INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR Laminate PIanks Gap Enlargement <>GRAINU No.795TOE-KICKSAW - a WARNING: Some dust createdby using powertools containschemicalsknownto the Stateof Californiato cause cancer and birth defectsand other reproductiveharm. IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS Pleasetaketimeto carefullyreadthe safetyinstructions. SAFETYGLASSESAND OUST MASK: Alwayswear safetyglasseswhen usingthis saw. Also use face or dust mask if cuttingoperationis dusty. KICKBACKDANGERSAND BIADE MAINTENANGE: Using a dull blade will place a heavy load on your saw and increasethe dangerof kickback.Keep new bladeson hand. Kickbackcan also obcurif not cutting in a straightline. Use onlyCraincarbide-tipped blades. Whenstoppingthe saq alwaysallowthe motorto come to a full stop beforeremovingfrom the cut. BLADE GUARD: The bladeguardattachedto your saw is for your safety and protection.lf it becomesdamaged,do not operate your saw untilit has been repaired.Alwaysleaveblade guard in operatingpositionwhen usingthe saw.KEEP HANDSAWAYFROMTHE SPINDLETUBEAND BLADE (REDAREA).TH|SrSNOTA HANDLE! HOUSTNG THESEARETHE HANDLES KEEP HANDS AWAY! BLADE EXPOSED WHILE CUTTING THIS IS NOTA HANDLE! KEEP HANDSAWAY FROMTHE SPINDLE TUBE AND BLADE (REDAREA) HOUSTNG! DAIUGEROUS ENVIRONMENTS: Keepwork areaclean;clutterinvitesaccidents.Do not use on damp or wet floors.Be sure lightingis good. ACCIDENTALSTARTING: To avoid accidentalstarting,do not carry saw with fingers on switch. CORDABUSE Nevercarrysaw by the cord or yank the cord to disconnectfrom an outlet.Keepcordsawayfrom heat,oil, and sharpedges. EXTENSIONCORD: Avoid using long extensioncords, as they will cause some lossof power.To keepthe lossto a minimumand preventsaw from overheating,use a heavy-dutyextensioncordwiththeseminimumwiresizes: 25' = 16 gaugewire 50' = 14 gaugewire DOUBLE-INSULATED: This saw is constructedwithtwo separatelayersof electrical insulation.A saw builtwith this insulationsystem does not needto be grounded.As a result,this saw is equippedwith a two-prongplugwithouta groundpole. FEATURES OFTHESAW: This saw is designed for removal of floors or underlayment undertoe-spaces. lt doesthejob whenever a flush cut at the wall is necessary. Pleasetake time to noticethe followingfeatures. LOW-PROFILECUTTING HEAD: Will fit under toekicksas low as 3" in height. SPINDLELOCK: For bladechanges,the spindlelock stopsthe bladerotation,so thatthe bladecan be easily removed. BLADESAND DEPTHOF CUT The saw comeswith a 331a"dia. carbide-tipped blade (No. 787) for cutting underlayments up to %"thick.A smallerdia.23h blade, (No.788)whichcutsto %"depthonly,is availableas an accessory. No.787 t BLADE GUARD No. 788 NOTE: Always select the proper blade for the underlaymentthat you are sawing. A bladethatcutstoo deep can damagethe subfloor! Keep handsaway from the spindletubeandbladeguardwhilethe saw is in operation. This is not a handle. BLADECHANGING: Unplugthesaw. Pushand hold the spindlelock to stop bladerotation.While holdingthe spindlelock lever,insert the 3/ro"hex wrench(provided)intothe blade's socket set screw and turn it counter-clockwise to loosen.Note: For extra leverage,insertan extensiontube onto the hex wrench.Replacewith new bladeand retightenthe screwfirmlybeforeuse. Make sure spindlelock is pulledout beforeturningsaw on. fi,i?