2010-2011 report of giving
2010-2011 report of giving
2 01 0-2 01 1 report of giving a catholic college preparatory high school for young women since 1851 Letter f r o m t h e P r i nci pa l This Summer, when the hallways were resting from the clamor of the school year, I happened upon two incoming freshmen who were attending summer school. They erupted in giggles and then buckled over in hilarity as they studied the class composites from the 1940s and 1950s that hang on the first floor of Manley Hall. “What is so funny ?” I asked, and they beckoned me over. “Look at her!” they squealed. “Look at those glasses!” “Why is she so angry?” “What is with that haircut, are those supposed to be bangs?” I joined in their microscopic look at the girls, and laughed at the narratives they were creating in the moment about personalities, personal grooming and styles. The two of them had recently met in their summer school class, and were already fast friends. So much so, that it was without pause that one turned to the other and said, “It’s funny to think that in 100 years, someone is going to be laughing hysterically at our class picture.” And then they were off. I stood in the hallway with the friends of the 40s and 50s and mused a bit longer. Would that really happen? Would the Class of 2015, about to begin their four Notre Dame high school years, one day be dated and worth a close look by two fun-loving young women of the Class of 2115? ‘Why not?’ I thought. For a school that has been here for 160 years, why not another 100 or more years of strong friendships among strong women in San Jose and beyond? And what would the narrative about the Class of 2015 and their sister classes hanging proudly on the wall be in future years? As they gaze into the faces of the Notre Dame students of today, my hope is that they would see: O• O• The passion of a life-long learner who is able to wrestle with complex ideas of the global world of 2015. O• O• The power of a justice advocate who develops community and solidarity with others. The soul of a spiritual seeker who respects diverse religious beliefs and embraces the Catholic perspective and Notre Dame charism. The strength of a community leader who speaks with her unique voice and supports the voice of others. This is our mandate for the education of today’s Notre Dame students. These are the desired outcomes that guide our programs; the navigational tools for our faculty and staff. No matter the curriculum or program, from the physics classroom to the basketball court, there is the constant whisper of our mission to the teacher or coach: how am I charting Take a look at the timeline that appears throughout this annual report and experience the history and people that have helped make Notre Dame San Jose one of the most prestigious college preparatory institutions in California. 1804 Julie Billiart and Francoise Blin de Bourdon establish the religious congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in France. the course for this community leader, this spiritual seeker, this life-long learner, this justice advocate? The community’s commitment to this charge is what makes Notre Dame San Jose distinctive today and what will assure its legacy for tomorrow. As I gaze into the faces of the decades of Notre Dame women since 1851, I have no doubt that it has been any different from age to age. In San Jose, Notre Dame education and Notre Dame women are, and have been, committed to excellence and strength. Why wouldn’t they be in 2115? Notre Dame has been a landmark in the city of San Jose for 160 years. This school has grown with its city and been a good neighbor and partner. From a sprawling campus on Santa Clara Ave in the late 1800s, to the present day bustling city block on 2nd Street, this school is and has been a loyal and significant institution in San Jose. Can you imagine the impact of all the women who have spent their four years of high school here? It is legendary! I am honored to be a part of this history, and to stand with the committed women and men who are the faculty and staff of Notre Dame. They are the enthused corps who bring the mission to life, who shape the future of these emboldened ND students. Together they are an infectious force. And there is no moment that more succinctly captures this spirit of building on the past for the goodness of today and the future, than when all of them together—620 students and 65 faculty and staff—stand arm-in-arm in Julie Billiart Hall joyfully singing our alma mater: “Work and pray, work and pray, everyday, everyday, motto we acclaim: Ora et Labora, Hail Notre Dame!” May that spirit continue to drive us forward with God’s goodness. Hail Notre Dame! 1851 ~ Mary Beth Riley Principal 1800s Two Sisters from Oregon and four from Belgium come to downtown San Jose to establish a school built at Santa Clara Street and Notre Dame Avenue. 1887 Judge Myles Poore O’Conner and wife, Amanda, build a mansion at Second and Reed Streets in San Jose, complete with a ballroom on the top floor. 1 A c a dem i c s a t No t r e Da me Sa n J o s e Going Beyond the First Answer by Janice Tupaj-Farthing, vice principal of academic affairs A visit to the classrooms of Notre Dame today brings you to a world that is filled with students huddled over computers, working in small groups, debating the issues of the day, reading literature in a second language, and digitally transforming a recent photograph. On close examination one will find that the “subject boxes” within which students learn are not very different from the “subject boxes” of the past. A review of copies of SA Route, the Notre Dame yearbook, showed little difference in the core courses of the Notre Dame curriculum—English, history—U.S. and world, biology, chemistry, physics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, languages and religion. Of course, on close examination of the course catalogs, one finds that course offerings have changed. To meet the needs and interests of today’s student, college admissions requirements, and the world of work that our students will enter, we have added new courses and removed others. While content is still important, how that content is delivered and how students engage with the content has changed. The classroom of today focuses on the integration of 21st century skills with the curriculum. Today, Notre Dame students need to be prepared to apply digital tools to research and presentations. They need to be able to use the skills and knowledge they have to research and discover what they need and want to know. Students need to be able to work collaboratively and creatively. The ability to think critically and to articulate probing questions helps shape their understanding of the world in which they live. 1893 The O’Connor Mansion becomes home to the Sisters and the ballroom becomes their chapel. 2 1900s Today the Notre Dame classroom is an environment which encourages students to dig deeper, to go beyond the first answer they find, and to apply the values they learn to the issues of the day. In math and science classrooms, from Algebra to Calculus and from Biology to AP Physics, students face real world problems and questions. They utilize new tools—from computer programs and graphing calculators to electronic data collection instruments to find answers to those questions and problems. In AP Biology and Biology II, students use gel electrophoresis techniques to separate and analyze DNA fragments in a simulated paternity test. In Physics, students capture video footage of projectiles in motion to analyze properties such as gravity and the trigonometry relationships between “x” and “y” coordinates that represent the speed and position of the projectile. In the humanities classroom, students read literature that helps them: explore the human condition; understand how the events of the past impact the issues of today; apply their values and beliefs to real world issues. Students studying modern languages explore issues of poverty, genocide and racism from the lens of their target language and culture. Each year, the school’s Notre Dame Reads program engages the entire school community with an issue of social significance. This year students and faculty read Enrique’s Journey: the Story of a Boy’s Dangerous Odyssey to Reunite with his Mother by Los Angeles Times journalist, Sonia Nazario. In September, Ms. Nazario visited our campus and spoke to students about the issue of immigration and its impact on the children of Central America. As the year unfolds students and faculty will grapple with the challenges faced by our immigrant populations and the impact that immigration has on life in the United States, Mexico and Central America. Finally, the Notre Dame education of today is built on experiential learning—taking the work of the classroom into the field. Whether it is the Guadalupe River Park for water samples or the villages of Costa Rica and El Salvador, today’s ND young woman has the opportunity to apply what she has learned to the situations she meets in the real world. 1906 Mother Julie Billiart is declared venerable by Pope Pius X and becomes Blessed Julie. 3 A r t a t No t r e Da m e Sa n J o s e an Encouragement of the Creative Spirit by Derek McCaw, director of performing arts Walk the halls of Notre Dame and you’ll see them decorated with photographs of classes filled with young, intelligent women who have long-since graduated. In the Student Life Center two stand out, and not just because of their faded sepia tones and student hairstyles. Instead of celebrating academic achievement, these photos celebrate musical accomplishment and creativity. Rosita Tarriba, Class of 1913, even has a frame which displays three angles of her and her harp. In the front office hangs a similar photo from 1918, the graduates wearing proud expressions and accompanied by either a harp or a piano. It is likely that from the earliest days of Notre Dame, what young women need to know for life has included more than academics and an appreciation for the arts; it has included encouragement of their creative spirits. Accomplished in music, art and drama, the young women of Notre Dame learned the value of self-expression and creativity. Over the years, the fine and performing arts program has grown and evolved to include photography, ceramics, drawing, painting, drama and music, providing students with additional pathways of inspiration. The vocally gifted Notre Dame student can choose to be part of Music Ministry, which sings at school and community events, sharing the word of God through music. Or she can join the Performance Choir, created through a partnership with Bellarmine in 2009, which draws from pop music and Broadway hits to form its repertoire. While some students express their creativity through music, others choose art. At Notre Dame San Jose, the visual arts shine brightly. For the past twenty-three years, Ted Key has helped students discover and hone their artistic talents through photography, ceramics, and a variety of methods of visual expression. “Our program provides art students at all levels with superior opportunities to explore their creativity,” said Key. “Being located downtown allows us to truly use the city as a classroom and expose our students to art they might not otherwise see. And 1923 4 Notre Dame Academy is moved to Second and Reed Streets after space is made for both students and Sisters in the old mansion. for those students whose artwork is chosen for Downtown Doors, it means they can just take a short walk and see their piece on display.” Downtown Doors, the San Jose Downtown Association’s signature event, features the art of high school students on otherwise stark utility doors. This year, nine doors are decorated with art created by Notre Dame students. The original pieces are digitized, enlarged and transferred onto vinyl adhesive decals and then installed on double- and triple-paned doors located throughout downtown San Jose. In addition to fine arts and music, Notre Dame offers a robust drama program, but that wasn’t always the case. When theater seemed to falter in 1996, students carried it forward. Berkeley Repertory Company Manager Megan Wygant ’97, remembers Bye Bye Birdie in 1996 as “…ND’s first musical in forever, put together by two seniors who petitioned the school, raised the money and basically produced the whole thing singlehandedly.” One of those two seniors, documentary television producer Rosie Sharkey ’96, offered, “I don’t remember the moment Desiree Thompson ’96 and I decided to undertake the task of bringing musical theater back to Notre Dame High School, but I do know that it was born out of what we deemed a necessity.” With the help of former English teacher Barbara Brown, Sharkey and Thompson “…pooled (their) resources, came up with a schedule, cashed in favors and begged friends for help.” It was all worth it, shares Sharkey, “Fifteen years later the memory of any flubbed lines, wardrobe malfunctions, bad lighting cues, or missed choreography has faded away leaving only the memories of laughter and smiles and a feeling of pride I will never forget.” Wygant recalls a similar feeling of pride, with gratitude toward the theater program. “There were moments when the work was quite lovely,” she offered. But more importantly, theater at Notre Dame has always been a place where everyone is treated with respect. “Being accepted and respected made the experience a critical one for many students,” said Wygant, “both those who learned a valuable lesson, and those whose inclusion in the drama program gave them a place where they were welcomed and valued.” Notre Dame’s performances have included more than just a history of musicals, which have been an annual event at Notre Dame since that pivotal year. Traditional plays have also been a constant, with many fond memories and efforts to push the envelope. In the fall of 1994, the O’Connor Mansion at Notre Dame held a “black box” theater within its walls. Under the guidance of resident director Ken Kelleher the theater opened with an ambitious production of Euripides’ The Trojan Women. This year, Notre Dame students will present The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged) and Suessical the Musical. The coming years promise even more excitement in the arts as Notre Dame students explore their creativity in the 21st Century! 1926 College of Notre Dame moved from San Jose to Belmont, California. 