Mar 2016 - Methodist Girls` School
Mar 2016 - Methodist Girls` School
vol 27/1 MGeSprit To Master To Grow To Serve Principal’s Message In 2016, we are mindful of the many blessings, talents and gifts God has bestowed on us as individuals and as a school. 1 Peter 4:10 reminds us, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Indeed it is our responsibility and privilege to be faithful as His stewards and use our blessings and gifts to bless others and to glorify Him. Our theme for 2016 –Entrusted…for His Glory – is a timely exhortation to the MG community to lead and reach out to others. In this edition of the MGeSprit, you observe a real sense of the diversity and richness of life in MGS; we cherish and respect every girl for who she is. Every child, like every adult, has a part to play in promoting the school culture, its values and its mission – to glorify God and bring joy and love to the wider community. In the classroom, the playing field, the theatre, at home and abroad, the MGS girl does make the difference. She is capable, talented and confident, and a caring servant leader who seeks to be sensitive to the needs of others. She cultivates the attributes, the skills and the aspiration to ignite change for a better tomorrow. We are thankful for parents and coaches who walk alongside the school to bring out the best in the MGS girl . Truly, the values we stand for – Godliness, Excellence and Love, are the cornerstones of what we do in MGS and how we do it. To God be the Glory. Ms Grace Ng Principal 2 MGeSprit March 2016 In and Around Rainbow Correction! The Primary school celebrated Children’s Day on Thursday 8 October. This was the day all the teachers got together to entertain and encourage their pupils; and their theme was Rainbow CORRECTION! – a witty spoof on the Rainbow Connection, an annual charity event that showcases the talents of the girls in various Co-Curricular Activities. The teachers from each level performed an item that brought not only cheer to the children, but also reminded them of their own achievements in specific fields like the performing arts. The teachers from Primary One took to the stage as ballerinas, while their compatriots from Primary Two were Cheerleaders for the day. The teachers from Primary Three staged a Synchronized Swimming item, and those in Primary Four, a modern jazz item; their colleagues from Primary Five sang as a Choir, and those from Primary Six spiced up the entertainment with music from their String Ensemble. March 2016 MGeSprit 3 In and Around Christmas Service 2015 The Primary School held its Christmas Service on Monday, 9 November 2015; the theme was simply, “Christmas Is …” Christmas cheer filled the air as we gathered to remember the birth and life of Jesus Christ and to give thanks to God for blessing us richly in 2015. A skit and lots of Christmas carols added to the festive cheer. Our Chaplain, Pastor Ling Kin Yew in his message, reminded us of the true meaning of Christmas. We were reminded of God’s love through John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. God sent Jesus so that we can understand His love for us and our need for Him. Indeed, God is Love and Christmas is a time to celebrate that God loves us. Kaitlyn Koh (P 5.6 2015) “What does Christmas mean to you?” On Thursday 21 October 2015 it was Christmas for MGS. At the Christmas Service in the Secondary school, our chaplain Pastor Jason Phua delivered an engaging message on the true meaning of Christmas, and quizzed us on our knowledge of the birth of Jesus Christ. He inspired us to reflect on that special day when Jesus was born in a manger in Bethlehem. All of us also had a chance to bless others by contributing to the Christmas Love Gift. This year, the Christmas Love Gift was presented to the Methodist Welfare Services for its Bursary Programme, which aims to provide cash awards to students from disadvantaged backgrounds. We gave from our heart, knowing that we ourselves were blessed to be a blessing to others. Christmas may mean feasting, receiving gifts, and partying; but let us always remember the true meaning of Christmas, that is, the love of God Almighty who sent His son Jesus Christ to die for our sins. Bethany Low (Sec 4I) 4 MGeSprit March 2016 In and Around Christmas Love Gift On Friday 29 January 2016, the Principal, Ms Grace Ng, presented the Christmas Love gift from 2015 to the Methodist Welfare Services (MWS). Mr Simon Chan, Assistant Chaplain of MWS was at MGS to share the word of God at Assembly; subsequently, Ms Ruth Ng, Senior Manager at MWS received the gift of $7690 which is for the Methodist Welfare Services Bursary Programme. P1 & P2 Games Day 2015 The teachers from Primary One, Primary Two and the Physical Education (PE) department came together to organise and conduct a host of games to engage the girls in learning, sharing and simply enjoying the end of a school year. They were ably supported by about 80 parent-volunteers who either took on the role of Station ICs or were Class Chaperons to assist the Houses in every class. The PE teachers were the Station Masters. Friday 6 November was the designated Games Day; and it was maximum participation for all the girls in Primary One and Two. They indulged in friendly competition and applied many of the skills they had cultivated during PE lessons. They knew exactly what sportsmanship was all about, and were all out to promote fair play. Of course they had ‘lots of fun’ even as they battled to secure the supremacy of their House. Blackmore House was the ultimate Champion! March 2016 MGeSprit 5 In and Around Student Forum It was the end of the school year, and the students were ready for the chance to voice their opinions on life at school. On Tuesday 20 October, the Prefects, armed with directed questions, and ready to glean all that they could to bring our school forward, were deployed to different classes. In every classroom, the students offered suggestions and feedback, while the Prefects recorded all the necessary details. The responses varied from class to class – some were enthusiastically animated and boisterous, others were quieter and more thoughtful – but all in all, the Forum was a timely and fruitful dialogue. The students were assured that their ideas and opinions would be sent to the relevant groups in the MGS community, for further consideration. Catherine Liew (Sec 4I) Prefects Camp 2015 Arise, Commit and Empower! That was the call to the prefects preparing to take on the challenge of another year at school. For three days in October (22 to 24), the prefects were involved in rigorous leadership training; the Central Committee also organised games and activities to engage the prefects in sharing and