September - St. Louis Admirals R/C Model Boat Club


September - St. Louis Admirals R/C Model Boat Club
The St. Louis Admirals R/C
Model Boat Club
Commodore – Jim Schwinkendorf. . (636) 271-8316
[email protected]
CELL. (314) 409-7604
Vice-Commodore – Dave St. Clair (636) 671-5353
Editor – Jane Rivers-Chapman
(314) 355-8660
Secretary – Bob Keeler
(314) 434-8640
Treasurer – George Kirby (636) 978-6288
NOTICE: The next meeting will be held on September 8, 2014 at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church,
33 N. Clay Ave, Ferguson, MO 63135
As the year of 2014 moves
along toward late
summer/early fall, it is time
for you to be thinking about
having a great time on the
weekend of September 27-28.
Yes, it is time for the Admirals Annual Regatta in
Forest Park. Information on this year’s Regatta, our
Club’s 26th, can be found elsewhere in this
newsletter, as well as on our website at We will again be
holding the Regatta at the Boat House Restaurant on
Post-Dispatch Lake. If you are not sure exactly
where this is located, just drive around Forest Park
until you find the water at the lowest level – then
look for the Boat House!
Our Regatta has evolved and has been designed to
allow all participants to have a great weekend of fun
sailing. If you have built you boat or boats and
want to enter them for an award, that information is
again available in the newsletter or on the website.
The emphasis here is for you to have a relaxed,
good time, avoiding stress whenever possible.
Because we are an operating RC model boat club,
all we ask is that your boat be electric or wind
powered, and be able to actually sail.
We have made a minor change this year, in that our
award judging and the handing out of the trophies
will all be accomplished on Saturday, thereby
leaving Sunday as a restful sailing day on the lake.
That generally gets rid of any administrative work
and interruptions on Sunday. Otherwise, the 2014
Regatta will look similar to those done previously,
but a bit more simple to run. We are planning for
an evening sailing session, so if you have a boat
with lights, plan to show it off…….
My thanks go out to Ross “Kerk” Kerkman, who
has this year agreed to coordinate and plan the
Regatta as its Chairman. While the good old days
down at Union Station were fun, they were also
complicated to set up and run. Our newer site at
Forest Park generally gives up a nice open
atmosphere with fewer logistical and administrative
complexities. Our previous Boat House Regattas
(this is our fourth) has shown it to be an excellent
site for model boating, and the Boat House people
have been more than kind and supportive in
allowing us to use their excellent facilities and
partake of their excellent and handy restaurant.
So the simple advice is to get your boat(s) ready for
a fun sailing session toward the end of September.
Fun sailing usually entails getting each boat fully
functional and with charged batteries. But whatever
“floats your boat,” PLAN TO ATTEND! See you
at the lake…….
Commodore Jim
Sailing at St Ferdinand Park, Florissant, MO prior to dinner - 5:00 PM Dinner at Applebee’s,
2309 N Highway 67, Florissant, MO 63033, and 7:00 PM meeting at St. Stephens Church
Tentative 2014 meeting dates are:
REGATTA Sep 27-28, 2014 –
Oct 6, 2014
Boat House, Forest Park
Nov 3, 2014 (Swap Meet)
Dec 1, 2014 (Christmas Social)
Subject to availability by St. Stephen’s Church
Third Sunday every month – except November – March
Sailing at St Ferdinand Park, Florissant, MO – weather permitting
Membership Dues ## Please take note of the following: ##
Dues for new members will be prorated on a per month basis based upon our beginning of
May 1st dues.
Please make checks (no cash) payable to “St Louis Admirals R/C Model Boat Club” in the amount of $30.00, if
you want hard copy (mailed) please add $10.00 for postage and printing. Send checks (no cash) to
George Kirby
1146 Alyssa Ct
O’Fallon, MO 63366
PS If you would like to have your e-mail address included for receipt of the Broadside and other publications
please include it on a separate sheet of paper, to my attention. If you have moved since your last renewal,
please note change of address, etc.