1920s 5 Gen er a t i o n t o Ge ne r a t i o n a Story About Legacy Families As Notre Dame embarks on its 161st year of educating young women, we take a look back at our long and varied history and the ties that bind Notre Dame women through the decades. Family legacies as rich as the few included here are something not many schools can claim. Some families have members that date back to the school’s origin and the days when O’Conner Mansion housed an orphanage. One thing remains constant—the pride and sisterhood lives on from generation to generation. the Mahar family Pat Mahar ’55 Filice comes from a long line of Notre Dame women but, unlike most, her story begins back when the O’Conner Mansion was still being used as an orphanage. “My mother, Amelia Willman, and her three sisters, Anna, Cynthia, and Freida, entered Notre Dame as orphans on January 1, 1900,” explained Pat. “My mother was taught to sew and, as an adult, became a tailoress in a men’s clothing store. She credited her success in this very male-dominated profession to her ND education.” Edna Fritter ’37 Gerrans, Pat’s sister, graduated from Notre Dame the year she was born and joined the Notre Dame Novitiate but left soon thereafter due to health reasons. With the graduation of her granddaughters Stephanie ‘08 and Laurin ’10 LaRocca, Pat’s family has come full circle…at least until the next generation is ready for high school! the O’Shea family Notre Dame was home to the four O’Shea sisters (Nancy ’61, Kathy ’65, Mary ’66, Eileen ’69) for twelve years, beginning in 1957 when Nancy O’Shea ’61 stepped onto campus as a freshman. As she graduated and entered the novitiate, ultimately to become Sister Nancy, Kathy began her Notre Dame journey. “Nancy had a great experience in high school, made life-long friends, and our parents were very pleased with the education she received,” explained Kathy. “We all share a common history. Mary and I, especially, have friends in common and shared similar experiences because we were together at ND for two years. We all appreciate the education we received at ND, the values that were instilled in us, and the friends we still have from high school. Our Notre Dame experience is an important family bond to this day.” The O’Shea family lived in Fremont during the sisters’ high school years. Riding the Peerless bus to and from the downtown San Jose campus made for long days, especially if after-school activities were on the agenda. For Kathy and Mary, sharing the ride with other Notre Dame girls and Bellarmine boys “was a long trek, but also our ‘social hour.’ We became a great group of friends.” 1927 North and south building wings parallel to Reed Street added to the mansion to accommodate the growing school population. 6 the Patellaro family The Patellaro women have been a part of Notre Dame’s rich history since the late 1930s when Marie Nottoli Patellaro ’43 enrolled at Notre Dame. As Marie’s four daughters (Linda ’67, Janis ’70, Geralynn ’74 and Leanne ’76) grew up they eagerly looked forward to attending their mother’s alma mater. “We have been surrounded by strong, smart, compassionate, ethical women all of our lives,” explained Geralynn Patellaro ’74. “I was influenced by my mother, aunt, godmother, sisters and their Notre Dame friends. Additionally, many family friends and women I admire are Notre Dame alumnae.” The two youngest Patellero girls, Geralynn and Leanne, even spent time at Notre Dame before becoming students, performing on stage at a Notre Dame dinner/dance in front of 350 attendees! “The world is changing in unprecedented ways,” said Geralynn Patellaro. “The strong foundation of friends and family from the Notre Dame community has made change easier for us to embrace. We also know that our parents made huge sacrifices to send us to ND. We don’t take that for granted.” the Kelly family While many of our Notre Dame families have wonderful legacy stories to share, it is difficult to find a family story more extensive than that of the Kelly family. Four generations of the extended Kelly family have attended Notre Dame, with a fifth generation hoping to join the long list next September as a member of the class of 2016! “Growing up, we all knew that we would be going to Notre Dame and looked forward to it,” said third generation Mary Ann Kelly ’61 McCarthy. “The older members of the family assured us that we would love it and it didn’t take long after arriving on campus to realize that we did. Our Mom had close life-long friends in her class of 1934. We wanted the same. Our aunts and cousins did too. It was very special to be with the other women we grew up with, sharing the same values, ideals and goals. Our level of appreciation for the fine education our parents sacrificed to provide us with seems to have grown more and more each time we meet.” Although these family stories vary somewhat, there are common threads that run through them. Mary Ann Kelly ’61 summed up the feelings shared by many of the thousands of Notre Dame women. Though they grew up in different times, facing different pressures and had widely diverging families, they also shared a great deal. “We are all proud to be Notre Dame graduates. We have a great deal in common due to our experience as teenagers in high school. We all appreciate the fact that we were well educated, protected, cared about and loved while trying to mature. Although the official 7 Hallmarks of a Notre Dame Education were not written until recently, I feel we witnessed those same hallmarks each day.” Help us track our legacy families, if you have a family legacy story you would like to share please email Leslie Arioto at [email protected] or call (408) 294-1113 ext 2157. Visit our website at www.ndsj.org/legacies to read more about these, and other, legacy families at Notre Dame High School. 7 Ma r y Bi r m i n g h a m Eme r y ’ 5 6 le a v e s bequ es t to No t r e Da m e Sa n J o s e a Quintessential Graduate leaves a Legacy in life & in death On August 7th, the Notre Dame community, Santa Clara University community, and most poignantly her brother, niece and closest of friends were shocked by the sudden passing of Mary Birmingham Emery ’56. When Santa Clara University of Law began to admit women in the early 1960’s, Mary was one of just three women graduates in the first coed class. She was employed at the law school for 46 years, was head of the law library, and served as associate dean for the last 25 years. Dean Donald Polden said of Mary, “No one I know cared more about the law school than she did and few knew the law school as well as she did.” Mary was truly a “woman of impact” and of honor in the Santa Clara Valley. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta said: “Mary was a classmate, a dear friend, and a dedicated leader at Santa Clara Law School. She devoted her life to helping students become good lawyers and, more importantly, good citizens. Mary Emery and Santa Clara Law School will always be one—now and forever.” And from Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren: “Dean Mary Emery made a lasting mark on thousands of students who received their legal education at Santa Clara Law School and who went on to make positive changes in our community and country. She was wise, insightful and incredibly generous in her commitment to our community. Beyond that, she was both a mentor and friend to me.” In eulogizing Mary at the mass in celebration of her life, held in the Santa Clara Mission chapel, Dean Polden remarked that Mary’s contributions to the law school were innumerable. He went on to say that one of the greatest contributions Mary made to the school “was the transformation of our student body and the composition of the law school’s faculty and staff into a major and contemporary American law school.” She was a “major agent for Above Photo by Nancy Free ‘59 Martin 8 1930s this significant change in what our law school looks like—diverse, inclusive, with engaged and passionate men and women training to be lawyers. She was a champion of greater opportunities for women and people of color in the profession, and through her leadership positions at the law school she was able to lead that change. Our law school and the legal profession are better for it.” Mary also served on numerous volunteer boards and commissions—the Legal Aid Society, Bill Wilson Center, and Santa Clara County government, to name a few. When I was at Notre Dame High School as principal (1998-2005), Mary would invite me to “lunch with her” at the faculty dining room at Santa Clara. I always looked forward to our conversations—for they were always spirited, engaging and entertaining! As another of Mary’s friends said, “Dean Mary Emery “Mary Emery was the original class act”—and that she was! She was brilliant, caring and of wonderful humor—it is said that Mary aspired to be the oldest woman alive to wear made a lasting mark on leather pants. During her senior year at Notre Dame High School, Mary was class president. Remembered by a classmate as being “very bright, a very good student, and quite serious,” Mary gained the respect—and garnered the vote!—of a good number of her classmates. Nancy Free ’59 Martin was a freshman when Mary was a senior and remembers her very well. One memory that especially stands out for Nancy was when Mary was in downtown San Jose, on First Street and Santa Clara Street, in her Notre Dame uniform, handing out pamphlets for the Democratic party. “She showed me that a 17-year old girl, in 1956, could have opinions in the world and go out and follow those opinions, no matter what others would say. She knew who she was!” Nancy believes that Mary was a force for change already then. thousands of students who received their legal education at Santa Clara Law School and who went on to make positive changes in our community and country.” We describe Notre Dame graduates as young women who become life-long learners, — C ongresswoman spiritual seekers, justice advocates and community leaders. Sitting in the Santa Clara Z oe L ofgren Mission Chapel with the many who celebrated and gave thanks for Mary’s life and grieved her passing – and listening to the powerful eulogies—I was struck by how authentically she characterized the “Notre Dame graduate.” The mission and vision of Notre Dame High School was alive and well in Mary Birmingham Emery from 1956 on—a quintessential NDSJ graduate! What a tribute Mary was to the Sisters of Notre Dame and to Notre Dame High School. It is with hearts of gratitude that we receive Mary’s legacy gift of $100,000, a gift that will live on in the mission of Notre Dame High School as Mary will live on in our hearts. ~ Marylou Schoone Executive Director for Advancement and Business Operations 9 Academic Snapshot SAT Scores—Class of 2011 Notre Dame Students Mean National Mean 583 Writing 567 Critical Reading 570 Mathematics 489 Writing 497 Critical Reading 514 Mathematics Advanced Placement Testing Notre Dame seniors had an exceptional Advanced Placement pass rate in May 2011. Pass Rate—Test Pass Rate—Test 96% 95% 87% 79% 76% 83% 93% 100% English Language English Literature World History Biology Calculus AB Calculus BC Psychology Spanish Literature College Acceptance (not a complete listing) West Coast Arizona State University University of California: Berkeley Davis Irvine Los Angeles Merced Riverside San Diego Santa Barbara Santa Cruz California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Chapman University Gonzaga University Harvey Mudd College Lewis and Clark College Loyola Marymount University Oregon State University Pitzer College Reed College Saint Mary’s College of California San Jose State University Santa Clara University Seattle University Sonoma State University Stanford University University of Oregon University of the Pacific University of Puget Sound University of Redlands University of San Francisco University of Southern California University of Washington Willamette University Between Coasts Beloit College Colorado College Creighton University DePaul University Macalester College Marquette University Miami University of Ohio Montana State University, Bozeman Northwestern University Ohio Wesleyan University Tulane University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Michigan University of Wisconsin, Madison Washington University in St. Louis Xavier University East Coast Boston College Brown University Fordham University Georgetown University Harvard University New York University Princeton University Rochester Institute of Technology Vanderbilt University Wellesley College Yale University 2010-11 School Population Notre Dame embraces an ethnically diverse student population of 620 students. Slightly over half (51%) of the students come from homes in which a language other than English is spoken. 10 36.5% 21.1% 14.0% 10.0% 6.6% 5.7% 1.9% 1.6% 1.0% Caucasian Hispanic Filipina Asian Indian Vietnamese Chinese Japanese African American Pacific Islander 0.6% 0.5% 0.5% Native American Korean Iranian-Persian Financial Highlights Revenue & Expenses Total Revenue (FY 2010-11) $10,768,592 Contributions/Fundraising 8.8% Tuition & Fees 82.2% Fee/Other Income 9% Total Expense (FY 2010-11) $9,627,629 Financial Assistance 8.5% Development 7.2% School Program 68.2% General & Administration 16.1% Total Development Revenue (FY 2010-11) $948,304 Foundations/Grant 10% Events 31% Major Gifts 10% Endowment 9% Individual Contributions 30% Direct Aid/Scholarship/Tuition Assistance 10% 1940s 11 Notre Dame Leadership Notre Dame Leadership “For 160 years Notre Dame in San Jose has been a valuable educational community! NDSJ is exemplary in the mission of teaching young women what they need to know for success in the future, helping them grow in their potential. The atmosphere on campus is so vibrant in its diversity and commitment to strong values. Clearly, the students are a ‘leaven in our midst’ for the challenges that press upon us in today’s world.” — Sr. Louise O’Reilly Terry Barton (Kelsey ‘13, Petra ‘09) Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur California Province Provincial Team Yvonne Bondi, S.N.D. ’53 Sr. Georgianna Coonis Walter D. Carney, M.A.I. (Kelsey ’09) Sr. Virginia Unger Nancy Doyle (Megan ’95) Sr. Maureen Hilliard Board of Directors Janice Fox, Chair Claudia McTaggart, S.N.D. Karen Meckstroth Sr. Louise O’Reilly Bruce Paynter (Alexa ’09) Ruwan Punchihewa (Kayla ’11) Divyesh Shah (Mirai ’14, Manali ’10) Stephen Trimberger (Pamela ’09, Lisa ’07) John Vidal (Danielle ’07, Andrea ’02, Lauren ’00) Administrative Team Mary Beth Riley, Principal Jan Tupaj-Farthing, Vice Principal Academic Affairs John Bracco, Vice Principal Student Affairs Marylou Schoone, Exec. Director for Advancement & Business Operations Susana Garcia, Director of Enrollment Management Brigitte Heiser, Director of Communications Kathleen Quiazon, Director of Campus Ministry Anna Quinones, Director of Development Thank You Archiving Committee Notre Dame High School would like to thank the Archiving Committee & the Alumnae Council for their hard work and dedication as they sorted through and archived over 70 boxes of Notre Dame memorabilia. Some of the items will be safely stored and others will be displayed, this will ensure the legacy and history of Notre Dame will continue for the next 160 years. Thanks also go to Kathleen O’Connor, Archivist from Notre Dame Belmont Province Center and Sr. Julie Thorpe, SND for lending their expertise. 