learning. The prefects in Secondary One learnt that leadership is influence; they had to take advantage of the opportunities to be a positive influence in the community. The Secondary Two prefects were trained on how to be facilitators, and their seniors in Secondary Three were taught how to nurture our younger schoolmates to become leaders, to lift them up and allow them to realize their fullest potential. The highlight was a heartwarming activity where the Secondary Three prefects had to wash the feet of their juniors. The experience was truly humbling; it allowed us to better understand the sacrifices we have to make in order to lead others. On Saturday 24 October, we were given time to actively build the team spirit, especially in the various committees. The main task was in the ACEscape room, where each group had to work as one to successfully unlock the code and free themselves. And this was what it was all about – Arise, Commit and Empower. Beverly Low (Sec 3 G) 6 MGeSprit March 2016 In and Around Primary 6 Graduation Service 2016 It was Wednesday 11 November 2015 and we were officially graduating from Primary school. Dr Shirleen Chee, former Principal at MGS and our special Guest at the graduation service, touched our hearts with her story of Miriam and Moses; she reminded us that whatever we do has an effect on those around us; she encouraged us to do good using the gifts with which God has empowered us. It was a privilege for me, on behalf of my friends from the Class of 2015, to thank the school, the teachers and the many people at MGS for their love and care. Indeed it was a pleasure then to reminisce the fond memories that we had made as a cohort. As Pastor Jason Phua closed in prayer, I observed the nostalgic smiles around me, and I could sense the anticipation as we stood on the threshold of another phase in education. I said a silent prayer to God to mould us as Godly women of Excellence with a heart of Love. Gabrielle Lee Kurniawan (P6.6 2015) March 2016 MGeSprit 7 In and Around P6 Graduation Party 2015 On Wednesday 11 November 2015, the P6 Class of 2015 gathered at the Raffles Town Club to celebrate the end of our Primary school education; the theme for 2015 was “Empowered for His Glory”. The entire hall was abuzz with excitement and everyone was having a whale of a time, snapping photographs and enjoying the camaraderie of a cohort. There was even a photo booth where we took snapshots with our friends to preserve the wonderful memories. Soon, the party was underway, and we feasted and chatted. The stage items were of course spirited, and somewhat nostalgic! And there were prizes too – such as the award for the “Best interpretation of theme” and for the “Most coordinated class”. At the end of the day, everyone was tired but radiant with delight; every one of us took away memories to keep for a lifetime, even as we closed this chapter of our life at school. Indeed, we were grateful “for friendships made and pleasures shared”. Eliza Khoo (P6.6 2015) Trip to Universal Studios Singapore (USS) 2015 The Methodist Walk 2015, organised by the Methodist Schools Foundation, was held in March 2015. Primary 5.6 from MGS was the top fund raiser in the event, and was given 40 tickets to the Universal Studios Singapore. The class decided to commemorate the 128th Founder’s Day by reaching out to the community. They invited 10 students and a staff member from Daybreak Student Care Centre to join them on the outing. Three of the parents who came along as chaperons sponsored lunch and snacks for the 10 girls from the centre. It was a great opportunity for the MGS girls to learn to bless others. Rebecca Lam wrote in her reflections: “……it was the opportunity to share our joy with some of the children from Daybreak Centre. As the hosts, we were given the responsibility to show them around USS. The pupils from the Centre were extremely polite and truly appreciative. We had a great time together, and new friendships were made.” Charlotte Tan commented, “…..I was thankful for the opportunity to reach out to them. I want to contribute more to the community in the future .” Kaitlyn Koh shared her joy too. “…I personally packed the snacks for them…..I was heartened to see their smiles.” 8 MGeSprit March 2016 In and Around Sec 4 Baccalaureate Service 2015 The Class of 2015 gathered, for one last time, in the Chapel on Friday 13 November to commemorate the completion of their ‘O’ Level Examinations, and celebrate their graduation from secondary school. At the Baccalaureate service the students gave thanks to God, sang and rocked to songs that had become an integral part of their education at MGS. The Guest-of-Honour, Dr Tan Li Feng from the class of 2003 and President’s Scholar, shared with the cohort her journey after graduating from MGS. Ms Kek Lay Yan, the Year Head, then congratulated the girls on their graduation and gave them an insight into life after MGS. She invited all the teachers to the stage to bid their students a fond farewell, and with lots of good wishes for their future It was really emotional, having to part with friends and teachers, and accept the fact that this was the final stop in a journey so exciting and fulfilling. We were ready to go our separate ways in pursuit of our goals in education, but there was still the unspoken sentiment at the Baccalaureate service – Once an MG girl, always an MG girl! Althea Low (Sec 4G Class of 2015) March 2016 MGeSprit 9 In and Around Rainbow Connection The Rainbow Connection, a concert which took place on Friday 13 November 2015, raised funds to help the Rainbow Centre build another wing at the school in Margaret Drive. The performers from the Primary school were members of various Co-Curricular Activities including Ballet, Cheerleading, Choir, Gymnastics, Handbells, International Dance, Modern Jazz, Modern Tap and the Strings Ensemble. The Student Leaders were the backstage crew, and the Prefects, the ushers at both the matinee and the evening show. Nearly all the teachers from the Primary school were involved in leading the CCAs and the backstage crew or in taking charge of the ushers, runners, the front of house activities , the Art Auction and the sale of jewellery; many were engaged in the sale of food and the massive clean-up at the end of the day. Students from the Rainbow Centre participated in the finale at the evening show; they made music on their drums! The Centre also played two videos to allow the audience to have a greater understanding of the Rainbow Centre, a school for children with special needs. The Rainbow Connection was an important platform for the MGS girls to share their learning and to build their confidence in giving back to society; it also promoted teamwork and an enduring commitment to community service. 