
received a Master of Divinity with a concentration in Theology
and the Arts. She is currently a certified candidate for Deacon's
orders in the North Georgia Conference. Some of her other
interests include: performing in musical theater productions,
spending time outdoors, watching Jeopardy, and playing with
her puggle puppy, Maisie. AT A GLANCE:
March 7 & April 4 · No Wednesday Night Programming
March 11 · Agape Meal
kELLER’s sOCks
As we focus on “gifts,” Keller Martin (one of our six year old March 22 · Children’s Ministries Birthday Breakfast
members) has motivated us to show “honor” (our monthly March 25 · FOCUS (Families of Children Under Stress) Share Group
virtue) by giving the gift of socks. In partnership with NMP and March 26 · Online Registration begins for VBS
Northside Missions, we are collecting Men's White Tube Socks. April 7 · Easter Eggstravaganza Pancake Breakfast
"Keller's Socks" benefits the HEALing Community Center in one
of Atlanta's poorest neighborhoods (30314), where having no
i Rev. Catherine Boothe | [email protected] | 404.351.3399 |
Jana Parks: 678.298.6324
[email protected]
With Northside Church’s emphasis on the importance of prayer in our lives,
Pastoral Care is making it more convenient for you to submit a request for
prayer. Prayer Ministry Boxes have been placed around the church (one in
the Narthex, one at the Gallery desk, one at the entrance to the Preschool
desk and one outside of Dr. Gil’s office). You may fill out the card that is
next to the prayer box and then drop it in the slot. (It is very helpful if you
include at lease a partial address on the card.) A member of the church
staff will make sure that your prayer request gets to the Prayer Team and
to the Prayer Note Ministry Team. Our hope is to enable you to make a
prayer request anytime you are at church. You may, also, continue to call
the church office at 404.355.6475 and leave a message with Trisha, Ellen,
or Dr. Ann.
We know that through prayer we are given the incredible privilege of
communicating directly with God. God invites us to share through prayer,
our hopes, celebrations, hurts and concerns. As we spend time in prayer
with God, it strengthens our relationship with Him.
Jason Clay: 678.298.5036
[email protected]
Leslie Bell: 678.298.6333
[email protected]
Dr. Jody Alderman: 404.367.2348
[email protected]
Trisha Kirsch: 404.355.6475
[email protected]
Call: 404.355.6475, ext. 8
i Dr. Ann Brightwell McCord | [email protected] | 678.298.6319 |
Sports & Rec
Young Adults
The Young Adults at Northside are a diverse group comprised of young professionals,
married couples, singles and young families; there is definitely a place for you! Our
ministry focuses on providing opportunities to grow spiritually while creating an
atmosphere of community and fun. There’s always something going on and March is
full of great events and educational series. Join us for fun and fellowship with trivia
at Fado. Explore God’s Word on Sunday at our “Any Given Sunday” class. Don’t miss
the great food and fellowship at our Young Adult Breakfast this month. And relax
after work with us for Happy Hour at Tavern 99. Listed below is a recap of what
we have planned. Please feel free to contact our Young Adult Director, Todd Baker
with any questions. We hope to see you!
Spring Season Starts March 15
Field Location:
Mt. Vernon Baptist Church
Contact Person: Jerod Kazemba
[email protected]
If you are interested in
please contact Jerod at 678.298.9648.
• Happy Hour at Tavern 99
| Wednesday, March 7
| Sunday, March 11
• Trivia at Fado | Wednesday, March 14 & 28
• “Any Given Sunday” | Sunday Morning Series (Topic: Maximizing Your Talent)
• Young Adult Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
i Kelley Stonis | [email protected] | 678.298.5066 |
i Todd Baker | [email protected] | 678.298.5055 |
General Church
If you would like to place an Easter Lily in the Sanctuary
in memory or in honor of a special person, fill out the
form legibly and place it in the offering plate or mail in
along with your check to the church office.
Many of your have probably been wondering “What has happened to our Flower
Calendar?” To help limit the crowded walls in our hallway and make life a little simpler,
we have moved the Calendar to the small hallway as you exit the sanctuary to the right
where the door leads to the courtyard. It is just outside the Bride’s Room.
The cost is $16 per plant. The form must be
completed and payment included with your order.
We also want everyone to be aware that we have begun a new policy. Many members
have noticed an “excess” of flowers on some weekends throughout the Narthex. This
happens when we have weddings and funerals and folks leave their flowers. In an attempt
to help conserve, we are now asking all brides to leave their flowers on the altar, and we
will place their names in our Sunday bulletin to honor the bride and groom. The bridal
dates will now be included on our current Flower Calendar. If next year’s calendar has
a wedding on your memorial date, you will need to choose another date.
