Ceník Oberflex
Ceník Oberflex
Vzorkovna - Starokolínská 59 Praha 9 - Újezd nad Lesy Sídlo společnosti: Na Folimance 17, 120 00 Praha 2 IČ: 26377117 DIČ: CZ28377117 Tel: +420 723 175 071 e-mail: [email protected] www.oberflex.cz www.marotte.cz Doporučený koncový ceník OBERFLEX 2014 Platný od 01/12/2014 Všechny ceny laminátů jsou uvedeny v Kč za m2 All prices for sheets are indicated in €/sqm (Euro per square meter). They are meant EXW (ex-works) Bar-le-Duc, France in accordance with Incoterms 2010. They will remain valid until a new price list will be issued by OBER. All further conditions as per our General Sales Conditions (copy available on request). This price list shall not be disclosed to nor transferred onto any third company without our prior, written consent. Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 1/24 UŽITEČNÉ INFORMACE Před objednávkou je nutné vědět : 1. v případě požadavku stejného odstínu laminátu při objednávce např. různých kolekcí, povrchů, formátů či při následné doobjednávce je třeba uvést výchozí odstín nebo požadavek stejného odstínu 2. objednané a dodané lamináty nemusí mít vždy naprosto stejný odstín jako např. vzorky či dekory uvedené ve vzornících z toho důvodu, že dřevo, respektive dřevěná dýha je přírodní materiál 3. aby nedošlo k prohýbání materiálu obloženého laminátem typu OBERFLEX, zátěž na obou stranách musí být vyvážená. Nejlepších výsledků je možno dosáhnout, když se používá laminát typu Oberflex na obou stranách. Jiná, hospodárnější metoda, ovšem metoda bez záruky z naší strany, je vyvážení použitím běžného laminátu o stejné síle (prosím berte v úvahu, že síla laminátů Oberflex se může lišit v závislosti na druhu dřeva). 4. veškeré technické informace jsou zveřejněny na www.oberflex.cz Oberflex Dekory dostupné v provedení s vysokou odolností proti otěru: Ako, Anigre, Anigre T461, Alder, Bamboo, Canadian Birch, Limed Oak, Light Oak, Natural Oak, Oak tinted 3, 13, 311 and 312 Canadian Maple, Light Ash, Ash OD 112 and OD728, Steamed Beech, US Walnut T266 and T160, American Elm, Wild Pear, Sycamore, Natural Zebrano, Zebrano T3, T479 and T6 Balení do válců/kartonů - stočení laminátů Rosewood : Příčné vlákno : Astrakhan Oak Black and White: Textured Wood Black and White: Smart Surface: Dodáváno pouze na paletě - není možné stáčet Položky označené (*) je možné dodat v provedení příčné vlákno rozměr 250x127: dodávka pouze na paletě (není možné stáčet). Dodáváno pouze na paletě - není možné stáčet Reference T990 and T991 Dodáváno pouze na paletě - není možné stáčet Dodáváno pouze na paletě - není možné stáčet Textured Wood Collection Kovolamináty s hliníkovou fólií nejsou dostupné s texturou Clawed, Fossilized, Cleft & Sawn textures Hranící pásky: pouze hladké bez textury Spiced Wood & Natural Shades Specifická šíře laminátu125 cm Spiced Woods : Tloušťka laminátU 1.1 mm Natural Shades : Tloušťka laminátU 1.3 mm Desky Panober Rubová strana desky : - A/A : složená z pohledového laminátu Oberflex na obou stranách panelu - A/C : složená z pohledového laminátu Oberflex na pohledové straně panelu a z laminátu Oberflex druhé jakosti (různé dekory dřeva) na druhé straně panelu, který není vidět - A/ P : složená z pohledového laminátu Oberflex na pohledové straně panelu a z laminátu s dekorem bílý mramor na zadní straně panelu. Specifické provedení panelů (Vyšší požární odolnost, jiný typ nosného substrátu, zvláštní provedení hran, specifické rozměry) - jsme připraveni připravit cenovou nabídku Provedení hran : Pro všechny položky jsou dostupné hranící pásky kromě černé a bíllé viz dále. Hranící pásky/Edge bandings Nabízíme 3 typy hranících pásek : Nepředlepené hranící pásky (Krabice 10 rolí po 2.5 bm, na vyžádání 3 bm) Nepředlepené hranící pásky v roli (Délka 75 bm) Předlepené hranící pásky v roli (Délka 25 bm) Available in the Oberflex, the Obermatch, Spiced Wood and Natural Shades ranges Available in the Oberflex range, according to tarif indications Available in the Oberflex range, according to tarif indications Při použití laminátu Prestige v povrchu Brushed (syrové dřevo), použijte hranící pásky v povrchu Matte. Při použití laminátu Les Sables v povrchu Matte, použijte hranící pásky Prestige v povrchu Matte. Při použití dýhy Les Sables bez povrchové úpravy, použijte hranící pásky Obermatch. Při použití laminátu Textured Wood Collection, použijte hranící pásky Prestige v povrchu Matte nebo Satin nebo Pearlescent Oberswing Natur Lamináty Oberswing Natur mohou být dodávány stočéné v krabici po 15 kusech Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 2/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "PRESTIGE D'OBERFLEX" Standard dimensions : Oberflex : 252 x 127 cm and 305 x 127 cm (except otherwise specified) Panober "particle board": 250 x 123 cm and 304 x 123 cm (except otherwise specified) Panober "MDF": 250 x 120 cm and 304 x 120 cm (except otherwise specified) Special dimensions on request : Oberflex : 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 127 cm, 252 x 95 cm, 305 x 95 cm Oberflex additional charges M1 Fire Grade: + 213 Kč/m² High performance quality : + 5% (excluding dark wood species and brushed finish) Dimension 215 x 95 cm : +20% Dimension 215 x 127 cm : +15% Dimension 305 x 95 cm : +15% Dimension 252 x 95 cm : +15% Cross grain : +10% Thicknesses : Oberflex 1.0 mm in Standard et 1.3 mm in M1 Except Black & White Astrakan Oak: 1.3 mm in standard et M1 Fire Ratings : M2 as a standard (PV L 021342 - DE/2 du LNE) M1 upon request (PV K110776 - DE/1 du LNE) Panober "particle board" : M2 (PV n°F061335 du LNE) Panober "MDF" : M3 (PV k 021074 - DE/2 du LNE) On request, Euroclass B test report available for all species bonded on MDF or Particle Board : PV n° 10BE0276 and 090AN0343 Additional charge for "Smart Surface" Satin or mat finishes Price list Oberflex + 1078 Kč/m² Dimension available 305 x 127 cm only Panober additional charges Particle board MDF Cross Grain : Available in standard M2, only for references marked with (*) Not available for Pearlescent and relief finishes, 305 cm, Fire retardant M1 Chic et Pop and bonded panels upon request, please consult us. Edge banding price list per lm Satine / Matte / Relief Box Roll Pre-glued 25 Roll non pre-glued (10 Bandings) Packaging : Rosewood Pao Fero + cross grain references cannot be rolled - Shipment only in crates Price Gp 1 Price Gp 2 Price Gp 3 Price Gp 4 Edge bandings : Available in 25 mm width, Thickness of 0.7mm In strips, length of 2.52 lm or 3.05 lm Brushed finish not available (use Matte finish instead) FINISHES Matte Brushed Pearlesc (M) (B) ent(SO) *African Mahogany T19 flowered bookmatched x (2) *Mahogany T17 flowered bookmatched x (1) *Mahogany T19 flowered bookmatched x (1) *Ako straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x (2) *Bassam Walnut straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) x (1) *Bassam Walnut T448 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) x (1) *Bassam Walnut T6 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) x (2) *Bassam Walnut T7 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) (2) Bassam Walnut T461 flowered bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) x (2) *Alder flowered random-matched x (2) *Bamboo x (2) *Bamboo thin structure l [NEW] x (2) *Amber Bamboo thin structure [NEW] x (2) *Canadian Birch flowered random-matched x (2) *Bubinga straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x (2) *Bubinga flowered bookmatched x (2) *Bubinga T19 flowered bookmatched x (2) *Chestnut flowered random-matched [NEW] x (2) *Limed Oak T160 flowered random-matched x x x (2) *Light Oak straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x x x (1) *Light Oak straight-grain random-matched x x x (1) *Light Oak flowered bookmatched x x x (1) *Light Oak flowered random-matched x x x (1) *Natural Oak straight-grain random-matched x x x (1) *Oak T3 straight-grain random-matched x x x (1) *Oak T4 straight-grain random-matched x x x (1) *Oak T13 straight-grain random-matched x x x (1) *Slate-Grey Oak T 308 straight-grain x x x (1) *Grey Oak T 309 straight-grain x x x (1) *Ashen T 310 straight-grain x x x (1) *Floating Oak T 311 straight-grain x x x (1) *Aged Oak T312 straight-grain x x x (1) *Oak Salvia T326 (NEW!) straight-grain x x x (1) *Oak pastel