Newsletter - Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church
Newsletter - Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church
Hello Beloved People of God, Now is a busy time. We are ever more connected to each other and the world through technology and while this can be a beautiful, life-giving connection, it can also be exhausting. We are more aware now then we have ever been in history that there is always something more to do, to read, to say, to hear, to see. It seems it has always been this way. Civilization has, at least in the first world, been evolving at a breakneck speed for as long as we have recorded history. This means that comparatively, “now” (whenever “now has been) has always been a busy time. Which is why it is as true as it is funny that Martin Luther is said to have quipped 500 years ago that he has so much to do that he must spend the first three hours in prayer. I think of that saying often because I find that I need the reminder. If I am not deliberate about making time for prayer and intentionally looking for value in it, I will omit it or rush through it, eager to finish so I can get on with the “real” business of the day, as if there is business more real than prayer. And when I fall into that habit, my life suffers—not just my spiritual life, but my whole life. Little by little as I prioritize other things above prayer, my stance toward God, myself, and the world shifts until one day I look around and don’t recognize the image of God in the people and things I see (even in the mirror!) like I used to. And then I realize that I have been “too busy” to pray and have to repent and reorient myself and my schedule. we see and noticing what God calls good in creation. This kind of prayer can be wordless, for me it often is. And it can be hard to explain as prayer, because connection with God sometimes defies words and when we try to put it into words it comes out sounding vague or trite. But nevertheless, I know when I have been giving myself over in prayer this way and when I have not because of the connectedness—or not—that I feel with God and my sisters and brothers in Christ. The second thing I do to reclaim prayer in my life is set an alarm for three times a day and say a scripted prayer at each of those times. It seems nearly the opposite, doesn’t it?! But what kind of Lutheran would I be if I didn’t pray paradoxically? (After all, paradox is one of our trademarks!) The prayers are short and easily recognizable and describable as prayers. I like to use scripted prayer because it helps me keep the prayer time focused and concise. When I tried this method with extemporaneous prayer (praying off the cuff) I found that I skipped prayer time more, partly because I rambled in my prayer so it took longer, and I still never felt like I’d covered everything I “should” pray for. So now, I take a quiet moment, read or recite the prayer, and then continue on with the other tasks at hand. Sometimes this kind of prayer feels like a pain to me because it interrupts the many things I am doing that keep me so busy and feel so important. But I try hard to make myself stick to it and I never regret it when I do. (I often regret it when I don’t, but I still sometimes choose not to do it!) From the Pastors Cover Events and Highlights Calendar 2-5 Insert Volunteer Schedule 6-7 People’s Kitchen Schedule 8 Our Church Family 9 Get Involved 10 This prayer from Archbishop Oscar Romero is longer than I usually pray during my three prayer times but I have been praying it lately (perhaps because I have been so busy?) and I want to share it with you so we can pray it together in the coming days: It helps, now and then, to step back and take the long view. The Kingdom is not only beyond our efforts, Does that ever happen to you? It is even beyond our vision. How do you feel when it does? We accomplish in our lifetime only a tiny fraction of What do you do to reclaim prayer in your life when it does? Nothing we do is complete, Two things have helped me reclaim prayer in my life— the first is expanding my definition of prayer from a time when I close my eyes, fold my hands, and talk to God in my head. Isn’t that what most of us think of as the most common definition of prayer? Perhaps we would replace talking with God in our own heads with “talking aloud to God” or something like that, but generally speaking when we hear the word “prayer” that is the image we get. But prayer is so much more than that. Prayer is a giving over of ourselves—in many and various ways—to the presence of God and the