2012 - Mittag
2012 - Mittag
Annual report 2012 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Contents Activity report 2012 Contributors Research programs Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Group Theory, spring Scientific report Participants Preprints Seminars Hamiltonians in Magnetic Fields, fall Scientific report Participants Preprints Seminars Shorter programs Advances in Mathematical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations Complex Analysis and Integrable Systems Discrete Morse Theory and Commutative Algebra Kleindagarna Participants from the Nordic countries and Research in Peace (RIP) Publications Library and historical archive The board of the Institute Administration In memoriam Finances 2 5 6 6 6 9 11 13 18 18 22 24 26 29 29 32 35 38 39 41 43 44 44 45 46 Cover photo: Sergey Morosov Photos in this report: Margareta Wiberg Roland, when nothing else is written. Institut Mittag-Leffler Auravägen 17 SE-182 60 Djursholm Sweden +46 8 622 05 60 www.mittag-leffler.se 5 juni 2013 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Activity report 2012 Institut Mittag-Leffler is an international research institute for mathematics with a Nordic basis. It was founded in 1916 by Professor Gösta Mittag-Leffler and his wife Signe, who donated their magnificent villa with its first-class library for the purpose of creating the Institute that bears their name. The Institute is today an active international center for front-line research in the mathematical sciences, operating under the auspices of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. It enjoys the economic support of national funding agencies from all the Nordic countries, as well as of some private foundations. The main activities at the Institute are the research programs, workshops, summer schools and the publication of two research journals. The Institute conducts semester-long programs aimed at research in some area in pure or applied mathematics of current interest. Each research program is led by an organizing committee. Based on the recommendations of this committee the Institute invites senior and junior mathematicians to come and work together at the Institute. The senior participants are chosen among the internationally leading mathematicians in the given area. To the junior participants, typically recent Ph.D. students, we offer fellowships, open to everyone to apply for. Mathematicians from the Nordic countries are given a slight priority. We make, however, sure that scientific caliber and a good mixture of talents and backgrounds have top priority, to optimize the creative environment at the Institute. Detailed reports and documentation on the 2012 programs can be found later in this report. See also our web pages at www.mittag-leffler.se. An aspect of the programs that is emphasized is to provide good postdoctoral training to the junior participants. Special seminars and mini-courses are given specifically for them. During summer 2012 the Institute organized two conferences and one summer school extending the scope of its activities. All these events were very successful and now the Institute has decided to have regular workshops and summer schools. In addition to area-specific research programs, conferences and summer schools, the Institute has the RIP program (Research in Peace), which provides a stimulating environment for research in Mathematics either by individuals or small groups of scientists. For such a program we allocated 2012 two weeks during summer time. Together with the National Centre for Mathematics Education (NCM) the Institute organizes “Kleindagarna” – training workshop for high school teachers in mathematics. Two such meeting in 2011 and 2012 were very successful and were highly appreciated by the participants. 2 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS The Institute publishes two journals, Acta Mathematica (founded by Gösta Mittag-Leffler in 1882) and Arkiv för matematik (founded in 1903). Information about the journals is given later in this report, as well as on our web pages www.mittag-leffler.se/publications. Acta Mathematica is generally considered to be one of the leading international mathematics research journals. Institut Mittag-Leffler is an active participant in international scientific life. It participates in international networks of mathematics research institutes. For instance, we belong to ERCOM (European Research Centers on Mathematics), a network of European sister institutes. We also belong to EPDI (European Post-Doctoral Institute), a collaboration between 9 institutes for jointly awarding postdoctoral fellowships to Europe's most promising young mathematicians. In the international evaluation report1 of Swedish research in mathematics, sponsored by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF), which was conducted in 2010, the evaluation committee most strongly recommended VR and other Swedish and Nordic funding agencies to "act quickly to stabilize the current operating budget" of Institut Mittag-Leffler. This recommendation has been taken into account and VR has given the Institute a five years grant for the period 2012 2016, that substantially improved its budget. In order to consolidate Institute’s links with the community of Nordic mathematicians, the Institute in 2012 initiated a meeting of Head of the major mathematic departments of the Nordic countries. This meeting led to a fruitful exchange of experiences and views. For the Institute such a meeting provides direct links with our colleagues allowing to us deliver important information about our activities providing a feedback of needs that are important for mathematics in the Nordic countries. Finally, it was decided to have this meeting annually. King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia in conversation with Marta San-Solé and Fabian Portmann, two scientists at Institut MittagLeffler and the Director of the Institute, Ari Laptev. Photo: Maria Djurskog On September 2012 the Institute hosted King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Queen Silvia of Sweden. This visit created a friendly atmosphere during which the members of the Royal family asked many questions about the history of the Institute, the involvement of King Oscar II in establishing of Acta Mathematica and the current activities of the Institute. Finally our guest agreed to sign in the Institute’s guest book that we traditionally have for all our visitors. In order to improve services to our guests the Institute employed a new administrator and a new system administrator. This allows the Institute to successfully run summer programs and also to provide extended IT support for our guests. 1 The report "Evaluation of Swedish research in mathematics", VR and SSF, 2010, can be obtained at http://www.vr.se/download/18.287e63c12e07f2d51780001353/Evaluation+of+Swedish+research+in+ mathematics.pdf 3 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS The staff of the Institute does a wonderful job. Visitors from abroad often express their admiration how such a many-facetted operation can be run, and run so well, by so few individuals. Among our special guests this year were Elliott Lieb (Princeton), Gregory Margulis (Yale University) and Barry Simon (CalTech). Institut Mittag-Leffler extends its warm gratitude to all organizations and individuals who via grants and contributions of various kinds have made the work of the Institute possible during the year 2012. Ari Laptev, Director 4 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Contributors The Institute's activities are financed by income from the Mittag-Leffler Mathematical foundation, and by grants from research councils and foundations. The Institute is very grateful to the following organizations and individuals for contributions and support during 2012: The Swedish Research Council, VR Academy of Finland Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation The Icelandic Mathematical Society The Research Council of Norway Acta Mathematicas fond Axa Research Fund Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University Department of Mathematics, Göteborg University/Chalmers Department of Mathematics, Linköping University Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University Europan Mathematical Society Fonden ”Till bröderna Jacob och Marcus Wallenbergs minne” KTH Royal Institute of Technology Skånegårdar AB in memory of Thure-Gabriel Gyllenkrok Stiftelsen G.S. Magnusons fond The Anna-Greta and Holger Crafoord Fund In 1916 Professor Gösta Mittag-Leffler and his wife Signe established a foundation which intended to promote research in pure mathematics. The mission of Institut Mittag-Leffler is to support international top-level research in mathematics, with special attention to the development of mathematical research in the Nordic countries. 5 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Research programs Programs 2012 – semester long Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Group Theory, spring 2012 Hamiltonians in Magnetic Fields, fall 2012 During the semester programs 2012 the Institute hosted 147 visiting researchers, who together spent 188 man-months working at the Institute. Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Group Theory Scientific report 2012 spring The spring program of 2012 was devoted to various aspects of group theory, particularly concerning infinite discrete groups and Lie groups as opposed to finite groups. On the one hand, it was in a sense the first program centered on group theory in the institute's history, thereby in particular introducing Institut Mittag-Leffler to another community of mathematicians (the closest previous program is probably Analysis on Lie Groups back in 1995). On the other hand, as was famously pointed out already by Mittag-Leffler's friend, the great Poincaré, in Acta in 1905, groups permeate most areas of modern mathematics. There were around 80 guest researcher coming from Europe and the rest of the world, from Australia, Japan, over Israel, to the US and Chile. As said, to many of them this was their first IML experience, and several, if not the majority, said that if they were to be invited again, they would make more extensive arrangements in order to stay longer. Swedish mathematicians from nearby universities often came to the seminars, including experts from algebra, analysis, combinatorics, number theory and topology. Conversely, several of the program's visitors gave talks outside IML, around 20-30 in total number, again in a variety of seminars. Among the most prominent lectures, were the 2012 Göran Gustafsson lectures at KTH by Gregory Margulis and the Stockholm Mathematics Colloquium by Martin Bridson. At the Institute, Karen Vogtmann, as the European Mathematical Society Lecturer of 2011-2012, gave a well-attended series of three lectures on the automorphism group of free groups, and Lubotzky gave a couple of talks about exciting new developments, Alex Lubotsky discussing with Karen Vogtmann in the seminar room. sieve methods in group theory. In these ways, top quality international mathematics was brought to the region as was part of Mittag-Leffler's original vision. The ideal setting of the institute, with the housing on the premises, helped create a variety of more or less spontaneous social gatherings. The Institute were able to sponsor certain social events such as a memorable visit to Millesgården and a sunny excursion to 6 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS the archipelago. Such activities were instrumental in shaping a pleasant and unique atmosphere that promotes discussions and collaborations. Ilya Karachkov, Pascal Schweitzer, Sebastian Hensel and Cristina Pagliantini discussing today’s seminar. The post-doctoral fellows, led by Sebastian Hensel and Tobias Hartnick, ran one reading seminar on CAT(0)-cube complexes, in particular its boundary theory as laid out in a recent preprint by Amos Nevo and Michah Sageev. Additional motivation came from the recent proof of the virtual Haken conjecture in three dimensional topology by Ian Agol. The program hosted three EPDI postdocs: Andreas Ott, Hiraku Nozawa and Pascal Schweitzer. Rostislav Grigorchuk opened the year with a survey and new results on growth of groups, a topic going back to an influential paper by Milnor. In particular he presented interesting partial results towards the outstanding gap conjecture. Bartholdi reported on important joint work with Anna Erschler on the existence of different intermediate growth rates. Growth was a theme also in other discussions during the year, in different contexts by Michelle Bucher - Alexey Talambutsa and Ruth Kellerhals – Alexander Kolpakov. First from right:Michelle Bucher, Vincent Emery, Sebastian Hensel,Michael Davis, Hiraku Nozawa, Fédédric Paulin, William Goldman, Pascal Schweitzer, Jouni Parkkonen and Kate Juschenko on their way for lunch. A paper constructing a remarkable new example of a group, namely the first infinite, simple, amenable group, was completed by Kate Juschenko and Nicolas Monod during their stay at the Institute. Dieter Kotschick found a significant improvement, in a way a definitive one, on an important theorem by Green-Lazarfeld and Gromov from around 1990 concerning fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds. Gabor Elek's preprint gave new results and proofs in the subject of graph limits, which is a topic of great current interest, for example in works by Benjamini-Schramm, Lovász and others. 7 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Milagros Izquierdo with collaborators submitted substantial investigations on connectivity properties of branch loci in moduli spaces of Riemann surfaces. Simplicial volume and various group cohomologies were studied and discussed by participants Michelle Bucher, Marc Burger, Tsachik Gelander, Alessandra Iozzi, Roberto Frigerio, Inkang Kim, Peter Kropholler, and Cristina Pagliantini, resulting in numerous new results and future prospects. Vincent Emery and Ruth Kellerhals determined the three arithmetic hyperbolic orbifolds in dimension five of smallest volume. As expected, significant results also on dynamical and probabilistic aspects were advanced such as in the preprints by Bertrand Deroin - Johan Dupont, Jayadev Athreya – Fédéric Paulin, Anders Karlsson, and Kate Juschenko – Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda. Other papers in the preprint series obtained a new fixed point result in nonpositive curvature, a contribution to Kaplansky's zero divisor conjecture, a new metric on Teichmüller spaces, and a theorem on the growth of Betti numbers in p-adic analytic towers. The above is just a sample of achievements; more could have been said about each and several as important contributions as those mentioned have been omitted. It seems safe to expect that the influence of the ideas and collaborations from this program will have an impact for years to come going beyond what has been reported in the more than 35 preprints submitted. Organizing committee Martin Bridson, Oxford University Michelle Bucher, KTH, Stockholm Anders Karlsson, KTH, Stockholm Tatiana Smirnova-Nagnibeda, University of Geneva Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University 8 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Group Theory Participants 2012 spring Name Vesa Ala-Mattila Affiliation University of Helsinki Country Finland Laurent Bartholdi Universität Göttingen Germany Anders Björner Sweden Martin Bridson KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Mathematical Institute, Oxford Michelle Bucher KTH/University of Geneva Sweden/Switzerland Alexander Bufetov Rice University, Houston United States Marc Burger ETH Zürich Switzerland PierreCaprace Emmanuel Montserrat Casals-Ruiz Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve Vanderbilt University, Nashville Belgium Wojciech Chacholski Sweden Ruth Charney KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Brandeis University/ETH, Waltham Gautam Chinta The City College of New York United States Michael Davis Ohio State University, Columbus United States Thomas Delzant Université de Strasbourg France Bertrand Deroin Université Paris-Sud, Orsay France Moon Duchin Tufts University, Medford United States Johan Dupont Aarhus University Denmark Gabor Elek Hungary Vincent Emery Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest Stanford University David Fisher Indiana University Bloomington United States Roberto Frigerio University of Pisa Italy Koji Fujiwara Tohoku University, Aoba-ku, Sendai Japan Alexander Gamburd University of California Santa Cruz United States Tsachik Gelander The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel William Goldman University of Maryland, College Park United States Rostislav Grigorchuk Texas A&M University, College Station United States Yves Guivarc'h IRMAR, Rennes France Tobias Hartnick Israel Sebastian Hensel Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa University of Bonn Alessandra Iozzi ETH Zentrum, Zürich Switzerland Milagros Izquierdo Linköping University Sweden Tadeusz Januszkiewicz Instytut Matematyczny PAN, Warzaw Poland Lizhen Ji University of Michigan, Ann Arbor United States Jay Jorgenson The City College of New York United States Kate Juschenko Texas A&M University, College Station United States Vadim Kaimanovich University of Ottawa Canada Anders Karlsson KTH/University of Geneva Sweden/Switzerland Ilya Kazachkov Vanderbilt University, Nashville United States Ruth Kellerhals Université de Fribourg Switzerland 9 United Kingdom United States United States United States Germany INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Inkang Kim Seoul National University Korea, Republic of Dieter Kotschick Universität Munich, Munich Germany Rostyslav Kravchenko Université Paris-Sud, Orsay France Peter Kropholler University of Glasgow, Glasgow United Kingdom Alex Lubotzky The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Clara Löh Universität Regensburg, Regensburg Germany Gregory Margulis Yale University, New Haven United States Igor Mineyev United States Nicolas Monod University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign, Urbana EPFL, Lausanne Shahar Mozes The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Aglaia Myropolska University of Geneva, Geneva Switzerland Röggi Möller University of Iceland, Reykjavik Iceland Andres Navas Switzerland Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago de Chile Volodymyr Nekrashevych Texas A&M University, College Station Chile Hiraku Nozawa The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan Denis Osin Vanderbilt University, Nashville United States Andreas Ott Germany Narutaka Ozawa Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Bonn Kyoto University, Kyoto Cristina Pagliantini University of Pisa, Pisa Italy Jouni Parkkonen University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä Finland Frédéric Paulin Université Paris-Sud, Orsay France Irine Peng United States Japan Indiana University Bloomington United States Christophe Pittet Laboratoire Analyse, Marseille France Leonid Potyagailo Université de Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq France Piotr Przytycki Poland Pierre Py The Polish Academy of Sciences, Warzaw University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg Alan Reid University of Texas at Austin, Austin United States Bertrand Remy Université Lyon 1, Lyon France Pascal Rolli ETH Zürich, Zürich Switzerland Mark Sapir Vanderbilt University, Nashville United States Roman Sauer Germany Pascal Schweitzer John Smillie Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster Australian National University, Canberra Cornell University, Ithaca Tatiana SmirnovaNagnibeda University of Geneva, Geneva Switzerland Alexey Talambutsa Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow Russian Federation Andreas Thom Germany Pekka Tukia Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Mathematik, Leipzig University of Helsinki, Helsinki Alain Valette Institut de Mathématiques, Neuchatel Switzerland Karen Vogtmann Cornell University, Ithaca United States 10 France Australia United States Finland INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Group Theory Preprints 2012 spring 01 A New Family of Representations of Virtually Free Groups - Alessandra Iozzi, M. Gabriella Kuhn, Tim Steger 02 On three-manifolds dominated by circle bundles - D. Kotschick, C. Neofytidis 03 On Zero Divisors with Small Support in Group Rings of Torsion-Free Groups Schweitzer Pascal 04 Fixed points and amenability in non-positive curvature - Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace, Nicolas Monod 05 Milnor-Wood inequalities for products - Michelle Bucher, Tsachik Gelander 06 Milnor's Problem on the Growth of Groups and its Consequences - Rostislav Grigorchuk 07 On GAP Conjecture concerning Group Growth - Rostislav Grigorchuk 08 On the connectedness of the branch loci of moduli spaces of orientable Klein surfaces - Antonio F. Costa, Milagros Izquierdo, Ana M. Porto 09 Which finitely generated Abelian groups admit isomorphic Cayley graphs? Clara Löh 10 On the connectivity of branch loci of moduli spaces - Gabriel Bartolini, Antonio F. Costa, Milagros Izquierdo 11 Branched projective structures with quasi-Fuchsian holonomy - Gabriel Calsamiglia, Bertrand Deroin, Stefano Francaviglia 12 Topology and dynamics of Levi-flats in surfaces of general type - Bertrand Deroin, Christophe Dupont 13 Cantor systems, piecewise translations and simple