=il",. f\ OPERATING: To avoid accidentalstarting, DISCONNECT THE SAW FROM POWER SOURCEbeforeinserting the cuttinghead into the toe-space(see Figure1). Plug-inthe saw. Grasp the handlesfirmlyandpull thetrigger.Pressdownon the handlesto plungethe bladeintothe cut. Slowly pushthe saw foruard and along the toe-kick(see Figure2). Do not force the saw; let the bladecut at the highest RPM possible. F I G U R E1 F I G U R E2 As you completethe cut, releasethe triggerand m a k e s ur e t h e m o t o r comesto a fullstopbefore removingthe saw from the toe-space. F I G U R E3 The Toe-Kick Saw may also be used to enlargethe expansiongap around the perimeterof a laminateplankfloor (see Figure3). MAINTENANGE: lf the saw is dropped,the bladeguardmaybe bent,restrictingthefullreturnofthebladeguard.Withthecordunplugged, checkoperationof the bladeguardbeforeeach use. REPLACEMENTPARTS: 1800-u NO. 7 9 5 TO E . K I CK S A W : Description OrderNo. 1795 -4 120V P owerU n i t 1795 -B Hous ingCom p l e te ( lnc ludesP / N ' s 1 7 9 5 -CD, , E , F ) 1795 -C S pindleDr iv e r 1795-D. r ing S p i n d l eR e t a i n e R 1795 -E. S pindleCoup l i n gSc re w 1795-F. Spindle 1795 -G* Car r y ingCase (n o t s h o w n ) 1785 -8 B ladeG uar d 1785 -E. B ladeG uar d R e ta i n e rR i n g 1785 -F. B lade Dr iv er 1800-U. SocketSet Screw 1800 -V. A llenW r enc h WARNING: Somedustcreatedby powersanding,sawing,grinding,drilling, and other constructionactivitiescontainschemicals knownto the Stateof Californinato cause cancer,birth defectsor other reproductiveharm. Some examplesof these chemicalsare: o lead from lead-basedpaints, o crystallinesilicafrom brick,cementand other masonryproduct,and o arsenicand chromiumfrom chemically-treated lumber. Your risk from these exposuresvaries,dependingon how oftenyou do this type of work. To reduceyour exposureto these chemicals: work in a well-ventilatedarea,and work with approvedsafetyequipment,such as those dust masks that are speciallydesignedto filterout microscopicparticles. SAW SPECIFIGATIONS: VOLTAGE: 120VAC,60 HZ Double Insulated,UL & CSA listedmotor A MPER ES: 1 1A m p s HORSEPOWER: 2 1 l zH P N/LSPEED: 45OORPM REP.BLADE: #787or #788Carbide-Tipped Blade GROSSWEIGHT: 1 1 . 8L B S . TOE.KICKTO BE GUT ToE-KrcK HErcrH:31 tz" @ rrrrrrrrrnruM ToE-KrcKDEPTH:4" @ MAXTMUM 3/+" - No.787Brade FLooRTHTOKNESS: @ MAXTMUM - No.788 Blade MINIMUMFLOORTHICKNESS:3/e" No.787 t No.788 t GUARANTEE This Craintool is guaranteedto be free of defects d u e t o f a u l t y m a t e r i a l so r w o r k m a n s h i pf o r a periodof 6 months. Duringthis period,any parts of toolsfounddefective subjectto the guaranteewill be replacedat no charge. in assembled ReturnsshouldbesentfreightPREPAID, conditionand with a copyof the Bill of Sale (proofof purchase)to 1155Wrigley CRAINCUTTERCOMPANY Way,Milpitas,CA 95035.Newtoolsor loanerswill not be givenfor thosependingwarrantyrepairs. No claimsshallexceedin amountthe suggested sales priceof theproduct. Nootherguarantee, oralorwritten, is expressed or implied. DATE OF MFG. IPR 200$ CRAIN CUTTER CO., INC. 1155 WRTGLEYWAY MILPITAS,CA 95035-5426 TEL : 408- 946- 6100 FAX: 408-946-4268 Printedby: HW3M FORMF1795-Rev.10/03
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