A Student`s Guide to University IT Systems


A Student`s Guide to University IT Systems
 A Student’s Guide to University IT Systems Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Index: 1. How to Get Help: .................................................................................. 2 2. Logging on to the University Domain ................................................... 4 3. Changing your University Domain Password ........................................ 6 4. The Saltire Centre ................................................................................. 9 5. The Student Home Page ..................................................................... 10 6. My Caledonian .................................................................................... 11 7. Email ................................................................................................... 14 8. The Library .......................................................................................... 17 9. Plagiarism ........................................................................................... 19 10. GCU Learn ‐ A Virtual Learning Environment ..................................... 21 11. User Workspace .................................................................................. 23 12. Student IT Facilities ............................................................................. 26 13. Printing System ................................................................................... 29 14. Student Support Services ................................................................... 34 15. Facilities for Students with Disabilities ............................................... 35 16. Logging Off .......................................................................................... 36 Please note that you may not be able to access the systems described in this booklet until 24 hours after you complete registration. © Glasgow Caledonian University 1 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 1. How to Get Help: Learning Development Centre Within each School there is a Learning Development Centre (LDC) with staff trained to provide academic support. One member of the LDC will have a specialist role in providing ICT Support; they can be contacted as follows: Glasgow School for Business and Society Margaret Brown Room: W511a Phone: 0141 273 1266 Email: [email protected] School of Engineering and Built Environment: David McArthur Room W534b Phone 0141 273 1230 Email: [email protected] School of Health and Life Science Lina Petrakieva Room A203 Phone 0141 331 3456 Email: [email protected] The Base The Base on level 0 of The Saltire Centre can help with quick, basic queries and refer you to an expert for more in‐depth help. The IT Helpdesk provides IT help: •
By Telephone for urgent requests All Information Services computer labs have phones. These are mounted beside red boards and will put you straight through to the IT Helpdesk. Saltire Centre IT phones are located in the printer pods on each level. Please have your username ready and note any error messages encountered. They can also be contacted externally on 0141 273 1234 •
Via the Information Services Centre at http://isc.gcal.ac.uk Here you can: o
2 Log your own IT related calls to the IT Helpdesk; Search your own calls and check progress on them; Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help o Search Student IT and Library Knowledge Bases; o Search IT Industry Standard Knowledge‐Paks; o Check IT systems availability on the Information Services Status Page. A full user guide can be found at: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/media/gcalwebv2/staff/it/ISC_Guide_V2.pdf •
Via the Computer Stuff Student Web page at: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student/computerstuff where you can view the pages or search the new Knowledge Base for the answer to your IT question. The questions asked will be monitored and used to improve the web page content. •
Email Although the new Information Services Centre is now the best method of logging and monitoring non‐emergency calls, the IT Helpdesk can still be contacted at [email protected]. Please include your username and Student ID (matriculation number) in all correspondence. 3 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 2. Logging on to the University Domain To log on to computers when you are on the University campus, you need a username and password. Username Your username is printed on your Matriculation card and also on your joining instructions letter. Example of a student username: JSMITH299 Password Your default password will be sent to you by post or email. Just as you wouldn’t give out the PIN for your bank card, you must not give anyone your password, and you should not write it down anywhere. Your default password will work initially for the following student systems in the University – Domain, Email, GCU Learn, my Caledonian, Athens and Registration. However, the Domain, Email, GCU Learn and Registration passwords are linked. The domain password will expire every 90 days and you will be prompted to change it. Once you change it, it will also change your Email, GCU Learn and Registration passwords. The password for my Caledonian and Athens are independent and will remain the default password unless you change them manually. Example of a student password: AaAA123A To log on to a University computer press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys on the keyboard together when you see the prompt. The following screen will be displayed requesting you to accept the University IT Regulations and Policies: Figure 1: IT Regulations and Polices screen 4 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Read them and click OK to accept. You will then be prompted to enter your Username and Password, Figure 2. Enter your username and password and click on the forward facing arrow Figure 2: University Log on screen If you have entered your username or password incorrectly you will see an error message. Be careful when entering this information as you only have a limited number of attempts. If you try too many times with the wrong details your account will be locked and you will need to get your password reset to resolve the problem. Security It is most important that you: • keep your password secret • log out after using a computer • do not leave a logged in computer