Import Guide
Import Guide
Client Accounting Suite Import Guide User Guide I M P O R T G U I D E User Guide © 2013 CCH Small Firm Services. All rights reserved. 225 Chastain Meadows Court NW Suite 200 Kennesaw, GA 30144 No part of this manuscript may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, modified or distributed in any form or by any means without permission in writing from CCH Small Firm Services. Information in this manuscript is subject to change without notice. Any software described in this manuscript is furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. CCH Small Firm Services is not engaged in rendering legal, technical, or other professional services. Use of this manuscript or the information in this publication does not relieve the user of complete responsibility for the operation and functionality of its computers and/or network, for the maintenance and backup of all user data, or for the preparation, content, accuracy, and review of all forms. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MADE WITH RESPECT TO THESE MATERIALS OR ANY OTHER INFORMATION PROVIDED TO THE STUDENT. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. September 2013 Version 13.0.0 Table of Contents Welcome to Client Accounting Suite! 1 Available Imports 1 Standard Steps for Starting any Import 1 Standard Steps for Finalizing any Import 2 Generic Import 2 What is Imported 2 What is Not Imported 2 Using the Generic Journal Entry Template File 2 Entering Data in the Template Preparing Files without Using the Generic Import Template Data Fields that are Imported Starting the Generic Import 2 3 3 3 Step 1 – Select the Location of the Files to be Imported 4 Step 1a - Select Bank Accounts 4 Step 2 - Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal 5 Assign/Map Checking Accounts 5 Select Source Journal 5 Step 3 - Assign/Map Accounts 6 Step 4 - Start Import 6 Generic Detail General Ledger Import 7 What is Imported 7 What is Not Imported 7 Before You Import 7 Preparing the File for Import 7 Data Fields that are Imported Starting the Generic Detail General Ledger Import 7 8 Step 1 - Select the General Ledger Import File 9 Step 2 – Map Import Columns 9 Step 3 – Select Import Period 10 Step 4 – Select Bank Accounts 10 Step 5 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal 11 Assign/Map Checking Accounts Select Source Journal 11 11 Step 6 – Assign/Map Accounts 12 Step 7 - Start Import 12 PayCycle Online Payroll Import 13 Before You Import 13 Starting the PayCycle Import 13 Step 1 – Select the PayCycle Import File 13 Step 2 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal 14 Assign/Map Checking Accounts Select Source Journal 14 14 Step 3 – Assign/Map Accounts 15 Step 4 – Start Import 15 Peachtree Import 16 What is Not Imported 16 Before You Import 16 Starting the Peachtree Import 16 Select the Peachtree Version 16 Step 1 – Select the Peachtree Company 18 Step 2 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal 19 Assign/Map Checking Accounts 19 Select Source Journals 19 Step 3 – Assign/Map Accounts 20 Step 4 – Assign / Map Employees 20 Step 5 – Assign / Map Payroll Items 21 Step 6 – Assign / Map Vendors 22 Step 7 – Start Import 22 Imported Batches (Folders) Peachtree Detail General Ledger Import 23 24 Before You Import 24 Preparing the Files in Peachtree 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009 24 Preparing the Files in Peachtree 2008 and Prior Years 24 Data Fields that are Imported Starting the Peachtree Detail GL Import 25 25 Step 1 – Select Transactions 25 Step 2 – Select the Export File 26 Step 3 – Assign/Map Payroll Items 27 Step 4 – Select Import Period 27 Step 5 – Select Bank Accounts 28 Step 6 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal 28 Assign/Map Checking Accounts 28 Select Source Journals 29 Step 7 – Assign/Map Accounts 29 Step 8 – Assign/Map Employees 30 Step 9 – Assign / Map Payroll Items 31 Step 10 – Assign / Map Vendors 31 Step 11 – Assign / Map Customers 32 Step 12 – Start Import 33 QuickBooks Import 33 What is Imported 33 What is Not Imported 34 QuickBooks 2006 and Higher One-time Setup 34 Starting the QuickBooks Import 34 Select QuickBooks Version 34 Step 1 - Select the QuickBooks Client 35 Step 2 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal 36 Select Source Journal 36 Step 3 – Assign/Map Accounts 37 Step 4 – Assign / Map Employees 37 Step 5 – Assign / Map Payroll Items 38 Step 6 – Assign / Map Vendors 39 Step 7 – Start Import 40 QuickBooks CSV Import 40 What is Imported 41 What is Not Imported 41 Before You Begin 41 Preparing the Export Files in QuickBooks 2011 and Earlier 41 Account List 41 Vendor Contact List 41 Employee Contact List 42 Payroll Item Listing 42 Journal - 2010 and 2011 42 Preparing the Export Files in QuickBooks 2012 42 Account List 42 Vendor Contact List 43 Employee Contact List 43 Payroll Item Listing 43 Journal Starting the QuickBooks .CSV Import 43 44 Step 1 - Select the Location of the Export Files 44 Step 2 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal 45 Assign/Map Checking Accounts Select Source Journal 45 45 Step 3 – Assign/Map Accounts 45 Step 4 – Assign / Map Employees 46 Step 5 – Assign / Map Payroll Items 47 Step 6 – Assign / Map Vendors 47 Step 7 – Start Import 48 Quicken Import 49 What is Not Imported 49 Before You Import 49 Importing Vendor and Employee Checks 49 Importing Vendor Checks Importing Employee Payroll Checks Starting the Quicken Import 49 49 49 Step 1 – Select the Location of the Files to be Imported 50 Step 2 – Assign/Map Accounts 50 Step 3 – Start Import 51 ATX/TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager Import Before You Import 52 52 Preparing the ATX Fixed Asset Manager Export File 52 Preparing the TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager Export File 52 Starting the ATX/TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager Import 52 Step 1 – Select the Import File 53 Step 2 – Select Import Period 53 Step 3 – Select Journal 54 Step 4 – Assign/Map Accounts 54 Step 5 – Start Import 55 Welcome to Client Accounting Suite! Thank you for purchasing Client Accounting Suite. At CCH Small Firm Services, a Wolters Kluwer business, we want to help your organization maximize the use of Client Accounting Suite. Use this Import Guide as you prepare to import client data from other accounting packages to Client Accounting Suite. Available Imports CAS provides the client data imports listed below. Generic imports are available to help import data from accounting packages that are not specifically listed. l Generic l Generic Detail General Ledger l PayCycle l Peachtree l Peachtree Detail General Ledger l QuickBooks l QuickBooks CSV l Quicken l ATX / TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager Standard Steps for Starting any Import The following steps apply when starting any import. Refer to the individual product instructions in the Import Guide below for specific details. 1. Open the Client Write-up client. 2. Select Activities, Import Wizard, choose the appropriate software package from the list and click Next. 3. Hold the CTRL key and click a product below to continue with the steps specified for that import: l Generic l Generic Detail General Ledger l PayCycle l Peachtree l Peachtree Detail General Ledger l QuickBooks l QuickBooks CSV l Quicken l ATX / TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager -1- Standard Steps for Finalizing any Import After you have imported data from any product, it is very important that you review the information that was imported to ensure it came over correctly and that no data is missing. Generic Import Use the Generic Import Wizard to import journal entries from your previous accounting program to Client Write-Up using our template files. The transactions are imported as a batch into Client Write-Up. The batch must be posted before the journal entries are available for use in the reports and statements. Depending on your client's requirements, you may import general ledger detail on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. You can select a date range for the import, to select only those transactions for a specific period. What is Imported l Transaction detail: l Transaction date, l Reference number, l Account number, l Account description, and l Transaction amount. What is Not Imported l Beginning balances for employees and accounts are not imported. Using the Generic Journal Entry Template File If you plan to import your transactions into Client Write-Up using the Generic Import wizard, follow these steps to prepare your file: 1. Use the import templates found in \u\CWUSuite\Conversions\Templates to prepare the data than can be imported into Client Write-Up. If the transactions to be imported do not use the Chart of Accounts established in Client Write-Up, you will need to create a Chart of Accounts file (COA.CSV) from your other software to be used during the Import process. No changes will be made to the Client Write-Up chart. These generic import templates are provided in Client Write-Up: Data to be Imported Use Template Save file as Required Transactions Generic Journal Entry Transactions Template.xlt Journalentries.csv Yes Chart of Accounts Generic Chart of Accounts Template.xlt COA.csv No These templates are designed to work with Microsoft Excel. See section, “Preparing Files without Using the Generic Import Template”, below for instructions on how to prepare your files if you do not use Microsoft Excel. 2. In the software where the transactions are located, export the data that you plan to import into a spreadsheet format. Entering Data in the Template 1. Open the applicable template file listed above, macros must be enabled when using the templates: For Microsoft Excel 2007, if the Security Warning is displayed that reads “Macros have been disabled”, select the Options button to display the Microsoft Office Security Options dialog. Select Enable this Content and click Ok. -2- For Microsoft Excel 2003, select Enable Macros in the Security Warning dialog. If the Security Warning dialog does not display, click Tools > Macro > Security and select the Medium setting. Close the template and reopen to display the Security Warning dialog. 2. The template workbooks contain 2 tabs. On the Data tab, columns are included for the data that can be imported into Client Write-Up. Those columns with an * (asterisk) in the column title are required. 3. Copy the data from your export file created above into the Data tab of the generic template. 4. Make sure you format data properly when copying it into the template (i.e. amounts must be formatted as numbers and not as text). If you have preceding zeroes that should display, for example in a zip code or social security number, you must format the cell or column as "text." This setting will save the number as you entered it in the template. 5. Once you have all the data entered into the Data tab of the template, return to the CreateCSV tab and select the Create CSV button. 6. On the Save As dialog, select the location and click Save. 7. The .csv file is saved and the Process Complete message is displayed. 8. Save the data entered in the template. Preparing Files without Using the Generic Import Template The Generic Import Wizard requires data to be in a .CSV (comma-separated value) file. You can create a .CSV file for the data to be imported by using Word or a text editor. See the Data Fields that are Imported for the data that you need include in the file. The file name must be Journalentries.csv to import transactions into Client Write-Up. Make sure that all fields are separated by a comma and are enclosed in double quotes. Data Fields that are Imported Generic Import Transaction Fields (JournalEntries.csv) Field Required Type* Max Length of Format Transaction Date Yes N MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY Yes N Maximum reference number is: 2147483647 Account Description No AN 30 G/L Account Number Yes AN 30 Amount Yes N 999.999.999.99 *Type = A (Alpha); AN (Alphanumeric); or N (Numeric) Starting the Generic Import First complete the standard import steps then continue to the Generic Import steps below. -3- Step 1 – Select the Location of the Files to be Imported 1. Use the drive and directory lists to select the location of the generic export files (JournalEntries.csv) you created above. 2. Specify the date range of the transactions to be imported by selecting a start and end date that coincides with the transaction dates in the export file. Make sure not to overlap dates from a previous import because this will cause duplicate transactions. Transactions beginning with the Start Date and ending with the End Date will be selected for the import. 3. Click Next> to continue. Step 1a - Select Bank Accounts This step appears if you are using a chart of accounts export file (COA.CSV). Select the import accounts that are bank accounts. 