12 Archiving Committee Nickie Moreno ’65-Chair Pat Maher ’55 Filice Donna McGann ’55 Romano Emily Lippolis ’49 Corral Erica Ortega ’06 Jo Pisturno ’49 Bertaccini 1940s Honor Roll of Donors 1851 Society Lifetime Giving Anonymous $1,000,000 and above The William and Inez Mabie Family Foundation Lucinda and Charles Manley Normandin Chrysler Jeep Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ’70 Pond Rita Pursley ‘57 Pacheco Mary Stuart Rogers Foundation Shirlee DiNapoli ’46 Schiro Margaret Nicora Bellany † Rooney Pfaff ‘56 Blach Michaela Brody and Paul Benke Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53 Bruni Donald Carroll and Mary Jo Avilla ‘58 Carroll Gina Cassinelli Dominic Cortese and Suzanne Donovan ‘53 Cortese Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ‘65 Diamond Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq. Thomas Dunkin Joan Leahy ‘47 Egan Sal Gargone and Julianna Barcelona ‘58 Gargone Rick Harris and Rosanne Battaion ‘74 Harris Michael Herrick and Arlene Pieracci ‘63 Herrick Helen and Stuart Kane William Krivan and Terry Schaub ‘60 Krivan Sal Liccardo and Laura Aceves ‘56 Liccardo Diane F. Malane ‘65 Catherine McCosker ‘35 † Virginia McCosker ‘32 † Albina Medici Scholarship Pauline Ruiz ‘30 Mieuli † Louis Normandin and Peggy Gretz ‘52 Normandin E. Laurence Schott † and Joanne Hayes ‘55 $250,000 and above Schott Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53 Bruni Stephen Schott and Patricia Sunseri ‘58 Schott The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur William G. Irwin Charity Foundation Kathy Yates and Peter Troop Louis Normandin and Margeret Gretz ’52 Normandin The Valley Foundation Philip S. Sanfilippo Trust Abby † and John M. Sobrato Barry Swenson Builder $50,000 and above Anonymous $100,000 and above Dennis Ahearn and Michelle Cantando ‘57 Ahearn Anonymous (2) Florence and Louise Boitano † Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach, The Blach Family Foundation Dominic Cortese and Suzanne Donovan ’53 Cortese Gina Cassinelli Debra and James Del Biaggio Comerica Bank—California Deloitte Services, LP Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ’65 Diamond Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Bobbe and Glen † George Sal Liccardo and Laura Aceves ‘56 Liccardo Robert Half International, Inc. D’Arcy and James Kirkland Patti and Mark Kussman Patricia Perrucci † ’47 Melehan Eva Prudhomme ‘39 Orton M.C. Pardini Helen Cribari ‘26 Pettit † Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ‘70 Pond Patricia Puentes ‘79 Rod Rodrigues and Gay Leal † ‘47 Rodrigues Elizabeth M. Ryan ‘31 † Bobbie Sanfilippo † Kathleen and Mark Santora Marylou Schoone Abby † and John M. Sobrato Kathy Yates and Peter Troop Debra and Dan Weed 13 Honor Roll of Donors Lifetime Giving CONTINUED Katherine and Gerald Mugnolo Wells Fargo Bank—San Jose Main $10,000 and above Peter Muller and Kathleen O’Shea ‘65 Muller Mabel B. Wright Education Fund Anonymous (3) Bobbie Sanfilippo $25,000 and above George Bellamy and Salvatrice Chimento ‘34 Bellamy The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Rodney Andrade and Anne Gavin ‘68 Andrade Margaret Bellany Trust D.H. Smith Co., Inc. Agnes Azevedo Jack Boyd and Nina Bruno ‘47 Boyd Larue † and Paul R. Teilh Dorothy Ucovich ‘43 Banker Jim Collins and Ellen Jorgensen ’63 Collins Theresa and John Vidal Victor Bruni Richard Caputo and Janet Seidl ‘49 Caputo Debra and Dan Weed Cecilia and Carl Bucher Thomas Cracraft and Suzanne Ruth ‘59 Cracraft California Province of the Society of Jesus Elsie Culver Carol and Michael Crow Diocese of San Jose Catherine and John † Fumia, Sr. Florence Heafy Charitable Trust Patty and Reed Hastings W.E. Harding Co., Inc. Paul Nakada and Christine Hoang-Nakada ‘86 Loreen and Dan Huddleston Sheau-Yin and Peter Hsia Intel Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Gene Ravizza and Dianne Schott ‘48 Ravizza Thomas Lackovic and Colette Quement ‘50 Lackovic Levona Davidson ‘37 Jennings † Jim McCoy and Lore LeDoux ‘58 McCoy Komes Foundation Nicole M. Moreno ‘65 Jane Carrera ‘35 Levitt † Marie Plimley Marie Henriques ‘39 Madruga † Jean and Michael Quinn Metro-A-Trust Fund Norma and Lorenzo Rios Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Estate of Genevieve Ross Mina Chow and Michael Ng Marylou Schoone Patricia Puentes ‘79 Genevieve Serpa ‘37 † Nancy and Roger Pyle Christine Ferguson ‘28 Snow † Rod Rodrigues and Gay Leal ’47 † Rodrigues Jim Viso and Vincee Amaral ’50 † Viso Karen Rogge Zerimar Corporation Estate of Leo Ruth, Jr. Richard Zlatunich and Rosaleen Badami ‘56 Zlatunich Elizabeth M. Ryan ‘31 † Sharks Foundation Debbie and Bryan Stolle Wells Fargo Bank San Francisco Raymond White and Joan Trombatore ‘51 White † Donor is deceased 14 Namur & Endowment Gifts Namur Recognition for Perpetual Support Endowment Funds 10 years or more of consistent annual giving Alumnae Endowment Scholarship Fund 15 years and above Frank Nicoletti and Donna Nicoletti ‘59 Nicoletti Victor Morales and Pilar Jaime ‘70 Morales Anonymous James O’Brien and Consuelo Foster ‘50 O’Brien Barbara Ferrari ‘57 Azevedo Dorothy Ucovich ‘43 Banker Daniel O’Donnell and Patricia McKenzie ‘50 O’Donnell General Endowment Bernadette Gurries ‘43 Barton Eva Prudhomme ‘39 Orton Sal Gargone and Julianna Barcelona ‘58 Gargone Ed Bertaccini and Josephine Pisturino ‘49 Bertaccini Judith Pursley ‘59 Pace Tracy and Rocky Hudson Rita Pursley ‘57 Pacheco Rooney Pfaff ‘56 Blach, The Blach Family Foundation Helen and Stuart Kane Ann Marie Piro ‘58 Maria Medina and Gustavo Medina Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ‘70 Pond Maria and Joseph Sciamanna Margaret Rehm ‘45 Brown Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53 Bruni Rob Wells and Eva Condron-Wells ‘89 Michael Cully Diane and Theodore Danen Norine De Gregori ‘65 Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ‘65 Diamond Ben Dinapoli and Patricia Fraga ‘55 Dinapoli Thomas Farrell and Anne Doeltz ‘67 Farrell Rebecca Kulpa ‘74 Fernandez Victoria A. Ferrara ‘69 Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ‘55 Filice Irene and Jim Floyd Mary F. Fortune, Ed.D. ‘77 Anna Fox ‘89 Marlene Luchessi ‘51 Furtado Joseph Gallo and Maria Lena Trione ‘62 Gallo Sal Gargone and Julianna Barcelona ‘58 Gargone Teresa and Chioumin Michael Chang Mary Beth and Philip Riley David Rinde and Saundra Badalamente ‘64 Rinde Marie Zaro ‘42 Schmitt Endowment Scholarship Fund Marylou Schoone Rooney Pfaff ‘56 Blach, The Blach Family Foundation Clifford Shaw and Cynthia Moraes ‘91 Shaw Margaret J. Mawhinney Mary Catherine Sheridan ‘71 Louis Normandin and Margaret Gretz ‘52 Normandin Gail M. Skinner ‘72 Maxine S. Smrekar ‘42 Target—Take Charge of Education Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard Farthing Nancy Welch Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ‘70 Pond Abby † and John M. Sobrato Debra and Dan Weed † Donor is deceased Nancy and Larry Zurbrick 10 years and above Dennis Cigan and Judith Sepeda ‘60 Cigan Cheryl and John Harrah Edward Jelich and Charlotte Jennings ‘35 Jelich Alice Towne ‘42 Garvin Louis Normandin and Peggy Gretz ‘52 Normandin Loreene Pardini ‘59 Giansiracusa Emilia Peña-Bobst and Kevin Bobst Audrey and E. Jackson Going, Jr. Janet Fumia ‘59 Schultz Anna Marie Baumann ‘44 Gruba Margaret and Raymond Thiercof Mark Hames and Joanne Banker ‘64 Hames Donna M. Woodcock ‘63 Douglas Harper, M.D. and Barbara Levin ‘58 Harper Jacob Hendryx and Annmarie Voss ‘74 Hendryx Reid Isaksen and Mary Berryessa ‘68 Isaksen Geraldine Zaro ‘46 Johnson Ray Kodres and Elizabeth Connor ‘65 Kodres Andrew Larson and Kristine Ferrari ‘85 Larson Robert Long and Valerie Belli ‘59 Long Laura Musso ‘53 Mann John McCarthy, Sr. and Mary Ann Kelly ‘61 McCarthy Carol J. McKillip ‘65 Lynda Sanfilippo ‘61 Moudakas Katherine and Gerald Mugnolo Edgar Nannini and Jane Cuneo ‘43 Nannini National Semiconductor Employee Directed Giving Program 1950s 15 Annual Giving Annual Giving 2010-2011 Saint Julie Society $100,000.00 and above Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ‘70 Pond Cuvilly Circle $25,000 and above Deloitte Services, LP The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Peter Muller and Kathleen O’Shea ‘65 Muller The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Abby † and John M. Sobrato Regent’s Circle $5,000 and above Rita Pursley ‘57 Pacheco BAE Systems—Ground Systems Division Lori and Nathan Saito Class of 1960 Dick Scanlan and Carolan Glans ‘54 Scanlan Comerica Bank—California Deborah Schultz and Gary Cohen J. Philip and Jennifer DiNapoli Foundation Priti and Divyesh Shah Nadine Douglass ‘46 Katherine and Steven Sharp Josephine C. Dunkin Eileen and Kelly Sims eScrip Sonitrol Security Christopher Greene Raylene and James Steffenson D’Arcy and James Kirkland Bonnie and Troy Ward Minh Le and Terry Branch Debra and Dan Weed Helen Dietz and David Mimeles Lisa Weinzler and Paul Cusick Roberta and Robert Moore Bernadette and Daniel Yang Mary Beth and William Reames Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur—Province Fund Lani and Richard Sutherland O’Connor Club $1,000 and above Laura and Stephen Trimberger Anonymous (2) Debbie and Bryan Stolle President’s Circle $2,500 and above Rooney Pfaff ‘56 Blach Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53 Bruni Mina Chow and Michael Ng Dominic Cortese and Suzanne Donovan ‘53 Cortese Diocese of San Jose Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust Robert Half International, Inc. Helen and Stuart Kane Sal Liccardo and Laura Aceves ‘56 Liccardo Estate of Catherine McCosker ‘35 Louis Normandin and Peggy Gretz ‘52 Normandin Ann and Greg Scileppi 16 Kathy and Ed Almazol Mary Wallis and Rod Bagg Anonymous (2) Cornelia and Terry Barton Adobe Systems, Inc.—Matching Gifts Program Virginia and Richard Bartone Mary and Stephen Almassy BD Matching Gift Program Elizabeth and Brian Cabral Emo Biagini † and Anne Mary Grimaldi ‘49 Biagini Peter Cleaveland and Lynette Rodrigues ‘60 Cleaveland Ora et Labora Circle $10,000 and above Elise and Thomas Ajawara John C. Bondi Elisabeth K. Coddington Michael Brunetti and Patricia Rubino ‘65 Brunetti Carla and Brian Crowley Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53 Bruni Norine De Gregori ‘65 Richard Caputo and Janet Seidl ‘49 Caputo Dena and Clark Donahue Christine Carbone ‘73 Beverley and George Dunn Diane and Walter Carney FIRST Marta Carrillo and Dean Mulla Friant & Associates Anne and James Cashman Laura and David Grybos Gina Cassinelli Marcella and Gary Gulmon Joanabel and Emmanuel Cepe Mary and Jack Keenan Teresa and Chioumin Michael Chang Carolyn and Chris Koehle Citti’s Florist—Santa Clara Lisianne Marzani-Goldman and Todd Goldman Helen and David Clark Mary A. Mello Lori and Timothy Connolly Elizabeth and Ioannis Meras Pattie and Dave Cortese Valentino Miotto † and Lillian Bianchi ‘56 Miotto Heather and Brian Crane Tashia and John Morgridge Joanne and Patrick Crinion Rhonda and Pat Munnerlyn Susan and Dean Dapkus Jeanette and Randall Nagashima E. Alexandra and Joseph Delateur Gwen and Robert Nakamae Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ’65 Diamond Savitha Narasimhamurthy and Ravi Parthasarathy Deanna and Mike Dorner Neutronix/Quintel, Inc. Annette and Frank Eldredge Katherine Oliver and Richard Dixon Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ‘55 Filice Annual Giving 2010-2011 CONTINUED Irene and Jim Floyd Carmen and D. Rex Rousselot Chetana and Suresh Duddi Charlen Fong Saint Victor School Connie and Richard Ellis Anna Fox ‘89 Marylou Schoone Thomas Farrell and Anne Doeltz ‘67 Farrell Janice Fox Deborah and Craig Shaffer William Ferrari and Pamela Aldridge ‘60 Ferrari Terry Frugoli and Geralynn ‘74 Patellaro Katherine and Steven Sharp Matthew Foley and Kathleen Geraci ‘76 Foley Melinda George ‘77 Ann and William Skeet Sue and Charles Foltz Norma and Steve Geraci Helga Sondergaard and Christophe Allie Marissa and Reynaldo Gacad Elizabeth Goodley and Ruben Espinosa Kathryn Sure and Douglas O’Neal Sal Gargone and Julianna Barcelona ‘58 Gargone Carole Gum and Robert Lloyd Marianne and Edward Suriaga Neha and Naresh Gupta Carol Hack and Rod Broome Christina Sutherland ‘11 Teresa and Nagi Hanna Katie and Christopher Hall Lani and Richard Sutherland Diane and J. Joseph Harrington Kelly and Douglas Hansen Vivian and Tim Takeda AnhDao and Anthony Hoang Melanie Hanssen and Thomas Wrappe Rosie and Martin Tattersall Eileen Hoefler Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees Larue † and Paul R. Teilh Paul Houret † and Mary Aguiar ‘38 Houret Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Margaret and Raymond Thiercof Amy and Ray Huang Lydia and Ronald Jimenez, M.D. Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Janis and Russell Hughes Anne and Paul Johnson Winnie Tsoi and Frank Lee Chikako and Hitoshi Inamine Corazon and Michael Kalt Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard Farthing Intel Volunteer Grant Program Helen and Stuart Kane Shalini Venkatesh and William DuMonthier Shahneela Rahman and Altaful Khan Yoko Tsuchiya and John Kao, M.D. Theresa and John Vidal Anne Marie Knapen-Asnong and Geert Knapen Robin and Ken Koenig Lisa and James Walstrum, Jr. KT Foundation Matching Gift Program Kohl Photography Janis and Christopher Welsh Sailaja and Dilip Kuchibhatla William Krivan and Terry Schaub ‘60 Krivan Kathy Yates and Peter Troop Landmark Builders Alison and James Lee Lisa and Michael Yutrzenka Ruth and Joseph Lawrence Sharon and Brooks Leman Lisa and Alex Laymon Jina and Michael Mangaoang Steward $500 and above Margaret J. Mawhinney Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan Deborah Maxwell, M.D. and John Scerbak, M.D. Belinda and Ambrosio Agdipa, Jr. Anne and Sean McMahon Kim Aldridge and Douglas Gallinat Mai-Tram Nguyen and Paul Nguyen Michael Allard Francesca and Harrison Paist Denise and Jeffrey Alvord Catherine and David Pandori Cynthia Bojorquez and Gary Serda Christine and Gary Pashby Elizabeth and Malcolm Bordelon Michael Mary and Bruce Paynter Shirley and John Bracco, Sr. Rusheeka and Ruwan Punchihewa J. Richard Braugh Susan and Daniel Pyne Andrea and Patrick Caldwell Anna and Ernest Quinones Noel and Jim Castellanos Shahneela Rahman and Altaful Khan Amy and Yung-Cheng Chen Sandra and David Ramer Rose Manimtim-Chua and Henry Chua Kim and Antonio Ramos, Jr. Aaron Colton Barbara Eggleston and Richard Rawson Eden and Paul Cronce Deborah and Michael Regalbuto Hiren and Falguni Desai Mary Beth and Philip Riley Megan and Mike DiGiulio John Robotti † and Marion Peake ‘34 Robotti Ben Dinapoli and Patricia Fraga ‘55 Dinapoli Roche Matching Gifts and Employee Volunteer Programs Sheri and Willie Dizon Bob Roseberry and Paulette Kempe ‘85 Roseberry Frank Dorsa and Marilyn Orlando ‘60 Dorsa Elaine and Al Lepiane Ruth and Andrew Lief Mary Ellen and Nick Livak Mau and Cao Vu Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq. 1958 Construction of Julie Billiart Hall and Madonna Hall, later renamed Donnelly Hall, begins. 