Bolsius Summer 2016 Catalogue
Bolsius Summer 2016 Catalogue
Spring / Summer 2016 A sweet and colourful season 02 CONTENT 04 Bolsius Aromatic Limited Edition Enjoy the freedom of summer. 06 Flower Burst Cheerful flower motives in soft colours. 09 Rustic A soft colour update. 10 Floral Garden Colourful real life flower prints. 14 Gift packaging The perfect gift for Valentine or Mother’s Day. 16 Spring Party A Spring theme with metallics. 18 Summer Lounge Brighten up your garden. 20 Citronella Garden Citronella with a spicy summer twist. 21 Citronella Basics The classic outdoor range. 22 Outdoor Basics Must-haves during the summer months! Misprints and printer’s error reserved. Colours in this catalogue may deviate slightly from examples shown. 03 LIMITED EDITION New Boo s t y o u r frag r an ce sale s w ith o ur new Bol si us Arom a ti c L i m i ted Edi ti on s u m m e r ra n ge ! With th e se th r e e n ew fra gra nc es y ou bri ng sum m er i nsi de. I t re m i n ds y o u o f th at p e r fe ct summer da y tha t m a kes y ou feel free! 04 LIMITED EDITION Tropic Cooldown Sunny Beach Love in the air Reminding you of hot tropical days, a refreshing dip in the sea and enjoying cool summer fruits. Memories of a long day at the beach, the wind in your hair on a warm summer day. The sun is shining, flowers are blooming, butterflies are fluttering around... Love is in the air! Glass Glass Oval Item no OC Pallet Size Scents 12 20 1036 2578 03** 6 pieces 400 oc 80/70 mm 12 tropic cooldown 20 sunny beach 38 love in the air 38 Reed diffusers 4-6 weeks wks R e4-6 ed diffuser 45 ml wks Item no OC Pallet Size Scents 12 20 38 1036 2680 04** 6 pieces 130 oc 45 ml 12 tropic cooldown 20 sunny beach 38 love in the air Creations wax melts Item no OC Pallet Size Scents 12 20 38 1036 9023 67** 1 bag with 110 pieces 418 oc 37/37 mm 12 tropic cooldown 20 sunny beach 38 love in the air This collection is in stock from early February 2016. For theme displays please contact your account manager. 05 FLOWER BURST New T he F l o w e r B ur st th e me is fille d w ith c heerful fl ower m oti v es i n soft c ol ours. K ey c o l o u rs l i k e sun sh in e ye llo w an d di fferent sha des of pi nk, bri ng a posi ti v e, ha p p y a n d e n er g e tic fe e lin g to th e them e a nd y our hom e. 06 FLOWER BURST BURSTING ONTO YOUR SHOPFLOOR Create strong visual impact Presenting this assortment together, and create a vision of inspiration and design. • This inspires multi purchase opportunities. • Helps the consumer by combining products and colours together. 3600000068 In-out display opportunities • • • • Stimulating and inspiring. High impulse purchase. Enhance cross-selling. U se our point of sale materials to create a strong ‘look and feel’ for this key theme. Inspirational shelf card 1/2 pallet display Flower Burst assortment 07 FLOWER BURST New COLOURS OF THE SEASON 40 PINK 04 PASTEL PINK 02 WHITE 52 PASTEL PURPLE 12 SUNSHINE YELLOW Filled glass with fragrance Glass sweet flowers Item no OC Pallet Size Prints 1036 2546 ** ** 6 pieces 294 oc 76/78 mm 03 04 pink clematis 67 04 lila violet 68 04 yellow clematis 03 04 67 04 03 04 67 04 04 52 68 04 Glass flower burst Item no OC Pallet Size Prints 1036 2545 ** ** 6 pieces 294 oc 86/80 mm 03 04 flower burst pink 67 04 flower burst yellow Tin can Tin flower burst Item no OC Pallet Size Colours 08 1036 2544 03** 6 pieces 320 oc 61/89 mm 04 sweet bloom 52 velvet bloom 54 sunny bloom 54 RUSTIC New colours BASICS THAT PERFECTLY FIT OUR SEASONAL THEME’S NEW RUSTIC COLOURS TO GIVE THE SHELF PRESENTATION EXTRA IMPACT Rustic pillar candles 12 57 52 04 Rus tic 8 0/6 8 mm R u s t i c 13 0 / 6 8 m m R u s t i c 19 0 / 6 8 m m Item no OC Pallet Size Colours Item no OC Pallet Size Colours Item no OC Pallet Size Colours 1038 6802 03** 6 pieces 350 oc 80/68 mm 12 sunshine yellow 04 pastel pink* 52 pastel purple* 57 pastel blue* 1038 6759 03** 6 pieces 