S3 Newsbuzz
S3 Newsbuzz
3rd Edition Sarepta Secondary School Apr 2016 - Issue 003 Our Schools media 24 visit Sarepta Atlete Presteer Spreading the love WeCan24 digital program Interskole Dag Valentines Day Show PREFECT AND RCL INAUGURATION 2016 Grade 12 Learners of Sarepta Senior Secondary Lekeesha Oliver Keisha Ross On Tuesday, 16 February 2016 the prefect and RCL(Representative Council of Leaners) inauguration took place in the school hall. The ceremony acknowledges the leaders of our school, as they receive their badges, making them an official member of the prefect and RCL team. The guest speaker for this event was Keanan Hudson, an ex-student of our school, who is now in his final year of studying medicine. He gave learners some amazing advice such as to surround ourselves with positive people with huge ambitions. “Iron sharpens iron, so a person sharpens another person,” said Keanan. The principal also mentioned that it is a significant year for the matrics as they get to end their journey the year the school turns 30! He spoke about the difference between life and school. “In school you are taught a lesson and given a test, in life you are given a test that teaches you a lesson,” said Mr. Williams. The highlight of the evening was the announcement of the new leaders of our school. Elected as chairperson of the RCL was Bronwyn Swinton. “I felt honoured because some of the RCL members has only known me for a few days and has already put their trust in me,” said Bronwyn. At this ceremony they announced the Deputy and Head prefects for 2016; HeadBoy Luciano Coetzee, Head-Girl Shannon Nomdoe, Deputy Head-boy Rowan Maggot and Deputy Head-Girl, Jamie Van Rensburg.“It feels like a dream come true. I’ve always dreamed about being Head-Boy of our school,” said Luciano. They received their badges together with the handing over of the school flag from our former Head-Girl Jaime-Lee Peters and Head-Boy Dylan Hughes. “When my name was called out for Head-Girl, I felt overwhelmed with emotion. This position was a major boost for my selfesteem because being elected as the HeadGirl is a wonderful accomplishment,” says Shannon. The evening was a huge success and just like the principal mentioned that the road to success is not an easy one, but with the help and assistance of our leaders we aim to make this one smooth and joyous ride. Congratulations to the new RCL and prefect 2016 bodies. page 2 S3 NewsBuzz - Issue 003 Apr 2016 A Message From The Principal FROM THE DESK OF THE PRINCIPAL This year, 2016 promises to be a very exciting year for all of us, as we are celebrating our 30th Anniversary. Since it was established in 1987, our school has grown and developed into a well-respected academic institution, which has served the community and grown into a beacon of Hope for those from under-privileged backgrounds. At this school we have always tried to create for learners a structured, disciplined and caring environment where they can flourish and develop to their full otential. Academic excellence has always been the number one priority and an average matric pass rate of +-85 – 90% over the past 29 years is a testimony to the efforts and endeavours of all our learners and teachers throughout the years. As I stated at the beginning, 2016 promises to be an exciting year with many high-lights as we have arranged several events/ functions to celebrate our 30th year of existence. On Sunday, 17 April 2016, we will be having a 30th Anniversary Thanksgiving Church service. On Tuesday, 26 April 2016 our annual “Surf-walk” will take place and we are appealing for your support to make this major fundraising effort a success. Friday evening, 24 June 2016, the last day of the second term is the date for our 30th Anniversary Alumni Ball – a special event where we hope that some of our ex-learners will not only support the event, but also take the lead in arranging this grand evening. On Sunday, 9 October 2016, we will be having our GOLFDAY and we hope that it will be an even bigger success than the one we had in 2015. In all our ventures we desperately need your support and co-operation to ensure the success of these events and functions and to make sure that 2016 becomes a memorable year that will live on for many years to come. - Your Principal Mr. D.J Walliams Sarepta Presteer in Sport Nadine Harrison (Gr 12D) Amanda Talapile (Gr 12D) Die interskoleatletiekbyeenkoms was op 18 Februarie 2016 gehou. Sarepta het in die B-seksie meegeding en 6de geëindig. Twee-en-twintig atlete het deurgedring om deel te neem in die Noordelike sone Kampioenskappe waar vier atlete die Noord-sone span gehaal het. Quen Jacobs (0/14) het onderskeidelik goud vir die 800m en 1500m gekry. Op 4 en 5 Maart het Quen Jacobs, Jody-Amber Jansen (200m), Jeremon Williams (1500m) en Kyle Adams (O/15 – Verspring) aan die Westelike Provinsie Kampioenskappe deelgeneem. Quen is opgeneem in die WP-span wat op Saterdag 12 Maart 2016 deelneem by Groenpunt stadium aan die WesKaap Kampioenskappe. Ons is baie trots op hierdie atlete en wens hulle alle voorspoed toe. Baie dankie aan Me. Morkel (spanbestuurder) en Me. R Jeftha vir die tyd wat hul opgeoffer het om