USR 1 - Remote Codes
USR 1 - Remote Codes
USR 1 Universal Remote Control OWNER’S MANUAL Introduction Installing the Batteries Programming the Remote Harman Kardon’s USR 1 is a full-featured, eightdevice remote control that is specially designed as a replacement for the remote controls used with most Harman Kardon components manufactured since 1995, along with some products produced before 1995. In addition to the codes used for operating Harman Kardon products, the USR 1 may be programmed with the commands for most contemporary home entertainment products, either from the extensive built-in code library, or via a simple “learning” technique, regardless of brand. To further extend the flexibility of the USR 1, it may also be “taught” the codes for most infrared remote controls even when they are not in the built-in library. Discrete controls are available for operating the transport functions of CD, DVD and tape machines, and users may create up to five macro command sets for automating frequently repeated actions. To install the batteries, first remove the cover on the back side of the remote by placing your thumb on the round indented area on the battery compartment cover. Gently push down and then up away from the remote. The cover will slide off. The USR 1 is shipped from the factory already programmed to operate most current-model Harman Kardon AV receivers, processors, CD and DVD players, CD-R/RW decks and cassette decks. However, for older Harman Kardon products, or if you find that the preset codes do not properly operate your Harman Kardon products, or if you wish to use the remote with products made by manufacturers other than Harman Kardon, you may use a variety of methods to program in the code information from the USR 1’s built-in IR code library or to directly program the codes from another remote. NOTE: Although every effort has been made to include all features and functions available on the original remotes, in some instances not all functions will be available. In cases where you still have the original, working remote, you may attempt to program individual button codes into the USR 1 using the method described later in this manual. Place the three AAA batteries in the compartment as shown in the diagram below, being certain to observe the “+” and “–” polarity indications on the batteries and in the bottom of the compartment. To replace the cover, place it in the grooved edges of the compartment side. Then, gently slide the cover down towards you until you hear and feel the latch click as indication of a secure closure. When the remote will not be used for a significant length of time (over a few weeks) it is always a good idea to remove the batteries to prevent the possibility of damage to the remote due to corrosion or leakage. When replacing batteries, always replace all three at the same time and observe any local regulations that may apply in your area with regard to the proper disposal of used batteries. We recommend the use of high-quality alkaline batteries in the USR 1. Before starting the programming process, please note that throughout these instructions you will see mention of the “Program LED”. This refers to the three-color LED that is at the very top of the remote between the ON and OFF buttons. Depending on the specific programming operation underway, this LED may light or flash in green, red or amber. During normal operation it will not light. Direct Code Entry This method is the easiest way to program your remote to work with different products. 1. Use the tables in the following pages to determine the three-digit code or codes that match both the product type (e.g., VCR, TV), and the specific brand name. If there is more than one number for a brand, make note of the different choices. 2. Turn on the product you wish to program into the USR 1. 3. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the product you wish to control (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. When the Program LED turns amber and begins flashing, release the buttons. It is important that you begin the next step within 20 seconds. 4. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and enter the first three-digit code number using the Numeric Key Programming the Remote buttons. If the unit turns off, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again, and note that the red light will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 5. If the device to be programmed in does NOT turn off, continue to enter three-digit code numbers until the equipment turns off. At this point, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 6. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates properly. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, so it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control, but the Volume, Channel and Transport controls work as they should. If functions do not work properly, you may need to use a different remote code, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. 7. If a code cannot be entered to turn the unit off, if the code for your product does not appear in the tables in this manual, or if not all functions operate properly, try programming the remote with the Auto Search Method. For Harman Kardon products, consult the Harman Kardon Products code table to locate your model. Program the code on the far left after pressing the Device Selector shown in the column in which the code is found. For example, if you wish to program an AVR 85, you will need to press the AVR Device Selector and then program code 002 into the USR 1 following the instructions shown. The additional codes listed to the right will automatically be programmed into the CD, DVD and Tape Device selectors, respectively. You may reprogram those device selectors to operate other products. Although every effort has been made to program the USR 1 with all of the functions of the original Harman Kardon remotes, some functions may not be available, although individual buttons can be programmed if you have the original working remote. Auto Search Method If the unit you wish to program into the USR 1 is not listed in the code tables in this manual or if the code does not seem to operate properly, you may wish to program the correct code using the Auto Search method that follows: 1. Turn on the product that you wish to program into the USR 1. 