250 oc 130/68 mm 12 sunshine yellow 04 pastel pink* 52 pastel purple* 57 pastel blue* 1038 6800 03** 6 pieces 175 oc 190/68 mm 12 sunshine yellow 04 pastel pink* 52 pastel purple* 57 pastel blue* * Colours 04, 52 and 57 also available in the rustic sizes; 100/50 mm, 100/100 mm and ball ø 80mm. Ceramic stackable candle holder C a n d l e h o l d e r ‘ Tw i n ’ Item no OC Pallet Size Colours 02 04 29 1036 8746 03 ** 4 pieces 264 oc 60/86 mm 02 white 04 pastel pink 29 light grey This collection is in stock from early February 2016. For theme displays please contact your account manager. 09 den FLORAL GARDEN Col o u rfu l re al life flo w e r p r in ts co mbi ned wi th bri ght c ol oured rusti c pi l l a rs. E a c h de s i gn match e s p e r fe ctly to a sel ec ti on of c ol ours from our rusti c a s so rt m e n t . B r in g Sp r in g in to yo u r hom e wi th our F l ora l Ga rden c ol l ec ti on! 10 FLORAL GARD EN A FLORAL PRESENTATION Create strong visual impact Presenting this assortment together, and create a vision of inspiration and design. • This inspires multi purchase opportunities. • Helps the consumer by combining products and colours together. In-out display opportunities • Stimulating and inspiring. • High impulse purchase. • Enhance cross-selling. 3600000068 1/4 pallet display Floral Garden glass with fragrance 11 FLORAL GARDEN AROMATIC Filled glass with fragrance Glass floral garden Item no OC Pallet Size Prints 1036 2277 ** ** 6 pieces 375 oc 80/72 mm 81 47 peony 82 47 scurvy grass 83 47 hydrangea 81 47 82 47 71 47 72 47 Glass floral garden large Item no OC Pallet Size Colours 12 1036 2295 ** ** 4 pieces 266 oc 100/100 mm 71 47 peony 72 47 scurvy grass 83 47 FLORAL GARD EN COLOURS OF THE SEASON 38 FUCHSIA 55 LILAC 02 WHITE 11 YELLOW 74 LIME Filled glass with fragrance Glass charming garden Item no OC Pallet Size Colours 04 30 1036 2277 90** 6 pieces 375 oc 80/72 mm 04 lovely garden 30 garden breeze Rustic pillar candles R u s t i c 13 0 / 6 8 m m Item no OC Pallet Size Colours 38 55 02 11 74 1038 6759 03** 6 pieces 250 oc 130/68 mm 38 fuchsia 55 lilac 02 white 11 yellow 74 lime Rustic items also available in other sizes Accessories Ceramic plate round 02 Item no OC Pallet Size Colour 1036 8759 03** 6 pieces 44 oc 200 mm 02 white This collection is in stock from early February 2016. For theme displays please contact your account manager. 13 GIFT PACKAGING U p l i ft y o u r sale s d u r in g th e Sp r in g peri od these spec i a l l y pa c ka ged c a ndl es. T h e p e rfe c t g ift fo r Vale n tin e o r Mother’s da y ; c el ebra te these spec i a l da y s w i t h y o u r l ove d o n e s! 14 GIFT PACKAGING Filled glass with fragrance in gift packaging Glass 86/80 mm 49 81 Lots of love With love Item no OC Pallet Size Print Item no OC Pallet Size Print 1036 2543 04** 12 pieces 120 cc 90/83/83 mm 49 Lots of love 1036 2543 04** 12 pieces 120 cc 90/83/83 mm 81 With love In easy to use shelf ready packaging This collection is in stock from December 2015. 15 SPRING PARTY Bol s i u s de l i ve r s a vib r an t b le n d o f y el l ow a nd soft purpl e. T r e n ds fo r S p r in g th at w ill ad d vib r and c ol our to a ny setti ng. 16 SPRING PARTY CHEERFUL SPRING THEME SEASONAL CLASSICS FOR SPRING AND EASTER Filled glass with fragrance Glass spring party Item no OC Pallet Size Prints 70 72 69 72 1036 2277 ** ** 6 pieces 375 oc 80/72 mm 70 72 tulip 69 72 daisy Rustic metallic pillar candle Metal lic R u s t i c 13 0 / 6 8 m m Item no OC Pallet Size Colours 11 55 1036 6764 03** 6 pieces 250 oc 130/68 mm 11 yellow 55 lilac Egg candles Egg candles, tray 6 Item no OC Pallet Size Colour 1036 1020 16** 6 trays 98 oc 60/45 mm 11 yellow 17 SUMMER LOUNGE SUMMER LOUNGE COLOURS OF THE SEASON 11 SUN 58 AIR 69 SEA NEW Glasses Glass outdoor Item no OC Pallet Size Colours 1036 2220 67** 4 pieces 350 oc 62/106 mm 02 white 11 sun 69 sea 02 11 69 02 11 58 Patiolight Item no OC Pallet Size Burning time Colours 1036 2218 03** 6 pieces 256 oc 94/91 mm 40 hours 02 white 11 sun 58 air 69 ocean For more Patiolight colours see page 22. 