17 Annual Giving Annual Giving 2010-2011 CONTINUED Lucile and Ernest Bianco Annie B. Billote Jeanne M. Bittel Kellie and William Blach Yvonne J. Bondi, S.N.D. ‘53 Mary and Patrick Boursier Livia Lo ‘99 Linda and Mark Lozano Benefactor $100 and above Jack Boyd and Nina Bruno ‘47 Boyd Anonymous (3) Terence J. Branch ND2 Carolyn Cipolla ‘49 Brashear Luther Abel Marie Andrade ‘57 Brasil Marwa and Hatem Ahmed Margaret Rehm ‘45 Brown Craig Johnson and Mary Jane AjlounyJohnson ‘77 Robert Brownstein Cheryl and Thomas Ajluni Ody and Benito Bruno Mari and William Albanese Delila Linda and Jose Luna Miriam and Michael Alvarado Lucinda and Charles Manley Claudia McTaggart, S.N.D. Law Office of Karen Meckstroth National Semiconductor Employee Directed Giving Program Linh and Hung Nguyen Antonio Alvarez and Elizabeth Alvarez ‘76 Alvarez Carol and Gerardo Amador Diane and Michael Andrion Afkham Ansari and Reza Omid Manuel Apolinario and Aldora Silva ‘78 Apolinario Catherine and David Pandori Anita and Ram Praturu Applied Materials, Inc.—Global Impact Kathleen and Martin Quiazon David Appling and Caroline McKenzie ‘50 Appling Laura and Richter Rafey Irma and Herminigildo Aranda Asharani and Nagarajan Rajan Gene Ravizza and Dianne Schott ‘48 Ravizza Catherine and Charles Reed Rosemary Arce ‘74 Leslie and Gregg Arioto Stephanie and Charles Armiger Bernadette and William Ryan Nishma and Kamal Avlani Christina and Scott Seaman Leland Seimas and Bernice Ferrara ‘61 Seimas Clifford Shaw and Cynthia Moraes ‘91 Shaw Janice and Daniel Stachowiak Denis Aymard † and Elaine Rachou ‘46 Aymard Barbara Ferrari ‘57 Azevedo Paula Azevedo and Gerardo Peñaloza Margaret Chiappe ‘64 Bailey Barbara and Edmund Stamberg Mitchell Stuart and Patricia Hayes ‘74 Stuart Target—Take Charge of Education Teya Topuria and Mikhail Daraselia Thuy and Dzung Tran John Turco and Teresa Polk ‘50 Turco Kathy and Joe Vyvijal Kent Enzensperger and Constance Percy ‘55 Baker-Enzensperger Beverly and Arthur Bakos Carole and Jose Balcells Jill Ballard Wayman Banker † and Dorothy Ucovich ‘43 Banker Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Lori and Brian Bartel Colleen and John Winchester III Sandra and Duilio Jennifer and T. James Woods Bay Breakers Hector Benitez and Joan Ouano ‘91 Benitez Tony Lorimer and Abigail Benitez ‘90 Benitez Lorimer Elaine Bruni ‘66 Marlene and Jorge Buccat Chuck Buckley and Joan Dalton ‘54 Buckley Karen and Brian Bunton Roselle and David Burwell Mary Louise Caldwell Virgil Campagna † and Anna May Escobar ‘34 Campagna Joseph Campagna and Darlene Pinza ‘60 Campagna Mary McEnery ‘58 Canepa Tina Cao and Vi Duong Joseph Carrillo and Felipa Bejarano ‘81 Carrillo Donald Carroll and Mary Jo Avilla ‘58 Carroll Vern Caruz and Janel Angulo ‘91 Caruz John Casey and Claire South ‘56 Casey Maria and Victor Castro Patrick Catania and Harriet Riggar ‘65 Catania Diego Certa and Mary South ‘68 Certa Parveen and Baljit Chahal James Chargin, M.D. and Patricia Murphy ‘51 Chargin Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Robert Cheim and Barbara Lundin ‘44 Cheim Douglas Cheline Kitty and William Chen Amy and Yung-Cheng Chen Barbara and Matthew Cheung Bih-Jiun and Stephen Chin Haesun Cho and Doyon Kim Mona Chow and Yufei Zhang Stephanie Christie and Robert Jones Carmen and Ulysses Chua, Sr. Maria and Laureano Benitez, Jr. M. Helen and Michael Ciesinski Ed Bertaccini and Josephine Pisturino ‘49 Bertaccini Cisco Foundation Matching Gifts Program 1959 18 Sue Grover and John Bracco, Jr. Reverend Mother Josepha de Ste Francoise, Superior General of the Sisters of Notre Dame in Rome, visits San Jose. Clean Solar, Inc. Michele Coddington ‘11 Maria Esther Fernandez and Marcos Pizarro Mary Casolary ‘60 Heath Nicole Coddington ‘09 Rebecca Kulpa ‘74 Fernandez Brigitte and Christopher Heiser Maxine Lannin ‘43 Cohen Susan and Mark Fernandez Hannah S. Comiskey Daniel Fitzgerald and Judith Kayser ‘61 Fitzgerald Richard Henderson and Maricela Jimenez ‘73 Henderson Alison L. Commiciotto ‘98 Gloria Flores-Cerul ‘87 Rob Wells and Eva Condron-Wells ‘89 Matthew Foley and Kathleen Geraci ‘76 Foley Catherine Ravizza ‘59 Contreras Robert Forster and Mary Lou Allen ‘43 Forster Kathleen Zoccoli ‘66 Corbal Mary F. Fortune, Ed.D. ‘77 The Corporate Chef Jill and Steven Foster Edward Corral † and Amelia Lippolis ‘51 Corral Joan Kuklinski ‘48 Franck Alicia and Darrell Cortez Frank Fries and Diane Rieder ‘51 Fries Jeannie Hatalsky and Jack Cowan Delphine Frisco-McGill and Francis McGill Ruth M. Crabtree Linda Patallero ‘67 Furtado John Santana † and Barbara Santana ‘65 Cronin Bob Roulo Fyock and Faye Beechie ‘60 Fyock Kari Crowley Laura and Donald Gagliasso Jocelyn and Joseph Cu, M.D. Heidi and Paul Gallagher Margaret and Frank Cucuzza Penny and Gregory Gallo Jennifer and James Cunneen Denise A. Garcia ‘89 Gerald Cunningham and Joanne Filice ‘58 Cunningham Justin Garcia and Grace Rowan ‘45 Garcia William Cushman and Catherine Stout ‘63 Cushman Shea Gerula ‘08 Lauren and Jeff Cymerys Sharen N. Dains Joseph D’Alessio and Anita Speciale ‘67 D’Alessio Esmelita R. Damba Daniel Dan and Susan Haas ‘65 Dan Diane and Theodore Danen J. Esther and Michel Dareau Frank Darst and Donna Gargone ‘59 Darst Maureen O’Reilly ‘67 De Bolt Marivic De Leon ‘10 Charleen and Ambrose Delfino Patricia DeMarlo ‘58 Patricia Dempsey Falguni and Hiren Desai Cathy and Clement Dickey Joseph DiSalvo and Christine Martino ‘69 DiSalvo Barbara Frick ‘56 Donnelly Charlotte Doudell ‘68 Megan Doyle ‘95 Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq. Barbara and Jeffrey Eagle Joan Leahy ‘47 Egan William Eskew and Rosalie Pusateri ‘57 Eskew Helen and Timothy Evans Victoria and Mark Evashenk Edmundo Fagundes and Annette Medina ‘69 Fagundes Joseph Garcia and Mary Munoz ‘56 Garcia LiLinda Ghazian and Ebrahim Abedifard Loreene Pardini ‘59 Giansiracusa Mary Girard Brown and Dave Brown The Girls’ Middle School Maud Gleason and Fred Holley Ana Melara and Gary Glenn Audrey and E. Jackson Going, Jr. Eileen and Mark Goldman Sue Grover Heritage Bank of Commerce Karen and Vern † Herr Michael Herrick and Arlene Pieracci ‘63 Herrick Lusiana and Willy Hertanu Nancy Hirose-Takeda, D.C. and Alan Takeda Michelle Hogan ‘56 Shannon Poltera and Thomas Hogan Michael Hood and Mary Dullea ‘65 Hood Christina and John Hopkins Carole and John Hopkins, Sr. Jerry Hougland and Diane Provasi ‘68 Hougland Hsiu-Hui and Yu Edward Huang Tracy and Rocky Hudson Fei and Andy Hui Natasha and Michael Hyndman Intel Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Maria and Paul James Edward Jelich and Charlotte Jennings ‘35 Jelich Martha and Eric Jepsky Marek Jeziorek Geraldine Zaro ‘46 Johnson Kent Johnson and Patricia Ericson ‘92 Johnson Regina and Christopher Johnson Sandra Johnson Mary and Mark Gruber Cynthia and Julian Guillermo Shalini and Kamal Gupta Ann and Sigurd Hadland Paula and Richard Halford Mark Hames and Joanne Banker ‘64 Hames Liza and Steven Hanks Kelly and Douglas Hansen Douglas Harper, M.D. and Barbara Levin ‘58 Harper Cheryl and John Harrah Noreen and Miles Harrington III Rick Harris and Rosanne Battaion ‘74 Harris Arthur Harrison and Donene Ray ‘59 Harrison Patricia Sullivan ‘57 Hastings Shari and Chet Hastings Tara Hastings ‘89 Margaret and Steven Hawkes Gemma Escobar ‘99 Haylett 1960s Paul B. Feasby Rebecca Hendricks and Theodore Key 19 Annual Giving Annual Giving 2010-2011 CONTINUED Mary Ann Frazer ‘56 Joice Wendy Lian and Michael Martin Jessica Medina ‘10 Charmille Junge ‘11 Jocelyn Liu and David Hung Maria Medina and Gustavo Medina Cherry and Terry Junge Leslie Liu and Hugo Miller Teresa and John Mendoes Rita Barton ‘62 Karr Valerie Loboa-Hallmark ‘61 S. Lynn Taylor and David Merchant Susan and George Kay Marijoe and Victor LoBue Dorothy and Kent Merlic Theresa and Jon Kempe Robert Long and Valerie Belli ‘59 Long Floyd Meyer and Maryellen Artana ‘45 Meyer Siobhan Kenney Aileen M. O. Lu ‘04 Susan and Peter Michels Richard Kern and Geraldine Brancato ‘51 Kern Thomas Lukes † and Jeanne Cauhape ‘44 Lukes Rebecca and Zulqarnain Khan Stacia M. Lumley ‘65 Joseph Milazzo and Joycelyn Spingola ‘44 Milazzo M. Jeanne Pfeiffer ‘53 Kiely Angeles and Juan Luna Jennifer V. Young ‘98 King Lowell Lundell † and Joan Sullivan ‘50 Lundell Chris Milionis and Annette Ditto ‘60 Milionis John Kirby and Margaret Drolz ‘57 Kirby Giorgio Luzzatti and Thomasene Eklund ‘50 Luzzatti Beth and John Miller Tammi and Randell Miyahara Joan and Ron Mackin Mary Louise Gutierrez ‘55 Mock Dawn and Michael Malter Allan Mootz and Ann Wade ‘60 Mootz Jack Marsh and Bette Cody ‘47 Marsh Consuelo D. Moreno ‘43 Earlah W. Marth Nicole M. Moreno ‘65 Renee and Doug Martin Richard Morrisey † and Marianne Hayes ‘42 Morrisey Leanne and Robert Kirby Raymond Kiser † and Dorothy Alesch ‘56 Kiser Patricia Ann Kolsch Frank Kotey and Darlene Young ‘52 Kotey Carol Kramer and David Bicknell Barbara Williamson and Robert Krause Katherine Miller Catherine T. Kuebler Rick Martin Thomas Lackovic and Colette Quement ‘50 Lackovic Irma and Jorge Martinez Barbara L. Masterson Elizabeth and Daniel Muller Mary Laier and Mark Law Franklin Matsumoto and Mary Anna Watanabe ‘52 Matsumoto Paul Murphy Margaret Nabors Kathie Maxfield Tom Nagengast and Carol Rankin ‘50 Nagengast Corazon and Cesar Mayo Luz and Bob Nakano John McCarthy, Sr. and Mary Ann Kelly ‘61 McCarthy Edgar Nannini and Jane Cuneo ‘43 Nannini Mary McCormick Patty Rauch and Gary Neustadter Mary Tanda ‘60 Lanier Nanette Larsen and Richard Best Andrew Larson and Kristine Ferrari ‘85 Larson Robert Lavond and Pauline Urlin ‘56 Lavond Lawrence Investments Karen and James Le Sherri Leal Mariana and Randall Leberknight Christina Lee ‘83 Winnie Tsoi and Frank Lee Doug Lepiane Carol J. McKillip ‘65 Mary McLane Lucia Dempsey ‘05 McWood Meade Construction Group, Inc. Lynda Sanfilippo ‘61 Moudakas Nina Nejah ‘00 Annie Nguyen and Peter Hoang Dung Nguyen and Van Vu Lucy and Joseph Nguyen Nancy and Thanh Nguyen Vang Nguyen and Quoc Tran Frank Nicoletti and Donna Nicoletti ‘59 Nicoletti Anissa and Scott Noteboom Sarah and John Nunes Patricia and Robert Oberholzer James O’Brien and Consuelo Foster ‘50 O’Brien William O’Brien and Judith Ferrari ‘60 O’Brien Benjamin Zulueta and Gladys Ochangco ‘87 John O’Connell and Mabel DeSmet ‘45 O’Connell Katherine A. O’Doherty Daniel O’Donnell and Patricia McKenzie ‘50 O’Donnell Eunice and Robert Oldham Oracle Matching Gifts Program Cheryl and Larry Oreglia Valerie and Tim Orsley Eva Prudhomme ‘39 Orton 1960s Stephanie and Jeff Ota 20 Adriana and Gustavo Oviedo SDS NexGen Partners Leland Vierra and Suzanne Armstrong ‘65 Vierra George Pace † and Judith Pursley ‘59 Pace Lisa and Brian Seifert John Warren, M.D. and Silvana Volpe, M.D. ‘73 Mari Padilla and Chris Rosales Anne Seip and Mark Orr Richard Waldo and Elizabeth Ferrera ‘65 Waldo Joseph Pappas † and Geraldine Herzog ‘49 Pappas † Kerry Sexton Jennifer and David Wampler Patricia Parada and Francisco Gallego Bill Shaughnessy and Veronica Kelly ‘57 Shaughnessy Joanne and Andrew Wang Gena and Efren Pasao Matthew Shelton and Andrea Flores ‘92 Shelton Eugene Pashby Mary Catherine Sheridan ‘71 Laura A. Washington ‘87 Janis Patellaro ‘70 Barbara Simmons Noel and Genie Isaacson ‘55 Pearman Toni and Cory Sindelar Emilia Peña-Bobst and Kevin Bobst Gail M. Skinner ‘72 Marcy Taylor and Elizabeth Golaw ‘88 Perez Christine Oberholzer ‘94 Skizas Patricia Filice ‘62 Perkins Gloriann and W. J. Smith Margaret and James Petkiewicz Mary and Jeffrey Smoker Richard Pfeiffer and Sally Picazo ‘51 Pfeiffer Maxine S. Smrekar ‘42 V. Ronald Pine, J.D. and Yvonne Badano ‘57 Pine Belinda Soriano Ann Marie Piro ‘58 Corinne Sotelo Reeta and Chandrika Prasad Tasha A. Stachowiak ‘12 Willard Wyman and Mariam Smith ‘53 Wyman, R.N. Lee and Ralph Pryor Ruby S. Stanton Xilinx—Matching Gift Program Mary Ann Raquidan-Nasol and Ruben Nasol Ashley Steffenson ‘11 Marion and Robert Yager Martin Ratner and Mary Boland ‘65 Ratner James Suggs and Beverly Kampfen ‘60 Suggs Tsu M. Yang Norman Ravizza and Mary Anne Lorentz ‘63 Ravizza Jack Sullivan and Joan Baxter ‘56 Sullivan Leslie and Tom Yedwab Walt Reeland Milagros Taberna, D.D.S. and Filadelfo Taberna Arlene Zarou-Cooperman and Jack Cooperman Nancy Hirose-Takeda, D.C. and Alan Takeda Kristine and Walt Zavoli Erin Takeda ‘11 Tomas Zazueta and Kathryn Heagerty ‘87 Zazueta Teri and Thomas Tanner Nancy and Larry Zurbrick Jeannette and John Roberts Stacy Roberts Michael Rogers and Justina Aschoff ‘87 Rogers Heidi Rolfson and Patrick Goddi Bill Romano and Donna McGann ‘55 Romano Wendy and Kenneth Ronsse Ray Russo and Carmen Marchese ‘50 Russo Meghan E. Ryall, M.D. ‘95 Saint Andrew’s Episcopal School Saint John The Baptist School Saint John Vianney School Lori and Nathan Saito San Jose Downtown Foundation Margierose and Constante Sanchez Albert Sandberg and Jeannette Francis ‘51 Sandberg Mary Clara Cassidy ‘61 Santana Christine and R. Matthew Fruin Richard Saso II and Susan Andrews ‘58 Saso Meena Sathappan and Sathappan Venkatachalam Annemilia F. Schirle ‘52 Jackie Schmidt Posner, Ph.D. and Barry Posner John Schmitt † and Marie Zaro ‘42 Schmitt Janet Fumia ‘59 Schultz Maria and Joseph Sciamanna Anne Sconberg Peggy Wang ‘91 Charles Weller and Frances Jones ‘40 Weller Western Digital Lisa Gonzales ‘85 White Pam and David Wilder Catherine and Donald Williams Kathleen and Jay Williams, Jr. Maureen and Richard Williams Willow Glen Travel Beth Conley and William Wilson William Tarr and Jean Imhof ‘53 Tarr Corinne and Dan Taylor Karen Storey and Steven Tedesco Sandra K. Teeple Zhaklin and Ninos Ternian Jack Thomas and Anna Mary Steiner ‘56 Thomas Mary and Lansing Thornton Ngoc Thanh Tien and Minh Van Tien Gail and Bruce Tifft Kandra and Ben Tobin IV Laurie and Joseph Toscano Louise Towner † and Joyce Steiner ‘50 Towner Esther Trejo-Milioto and Paul Milioto Kim Huong and Minh Trinh Nancy and Stephen Trinh Marie Louise Mainero ‘51 Trowbridge Frank Turner and Connie Minardi ‘42 Turner Carl Uibelhoer † and Evelyn Rossi ‘40 Uibelhoer Vicki Harrison and Peter Ullmann Lilia and Luis Vaca Leticia and Nelson Vargas Theresa and John Vidal Lauren Vidal ‘00 1960s Construction of a new convent to house 25 Sisters begins on the corner of South Third and William Streets. 