unattended otherwise someone else may access your files or use your account. PLEASE NOTE THIS WILL NOT WORK FROM HOME. 5 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 3. Changing your University Domain Password You must change your domain password (the password you use to log on to the computers in University labs) at least once every 90 days. If you are near your 90 day limit when you log on you will be told your password will expire in XX days with the option to change it right away if you wish. If you ignore these messages and go beyond the 90 days you will be told your password has expired. You must then change your password immediately. Note: Your University Domain, Email, GCU Learn and Registration passwords are linked, therefore when you change your domain password you will automatically change the ones for Email, GCU Learn and Registration. The password for My Caledonian and Athens are independent and do not need to be changed every 90 days. Changing the domain password will not change it. Selecting a New Password Your new password: • Must be at least 8 characters in length • Must not contain all or part of your name or username • Must contain characters from 3 of the following 4 categories: o Upper case characters (A..Z) o Lower case characters (a..z) o Numbers (0..9) o Non‐alphanumeric (e.g. symbols such as !,$,#) • You must change your password at least 5 times before you are allowed to reuse a password. Make sure you keep your password secret and never write it down especially together with your username. Changing Your Password To change your password you must log on to the system with your old password. Then: • Press the Ctrl+Alt+Delete keys on your keyboard. You will see the following screen: 6 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Figure 3: Windows Security • Click on the Change a password option. You will see the following screen: Figure 4: Change Password screen • Check that your username is correct • Enter your old password (i.e. the one you used to log on) in the Old Password field • Enter your new password in the New Password field (remember the restrictions as shown on page 6) • Re‐enter your new password in the Confirm Password field • Click on the arrow button after the Confirm Password field 7 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help • If you have chosen a suitable password it will be changed and a dialogue box will tell you this. Therefore the next time you log on to the University Domain, Email, GCU Learn or Registration you must use your new password. Further Important Information • Once you have changed your password, you cannot change it again for at least one day. • You can only use your new password for a maximum period of 90 days then you must change it again. • The password history is set to 5 passwords which means that you must have changed your password 5 times before you can reuse any password. Having Problems? If you have any problems with changing your password you can: • Go to the Base at level 0 of the Saltire Centre with your Matriculation card. • Contact the IT Helpdesk over the phone. • Check the Student IT web pages at: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student/computerstuff/passwords/ • Go to the ICT specialist within your Learning Development Centre. Resetting your University Domain Password There password resetting terminals in the Saltire Centre that you can use to reset your password if you have forgotten it. These terminals have touch screens that you can use to enter your details. You will need your Username, your Student ID (matric number) and you will also be asked to enter a couple of randomly selected characters from your security word (you will be prompted with the security question). When you enter all the information touch the Enter button at the bottom of the screen and your new password will be displayed. Take a note of the password ensuring that you write it in the correct case as the passwords are case sensitive. Click OK to close the window and the system will activate this password. Note: You will be given the option to use your Library PIN number if you do not remember your security word. 8 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 4. The Saltire Centre Situated at the heart of the campus, the Saltire Centre is the focus of learning and student services at Glasgow Caledonian University. There are over 1,800 seats in the Saltire Centre designed to provide users with a variety of different spaces, from social interaction areas for group work, to places for silent study. Key Highlights Apart from the learner‐driven design of the interior, other features of the Saltire Centre include: • Technology: The Saltire Centre is a wireless environment, enhancing the flexibility of the learning space. Students are able to use portable IT devices such as laptops, PDAs and netbooks anywhere in the building. If your laptop/portable device is wireless enabled you can access the internet in the building. You cannot at this time access your H: drive via the wireless network. • Accessibility: There are walkways from within the Saltire centre to the George Moore and Hamish Wood Buildings, providing greater accessibility across the campus. • The Base: This area on the level 0 provides a one‐stop‐shop for students, enabling them to access all of the services that they might need in a single location, making the Saltire Centre the hub of the campus. For further information on The Base look at their website: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library/studentservices/thebase/ Services Available in the Saltire Centre Printing •