amenable groups - Kate Juschenko, Nicolas Monod 14 Geometry of the Funk metric on Weil-Petersson spaces - Koji Fujiwara 15 On the growth of Betti numbers in p-adic analytic towers - Nicolas Bergeron, Peter Linnell, Wolfgang Lück, Roman Sauer 16 Proportionality principle for the simplicial volume of families of Q-rank 1 locally symmetric spaces - Michelle Bucher, Inkang Kim, Sungwoon Kim 17 The deficiencies of Kähler groups - D. Kotschick 18 Stability properties of multiplicative representations of the free group Alessandra Iozzi, M. Gabriella Kuhn, Tim Steger 19 A Dual Interpretation of the Gromov-Thurston Proof of Mostow Rigidity and Volume Rigidity for Representations of Hyperbolic Lattices - Michelle Bucher, Marc Burger, Alessandra Iozzi 20 Isometric properties of relative bounded cohomology - Michelle Bucher, Marc Burger, Alessandra Iozzi, Cristina Pagliantini, Maria Beatrice Pozzetti, 21 The three smallest compact arithmetic hyperbolic 5-orbifolds - Vincent Emery, Ruth Kellerhals 22 Imaginary group: lazy monoids and reversible computation - Jamie Gabbay, Peter Kropholler 23 Logarithm laws for strong unstable foliations in negative curvature and nonArchimedian Diophantine approximation - Jayadev Athreya, Frédéric Paulin 24 The minimal growth rate of cocompact Coxeter groups in hyperbolic 3-space - Ruth Kellerhals, Alexander Kolpakov 25 Finite graphs and amenability - Gabor Elek 26 Secondary characteristic classes of transversely homogeneous foliations Jesús A. Álvarez López, Hiraku Nozawa 27 Two-spherical topological Kac--Moody groups are Kazhdan - Tobias Hartnick, Ralf Koehl 28 Cohomological finiteness conditions for a class of metabelian groups - Peter Kropholler, Joseph Mullaney 11 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS 29 Quasiconvexity in Relatively Hyperbolic Groups - Leonid Potyagailo, Victor Gerasimov 30 Two extensions of Thurston's spectral theorem for surface diffeomorphisms - Anders Karlsson 31 Small spectral radius and percolation constants on non-amenable Cayley graphs - Kate Juschenko, Tatiana Nagnibeda 32 Realisation and dismantlability - Sebastian Hensel, Damian Osajda, Piotr Przytycki 33 On isolated strata of p-gonal Riemann surfaces in the branch locus of moduli spaces - Gabriel Bartolini, Antonio F. Costa, Milagros Izquierdo 34 Cofinite hyperbolic Coxeter groups, minimal growth rate and Pisot numbers - Ruth Kellerhals 35 The simplicial volume of 3-manifolds with boundary - Michelle Bucher, Roberto Frigerio, Cristina Pagliantini 36 Exponential growth rates of free and amalgamated products - Michelle Bucher, Alexey Talambutsa 37 Actions of arithmetic groups on homology spheres and acyclic homology manifolds - Martin R. Bridson, Fritz Grunewald, Karen Vogtmann, Bruno Zimmermann 38 Dimension of elementary amenable groups - Martin R. Bridson, Peter H. Kropholler 39 On the Subgroups of Right Angled Artin Groups and Mapping Class Groups Martin R. Bridson 40 Heat kernels on regular graphs and generalized Ihara zeta function formulas - Gautam Chinta, Jay Jorgenson, Anders Karlsson 41 Crooked Halfspaces - Jean-Philippe Burelle, Virginie Charette, Todd Drumm, William Goldman 42 Smale spaces with virtually nilpotent splitting - Volodymyr Nekrashevych 12 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Group Theory Seminars 2012 spring Leonid Potyagailo, Université de Lille 1 Quasiconvexity in relatively hyperbolic groups William Goldman, University of Maryland Crooked geometry Wojciech Chachólski, KTH Dynamics and symmetries of idempotent deformations of groups David Fisher, Indiana University Cohomology, Compactness and Rigidity Moon Duchin, Tufts University Fine asymptotic geometry Vincent Emery, MPI Bonn Arithmetic Coxeter groups and small volume Jay Jorgenson, City College of New York On the distribution of zeros of the derivative of the Selberg zeta function Andreas Ott, Max Planck Institute Towards a vanishing theorem for bounded cohomology of Lie groups Irine Peng, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology Boundary representation of a semisimple lie group Frédéric Paulin, Université Paris-Sud The ergodic theory of the strong unstable foliation in negative curvature with potential Fédéric Paulin and Jouni Parkkonen who seem to have a joyful discussion. Jouni Parkkonen, University of Jyväskylä Counting common perpendiculars in negative curvature Christophe Pittet, Laboratoire d'Analyse Spheres in horospheres 13 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Denis Osin, Vanderbilt University Groups with hyperbolically embedded subgroups Yves Guivarc'h, University of Rennes 1 Random walk by affine maps on tori and nilmanifolds. Spectral gap property in $L^2$ Thomas Delzant, University of Strasbourg Kähler groups, deficiency and the geometric invariant Vadim Kaimanovich, University of Ottawa Random graphs: invariance and unimodularity Ruth Kellerhals, University of Freiburg Hyperbolic Coxeter groups and minimal growth rate John Smillie, Cornell University Translation surfaces and Teichmuller dynamics Koji Fujiwara, Kyoto University Quasi-cocycles on free groups to uniformly convex Banach spaces Alan Reid, University of Texas Groups of the same genus and some questions of Baumslag Mark Sapir, Vanderbilt University Complicated residually finite groups Martin Bridson, Oxford University Unsolvable decision problems for discrete and profinite groups Andreas Thom, Lehrstuhl für Theoretische Mathematik Entropy, determinants, and $L^2$-torsion Johan Dupont, University of Aarhus A generalization of Abel's theorem and the Abel-Jacobi map Marc Burger, ETH Zürich Volumes and bounded cohomology Roman Sauer, University of Regensburg Growth of Betti numbers in p-adic analytic towers of covers Mike Davis, Ohio State University Random right-angled Coxeter groups are rational duality groups Pascal Rolli, ETH Zürich Split quasimorphisms Vesa Ala-Mattila, University of Helsinki Covering measures, packing measures and Patterson-Sullivan measures of geometrically finite Kleinian groups Alex Lubotzky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Arithmetic quotients of automorphism groups Montserrat Casals-Ruiz, University of Oxford Embedability between partially commutative groups 14 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Alex Lubotzky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Sieve methods in group theory Volodymyr Nekrashevych, Texas A&M University Hyperbolic groupoids Kate Juschenko, Texas A&M University Finitely presented groups related to Kaplansky's direct finiteness conjecture Rostyslav Kravchenko, Université Paris-Sud On the lattice of subgroups of the lamplighter group Tadeusz Januszkiewicz, Polish Academy of Sciences Fundamental groups of blow ups Alexander I. Bufetov, Steklov Institute of Mathematics On the Vershik-Kerov Conjecture Concerning the Shannon-McMillan-Breiman Theorem for the Plancherel Family of Measures on the Space of Young Diagrams Alexander I. Bufetov, Steklov Institute of Mathematics Cesaro convergence of spherical averages for measure-preserving actions of wordhyperbolic groups (joint work with Mikhail Khristoforov and Alexey Klimenko) Laurent Bartholdi, University of Göttingen Growth and Poisson boundaries of groups Igor Mineyev, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The Atiyah Conjecture and submultiplicativity Inkang Kim, Korea Institute for Advanced Study Some applications of bounded cohomology Clara Löh, Universität Regensburg Isomorphisms of Cayley graphs of finitely generated Abelian groups Pekka Tukia, University of Helsinki Generalizations of Fuchsian and Kleinian groups Röggi Möller, University of Iceland Independence conditions for group actions on trees Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University Mini course (three lectures – lecture 3) - The topology and geometry of automorphism groups of free groups Andrés Navas, Universidad de Santiago de Chile On cocycles of isometries and Lyapunov exponents Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University Mini course (three lectures - lecture 2) - The topology and geometry of automorphism groups of free groups Karen Vogtmann, Cornell University Mini course (three lectures - lecture 1) - The topology and geometry of automorphism groups of free groups Peter Kropholler, University of Glasgow Generic open subsets of spheres and applications to the Bieri-Neuman-Strebel invariant 15 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Cristina Pagliantini, University of Pisa Relative (continuous) bounded cohomology Ruth Charney, Brandeis University/ETH Contracting boundaries of CAT(0) spaces Lizhen Ji, University of Michigan On invariant complete geodesic metrics on the Culler-Vogtmann outer space Milagros Izquierdo, University of Linköping Trigonal maps Pascal Schweitzer, Australian National University On zero divisors with small support in group rings of torsion-free groups Bertrand Rémy, Université Lyon 1 Simple and non-simple groups acting on buildings, overview and open questions Roberto Frigerio , University of Pisa Stable complexity and simplicial volume of manifolds Dieter Kotschick, Universität Munich Ordering manifolds by maps of non-zero degree Ilya Kazachkov, Vanderbilt University Group actions on real cubings Hiraku Nozawa, The University of Tokyo A Finite aspect of characteristic classes of foliations Bertrand Deroin, Université Paris-Sud 11 Bifurcations in representation varieties of $SL(2,C)$ Pierre Py, University of Strasbourg An equivariant deformation of the hyperbolic space Tobias Hartnick, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology Topological twin buildings and their automorphism groups Sebastian Hensel, Mathematisches Institut de Universität Bonn On the geometry of the handlebody group Tatiana Nagnibeda, University of Geneva Geodesic currents on free groups Tsachik Gelander, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem On the cohomology of hyperbolic manifolds Shahar Mozes, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Invariant measures and divisibility Narutaka Ozawa, Kyoto University Is an ring singly generated as an ideal? Gautam Chinta, The City College of New York Zeta functions of rings 16 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Alain Valette, Institut de Mathématiques $L^p$-compression and equivariant compression for Baumslag-Solitar groups Gabor Elek, The Alfred Renyi Institute Sofic groups, wobbling groups and topological full groups of Cantor actions Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace , Université Catholique de Louvain Characterising rank one groups Nicolas Monod, EPFL Derivations and fixed points Piotr Przytycki , The Polish Academy of Sciences Graph manifolds with boundary are virtually special Rostislav Grigorchuk, Texas A&M University On the Gap Conjecture for