21 Annual Giving Annual Giving 2010-2011 CONTINUED Minor Burton † and Bernadette Gurries ‘43 Barton Sinéad Delaney Dyer and Jonathon Dyer Margaret Matasci ‘35 Bassetti Neha Desai Lori Robitaille and Robert Biasca Dorothea Dellinger ‘90 Bjorgum Emilia Peña-Bobst and Kevin Bobst Cary Shapiro and John Boesen Beverly Falbo ‘51 Bologna Alayne Bolster and Cecelia Guzzetta ‘41 Bolster Denise Boster James Brooks and Kathleen Concannon ‘54 Brooks Barbara Brown Ronald Cachopo and Patricia Romani ‘57 Cachopo Margrete Cadena ‘65 Karen Caillat ‘96 Karen Cauhape ‘60 Calcagno Cynthia Calvert David Carlisle and Christine Ray ‘68 Carlisle Donald Carpenter and Carmel Giacalone ‘49 Carpenter Mischele Ritchison ‘65 Carpenter Pedro Carrillo Casco Property Management, Inc. Hui Hui Chang Friends of Notre Dame Up to $99 John Chargin and Alvira De Maria ‘64 Chargin Anonymous Grace and Pei Chen Julieta and Edgar Abad Tsung and Jen Chen Alma and Jorge Acosta Mary Ciesinski ‘04 Carlos Acosta and Georgina Amador ‘75 Acosta Dennis Cigan and Judith Sepeda ‘60 Cigan Diane Alancraig and Alfredo Septien Charlotte Pacheco ‘52 Cimino Edward Alario and Carol Rose ‘56 Alario Howard Clawson and Paula Stringari ‘68 Clawson Jeannie and Steven Alcantara Michael Cobillas and Christine Gutierrez ‘70 Cobillas Catherine and Patrick Allen Notre Dame High School—Alumnae Council Adelaide and Joe Alvarnas Alyssa J. Andrion ‘12 Hilda and Reynaldo Arellano Daziah Arias ‘13 Pastor Mark Arnzen Leo Artana † and Angela Besio ‘44 Artana Angela and George Arzate Suzanne White ‘64 Atkinson BAE Systems Matching Gifts Program Roberta C. Baker Jessielyn Balidio Allyson Banales ‘10 Roy Barnes and Suzanne Mooring ‘55 Barnes 22 Sandra Chavira ‘80 George Constantin Rosana L. Coutinho Jane H. Creech Patricia Crone Jennifer and James Crotty, M.D. Michael Cully Timothy Curley and Judee Fogarty ‘73 Curley Elaine and Michael Curran Jeanne and John Currie Natasha Dandia ‘10 Saribel Daza ‘96 Evelyn and Roger Dean Therese Deasy John DeFranco † and Josephine Rizzo ‘49 DeFranco Angeline Dellinger Glorianna Dilellio Joe Dilger and Mary Jo Waldron ‘60 Dilger Sandra and Daniel Domiray Anna E. Donovan ‘06 Elizabeth and David Donovan Hyna and Elmer Dotimas Robert Eicher and Tara Doyle ‘99 Eugene Dyer † and Zina Lou Hathaway ‘50 Dyer Donald Edwards † and Barbara Calvo ‘56 Edwards T. M. Eldredge Glenn Elliott † and Mary Ann Lauzon ‘53 Elliott Christine Ahearn ‘63 Ellison Gloria Enriquez Sondra and James Erickson Peder Eriksson and Beverly McCarthy ‘49 Eriksson Maria and Chris Evans Rosemary Fama and Robert Hendershott Iara Barcelos and Paul Farinha Diane and Timothy Farley Kathleen Faubion and Brian Zamora Larry Knuston and Mary Lu Ferrara ‘68 Victoria A. Ferrara ‘69 Lynn Fielder Marlene Zappelli ‘54 Filice, R.N. Karen Meier and Steven Fisher Jerome A. Flowers Terri and Robert Francis Claudia M. French ‘68 Paula and William Furniss Joe Furtado † and Mary Ann Lauzon ‘53 Elliott Marlene Luchessi ‘51 Furtado Michael Gaeta and Michelle Santillan ‘85 Gaeta Michele and Ralph Galantine John Gallagher and Janet Vertin ‘53 Gallagher Joseph Gallo and Maria Lena Trione ‘62 Gallo Claudia Galvan and Thomas Skelton Bruno Gambucci and Irene Marianelli ‘43 Gambucci June Ganley Ana Lili and Juan Garcia Patricia Gardner and Pete Carrillo Alice Towne ‘42 Garvin Brenda Castillo-Garza and Victor Garza Barbara Baggese ‘60 Gibson Steven Gibson and Erin Menard ‘83 Gibson Hen-Wen and John Gill William Kurtz and Joan Winterling ‘50 Kurtz Richard Martinez and Marta Valdez ‘80 Martinez Patricia Pedro ‘51 Girard Judy La Roque and Paul dela Rosa Benilyn Martin-Salinas and Mike Salinas Rita Gleason Colleen Sullivan ‘66 Labozetta Amelia and Manuel Olegario Luiza Goncalves Evelyn I. Laking Monica May Sergio F. Goncalves Nandita and Tapan Lala Annadel and Martin Mayo Angela E. Gonzaga ‘00 Deepka and Prem Lalwani Anita and Scott Mazer Renee and Jacinto Gonzales Tracey and Jacinto Laney Nancy McCarron, S.N.D. Wayne Gramlich and Christine Lipari ‘70 Gramlich Lucia Langone-Martin and Rick Martin Skye and Derek McCaw Barbara Grappone Barbara Hodge ‘52 LaPlante Sydney Tiedt and Sheila McGann-Tiedt ‘61 Annette and Mark Laranjo Catherine McGlinn ‘55 Laurin LaRocca ‘10 Sarah A. McGuinn Stephanie LaRocca ‘08 Kate and John McMahon Hai Le Gerald McNutt and Joanna Di Grazia ‘59 McNutt Quynh-Huong and Quang Dang Ho Karen and David Meckstroth Susan Alancraig and T. Orin Lee Julia and Joseph Mello Carol Leibl Christine and Manuel Mendible Gayle Cummings ‘71 Leonardelli Raquel and Antonio Mendoza Sylvan and Carl Lepiane Carolyn and Darrell Mervau Diane Lepiane Rizio and Peter Rizio Joseph Messer † and Dorothy Snow ‘47 Messer Rose Mary Levin ‘67 Luiza and Angel Milla Wanda and Mark Levy Anna-Mary Bush ‘49 Miller Maybelleme and Jonas Litonjua Jeanne Trevino ‘59 Miller Joan and Chris Livingston Martin Mimi John Gravendyk and Ellen Heahey ‘47 Gravendyk Catherine and Thomas Gregg Melissa Groenveld Anna Marie Baumann ‘44 Gruba Bonnie Hamilton Robert Hanson and Jennifer Cobillas ‘92 Hanson Marianne Feran and Richard Healy II Antoinette Heath John Heinrichs and Norma Genovesi ‘47 Heinrichs S. Henderson and R. Henderson Jacob Hendryx and Annmarie Voss ‘74 Hendryx Lindsy D. Hertanu ‘10 Steven Hickey and JoAnne Banales ‘76 Hickey Carmen and Glenn Hill Anita E. Hobesh Marjorie and George Honore Ashley Hudson ‘11 Mary Jo and Patrick Ignoffo Rachel Inderhees ‘13 Linda Ingoglia Jose Lizardi and Armida Aguilar ‘50 Lizardi Thomas Lloyd and Alicia Ambrosini ‘02 Lloyd Rebecca A. Logan ‘98 Homer Lohr and Jacqueline Bessiere ‘48 Lohr Andrew Lue and Rosalina Que ‘82 Lue Lara and Anthony Luna Donna M. Lynd Sandy Inouye-Imai Reid Isaksen and Mary Berryessa ‘68 Isaksen Ron Deiss and Joann ‘61 Jackson Millicent Jacobson Dan James and Doreen LaRosa ‘61 James Charles Maciel and Mary Alvernaz ‘41 Maciel Laura Musso ‘53 Mann Cecilia and Daniel Martin Jennifer and Jeffrey Martin Joanie and Lawrence Jones, Jr. Alison L. Judd Karen M. Judge Cherry and Terry Junge Patricia G. Kallio Anne Kangas Ai and Quang Khuc James J. Killian Andrea Artana ‘56 Kirsch J. Keith Kitchen Barbara and Scott Knaster Ray Kodres and Elizabeth Connor ‘65 Kodres Lenore and Harold Koppel Rusmin and Taemi Kudinar 1969 Pope Paul VI canonizes Blessed Julie Billiart in Rome; she becomes Saint Julie. The Archdiocese of San Francisco builds a new parish church in south San Jose and names it after her. 23 Annual Giving Annual Giving 2010-2011 CONTINUED Julie and Rodger Moody Megan and Paul Pryor-Lorentz Virginia and William Sullivan Brinton Moore and Amelia Catalano ‘49 Moore Patricia Puentes ‘79 Bryan Sutherland W.E. Moorhead and Patricia Giles ‘58 Moorhead Kathleen Campagna ‘50 Purdy Katrina Taberna ‘11 Victor Morales and Pilar Jaime ‘70 Morales Susan and Daniel Pyne Vivian and Tim Takeda Anne B. Morris Barbara A. Quigley ‘71 Ann and Ronald Thumann Mary Cahalan ‘48 Morris Martha and Alvaro Quinones Kandra and Ben Tobin IV Christine Mugnolo ‘97 Kathryn and James Rasmuson Harry Toyne † and Barbara Rodenborn ‘45 Toyne Katherine and Gerald Mugnolo Priscilla and Mario Raudes Tiffany and Michael Tran Karen Duffey ‘63 Mullaly John Reese and Mary Formosa ‘65 Reese Annamarie and Edward Murphy Maureen Y. Reyes Marco Trapani † and Marlene Taormina ‘57 Trapani Madelyn and W.E. Murphy Maria and Ponciano Reyes, Jr. Roxanne Naes Leslie A. Rice Taleen and Hagop Nazarian JoAnn and Michael Ricks Nancy Nelson David Rinde and Saundra Badalamente ‘64 Rinde Irene and George Tuma Eulalia and Samson Nepacena Gerald Rodriguez and Mary Ann Zoria ‘61 Rodriguez Laura L. Uddenberg Doris and Jack Urata Linda and Robert Ronsse Shihying and Edward Uytingco Patricia and Robert Ross Karen and Michael Van der Zweep Robert Nino and Kathleen Coyle ‘42 Nino Elaine and Patrick Ryall Peri Maciel ‘63 Vattuone James Noether and Katherine Terranova ‘62 Noether David Ryan and Anna Maria Espino ‘73 Ryan Vanessa Vaughn ‘11 Joe Salberg † and Janice Perlenda ‘44 Salberg Erica Vega Kathleen O’Brien ‘65 Luke Sanwick and Kathryn Feetham ‘01 Sanwick Veena and Prasad Venugopal Tracyanne Saunders ‘06 Maureen and Joseph Volpi Anne and Minh Nguyen Joanne Q. Nguyen ‘80 Khanh Nguyet Tran and Quang Hua Dorothy Doheny ‘49 O’Connor Virginia and Fred Olenak Caitlin Scanlan ‘10 OneCause Lois and Marlin Scheaffer Isabelita P. Orantia David Scheid and Carole Pregliasco ‘58 Scheid Bertha and David Orozco Paul Schifano and Mary Ann Niggemann ‘51 Schifano Erica E. Ortega ‘06 Rufina and Mere Ortega Kathleen and Patrick Schneider Joy Osborne Karen and Raymond Schuler Viola M. Owen ‘37 Margarita Padilla and Jorge Garcia Alicia and Ricardo Padilla Paul Sickinger † and Barbara Rice ‘42 Sickinger Denise Perez ‘70 Patterson Milton Pavlina and Carolyn Menard ‘51 Pavlina Charles Pedesky and Gerri Golick ‘53 Pedesky Montez and Anthony Petronelli James Pfaff and Ann Hobbs ‘54 Pfaff Kate Pichon-Hellmann and Timothy Hellmann Rosalie Pizzo, S.N.D. ‘52 Diana and Ramonsito Sico Simply FJB Norman Simpson and Judith Akers ‘61 Simpson Miho Simunovic Kris M. Slater Carolyn Calcagno ‘60 Smith Jay Sondheim and Shirley Bigongiari ‘51 Sondheim Kathleen Planer Farrell and Ken Podgorsek Cynthia and Tony Soto Gloria and Joe Ponte Space Systems/Loral Angie and Ronald Porter Chris Spath and Margaret Clark ‘94 Spath Chris Powell Gus Pozzi and Estelle Gay † ‘42 Pozzi Michael Pozzi and Rosemarie Fasano ‘63 Pozzi 24 Kim and John Sheehan Valerie Shih ‘11 Joan and Robert Pariani Pauline Lepera ‘62 Price Karen and Daniel Shea Amy and Daniel Stammerjohn Susan Stanton Dorothy B. Suarez Tim Sullivan and Gail Ryall ‘65 Sullivan Tracy and Steven Trinh Allison Troini ‘11 Laura and Joe Trovato Peter Vigna and Jennifer Dains ‘88 Vigna Catherine Waldron, S.N.D. ‘63 Stephen Brogley and Ethelita ‘72 Wallace Miki and Stephen Wallace Simone E. Wampler Mary Waters ‘60 Rachel Weed ‘08 Gary Westberg and Andrea Finke ‘65 Westberg Ernie Wilson and Barbara Meyers ‘49 Wilson Jim Wilson † and Loretta Solari ‘56 Wilson Nancy and Roger Wong Donna M. Woodcock ‘63 Collie Davis ‘56 Woodward Megan R. Wygant ‘99 Judith M. Yarbrough Raymond Yeselavage and Jean Aiello ‘63 Yeselavage Lisa Yoshimi Yi and Albert Yi Lisa and Michael Yutrzenka Margaret and Joseph Zamora Sheldon Zatkin and Patricia Sullivan ‘65 Zatkin Rose Ann and Anthony Zeppa Linda Zermeno-Rahmer Vilma and Ruben Zeta † Donor is deceased 1970s Alumnae Giving Alumnae Class Giving 1934 Anna May Escobar Campagna Marion Peake Robotti 1935 Margaret Matasci Bassetti Charlotte Jennings Jelich Catherine McCosker † 1937 1947 Nina Bruno Boyd Joan Leahy Egan Ellen Heahey Gravendyk Norma Genovesi Heinrichs Bette Cody Marsh Dorothy Snow Messer 1948 Mary Aguiar Houret Joan Kuklinski Franck Jacqueline Bessiere Lohr Mary Cahalan Morris Dianne Schott Ravizza 1939 1949 Viola Owen 1938 Eva Prudhomme Orton 1940 Evelyn Rossi Uibelhoer Frances Jones Weller 1941 Cecelia Guzzetta Bolster Mary Alvernaz Maciel 1942 Alice Towne Garvin Marianne Hayes Morrisey Kathleen Coyle Nino Marie Zaro Schmitt Barbara Rice Sickinger Maxine Smrekar Connie Minardi Turner 1943 Dorothy Ucovich Banker Bernadette Gurries Barton Maxine Lannin Cohen Mary Lou Allen Forster Irene Marianelli Gambucci Consuelo Moreno Jane Cuneo Nannini 1944 Angela Besio Artana Barbara Lundin Cheim Anna Marie Baumann Gruba Jeanne Cauhape Lukes Joycelyn Spingola Milazzo Janice Perlenda Salberg 1945 Margaret Rehm Brown Grace Rowan Garcia Maryellen Artana Meyer Mabel DeSmet O’Connell Barbara Rodenborn Toyne 1946 Elaine Rachou Aymard Nadine Douglass Geraldine Zaro Johnson Josephine Pisturino Bertaccini Anne Mary Grimaldi Biagini Carolyn Cipolla Brashear Janet Seidl Caputo Carmel Giacalone Carpenter Josephine Rizzo DeFranco Beverly McCarthy Eriksson Anna-Mary Bush Miller Amelia Catalano Moore Dorothy Doheny O’Connor Geraldine Herzog Pappas Barbara Meyers Wilson 1950 Caroline McKenzie Appling Zina Lou Hathaway Dyer Joan Winterling Kurtz Colette Quement Lackovic Armida Aguilar Lizardi Joan Sullivan Lundell Thomasene Eklund Luzzatti Carol Rankin Nagengast Consuelo Foster O’Brien Patricia McKenzie O’Donnell Kathleen Campagna Purdy Carmen Marchese Russo Joyce Steiner Towner Teresa Polk Turco 1951 Beverly Falbo Bologna Patricia Murphy Chargin Amelia Lippolis Corral Diane Rieder Fries Marlene Luchessi Furtado Patricia Pedro Girard Geraldine Brancato Kern Carolyn Menard Pavlina Sally Picazo Pfeiffer Jeannette Francis Sandberg Mary Ann Niggemann Schifano Shirley Bigongiari Sondheim Marie Louise Mainero Trowbridge 1952 Charlotte Pacheco Cimino Darlene Young Kotey Barbara Hodge LaPlante Barbara Matasci, S.N.D. Mary Anna Watanabe Matsumoto Peggy Gretz Normandin Rosalie Pizzo, S.N.D. Annemilia Schirle 1953 Yvonne Bondi, S.N.D. Mary Ellen Nolan Bruni Suzanne Donovan Cortese Mary Ann Lauzon Elliott Janet Vertin Gallagher M. Jeanne Pfeiffer Kiely Laura Musso Mann Gerri Golick Pedesky Jean Imhof Tarr Mariam Smith Wyman 25 Alumnae Giving Alumnae Class Giving 1954 Kathleen Concannon Brooks Joan Dalton Buckley Marlene Zappelli Filice Ann Hobbs Pfaff Carolan Glans Scanlan 1955 Constance Percy Baker-Enzensperger Suzanne Mooring Barnes Patricia Fraga Dinapoli Patricia Maher Filice Catherine McGlinn Mary Louise Gutierrez Mock Eugenia Isaacson Pearman Donna McGann Romano 1956 Carol Rose Alario Rooney Pfaff Blach Claire South Casey Barbara Frick Donnelly Barbara Calvo Edwards Mary Munoz Garcia Michelle Hogan Mary Ann Frazer Joice Andrea Artana Kirsch Dorothy Alesch Kiser Pauline Urlin Lavond Laura Aceves Liccardo Lillian Bianchi Miotto Joan Baxter Sullivan Anna Mary Steiner Thomas Loretta Solari Wilson Collie Davis Woodward 26 CONTINUED 1957 Barbara Ferrari Azevedo Marie Andrade Brasil Patricia Romani Cachopo Rosalie Pusateri Eskew Patricia Sullivan Hastings Margaret Drolz Kirby Rita Pursley Pacheco Yvonne Badano Pine Veronica Kelly Shaughnessy Marlene Taormina Trapani 1958 Mary McEnery Canepa Mary Jo Avilla Carroll Joanne Filice Cunningham Patricia DeMarlo Julianna Barcelona Gargone Barbara Levin Harper Patricia Giles Moorhead Ann Marie Piro Susan Andrews Saso Carole Pregliasco Scheid 1959 Catherine Ravizza Contreras Donna