Black and white printing is available on all levels Colour printing is available on levels 2, 3 Acetate printing is available on level 1 Poster printing (plotter printer) is available on level 1 in the Print Centre. Photocopiers The printers that have a touch screen terminal next to them are also photocopiers. The cost of copying will be taken out of your print credit. You can find them on levels 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Saltire Centre, in the Learning Café, ground floor of Charles Oakley building and the 24 hour ICT Lab, ground floor of the Students’ Association building. Scanners Scanners are located on Levels 0, 1 and 2 of the Saltire Centre next to the self‐service machines. For full instructions how to use the scanners see page 27. 9 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 5. The Student Home Page When you access the internet on campus the Student Home Page will be displayed. Its web address is http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student The Student Home page contains information which will be useful to you as a student. The information is grouped in sections. Some of the most common links on this page have been brought together on the right hand side for ease of access: Email, GCU Learn, Library, my Caledonian and so on. Figure 5: The Student home page To view the information that you are looking for just click on the relevant link and you will be taken to the page containing that information. 10 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 6. My Caledonian From within my Caledonian you can access a wide range of University information for example, library details, password resetting facilities and past papers for your modules. How to Access my Caledonian You can access it through any computer connected to the internet, on or off campus. • Click on its link on the Student Home page: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student or type http://my.caledonian.ac.uk into the address bar of the browser (for example Internet Explorer) • Then enter your username and password in the fields provided and click on the Login button, Figure 6 Figure 6: my Caledonian login page Once you have successfully logged in you will see your personalised welcome page. There are a number of tabs at the top of the screen, Figure 7. 11 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Figure 7: my Caledonian home page Tabs • Our University – general University wide information • Me(student) ‐ links to set up your security word, your library details and so on. • Favourites ‐ a tool to save your favourite web bookmarks (click on Customise in the top right hand corner to add, edit or delete bookmarks) • Athens ‐ contains your Athens username and password information • Email ‐ contains your email address and initial password. There is also a link to the email provider. • Password Reset ‐ a facility enabling you to reset your passwords for Athens and Domain/Email/GCU Learn. • Easy Pay ‐ A facility enabling you to pay for things like printing or graduation. • Student Printing – Information on student printing and facilities to submit requests for reclaiming print credit. Links Links allow you to access another page either within my Caledonian or on the web, or to open a document for reading or printing, or to start another application. The links in the blue area at the top of the screen allow you to do the following: •
12 home ‐ return to the University web site home page my Caledonian ‐ return to the my Caledonian home page email – contains a link to your university email provider change password ‐ change your my Caledonian password logout ‐ logout of my Caledonian Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Security Question and Word in my Caledonian It is very important that you set a security question and word. The IT Helpdesk can only reset passwords by telephone if you have set up a security word. To do this • log in to my Caledonian • go to the Me (student) tab • click on Set your security question and word link • follow the on screen instructions When you phone for a password reset IT Helpdesk staff will ask you to confirm two random letters from your security word. If you get this wrong, or cannot remember your security word, IT Helpdesk staff can ask you your security questions to remind you of it. If you still can’t remember, you will have to go to The Base (level 0 Saltire Centre) to have your identification verified for a password reset. Figure 8: Me (student) page 13 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 7. Email All students are provided with a student email account and unique email address. The email service for students is run by Microsoft (Outlook). Note: You should check your University email regularly as important information will be sent to you, for example your exam results. This email account will remain active after you graduate as long as you keep using it. Email Address In order to send and receive email, you must have a unique email address. Your email address is one piece of information you do want other people to know, so you must make it known to anyone who wants to send you an email. Email addresses all adhere to the same conventions so that addresses from any part of the world can be recognised. The standard form of email address for a student at Glasgow Caledonian University is: [email protected]
This part will be the same as your username Institution (Glasgow Domain State Caledonian (ac = academic) (uk = United University) Kingdom) Note: It is important that you record this address accurately – the @, as well as the dots are vital and there must be no spaces in the address. Password The email password is the same as your domain password. You will use this password with your email address to access your email account. The student email system is Web‐based, and can be accessed using Internet browsing software such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Once you have started the browser software, there are 2 ways to access the student email system: •
Through the student homepage ‐ click on the email link and the email web page will open. If the Student homepage does not open, or you are not in University you can access it using the following address: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student • Directly using the following address: http://outlook.com 14 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help The Outlook sign In screen appears. Click in the Microsoft account: field and enter your full email address, e.g. [email protected] Click in the Password field and type in your password. Then click on the Sign In button. When you log into your email account for the first time only, an Outlook screen will be displayed allowing you to set the language, viewing experience (for visually impaired students) and time zone, Figure 9. Set these by clicking on the down arrow and choosing from the drop‐down list displayed. Once you have done this, click on the OK button. Figure 9: The Outlook options setting screen Note: You are accepting the Terms and Conditions of Use as well when you click OK. Once you have logged in the Outlook Inbox screen will be displayed, Figure 10. 15 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Outlook Screen Name and Online Status Sign Out
