2016 May Steeplenotes.pub - Foreside Community Church
2016 May Steeplenotes.pub - Foreside Community Church
May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page STEEPLENOTES A Newsletter of The Foreside Community Church United Church of Christ An Open and Affirming Congregation THE FORESIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH 340 Foreside Road Falmouth, Maine 04105-1428 Pastor: The Rev. Janet K. Dorman Sunday School Administrator: Laura Rodas Parish Administrator: Christina Sklarz-Libby Church Clerk: Kathy Hillman-Reed Sunday School Teacher: Beth Penrose Sexton: Alexander Feldbauer Office: Fax: E-mail: Web: 207 - 781-5880 207 -781- 9055 [email protected] www.foresidechurch.org May 2016 INSIDE THIS MONTH: PASTOR’S MESSAGE PASTORAL CARE A CELEBRATION FOR BRIAN WILSON LENGTH OF WORSHIP SERVICE FALMOUTH FOOD PANTRY EVENT MUSIC COMMITTEE WANTS TO HEAR A NEW IMMIGRANT FAMILY CALLS COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 5K ANNUAL RACE EVENT 2 FCC MEMBERS SUPPORTING HABITAT SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS - KATHY HILLMAN REED CONGRATULATIONS NAGHAM RIKAN! A GREAT TIME BOWLING! MAY 22 IS SPRING CLEAN UP DAY WANTED - PHOTOGRAPHERS FREE NOTARY AVAILABLE FOR FCC JUNE STEEPLENOTES DEADLINE ANNOUNCEMENT MEMBERSHIP PROFILE - KATHIE MCCATHERIN COMMUNITY FIESTA & 5K EVENT ON MAY 1 MEN’S MONTHLY BREAKFAST ANNOUNCEMENT MAY 2016 CALENDAR AT-A-GLANCE COMMUNITY NOTICES MAY DAILY LECTIONARY READINGS 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Today is Earth Day. I go to watch birds with a group at Maine Audubon. At 7 am the temperature is 34 degrees, but I refuse to wear my winter jacket. I layer a flannel shirt, a down vest, a fleece, and a barn jacket, and I put on a hat and fingerless gloves so I can focus my binoculars. Volume 26 Issue 5 page 2 The group stops at a fork in the path and looks at a hole about 20 feet up an oak tree. Peering out is a raccoon, and some babies. Then she turns her back to us. In the East Meadow, the sun is up, and it feels warm on our backs. The kids spot an osprey flying by with a fish in its talons, and a dozen more ospreys circle over the Presumpscot River. Only two of winter’s buffleheads remain – the rest have flown north to the Arctic. Over by the railway bridge, a loon floats up the river with the tide. A bald eagle soars overhead. Twenty people are gathered by the yurt. In the pond below, a muskrat is swimming, low and smooth in the water. It has been eating fat pollywogs, our leader says. A boy and a girl on school vacation spot two phoebes. “They nest on our porch at home,” says the girl. “The insects aren’t out yet, so the phoebes come up and look On the path back to the parking lot, our for the bugs caught in old spider webs. “ friend the bee-keeper stops by a black cherry tree with tightly rolled green buds Around the corner by the bird feeder a on its branches. “This bud here is going to male turkey is scrounging for seed. Then be a leaf,” she says. “And this smaller one he perks up and fans his tail. His neck is is going to be a flower. I knew there was a bright blue and red, and his feathers shine flower here somewhere. All trees have iridescent in the sun. He is spectacular. The flowers. That’s how they make seeds -females lurking in the brush show no inter- cherries, acorns, maple helicopters you can est. Up in the apple tree, a yellow-bellied split and put on your nose.” Who knew sapsucker pecks away. We know it is a yel- that pine cones hold seeds? low-bellied because it has a red head and a red bib. Go figure. Over the brow of a hill, I have seen some things, and learned some a wood thrush, the first one of spring, sings things, and I am glad I bundled up and a musical trill. came outside this Earth Day. The church youth help Reverend Susan bless newly crafted prayer shawls during April’s Children’s Moment in the service. May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 3 PASTORAL CARE Rev. Judy Braun Psalm 23 “Even though I walk through the darkest valley,” Sometimes that “dark valley” seems more like a tunnel that you know you must go through…….knowing that there is light at the other end. Sometimes that “dark valley” descends on you unexpectedly. Sometimes you are in the middle of the “tunnel” of your particular