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Report - Página de descargas de LAUDE Newton College
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
"When you get right down to it, what we all need is a place to go...
A place where we can escape the noise of our lives and just relax."
(Takauki Ikkaku 16)
<Word Count: 3,742>
Name of student: Hye In Lim
Name of supervisor: Mr. Grierson
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
Description of the process – Investigation
Description of the process – Creation
Description of the process – Evaluation
Appendices have been removed from this report.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
The title of my personal project is ‘Music for a Wild World’, because the goal of my
personal project is to compose a piece of 3 – 5 minutes long music for relaxation and
stress release. Among different ideas I had, I chose to do something related to music,
because I enjoy playing instruments as one of my hobbies. In the grade 10’s Personal
Project Exhibition in 2007, I saw some students who composed music for their personal
project. What I heard and what I felt in the Exhibition inspired me a lot to choose a music
composition as my personal project.
I considered different styles of music and the purpose of composing that, because
I wanted to compose a piece of music that would be meaningful. When I heard about art
therapy, I thought I could do a music therapy, because I felt it might be useful to people.
Since I was not a professional doctor, I could not call it a ‘therapy’, but I wanted to
compose a piece of music to help people’s mental health. Since many people living in the 21st
century suffer from stress for different reasons and from different aspects, no matter
old or young, man or woman, I wanted to compose a piece of music for them to release
their stress and help them relax.
My music will be focused on the age of 15~ 17 teenagers, because I think they are
the people needing the relaxation music the most. Many of the adults have their own way
of releasing stress, but the teenagers often do not. Also, many teenagers, like me, often
listen to music to relax, so I think the teenagers at my age are the best target of the
relaxation music I will compose. I hope that my final product, a piece of music for
relaxation, will have some good impacts on the people who listen to the music. I also wish
my product to have good impacts on the society, because not only the people around me,
but also many other people in the society may listen to the music, if I put it in the server
as an MP3 file.
My project is mainly focused on Homo Faber. Homo Faber is about creating a
product and examining the role of the product. Also, Homo Faber is about the impact of
the creation of a product on people, society and the world. My personal project is about
creating a piece of music for relaxation and stress release. It will be closely related to
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
-4Homo Faber, because what I will do in my project is creating a product which will have
good influence on people and society by helping them to release their stress and relax, and
also because this project will challenge my own creativity and thoughts. Also, my personal
project is clearly linked to Health and Social Education. Health and Social Education is
about development leading to complete and healthy lives. It is interacted to my personal
project, because the purpose of my personal project is to help people’s mental hearth and
better quality of life by releasing their stress.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
I am going to compose a piece of music for relaxation and stress release.
To compose music:
I will read some books and find some information about composition and the music
for relaxation. This is my plan for the summer vacation. Although I know how to
compose, I hope to learn some new skills and knowledge that will help me to
compose a good piece of music.
2. After the summer vacation, I will spend about two months to do research to find
out people’s music preference. I will conduct some surveys for the 15 ~ 17 years
old teenagers. I will do a research questionnaire and another research using the
recorded music to understand people’s preference of the style of the music.
3. Over the following few weeks, I will analyze the result of the research I did to
understand people’s preference.
4. I will then listen to some examples of the music that got the highest preference. I
will analyze them and find out if they have anything in common.
5. I will compose the music using the rest of the time.
6. I will listen carefully to what I have written and reflect on it. After that, I
probably will make some changes in certain parts to improve the quality.
To manage my time, I hope to use the time efficiently by using occasional slots of
free time at school, as well as evenings and weekends. I will also use holidays to work,
because I have some music technology facilities at home, such as Note Worthy Composer.
I will explain about this computer program in detail in Appendix 8. I heard from a lot of
teachers and grade 11 students that “Time is your enemy.” I will try hard to manage time
and use the time efficiently, so that I will able to say “Time is my best friend.”
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
Before starting the real composition, I read some books and went some Internet
websites to help me compose a good piece of music and the music for relaxation. The titles
of the books and the website addresses are given in Bibliography on page 16. After that, I
did two pieces of research, a simple questionnaire and a research using recorded music, to
find out people’s preference of the style of music. The result showed me that people liked
the fast, loud, major, pop song the most. I listened to examples of fast, loud, major, pop
songs and find out things in common to understand that style better and use some of their
similarities in my music, as my music would be a pastiche. A full steps and analysis of the
research I did can be found in Analysis on page 9 in detail.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
When I started the actual composition, I first reminded myself what kind of music
I would compose and what my goal of composing that kind of music is, because I learned in
the book Musical composition that I first need to think about what I will express, and then
think about how I will express that. I decided to make the structure of the music as a
ternary form, because when I analyzed the examples of fast, loud, major, pop songs, I
realized many of them were in the ternary form. Also, as many examples of music were
based on main theme or motifs, I decided to first compose the motif, and then use that
motif to create the other parts of the music.