Mail toolbar Find Someone search field Search Entire Mailbox field
Inbox Options drop‐down menu
Folder list Quick links Email list (no content)
Reading pane (message content will be displayed here to read)
Figure 10: The Outlook Inbox screen Note: You can change your email password using the options in your Outlook account, however, please note that when you change your domain password this will automatically change your email password to the same. 16 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 8. The Library http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library is the starting point for using the Library and finding information. Figure 11: Welcome to the Library screen Find out how to search for books, journals and other resources for your coursework from: • Search Skills pages at http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library/searchfor/searchskills/ • The Base http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library/studentservices/thebase/ • Your Librarian http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library/studentservices/yourlibrarian/ Figure 12: Search screen 17 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help How to Renew Your Books To avoid fines return or renew books on time. • Click on Renew books from the I want to… column on the Library home page http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library • You will be asked for your Library number, which is the long number on your Matriculation card • You will also be asked for your library PIN, which has been sent to you by email. It is also available in my Caledonian under ‘My Library Details’ in the Me(student) tab • Once you have logged in follow the instructions on screen Please note the new due date displayed. If an item is on hold for someone else, return it promptly. If you are not sure how the borrowing and fines system works, go to the web page at http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library/studentservices/borrowing/ On this web page there is a form for library fines and disputes. You can use this if you think you have been treated unfairly. More Help Online SMILE will help you with all the skills that you need as a GCU undergraduate. SMILE can be found in the Library community in GCU Learn or you can follow this link http://blackboard.gcal.ac.uk/bbcswebdav/xid‐91997_5 (you will still need to log in to GCU Learn). It has sections on understanding the question, time management, writing your essay, finding information, plagiarism and much more. You can work through it at your own pace or dip in to it whenever you need help. 18 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 9. Plagiarism What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is defined in the Assessment Regulations as 'the deliberate and substantial unacknowledged incorporation in a student’s work of material derived from the work (published or unpublished) of another'. In other words it means passing someone else’s work off as your own. This includes material from books, journals and the web, as well as from your friends or others. The University regards plagiarism as a very serious offence and you’re strongly advised to study the Assessment Regulations in full. The regulations are summarised in the plagiarism guide available at http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student/coursework/academicwriting/plagiarism/ In order to help you avoid instances of plagiarism the University subscribes to PLATO which is an online interactive tutorial with advice and information about plagiarism. It provides various definitions of plagiarism and short video clips. As a student at University it is your responsibility to ensure that you know what plagiarism is. PLATO can be accessed via the internet from •
Improve your coursework website: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student/coursework/ • directly from: http://plato.gcu.ac.uk • most modules in GCU Learn. When you access PLATO you may be asked to log in and will see a login screen as in Figure 13. Figure 13: PLATO Login screen Use your username and your domain password. If accessing PLATO externally use the following format for your username caledonian/jsmith299 (replace jsmith299 with your own username). 19 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Note: If you have a problem logging in do not try too many times as this will lock you out from your domain account and you will have to reset your domain password. For information on how you can reset your domain password see the instructions on page 8. Once logged in you will see the PLATO: Plagiarism Teaching Online Introduction screen, Figure 14. Click on the links and tabs for further information. Figure 14: PLATO website Detecting Plagiarism Plagiarism can be detected in many different ways by University staff, but many lecturers are now using TurnitinUK which is a web based plagiarism detection service integrated in GCU Learn. As a student you may be required to submit coursework electronically either by email or in GCU Learn in order to be checked using this tool. 20 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 10. GCU Learn ‐ A Virtual Learning Environment GCU Learn provides information (including materials and contacts) for some of the courses or modules you are enrolled in at University. It also provides access to other features to help you manage your studies, including setting and tracking tasks and keeping a calendar. Your modules will make use of GCU Learn and you should therefore get into the habit of logging on to GCU Learn every day. Accessing GCU Learn As GCU Learn is a web‐based system, you can access it through any computer that is connected to the Internet. Access directly using the following web address: http://blackboard.gcal.ac.uk or click on the GCU Learn link from the Student home page. The GCU Learn Login screen will be displayed, Figure 15. Note: The content on this page may change and appear different when you go to it as it is a dynamic system. Figure 15: GCU Learn Login screen Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields. Click the Login button to proceed. GCU Learn will open at the Welcome page with your name appearing at the top of the page and your list of modules under My Courses, Figure 16. 21 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Tabs