1. Highlight and move all checking and cash import accounts that you wish to reconcile to the right window using the arrows. Only select import accounts for which you receive bank statements on a regular basis and wish to reconcile. 2. Repeat step 1 for each account you want to specify as a bank account. 3. Click Next> to continue. -4- You will only need to select bank accounts one time. Once they have been selected, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in the originating software, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must select the bank accounts to them at that time. Step 2 - Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal Assign/Map Checking Accounts Importing from a JournalEntries.CSV file: 1. The Import Wizard displays the account(s) from our existing chart of accounts that are tied to a checking account. If you are using a COA.CSV file: 1. Select the Client Write-Up checking account that corresponds to each bank account identified in the previous step. Use the scroll bar to move through the list. You must assign all checking accounts to a bank account. You will only need to assign checking accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in the originating software, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign checking accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Bank Account to create a new bank account in Client Write-Up. Select Source Journal 2. Select the source journal to use in the import. 3. Click Next> to continue. -5- Step 3 - Assign/Map Accounts 1. Assign/map all import accounts to an existing Client Write-Up account. All import accounts must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new accounts in originating software, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Account to create a new account in Client Write-Up. You can either select the Client Write-Up account from the list provided or begin typing the account number to find it in the list. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 4 - Start Import 1. Click Import to start the import process. Client Write-Up transactions will only be created for transactions which fall in the date range you entered in the step above. 2. The Import Complete confirmation message displays indicating that the import finished. 3. Click Exit to close the Import Wizard. A folder batch of journal entries is created from the import transactions. Please review these journal entries and make any necessary changes prior to posting the batch. -6- 4. Select Batch Posting from the Activities menu to view the batch that was created during the import. 5. Double-click the batch to select it and choose Print Register to view the transaction included in the batch. 6. If you are satisfied with the transactions in the batch click Post to record the entry. Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). This is true for all clients, whether they use RealTime or Post Processing. You must post the folders (using Batch Posting from the Activities menu) before the transactions are available for reports or statements. Generic Detail General Ledger Import Use the Generic Detail General Ledger Import Wizard to import transactions from your previous accounting program to Client Write-Up using your own file instead of the provided template. This option is more flexible than the standard generic import as it allows you to import a Detail General Ledger report from another software package and choose which transactional data is included in the import. The transactions are imported as a batch into Client Write-Up. The batch must be posted before the journal entries are available for use in the reports and statements. Depending on your client's requirements, you may import general ledger detail on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. You can select a date range for the import, to select only those transactions for a specific period. What is Imported l Transaction detail: l Transaction date, l Reference number, l Account number, l Account Description, and l Transaction amount. What is Not Imported l Beginning balances for employees and accounts are not imported. Before You Import l You will need to export or save your Detail General Ledger report to Excel or a .CSV format. Please refer to the help system in your software package for instructions on creating and saving this file. Preparing the File for Import Once the file has been saved you will need to open the file and make any of the following adjustments, you will also want to take note of some of the file properties. l Make sure the General Ledger Detail report is on the first tab in the Excel file. Some programs may export something other than the General Ledger Detail report to the first workbook in the file. This will cause the file not to be read by the import wizard. If there is a preceding tab you will need to remove this tab from the file prior to performing the import. l Make a note of what row the header is located on within the file. l Make a note of whether the Account Number and Account Description are located in the same column or not. l In the Detail General Ledger export file the information must fit the following criteria (see chart below) as well as each of the following columns listed must be in its own column for the import to be successful. For instance, if you look at the Excel file and the transaction date and the account number are in the same column but different rows the import will not be successful. There is no way to map the date and account number individually. Data Fields that are Imported Field Required Type* Max Length or Format Field Import Into Account Number Yes AN 20 Account# / Account Description Account Descripti Yes AN 30 Account# / Account Description -7- Field Required Type* Max Length or Format Field Import Into on Transacti on ID Yes N Transacti on Date Yes N MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY Journal Entry Date Documen t Number No N Maximum reference number is: 2147483647 Journal Entry Number Transacti on Type Yes AN None** Transacti on Descripti on No AN Memo Debit Amount Yes N 999,999,999.99 Debit Credit Amount Yes N 999,999,999.99 Credit Journal Entry Number *Type = A (Alpha); AN (Alphanumeric; or N (Numeric) The Document Number will import to the Journal Entry Number field in Client Write-Up. If the Document Number is not mapped, Client Write-Up will use the Transaction ID as the Journal Entry Number. If the column available for import is alphanumeric, Client Write-Up will generate the next available journal entry number because Client Write-Up does not allow alpha characters to be a part of the journal entry number. For more information about mapping see the Map Import Columns topic. **Although the transaction type does not directly map to a field in Client Write-Up it is required for the transaction to be included in the import. Any data can be in this column. Additional Information: l The Transaction ID is necessary if you do not want one journal entry for all transactions. l The Document Number includes the check numbers and invoice numbers. l The Transaction Description could be a memo or reference. l The same import column can be used more than once, if applicable. Starting the Generic Detail General Ledger Import First complete the standard import steps then continue to the Generic Detail GL Import steps below. -8- Step 1 - Select the General Ledger Import File 1. Use the Browse button to select the detail general ledger file (.CSV or .XLS) you created above. 2. Click Next to continue. Step 2 – Map Import Columns Map the Client Write-Up column headers to the import file column headers. All column headers marked with an asterisk (*) are required to be mapped before you are allowed to continue with the import. See the table located in thePreparing Files for Import for more information regarding these columns. 1. Enter the row which coincides with the header row of the Detail General Ledger file in the Column Header Row field. 2. Check the box if the Account Number and Account Description exist in the same column(s) in the Detail General Ledger file. If the check box is selected, you will need to enter the number of columns that have account information. A column for Account Number/Description will be added to the Client Write-Up Column for each number entered. These columns will be required prior to continuing with the import. 3. Use the drop-down menu in the Import Column to map the columns from your Detail General Ledger file to the Client WriteUp Columns. 4. Click Next to continue. -9- Columns in the import file that do not have a header will be recognized as Import Column X, where (X) is the number associated with the column placement in the import file. You will only need to map the import columns one time. Once they have been assigned, the Generic Detail General Ledger Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the file is in a different format, you will need to change the mapping. Step 3 – Select Import Period 1. Specify the date range of the transactions to be imported by selecting a start and end date that coincides with the transaction dates in the Detail General Ledger file. Make sure not to overlap dates from a previous import because this will cause duplicate transactions. Transactions beginning with the Start Date and ending with the End Date will be selected for the import. Activity outside the selected date range will NOT be included in the import. 2. Click Next to continue. Step 4 – Select Bank Accounts Client Write-Up needs to know the bank accounts used for this client. All accounts in your chart of accounts are shown in the left window. - 10 - 1. Highlight and move all checking and cash import accounts that you wish to reconcile to the right window using the arrows. Only select import accounts for which you receive bank statements on a regular basis and wish to reconcile. 2. Repeat step 1 for each account you want to specify as a bank account. 3. Click Next to continue. You will only need to select bank accounts one time. Once they have been selected, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in the originating software, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must select the bank accounts to them at that time. Step 5 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal Assign/Map Checking Accounts 1. Select the Client Write-Up checking account that corresponds to each bank account identified in the previous step. Use the scroll bar to move through the list. You must assign all checking accounts to a bank account. You will only need to assign checking accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in the originating software, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign checking accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Bank Account to create a new bank account in Client Write-Up. Select Source Journal 2. Select the source journal to use in the import. 3. Click Next to continue. - 11 - Step 6 – Assign/Map Accounts 1. Assign/map all import accounts to an existing Client Write-Up account. All import accounts must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new accounts in the originating software, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Account to create a new account in Client Write-Up. You can either select the Client Write-Up account from the list provided or begin typing the account number to find it in the list. 2. Click Next to continue. Step 7 - Start Import 1. Click Import to start the import process. Client Write-Up transactions will only be created for transactions which fall in the date range you entered in the step above. 2. The Import Complete confirmation message displays indicating that the import finished. 3. Click Exit to close the Import Wizard. - 12 - A folder batch of journal entries is created from the import transactions. Please review these journal entries and make any necessary changes prior to posting the batch. 4. Select Batch Posting from the Activities menu to view the batch that was created during the import. 5. Double-click the batch to select it and choose Print Register to view the transaction included in the batch. 6. If you are satisfied with the transactions in the batch click Post to record the entry. Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). This is true for all clients, whether they use RealTime or Post Processing. You must post the folders (using Batch Posting from the Activities menu) before the transactions are available for reports or statements. PayCycle Online Payroll Import Use the PayCycle Online Payroll Import Wizard to import payroll transactions or payroll tax payments from PayCycle to Client Write-Up. Each PayCycle check transaction is imported as a Client Write-Up check. The transactions are imported as a batch into Client Write-Up. The batch must be posted before the transactions are available for use in the reports and statements. Before You Import Within PayCycle, for each client on the client list, you must set a preference to integrate with Client Write-Up. To do so: 1. Select the client from the Client List. 2. Click on the Setup tab and select the Preferences link, and then click the Accounting Software Integration link. 3. Click the down-arrow to choose your accounting software and select Client Write-Up. 4. Fill in the name of the account used within Client Write-Up for the bank account, expense accounts, tab liability accounts, other liability & asset accounts. 5. Select how you will print your checks and click OK. When you run payroll for this client, you will now have an option to export the transactions. Save the PayCycle Import file (.iif) to any location. Starting the PayCycle Import First complete the standard import steps then continue to the PayCycle Import steps below. Step 1 – Select the PayCycle Import File 1. Use the drive and directory lists to select the location of the PayCycle import file (.IIF) you created above. 2. Choose whether the import file contains payroll transactions or payroll tax payments. - 13 - 3. Specify the date range of the transactions to be imported by selecting a start and end date that coincides with the transaction dates in the PayCycle import file. Make sure not to overlap dates from a previous import because this will cause duplicate transactions. Transactions beginning with the Start Date and ending with the End Date will be selected for the import. Activity outside the selected date range will NOT be included in the import. 4. Click Next> to continue. Step 2 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal Assign/Map Checking Accounts 1. Select the Client Write-Up checking account that corresponds to each bank account identified in the previous step. Use the scroll bar to move through the list. You must assign all checking accounts to a bank account You will only need to assign checking accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in PayCycle, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign checking accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Bank Account to create a new bank account in Client Write-Up. Select Source Journal 2. Select the source journal to use in the import. 3. Click Next> to continue. - 14 - Step 3 – Assign/Map Accounts 1. Assign / map all PayCycle accounts to an existing Client Write-Up account. All PayCycle accounts must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new accounts in PayCycle, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Account to create a new account in Client Write-Up. You can either select the Client Write-Up account from the list provided or begin typing the account number to find it in the list. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 4 – Start Import 1. Click Import to start the import process. Client Write-Up transactions will only be created for transactions which fall in the date range you entered in the step above. 2. The Import Complete confirmation message displays indicating that the import finished. 3. Click Exit to close the Import Wizard. A folder batch of journal entries is created from the import transactions. Please review these journal entries and make any necessary changes prior to posting the batch. - 15 - 4. Select Batch Posting from the Activities menu to view the batch that was created during the import. 5. Double-click the batch to select it and choose Print Register to view the transaction included in the batch. 6. If you are satisfied with the transactions in the batch click Post to record the entry. Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). Payroll journal records and payment journal records are imported in a separate check batch named mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy PC. You must post the folders (using Batch Posting from the Activities menu) before the transactions are available for reports or statements. Peachtree Import Use the Peachtree Import Wizard to import detail transactions from Peachtree to Client Write-Up. This import requires an installation of Peachtree Software that resides on your system. The transactions are imported as batches into Client Write-Up. The batches must be posted before the checks and journal entries are available for use in the reports and statements. Depending on your client's requirements, you may import transactions on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. You can select a date range for the import, to select only those transactions for a specific period. What is Not Imported l Memo transactions on employee checks (a memo is defined in Peachtree as a check box you select if the information in this field does not affect your company general ledger or financial statements, such as tips). l Deductions and other pay employer amounts that are not automatically calculated when the employee checks are posted. l Beginning balances for employees and accounts are not imported. Before You Import l Create a new client in Client Write-Up, l Set up fiscal periods, l Set up a checking account in Client Write-Up, l If you are importing employee checks : l l Verify any states needed for payroll are set up. Select States from the ATF Payroll menu and make sure all necessary states have been added. l Verify payroll posting accounts are assigned. Export client data from Peachtree. See the Peachtree conversion instructions in the Conversion Guide for more information. Starting the Peachtree Import First complete the standard import steps then continue to the Peachtree Import steps below. Select the Peachtree Version - 16 - Select the Peachtree software version (2003-2012) you plan to use for the import. Keep in mind that if you select 2003 versions, a Peachtree company must be open prior to starting the import. If a 2005 Peachtree version is also installed, the 2004 Peachtree version must be running prior to starting the import. A 2004 Peachtree company does not need to be open. Peachtree has various levels and variations of their software. Be aware that the Peachtree Import is available with the following versions of Peachtree software (one of these versions must be loaded on the PC running this import): l Peachtree Premium Accounting for Accountants – The 2004 through 2012 versions of this product will support the opening of all 2004 through 2012 version companies created with other Peachtree products without converting them. If you open a 2003 version company created with other Peachtree products, it will permanently upgrade the 2003 version company to the current format. l Peachtree Accounting 2003 – This version of Peachtree will only open companies for this version. l Peachtree Complete Accounting 2003*, 2004/2005/2006/2007* (requires the client to be open in Peachtree while importing) - These versions of Peachtree will only open companies for corresponding versions. If a "Complete" company is opened in "Premium" Peachtree, the Complete company will be converted to a Premium company and you will not be able to open the company in Complete again. l Peachtree Premium Accounting for Distributors 2004/2005/2006/2007 – Peachtree Distributors ranks above "Premium" so Distributor companies cannot be opened in Premium and cannot be opened by Peachtree Premium Accounting for Manufacturers 2004. l Peachtree Premium Accounting for Manufacturers 2004/2005/2006/2007 – Peachtree Manufacturing ranks above "Premium" so Manufacturing companies cannot be opened in Premium and cannot be opened by Premium Accounting for Distributors 2004. Peachtree Version Click the drop-down and select the version from the list 2006-2012 Peachtree should open automatically regardless of any other versions installed. 2005 If you select 2005, you can select the Open Company from the list when you select your company on the next window. If a 2005 Peachtree version is also installed, the 2004 Peachtree version must be running prior to starting the import. A 2004 Peachtree company does not need to be open. If you are importing from Peachtree 2005 (and if Peachtree 2004, 2006, or 2007 are installed), Peachtree 2005 will automatically open whether it is running or not, except in the case where Peachtree 2004 was installed after Peachtree 2005. In this case Peachtree 2005 must be running prior to running the import. 2004 If you select 2004, you can select the Open Company from the list when you select your company on the next window. If you are importing from Peachtree 2004 (and if Peachtree 2004 and 2005 are both installed), Peachtree 2004 must be running but a Peachtree Company does not need to be open. 2003 If you select 2003, the directory, drive, and list box will be disabled when you select your company on the next window. Peachtree 2003 must be running and the Peachtree 2003 import Company must also be open. The 2003 Open Company will be already selected by default. - 17 - Tips l Within Peachtree (2003 or 2004 through 2012), the security setting must be set to Low or Medium. Before you start the import, open Peachtree and go to Options > Global > Peachtree Partners tab. Check the security level setting. It must be Low or Medium. l If you are running Peachtree 2006 through 2012, set the Peachtree option "Show Start Screen at Startup" to [False] prior to importing data from Peachtree. If you receive any errors when starting up the Peachtree Import in Client Write-Up, always check to make sure this option is not turned on inside of Peachtree. Step 1 – Select the Peachtree Company 1. Using the drive and directory lists to select the location of the Peachtree Company. All Peachtree companies for the selected path appear. Only one company can be open at a time in Peachtree so you may receive a message that the import is closing an existing company it if does not match the selected company. 2. Select whether to import employees and employee pay checks. If this option is NOT selected or if employees are not setup in Peachtree, any employee checks will be imported as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing and the preparation of quarterly and annual payroll tax returns and forms. 3. Select whether to import vendors and vendor payments. If this option is NOT selected or if vendors are not setup in Peachtree, any vendor payment checks will be imported as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing and the preparation of quarterly and annual payroll tax returns and forms. The optional employee and vendor check import can be useful for: l Monthly clients, for whom you wish to calculate monthly payroll for tax deposits and prepare all payroll related tax return. l Quarterly clients, for whom you wish to prepare Form 941 and state unemployment forms, and calculate FUTA deposits. l Annual clients, for whom you wish to prepare W-2s and year-end returns, such as Form 940. 4. Specify the date range of the transactions to be imported by selecting a start and end date that coincides with the transaction dates in Peachtree. Make sure not to overlap dates from a previous import because this will cause duplicate transactions. - 18 - Transactions beginning with the Start Date and ending with the End Date will be selected for the import. If you selected to import employees and/or vendors, only those employees or vendors with activity within the selected date range will be included in the import. 5. 5. Click Next> to continue. Step 2 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal Assign/Map Checking Accounts 1. Select the Client Write-Up checking account that corresponds to each Peachtree bank account. All Peachtree bank accounts must be assigned. You will only need to assign checking accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign checking accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Bank Account to create a new bank account in Client Write-Up. Select Source Journals 2. Use the select lists to assign a corresponding Client Write-Up Journal to each of the Peachtree Journals listed. You may also select the default “Add as new” and let the import create the new journal (incorporating the name of the Peachtree journal in the new source journal name and code). 3. 3. Click Next> to continue. - 19 - Step 3 – Assign/Map Accounts 1. Assign/map all Peachtree accounts to an existing Client Write-Up account. All Peachtree accounts must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new accounts in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Account to create a new account in Client Write-Up. You can either select the Client Write-Up account from the list provided or begin typing the account number to find it in the list. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 4 – Assign / Map Employees 1. Assign / map all Peachtree employees to an existing Client Write-Up employee. This window only displays if you have selected to import employees and employee paychecks and the paychecks are included within the selected date range in the above step. All Peachtree employees must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are three options available for assigning employees: - 20 - l Existing employees: If the employee has been set up in Client Write-Up, click the drop-down arrow and link the existing Client Write-Up employee to the Peachtree employee. l New employees-Add as New: If the employee has not been set up in Client Write-Up, select the default of “Add as new” from the drop-down list and let the import add the employee to Client Write-Up. The import will use the first nine characters of the Peachtree employee code as the client ID. l New employees-Add first: If the employee does not exist in Client Write-Up, and you want to make the link on this window, click the Set up New Employee button and add the employee to Client Write-Up. The new employee will then be available in the drop-down list for linking. You only need to assign employees one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new employees in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign employees to them at that time. Click Set Up New Employee to create a new employee in Client Write-Up. 4. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 5 – Assign / Map Payroll Items 1. Assign / map all the client’s Peachtree payroll items (other pays, deductions, and taxes) to a Client Write-Up payroll item. All Peachtree payroll items must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are 20 Pay Level and 20 Employee Fields in Peachtree. We refer to them as Pay Level 1- Pay Level 20, and employEE1-employee20. If in doubt about the identification of an item return to Peachtree and check this information. You only need to assign payroll items one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new payroll items in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign payroll items to them at that time. Use the buttons on the screen to set up new deductions, paycodes, states, and municipalities. 2. Click Next> to continue. - 21 - Step 6 – Assign / Map Vendors 1. Assign / map all Peachtree payroll vendors to a Client Write-Up vendor. This window only displays if you have selected to import vendors and vendor payments and the payments are included within the selected date range in the above step. All Peachtree vendors must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are three options available for assigning vendors: l Existing vendors: If the vendor has been set up in Client Write-Up, click the drop-down arrow and link the existing Client Write-Up vendor to the Peachtree vendor. l New vendor-Add as New: If the vendor has not been set up in Client Write-Up, select the default of “Add as new” from the drop-down list and let the import add the vendor to Client Write-Up. The import will use the first nine characters of the Peachtree vendor code as the vendor ID. l New vendor-Add first: If the vendor does not exist in Client Write-Up, and you want to make the link on this window, click the Set up New Vendor button and add the vendor to Client Write-Up. The new vendor will then be available in the drop-down list for linking. You only need to assign vendors one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new vendors in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign vendors to them at that time. Click Set Up New Vendor to create a new vendor in Client Write-Up. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 7 – Start Import - 22 - 1. Click Import to start the import process. Client Write-Up transactions will only be created for transactions which fall in the date range you entered in the step above. 2. The Import Complete confirmation message displays indicating that the import finished. 3. Click Exit to close the Import Wizard. Folders (batches) of journal entries are created from the Peachtree check transactions for employees and vendors (per checking account). Folders of journal entries are created from all other Peachtree transactions. Please review these checks and journal entries and make any necessary changes prior to posting the batches. See Import Batches below for details. 4. Select Batch Posting from the Activities menu to view the batch that was created during the import. 5. Double-click the batch to select it and choose Print Register to view the transaction included in the batch. 6. If you are satisfied with the transactions in the batch click Post to record the entry. Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). This is true for all clients, whether they use RealTime or Post Processing. Payroll journal records and payment journal records are imported in a separate check batch named mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy PT. You must post the folders (using Batch Posting from the Activities menu) before the transactions are available for reports or statements. Imported Batches (Folders) Journal Condition Batch If the “Import employees and paychecks” checkbox is selected. Payroll journal records are imported in a separate check batch named mm/dd/yyyymm/dd/yyyy PT-PR# (where PR# is the number for each checking account and mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy is the import date range). One batch is created per checking account. Each additional checking account changes the suffix to –PR2, -PR3, etc. If the “Import employees and paychecks” checkbox is NOT selected. The checks are imported as “Other” checks. If the “Import vendors and vendor payments” checkbox is selected. Payment journal records are imported in a separate check batch named mm/dd/yyyymm/dd/yyyy PT-PMT# (where PMT# is the number for each checking account and mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy is the import date range.) If the “Import vendors and vendor payments” checkbox is NOT selected. The checks are imported as “Other” checks Payroll Journal Payment Journal Other Peachtree Journal: Imported as a separate journal batch. The system defaults to Client Write-Up’s GJE source journal code. General Journal Batches are named mm/dd/yyyymm/dd/yyyy PTG-JE Imported as a separate journal batch. The system defaults to Client Write-Up’s CRE source journal code. Cash Receipts Journal Batches are named mm/dd/yyyymm/dd/yyyy PT-CRE Purchase Journal Sales Each is imported as separate journal - 23 - Journal Condition Batch batches. The system creates the source journal code as needed by the import if you select “Add as New” or you can link to an existing source code in the list. Journal Inventory Assemblies Journal Batches are named mm/dd/yyyymm/dd/yyyy PT-* (where * is PJ, SJ, ASBY, or INAJ). Inventory Adjustments Journal Peachtree cannot be closed by our import. After the import is complete, you will need to close Peachtree. Also remember that AFTER the import you must post the folders (using Batch Posting from Activities) before the transactions are available for reports and statements. Peachtree Detail General Ledger Import Use the Peachtree Detail General Ledger Import Wizard to import transactions from Peachtree to Client Write-Up. This option allows you to import a Detail General Ledger report from Peachtree as journal entries into Client Write-Up without having the Peachtree application installed or the client open in Peachtree. The transactions are imported as batches into Client Write-Up. The batches must be posted before the checks and journal entries are available for use in the reports and statements. Depending on your client's requirements, you may import general ledger detail on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. You can select a date range for the import, to select only those transactions for a specific period. Before You Import You will need to prepare the general ledger and payroll journal export files (.xls) from Peachtree. Below are instructions for preparing the files in Peachtree 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009 and Peachtree 2008 and prior years. Preparing the Files in Peachtree 2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009 To create the General Ledger file in Peachtree 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009, use the following steps: 1. Open your client in Peachtree. 2. From the Reports & Forms menu, select General Ledger. 3. In the Select a Report or Form window, single-click to highlight General Ledger and click Send To icon on the toolbar, select Excel. 4. In the Modify Report – General Ledger window select the period. 5. Click Columns in the Other Options section. 6. Click All on the Columns tab, click OK. 7. In the Copy Report to Excel window, leave the defaults as they are. For the report header options, do not select the second radio button (Show header in excel worksheet) or the import will fail. 8. Click OK. 9. Save your Excel spreadsheet and browse to it when ready. To create the Payroll Journal file in Peachtree 2012, 2011, 2010 and 2009, use the following steps: 1. Open your client in Peachtree. 2. From the Reports & Forms menu, select Payroll. 3. In the Select a Report or Form window, single-click to highlight Payroll Journal and click Send To icon on the toolbar, select Excel. 4. In the Modify Report – Payroll Journal window select the period. 5. Click Columns in the Other Options section. 6. Click All on the Columns tab, click OK. 7. In the Copy Report to Excel window leave the defaults as they are. For the report header options, do not select the second radio button (Show header in excel worksheet) or the import will fail. 8. Click OK. 9. Save your Excel spreadsheet and browse to it when ready. Preparing the Files in Peachtree 2008 and Prior Years To create the General Ledger file in Peachtree 2008 and prior years, use the following steps: - 24 - 1. Open your client in Peachtree. 2. From the Reports menu, select General Ledger. 3. In the Select a Report window, single-click to highlight General Ledger and click Sent To icon on the toolbar, select Excel. 4. In the General Ledger window, verify or set your report period and click OK. 5. In the Copy Report to Excel window, leave the defaults as they are. For the report header options, do not select the second radio button (Show header in excel worksheet) or the import will fail. 6. Click OK. 7. Save your Excel spreadsheet and browse to it when ready. To create the Payroll Journal file in Peachtree 2008 and prior years, use the following steps: 1. Open your client in Peachtree. 2. From the Reports menu, select Payroll. 3. In the Select a Report window, single-click to highlight Payroll and click Sent To icon on the toolbar, select Excel. 4. In the Payroll Journal window verify or set your report period on the Filter tab. On the Fields tab, click Show All and select OK. 5. In the Copy Report to Excel window, leave the defaults as they are. For the report header options, do not select the second radio button (Show header in excel worksheet) or the import will fail. 6. Click OK. 7. Save your Excel spreadsheet and browse to it when ready. Data Fields that are Imported Field Required Type* Max Length or Format Field Imported Into Account Number Yes AN 20 Account# / Account Description Account Description Yes AN 30 Account# / Account Description Transaction ID Yes N Transaction Date Yes N MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY Document Number No N Maximum reference number is: 2147483647 Journal Entry Number Transaction Type Yes AN Journal Entry Number! Journal Entry Date None** Transaction Description No AN Debit Amount Yes N 999,999,999.99 Memo Debit Credit Amount Yes N 999,999,999.99 Credit *Type = A (Alpha); AN (Alphanumeric; or N (Numeric) ! The Document Number will import to the Journal Entry Number field in Client Write-Up. If the Document Number is not mapped, Client Write-Up will use the Transaction ID as the Journal Entry Number. If the column available for import is alphanumeric, Client Write-Up will generate the next available journal entry number because Client Write-Up does not allow alpha characters to be a part of the journal entry number. For more information about mapping see the Map Import Columns topic. **Although the transaction type does not directly map to a field in Client Write-Up it is required for the transaction to be included in the import. Any data can be in this column. Additional Information: l The Transaction ID is necessary if you do not want one journal entry for all transactions. l The Document Number includes the check numbers and invoice numbers. l The Transaction Description could be a memo or reference. l The same import column can be used more than once, if applicable. Starting the Peachtree Detail GL Import First complete the standard import steps then continue to the Generic Detail GL Import steps below. Step 1 – Select Transactions All general ledger entries are automatically imported. Select the appropriate check box(es) if you would like additional information to be included in the import to Client Write-Up. Additional files may be required for these selections. - 25 - To use this option, you will need to have your general ledger report and Payroll Journal from Peachtree saved as Excel (.xls) files. 