kingdom of God. That can happen during a swim or a hike, while knitting or washing dishes, while gardening or cooking, in traffic or at the grocery store. I am not talking about multi-tasking. I am talking about recognizing the holiness of our ordinary lives, about looking for the image of God in the faces Inside this issue: the magnificent enterprise that is God's work. Which is another way of saying that Sunday Worship at Mt. Carmel The Kingdom always lies beyond us. No statement says all that should be said. No prayer fully expressed our faith. No confession brings perfection. No pastoral visit brings wholeness. No program accomplishes the church's mission. No set of goals and objectives includes everything. This is what we are about. We plant the seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, Knowing that they hold future promise. Continued on next page 8:45 am - Traditional Service 10:00am - Adult Forum Sunday School 11:00am - Contemporary Service Holy Communion is offered at all Sunday worship services. Child care available on Sundays 8:45 am-12:15 pm. 2 Events and Highlights Continued from cover October2–NoAdultForum. BlendedWorshipServiceat10am: BlessingoftheAnimals. We lay foundations that will need further development. We provide yeast that produced effects far beyond our capabilities. We cannot do everything, And there is a sense of liberation in realizing that. This enables us to do something, and to do it very well. It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, A step along the way, An opportunity for the Lord's grace to enter and do the rest. We may never see the end results, But that is the difference Between the master builder and the worker. We are workers, not master builders, Ministers, not messiahs. We are prophets of a future that is not our own. Amen. I hope this prayer will be a blessing to you and I give thanks to God for you and for your partnership in ministry and in prayer. Peace, Pastor Valerie Our County was a raging wild fire. There were multitudes of fire fighters out risking their lives trying to control this unyielding inferno. And the Red Cross was there, providing shelter, food, and comfort for those responders who were trying to protect the hillsides and homes. Join us on Friday, Oct. 21, at noon, when our guest speaker for the Brown Bag Lunch Group will be a Red Cross volunteer. He will speak about all the planning involved and the thousands of hours volunteered to give the fire fighters what they needed, physically and mentally, to keep fighting. Bring your brown bag lunch, a friend, and your enthusiasm. Don’t miss this one. August Financial Report Total Income for the two months ended August 31, 2016: $63,644; 15.4% of full‐year budget Total Expense for the two months ended August 31, 2016: $70,422; 17.7% of full‐year budget Net loss for the two months month ended August 31, 2016: $6,778. The two months' expenses include costs for VBS. October 2016 AdultForumsfortherestofOctoberwill focusonpreparationsforthecoming 500thAnniversaryoftheProtestant Reformationnextyear. October9,October16,&October23—PastorValeriewillpresentaseries“LivingALutheran,”alookatLutheranpractices, traditionsanddoctrinesinadiscussionsetting.Everwonderwhy wearecalled“Lutherans”?—Itwasn’tMartinLuther’sidea...come and indoutmoreaboutus. October30:ReformationSunday—PastorJakeParsonswill talkaboutthebackgroundoftheReformationandwhathappenedbeforethose95thesesgotnailedtothechurchdoor. Fellowship of Faiths: Mark your calendar for Saturday, Oct. 29 @ Mt. Carmel. Once again, Mt. Carmel will have the opportunity gather with members of the Mosque of Nasreen and UMC, for an afternoon of conversation, relaxing, and of course, eating. There will be no planned program, no speakers. Rather, this will be a chance to spend time in fellowship and fun, as God’s children, of multiple faith traditions. The afternoon begins at 4:00 with possible basketball, playing, relaxing and conversation. Bring a potluck dish of your choice to share, because at 5:00, we will move inside for a meal and more time to get to know folk you haven’t met before. Please don’t miss this very important event. It will be amazing! We’re going to need lots of help to make this day great, so if you would like to volunteer, please contact Nancy Priddy, 459‐9249. 