experience. Fear is always present……before one enters the “tunnel”, intense fear while one is in the “tunnel.” At the end of the tunnel is the light of love and mercy that will follow us all the days of our lives………and all will be well. A CELEBRATION FROM THE HEART Rev. Susan Gilpin The whole church pulled together on April 25 to express its heart-felt appreciation to Brian Wilson for his 23 years of music ministry among us. Brian and Pam were escorted to the front pew by Jill Fox, who taught Brian in Falmouth Middle School many years ago, and Marian Albee, who was on the search committee which called him as minister of music in 1993. To accompany the opening hymn, Brian astounded us by playing a duet on organ and piano all by himself. The bell quartet played the offertory, and then the children sang "The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock." During Joys and Concerns, Meg Connor and Lynn Foley told moving personal stories of how Brian's ministry had helped them during difficult times. We sang the first verse of "Amazing Grace" as a round. After the Scripture and sermon, Susan Gilpin read letters of appreciation from Geoff Gattis and former pastor Paul Shupe, and she thanked Pam for caring for the babies during worship for many years and for keeping the church spotless as sexton. On behalf of the congregation, Robin Singer and Marian Albee presented gifts. Then we prayed together, and the choir sang "An Irish Blessing" as the benediction. After worship, Brian greeted everyone as we went downstairs. The Fellowship Committee had spent Saturday decorating the social hall, newly painted by the Men's Breakfast group, with music notes of all sizes -- all three rooms were coordinated and beautiful. They put a vase of fresh flowers in every room. Members of the congregation brought lots of food, including little doggie cookies in honor of the many Havanese puppies the Wilsons have raised for church members over the years. Instigated by Carol Ward and Meg Connor, the choir sang a custom version of "Goodbye, Farewell" from "The Sound of Music". Then Brian cut the cake and gave a short speech. People lingered past noon to talk with Brian and Pam and express their appreciation. It was a special day, Thanks to all our church musicians, the Fellowship Committee, and everyone who helped. May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 4 LENGTH OF WORSHIP SERVICE TO BE REVIEWED Recently, the length of the Sunday morning worship has been creeping up, from an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. Some church members have pointed out that longer worship services create scheduling problems for themselves and their families. The Ministry of Worship has heard your concerns, and we are trying some experiments to keep worship to an hour (or a little longer for communion, the first Sunday of each month.) You will notice some differences in worship as we experiment. Please let Rev. Susan Gilpin or any Minister or Worship know which changes are helpful to you, and which are not. Thank you. Susan and the Ministry of Worship MAY FALMOUTH FOOD PANTRY EVENT OPENED TO ALL (C. Knudsen) On May 22, all children and their families are invited to the Falmouth Food Pantry to learn how the pantry functions and who it serves, to do a tour, and stock the shelves with the food and other items they have collected over the last two months. Please note that this is a community oriented event. We’re trying to get the word out to other families - they can view our event on Facebook, and sign up to attend (you are invited to do the same!). This is a wonderful chance to help children learn not only about many of our neighbors in need and how to help, but to also give our kids a unique chance to participate in an age-appropriate service project that they can really dig their hands into. We know that FCC has historically done a great job of supporting the Falmouth Food Pantry, and we hope that this will become an annual event for FCC’s Sunday School. We want to help our children engage in service work, and practice with their Sunday School peers what it looks like to live Jesus’ call to all of us. The Children’s Food Pantry Collection Items Reminder: May 1 = Corn, May 8 = Toothpaste, May 15 = Toilet Paper. Thanks to all for