Links Figure 16: GCU Learn Welcome screen GCU Learn uses tabs and links that navigate to different areas within GCU Learn, Figure 16. Navigation Tools ‐ Description Tabs Clicking on a tab takes you to the named area. Tabs are accessible on every screen of GCU Learn and some of them are: • My GCULearn ‐ this is the main page and is displayed when you log in, it shows some of the most useful links organised in boxes; • Courses – listing the modules that you are enrolled in and that use GCU Learn (click on a module name to access more information and tools); • Content – you can find tools for creating Portfolios as well as a small online file storage area. • Communities – lists the communities that you may be involved in; • Student Help – providing information on a variety of topics; • Library – gives you access to some of the Library search facilities and help information. Links Click on a link to access another page either within GCU Learn or on the Internet. A self‐teach booklet on using GCU Learn is available for you to work through in your own time. This booklet can be obtained from your ICT specialist in your Learning Development Centre of your School and it will guide you through the basics of the system and help familiarise you with its features. 22 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 11. User Workspace Each piece of work that you produce on a computer is called a file. On University computers, your files should be stored in your own user workspace (on the H: drive, identified by your username). You can access files stored in your own user workspace from any computer that allows you to log on to the University domain. You cannot access your user workspace from computers outside the University. There are many different types of media you can choose to store your files on. Information on how to store on different media is detailed below. USB Flash Drive These devices easily fit into your pocket and are simple to attach to any computer that has a USB port. All University PCs have USB ports at the front or back of the base unit, or the side of the monitors. They can store usually between 1GB to 64GB of data. When connected to a computer a USB flash drive can be used to add and delete files as many times as you like. Do not use a USB flash drive as the only or main storage for your files. Always make back‐up copies of your files either in your user workspace or on your personal computer at home. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port on the computer. The USB icon will appear in the information tray at the bottom right hand side of the screen. The “Your device is ready to use” information balloon may also appear next to it. To Save Files When you have finished a document you can save it directly to the USB flash drive: • Choose Save As... from the menu • the Save As dialogue box will be displayed • Select the USB flash drive (usually A: drive or R: drive) from the drop‐down menu • Name the document and then click on Save. To Copy Files You can also copy files you already have to a USB flash drive (for example documents saved in your user workspace): • Double click on the Computer icon on the desktop or open Windows Explorer (you can open it quickly by pressing the Windows key and E on the keyboard at the same time) 23 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help • Navigate to the drive containing the file(s) you wish to copy by double clicking the drive name or selecting it from the drop‐down menu or at the top of the dialogue box • Select the file(s) or folders you wish to copy. To select more than one file, hold down the Control key (Ctrl) while you click the files you want. Right click on the selected file(s) or folder(s) and choose Copy. • Go to the USB flash drive • Right mouse click in the window showing the content of the USB flash drive. Choose Paste from the pop‐up menu • The files will now be copied to the USB flash drive. To Safely Remove the USB Flash Drive • Click on the USB icon which has appeared in the information tray at the bottom right hand side of the screen. • A list of options will now appear. Click on the ‘Eject USB …’ showing the USB flash drive you want to remove from the list shown. • A ‘Safe to remove hardware’ information balloon will appear at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. • Remove the USB flash drive from the computer. Compact Disc CD‐R (Compact Disc Recordable) can only be used once but there are two different types of recording. You can either use • MultiSession which allows you to add data to a CD‐R, but not replace or erase it. This method is usually used by default. • No MultiSession can be written to once and does not allow you to add more files Note: Some CD‐R players may not read a multisession CD‐R CD‐RW (Compact Disc ReWritable) ‐ are rewritable and can be used (data saved and/or erased) several times. To Copy to a CD‐R/CD‐RW • Open My Computer or Windows Explorer. Put a CD‐R or CD‐RW into the CD drive, and click on the corresponding drive to open it. • A dialogue box will be displayed asking you what you want to do with the disk and provide options. Choose the appropriate option. Note: If you are unsure which option to choose click on the “Which one should I choose” link at the bottom left hand corner of the screen. 24 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help • From Windows Explorer or My Computer select the files or folders you want to copy to the CD. To select more than one file, hold down the Control key (Ctrl) while you click the files you want. Right click on the selected file(s) and choose Copy. • Go to the CD drive and right mouse click. Choose Paste. • Windows displays the files in the drive window with a notification that the files are ready to be written to the disk. • Click on the Burn to Disk option now displayed at the toolbar in the Windows Explorer and follow the instructions to complete the process. TIP: Always check the files have been copied to the CD. Folders When you have been using computers for a while, you will end up with lots of stored files. The secret of organising your work effectively is storing files in folders. Computer folders work in a similar way to paper folders. For example you may want to keep all of your essays for a particular subject together in one folder, all of your correspondence in another, and so on. To create a new folder in a specific place just right mouse click there and choose New ` from the pop‐up menu and then choose Folder. This will create a folder and provide a section to name it. If you do not name it the default name of New Folder will remain. 