Thank you, George Kirby
Nautical Research Guild
PO BOX 7, 20 Water Street, Cuba, NY 14727
Telephone: 585-968-8111
The 2014 Conference will be in St. Louis, MO on October 16, 17 and 18, 2014.
List Of Vendors that will be attending the show
Syren Ship Model Co. - Ship model Blocks, Rope and fittings
Ages of Sail - Ship model kits and supplies
Seawatch Books - Ship model books
Unique Master models - Ship Model Tools and Supplies
Bluejacket - Ship model kits and supplies
Byrnes Model Machines - Ship Model Power Tools
Nautical Research Guild
The St. Louis Admirals R/C Model Boat Club
Secretary’s Report for August 4. 2014
Weigh Anchor:
Vice-Commodore Dave St Clair opened the meeting at 1900 hours at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in
Ferguson and led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. There were 14 members and guests present.
Report from Homeport:
Status of club members: Nothing to report.
The July minutes were published in Broadside newsletter.
Treasurer’s Report: George gave a report on the checking account which was accepted by the club
Fleet Information:
2014 Regatta: Kerk reported that the Regatta (September 27-28, 2014) is ok with everything on
schedule, including loan of stanchions from Boeing railroad club. The Boat House people have advised that the
tent should be available for a Friday setup.
Reminder that Club dues were due in May; if you haven’t paid yet please do. Also check to see if your
SSMA dues are due.
There are no other special sails in August or September at this time.
Bob Keeler contacted Gary Dickinson of SSMA and obtained copies of our insurance.
Harold Potter has a new address and Thomas Montgomery has a new email address. Contact Jane
Rivers-Chapman if you need these.
Raffle: Robert Schmidt and Tom Karpel won the gift cards to Mark Twain Hobby.
Skipper’s Tales:
Eight members participated in the afternoon sailing at St Ferdinand Park. The park pond was closed to
fishermen due to a recent incident with the fish. The club was allowed to use the pond for running our
Dave changed the green color on his PT boat to a green he preferred and also changed out the 1950
electronics for current electronics.
Dave also displayed the electronics for simulating firing naval guns using a red/white led from Gateway
Electronics. It flashes white 5 times then red, simulating a tracer.TJ and Dave plan on using it on their
PT boats.
Kerk received a partially finished African Queen which he plans to finish and install a smoke generator.
TJ mentioned submarine several times since Commodore Jim wasn’t able to attend the meeting and
Emil Wolfshoeffer also brought plans for a submarine to the meeting. Emil also displayed a Tour
Master boat from Midwest that was in work. He had replaced the hull sheeting with new balsa sheeting
which he coated with an epoxy finish. It looked like a first rate job.
Paul Kirby showed his Lindberg Blue Devil destroyer which he converted to the USS Robinson.
George Kirby showed his Coast Guard boat Crocket, a Dumas kit.
Bob Keeler a Great Lakes Ore boat which he obtained at an earlier meeting. A lighting system had been
installed in anticipation of night sailing at the Regatta.
Next Meeting: September 8, 2014
The meeting ended at 2004 hours.
Respectfully submitted, Bob Keeler
The Golden Eagle, was the last
symbol of a glamorous river era,
it ran aground and sank a mile
south of Grand Tower, Illinois
on May 17, 1947.
Built in Jeffersonville, Indiana
in 1904 as the “Wm Garig”, the
Golden Eagle was the last woodhulled packet plying U.S. rivers.
During its eventful life, the
Golden Eagle plied the
Mississippi, Ohio and Tennessee
rivers and outlasted a number of
contemporaries of the golden era
of river travel.
September 27-28, 2014
The St. Louis Admirals are proud to announce their 26th Annual Regatta, again this year at the Boat House in
Forest Park, St Louis. This event is open to the public and anyone interested in model boating at no charge.
The only cost for registered Regatta participants is for the display and/or trophy competition for their boats at
the show. As usual, we are inviting electric and sail (sorry, no gas powered or live steam boats) to join in the
Registration starts at 0900 hours (9:00 a.m.) until noon Saturday, September 27. The Registration Fee remains
the same as it has been --- $10 for the first boat, $10 for a second boat, and all additional boats will be FREE.