3 Fall Women’s Retreat: Two spots left! The theme this year is, “Treasured Hearts.” Hear the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus, as we engage in what it means to treasure the amazing promises of God in our hearts. Our speaker will be Pastor Sarah Sumner-Eisenbraun, Associate and Campus Pastor of Salem Lutheran Church, Glendale. DATE: Oct. 14 – 16 PLACE: La Casa de Maria COST: $240, includes lodging, meals and program. Cancellation – $100 penalty Invite a friend today! Questions? Nancy Priddy, 459-9249 October 2: NO SUNDAY SCHOOL (but bring animals or stuffed animals at 10:00am for a blessing!) Confirma on, 4:30‐5:30 October 9: Bible Sunday – Presenta on of Bibles during worship to 3‐year‐olds and 3rd graders. Sunday School @ 10, High School breakfast @ 10 CAT Team mee ng @ 12:15 Confirma on, 4:30‐5:30 October 16: Sunday School @ 10, High School breakfast @ 10 Confirma on, 4:30‐5:30 Men’sAdvanceRetreat:October14‐16th October 23: Sunday School @ 10, High School breakfast @ 10 High School/CAT Team work day for Fall Fundraiser @ 12:15 Confirma on, 4:30‐5:30 This year’s theme is "The Masculine Journey" featuring Rev. Greg Ronning, Mission Developer and Pastor at "The Table," and former Campus Pastor at Texas Lutheran University. Through October 30: Sunday School @ 10, High School breakfast @ 10 individual re lection on the stories of Jacob, Paul and Jesus, Pastor Confirma on, 4:30‐5:30 Ronning will be our guide seeking what it means to be men of faith.CostfortheAdvanceis$150perpersonandincludes5meals,2 socials and a powerful time of personal growth through bible study, music, fellowship and recreational activities at El Camino Pines Children and Teens has been so fortunate to have staff and so Lutheran Camp. For further information, visit www.mensmany volunteers and CAT Team members step in and help with Rally Sunday, Port San Luis Youth Bar-b-que, Prayer Rocks, Sunday or contact: John Keisler, (805) 543-4259 or School Opening Day, Middle and High School and [email protected] tion. Trying to coordinate all of the people with activities that need to be covered makes us appreciate all that Ingrid does each Please join the Book Group month! in reading Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End (2014) by Atul Gawande. Best selling author and surgeon, Gawande, talks about the limitations of the medical profession, arguing that the “quality of life is the desired goal for patients and families.” Please be sure to pray for our Children and Teens and THANK our staff and volunteers working Sunday School. Many of the parents and volunteers appear in the wonderful photos Monica Holman has of events for the Summit. Milestone Ministry: Be sure and sign a Bible for a pre-reader and 3yr. old. On Oct. 9th, Mt. Carmel will provide free Story Bibles for parents to read and introduce the Stories of Jesus and His Love to pre-schoolers. kick-off youth & family beach party Annual high school “Freshman Kidnap” We will meet on October 23rd, at 6:00 pm at Pat Ramsay’s home for engaging discussion. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sheryl Huffaker ([email protected]). October 2016 We are excited to introduce you to our newest Mt. Carmel members... Jen DeClark recently moved to San Luis Obispo with her husband Brian and son Brayden. She has lived in Southern California for the last four years, but was born and raised in Minnesota. She enjoys hiking with her family. Tony Huffaker began attending services at Mt. Carmel when his 2nd grader (now a college sophomore) wanted to be baptized. He thought he should become a member before the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. He is married to Sheryl, a long-time member. The Raveras join us from all over the map! Parents are Mark and Chrissy. Mark is originally from Southern California, Chrissy from Northern California, Lucca (age 9) is from Guatemala, and Nicco (age 7) and Miriam (age 5) are from Ethiopia. They currently live in Arroyo Grande. These five enjoy family time, travel, their jobs as a teacher and nurse, swim lessons, aikido, the beach, school, and music. The Raveras thank you for welcoming them to Mt. Carmel. Amy and Adam Fukushima love living in San Luis Obispo. Amy is a labor & delivery nurse and Adam works in the transportation sector. They love spending time with their two year old daughter, Nora. October is... A Prayer for our Pastors... Lord Jesus, You are my great High Priest, who intercedes with the Father on my behalf. During Your earthly ministry, You called [us] to be Your apostles, and still today You call [us] to be pastors in Your Church—to proclaim the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins, to baptize, to nourish Your people with Your Holy Supper, and to minister in countless ways to Your flock. Grant to my pastors fidelity to Your Word, wisdom