25 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 12. Student IT Facilities Labs You will find many computer labs throughout the University. They are normally heavily timetabled for teaching (if there are still some free spaces please ask the lecturer if you can use them). When not being used by a timetabled class they are available for ‘open access’ use. This means that you can make use of these facilities to work on your assignments, GCU Learn modules or email. All workstations are fully networked and have access to a printer. They have at least Microsoft Office and a web browser installed, as well as some other specialised software. Please follow priority guidance notices in labs. The specialised software depends on the location of the lab. Typically this depends on the subject area; for example for engineering software check the labs in the Oakley Building, while most business software is in labs in the Wood Building. Large clusters of open access computers will be found in the Saltire Centre. Ask at the Base for further information. More information about the specialised software available can be found here: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student/computerstuff/software You have already agreed to abide by IT regulations by accepting a place at this University. This clearly states what is and what is not acceptable behaviour in labs. Please also be careful not to leave your belongings unattended at a workstation. As well as being vulnerable to theft they may be moved by staff or students, as at peak times demand for access is high. Details can be found at http://www.gcu.ac.uk/staff/it/itregulationspolicies/ Opening hours vary but there are some computer labs available 7 days a week throughout semester (during vacation we operate a shorter timetable of opening hours). Check the full details of labs on the Labs page http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student/computerstuff/labs Learning Café The Learning Cafe is a group study space. It is a less formal coffee shop style environment, suitable for social interaction and study, with computers connected to the Internet. There are also colour printing facilities available. Enjoy. 24 hour ICT Lab The 24 hour ICT Lab is located on the ground floor of the Students’ Association building. You will need to swipe your Matriculation card to get access after 6pm on weekdays and during the weekends. There are also two printers/photocopiers available – one black and white and one colour. 26 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Printing • Black and white printing is available in all labs and on levels 0, 2, 3 and 4 in the Saltire Centre • Colour printing is available on levels 2 and 3 in the Saltire Centre, the Learning Café, ground floor of Charles Oakley building and the 24 hour ICT Lab, ground floor of Students’ Association building • Acetate printing is available on level 1 of the Saltire Centre • Poster printing (plotter printer) is available on level 1 of the Saltire Centre in the Print Centre. Photocopiers The printers that have a touch screen terminal attached to them are also photocopiers. You can find them on levels 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Saltire Centre, in the Learning Café, ground floor of Charles Oakley building and the 24 hour ICT Lab, ground floor of Students’ Association building. You can also use the colour printers/photocopiers to copy in colour. Location and Number of All Printers and Photocopiers Location SC Level 0 SC Level 1 SC Level 2 SC Level 3 SC Level 4 Learning Cafe Charles Oakley ground floor 24 hour ICT Lab All other labs B&W printing 2 1 2 2 1 1 B&W Colour Colour Acetate Poster copying printing copying printing Printing
2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Note: You can print and copy black and white on the colour printers/photocopiers. Simply print to the GCU‐Mono printer and go and collect it from the colour printer/photocopier. When you print to the GCU‐Mono printer you will be charged as printing black and white regardless of which printer you use to collect your printout. Scanners Scanners are located on Levels 1 and 2 of the Saltire Centre next to the self‐service machines. When you log on to a computer connected to a scanner you will see the 27 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help scanning software icon on the desktop (Epson Scan). To scan a picture or document: • Double click on the Epson Scan icon and it will start the scanning software • Open the scanner and place the document/picture you wish to scan on it, face down • Click the Scan button on the Epson Scan window • This will open the File/Save settings dialogue box • Navigate to the drive you wish to save your document to by clicking on the Browse button next to Location • You can rename the document, but it must be in the format name + 3 numbers, for example computer001 • You can also change the image settings if you wish, however the default settings are fine for most cases • Once you have selected the settings, click on the OK button to start scanning Once scanning has finished the software will close and the folder where the image has been saved will open. Borrowing a Netbook You can borrow a Netbook from the Base. Please contact them for full details. Please remember that you cannot save files on the Netbook as they will be deleted when the netbook shuts down. You have to save on an external storage device such as a USB flash drive. If you lose or damage a Netbook you will be held responsible and may have to pay the full replacement cost. 28 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 13. Printing System Each computer on campus is linked to a network printer. Combined printers/photocopiers are available in some places with touchpad terminals attached to them as shown in Figure 17. Figure 17: Touchpad terminal screen To print on these printer/photocopiers, when the print dialogue box opens choose GCU‐Mono from the list of printers. The printers are linked, so you can collect your print job from any of them. To collect your print, go to the printer and log in. You can log in with your Matriculation card, or by entering your University username and domain password. 1.
