ch 20 essential experiences
ch 20 essential experiences
ffiesemr*fu Wrmdaxm* Researchthe variousperm productsused in your school.Makea chart of the productslistingname,pH, key ingredients, and hairtype for whichthevare recommended. T.i.=',:;,"rr .,339; Ghapter 20 Chemical Texture Services ffi$m*shxmg ffixerw$mw Matcheach of the followingessentialtermswith its identifyingphrase or definition. Goarse texture 1. Resultof overprocessing Cortex 2. Processesmorequicklythan othertextures Cuticle 3. Usuallyrequiresmore processingthan othertextures Good porosity 4. Normalhair Fine texture 5. Resistanthair Medium texture 6. Innermost sectionof the hair Medulla 7. Generally no problemsprocessing Overporous L Outercoveringof the hair Poor porosity 9. Majorcomponentof the hairstructure Underprocessing 10. Sulfitepermanent Plastic cap 11. One end paperfoldedover hairstrand Elasticity 12. Hairendswoundfrom ends towardscalp Density 13. The numberof hairsper squareinch (2.5squarecm) Body wave 14. The abilityof the hairto stretchand contract Wavinglotion 15. Porouspapersusedto cover hairends Bookend 16. Heatis createdchemicallv within the product Exothermic 17. Fitsoverthe wrappedrods Croquignole 18. Aminoacidsare bondedtogetherand form these End papers 19. Causedby insufficientprocessingtime Polypeptides 20. A liquidthat softensand swellsthe harr : Chapter 20 Chemical Texture Services ''' 331 ' ffirmdrus*ffiws*mr*$x Researcha varietyof relaxerproductsavailablein your schooland foundat localsupplystores.Usethe chartbelowto trackyourfindings. Product Name So d i um or Thio? What ls rne Percentage of Sodium What Is Hydroxide? the pH ? For What HairType l s the Product Used? Wwxrpwww ress$&*'*$wmw.#ffifuwmx*mm$ ffimxrffim$mx$mg Listthe productsused in sodiumhydroxiderelaxers. ln your own words,explainthe actionof hydroxiderelaxerson the hair. Whatis the commoningredient in a thio-typerelaxerand permanent wavingsolution? Explainthe actionof this commoninoredient. Whatis the purposeof the neutralizer in thio relaxingtreatments? In your own words,explainthe differencebetweenbase and no-base formulas,and the purposeof usinga baseproduct. Ghapter 2O Chemical Texture Services t W*rd Ssmx-*k After determiningthe correctword from the cluesprovided,locatethe words in the word searchouzzle. Word Clue Permtype havinga pH between7.8 and 8.2 Permtype havinga pH between9.0 and 9.6 Oilycreamusedto protectthe skinand scalp duringhairrelaxing Permwrap in whichone end paperis foldedin halfoverhairends Rod havinga smallercircumference in center than on ends Hairstrandsare wrappedfromendsto scalp Partingsand basesradiatethroughoutthe panelsto followthe curvatureof the head Sidebondsbetweenthe polypeptide chainsin the cortex Wavesactivatedby an outsideheatsource Relatively weakphysicalside bondsresulting from an attractionbetweenoppositeelectrical charges Processby whlch hydroxiderelaxers permanently straightenhair Processof stoppingthe actionof the permanent wavesolutionand hardening hairin newform Also calledend bonds Relaxerhavinga pH above10 and a higher concentration of ammoniumthioglycolate Wrappingtechniquethat useszigzagparlingsto dividebaseareas '. . :.. tto Ghapter 2O Chemical Texture Services
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28. Bondsthat are formedbetweentwo cvsteineaminoacidslocated
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