group growth and related topics Alessandra Iozzi, ETH Zentrum Multiplicative representations of virtually free groups Alessandra Iozzi and Michelle Bucher talking about the lecture Alessandra just gave. 17 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Hamiltonians with Magnetic Fields Scientific report 2012 fall General The planning of the program took place for more than 2 years, starting by the preparation of the application, with further selection and correction of the list of senior participants, then the junior participants, adaptation of the schedule to the personal conditions of participants and housing and office space abilities of the Institute. On the stage of this concretization, we had to relax the initial requirement of visits not shorter than 1 month, in order to be able to secure the participation of the leading experts in the field, which would not be at Institute otherwise. We evaluate as reasonable the resulting composition of the set of the participants, which enabled both the productive research and co-operation both among senior researchers and between senior researchers and junior ones. Participants of the program wrote their individual reports and from these reports one can deduce that for the most of participants, the visit to IML produced very nice conditions for the research, while both the mathematical (the library and adjoining resources) and non-mathematical (the great environment) features contributed to productive research. For most of the responders, the possibility of improving old and establishing new personal contacts facilitated essential progress in the study in their traditional fields, via the exchange of ideas, as well as stating new problems and starting exploration in new fields. At the yearly leafraking day. The research activities of the participants enveloped a wide range of the topics around the main field of the program. Here is an (incomplete) description of the research topics. Spectral theory Dirac-like magnetic gaps in the continuous spectrum of the plain graphene, existence and stability of embedded eigenvalues in the continuous spectrum, for systems coming from mesoscopic quantum transport, periodic potential perturbations of the Landau operator, Lieb-Thirring inequalities, and applications to the stability of matter (Lieb-Oxford Bounds with Gradient Corrections, new estimates for Thomas-FermiWeizsacker energy functional), Spectral properties of the fractional Laplacian on bounded domains, Bessis-Moussa-Villani conjecture, optimal estimates for first eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators in manifolds with positive or negative potentials, the semi-classical analysis of the bottom of the spectrum of a Schrödinger operator with magnetic Douglas Lundholm in discussion with Erik Skipsted. field; eigenvalue estimates and eigenfunction localizations for the perturbed Landau Hamiltonians; spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacians on perturbed twisted tubes; eigenvalue inequalities for magnetic Hamiltonians with complex electric potentials, Schrödinger operator on an infinite wedge with a tangent magnetic field; asymptotics expansion of the lowlying eigenvalues of the Schrödinger operator with constant 18 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS magnetic field parallel to the axis of a cone when the aperture of the cone tends to 0, minimal spectral partitions; high energy eigenvalue asymptotics for short range magnetic perturbations of the Landau Hamiltonian; spectral theory of magnetic Schrödinger operators with non-trivial bundle structures; trace formulas for Schrödinger operators in higher dimensions. Quantum Dynamics time dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation, stability and instability of pre-existing resonances under a small electric field and under a time-periodic field; magnetic quantum dots; Quantum electrodynamics in Half-space; the forward problem for the electromagnetic Helmholtz equation with critical singularities; Schrödinger equation with switching (or flipping) magnetic field; the time dependent Schrödinger equations on thin tubes; effective Hamiltonian for a thin curved quantum layer in rather arbitrary magnetic field; existence and the uniqueness of the unitary propagator for Schrödinger equation with magnetic fields which are very strong at the spatial infinity and which can compensate the electric exploding force. Mikkel H. Brynildsen and Ira Herbst. Scattering theory Schrödinger wave operators in R2; the scattering theory for discrete models; completeness for N-body (magnons) problems associated the Heisenberg model of quantum spins; the study of the SSF near Landau levels; resonances for electromagnetic Hamiltonians; resonances in scattering by two Magnetic Fields at large separation and a complex scaling method; spectral analysis of piecewise continuous functions of selfadjoint operators; Asymptotics near the spectral thresholds of the resonance counting function for 3D magnetic Schrödinger operators; Behavior at infinity of the integrated density of states for multidimensional periodic and almost-periodic operators; asymptotic distributions of the scattering matrix; scattering theory on space with asymptotically product structures. Quantum statistical mechanics especially, anyons: Study of anyons on a lattice, aiming at a better understanding of their dependence on the statistics parameter, operator extensions for anyons, as well as for Heisenberg type intermediate statistics, dyons, i.e. particles with both electric and magnetic charge. Discrete models in particular, dynamical localization for a discrete Anderson model, Schrödinger equations with magnetic field on various lattices; threshold expansion of the resolvent for the onedimensional discrete Schrödinger operator; inverse problem for Schrödinger operators on metric graphs with cycles using spectral data (scattering matrix or Titchmarsh-Weyl matrix function) depending on the magnetic fluxes through the cycles. Quantum Hall effect in particular, Spin Quantum Hall effect and the Thermal Quantum Halleffect; Quantization of the Hall Conductance and delocalization in ergodic Landau Hamiltonians. 19 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS General Analysis problems inspired by Magnetic fields Asymptotic analysis, symmetries of hypergeometric type equations and functions, holomorphic familes of closed (typically unbounded) operators, The Fischer-Hartwig type asymptotics for Wiener-Hopf operators, Hankel operators, Toeplitz operators, exponential decay of eigenstates of partial differential operators, perturbation theory of Lyapunov exponents for all Cartan universality classes; Magnetic Contribution to the Hardy Inequality. Global Analysis problems, inspired by Magnetic Hamiltonians zeta functions and analytic torsion on manifolds with conical singularities; describing the sub-Riemannian cut locus of the Stieffel manifold, interplay between real and complex Clifford algebra representations and the 10 classical groups that makes the connection to complex and Real K-Theory; index theoretical aspects of Toeplitz operators on the spectral levels; the index problem for complexifications of compact Lie groups and the Agmon-Hörmander space; possible generalizations of the Levinson theorem in a von Neumann algebraic setup. Inverse problems general questions on solvability and stability; Inverse problems on graphs. The common activities at the program concentrated mostly around seminars, which took place every Tuesday and Thursday, with extra seminars in the case when there was too much material for the regular activities. Virginie Bonnaillie-Noël and Nicolas Raymond at one of the daily coffee breaks. Regular Seminars The regular seminars started with a two-part review talk by Dimitri Yafaev, who gave a survey on the spectral properties of magnetic Hamiltonians. Of the 55 regular seminars at least 33 dealt explicitly with Magnetic Fields, while most of the other 22 shared some connection either with the physics or with the mathematical tools used in the trade of Magnetic Hamiltonians. There were several talks concerning different perturbations of Landau Hamiltonians (e.g., perturbations by periodic potentials, perturbations by lattices, perturbations by Electric Fields decaying at infinity, etc.) There were several talks concerning estimates on sum of eigenvalues of different operators including the fractional Laplacian. Also, several speakers gave talks about estimates on the Integrated Density of States for periodic, almost periodic and random operators. A few talks dealt with different aspects of superconductivity, including one on vortices of the Ginzburg-Landau equation. There were at least two talks concerning properties of Hamiltonians including selfgenerated magnetic fields (one at the workshop). There were several talks on LiebThirring inequalities in different settings. Several talks were given on different aspect of Atomic Physics. Some talks about problems related to inverse problems. Others related with properties of Scattering Matrices. And some were concerning mathematical methods, like the talk of Elliot Lieb on the BMS conjecture, or talks on the Bogoliubov transformation. There were talks on the Quantum Hall effect, talks about Quantum Field 20 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Theories, etc. In summary, the regular seminars of the semester provided a good coverage of many aspects of Magnetic Systems, and related subjects. Workshop Coinciding with the participation of Barry Simon (Caltech) during the last week of the program we organized a four day workshop (December 10 - December 13), with 10 speakers. The talks included Lieb-Thirring and Berezin-LiYau inequalities, Atomic Physics Problems, Self-generated magnetic fields, Superconductivity, etc. The workshop also included a history of mathematics related talk by Barry Simon, “Tale of our Forefathers". Finally, there was a general public lecture: “Sonya Kovalevsky: a brilliant mathematical physicist, her life and work", by R. D. Benguria, at Villa Pauli on December 3, 2012. The Scientific committee Rafael Benguria, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Arne Jensen, Aalborg University Georgi Raikov, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Grigori Rozenblum, Chalmers/University of Göteborg Jan Philip Solovej, University of Copenhagen 21 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Hamiltonians with Magnetic Fields Participants 2012 fall Name Ivana Alexandrova Affiliation State University of New York Country United States Rafael D. Benguria Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago Chile Virginie Bonnaillie-Noël France Vincent Bruneau Mikkel H. Brynildsen IRMAR - Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes, Bruz