by Your Spirit, and strength from above, that they may carry out their callings faithfully. Make them fearless confessors of Your truth. Keep them from error in their teaching and from scandal in their lives. Give them courage to admonish those who stray, compassion to bind up the brokenhearted, and discernment to apply Law and Gospel to all appropriately. May they protect Your flock from ravaging wolves and shepherd Your lambs into green pastures. Move the members of my congregation to have proper respect for our pastors...and to gladly accept the Word preached to us. Keep our pastors and our parishioners faithful until death, that together we may receive the crown of life; in Your name, O Jesus, the only Savior of the world. Amen. —Revised From Lutheran Book of Prayer (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 2005). All rights reserved. nk a h t o r t a st or e b m e em P r d s n ’ a t e e L ri his e t l a s V y a Pastor ntentional w ey do! i h t n i t a n h a t D l l a r o f month 6 Volunteer Schedule Date Time Oct 2 Coffee Servers COORDINATOR: Carol Harvey Communion Assistants Greeters Temporary Coordinator: Erin Parsons Church Office Ingrid Frokjer 481‐2418 544‐2133 544‐2133 10:00am N/A 8:45 Oct 9 Acolytes Greeter/C.A. COORDINATOR: Lily Hinds [email protected] Sid & Beryl Benne Bob and Carol Harvey Mike Dresp Nancy Priddy Ro Cannon‐Miller Sheryl Huffaker Bob & Mary Christenson Dorothy McCoid Be y Johnson Greg Zocher Carolyn Baker Sophia Parsons Sally Reck Diane Mansell Anneke Moersdorf Diane Mansell 11:00 John Cook Oct 16 8:45 Bob Harvey Bob Christenson Lisanne Mar nelli Maureen Dresp Be y Johnson 11:00 Amanda Lujan Mike & Val Lund Marilyn Brown Oct 23 8:45 Jack & Roberta Moen Dorothy McCoid Makenna Parkinson Sherri Parkinson& Marilyn Brown Rebecca Christensen Nancy Priddy Allison Schultze Vicky Tway Janis Sexton Diane Mansell Janis Sexton 11:00 Sheryl Huffaker Oct 30 8:45 Steve & JoAnn Benne Be y Johnson Mary Christensen Paula Jaster 11:00 Caleb Holman Tony Huffaker Dorothy McCoid Sherri Parkinson Makenna Parkinson Pat Forrest Ro Cannon‐Miller Ushers (coordinator: Jess Bathke ‐ 927‐9460 or [email protected]) 1st Sunday (and Jan. 31) 8:45 11:00 2nd Sunday (and May 29) 3rd Sunday (and Jul. 31) 4th Sunday (and Oct. 30) Jess & Pat Bathke Ed Dresp Glen Priddy Warren Quist Steve & JoAnn Benne Marc Frey Burke Jr. & Kathy Towle John Merrill Norm & Mollie Smith Cliff Baker Jack & Roberta Moen Carlyn Hinds Bob & Carol Grosse Mike & Val Lund Carol & Donley Winger John & Janis Sexton Jeanie Schultz Dorothy McCoid Pat Forrest Volunteer Needed Linda Schultze Volunteer Needed Andy Frokjer Subs tute ushers for 11am service: Bill & Karen Almas, & Diane Mansell Subs tute ushers for 8:45am service: John & Rebecca Keisler Children’s Church 11:00 Oct. 2: N/A Oct. 9: Deanna Schultze Pat Forrest Dorothy McCoid 14-Oct 25-Nov 21-Oct 2-Dec Friday Morning Office Volunteers Carol Grosse Mary Christenson 28-Oct October 2016 Oct. 16: Erin Malone 4-Nov 16‐Dec Oct. 23 & Oct. 30: TBD Carol Winger Maureen Dresp 11-Nov 9‐Dec 23‐Dec 7-Oct 18-Nov 30‐Dec 7 Date Time Lector(s) Assis ng Minister Soundboard Powerpoint COORDINATOR: COORDINATOR: COORDINATOR: COORDINATOR: Wende Dong Greg Zocher Marshall Pihl Marshall Pihl 541‐3094 (h) 461‐3128 Oct 2 10:00am Mike Dresp [email protected] N/A John Perreault N/A N/A Oct 9 8:45 Greg Zocher Monica Holman Bob Harvey Dale Johnson 11:00 John Cook Marshall Pihl Stephen Parkinson Oct 16 8:45 Wayne Lippold Rebecca Christensen John Perreault Carol Harvey 11:00 Marilyn Brown Marshall Pihl Linda Schultze Amanda Lujan Oct 23 8:45 Wende Dong Greg Zocher Bob Harvey Carol Harvey 11:00 Janis Sexton Marshall Pihl Dave Parkinson Oct 30 8:45 Mary Christenson Paula Jaster John Perreault TBD 11:00 Bob Grosse Marshall Pihl Dave Parkinson Altar Guild Oct. 2 Vikki Tway Oct. 9 Mollie Smith Oct. 16 Dorothy McCoid Oct. 23 Pat Forrest Oct. 30 Maureen Dresp Next Altar Guild mee ng: Dec. 15 @ 2pm *Reminder: If you are unable to serve, please notify your coordinator and the church office of your substitute as soon as possible. October 2016 8 Get Involved! Mt. Carmel serves again on October 7th at Noon at Prado Day Center. Volunteers: Thank you, and be sure to check the schedule below for what is needed. LAST NAME FIRST NAME WHAT TO BRING HOW MUCH TO BRING DATE Cummings Sue CANNED FRUIT 2 LRG CANS SMART & FINAL 10/7/2016 Bobell David CANNED FRUIT 2 LRG CANS SMART & FINAL 10/7/2016 Droege Esther HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Krueger Laura HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Forrest