Approved Vendors List
Approved Vendors List
King AbdulAziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Dept. Approved Vendors List Civil / Structural Electrical Mechanical جامعة بأل ورق 10 October Architectural قائمة الموردين المعتمدة بوكالة الجامعة للمشاريع جامعة المؤسس ومنذ نشأتها تميزت في منشآتها الخدمية والتعليمية واإلدارية ومرافقها الحيوية وأصبحت بيت خبرة في إدارة المشاريع وتطوير البنى التحتية للمدن الجامعية ،وقامت بإنشاء فروع للجامعة تحولت بعض منها إلى جامعات مستقلة ،وانطالقا من الخطة االستراتيجية لجامعة الملك عبدالعزيز ،وتماشياً مع رؤية ورسالة وكالة الجامعة للمشاريع في أن تكون الوكالة رائدة فى تشييد وإدارة مدن جامعية متميزة ،وإنشاء مدن جامعية ذات هوية معمارية فريدة ،وبيئة محفزة لإلبداع ،ونظم تشغيل وصيانة وخدمات فاعلة .فقد قامت إدارة التخطيط والشؤون الفنية بالوكالة بوضع وتطبيق برامج وآليات تنفيذية متطورة للمواصفات القياسية العالمية (هندسية ،فنية) وجودة المواد المطلوب إستخدامها في تنفيذ المشاريع والتي تتوافق مع حجم مشاريع الجامعة بما يضمن االستغالل االمثل لكافة الموارد المتاحة بالشكل االفضل لتحديد المتطلبات والتحليل والتنفيذ والمراقبة والتحكم وسير العمل وتطوير العمليات ومتابعة االداء ،وتبسيط االجراءات ،وتعزيز مبادئ الجودة الشاملة ،والتميز في العمل ،وتقليل مخالفة األنظمة، وانتهاءً بنجاحها في تحقيق مستوى الرضا المأمول منها . ومن ضمن البرامج واآلليات التي قامت بها إدارة التخطيط والشؤون الفنية إنشاء قاعدة بيانات خاصة للموردين والمواد (قائمة الموردين المعتمدين) ،حيث يتم تصنيف وإعتماد المواد التي يمكن إستخدامها في عمليات البناء واإلنشاءات وغيرها طبقاً لمواصفات الجودة العالمية والمواصفات القياسية السعودية. HOME HOME : مالحظة هامة ،تعتبر هذه القائمة المعتمدة لدى وكالة الجامعة للمشاريع لألطالع والوصول السريع للموردين إنما إتاحة الفرصة لهم مع الموردين،وال يعني وجود الموردين في هذه القائمة ضرورة التعامل معهم كما للجامعة الحق في سحب أو إلغاء هذا االعتماد في حالة مخالفة الشروط والمواصفات،اآلخرين مع ضرورة االلتزام بنظام التقديم المتبع وارفاق العينات والرسومات التفصيلية والمواصفات،الفنية وتوضيح بلد،الفنية وأصل كتيبات المنتج التعريفية وشهادات المطابقة المطلوبة والضمانات الالزمة .المنشأ وذلك لألعتماد من قبل مهندسي المشروع واالستشاري Important Notice: This list is approved by the Vice Presidency for Projects for the purpose of immediate access to suppliers. The presence of suppliers in this list doesn’t mean the necessity to deal with them exclusively, but giving them the opportunity with other suppliers. Moreover, the university has the right to withdraw or terminate this approval in the case of violation of the conditions and technical specifications, with the need to abide by the system followed in submission and attachment of samples, detailed drawings, technical specifications, original manuals for product identification and the required conformity certificates and guarantees as well as mentioning the country of origin for the product to be approved by the project and the consultant engineers. HOME Architectural HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Architectural Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION A1 Safing Insulation, Thermal Insulation, Rockwool insulation / Waterproofing A2 GFRC / Precast Clading A4 Curb Stones (50cmx30cm) Width 10,15,20cm Expansion Joint System A5 Masonry Accessories A6 Concrete Masonry Units [ 10,15, 20 cm width ] A3 A9 A10 A11 Misc., Roof Water-proofing System Manufacturer GEOTEXTILE Acoustical / Metal Ceiling Tiles Metal Doors &Frames Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Saudi Rockwool Co. National Rockwool Insulation ACC ; Wamco Al Watania Plastic Unitech/Issam Kabbani & Partner Bahra Precast Factory (Binladin) STATION Co. GRC Precast Concrete Pro.Co. (Rabigh -Binladin ) Precast Technologies Co.Ltd (Pre-Tech) Gwaem Precast Concrete Co. (GPC) GAC SACEP UNITEC WAMCO SFSP BRC SCPI BATTERJEE Snasco Concrete Solution Factory GAC Rockwool Type Azel Rock Wool 300, 790 Kpa 300 Kpa According to Sample According to Sample ONLY GFRC According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample Dim. 50x30x10 or 15 or 20 cm Dim. 50x30x10 or 15 or 20 cm MIGUA-FS 99/3500 MIGUA-FP 55/3500 INSUWRAP ALYAF BINEX USG Middle East Ltd. Saudi Metal Ceiling Mfg. Co. Arabian Roots Arai Al Kuhaimi Metal Ind. Co. Al Muhaidib Metal Ind. Co. Khairy Trading Co. ALNABEK INDUSTRIES COMPOUND ALDREES INDUSTRIAL Co. (ALITCO) AL-MAKATEB CO.LTD / RIMCO Motasim Daour Factory Bawan Metal Ind.Co.(Muhaidib) SPECS NO. 07210 / 7245 (ON HOLD) 2530 3150 ,5800 EXPANDED METAL 4150 Widths 10cm-15cm-20cm 4220 PVC 1200 WM&PVC UV 1200 WM PVC 1500 WM ( Planters ) A 281 (180g/m2) TYPAR-SF Olyampia II Chess Type 600x600 Perforted Aluminum Tiles Perforted Aluminum Tiles Perforted Aluminum Tiles F ' Type Frame F ' Type Frame F ' Type Frame F ' Type Frame F ' Type Frame F ' Type Frame F ' Type Frame F ' Type Frame Page 1 of 7 REMARKS 710 , 7500 09521 09510 TEL NO. FAX NO. 012 221 0720 012 665 57012 126759809 012 631 4327 012 667 6494 012 591 3666 012 6531525 012 29012320 012 659 7882 01 547 5255 012 290 0500 012 236 3636 012 667 2000 01 476 6785 012 637 4482 012 636 0799 012-6376527 012 636 0166 012 611 2616 012 290 0500 012 221 0721 012 669 3454 126759809 012 631 4646 012 661 4646 012 591 4444 012 653 1745 500060797 012 659 7876 01 547 5255 012 288 2288 012 236 0000 012 665 8079 01 479 2189 012 636 1963 012 637 2691 012-6376527 012 636 4147 01 498 01332 01 498 0655 012 671 3944 012 667 5063 012 652 0628 012 637 6069 012 238 3911 012 671 9910 012 620 38013 012 652 10129 012 636 5433 012 238 3911 012 283 0081 01 498 4447 012 621 0192 012 283 0086 01 498 0753 012 620 0513 012 6622908 012 691 7336 012 288 2288 08100 (ON HOLD) HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Architectural Item. No. A12 A1 A13 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Masonry Plastering Accessories Safing Insulation, Thermal Insulation, Rockwool insulation / Waterproofing Interior Painting A14 Ceramic Tiles for Floor and Wall A15 Quarry Tiles for Floor A16 Glazed Coating for Lab Walls A17 Aluminum Doors, Windows & Frames A18 Joint Sealant, Tile Adhesive & Tile Grouts A19 Modular Unit Building Wall Service Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Modern Metal Indust. Arabian Roots A.A.Turki (ATCO) SFSP / Unitech/A-Metal Unitech Hempel 28830, 22460, 55210, 588me,589me , 2110 Saudi Ind. Paint (SIPCO) Sigma Jotun Sherwin Williams Al Jazera Arabian building chemicals factory (Rose) Tarek M. Binladan Org. Essa Binladen Co. Ltd Tarek M. Binladan Org. Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Precut 200x200x6 (5500/5) Precut 200x200x6 (5500/5) (30x30) tile Covebase,bullnose (11.5x24) 4231, 4233 ALMIRO TRADING CO. (RAK) Saudi Ind. Paint (SIPCO) Hempel Al Kaki Aluminium & Glass Fact. ALMA LADA CUBECLADTECH ALU-DAF JYCO CLADTECH Alfanar Aluminum Sanabel Aluminum Co. Al Saher Aluminum Factory Fosam Company Ltd CMCI SAVETO SODAMCO CIC BASF Saudi Pan Gulf (UBM) Universal Building Materials (UBM ) Code 05990, 45881 According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample NITOSeal PU220,NITOTILE GP ,GROUT CEMTEC 30 A POLYURYTHANE SEALANT Joint Seal CICOSeal PU40 Master Flex 472 Frost (SW1,SW2,SW3,SW4,SW5 Page 2 of 7 SPECS NO. REMARKS 9201 07210 / 7245 09900 TEL NO. FAX NO. 920011787-2000/1162 012 6831170 012 691 2204 012 652-7109 012 6622327 012 698 6553 012 257 4567 012 275 2828 012 659 3344 012 683 1096 012 659 4000 012 682 7562 126707700 012 665 5839 012 651 8453 012 665 5839 012 667 3213 012 651 7946 012 667 3213 012 659 3344 012 257 4567 012 637 5108 012 640 8585 01 26501308 012 659 4000 012 275 2828 012 608 1891 012 640 8595 01 26501351 01 263 1958 0126827799 01 265 1957 012 271 6999 012 271 6999 012 608 0693 012 674 3100 012 638 0693 012 674 01335 012 651 01320 012 651 01320 126635069 126635148 012 665 1161 012 665 7831 09330 09815 (ON HOLD) 08521 07900 10250 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Architectural Item. No. A1 A20 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Safing Insulation, Thermal Insulation, Rockwool insulation / Waterproofing Wooden Doors and Frames A21 Roof Hatch A22 Epoxy Paint for Flooring A23 Skylights A24 Toilet Partition Doors A25 Toilet Accessories A26 A27 A28 Glass Doors and Frames Sign Boards Finish Hardware for Doors SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME M.Binladin Wood Work Factory Fahad Trading and Decoration Est. UNITED WOOD PRODUCTS LAMAR WOODROC ROMEO Arabian Wood Works M. Saad Aldress Door & Frame Universal Building Materials (UBM ) Abdul Hadi & Partners Co. (CIC) Fosam Co. Ltd ALMA CUBE CLADTECH Alfanar Aluminum Factory Al Kaki Aluminium & Glass Fact. Gibca Furniture Ind. Co. Khalid Marble Factory Pamas Estb. Fire Rated Wooden Door 30 min. FTD 20, 60, 90 min,NFR Al Khateeb United Trading Al Kaki Aluminium & Glass Fact. ALMA CUBE ALUDAF CLAD TECH Rochan Fine Arts ABMAK WE signage MUNSOR ALBIBE Co. AL SALAM INDUSTRIES Universal Building Materials Muhaidib Building Material Last Update 10 October 2016 SPECS NO. REMARKS 07210 / 7245 10250 TEL NO. FAX NO. 012 620 0163 126544985 012 655 8817 012 620 9813 126052122 012 655 3327 012 62013732 012 687 2245 012 620 6918 012 687 2053 012 653 2152 012 608 0999 012 640 8585 012 651 9230 012 635 3330 012 640 8595 01-2755999 012 637 5108 0097167436888 013 812 3300 012 238 3911 012-661-3173 01-275-6699 012 608 1891 0097167436888 013 812 3633 012 238 3911 012-6611076 012 637 5108 012 640 8585 012 608 1891 012 640 8595 012 225 1193 012 225 12012 05 69380545 01 608 10128 01 608 10135 012 665 1161 012 665 7831 (ON HOLD) BILCO Roof Acessories According to Sample NITOFLOOR FC-150 According to Sample According to Sample 7832 09760 07810 / 07815 According to Sample According to Sample GRADE 316 STANLESS STEEL & SATIN FINISH&HPL BOARD NORMBAU GERMANY FROST (TA-5), Liquid soap Grab bar, Tuisuc Dispaser According to Sample According to Sample 10162A 10800 08385 According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample Dorma , Hager, ALLEGION (Assa abloy, Vonduprin ,LCN etc) Schlage , sargent , Adamsrite Page 3 of 7 10444 08700 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Architectural Item. No. A1 A29 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Safing Insulation, Thermal Insulation, Expansion Joint Strips Rockwool insulation / Waterproofing A30 Glass Block A31 Overhead Doors & Frames A32 Carpets A33 Terrazzo Tiles A34 Crack Filler A35 Insulation Works : Polyethylene/ PVC Extruded Polysterene / Waterproofing A36 VINYL FLOORING A37 HANDRAIL stainless Steel for Stairs / Handrail metal for Stair A38 Riyadh STONE A39 Raised Flooring Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME MIGUA Fugan System ISAM KABBANI & PARTNERS INPRO CORPORATION SMC AL MUHAIDIB 60mm Wide floor to floor (Ext., Int.,) wall to floor wall to wall ceiling to ceiling SOLARIS CLEAR VIEW (2411/2, 198) SEVES (20X20) Firerated & Non firerated Flat profile standard carpet Elite carpet According to Sample According to Sample SAVETO ADMIX Technobit Sation Co. Insuwarp Awazel Acc. Acc A.A.Turky Gerglor (BCIC) Forbo Mondo GRABO According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample AVAYO Pamas Est. Arabian Roots Al Kuhaimi Metal Ind. Co. ALSORAYAI ALMERO Jeraisy Construction Materials Co. ALMDIFER Mhd Saeed Moose Factory SAVETO ADMIX Technobit Sation Co. Insuwarp Awazel Acc. Acc A.A.Turky Gerglor (BCIC) Forbo First Western Ideal floors Est. EHAB DECORATION khairy Trading Co. SAUDIA DINAMERKIA Kin Long TAWABQ GLOBAL FACTORY Saudi Marble & Granite Co. (SMG) Mhd Saeed Moose Factory Builtec AVAYO Canada Electronics Co ltd Page 4 of 7 SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 00492058774 00492058774 012 677 1478 012 677 1848 012 660 0180 012 238 3911 012 283 0081 012 665 6453 012 238 3911 012 283 0086 012 6369900 012 6377121 012 639 6741 012 690 0643 07210 / 7245 05800 04270 08362 15440 15440 09691 / 09690 08362 03312 / 07900 08362 09650 012-2343732 0126917480 05510 09601 012 657 5553 012 674 4443 112171400 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Architectural Item. No. A1 A40 A41 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Safing Insulation, Thermal Insulation, Interlock Pavers/ RockwoolPavers/Concrete insulation / Waterproofing Curbed stones;WHEEL STOPER Fire Stop Sealent A42 TACK BOARD / WHITE BOARD A43 LOCKERS A44 SPRAYED INSULATION A45 FIBER GLASS INSULATION A46 EXTRUDED INSULATION A47 GYPSUM WALL BOARD A48 EXPANDED METAL GYPSUM A49 SUSPENDED CEILING SYSTEM A50 GYPSUM PLASTER A51 GRANITE ACCESSORIES A52 Bollard Lighting A53 GRANITE / MARBLE Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME ARABIAN Tive Co. SACEP Snasco Concrete Solution Factory Saudi Ready Mix. Concrete Co. A.I.M.Industries company GAC Al-Muhidb Building Tech. PROMAT ATCO Fosam Company Ltd. BASF Riyadh House {AL Jeraisy} According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample RTV FOAM Promat passive fire protection Mohammed Ali Al-Khodair KAWTHER IBRAHIM ARABIAN POLYOL BINEX SAUDI Rockwool Co. Arabian Chemical Company ( ACC ) TECHNOBIT NATIONAL GYPSUM CO. MADA GYPSUM CO. Modern Metal Ind. [MMICO ] Arabian Roots NATIONAL GYPSUM CO. SODAMCO WUNCH SFSP ISAM KABBANI & PARTNERS Arabian Roots Architectural Lighting Co. TANHAT MINING CO. Inter. MARBLE & GRANITE CO. Ltd. YAMAMAH GRANITE & MARBLE CO. TRACO Saudi Marble & Granite Co. (SMG) Saudi Marmo SPECS NO. 07210 / 7245 07270 According to Sample According to Sample Code 4811 DRYMARKER SURFACE TYPE P3-UG4/01 LINK LKL-3511 DALTOFOAM TS-21000 FSK FINISH WR E4 SAUDI PLASTER BOARD 16 mm / Regular ,Water & Fire resistant MMICO A-METAL SFSP ,SSF MGP/1 SGP-2 ST-600 According to Sample According to Sample REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 012 611 2616 012 640 4882 122157557 012 677 1478 0126636293 012 691 2204 012 608 0693 012 663 5069 01 498 0808 012 677 1848 012 640 5846 012 640 4710 013 847 2466 013 882 30130 01 265 00134 012 667 4818 013 847 1293 013 882 8240 01 265 0089 012 667 4818 01126713349 012 692 8499 012 231 1120 01126727550 012 692 9007 012 652-7109 012 231 1146 012 671 3349 012 672 7550 012 637 4482 012 231 1120 012 231 1120 012 636 1963 012 231 1146 012 231 1146 013 847 1450 012 694 1718 01 275 1177 013 847 1575 012 694 0833 01 275 1845 012 657 5553 114388476 012 674 4443 012 698 6553 012 638 0693 012 663 5148 01 498 1216 10100 10100 10100 07210 07245 09250 920011787-2000/1162 09250 09210 04450 05500 SAUDI SALAMON SAUDI BIANCO, Ruwaidah Granite Hibiscus According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample Page 5 of 7 04450 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Architectural Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION A54 PVC SHADES A1 A55 Safing Insulation, Thermal Insulation, Rockwool BONDINGinsulation AGENT / Waterproofing A56 EPOXY FLOORING A57 Tile Adhesive & Grout ( for Tiles ) A58 Pre-Mix Mortar A59 PREMIX PLASTERS A60 PLASTERING ACCESSORIES A61 PORCELAIN TILES A62 ACOUSTICAL CEILING TILES A63 ALUMINUM HARDWARE/ STOREFRONT DOOR A64 ACOUSTICAL WALL PANELS Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME SPECS NO. MOH. ABBAS ISMAIL TRADING BASF CMCI SODAMCO FOSROC BASF According to Sample RHEOMIX-121 CEMTEC 225-MB NITOBOND-EB MASTERTILE-30,MASTER Top 1205 No Specification CIC FOSROC BASF SAVETO SODAMCO CICO Floor FS-50 NITOFLOOR PC 150,SL4000 MASTERTILE 550 VETONIT GROUT SODAMCO Premix Block Fix SAVETO SODAMCO WUENSCH PLASTER FACTORY CONMIX SAUDI ARABIA Co. LTD SAVETO SFSP VETONIT Masonry Mortar ARABIAN ROOTS A.M.ALSHAYA ALMIRO TRADING CO. (RAK) TAREK M. BINLADEN ORG. USG Middle East Ltd. ARABIAN ROOTS Al Kaki Aluminium & Glass Fact. JYCO ALMA CUBE KHALDIA HALL STAGE SMC PERFOPAN 07210 / 7245 03310 09310 09310 4110 REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 012 663 5069 013847 1450 012651 01320 012 663 5148 138471575 012 