your continued support of this most important mission, and youth learning opportunity! WHAT KINDS OF MUSIC, AND MUSIC PROGRAMS WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE AT THE FORESIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH? The Music Search Committee wants to hear from you. After worship on May 15, we will hold a listening circle in the parlor. Come share your views. For more information please call Deb Coyman at 781-0998. May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 5 THE JUSTICE & OUTREACH MINISTRY IS INVITING FCC MEMBERS OF ALL AGES TO JOIN US IN SUPPORTING A NEW IMMIGRANT FAMILY! (D. Blanchette) There is opportunity for individuals and families of all ages to make a difference in the lives of Claude Mavunge, his wife Jolie and their 4 young children - 8 year old son Manasseh, 6 year old daughter Christ-vie, 3 year old Claude Jr., and baby girl Rhode. Claude was forced to flee the Congo after being injured in a police action and was facing certain imprisonment and torture if he remained in his native country. Now living in Westbrook, they belong to a local Christian church and they have received some help from Furniture Friends and Westbrook General Assistance, but there are large gaps in their lives. There are numerous ways that the people in FCC can make a difference in their lives. They need food assistance, transportation help, and learning how to use such services as our public libraries and free recreation opportunities. Are there families that would like to help the children have special outings or help with school work, or even how to play American games? Manasseh and Christ-vie are exceptionally mature and responsible for their ages and are sponges for learning. And as is true with all growing families, they will need help obtaining and finding gently used clothing! More information will be shared about the family during May and there will be sign-up sheets at church where people can indicate interest in helping. Toward the end of May, J&O will invite the family to attend our church and meet all of you. For more information contact J&O members: Dorothy Blanchette ([email protected]), Anne Jackson ([email protected]), Resa Jones ([email protected]), or Jennifer Goodspeed ([email protected]). It is CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) time again! Crystal Spring Farm will be offering the weekly CSA delivery to FCC every Wednesday all summer. The cost is only $325 for a full share. For information on how to sign up, please either contact Peter Esterquest at [email protected], or go to www.crystalspringcsa.com and on the right hand side of the home page, click on the orange tab labeled “Join Our Delivered CSA.” We need at least six households to sign up. May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 6 The Habitat for Humanity Falmouth Foreside 5K will take place on Saturday, May 14, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. This officially timed race will start at St. Mary's and WELCOMES WALKERS AS WELL AS RUNNERS! There will be cash prizes, gift certificates and pies and cakes to top finishers in all categories. Foreside Community Church continues to contribute to the success of this annual event. For a successful event day once again, we need: -Volunteers for the day of the event -Walkers or Runners to participate -Sponsors for Walkers or Runners -10 donated cakes or pies (homemade or store-bought are fantastic!) IF YOU ARE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY WAY, PLEASE COMPLETE ONE OF THE FLYERS LOCATED NEXT TO THE WHITE BASKET ON THE TABLE IN THE NARTHEX, AND EITHER PLACE IN BASKET OR, RETURN TO THE CHURCH OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! For more info on the 5K, please contact Resa Jones at 329-3399 or [email protected]. Two FCC Members Dedicated to Supporting Habitat for Humanity This is the 17th year that FCC member Claudia Kinnear has raised funds for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland, as well as has sponsored walkers for the annual 5K event. Claudia notes that raising tens of thousands of dollars for this humanitarian effort is no easy task (as she has already done), but she loves the cause and is dedicated to helping those many clients who benefit from the Maine