hierdie leerders te vergesel. We Have A Winner! Congratulations to our Johnsons & Johnsons Hamper winner!!! Mrs. Harrison won the lovely Johnsons hamper worth R500. Our heartfelt thanks to those who bought tickets. Tam-Tam & Mini-Me “Yes, some of us allow negativity to have a huge effect on our lives, we let negativity really get to us. Yes negativity will always be there, somewhere In that dark space, in the corner of your heart, but that does not define the person who you truly are. So stand up, No matter how deep it hurts. Prove people wrong, show them that no matter how hard that rock might Hit you, shine the brightest, live like there’s no tomorrow. Make the best of life, life’s too short to be fooling around.” S3 NewsBuzz - Issue 003 Apr 2016 page 3 Meet Our New Teacher, Mr. Petersen Robin Isaacs This year we welcome Mr. Petersen to the Sarepta family. From what we’ve seen so far, learners have grown so used to this man and that’s why we grabbed this opportunity to get to know him better. Mr. Petersen has previously taught at three other schools and will be taking on Sarepta, hopefully to end off his career with us. “Teachers and learners of the Sarepta family have made me feel super welcome here and for that I would like to thank them,” says Mr. Petersen. He adds that the learners here are the most behaved learners out of all the schools he has taught at so far. “Their discipline, co-operation and work ethics are very good and for that I am grateful,” says a smiling Mr. Petersen. He is glad that he didn’t have much of a choice when it came to studies during the apartheid, he initially wanted to become a food technologist but does not regret anything because if he was given a choice he would never have become such a great teacher. Mr. Petersen loves animals, interacts very well with people. This is what motivated him to go on, teach the nation and make a difference in the lives of youth. Mr. Petersen’s words of encouragement to all learners, and teachers are, “We can achieve anything we believe and even better than what we think.” Farewell Mr. Titus Tyler Du Toit Jenay Herbert We would like to dedicate a special farewell tribute to Mr. Titus, who has been with the Sarepta family for more than 10 years. Mr. Titus is now teaching at a high school in George (his hometown). We will fondly remember him for his interesting geography and tourism lessons. He made us hungry to want to Sarepta’s Rising Star Cheron Rudolf Our own Charnice Adams (matriculant 2015) is truly an example of the popular saying, “Don’t let your circumstances define who you are.” Many of us were not aware of her obstacles and challenges a teenager should not have to face. Growing up in a children’s home, life was not easy for Charnice. Daily struggles made her life a difficult one to live, but through those struggles, she managed to become one of the most dedicated learners our school has ever had. She managed to be one of the school’s travel the world. We will surely miss him tons at our annual athletics and surf walk outings. Mr.Titus is well renowned for his popular anecdotes and we wish him all the best and a successful time at his new school. His most fond saying were… “yes bruh,” “just chill,” “go and hug a tree,” “ focus,” “get your own line,” “ do you think you are on holiday?” and not forgetting “the show must go on.” top academic learners every year. Charnice has proven to be a loyal and hardworking young lady. All her hard work has paid off as she is now studying to be a social worker on a full bursary at the University of Stellenbosch. “I would love to help others who are in my situation,” says Charnice. This is her motivation for wanting to go into this particular field. With the assistance of generous sponsors ,she was able to complete her studies at Sarepta. Now at university, she doesn’t have to worry at all about fees. Sarepta’s own shining star gets to realise her dream. S3 NewsBuzz - Issue 003 page 4 Apr 2016 MGD Gee Terug Gesondheidsorg is ‘n baie belangrike komponent in enige person se lewe. MGD (Maties Gemeenskapsdiens) verskaf elke maand gratis mediese dienste by die Kalkfontein Laerskool aan die Kuilsrivier gemeenskap. Mediese studente van die Stellenbosch Universiteit en plaaslike dokters lewer uitstekende dienste waar die pasiënte selfs voorskrifte gratis by Essential Apteek kan gaan afhaal. Hulle verskaf ook verwysings briewe na ‘n hospitaal. Our Safety Is Important Crime in Kuilsriver is getting out of hand Memeza Shout Crime Prevention is the answer! Residents expressed their concerns about the increased robberies, burglaries and theft in the area. They feel robbed of a peaceful community and want to claim it back. “Children are being exposed to so many negative elements. The struggle is real but so is our God, we just need to persevere,” said a resident. Memeza is a NPO that focus on protecting the vulnerable. They’ve installed alarms in various community homes in Johannesburg to help eliminate crime and violence. “We provide tangible tools and technology, integrated with SAPS and Emergency Services to vulnerable people like children, elderly, people with disabilities, rape victims and even