651 01320 012 257 4567 012 668 7889 012 285 2828 0 2668 7780 012 257 4567 012 663 5069 012 668 7780 012 285 2828 0126637 5148 012 668 7780 012 663 5069 012 663 5148 012 651 01320 012 637 4482 012 651 01320 012 636 1963 012 683 1170 012 662 2327 971 7 2445046 012 665 5839 012 652 0628 012 683 1170 012 637 5108 971 7 2445270 012 667 3213 012 652 10129 012 662 2327 012 608 1891 9220 Spatter dash,Plaster mix,WR EXPANDED METAL BEADS FOR PLASTER & PLASTER BOARDS RAKO According to Sample Klingenberg /Vogue / Novabell Olympia II ARABIAN ROOTS EXPANDED ARMOPROOF METAL 4170 09201 09310 02577 09510 02577 2530 2518 4150 4220 7120 GIESSE N/A Page 6 of 7 09521 012 640 8585 012 640 8595 011 405 0963 011 405 01280 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Architectural Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION A65 Landscaping A66 A1 A67 A68 SafingSkylight Insulation, Thermal Insulation, Vault Rockwool insulation / Waterproofing Demountable partition Wall system (Exterior & Interior) A69 Glass / Glazing A70 Cement Board A71 Modular Kitchen A72 Toilet/Plumbing Fixtures A74 A75 Automatic glass sliding doors Plastered Insulation Material Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME SPECS NO. CitiScape Co. Capital Dometech AL DWEIK Clestra / Zamil Trimco Intraco ALMA ARCGLASS UNIGLASS JIDDANI SAUDI AMERICAN GLASS Building Products Company A.M.ALSHAYA CREO for kitchens A.M.ALSHAYA Tarik Mohammed Binladen (TMB) BPC/UBM International building construction Co Citigreen , Citibuild & Citishade According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample According to Sample Pilkington/Saudi Am. Glass/ Guardian Pilkington/Saudi Am. Glass/ Guardian Pilkington/Saudi Am. Glass/ Guardian Pilkington/Saudi Am. Glass/ Guardian Pilkington/Saudi Am. Glass/ Guardian Pilkington/Saudi Am. Glass/ Guardian Shera Nobilia CREO Duravit- Hansgrohe Torneiras Roriz S.A Geze, Dorma ISONATURELLE 2900 Page 7 of 7 REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 011 4789993 07210 / 7245 8800 114405959 114718484 126823680 126401426 126165009 126401426 012 665 5839 126400051 126165155 126400051 012 667 3213 126062220 HOME Civil / Structural HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Civil / Structural Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME SPECS NO. Fugro-Suhaimi Ltd C1 Geotechnical Investigation C2 Shoring and Dewatering C3 Termite Control C4 VAPOR RETARDER C5 Concrete Formwork Accessories: PVC spacers,pipes,chamfers etc. C6 Concrete Reinforcement:( 8-32mmø, welded mesh) C7 Readymix Concrete Last Update 10 October 2016 Arab Company For Laboratories and Soil (ACES) Arabian Soil Contractors Ltd. Kampco Pumps Dewatering Co. ASAS Arabian Trading Services Trap Pest Control Astra - agricultural Co Ltd ATCO Unitech WAMCO Unitech WAMCO ATCO Geotechnical Investigation BIFLEX-TC 02115 2281 POLYSCREEN-LL 7190 300µm & 250µm Formwork Accessories SABIC HADEED Al Faisal Steel Yamama Al Rajhi Steel Al-Tawi Saudi Readymix BCS SBM Al-Redwan Al Ohadiah GAC Conmix Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd. Unibeton Ready Mix. Sadeem Al Khair Co. Ittefaq Yamama Al Rajhi Steel Mix Design Mix Design Mix Design Mix Design Mix Design Mix Design Mix Design Mix Design Mix Design Mix Design Page 1 of 4 3100 3200 3300 REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 013 834 3152 012 664 1422 012 663 6380 012 660 2229 013 894 4111 012 682 9514 012 697 7137 012 671 4209 01 477 2346 012 663 5069 012 6278222 01-476-6785 012 6278222 01-476-6785 012 691 2204 013 857 9922 012 637 8383 013 857 9922 013 857 9922 013 857 9922 012 227 01205 012 234 1493 012 289 6308 012 635 0088 012 672 5555 012 289 2219 012 290 0500 013 826 9595 012 663 5448 012 660 4819 013 89 4 4333 012 698 3079 012 697 5065 012 671 4081 01 478 21012 012 663 5148 012 627 8722 01-479-2189 012 627 8722 01-479-2189 012 698 6553 013 847 9014 012 637 4991 013 857 9014 013 847 9014 013 857 9014 012 287 5841 012 234 1448 012 288 4989 012 608 0936 Ext.. 246 012 288 2288 012 641 0662 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Civil / Structural Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION C1 C8 Geotechnical Investigation Mould Release Agent C9 Concrete repair material SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Fosam Co Ltd SIKA Sodamco BASF CIC AHadi Hasa Taher Co Fosam Co Ltd BASF Sodamco DCP SAK Conmix Saudi Arabia Co. Ltd. REEBOL WB Separol Geotechnical Investigation DEM 22 RHEOFINISH 225D Cicomold OB CONBEXTRA 'GP', 621 MASTER FLOW-544 Conrep 331,360FFR International Developers Exprets for Trade C10 Below grade Water-proofing System Manufacturers C11 Water stops C12 Expansion Joint Filler Board Last Update 10 October 2016 Chemcret CEM 220, 240 Construction Chemicals PENETRON Total Concrete Protection Waterproofing System Sika Rep. SIKA Dermo Prime 4170, Armaproof (6.5, 3.5mm) DERMABIT Unitech BITUMAT Technolgy of Construction and waterproofing Co. TCW LTD. Fosam Co Ltd XHD-HYDROFOIL BASF Masterflex Aquastop ICJ Sika Water Bars CIC AHadi Hasa Taher Co I 025 WAMCO W4 ATCO (BITULEX FIBER BOARD) DCP FIBER BOARD CIC AHadi Hasa Taher Co CICO FIBER BOARD Unitech BITU BOARD WAMCO BITFLEX BOARD Page 2 of 4 SPECS NO. REMARKS 02115 3100 3312 TEL NO. FAX NO. 012 608 0999 012 692 7079 012 668 3295 012 663 5019 012 653 2152 012 608 0999 012 663 5019 012 668 3695 012 2344221 012 691 7000 012 635 3330 012 692 1272 012 668 1498 012 663 5148 06 519 230 012 635 3330 012 663 5148 012 6681498 012 2344282 012 619 7479 012 664 4449 7120 3310 3310 Geofabric 200g/m2, protection Concrete above WP Membrane 21 Mpa, 10mm Agg. 012 692 7079 012 697 3309 012 6278222 012 664 4449 012 6653367 012 608 0999 012 663 5069 012 692 7079 012 653 2152 01 476 6785 012 691 2204 012 2344221 012 653 2152 012 6278222 01 476 6785 012 692 1272 012 651 9230 012 627 8722 012 635 3330 012 663 5148 012 692 1272 06 519 230 01 479 2189 012 698 6553 012 234 4282 06 519 230 012 627 8722 01 479 2189 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Civil / Structural Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION C1 C13 Geotechnical Investigation Mould Release Agent C14 Anchoring Epoxy (Cartridges) C15 Structural Steel (Frames Stress, Building and Other Steel Elements) C16 Anchor Systems C17 Space Frames C18 Epoxy Coating for Steel C19 Cleaning and Reconditioning of Steel C20 Rebar Coupling System Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Fosam Co Ltd SIKA BASF CIC AHadi Hasa Taher Co Fosam BASF Hilti Fischer Pan Gulf DCP Teampro Sodamco Advanced Steel Works Co. (ASW) Buttler Kirby Building System Attieh Steel Bemco Steel Al Zamil Steel Saudi Mateen Hilti PFEIFER MIMAR (SPIT) ARQWL PLUG NEURO Yamamah Al Rafid Steel Industries Turkish Company Hempel Fosam Sodamco Drizoro High Build Co. Mago (Saudi Binladin Group) REEBOL WB Geotechnical Investigation RHEOFINISH 225D DEM 22 Fosroc Lokfix Dur Concresive 1450 Hit-HY 200, 500 Fisem Keyfix AE 100 TP ESD / TP VSF Conrep 405 BFX SPECS NO. REMARKS 02115 3100 3310 05 000 91767 TEL NO. FAX NO. 012 608 0999 012 635 3330 012 663 5069 012 653 2152 012 691 2204 012 663 5069 012 663 5148 06 519 230 012 698 6553 012 663 5148 012 681 7073 012 2344221 012 687 1992 012 234 4282 012 668 3695 012 608 0011 012 637 0036 x 220 +965 2326 2800 012 6681498 012 608 22 33 012 635 2173 +965 2326 1793 012 549 0773 +49(0)833937549 012 668 6888 012 549 0759 +49(0)8339937342 012 668 7715 012 6901488 012 6901442 012 691 2204 012 668 3695 012 698 6553 012 6681498 5120 5557198696 050 234 3731 Hempadur HI-Build 45200 Galvafroid Conrep 501 ZRP Max Rest Passive & Max Rite Passive Bartek System MAGO-DSD Page 3 of 4 3312 3312 3200 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Civil / Structural Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME SPECS NO. Munif Al Nadhi Group C21 C1 Ladder RungsInvestigation Geotechnical C22 Scaffolding Suppliers C23 Precast Prestress Members, Hollow Core Slab, Dobule Tees C24 C25 Damp proof Course Waterproofing System Applicators C26 Bituminous Concrete (Asphalt) C27 Independent Laboratories C28 Bearing Bads Last Update 10 October 2016 Link Tech Eng'g Private Ltd Mannar Al Omran SGB Al Fannar Al Rashed Abetong PC EC PREMCO Bahra Precast Company Qamber Dwide Ramco Dermabit BMC ABSAR NTE STATION Hazem BPC GAC RIO NAPRC Durat Saba Minahi Thinian Al Boquami G. Contracting Est. Figro Suhaimi Al Hoty Stranger ACES Geotechnical Investigation 02115 2716 3100 REMARKS TEL NO. 012 608 1294 info@globalsourceks 050 559 1751 012 6200613 050 462 6904 012 619 2000 36 054 341 4921 Derma Damp FAX NO. 012 608 12 78 012 620 7194 012 619 2043 012 290 2011 012 694 1284 012 694 1284 013 340 1234 013 34 1 1952 012 697 3309 012 651 9230 012 227 0511 0504626483 012 629 3939 012 215 2222 012 2658570 012 697 0081 012 660 1924 012 664 1422 012 227 0360 7100 7120 7500 Approved Not used so far Approved Not used so far Base course and wearing course 2513 1410 BASF The Chmical Company BASF Page 4 of 4 1410 Plan neoprene bearing bad 012 629 1454 012 215 2211 012 257 4907 012 665 6742 012 663 6380 012 6635019 HOME Electrical HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION EMT/RSC CONDUITS - Hot dip galvanized conduit & Accessories, fittings and fixing element. E1.C E1.d LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE CONDUIT protection against liquid and moisture, resistance against sunlight, heat, oil and METAL FLEXIBLE CONDUIT - Hot dip galvanized zinc coating; UL Listed & Fittings/accessories. CONDUIT FITTINGS - Hot Dip Galvanized or Zinc Coated; with thread or thread less (set screw or compression type) E1. e CONDUITS & FITTINGS & Accessories for PVC Sch.40. E1. f CABLE TRAY, CABLE LADDERS & CABLE TRUNKING- Heavy duty Hot DipGalvanized Steel; 1.5 mm or 2.0 mm thick; with return flanged & Accessories, fittings and fixing E1. g BRAND NAME Saudi Electric Supply Co.(SESCO) Electric House Al Abdulkarim Trading Tabalsa Arabia Factory Saudi Steel Pipes Co. ISSAM KABANI & Partners Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Electric House Al Abdulkarim Trading Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Electric House Al Abdulkarim Trading Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Electric House Al Abdulkarim Trading Al Mawred Est. Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Electric House Bahra Conduit Al Abdulkarim Trading Technosteel Company Khereji Showrooms Co. Ltd. (KSC) Arabian Universal Factory Universal Industrial Technology AL MISBAH HOUSE FOR STEEL Power Solution Industries BAAMER ELECTRIC ASIBEX Saudi Co. for Lighting Fixtures (SACLF) Saudi Elec. Supply Co. (SESCO) PANASONIC/ WHEATLAND ITCC PANASONIC/ NEER TABALSA SSP UNITECH SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 607-6262 287-9111 Ext 189 660-1877 668-5302 287-9191/ 227-0103 660-5319 660-8423 627-8222 607-6262 287-9111 Ext 189 660-1877 607-6262 287-9111 Ext 189 660-1877 607-6262 287-9111 Ext 189 660-1877 600-5607 627-8722 668-5302 287-9191/ 227-0103 660-5319 668-5302 287-9191/ 227660-5319 668-5302 287-9191/ 227-0103 660-5319 607-6262 287-9111 Ext 189 966125911115 660-1877 608-1888 669-0806 623-9845 619-0999 966114210334 966-112422511 012-6697519 697-5091 637-4391/ 608-1026 607-6262 668-5302 287-9191/ 227-0103 966125915683 660-5319 RACEWAYS E1.a E1.b SUPPLIER'S CABLE TRAY, CABLE LADDERS & CABLE TRUNKING-Heavy Duty Hot Dip Galvanized Steel; 1.5 mm or 2.0 mm thick; with return flanged & ccessories,fittings and fixing Last Update 10 October 2016 INTERNATIONAL METAL HOSE (IMC) INTERNATIONAL METAL HOSE (IMC) 16110 COOPER Crouse Hinds/ PANASONIC/ OZ-GEDNEY (Neer)/ ALEX Bahra Conduit TECHNOSTEEL KSC INDEX UNITEK MISBAH PSI BAAMER ASIBEX ENERGYA AB COPE LEGRAND Electric House Page 1 of 13 16110 663-0169 680-5695 619-0888 966114234587 966-112445080 691-7998 637-4417 668-5302 16110 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E2 E 2. a MATERIAL DESCRIPTION E 2. b Fire Resistant & Low Smoke Cable (LSFOH 0.6/1KV ) E 2. c L.V.KITS & Splices Heat Shrinkable termination, copper sleeves & Accessories E3 BRAND NAME SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. RACEWAYS WIRE AND CABLE - 600 VOLT AND BELOW (LV CABLES) - THW/ THHN 105 Deg C, Gasoline and Oil resistant - Multi / Single Core Soft drawn Stranded Copper/Al with XLPE/ PVC insulation; armoured (SWA)/ unarmoured cable. - Bare copper for grounding system. E 3. a SUPPLIER'S Riyadh Cables Saudi Cables Elsewedy Jeddah Cables RIYADH CABLES SAUDI CABLES Elsewedy JEDDAH CABLE 637-3532/ 637-3430 638-0080 966126687488/99 636-0770/ 698-0881 637-2467 635-5916 966126687499 636-4695/ 635-0909 Alfanar Electrical ELETRA CABLES 96612651114 (011) 265-2184 BAHRA Cables Energya Cables BAHRA Cables Saudi Elec. Supply Co. (SESCO) BAHRA CABLES ENERGYA CABLES BAHRA CABLES 591-1115 616-5886/ 616-5883 591-1115 607-6262 591-5683 616-5883 EXT 150 591-5683 668-5302 Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) RAYCHEM/ELASTIMOLD 607-6262 668-5302 ADWAN MARKETING RAYCHEM 280-3310 ext. 28 280-3316 Riyadh Cables Saudi Cables Energya Cables Elsewedy Bahra Cables Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Adwan Marketing Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Al Abdulkarim Trading Al Abdulkarim Trading Siemens Co. Ltd. RIYADH CABLES SAUDI CABLES ENERGYA CABLES Elsewedy BAHRA CABLES 637-3532/ 637-3430 638-0080 616-5886/ 616-5883 966126687488/99 591-1115 607-6262 280-3310 ext. 28 607-6262 660-1877 660-1877 660-5089 637-2467 635-5916 616-5883 EXT 150 966126687499 591-5683 668-5302 280-3316 607-6262 660-5319 660-5319 665-8490 607-6262 287-9111 Ext. 189 608-1999 668-5302 287-9191/ 227-0103 608-1777 16120 MV CABLE Multi / Single Core Soft drawn Stranded Copper conductor with XLPE/ PVC insulation; watertight; armoured (SWA)/ unarmoured cables. E 3.b MV KITS & SPLICES - Heat Shrinkable terminations; Shrink Fit terminations; Pre- fabricated terminations; Plug- in type terminations E4 LV CABLE & MV CABLE FITTINGS. E 4.a GLANDS & LUGS - Screw or compression type; Glands (brass) & Lugs (copper) Last Update 10 October 2016 16121 RAYCHEM ELASTIMOLD ABB 3M SUDKABEL Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Electric House Ba'amer Trading AXIS Page 2 of 13 16121 16120 / 16121 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E5 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION BACK & JUNCTION BOXES - Hot dip galvanized steel; UL Listed; for dry or wet area, fittings & accessories. FLOOR BOXES -variable nos. of compartment; self closing lid; can withstand 5000N load; simple installation (IP20) FLOOR BOXES for wet location IP44. E6 Hospital Grade; Heavy duty type WIRING DEVICES Switches, Switched power socket… etc. - GFCI at wet locations. E7 UNIT/PACKAGE SUBSTATION – with RMU, Oil Type Transformer; SF6 arc quencher/ insulation; Low Voltage Panelboard E8 TEL NO. FAX NO. Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Electric House . Al Abdulkarim Trading . A..Abunayyan Electric Corp Al Mawred Est. Al Quraishi Electrical Services Abdul Karim Trading Hawah Electric Panelboard Factory STEEL CITY/ RACO/ OZ-GEDNEY 607-6262 287-9111 Ext. 189 668-5302 287-9191/ 227-0103 011-477-9111 660-9105 667-9195/ 667-9205 665-2361 667-9188 665-0513/665/7933 665-9877 669-0806 663-0159 651-2848 287-9111 Ext. 189 607-6262 651-7434 287-9191/ 227-0103 668-5302 261 - 9696 012-6685100 012-6690806 287-9111 Ext. 189 6178114 261 - 9797 012-6685200 012-6630169 287-9191/ 227-0103 6178277 16130 SCAME ALEX MK Steel City RACO MARSHALL TUFFLEX Kherej Showroom 16130 KSC LEGRAND Electric House Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Schneider AL – Reem Business center Al Adulkareem Al Khereiji Electric House B.S.S (302) Honey well GE Schneider / GET Bticino MK Albany Range with BSS Type S.S.