chapter of this global initiative that was founded in 1976. Claudia has been associated with Habitat since 1999 and in 2009, she was honored for her tireless work by receiving the Charlie & Leisa Crane Spirit of Humanity Award. Having just r etur ned fr om her annual family visit to Ger many, Claudia has alr eady picked up the task of soliciting for donations for the May 14 5K, and extends a heartfelt “thank you” to all at FCC who have also supported this nonprofit housing organization which is operated on Christian principles, ones she holds deeply in her heart. Resa Jones’ involvement with Habitat started over five years ago when FCC member Tim Blanchette asked Resa to assist with the planning of the annual 5K. Resa was also part of the 5 church, two team group that traveled to Honduras to build a one room school house while supporting a local hospital. The rest is history, and with Tim’s passing in 2015, Resa now serves as FCC’s primary representative on the master planning board for the continuing 5K event. Resa shares that last year was the first time that cash prizes were offered to the winning runners of the race who numbered approximately 130. She is hopeful to see these numbers increase this year, noting that each runner brings a roster of financial supporters. Going forward, Resa sees no end to her involvement with Habitat, and in keeping the important connections going with FCC and the other 4 supporting churches in the regional community. In fact, she would very much love to go build again with and for Habitat in the future, if the opportunity presents itself again. May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 7 FCC SERVICE HIGHLIGHTS (D. Blanchette) Justice and Outreach would like you to meet Kathy Hillman Reed. Although she is a very active member of the Foreside Community UCC Church, Kathy’s compassion and desire for justice goes well outside the walls of FCC. Kathy was part of the 2011 mission trip to El Triunfo, Honduras. Although a return trip to Honduras became impossible due to the unstable political situation, Kathy and her husband Stan are now active members of the Portland chapter of Engineers Without Borders. EWB is a national organization whose mission is to create and/or expand infrastructure projects in developing countries. In October of 2015 Kathy and Stan traveled to Debre Berhan (or Birhan), Ethiopia to be part of a major collaboration between EWB and Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity is building upwards of 700 homes and realized that a school would also be needed. Through EWB, Kathy and her husband became part of this multi-year school project in Ethiopia. It’s a large school project involving initial design through the actual construction. Locally, EWB works with Portland Adult Ed to mentor immigrant engineering professionals in their job searches and do presentations to middle and high school students so that they might see what they can do with science, technology, math, and engineering career choices. Kathy sees her humanitarian service work as a manifestation of her spiritual life. She cares about doing good things with people within their communities in order to improve their lives. Christ was a model of this way of living. CONGRATULATIONS TO NAGHAM RIKAN! (D. Blanchette) Many members of FCC will remember the delicious Arabic meal provided to our church by the Rikan family the last Sunday in January of this year. Although the entire family works at their Portland restaurant, “Babylon,” the real heart and CEO of this family enterprise is a young woman named Nagham. She has overcome a life of painful obstacles and has accomplished a great deal, and still remains a lovely 27-year-old! On May 21, she will be honored at the Women’s Conference at USM with a Trailblazer Award. The Conference is intended to inspire American immigrant women in Maine to see this moment in history as an opportunity to come together, to use this platform to raise awareness of the challenges immigrant women face, and to honor their community heroes. Nagham is one of six women to be honored with the Trailblazer nomination this year. If you would like to drop her a note her address is: Nagham Rikan, 87 Stevens Ave., Portland, ME 04102. Or better yet, drop by the Babylon restaurant