Log in to the machine with: • Your username and password by touching the Login with Networking ID button. You will be requested to enter your username and domain password using the Touchpad, Figure 18. Change the font case to Uppercase Change the font case to Lowercase Change to Numbers Change to Symbols Click on the
to confirm. Figure 18: Network Login prompt screen • Your Matriculation card by swiping the card through the slot along the top of the touchpad. Note: Ensure the black strip is facing down and going through the reader. 29 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help If the card has not been used before, you will be asked to associate the card with the domain/network account by validating it. This process prompts you to enter your username and then domain password on the Touchpad. You only have to do this once. Future printing only requires you to swipe your card. • If you have sent a job to the printer the Print/Copy menu will be displayed, Figure 19. Figure 19: Print/Copy menu • Touch the Printer button
(Figure 20). and a list of all print jobs will be displayed Figure 20: Print Job menu 2.
Select the jobs you wish to print by touching the box beside them (a green tick will appear). Touch the Print button to print them. You can also cancel any print job you do not wish to print by ticking the jobs and then touching the Bin button. If you do not print within 24 hours the print jobs will be automatically removed from the print list and you will not be charged. Switching between Double and Single sided Printing All printers on campus print double sided by default. If you wish to print single sided adjust the print settings. To do this, choose Print from the File tab. The Print view is displayed, Figure 21. Choose single sided from the drop‐down menu. 30 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Print button
Choose printer Choose pages Choose double or single sided Choose paper size
Figure 21: Print View with Options Colour Printing Colour printing is also available by choosing GCU‐Colour from the list of printers if you wish to print in colour. Note: All pages printed on the GCU – Colour printer will be charged at the colour rate. It is your responsibility to check the costs of printing before releasing the print job. If you are in a lab where there is no new printer/photocopier you will be connected by default to the printer in that lab. When you print it will automatically print to that printer unless you change which printer you want to use. Copying Log in to the machine using either method described above. If you have sent a job to the printer the Print/Copy menu will be displayed, Figure 19. Touch the Copier button from this menu. If you have not sent a print job to the printer it will automatically open the Copy page showing your print credit balance, Figure 22. Copying is charged at the same price as printing. 31 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help Figure 22: Copy page screen Printing Costs All new students have a printing account, which is credited by the University every year. This allows free printing until your credit is finished. When you have used up all the credit, you can buy additional credit online using a credit or debit card by clicking on the Student Printing tab or EasyPay tab in my Caledonian. You can also buy additional credit from the NetPrint Money Loading boxes located in the Saltire Centre on level 0 (next to the printer pods) and level 1 (next to the lift). Follow the instructions on the screen of the NetPrint box. More information on printing can be found on the Computer stuff web pages http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student/computerstuff/printing How to Check Your Print Credit Balance There are 3 ways in which you can check how much print credit you have in your account. 1.
On every PC in the University there is a ‘£’ icon on the bottom right hand side of the screen, Figure 23. The £ print credit icon Figure 23: Print Credit £ icon When you click on the £ icon a call‐out will appear and will show how much credit is left in your account. 2.