(304) LEGRAND (MOSAIC- ARTEOR-SYNERGY) MK US Standard PASS & SEYMOUR MOSAIC & Arterior 16140 US Standard UNIT SUBSTATION E 7.a E 7.b SPECS NO. REMARKS WIRING DEVICES E 6.a E 6.b E 6.C BRAND NAME RACEWAYS BOXES & FITTINGS E 5.a E 5.b SUPPLIER'S Dry type transformer for indoor type. Al Quraishi Electrical Services CUTLER HUMMER Wahah Electric Supply of Saudi WESCOSA ABB Saudi Transformer Co. (STC) United Transformer SETRAA AlAMAL ( SAMCO ) Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) ALFANAR ABB STC UTEC Schneider Electric ATC ALFANAR 667-9195/ 667-9205 (013)847-4242 Ext 347 669-6909 661-2394 011-4624048 547139521 607-6262 011-49475400 CUTLER HUMMER GE MERLIN GERIN ALFANAR 667-9195/ 667-9205 636-4340 697-7723 (011)494-5400 667-9188 (013)-847-1684 669-4310 651-2664 011-4983831 668-5302 011-494-5493 METAL ENCLOSED BREAKER SWITCHGEAR FOR M.V. E 8.a 630A RING MAIN UNIT - Load break switch (LBS); Vacuum or SF6 arc quencher/ insulation Last Update 10 October 2016 Al Quraishi Electrical Services GEDAC SCHNEIDER ALFANAR Saudi United for Mechanical Electrical and Electronic Industries (ECO) RAWABI ELECTRIC SAUDI LUCY 16360 Schneider , EATON 011-4793749 RAWABI ELECTRIC SAUDI LUCY +966-126074947 Page 3 of 13 667-9188 637-6742 697-3308 (011)494-5493 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E9 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION uPVC CONDUITS & FITTINGS Schedule 40 or NEMA T2 / T6 or Class 3 or 4. For electrical use (Duct Bank … etc.) E 10 BRAND NAME SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 16375 607-6262 287-9111 ext. 189 660-1877 637-7944 612-1423/ 612-1424 637-5719 672-6318/674660-1877 668-5302 287-9191/ 227-0103 660-5319 637-5445 612-1425 637-8373 671-9285 660-5319 16375 637-0496/ 637-4687 637-5800 667-9195/ 667-9205 012 - 6696909 636-4340 664 - 4969 664 - 4969 96612651114 966112654975 012-6095826 667-9188 RACEWAYS UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION DUCT BANK E 9.a E 9. a E 9.b SUPPLIER'S PVC SCH.40 Fittings & Accessories. MANHOLE & HAND HOLE FRAME COVER - Cast iron, heavy duty/ medium duty double sealed sealed. Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Electric House Al Abdulkarim Trading Arabian Gulf Manufacturer's Ltd Saudi Plastic Products Co. Saudi Industries for Pipe Co. Ltd. Arabian Plastic Co. Al Abdul Karim Trading Co. SAPCO/ NEPRO AGM SAPPCO SIP APLACO Carlon National Cast Iron Products -Factory Co. NCPF LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHBOARDS -600V & Below E 10.a LV SWITCHGEAR - Drawout and fixed type, ACB/MCCB circuit breakers/ switches; digital meter, C.T... etc.; BMS control and monitor provision, complete with all accessories Al Quraishi Electrical Services ABB Electrical Industries Co. Ltd. GEDAC Ercon Middle East industry Arabian Universal Factory Alfanar Electrical META Switching Manufacturing Electric House Al mayssan Technical Services Co. (MTS) Power center factory (Al Abdulkareem) Jeddah panel board factory(Ghandoura) Juffali Jamed LVPD SHUMAN INTERNATIONAL BAAMER ELECTRIC SACLF(Saudi Company for Lighting Fixture) Saudi United for Mechanical Electrical and Electronic Industries (ECO) RAWABI ELECTRIC LEGRAND Co. CUTLER HUMMER ArTu L,M,K and SACE Series GE ALFANAR ABB, SIEMENS, EATON LEGRAND EATON SIEMENS 012-6685100 012-6206035 +966 01 2376125 6520818 012-6697519 012-6374391 Schneider , EATON 011-4793749 RAWABI ELECTRIC LEGRAND +966-126074947 CUTLER HUMMER GE ALFANAR 667-9195/ 667-9205 636-4340 96612651114 012-6095826 012-6685100 012-6206035 012 - 6696909 664-4969 16425 Schneider Electric 637-6742 664 - 3392 664 - 3392 (011) 265-2184 966112654899 012-6095825 012-6685200 012-6206246 +966 01 2308333 6510366 E 11 EMERGENCY & ELEVATOR SW ITCHBOARDS -600V & Below E 11.a LV SWITCHGEAR - Drawout and fixed type, ACB/MCCB circuit breakers/ switches; digital meter, C.T... etc.; BMS control and monitor provision, complete with all accessories Last Update 10 October 2016 Al Quraishi Electrical Services GEDAC Alfanar Electrical Al mayssan Technical Services Co. (MTS) Power center factory (Al Abdulkareem) Jeddah panel board factory (Ghandoura) ABB Electrical Industries Co. Ltd. Ercon Middle East Industry Schneider Electric ABB GE Page 4 of 13 16426 667-9188 637-6742 (011) 265-2184 012-6095825 012-6685200 012-6206246 664-3392 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Al Quraishi Electrical Services Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) GEDAC ABB Electrical Industries Co. Ltd. SCHNEIDER CUTLER HUMMER SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 667-9195/ 667-9205 607-6262 636-4340 012 - 6696909 636-4340 667-9188 607-6262 637-6742 607-6262 661-15062 +966-555177865 966114153406 668-5302 6659075 966114938815 667-9195/ 667-9205 280-3310 ext. 28 667-9188 280-3316 608-1524/ 608-1525 608-1535 667-9195 636-4340 288-7653 96612651114 665-0513 / 6657933 547039521 012-6095826 012-6685100 012-6206035 012-6520818 664-4969 012-6697519 012-6696909 667-9188 637-6742 647-7142 (011) 265-2184 665-9877 RACEWAYS SWITCHES E 12 DISCONNECT E 12.a Fused or Non-fused type; NEMA rated enclosures ( Heavy Duty Type ) GE 16440 ABB SQUARE D** 668-3052 E 13 GROUNDING/ LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM E 13.a E 13.b E 13.c E 14 Grounding & Lightning protection System Equipment & Accessorises, Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) Khereiji Show Room Co. Ltd. RAYCHEM RPG TECON Ltd. RAYCHEM RPG WALLIS Al Quraishi Electrical Services Adwan Marketing Legrand CO. Saudi Electrical Transformer Co CUTLER HUMMER GE ZUCCHINI SET Al Quraishi Electrical Services GEDAC Arabian Universal Factory Alfanar Electrical HAWA ELECTRIC PANEL BOARD FACTORY Sefraa And Manufacturing Co. (SAMCO) Al mayssan Technical Services Co. (MTS) Power center factory (Al Abdulkareem) Jeddah panel board factory (Ghandoura) Shuman International Ercon Middle East Industry BAAMER ELECTRIC ABB Electrical Industries Co. Ltd. LEGRAND CUTLER HUMMER GE GE ALFANAR HAWA FURSE/ ERICO 16450 DRY TYPE TRANSFORMER Cast resin insulation with Primary & E 14.a Secondary Copper type winding and force air cooling. 16460 E 15 PANELBOARDS E 15.a Recessed, Surface load center and Floor Mounted panel boards For Lighting & Power panel board Last Update 10 October 2016 Schneider Electric GE EATON ABB LEGRAND Load Center XL – N250 Page 5 of 13 16470 012-6095825 012-6685200 012-6206246 012-6510366 664-3392 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 667-9188 637-6742 647-7142 607-6262 9200-11221 (011) 265-2184 012-6095825 012-6685200 012-6206246 052-0366 RACEWAYS CONTROL EQUIPMENT E 16 MOTOR E 16.a Al Quraishi Electrical Services GEDAC Arabian Universal Factory Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) EWM MOTOR CONTROL CENTERS - Wall / Alfanar Electrical Floor Mounted MCC; drawout / fixed Al mayssan Technical Services Co. (MTS) type breakers, complete with digital Power center factory (Al Abdulkareem) meter, contactor, starters, control Jeddah panel board factory (Ghandoura) transformer, indications light, switches, Shuman International Dev't breaker ..etc. BMS Control and Monitor BAAMER ELECTRIC provision. Saudi United for Mechanical Electrical and Electronic Industries (ECO) Sela Pass for Power Automation & Safety System E 16.b MCP for motors and exhaust Fan,… etc. E 17 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH E 17.a E 18 ATS with microprocessor controller,UL. CUTLER HUMMER EATON 667-9195/ 667-9205 636-4340 288-7653 607-6262 9200-11220 96612651114 012-6095826 012-6685100 012-6206035 652-0818 012-6697519 Schneider , EATON 011-4793749 Schnieder/Seimens/ABB 012-6915777 Ercon Middle East Industry GE 664-4969 664-3392 SELCO Schneider Electric 011 – 241-2647 011 – 241-5086 Adwan Marketing ASCO 280-3310 ext 28 280-3316 Saudi Electric Supply Co. (SESCO) ASCO BAAMER ELECTRIC EATON 012-6697519 Saudi Lighting Company Nardeen Lighting Co. Ltd. Alnasser Co. SLC NARDEEN NOORTEK 669-1872 660-9086 665-9855 Nouran Company Ltd Desano Italy, Targetti Italy, Meyer Germany AL-SALIM Lighting Co. SSL GE TELEMECHANIQUE ALFANAR Schneider Electric MERLIN GERIN & Schneider Electric 16480 16490 011-4081303 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR LIGHTING E 18.a.1 Recessed, surface and suspended mounted lights, flood light Buried – up light IP 67 Last Update 10 October 2016 Page 6 of 13 16510 / 16530 669-0972 665-0387 663-3413 012-6928581 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E18.a.2 E 18.b E 18.b1 16510 / MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME TEL NO. FAX NO. MASHARIE LIGHTECH 00971 4 3331387 00971 4 3331212 Saudi Lighting Company Integration Fundamentals Est. MASHARIE SLC CRESTRON LIGHTECH 667-9474 0097-1 4 3331387 667-9484 00971 4 3331212 HRFA Project Management & Materials Supply HRFA MASHARIE LIGHTECH 00971 4 3331387 00971 4 3331212 HRFA Special Skills Est. Arabian & Sounds Co. HUDA Lighting Trading Ext. Trilux Zumtobel JCC-LEVITON 011-4780038 Light Technologies Co. Ltd SILL +966558334267 Modern Times Technical Systems [ MTTS ] EIB KNX SMC ABB-I-BUS-KNX 012-6376082 Nardeen Lighting Co. Ltd. LEVITON lighting control 9664624048 966114624048 Saudi Co. fo Lighting Fixtures (SACLF) SHAIRCO for Trading Industries MASHARIE ENERGYA SHAIRCO LIGHTECH 637-4391/ 608-1026 637-4417 00971 4 3331387 00971 4 3331212 GEDAC GE 636-3430 637-6742 Alfanar Electrical ALFANAR 966-12651114 (011)265-2184 Multielectric Ind, Co. MULTIELECTRIC 653-3066 2806111 RACEWAYS (LED) Recessed, surface and suspended mounted lights Auditorium Lightings/ Console (LED) Auditorium Lightings/ Console E 18.c Lighting Fixture ( Interior & Exterior ) E 18.c.1 (LED) Lighting Fixture (Interior & Exterior) E 18.c2 Interior & Exterior Lighting E18.c.3 Interior Lighting E18.c.4 Interior Lighting E18.d. Sport Arena Lighting system E18.d.1a 1 Sport Arena Lighting E 18.1 LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM E 18.1a Lighting Control Systems with Panel Boards E 18.1b Energy Saving & Lighting Control System E 18.1c Lighting Control System SPECS 16530NO. REMARKS 16510 / 16530 012-2349911 E 18.2 LIGHTING POLES E 18.2a E 18.2b E 19 LIGHTING POLES - Fiberglass (LED) LIGHTING POLES - Fiberglass LOW VOLTAGE SWITCHING SYSTEM E 19.a Individual contactor (GE brand CR463 or equivalent) for indoor & outdoor with HOA switch and BMS monitoring & control photocell, time clock, relays, remote interface Last Update 10 October 2016 Page 7 of 13 16511 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E 20 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION TEL NO. FAX NO. Voltage Freq. Independent, 0.98 PF, small footprint, low input current harmonics; with IGBT (converter/ inverter) control & batteries. CATERPILLAR GCC Olayan Saudi Diesel CUMMINS DETROIT DIESEL 687-6366 680-6764 693-1525 640-0033/640-1588 693-2122 640-1683 Arabtec Construction Machinery CUMMINS 966-122345929 966-122344096 M. Al Tahami Est. for Trading & Contractors Legrand Co Saudi Electronic Trading Co. (SETRA) Al Rumaih Schneider Electric Br. RAED A. MURAD TRADING EST. SELA PASS for Power Automation Site Technology Co. GE Alpha / Capacitor Bank /UPS CHLORIDE LIEBERT APC-UPS GALAXY MGE SOCOMEC - FRANCE BORRI-INFOSEC ABB-UPS 667-0690 667-0966 284-0350 663-4640 966-126977723 012-6918599 966-126915777 x367 966-112163800 661-0265 667-1754 966-126973308 Honeywell -Turki Arabia Ltd. Secutronic Saudi Project & Supplies Co. (SPS) Saudi Elect. Trading Co.(SETRA) Al Dar Arabia Al Matbouli Sounds & Comm. BCM Corporation Abdul Rahman Al Shareef Co. Red Sea Indust.Supply Co.Ltd. Integrated Information Technologies Samara Security & Safety Systems SELA PASS HONEYWELL Esser / HONEYWELL / Siemens Esser 691-2204 683-943 652-9274 284-0350 664-7788 651-0003 665-1690 Ext.25 660-0882 665-3215 652-9038 661-0265 663-4946 651-4911 665-9103 665-5208 660-6606656 012-6915777 012-2572320 16620 (ON HOLD) 16621 966-122572320 966-112163132 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM E 22.a FACP,Graphical Annunciator, Heat/Smoke, beam Detectors, Anunciators,Modules, Switches, display,panels, Horn/Flasher, manual station, BMS, Interlock etc… E 23 ZAID Tractor SPECS NO. REMARKS UNINTERRUPTED POWER SUPPLY E 21.a E 22 BRAND NAME RACEWAYS STANDBY POWER GENERATOR SYSTEM E 20.a Diesel powered engine; radiator or heat exchanger cooling system, alternator ; with daily/monthly fuel tank; additional battery charger including fuel system & fuel pump. E 21 SUPPLIER'S SIMPLEX Hochiki Edwards / EST3 NOTIFIER 16721 Saudi United for Mechanical Electrical and Electronic Industries (ECO) SIEMENS KARIN TECHNOLOGY COMPANY Esser (GERMANY) Electromech.Tech.Assoc. Co.Ltd. REDA Fire & Hazard Control Eqpt. Co. Ltd SIEMENS-Ceberus NOTIFIER +966126628588X106 608-8000 012-6778692-115 Saudi Project & Supplies Co. (SPS) Rajab & Silsilah Co. MOBATIME SAPLING 652-9274 661-0006 BCM Corporation SIMPLEX 011-4793749 608-8080 RF WIRELESS CLOCK SYSTEM E 23.a GPS Wireless clock system with synchronize(Analogue wireless) indication...etc…(Master Clock System) Last Update 10 October 2016 Page 8 of 13 16721 652-9038 661-0558 012-6651690 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E 24 E 24.a E 25 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Bin Grallah Electronic World Company Riyadh Cables Dorrah Ashraq Alalamyah Est. SUPERIOR ESSEX SUPERIOR ESSEX RIYADH CABLES RIYADH CABLES SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 671-0240 660-6405 637-3532/637-3430 667-1660 664-1011 637-2467 667-1534 284-0350 661-0265 614-2112 667-1660 287-911 ext. 189 614-5005 6671534 287-9191 / 227-0103 284-0350 614-2112 661-0265 614-5005 667-1660 6658410 012-668-8655 667-1534 6646390 012-668-4114 012-6927761 011-4624048, 05 012-6910025 012-2841293 287-9111 ext. 189 287-9191 / 227-0103 RACEWAYSTEL. CABLE DIST. SYSTEM EXTERIOR Cat. 3 with bandwidth up to 16MHz; flexible FR-PVC jacket and jelly insulation 16740 EXTERIOR FIBER OPTICS CABLE DIST. SYSTEM E 25.a 12 or 24 Core Fiber Optic Cables, Single Mode Tera speed; with flame and water safety rating; with ST compatible connections, 24 core fiber optic cable multimode. Saudi Elect. Trading Co.