2. Press the Device Selector for the type of product to be entered (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. Hold both buttons until the red light under the Device Selector stays lit. Note that the next step must take place while the red light is on, and it must begin within 20 seconds after the light appears. 3. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and press either the ⁄ or ¤ button. Each press will send out a series of codes from the remote’s built-in database. When the unit being programmed turns off, release the ⁄ /¤ button, as that is your indication that the correct code is in use. 4. Press the Device Selector, and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. Programming the Remote controls, as appropriate. If all functions do not work properly, you may need to Auto-Search for a different code, or enter a code via the Direct Code Entry method, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. Code Readout When the code has been entered using the Auto Search method, it is always a good idea to find out the exact code so that it may be easily reentered if necessary. You may also read the codes to verify which device has been programmed to a specific Control Selector button. 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the device you wish to find the code for and the Mute button at the same time. Note that the Program LED will initially turn amber. Release the buttons and begin the next step within 20 seconds. 2. Press the Set button. The Program LED will then blink green in a sequence that corresponds to the three-digit code, with a one-second pause between each digit. Count the number of blinks between each pause to determine the digit of the code. One blink is the number 1, two blinks is the number 2, and so forth. A series of three rapid flashes is used to indicate a “0.” Example: One blink, followed by a one-second pause, followed by six blinks, followed by a one-second pause, followed by three fast flashes indicates that the code has been set to 160. For future reference, enter the Setup Codes for the equipment in your system here: 5. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, and it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control works, but also that the Volume, Channel and Transport AVR/AUDIO ______ DVD ______________ 6 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 7 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE Learning Codes In addition to using codes from its internal code library, the USR 1 is able to “learn”codes from remotes that may not be in the code library. You may also use this function to “learn over” the codes from a preprogrammed device to add functions not included in the preprogrammed codes. To learn or transfer codes from an IR remote to the USR 1, follow these steps: NOTE: Not all buttons on the USR 1 may be taught codes from another remote. Only the following buttons may be programmed for a remote code: Power On, Power Off, Mute, Channel +, Channel –, T/V, Volume Up, Volume Down, CH./Guide, Menu/Spkr, ‹, ›, ⁄ , ¤, Set, Digital/Exit, Delay/Prev. Ch., the 0 to 9 “Numeric Keys”, Play, Stop, FF, REW, Record, Pause, Skip Down, Skip Up. 1. Place the front of the original remote with the code being sent so that it is facing the USR 1’s IR Transmitter Window “head-to-head.” The two remotes should be between one and three inches apart. 2. Select the button on the remote that you wish to use as the device selector for the codes about to be entered. This may be any of the Device Selectors. 3. Press the Device Selector button chosen and the Learn button at the same time. Hold these buttons until the Program LED flashes amber and the light under the Device Selector button turns red. Release the buttons. 4. Press the button on the USR 1 that you wish to program. Note that the Program LED will stop flashing. CD ______________ VID1/VCR __________ Programming the Remote 5. Within five seconds, press and hold the button on the original remote that you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. When the Program LED turns green three times, release the button. Note that the Program LED will then begin to flash amber again. NOTE: If the Program LED turns red during Step 5 or 6, the programming was not successful. Repeat the steps to see whether the code will “take.” 6. Repeat Steps 4 though 6 for each button on the source remote that you wish to transfer to the USR 1. 7. Once all codes have been transferred from the original source remote to the USR 1, press the Learn button. 8. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for any additional remotes you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. NOTE: Each programmable key may be programmed with a separate function for each of the eight devices the USR 1 is capable of controlling. Note, also, that once a key is programmed for a specific function, any code previously stored for that specific button/device combination will be erased. Erasing Learned Codes The USR 1 allows you to remove or erase the code learned into a single button for a single device, to remove or erase the code set for all the codes that have been programmed into specific device buttons, or to erase all commands that have been learned to all devices. To erase a single learned code from within a single device’s settings, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed and the Learn button. VID2/TV__________ VID3/CBL/SAT______ VID4 ____________ TAPE______________ Programming the Remote 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed. 3. Press and release the same Device Selector again. 4. Press the 9 button three times. 4. Press the 7 button three times. 5. Press and release the individual button for which the code is to be erased. The Program LED will blink green two times and then return to amber. 6. To erase other buttons within the same device, press them as noted in Step 5. 