Gargone Darst Loreene Pardini Giansiracusa Donene Ray Harrison Valerie Belli Long Joanna Di Grazia McNutt Jeanne Trevino Miller Donna Nicoletti Nicoletti Judith Pursley Pace Janet Fumia Schultz 1960 Karen Cauhape Calcagno Darlene Pinza Campagna Judith Sepeda Cigan Lynette Rodrigues Cleaveland Mary Jo Waldron Dilger Marilyn Orlando Dorsa Pamela Aldridge Ferrari Faye Beechie Fyock Barbara Baggese Gibson Mary Casolary Heath Terry Schaub Krivan Mary Tanda Lanier Annette Ditto Milionis Ann Wade Mootz Judith Ferrari O’Brien Carolyn Calcagno Smith Beverly Kampfen Suggs Mary Waters 1961 Judith Kayser Fitzgerald Joann Jackson Doreen LaRosa James Valerie Loboa-Hallmark Mary Ann Kelly McCarthy Sheila McGann-Tiedt Lynda Sanfilippo Moudakas Mary Ann Zoria Rodriguez Mary Clara Cassidy Santana Bernice Ferrara Seimas Judith Akers Simpson 1962 Maria Lena Trione Gallo Rita Barton Karr Katherine Terranova Noether Patricia Filice Perkins Pauline Lepera Price 1963 Catherine Stout Cushman Christine Ahearn Ellison Arlene Pieracci Herrick Karen Duffey Mullaly Rosemarie Fasano Pozzi Mary Anne Lorentz Ravizza Peri Maciel Vattuone Catherine Waldron, S.N.D. Donna Woodcock Jean Aiello Yeselavage 1964 Suzanne White Atkinson Margaret Chiappe Bailey Alvira De Maria Chargin Joanne Banker Hames Saundra Badalamente Rinde 1965 Patricia Rubino Brunetti Margrete Cadena Mischele Ritchison Carpenter Harriet Riggar Catania Barbara Santana Cronin Susan Haas Dan Norine De Gregori Patricia Feasby Diamond Mary Dullea Hood Elizabeth Connor Kodres Stacia Lumley Carol McKillip Nicole Moreno Kathleen O’Shea Muller Kathleen O’Brien Mary Boland Ratner Mary Formosa Reese Gail Ryall Sullivan Suzanne Armstrong Vierra Elizabeth Ferrera Waldo Andrea Finke Westberg Patricia Sullivan Zatkin 1966 Elaine Bruni, M.F.T. Kathleen Zoccoli Corbal Colleen Sullivan Labozetta 1967 Anita Speciale D’Alessio Maureen O’Reilly De Bolt Anne Doeltz Farrell Linda Patallero Furtado Rose Mary Levin 1968 Christine Ray Carlisle Mary South Certa Paula Stringari Clawson Charlotte Doudell Mary Lu Ferrara Claudia French Diane Provasi Hougland Mary Berryessa Isaksen 1969 Christine Martino DiSalvo Annette Medina Fagundes Victoria Ferrara 1970 Christine Gutierrez Cobillas Christine Lipari Gramlich Pilar Jaime Morales Janis Patellaro Denise Perez Patterson Cynthia Gavin Pond 1971 Gayle Leonardelli Barbara Quigley Mary Catherine Sheridan 1972 Gail Skinner Ethelita Wallace 1973 Christine Carbone Judee Fogarty Curley Maricela Jimenez Henderson Anna Maria Espino Ryan Silvana Volpe, M.D. 1978 Aldora Silva Apolinario 1979 Patricia Puentes 1980 Sandra Chavira Marta Valdez Martinez Joanne Que Nguyen 1981 Felipa Bejarano Carrillo 1982 Rosalina Que Lue 1983 Erin Menard Gibson Christina Lee 1985 Michelle Santillan Gaeta Kristine Ferrari Larson Paulette Kempe Roseberry Lisa Gonzales White 1987 Gloria Flores-Cerul Gladys Ochangco Justina Aschoff Rogers Laura Washington Kathryn Heagerty Zazueta 1988 Elizabeth Golaw Perez Jennifer Dains Vigna 1974 Rosemary Arce Rebecca Kulpa Fernandez Rosanne Battaion Harris Annmarie Voss Hendryx Geralynn Patellaro Patricia Hayes Stuart 1975 Georgina Amador Acosta 1976 Elizabeth Alvarez Alvarez Kathleen Geraci Foley JoAnne Banales Hickey Leanne Patellaro Kirby 1977 Mary Jane Ajlouny-Johnson Mary Fortune, Ed.D. Melinda George 1970s 27 Alumnae Giving Alumnae Class Giving 1989 Eva Condron-Wells Anna Fox Denise Garcia Tara Hastings 1990 Abigail Benitez Lorimer Dorothea Dellinger Bjorgum 1991 Joan Ouano Benitez Janel Angulo Caruz Cynthia Moraes Shaw Peggy Wang 1992 Jennifer Cobillas Hanson Patricia Ericson Johnson Andrea Flores Shelton 1994 Christine Oberholzer Skizas Margaret Clark Spath 1995 Megan Doyle Meghan Ryall, M.D. CONTINUED 1996 Karen Caillat Saribel Daza 1997 Christine Mugnolo 1998 Alison Commiciotto Jennifer Young King Rebecca Logan 1999 2005 Lucia Dempsey McWood 2006 Anna Donovan Erica Ortega Tracyanne Saunders 2008 Shea Gerula Stephanie LaRocca Rachel Weed Tara Doyle Gemma Escobar Haylett Livia Lo Megan Wygant 2009 2000 Allyson Banales Natasha Dandia Marivic De Leon Lindsy Hertanu Laurin LaRocca Jessica Medina Caitlin Scanlan Angela Gonzaga Nina Nejah Lauren Vidal 2001 Kathryn Feetham Sanwick 2002 Alicia Ambrosini Lloyd 2004 Mary Ciesinski Aileen Lu Nicole Coddington Nilda Nejah 2010 2011 Michele Coddington Ashley Hudson Charmille Junge Valerie Shih Ashley Steffenson Katrina Taberna Erin Takeda † Donor is deceased 28 Tribute Gifts Tribute Gifts In Memory... Wayman A. Banker Dorothy Ucovich ’43 Banker Jeanne Benoit ‘40 Baysinger Diane and Theodore Danen Pamela Fox ‘61 Bogle Janice Fox Prudence Pisturino ‘53 Brundage Ed Bertaccini and Josephine Pisturino ‘49 Bertaccini Guadalupe Cadena Margrete Cadena ‘65 Elizabeth Casazza Edgar Nannini and Jane Cuneo ’43 Nannini Phyllis Basher ’57 DiSalvo William Eskew and Rosalie Pusateri ‘57 Eskew Rita Pursley ‘57 Pacheco Marco Trapani † and Marlene Taormina ‘57 Trapani Jennifer Fox ‘69 Janice Fox Carolyn Ferrara Hughes Albert Sandberg and Jeannette Francis ’51 Sandberg Elizabeth Noonan ‘34 Kelly John McCarthy, Sr. and Mary Ann Kelly ‘61 McCarthy Kenn Kiely M. Jeanne Pfeiffer ’53 Keily Mr. and Mrs. Norbert T. Pfeiffer, Sr. M. Jeanne Pfeiffer ’53 Keily Allison Lawrence ‘04 Mary and Lansing Thornton Rene Lepiane Adelaide and Joe Alvarnas Hilda and Reynaldo Arellano Paula Azevedo and Gerardo Peñaloza Beverly and Arthur Bakos Sandra and Duilio Jeanne M. Bittel Dorothea Dellinger ‘90 Bjorgum Andrea and Patrick Caldwell Lauren and Jeff Cymerys Natasha Dandia ‘10 Evelyn and Roger Dean Angeline Dellinger Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq. Beverley and George Dunn Maria and Chris Evans Victoria and Mark Evashenk Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ‘55 Filice Irene and Jim Floyd Laura and Donald Gagliasso Kim Aldridge and Douglas Gallinat Denise A. Garcia ‘89 Shea Gerula ‘08 Christopher Greene S. Henderson and R. Henderson Lusiana and Willy Hertanu Marjorie and George Honore Joanie and Lawrence Jones, Jr. Karen M. Judge Mary and Jack Keenan D’Arcy and James Kirkland Anne Marie Knapen-Asnong and Geert Knapen Rusmin and Taemi Kudinar Evelyn I. Laking Diane Lepiane Rizio and Peter Rizio Donna M. Lynd Charles Maciel and Mary Alvernaz ‘41 Maciel Lisianne Marzani-Goldman and Todd Goldman Barbara Matasci, S.N.D. ‘52 Madelyn and W.E. Murphy Roxanne Naes Jeanette and Randall Nagashima Nancy Nelson Patty Rauch and Gary Neustadter Stephanie and Jeff Ota Catherine and David Pandori Lee and Ralph Pryor Susan and Daniel Pyne Catherine and Charles Reed JoAnn and Michael Ricks Jeannette and John Roberts Stacy Roberts Gerald Rodriguez and Mary Ann Zoria ‘61 Rodriguez Marylou Schoone Katherine and Steven Sharp Kim and John Sheehan Simply FJB Tasha A. Stachowiak ‘12 Ruby S. Stanton Vivian and Tim Takeda Kandra and Ben Tobin IV Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard Farthing Maureen and Joseph Volpi Jennifer and David Wampler Tomas Zazueta and Kathryn Heagerty ‘87 Zazueta Rose Ann and Anthony Zeppa Sister Marie Celine Barbara Rodenborn ’45 Toyne Sister Marie Anthony Norine De Gregori ‘65 Mary Catherine Sheridan ‘71 Stephanie and Andrew Minardi Frank Turner and Connie Minardi ’42 Turner Sister Monica Lillian Bianchi ’56 Miotto Helen Coyle ‘41 Molz Frank Turner and Connie Minardi ‘42 Turner Peggy O’Brien Karen Storey and Steven Tedesco 1980s 29 Tribute Gifts Tribute Gifts CONTINUED Courtney Going ‘43 Patton Audrey and E. Jackson Going, Jr. Estelle Gay ‘42 Pozzi Gus Pozzi Rosella Preslnik Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach Sister Reginald Frank Fries and Diane Rieder ’51 Fries Pauline Cribari ‘45 Rizzuto Justin Garcia and Grace Rowan ‘45 Garcia Sister Rosemarie Julie Frank Fries and Diane Rieder ’51 Fries Gina Schluer Frank Turner and Connie Minardi ’42 Turner Louis B. Sullivan Giorgio Luzzatti and Thomasene Eklund ‘50 Luzzatti In Honor... Irene Marie Voss Jacob Hendryx and Annmarie Voss ’74 Hendryx Jim Floyd Clean Solar, Inc. Cecilia Baumann ‘42 Wilde Robert Nino and Kathleen Coyle ‘42 Nino John Schmitt † and Marie Zaro ‘42 Schmitt Frank Turner and Connie Minardi ‘42 Turner Audrey Kane ‘14 Margaret J. Mawhinney Collie Davis ‘56 Woodward Rooney Pfaff ‘56 Blach Marianne Schmitt ‘72 Wortel Marie Zaro ‘42 Schmitt Judith Fox ‘69 Correia Janice Fox Maggie Kane ‘11 Margaret J. Mawhinney Katie Kangas ‘01 Anne Kangas Jennifer Kirkland ‘10 D’Arcy and James Kirkland Madeline Kirkland ‘12 D’Arcy and James Kirkland Michelle Leberknight ‘09 Mariana and Randall Leberknight Barbara Simmons Maud Gleason and Fred Holley Nancy Fox ‘59 Thayer Janice Fox Taylor Nicole Winchester ‘14 Bryan Sutherland † Donor is deceased 30 1980s s Business/Corporate/Foundation & Matching Gifts Businesses/Corporation & Foundation Matching Gift Companies BAE Systems—Ground Systems Division Robert Half International, Inc. Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan The Blach Family Foundation, Rooney Pfaff ’56 Blach Heritage Bank of Commerce Adobe Systems, Inc.—Matching Gifts Program Casco Property Management, Inc. Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Applied Materials, Inc.—Global Impact JSR Micro, Inc BAE Systems Matching Gifts Program Kohl Photography Bay Breakers Landmark Builders BD Matching Gift Program Meade Construction Group, Inc. Cisco Foundation Matching Gifts Program Law Office of Karen Meckstroth eBay—Matching Gift Program OneCause Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Pacific West Security, Inc. GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program San Jose Downtown Foundation GlaxoSmithKline Foundation—Matching Gifts Program Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Citti’s Florist—Santa Clara Clean Solar, Inc. Comerica Bank—California The Corporate Chef Deloitte Services, LP J. Philip and Jennifer DiNapoli Foundation Diocese of San Jose eScrip FIRST Foxworthy Chiropractic Center Fresh Choice, LLC./Zoopa Restaurants Friant & Associates The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert Foundation Stella B. Gross Charitable Trust SDS NexGen Partners The Leo M. Shortino Family Foundation Silicon Valley Community Foundation Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur—Province Fund Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Space Systems/Loral United Way—Silicon Valley West Coast Tree Care Western Digital Willow Glen Travel Google Matching Gifts Program IBM Employee Services Center IBM Matching Grant Program—K-12 Matching Grants Program Intel Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Program Intel Volunteer Grant Program JSR Micro, Inc KT Foundation Matching Gift Program National Semiconductor Employee Directed Giving Program Oracle Matching Gifts Program Portland General Electric Company—Employee Giving Campaign Roche Matching Gifts and Employee Volunteer Programs SanDisk Corporation Matching Gift Program SAP Matching Gift Program Synopsys Philanthropic Matching Programs Target—Take Charge of Education Tellabs Giving Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation Truist Wells Fargo Community Support Campaign Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Xilinx—Matching Gift Program Yahoo! Corporate Matching Gift Program 31 Event Supporters Event Supporters Golf Tournament Supporters Anonymous Michael Allard Milagros and Manuel Arredondo Lindsi and Sean Baldwin Dan Barreras Virginia and Richard Bartone Michael Brunetti and Patricia Rubino ‘65 Brunetti Andrea and Patrick Caldwell Brenda Austrie-Cannaday and Richard Cannaday Anne and James Cashman Joanabel and Emmanuel Cepe Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Lori and Patrick Cougill Carla and Brian Crowley Kathleen and Scott Curry Robert Diamond and Patricia Feasby ‘65 Diamond Michael J. DiMartino Sheri and Willie Dizon Deanna and Mike Dorner Beverley and George Dunn Devin Engebretsen Mike Feasby Paul B. Feasby Thomas Feasby Linda Herrmann and Robert Godar Neha and Naresh Gupta Lani and Steve Haddock Robert Half International, Inc. Paula and Richard Halford Jim Heath 32 Matthew Herrick Eileen Hoefler Christina and John Hopkins Carole and John Hopkins, Sr. James Howard Janis and Russell Hughes Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees Paul Isaacson Helen and Stuart Kane Brian Kenyon Rebecca Hendricks and Theodore Key Robin and Ken Koenig Landmark Builders Annette and Mark Laranjo Josh Lyngar Michael Maniglia Carmen Martinez Steve Maultsby and Jill Ferrari ‘81 Maultsby Bryan Maxwell Elizabeth and Ioannis Meras Doreen and Colin Morales Doreen Morales Rhonda and Pat Munnerlyn Rachel and James Nelson Bernadette and Ramon Ocampo, D.D.S. Randy Okuba Barry Olsen Pacific West Security, Inc. Catherine and David Pandori Andy Pashby Christine and Gary Pashby Eugene Pashby Lisa Warren-Plungy and Mark Plungy Jeff Pruss Sandra and David Ramer Richard Ravel Mary and Cliff Reese Mary Beth and Philip Riley Shelley Roth Virginia and Ray Sajor Deborah Maxwell, M.D. and John Scerbak, M.D. Marylou Schoone SDS NexGen Partners Christina and Scott Seaman Adam Senson Gary Serda Paul Shumate Eileen and Kelly Sims Scott Slinker Elaine and Walter Tersigni Gabriel Testa Gail and Bruce Tifft Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard Farthing Lilia and Luis Vaca David Walker Lisa and James Walstrum, Jr. Nancy and Gerald Watanabe, D.D.S. Eric Weitz Willow Glen Travel Brian Winter Lisa and Michael Yutrzenka Women of Impact Supporters Anonymous Laurie and Chuck Abate Allison Abbott-Kline and Norman Kline Lisa Martin ‘74 Adamson Mary and Stephen Almassy Denise and Jeffrey Alvord Pamela Anderson-Brulé and Pierre Brulé Stephanie and Charles Armiger Lenore Arnold Pastor Mark Arnzen Ann Artz Douglass Aumack and Mary Quilici ‘75 Aumack Nishma and Kamal Avlani Carmen Barba-Barcena and Francisco Barba Bellarmine College Preparatory Berliner Cohen, Attorneys at Law Rooney Pfaff ‘56 Blach Kellie and William Blach J. Richard Braugh Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53 Bruni Shinita Beckum ‘74 Bryson Elizabeth and Brian Cabral Karen Cauhape ‘60 Calcagno Diane and Walter Carney Noel and Jim Castellanos Maria and Victor Castro The Catholic Foundation of Santa Clara County Janet Chance Hilda and Sarko Cherekdjian Alice and George Chiala Peter Cleaveland and Lynette Rodrigues ‘60 Cleaveland Gina and Aaron Colton Comerica Bank—California Hannah S. Comiskey Robert Compitello and Rosanne Cortese ‘76 Compitello Rob Wells and Eva Condron-Wells ‘89 Dominic Cortese and Suzanne Donovan ‘53 Cortese Elizabeth Cox Jane H. Creech Carla and Brian Crowley Kari Crowley Jennifer and James Cunneen Deloitte Services, LP Helen Dietz and David Mimeles Joe Dilger and Mary Jo Waldron ‘60 Dilger Sandra and Daniel Domiray Dena and Clark Donahue Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq. Beverley and George Dunn Sondra and James Erickson Corleen Hiram ‘74 Estes Lynn Fielder Karen Meier and Steven Fisher Matthew Foley and Kathleen Geraci ‘76 Foley Sue and Charles Foltz Deborah Ford-Scriba Jill and Steven Foster Janice Fox Terri and Robert Francis Bob Roulo Fyock and Faye Beechie ‘60 Fyock Penny and Gregory Gallo Claudia Galvan and Thomas Skelton Denise A. Garcia ‘89 Melinda George ‘77 Barbara Baggese ‘60 Gibson Richard Gorini and Margo Joesten ‘74 Gorini Laurie Gregory ‘76 Gray Catherine Herrera ‘74 Greco Melissa Groenveld Mary and Mark Gruber Carol Hack and Rod Broome Diane and J. Joseph Harrington Heritage Bank of Commerce Matthew Herrick Shannon Poltera and Thomas Hogan Hoge, Fenton, Jones & Appel, Inc. Christina and John Hopkins Hulberg & Associates, Inc. Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees Regina and Christopher Johnson Alison L. Judd Helen and Stuart Kane Lee Ann Howard ‘74 Kaupp Mary and Jack Keenan Yuko and Andrew Kirk D’Arcy and James Kirkland Anne Marie Knapen-Asnong and Geert Knapen Robin and Ken Koenig Heda Koh, D.D.S. William Krivan and Terry Schaub ‘60 Krivan Deepka and Prem Lalwani Mary Tanda ‘60 Lanier Martha and Sam Lazarakis Kayloni K. Le Molly and Nick Lecheler Lynn Mack Joseph Alexandra and Gabrielle Mancuso ‘65 Mancuso Lucinda and Charles Manley Jennifer and Jeffrey Martin Lisianne Marzani-Goldman and Todd Goldman Kathie Maxfield Monica May Mary McCormick Earl J. McKinney Mary McLane Claudia McTaggart, S.N.D. Law Office of Karen Meckstroth Karen and David Meckstroth Carolyn and Darrell Mervau Montalvo Arts Center Allan Mootz and Ann Wade ‘60 Mootz Maria Luz and Alberto Movilla Rhonda and Pat Munnerlyn Eva and Timothy Musgrove Margaret Nabors Linda Nardi Taleen and Hagop Nazarian NetApp Thanh Tran and Dao Nguyen Louis Normandin and Peggy Gretz ‘52 Normandin Virginia and Fred Olenak Margot Olsen Kathryn Sure and Douglas O’Neal Erica Ortega ‘06 Catherine and David Pandori Chong Sup Park Terry Frugoli and Geralynn Patellaro ‘74 Michael Mary and Bruce Paynter Sheryl and Ron Pelzel Kristin Penner and Arnold Brown Ben Perla and Janette Valderrama ‘74 Perla Ruth Peterson Randall Pond and Cynthia Gavin ‘70 Pond Susan and Daniel Pyne Kathleen and Martin Quiazon Harry Raftopoulos and Lee Ann Pasquinelli ‘74 Raftopoulos Janet Redding Richardson and Thomas Richardson Deborah and Michael Regalbuto Michele and Mark Richards Curtis McClendon-Riley and Saundra McClendon ‘94 Riley Cecilia Robb Christine and R. Matthew Fruin Jackie Schmidt Posner, Ph.D. and Barry Posner Deborah and Craig Shaffer Priti and Divyesh Shah Katherine and Steven Sharp Karen and Daniel Shea Matthew Shelton and Andrea Flores ‘92 Shelton Randy Silberman Silicon Valley Community Foundation Silicon Valley Council of Nonprofits Barbara Simmons Ann and William Skeet Carolyn Calcagno ‘60 Smith Phyllis Stewart-Pires and Craig Pires Karen Storey and Steven Tedesco Mitchell Stuart and Patricia Hayes ‘74 Stuart Marian Stuckey Dorothy B. Suarez Linda Subia-Stovich ’74 James Sullivan and Michele Croft ‘74 Sullivan “Susan, Stylist for the Stars” Laurie and Joseph Toscano John Troini and Melanie Renner ‘74 Troini Christina and Odysseas Tsatalos Jane McCluskey ‘74 Vaillancourt Rosanna and Victor Valladares Maria and Isaac Vaughn Theresa and John Vidal 1991 Fundraisers for the San Jose Symphony ask to use the mansion. Professional interior designers decorate the first and second floors. Students and staff enjoy a glimpse of the former Victorian splendor of the old building. 33 Event Supporters Event Supporters CONTINUED Susan M. Votaw Kathy and Joe Vyvijal Gerald Wade, S.J. Virginia and Patrick Waite Richard Waldo and Elizabeth Ferrera ‘65 Waldo Miki and Stephen Wallace Mary Wallis and Rod Bagg Wealthplan, L.L.P.—Francis B. Doyle Carey B. Weatherholt, D.D.S., Inc. Debra and Dan Weed Janis and Christopher Welsh Mary Welty-Dapkus, M.I.M. and Drew Dapkus Marion and Robert Yager Magi Young Nancy and Larry Zurbrick Crab Fest Supporters Anonymous (2) Laurie and Chuck Abate Elise and Thomas Ajawara Catherine and Patrick Allen Suzanne R. Allison ‘83 Colleen and Robert Altendorf Denise and Jeffrey Alvord Clara and Frank Amarillas Diane and Michael Andrion Helen Ansted and William Harrington Jamileth and Mario Araya Leslie and Gregg Arioto Ed Bertaccini and Josephine Pisturino ‘49 Bertaccini Carolyn Cipolla ‘49 Brashear Malamed Nathalia Brashear ‘02 Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53 Bruni Ruth Burson and Terence Ryan Elizabeth and Brian Cabral Mary Louise Caldwell Andrea and Patrick Caldwell Lisa and Antonino Cartelli Anne and James Cashman Michelle Casolary Crystal Chow Helen and David Clark Jim Collins and Ellen Jorgensen ‘63 Collins Rob Wells and Eva Condron-Wells ‘89 John Corpos and Emily Bernabe ‘63 Corpos Edward Corral † and Amelia Lippolis ‘51 Corral Alicia and Darrell Cortez Heather and Brian Crane Jennifer and James Crotty, M.D. Jeanne and Henry Dapkus Sheri and Willie Dizon Dena and Clark Donahue Deanna and Mike Dorner Beverley and George Dunn Kathleen Faubion and Brian Zamora Charlen Fong Patricia Gardner and Pete Carrillo Laura Fujikawa and Leonid Gelman 34 Ellen and Ricardo Gicale Marcella and Gary Gulmon Liza and Steven Hanks Noreen and Miles Harrington III Antoinette Heath Mary Casolary ‘60 Heath Eileen Hoefler C.M. and R.T. Hoge Christina and John Hopkins Michael Hornbuckle and Lisa Allison ‘87 Hornbuckle Tammie and Brian Hoshino Janis and Russell Hughes Mary Jo and Patrick Ignoffo Linda Ingoglia Martha and Eric Jepsky Corazon and Michael Kalt Marie A. Kandler ‘97 Mary Ann and Raymond Kelly Pat and James King Robert Kirby and Leanne Patellaro ‘76 Kirby Leanne and Robert Kirby D’Arcy and James Kirkland Anne Marie Knapen-Asnong and Geert Knapen Tracey and Jacinto Laney Lisa and Alex Laymon Martha and Sam Lazarakis Annika Liepelt Mary Ellen and Nick Livak Stacey Lynar Margaret A. Mahony Jeanette Malley Joan and John Martin Carmen Martinez Lisianne Marzani-Goldman and Todd Goldman Steve Maultsby and Jill Ferrari ‘81 Maultsby Corazon and Cesar Mayo Christina Mayo Kerry and Philip McCarty Anne and Sean McMahon Meade Construction Group, Inc. Dorothy and Kent Merlic Bernarda Milan Elise Mitchell Rumiko and Hiromi Miyahara Tammi and Randell Miyahara Nicole M. Moreno ‘65 Marta Carrillo and Dean Mulla Catherine Shearley and Stephen Murphy Edgar Nannini and Jane Cuneo ‘43 Nannini Taleen and Hagop Nazarian Nina Nejah ‘00 Anne and Minh Nguyen Margot Olsen Joan M. O’Reilly ‘68 Jeff Ota and Stephanie Ota Francesca and Harrison Paist Catherine and David Pandori Christine and Gary Pashby Terry Frugoli and Geralynn Patellaro ‘74 Janis Patellaro ‘70 Lisa Warren-Plungy and Mark Plungy Susan and Daniel Pyne Anna and Ernest Quinones Laura and Richter Rafey Tamara and Michael Ranker Norman Ravizza and Mary Anne Lorentz ‘63 Ravizza Walt Reeland Deborah and Michael Regalbuto Bob Rewak Leslie A. Rice Mary Beth and Philip Riley Janice and Joe Rommel Bob Roseberry and Paulette Kempe ‘85 Roseberry Ruth and Barnett Rosenblum Lori and Nathan Saito Desiree Salguero Nicole and Steven Sanchez Christine and R. Matthew Fruin Dolores Naso ‘51 Schmidt Karen and Raymond Schuler Cynthia Bojorquez and Gary Serda Kerry Sexton Lorraine and Charles Shepherd Barbara Simmons Ann and William Skeet Wendy and Paul Sura Kathryn Sure and Douglas O’Neal Rosie and Martin Tattersall Elaine and Walter Tersigni 1990s Laura and Stephen Trimberger Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard Farthing Karen and Michael Van der Zweep Theresa and John Vidal Lauren Vidal ‘00 Michelle Villarreal Kathy and Joe Vyvijal Susan and Richard Wakefield Miki and Stephen Wallace Bonnie and Troy Ward Debra and Dan Weed Maureen McEnoy Williams and Richard Williams Lizette Duarte ‘80 Woblesky Bernadette and Daniel Yang Kathleen Faubion and Brian Zamora Nancy and Larry Zurbrick Auction & Dinner Supporters Anonymous (2) ND2 AEIS—Advanced Estate & Insurance Services Brooke and Mike Ahrens Elise and Thomas Ajawara Mary and Stephen Almassy Kathy and Ed Almazol Stephanie and Charles Armiger Bellarmine College Preparatory Berliner Cohen, Attorneys at Law Lucile and Ernest Bianco Yvonne J. Bondi, S.N.D. ‘53 Jack Boyd and Nina Bruno ‘47 Boyd Sue Grover and John Bracco, Jr. Shirley and John Bracco, Sr. Michael Melamed and Nathalia Brashear ‘02 Melamed Carol Hack and Rod Broome Michael Brunetti and Patricia Rubino ‘65 Brunetti Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53 Bruni Christine Carbone ‘73 Carden Academy of Santa Clara Mary Lou Castellanos Diane Cerra Comerica Bank—California Hannah S. Comiskey Arlene Zarou-Cooperman and Jack Cooperman The Corporate Chef Dominic Cortese and Suzanne Donovan ‘53 Cortese Rita Cortez and Fred Sharkey Margaret and Frank Cucuzza Lynn Devou Dena and Clark Donahue Deanna and Mike Dorner Shirley Paganini ‘61 Dorsa Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq. Megan Doyle ‘95 Nancy and Francis Doyle, Esq. Shalini Venkatesh and William DuMonthier Beverley and George Dunn Connie and Richard Ellis Victoria and Mark Evashenk Irene and Jim Floyd Janice Fox Friant & Associates Kim Aldridge and Douglas Gallinat Lisianne Marzani-Goldman and Todd Goldman Anne Greene Christopher Greene Diane and J. Joseph Harrington Deb and Richard Hof Lisa Sinizer and Rick Hopkins Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees Helen and Stuart Kane Jack B. Keenan, Inc. D’Arcy and James Kirkland Anne Marie Knapen-Asnong and Geert Knapen Carolyn and Chris Koehle Desta and Steven Krong Matthew Kussman Lisa and Alex Laymon Martha and Sam Lazarakis Sal Liccardo and Laura Aceves ‘56 Liccardo Mary Ellen and Nick Livak Marijoe and Victor LoBue Lucinda and Charles Manley Anne and Sean McMahon Elizabeth and Dragan Milanovich Beth Miller and John Miller Helen Dietz and David Mimeles Roberta and Robert Moore Mai-Tram and Paul Nguyen Louis Normandin and Margaret Gretz ‘52 Normandin William O’Brien and Judith Ferrari ‘60 O’Brien Katherine A. O’Doherty Old Orchard School Hilary Orr Catherine and David Pandori Michael Mary and Bruce Paynter Noel and Genie Isaacson ‘55 Pearman Presentation Center—Retreats & Conferences Susan and Daniel Pyne Kathleen and Martin Quiazon Anna and Ernest Quinones Laura and Richter Rafey Deborah and Michael Regalbuto Michele and Mark Richards Mary Beth and Philip Riley Bill Romano and Donna McGann ‘55 Romano Bob Roseberry and Paulette Kempe ‘85 Roseberry Lori and Nathan Saito Santa Clara University Marylou Schoone Ann and Greg Scileppi Soltero Door Service Springer Collision Centers Janice and Daniel Stachowiak State Farm Insurance Roseanna Torretto ‘61 Janice Tupaj-Farthing and Howard Farthing Kaz Uyesugi, D.D.S., Inc. Vanished Children’s Alliance Shalini Venkatesh and William DuMonthier Theresa and John Vidal Lauren Vidal ‘00 Lisa and James Walstrum, Jr. Debra and Dan Weed Robert A. Weickowski Jennifer and T. James Woods Bernadette and Daniel Yang Tomas Zazueta and Kathryn Heagerty ‘87 Zazueta 1997 The old mansion and south wing of the school are closed while the north wing remains open. The Sisters of Notre Dame and the school’s Board of Directors decide to build a new classroom facility at the corner of Second and Reed Streets. 35 Event Supporters Event Supporters CONTINUED 160th Anniversary Supporters Anonymous Arianna C. Alvarado ‘06 Mark Anderson and Patricia Rahmer ‘71 Anderson Anne Marie Asnong Denis Aymard † and Elaine Rachou ‘46 Aymard Barbara Ferrari ‘57 Azevedo Theresa G. Babcock ‘01 Jerry Bachur and Denise Marsalli ‘71 Bachur Gerald Baiocchi † and Mary Lee Smoot ‘51 Baiocchi Roberta C. Baker Wayman Banker † and Dorothy Ucovich ‘43 Banker Sarah Jones ‘01 Bantz Carmen Barba-Barcena and Francisco Barba Hector Benitez and Joan Ouano ‘91 Benitez Mary E. Benson ‘51 Ed Bertaccini and Josephine Pisturino ‘49 Bertaccini Rooney Pfaff ‘56 Blach Beverly A. Blockie ‘51 Yvonne J. Bondi, S.N.D. ‘53 Richard Boomer and Mona Faraj ‘91 Boomer Carolyn Cipolla ‘49 Brashear Michaela Brody and Paul Benke Arnold Bruni and Mary Ellen Nolan ‘53 Bruni Margrete Cadena ‘65 Roberta Mager ‘50 Caldwell Joseph Campisi and Shirley Rose ‘51 Campisi Carl Cardona and Jacqueline Kabrich ‘51 Cardona Henry Cardona and Rose Marie Miranda ‘51 Cardona Joseph Carrillo and Felipa Bejarano ‘81 Carrillo Donald Carroll and Mary Jo Avilla ‘58 Carroll Analisa Castaneda ‘01 James Chargin, M.D. and Patricia Murphy ‘51 Chargin Michael Cobillas and Christine Gutierrez ‘70 Cobillas Renee Coca ‘77 Jim Collins and Ellen Jorgensen ‘63 Collins Alison L. Commiciotto ‘98 Robert Compitello and Rosanne Cortese ‘76 Compitello Catherine Ravizza ‘59 Contreras Anthony Corica and Darlene Bernard ‘51 Corica Edward Corral † and Amelia Lippolis ‘51 Corral Rita Cortez and Fred Sharkey David Crowder and Patricia Murphy ‘62 Crowder Norine De Gregori ‘65 Dena and Clark Donahue Anna E. Donovan ‘06 Nadine Douglass ‘46 Beverley and George Dunn Glenn Elliott † and Mary Ann Lauzon ‘53 Elliott Hugh Fahrner and Janet Hogan ‘51 Fahrner Marlene Zappelli ‘54 Filice Bruney Filice and Patricia Maher ‘55 Filice Marie and Joseph Fontana Joan Kuklinski ‘48 Franck Elizabeth Concannon ‘58 Frank Frank Fries and Diane Rieder ‘51 Fries Justin Garcia and Grace Rowan ‘45 Garcia Susana Garcia and Greg Czarkowski M.D. Giansiracusa and Edith Zderic ‘51 Giansiracusa Loreene Pardini ‘59 Giansiracusa Patricia Pedro ‘51 Girard Rita Gleason Ana Melara and Gary Glenn Laura Vanni ‘93 Gonzalez Wayne Gramlich and Christine Lipari ‘70 Gramlich Richard Grim and Elizabeth Miranda ‘49 Grim Nicole and Martin Gunther Carol Hack and Rod Broome Robert Hanson and Jennifer Cobillas ‘92 Hanson Brigitte and Christopher Heiser John Hernandez and Josephine Picazo ‘53 Hernandez Hans Herup and Theresa Giallongo ‘84 Herup Eileen Hoefler Michelle Hogan ‘56 Paul Hough and Katherine Bosso ‘63 Hough Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees Reid Isaksen and Mary Berryessa ‘68 Isaksen Geraldine Zaro ‘46 Johnson Anne Kangas Rita Barton ‘62 Karr Richard Kern and Geraldine Brancato ‘51 Kern M. Jeanne Pfeiffer ‘53 Kiely Douglas Killin and Kristin Pieracci ‘84 Killin Christian Kinder and Marta Ramos ‘67 Kinder Jennifer Young ‘98 King Andrea Artana ‘56 Kirsch Frank Kotey and Darlene Young ‘52 Kotey Jerry Lahann and Joyce Lazzarini ‘49 Lahann Claudia K. Latchman ‘93 Alison and James Lee Gayle Cummings ‘71 Leonardelli John Lindsay and Patricia Baptista ‘71 Lindsay Aileen Lu ‘04 Jack Marsh and Bette Cody ‘47 Marsh John McCarthy, Sr. and Mary Ann Kelly ‘61 McCarthy Mary McLane Claudia McTaggart, S.N.D. Sally Paradiso ‘51 Meduri Dorothy and Kent Merlic Mary Ann Migliaccio ‘51 Carol Miller, S.N.D. Jeanne Trevino ‘59 Miller Valentino Miotto † and Lillian Bianchi ‘56 Miotto Joseph Montgomery, Jr. and Anita Francesconi ‘51 Montgomery Brinton Moore and Amelia Catalano ‘49 Moore Roberta and Robert Moore W.E. Moorhead and Patricia Giles ‘58 Moorhead Jo Ann Morettini ‘51 Joan Cammack ‘51 Morton Robert Murphy and Zoe Ann Chaves ‘71 Murphy Edgar Nannini and Jane Cuneo ‘43 Nannini Nadine Tognetti ‘64 Nelson Patricia and Robert Oberholzer Katherine Oliver 1998 Convent used by the Sisters of Notre Dame is renovated to become the Student Life Center. 