l'Institut de Mathématique de Bordeaux (IMB), Talence Aalborg University Alexandra Cojuhari Linköping University Sweden Horia Cornean Aalborg University Denmark Jean-Claude Cuenin Imperial College London Giuseppe De Nittis Semra Demirel Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ErlangenNürnberg, Erlangen University of Stuttgart United Kingdom Germany Jan Derezinski University of Warsaw Poland Tomas Ekholm KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden Maria J. Esteban France Pavel Exner Sören Fournais CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences, Rez near Prague Aarhus University Leander Geisinger Princeton University United States Heiko Gimperlein University of Copenhagen Denmark Magnus Goffeng Leibniz Universität Hannover Germany Bernard Helffer Université Paris-Sud, Orsay France Ira Herbst University of Virginia United States Kenichi Ito University of Tsukuba Japan Victor Ivrii University of Toronto Canada Arne Jensen Aalborg University Denmark Lev Kapitanski University of Miami, Coral Gable United States Frédéric Klopp Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University, Paris France Vadim Kostrykin Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz Germany Pavel Kurasov Stockholm University Sweden Yaroslav Kurylev University College London Ari Laptev Imperial College London Elliott H. Lieb Princeton University United Kingdom United Kingdom United States Douglas Lundholm ETH Zürich Switzerland Tomás Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago Chile Marius Lungenstrass Poulsen Mantoiu Universidad de Chile, Santiago Chile Irina Markina University of Bergen Norway Pablo Miranda Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago Chile Sergey Morozov Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Germany Shu Nakamura University of Tokyo Japan Marwa Nasrallah Aarhus University Denmark 22 France Denmark Germany Czech Republic Denmark INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Leonid Parnovski University College London Nicolas Popoff Université de Rennes 1 United Kingdom France Fabian Portmann KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Sweden Alexander Pushnitski King's College London Gueorgui Raykov Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago United Kingdom Chile Nicolas Raymond Université de Rennes 1 France Serge Richard Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 France Constanza Rojas Molina Université de Cergy-Pontoise France Grigori Rozenblioum Chalmers/Göteborgs universitet Sweden Lukas Schimmer Imperial College London Robert Schrader Freie Universität Berlin United Kingdom Germany Hermann Schulz-Baldes Nikolai Shirokov Friedrich-Alexander-Universität ErlangenNürnberg, Erlangen St. Petersburg State University Heinz Siedentop Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Russian Federation Germany Israel Michael Sigal University of Toronto Canada Barry Simon Caltech, California United States Erik Skibsted Aarhus University Denmark Alexander Sobolev University College London Jan Philip Solovej University of Copenhagen United Kingdom Denmark Mikael P. Sundqvist Lund University Sweden Tatiana Suslina St. Petersburg State University Thomas Sørensen Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München Russian Federation Germany Grigory Tashchiyan Rafael Russian Federation Chile Matěj Tiedra de Aldecoa Tusek State University of telecommunications, St. Petersburg Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic Alexander Vasiliev University of Bergen Norway Timo Weidl Germany Dimitri Yafaev Institut für Analysis, Dynamik und Modellierung, Stuttgart Université de Rennes 1 Kenji Yajima Gakushuin University, Tokyo Japan Jakob Yngvason Universität Wien Austria Miren Zubeldia University of Helsinki Finland 23 Germany France INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Hamiltonians with Magnetic Fields Preprints 2012 fall 01 When the 3D magnetic Laplacian meets an edge in the semiclassical limit Nicolas Popoff, Nicolas Raymond 02 Lyapunov spectra for all symmetry classes of quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems - Hermann Schulz-Baldes, Andreas Ludwig, Michael Stolz 03 Magnetic Peak Power - Virginie Bonnaillie-Noël, Nicolas Raymond 04 Rayleigh estimates for differential operators on graphs - Pavel Kurasov, Sergei Naboko 05 Spectral estimates for Dirichlet Laplacians on perturbed twisted tubes Pavel Exner, Diana Barseghyan 06 Homogenization of the Neumann problem for elliptic systems with periodic coefficients - Tatiana Suslina 07 The finite rank theorem for Toeplitz operators on the Fock space - Alexander Borichev, Grigori Rozenblum 08 Attractors in hyperspace - Lev Kapitanski, Sanja Zivanovic Gonzalez 09 Variable Time Step Dynamics With Choice - Lev Kapitanski, Sanja Zivanovic Gonzalez 10 Continuous Limit in Dynamics with Choice - Lev Kapitanski, Sanja Zivanovic Gonzalez 11 Spectral and scattering theory for perturbation of the Carleman operator Dimitri Yafaev 12 Spectral theory of piecewise continuous functions of self-adjoint operators Alexander Pushnitski, Dimitri Yafaev 13 Explicit formulas for the Schroedinger wave operators in $R^2$ - Serge Richard, Rafael Tiedra 14 Resonances in Scattering by Two Magnetic Fields at Large Separation and a Complex Scaling Method - Ivana Alexandrova, Hideo Tamura 15 Memory effects in non-interacting mesoscopic transport - Horia Cornean, Arne Jensen, Gheorghe Nenciu 16 Spectral minimal partitions of a sector - Virginie Bonnaillie-Noël, Corentin Léna 17 Dirichlet and Neumann Eigenvalues for Half-Plane Magnetic Hamiltonians Vincent Bruneau, Pablo Miranda, Georgi Raikov 18 On spectral minimal partitions : the disk revisited - Virginie Bonnaillie-Noël, Bernard Helffer 19 Compactness Criteria for Sets and Operators in the Setting of Continuous Frames - Marius Mantoiu, Daniel Parra Tomas Ekholm and Fabian Portmann discussing their paper with Alexander Sobolev. 20 A Magnetic Contribution to the Hardy Inequality - Tomas Ekholm, Fabian Portmann 21 Positivity of $|gp|^a|gq|^b+|gq|^b|gp|^a$ - Li Chen, Heinz Siedentop 22 A trace formula for eigenvalue clusters of the perturbed Landau Hamiltonian - Alexander Pushnitski, Georgi Raikov, Carlos Villegas-Blas 24 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS 23 Sub-Riemannian geometry of Stiefel manifolds - Christian Autenried, Irina Markina 24 Local exclusion and Lieb-Thirring inequalities for intermediate and fractional statistics - Douglas Lundholm, Jan Philip Solovej 25 Local exclusion for intermediate and fractional statistics - Douglas Lundholm, Jan Philip Solovej 26 Sharp trace asymptotics for a class of 2D-magnetic operators - Horia Cornean, Soeren Fournais, Rupert Frank, Bernard Helffer 27 Hypergeometric type functions and their symmetries - Jan Derezi 28 Spectral estimates on the sphere - Jean Dolbeault, Maria Esteban, Ari Laptev 29 Quantum Hall phases and plasma analogy in rotating trapped Bose gases Nicolas Rougerie, Sylvia Serfaty, Jakob Yngvason 30 Quantum Hall states of bosons in rotating anharmonic traps - Nicolas Rougerie, Sylvia Serfaty, Jakob Yngvason 31 Absence of positive eigenvalues for hard-core N-body systems - Erik Skibsted, Kenichi Ito 32 On the Verdet constant and Faraday rotation for graphene-like materials Mikkel Haggren Brynildsen, Horia D. Cornean 33 Breaking a magnetic zero locus: asymptotic analysis - Nicolas Raymond 34 The Anderson model with missing sites - Constanza Rojas-Molina 35 Breaking a magnetic zero locus: model operators and numerical approach Virginie Bonnaillie-Noël, Nicolas Raymond 36 The magnetic Laplacian in shrinking tubular neighbourhoods of hypersurfaces - David Krejcirik, Nicolas Raymond, Matej Tusek 37 Magnetic effects in curved quantum waveguides - David Krejcirik, Nicolas Raymond 25 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Hamiltonians with Magnetic Fields Seminars 2012 fall Arne Jensen ringing the bell in the seminar room. Photo: Mikael Sundqvist Speaker Dimitri Yafaev Leonid Parnovski Jakob Yngvason Frédéric Klopp Title Spectral properties of magnetic Hamiltonians (survey) Integrated density of states for periodic and almost-periodic operators Quantum phases of Bosons in rotating traps Elliott H. Lieb Absolute continuity of the spectrum of a Landau Hamiltonian perturbed by a generic periodic potential Operator error estimates in homogenization problems for elliptic periodic operators Abstracts will appear soon. Are pre-existing resonances stable in a small homogeneous electric field? Energy of surface states for 3D magnetic (Neumann) Schrödinger operators A Trace Formula for the Eigenvalue Clusters of the Perturbed Landau Hamiltonian The spectral density of the scattering matrix of the magnetic Schrödinger operator for high energies The 36 Year Old Saga of the BMV Conjecture Israel Michael Sigal Magnetic Vortices in Superconductivity Jan Derezinski General properties of Bogoliubov transformations Leander Geisinger Refined semiclassics for Laplace operators on bounded domains Tatiana Suslina Ira Herbst Marwa Nasrallah Gueorgui Raykov Alexander Pushnitski Horia Cornean Spectral stability of Schrodinger and Harper operators at long range magnetic perturbations Shu Nakamura Propagation of singularities for perturbed harmonic oscillators and Landau Hamiltonian Constanza Rojas Molina Delone-Anderson operators: Transport properties in disordered aperiodic structures and the Integrated Density of States Douglas Lundholm Hardy and Lieb-Thirring inequalities for anyons Nicolas Raymond Normal Forms for the Semiclassical Magnetic Laplacian Pavel Exner Spectral estimates for some “non-Weyl” Schrödinger operators Miren Zubeldia Irina Markina The forward problem for the electromagnetic Helmholtz equation with singular potential On geometrical background of the Yang-Mills theory Alexander Vasiliev Evolution of smooth shapes and the KP hierarchy Maria J. Esteban Critical magnetic fields for the Dirac-Coulomb operator Lev Kapitanski On the models of Skyrme and Faddeev Semra Demirel Lieb-Thirring inequalities and Levinson's formula for quantum graphs 26 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Alexander Sobolev Kenichi Ito Asymptotics of the extreme eigenvalues for some Toeplitz-type operators Schrödinger operator in planar domains with corners and in the half-space Spectrum of the magnetic Schrödinger operator on an infinite wedge Absence of positive eigenvalues for hard-core $N$-body systems Absence of embedded eigenvalues for Riemannian Laplacians Grigori Rozenblioum & Nikolai Shirokov Grigori Rozenblioum & Grigory Tashchiyan Zero modes of the 2D Pauli operator. Beyond Aharonov-Casher The splitting of the Landau levels under a perturbation of the magnetic field Virginie Bonnaillie-Noël Nicolas Popoff Erik Skibsted Grigori