and enjoy some delicious Arabic food as you congratulate her. The Conference and the Trailblazer awards dinner is open to the general public. See website for registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/empower-the-immigrant-woman-womens-conference-tickets24662824171?aff=erelexpmlt. May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 8 ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SOME INTERESTING INFORMATION Sunday School families had a blast BOWLING on Sunday, April 3! Our tur nout was outstanding with 11 children & 11 adults bowling on 4 lanes! The scoreboards took each players' photo and added them to some very entertaining cartoons while we bowled. Some attendees even checked out the new arcade before heading home. Newly renovated, Sparetime Bowling on Riverside Street in Portland was the perfect host. We enjoyed 2 hours of bowling, pizza & beverages for one low price. Next time we'll consider including a game of Laser Tag! Spring Clean Up Day will be May 22 after church Please come to church in your jeans, with your rakes and shovels and garden forks, tarps. We expect to collect sticks, detritus, sand, and do some work outside the front doors, to be announced. A pot luck lunch is being considered. WANTED One or two photographers to help provide current photos for streaming on the home page of the FCC website (www.foresidechurch.org), and to add to articles printed monthly in the Steeplenotes newsletter. This is a task that is never complete, and is a huge addition to any of FCC’s communication tools. Anyone can provide photographs if they can be forwarded in JPEG format. Please contact Christina in the office at 781-5880 if you can support this request. _____________________________ ~ FREE NOTARY SERVICES AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE FOR FCC MEMBERS AND FRIENDS ~ June 2016 Steeplenotes deadline for article submission is Friday, May 20, 2016 May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 9 MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP PROFILE MMP is a regular column to the Steeplenotes newsletter. Each month the team of Glenny Dunbar and Peter Esterquest will reach out to, and interview a member of the church and then share the results of these personal and informative discussions here. It is hoped that these shared lives will expand and strengthen the heart of the church, and all those who come here. Be prepared for Glenny’s and Peter’s phone call to come your way soon! Chorus will sing. Kathie has also contributed a great deal to several services at the Foreside Community When you walk into Kathie’s kitchen, one of the first Church with her soprano voice and piano playing, and things you can’t help but notice is an entire wall filled we certainly hope that she will continue to do so! with pictures of family. Right in the middle of that gallery, surrounded by nieces, nephews, parents, a son and Kathie has been a member of Foreside Community other assorted relatives, is a very striking older woman Church for the last 23 years; she and Paul Shupe (who smiling out at the camera. That, Kathie tells us, is her preceded Janet) came at the same time. The most immaternal grandmother Annie Pullen, who is the person portant aspects of FCC for her are the people, the ways who heavily influenced who she is today. “She loved in which members demonstrate their caring, the acting me unconditionally. She died 25 years ago and I still out of Christian values, not simply talking about them. feel her presence in my life.” Annie had a difficult In addition to her life at the church, Kathie enjoys cross childhood, yet turned into a loving, humble and happy -country skiing, walking, going to the gym and attendadult. ing musical events and plays. She also owns and operates Sweet Piece Designs, a crafting business where she Kathie’s 2 sisters, Pam (in Cumberland Center) and Sue makes mittens, hats and accessories out of boiled wool (in Plainfield, New Hampshire) also had the benefit of sweaters. You can see her at various arts and crafts Annie’s unconditional love. Pam was the first born to fairs in the area. Dave and Julie Rand; Kathie came next followed 2 years later by Sue. Pam and Sue have blessed Kathie Kathie’s email starts out “kathiejoy” to remind her of with 