schools, to ensure these people can protect themselves and their families,” said Elmarie Pereira, Vodacom Change the World volunteer. “My Vodacom CTW duties include helping Memeza deploy projects, raise funds and getting our strategy and product ready to ensure a National roll out. Since last year we have been focussed on school safety ensuring that we can protect no fee paying schools, learners and teachers.” They focus on vulnerable schools that receive new ICT equipment such as tablets and smartboards, as these schools and children become targets. “When we deploy the Memeza Community Alarm system in these schools, we create a direct link to SAPS and even Emergency Services, therefore if there is a crisis at the school, the police can be proactively notified,” she said. The good news is that Memeza will soon launch in the Western Cape. “We are very excited about our partnership with The Cape Digital Foundation,” said Elmarie. “Their focus is to deploy broadband to schools as part of the Government connectivity strategy and Memeza will form part of this project, to ensure the technology deployed can be secured, including the children, teachers and surrounding communities. We hope to in the next couple of months finalize the project scope and start with deployment to schools outlined by the Cape Digital Foundation. Once this project kicks off and Memeza has a presence in the Western Cape, we hope to make the product available to the public, especially the vulnerable.” Elmarie adds, “Memeza will also soon be adding WIFI to our community alarm, which now means that we can provide Safety and Connectivity through one offering. Memeza is very excited to start working in the Western Cape and hope that the CDF project will be the first of many projects in this region.” Did You Know? AMANDA TALAPILE I keep a list of all the random facts I learn that I feel like I should have known or that would have been awesome to known I BET YOU DIDN’T KNOW!!!!!! • Everyone on earth is born with the ability to wiggle their ears, but if you don’t learn how early on, the muscle • • • • • atrophies and you can’t learn any longer. A snail can sleep for more than three years at a time. Apparently, if you eat a Polar Bear’s liver, you will die of a vitamin A overdose Cows have the ability to walk upstairs but not down again Baby rabbits are called… kittens. It is physically impossible for you to lick your elbow SO HOW ABOUT WEIRD FACTS THAT OTHER COUNTRIES HAVE?? • Only a qualified electrician is allowed to change a light bulb in Victoria Australia • Flushing the toilet after 10pm is illegal in Swaziland • In Portugal, it’s against the law to pee in the ocean. • In Kentucky, carrying ice cream cones in your pocket is illegal • In Miami, Florida, imitating animals is illegal. Apr 2016 S3 NewsBuzz - Issue 003 MATTERS of the HEART page 5 Learners Advice Column Psalm 32:8 New International Version (NIV) I will construct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. All questions are answered by professional Hope House Counsellors. Submit your questions in the submission box at your school. You can ask about any problem you’re facing in life. Anonymous I live in a home where both my parents serve the Lord. In the beginning of the year my father started acting weird, he started abusing my mother physically and my siblings and I were witnesses. On the 24th of May last year things got out of hand, it was my baby sisters birthday and my aunties and grandpa wanted to come over to wish her. They brought her presents and a cake, we were all enjoying each others company. Then my dad came home and asked everyone to leave and he threatened that he will put my mom out Anonymous Dear Counsellor, I don’t really know how to say this, but I’ll just go ahead and ask. I have a friend who has been living with us for a few months now because of the circumstances at home. I love having her around, but not all the time…sometimes I wish I can have some privacy. I know my parents mean well but what about us? Don’t we have a say? She is street smart, which means she’s already sexually active and things and always speaks about what she gets up to. I feel that she and also threatened to kill her. He then took all my baby sisters presents and broke them, she was crying and we were very scared. When he threatened to kill my mom, my aunt called the police and he was locked up for the evening. In June I ran away from home because I couldn’t take it anymore, it just got too much. My dad is very violent and has anger problems. I am not allowed to have a phone and neither is my mother, he is the only one that has a phone. Counsellor, all I’m asking is your help to get my mom and my siblings out of this bad situation. PLEASE HELP overshares. I’m focused on my school work and would rather not know about her life but she just keeps on and on about it. I don’t want to hurt her feeling by telling her not to talk to me but that is my right isn’t it? But what if she starts to have a attitude and ignores me. I will create a bad atmosphere at home? How do I just tell her no, my values are so different to hers! Counsellor I am so sorry to hear that you and your