1. Select the additional items you want included in the import. 2. Click Next to continue. Step 2 – Select the Export File 1. Use the Browse button to select the location of the export file (.XLS) you created above. 2. Click Next to continue. - 26 - Step 3 – Assign/Map Payroll Items 1. Assign / map all Peachtree payroll items to a Client Write-Up payroll item type. All Peachtree payroll items must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. 2. Click Next to continue. You will only need to assign payroll items one time. Once they have been selected, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new payroll items in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign the items at that time. Step 4 – Select Import Period 1. Specify the date range of the transactions to be imported by selecting a start and end date that coincides with the transaction dates in the Peachtree Import files. Make sure not to overlap a date(s) from a previous import for a specific client because this will cause duplicate transactions. Transactions beginning with the Start Date and ending with the End Date will be selected for the import. If you selected to import employees, customers, and/or vendors, only those employees, customers, or vendors with activity within the selected date range will be included in the import. 2. Click Next to continue. - 27 - Step 5 – Select Bank Accounts Client Write-Up Import needs to know the bank accounts used for this client. All accounts in your chart of accounts are shown in the left window. 1. Highlight and move all checking and cash accounts that you wish to reconcile to the right window using the arrows. 2. Click Next to continue. You will only need to select bank accounts one time. Once they have been selected, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must select the bank accounts to them at that time. Step 6 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal Assign/Map Checking Accounts 1. Select the Client Write-Up checking account that corresponds to each bank account identified in the previous step. You must assign all checking accounts to a bank account You will only need to assign checking accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in - 28 - Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign checking accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Bank Account to create a new bank account in Client Write-Up. Select Source Journals 2. Select the source journal to use in the import. 3. Click Next to continue. If you want to create a special source journal code for imported transactions, cancel the import, return to Lists > Source Journals, and add the new source journal code. Step 7 – Assign/Map Accounts 1. Assign / map all Peachtree accounts to an existing Client Write-Up account. All Peachtree accounts must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new accounts in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Account to create a new account in Client Write-Up. You can either select the Client Write-Up account from the list provided or begin typing the account number to find it in the list. 2. Click Next to continue. - 29 - Step 8 – Assign/Map Employees 1. Assign / map all Peachtree employees to an existing Client Write-Up employee. This window only displays if you have selected to import employees and employee paychecks and the paychecks are included within the selected date range in the above step. All Peachtree employees must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are three options available for assigning employees: l Existing employees: If the employee has been set up in Client Write-Up, click the drop-down arrow and link the existing Client Write-Up employee to the Peachtree employee. l New employees-Add as New: If the employee has not been set up in Client Write-Up, select the default of “Add as new” from the drop-down list and let the import add the employee to Client Write-Up. The import will use the first nine characters of the Peachtree employee code as the client ID. l New employees-Add first: If the employee does not exist in Client Write-Up, and you want to make the link on this window, click the Set up New Employee button and add the employee to Client Write-Up. The new employee will then be available in the drop-down list for linking. You only need to assign employees one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new employees in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign employees to them at that time. Click Set Up New Employee to create a new employee in Client Write-Up. 2. Click Next to continue. - 30 - Step 9 – Assign / Map Payroll Items 1. Assign / map all the client’s Peachtree payroll items (other pays, deductions, and taxes) to a Client Write-Up payroll item. All Peachtree payroll items must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are 20 Pay Level and 20 Employee Fields in Peachtree. We refer to them as Pay Level 1- Pay Level 20, and employEE1-employee20. If in doubt about the identification of an item return to Peachtree and check this information. You only need to assign payroll items one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new payroll items in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign payroll items to them at that time. Use the buttons on the screen to set up new deductions, paycodes, states, and municipalities. 2. Click Next to continue. Step 10 – Assign / Map Vendors 1. Assign / map all Peachtree vendors to a Client Write-Up vendor. This window only displays if you have selected to import vendors and vendor check details and if there is vendor activity included within the selected date range in the above step. All Peachtree vendors must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are three options available for assigning vendors: - 31 - l Existing vendors: If the vendor has been set up in Client Write-Up, click the drop-down arrow and link the existing Client Write-Up vendor to the Peachtree vendor. l New vendor-Add as New: If the vendor has not been set up in Client Write-Up, select the default of “Add as new” from the drop-down list and let the import add the vendor to Client Write-Up. The import will use the first nine characters of the Peachtree vendor code as the vendor ID. l New vendor-Add first: If the vendor does not exist in Client Write-Up, and you want to make the link on this window, click the Set up New Vendor button and add the vendor to Client Write-Up. The new vendor will then be available in the drop-down list for linking. You only need to assign vendors one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new vendors in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign vendors to them at that time. Click Set Up New Vendor to create a new vendor in Client Write-Up. 2. Click Next to continue. Step 11 – Assign / Map Customers 1. Assign / map all Peachtree customers to a Client Write-Up customer. This window only displays if you have selected to import customers and customer details and if there is customer activity included within the selected date range in the above step. All Peachtree customers must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are three options available for assigning customers: l Existing customers: If the customer has been set up in Client Write-Up, click the drop-down arrow and link the existing Client Write-Up customer to the Peachtree customer. l New customer-Add as New: If the customer has not been set up in Client Write-Up, select the default of “Add as new” from the drop-down list and let the import add the customer to Client Write-Up. The import will use the first nine characters of the Peachtree customer code as the customer ID. l New customer-Add first: If the customer does not exist in Client Write-Up, and you want to make the link on this window, click the Set up New Customer button and add the customer to Client Write-Up. The new customer will then be available in the drop-down list for linking. You only need to assign customer one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new customer in Peachtree, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign customer to them at that time. Click Set Up New Customer to create a new customer in Client Write-Up. 2. Click Next to continue. - 32 - Step 12 – Start Import 1. Click Import to start the import process. Client Write-Up transactions will only be created for transactions which fall in the date range you entered in the step above. 2. The Import Complete confirmation message displays indicating that the import finished. 3. Click Exit to close the Import Wizard. A folder batch of journal entries is created from the Peachtree General Ledger transactions. You may want to review journal entries and make any necessary changes prior to posting the batch. 4. Select Batch Posting from the Activities menu to view the batch that was created during the import. 5. Double-click the batch to select it and choose Print Register to view the transaction included in the batch. 6. If you are satisfied with the transactions in the batch click Post to post the entry. Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). This is true for all clients, whether they use RealTime or Post Processing. You must post the folders (using Batch Posting from the Activities menu) before the transactions are available for reports or statements. QuickBooks Import Use the QuickBooks (QuickBooks is a registered trademark of Intuit) Import Wizard to import detail records from QuickBooks to Client Write-Up. With this QuickBooks import method there is no export from QuickBooks required, as transactions are extracted directly from the QuickBooks client data files as part of the import process. However, the QuickBooks application must reside on the same workstation where the import is being run. If you do not have QuickBooks installed on the same workstation where the import will be performed, use the QuickBooks CSV import instead. Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). The checks are grouped in a check folder (batch) and the journal entries are grouped in a journal entry folder (batch). This is true for all clients, whether they use Real-Time or Post Processing. You must post the folders (using Batch Posting from the Activities menu) before the transactions are available for reports or statements. Depending on your client's requirements, you may import from QuickBooks on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. You can select a date range for the import, to select only those transactions for a specific period. What is Imported l Each QuickBooks check transaction is imported as a write-up check. This includes direct deposit checks and zero amount checks with direct deposit distributions. l All other QuickBooks transactions are imported as write-up journal entries. - 33 - What is Not Imported l QuickBooks employee and account beginning balances are not imported. l "Memo" transactions on employee checks (a Memo is defined in QuickBooks as a check box you select if the information in this field does not affect your company general ledger or financial statements, such as tips). l Deduction and other pay employer amounts that are not automatically calculated when the employee checks are posted. QuickBooks 2006 and Higher One-time Setup To prepare the import to allow access to QuickBooks 2006 and above (one time only): 1. Open the QuickBooks company in QuickBooks. 2. Start Client Write-Up and select Activities > Import Wizard . Select QuickBooks from the drop-down menu and click Next. Select the version and select the company from the list. 3. An authorization window from QuickBooks displays, stating that an application without a certificate is requesting access to the QuickBooks company. On this window, you are asked if you want to allow Client Write-Up to read and modify the company file. Select "Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running." Then select the check box to "Allow this application to access personal data such as Social Security Numbers and customer credit card information." If you do not select this check box, payroll information will not be imported from QuickBooks. 