Deadline for ordering is Sunday, March 25
Please PRINT Clearly
In Memory of
In Honor of
There are still dates available on our 2012 calendar. If you wish to reserve one of the
remaining dates, you may place your name on the calendar, or contact Ellen in Dr. Gil’s
office. A Flower Form is required to ensure we have the proper info for the Sunday
bulletin. Forms are available from Margaret Sale or Ellen and should be returned to
them upon completion.
i Ellen Griewahn | [email protected] | 678.298.5042
Number of plants:
X $16 =
Check one: Cash
Check #
hOW sWEET ThE sOuNd!”
“Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound!” A service of Music and Spoken Word, will be presented on Sunday, March 25
at both the 8:30 and 11am services. Joining Northside’s Festival Choir will be the Celebrate Children’s Choir and an
orchestra of professional musicians.
Dr. Gil Watson, our reader, will weave together scripture and the spoken word with the hymns, folk hymns, and AfricanAmerican spirituals of the choirs into a moving service that will remind us all of God’s Amazing Grace in our lives: “grace
that adopted us as sinners and made us members of the heavenly kingdom; grace that sustains us and directs our daily
steps; and grace that will ultimately usher us to our eternal home.”
Hear the spirituals, “Old Time Religion” and “My Soul’s Been Anchored In the Lord” along with a special arrangement
of “The Gospel Train” with our children and adult choirs. Courtnaye and Patrick Wood will sing the beautiful folk hymn,
“A Living Prayer,” with guitar. The choir and orchestra will then present two Aaron Copeland folk hymns: the revivalist
hymn, “Zion’s Walls” and the familiar “At The River” that was sung at the funeral of Robert Shaw. Next the choir sings
two wonderful Mack Wilberg hymn tune arrangements of “How Firm a Foundation” and “Come, Come, Ye Saints” that
are moving testaments of our faith. Hear Nancy Moffit sing a newly commissioned work by friend, John Innes, “Softly
and Tenderly,” and join the choir and orchestra to sing the hymns, “Come Thou Fount” and “Grace Greater Than Our
Sin.” The service concludes with the call of the bagpipes leading us all in John Newton’s “Amazing Grace!”
Won’t you join the choirs for these services? Join the southern Methodist singing tradition where singing voices filled
the woods at camp meetings, pioneers sang in the fields, and circuit riders carried melodies from the mountains to the
coastal plains. Join us as we sing these earnest, “amazing” hymns, folk hymns, and spirituals. They remind us of who we
are and what we believe.
Both the 8:30 and 11am services are identical. Remember, there is more parking and seating at the early service. I look
forward to seeing you in your pew.
Mike Moffitt
Start collecting your treasures for the
Flea Market 2012!!!
The Flea Market will be held on Friday May 4 &
Saturday May 5 and all proceeds benefit Youth
Choir Tour 2012.
March 18 · 9:45-10:25am · in the Sanctuary
If you like the old hymns of the faith, join Gwyn
Bacon in the Sanctuary for a fun sing-through of
your favorite traditional hymns!
MiddLE sChOOL suNdAY NiGhTs:
March 4 – Off
March 11 – Movie Night
March 18 – Ninja Night
March 25 – Crazy Game Night
March 13 · 9:30aM–12pM · Fellowship hall
Mission Circle, Cannon Circle, and SuperMoms meet to make Easter Baskets
for the Refugee Children. Please bring small toys, candy and plastic eggs for
eVeninG circle · March 20 · 6:30–8pM · rooM 362
Amy Walker will lead us in a discussion of What's the Least I Can Believe and
Still Be a Christian?: A Guide to What Matters Most, by Martin Thielen, a
Methodist minister.
superMoMs · March 27
Meet to serve lunch at the Community Kitchen.
cannon circle · april 10 · rooM 362
Meet at the church for van transportation to the Good Samaritan Health Center.
Circle members to provide toiletry articles for their patients.
superMoMs · april 17
March 18 – Confirmation Retreat Parent Meeting (9:30am in the Chapel)
April 13-15 –Confirmation Retreat
May 4 – Confirmation Palooza
May 6 – Confirmation Sunday
Special thanks to Robbie Jackson and Dee Hoover who led our Middle
School girls in an AMAZING study on what it means to be BRAVE.