grey T327 (NEW!) straight-grain x x x (1) *Oak Beigey grey T328 (NEW!) straight-grain x x x (1) *Bleached Oak T329 (NEW!) straight-grain x x x (1) *Graphite Oak T330 (NEW!) flowered x x (2) (1) Additional charge Pearlescent finish : 268 Kč/m² for Oberflex and Panober A/C and A/P, 536 Kč/m² for Panober A/A (2) on request - please consult us References Satine (S) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Relief ( R) x x x 51,44 Kč 67,45 Kč 84,39 Kč 124,43 Kč ml 84,08 Kč 100,10 Kč 117,04 Kč 157,08 Kč 75 ml 74,54 Kč 90,55 Kč 107,49 Kč 147,53 Kč Additional charge for Pearlescent finish : + 8 Kč bm Oberflex (laminates) 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm 1 640,80 Kč 1 495,72 Kč 1 495,72 Kč 1 460,17 Kč 1 561,80 Kč 1 765,06 Kč 1 765,06 Kč 1 765,06 Kč 1 765,06 Kč 1 805,28 Kč 4 460,22 Kč 2 849,22 Kč 2 849,22 Kč 1 744,23 Kč 2 159,72 Kč 2 037,98 Kč 2 249,86 Kč 1 712,70 Kč 1 883,31 Kč 1 841,86 Kč 1 606,80 Kč 1 788,14 Kč 1 603,92 Kč 1 606,80 Kč 1 548,76 Kč 1 500,45 Kč 1 595,27 Kč 2 009,13 Kč 2 003,37 Kč 2 010,22 Kč 2 006,97 Kč 2 168,12 Kč 1 871,34 Kč 2 023,30 Kč 2 094,56 Kč 2 272,54 Kč 2 009,84 Kč + 33 Kč/m² + 77 Kč/m² 21 mm total thickness 21 mm total thickness PANOBER (Oberflex Bonded Panels) Edge banding Particle board - total thickness 18 mm Price Group Gp 2 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 strips S/R/M S /R/M S /R/M S/M S/M S/M S/M S S/M S/M See AKO See AKO See AKO S/M S/M S/M S/M S/M S/R/M S/R/M S/R/M S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R S/M/R M/R Rolls S/R S/M - S S/M/R M - A/A 3 869,88 Kč 3 579,72 Kč 3 579,72 Kč 3 508,61 Kč 3 711,87 Kč 4 118,39 Kč 4 118,39 Kč 4 118,39 Kč 4 118,39 Kč 4 198,83 Kč 9 508,72 Kč 6 286,72 Kč 6 286,72 Kč 4 076,73 Kč 4 907,73 Kč 4 664,25 Kč 5 088,00 Kč 4 013,68 Kč 4 354,91 Kč 4 271,99 Kč 3 801,88 Kč 4 164,56 Kč 3 796,12 Kč 3 801,88 Kč 3 685,80 Kč 3 589,18 Kč 3 778,81 Kč 4 606,55 Kč 4 595,01 Kč 4 608,71 Kč 4 602,22 Kč 4 924,52 Kč 4 330,97 Kč 4 634,88 Kč 4 777,41 Kč 5 133,35 Kč 4 607,96 Kč A/C 2 575,27 Kč 2 430,19 Kč 2 430,19 Kč 2 394,64 Kč 2 496,27 Kč 2 699,53 Kč 2 699,53 Kč 2 699,53 Kč 2 699,53 Kč 2 739,75 Kč 5 394,69 Kč 3 783,69 Kč 3 783,69 Kč 2 678,70 Kč 3 094,20 Kč 2 972,46 Kč 3 184,33 Kč 2 647,17 Kč 2 817,79 Kč 2 776,33 Kč 2 541,27 Kč 2 722,61 Kč 2 538,39 Kč 2 541,27 Kč 2 483,23 Kč 2 434,92 Kč 2 529,74 Kč 2 943,61 Kč 2 937,84 Kč 2 944,69 Kč 2 941,44 Kč 3 102,59 Kč 2 805,82 Kč 2 957,77 Kč 3 029,04 Kč 3 207,01 Kč 2 944,31 Kč A/P 2 679,38 Kč 2 534,29 Kč 2 534,29 Kč 2 498,74 Kč 2 600,37 Kč 2 803,63 Kč 2 803,63 Kč 2 803,63 Kč 2 803,63 Kč 2 843,85 Kč 5 498,80 Kč 3 887,79 Kč 3 887,79 Kč 2 782,80 Kč 3 198,30 Kč 3 076,56 Kč 3 288,44 Kč 2 751,28 Kč 2 921,89 Kč 2 880,43 Kč 2 645,38 Kč 2 826,72 Kč 2 642,49 Kč 2 645,38 Kč 2 587,34 Kč 2 539,03 Kč 2 633,84 Kč 3 047,71 Kč 3 041,94 Kč 3 048,79 Kč 3 045,55 Kč 3 206,70 Kč 2 909,92 Kč 3 061,88 Kč 3 133,14 Kč 3 311,11 Kč 3 048,42 Kč MDF - total thickness 18 mm A/A 4 216,07 Kč 3 925,91 Kč 3 925,91 Kč 3 854,80 Kč 4 058,06 Kč 4 464,58 Kč 4 464,58 Kč 4 464,58 Kč 4 464,58 Kč 4 545,03 Kč 9 854,92 Kč 6 632,91 Kč 6 632,91 Kč 4 422,93 Kč 5 253,92 Kč 5 010,44 Kč 5 434,20 Kč 4 359,87 Kč 4 701,10 Kč 4 618,18 Kč 4 148,08 Kč 4 510,75 Kč 4 142,31 Kč 4 148,08 Kč 4 031,99 Kč 3 935,37 Kč 4 125,00 Kč 4 952,74 Kč 4 941,20 Kč 4 954,90 Kč 4 948,41 Kč 5 270,71 Kč 4 677,16 Kč 4 981,07 Kč 5 123,60 Kč 5 479,54 Kč 4 954,16 Kč A/C 2 921,77 Kč 2 776,69 Kč 2 776,69 Kč 2 741,14 Kč 2 842,77 Kč 3 046,03 Kč 3 046,03 Kč 3 046,03 Kč 3 046,03 Kč 3 086,25 Kč 5 741,19 Kč 4 130,19 Kč 4 130,19 Kč 3 025,20 Kč 3 440,70 Kč 3 318,96 Kč 3 530,83 Kč 2 993,67 Kč 3 164,29 Kč 3 122,83 Kč 2 887,77 Kč 3 069,11 Kč 2 884,89 Kč 2 887,77 Kč 2 829,73 Kč 2 781,42 Kč 2 876,24 Kč 3 290,11 Kč 3 284,34 Kč 3 291,19 Kč 3 287,94 Kč 3 449,09 Kč 3 152,32 Kč 3 304,27 Kč 3 375,54 Kč 3 553,51 Kč 3 290,81 Kč A/P 3 024,95 Kč 2 879,87 Kč 2 879,87 Kč 2 844,32 Kč 2 945,95 Kč 3 149,21 Kč 3 149,21 Kč 3 149,21 Kč 3 149,21 Kč 3 189,43 Kč 5 844,37 Kč 4 233,37 Kč 4 233,37 Kč 3 128,38 Kč 3 543,88 Kč 3 422,14 Kč 3 634,01 Kč 3 096,85 Kč 3 267,47 Kč 3 226,01 Kč 2 990,95 Kč 3 172,29 Kč 2 988,07 Kč 2 990,95 Kč 2 932,91 Kč 2 884,60 Kč 2 979,42 Kč 3 393,29 Kč 3 387,52 Kč 3 394,37 Kč 3 391,12 Kč 3 552,27 Kč 3 255,50 Kč 3 407,45 Kč 3 478,72 Kč 3 656,69 Kč 3 393,99 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 3/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "PRESTIGE D'OBERFLEX" Oberflex FINISHES References Satine (S) *Oak Bog-Oak-tinted straight-grain random-matched (= Oak T416) x *Oak Wenge tinted straight-grain random-matched (= Wenge Oak T412) x *Canadian Maple flowered random-matched x *Birdseye Maple flowered random-matched x *Light Ash flowered bookmatched x *Light Ash flowered random-matched x *Ash flowered random-matched FR 103 x *Ash flowered random-matched FR 101 Dark Grey x *Ash flowered random-matched FR 112 Mastic x *Ash flowered random-matched OD 703 Tourbière x *Ash flowered random-matched OD 728 Banquise x Ash Straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Steamed Beech straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Steamed Beech flowered random-matched x *Steamed Beech Pear-tinted flowered random-matched x *Figured Makore straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Figured Mahogany)x *American Cherry flowered random-matched x *African Satinwood straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced. (figured Movingui)x *African Satinwood T497 straight-grain bookmatched non-seq. (figured Movingui) x *American Walnut T9 flowered random-matched x *American Walnut T266 flowered random-matched x *American Walnut T160 flowered random-matched x *American Walnut T292 flowered random-matched x *American Elm flowered random-matched x *Rosewood Pao Fero flowered bookmatched (thickness 1.3 mm) x *Rosewood Pao Fero flowered random-matched (thickness 1.3 mm) x * Pine flowered random matched [NEW] x *Wild Pear flowered random-matched x *Sapele straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Sycamore flowered random-matched x *Teak straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Teak flowered bookmatched x Wenge straight-grain bookmatched (real) Wenge straight-grain (reconstitued) *Zebrano T13 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Zebrano T17 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Zebrano T3 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Zebrano T448 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Zebrano T479 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Zebrano T6 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x *Natural Zebrano straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced x Relief ( R) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Pearlesc Matte Brushed ent(SO) (M) (B) x x (1) x x (1) x (2) x (2) x x (2) x x (2) x x (2) x x (2) x x (2) x x (2) x x (2) x x (2) x (2) x (2) x (2) x (1) x (2) x x (2) x x (2) x (1) x (2) x (2) x (2) x x (2) x (1) x (1) x (2) x (2) x (1) x (1) (1) x (1) x x x x x x x x x (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (laminates) 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm 1 907,83 Kč 1 801,84 Kč 1 873,15 Kč 4 086,02 Kč 1 780,50 Kč 1 538,09 Kč 1 864,17 Kč 1 864,17 Kč 1 864,17 Kč 1 864,17 Kč 1 864,17 Kč 1 870,53 Kč 1 888,95 Kč 1 673,12 Kč 2 037,62 Kč 1 319,03 Kč 1 899,01 Kč 1 851,24 Kč 2 031,16 Kč 1 718,37 Kč 1 993,45 Kč 1 993,45 Kč 1 993,45 Kč 1 924,86 Kč 3 852,96 Kč 3 635,69 Kč 1 576,74 Kč 4 044,37 Kč 1 305,75 Kč 1 920,19 Kč 2 800,03 Kč 2 800,03 Kč 2 429,42 Kč 1 572,57 Kč 2 524,23 Kč 2 524,23 Kč 2 524,23 Kč 2 524,23 Kč 2 524,23 Kč 2 524,23 Kč 2 312,35 Kč PANOBER (Oberflex Bonded Panels) Edge banding Particle board - total thickness 18 mm Price Group strips Rolls Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 4 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 1 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 2 Gp 4 Gp 4 Gp 2 Gp 4 Gp 1 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 2 S/R/M S/R/M S/M S/M S/R/M S/R/M R R R R M S/R/M S/M S/M S/M S/M S/M/R S/M/R S/M S/M S/M S/M S/M/R S/M S/M S/M S/M S/M/R S/M S/M R R S/M S/M S/M S/M S/M S/M S/M R S R R S S S M M M S - A/A 4 403,94 Kč 4 191,96 Kč 4 334,58 Kč 8 760,33 Kč 4 149,28 Kč 3 664,47 Kč 4 316,62 Kč 4 316,62 Kč 4 316,62 Kč 4 316,62 Kč 4 316,62 Kč 4 