The fun will begin at 10:00 a.m., last all day. Awards will be presented at 3:00 p.m. on Saturday. We will have
a night float in the evening until 2100 hours or (9:00 p.m.) for all boats equipped with lights. On Sunday,
September 28, we will start at 0900 hours (9:00 a.m., or start earlier if you like) until 1300 hours (1:00 p.m.).
A Regatta Committee Official will be present at registration to assist in explaining this year’s Regatta
information and rules. That Official will determine in which of the three assigned table areas your boat will be
Kit or Scratch Built To Be Judged
Kit or Scratch Built To Be Displayed But Not Judged
Ready to Run / Purchased (No Judging)
A participation plaque will be given to each registered boat Captain.
Once a boat has been assigned to an area by a Regatta Official, the boat must stay in that area. There are no
secondary boat classes (e.g. tugs, submarines, etc.).
Ready to run boats are welcome for display and sailing on the lake. Our objective is to encourage all Captains
to run boats and have a good time. We want a lot of boats out on the lake and also to share information with the
public to put on a good show.
We will again have our display area under the big tent on the north side of the Boat House Annex building, as
we did last year.
Only valid radios per FCC Regulations will be able to operate a boat. For all frequencies other than 2.4 GHz,
please be sure your correct frequency is marked on your transmitter with a flag and that you have attached a
name tag with phone number. There will be no transmitter impound. A frequency board for 75MHz will be
provided. Captains must determine if their frequency is in use. If not, he will mark that channel as being used
on the frequency board. Upon completion of sailing, he will remove his marker, thus making that channel
available for the next captain. Boat captains will be responsible for protecting their own transmitters.
The following trophies will be awarded:
Best of Show
Boat House Award
Skippers Choice (by popular vote)
Five (5) Regatta Craftsmanship Awards.
Each boat must qualify as a fully operational R/C Model, as determined by club officials. Only boats that have
been scratch built or kit built by the Regatta participant will be eligible for a trophy. You must sail your boat
with a Regatta Committee member observing to be eligible for a trophy.
Boats will be judged by the Regatta Committee, except for the Skippers Award and the host award (Forest Park
Boat House). Secondary boat classes have been eliminated. The Regatta Committee will be looking for quality
of construction, engineering design, research, detailing, and other model attributes. The Committee will discuss
the above items with each skipper who built the boat. The Boat House Award will be selected by the Boat
House management. The Skippers Choice Award will be selected by those registered who have entered boats
for judging. Ballots for the Skipper’s Choice Award must be in no later than 1:45 p.m. to the Regatta
Chairman. If you have entered a boat to be judged, place your chip with its number on your boat where it can
be seen! Anyone who has previously won a trophy for his boat may display the trophy. The awards are for
amateur builders, not professional builders.
All inquiries regarding this year’s Regatta should be made via email to Ross Kerkman at:
[email protected]
The Regatta Committee:
Ross Kerkman - Regatta Chairman
Jim Schwinkendorf – Commodore
Dave St. Clair – Vice Commodore
Chris Kunz – Secretary
George Kirby – Treasurer
SEPTEMBER 27 and 28, 2014
Regatta Information and Regulations are on a separate sheet.
Please read them FIRST, before filling out your Form.
Name __________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________
City, State, Zip Code _____________________________________
Phone__________________ E-Mail______________________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Each boat must qualify as a fully operational R/C Model, as determined by club officials. Only boats that have
been scratch built or kit built by the Regatta participant will be eligible for a trophy.
Scratch (S)
Kit (K)
Boat Name & Description
Chip #
or RTR
Y or N
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
_____ _____
REGATTA REGISTRATION FEES: $10 one boat. Two boats $20. Additional boats FREE. Make checks
Palmer Johnson Yacht – displayed in Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin. A sleek and stunning carbon fibre (Stealth
Bomber Material) body designed with not a single flat surface.
Jim Schwinkendorf
2415 Silver Lake Est. Dr.
Pacific, MO 63069