Log in to any one of the NetPrint Money Loading boxes. Enter your username and domain password and your account balance will be displayed. Log in to any of the printer/photocopier machines and it will display your print credit balance. How to Get Help with Printing • In a Lab If something goes wrong with any printer please notify the IT Helpdesk using the phones in the labs. 32 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help • When Purchasing Additional Credit If you have problems using one of the NetPrint Money Loading Boxes, please phone the IT Helpdesk. • When you lose print credits If you have problems and lose print credits go to the Student Printing tab in my Caledonian and fill in the form to claim lost print credit. Students with Disabilities Some students with disabilities rely on the printed page more than others. If you have a recognised visual impairment or are dyslexic and if you have registered with the Disability Service you may be given extra print credits, when your annual allocation runs out. Please contact the Disabilities office to request extra print credits. How do I print from my own laptop or mobile device? You can now print from your own laptop or mobile device using the EveryonePrint Solution. EveryonePrint supports ANY client computer on any platform that can access an Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox or Safari, and ANY mobile device that can send an email. You can access Everyone Web Printing in two ways both on and off campus. Through the web portal found at https://eprint.gcal.ac.uk . Just enter your domain login username and password. Mail in your print job as an attachment to [email protected] – you can email from any email address as there is no restriction on what email account you register with or on the number of email accounts you register. The first time you send a job via an unregistered email address you will be asked to register this email address against your domain account. This will associate that email address with your domain account. Supported documents include Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, PDF and simple text. Standard print charges will apply. All web printing defaults to single sided as standard. The page size of your document MUST be set to either A4 or A3 to process successfully. You may collect your print job from any of the printer/photocopiers on campus. Note: If you lose your Matriculation card make sure that you get a new one and assign it to your print account as soon as possible. 33 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 14. Student Support Services Learning Development Centres Each School in the University has a Learning Development Centre (LDC) which provides academic writing support for home and international students, ICT support, advice on study skills and other academic guidance. More information can be found here: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/learningdevelopmentcentres/ School of Engineering and Built Environment The LDC in the School of Engineering and Built Environment is in M534 and can be contacted by email ([email protected]) or telephone 0141 273 1230. School of Health and Life Sciences The LDC in the School of Health and Life Sciences is in A203 and can be contacted by email ([email protected]) or telephone 0141 331 3456. Please check the School of Health and Life Sciences Learning Development Centre Community on GCU Learn for more details on what they do. Glasgow School for Business and Society The LDC in the Glasgow School for Business and Society is in W508 & W509 and can be contacted by email ([email protected]). The Base Student Services, Careers, Funding, Disability, International, Counselling and Chaplaincy can be contacted at the Base, on level 0 of the Saltire Centre. For more details visit their website: http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library/studentservices/thebase/ Academic Librarians During the semester the Academic Librarians operate a drop‐in sessions throughout the week. The drop‐in sessions are held in Room 5 in the Carnegie Suite, level 1 of the Saltire Centre For further information please visit their website at http://www.gcu.ac.uk/library/studentservices/yourlibrarian/ Disability Email: [email protected] Phone: 0141 273 1371 Funding Email: [email protected] Phone: 0141 273 1376 Positive Living Email: [email protected] Phone: 0141 273 1393 International Student Support Service Email: [email protected] Phone: 0141 273 1244 34 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 15. Facilities for Students with Disabilities The Disability Team are based in M136 (first floor of George Moore Building) and can provide information and advice to students ensuring they are able to access their programme of study and participate in university life as equally and actively as possible. Support covers many areas including: • Providing information and advice for disabled students and applicants • Where appropriate, assisting students to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowance to offset costs related to recommended services and equipment. • Arrangements for alternative exam arrangements such as extra time or rest breaks • Help with notifying appropriate academic staff about student support requirements The Disability Team work in conjunction with academic and other support departments within the University as well as external organisations to provide support across a range of functions. You can make an appointment to see a Disability Adviser by phoning the Disability Service on 0141 273 1371, or in their office in M136. Alternatively you can contact them by email at [email protected]. For further information on the support facilities please visit the website at http://www.gcu.ac.uk/student/disability The Visual Impairment Unit The Saltire Centre also has a resource area with a range of specialised equipment and software for students who are visually impaired. The Visual Impairment (VI) Unit is located in Seminar Room 3. To use these resources you must be given a username and password by the Disability Team. The following hardware and software is available: Braille Embosser, CCTV, Jaws, Kurzweil, Desktop Magnifier. 35 Having problems – refer to pages 2 & 3 for help 16. Logging Off When you have finished using the computer you must log off. If you don’t, the next person using the computer has access to your personal user workspace. This may result in your stored files and data being lost or corrupted or someone amending your personal details or accessing your exam results. To log off click on the Start button and choose Log off and confirm if necessary that you want to log off or press Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys and choose to log off from the options that will appear. 36 Glasgow Caledonian University Cowcaddens Road Glasgow G4 0BA