Rozenblioum in action. Thomas Østergaard Real analyticity of solutions to some nonlocal equations Sørensen Hermann Schulz-Baldes Orbital magnetization for independent particles in disordered media Pavel Kurasov How can magnetic field help to solve inverse problems for quantum graphs Giuseppe De Nittis Generalized TKNN-equations Jan Philip Solovej Anders Karlhede Ivana Alexandrova Bernard Helffer Yaroslav Kurylev Semi-classics for Schrödinger and Pauli operators with selfgenerated magnetic fields An exactly solvable model for the quantum Hall effect Resonances in Scattering by Two Magnetic Fields at Large Separation Minimal partitions and Aharonov-Bohm hamiltonians Matěj Tusek Laplacian on collapsing manifolds and stability of inverse problems On thin quantum layers Magnus Goffeng Charge deficiencies and Landau levels Fabian Portmann Magnetic Hardy Inequalities Sergey Morozov Jean-Claude Cuenin High energy asymptotics of integrated density of states for multidimensional (almost-)periodic operators Eigenvalue estimates for non-selfadjoint Dirac operators Vincent Bruneau Spectral accumulation at the Landau levels Mikkel H. Brynildsen Towards spectral gaps in graphene in a weak magnetic field Rafael D. Benguria Lieb-Oxford Bounds with Gradient Corrections Robert Schrader Quantum electrodynamics in halfspace Pablo Miranda Eigenvalue Asymptotics for Dirichlet and Neumann Half-plane Magnetic Hamiltonians Magnetic compactness Marius Mantoiu Serge Richard New representation formulas for the wave operators in potential scattering on $R^3$ 27 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa Timo Weidl Commutator methods for unitary operators Barry Simon Sharp semiclassical estimates in the magnetic and the nonmagnetic case On some spectral inequalities for Schrödinger operators on graphs Tales of our Forefathers Lev Kapitanski Dynamics with Choice Virginie Bonnaillie-Noël Geometry influence on the superconductivity emergence Victor Ivrii Heinz Siedentop Large atoms and molecules with magnetic field, including selfgenerated magnetic field, (Results: old, new, in progress and in perspective) Inequaltities related to the excess charge problem Kenji Yajima Shrödinger equations with strong magnetic fields Sören Fournais Semiclassics in self-generated magnetic fields Vadim Kostrykin On $2\times 2$ Symmetric Matrices Ari Laptev Magnus Goffeng giving a lecture. Photo: Mikael Sundqvist 28 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Shorter programs Summer 2012 was the first year (over a long time) that the Institute arranged workshops and a summer school. Altogether it was 97 participants in these shorter programs. Advances in Mathematical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations in honour of Olga A. Ladyzhenskaya 9 - 13 July 2012 This portrait of Olga A. Ladyzhenskaya was painted by B.K. Ivochkin and donated to the Institute by his wife N. Ivochkina. The year 2012 was the 90th anniversary of the outstanding Russian mathematician Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya. Institut Mittag-Leffler, in cooperation with St Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics, was organizing an international workshop “Advances in Mathematical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations". The members of the Organizing Committee were: Sergey Repin, Gregory Seregin, Henrik Shahgholian, Nina Uraltseva. This workshop was partially supported by the European Mathematical Society. The objective was to bring together experts in the field of Partial Differential Equations, to honor the memory of Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya, and to pay tribute to her scientific legacy. Topics in PDE's, in which Olga Alexandrovna Ladyzhenskaya made signifcant contributions, were presented quite well on this workshop. Among them were the theory of PDE's of elliptic and parabolic types (Anderson, Apushkinskaya, Archipova, Ivochkina, Krylov, Maz’ya, Safonov), the mathematical theory of viscous fluids (Beirão da Veiga, Friedlander, Fuchs, Fursikov, Pukhnachev, Seregin, Shilkin, Solonnikov, Zhikov), and the attractor theory (Kalantarov). In addition, there were talks on topics being always of interest of Olga A Ladyzhenskaya such as geometrical PDE's (Giaquinta, Hildebrandt), coersive estimates (Amann, Nazarov), embedding theorem (Esteban), and various applications (Jäger, Marcovich). Vladimir Maz’ya lecturing at the conference “Advances in Mathematical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations”. 29 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Conference contributions Parabolic equations on singular manifolds - Herbert Amann, Zürich Regularity for the Signorini Problem - John Andersson, Warwick L∞-estimates for derivatives of solutions to some parabolic free boundary problem Darya Apushkinskaya, Saarbrücken Signorini-type problem with a nonconvex obstacle in RN - Arina Arkhipova, St. Petersburg On the global regularity for singular p-systems under non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions - Hugo Beirão da Veiga, Pisa The microlocal range of nonsolvable operators of principal type - Nils Denker, Lund Functional inequalities and the symmetry properties of the extremal functions - Maria Esteban, CNRS & University Paris-Dauphine Well/Ill-posedness results for an active scalar equation - Susan Friedlander, Los Angeles Recent results for generalized Newtonian fluids in 2D: stationary Case - Martin Fuchs, Saarbrücken Equation of normal type corresponding to 3D Navier-Stokes system - A.V.Fursikov, Moscow Strain and stress in nonlinear elasticity – Mariano Giaquinta, Pisa Some remarks on Plateau's problem - Stefan Hildebrandt, Bonn L. Gårding cones in the theory of m-Hessian equations - N. M. Ivochkina, St.-Petersburg Transmission problems for reactive flow and transport-multiscale analysis of the interactions of solutes with a solid phase - Willi Jäger, Heidelberg Damped nonlinear wave equations:Stability and instability of solutions - Varga K. Kalantarov, Istanbul On the existence of smooth solutions for fully nonlinear elliptic equations with measurable “coeffcients" without convexity assumptions - Nicolai Krylov, Minneapolis On Wigner and Bohmian measures in semiclassical quantum mechanics - Peter Markowich, KAUST, Saudi Arabia Higher order elliptic problems in non-smooth domains - Vladimir Mazya, Linköping and Liverpool On the Dirichlet and Neumann problems for parabolic non-divergence equations with coeffcients measurable in time - Alexander Nazarov, St. Petersburg Boundary value problem for Navier-Stokes equations in domain with multiply connected boundary – Vladislav V. Pukhnachev, Novosibirsk The interior and boundary estimates for solutions to second order elliptic and parabolic equations with unbounded drift - Mikhail Safonov, Minneapolis 30 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS On a certain condition of a blow up for the Navier-Stokes equations - Gregory Seregin, Oxford and St. Petersburg Local estimates of solutions to the Stokes system near a curved part of the boundary Timofey Shilkin, St. Petersburg On some problems of magnetohydrodynamics - Vsevolod Solonnikov, St. Petersburg Solvability of generalized Navier-Stokes equation - Zhikov, Volgograd Participants Herbert John E. Darya Arina Hugo Nils Maria J. Susan Martin Andrei Mariano Stefan Nina Willi Varga Nicolai Peter A. Vladimir Alexander Vladislav Mikhail Gregory Henrik Timofey Vsevolod Nina Vasily V. Amann Andersson Apushkinskaya Arkhipova Beirão Da Veiga Dencker Esteban Friedlander Fuchs Fursikov Giaquinta Hildebrandt Ivochkina Jäger Kalantarov Krylov Markowich Maz'ya Nazarov Pukhnachev Safonov Seregin Shahgholian Shilkin Solonnikov Uraltseva Zhikov 31 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Complex Analysis and Integrable Systems in memory of Boris Korenblum (1923-2011) 6 - 11 August 2012 The fall 2011 semester program “Complex Analysis and Integrable Systems” was very successful and the organizing committee of the program decided to hold a concluding workshop at the Mittag-Leffler Institute 6-11 August 2012 with the same name. At the program’s end, sad news came, our esteemed colleague, professor Boris Korenblum passed away. His research influenced several fields related to our program such as Singular integrals and Fourier series, Tauberian theorems, Quasi-analytic functions, Zero sets and factorization, Cyclicity in function classes, Bergman spaces, Tomography. Therefore, we decided to dedicate our workshop to his memory, organizing a special session and tribute lectures. Professors Catherine Bénéteau (Tampa) and Kehe Zhu (Albany) extended about Boris’ mathematical work. All in all, the participants of the workshop gave 26 lectures, 45 min each, 8 lectures were given by participants from Scandinavian countries. Last day was left for younger participants at Ph.D./Post-doc level. The scientific mainstream was focused on 3 related topics: Laplacian growth and integrable systems (King, Takebe, Jurdjevic, Vasoncelos, Mineev-Weinstein), Loewner evolution and random processes (Ivanov, Sola, Makarov, Haimi), Complex Analysis and Operator Theory (Bénéteau, Khavinson, Zhu, Lyubarskii, Hedenmalm, Aleman, Barnard, Vukotic, Brennan, Stray, Malinnikova, Stylianopoulos). Some talks were dedicated to recent developments in classical analysis. Several lectures were of survey style but some new results were presented as a result of collaboration during the fall 2011 semester program at Institut Mittag-Leffler. Among them we highlight a joint result by Vasconcelos and Mineev-Weinstein on the solution of the selection problem in the bubble dynamics in the Hele-Shaw channel geometry without use of the surface tension mechanism; new results in the Krzyz conjecture by Vukotic; a complete result on the properties of p-harmonic measure of simply connected plane domains and endpoint type results for the Hausdorff dimension of this measure in simply connected domains by Lewis; new applications of special functions in disparate fields such as Number Theory, Algebra, Statistics and Asymptotic Statistics by Barnard. Social activities nicely complemented scientific discussions. Conference contributions Special lecture in the memory of Boris Korenblum - Catherine Bénéteau, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA The mathematics of Boris Korenblum - Kehe Zhu, State University of New York at Albany, USA Extremal domains for the analytic content - Dmitry Khavinson, University of South Florida, Tampa, USA; joint with A. Abanov, C. Bénéteau and R. Teodorescu Boundary behavior of functions from the Korenblum spaces - Yurii Lyubarskii, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway TBA - Haakan Hedenmalm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Applications of special functions