How to Access ZipForm Plus


How to Access ZipForm Plus
How to Access ZipForm Plus
1. Go to and get your
password by entering your NRDS# and clicking
on “Need your password?”. It will be emailed
to the address you have listed on the NRDS
system, Once you have received
alternative is to email jbailey@indianarealtors.
com and ask for your password.
3. Scroll down to “New to ZipForms”, and click
on “Register Here”.
4. Begin the process by reentering your NRDS
name MUST be capitalized. Click “continue”.
5. Choose “Create a new zipForm6 Account”
actually set up a zipFormPlus, but the wording
has yet to be updated.
6. Enter your choice of UserName (no spaces)
and Password, and Email address. Make it
something that is easy for you to remember in
the future. Click on “continue” to access your