329,35 Kč 4 366,18 Kč 3 934,52 Kč 4 663,53 Kč 3 226,35 Kč 4 386,29 Kč 4 290,77 Kč 4 650,60 Kč 4 025,02 Kč 4 575,19 Kč 4 575,19 Kč 4 575,19 Kč 4 438,00 Kč 8 294,19 Kč 7 859,66 Kč 3 741,75 Kč 8 677,01 Kč 3 199,77 Kč 4 428,67 Kč 6 188,34 Kč 6 188,34 Kč 5 447,12 Kč 3 733,42 Kč 5 636,73 Kč 5 636,73 Kč 5 636,73 Kč 5 636,73 Kč 5 636,73 Kč 5 636,73 Kč 5 212,98 Kč A/C 2 842,30 Kč 2 736,31 Kč 2 807,62 Kč 5 020,49 Kč 2 714,97 Kč 2 472,57 Kč 2 798,64 Kč 2 798,64 Kč 2 798,64 Kč 2 798,64 Kč 2 798,64 Kč 2 805,00 Kč 2 823,42 Kč 2 607,59 Kč 2 972,10 Kč 2 253,51 Kč 2 833,48 Kč 2 785,72 Kč 2 965,63 Kč 2 652,84 Kč 2 927,93 Kč 2 927,93 Kč 2 927,93 Kč 2 859,33 Kč 4 787,43 Kč 4 570,16 Kč 2 511,21 Kč 4 978,84 Kč 2 240,22 Kč 2 854,67 Kč 3 734,50 Kč 3 734,50 Kč 3 363,89 Kč 2 507,04 Kč 3 458,70 Kč 3 458,70 Kč 3 458,70 Kč 3 458,70 Kč 3 458,70 Kč 3 458,70 Kč 3 246,82 Kč A/P 2 946,41 Kč 2 840,42 Kč 2 911,73 Kč 5 124,60 Kč 2 819,07 Kč 2 576,67 Kč 2 902,75 Kč 2 902,75 Kč 2 902,75 Kč 2 902,75 Kč 2 902,75 Kč 2 909,11 Kč 2 927,53 Kč 2 711,70 Kč 3 076,20 Kč 2 357,61 Kč 2 937,58 Kč 2 889,82 Kč 3 069,74 Kč 2 756,95 Kč 3 032,03 Kč 3 032,03 Kč 3 032,03 Kč 2 963,44 Kč 2 615,31 Kč 5 082,94 Kč 2 344,32 Kč 2 958,77 Kč 3 838,60 Kč 3 838,60 Kč 3 468,00 Kč 2 611,15 Kč 3 562,80 Kč 3 562,80 Kč 3 562,80 Kč 3 562,80 Kč 3 562,80 Kč 3 562,80 Kč 3 350,92 Kč MDF - total thickness 18 mm A/A 4 750,13 Kč 4 538,15 Kč 4 680,77 Kč 9 106,52 Kč 4 495,47 Kč 4 010,66 Kč 4 662,82 Kč 4 662,82 Kč 4 662,82 Kč 4 662,82 Kč 4 662,82 Kč 4 675,54 Kč 4 712,37 Kč 4 280,72 Kč 5 009,72 Kč 3 572,54 Kč 4 732,48 Kč 4 636,96 Kč 4 996,79 Kč 4 371,21 Kč 4 921,38 Kč 4 921,38 Kč 4 921,38 Kč 4 784,20 Kč 8 640,38 Kč 8 205,85 Kč 4 087,95 Kč 9 023,20 Kč 3 545,96 Kč 4 774,86 Kč 6 534,53 Kč 6 534,53 Kč 5 793,31 Kč 4 079,61 Kč 5 982,93 Kč 5 982,93 Kč 5 982,93 Kč 5 982,93 Kč 5 982,93 Kč 5 982,93 Kč 5 559,17 Kč A/C 3 188,80 Kč 3 082,81 Kč 3 154,12 Kč 5 366,99 Kč 3 061,47 Kč 2 819,07 Kč 3 145,14 Kč 3 145,14 Kč 3 145,14 Kč 3 145,14 Kč 3 145,14 Kč 3 151,50 Kč 3 169,92 Kč 2 954,09 Kč 3 318,60 Kč 2 600,01 Kč 3 179,98 Kč 3 132,22 Kč 3 312,13 Kč 2 999,34 Kč 3 274,43 Kč 3 274,43 Kč 3 274,43 Kč 3 205,83 Kč 5 133,93 Kč 4 916,66 Kč 2 857,71 Kč 5 325,34 Kč 2 586,72 Kč 3 201,17 Kč 4 081,00 Kč 4 081,00 Kč 3 710,39 Kč 2 853,54 Kč 3 805,20 Kč 3 805,20 Kč 3 805,20 Kč 3 805,20 Kč 3 805,20 Kč 3 805,20 Kč 3 593,32 Kč A/P 3 291,98 Kč 3 185,99 Kč 3 257,30 Kč 5 470,17 Kč 3 164,65 Kč 2 922,25 Kč 3 248,32 Kč 3 248,32 Kč 3 248,32 Kč 3 248,32 Kč 3 248,32 Kč 3 254,68 Kč 3 273,10 Kč 3 057,27 Kč 3 421,78 Kč 2 703,19 Kč 3 283,16 Kč 3 235,40 Kč 3 415,31 Kč 3 102,52 Kč 3 377,61 Kč 3 377,61 Kč 3 377,61 Kč 3 309,01 Kč 2 960,89 Kč 5 428,52 Kč 2 689,90 Kč 3 304,35 Kč 4 184,18 Kč 4 184,18 Kč 3 813,57 Kč 2 956,72 Kč 3 908,38 Kč 3 908,38 Kč 3 908,38 Kč 3 908,38 Kč 3 908,38 Kč 3 908,38 Kč 3 696,50 Kč (1) Additional charge Pearlescent finish : 268 Kč/m² for Oberflex and Panober A/C and A/P, 536 Kč/m² for Panober A/A (2) on request - please consult us (*) References available in cross grain notes : Panober thickness for Pao Fero Rosewood 18.6 mm or 21.6 mm *Counterbalancing laminates (miscelleanous wood species) 252 x 127 cm ou 305 x 127 cm in 1.0 mm Counterbalancing laminates (miscelleanous wood species) 252 x 127 cm ou 305 x 127 cm in 1.3 mm Packaging by 10 panels 958,00 Kč 1 169,78 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 4/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "PRESTIGE D'OBERFLEX" Astrakhan Oak Black and White: References cannot be rolled (no shipment in cylinders - only crates). FINISHES CHIC & POP references Satine (S) White Astrakhan Oak Black Astrakhan Oak * Chocolate Zebrano * White powdered Zebrano * Grey Ashened Zebrano * Grey Pebble Zebrano * Grey Flannel Walnut * Grey powdered Walnut * Pink Pop Zebrano * Pink Pop Sycamore * Orange Pop Zebrano * Orange Pop Sycamore * Green Pop Zebrano * Yellow Pop Zebrano * Yellow Pop Sycamore * Blue Pop Sycamore * Navy Pop Zebrano Relief ( R) Matte Brushed Pearlesc ent(SO) (M) (B) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Oberflex (laminates) 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm 2 047,06 Kč 2 047,06 Kč 2 047,06 Kč 2 047,06 Kč 2 047,06 Kč 2 047,06 Kč 2 047,06 Kč 2 047,06 Kč 2 226,45 Kč 2 226,45 Kč 2 226,45 Kč 2 226,45 Kč 2 226,45 Kč 2 226,45 Kč 2 226,45 Kč 2 226,45 Kč 2 226,45 Kč PANOBER (Oberflex Bonded Panels) Edge banding Particle board - total thickness 18 mm Price Group strips Rolls Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 M M M M M M M M Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 S S S S S S S S S - A/A 4 682,41 Kč 4 682,41 Kč 4 682,41 Kč 4 682,41 Kč 4 682,41 Kč 4 682,41 Kč 4 682,41 Kč 4 682,41 Kč A/C 2 981,54 Kč 2 981,54 Kč 2 981,54 Kč 2 981,54 Kč 2 981,54 Kč 2 981,54 Kč 2 981,54 Kč 2 981,54 Kč - 5 041,17 Kč 5 041,17 Kč 5 041,17 Kč 5 041,17 Kč 5 041,17 Kč 5 041,17 Kč 5 041,17 Kč 5 041,17 Kč 5 041,17 Kč 3 160,92 Kč 3 160,92 Kč 3 160,92 Kč 3 160,92 Kč 3 160,92 Kč 3 160,92 Kč 3 160,92 Kč 3 160,92 Kč 3 160,92 Kč A/P MDF - total thickness 18 mm 3 085,64 Kč 3 085,64 Kč 3 085,64 Kč 3 085,64 Kč 3 085,64 Kč 3 085,64 Kč A/A 5 028,60 Kč 5 028,60 Kč 5 028,60 Kč 5 028,60 Kč 5 028,60 Kč 5 028,60 Kč 5 028,60 Kč 5 028,60 Kč A/C 3 328,04 Kč 3 328,04 Kč 3 328,04 Kč 3 328,04 Kč 3 328,04 Kč 3 328,04 Kč 3 328,04 Kč 3 328,04 Kč A/P 3 431,22 Kč 3 431,22 Kč 3 431,22 Kč 3 431,22 Kč 3 431,22 Kč 3 431,22 Kč 3 265,02 Kč 3 265,02 Kč 3 265,02 Kč 3 265,02 Kč 3 265,02 Kč 3 265,02 Kč 3 265,02 Kč 3 265,02 Kč 3 265,02 Kč 5 387,37 Kč 5 387,37 Kč 5 387,37 Kč 5 387,37 Kč 5 387,37 Kč 5 387,37 Kč 5 387,37 Kč 5 387,37 Kč 5 387,37 Kč 3 507,42 Kč 3 507,42 Kč 3 507,42 Kč 3 507,42 Kč 3 507,42 Kč 3 507,42 Kč 3 507,42 Kč 3 507,42 Kč 3 507,42 Kč 3 610,60 Kč 3 610,60 Kč 3 610,60 Kč 3 610,60 Kč 3 610,60 Kč 3 610,60 Kč 3 610,60 Kč 3 610,60 Kč 3 610,60 Kč - Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 5/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "TEXTURED WOOD" Standard dimensions See price list below Textured Wood Additional charges M1 Fire Grade : + 213 Kč/m² Special Dimensions upon request : TW Collection: 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 127 cm, 252 x 95 cm, 305 x 95 cm TW Collection Black and White : 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 123 cm, 252 x 95 cm, 302 x 95 cm dimension 215 x 95 cm : + 20% dimension 215 x 123 cm (Textured Wood Black & White) : + 15% Dimension 215 x 127 cm : + 15% Dimension 252 x 95 cm : + 15% Dimension 305 x 95 cm : + 15% Dimension 302 x 95 cm (Textured Wood White & Black): + 15% Cross Grain : + 10% Sables & Cleft Wood Pearlescent Finish : 268 Kč/sqm Thicknesses : TW Gouged, Clawed, SeaWood, Gator, Hammered, Cleft, Fossilized, Sawn Woods : 1.3 mm in M2 & M1 TW Sablé : 1.0 mm in M2 and 1.3mm in M1 (except Black 991 and White 990 : 1.3mm in M2 and M1). Fire rating : M2 as a standard (PV L 021342 - DE/2 du LNE) M1 upon request (PV K110776 - DE/1 du LNE) Panober "particle board" : M2 (PV n°F061335 du LNE) Panober "MDF" : M3 (PV k 021074 - DE/2 du LNE) On request, Euroclass B test report available for all species bonded on MDF or Particle Board : PV n° 10BE0276 and 090AN0343 Panober additional charges Particle board 21.6 mm total thickness + 33 Kč/m² (21 mm for Sablés Wood) Cross Grain : The Cross Grain option is only available in Sablé woods and Cleft woods (except pearlescent finish, 305 cm length, M1) For bonded panels, please consult our Technical Dpt. MDF 21.6 mm total thickness + 77 Kč/m² (21 mm for Sablés Wood) Edge banding price list per lm Shipment : Oak references T990 and T991 cannot be rolled, no shipment in cylinders, only crates Box Roll (10 Bandings) Pre-glued 25 lm Roll non pre-glued 75 lm - - Satine / Mat Edge bandings : Use our flat Oberfex edge banding, available in 25 mm width, Thickness of 0.7 mm, length 2.52 lm or 3.05 lm Price Gp 1 Price Gp 2 Price Gp 3 Price Gp 4 51,44 Kč 67,45 Kč 84,39 Kč 124,43 Kč Additional charge for Pearlescent finish : + 8 Kč bm Pearlescent Gator Wood, Gouged Wood, Sea Wood, Clawed Wood, Sablés Wood, Hammered Wood, Fossilized Wood (New!), Cleft Wood (New!), Sawn Wood (New!) Slate-Grey Oak T308 Grey Oak T309 Ashen Oak T310 Floating Oak T311 Bog Oak T416 Aged Oak T312 Wenge Oak T412 Sapele Oak Salvia T326 (NEW!) Oak pastel grey T327 (NEW!) Oak Beigey grey T328 (NEW!) Bleached Oak T329 (NEW!) 