to disparate fields - Roger Barnard, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, USA 32 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS On extremal functions for the Krzyz conjecture - Dragan Vukotic, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain The uniqueness property of the analytic functions on closed sets without interior points James Brennan, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA Complex variable methods for free boundary problems - John King, University of Nottingham, UK p-harmonic measure revisited - John Lewis, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA Invariant subspaces for differentiation and Volterra operators - Alexandru Aleman, Lund University, Sweden Dynamics of the Schwarz function - Nikolai Makarov, Caltech, Pasadena, USA Holomorphy via integral geometry - Mark Agranovsky, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel The metric geometry of Carnot-Caratheodory space with C1-smooth vector fields and applications - Serguei Vodopyanov, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk, Russia Metric properties of polynomials on compact isotropy irreducible homogeneous spaces Victor Gichev, Omsk branch of Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Omsk, Russia Remembering Boris Korenblum (pictures, family reminiscences) - Marina and Danny Korenblum ħ-expansion of integrable hierarchies - recursive construction of solutions - Takashi Takebe, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia Jacobi's geodesic problem and integrable systems on Lie groups - Velimir Jurdjevic, University of Toronto, Canada Two problems connected with approximation and interpolation in the unit disc - Arne Stray, University of Bergen, Norway Steadily moving bubbles in a Hele-Shaw cell: the complete story - Giovani Vasconcelos, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil The dynamics and selection of a bubble in a Hele-Shaw channel without surface tension: an exact result - Mark Mineev-Weinstein, New Mexico Consortium, Los Alamos, USA Composition operators in model spaces - Eugenia Malinnikova, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway On slit geometry of the Loewner evolution - Georgy Ivanov, University of Bergen, Norway Quasiconformal extension of harmonic mappings - Maria Jose Martin Gomez, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain Bergman polynomials on Archipelaga: Theory and applications to geometric tomography - Nikos Stylianopoulos, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus Polyanalytic functions and random point processes - Antti Haimi, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 33 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Loewner equation, compound Poisson processes, and random growth - Alan Sola, University of Cambridge, UK Most of the participants in the conference ”Complex analysis and Integrable Systems”. Participants Mark Agranovsky Bar-Ilan University Alexandru Aleman Lund University Roger Barnard Texas Tech University Catherine Beneteau University of South Florida James Brennan University of Kentucky Victor Gichev Omsk Branch of Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Björn Gustafsson KTH Royal Institute of Technology Håkan Hedenmalm KTH Royal Institute of Technology Georgy Ivanov University of Bergen Maria Jose Martin Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Velimir Jurdjevic University of Toronto Dmitry Khavinson University of South Florida John King University of Nottingham Danny Korenblum Marina Korenblum John Lewis University of Kentucky Yurii Lyubarskii NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Nikolai Makarov Caltech Eugenia Malinnikova NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Mark NMC, Los Alamos David MineevWeinstein Shoikhet Alan Sola University of Cambridge Arne Stray University of Bergen Nikos Stylianopoulos University of Cyprus ORT Braude College of Engineering 34 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Takashi Takebe Higher School of Economics Giovani Vasconcelos Federal University of Pernambuco Alexander Vasiliev University of Bergen Sergei Vodopyanov Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Dragan Vukotic Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Kehe Zhu State university of New York at Albany Discrete Morse Theory and Commutative Algebra summer school 18 July - 1 August 2012 Scientific content Given a smooth manifold, it is always possible to realize it as a triangulation, that is, as a complex of simplices glued together. Discrete Morse theory is a way to simplify a triangulation (or more generally, a simplicial complex) maintaining some of its topological properties, like its homotopy type. Robin Forman introduced it in 1998. The subject is relatively young and it has gained quite a popularity in the last few years, also in connection with applications to physics, algebra, and computer science. We presented a joint course that rapidly brought 26 excellent young students from all over the world from basic notions to advanced research topics. Part of the goal was to produce a textbook out of these lectures, with the active feedback of the students. The book will be published during autumn 2013 at EMS Publishing house. In his lectures, Bruno Benedetti focused more on a geometric toolbox for Discrete Morse Theory. He showed how the notions of convexity and non-positive curvature come into play, implying the existence of nice discrete Morse functions. In contrast, knot theory can be used to exclude the existence of nice discrete Morse functions, on some 3-dimensional triangulations. Finally, he lectured on the parallelism between Morse theory in differential geometry, and its discretization. Alexander Engström focused instead on a combinatorial-algebraic approach to discrete Morse theory. He highlighted applications to some statistical models in physics, and to commutative algebra, especially to resolutions of Stanley-Reisner ideals and to computations of Betti numbers for lattice ideals. He also introduced the audience to diagrams of spaces and their applications to subspace arrangements, as topological realizations of matroids and the Goresky-MacPherson formula. All lectures were self-contained, and adapted as much as possible to the students' background. Intensive two weeks of summer school “Discrete Morse Theory and Commutative Algebra”. A. Engström and E. Sköldberg prepare new lecture while B. Benedetti is lecturing. Anders Björner Karim Adiprasio, Matthew Stamps, Ragnar Freij and Patrik Norén were also given lectures. Photo I. Halvarsson 35 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Organization For the first time Institut Mittag-Leffler organized a summer school. During two beautiful weeks July 18-30 in total 26 students, primary on postgraduate level, listened to lectures, solved exercises and explored group projects. We were very lucky in having a large number of qualified applicants, and were able to select students both from some of the most prominent research universities and from institutes of higher education in poor countries whose students don’t have many opportunities. We also strived for a creative mix in background, age, and gender, to encourage new interactions. The ordinary schedule started with two two-hour morning lectures by the organizers, Bruno Benedetti and Alexander Engström. From the start, the students were sorted into groups. The group activity consisted in solved exercises that were introduced during the morning lectures. The assistants Karim Adiprasito and Matthew Stamps, with the help of the co-assistants Ragnar Freij and Patrik Norén, supported the students throughout the problem solving sessions. We tried to form groups as much homogeneous as possible, basing ourselves on the students' background and expertise. Also, we tried to separate students of the same nationality, also in order to encourage them to discuss in English. During the second week of the program, we asked the students to describe which of the covered topics they were mostly interested in, and why. Based on their very detailed answers (and on their previous research experience), the students were divided into seven groups, each working on a small project. We specifically designed these projects in advance as a possible start of a longer research project. Perhaps the highlight of the summer school consisted of the two beautiful guest lectures, given by senior researchers as Anders Björner and Emil Sköldberg. Each of the four assistants gave also a guest lecture on their work. But the most important part of a successful summer school is of course the interaction with the students. We were blessed with a wonderful group of active and attentive young students, who made lecturing indeed a pleasure. The students and organizers lived at the Institut Mittag-Leffler premises. A catering company providing traditional Swedish food served breakfast and lunch daily in the yellow villa. Coffee and cookies (we found the secret storage) was provided in the breaks, most afternoons while enjoying the sun on the roof terrace. The Institute not only provided funding for all this, but also offered to reimburse flights for the students that could not afford it otherwise. We did two whole day excursions. The first one was to the Grinda Island in the Stockholm archipelago. The second one was a ”palace tour” on foot from Institut MittagLeffler to the Stockholm Royal Palace via the Ulriksdal, Haga and Karlberg Palaces, and the Stockholm City Hall. The students and organizers truly enjoyed their time at Institut Mittag-Leffler and although funding and the villa itself are of huge importance, it would have been impossible without the help of the always happy staff of the Institute. Participants Aas, Erik Baralic, Dorde Bolognini, Davide Chen, Hao Cohen, Moshe Connon, Emma KTH, Stockholm, Sweden SANU, Beograd, Serbia U Genova, Italy FU Berlin, Germany Bar-Ilan U, Tel Aviv Dalhouise U, Halifax, Canada 36 Sweden Serbia Italy China Israel/USA Canada INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS De Alba Casillas, Hernán Dolguntseva, Irina Dumitrescu, Olivia Goodarzi, Afshin Grunert, Romain Güler, Hakan Irmer, Ingrid Jeffries, Jack Katthän, Lukas Kirveslahti, Henry Kukiela, Michal Kumar, Pankaj Macchia, Antonio Merz, Marianne Potka, Samu Samper, Jose Alejandro Sarmiento, Camilo Sentinelli, Paolo Stamate, Dumitru Tadesse, Yohannes U Fourier, Grenoble, France Sobolev I., Novosibirsk UC Davis, USA Stockholm U, Sweden FU Berlin, Germany Süleyman Demirel U, Turkey U Bonn, Germany U Utah, USA U Marburg, Germany Aalto U, Finland Copernicus U, Poland Perm State U, Russia U Bari, Italy FU Berlin, Germany Aalto U, Finland Washington U, USA Max Planck, Leipzig, Germany U Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy U Bucarest, Romania Stockholm U, Sweden Alexander Engström and Bruno Benedetti the two organisers of the summer school “Discrete Morse Theory and Commutative Algebra”. Photo I. Halvarsson 37 Mexico Russia Romania Iran Germany Turkey Australia USA Germany Finland Poland India Italy Germany Finland Colombia Colombia Italy Romania Ethiopia INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Kleindagarna "Kleindagarna" is a didactic conference, bringing together Swedish upper secondary school teachers and active researchers in mathematics. The conference is related to the international Klein project. In 2008 International Mathematical Union, IMU and International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, ICMI commissioned a project to revisit the intent of Felix Klein (1849-1925) when he wrote Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint one hundred years earlier. For the second time the Swedish Committee for Education in Mathematics, SKM, together with The Swedish National Committee for Mathematics, Mattebron and the Institute organised “Kleindagarna” the Swedish part of this international project. 