Although I knew what styles of music I would
compose and what musical elements and techniques
I would include, it was quite difficult to compose a
good motif. I had many ideas about the motif and I
tried many different ones, but composing a motif
that I liked was harder than I expected. When I
had the problem with composing, I listened to
examples of music again and again to get inspiration.
Also, I watched a film related to music called
‘August Rush’ to get some ideas. In this film, a lot
of good pieces of music were featured, so I could
listen to many different pieces of music. Also, the
whole story of the film was about the music, so I
felt some attraction and power of music and this
helped me get some inspiration. After spending
some time on these kinds of process, I composed the motif I was satisfied with.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
- 11 music, such as a tempo and key. I used those variables and made the list of questions to
run a trial research project to see what style of music the people prefer, when they feel
stressed. I showed the draft of research questions to some people to get some advice.
From this, I learned that I did not really consider my target audience, because what I
wrote was too professional and hard for the teenagers. For example, I used the words
indicating tempo like largo, andante and presto and I also used the words indicating loud /
soft, such as mezzo-piano and fortissimo. Also, I learned there were too many questions,
so I limited the variables and made them easier. I only chose what I believed were the
most important variables, such as genre and fast / slow. After reorganizing the research
questions, I did a further trial run to ensure everything ran smoothly. The research
questions are all given as Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.
After the trial run, I
and I did the major piece of
research to 28 people in grade
10. This research questionnaire
allowed me to find people’s
preference of style of music.
The result of the research
showed me that people liked a
fast, loud, major, pop song the
analyzing the result of the
research, I decided to repeat
the research using real music to validate the result of the research questionnaire. I chose
some of the variable of questions which result was surprising or unexpected. I chose three
different styles of music and tried the research to 20 people in grade 10. After doing all
research, I analyzed the results and found out the style of music that got the highest
preference. The result showed that the fast, loud, major, pop song got the highest, which
was the same as the result of the research questionnaire. The results of the research are
included in Appendix 3 and Appendix 4 with some analysis.
The same result from the research questionnaire and the research using the
recorded music made me to become more confident about people’s preference. The
research took me much time, but was very useful and worthwhile, because it guided the
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
- 12 whole process of the composition. The research had big impact on my personal project,
because the result of research actually changed my original plan for the process. The
people’s preference of style of music and what I expected had big differences, so I
changed some plans and the direction of composing after analyzing and understanding the
result of the research. For example, I expected classic as the genre of music for
relaxation. However, people liked the pop song the most, so I decided to compose a pop
song for relaxation.
After learning about people’s preference, I researched the examples of fast, loud,
major, pop songs using the Internet and listened to them. Their titles are included
in Appendix 5. This research was very important and valuable, because I found some
similarities between the examples of fast, loud, major, pop songs and decided to use those
characteristics when I compose the music. For example, I realized that most pieces of the
music were
beat, so I decided the beat of my music as
. After doing this research,
I began to be clear about what and how I would compose.
The last research I did was a research for measuring success of the product of my
personal project. I used the 15 ~ 17 years old teenagers to choose one of three fast, loud,
major, pop songs, where some pop songs composed by professional musicians and my own
music were included. Instead of using the original versions of music, but I record all of
them again using the piano, because if I just used the original ones, people will quickly
realize which one I composed and which ones some professional musicians composed due to
professional sound effects and sound of instruments. Also, I did not use the grade 10
students in IST for this research. I used some teenagers in other schools, because I
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
- 13 wanted to ask some people who do not know about my personal project to do research in
order to measure the success objectively. The result of the research showed that it was
quite successful, because 42% of people liked my music the most. Although it was not the
highest preference, it was almost there. This research was very significant, because it
clearly showed that I achieved my initial goal, which was also closely related to Homo
All the research I did was very useful. I actually had a little bit concern about
spending much time on doing research, but I was satisfied with the results and the
influences that the research had on my project. I felt it was worthwhile to spend much
time and efforts on research, because they guided and led my process of personal project
to the right direction. With different kinds of research, I actually achieved the goal I
planed. As I focused on Homo Faber, I really wanted to compose a piece of music that
would help people to release their stress and relax. I felt this initial goal was achieved and
I checked the success of achieving the goal by doing a research for measuring success. All
the research questions and results are given as Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Appendix 3 and
Appendix 4 in detail.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
- 14 -
Most of things in the process of my personal project worked very well, but some of
them did not work as I thought they might. The sound effects worked, but it did not work
as much as I expected. I realized that composing a pop song really needed some
professional facilities, because arrangement of the whole music was also an important part
of the music. After the melody is composed, generally a professional producer organizes to
record each part of music one by one and changes some parts. For example, he first
records the melody, and then bass guitar, and then drum. After that, he changes each part
of the music again, which is called mixing, and finally makes the whole part of music
appropriate to each other, which is called mastering. In the process of doing these, the
producer generally uses some professional facilities, such as master keyboard, sound card,
MPC, sampler, synthesizer and recording room. However, I did not have any of them and
the only thing I could use was a computer program called Note Worthy Composer, so it was
quite hard to make the whole music sound like a real pop song.