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm x(1) x(1) x(1) x(1) x(1) x(1) x(1) x(1) x(1) x(1) x(1) x(1) - x x x x x x x x x x x x x (3) x (3) x (3) x (3) x (3) x (3) x (3) x (3) x (3) x (3) x (3) x (3) Gator Wood, Gouged Wood, Sea Wood, Clawed Wood, Sablés Wood, Hammered Wood, Fossilized Wood (New!), Cleft Wood (New!), Sawn Wood (New!) White Oak T990 Black Oak T991 2 352,24 Kč 2 346,50 Kč 2 353,31 Kč 2 350,09 Kč 2 159,77 Kč 2 542,55 Kč 2 054,40 Kč 1 690,21 Kč 2 287,11 Kč 2 361,30 Kč 2 429,10 Kč 2 608,00 Kč 252 x 123 cm 302 x 123 cm x(1) x(1) - x x x (3) x (3) 2 846,68 Kč 2 119,11 Kč Particle board - total thickness 18.6 (2) mm(2) A/A Price Group strips rolls Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 2 Gp 1 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 3 S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO S/M/SO - Price Group strips rolls Gp 2 Gp 2 S/M/SO S/M/SO - A/C A/P MDF - total thickness 18.6 mm (2) A/A 250 x 123 cm / 304 x 123 cm 3 286,71 Kč 3 280,97 Kč 3 287,78 Kč 3 284,56 Kč 3 094,24 Kč 3 477,02 Kč 2 988,87 Kč 2 624,69 Kč 3 221,58 Kč 3 295,77 Kč 3 363,57 Kč 3 542,48 Kč 250 x 121 cm / 300 x 121 cm 3 781,16 Kč 3 053,58 Kč A/C A/P 250 x 123 cm / 304 x 123cm 3 633,21 Kč 3 627,47 Kč 3 634,28 Kč 3 631,06 Kč 3 440,74 Kč 3 823,52 Kč 3 335,37 Kč 2 971,19 Kč 3 568,08 Kč 3 642,27 Kč 3 710,07 Kč 3 888,98 Kč consult us Matte PANOBER (Textured wood bonded panels) consult us Relief Edge Banding Type Oberflex not textured consult us Références Satine Textured Wood Laminates consult us Finitions 250 x 120 cm / 300 x 120 cm 4 127,66 Kč 3 400,08 Kč (1) Satin finish is only available for Gouged, SeaWood , Hammered, Fosilized & Cleft Wood (2) Thickness 18 and 21 mm for Sable Wood (3) Pearlescent additional charge : 268 Kč/m² for laminates and Panober A/C, not available in Fossilized Wood, Cleft Wood and Sawn Wood For Textured Metal finish : check Metapal prices page 16 Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 6/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "NATURAL SHADES" Standard Dimensions : Natural Shades : 250 x 125 cm and 305 x 125 cm Panober "particle board": 250 x 123 cm and 304 x 123 cm Panober "MDF": 250 x 120 cm and 304 x 120 cm Spiced Wood Collection additional charges M1 Fire grade : + 213 Kč/m² Special Dimension upon request : Natural Shades : 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 125 cm, 250 x 95 cm, 305 x 95 cm Dimension 215 x 95 cm : + 40% Dimension 215 x 125 cm : + 15% Dimension 305 x 95 cm : + 30% Dimension 250 x 95 cm : + 30% Cross Grain : Not available Thickness : 1.3 mm for FR M1 and M2 Fire rating : M2 as a standard (PV L 021342 - DE/2 du LNE) M1 upon request (PV K110776 - DE/1 du LNE) Panober "particle board" : M2 (PV n°F061335 du LNE) Panober "MDF" : M3 (PV k 021074 - DE/2 du LNE) On request, Euroclass B test report available for all species bonded on MDF or Particle Board : PV n° 10BE0276 and 090AN0343 Panober Additional charges Particle board MDF 21,6 mm total thickness 21,6 mm total thickness + 33 Kč/m² + 77 Kč/m² Edge banding price list per lm Edge bandings : Available in 25 mm width, Thickness of 0.9mm, lenght 2,5 m or 3,05 m Box Roll Satine / Matte (10 Bandings) Price Gp 4 Roll non pre-glued 75 124,43 Kč Pre-glued 25 lm lm - - Additional charge for Pearlescent finish : + 8 Kč bm Natural Shades FINISHES References PANOBER (Natural Shades bonded panels) Edge Bandings Particle Board - Total Thickness 18.6 mm (Laminates) Satine Relief Matte Pearlescent (S) ( R) (M) (SO) Sea Effect - Gator Effect - Gouged Effect Fossilized Effect [NEW] - Sawn Effect [NEW] 250 x 125 cm 305 x 125 cm Price Group Strips Rolls A/A A/C A/P MDF - Total thickness 18.6 mm A/A A/C A/P Walnut with shade # 412 x x x (1) 3 083,70 Kč Gp 4 S/M/SO - 6 755,67 Kč 4 018,17 Kč 7 101,86 Kč 4 364,67 Kč - Oak with shade # 416 x x x (1) 2 532,99 Kč Gp 4 S/M/SO - 5 653,96 Kč 3 467,46 Kč 6 000,15 Kč 3 967,96 Kč - Walnut with shade # 167 x x x (1) 3 092,94 Kč Gp 4 S/M/SO - 6 774,15 Kč 4 027,41 Kč 7 120,34 Kč 4 373,91 Kč - Sycamore with shade # 990 x x x (1) 2 919,22 Kč Gp 4 S/M/SO - 6 426,73 Kč 3 853,70 Kč 6 772,92 Kč 4 200,20 Kč - Walnut with shade # 990 [NEW!] x x x (1) 3 092,94 Kč Gp4 S/M/SO - 6 902,28 Kč 4 091,47 Kč 7 248,47 Kč 4 437,97 Kč - (2) Additional charge Pearlescent finish : 268 Kč/m² for Oberflex and Panober A/C, 536 Kč/m² for Panober A/A Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 7/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "SPICED WOOD" Spiced Wood Collection additional charges M1 Fire grade : + 213 Kč/m² Standard Dimensions : Spiced Wood Collection : 250 x 125 cm and 305 x 125 cm Panober "particle board": 250 x 123 cm and 304 x 123 cm Panober "MDF": 250 x 120 cm and 304 x 120 cm Dimension 215 x 95 cm : + 40% Dimension 215 x 125 cm : + 15% Dimension 305 x 95 cm : + 30% Dimension 250 x 95 cm : + 30% Cross Grain : Not available Special Dimension upon request : Spiced Wood : 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 125 cm, 250 x 95 cm, 305 x 95 cm Thicknesses : Spiced Wood Collection : 1.1 mm in standard and 1.3 mm in M1 F.R. grade Panober : 18.2 mm and 21.2 mm Fire rating : M2 as a standard (PV L 021342 - DE/2 du LNE) M1 upon request (PV K110776 - DE/1 du LNE) Panober "particle board" : M2 (PV n°F061335 du LNE) Panober "MDF" : M3 (PV k 021074 - DE/2 du LNE) On request, Euroclass B test report available for all species bonded on MDF or Particle Board : PV n° 10BE0276 and 090AN0343 Panober additional charges Particle board MDF 21,2 mm total thickness 21,2 mm total thickness + 33 Kč/m² + 77 Kč/m² Edge banding price list per lm Edge bandings : Available in 25 mm width, Thickness of 0.9mm, length 2,5 m or 3,05 m Box Roll Relief / Brushed (10 Bandings) Price Gp 4 Spiced Wood FINISHES References Relief Matte Brushed (S) ( R) (M) (B) Star Anise x x 250 x 125 cm 305 x 125 cm 2 364,82 Kč Sesame x x Coriander [NEW] x Nutmeg Pre-glued 25 lm lm - - 125,00 Kč PANOBER (Spiced Wood bonded panels) Edge bandings Particle Board-Total Thickness 18.2 mm (Laminates) Satine Roll non pre-glued 75 MDF - Total thickness 18.2 mm Price Group Strips Rolls A/A A/C A/P A/A Gp 4 R/B - 5 318,24 Kč 3 299,30 Kč - 5 664,43 Kč 3 645,80 Kč A/C A/P - 2 364,82 Kč Gp 4 R/B - 5 318,24 Kč 3 299,30 Kč - 5 664,43 Kč 3 645,80 Kč - x 2 402,40 Kč Gp 4 R/B - 5 513,20 Kč 3 396,93 Kč - 5 859,39 Kč 3 743,43 Kč - x x 2 399,01 Kč Gp 4 R/B - 5 386,30 Kč 3 333,48 Kč - 5 732,50 Kč 3 679,98 Kč - Cardamom [NEW] x x 2 402,40 Kč Gp 4 R/B - 5 513,20 Kč 3 396,93 Kč - 5 859,39 Kč 3 743,43 Kč - Pepper x x 2 364,82 Kč Gp 4 R/B - 5 318,24 Kč 3 299,30 Kč - 5 664,43 Kč 3 645,80 Kč - Cumin x x 2 364,82 Kč Gp 4 R/B - 5 318,24 Kč 3 299,30 Kč - 5 664,43 Kč 3 645,80 Kč - Liquorice x x 2 592,13 Kč Gp 4 R/B - 5 772,84 Kč 3 526,60 Kč - 6 119,04 Kč 3 873,10 Kč - Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 8/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "LES SABLES BY OBERFLEX IN MATTE" Les Sablés by Oberflex in matte additional charges M1 Fire Grade : + 213Kč/m² Standard Dimensions : Les Sablés by Oberflex in matte finish : 252 x 127 cm and 305 x 127 cm Panober "particle board": 250 x 123 cm and 304 x 123 cm Panober "MDF": 250 x 120 cm and 304 x 120 cm Special Dimensions upon request : Les Sablés by Oberflex in matte finish : 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 127 cm, 252 x 95 cm, 305 x 95 cm Dimension 215 x 95 cm : +20% Dimension 215 x 127 cm : +15% Dimension 305 x 95 cm : +15% Dimension 252 x 95 cm : +15% Cross grain : +10% Thicknesses : Les Sablés by Oberflex in matte finish : 1.0 mm in standard and 1.3 mm in M1 F.R. grade Panober : 18 mm and 21 mm Fire rating : M2 as a standard (PV L 021342 - DE/2 du LNE) M1 upon request (PV K110776 - DE/1 du LNE) Panober "particle board" : M2 (PV n°F061335 du LNE) Panober "MDF" : M3 (PV k 021074 - DE/2 du LNE) On request, Euroclass B test report available for all species bonded on MDF or Particle Board : PV n° 10BE0276 and 090AN0343 Panober additional charges Particle board MDF Cross Grain : Available in 252 x 127 cm and only in M2 F.R. grade, for the references marked with (*) (Not available in 305 cm, M1 F.R. grade) Edge banding price list per lm Box (10 Bandings) Edge bandings : Use an Oberflex edge banding in matte finish price Gp 1 price Gp 2 price