36 Viola M. Owen ‘37 Catherine and David Pandori Joan Panella, S.N.D. Dolores A. Pardini, S.N.D. ‘56 Gena and Efren Pasao Christine and Gary Pashby Janis Patellaro ‘70 Milton Pavlina and Carolyn Menard ‘51 Pavlina Sr. Catherine Pelletier Emilia Peña-Bobst and Kevin Bobst Patricia Filice ‘62 Perkins James Pfaff and Ann Hobbs ‘54 Pfaff Richard Pfeiffer and Sally Picazo ‘51 Pfeiffer V. Ronald Pine, J.D. and Yvonne Badano ‘57 Pine Rosalie Pizzo, S.N.D. ‘52 Carole Proctor, S.N.D. Dolores Quigg, S.N.D. Laura and Richter Rafey Deborah and Michael Regalbuto Elaine and Patrick Ryall Dora Navarro ‘51 Sanchez Albert Sandberg and Jeannette Francis ‘51 Sandberg John Santana † and Mary Clara Cassidy ‘61 Santana Tracyanne Saunders ‘06 Paul Schifano and Mary Ann Niggemann ‘51 Schifano Ruth Schlotzhauer and Mark Isfeld John Schmitt † and Marie Zaro ‘42 Schmitt Mary Catherine Sheridan ‘71 Barbara Simmons James Smith and Nancy Dattilo ‘53 Smith Belinda Soriano Mary Jane Rodrigues ‘51 Souza Linda Subia-Stovich ‘74 Jeanne Sullivan, S.N.D. ‘47 Gladys Nakashima ‘51 Takaki William Tarr and Jean Imhof ‘53 Tarr Darlene Tenes Rudy Tenes and Lilia Sanchez ‘51 Tenes Kandra and Ben Tobin IV Roseanna Torretto ‘61 Harry Toyne † and Barbara Rodenborn ‘45 Toyne Frank Turner and Connie Minardi ‘42 Turner Carl Uibelhoer † and Evelyn Rossi ‘40 Uibelhoer Carolyn and David Verdugo Theresa and John Vidal John Warren, M.D. and Silvana Volpe, M.D. ‘73 Stephen Walsh Rachel Wang ‘06 Donna M. Woodcock ‘63 Jennifer and T. James Woods Walter Wyszynski and Norene Pfeiffer ‘51 Wyszynski Marion and Robert Yager Sheldon Zatkin and Patricia Sullivan ‘65 Zatkin Nancy and Larry Zurbrick † Donor is deceased 37 Gifts-in-Kind Gifts-in-Kind Anonymous Bowlmer Lanes Erik’s Deli 231 Ellsworth Restaurant Sue Grover and John Bracco, Jr. Evolution Tae Kwon Do Almaden Barber Timothy Brinton The Fairmont Hotel—San Jose Almaden Golf and Country Club Broadway by the Bay Falcon Roofing Almaden Valley Nursery Broadway San Jose Thomas Fallon Photography Mary and Stephen Almassy Michael Brunetti and Patricia Rubino ‘65 Brunetti Famous Dave’s Karen and Brian Bunton Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Alsco, Inc. Amici’s East Coast Pizzeria Anytime Fitness Applebee’s The Art Glass Center of San Jose Ballet San Jose BaskinRobbins Bear Valley Mountain Resort Berkeley Repertory Theatre BEST Physical Therapy Bijan Bakery & Cafe Black Bear Diner Karen Black Bloomster’s Blue Rock BBQ Elizabeth and Malcolm Bordelon Byington Vineyard & Winery The Flames Caffe` Trieste Flemings Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bar Andrea and Patrick Caldwell Forbes Mill and Double D’s Restaurant California Sport Design Frankie, Johnnie & Luigi Too Campo di Bocce of Los Gatos Joseph George Wine Merchants Capricious Skin Care Gilroy Express Wash Christine Carbone ‘73 Gilroy Gardens Carmel Bach Festival The Giving Gourmet Casa La Sirena The Golf Club at Boulder Ridge Anne and James Cashman California’s Great America Noel and Jim Castellanos The Grill Charlie’s Cheesecake Works Habana Cuba Restaurant The Cheesecake Factory Robert Half International, Inc. Margie Chiechi Halleck Vineyard Ciao Bella Salon Harbin Hot Springs Cigarland Haute House CineLux Theatres The Headache Doctor of Campbell Cinnabar Hills Golf Club Heller Jewelers Citti’s Florist—Santa Clara Higher Fire Clarity Medical Spa Hilton San Jose and Towers Classic Car Wash Eileen Hoefler Cloverleaf Family Bowl B.R. Cohn Winery & Olive Oil Company ComedySportz Costco Wholesale—Santa Clara Carla and Brian Crowley Hydration Coffee & Tea Mary Jo and Patrick Ignoffo Il Fornaio Restaurant Margaret and Frank Cucuzza Diana-Lynn and Gregg Inderhees Dave & Buster’s of Milpitas In-N-Out Burger Dio Deka Restaurant Disneyland/Disney’s California Adventure Milana Dodsworth J Vineyards & Winery Jamba Juice—Morgan Hill Jigsaw Salon Domenico Wines Johnny Rockets—San Jose Dena and Clark Donahue Cherry and Terry Junge Donsuemor, Inc. Natasha and Atif Kazmi Deanna and Mike Dorner Douglas Fairbairn Photography Connie and Richard Ellis Christina and John Hopkins Hotel DeAnza Costco Wholesale—Almaden El Amigo Holder’s Country Inn Carole and John Hopkins, Sr. Corporate Inn—Sunnyvale Eagle Ridge Golf Club “Scott P. Feldman, Optometrist” Kenwood Vineyard Brian Kenyon Kerlee and Associates D’Arcy and James Kirkland The Kleid Group 2002 38 O’Connor Mansion demolished along with the south and north wings of the school; Manley Hall is dedicated. Robin and Ken Koenig Paraiso Winery Krush Salon Peet’s Coffee & Tea—Lincoln Avenue Sailaja and Dilip Kuchibhatla Peggy Sue’s Kyoto Palace Peju Province Winery La Fondue Pet Food Express—Oakland Landmark Builders Dr. Phil Show Las Positas Golf Course Philz Coffee Alison and James Lee Photography By Delgado Los Gatos Brewing Company—San Pedro Square Pinder Winery Los Gatos Kenpo—Karate Studio Alain Pinel Realtors Los Gatos Roofing Planet Granite Los Lagos Golf Course Lisa Warren-Plungy and Mark Plungy Mary and Jeffrey Smoker Lululemon Athletica Poor House Bistro Smuin Ballet M & M Auto Werkes Presentation Center—Retreats & Conferences Sonoma Chicken Coop—San Jose Tamara and Steven Malik Raging Waters South Bay Canopy Manchester Financial Red Robin South Bay Guitar Society Marie Callendar’s—Morgan Hill The Retro Dome Splash Jewelry Marriott—San Jose Retzlaff Estate Winery San Jose Stage Company Marriott—Santa Clara Ken Rice Starbucks—Bernal Mason & Mickens Financial Services Mary Beth and Philip Riley Starbucks—Snell Massage Envy Roma Bakery Stella & Dot Steve Maultsby and Jill Ferrari ‘81 Maultsby Rose Garden Auto Care Stems Darla Mckenna Rosies and Posies Michelle Stewart Mega Byte Pizza Company Royalty Tours Debbie and Bryan Stolle Christine and Manuel Mendible Sachs Day Spa Story Road Animal Hospital Juanita Menig Salon Soule Streamline Limosine Merry Mart Uniforms San Francisco 49ers Sugar Bowl Corporation Mexico Lindo San Jose Chamber Orchestra Summerwinds Nursery G.L. Mezzetta, Inc. San Jose Earthquakes Sunseri Salon Roberta and Robert Moore San Jose Giants Sweet Tomatoes Morgan Hill Bowl San Jose Improv Symphony Silicon Valley Morgan Hill Cinelux San Jose Museum of Art Rosie and Martin Tattersall Morton’s Steakhouse San Jose Repertory Theatre Tea Traditions The Mountain Winery San Juan Oaks Golf Club The Tech Museum of Innovation Mr. Falafel Santa Cruz Mountains Winegrowers Association Theatreworks Silicon Valley Elsa and Michael Murdter Santa Teresa Golf Club Togo’s Neto Sausage Company, Inc. Sara Lee Toll House—A Larkspur Hotel Nothing Bundt Cakes Savannah-Chanelle Vineyards Tomato Thyme Nova Vista Symphony Scandia Family Fun Center Tova Day Spa—Fairmont Hotel Oakland Athletics Ann and Greg Scileppi Travieso Winery O’Flaherty’s Irish Pub Scott’s Seafood Restaurant Tude’s School of Dance Olive Garden—Milpitas Sent Soui Tulkoff Food Products, Inc. The Olympic Club of San Francisco Shadowbrook/Crows Nest Restaurants Umbrella Salon, Inc. Original Joe’s Sharks Foundation Una Mas Mexican Grill Stephanie and Jeff Ota Sharks Ice at San Jose W.E. Harding Co., Inc. Francesca and Harrison Paist Silva Sausage Company Wente Family Estates Paizleys Salon and Spa Silver Creek Valley Country Club Wine Country Balloons & Tours Panera Bread Sky High Sports WRB Construction Paolo’s Restaurant K. Q. Smith Zanotto’s Grocery 2004 Sr. Camilla Burns, Congregational Leader of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in Rome, visits San Jose. 39 In Memoriam In Memoriam Janet Rodey ‘44 Aurreoechea John Balidio husband of Jessielyn Balidio father of Benelyn Cendana ‘07 father of Amanda Balidio ‘13 Lenor Bolle Christine Brewer wife of Everett Brewer † Everett Brewer husband of Christine Brewer † Gloria Cadena ‘51 Elizabeth Taucher ‘42 Cirigliano wife of Joseph Cirigliano Colin Clark husband of Maureen Clark father of Bridget Clark ’86 Piziali father of Margaret Clark ’94 Spath father of Erin Clark ‘91 father of Lucy Clark ’89 Eger Linda Dimas ‘51 Cortez wife of Peter Cortez † Yolanda Cataldi ‘45 Dean wife of Douglas Dean Phyllis Basher ‘57 DiSalvo wife of Jerry DiSalvo Thomas Dunkin husband of Josephine C. Dunkin father of Elizabeth Dunkin ’69 Patrick, D.D.S. father of Janice Dunkin ’67 Wittman Father of Debra Dunkin ‘66 grandfather of Abby Wittman Raymond Firato husband of Sue Firato Shirley Barkhimer ‘56 Forest Frances Mraz ‘33 Fox Kathryn Montalbano ‘39 Geraci wife of Daniel Geraci Phyllis Logan ‘45 Marie Lucchetti wife of John Lucchetti mother of Linda Lucchetti ’58 McLaren mother of Lori Lucchetti ’71 Hensley Leanore Turturici ‘31 MacLellan mother of Michael MacLellan sister of Marie Turturici ’32 † Joann Rubino ‘54 Martin Mary Larmon ‘42 McCarthy wife of Francis McCarthy † mother of Sheila Gourley Catherine McCosker ‘35 (dec.) sister of Virginia McCosker ’32 † Bob Mehe’ula husband to Cheryl Mehe’ula father of Robert K. Mehe’ula We have carefully reviewed the names of donors listed in this report. If your name has been omitted, misspelled or incorrectly listed, please accept our sincere apology and bring the error to our attention so that we may correct our records. Contact Christine Cooke in the Development Department at 408.294.1113 ext. 2180 or [email protected]. 40 Patricia Perrucci ‘47 Melehan wife of James Melehan † mother-in-law to Celeste Martin ’72 Melahan mother to Joe Melehan sister to JoAnn Perrucci ’56 O’Connell sister-in-law to Jerry O’Connell sister to Carmel Perrucci ’49 Vaudagna † Dorothy Sulli ‘34 Moreno wife to Ray Moreno † mother of Nicole M. Moreno ‘65 sister of Carmella Sulli ’37 † Ricardo Paras husband of Gloria Paras father to Kimberly Paras ‘05 Jeanne Petersen sister-in-law of Charlen Fong Yolanda Cucciare ‘51 Porter Patricia Paganelli ‘56 Sanchez wife of Fred Sanchez Mary Schott mother of Dianne Schott ’48 Ravizza mother–in-law of Gene Ravizza mother-in-law of Patricia Sunseri ’58 Schott mother of Stephen Schott mother-in-law of Joanne Hayes ’55 Schott mother of E. Laurence Schott † Charles Shoup sister of Carol Shoup, S.N.D. Patricia Jones ‘59 Strout wife of Benjamin Strout sister of Kathy Jones ’60 Moritz sister of Maureen Jones ’64 Standifer Joseph Sunseri husband of Lorraine Cristina ’35 Sunseri father of Patricia Sunseri ’58 Schott father–in-law of Stephen Schott brother of Antoinette Sunseri ’37 Cristina Mary Martha McDonald ‘49 Tierney Vincee Amaral ‘50 Viso wife of Jim Viso mother-in-law of Cherry Papazoni ’71 Viso Nancy Warhola ‘92 Robert Zajac husband of Janice Zajac father of Thea Zajac ‘01 † Donor is deceased 2000s Giving to Notre Dame/ Mission Statement Ways to Give to Notre Dame 1851 Legacy Society The 1851 Legacy Society recognizes those individuals who have named Notre Dame High School with a bequest in their will, or with life income gifts or named endowment funds. Lifetime Giving Lifetime giving includes gifts of real estate, cash, securities or closely held stock. Endowment Giving Endowment gifts are carefully invested and managed for growth. The restricted principal is preserved in perpetuity and the interest earnings are used to provide scholarships or to support programs, depending upon your wishes. Options include establishing a donor-named fund or contributing to existing endowments for scholarships or programs. Annual Giving Donations to the Annual Giving Campaign make up the difference between tuition income and operational costs. Annual giving supports a balanced operating budget while also making regular investments in overall facilities, academic programs, technology and co-curricular programs. Special Events Notre Dame hosts four major fundraising events annually: a golf tournament, the Women of Impact luncheon, a crab fest and a spring dinner/auction. Underwriting, sponsorship and attendance at these events raises funds for tuition assistance and the operating budget. Matching Gifts Many companies offer matching gift programs. Check with your human resources office to see if your company participates or contact Notre Dame’s Development Office for assistance. For More Information For more information or if you have questions, contact Anna Quinones, Director of Development, at 408.294.1113 ext. 2158 or [email protected] Tribute Gifts Remember a family member or friend by making a gift to Notre Dame in her or his honor or memory. Gifts to Notre Dame High School are tax deductible as allowed by law. Mission Statement Notre Dame High School, in the heart of downtown San Jose since 1851, provides young women an exemplary Catholic and college preparatory education. We do so in the spiritual legacy of Saint Julie Billiart, the foundress of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, embracing the gift of God’s goodness to support the personal journey of each student. This journey occurs in a uniquely compassionate community with meaningful and integrated learning programs that foster intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, reflection, social awareness and responsibility, and the discovery of each young woman’s voice and leadership capabilities. We bring to life the values stated in The Hallmarks of a Notre Dame de Namur Learning Community. • We proclaim by our lives even more than by our words that God is good. • We educate for and act on behalf of justice and peace in the world. • We honor the dignity and sacredness of each person. • We commit ourselves to community service. • We embrace the gift of diversity. • We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve. • We develop holistic learning communities which educate for life. We honor Saint Julie’s wisdom to “Teach them what they need to know for life.” 2011 Notre Dame San Jose celebrates its 160th year. 41 N O NPRO F IT OR GANIZ ATIO N U S PO STAGE PA I D NO TRE D AM E SAN JO SE 596 S. Second St. San Jose, CA 95112 Address service requested Please call or email address corrections to Christine Cooke in the Development Department at 408.294.1113, ext. 2180 or [email protected]. ♻ Recyclable 2 01 0-2 01 1 report of giving a catholic college preparatory high school for young women since 1851 42