7. When all buttons to be erased have been pressed, press the Learn button to complete the process. To erase all codes within a single device, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for which you wish to erase the codes and the Learn button. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device whose code you wish to erase. 4. Press the 8 button three times. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased. To erase all codes that have been programmed to all devices in the remote, follow these steps: 1. Simultaneously press any Device Selector and the Learn button. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased and the USR 1 has returned to its factory default codes. Macro commands and “Punch-Through” programming will remain active, but may not have the effect you originally intended. NOTE: While entering commands for Power On/Off of any device during a macro sequence, press the Mute button. DO NOT press the actual Power button. Erasing Macro Commands To remove the commands that have been programmed into one of the Macro buttons, follow these steps: 3. When all the steps have been entered, press the Sleep button to enter the commands. The red light under the Device Selectors will blink and then turn off. 1. Simultaneously press the Mute button and the Macro button that contains the commands you wish to erase. Example: To program the Macro 1 button so that it turns on an AVR, a TV and a cable box, follow these steps: 1. Press the Macro 1 and Mute buttons at the same time and then release them. Macros enable you to easily repeat frequently used combinations of commands with the press of a single button on the USR 1. Once programmed, a macro will send out up to 19 different remote codes in a predetermined sequential order, enabling you to automate the process of turning on your system, changing devices, changing to a favorite channel with one button press, or other common tasks. The USR 1 can store up to five separate macro command sequences: one that is associated with the Power On button, and four more that are accessed by pressing the Macro buttons. 1. Press the Mute button and the Macro button to be programmed or the Power On button at the same time. Note that a Device Selector will light red, and the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Enter the steps for the macro sequence by pressing the button for the actual command step. Although the macro may contain up to 19 steps, each button press, including those used to change devices, counts as a step. The Program LED will flash green to confirm each button press as you enter commands. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber, and the LED under the AVR Selector will turn red. 3. Within ten seconds, press the Surround Mode Selector/Channel Down button. 3. Press the AVR Selector. 4. The red LED under the AVR Selector will go out, and the Program LED will turn green and flash three times before it goes out. 4. Press the Mute button to store the AVR’s power on command. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the Macro has been erased. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber. Macro Programming Operating Products With the USR 1 5. Press the VID 2 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “TV Power On.” Once the USR 1 has been programmed with the codes for the desired products, it operates in the same manner as traditional remotes. To change between devices, simply press one of the Device Selector buttons at the top of the remote. When one of these buttons is pressed, a red LED underneath the button will momentarily flash to confirm your device selection. The red LED will also light when any button programmed for a function associated with that device is pressed. If the red LED for a device does NOT light when a function button is pressed, it is your indication that the button does not work in conjunction with the device. For example, when the AVR Device Selector has been pressed to operate an audio/video receiver, the red light under the AVR button will go on when the Volume Up button is pressed. However, it will not normally light when the Stop button is pressed as this is not an AVR function. How the USR 1 responds to specific commands is greatly dependent on the device in use and the way in which the specific buttons have been programmed. For use with Harman Kardon products, consult the owner’s manual that came with the product to find the functions for specific buttons. If you do not have the manual for a Harman Kardon product, you may be able to download it at no charge from Harman Kardon’s Web site, 6. Press the Mute button to store the TV Power On command. 7. Press the VID 3 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “Cable Power On.” When operating a device other than a Harman Kardon product, the controls may not correspond exactly to the functions printed on the remote or button. Some commands, such as the volume control, work normally while other buttons will change their function so that they correspond to a secondary label on the remote. For example, the Sleep and Surround mode selector buttons also function as the Channel Up and Channel Down buttons when operating most TV sets, VCRs or cable boxes. The Channel Up/Down indication is printed directly on the remote. For many standard CD players, cassette decks, VCRs 8. Press the Mute button to store the Cable Power On command. 9. Press the Sleep/Channel Up button to complete the process and store the macro sequence. After following these steps, each time you press the Macro 1 button, the remote will send the Power On/Off command. ® Power for the Digital Revolution.