Gp 3 price Gp 4 Les Sables by Oberflex in Matte Roll Pre-glued 25 lm non pre-glued 75 lm 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm 1 741,51 Kč 1 976,62 Kč 1 976,62 Kč 2 013,90 Kč 1 647,25 Kč 2 159,77 Kč 2 054,40 Kč 1 984,51 Kč 2 049,74 Kč 2 068,02 Kč 2 207,80 Kč 2 030,39 Kč 2 242,20 Kč 1 690,26 Kč 2 877,66 Kč 2 906,34 Kč 2 906,34 Kč Particle Board-total thickness 18 mm Price Group Strips Rolls Gp2 Gp2 Gp2 Gp1 Gp1 Gp2 Gp2 Gp1 Gp2 Gp2 Gp3 Gp2 Gp3 Gp1 Gp2 Gp3 Gp3 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M - 51,44 Kč 67,45 Kč 84,39 Kč 124,43 Kč 84,08 Kč 100,10 Kč 117,04 Kč 157,08 Kč 74,54 Kč 90,55 Kč 107,49 Kč 147,53 Kč PANOBER (Les Sables by Oberflex in Matte Bonded panels) Edge Bandings Oberflex type (without texture) (Laminates) *Bassam Walnut straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) *Bassam Walnut T448 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) *Bassam Walnut T461 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) *Light Oak straight-grain random matched *Oak T3 straight-grain random-matched *Oak Bog-Oak-tinted straight-grain random-matched (= Bog Oak T416) *Oak Wenge tinted straight-grain random-matched (= Wengé Oak T412) *Natural Oak straight-grain random matched *Light Ash straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced *Steamed Beech straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced *Steamed Beech Pear-tinted straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced *African Satinwood straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced. (figured Movingui) *African Satinwood T497 straight-grain bookmatched non-seq. (figured Movingui) *Sapele straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced *Natural Zebrano straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced *Zebrano T479 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced *Zebrano T6 straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (*) References available in Cross Grain, consult us. Roll Matte For bonded panels, please consult our Technical Dpt. References + 33 Kč/m² + 77 Kč/m² 21 mm total thickness 21 mm total thickness MDF - Total Thickness 18 mm A/A A/C A/P A/A 4 071,30 Kč 4 541,53 Kč 4 541,53 Kč 4 616,08 Kč 3 882,77 Kč 4 907,82 Kč 4 697,08 Kč 4 557,30 Kč 4 687,76 Kč 4 724,32 Kč 5 003,87 Kč 4 649,05 Kč 5 072,69 Kč 3 968,79 Kč 6 343,61 Kč 6 400,95 Kč 6 400,95 Kč 2 675,98 Kč 2 911,10 Kč 2 911,10 Kč 2 948,37 Kč 2 581,72 Kč 3 094,24 Kč 2 988,87 Kč 2 918,98 Kč 2 984,21 Kč 3 002,49 Kč 3 142,27 Kč 2 964,86 Kč 3 176,68 Kč 2 624,73 Kč 3 812,14 Kč 3 840,81 Kč 3 840,81 Kč 2 780,08 Kč 3 015,20 Kč 3 015,20 Kč 3 052,47 Kč 2 685,82 Kč 3 198,35 Kč 3 092,97 Kč 3 023,08 Kč 3 088,32 Kč 3 106,59 Kč 3 246,37 Kč 3 068,96 Kč 3 280,78 Kč 2 728,83 Kč 3 916,24 Kč 3 944,91 Kč 3 944,91 Kč 4 417,49 Kč 4 887,72 Kč 4 887,72 Kč 4 962,27 Kč 4 228,96 Kč 5 254,01 Kč 5 043,27 Kč 4 903,49 Kč 5 033,95 Kč 5 070,51 Kč 5 350,07 Kč 4 995,24 Kč 5 418,88 Kč 4 314,98 Kč 6 689,80 Kč 6 747,14 Kč 6 747,14 Kč A/C 3 022,48 Kč 3 257,60 Kč 3 257,60 Kč 3 294,87 Kč 2 928,22 Kč 3 440,74 Kč 3 335,37 Kč 3 265,48 Kč 3 330,71 Kč 3 348,99 Kč 3 488,77 Kč 3 311,36 Kč 3 523,18 Kč 2 971,23 Kč 4 158,64 Kč 4 187,31 Kč 4 187,31 Kč A/P 3 125,66 Kč 3 360,78 Kč 3 360,78 Kč 3 398,05 Kč 3 031,40 Kč 3 543,92 Kč 3 438,55 Kč 3 368,66 Kč 3 433,89 Kč 3 452,17 Kč 3 591,95 Kč 3 414,54 Kč 3 626,36 Kč 3 074,41 Kč 4 261,82 Kč 4 290,49 Kč 4 290,49 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 9/24 OBERFLEX "LES SABLES BY OBERFLEX UNFINISHED" Les Sables by Oberflex Unfinished additional charges Standard Dimensions : Les Sablés by Oberflex unfinished : 252 x 127 cm and 305 x 127 cm Panober "particle board": 250 x 123 cm and 304 x 123 cm Panober "MDF": 250 x 120 cm and 304 x 120 cm Dimension 215 x 95 cm : +20% Dimension 215 x 127 cm : +15% Dimension 305 x 95 cm : +15% Dimension 252 x 95 cm : +15% Special Dimensions upon request : Les Sablés by Oberflex unfinished : 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 127 cm, 252 x 95 cm, 305 x 95 cm Thicknesses : Les Sablés by Oberflex unfinished : 1.0 mm Panober : 18 mm and 21 mm Panober additional charges Particle board MDF + 33 Kč/m² + 77 Kč/m² 21 mm total thickness 21 mm total thickness Finish : unfinished / raw Edge bandings : Use our Brut d'Ober/Obermatch edge banding Edge banding price list per lm Box Roll (10 Bandings) Pre-glued 25 lm Roll non pre-glued 75 lm - - Unfinished Price Gp 1 Price Gp 2 Price Gp 3 Price Gp 4 LES SABLES BY OBERFLEX UNFINISHED References Bassam Walnut straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) (Laminate) 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm 1 464,80 Kč 51,44 Kč 67,45 Kč 84,39 Kč 124,43 Kč PANOBER (Sables by Oberflex Unfinished bonded panels) Edge banding (Brut d'ober non textured) MDF - Total Thickness 18 mm Particle Board - total thickness 18 mm A/A A/C A/P A/A - 3 517,87 Kč 2 399,27 Kč 2 503,37 Kč 3 864,06 Kč 2 745,77 Kč 2 848,95 Kč Price Group Strips Rolls Gp2 Unfinished A/C A/P Bubinga straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced 1 671,40 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 3 931,08 Kč 2 605,87 Kč 2 709,98 Kč 4 277,27 Kč 2 952,37 Kč 3 055,55 Kč Oak straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced 1 710,20 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 4 008,68 Kč 2 644,67 Kč 2 748,78 Kč 4 354,87 Kč 2 991,17 Kč 3 094,35 Kč Ash straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced 1 448,55 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 3 485,37 Kč 2 383,02 Kč 2 487,12 Kč 3 831,56 Kč 2 729,52 Kč 2 832,70 Kč Steamed Beech straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced 1 356,69 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 3 301,65 Kč 2 291,16 Kč 2 395,26 Kč 3 647,84 Kč 2 637,66 Kč 2 740,84 Kč Figured Makore straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Figured Mahogany) 1 231,33 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 3 050,94 Kč 2 165,80 Kč 2 269,91 Kč 3 397,13 Kč 2 512,30 Kč 2 615,48 Kč African Satinwood straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced. (figured Movingui) 1 470,43 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 3 529,15 Kč 2 404,91 Kč 2 509,01 Kč 3 875,34 Kč 2 751,41 Kč 2 854,59 Kč Sapele straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced 1 165,01 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 2 918,29 Kč 2 099,48 Kč 2 203,58 Kč 3 264,48 Kč 2 445,98 Kč 2 549,16 Kč Zebrano straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced 2 199,35 Kč Gp3 Unfinished - 4 986,98 Kč 3 133,82 Kč 3 237,93 Kč 5 333,17 Kč 3 480,32 Kč 3 583,50 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 10/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "BRUT D’OBER/OBERMATCH" Obermatch additional charges Standard Dimensions : Obermatch : 252 x 127 cm and 305 x 127 cm Panober "particle board": 250 x 123 cm and 304 x 123 cm Panober "MDF": 250 x 120 cm and 304 x 120 cm Special Dimensions upon request : Obermatch : 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 127 cm, 252 x 95 cm, 305 x 95 cm Dimension 215 x 95 cm : +20% Dimension 215 x 127 cm : +15% Dimension 305 x 95 cm : +15% Dimension 252 x 95 cm : +15% Thicknesses : Obermatch : 0.8 mm Panober : 17.6 mm and 20.6 mm Panober additional charges Particle board MDF Finish : unfinished / raw 20,6 mm total thickness 20,6 mm total thickness + 33 Kč/m² + 77 Kč/m² Edge bandings : Available in 25 mm width, thickness of 0.7mm In strips, 2,52m or 3,05m long Edge banding price list per lm Box Roll (10 Bandings) Pre-glued 25 lm Roll non pre-glued 75 lm - - Unfinished price Gp 1 price Gp 2 price Gp 3 price Gp 4 OBERMATCH 51,44 Kč 67,45 Kč 84,39 Kč 124,43 Kč PANOBER (Brut d'Ober/ Obermatch bonded panels) Edge banding Particle board - total thickness 17.6 mm (unfinished laminate) References African Mahogany flowered bookmatched Figured Mahogany straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Figured Makore) Mahogany flowered bookmatched Ako straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced Bassam Walnut straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) Alder flowered random-matched Bamboo Canadian Birch flowered random-matched Bubinga flowered bookmatched Chestnut flowered random-matched Light Oak flowered