4. When you click Continue, a Configuration window displays. Confirm your decisions. A final Access Confirmation window displays to let you know that authorization has been given to the QuickBooks client. If you do not run this authorization for a QuickBooks 2006 or higher company, an error message will display when you try to open the company in the QuickBooks Import. The message will tell you that the application is unable to log into this QuickBooks company data file automatically. Click OK. An additional window displays with instructions on preparing for the import (see steps 1 through 4 above). Once you authorized a QuickBooks 2006 or higher company for the import you will not need to perform these steps again or have the client open in QuickBooks prior to performing the import. Starting the QuickBooks Import Select QuickBooks Version The QuickBooks Import can be used for the following versions: l US 4, 5, 6, 99, 2000 through 2012 - 34 - 1. Select the QuickBooks Software Version from the list provided: QuickBooks 2005 and prior or QuickBooks 2006 and above. If you are importing from QuickBooks 2006 and above, additional setup is necessary. See QuickBooks 2006 and Higher One-time Setup complete information. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 1 - Select the QuickBooks Client 1. Using the drive and directory lists select the location of the QuickBooks company file. All QuickBooks files for the selected path appear. Select the file you wish to import into Client Write-Up. If the client uses QuickBooks, select the .QBW file; if they use QuickBooks Accountant’s Version, select the .QBA file. 2. Select whether to import employees and employee pay checks. If this option is NOT selected or if employees are not setup in the QuickBooks Payroll module, any employee checks will be imported as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing and the preparation of quarterly and annual payroll tax returns and forms. 3. Select whether to import vendors and vendor payments. If this option is NOT selected or if vendors are not setup in QuickBooks, any vendor payment checks will be imported as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing and the preparation of quarterly and annual payroll tax returns and forms. The optional employee and vendor check import can be useful for: l Monthly clients, for whom you wish to calculate monthly payroll tax deposits and prepare all payroll related tax returns. l Quarterly clients, for whom you wish to prepare Form 941 and state unemployment forms, and calculate FUTA deposits. l Annual clients, for whom you wish to prepare W-2s and year-end returns, such as Form 940. 4. Specify the date range of the transactions to be imported by selecting a start and end date that coincides with the transaction dates in QuickBooks. Make sure not to overlap dates from a previous import because this will cause duplicate transactions. Transactions beginning with the Start Date and ending with the End Date will be selected for the import. If you selected to import employees and/or vendors, only those employees or vendors with activity within the selected date range will be included in the import. - 35 - 5. Click Next> to continue. A message tells you that the QuickBooks data is being validated then extracted. Because the import is extracting the data from the QuickBooks client files this could take some time, depending on the size of the client. Step 2 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal Assign/Map Checking Accounts 1. In QuickBooks, each client can have multiple bank accounts. All accounts used by this client appear in the list. You must assign all checking accounts to a Client Write-Up account. You will only need to assign checking accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in the originating software, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign checking accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Bank Account to create a new bank account in Client Write-Up. Select Source Journal 2. Select the source journal to use in the import. 3. Click Next> to continue. If you want to create a special source journal code for QuickBooks transactions, cancel the import, return to Lists > Source Journals, and add the new source journal code. - 36 - Step 3 – Assign/Map Accounts 1. Assign / map all QuickBooks accounts to an existing Client Write-Up account. All QuickBooks accounts must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new accounts in QuickBooks, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Account to create a new account in Client Write-Up. You can either select the Client Write-Up account from the list provided or begin typing the account number to find it in the list. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 4 – Assign / Map Employees 1. Assign / map all QuickBooks employees to an existing Client Write-Up employee. This window only displays if you have selected to import employees and employee paychecks and the paychecks are included within the selected date range in the above step. All QuickBooks employees must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are three options available for assigning employees: - 37 - l Existing employees: If the employee has been set up in Client Write-Up, click the drop-down arrow and link the existing Client Write-Up employee to the QuickBooks employee. l New employees-Add as New: If the employee has not been set up in Client Write-Up, select the default of “Add as new” from the drop-down list and let the import add the employee to Client Write-Up. The import will use the first nine characters of the QuickBooks employee code as the client ID. With this option, a warning will display indicating that the QuickBooks ID number will be used for the employee ID in Client Write-Up. l New employees-Add first: If the employee does not exist in Client Write-Up, and you want to make the link on this window, click the Set up New Employee button and add the employee to Client Write-Up. The new employee will then be available in the drop-down list for linking. You only need to assign employees one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new employees in QuickBooks, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign employees to them at that time. Click Set Up New Employee to create a new employee in Client Write-Up. All employees must be set up in the QuickBooks Payroll module. If not, the employee checks will be treated as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 5 – Assign / Map Payroll Items 1. Assign / map all the client’s QuickBooks payroll items (other pays, deductions, and taxes) to a Client Write-Up payroll item. All QuickBooks payroll items must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign payroll items one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new payroll items in QuickBooks, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign payroll items to them at that time. Use the buttons on the screen to set up new deductions, paycodes, states, and municipalities. 2. Click Next> to continue. - 38 - Step 6 – Assign / Map Vendors 1. Assign / map all QuickBooks payroll vendors to a Client Write-Up vendor. This window only displays if you have selected to import vendors and vendor payments and the payments are included within the selected date range in the above step. All QuickBooks vendors must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are three options available for assigning vendors: l Existing vendors: If the vendor has been set up in Client Write-Up, click the drop-down arrow and link the existing Client Write-Up vendor to the QuickBooks vendor. l New vendor-Add as New: If the vendor has not been set up in Client Write-Up, select the default of “Add as new” from the drop-down list and let the import add the vendor to Client Write-Up. The import will use the first nine characters of the QuickBooks vendor code as the vendor ID. With this option, a warning will display indicating that the QuickBooks ID number will be used for the employee ID in Client Write-Up. l New vendor-Add first: If the vendor does not exist in Client Write-Up, and you want to make the link on this window, click the Set up New Vendor button and add the vendor to Client Write-Up. The new vendor will then be available in the drop-down list for linking. You only need to assign vendors one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new vendors in QuickBooks, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign vendors to them at that time. Click Set Up New Vendor to create a new vendor in Client Write-Up. All vendors must be set up on the Vendor window in QuickBooks. If not, the vendor payments will be treated as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing. Only vendor checks written through QuickBooks Bill Payment will be imported. 2. Click Next> to continue. - 39 - Step 7 – Start Import 1. Click Import to start the import process. Client Write-Up transactions will only be created for transactions which fall in the date range you entered in the step above. The QuickBooks Import checks to make sure the transactions have not been imported before. The import checks the batch description (which contains the identifier “QB” and the starting and ending dates of the transactions). You will be warned if duplicate transactions are found in the database, but you can still post the batch if you wish. 2. The Import Complete confirmation message displays indicating that the import finished. 3. Click Exit to close the Import Wizard. If QuickBooks employees were not set up in the Payroll module, or if QuickBooks vendors were not set up on the Vendor window in QuickBooks, that employee payroll and vendor payment checks will not update the after-the-fact payroll tables in Client Write-Up. They will be treated as "Other" checks, updating the transaction tables only. Only vendor checks written through QuickBooks Bill Payment will be imported. Folders (batches) of check entries are created from the QuickBooks check transactions for employees and vendors (per checking account). Folders of journal entries are created from all other QuickBooks transactions. Please review these checks and journal entries and make any necessary changes prior to posting the batches. 4. Select Batch Posting from the Activities menu to view the batch that was created during the import. 5. Double-click the batch to select it and choose Print Register to view the transaction included in the batch. Set up your Payroll Posting Accounts prior to posting your payroll transactions. 6. If you are satisfied with the transactions in the batch click Post to record the entry. Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). Payroll journal records and payment journal records are imported in a separate check batch named mm/dd/yyyy-mm/dd/yyyy QuickBooks CSV Import Use the QuickBooks (QuickBooks is a registered trademark of Intuit) .CSV Import Wizard to import detail transactions from QuickBooks to Client Write-Up. With the QuickBooks CSV import QuickBooks does NOT need to be installed on the same workstation where the import is being run. However, an export file must be created in QuickBooks before running the import. - 40 - Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). Employee and vendor checks are separated into batches based on the checking account. Journal entries are grouped in batches based on the source journal. This is true for all clients, whether they use Real-Time or Post Processing. You must post the folders (using Batch Posting from the Activities menu) before the transactions are available for reports or statements. Depending on your client's requirements, you may import from QuickBooks on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. You can select a date range for the import, to select only those transactions for a specific period. What is Imported l Each QuickBooks check transaction is imported as a write-up check. This includes direct deposit checks and zero amount checks with direct deposit distributions. l All other QuickBooks transactions are imported as write-up journal entries. What is Not Imported l QuickBooks employee and account beginning balances are not imported. l "Memo" transactions on employee checks (a Memo is defined in QuickBooks as a check box you select if the information in this field does not affect your company general ledger or financial statements, such as tips). l Deduction and other pay employer amounts that are not automatically calculated when the employee checks are posted. Before You Begin You will need to prepare the export files in QuickBooks. Below are instructions for preparing these files. Preparing the Export Files in QuickBooks 2011 and Earlier Create a folder to save the exported CSV files from QuickBooks. If you are going to be exporting CSV files for multiple companies, it is recommended that you create a separate folder for each company. QuickBooks 2012 changed the CSV export method, the changes are noted below. Account List 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > List > Account Listing and select Modify Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Account Listing window, click Export. 