Besides that, another thing
did not work very well was creating a
good mood. The music I composed
was not as exciting as I wanted. I
used some drum sounds, electronic
keyboard sounds, bass guitar sounds
and special sound effects to make an
exciting and happy mood. Although
the general mood of my music was
exciting as I wanted.
My personal project was very valuable not only for me, but I hope also for other
people and the society, as it was mainly focused on Homo Faber. By doing this project, I
learned many things and I improve my musical skills. I began to have a new perspective of
seeing the music composition. I learned music composition was not very difficult, but
ironically I also realized that it was very difficult to compose a really good piece of music.
Also, this project gave me a lot of insight into the musical preferences of the
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
- 15 teenagers, not just myself. I thought this was important, as this is a Homo Faber related
piece of work. Since composing music is generally not for one individual person, but often
for a lot of people, it is important to compose music, considering both the musical and
popular appeal. I am not just writing for myself, but I can still get much satisfaction from
composing. Besides that, this project gave me a really good chance to focus on music and
compose systematically deliberately and intentionally while spending much time. This
project helped me to develop my musical skills and allowed me to enjoy music.
personal project on my community and
society is also quite successful, as I
focused my project on Homo Faber.
As I wanted, the goal of this project,
which was to compose a piece of music
for relaxation and stress release, was
achieved. The research for measuring
success was very positive that it made
me confident about my project. Since
42% of people think my music is good
for realizing their stress and helping
them relax, I think my goal is achieved. Also, considering the fact that I compared my
music with some pop songs composed by professional musicians, I think it shows my project
is very successful. ‘Music can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable’ said
Leonard Bernstein, an American composer and conductor. (Suzanne B. Hanser 15) I hope
the music I composed will have good impacts on people’s mental health and their better
quality of life by communicating with them to release their stress.
If I do this project again, I would like to try different genres of music with my own
style of music for music relaxation. If I had more time, I would compose more than one
piece of music for relaxation. I could compose series of music to make a CD format. One
pity thing about my music is that it is a pastiche. I think it could be better, if I composed
some pastiche and also composed a piece of music in my own style. Besides that, I would
like to use more various sources, because the sources I used in this project was limited
within some people, Internet websites, books and a film. Although there are some parts
that I would like to improve or change if I do the project again, I really enjoyed doing my
personal project and it was a great experience to me.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
- 16 -
나운영. 작곡법 (Musical composition). 한국 : 세광 음악 출판사. 1991.
Suzanne B. Hanser. 김종인 역. 헨서 박사의 음악치료지도서 (The new music
therapist’s handbook second edition). 군자출판사. 2003.
이병욱, 백기풍. 3번만 읽으면 누구나 작곡할 수 있다 (Anyone can compose
if reads 3 times). 작은 우리. 2005.
요노타토루. 신정현 역. 뻔뻔한 작곡법 (Barefaced composition). 삼호 뮤직.
Kenneth E. Bruscia. 권혜경, 송진숙, 김미진 옮김. 42인의 세계적 음악치료사
가 들려주는 음악치료 이야기 (Case studies in music therapy). 1999.
김희조. 알기 쉬운 작곡법 (Easy composition). 세광 음악 출판사. 1992.
James Fry, Associate Director for Academic Affairs at University of Maryland
School of Music. Music Composition Resource. January,
Music in city. Hoon Hi Son in master’s course at Sookmyung University. January 19,
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009
50 Excellent Personal Projects
Music for a Wild World
- 17 -
August Rush Dir. Kirsten Sheridan. Warner Bros. Pictures. October 19,
Takauki Ikkaku. Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata. Animal Crossing : Wild
World. 2005.
Ellegarden. Marry me. Freedom
Aqua. Around the world. Teddy
Britney Spears. Anticipating. Music
Mika. Love today.
The foundations. Build the butter cup. My love
Kelly Clarkson. Since you been gone.
Inner Circle. Games people play.
Semi charmed Life. Third eye blind. Old and
Queen. Don’t stop me now.
My chemical Romance. I’m not ok. Love me if you
A teens. Upside down.
LMNT. Hey Juliet. Teddy
Grade 10 students in IST
15 ~ 17 years old teenagers in other schools
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2009