random-matched Oak straight-grain random-matched 13/10e mm Oak straight-grain random-matched 8/10e mm Canadian Maple flowered random-matched Birdseye Maple flowered random-matched Ash straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced Ash flowered random-matched Steamed Beech flowered random-matched Figured Makore straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Figured Mahogany) American Cherry flowered random-matched African Satinwood straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced. (figured Movingui) American Walnut flowered random-matched American Elm flowered random-matched Pine flowered random-matched Wild Pear flowered random-matched (thickness 1.0 mm) Sapele straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced Sycamore flowered random-matched Teak flowered bookmatched Wenge straight-grain bookmatched (real) Wenge straight-grain (reconstitued) Zebrano straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm 824,09 Kč 835,70 Kč 766,06 Kč 730,57 Kč 1 118,91 Kč 1 203,81 Kč 3 431,67 Kč 1 149,09 Kč 1 419,69 Kč 958,73 Kč 945,14 Kč 1 153,73 Kč 900,70 Kč 1 194,85 Kč 3 096,07 Kč 1 025,72 Kč 867,20 Kč 852,61 Kč 835,70 Kč 1 123,88 Kč 1 250,56 Kč 1 046,28 Kč 1 199,83 Kč 863,56 Kč 3 171,68 Kč 846,97 Kč 1 229,01 Kč 1 890,94 Kč 1 687,32 Kč 762,74 Kč 1 871,04 Kč Price Group Strips Rolls Gp1 Gp1 Gp1 Gp1 Gp1 Gp1 unfinished - unfinished unfinished unfinished unfinished unfinished see AKO Gp2 Gp3 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 2 Gp 4 Gp 2 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 1 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 2 Gp 1 Gp 4 Gp 1 Gp 2 Gp 3 Gp 3 Gp 2 Gp 3 Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished Unfinished - MDF - Total thickness 17.6 mm A/A A/C A/P A/A 2 236,47 Kč 2 259,68 Kč 2 120,40 Kč 2 049,43 Kč 2 826,10 Kč 2 995,89 Kč 7 451,63 Kč 2 886,45 Kč 3 427,67 Kč 2 505,75 Kč 2 478,55 Kč 2 895,74 Kč 2 389,68 Kč 2 977,98 Kč 6 780,42 Kč 2 639,72 Kč 2 322,69 Kč 2 293,51 Kč 2 259,68 Kč 2 836,05 Kč 3 089,41 Kč 2 680,85 Kč 2 987,93 Kč 2 315,39 Kč 6 931,64 Kč 2 282,23 Kč 3 046,30 Kč 4 370,15 Kč 3 962,91 Kč 2 113,76 Kč 4 330,36 Kč 1 758,56 Kč 1 770,17 Kč 1 700,53 Kč 1 665,05 Kč 2 053,38 Kč 2 138,28 Kč 4 366,15 Kč 2 083,56 Kč 2 354,17 Kč 1 893,21 Kč 1 879,61 Kč 2 088,20 Kč 1 835,17 Kč 2 129,32 Kč 4 030,54 Kč 1 960,19 Kč 1 801,68 Kč 1 787,08 Kč 1 770,17 Kč 2 058,36 Kč 2 185,04 Kč 1 980,75 Kč 2 134,30 Kč 1 798,03 Kč 4 106,15 Kč 1 781,45 Kč 2 163,48 Kč 2 825,41 Kč 2 621,79 Kč 1 697,21 Kč 2 805,51 Kč 1 862,67 Kč 1 874,28 Kč 1 804,63 Kč 1 769,15 Kč 2 157,48 Kč 2 242,38 Kč 4 470,25 Kč 2 187,66 Kč 2 458,27 Kč 1 997,31 Kč 1 983,71 Kč 2 192,31 Kč 1 939,27 Kč 2 233,43 Kč 4 134,64 Kč 2 064,30 Kč 1 905,78 Kč 1 891,19 Kč 1 874,28 Kč 2 162,46 Kč 2 289,14 Kč 2 084,86 Kč 2 238,40 Kč 1 902,13 Kč 4 210,26 Kč 1 885,55 Kč 2 267,59 Kč 2 929,51 Kč 2 725,89 Kč 1 801,32 Kč 2 909,61 Kč 2 582,66 Kč 2 605,87 Kč 2 466,59 Kč 2 395,62 Kč 3 172,29 Kč 3 342,08 Kč 7 797,82 Kč 3 232,65 Kč 3 773,86 Kč 2 851,94 Kč 2 824,74 Kč 3 241,93 Kč 2 735,87 Kč 3 324,17 Kč 7 126,61 Kč 2 985,92 Kč 2 668,88 Kč 2 639,70 Kč 2 605,87 Kč 3 182,24 Kč 3 435,60 Kč 3 027,04 Kč 3 334,12 Kč 2 661,58 Kč 7 277,83 Kč 2 628,42 Kč 3 392,49 Kč 4 716,34 Kč 4 309,11 Kč 2 459,96 Kč 4 676,55 Kč A/C 2 105,06 Kč 2 116,67 Kč 2 047,03 Kč 2 011,55 Kč 2 399,88 Kč 2 484,78 Kč 4 712,65 Kč 2 430,06 Kč 2 700,67 Kč 2 239,71 Kč 2 226,11 Kč 2 434,70 Kč 2 181,67 Kč 2 475,82 Kč 4 377,04 Kč 2 306,69 Kč 2 148,18 Kč 2 133,58 Kč 2 116,67 Kč 2 404,86 Kč 2 531,54 Kč 2 327,25 Kč 2 480,80 Kč 2 144,53 Kč 4 452,65 Kč 2 127,95 Kč 2 509,98 Kč 3 171,91 Kč 2 968,29 Kč 2 043,71 Kč 3 152,01 Kč A/P 2 208,24 Kč 2 219,85 Kč 2 150,21 Kč 2 114,73 Kč 2 503,06 Kč 2 587,96 Kč 4 815,83 Kč 2 533,24 Kč 2 803,85 Kč 2 342,89 Kč 2 329,29 Kč 2 537,88 Kč 2 284,85 Kč 2 579,00 Kč 4 480,22 Kč 2 409,87 Kč 2 251,36 Kč 2 236,76 Kč 2 219,85 Kč 2 508,04 Kč 2 634,72 Kč 2 430,43 Kč 2 583,98 Kč 2 247,71 Kč 4 555,83 Kč 2 231,13 Kč 2 613,16 Kč 3 275,09 Kč 3 071,47 Kč 2 146,89 Kč 3 255,19 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 11/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "BIOPLY" Unfinished Wood veneer on wood backer Bioply additional charges Standard Dimensions : Bioply : 252 x 127 cm and 305 x 127 cm Panober "particle board": 250 x 123 cm and 304 x 123 cm Panober "MDF": 250 x 120 cm and 304 x 120 cm Special Dimensions upon request : Bioply : 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 127 cm, 252 x 95 cm, 305 x 95 cm Dimension 215 x 95 cm : +20% Dimension 215 x 127 cm : +15% Dimension 305 x 95 cm : +15% Dimension 252 x 95 cm : +15% Thicknesses : Bioply : 0.8 mm Panober : 17.6 mm and 20.6 mm Panober additional charges Particle board MDF 20.6 mm total thickness 20.6 mm total thickness + 33 Kč/m² + 77 Kč/m² Finish : unfinished / raw Edgebanding : Use our BRUT d'OBER/OBERMATCH edge banding Edge banding price list per lm Box (10 Roll Unfinished Bandings) price Gp 1 price Gp 2 price Gp 3 price Gp 4 BIOPLY (unfinished laminate) References 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm 851,62 Kč Roll non pre-glued 75 51,44 Kč 67,45 Kč 84,39 Kč 124,43 Kč Pre-glued 25 lm lm - - PANOBER (Bioply bonded panels) Edge banding (Brut d'Ober/Obermatch) Particle board - total thickness 17.6 mm Price Group Strips Rolls A/P A/A Gp1 Unfinished - 2 291,52 Kč - 2 637,71 Kč - 1 084,75 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 2 757,78 Kč - 3 103,97 Kč - 948,12 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 2 484,52 Kč - 2 830,71 Kč - Canadian Maple flowered random-matched 1 076,13 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 2 740,54 Kč - 3 086,73 Kč Ash flowered random-matched 1 033,02 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 2 654,32 Kč - 3 000,51 Kč 975,98 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 2 540,24 Kč - 2 886,43 Kč American Cherry flowered random-matched 1 168,32 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 2 924,92 Kč - 3 271,11 Kč - American Walnut flowered random-matched 1 232,66 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 3 053,59 Kč - 3 399,79 Kč - Sycamore flowered random-matched 1 180,92 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 2 950,13 Kč - 3 296,32 Kč - Wenge straight-grain bookmatched (real) 1 616,35 Kč Gp3 Unfinished - 3 820,98 Kč - 4 167,17 Kč - Mahogany flowered bookmatched Bassam Walnut straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) Oak straight-grain random-matched Steamed Beech flowered random-matched A/A A/C MDF - Total thickness 17.6 mm on request A/C A/P on request - Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 12/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "3DPLY" Unfinished Textured wood veneer on wood backer 3Dply additional charges Standard Dimensions : 3Dply : 252 x 127 cm and 305 x 127 cm Panober "particle board": 250 x 123 cm and 304 x 123 cm Panober "MDF": 250 x 120 cm and 304 x 120 cm Special Dimensions upon request : 3Dply : 215 x 95 cm, 215 x 127 cm, 252 x 95 cm, 305 x 95 cm Dimension 215 x 95 cm : +20% Dimension 215 x 127 cm : +15% Dimension 305 x 95 cm : +15% Dimension 252 x 95 cm : +15% Thicknesses : 3Dply : 1.3 mm Panober : 18.6 mm and 21.6 mm Panober additional charges Particle board MDF 21.6 mm total thickness 21.6 mm total thickness + 33 Kč/m² + 77 Kč/m² Finish : unfinished / raw Edge banding price list per lm Textures available : Gouged, Clawed, Sea, Hammered, Gator, Sables, Sawn* * Sawn woods = novelty 2012, available in Oak only Box (10 Roll Bandings) Pre-glued 25 lm lm - - Unfinished Edgebanding : Use our BRUT d'OBER/OBERMATCH edge banding Price Gp 1 Price Gp 2 Price Gp 3 Price Gp 4 3DPLY (unfinished laminate) References : Price Group Strips Rolls 305 x 127 cm 51,44 Kč 67,45 Kč 84,39 Kč 124,43 Kč PANOBER (3Dply bonded panels) Edge banding (Brut d'Ober/Obermatch non textured) 252 x 127 cm Roll non pre-glued 75 Particle Board - total thickness 18.6 mm A/A A/C MDF - Total thickness 18.6 mm A/P A/A A/C A/P Gator, Gouged, Sea, Clawed, Sablés, Hammered Mahogany flowered bookmatched 1 632,93 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 3 854,14 Kč - 4 200,33 Kč - Bassam Walnut straight-grain bookmatched non seq. (Anigre) 1 951,29 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 4 490,86 Kč - 4 837,06 Kč - Oak straight-grain random-matched 1 973,51 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 4 535,30 Kč - 4 881,49 Kč - Canadian Maple flowered random-matched 1 822,62 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 4 233,52 Kč - 4 579,71 Kč - Ash flowered random-matched 1 926,42 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 4 441,12 Kč - 4 787,31 Kč Steamed Beech flowered random-matched 1 850,15 Kč Gp1 Unfinished - 4 288,57 Kč - 4 634,76 Kč American Cherry flowered random-matched 2 055,42 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 4 699,13 Kč - 5 045,32 Kč - American Walnut flowered random-matched 2 065,04 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 4 718,36 Kč - 5 064,55 Kč - Sycamore flowered random-matched 2 067,36 Kč Gp2 Unfinished - 4 723,00 Kč - 5 069,20 Kč - Wenge straight-grain bookmatched (real) 3 068,54 Kč Gp3 Unfinished - 6 725,37 Kč - 7 071,56 Kč - Price Group Strips Rolls Gp1 Unfinished - Sawn Wood oak straight grain random-matched (NEW!) 