3 nephews and 2 nieces. Kathie herself has one what is important and all the blessings in her life ~ her son, Jamie, who is 21 years old and currently a student grandmother Annie, son Jamie, her love of music and at St. Lawrence University. She also has a stepson people in general. If you know Kathie, you know joy. Chad, son of Chuck who was her husband for 21 years. Chuck and his wife live in Falmouth not far from where Kathie lives, and they are all good friends. Kathie McCatherin Kathie, born in Augusta in October 1959, has always lived in Maine save for one year right after college, which she spent in Switzerland as an au pair. She graduated from the University of Maine at Orono with an undergraduate degree in music. For 8 years after college, Kathie worked at Mid Coast Hospital as the coordinator of community education, a job she enjoyed and from which she learned a great deal. She eventually went back to school at the University of New England where she earned a masters degree in social work. While there, she read an article about mediation, which caught her attention. Kathie got a certificate in mediation and has been working in that arena for the last 20 years. She works part time for the State of Maine while also maintaining a private practice, which she calls Common Ground Mediation. For those who know her, it will come as no surprise that music has always been a thread that has woven though Kathie’s life. She teaches piano and continues to take voice lessons. She sang with the Choral Art Society for 6 years and currently sings with the Portland Community Chorus. She has written songs and is in the process of arranging a song she hopes the Portland Community May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 10 Another valuable community initiative supported by a FCC member is the Community Fiesta & 5K event on May 1 to benefit Safe Passage (Camino Seguro). Church member Sally Somes who is coor dinating volunteers for the annual event encourages anyone who can jump in at the last minute to help to contact her at [email protected] or 829-3676. THE NEXT MEN’S BREAKFAST IS SCHEDULED FOR SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2016 / 7:15 TO 9:00 A.M. All men, members or otherwise, are warmly welcomed. Contact John Bischof for more information at 781-2391 or jegbischof@gmailcom 29 9:30 am Wor ship Ser vice Falmouth Food Pantry Event with Children after service. Spring Clean Up after service. 22 9:30 am Wor ship Ser vice Guest Preacher Rev. Alyssa Lodewick Musical Program/Director Search Feedback session scheduled immediately following service. 15 9:30 am Wor ship Ser vice 2016 Spring Congregational Mtg immediately following service 9:30 am Wor ship Ser vice & Youth Sunday 30 The office will be closed In observation of Memorial Day 31 24 9:00 a.m. Bible StudyPastor’s Office 1:00 Prayer Shawl Knitters 6:20 pm Chancel Choir 7:30 pm Towne Lyne Rng 23 9:00 a.m. Bible StudyPastor’s Office 1:00 Prayer Shawl Knitters 6:20 pm Chancel Choir 7:30 pm Towne Lyne Rng 10 17 9:00 a.m. Bible StudyPastor’s Office 1:00 Prayer Shawl Knitters 6:20 pm Chancel Choir 7:30 pm Towne Lyne Rng 9 8 3 7:30 a.m. Gover ning Br d 9:00 a.m. Bible StudyPastor’s Office 1:00 Prayer Shawl Knitters 4:30 pm J &O Mnthly Mtg 6:20 pm Chancel Choir 7:30 pm Towne Lyne Rng Tue 16 2 4:00 p.m. J &O Monthly Meeting 1 9:30 am Wor ship Ser vice & Communion Guest Preacher Rev. Kathy Clark Community Fiesta and 5K (see page 10 for details) MOTHER’S DAY Mon Sun MAY 2016 25 18 6:30 p.m. MOW Mnthly Mtg large classroom 11 6:30 p.m. CE Ministry Mnthly Mtg large classroom 7:00 p.m. Fellowship Ministry Mnthly Mtg downstairs reception area 4 Wed 4:30-5:30 pm Meditation 27 June Steeplenotes Article Due Date! 4:30-5:30 pm Meditation 26 20 13 6 Fri 19 4:30-5:30 pm Meditation 12 4:30-5:30 pm Meditation 5 Thu 28 21 14 Habitat for Humanity 5K (see page 6 for details) Men’s Breakfast 7 7:15 to 9:00 a.m. Sat May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 11 May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 12 COMMUNITY NOTICES The Aging in Place initiative in the town of Cumberland is ready to launch a Friendly Visitor program, with training of the volunteers to take place May 5 We are enlisting your help to refer elderly residents in the towns of