™ 2 INTRODUCTION 3 INSTALLING THE BATTERIES 4 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 5 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 8 LEARNING CODES 9 LEARNING CODES 10 LEARNING CODES 11 MACRO PROGRAMMING 12 MACRO PROGRAMMING 13 MACRO PROGRAMMING 14 OPERATING PRODUCTS USR 1 Universal Remote Control OWNER’S MANUAL Introduction Installing the Batteries Programming the Remote Harman Kardon’s USR 1 is a full-featured, eightdevice remote control that is specially designed as a replacement for the remote controls used with most Harman Kardon components manufactured since 1995, along with some products produced before 1995. In addition to the codes used for operating Harman Kardon products, the USR 1 may be programmed with the commands for most contemporary home entertainment products, either from the extensive built-in code library, or via a simple “learning” technique, regardless of brand. To further extend the flexibility of the USR 1, it may also be “taught” the codes for most infrared remote controls even when they are not in the built-in library. Discrete controls are available for operating the transport functions of CD, DVD and tape machines, and users may create up to five macro command sets for automating frequently repeated actions. To install the batteries, first remove the cover on the back side of the remote by placing your thumb on the round indented area on the battery compartment cover. Gently push down and then up away from the remote. The cover will slide off. The USR 1 is shipped from the factory already programmed to operate most current-model Harman Kardon AV receivers, processors, CD and DVD players, CD-R/RW decks and cassette decks. However, for older Harman Kardon products, or if you find that the preset codes do not properly operate your Harman Kardon products, or if you wish to use the remote with products made by manufacturers other than Harman Kardon, you may use a variety of methods to program in the code information from the USR 1’s built-in IR code library or to directly program the codes from another remote. NOTE: Although every effort has been made to include all features and functions available on the original remotes, in some instances not all functions will be available. In cases where you still have the original, working remote, you may attempt to program individual button codes into the USR 1 using the method described later in this manual. Place the three AAA batteries in the compartment as shown in the diagram below, being certain to observe the “+” and “–” polarity indications on the batteries and in the bottom of the compartment. To replace the cover, place it in the grooved edges of the compartment side. Then, gently slide the cover down towards you until you hear and feel the latch click as indication of a secure closure. When the remote will not be used for a significant length of time (over a few weeks) it is always a good idea to remove the batteries to prevent the possibility of damage to the remote due to corrosion or leakage. When replacing batteries, always replace all three at the same time and observe any local regulations that may apply in your area with regard to the proper disposal of used batteries. We recommend the use of high-quality alkaline batteries in the USR 1. Before starting the programming process, please note that throughout these instructions you will see mention of the “Program LED”. This refers to the three-color LED that is at the very top of the remote between the ON and OFF buttons. Depending on the specific programming operation underway, this LED may light or flash in green, red or amber. During normal operation it will not light. Direct Code Entry This method is the easiest way to program your remote to work with different products. 1. Use the tables in the following pages to determine the three-digit code or codes that match both the product type (e.g., VCR, TV), and the specific brand name. If there is more than one number for a brand, make note of the different choices. 2. Turn on the product you wish to program into the USR 1. 3. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the product you wish to control (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. When the Program LED turns amber and begins flashing, release the buttons. It is important that you begin the next step within 20 seconds. 4. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and enter the first three-digit code number using the Numeric Key Programming the Remote buttons. If the unit turns off, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again, and note that the red light will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 5. If the device to be programmed in does NOT turn off, continue to enter three-digit code numbers until the equipment turns off. At this point, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 6. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates properly. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, so it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control, but the Volume, Channel and Transport controls work as they should. If functions do not work properly, you may need to use a different remote code, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. 7. If a code cannot be entered to turn the unit off, if the code for your product does not appear in the tables in this manual, or if not all functions operate properly, try programming the remote with the Auto Search Method. For Harman Kardon products, consult the Harman Kardon Products code table to locate your model. Program the code on the far left after pressing the Device Selector shown in the column in which the code is found. For example, if you wish to program an AVR 85, you will need to press the AVR Device Selector and then program code 002 into the USR 1 following the instructions shown. The additional codes listed to the right will automatically be programmed into the CD, DVD and Tape Device selectors, respectively. You may reprogram those device selectors to operate other products. Although every effort has been made to program the USR 1 with all of the functions of the original Harman Kardon remotes, some functions may not be available, although individual buttons can be programmed if you have the original working remote. Auto Search Method If the unit you wish to program into the USR 1 is not listed in the code tables in this manual or if the code does not seem to operate properly, you may wish to program the correct code using the Auto Search method that follows: 1. Turn on the product that you wish to program into the USR 1. 