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm 1 973,66 Kč 4 535,30 Kč On request A/C A/P " - 4 881,49 Kč On request - A/C A/P " - Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 13/24 OBERFLEX - COLLECTION "OBERSWING NATUR" Unfinished wood veneer on non-woven backer Dimension : 245 x 123 cm (until end of stock) and 305 x 122 cm Thickness : 0.7 mm Finish : unfinished Jointing : Non-sequenced bookmatching Edgebanding : Use our BRUT d'OBER/OBERMATCH edge banding References African Mahogany flowered OBERSWING NATUR (unfinished ) 928,94 Kč Mahogany flowered 713,54 Kč Bassam Walnut straight-grain (Anigre) 876,54 Kč Birch flowered 839,53 Kč Chestnut flowered 1 017,77 Kč Oak straight-grain 788,81 Kč Oak flowered 933,66 Kč Canadian Maple flowered 984,10 Kč Ash flowered 864,50 Kč Steamed beech flowered 754,19 Kč Makore straight-grain 713,54 Kč US Cherry flowered 980,62 Kč US Walnut flowered 948,10 Kč Pine flowered 860,43 Kč Pearwood flowered 3 350,24 Kč Sycamore flowered 1 097,31 Kč Teak flowered 1 141,44 Kč Wenge straight-grain (real) 1 884,55 Kč Zebrano straight grain 2 014,29 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 14/24 FIXING PROFILES Price/ linear meter Accessories Wall installation on metal profiles* (length = 3 m) (holes pitch : 200 mm) Type H Type F aluminium untreated aluminium untreated 135,96 Kč 135,96 Kč Type H Type F aluminium black lacquered aluminium black lacquered 250,18 Kč 250,18 Kč Wall installation on screwed profiles and clips* (L = 3 m) (distance between holes : 100 mm) Type CRP 16 aluminium untreated Type CRP 16 aluminium natural Type CRP 16 aluminium black anodized Type CRP 716 Type CRP 716 Type CRP 716 aluminium untreated aluminium natural aluminium black anodized 425,34 Kč 535,99 Kč 641,13 Kč - Kč 369,83 Kč 446,66 Kč 519,45 Kč Type CROR Type CROR Type CROR aluminium untreated aluminium natural aluminium black anodized 453,64 Kč 560,62 Kč 664,29 Kč Type CROD Type CROD Type CROD aluminium untreated aluminium natural aluminium black anodized 315,05 Kč 401,44 Kč 477,54 Kč Type CROS aluminium untreated 187,12 Kč * RAL colours on request Price / unit Clip FCR 12 MDA (12 kg) - To fix one clip every 500 to 600 mm Clip FCR 12 MDB (24 kg) - To fix one clip every 500 to 600 mm Clip FCR 12 MDC (48 kg) - To fix one clip every 500 to 600 mm 46,20 Kč 46,20 Kč 46,20 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 15/24 METAPAL Fire rating : Standard sizes : Aluminium see chart below Copper see chart below M1-PV n° K101130-DE/1 All aluminium references are covered with a transparent protection film. Thicknesses : 0.9 mm for the Aluminium references 1.3 mm for the Copper references Postforming quality on request for the Aluminium reference 4041 except for the Textured Collection - Please consult us for prices and lead time. Metapal Références (Laminates) Aluminium 4041 Brushed natural Panel Dimensions 252x127 cm or 305x127 cm 674,69 Kč 4042 Brushed Brass-tinted 252x127 cm or 305x127 cm 910,31 Kč 4045 Brushed Bronze-tinted 252x127 cm or 305x127 cm 946,52 Kč 4049 Brushed Inox-tinted NEW 252x127 cm or 305x127 cm 770,00 Kč 4051 Brushed Champagne-tinted NEW 252x127 cm or 305x127 cm 1 117,12 Kč 4070 Glossy natural 244x122 cm 1 720,05 Kč 4071 Glossy Brass-tinted 244x122 cm 1 820,39 Kč 4074 Glossy Smoked-Grey-tinted 244x122 cm 2 046,76 Kč 763,75 Kč 4140H Horizontally ribbed matte natural 252x123 cm or 300x123 cm 4151H Horizontally ribbed brushed natural 252x123 cm or 300x123 cm 852,80 Kč 4152H Horizontally ribbed brushed Brass-tinted 252x123 cm or 300x123 cm 1 081,51 Kč 4155H Horizontally ribbed brushed Bronze-tinted 252x123 cm or 300x123 cm 1 333,36 Kč 4240 Matte natural 252x127 cm or 305x127 cm 755,65 Kč Panel Dimensions Copper 4202 244x122 cm 1 556,86 Kč 4214 244x122 cm 1 451,31 Kč 4291 244x122 cm 1 451,31 Kč 4292 244x122 cm 1 451,31 Kč Textured Collection METAPAL : Gator, Gouged, Sea, Sablés, Hammered Textured Metal Laminates Brushed Aluminium 4041 252x123 cm or 302x123 cm 1 554,48 Kč Brushed Aluminium Brass tinted 4042 252x123 cm or 302x123 cm 1 554,48 Kč Brushed Aluminium Bronze tinted 4045 252x123 cm or 302x123 cm 1 554,48 Kč Matte Aluminium 4240 252x123 cm or 302x123 cm 1 554,48 Kč Textured Metal : Available in 252 x 123 and 302 x 123 cm, thickness 0.9 mm, M1 quality Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 16/24 ORPHEO Standard size: 244 x 122 cm Thickness : 1.0 mm Orphéo (Laminates) References 302 - Coral and Gold 304 - Empire Green and Gold 306 - Night Blue and Gold 307 - Blue and Gold 309 - Black and Gold 59,33 € 312 - Burgundy Red and Gold 315 - Red and Gold 408 - Ivory and Copper 409 - Black and Copper Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 17/24 OBER COMPACT Standard dimensions : 252 x 127 cm and 305 x 127 cm Ober Compact additional charges Thicknesses : 6, 8 and 10 mm 8 mm thickness 10 mm thickness 368,80 Kč /m² 553,80 Kč /m² M1 F.R. grade in 6 mm M1 F.R. grade in 8 mm M1 F.R. grade in 10 mm 401,30 Kč /m² 883,00 Kč /m² 1 324,80 Kč /m² Counterbalancing type : A/C (non-visible counterbalancing side) Fire rating : M2 - G060082 - Cemate 3 M1 - G060082 - Cemate 4 For any specific request (machined edges, panels cut to size, panels matched in colour by project area, acoustic perforations etc…), our Technical department stays at your disposal. Ober Compact 252 x 127 cm 305 x 127 cm Finishes References African Mahogany T19 flowered bookmatched Figured Mahogany straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Figured Makore) Mahogany T17 flowered bookmatched Mahogany T19 flowered bookmatched Bassam Walnut straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced (Anigre) Alder flowered random-matched Canadian Birch flowered random-matched Bubinga T19 flowered bookmatched Bubinga flowered bookmatched Light Oak straight-grain random-matched Light Oak flowered random-matched Light Oak flowered bookmatched Oak T3 straight-grain random-matched Oak T4 straight-grain random-matched Oak Bog-Oak-tinted straight-grain random-matched Oak Wenge tinted straight-grain random-matched Canadian Maple flowered random-matched Light Ash flowered random-matched Light Ash flowered bookmatched Steamed Beech flowered random-matched Steamed Beech Pear-tinted flowered random-matched American Cherry flowered random-matched American Walnut T9 flowered random-matched American Walnut T266 flowered random-matched American Elm flowered random-matched Sapele straight-grain bookmatched non-sequenced Sycamore flowered random-matched Teak flowered bookmatched (1) Upon request - please consult us Satine x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Relief Matte x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (1) x x x x x (1) x x x x x x x x x x x x x (1) Thickness 6mm 3 727,60 Kč 3 304,90 Kč 3 399,01 Kč 3 399,01 Kč 3 863,28 Kč 3 721,08 Kč 3 847,97 Kč 4 170,11 Kč 4 003,64 Kč 3 472,02 Kč 3 514,97 Kč 3 695,33 Kč 3 456,04 Kč 3 410,04 Kč 3 852,69 Kč 3 705,12 Kč 3 819,91 Kč 3 484,91 Kč 3 714,51 Kč 3 620,20 Kč 3 964,21 Kč 3 620,16 Kč 3 665,29 Kč 3 959,83 Kč 3 854,69 Kč 3 291,75 Kč 3 867,16 Kč 4 386,96 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 18/24 MICROSOUND I Microperforation : diameter 4 mm - pitch 8.75 mm Average absorption coefficient : a w = 0.8 Veneer jointing : Bookmatched straight-grain veneers