Cumberland who may want/ need a trained local volunteer to provide needed companionship. The volunteers will visit the client 2-4 times a month in the client's home. The volunteers can also refer the client to other needed services (Meals on Wheels for example) and help remedy any safety issues. Residents 60 and older with disabilities or who are isolated and need help can qualify for the program. Please contact me at 829-2205, ext. 346 or email me anytime at [email protected] with referrals of clients you think might benefit from this free service. You may also refer volunteers who want to become Friendly Visitors (they can enroll online at www.AIPCumberland.org). Thank you for your assistance. Best regards, Susan Gold, AIP Cumberland coordinator Susan Gold Aging in Place Coordinator [email protected] www.AIPCumberland.org Tel: (207) 829-2205, ext. 346 Fax: (207) 829-2224 May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 13 DAILY LECTIONARY READINGS FOR MAY 2016 Sun., May 1 Sixth Sunday of Easter Acts 16:9-15 Psalm 67 Revelation 21:10, 22—22:5 John 14:23-29 or John 5:1-9 Mon., May 2 Psalm 93 1 Chronicles 12:16-22 Revelation 21:5-14 Tues., May 3 Psalm 93 2 Chronicles 15:1-15 Revelation 21:15-22 Wed., May 4 Psalm 93 2 Chronicles 34:20-33 Luke 2:25-38 Thurs., May 5 Ascension of the Lord Acts 1:1-11 Psalm 47 or Psalm 93 Ephesians 1:15-23 Luke 24:44-53 Fri., May 6 Psalm 97 Exodus 33:12-17 Revelation 22:6-9 Sat., May 7 Psalm 97 Exodus 33:18-23 John 1:14-18 Sun., May 8 Seventh Sunday of Easter Acts 16:16-34 Psalm 97 Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21 John 17:20-26 Mon., May 9 Psalm 29 Exodus 40:16-38 Acts 16:35-40 Tues., May 10 Psalm 29] 2 Chronicles 5:2-14 Acts 26:19-29 Wed., May 11 Psalm 29 Ezekiel 3:12-21 Luke 9:18-27 Thurs., May 12 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Isaiah 32:11-17 Galatians 5:16-25 Fri., May 13 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Isaiah 44:1-4 Galatians 6:7-10 Sat., May 14 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b 2 Kings 2:1-15a Luke 1:5-17 Sun., May 15 Day of Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 or Genesis 11:1-9 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Romans 8:14-17 or Acts 2:1-21 John 14:8-17 [25-27] Mon., May 16 Psalm 48 Joel 2:18-29 1 Corinthians 2:1-11 Tues., May 17 Psalm 48 Ezekiel 11:14-25 1 Corinthians 2:12-16 Sun., May 22 Trinity Sunday Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31 Psalm 8 Romans 5:1-5 John 16:12-15 Mon., May 23 Psalm 124 Proverbs 7:1-4 Ephesians 4:7-16 Tues., May 24 Psalm 124 Proverbs 8:4-21 Ephesians 5:15-20 Wed., May 25 Psalm 124 Daniel 1:1-21 Luke 1:46b-55 Thurs., May 26 Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15 Proverbs 13:1-12 Romans 5:12—6:2 Fri., May 27 Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15 Proverbs 15:1-9 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Sat., May 28 Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15 Isaiah 30:8-17 John 16:1-4a Wed., May 18 Psalm 48 Numbers 24:1-14 Luke 1:26-38 Sun., May 29 Sirach 27:4-7 or Isaiah 55:10-13 Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 Luke 6:39-49 Thurs., May 19 Psalm 8 Proverbs 3:13-18 Ephesians 1:17-19 Mon., May 30 Psalm 1 Jeremiah 24:1-10 1 Corinthians 16:1-12 Fri., May 20 Psalm 8 Proverbs 3:19-26 Ephesians 4:1-6 Tues., May 31 Psalm 1 Jeremiah 29:10-19 1 Corinthians 16:13-24 Sat., May 21 Psalm 8 Proverbs 4:1-9 Luke 2:41-52 May 2016 Steeplenotes - Foreside Community Church Volume 26 Issue 5 page 14 S TEEPLENOTES A Newsletter of The Foreside Community Church United Church of Christ Pastor: The Rev. Janet K. Dorman Sunday School Administrator: Laura Rodas Parish Administrator: Christina Sklarz-Libby Church Clerk: Kathy Hillman Reed Sunday School Teacher: Beth Penrose Sexton: Alexander Feldbauer Church Office 207 - 781-5880 Fax Number 207 -781- 9055 THE FORESIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH 340 Foreside Road Falmouth, Maine 04105-1428 E-mail [email protected] Web: www.foresidechurch.org
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2016 June Steeplenotes.pub - Foreside Community Church
On Saturday, June 25, FCC will ser ve as exchange point # 34 for the annual Rock Lobster Relay.
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