4. In the Export Report window, under the Basic tab select a comma separated values (.csv) file and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type AccountListing.csv and click Save. Vendor Contact List 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > List > Vendor Contact List and click Modify Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Vendor Contact List, click Export. 4. In the Export Report window, under the Basic tab select a comma separated values (.csv) file and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type VendorContactList.csv and click Save. - 41 - Employee Contact List 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > List > Employee Contact List and select Modify Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Employee Contact List, click Export. 4. In the Export Report window, under the Basic tab select a comma separated values (.csv) file and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type EmployeeContactList.csv and click Save. Payroll Item Listing 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > List > Payroll Item Listing and select Modify Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Payroll Item Listing, click Export. 4. In the Export Report window, under the Basic tab select a comma separated values (.csv) file and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type PayrollItemListing.csv and click Save. Journal - 2010 and 2011 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > Accountant & Taxes > Journal and select Expand and Modify Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Journal, click Export. 4. In the Export Report window, under the Basic tab select a comma separated values (.csv) file and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type Journal.csv and click Save. You are now ready to import your company data into Client Write-Up. Preparing the Export Files in QuickBooks 2012 Account List 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > List > Account Listing and select Customize Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Account Listing window, click Excel and click Create New Worksheet. 4. In the Send Report to Excel window, choose the Create a comma separated values (.csv) file radio button and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type AccountListing.csv and click Save. - 42 - Vendor Contact List 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > List > Vendor Contact List and select Customize Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Vendor Contact List window, click Excel and click Create New Worksheet. 4. In the Send Report to Excel window, choose the Create a comma separated values (.csv) file radio button and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type VendorContactList.csv and click Save. Employee Contact List 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > List > Employee Contact List and select Customize Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Employee Contact List window, click Excel and click Create New Worksheet. 4. In the Send Report to Excel window, choose the Create a comma separated values (.csv) file radio button and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type EmployeeContactList.csv and click Save. Payroll Item Listing 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > List > Payroll Item Listing and select Customize Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Payroll Item Listing window, click Excel and click Create New Worksheet. 4. In the Send Report to Excel window, choose the Create a comma separated values (.csv) file radio button and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type PayrollItemListing.csv and click Save. Journal 1. In QuickBooks, select Reports > Accountant & Taxes > Journal and select Customize Report. 2. Under the Display tab, and Columns, un-check (left margin). Check everything else except Ship to City, Ship to Address 1, Ship to Address 2, Ship to State, and Ship Zip and click OK. You can select the first column without a check mark and drag your cursor to the bottom of the list to select all columns. Be sure to verify that all columns are selected. 3. In the Journal window, click Excel and click Create New Worksheet. 4. In the Send Report to Excel window, choose the Create a comma separated values (.csv) file radio button and click Export. 5. In the Create Disk File window, under Save In select the folder you created at the beginning to save your exported files to. 6. Under File Name, type Journal.csv and click Save. You are now ready to import your company data into Client Write-Up. - 43 - Starting the QuickBooks .CSV Import First complete the standard import steps then continue to the QuickBooks CSV Import steps below. Step 1 - Select the Location of the Export Files 1. Using the drive and directory lists select the location of the QuickBooks export files (.CSV) created above. 2. Select whether to import employees and employee pay checks. If this option is NOT selected or if employees are not setup in the QuickBooks Payroll module, any employee checks will be imported as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing and the preparation of quarterly and annual payroll tax returns and forms. 3. Select whether to import vendors and vendor payments. If this option is NOT selected or if vendors are not setup in QuickBooks, any vendor payment checks will be imported as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing and the preparation of quarterly and annual payroll tax returns and forms. The optional employee and vendor check import can be useful for: l Monthly clients, for whom you wish to calculate monthly payroll tax deposits and prepare all payroll related tax returns. l Quarterly clients, for whom you wish to prepare Form 941 and state unemployment forms, and calculate FUTA deposits. l Annual clients, for whom you wish to prepare W-2s and year-end returns, such as Form 940. 4. Specify the date range of the transactions to be imported by selecting a start and end date that coincides with the transaction dates in QuickBooks. Make sure not to overlap dates from a previous import because this will cause duplicate transactions. Transactions beginning with the Start Date and ending with the End Date will be selected for the import. If you selected to import employees and/or vendors, only those employees or vendors with activity within the selected date range will be included in the import. 5. Click Next> to continue. - 44 - Step 2 – Assign/Map Checking Accounts & Select Source Journal Assign/Map Checking Accounts 1. In QuickBooks, each client can have multiple bank accounts. All accounts used by this client appear in the list. You must assign all checking accounts to a Client Write-Up account. You will only need to assign checking accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds new bank accounts in the originating software, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign checking accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Bank Account to create a new bank account in Client Write-Up. Select Source Journal 2. Select the source journal to use in the import. 3. Click Next> to continue. If you want to create a special source journal code for QuickBooks transactions, cancel the import, return to Lists > Source Journals, and add the new source journal code. Step 3 – Assign/Map Accounts - 45 - 1. Assign / map all QuickBooks accounts to an existing Client Write-Up account. All QuickBooks accounts must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new accounts in QuickBooks, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Account to create a new account in Client Write-Up. You can either select the Client Write-Up account from the list provided or begin typing the account number to find it in the list. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 4 – Assign / Map Employees 1. Assign / map all QuickBooks employees to an existing Client Write-Up employee. This window only displays if you have selected to import employees and employee paychecks and the paychecks are included within the selected date range in the above step. All QuickBooks employees must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are three options available for assigning employees: l Existing employees: If the employee has been set up in Client Write-Up, click the drop-down arrow and link the existing Client Write-Up employee to the QuickBooks employee. l New employees-Add as New: If the employee has not been set up in Client Write-Up, select the default of “Add as new” from the drop-down list and let the import add the employee to Client Write-Up. The import will use the first nine characters of the QuickBooks employee code as the client ID. With this option, a warning will display indicating that the QuickBooks ID number will be used for the employee ID in Client Write-Up. l New employees-Add first: If the employee does not exist in Client Write-Up, and you want to make the link on this window, click the Set up New Employee button and add the employee to Client Write-Up. The new employee will then be available in the drop-down list for linking. You only need to assign employees one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new employees in QuickBooks, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign employees to them at that time. Click Set Up New Employee to create a new employee in Client Write-Up. All employees must be set up in the QuickBooks Payroll module. If not, the employee checks will be treated as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing. 2. Click Next> to continue. - 46 - Step 5 – Assign / Map Payroll Items 1. Assign / map all the client’s QuickBooks payroll items (other pays, deductions, and taxes) to a Client Write-Up payroll item. All QuickBooks payroll items must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign payroll items one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new payroll items in QuickBooks, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign payroll items to them at that time. Use the buttons on the screen to set up new deductions, paycodes, states, and municipalities. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 6 – Assign / Map Vendors 1. Assign / map all QuickBooks payroll vendors to a Client Write-Up vendor. This window only displays if you have selected to import vendors and vendor payments and the payments are included within the selected date range in the above step. All QuickBooks vendors must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. There are three options available for assigning vendors: l Existing vendors: If the vendor has been set up in Client Write-Up, click the drop-down arrow and link the existing Client Write-Up vendor to the QuickBooks vendor. - 47 - l New vendor-Add as New: If the vendor has not been set up in Client Write-Up, select the default of “Add as new” from the drop-down list and let the import add the vendor to Client Write-Up. The import will use the first nine characters of the QuickBooks vendor code as the vendor ID. With this option, a warning will display indicating that the QuickBooks ID number will be used for the employee ID in Client Write-Up. l New vendor-Add first: If the vendor does not exist in Client Write-Up, and you want to make the link on this window, click the Set up New Vendor button and add the vendor to Client Write-Up. The new vendor will then be available in the drop-down list for linking. You only need to assign vendors one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new vendors in QuickBooks, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign vendors to them at that time. Click Set Up New Vendor to create a new vendor in Client Write-Up. All vendors must be set up on the Vendor window in QuickBooks. If not, the vendor payments will be treated as “Other” checks and will not be available for after-the-fact payroll processing. Only vendor checks written through QuickBooks Bill Payment will be imported. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 7 – Start Import 1. Click Import to start the import process. Client Write-Up transactions will only be created for transactions which fall in the date range you entered in the step above. The QuickBooks CSV Import checks to make sure the transactions have not been imported before. The import checks the batch description (which contains the identifier “QB” and the starting and ending dates of the transactions). You will be warned if duplicate transactions are found in the database, but you can still post the batch if you wish. 2. The Import Complete confirmation message displays indicating that the import finished. 