Section B 5-8
Section B 5-8
FREE CLASSIFIEDS—283-7865 Two-Way Used Cars 1237 Albany Ave. Waycross, GA 285-3559 281-3534 • No Credit Check • Low Monthly Payments • We Finance Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. F/S: antique desk; claw foot tub; mantels; marble coffee table; curio cabinet; iron bed; large Marlboro sign - some misc. 572-4502 for info. #7023 American Legion in Blackshear is having karaoke w/Eddie & Alice, Weds, Thurs., Sats. #7024 Denied Social Security Benefits? Call Willis Blacknall Attorney 285-9508 Dance at American Legion, Blackshear Fri., May 11th w/ Bonney Blue Band. #7025 Waycross Car Wash 1500 Plant Ave., Waycross, GA 338-8980 CARS & SMALL TRUCKS Reg. Wash........................................$900 Wash & Vacuum.............................$1200 Inside & Out....................................$1500 TRUCKS, SUVs & VANs Reg. Wash......................................$1300 Wash & Vacuum.............................$1500 Inside & Out....................................$2000 FULL DETAIL FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY Cleaning inside includes: Wash door jams, windows, wipe down tires & vacuum. Wash & vacuum includes: Door jams, wash, vacuum, outside windows & tires. Wash includes: Wash, outside windows & tires. Wed. - Senior Day $3 Off We are now accepting debit/credit cards! Open: M-F 8-5:30; Sat. 8-5 Wanted: a cheap used golf cart for parts/gas, 286-7707. #7027 Firewood for sale oak, split & delivered, 614-5471. #4713 Mowing, chopping, cleaning any type of tractor work, 912-5929293 or 912-534-5792. #4714 SECTION B——May 8, 2012—Page 3 5 acres of trees in Manor, I want to give them to someone to come clean them up, FMI 338-9775 or 281-8089. #5869 GriefShare group meets on Sundays @ Jamestown Baptist Church, 3800 ABC Ave. Waycross, @ 6 p.m. Child care will be provided, FMI call 912283-6762 for dates. #5629 Vendors: Monthly (May 5, June 2, July 7, Aug. 4, Sept. 1, Oct. 6), 400 Pinehurst, Wayx, 10x10 spaces avail. ($10), 283-4500. #7029 Full size bed & mattress, night tand, $125, 912-614-1736. #7030 A NT BRY F/S: Cemetery lots, 6 burial lots side by side, will sell all or separately, price reduced 912-285-7352. #7031 ADOPTION A loving teacher and professional seeking newborn adoption. Couple will give baby love, laughter and wonderful future. Call 1-888-569-7942 or SAPA ADOPTION? PREGNANT? We can help you! Housing, Relocation, Financial & Medical Assistance available. You Choose Adoptive family. Forever Blessed Adoptions. Call 24/7. 1-800568-4594 (Void in IL, IN) SAPA ADOPTION? PREGNANT? A childless successful woman seeks to adopt. Will be hands-on mom. Large extended family. Financial security. Expenses paid. Call Elizabeth. 1-888-684-1124 SAPA A UNIQUE ADOPTIONS, LET US HELP! PERSONALIZED ADOPTION PLANS. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE, HOUSING, RELOCATION AND MORE. GIVING THE GIFT OF LIFE? YOU DESERVE THE BEST. CALL US FIRST! 1-888-6378200. 24 hour HOTLINE. SAPA 2003 FORD FOCUS SE $599 DOWN 2004 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX GT 2000 FORD WINDSTAR SE $599 DOWN PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Call Us First! Living Expenses, Housing, Medical and continued support afterwards. Choose Adoptive Family of Your Choice. Call 24/7. ADOPT CONNECT 1-866-743-9212. SAPA $899 DOWN ANNOUNCEMENTS Beware of loan fraud. Please check with the Better Business Bureau or Consumer Protection Agency before sending any money to any loan company. SAPA AUTOMOBILES TOP CASH FOR CARS, Call Now For An Instant Offer. Top Dollar Paid, Any Car/ Truck, Any Condition. Running or Not. Free Pick-up/ Tow. 1-800-761-9396 SAPA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PROFITABLE BUSINESSES For Sale By Owner. All Types, Sizes, Locations. Some With Owner Financing. Affiliated Business Consultants. 1-800-6174204; SAPA 2004 TOYOTA TUNDRA SR5 DOUBLE CAB Do you want to get rid of those unwanted pounds? Call Doctors Office Therapeutic Weight and Wellness Center 912-283-2120 Offering Appetite suppressants, Lipo/B12 inj. & HCG 2003 BUICK RENDEZVOUS CX 2002 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW, LOW PRICES! BUY BUY HERE HERE PAY PAY HERE! HERE! Josh Anderson, Sales 912-283-1818 SMALL BUSINESS Credit Guaranteed! $7,000 Credit Line to Fund or Grow Your Business. Call Today for Approval 1-877-819-3023 between 9am-6pm Eastern. SAPA COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY ARE YOU READY FOR THE SUMMER? 2004 CHEVY TAHOE LT 2003 FORD EXPEDITION EDDIE BAUER My Computer Works: Computer problems? Viruses, spyware, email, printer issues, bad internet connections - FIX IT NOW! Professional, U.S.-based technicians. $25 off service. Call for immediate help. 1-888-582-8147 EDUCATION/INSTRUCTION EARN YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA at home in a few short weeks. Work at your own pace. First Coast Academy. Nationally accredited. Call for free brochure. 1-800658-1180, extension 82. www. SAPA NEED YOUR HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? Finish From Home Fast For $399! Nationally Accredited. EZ Pay. Free Brochure. www.DiplomaAtHome. com 1-800-470-4723 SAPA ELECTRONICS * REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! * Get a 4-Room All Digital Satellite system installed for FREE and programming starting at $19.99/mo. FREE HD/DVR upgrade for new callers, SO CALL NOW. 1-800-935-9195. SAPA EMPLOYMENT / HELP WANTED 2012 FEDERAL POSTAL POSITIONS - Now Hiring! $13.00 - $36.50+ efits/Paid perience. 593-2664 We accept: per hour, Full BenTraining. No ExCall today! 1-800Ext. 139. SAPA NOW HIRING! National Companies need workers immediately to assemble products at home. 2251 Knight Ave Waycross, GA Electronics, CD stands, hair barrettes & many more. Easy work, no selling, any hours. $500/week potential. Info 1-985646-1700 DEPT NC - 4152 (Not valid in Louisiana) SAPA Since 1941 Ivey’s LAUNDRY - DRY CLEANING Alterations • Leather Care Pick Up & Delivery CARPET CLEANING 104 Lee Ave. Waycross, GA 31501 (912)283-0626