21 high school teachers and 8 university teachers participated. Henrik Pettersson, Hvitfeldtska gymnasium in Göteborg at the black board. He is one of the ”lesson pilotes” who here is leading the lesson development discussion. Photo: Samuel Bengmark 38 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Participants from the Nordic Countries Denmark Mikkel H. Brynildsen Horia Cornean Johan Dupont Sören Fournais Heiko Gimperlein Arne Jensen Marwa Nasrallah Erik Skibsted Jan Philip Solovej Thomas Østergaard Sørensen Thomas Østergaard Sørensen listening to Jan Philip Solovej. Finland Vesa Ala-Mattila Alexander Engström Henry Kirveslahti Patrik Norén Jouni Parkkonen Samu Potka Matthew Stamps Pekka Tukia Miren Zubeldia Vesa Ala-Mattila and Jouni Parkkonen two of the Finnish scientists 2012. Iceland Rögnvaldur (Röggi) Möller Jakob Yngvasson Norway Georgy Ivanov Yurii Lyubarskii Eugenia Malinnikova Irina Markina Arne Stray Alexander Vasiliev Sweden Erik Aas Alexandru Aleman Bruno Benedetti Anders Björner Michelle Bucher Wojcieh Chacholski Alexandra Cojuhari Nils Dencker Tomas Ekholm Ragnar Freij Magnus Goffeng Afshin Goodarzi Björn Gustafsson Håkan Hedenmalm Milagros Izquierdo Fredrik Johansson Viklund Anders Karlsson Michelle Bucher and Anders Karlsson two of the organisers of the spring program. They had also the opportunity to be RIP scientists. 39 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Pavel Kurasov Douglas Lundholm Vladimir Maz’ya Fabian Portmann Grigori Rozenblioum Henrik Shahgholian Alan Sola Mikael P. Sundqvist Yannes Tadesse RIP (Research in Peace) Michelle Bucher, University of Geneva Jean-Claude Cuenin, Imperial College London Alexander Grigoryan, Bielefeld University Anders Karlsson, University of Geneva Eugene Shargorodsky, King’s College London Michael Solomyak, Weizmann Institute of Science Christiane Tretter, University of Bern 40 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Publications Institut Mittag-Leffler publishes two research journals. Acta Mathematica was founded by Gösta Mittag-Leffler in 1882, while Arkiv för matematik traces its roots back to a journal founded in 1903 by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Since January 1, 2006, Springer is handling printing, subscriptions and distribution of both journals. Naturally, the Institute retains full ownership and full editorial control of the journals. All back volumes of both journals have been digitized by Springer and are available on the web for subscribers. The way in which scientific journals are purchased has changed significantly over the past few years. The traditional model of subscribing to printed publications is increasingly being replaced by individually negotiated agreements for online access, including consortia, multi-site licenses, and site licenses, all referred to as “online deals”. Overall this will lead to a wider exposure, as well as increased visibility and usage. Acta Mathematica 2 volumes/year: 4 issues, totally 800 pp during 2012 During 2012 the issues 208:1-2 and 209:1-2 have appeared with in total 7 articles. The influx of manuscripts has been very good. Traditional institutional subscriptions have increased to 301 copies (2011: 146 copies). Online deals have decreased to 7 241 (2011: 7 448). In this way the journal is reached by 1 887 (2011: 1 174) American, 1 626 (2011: 1 449) Asia Pacific and 3 728 (2011: 4 825) EMEA (European, Middle East and African) departments and institutions at different universities. Through our agreement with Springer our subscribers have online access all the way back to the very first issue of Acta Mathematica, Vol 1, 1882. Editorial Board: Ari Laptev, Editor-in-Chief, Institut Mittag-Leffler Tobias Holck Colding, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Håkan Eliasson, Université Paris 7, France Jens Carsten Jantzen, University of Aarhus, Denmark Kurt Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Pekka Koskela, University of Jyväskylä, Finland John Rognes, University of Oslo, Norway Technical Editors: Anders Björn, Linköping University, Sweden Federico Incitti, Institut Mittag-Leffler Acta Mathematica Editorial Board meeting in the November 2012. From the left A. Laptev, J. Rognes, H. Eliasson, J.C. Jantzen, K. Johansson, T.H. Colding, P. Koskela and F. Incitti. Editorial Assistant: Marie-Louise Koskull, Institut Mittag-Leffler Ari Laptev, J. Rognes, H. Eliasson, J. C. Jantzen, K. Johansson, T. H. Colding, P. Koskela and F. Incitti. Margareta Wiberg Roland, Institut Mittag-Leffler 41 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Arkiv för matematik 1 volume/year (2 issues, totally 400 pp) The issues 50:1-2 have appeared during 2012 within total 23 articles. The influx of manuscripts has been sufficient. Traditional institutional subscriptions have decreased to 119 copies (2011: 146 copies). Online deals have decreased to 6 928 (2011: 7 178). In this way the journal is reached by 1 726 (2011: 1 079) American, 1 628 (2011: 1 299) Asia Pacific and 3 574 (2011: 4 800) EMEA (European, Middle East and African) departments and institutions at different universities. Through our agreement with Springer our subscribers have online access back to the very first issue of Arkiv för matematik. Editorial Board: Ari Laptev, Editor-in-Chief, Institut Mittag-Leffler Tobias Ekholm, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Institut Mittag-Leffler Mats Andersson, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg Nils Dencker, Lund University Carel Faber, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Volodymyr Mazorchuk, Uppsala University Peter Sjögren, Göteborg University, Sweden Jeffrey Steif, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden Technical Editor: Anders Björn, Linköping University, Sweden Editorial Assistant: Margareta Wiberg Roland, Institut Mittag-Leffler Jenny Wiklund, Institut Mittag-Leffler from May 2012 42 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Library and historical archive During 2012 Institut Mittag-Leffler still subscribed mainly to printed journals. In addition to these 110 journals, around 60 more are received in exchange for Acta Mathematica and Arkiv för matematik. The extensive project of registering books, journals and documents at IML has continued through the year. Documents and information from the IML archive are in great request. This includes the photographs collected by Gösta MittagLeffler. As an example, several photos in the recent, much appreciated biography of Anne Charlotte Leffler (Gösta MittagLeffler's sister) by Monica Lauritzen came from this collection. Arthur, Gösta, Frits and Anne Charlotte, the four siblings Leffler. Photo taken at the end of the 1860s. Many guests at IML during the year have got a glimpse of the history of mathematics from the rich archive for rare books. The original manuscript which Henri Poincaré submitted in May 1888 for Oscar II's prize competition was recently found, and through a generous donation by Ulf R. Johansson, Malmö its new home is at Institut Mittag-Leffler. The Institute now hosts most of the existing documents and letters around the famous prize. Sandra Olofsson and Grim Skarsgård from Uppsala University visited IML to study books and correspondence associated with Torsten Brodén (1857-1931) and his treatment of Russell's paradox. 43 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS The board of Institut Mittag-Leffler Michael Benedicks, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Bo Berndtsson, Chalmers University of Technology, CTH, Göteborg Anders Björner, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Chairman Nils Dencker, Lund University Tobias Ekholm, Uppsala University/Institut Mittag-Leffler Carel Faber, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, from 12 Dec 2012 Bjørn Jahren, University of Oslo, Vice Chairman Kurt Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Ari Laptev Institut Mittag-Leffler Mikael Rørdam, University of Copenhagen Eero Saksman, University of Helsinki Ragnar Sigurdsson, University of Iceland, Reykjavik Anna-Karin Thornberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Administration Ari Laptev Tobias Ekholm Inger Halvarsson Federico Incitti, Rome Alexander Koponen Marie-Louise Koskull Tatiana Lindener Fawzi Mourou Graeme Pollock Mikael Rågstedt Margareta Wiberg Roland Jenny Wiklund Director, 60% Deputy Director 40% Administrator of the scientific program Technical editor of Acta Mathematica, 67% Computer administrator 60% Editorial Assistant, Acta Mathematica Library Assistant, project employee Caretaker Computer administrator 60% Librarian Head of administration and economy Administrator and Editorial Assistant for Arkiv för Matematik from May 2012 Tobias Ekholm, Deputy Director and Ari Laptev, Director of Institut Mittag-Leffler. Photo: Jenny Wiklund 44 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS In memoriam Lars Hörmander who made fundamental contributions to all areas of partial differential equations and was the director of Institut Mittag-Leffler 1984-1986, died on 25 November 2012, aged 81. 45 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Financial statement (kSEK) Result 2012 Result 2011 1 319 1 854 10 000 2 500 Grant Income 2 467 2 228 Other Income 357 455 14 143 7 037 Income Contributions from Nordic countries Contribution from the Swedish Research Council (VR) Total External Income Journals net 368 303 2 540 3 370 17 050 10 710 Grants, travels, social activities 3 414 2 337 Offices and Lodging 6 520 3 323 Library 1 398 1 365 Administration 5 718 3 685 17 050 10 710 From the Endowment Total Income Expenditure Total Costs 46