family have been going through such a terrible time. These changes in your father must have been confusing for you. Firstly, it’s very important that you, your mom and sister know that it is not your fault! There is nothing that you could have done to avoid any of this, it sounds like your dad might be going through something and that he is taking it out on your family. Sadly, we often hurt the ones who are closest to us. Secondly, in these types of situations, it is best that you have an adult who knows what you are going through - your aunt sounds like she could be this person for you. Counsellor This must be such a frustrating situation for you being caught between wanting to be a good friend but also needing your own space. You are 100% correct - it is your right to say what you want to be exposed to and when you are not comfortable with something you need to speak out. There are two areas to point out here. The first is that you want to concentrate on your school work. This is a really great decision you’ve made. Is there any place in the area that you could go to after school to complete your homework like a community library? That way by the time you get home, if your friend wants to chat for a bit it might not stress you out as much because Your mom might find it too difficult to speak to someone else but you could ask your aunt to help you contact a social worker in the area. If at times you feel like you don’t want to tell anyone else about it or that maybe your father will change without the help, can I encourage you that talking about it and getting the help for your family also shows how much you care about them because you want them to get better. It sounds as if you’ve been very brave! When you have those moments again when you feel as if you can’t take it anymore, give Childline a call, they know exactly what you are going through and are there to support people who are going through exactly what you are. (Childline 08000 55 555) you’ve already focused on the school work that needed to be done that day. The second point is the stories your friend chooses to share with you. She may not know that the content of her stories makes you uncomfortable, you need to let her know. This can be done in a gentle way - you know your friend best - give some thought to how you’re going to tell her and the words you will use. Then, if she does react badly that’s okay. She might just need some time to process it but when she does come around, your friendship might be stronger because you trusted her enough to be honest with her and the stress of keeping your frustrations about her to yourself, will be gone. S3 NewsBuzz - Issue 003 page 6 Apr 2016 Christian Fellowship Robin Isaacs As you all know, our school has its very own Christian Fellowship Club. We are a group of learners devoted to Christ to pray and stand in the gap for our fellow Christians. We meet every second day where we are led by Mrs. Ruiters, an extraordinary lady who teaches us ‘the how to’ in our everyday lives. We share our testimonies as we go on this incredible journey with Christ and experience the joys of walking with Him. We have bible studies and have our very own theme every year. Every year we are united with our brothers and sisters in Christ and host An interview with our new grade 8’s “I was very nervous and felt the Cleo Daniels adrenalin throughout the first day,” says Layan. She adds that she was very Jennifer Machelm anxious and shy. This is a new year and that means new learners have joined the Sarepta family. We welcome the Grade 8’s of Sarepta Secondary school 2016. Some are small and cute from what we’ve seen thus far. One of our Grade 8’s, Layan Khatieb agreed to have an interview about her experience of the first school day at Sarepta Secondary. Another newbie, Sydneigh Medee says, “This is a step into a whole new Monday to Friday life”. Erin Josephs says it is really easy to make friends at school, the learners are extremely friendly. Our Grade 8’s are encouraged to work hard and stay focused on their high school career. KIDULTHOOD Book Review Jenay Herbert Author: Noel Clarke The Novel is based on the most controversial film of 2006 Kidulthood is must read. The novel is about a day in the life of a group of 15-year-olds when they are given a day off from school due to a girl in there year has killed herself after relentless bullying .A cautionary tale of modern, living this story looks at the effects of bullying and the way in which a group of young people make some very difficult choices, which happens in everyday life. projects with UCSA (United Christian Student Association) to spread the gospel of God and lead many Muslims, Christians and many other diverse cultures to God. One of our successful themes and outreaches last year was “love connect”, we give a tremendous thanks to all who donated tins of food. TB patients at the Wesbank TB clinic, received the food with grateful hearts and was brought closer to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We encourage everyone who love the Lord and who would like a closer and more personal relationship with God to come and experience and taste of