3. Click Exit to close the Import Wizard. If QuickBooks employees were not set up in the Payroll module, or if QuickBooks vendors were not set up on the Vendor window in QuickBooks, that employee payroll and vendor payment checks will not update the after-the-fact payroll tables in Client Write-Up. They will be treated as "Other" checks, updating the transaction tables only. Only vendor checks written through QuickBooks Bill Payment will be imported. Folders (batches) of check entries are created from the QuickBooks check transactions for employees and vendors (per checking account). Folders of journal entries are created from all other QuickBooks transactions. Please review these checks and journal entries and make any necessary changes prior to posting the batches. - 48 - 4. Select Batch Posting from the Activities menu to view the batch that was created during the import. 5. Double-click the batch to select it and choose Print Register to view the transaction included in the batch. Set up your Payroll Posting Accounts prior to posting your payroll transactions. 6. If you are satisfied with the transactions in the batch click Post to record the entry. Quicken Import Use the Quicken Import Wizard to import detail records from a Quicken export file to Client Write-Up using. The transactions are imported as a batch into Client Write-Up. The batch must be posted before the journal entries are available for use in the reports and statements. Depending on your client's requirements, you may import Quicken transactions on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. What is Not Imported l Beginning balances for employees and accounts are not imported. Before You Import l Create your client in Client Write-Up. l Setup the fiscal periods. l Setup a checking account. Select Checking Accounts from the Lists menu to add an account. l If you are importing employee checks: l Verify any states needed for payroll are set up. Select States from the ATF Payroll menu and make sure all necessary states have been added. l Verify payroll posting accounts are assigned. l Verify employees are set up in Client Write-Up using the same employee ID that was used in Quicken. l If you are importing vendor checks, the vendors must be set up in Client Write-Up using the same vendor code that was used in Quicken. l Export your .QIF file from Quicken. See Quicken for details on the export. When you export, select Bank as the Quicken account to Export from, and include only transactions in the export. Depending on your client’s requirements, you may ask them to export the file monthly, quarterly or yearly. Remember that all transactions in the exported .QIF file will be used in the import. There is no exclusion by date range in the import. Importing Vendor and Employee Checks Importing Vendor Checks l If you plan to import Quicken vendor checks the Memo field in Quicken must be coded as *VEN#### (where #### is the vendor code). The asterisk (*) must be used. l Vendors must be set up in Client Write-Up using the same vendor code that was used in Quicken. Importing Employee Payroll Checks l If you plan to import employee payroll checks the Memo field in Quicken must be coded as *PAY#### (where #### is the vendor code). The asterisk (*) must be used. l Employees must be set up in Client Write-Up using the same employee ID that was used in Quicken. l Client Write-Up payroll posting accounts must be assigned to a single wage account type instead of ALL if they are linked to a Quicken category. For example, Quicken category 300 is used for payroll check distributions and is linked to Client Write-Up account 0300.000. Account 0300.00 must be linked to a single wage account type (like FWT or FUI) instead of using the ALL designation in Payroll Posting Accounts. Starting the Quicken Import First complete the standard import steps then continue to the Quicken Import steps below. - 49 - Step 1 – Select the Location of the Files to be Imported 1. Use the drive and directory lists to select the Quicken export (.QIF) file created above. All Quicken files for the selected path appear. 2. Click Next> to continue. Step 2 – Assign/Map Accounts 1. Assign/map all Quicken accounts to an existing Client Write-Up account. All Quicken accounts must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new accounts in Quicken, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Account to create a new account in Client Write-Up. You can either select the Client Write-Up account from the list provided or begin typing the account number to find it in the list. 2. Click the arrow and select the client’s checking account from the list. Imported transactions will be associated with this checking account. You must assign the checking account each time you import transactions. The assigned checking account - 50 - number and the Quicken checking account number displays for reference. If your import file contains vendor checks the Set Up New Vendor button will display. Select this button to add any vendors that are included in the import but not yet set up in Client Write-Up. If your import file contains employee payroll checks the Set Up New Employee and Payroll Posting Accounts buttons display. Use these buttons to add any employees that are included in the import but not yet setup in Client Write-Up as well as to assign any payroll posting accounts. See Importing Vendor and Employee Checks for details. 3. Click Next> to continue. Step 3 – Start Import 1. Click Import to start the import process. Client Write-Up transactions will only be created for transactions which fall in the date range you entered in the step above. The import will verify that all vendors and employees have been set up in Client Write-Up. If the import finds any Quicken transactions for vendors and employees that have not been set up in Client Write-Up, a warning will display and an exception listing will print. You must add the vendors and/or employees (by clicking Set Up New Vendor / Set Up New Employee) before you can continue with the import. The Quicken Import checks to make sure that these transactions have not been imported before. The import checks the batch description (which includes the identifier of "QI" for the Quicken export file and the starting and ending dates of the transactions). You will be warned if duplicate transactions are found in the database, but you can still post the batch if you wish. The import will also check to make sure all transactions imported fall within the current year. If it detects data that is outside of the current year, a warning message will display and the import will not continue. If any errors were encountered during the import, a message will display. Click Yes to print the exception list so that you can make your corrections. This report will show if the unassigned Payroll items account (from Payroll Posting Accounts) and "Regular Pay" were substituted for exceptions marked as either missing or multiple wage types when assigning payroll distribution accounts for employee checks. You should correct any items noted on this report prior to posting. 2. The Import Complete confirmation message displays indicating that the import finished. 3. Click Exit to close the Import Wizard. A folder (batch) of check entries is created from the Quicken check transactions for employees and vendors (per checking account). All transactions in the selected .QIF file will be imported. Please review the generated check entries and make any necessary prior to posting the Quicken check batch. - 51 - 4. Select Batch Posting from the Activities menu to view the batch that was created during the import. 5. Double-click the batch to select it and choose Print Register to view the transaction included in the batch. 6. If you are satisfied with the transactions in the batch click Post to record the entry. Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). This is true for all clients, whether they use RealTime or Post Processing. You must post the folders (using Batch Posting from the Activities menu) before the transactions are available for reports or statements. ATX/TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager Import Use the ATX/Tax Wise Fixed Asset Manager Import Wizard to import detail records from ATX/Tax Wise Fixed Asset Manager to Client Write-Up. The transactions are imported as a batch into Client Write-Up. The batch must be posted before the journal entries are available for use in the reports and statements. Depending on your client's requirements, you may import general ledger detail on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. You can select a date range for the import, to select only those transactions for a specific period. Before You Import Preparing the ATX Fixed Asset Manager Export File Follow these steps to prepare your export file in ATX Fixed Asset Manager prior to starting the import in Client Write-Up: 1. Open the client in ATX Fixed Asset manager. 2. Select Tasks then Export to CWU to display the Export to CWU dialog. 3. Select the check box at the top to create monthly journal entries. 4. Choose the months you wish to export and click Export. 5. On the CWU Clients dialog, select the Client Write-Up client and click OK. 6. Click OK on the Confirmation message, and then click Close on the Export to CWU dialog. 7. Make sure to save the file using the Comma Separated Value (.CSV) file format. Preparing the TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager Export File Follow these steps to prepare your export file in TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager prior to starting the import in Client Write-Up: 1. Open the client in TaxWise Fixed Asset manager. 2. Select Tasks then Export to CWU to display the Export to CWU dialog. 3. Select the check box at the top to create monthly journal entries. 4. Choose the months you wish to export and click Export. 5. On the CWU Clients dialog, select the Client Write-Up client and click OK. 6. Click OK on the Confirmation message, and then click Close on the Export to CWU dialog. 7. Make sure to save the file using the Comma Separated Value (.CSV) file format. Starting the ATX/TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager Import First complete the standard import steps then continue to the ATX/Tax Wise Fixed Asset Manager Import steps below. - 52 - Step 1 – Select the Import File 1. Use the Browse button to select the location of the fixed asset import file you created above. 2. Click Next to continue. Step 2 – Select Import Period 1. Specify the date range of the transactions to be imported by selecting a start and end date that coincides with the transaction dates in the export file. Make sure not to overlap dates from a previous import because this will cause duplicate transactions. Transactions beginning with the Start Date and ending with the End Date will be selected for the import. 2. Click Next to continue. - 53 - Step 3 – Select Journal 1. Select the source journal to use in the import. 2. Click Next to continue. Step 4 – Assign/Map Accounts 1. Assign/map all import accounts to an existing Client Write-Up account. All import accounts must be assigned before you can continue to the next step. You only need to assign accounts one time. Once they have been assigned, the Import will retain this information and display it each time you import transactions to Client Write-Up. If the client adds any new accounts in ATX/TaxWise Fixed Asset Manager, they will appear on the list during the next import and you must assign accounts to them at that time. Click Set Up New Account to create a new account in Client Write-Up. You can either select the Client Write-Up account from the list provided or begin typing the account number to find it in the list. 2. Click Next to continue. - 54 - Step 5 – Start Import 1. Click Import to start the import process. Client Write-Up transactions will only be created for transactions which fall in the date range you entered in the step above. 2. The Import Complete confirmation message displays indicating that the import finished. 3. Click Exit to close the Import Wizard. A folder batch of journal entries is created from the import transactions. Please review these checks and journal entries and make any necessary changes prior to posting the batch. 4. Select Batch Posting from the Activities menu to view the batch that was created during the import. 5. Double-click the batch to select it and choose Print Register to view the transaction included in the batch. 6. If you are satisfied with the transactions in the batch click Post to record the entry. Each group of transactions imported is grouped in a folder (batch). This is true for all clients, whether they use RealTime or Post Processing. You must post the folders (using Batch Posting from the Activities menu) before the transactions are available for reports or statements. - 55 -