(SETRA) Electronic World Company Saudi Logistics & Electronic Co. (SALEC) Dorrah Ashraq Alalamyah Est. Electric House EPS ( Schneider Dist. ) SYSTIMAX / 3M 16745 LEGRAND ORTRONUCS- ESTAP Schneider Electric E 26 STRUCTURED COMM. CABLING SYSTEM & COMM. SYSTEMS - GEN. REQUIREMENTS E 26.a DATA & VOICE SYSTEM Complete, one manufacture for Gigaspeed FFTP/SFTP LS0H CAT6A data/voice cable, RJ45 outlets & distribution hardware; Fiber optic cables, patch panels & acc… etc. E 26.b LC & Fiber Optics Cabling E.26c Data System active components Last Update 10 October 2016 Saudi Electronic Trading Co. (SETRA) Saudi Logistics & Electronic Co. (SALEC) Electronic World Company Dorrah Ashraq Alalamyah Est. Advanced Modern Company Royaa Network / Integrated Solution Integrated Information Technologies HARDWARE Solutions Builder (HASOUB) Leviton ME Abdullah Faisal Alamoudi Establishment SYSTIMAX / 3M SYSTIMAX SYSTIMAX Leviton NORDEN-UK Electric House LEGRAND ORTRONUCS- ESTAP Hebaat International Ahmad al Adarem contracting Est. Saudi Logistic & Electronic Co. (SALEC) Techlogiks 16746/ 16750 (ON HOLD) 012-6395395 Ext103 012-682-5140 Ext.110 011 – 4806214 HARDWARE Solutions Builder ATHER TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD Advanced Modern Company Abdul Rahman Al Shareef Co. Mahan Al Khaleej Co. Ltd. (MATCO) CISCO Page 9 of 13 16746 / 16750 284-0350 012-6927761 011 - 4631208 6658410 660-0882 8874040 661-0265 012-2841293 011 - 4671745 6646390 665-5208 882058 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E.27 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION BRAND NAME Al Matbouli Sounds & Comm Al Matbouli Sounds & Comm Saudi Project & Suppliers Co. Rajab & Sisilah Co. PASO SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 651-0003 651-4911 661-0006 660-6456 661-0164 660-1632 284-0350 012 - 661-0024 660-0882 661-0265 555-5208 665-5208 665-9103 6646390 RACEWAYS PUBLIC ADDRESS & PRAYERS CALL SYSTEM E.27a Rack Mounted equipment, pre & power amplifiers, Mixer, CD/DVD, USB player, AM/FM Tuner, VHF wireless, Receiver tuner, microphones, speakers ceiling / wall mounted, cable / wires, .. etc. E.28 SUPPLIER'S TOA PHIIPS AEX* JVC ESTAP LD SYSTEM Electrical Special Equipment (ESE) 16770 IP CLOSE CIRCUIT TELEVISION SYSTEM E.28.a IP Close Circuit Television System Rack Mounted equipment, Fixed and PTZ IP CAMERA 2 Megapixel, Full HD 1080P @ 30 Fps, NVR, minimum 10TB RAID on board Storage complete with VMS software, LED Monitors, UPS, Cable/wires, .. etc. Saudi Electric Trading Co. (SETRA) Azharlina Abdul Rahman Al Shareef Co. Hebaat International MCC (Modern Controls Co. Advanced Modern Company BCM Corporation OSAS TECHNOLOGY Saudi United for Mechanical Electrical and Electronic Industries (ECO) Secutronic AMERICAN DYNAMICS (AD) (ON HOLD) VIVOTECH 012 - 665-7534 6658410 665-1690 012-6523907 Pelco (Schneider) 011-4793749 Pelco (Schneider) 012-6062276 (AD) / TYCO, AXIS 012-6062277 16780 E.28.b Analogue Close Circuit Television System E.28.b1 Rack Mounted equipment, Fixed and PTZ High resolution CAMERA 1/3",CCD, with 16 network video streams, DVDR, min. 3TB ULTRA RAID on board Storage complete with software, LED Monitors, Cable/wires, .. etc. Saudi Electric Trading Co.(SETRA) Azharlina Abdul Rahman Al Shareef Co. Hebaat International MCC (Modern Controls Co. Advanced Modern Company BCM Corporation Secutronic AMERICAN DYNAMICS (AD) 284-0350 012 - 661-0024 660-0882 661-0265 555-5208 665-5208 012 - 665-7534 6658410 665 – 1690 665-9103 6646390 (ON HOLD) 16780 Pelco (Schneider) (AD) / TYCO Last Update 10 October 2016 Page 10 of 13 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E.29 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S Single/Multi door controllers, including proximity, card readers, Electronic door locks, indoor key switch, key pad and etc…, Cable/wires, .. etc. FAX NO. 284-0350 660-0882 661-0265 665-5208 665-1690 Ext.25 665-9103 663-4946 6646390 652-9038 012-2572320 SETRA Abdul Rahman Al Shareef Co. BCM Corporation Azharlina Al Dar Arabia Advanced Modern Company Saudi Project & Supplies Co. SELA PASS HONEYWELL-NOTIFIER (GERMANY) 653-3162 6658410 652-9274 012-6915777 SETRA Al Dar Arabia BCM Corporation BELDEN WEST PEN SIMPLEX 284-0350 664-7788 65-1690 Ext.25 661-0265 663-4946 665-9103 653-3162 651-8436 660-6405 664-1011 691-8899 / 691-3388 691-5522 660-1632 666-1632 661-0006 667-9474 012-6677694 661-0164 667-9484 661-0006 661-0558 KANTECH Saudi Contractor’s Supply Co. E.30.b CAT 6A FFTP/SFTP for IP system. Fiber Optic Single Mode. Fiber Optic Multi Mode. 16781 CAROL 16730 16770 16721 16780 Electronic World Co. AUDITORIUM AUDIO/VISUAL SYSTEM E.31.a ADAWLIAH AUDITORIUM – Auditorium complete integrated audio/visual system comprising of speakers, audio pre and power amplifiers, mixers, gooseneck, podium and wireless mic, CD/DVD, USB player integrated to video, projector and lighting system and etc. . E.32 TEL NO. LOW CURRENT SYSTEM CABLES E.30.a Shielded / Unshielded Fire resistant cable / wire for FA System, #2x16AWG Shielded for PA, RG11 & 16 for CCTV, .. etc. E.31 SPECS NO. REMARKS RACEWAYS ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM IP/ANALOGUE E.29.a E.30 BRAND NAME Rajab & Silsillah Co. Integration Fundamentals Est. International audio visual technology / televic MC LD SYSTEMS* AUDIO TECHNICA* FBT* BEHRINGER* DBX XTA COMMUNITY BOSCH CRESTRON SONY Rajab & Silsillah C0. DA-LITE SCREEN Co. Electric Special Equipment (ESE) BOSE, SHURE, THX, DENON STRAND LIGHTING, GRIVEN PROF. 11130 PROJECTOR SCREEN E.32.a Motorized projection screens, on/off switch Last Update 10 October 2016 Page 11 of 13 11131 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E.33 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Saudi Electric Trading Co. (SETRA) SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. KANTECH 284-0350 661-0265 Al Fathuma Est. KANTECH 633-899 633-4899 Next Wave Technology CUR, Germany IDEX Services Scheidt & Bachmans, Circontrol, Nedap 012-6653367 Abdul Rahman shareef GENIUS/FAAC 660-0882 665-6238 Honeywell – Turki Arabia Ltd. Honeywell/Excelweb 691-2204 683-9433 SELA-PASS SIEMENS 6195777 2572320 261-4058 RACEWAYS INTELLLEGENT PARKING CONTROL SYSTEM E.33.a Advance Parking Mangement System, Parking Guidance & Occupancy Sensor, Parking Secuiry control and Access control system, Car Plate reader Camera, parking arm barriers, including card readers Parking car detectors, Electronic door locks, key pad, board signage and controllers etc… Cable/wires,.. etc. 11850 011-2196650 E.34 BMS SYSTEM E.34.a Design for 2 way communication of monitoring and control, load shedding, for historic data achieving and management function for ElectroMechanical available systems on the project. E.35 Teamac Arabia TREND Honeywell 261-3987 Future Systems Honeywell centraline 012-661-17664 Saudi United for Mechanical Electrical and Electronic Industries (ECO) SIEMENS Br. RAED A. MURAD TRADING EST. SETRA SIEMENS ALERTON HONEYWELL (USA) Schneider ELECTRIC KARIN TECHNOLOGY COMPANY ALERTON HONEYWELL (USA) Secutronic SIEMENS / Schneider SIEMENS / Schneider 15970 011-4793749 0560007506 012-6918599 012-6396070 +966126628588X106 VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE E.35.a IGBT VFD, with 6 pulse active harmonic filter, complete motor control system And supplied by one manufacturer Last Update 10 October 2016 Shuman International Dev’t EWM Teamac Arabia Al Quraishi Electrical Services MAFA Teamac Arabia EMERSON TELEMECANIQUE /Schneider TREND/INVERTEK CUTLER HUMMER SIEMENS Allen Bradley, USA EMERSON Page 12 of 13 15978 652-0818/ 6520436 920011220 6113255 667-9195/667-9205 012 - 6512969 012-2611484 013-8147560 6510366/650-0339 920011221 2877216 667-9188 013 -8147570 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Electrical Item. No. E.36 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SELA-PASS TELEVES (SPAIN) SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. Rajab & Silsillah Co. IKUSI SELA-PASS TELEVES (SPAIN) 16783 6195777 2572320 661-0006 661-0558 6195777 2572320 661-0006 661-0558 966-112783888 966-112488720 03-8822299 012-6670029 x10570057 03-8827027 IP TV SYSTEM E.37.a Satellite disc, Splitters, Head end equipment, IP TV receivers, electronic Components, Controllers, Tap off box power supply unit and cable/wires.. etc. E.38 BRAND NAME RACEWAYS MATV SYSTEM E.36.a Cables, Headend, & Electronic Components, Antennas, splitters receivers.. etc. E.37 SUPPLIER'S 16783 Rajab & Silsillah Co. IKUSI LED SIGNAGE E.38.a LED Signage and electronic Components, Controllers, power supply unit and cable/wires.. etc. TOP SCREENS ELEVATORS E.1.a Passengers and fright elevators Last Update 10 October 2016 NASTCO (A-Najim Saudi international ) LM FUJITECH SAUDI ARABIA FUJITECH/KOREA United Technologies corporation (UTC) Schindler Olayan Co. Ltd. HYUNDI elevator Co. Ltd. CGC Co. Mitsubishi electric Saudi Ltd. OTIS Schindler HYUNDI SIGMA/L.G. Mitsubishi Page 13 of 13 (ON HOLD) 012-6609259 14211 012-6610721 02-6503507 012-2614770 02-6503519 HOME Mechanical HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M1 M1.1 M1.2 M1.3 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME National Marketing MCC MCC Saudi Industrial Pipe National Factory for Plastic Industry Al-Watania Plastics(WP) SAUDI HEPCO NEPRO SAPPCO AGM SIP National Factory Al-Watania SAUDI HEPCO ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher UPVC Drainage Fittings for Sanitary and Storm Water System. PVC Pipes for Underground Irrigation and Potable Water Lines, Class 5 Last Update 10 October 2016 REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-636-3558 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-663-5719 02-6080111 02-6534144 02-636-2384 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-637-8373 02-6373764 02-6516266 15060 Pipes and Fittings UPVC Pipes for Sanitary and Storm Water System, Class 4 SPECS NO. Zenith Zenith Nobles tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd. Thermo PPR/Gulf dura Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Co. Ltd National Factory for Plastic Industry Nobel trees Co.Ltd. Al-Watania Plastics(WP) MCC SAUDI HEPCO APLACO National Factory TERRAIN Al-Watania Nibco SAUDI HEPCO ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher National Marketing NEPRO Nobles tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd. Thermo PPR/Gulf dura National Marketing MCC MCC Saudi Industrial Pipe National Factory for Plastic Industry Al-Watania Plastics(WP) SAUDI HEPCO NEPRO SAPPCO AGM SIP National Al-Watania SAUDI HEPCO ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher Nobles tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd. Thermo PPR/Gulf dura Modern Technical Factory for Plastic MTFP Page 1 of 30 15060 02-6215203/ 6214478 02-6080198 15060 hashim@noblestr 15060 15060 hashim@noblestr 15060 hashim@noblestr 02-6215661 02-6080799 012-6066692 012-6066692 02-674-2281 02-6080111 02-671-9285 02-6373764 02-6534144 02-667-5141 02-6516266 02-660-9501 02-6215203/ 6214478 02-636-3558 02-636-2384 012-6066692 012-6066692 02-636-3558 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-663-5719 02-6080111 02-6534144 02-636-2384 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-637-8373 02-6373764 02-6516266 02-6215203/ 6214478 02-6215661 012-6066692 012-6066692 01-498-1333 01-498-0333 02-6215661 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M1.4 M1.5 M1.6 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION PVC Pipe Fittings for Underground Irrigation and Potable Water Lines, Class 5 PVC Pipes, Schedule 80 for Aboveground Irrigation/Treated Water Lines. PVC Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 for Aboveground Irrigation/Treated Water Lines. Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME National Marketing MCC MCC Saudi Industrial Pipe National Factory for Plastic Industry Al-Watania Plastics(WP) Zenith SAUDI HEPCO NEPRO SAPPCO AGM SIP National Al-Watania Zenith SAUDI HEPCO ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher Nobles tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd. Thermo PPR/Gulf dura Modern Technical Factory for Plastic National Marketing MCC MCC Saudi Industrial Pipe National Factory for Plastic Industry Al-Watania Plastics(WP) Zenith MTFP NEPRO SAPPCO AGM SIP National Al-Watania Zenith ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher Nobles tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd. Thermo PPR/Gulf dura Modern Technical Factory for Plastic National Marketing MCC MCC Saudi Industrial Pipe National Factory for Plastic Industry Al-Watania Plastics(WP) MCC Zenith MTFP NEPRO SAPPCO AGM SIP National Al-Watania Nibco Zenith ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher Nobles tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd. Thermo PPR/Gulf dura Modern Technical Factory for Plastic MTFP Page 2 of 30 SPECS NO. REMARKS 15060 hashim@noblestr 15060 hashim@noblestr 15060 hashim@noblestr TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-636-3558 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-663-5719 02-6080111 02-6534144 02-6080198 02-636-2384 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-637-8373 02-6373764 02-6516266 02-6080799 02-6215203/ 6214478 02-6215661 012-6066692 012-6066692 01-498-1333 02-636-3558 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-663-5719 02-6080111 02-6534144 02-6080198 02-6215203/ 6214478 01-498-0333 02-636-2384 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-637-8373 02-6373764 02-6516266 02-6080799 012-6066692 012-6066692 01-498-1333 02-636-3558 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-663-5719 02-6080111 02-6534144 02-667-5141 02-6080198 02-6215203/ 6214478 01-498-0333 02-636-2384 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-637-8373 02-6373764 02-6516266 02-660-9501 02-6080799 012-6066692 012-6066692 01-498-1333 01-498-0333 02-6215661 02-6215661 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION M1.7 CPVC Pipes, Schedule 80 for Aboveground Hot and Cold Domestic Water Lines. M1.8 CPVC Pipe Fittings, Schedule 80 for Aboveground Hot and Cold Domestic Water Lines. M1.9 M1.9 M1.9 M1.9 M1.9 HDPE & PE and Polypropylene Pipes and Fittings, Schedule 40, Welded and Mechanical Joints Type water supply System HDPE Pipes and Fittings, Schedule 40, Welded and Mechanical Joints Type water supply System Polypropylene & PB Pipes and Fittings, Schedule 40, Welded and Mechanical Joints Type water supply System HDPE and Polypropylene Pipes and Fittings, Schedule 40, Welded and Mechanical Joints Type for Acid Waste Drainage System HDPE & PE and Polypropylene Pipes and Fittings, Schedule 40, Welded and Mechanical Joints Type for Acid Waste Drainage System Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME National Marketing MCC MCC Saudi Industrial Pipe National Factory for Plastic Industry Al-Watania Plastics(WP) Zenith Modern Technical Factory for Plastic National Marketing MCC MCC Saudi Industrial Pipe National Factory for Plastic Industry Al-Watania Plastics(WP) Zenith Modern Technical Factory for Plastic NEPRO SAPPCO AGM SIP National Al-Watania Zenith MTFP NEPRO SAPPCO AGM SIP National Al-Watania Zenith MTFP ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher 15060 Saudi Arabian Amiantit Company APPSCO 15060 Nobles tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd. Thermo PPR/Gulf dura 156060 Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Co. Ltd George Fisher ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher Page 3 of 30 TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-636-3558 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-663-5719 02-6080111 02-6534144 02-6080198 02-6080198 02-636-3558 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-663-5719 02-6080111 02-6534144 02-6080198 02-6080198 02-636-2384 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-637-8373 02-6373764 02-6516266 02-6080799 02-6080799 02-636-2384 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-637-8373 02-6373764 02-6516266 02-6080799 02-6080799 02-6215203/ 6214478 02-6215661 ashrafi@amiantit. com 013-8471500 013-8471500 hashim@noblestr 012-6066692 012-6066692 15060 02-674-2281 02-671-9285 15060 02-6215203/ 6214478 02-6215661 SPECS NO. REMARKS 15060 15060 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M1.9 M1.9 M1.9 M1.1 M1.11 M1.12 M1.13 M1.14 M1.15 M1.16 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION HDPE Pipes and Fittings, Schedule 40, Welded and Mechanical Joints Type for Acid Waste Drainage System Polypropylene & PB Pipes and Fittings, Schedule 40, Welded and Mechanical Joints Type for Acid Waste Drainage System HDPE and Polypropylene Pipes and Fittings, Schedule 40, Welded and Mechanical Joints Type for Acid Waste Drainage System Polypropylene Pipes and Fittings, Conforming to DIN Standard, Rubber Multi-Layer Pipes and Fittings for Laboratory Hot and Cold Water System as Manufactured by Uponor, Poland Multi-Layer Pipes and Fittings for Laboratory Hot and Cold Water System Solvent Cement for Jointing of PVC Pipes and Fittings and and CPVC Pipes Black Steel Pipes Conforming to ASTM A53, Schedule 40 for Chilled Water Piping System, Fire Protection System and LPG Gas System Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe Sch. 40 (ASTM A53 GR.B) for Chilled Water & Fire Fighting Systems Seamless Carbon Steel Fittings for Chilled Water & Fire Fighting Systems (welded) Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. Saudi Arabian Amiantit Company APPSCO 15060 ashrafi@amiantit. com 013-8471500 013-8471500 Nobles tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd. Thermo PPR/Gulf dura 156060 hashim@noblestr 012-6066692 012-6066692 02-680-4030 02--698-8702 02-668-0148 02-6215203/ 6214478 02--698-8702 02-680-4030 02--698-8702 02-674-2281 02-637 7944 02-667-5141 03-857-6688 02-669-5704 02-680-3961 02-698-9642 02-668-0173 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-667-5141 02-256-1395 02-669-5704 02-6876762 02-2845597 02-660-9501 02-676-0307 02-661-2604 02-6874647 United GULF INDUSTRIES (OMAN) 15060 Roots Group Arabia Wavin MTTS Unipipe ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher 15060 15060 GAZLAN Unipipe Roots Group Arabia Wavin Arabian Plastic Manufacturing Co. Ltd Arabian Gulf Manufacturers Ltd. MCC IMCO Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) E-Z Weld AGM Saudi Steel Pipe (SSP) Saudi Steel Pipe (SSP) Saudi Steel Pipe (SSP) El-Badr industrial supplier Saudi Steel Pipe (SSP) 15060 Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi (SSP) MCC Pan Gulf EETC Attieh Steel 15060 15060 15060 15060 Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Saudi Steel Pipe (SSP) Arabian Pipes Al-Jazeera Oman Hysco for large Pipes Tubos Reunidos (Spanish) SUMITOMO TMK El-Badr industrial supplier TMK - Interpipe -WUXI HUAYOU Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Attieh Steel MCC Interpipe TK Bend (Korea) Benkan El-Badr industrial supplier Benkan Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Interpipe Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) NAFFCO Shield Page 4 of 30 15060 15060 15060 15060 15060 15060 15060 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 02-6215661 02-698-9642 02-680-3961 02-698-9642 02-671-9285 02-636 5445 02-660-9501 03-847-5266 02-661-2604 02-6695704 02-6612604 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-6876762 02-667-5141 02-2845597 02-6874647 02-660-9501 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-2845597 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-260888 02-2608777 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M1.17 M1.18 M1.19 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Black Steel Pipes Conforming to ASTM A53, Schedule 40 for Chilled Water Piping System, Fire Protection System and LPG Gas System Steel Grooved Joints Fittings for Fire Protection Piping System LPG Gas Piping Preinsulated pipes GRP (glass reaiforced pipes ) or FRP pipes M1.20 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings for Fire Protection Piping and Chilled Water System. Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME MCC Arabian Pipes Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Al jazeera (SSP) El-Badr industrial supplier TMK - Interpipe -WUXI HUAYOU NAFFCO MCC MCC Modern Arab enterprises AL NAHAR est. saleh zaid al-quraishi Advanced Mechanical Equipments Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Shield Victaulic recomb Victaulic Victaulic leide CPS Shurjoints Lede Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Recomb NAFFCO Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Pan Gulf Pan Gulf Shield TMK, Romania TMK, Romania DTZ, UKRAINE El-Badr industrial supplier TMK - Interpipe -WUXI HUAYOU Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Saudi Pipe System Co. Amiantit Perma-Pipe Saudi Arabia LLC Interpipe SPS Amiantit Perma-Pipe Future Pipe Industries MECH Saudi Preinsulated Pipes Industries SPPI MCC Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi SPPI TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-667-5141 02-660-9501 02-2845598 02-2845597 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-260888 02-667-5141 02-6675141 02-6614861 02-6681431 03-8679067 02-6646119 02-669-5704 02-2845598 02-2608777 02-660-9501 02-6609501 02-6614861 02-6650739 03-8962365 02-6651819 02-661-2604 02-2845597 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-260888 02-6695704 02-2561395 02-2561395 02-2608777 02-6612604 02-6760307 02-6760307 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-6081100 02-651 56 76 [email protected] 02-2845597 02-6379439 02-651 61 49 012-38129500 SPECS NO. 15060 REMARKS [email protected] 15060 [email protected] [email protected] 15060 [email protected] m.alchwiki@futur Gourd by Hitachi El-Badr industrial supplier HITTACHI Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) NAFFCO Shield Page 5 of 30 15060 [email protected] [email protected] 013-8123194 013-8123194 01-2651414 02-667-5141 02-669-5704 02-2845598 01-2651474 02-660-9501 02-661-2604 02-2845597 012-6674462 012-6674462 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-260888 02-2608777 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION M1.21 Butt Welding Fittings for Chilled Water Piping System and Gas Piping System M1.22 M1.23 M2 M2.1 M2.2 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Benkan MCC MCC Benkan Burton Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) Mild Steel Flange, ANSI Class 150 Copper Pipes, Type K, L & M and Brazed Fittings for Compressed Air and Vacuum System El-Badr industrial supplier Benkan MCC MCC Hebei Metals Mueller El-Badr industrial supplier Mueller Mariam Trading MCC Universal Building Materials ( UBM) Armstrong & Halisted Nibco Saudi Pipe System Co. Saudi Valve Manufacturing Company Contract Services Co. CSC MCC UBM NAFFCO Saudi Pipe System SPS Saudi AVK Mueller Nibco Nibco Shield Butterfly Valves, 65 mm Diameter and Above for Domestic Cold Water System Last Update 10 October 2016 REMARKS [email protected] [email protected] 15060 15060 15060 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Cambridge Lee Manual Valves OS&Y Gate Valve for Fire Protection System SPECS NO. TEL NO. FAX NO. 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-697-8555 02-667-5141 02-6716664 02-639-3992 02-660-9501 02-6187855 02-6675141 02-637-1570 02-629-5505 02-667-5141 02-6651161 02-260888 02-6609501 02-637-4750 02-629-4546 02-660-9501 02-6187855 02-2608777 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-6675141 02-6371570 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 126637653 02-2845597 02-6609501 02-6374750 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 126676923 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-667-3395 02-679-0746 15100 Emaar Pole Establishment Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Mueller Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Saudi Pipe System Co. Saudi Valve Manufacturing Company NACE Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi KSB Fivalco Saudi Pipe System SPS Saudi AVK Flofab Hycon DANAIS-ISORIA Emaar Pole Establishment Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Crane - Begler Talalia Crane Page 6 of 30 15100 15100 a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M2.3 M2.4 M2.5 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Butterfly Valves, 65 mm Diameter and Above for Chilled System Butterfly Valves, 65 mm Diameter and Above for Treated Water System Check Valves, 65 mm Diameter and Above for Potable Water System Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Saudi Pipe System Co. Saudi Valve Manufacturing Company NACE KANOO Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi KSB Saudi Pipe System SPS Saudi AVK Flofab ECONOSTO Hycon DANAIS-ISORIA Emaar Pole Establishment Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Crane - Begler Talalia Saudi Pipe System Co. Saudi Valve Manufacturing Company NACE Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi KSB Crane Saudi Pipe System SPS Saudi AVK Flofab Hycon DANAIS-ISORIA Emaar Pole Establishment Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Crane - Begler Talalia Saudi Pipe System Co. Saudi Valve Manufacturing Company MCC NACE Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Talalia Crane Saudi Pipe System SPS Saudi AVK Nibco Flofab Hycon Crane Emaar Pole Establishment Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Crane - Begler Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Muller Page 7 of 30 SPECS NO. 15100 15100 15100 REMARKS a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-6675141 02-6371570 02 - 6512337 02-263-2459 02-2845598 126637653 02-6609501 02-6374750 02 - 6512337 02-263-2912 02-2845597 126676923 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-667-3395 02-6675141 02-6371570 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 126637653 02-679-0746 02-6609501 02-6374750 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 126676923 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-667-3395 02-6675141 02-6371570 02-667-5141 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02-667-3395 02-679-0746 02-6609501 02-6374750 02-660-9501 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 02-679-0746 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-669-5704 02-661-2604 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M2.6 M2.7 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Check Valves, 65 mm Diameter and Above for Fire Protection System Ball Valves for Domestic Water System up to 50 mm Dia Angle Hose Valve (Landing Valve) Inspectors Test & Drain Valve M3 3.1 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Saudi Pipe System Co. Saudi Valve Manufacturing Company Al Badr Trading and Contracting MCC NAFFCO NACE Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Talalia Saudi Pipe System SPS Saudi AVK Watts Nibco Shield Flofab Fivalco Crane Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Mueller Contract Services Co. CSC MCC Talalia NACE Mueller Nibco Crane Flofab Emaar Pole Establishment Last Update 10 October 2016 [email protected] [email protected] 15100 Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Crane - Begler Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. Hycon Giacomini Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) NAFFCO NAFFCO NAFFCO Contract Services Co. CSC Shield Shield AGF SURE-TEST Kanoo MCC NACE AL Saadeh Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Econosto HUNTER Flofab ACF Hycon El-Badr industrial supplier JAKO REMARKS 15100 Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Piping Specialties Thermometer and Thermowell SPECS NO. a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-6675141 02-6371570 02-661-2920 02-667-5141 02-260888 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02-667-3395 02-6609501 02-6374750 02-667-4459 02-660-9501 02-2608777 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 02-679-0746 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-629-5505 02-667-5141 02-667-3395 02 - 6512337 02-629-4546 02-660-9501 02-679-0746 02 - 6512337 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-6702050 02-2845597 02-6760307 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-260888 02-260888 02-260888 02-629-5505 02-2608777 02-2608777 02-2608777 02-629-4546 02-263-2459 02-667-5141 02 - 6512337 02-284-0017 02-2845598 02-263-2912 02-660-9501 02 - 6512337 02-665-0554 02-2845597 012-6674462 012-6674462 012-6836679 012-6836679 02-6673395 02-6790746 15120 Integrated Building Solutions Winters Talalia Winters, Weicco Page 8 of 30 15120 [email protected] [email protected] HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M3.2 M3.3 M3.4 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Pressure Gauge Air Vents Pipe Flexible Connections (Expansion Joint) SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Kanoo AL Saadeh MCC NACE Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Al Habdania Trading Est. NAFFCO Econosto ACF HUNTER Flofab Hycon(With Brass cook Valve) AGF Shield El-Badr industrial supplier JAKO Integrated Building Solutions Winters Talalia Kanoo MCC MCC NACE Winters, Weicco Econosto Nibco WATTS Flofab Integrated Building Solutions Winters El-Badr industrial supplier WATTS Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi MCC Arabian BEMCO MCC Talalia Kanoo NACE NACE Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi I Tap & Watts Mason Industries Maxi-Joint Rubber Corporation EAST DIAMOND Weicco Econosto Flofab Flofab & Flex- Hose Hycon El-Badr industrial supplier PERFLEX El-Badr industrial supplier E-FLEX Emaar Pole Establishment Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Last Update 10 October 2016 Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) MR-Flex Page 9 of 30 SPECS NO. REMARKS 15120 [email protected] [email protected] 15120 [email protected] [email protected] 15120 [email protected] [email protected] a.mohamed@epe TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-263-2459 02-284-0017 02-667-5141 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02-6295505 02-260888 02-263-2912 02-665-0554 02-660-9501 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 02-6294546 02-2608777 012-6674462 012-6674462 012-6836679 012-6836679 02-6673395 02-263-2459 02-667-5141 02-667-5142 02 - 6512337 02-6790746 02-263-2912 02-660-9501 02-660-9502 02 - 6512337 012-6836679 012-6836679 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-667-5141 02-669-5851 02-667-5141 02-667-3395 02-263-2459 02 - 6512337 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02-2845597 02-660-9501 02-660-9432 02-660-9501 02-679-0746 02-263-2912 02 - 6512337 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 012-6674462 012-6674462 012-6674462 012-6674462 011-2033351 011-2033351 02-669-5704 02-661-2604 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M3.5 M3.6 M4 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Cast Iron Y-Pattern Strainers for 65 mm Diameter and Above Y-Strainer for pipes up to 50 mm diameter. SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Saudi Pipe System Co. NACE Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Saudi Pipe System SPS Flofab Tozen & Hycon Emaar Pole Establishment Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) 15120 Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Crane Rezayat Trading Kanoo NACE Hattersley Econosto Flofab Emaar Pole Establishment Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Crane MCC Nibco Piping Supports, Sleeves and Seals M4.1 MCC Tolco Industries M4.2 Piping Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Pipes and Fire Protection Piping such as Clevis Hanger, Universal Clamps, Riser Clamps, Swivel hanger, Pipe Roller, Threader rod, Channels and Accessories. Mariam Trading Talalia Al-Awani Leading Supply Est. Naji M. Al-Gharably Unitech Universal Building Materials ( UBM) Mariam Trading Weicco Al-Awani Electromechanica Mason Industries UNIPRO M5.0 Last Update 10 October 2016 15140 a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-6675141 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02-6609501 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-661-1333 02-263-2459 02 - 6512337 02-663-7212 02-263-2912 02 - 6512337 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-667-5141 02-660-9501 02-667-5141 02-660-9501 02-697-8555 02-667-3395 02-602-6111 02-639-3992 02-679-0764 02-602-6444 02-6603721 02-6278222 02-6716664 02-6646472 02-6278722 02-6187855 02-667-3395 02-4202900 02-607-6262 02-679-0746 02-4202903 02-607-3113 15140 Diamond Mechanical Identification System Pipe Identification Systems and Marking 15120 REMARKS 15140 Piping Supports for Chilled Water Piping System consisting of Clevis hangers, UBolts, Pipe Shield, Riser Clamps, Protection Saddle, Roller Hangers, Guides and Accessories M5 SPECS NO. 15190 Talalia