the sweet fruits we as a rising army offer. Spotlight On! Robin Isaacs We had a chat with one of Sarepta’s best Afrikaans teachers, Mrs. M.E. Williams to find out more about her. According to Mrs. Williams the teachers at Sarepta made her feel very welcome and would like to thank them. Her passions are languages and this is one of two reasons why she chose to become a teacher. The other reason is the joy she feels to sharing knowledge with others, especially children. Previously, Mrs. Williams has been sharing her passion and love for languages with her students at Bernadino Heights in Kraaifontein. She has been an asset to them but is now with us, hopefully to retire as an amazing teacher and great mentor. She believes that children should be part of the lesson and that teachers are also informers. Her wise words to all who wish to be a success are; “Add zest to your life and that each individual is the architect of his or her own life and can build their own future.” Wardah Nordien Tam-Tam & Mini-Me “Yes, some of us allow negativity to have a huge effect on our lives, we let negativity really get to us. Yes negativity will always be there, somewhere In that dark space, in the corner of your heart, but that does not define the person who you truly are. So stand up, No matter how deep it hurts. Prove people wrong, show them that no matter how hard that rock might Hit you, shine the brightest, live like there’s no tomorrow. Make the best of life, life’s too short to be fooling around.” I had a chat with Mr.J.Jansen who told me about his teaching journey. He has been teaching at Sarepta Secondary for about 21 years. After 8 years his back hopefully to retire. Some of us are inspired by him and learn a lot by his style of teaching. Likewise, it turns out Mr. Jansen’s math teacher was his inspiration and played a big role in his way of teaching. He has a great passion for music and is a sports fanatic. He loves music, he sings in the church choir and he plays the trombone in church. His words of encouragement, “From what I have heard you are doing a great job ,carry on fulfilling that job to the best of your ability.” S3 NewsBuzz - Issue 003 Apr 2016 Media 24 Visit: The S3 Newsbuzz team participated in the WeCan24 Digital Journalism workshop at Media24 on Saturday 12 March. Here are some photo’s of their fun, educational visit. Valentines Day 2016 ANDREA & JUANITA February is the month of love, where people show each other how much they love one another. Valentine’s Day is always an exciting event at our school where students can show case their talents. We had a variety of dancers, amazing singers, beautiful and handsome models and even dedications were made to the students. Some of the performances were by Maxwell George, Chesrin Dyers, Mickalye Page and Pumi Goegela. Maxwell started the show off with an amazing performance. Jackie and Michaela sang a beautiful rendition of HELLO by ADELE. Mandy and her friends had done a beautiful dance – what is love. The raffle winner was Ms. Morkel. The MC’s for the show were Amanda and Jason (Grade 12). Mr & Mrs Valentine were Jade Williams and Ignase, then Mr & Mrs Personality did not go unnoticed, Erin and Aiden definitely brought out their personalities. Nikita Mayekiso’s(singer/dancer) high notes and outfit was on point. The models paraded in causal and formal wear. They all looked fantastic, some who modelled were namely Jessie, Cole, Jade, Kaylin, Dorcas, Nadiene, Aiden, Morgan, Chante, Miguel, Sevenita, Erin, Miche, Ignase and many others. The show was a tremendous success and it was an awesome experience! page 7 page 8 S3 NewsBuzz - Issue 003 Sarepta Inter-School Athletics Apr 2016 Taking a break: Students of Sarepta enjoy the shade on a hot day. Sarepta Fans: Students proudly supporting their school whilst stricking a pose for the camera. Jessica-Zoe Hartnick Cameron Perzens On Thursday, 18th of February 2016 Sarepta Secondary School participated in B-section of the Interschool athletics which took place at the Bellville Velodrome. We competed against the Luchoff High, Elsies River High, Kasselsvlei High, Scottsdene High, Kleinvlei High and Florida High. As expected this turned out to be a really tough challenge for our very hard working athletes. The athletes fought hard and gave their best but unfortunately could not obtain a desired position, as such we came 6th place. The crowds were an amazing support for the athletes and regardless of the outcome they kept on cheering. Although we weren’t so good in our challenges our u/15s boys really made us proud. We brought the trophy home and gave our principle the biggest smile. Some of our athletes who did exceptionally well qualified for Northern Zone Championships. Congratulations to all our athletes, you made us proud. Nicole Isaacs Sarepta Brigade DesignedBy AddictiveDesign LayoutArtist RezaSimpson Ontmoet Sarepta Sekondêr se brigade. Hulle het vir ons ‘n skouspelagtige opvoering gegee. Ons het met van die span ‘n onderhoud gevoer en hulle het ons vertel dat dit hope pret is, maar dat dit ook harde werk is. Hulle bemoedig ook ander leerders om aan te sluit en saam met hulle hul kompetisies te wen.