Surface finish : Oberflex Satin finish Square perforation : 8 mm - pitch 24 mm Average absorption coefficient : a w = 0.5 Fire retardent-grade : PV K110114 - DE-1 of LNE Plain tiles PV K021074 - DE-1 of LNE Perforated tiles Dimensions Average unit weight : 2.4 kg per tile Packing : 5 tiles per cardbox / 20 boxes per pallet Price Kč / sqm References Microperforated tiles Steamed Beech Steamed Beech Pear-tinted Sycamore 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 4 563,97 Kč 4 563,97 Kč 4 892,32 Kč Design squared perforated * Steamed Beech Steamed Beech Pear-tinted Sycamore 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 4 925,15 Kč 4 925,15 Kč 5 220,66 Kč Plain tiles Steamed Beech Steamed Beech Pear-tinted Sycamore 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 3 940,12 Kč 3 940,12 Kč 4 235,63 Kč Accessory tiles Steamed Beech Steamed Beech Pear-tinted Sycamore 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 4 563,97 Kč 4 563,97 Kč 4 892,32 Kč Type of installation: . visible structure T24 . open joint with T24 . open joint with T15 fineline visible (See technical details in the Oberflex catalogue p. 142 & 143) * until end of stock Simple (semi-circular) spring clip Double-torsion spring clip Price / unit 32,70 Kč 32,70 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 19/24 MICROSOUND II Veneer jointing : Bookmatched straight-grain for Oak and Zebrano references Random matched flowered for Walnut references Microperforation : diameter 4 mm - pitch 8.75 mm Average absorption coefficient : a w = 0.8 Surface finish : Oberflex Matte finish Fire retardent-grade : PV K110114 - DE-1 of LNE Plain tiles PV K021074 - DE-1 of LNE Perforated tiles References Microperforated tiles Brown walnut T320 Pearl walnut T322 Ice walnut T321 Hazel walnut T323 Charcoal grey oak T319 Aged oak T 312 White powdered Zebrano T315 Dimensions Average unit weight : 2.4 kg per tile Packing : 5 tiles per cardbox / 20 boxes per pallet Price Kč / m² 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 4 235,63 Kč 4 235,63 Kč 4 235,63 Kč 4 235,63 Kč 4 235,63 Kč 4 235,63 Kč 4 235,63 Kč 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 892,32 Kč Type of installation: . visible structure T24 . open joint with T24 . open joint with T15 fineline visible (See technical details in the Oberflex catalogue p. 142 & 143) Plain tiles Brown walnut T320 Pearl walnut T322 Ice walnut T321 Hazel walnut T323 Charcoal grey oak T319 Aged oak T 312 White powdered Zebrano T315 Accessory tiles Brown walnut T320 Pearl walnut T322 Ice walnut T321 Hazel walnut T323 Charcoal grey oak T319 Aged oak T 312 White powdered Zebrano T315 Simple (semi-circular) spring clip Double-torsion spring clip Price / unit 32,70 Kč 32,70 Kč Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 20/24 EKOSOUND I Veneer jointing : Bookmatched straight-grain veneers Perforation : diameter 8 mm - pitch 16 mm Average absorption coefficient : a w = 0.75 Surface finish : Oberflex Satin finish diameter 8 mm - pitch 32 mm Average absorption coefficient : Fire retardant-grade : PV K110775 - DE/1 Plain tile PV K1021074 - DE/4 Perforated tile a w = 0.3 Average unit weight : +/- 4,5 Kg per tile for 600 x 600 mm +/- 9 Kg per tile for 1200 x 600 mm On request, Euroclass B test report available for all species bonded on MDF or Particle Board : PV n° 10BE0276 and 090AN0343 Dimensions Price in Kč / m² References Plain tiles Ako Bassam Walnut (Anigre) Steamed Beech Steamed Beech Pear-tinted 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 2 955,09 Kč 3 447,61 Kč 2 955,09 Kč 3 119,26 Kč Perforated tiles 8 x 32 mm Ako Bassam Walnut (Anigre) Steamed Beech Steamed Beech Pear-tinted 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 3 447,61 Kč 3 940,12 Kč 3 447,61 Kč 3 611,78 Kč Perforated tiles 8 x 16 mm Ako Bassam Walnut (Anigre) Steamed Beech Steamed Beech Pear-tinted 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 4 268,46 Kč 4 892,32 Kč 4 268,46 Kč 4 432,64 Kč Packing 600 x 600 mm : 4 tiles (1.44 m²) per cardbox / 20 boxes per pallet Packing 1200 x 600 mm : On filmed pallet Type of installation: . On visible structure T24 and T15 (not machined) . On visible structure T15 (machining 2 to 8 mm) . On visible structure T15 Fineline (machining 8mm) (See technical details in the Oberflex catalogue p. 140) Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 21/24 EKOSOUND II Veneer jointing : Bookmatched straight-grain for Oak and Zebrano references Random matched flowered for Walnut references Finish : Oberflex Matte finish Perforation : diameter 8 mm - pitch 16 mm Average absorption coefficient : a w = 0.75 diameter 8 mm - pitch 32 mm Fire retardant-grade : PV K110775 - DE/1 Plain tile a w = 0.3 Average absorption coefficient : PV K1021074 - DE/4 Perforated tile On request, Euroclass B test report available for all species bonded on MDF or Particle Board : PV n° 10BE0276 and 090AN0343 References Plain tiles Brown walnut T320 Pearl walnut T322 Ice walnut T321 Hazel walnut T323 Charcoal grey oak T319 Aged oak T 312 White powdered Zebrano T315 Dimensions 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm Price in Kč / m² 3 250,60 Kč 3 250,60 Kč 3 250,60 Kč 3 250,60 Kč 3 250,60 Kč 3 250,60 Kč 3 250,60 Kč Average unit weight : +/- 4,5 Kg per tile for 600 x 600 mm +/- 9 Kg per tile for 1200 x 600 mm Packing 600 x 600 mm : 4 tiles (1.44 m²) per cardbox / 20 boxes per pallet Packing 1200 x 600 mm : On filmed pallet Type of installation: . . On visible structure T24 and T15 (not machined) . On visible structure T15 (machining 2 to 8 mm to be indicated while ordering) . On visible structure T15 Fineline (machining 8mm) (See technical details in the Oberflex catalogue p. 140) Perforated tiles 8 x 32 mm Brown walnut T320 Pearl walnut T322 Ice walnut T321 Hazel walnut T323 Charcoal grey oak T319 Aged oak T 312 White powdered Zebrano T315 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 3 775,95 Kč 3 775,95 Kč 3 775,95 Kč 3 775,95 Kč 3 775,95 Kč 3 775,95 Kč 3 775,95 Kč 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 600 x 600 mm / 1200 x 600 mm 4 563,97 Kč 4 563,97 Kč 4 563,97 Kč 4 563,97 Kč 4 563,97 Kč 4 563,97 Kč 4 563,97 Kč Perforated Tiles 8 x 16 mm Brown walnut T320 Pearl walnut T322 Ice walnut T321 Hazel walnut T323 Charcoal grey oak T319 Aged oak T 312 White powdered Zebrano T315 Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 22/24 DECK D'OBER Boat decking jointed wood panelling Thickness : 7.5 mm Strip width 41 mm WOOD SPECIES & DIMENSIONS Teak - Length 1200, 2000, 2200 mm - width 1283, 639 mm Panel with black joint Panel with white joint price Kč / m² price Kč / m² 6 773,53 Kč 8 297,82 Kč 7 183,79 Kč 8 934,77 Kč Upon request : Wenge, Bubinga, Doussie Teak - Length 2500 mm - Width 1283, 639 mm Strip width 87 mm WOOD SPECIES & DIMENSIONS Panel with black joint Panel with white joint price Kč / m² price Kč / m² Wenge - Length 2000 mm - Width 1283, 639 mm 6 065,44 Kč 7 522,59 Kč Bubinga - Length 2000 mm - Width 1283, 639 mm 4 929,85 Kč 6 113,18 Kč Doussie - Length 2000 mm - Width 1283, 639 mm 4 929,85 Kč 6 113,18 Kč Other size on request (Not exceeding 2000 x 1283 mm) Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 23/24 DECK D'OBER Accessories (when ordered with Deck d'Ober panels) Price Kč /lot Solid strips for the peripheral finish 4 137,38 Kč Teak, 10 strips 2000 x 41 mm,thickness 7.5 mm Wenge, 10 strips 2000 x 41 mm, thickness 7.5 mm Wenge, 10 strips 2000 x 87 mm, thickness 7.5 mm 6 722,47 Kč 10 644,29 Kč Bubinga, 10 strips 2000 x 41 mm, thickness 7.5 mm Bubinga, 10 strips 2000 x 87 mm, thickness 7.5 mm 5 579,78 Kč 8 834,70 Kč Doussie, 10 strips 2000 x 41 mm, thickness 7.5 mm Doussie, 10 strips 2000 x 87 mm,thickness 7.5 mm 5 585,32 Kč 7 876,58 Kč To make joints Mastic Ober 10, Elastomer mastic (black) cartridge of 290 ml per Unit cartridge of 290 ml for 12 ordered Units (price per unit) 433,40 Kč 396,88 Kč Available in drums of 7 kg 2 295,50 Kč cartridge of 290 ml per Unit cartridge of 290 ml for 12 ordered Units (price per unit) 418,73 Kč 382,20 Kč Horizontal gluing Tarbicol MS Elastic Vertical gluing & making white joints Mastic Ober 08, Elastomer mastic (white) Edition du 20.11.2014 Groos Price List December 2014 - Page 24/24
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