10 MGeSprit March 2016 In and Around Primary One Orientation They had enrolled at MGS and were ready for school in 2016, but first they had to get to know all about the school, the teachers, their classmates! That was the reason they were all at MGS from 9 am to 12 noon, on Saturday 21 November 2015. The teachers from Primary One and Two were there too, with a group of Student Leaders who gave the necessary support to the new pupils. The Principal, Ms Grace Ng, welcomed the little ones and their parents. She assured them of a holistic education at MGS, where pupils do not just focus on academic achievements, but also cultivate the values and skills that matter in life. She urged them to take advantage of the school experience, to strengthen their social ties, and to thrive in the larger community. She affirmed the safe learning environment at MGS which is the product of an alliance of competent and caring teachers on the one hand, and supportive and understanding parents on the other. The new girls at school were taken on a tour of the campus, and later participated in several games. They were especially excited by the game, “Find Myself Hunt” where they discovered what they had in common with their peers, and what made each of them unique. Staff Dedication Service Mrs Chua-Lim Yen Ching, Deputy Director-General of Education, was the Guest-of-Honour at the Staff Dedication Service on Wednesday 30 December 2015. Her message to the staff at MGS was centred on the MGS theme for 2016 – Entrusted ….for His Glory, and the theme verse from 1Peter 4:10. She reminded the staff that as faithful stewards of God’s grace, they must remain relevant and meaningful to the students, entrusted to them, and to nurture them for the Future. The darker it gets, the brighter they must shine! She urged the teachers in particular to grow, in God’s way, and take ownership of the school’s mission. In the Growth mind-set, nothing is too small, nor too big for the teacher to undertake. She endorsed Thomas Watson’s assertion that we cannot have success in our mission unless we believe that it is the greatest mission in the world. Rev. Malcolm Tan led the teachers in prayer and in affirming their dedication to impart knowledge and to pass on the love for learning to the next generation. March 2016 MGeSprit 11 In and Around Teamwork Makes Dreams Work Cheer and laughter resounded through the ME Lau Hall as Orientation commenced in MGS. Nervous, but excited, the girls in Secondary One began their journey at MGS, on Monday 4 January 2016. From the first day at school, we were newly united as one MG family. During the week, and especially at an overnight camp that lasted from Thursday to Friday, we were all thrilled to make more friends as we connected over the various games and activities. We cherished the encouragement offered by the Student Leaders, the Prefects, teachers and school leaders and most of all, the praise and worship experience. Our theme for the Orientation week was Teamwork Makes Dreams Work , and it was fitting that we were actively engaged to learn all about teamwork, communication and cooperation. Showing off our spirit during the campfire on Friday night, we sang our hearts out; at the close of the camp we were tired but contented. That night, we returned home with a greater sense of camaraderie, enthusiasm for the new school year and a steadfast trust in God to take us, fruitfully, through our journey at MGS. “In their hearts humans plan their course but the Lord establishes their steps” Proverbs 16:9. Gabrielle Lee Kurniawan (Sec 1G) Opening of Downtown Line 2 Ten girls – student leaders and prefects – from MGS were Co-hosts at King Albert Park (KAP) station when LTA in conjunction with Ulu Pandan CCC held the Open House event for Downtown Line 2 (DTL2). It was Saturday 5 December 2015, and the girls gave out MGS fans and postcards specially made for the day. Graciously and proudly, they explained to commuters the artwork on the postcard and also along the pedestrian overhead bridge. That was the artwork (featuring botany) of their schoolmates at MGS. Student representatives from MGS – some of whom were on the DTL2 banner outside the school in 2015 – were also invited to the DTL2 Opening Ceremony at the Botanic Gardens on Saturday 26 December 2015. Here they met Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, and even managed to take a selfie with him. At the start of the new academic year in 2016, MGS students and staff happily boarded the train for school – it was convenient, and it cut travel time for many. During the first few days of the year, MGS student leaders and prefects were at the KAP station bright and early. They were Transport Ambassadors, and they were there to facilitate movement in and out of the station. And for them it was certainly a fulfilling experience. 12 MGeSprit March 2016 In and Around We are Buddies In the first two weeks of the school year 2016, every girl in Primary One had a buddy from Primary Five to help her assimilate into a new environment and develop the skills to be an independent learner. At recess, the buddies made their way to the playground to enjoy a short break from the classroom; most however, went quickly to the canteen where the younger girls became familiar with the ethics of queuing for food and respecting common space. The Student Development Department at the Primary school used this opportunity to encourage the P5 pupils to hone both their sense of responsibility and their servant leadership. In short, they were role models for their ‘little sisters’ in Primary One. GCE O-Level Results The GCE O-Level results for the Class of 2015 were released on Monday 11 January. For the first time, I felt the school song resonate through the M E Lau Hall and beyond as the Class of 2015 sang in jubilation and loyalty. As soon as Ms Grace Ng flashed the results on the screen, the cheers erupted; the Class of 2015 sprang to embrace one another. The number of Distinctions they had garnered as a cohort was so impressive that my friends and I, who will have our turn at the same Exams in December 2016, were dumbfounded. Sitting in the gallery and observing them in wonderment, we asked, “How did the Class of 2015 do so well?” We have to learn from them, for sure! After all the speeches to acclaim the cohort and to encourage them to sustain their ties to MGS, the teachers were ready to distribute the slips which held the good news. I saw their faces light up with delight as the girls acknowledged one another for a job well done. All the students – about 220 of them – secured 5 O-level passes or more, and 73.9% attained 5 distinctions or more. This