18 69 SUMMER LOUN GE T he s u m m e r l o un g e th e me ; a b o o st for y our a ssortm ent! Bri ght c ol ours a nd the u s e o f ro b u s t mate r ials cr e ate a tr uly c ha ra c teri sti c a nd a ttra c ti v e déc or. Your cu s to m e rs w i l l e n jo y th e ultimate h ol i da y feel i ng on thei r v ery own terra c e! Rustic 02 11 22 Rustic outdoor Item no OC Pallet Size Colours 58 69 1036 6743 03** 2 pieces 280 oc 90/140 mm 02 white 11 sun 22 pastel beige 58 air 69 sea Accessories Plate for rustic outdoor Item no OC Pallet Size Colour 1036 8760 0302 tray 6 pieces 45 oc 30/182 mm white This collection is in stock from early February 2016. For theme displays please contact your account manager. 19 CITRONELLA GARDEN garden Cit r o n e l l a w i t h a tw ist! Co mb in e th e c l a ssi c c i tronel l a sc ent wi th popul a r herbs, inc lu di n g b a s i l, r o se mar y an d le mo ngra ss. C onsum ers wi l l l ov e the surpri si ng com b i n at i o n of th e se lo ve ly, fr e sh fra gra nc es a nd bri ght sum m er c ol ours. Filled glass Item no OC Pallet Size Scents 1036 2589 03** 4 pieces 350 oc 62/106 mm 17 citronella/basil 18 citronella/rosemary 19 citronella/lemongrass 17 18 19 17 18 19 17 18 19 Tealights Flatpack 18 t e a l i g h t s Item no OC Pallet Size Scents 1036 2694 71** 8 flatpacks 297 oc 38 mm 17 citronella/basil 18 citronella/rosemary 19 citronella/lemongrass Filled jute-look jar Item no OC Pallet Size Scents 20 1036 8469 03** 3 pieces 320 oc 86/110 mm 17 citronella/basil 18 citronella/rosemary 19 citronella/lemongrass This collection is in stock from early February 2016. For theme displays please contact your account manager. CITRONELLA BASICS BASICS Filled glass with fragrance Item no OC Pallet Size Scent 1036 2277 8632 6 pieces 375 oc 80/72 mm citronella Lowboy Rosemary Basil Lemongrass Item no OC Pallet Size Scent Outdoor tealight holder 1038 2258 0332 12 pieces 104 oc 104/99 mm citronella Tealights Flatpack 18 t e a l i g h t s Item no OC Pallet Scent 1038 2694 8332 8 flatpacks 270 oc citronella Flame bowl Item no OC Pallet Size Colour 1036 8470 0300 3 pieces 138 oc 125/101 mm clear Item no OC Pallet Size Scent 1036 2286 0332 4 pieces 153 oc 150/60 mm citronella 21 OUTDOOR BASICS Ou r o u t do o r mu st- h ave s d ur in g the sum m er m o n t h s ! I n c l u d in g th e n e w Patio light; enjoy the a m b i e n c e o f o ur h e avy d uty q u ality gl a ss. A vai l ab l e i n ye ar r o un d an d su mm er c ol ours. New Patiolight Item no OC Pallet Size Burning time Colours 22 1036 2218 03** 6 pieces 256 oc 94/91 mm 40 hours 02 white 11 sun 40 fuchsia 52 purple 58 air 69 ocean 74 lime 02 11 40 58 69 74 52 OUTDOOR BASICS Flame bowl Item no OC Pallet Size Colour 1036 2285 0305 4 pieces 56 oc 70/230 mm ivory Displays Rustic torches displays Garden torches d i s p l a y, s e t 3 p i e ce s Oilcloth torches d i s p l a y, s e t 2 p i e ce s Item no 1036 2367 0183 OC 32 pieces Pallet 8 oc Size 1130/30 mm Assorted white colours taupe grey Item no 1036 2306 9783 OC 50 sets, 3 pieces Pallet 8 oc Size 700/25 mm Assorted yellow colours orange lime Item no OC Pallet Size Colour 1036 2365 9677 48 sets, 2 pieces 8 oc 750/30 mm black 23 BOLSIUS NEDERLAND BV Postbus 109 5480 AC Schijndel The Netherlands BOLSIUS ITALIA SRL Unipersonale C/o Gallerie Cantoni - Corso Sempione 169 20025 Legnano (Mi) Italia T +31 (0)73 543 3000 F +31 (0)73 543 3010 E [email protected] I T +39 0331 567733 F +39 0331 536943 E [email protected] I BOLSIUS (UK) Ltd. PO Box 961 Linton Cambridge, CB21 4UL United Kingdom BOLSIUS NORDIC AB Honnörgatan 2 35236 Växjö Sweden T +44 (0)800 169 5126 F +44 (0)800 169 5127 E [email protected] I T +46 (0)4 703 71 70 F +46 (0)4 703 71 71 E [email protected] I