Modern times technical systems Saudi Electric Supply Company Talalia MTTS Brady Safety Identification System Page 10 of 30 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION M6 Mechanical Sound, Vibration and Seismic Control M6.1 Miscellaneous sound, vibration and seismic control equipments consisting of Neoprene Mount, Spring Isolator, Neoprene Pad, Spring Hanger, Floating and Floor Pads. M7 M7.1 M7.2 M7.3 M7.4 M7.5 M7.6 M7.7 M7.8 M7.9 M7.10 M7.11 M7.12 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Fiberglass Pipe Insulation for Chilled Water System Application Polyurethane Pipe Insulation for Chilled Water Pipes Polyisocyanurate Pipe Insulation for Chilled Water Pipes. Flexible Insulation for Hot Water Piping Piping Insulation Flexible Insulation for Cold Equipment Aluminum Cladding of Chilled water Pipes Duct adhesive Duct Sealent Duct & Pipe Fire stop sealent Duct Aluminum tape Self Adhesion for flanges at duct Flex. Duct Connector Last Update 10 October 2016 REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-667-5141 02-6603721 02-660-9501 02-6646472 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-667-3395 02-679-0746 02-667-5141 02-697-8555 02-660-9501 02-639-3992 012-6674462 012-6674462 012-6641308 012-6641308 02-663-1353 02-667-5141 02-697-8555 02-663-1720 02-660-9501 02-639-3992 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-663-1353 02-663-1720 15240 MCC Naji M. Al-Gharably Mason Industries Mason Industries El-Badr industrial supplier PROCO Talalia Weicco Pipe, Duct and Equipment Insulation Duct Insulation consisting of Fiberglass Flexible Insulation. Rigid Board Insulation, and Acoustic Duct Liner SPECS NO. 15240 [email protected] 15250 MCC Mariam Trading KIMCO AFICO El-Badr industrial supplier AFICO -KIMMCO 15250 [email protected] [email protected] OM MABKHOOT MOHAMMAED SEIARY TRD.EST. AFICO Build Serve MCC Mariam Trading KIMCO KIMCO AFICO El-Badr industrial supplier AFICO -KIMMCO Build Serve KIMCO Arabian Chemicals Arabian Chemicals 15250 02-667-4640 02-660-9028 Arabian Chemicals Saptex Arabian Chemicals Saptex 15250 02-667-4640 02-674-9402 02-660-9028 02-671-9285 El-Badr industrial supplier GULF-O-FLEX 012-6674462 012-6674462 Mariam Trading Isoflex 02-697-8555 02-639-3992 15250 [email protected] [email protected] 15250 [email protected] El-Badr industrial supplier GULF-O-FLEX 012-6674462 012-6674462 MCC Armaflex 15250 02-667-5141 02-660-9501 Mariam Trading Pabco 15250 02-697-8555 02-639-3992 Mariam Trading Mariam Trading National Marketing Mariam Trading Mariam Trading Mariam Trading Foster Foster STI ABRO Euro CLIM 15250 15250 15250 15250 15250 15250 02-697-8552 02-697-8553 02-697-8554 02-697-8555 02-697-8555 02-697-8555 02-639-3989 02-639-3990 02-639-3991 02-639-3992 02-639-3992 02-639-3992 Page 11 of 30 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M8 M8.1 M8.2 M8.3 M8.4 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Saudi Pump Factory SANUM AL.JAZEERA COMPANY Ahmed Ramadan Ju,a Sons Trad. Co, (ARJ) Morex(ASEM) Grundfos Arabian pumps NAFFCO Aurora FAIRBANKS MORSE SPP ITT Grundfos Patterson Peerless & Naffco Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. Armstrong NACE Saudi Pump Factory SANUM AL.JAZEERA COMPANY Morex(ASEM) Grundfos Arabian pumps NAFFCO Flofab Aurora FAIRBANKS MORSE ITT Grundfos Patterson Peerless & Naffco Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. Armstrong NACE Saudi Pump Factory SANUM AL.JAZEERA COMPANY Morex(ASEM) Grundfos Arabian pumps NAFFCO Flofab Aurora FAIRBANKS MORSE ITT Grundfos Patterson Peerless & Naffco Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. Armstrong NACE Saudi Sicli Co. Contracting Services Company AL Saadeh Al Habdania Trading Est. NAFFCO Flofab Potter Fire Protection System Electric Fire Pumps complete with Controller. Deisel Driven Fire Pumps complete with controller Jockey Pumps Complete with Controller Water Flow Alarm Switch Last Update 10 October 2016 SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-669-1839 01-4477777 02-660-7243 01-4473000 02-6900562 02-6740080 02-6512436 02-260888 02-6900563 02-2872448 02-6504713 02-2608777 012-920009443 012-920009443 02 - 6512337 02-669-1839 01-4477777 02-6900562 02-6740080 02-6512436 02-260888 02 - 6512337 02-660-7243 01-4473000 02-6900563 02-2872448 02-6504713 02-2608777 012-920009443 012-920009443 02 - 6512337 02-669-1839 01-4477777 02-6900562 02-6740080 02-6512436 02-260888 02 - 6512337 02-660-7243 01-4473000 02-6900563 02-2872448 02-6504713 02-2608777 012-920009443 012-920009443 02 - 6512337 Not Listed 02-629-5505 02-284-0017 02-629-5505 02-260888 02 - 6512337 Not Listed 02-629-4546 02-665-0554 02-629-4546 02-2608777 15300 Globe Central & System Sensor Page 12 of 30 15300 nabeel.siddiqui@ 15300 nabeel.siddiqui@ 15300 nabeel.siddiqui@ 15300 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M8.5 M8.6 M8.7 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION OS&Y Gate Valve for Fire Protection System Fire Department Inlet and Outlet Connection Fire Department connection M8.8 Fire hose Cabinets M8.9 Fire Sprinkler Heads, Pendent and Upright M8.10 All Purpose Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher and Cabinet Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME AL Saadeh Al Habdania Trading Est. S.Z. Al Quraishi & Partners Contracting Services Company Sela Pass Trading S.Z. Al Quraishi & Partners MCC Fivalco Globe System Sensor Fivalco NIBCO Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Mueller NAFFCO Saudi Sicli Co. Saudi Sicli Co. Pan Gulf Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. Central Potter Croker Elkhart Giacomini Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) NAFFCO Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. Al Habdania Trading Est. Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. Naffco & Shield Lifeco Giacomini Fivalco Giacomini Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) NAFFCO Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. NAFFCO Contracting Services Company Sela Pass Trading Setra NAFFCO Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. NAFFCO Naffco & Shield SFFECO Naffco Globe & Tyco Reliable Viking Naffco & Shield SFFECO Naffco SPECS NO. REMARKS Potter Page 13 of 30 15300 [email protected] [email protected] 15300 [email protected] 15300 [email protected] 15300 15300 15300 TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-284-0017 02-629-5505 02-284-5589 02-6295505 02-691-5777 02-284-5589 02-667-5141 02-665-0554 02-629-4546 02-284-5597 02-6294546 02-257-2320 02-284-5597 02-660-9501 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-260888 Not Listed 02-284-0017 02-256-1395 02-6702050 02-2608777 Not Listed 02-665-0554 02-257-2868 02-6760307 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-260888 02-6702050 02-6290-5505 02-2845598 02-6702050 02-2608777 02-6760307 02-629-4546 02-2845597 02-6760307 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-260888 02-6702050 02-260888 02-6295505 02-691-5777 02-2840350 02-260888 02-6702050 02-260888 02-2608777 02-6760307 02-2608777 02-6294546 02-257-2320 02-6610265 02-2608777 02-6760307 02-2608777 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M8.11 M8.13 M8.14 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Fire supression system FM-200 Test Drain Check Valve for fire fighting M8.15 Wet Alarm Check Valve M8.16 Angle Hose Valve (Landing Valve) M8.17 Deluge System M9.0 Emergency Generator Connections and Accessories Fire Fighting Materials –UL/FM (felxible pipe) Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. Arabian Contracting Company Setra BCM Corporation NAFFCO BASHEQ FOR COMMERCE & MARKETING Est. (BCM) Gulf star Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. AL Saadeh SALEHZAID ALQURAISHI & PARTNERS CO.LTD NAFFCO Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi SFFECO LPG Simplex & Tyco Tyco Naffco Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier GLOBE Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Contracting Services Company Muller Globe El-Badr industrial supplier GLOBE NAFFCO Saudi Factory for Fire Equipment Co. NAFFCO Gulf Star Security & Safety System Saudi Deisel Tyco Giacomini Shield FIKE Saudi Deisel Kohler Caterpillar Cummins Rapidrop Saudi Arabia Rapidrop Page 14 of 30 TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-6702050 02-663-7017 02-2840350 02-6651690 02-260888 02-6760307 02-669-0741 02-6610265 02-6659103 02-2608777 Tyco 02-2612751/2612752 02-2612766 Fike Sure Test AGF 02-6722009 02-6702050 02-284-0017 02-6721606 02-6760307 02-665-0554 FIVALCO 02-2845598 02-2845597 Shield Fivalco 02-260888 02-2845598 02-2608777 02-2845597 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-669-5704 02-6295505 02-661-2604 02-6294546 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-260888 02-6702050 02-260888 02-2608777 02-6760307 02-2608777 02-640-0033 050-4277812 050-6178528 050-4996027 02-640-1683 Eng.Moustafa Eng.Usama Hussien Eng.Hatem Sotuhi 012-6590679 012-6590679 SPECS NO. REMARKS 15300 15300 15300 15300 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 15300 15300 Feroz.Pasha@ra HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M10 M10.1 M10.2 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Plumbing Floor Drains, Deck Drains, Roof Drains and Floor Cleanouts. M10.4 Water Hammer Arrestors M10.5 Gate Valve M10.7 BRAND NAME SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-6716664 02-668-0148 02-667-5141 02-6202400 02-667-5141 02-680-4030 02-2272260 02-6918403 02-6716664 02-668-0148 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-667-5142 02-6716664 02-661-1333 02-6187855 02-668-0173 02-660-9501 02-6203803 02-660-9501 02-680-3961 02-2272232 02-6918580 02-6187855 02-668-0173 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-660-9502 02-6187855 02-663-7212 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-667-5141 02-6716664 02-667-5141 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02-2845598 02-6716664 02-2845597 02-660-9501 02-6187855 02-660-9501 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 02-2845597 02-6187855 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-661-1333 02-663-7212 15410 For Pipes and Fittings, Refer to Section 15060 For Valves, Refer to Section 15100 M10.3 M10.6 SUPPLIER'S Acid Neutralization Tanks Balancing Valve Universal Building Materials ( UBM) MTTS MCC Binex MCC Issa Bin Ladin Al Miro Trading & Contracting Saudi Cast Universal Building Materials ( UBM) MTTS MCC MCC MCC MCC Universal Building Materials ( UBM) Rezayat Trading Emaar Pole Establishment Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) 15410 Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier Crane - Begler Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi MCC Universal Building Materials ( UBM) MCC NACE Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi Universal Building Materials ( UBM) HYCON Orion Emaar Pole Establishment Last Update 10 October 2016 S.H.W. & Zurn Industries MIFAB J.R. Smith Josam FERPLAST Watts MiroEurope Floor drain Zurn Industries & Wilkins MIFAB J.R. Smith Precision Plumbing Product Watts NIBCO NIBCO Hattersley Zurn Nibco Flofab Gala &KPF HYCON ZURN-WILLKINS Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) Rezayat Trading Hattersley Page 15 of 30 a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] 15410 15410 a.mohamed@epe [email protected] HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION M10.8 M10.9 Emergency Shower and Eye Wash Hose Bibs M10.1 Wall Hydrant M10.11 Silt Drain Interceptor M10.12 Oil Interceptor M10.13 Floor Drain with Electronic Primer M10.14 M10.15 Floor drain & roof drain & deck drain and Trench Drain Backflow Preventor for Pipes up to 50 mm Diameter M10.16 Hot Water Circulating Pumps M10.17 Water Cooler Filter M10.18 Air Vent, Automatic M10.19 Electro-Magnetic Flowmeter M10.20 Pressure Reducing Valve Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME SPECS NO. MCC MCC MTTS Universal Building Materials ( UBM) MTTS Universal Building Materials ( UBM) MTTS MTTS Universal Building Materials ( UBM) MTTS Al Joubran Daudi cast MCC MCC MCC MCC Universal Building Materials ( UBM) MCC NACE Al-Salem-York Al Kawthar Rezayat Trading NACE Universal Building Materials ( UBM) Bradley Watts MIFAB Zurn Industries MIFAB Zurn Industries MIFAB MIFAB Zurn Industries 15410 15410 El-Badr industrial supplier Watts Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi MCC MCC AVK I Tap & Watts Maddelena AMES AVK Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) REMARKS 15410 15410 15410 15410 MIFAB Saudi cast J.R. Smith Nibco Watts Wilkins Wilkins Grundfos Flofab Taco Al Kawthar Watts Flofab Zurn El-Badr industrial supplier Watts Universal Building Materials ( UBM) Zurn Industries Page 16 of 30 15410 15410 15410 15410 [email protected] 15410 [email protected] [email protected] TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-668-0148 02-6716664 02-668-0148 02-6716664 02-668-0148 02-668-0148 02-6716664 02-668-0148 02-261-2534 02-6918403 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-6716664 02-667-5141 02 - 6512337 02-6900999 02-636-0644 02-661-1333 02 - 6512337 02-6716664 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-668-0173 02-6187855 02-668-0173 02-6187855 02-668-0173 02-668-0173 02-6187855 02-668-0173 02-261-2728 02-6918580 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-6187855 02-660-9501 02 - 6512337 02-6973468 02-637-4337 02-663-7212 02 - 6512337 02-6187855 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-637-1570 02-2845597 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-637-9380 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-6716664 02-6187855 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M11 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Western Type Water Closet with Flush Valve - WC-1 M11.2 Western Type Water Closet with Flush Valve - Handicapped, WC-2 M11.3 Eastern Type Water Closet, WC-3 M11.5 M11.6 M11.7 M11.8 M11.9 BRAND NAME Al Ghamdi Co. Al Habdania Trading Est. AL hayat Saudi Arabian Agencies Niagara Conservation Corporation Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Habdania Trading Est. Al Ghamdi Co. Abdullah Al Syed Est. Al Habdania Trading Est. American Std. Model Afwall Vileroy & Bosch Niagra Water Closet Sloan American Std. Model Afwall American Std. Model Madera 17"H Casavia Handicap Model Ideal Std. Model Smyrne RAK Casavia Yousor 2000 Al Ghamdi Co. Ideal Std. Model Armitage Shanks Andria-3 Al Ghamdi Co. Ideal Std. Model Lexington Al Ghamdi Co. Niagara Conservation Corporation Ras Al Kahima Ceramic Al Habdania Trading Est. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Abdullah Al Syed Est. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Abdullah Al Syed Est. American Std. Model Aqualyn Niagra Water Closet Ras Al Khaima Ceramic, Model Jessica Cassavia Model Belloura American Std. Model lucerne American Std. Model ovalux Zurn Model Z-6096 Sloan Regal Flushometer Sloan Royal Flushometer Zurn Model Z-6096 AL-Hayat Building Materials Company (HBMC) Grohe Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Habdania Trading Est. Green Horizons Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Pattono Model No. IT2880/9 American Std. Model Colony Ideal Std., Model Euroflow Niagra Conservation Ideal Std., Model Optiset Ideal Std., Model ceraplus Viega, P-trap Aquaranta, shower drain AL-Hayat Building Materials Company (HBMC) Grohe Plumbing Fixtures and Trims M11.1 M11.4 SUPPLIER'S Western Type Water Closet with Flush Tank, WC-4 Countertop Lavatory, L-1, L-2, & L-4 Flush Valves for Western Type Water Closets, Type WC-1 and WC-2 Flush Valves for Eastern Type Water Closets, Type WC-3 Ablution (Perrenial) Spray Fittings/Mixers for Lavatories SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-669-6263 02-629-5505 02-640-7777 02-661-0320 01-4407850 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-629-5505 02-669-6263 02-661-2994 02-629-4546 02-227-7227 02-668-7948 01-4407851 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-629-4546 02-661-2994 02-629-5505 02-629-4546 02-669-6263 02-661-2994 02-669-6263 02-661-2994 02-669-6263 01-4407850 00977-72445046 02-629-5505 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 Not Listed 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 Not Listed 02-661-2994 01-4407851 00977-72445270 02-629-4546 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 Not Listed 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 Not Listed 012-6407777 012-6407777 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-629-5505 01-4894058 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-629-4546 01-4899359 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 012-6407777 012-6407777 15440 Casavia, Model Jade 15440 15440 15440 15440 15440 15440 15440 Hussain.abdu@ik 15440 15440 Hussain.abdu@ik 1544 Last Update 10 October 2016 Page 17 of 30 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION M11.10 Mop Sink with Fittings M11.11 Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink M11.12 Fittings for Kitchen Sink M11.13 Ablution Panel M11.14 Soap Dispenser Convertible paper towel dispenser / M11.15 waste receptacle M11.16 Toilet tissue dispenser with hood M11.17 Clothes hook and bumper M11.18 Towel bar M11.19 Mirror M11.20 Straight Grab bar M11.21 Hand Dryer M11.22 Hand Dryer M12 Domestic Water Heaters M12.1 M12.2 M13 M14 M14 M14.1 Floor Mounted, Wall Hung, and Undercounter Electric Water Heater Electric Water Heater, Small Capacity Underground Storage Tanks Medical Gas system, Bed head units Laboratory Gas Piping Systems Ball Valves Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME TEL NO. FAX NO. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Trans Peninsula Trading Co. American Std Florwell Service Sink CECO Ideal Std., Model Dolomite Virginia Blancotipo American Std. Model Colony Soft T&S 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-6404777 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-2274263 AL-Hayat Building Materials Company (HBMC) Grohe 012-6407777 012-6407777 MCC Al Ghamdi Co. Bradley BOBRICK 15440 15440 02-667-5141 02-669-6263 02-660-9501 02-661-2994 Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. Al Ghamdi Co. MCC BOBRICK 15440 02-669-6263 02-661-2994 BOBRICK BOBRICK BOBRICK BOBRICK BOBRICK BOBRICK Bradley 15440 15440 15440 15440 15440 15440 15440 15440 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-669-6263 02-667-5141 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-661-2994 02-660-9501 MCC Saudi Ceramics AL Hhayat Building Materials Co. A. O. Smith Saudi Ceramics ARISTON 02-667-5141 02-6292424 02-6407777 02-660-9501 02-2274386 02-2272727 012-6836679 012-6836679 02-6292424 02-2274386 011-4704501 011-4704501 02-667-5141 03-8417072 03-8417071 03-850-4810 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02-660-9501 03-8431918 03-8431917 03-850-4820 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 SPECS NO. 1544 Hussain.abdu@ik 15450 [email protected] ARISTON Integrated Building Solutions Saudi Ceramics Not Used Saudi Ceramics Promedic Saudi Arabia Millennium Medical products vision technology systems MCC Industrial Energy MCC Abdullah AlBaijan Trading NACE Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Watts Midwest Control Nibco, Model T-590-66-UL Apollo Valves Flofab Hycon REMARKS 15450 15480 toni.tanios@prom 15482 Page 18 of 30 15482 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M14.2 M14.3 M15 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Air Compressor Vacuum Pumps SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Al-Rafai Establishment Massader Milti AUE Namerah Factory Co. For Air Compressors & Metal Works ARCONA SAUDI MAS Al-Rafai Establishment Massader Milti SAUDI MAS BOGE, Germany Becker, Germany BECKER MCC MCC Rawafd International Co The First Distinctive Gas Corporation Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi MCC MCC MCC Rawafd International Co The First Distinctive Gas Corporation Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Rawafd International Co The First Distinctive Gas Corporation Industrial Energy SAUDI MAS Rawafd International Co Industrial Energy Industrial Energy Industrial Energy Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Rawafd International Co The First Distinctive Gas Corporation Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Industrial Energy Rawafd International Co Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Rawafd International Co Industrial Energy Watts Nibco, Model T-590-66-UL SCHARR-TECH POLIX Hycon Actaris Fisher REGO SCHARR-TECH CLESSE Hycon ALGAS-SDI ALGAS-SDI Ely Energy Namerah Kaeser MILLES BOGE, Germany Becker, Germany MILLES Liquified Petroleum Gas System M15.1 Ball Valves M15.2 Pressure Regulator M15.3 Vaporizer M15.4 LPG Compressor M15.5 Ball Valves M15.6 Flow Check valve M15.7 Pressure Relief Valve M15.8 Hydrostatic Relief Valve Last Update 10 October 2016 SPECS NO. REMARKS 15482 15482 TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-669-1119 02-689-7909 02 - 6477771 02-624-2737 02-689-8278 02 - 6477142 01 4981027 01 4984859 02-6448989 02-6613707 02-669-1119 02-689-7909 02-6613707 02-644412 02-4160922 02-624-2737 02-689-8278 02-4160922 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 011-2100566 012-6510884 02-2845598 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 02-667-5141 011-2100566 012-6510884 02-2845598 011-2100566 012-6510884 03-8417070 02-6613707 011-2100566 03-8417071 03-841-7072 03-8417073 02-2845598 011-2100566 012-6510884 02-669-5704 03-8417074 011-2100566 02-2845598 011-2100566 03-8417075 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 011-2100566 012-6510884 02-2845597 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 02-660-9501 011-2100566 012-6510884 02-2845597 011-2100566 012-6510884 03-8431916 02-4160922 011-2100566 03-8431917 03-843-1918 03-8431919 02-2845597 011-2100566 012-6510884 02-661-2604 03-8431920 011-2100566 02-2845597 011-2100566 03-8431921 15484 TIGHT Corken Midwest Control Rego Hycon SCHARR-TECH CLESSE Muller Rego SCHARR-TECH LVP SCHARR-TECH Rego Page 19 of 30 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M15.9 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Flowmeter Check Valve M15.10 Tank-Filling Capacity Test Valve M15.11 Pressure Gauge M15.12 Filling Hose M15.13 Temperature Guage M15.14 Quick Connection Coupling M15.15 Truck Transpooting-Uploading Unit M15.16 LPG Tank M15.17 Seamless Black Steel Pipes & Fittings M16 M16.1 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Rawafd International Co The First Distinctive Gas Corporation Industrial Energy Rawafd International Co Industrial Energy Industrial Energy NACE Rawafd International Co The First Distinctive Gas Corporation Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Rawafd International Co Industrial Energy Industrial Energy Rawafd International Co Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi Rawafd International Co Industrial Energy Industrial Energy Rawafd International Co Rawafd International Co The First Distinctive Gas Corporation Industrial Energy Dar Al Mawad Int. Co. Attieh Steel Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Saleh Zaid Al Quraishi The First Distinctive Gas Corporation NAFFCO SCHARR-TECH CLESSE Rego SCHARR-TECH Rego Ashcroft Flofab SCHARR-TECH WATTS Hycon SCHARR-TECH Trelleborg Ashcroft SCHARR-TECH Hycon SCHARR-TECH Alpha Process Control Ely Energy Above ground MANCHESTER Under ground WALTER TOSTSO National gas LAPESA Interpipe Tubos Reunidos (Spanish) TMK Interpipe TMK Shield MCC Al-Salem-York NIBCO TA Safid IMI-TA Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi NACE MCC Tozen & Hycon Flofab WATTS Hydronic Piping System Strainer REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. [email protected] [email protected] 011-2100566 012-6510884 03-8417076 011-2100566 03-8417077 03-8417078 02 - 6512337 011-2100566 012-6510884 02-2845598 011-2100566 03-8417079 03-8417080 011-2100566 02-2845598 011-2100566 03-8417081 03-8417081 011-2100566 011-2100566 012-6510884 03-8417082 02-6198500 02-6876762 02-6695704 02-2845598 012-6510884 02-260888 011-2100566 012-6510884 03-8431922 011-2100566 03-8431923 03-8431924 02 - 6512337 011-2100566 012-6510884 02-2845597 011-2100566 03-8431925 03-8431926 011-2100566 02-2845597 011-2100566 03-8431927 03-8431927 011-2100566 011-2100566 012-6510884 03-8431928 02-6725206 02-6874647 02-6612604 02-2845597 012-6510884 02-2608777 02-667-5141 02-6900999 02-660-9501 02-6973468 011-2428550 011-2428550 02-2845598 02 - 6512337 02-667-5141 02-2845597 02 - 6512337 02-660-9501 011-2033351 011-2033351 012-6674462 012-6674462 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-661-1333 02-663-7212 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 15510 Emaar Pole Establishment Last Update 10 October 2016 SPECS NO. Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) El-Badr industrial supplier NIBCO Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) Rezayat Trading Hattersley Page 20 of 30 rami.h@atcsaudi. com 15110 a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M16.2 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Balncing Valve SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Rezayat Trading Al-Salem-York Hattersley TA Safid IMI-TA NACE Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi Flofab Gala(USA) & KPF (Korea) Emaar Pole Establishment M16.3 M16.4 Modulating Control valve MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) Talalia Rezayat Trading Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi Crane Frese KPF(Korea) Safid IMI-TA Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier DANFOSS Al-Salem-York Saudi Pump Factory Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. NACE JCI & TA Aurora Armstrong Flofab Safid IMI-TA Triple Duty Valve a.mohamed@epe [email protected] 15110 Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) Al-Salem-York AVK Al-Salem-York Taco AVK TA Safid IMI-TA NACE KSB Flofab DANAIS-ISORIA Butterfly Valve Emaar Pole Establishment Last Update 10 October 2016 15110 15110 Emaar Pole Establishment M16.5 Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier crane - Nibco Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi Hycon & Tozen Page 21 of 30 REMARKS rami.h@atcsaudi. com Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) Emaar Pole Establishment SPECS NO. rami.h@atcsaudi. com a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] rami.h@atcsaudi. com a.mohamed@epe [email protected] rami.h@atcsaudi. com 15110 a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-661-1333 02-6900999 02-663-7212 02-6973468 011-2428550 011-2428550 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-667-3395 02-661-1333 02-284-5598 02-679-0746 02-663-7212 02-284-5597 011-2428550 011-2428550 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-6900999 02-669-1839 02-654-5683 02 - 6512337 02-6973468 02-660-7243 02-654-0179 02 - 6512337 011-2428550 011-2428550 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-6900999 02-637-1570 02-6900999 02-6973468 02-637-9380 02-6973468 011-2428550 011-2428550 02 - 6512337 126637653 02 - 6512337 126676923 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-2845598 02-2845597 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M16.6 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Check Valve SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME AVK Al-Salem-York AVK TA Safid IMI-TA NACE Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi Talalia Rezayat Trading KSB Flofab Hycon & Tozen Crane Hattersley DANAIS-ISORIA Emaar Pole Establishment M16.7 Suction Diffuser M16.8 Chemical Treatment for Chilled Piping M16.9 M16.10 M16.11 M16.11 M16.12 M16.13 Isolation Valves for energy transfer station Automation control Valves for ETS Automation control Valves for process piping Pressure independent control Valves (PICV) WITH &PCS COMMISSIONG KIT & patented FILTERBALL (combined Strainer/Ball Valve) Process piping valve Double Requlating Valve Series (DRV) (TDV) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) El-Badr industrial supplier crane - Nibco Electrical Equipment Trading Co. (EETC) Saudi Pump Factory Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. NACE Al-Salem-York AES Veolia Muller Aurora Armstrong Flofab Taco AES METITO Last Update 10 October 2016 15110 a.mohamed@epe [email protected] [email protected] 15110 15110 SESCO Bray control ,UK 15110 Arabian control valve for process piping Arabian contracting 15110 Saleh Abdulaziz Abahsain Co. DEZURIK 15110 ETHER GULF ENTERPRISE PETTINAROLI 15110 Saleh Abdulaziz Abahsain Co. MCC Al-Salem-York Fouress WATTS TA 15110 Safid IMI-TA NACE Saleh Zaid Al-quraishi Flofab Gala(USA) & KPF (Korea) Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) MECH (Jinan Meide casting co.) Rezayat Trading Hattersley Safid IMI-TA Page 22 of 30 REMARKS rami.h@atcsaudi. com Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) Future Mechanics Trading Est. (Fu-Mech) Emaar Pole Establishment M16.14 Air separator SPECS NO. TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-637-1570 02-6900999 02-637-9380 02-6973468 011-2428550 011-2428550 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02-667-3395 02-661-1333 126637653 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 02-679-0746 02-663-7212 126676923 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 012-6674462 012-6674462 02-669-5704 02-669-1839 02-654-5683 02 - 6512337 02-6900999 02-6697384 02-6606031 02-661-2604 02-660-7243 02-654-0179 02 - 6512337 02-6973468 02-6697486 02-6694357 02- rami.h@atcsaudi. com 15110 a.mohamed@epe [email protected] rami.h@atcsaudi. com 03-8332008 03-8334422 02-667-5141 02-6900999 02-660-9501 02-6973468 011-2428550 011-2428550 02 - 6512337 02-2845598 02 - 6512337 02-2845597 011-2033351 011-2033351 011-4784242 011-4784242 02-661-1333 02-663-7212 011-2428550 011-2428550 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M17 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Horizontal SplitCase Centrifugal Pumps for Chilled Water Application M17.2 End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chilled Water Application Vertical centrifugal Pumps for chilled water ,cindenser water & Glycol application M.17.4 pumps for water supply & drainage M.17.5 Sewage & drainage pumps M.17.6 high pressure pumps M18 BRAND NAME Saudi Pump Factory Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. NAFFCO Zahid Tractor Electrical Work and Maintenance(EWM) Al-Salem-York Grundfos NACE KSB Saudi Pump Factory Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. Zahid Tractor Electrical Work and Maintenance(EWM) Al-Salem-York NACE Grundfos KSB Ahmed Ramadan Juma Sons Trading co Al Sabbagh Est. Saudi Pump Factory Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. Zahid Tractor Electrical Work and Maintenance(EWM) Al-Salem-York NACE Grundfos KSB Ahmed Ramadan Juma Sons Trading co Grundfos KSB Ahmed Ramadan Juma Sons Trading co Grundfos KSB Ahmed Ramadan Juma Sons Trading co Grundfos KSB Juffali Chemical Products Aurora Armstrong Peerless Peerless Paco Pumps Taco Grundfos Flofab KSB Aurora Armstrong Peerless Paco Pumps Taco Flofab Grundfos KSB SSP ITT Bell & Gossett Aurora Armstrong Peerless Paco Pumps Taco Flofab Grundfos KSB SSP Grundfos KSB ITT Lowara & abs Grundfos KSB ITT Lowara & abs Grundfos KSB Juffali HVAC Pumps M17.1 M17.3 SUPPLIER'S Expansion Joints Last Update 10 October 2016 SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-669-1839 02-654-5683 02-260888 02-667-1156 920011220 02-6900999 02-6740080 02 - 6512337 126637653 02-669-1839 02-654-5683 02-667-1156 920011220 02-6900999 02-6512337 02-6740080 126637653 02-6651109 02-660-7243 02-654-0179 02-2608777 02-669-0727 920011221 02-6973468 02-2872448 02 - 6512337 126676923 02-660-7243 02-654-0179 02-669-0727 920011221 02-6973468 02-6512337 02-2872448 126676923 02-2840675 02-669-1839 02-654-5683 02-667-1156 920011220 02-6900999 02-6512337 02-6740080 126637653 02-6651109 02-6740080 126637653 02-6651109 02-6740080 126637653 02-6651109 02-6740080 126637653 02-6633900 02-660-7243 02-654-0179 02-669-0727 920011221 02-6973468 02-6512337 02-2872448 126676923 02-2840675 02-2872448 126676923 02-2840675 02-2872448 126676923 02-2840675 02-2872448 126676923 02-6606508 011-2033351 011-2033351 012-6674462 012-6674462 02 - 6512337 02 - 6512337 15540 Emaar Pole Establishment 15540 15540 15540 15540 15540 15540 Valvoindustria ing. Rizzio (VIR) 15540 El-Badr industrial supplier crane - Nibco NACE Flex - Hose Page 23 of 30 a.mohamed@epe [email protected] HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M18 M18.1 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. Al-Zamil Air Conditioners ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL LEADING SUPPLY EST. HACE Carrier Al Zamil Hydronic terminal Units Fan Coil Units M19.1 M20 GAMI Petra Engineering Industrie PETRA Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise York Heating and Air Conditioning HACE York M21.1 TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-665-5595 02-654-5683 02-670-0020 02-284-2106 02-654-0179 02-671-4566 Petra Engineering Industrie PETRA Al-Zamil Air Conditioners ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL LEADING SUPPLY EST. Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. Al Zamil akaddoura@gami .ae [email protected] om mestaty@petraac .com 012-6052626 012-6052626 012-6990999 012-6990999 012-6111273 012-6111273 02-665-5595 02-690-0999 02-284-2106 02-697-3468 012-6111273 012-6111273 02-670-0020 02-671-4566 012-6052626 012-6052626 02 - 6970112 02 - 6540179 02 - 6970112 02 - 6540179 012-6111273 012-6111273 02-670-0020 02-671-4566 012-6052626 012-6052626 15850 15850 mestaty@petraac .com akaddoura@gami .ae GAMI Carrier Packaged Air Handling Units 15856 Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. M21 15830 Johnson Controls Built-Up Air Handling Units Double-Skin Built-Up Air Handling Units REMARKS 15830 Al Salem Johnson Controls M19 SPECS NO. Carrier Petra Engineering Industrie PETRA Al-Zamil Air Conditioners ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL LEADING SUPPLY EST. Al Zamil mestaty@petraac .com akaddoura@gami .ae [email protected] om GAMI Al Salem Johnson Controls Johnson Controls 012-6990999 012-6990999 Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise HACE 02-665-5595 02-284-2106 York Heating and Air Conditioning Arabian Air Conditioning Co. Ltd. Al-Zamil Air Conditioners ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL LEADING SUPPLY EST. York USA Carrier Al Zamil 02-690-0999 02 - 6970112 02-670-0020 02-697-3468 02 - 6540179 02-671-4566 012-6052626 012-6052626 Petra Engineering Industrie PETRA 012-6111273 012-6111273 Air-Cooled Chillers Air-Cooled Centrifugal Screw Chillers Last Update 10 October 2016 GAMI Page 24 of 30 15856 akaddoura@gami .ae mestaty@petraac .com HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION M21.2 Water-Cooled Chillers M21.2 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers with Dual Compressor M21.3 Water-Cooled Centrifugal Chillers M22 Exhaust and Ventilating Fans M22.1 M22.2 M22.3 M22.4 Smoke Exhaust Axial Fan General Exhaust Axial Fan Laboratory Exhaust Fans Garage Exhaust Fans Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME York Heating and Air Conditioning York USA Petra Engineering Industrie PETRA ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL LEADING SUPPLY EST. York Heating and Air Conditioning SPECS NO. REMARKS mestaty@petraac .com akaddoura@gami .ae GAMI York USA TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-690-0999 02-697-3468 012-6111273 012-6111273 012-6052626 012-6052626 02-690-0999 02-697-3468 02-653-3395 02-284-0017 02-6672850 02-6900999 02-6695640 02-653-3717 02-665-0554 02-6608316 02-6973468 02-6695317 012-6459286 012-6459286 02-6680999 02-653-3395 02-284-0017 02-6672850 02-6681999 02-653-3717 02-665-0554 02-6608316 012-6459286 012-6459286 02-6900999 02-6695640 02-653-3395 02-6672850 02-6900999 02-284-0017 02-6973468 02-6695317 02-653-3717 02-6608316 02-6973468 02-665-0554 012-6459286 012-6459286 02-6695640 02-653-3395 02-6672850 02-284-0017 02-6900999 02-6695317 02-653-3717 02-6608316 02-665-0554 02-6973468 012-6459286 012-6459286 02-6695640 02-6695317 15870 Tamkeen industrial and Trading Co. AL SAADEH Fawaz Group Al-Salem-York Gada Vent Elta Fans Greenheck Loren cook Penn Wood Hussein G.I. Shaker for Trading Est Systemair ZOD interrated Est Tamkeen industrial and Trading Co. AL SAADEH Fawaz Group KDK Elta Fans Greenheck Loren cook Hussein G.I. Shaker for Trading Est Systemair Al-Salem-York Gada Vent Tamkeen industrial and Trading Co. Fawaz Group Al-Salem-York AL SAADEH Penn Wood Elta Fans, Bifurcated Model Loren cook Penn Greenheck Hussein G.I. Shaker for Trading Est Systemair Gada Vent Tamkeen industrial and Trading Co Fawaz Group AL SAADEH Al-Salem-York Wood Elta Fans Loren cook Greenheck Penn Hussein G.I. Shaker for Trading Est Systemair Gada Vent Wood Page 25 of 30 15870 mohamed_ghane [email protected]. sa 15870 15870 15870 mohamed_ghane [email protected]. sa mohamed_ghane [email protected]. sa mohamed_ghane [email protected]. sa HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M22.5 M22.6 M22.7 M22.8 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Upblast Axial Exhaust Fans Inertia Bleed Fans Power Roof Ventilator Cabinet Fans with Integral Intake Grilles Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Tamkeen industrial and Trading Co. AL SAADEH Fawaz Group Al-Salem-York Elta Fans Greenheck Loren cook Penn Hussein G.I. Shaker for Trading Est Systemair Gada Vent American Air Filter Tamkeen industrial and Trading Co. Fawaz Group Al-Salem-York AL SAADEH Wood Rotodyne Elta Fans Loren cook Penn Greenheck Hussein G.I. Shaker for Trading Est Systemair Gada Vent Tamkeen industrial and Trading Co. AL SAADEH Fawaz Group Al-Salem-York Wood Elta Fans Greenheck Loren cook Penn Hussein G.I. Shaker for Trading Est Systemair Gada Vent Tamkeen industrial and Trading Co. Fawaz Group Al-Salem-York AL SAADEH Wood Elta Fans Loren cook Penn Greenheck Hussein G.I. Shaker for Trading Est Systemair Gada Vent Wood Page 26 of 30 SPECS NO. 15870 REMARKS mohamed_ghane [email protected]. sa 15870 mohamed_ghane [email protected]. sa 15870 15870 mohamed_ghane [email protected]. sa mohamed_ghane [email protected]. sa TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-653-3395 02-284-0017 02-6672850 02-6900999 02-653-3717 02-665-0554 02-6608316 02-6973468 012-6459286 012-6459286 02-6695640 01-265-1116 02-653-3395 02-6672850 02-6900999 02-284-0017 02-6695317 01-265-0006 02-653-3717 02-6608316 02-6973468 02-665-0554 012-6459286 012-6459286 02-6695640 02-653-3395 02-284-0017 02-6672850 02-6900999 02-6695317 02-653-3717 02-665-0554 02-6608316 02-6973468 012-6459286 012-6459286 02-6695640 02-653-3395 02-6672850 02-6900999 02-284-0017 02-6695317 02-653-3717 02-6608316 02-6973468 02-665-0554 012-6459286 012-6459286 02-6695640 02-6695317 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M23 M23.1 M23.2 M23.3 M23.4 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise National Factory KBE HACE National Factory KBE Rabie Al-Takyeef Factory Rabie Century Mechanical Systems trading. Excel Air GGC Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise KBE ETA (Electro.Mech.Tech.Assocites) ATAI GGC HACE KBE ETA ATAI M.U.AL SAMMAN SAMMAN / MSC GGC Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise KBE ETA (Electro.Mech.Tech.Assocites) ATAI GGC HACE KBE ETA ATAI M.U.AL SAMMAN SAMMAN / MSC Rabie Al-Takyeef Factory Rabie GGC Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise KBE GGC HACE KBE Rabie Al-Takyeef Factory Rabie Century Mechanical Systems trading. Excel Air GGC Universal Building Materials ( UBM) Safid Advanced Vision duct factory Sharqawi GGC SABIC SAFID Advanced Vision duct factory Sharqawi Juffali Factory for Air Duct Juffali M.U.AL SAMMAN SAMMAN / MSC ELECTROMECHANICAL & TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES AL FANEYAH (ETA) ETA Advanced Vision duct factory Advanced Vision duct factory Air Distribution System Air Grilles and Diffusers Volume Dampers Fire and Smoke Dampers Louvers M23.5 Galvanized Duct Sheet M23.6 Pre-Fabricated Rectangular Ducts Last Update 10 October 2016 SPECS NO. REMARKS TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-665-5595 02-660-7323 01-2885925 02-284-2106 02-661-2265 01-2885931 012-6394300 012-6394300 96622615560 96622615560 02-6406902 02-665-5595 01-2885925 02-652-9090 03-3415857 02-6406923 02-284-2106 01-2885931 012-2876508 012-2876508 02-6406902 02-665-5595 01-2885925 02-652-9090 03-3415857 02-6406923 02-284-2106 01-2885931 012-2876508 012-2876508 012-6394300 012-6394300 02-6406902 02-665-5595 01-2885925 02-6406923 02-284-2106 01-2885931 012-6394300 012-6394300 96622615560 96622615560 02-6406902 02-6716664 01-498-2984 (02) 607 9422 02-638-0683 02-6920304 026398808 02-6406923 02-6187855 01-498-2497 (02) 607 9378 02-638-0684 02-6920330 026541203 012-2876508 012-2876508 012-6088000 012-6088000 02 607 9422 /02 607 9425 02 607 9378 15880 Page 27 of 30 15880 [email protected] nyamathullah.m@ 15880 [email protected] 15880 15880 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] nyamathullah.m@ 15880 15880 [email protected] mdvarisshah@gm 03-3411631 03-3411631 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M23.7 M23.8 M23.9 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Round Spiral Ducts Oval Ducts Stainless Ducts M23.10 M23.10 Inertia Filter M23.11 Bag-In Bag-Out Filter M23.12 Duct Accessories Last Update 10 October 2016 SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME Sharqawi Safid Advanced Vision duct factory United Building Materials Sharqawi SAFID Advanced Vision duct factory SAFID M.U.AL SAMMAN SAMMAN / MSC ELECTROMECHANICAL & TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES AL FANEYAH (ETA) ETA Juffali Factory for Air Duct Juffali Safid SAFID M.U.AL SAMMAN SAMMAN / MSC ELECTROMECHANICAL & TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES AL FANEYAH (ETA) ETA Juffali Factory for Air Duct Juffali Safid Sharqawi SAFID Sharqawi M.U.AL SAMMAN SAMMAN / MSC SPECS NO. 15880 15880 15880 ELECTROMECHANICAL & TECHNICAL ASSOCIATES AL FANEYAH (ETA) ETA Juffali Factory for Air Duct Juffali American Air Filter AAF 15880 Global Energy trading cmopany FILTRO-TECHNICA 15880 American Air Filter Mariam Trading ETA (Electro.Mech.Tech.Assocites) Talalia AAF Durodyne ETA Delmo 15880 Century Mechanical Systems trading. Durodyne Juffali Factory for Air Duct Juffali Page 28 of 30 15880 REMARKS [email protected] mdvarisshah@gm [email protected] mdvarisshah@gm [email protected] mdvarisshah@gm abdurrehman@gl a nyamathullah.m@ TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-638-0683 01-498-2984 (02) 607 9422 02-667-8524 02-638-0684 01-498-2497 (02) 607 9378 02-665-7831 012-2876508 012-2876508 012-6088000 012-6088000 02-6920304 026398808 01-498-2984 02-6920330 026541203 01-498-2497 012-2876508 012-2876508 012-6088000 012-6088000 02-6920304 026398808 01-498-2984 02-638-0683 02-6920330 026541203 01-498-2497 02-638-0684 012-2876508 012-2876508 012-6088000 012-6088000 02-6920304 026398808 01-265-1116 02-6920330 026541203 01-265-0006 013-8969325 013-8969325 01-265-1116 02-697-8555 02-652-9090 02-667-3395 01-265-0006 02-639-3992 96622615560 96622615560 02-6920304 026398808 02-6920330 026541203 02-679-0746 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION M23.13 Flexible Duct M24 Variable Flow Terminal Units M24.2 Constant Flow Terminal Units M24.3 Variable Flow Terminal Units with Reheat M25 Controls and Instrumentation M26 M26.1 M26.2 M27 M27.1 BRAND NAME Talalia Mariam Trading Easyflex Atco Century Mechanical Systems trading. Duraflex Mariam Trading Duraflex Air Terminal Units M24.1 M25.1 SUPPLIER'S Building Management System complete with all Instrumentation and Controls, transmitters, DDC Panels, Computers, and Softwares. Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise Al-Salem-York GGC Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise Al-Salem-York GGC Heating and Air Conditioning Enterprise Al-Salem-York GGC HACE MetalAir GGC HACE MetalAir GGC HACE MetalAir GGC Honeywell Turki Arabia, Ltd. Sela Pass Honeywell Siemens Last Update 10 October 2016 nyamathullah.m@ TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-6651713 02-697-8555 02-6657330 02-639-3992 96622615560 96622615560 02-697-8555 02-639-3992 Al Salem Air Conditioning Teamac Johnson Controls Honeywell Trena 15930 02-665-5595 02-6900999 02-6406902 02-665-5595 02-6900999 02-6406902 02-665-5595 02-6900999 02-6406902 02-284-2106 02-6973468 02-6406923 02-284-2106 02-6973468 02-6406923 02-284-2106 02-6973468 02-6406923 15930 15930 02-691-2204 02-691-5777 02-683-9433 02-257-2320 012 - 2288055 012 - 2288055 02-287-7216 02-287-7216 02-6520818 02-6510366 01-476-2644 01-476-9622 02 - 6970112 02 - 6081388 02 - 6540179 02 - 6081388 03-848-999 03-8470347 03-846-9277 03-8876536 15970 15970 Badr.Hussein@jci .com 15978 Electrical Work and Materials Altivar VFD Electrical Materials Center Co. Ltd. Carrier Matrex of Contro Mechanics Carrier Matrex of Contro Mechanics Abdullah Al Shuwyer & Sons Shan international Est. Al Shuwyer Shan Evolution Engineering Services Evolution Engineering Services -EES Pamas Establishment Pamas Testing and Balancing Testing and Balancing of Air and Water Distribution System 15880 REMARKS 15930 Variable Frequency Drive Variable Frequency Drive for Air Handling Units and Chilled Water Pumps as Manufactured by Telemechanique Variable Frequency Drive for Air Handling Units and Chilled Water Pumps as Manufactured by ABB Industrial Group Carrier Schnider & Alen Bradly SPECS NO. 15990 Page 29 of 30 moath.aldous@es 012-6134501-ext106 01-472-2738 012-6134501-ext106 01-406-6369 HOME King Abdul-Aziz University Vice Presidency for Projects Planning & Technical Affairs Department Approved Venders List: Mechanical Item. No. M28 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER'S BRAND NAME SPECS NO. TEL NO. FAX NO. 02-6215203/ 6214478 02-6215661 [email protected]. sa 012-6214478 012-6214478 hashim@noblestr 012-6066692 012-6066692 02-6202400 02-6918403 02-6675141 02-6081294 026081286 02-6988623 02-6203803 02-6918580 02-6609501 REMARKS Manhole and manhole cover M28.1 PE manholes ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. Hakan - Georg Fisher M28.1 MANHOLE COVERS & GRATINGS MADE OF HIGH STRENGTH REINFORCED ACRYLIC CONCRETE ISSA BINLADEN BRANCH EST. MARMOX M28.1 SMC Nobles tree Building Solutions Co. Ltd. Jinmeng M28.1 M28.2 M28.3 Manhole cover Manhole cover Manhole cover International co. for building materials Saudi Cast Saudi Pipe System Co. IFCO Saudi cast Saudi Pipe System SPS M28.4 Manhole cover Munaif Al Nahdy M28.4 Manhole cover Mazaya Last Update 10 October 2016 Mazaya Page 30 of 30 15060 02-6081278 02-6988624 HOME
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