means that more than 7 in 10 attained at least 5 distinctions on their certificate! Wow! Clare Yip (Sec 4I) March 2016 MGeSprit 13 In and Around P1-PicnicGirl Meets Adventure On Saturday 30 January the girls in Primary One had an adventure they will never forget – it was their ‘rite of passage’ into the family at MGS. The P1 Picnic, organised by ParentLink together with The Secondary Student Leaders, had as its theme, ‘Girl Meets Adventure’, and there was a kaleidoscope of colours as the girls and their parents came all geared – cap and all – in the colours of the different classes. In the amphitheatre, at 4.30 in the afternoon, there was a worship session, led by the MGS Worship Mums; the parents were in awe as their girls enthusiastically sang in praise of God. Subsequently while their parents attended a briefing session, the little ones played games organised and conducted by the Student Leaders from P5, P6 and Secondary 3. The parents and their little ones reunited at the linkway, where there were many picnic mats and picnic baskets. Here they enjoyed a mouthwatering spread of food prepared by the parents; and they happily mingled, interacted and established ties with one another - all to enrich the P1 Class of 2016! 14 MGeSprit March 2016 In and Around They were leaders in Primary Four, Five and Six, and they had to sharpen their skills and talents even as they took on roles at school. On Friday 15 January 2016, the Prefects from Secondary 4 were assigned to conduct training sessions for the Prefects, Student Leaders, and Class Chairpersons from the Upper Primary classes. Training Leaders in the Primary School All of us really enjoyed the training sessions as we shared our experiences and learning with our younger schoolmates. They were eager to learn and very enthusiastic about cultivating more skills. We had lots of fun teaching and playing games with them. All in all, it was truly an enriching experience, and one I shall never forget! Carolyn Long (Sec 4I) International Scholars’ Reunion Dinner 2016 The annual International Scholars’ Reunion Dinner is not just about the delicious food, lovely performances or precious time with teachers; neither is it an event that occurs for only two hours in the evening. The preparation started weeks before the event on Wednesday 27 January; we practised and we practised to put up a show, and we meticulously planned the games to engage our friends. For me the merriment started immediately when school ended and we gathered outside the M E Lau Hall. We indulged in conversation about the reunion dinner in the previous year, and looked forward to a rewarding 2016. Almost all the international students were present at least half an hour before the start of the event which is hosted by the Covenant Community Methodist Church; we were ready to lead the teachers to their seats. Throughout the evening, we had the opportunity to socialise with members of the school administration, the teachers and pastors. In the end, it was not the feast and the delicacies that mattered to us. What was most precious was the spirit of a family reunion reminiscent of home. Hui Fanghao (Sec 4I) March 2016 MGeSprit 15 In and Around Youth Chapter 2016 The Class of 2015 came together for one final bash on Saturday 23 January before they moved into the next chapter of their life in a different school. Youth Chapter 2016 an event organised by the MGS Alumnae Association, was for catching up and creating, with friends, the final MGS memories. The day of fun began with a praise and worship session which brought everyone back to the series of Chapel services for the Class of 2015. Thereafter we revelled in the fellowship, food, games and photo-taking. As the day came to a close, we kept with the Youth Chapter tradition and released a plume of balloons to brighten the sky with blue and gold. With the chaos of running up to the stage to blurt out missing lyrics and stuffing ourselves full with pizza and mini tarts, Youth Chapter truly was an amazing way to end off this phase of our life in the MG family. Though everyone left Blackmore Drive feeling apprehensive about what the future holds, we were assured that “once an MG girl, always an MG girl” and we would always be able to call MGS home. Gillian Goh (Sec 4M, 2015) 16 MGeSprit March 2016 In and Around At the end of the school day on Friday 5 February, the Primary school staged a concert which introduced the legend of ‘Nian”, and explained not only the preparations before Chinese New Year but also all the traditions related to the festivities; and the girls’ understanding of the Chinese culture was duly enriched. Primary School Chinese New Year Celebrations Two guest performers from the Secondary school entertained the girls with music from the violin and the traditional Chinese zither. The teachers were also on stage to give their rendition of “Gong Xi Gong Xi”. And the Principal, Ms Grace Ng, prayed – in Mandarin – for an abundance of blessings in the New Year. March 2016 MGeSprit 17 In and Around Secondary School Chinese New Year Celebrations What do I look forward to the most during the Chinese New Year festivities? At school, it is celebrating with friends and schoolmates before we leave for home to celebrate with our families. The celebrations at MGS started in the afternoon, immediately after lessons. In excitement we gathered at the M E Lau hall, chatting about what we could expect in the next hour. The performances were amazing. I especially like the part where the Kung Fu ‘masters’ showcased their wonderful skills. Of course, the best part for all was the Chinese New Year sing-along which encouraged not just mass revelry but also interactions with the teachers on stage. Even as we strolled out of the hall to get ready for the next activity, we were still discussing what we had just experienced as we ushered in the year of the monkey. Yes, the CNY celebrations at school were the best part of the Chinese New Year. Hu Fanghao (Sec 4I) 18 MGeSprit March 2016 In and Around Pink of Health The days leading to the annual Pink of Health event were relatively calm for the Sec 4 Planning Committee – we ran through the programme, made some minor tweaks where they were needed, and readily welcomed Friday 5 February. Little did we know that there would be many unexpected twists to our plans. We ran around ensuring that things were going smoothly; but some of our 121 elderly guests, who had come from Toa Payoh and Ghim Moh, appeared to be getting bored. Fortunately, the Class of 2016 quickly stepped out of their comfort zones, improvised and gave their all to make sure our elderly friends had fun. I cannot really say that the Pink of Health programme went according to