Pat HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Winger Carol HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Senter Jean & Jack HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Malone Erin HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Keisler John MILK 2 GALLONS WHOLE 10/7/2016 Martin Julie MILK 2 GALLONS WHOLE 10/7/2016 Columbo Karen SALAD HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Meyer Kathy SALAD HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Krueger Laura SALAD HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Uder Jan SALAD HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 10/7/2016 Christensen Rebecca CANNED FRUIT 2 LRG CANS SMART & FINAL 11/4/2016 Christenson Mary CANNED FRUIT 2 LRG CANS SMART & FINAL 11/4/2016 Bennett Sid & Beryl HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Lex Linda HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Sexton Janis HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Roland Sandy HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Tewell Judy HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Tietje Sheilah HOT DISH HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Bathke Jess & Pat MILK 2 GALLONS WHOLE 11/4/2016 Coats Elaine MILK 2 GALLONS WHOLE 11/4/2016 Adams Dorothy SALAD HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Almas Karen SALAD HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Bockelman Karen SALAD HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Rheinisch Diana SALAD HEARTY 12 SERVINGS 11/4/2016 Mt. Carmel volunteers provide a hot meal for People's Kitchen on the first Friday of each month. If you would like to provide a hot dish, salad, milk or canned fruit with 12 hearty servings three times in the next year (and you're not already a volunteer) please contact Laura Krueger at [email protected] or 805-458-6012 October 2016 9 1 Dianne Draze 14 Carter Chambers 3 John Keisler 16 Doug Wood 4 Barbara Jauregui 17 Kelly Lund 5 Danielle Dong 20 JoAnn Bennett 5 Monica Holman 6 Marc Frey 20 Susan Bouvette (Price) 7 Mary Anne Hopper 24 Bill Almas 8 Mike Lund 25 Chris Chambers 8 Dave Parkinson 26 James Porter 10 Amy Blasco 31 Dave Sullivan 10 Jack Moen 10 Daniel Schultze 13 John Rollefson *Please let us know if we missed your birthday! PRAYING FOR OUR CHURCH COMMUNITY: October 2: Steven, Cindy & Adam Harding; Bob & Carol Harvey; Sharon Haupt; Susan Hay; Carlyn, John, & Lily Hinds October 9: Monica, Ariana & Caleb Holman; Mary Anne Hopper; Sheryl, Tony, Lauren & Fiona Huffaker; Bev Humphry October 16: Ed & Paula Jaster; Barbara Jauregui; Russ & Kay Jensen; Steve Jobst & Jill Anderson October 23: Dale & Betty Johnson; Katie Kahle; John & Rebecca Keisler; Jackie, Steve, Sarah & Jenni Kinsey October 30: Jerry & Judie Kirkhart; Susanne Krout; Laura Krueger; Jeannie Ledford, Suzanne & Dante Leedale Valerie Carlson Dan Carlson Cora Carlson Ingrid Frokjer Paul Woodring Ruth Rollefson Heather Babcock Tony Bloodworth Erin Parsons Mount Carmel Staff Pastor Pastor Cora Director of Children & Teens Ministry Organist Choir Director Interim Director of Contemporary Music Custodian Parish Administrator 10-06-06 Sven Hammer & Kathryn Winfrey 10-10-70 Mike & Val Lund 10-10-81 Don & Sharon Allen 10-11-73 Walt & Helen Rehm 10-13-12 Kenji & Dana Yoshino 10-15-88 Bryan & Beverly Gingg 10-16-94 Jack & Patrice Hald 10-17-87 John & Rebecca Keisler *Please let us know if we missed your anniversary Church Office Hours 8:30—3:00 Monday-Friday Phone 805-544-2133 Fax 544-5356 Email: [email protected] Lutheran Campus Ministry Email: [email protected] Our pastoral staff is here for you. In time of crisis, please contact the church. October 2016 1701 Fredericks St. San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Phone: 805-544-2133 Fax: 805-544-5356 Email: [email protected] ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Gather, Grow, Go Southwest California Synod/Mt. Carmel CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK! For updates from Mt. Carmel, go to For updates from Lutheran Campus Ministries, go to IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECOGNIZE A SPECIAL EVENT OR SPECIAL SOMEONE, CONSIDER SPONSORING FLOWERS FOR OUR CHANCEL. Each bouquet is $27.50 or $55.00 Contact: Jeanie Schultz, Altar Guild or the MCLC Office Have something you want to share, celebrate or commemorate? E-mail the details/pictures to the church office ([email protected]) for publication in this newsletter and/or our weekly “Vistas” e-mail! Deadline for November “Summit” is Oct. 25th