These ladies did a fabulous job engaging the girls through videos, talks,
small groups and crafts. They were truly a blessing to more than 80 of our
6th, 7th and 8th grade girls. As well, a huge thanks to Rand Eberhard,
Todd McGarrity, Bob Jackson, William Newkirk and Ben Glanton who
each took a week with our Middle School guys walking through the book
Becoming a Young Man of God.
hiGh sChOOL suNdAY NiGhTs:
Community Service at Day Shelter
Mission circle · april 17 · 10aM · BoardrooM
Kate Boyer, the Executive Director of Action Ministries, Atlanta, will speak to
us about the work AMI is doing in Atlanta—including our sentimental favorite,
The Community Kitchen!
Questions regarding UMW Circles? Please contact Nancy MacDonald at
[email protected].
March 4 – Off
March 11 – Dinner @ Willy’s (bring $ to eat, meet there)
March 18 – Ultimate Frisbee @ Tanyard Creek Park
(cost: $5 for pizza, meet there)
March 25 – Dinner @ Fellini’s (bring $ to eat, meet there)
On February 26, our students ran all three worship services. We are so
thankful to all of the students who were able to be a part of this great day!
For 7th & 8th Graders
March 13 · 9:30aM–12pM · Fellowship hall
March 23–25, 2012
Cost: $180
Activities include the climbing wall, the screamer, Frisbee golf, volleyball,
basketball, waterslide, game room, zipline, and much more…
A $180 check reserves your spot! Contact Rand with any questions.
All women of the church are invited to join the UMW as we meet to
make 150 Easter baskets for refugee children in Clarkston, on Tuesday
March 13 from 9:30am–12pm in the Fellowship Hall. Please bring small
toys, candy and plastic eggs for baskets. Light lunch will be provided.
For more information contact Nancy MacDonald at nmacd995@ or 404.264.9313.
i Sue Allen | [email protected] | 678.298.5045 |
Check out our website for more info on any of our events!
i Rand Eberhard | [email protected] | 404.351.6558 |
reFuGee relocation
and iMMiGration
serVices aGency – rrisa
RRISA is a true blessing to the refugees who come to Atlanta. There are so many things
that they need and RRISA provides:
Welcoming families at the airport
• Providing for their immediate needs–food, clothes, shelter, and medical care
Our refugee apartment set-up Chairman, Resettlement Service– cultural orientation, school registration,
ESL registration
Laura Pope, is planning our annual project
• Immigration Services–family petitions, asylum cases, applications for
to furnish an apartment for a refugee
Citizenship, Social Security, Georgia State IDs, and Green Cards
family arriving in Atlanta and being served
• Education–homework help, academic enrichment opportunities and
technology training
Imagine having to leave your home and
all of your belongings. Imagine getting to RRISA is a non-profit agency affiliated with Church World Service and Episcopal
a new homeland after waiting many years Migration Ministries. They welcome refugees, those granted asylum and victims of
in a refugee camp. How would you feel? human trafficking. With the help of the community, RRISA acts as a bridge between
Many refugees come to Atlanta feeling local resources and refugees worldwide. Currently the majority of the clients RRISA
unsafe and unsure of what their future served are from Burma (Myanmar), Bhutan, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, and Haiti.
holds. RRISA is there to welcome them
at the airport, bring them to a furnished This month we start the process to set up an apartment for a refugee family. We are
apartment and help them with the services going to do this a little differently than in the past. We are asking for groups to “sponsor
they need to adjust to life in a country far a room.” If your Sunday school class, Bible study, sports team, etc. would like to do get
involved please contact our project chairman, Laura Pope at [email protected]
away from war and persecution.
or 404.643.7999, or contact the Missions office.
Northside Church has been involved with
the refugee community for several years.
Some of the things we have done include
setting up apartments, providing Easter
Baskets & Christmas gifts, delivering food
& collecting books for an after school
program that serves refugee children,
and last year our Metro Atlanta Project
build a playground in the Clarkston, GA,
community where many refugees settle.
Our congregation has a big heart for
"The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born.
Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God."
- Leviticus 19:34
Just because the regular school year has ended doesn’t mean that
it is quiet in the Preschool! Our summer Camp Razzle Dazzle
is a great addition to the school year! Our campers will have a
great time with their favorite Preschool teachers who are creating
exciting adventures for the summer. As the children are placed
in play groups by age, they are thrilled to see their friends from
school and make new friends for the coming school year. We are
also delighted to welcome any campers from the community who
may attend other preschools in the area.
Leslie Rose has been our Camp Director for many years, and she
is always available to answer any questions that parents may have.