plan; but, watching our guests flash wide toothy grins at the students as they chatted, with some even holding hands, I know the Pink of Health achieved its aim: to bring joy to the elderly folks. My classmate, Ingrid, who was a befriender that day shared: “It was a tiring, but a very fulfilling afternoon for the elderly folks and for us, the Befrienders. It was interesting chatting with them and getting to know more about them”. The Pink of Health event was an invaluable learning experience that encouraged us to cultivate empathy for the pioneer generation and was a wonderful platform for us to bring happiness to them and show our “values in action”. Catherine Liew (Sec 4I) March 2016 MGeSprit 19 Academic 21st Youth Science Conference From January to September 2015, two teams of three girls from Secondary Two and Secondary Three participated in the Science Mentorship Programme (SMP), organised by the Gifted Education Branch, MOE to develop pupils’ interest and talent in scientific research; participants worked on projects in various fields of science under the guidance of a researcher. At the end of the attachment, they had to write a scientific paper for publication in the Proceedings of the Youth Science Conference. Team MGS (Sec 2) did a school-based SMP project on the study of morphogenesis and in vitro clonal propagation of mutated spathoglottis plicata orchid. Their counterparts in Secondary Three had a mentor at the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) where they investigated the Hepatitis B infection and its link to the development of liver cancer. Team MGS not only acquired technical lab skills necessary for the experiments but also obtained insights into research careers, and soft skills such as teamwork and perseverance. The Secondary Two team clinched the Gold Award and 3M Best Poster Award, while the Secondary Three team secured the 3M Young Scientist Award and the Distinction Award. Both teams were ranked at the very top of their respective categories, and were selected to present their projects at the 21st Youth Science Conference held on Saturday 19 September 2015. The Secondary Two team consisted of Elizabeth Leong (Sec 2G), Samantha Kok (Sec 2S) and Samiksha Sankar (Sec 2G), while the Secondary Three team included Kathleen Ng (Sec 3S), Lexmond Nadina Sian (Sec 3S) and Shannon Lee (Sec 3S). Team MGS (Sec 3) Designing with Graphic Calculator In August 2015, Team MGS won 8 awards at the Designing with TI (Texas Instruments) Graphic Calculators Competition, and was ranked 2nd for its achievements. The theme for 2015 was National Day. Gold Award Silver Award Wang Yimei (Sec 3S) received the Gold Award. Amanda Alodia Guito (Sec 4E), Liaw Wyi Wying (Sec 3H) and Lim Ze Li (Sec 3H) won the Silver Award and a TI-Nspire CX CAS each. Jolene Ong (Sec 4S), Kelly Pak (Sec 4S), Scarlett Chua (Sec 4E), and Kaezeel Yeo (Sec 3G) won the Bronze Award and a TI-84 Plus C Silver Edition each. My own design is an expression of the Singapore spirit and the glowing patriotism on National Day. The National Day parade reflects the peace and harmony present in our multi-racial society, which we owe to our pioneers and their years of struggle and hard work. Despite our differences, we are One People, One Nation, One Singapore! WANG YIMEI, METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL AMANDA ALODIA GUITO, METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL In my design, I want to showcase the pride and high Singapore spirit Singaporeans have on National Day. Hence, this design displays a few moments of the National Day Parade, when everyone gathers, unites and emanates their patriotic spirit. I hope to exhibit the peace and harmony present in this multi-racial society, something which our pioneers achieved after years of struggle and hard work. Despite our differences, we are one people, one nation, one Singapore! I chose this design because I believe that with racial harmony as the foundation of our society, Singapore has been able to continuously grow from a once drawback island-nation 50 years ago, into a first-world country, a medical and education hub, an economic giant despite its size. During the process, I learnt that being able to live harmoniously alongside with people of various ethnics is the key to Singapore’s progressive achievements and that the seemingly boring mathematical equations can be manipulated into something people can appreciate and enjoy looking at. I’ve learnt to apply the knowledge I’ve obtained in school into this and discovered numerous fascinating functions of the calculator! Wang Yimei (Sec 3S) 20 MGeSprit March 2016 Academic Future Problem Solving Programme (FPSP) Last year, as part of Independent Studies in the IP programme in Year Two, 29 girls took part in the annual Future Problem Solving Programme (FPSP) competition. Five teams competed in the Global Issues Problem-Solving competition where they investigated concerns such as human enhancement, processed food, propaganda and social media. Meanwhile, nine girls took part in the Scenario Writing competition, for which the girls each wrote a 1500-word essay, exploring the implications and problems of the issues that might emerge in the future. Song Hyun Hua (Sec 2S) won the 1st prize and the title of Champion in the Senior division. Natalie Yam (Sec 2G) and Kyla Tang (Sec 2S) were ranked 3rd and 8th respectively. Hyun Hua will represent Singapore at the international FPSP conference to be held in the USA in June 2016. In late October, the three girls attended the National Finals where in teams, they had to write an essay. Natalie and her team were ranked at the very top in the Team Writing Category of the on-site Scenario Writing Competition. Kyla Tang (Sec 3S) Reading Superstars In order to develop our interest in reading and language proficiency, a number of students in Secondary One took part in the National Reading Programme in 2015. We used the novel entitled《七天》(Seven Days) as our reference when we participated in the programme in order to pique our interest in Chinese books and to prove that reading Chinese books is not as difficult as it seems. Through this programme, not only did we manage to improve our writing skills, but we also conquered our fear of reading Chinese books, and this took us one step closer to appreciating the beauty of the Chinese language. Equipped with the writing techniques and a notebook full of Chinese words, the students also took part in the National Schools Reading Superstar Competition and one group eventually earned Second place in the competition. The group included Shermaine Lee, Valerie Chia, Tang Yijing (all from Sec 2G), and Gwee Yi Xin, Germaine Gan, Deborah Tan, Liesel Yu and Elaine Khaw (all from Sec 2S). Another group – Ong Syn and Lauren Tse (from Sec 2G), Belinda Zhao (Sec 2S), Calista Tan (Sec 2E), Claire Khoo (Sec 2I), and Rena Seah and Gao Zi Tao (Sec 2D) – was awarded the consolation prize. Valerie Chia and Shermaine Lee (Sec 2G) March 2016 MGeSprit 21 Academic Lightbox Creation The NAFA 3-D Lightbox workshop was held in MGS on Wednesday 21 October 2015. At this workshop the 14 MGS students guided by Mr Shin Jung Hoon from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) explored different possibilities in constructing a 3D mini lightbox. By using the cut-out method, they created both negative and positive space within a box, allowing the inner light to shine out, casting interesting images and generating a silhouette of their designed patterns. Individually, the students crafted their masterpieces, and had their works displayed on one side of a wall in a dark room at a lecture theatre in the school. The installation of the art works was spectacular and the overall result was excellent. 22 MGeSprit March 2016 Co-Curricular Activities Singapore Young Photographers’ Convention On Saturday 1 August 2015, two MGS photographers participated in the Singapore Young Photographers’ Convention (SYPC), an annual event organised by Anglo Chinese School (Independent); participants were given four hours to create and capture four images based on a theme released on the day itself. Brenda Tang (Sec 3E) and Shannon Lee (Sec 3S) paired up with two other girls from CHIJ St Nicholas Girls’ School, and the four of them embarked on a journey around Singapore to capture photos, based on the theme, “Legacy”. This was the photograph taken by Shannon Lee (Sec 3S) Brenda, Shannon and their team-mates were awarded the 1st prize in the Junior category! Though jubilant with their win, they realised that the focus that day was not on winning the top prize, but to enrich their experiences. They met many young photographers from Secondary schools, the Polytechnics and other organisations, and learnt many new tricks to take better photographs. They attended a talk by Mr Russel Wong, one of the most notable photographers in Singapore and Asia. He shared on his career and works and answered questions posed by the budding photographers. This was the award-winning photograph taken by Brenda Tang (Sec 3E) Trinity College London Examinations 2015 Once again, members of the Drama Society participated in the Trinity College London Examinations in October 2015, and dazzled. The girls gave their absolute best in their respective performances. They persevered through the hours of intense training every day, and remained passionate and enthusiastic exponents of their art. And their hard work paid off! All three groups - one from each level from Secondary 1 to 3 - clinched Distinction in their respective categories! Team MGS in Secondary One achieved a Distinction in Grade 5, Choral Speaking; the Secondary Two team clinched a Distinction in Grade 6, Performance Arts, and the Secondary Three team scored a Distinction in Grade 7, Group Drama. The Drama Society is truly grateful to our teachers who looked after us every step of the way. We must thank our instructors too; they were always patient and caring, teaching and guiding us to excel in the performing arts! Liu Yixin (Sec 4S) March 2016 MGeSprit 23 Co-Curricular Activities Chess Champions At the 56th National Inter-School Team Chess Championships 2015, held on Monday 16 November, Team MGS were adroit and resourceful in their move to achieve success. Co-Curricular Activities In the Under-9 Girls division, Team A was ranked 1st in the West zone category and 1st runner-up at the national level. Team A included Isabel Koh (P3.2), Soo Shi Ting (P2.4), Vera Vitalyevna Zagorodnova (P3.5), Gladys Koh (P1.5) and Avril Seow (P1.5). In the Under-11 Girls division, Team MGS was placed 3rd in the West zone category. The team included Nicole Yee (P5.4), Yuri Lyn (P5.2), Eliza Ng (P 5.4), Sophia Goh (P4.4) and Natalie Chung (P4.1). In the Primary Girls Open Category, Team MGS was the Champion at both the National and West Zone levels. The team was formed by Eunice Hng (P6.2), Danelle Tan (P5.2) Captain, Charlene Mak (P3.2 ), Monieshkaa Kannan (P5.6) and Neo Yu Tian (P5.5). 56th National Inter School Chess Championships 2015 On 16 November 2015, Team MGS (Chess Club) participated in the 56th National Inter School Chess Championships, and clinched 1st place in the Girls Under-16 division in the West Zone and 2nd place overall at the National level. Team MGS in the Girls Under-14 division was ranked 3rd in the Zonal level. It was truly a day to remember! After all these years, we had finally managed to achieve the Top 3 spots in the competition. The hours put into training and practising had indeed paid off. I remember on that day, my team mates and I were in such excitement as we calculated the possibility of our achieving the Gold in both the zonal and national levels. Unfortunately we lost the 1st position by half a point. The Team MGS Under-16 included Natanya Ng (Captain, Sec 4I), Tanya Aw (Class 0f 2015), Joelle Chan (Sec 3M), Rachel Sim (Sec 3I) and Valerie Tang (Sec 3H). The Under 14 team included Vianne Chia (Captain Sec 3H) Genesis Lee (Sec 2M), Ng Xin Hui (Sec 2E), Ashley Tan (Sec 2E) and Kay Wee (Sec 2D). Natanya Ng (Sec 4I) 24 MGeSprit March 2016 Co-Curricular Activities Singapore Primary Schools Sports Council Sportsmanship Award 2015 Team MGS was well acknowledged in several fields for their sportsmanship. The girls who were presented the Singapore Primary Schools Sports Council Sportsmanship Award 2015, included: Artistic Gymnastics: Sarah Tong (P3.2), Amelia Faith Sam (P4.2), Sara-Ann Ho (P4.3), Alyssa Tan (P4.5) and Wee Ye Lynn (P5.2). Rhythmic Gymnastics: Madeline Goh (P2.1), Neveah Hor (P2.4), Anne Tan (P2.5), Natalie Ho (P3.2), and Layla Kai Jones (P3.3). Netball: F aith Tay (P5.2) and Amanda Leong (P6.6). Softball: Clara Nai (P6.2). Swimming: Nadia-Leanne Koh (P3.2), Haley Yeo (P3.3), and Isabelle Soo (P6.2). Bowling-Getting to Know You On Wednesday 4 November 2015, Team MG participated in a friendly intraschool tournament, which consisted of three games. The parents provided participation medals for every participant, and trophies for the top three teams. Every team – a doubles team – was formed by a member of Team MGS in the Primary school and another from the Secondary school. The aim was to forge strong ties between the two arms of Team MGS. It was heartening to observe that in the competition, all the teams displayed sportsmanship and a strong fighting spirit. Germaine Tan (Sec 4R) March 2016 MGeSprit 25 Co-Curricular Activities SALT Camp-Resting in God The SALT Club had its