Many of our Assistants at camp are Northside Church Youth
who work with Camp Razzle Dazzle year after year, and we think
they are great!! Our Preschool is offering five weeks of summer
camp with a different theme each week. Activities are geared
toward these themes, and every week a special entertainment
is provided such as pony rides, storytellers, magicians, and live
animal encounters.
wild, wild west
June 4–8 · Featuring Pony Rides
pirates oF the preschool
June 11–15 · Featuring an Inflatable Pirate Ship
enchanted adVentures
June 18–22 · Featuring a Magic Show
JaMMin’ in the JunGle
July 9–13 · Featuring a Live Animal Demonstration
Registration is $165 per week, and there are plenty of spaces
available in every week of camp. Perhaps you have or know of a
child who would enjoy this enriching experience. Please visit our
website to register. For more information contact Leslie Rose in
the Preschool at [email protected].
This camp is open to all children who are 3 years old by June 1,
2012, through age five. Our day begins at 9am with carpool and
includes music, art, movement, and cooking classes. The children
are divided by age groups and will enjoy playground time and
having lunch with their friends. The camp is staffed by Northside
Methodist Preschool teachers who will ensure that each child has
an activity filled day. The day ends with carpool at 1pm.
Check our website for giving opportunities
available throughout the Lenten season.
i Lynette Brown | [email protected] | 404.367.2356 |
i Zilia Glick | [email protected] | 678.298.5037 |
Flower Guild
We Need You!
July 13–19, 2012
There is no better example of Northside’s motto “There Is
a Place for You” than with Metro Atlanta Project. Already,
dozens of adult volunteers are working diligently to secure food,
transportation, materials, construction sites, and donations to
make our project a success. On March 23–25, more than 30 high
school junior and senior student leaders known as “Tour Guides”
will volunteer alongside our dedicated adult supervisors to install
a playground at Fresh Start Academy, the first of our anticipated
11 playground sites.
Join our Northside
Flower Guild
Please consider your involvement with Northside’s largest annual
service project, as we hope to make our 13th year the best one yet.
Adults and students of all ages are welcome to serve a program
which, in the past year, has provided safe and fun places for over
1500 children to play. Please check our website, listed below, to
learn how you can share your time, your gifts, and your servant’s
You bring your clippers and smiles…
we provide the fun and fellowship!
Green thumbs are not required!
Flower workshop
March 13 · 10am–12pm
in the Sanctuary
If you have any questions, please contact William Newkirk at
[email protected] or 678.298.5069.
We are thrilled that Dr. Felton Norwood
has agreed to lead our Flower Guild
Workshop! We are happy to welcome
new members joining us!
We are excited that all seven churches with whom we partnered
last year will return so that we might serve together. Rev. Olu
Brown, MAP speaker from 2007-2010, will be returning to relate
the word of Christ to our volunteers at night worship.
RSVP to Lisa Avery by March 9 at
[email protected].
i BettyHarrison | [email protected] | 404.233.7123
Check Out Your
Church Library!
When was the last time you experienced solitude?
When was the last time you found the resource book you needed?
When was the last time you found the DVD that you could not find at the Public Library?
When was the last time you ventured to the first floor of the Church?
I relaxed last Month during the Open House and enjoyed meeting those who came to check
out the library. My 7th grade daughter is preparing a report on Hinduism, and she found a
great resource book in the library. My neighbor’s children checked out the Veggie Tales “Esther”
DVD that they could not find at the public library.
Your Church Library has been renewed with fresh paint and new signage to identify the sections
that house so many resources and so much information entertainment. This is your library!
We would love any suggestions that you have for ordering books or usages of the library and
resources. Let us hear from you with your ideas! And if you’re interested in serving on the
Library Committee, let me know! You can e-mail me at [email protected].
Julie Smith
Church Librarian
i William Newkirk | [email protected] | 678.298.5069 |
i Amy Walker | [email protected] | 678.298.5061 |
A United Methodist Congregation
2799 Northside Drive NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
March Sermons
• March 4 – Second Sunday in Lent | Communion Sunday
“Jonah: Flawed And Yet…”
Jonah 3:6-4:1
Dr. Gil Watson, Preaching
• March 11 – Third Sunday in Lent
“Rahab: Flawed And Yet…”
Joshua 2:1-6
Dr. Gil Watson, Preaching
• March 18 – Fourth Sunday in Lent
“Moses: Flawed And Yet…”
Exodus 4:10-17
Dr. Gil Watson, Preaching
• March 25 – Fifth Sunday in Lent
“King Nebuchadnezzar: Flawed And Yet…”
Daniel 3:13-18
Dr. Gil Watson, Preaching
9:50 Service Only