annual camp on Thursday 5 November and Friday 6 November 2015; the theme for the camp was Resting in God. Co-Curricular Activities Pastor Ling and Mr Eric Lee shared that it is important to be still before God, so that we can then listen intently to Him, release our burdens and be given a peace that is everlasting. Many truly found peace during the worship sessions, and we felt God’s presence among us as we sang our hearts out. Participating in the various activities helped bring us closer together as a ministry. We were able to share God’s love with the people around us, whether it was with the Primary school girls who joined us, a friend not from the CCA or even our own CCA mates. We welcomed all with open hearts. No one was left out. I could tell by the shrieks of laughter that everyone had a blast. This was the true purpose of the camp; to bring everyone closer to God, to nurture the camaraderie of this community, and to ultimately help MG girls grow to be loving, Godly women. Sylvia Quek (Sec 4I) GB Camp 2015-JOY! The 1st Company Girls’ Brigade had its annual camp from Friday 6 to Sunday 8 November. Our theme was JOY, an acronym for Jesus, Others and Yourself. At the camp, there was overwhelming JOY as we engaged in some exciting and long awaited activities including the internal drill competition and an overnight stay at Underwater World Singapore. We strengthened the team spirit among us through the games and the drill practices. The stay at Underwater World was truly an extraordinary experience in learning. We enjoyed a rare chance to sleep in the tunnel, with all the fishes or sharks swimming overhead – enclosed in their own environment of course! There was so much we learnt about the marine wildlife; and the pink dolphin certainly looked sweet. At the GB camp we had the opportunity to make new friends and to reinforce the ties with long-time friends. More importantly, we were guided by the word of God, and we appreciated His amazing grace. Larvett Chong (Sec 3R) 26 MGeSprit March 2016 Co-Curricular Activities President’s Guide Award (PGA) The past two years have been an incredible journey, with a steep learning curve. I have learnt all about the Guiding movement and life skills, forged friendships with amazing Guides and taken to living by the Guide laws. My favourite Guide law is “A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties.” In 2015 I embarked on my PGA journey, the most trying part of my Guiding life. At some points, I felt extremely discouraged. However, I have emerged from these trials a stronger person, optimistic and looking forward always. Attaining the award is really the icing on the cake! The awards ceremony on Wednesday 2 December was a humbling experience. At the Isatana, we met President Tony Tan, Chief Scout, and Mrs Mary Tan, Patron of Girl Guides Singapore, and other leaders in the Guides and Scouts fraternity. We were all extremely inspired by their passion for Guiding and Scouting, as well as their love for the community. I hope I will be able to continue to develop myself through service to the Girl Guides Movement and be just as passionate and committed to giving to society. Jolene Ong (Sec 4S, Class of 2015) MGS Choir at International Conference on Court Excellence As dawn broke on Thursday 28 January, a large bus swaying to the heavenly symphony of voices, left MGS for the city. The MGS Choir had been invited to perform at the International Conference on Court Excellence held at the Fullerton Hotel; and that long bus journey was an opportunity for us to warm up and rehearse our performance pieces. Buzzing with nervousness and excitement, we wished one another the best of luck as we took our places on stage. We performed three songs; one of them was Reach, which we had sung alongside Dick Lee at the opening of the SEA Games in 2015. At the Fullerton, under the dazzling lights, and before a solemn and imposing audience, we gave our all. The gathering of judicial officers, court administrators, policy makers, and experts from related fields applauded; and that was the most heartening judgement! Chloe Yung (Sec 4R) March 2016 MGeSprit 27 Co-Curricular Activities Co-Curricular Activities GB and NYAA Camp On Friday 22 January, a few of us left school at noon for one night in Pulau Ubin; this was a part of the camp organised for the Girls Brigade and the students preparing for the National Youth Achievement Award (NYAA); the camp was essentially an opportunity for us to develop strength of character and our leadership capacity. We participated readily in a range of activities - kayaking, outdoor cooking, the high elements challenge, a hike and more. But for me, what was most memorable was the hike which took place at night. Initially we were to go on the hike in the afternoon; but it was rescheduled because of the rain. I set out for the hike in trepidation. The ground was muddy, and I was afraid of destroying my school shoes. Unfortunately, avoiding the mud wasn’t an option. My shoes were soon covered in mud, and my legs were slapped with sludge; that was icky! Fortunately, there was a friend who remained optimistic about the whole situation, and her cheerfulness made me see the light. For sure, I was not going to let such a small matter rain down on my mood. I had to resolve the problems, and I did, at the GB/NYAA camp! Hannah Bok (Sec 4R) At the Singapore Christian Home A week before the Chinese New Year, the SALT club visited the Singapore Christian Home (SCH) to share the joy of the festive season with the elderly residents. On Thursday 28 January, we decorated the wards and main hall in the building with various Chinese New Year decorations that we had made with red packets (ang pows) prior to the visit. During our second visit on Wednesday 3 February, we sang Chinese New Year songs to our elderly friends and facilitated a game of that they enjoyed. We also went to individual wards to present goodie bags to the patients, and while doing so, we had the chance to chat with them. These visits to SCH were truly very meaningful and rewarding; we had the opportunity to show concern for the less privileged and to spread God’s love to those around us. Beverly Low (Sec 4G) 28 MGeSprit March 2016 Co-Curricular Activities World Choral Expo 2015 The World Choral Expo, organised by the International Federation of Choral Music (IFCM), was held in Macau from 12-15 November 2015; the aim was to encourage singers, conductors and composers to develop their skills and talents. The MGS Choir took part in 2 categories – in one, the choir performed children’s songs and secured the Gold award and the Champion’s title. In another category, the choir performed sacred pieces and was awarded the Gold medal and 2nd position in the ranking. At the Opening Ceremony of the World Choral Expo, we had the privilege to watch top notch choirs and acapella choirs of the world perform. We met some members of these choirs and took photographs with them. Such an opportunity was truly one in a million. The MGS Choir also had the golden opportunity to perform at St. Lawrence’s Church, a UNESCO Heritage Site. The acoustics of the church were so undeniably perfect that our passion for sacred music simply soared. And we were privileged to perform an impromptu item with a string quartet from France! Thanks to our teachers’ impeccable planning, we also attended master-classes conducted by the maestros and judges at the competition venue. They taught us very interesting techniques and methods to improve our singing. Every moment at the World Choral Expo was truly fulfilling; there was anxiety, especially before we took to the stage; and there was joy when we received the applause and the awards. All the kudos go to our teachers for being such fabulous facilitators and efficient tour managers. Trina Banerjee (Sec 4T) March 2016 MGeSprit 29 Borderless Learning On Friday 6 November 2015, thirty-one excited girls from Primary Five boarded the SQ878 flight for Taipei, Taiwan, anticipating five days of an awesome adventure. When we touched down, our teachers informed us that we could only speak Mandarin while in Taipei. We took the coach to the Toucheng leisure farm, where we learnt about the different types of flora there. We also used T-shirt dye and leaves to make pretty patterns on some T-shirts and tote bags; and we squelched in a mud pool to plant some seedlings. An Adventure in Taiwan In Taipei we visited the Tzu Chi Recycling and Education Centre to learn more about recycling, and then, the National Palace Museum, where we were awed by the rich history of Taiwan. To end the day, we visited Taiwan’s See-Join Puppet Theatre where we enjoyed the local cuisine and watched a fascinating puppet show. Two lucky girls were actually given some puppets to bring home! We spent one whole day in Jiang Cui Elementary School, where we made new friends and experienced how different the school was from MGS! Thereafter we visited the Ri Xing Type Foundry where we saw the last existing collection of the traditional Chinese matrix ‘movable’ type of printing. At the Pineapple Cake Factory, we bought delectable pineapple cakes, and had the chance to make our own pineapple cakes! I am sure that I speak for all my schoolmates on the trip when I say that we all would definitely love to go to Taiwan again! Nicole Yee (P6.4) Green Carpet Awards 2015 I feel extremely privileged to have received the Best Overall Award at the Green Carpet Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 17 November 2015. My journey started from our school field trip to Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve, where we took photographs related to environment conservation. I was thrilled when I learnt that I was selected as a candidate for the Top 21 Final Nominees for the 2015 Green Carpet Awards. This was an opportunity to use photography in sharing with the public about the conservation of our environment. There was an interview at MGS where I was asked about the issue of conserving our environment. Then I attended a photography project session at the Botanic Gardens where I met the other nominees from various Primary and Secondary schools. This was followed by a workshop at Hyflux Innovation Centre, before the Green Carpet Awards Ceremony. This has been a wonderful learning journey. I have learnt not only about the importance of conserving our environment but also about the need to spread this message in our society; we have to raise awareness of this critical issue, so as to create a greater impact. Calista Por (P6.6) 30 MGeSprit March 2016 Borderless Learning Reunion with Friends from Korea On Monday 25 January the girls from Cheonan Girls’ High School arrived at MGS on an exchange programme to learn more about the school culture in Singapore. My schoolmates and I were ecstatic to be reunited with our Korean friends! For a week in May 2015 they were our buddies when we went on our ROCs 3 trip to South Korea. After an enthusiastic greeting, the Cheonan girls performed a hip hop dance at Assembly that morning, much to the delight of the school. In the course of the day, we took them on a tour of the campus, and chatted over snacks at the canteen during recess. And they attended lessons with us too. They were certainly delighted with the holistic experience of life at school in MGS. So, until we meet again, Cheonan Girls’ High School! Lydia Gan (Sec 4R) For the Public at Far East Plaza It is not a rare experience for me to entertain the public. However, putting in effort to organise an outdoor performance was the first time for me. Frankly speaking, the process of preparation was hectic and stressful. The uncertain performance date, the tedious practices and last-minute changes - all these pushed us to our limits. It was not until we finally got on the train to Far East Plaza, that we appreciated the joy of giving to society; everything seemed so easy then, and we were all ready to do our best. Despite some small mistakes, we pulled off a successful event; we were glad that there were people who stopped, watched, and clapped, and clapped for us. The day ended in laughter. This was an experience that made the Chinese New Year 2016 celebrations unforgettable! Hui Fanghao (Sec 4I) March 2016 MGeSprit 31 Borderless Learning Learning Beyond the PSLE After the PSLE and as we prepared to move into Secondary school, we found time to enrich our learning and social experiences. Every day we had a different learning experience which ranged from rock climbing at the Climbing Laboratory to visiting temples, markets, and shops in Little India where we learnt more about the Indian culture. We even had the opportunity to learn to cook and to brew a variety of traditional Chinese tea; there were also lessons in calligraphy, and in moulding cute clay figurines. We sewed buttons onto pieces of fabric for the purpose of creating cards to thank the many parents who helped make the postPSLE activities a rich and engaging learning programme. Of course there were games like Captain’s Ball for teambuilding and for promoting sportsmanship; and we were also involved in writing poetry and making use of the ICT moviemaker. We went online to a website where we explored different careers and jobs that we could take on in the future; and we checked on the different institutions of higher learning in Singapore. Altogether, we had a meaningful time of learning and bonding. P6 Class of 2015 32 MGeSprit March 2016