2. Press the Device Selector for the type of product to be entered (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. Hold both buttons until the red light under the Device Selector stays lit. Note that the next step must take place while the red light is on, and it must begin within 20 seconds after the light appears. 3. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and press either the ⁄ or ¤ button. Each press will send out a series of codes from the remote’s built-in database. When the unit being programmed turns off, release the ⁄ /¤ button, as that is your indication that the correct code is in use. 4. Press the Device Selector, and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. Programming the Remote controls, as appropriate. If all functions do not work properly, you may need to Auto-Search for a different code, or enter a code via the Direct Code Entry method, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. Code Readout When the code has been entered using the Auto Search method, it is always a good idea to find out the exact code so that it may be easily reentered if necessary. You may also read the codes to verify which device has been programmed to a specific Control Selector button. 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the device you wish to find the code for and the Mute button at the same time. Note that the Program LED will initially turn amber. Release the buttons and begin the next step within 20 seconds. 2. Press the Set button. The Program LED will then blink green in a sequence that corresponds to the three-digit code, with a one-second pause between each digit. Count the number of blinks between each pause to determine the digit of the code. One blink is the number 1, two blinks is the number 2, and so forth. A series of three rapid flashes is used to indicate a “0.” Example: One blink, followed by a one-second pause, followed by six blinks, followed by a one-second pause, followed by three fast flashes indicates that the code has been set to 160. For future reference, enter the Setup Codes for the equipment in your system here: 5. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, and it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control works, but also that the Volume, Channel and Transport AVR/AUDIO ______ DVD ______________ 6 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 7 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE Learning Codes In addition to using codes from its internal code library, the USR 1 is able to “learn”codes from remotes that may not be in the code library. You may also use this function to “learn over” the codes from a preprogrammed device to add functions not included in the preprogrammed codes. To learn or transfer codes from an IR remote to the USR 1, follow these steps: NOTE: Not all buttons on the USR 1 may be taught codes from another remote. Only the following buttons may be programmed for a remote code: Power On, Power Off, Mute, Channel +, Channel –, T/V, Volume Up, Volume Down, CH./Guide, Menu/Spkr, ‹, ›, ⁄ , ¤, Set, Digital/Exit, Delay/Prev. Ch., the 0 to 9 “Numeric Keys”, Play, Stop, FF, REW, Record, Pause, Skip Down, Skip Up. 1. Place the front of the original remote with the code being sent so that it is facing the USR 1’s IR Transmitter Window “head-to-head.” The two remotes should be between one and three inches apart. 2. Select the button on the remote that you wish to use as the device selector for the codes about to be entered. This may be any of the Device Selectors. 3. Press the Device Selector button chosen and the Learn button at the same time. Hold these buttons until the Program LED flashes amber and the light under the Device Selector button turns red. Release the buttons. 4. Press the button on the USR 1 that you wish to program. Note that the Program LED will stop flashing. CD ______________ VID1/VCR __________ Programming the Remote 5. Within five seconds, press and hold the button on the original remote that you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. When the Program LED turns green three times, release the button. Note that the Program LED will then begin to flash amber again. NOTE: If the Program LED turns red during Step 5 or 6, the programming was not successful. Repeat the steps to see whether the code will “take.” 6. Repeat Steps 4 though 6 for each button on the source remote that you wish to transfer to the USR 1. 7. Once all codes have been transferred from the original source remote to the USR 1, press the Learn button. 8. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for any additional remotes you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. NOTE: Each programmable key may be programmed with a separate function for each of the eight devices the USR 1 is capable of controlling. Note, also, that once a key is programmed for a specific function, any code previously stored for that specific button/device combination will be erased. Erasing Learned Codes The USR 1 allows you to remove or erase the code learned into a single button for a single device, to remove or erase the code set for all the codes that have been programmed into specific device buttons, or to erase all commands that have been learned to all devices. To erase a single learned code from within a single device’s settings, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed and the Learn button. VID2/TV__________ VID3/CBL/SAT______ VID4 ____________ TAPE______________ Programming the Remote 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed. 3. Press and release the same Device Selector again. 4. Press the 9 button three times. 4. Press the 7 button three times. 5. Press and release the individual button for which the code is to be erased. The Program LED will blink green two times and then return to amber. 6. To erase other buttons within the same device, press them as noted in Step 5. 7. When all buttons to be erased have been pressed, press the Learn button to complete the process. To erase all codes within a single device, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for which you wish to erase the codes and the Learn button. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device whose code you wish to erase. 4. Press the 8 button three times. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased. To erase all codes that have been programmed to all devices in the remote, follow these steps: 1. Simultaneously press any Device Selector and the Learn button. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased and the USR 1 has returned to its factory default codes. Macro commands and “Punch-Through” programming will remain active, but may not have the effect you originally intended. NOTE: While entering commands for Power On/Off of any device during a macro sequence, press the Mute button. DO NOT press the actual Power button. Erasing Macro Commands To remove the commands that have been programmed into one of the Macro buttons, follow these steps: 3. When all the steps have been entered, press the Sleep button to enter the commands. The red light under the Device Selectors will blink and then turn off. 1. Simultaneously press the Mute button and the Macro button that contains the commands you wish to erase. Example: To program the Macro 1 button so that it turns on an AVR, a TV and a cable box, follow these steps: 1. Press the Macro 1 and Mute buttons at the same time and then release them. Macros enable you to easily repeat frequently used combinations of commands with the press of a single button on the USR 1. Once programmed, a macro will send out up to 19 different remote codes in a predetermined sequential order, enabling you to automate the process of turning on your system, changing devices, changing to a favorite channel with one button press, or other common tasks. The USR 1 can store up to five separate macro command sequences: one that is associated with the Power On button, and four more that are accessed by pressing the Macro buttons. 1. Press the Mute button and the Macro button to be programmed or the Power On button at the same time. Note that a Device Selector will light red, and the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Enter the steps for the macro sequence by pressing the button for the actual command step. Although the macro may contain up to 19 steps, each button press, including those used to change devices, counts as a step. The Program LED will flash green to confirm each button press as you enter commands. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber, and the LED under the AVR Selector will turn red. 3. Within ten seconds, press the Surround Mode Selector/Channel Down button. 3. Press the AVR Selector. 4. The red LED under the AVR Selector will go out, and the Program LED will turn green and flash three times before it goes out. 4. Press the Mute button to store the AVR’s power on command. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the Macro has been erased. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber. Macro Programming Operating Products With the USR 1 5. Press the VID 2 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “TV Power On.” Once the USR 1 has been programmed with the codes for the desired products, it operates in the same manner as traditional remotes. To change between devices, simply press one of the Device Selector buttons at the top of the remote. When one of these buttons is pressed, a red LED underneath the button will momentarily flash to confirm your device selection. The red LED will also light when any button programmed for a function associated with that device is pressed. If the red LED for a device does NOT light when a function button is pressed, it is your indication that the button does not work in conjunction with the device. For example, when the AVR Device Selector has been pressed to operate an audio/video receiver, the red light under the AVR button will go on when the Volume Up button is pressed. However, it will not normally light when the Stop button is pressed as this is not an AVR function. How the USR 1 responds to specific commands is greatly dependent on the device in use and the way in which the specific buttons have been programmed. For use with Harman Kardon products, consult the owner’s manual that came with the product to find the functions for specific buttons. If you do not have the manual for a Harman Kardon product, you may be able to download it at no charge from Harman Kardon’s Web site, 6. Press the Mute button to store the TV Power On command. 7. Press the VID 3 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “Cable Power On.” When operating a device other than a Harman Kardon product, the controls may not correspond exactly to the functions printed on the remote or button. Some commands, such as the volume control, work normally while other buttons will change their function so that they correspond to a secondary label on the remote. For example, the Sleep and Surround mode selector buttons also function as the Channel Up and Channel Down buttons when operating most TV sets, VCRs or cable boxes. The Channel Up/Down indication is printed directly on the remote. For many standard CD players, cassette decks, VCRs 8. Press the Mute button to store the Cable Power On command. 9. Press the Sleep/Channel Up button to complete the process and store the macro sequence. After following these steps, each time you press the Macro 1 button, the remote will send the Power On/Off command. ® Power for the Digital Revolution.™ 2 INTRODUCTION 3 INSTALLING THE BATTERIES 4 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 5 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 8 LEARNING CODES 9 LEARNING CODES 10 LEARNING CODES 11 MACRO PROGRAMMING 12 MACRO PROGRAMMING 13 MACRO PROGRAMMING 14 OPERATING PRODUCTS USR 1 Universal Remote Control OWNER’S MANUAL Introduction Installing the Batteries Programming the Remote Harman Kardon’s USR 1 is a full-featured, eightdevice remote control that is specially designed as a replacement for the remote controls used with most Harman Kardon components manufactured since 1995, along with some products produced before 1995. In addition to the codes used for operating Harman Kardon products, the USR 1 may be programmed with the commands for most contemporary home entertainment products, either from the extensive built-in code library, or via a simple “learning” technique, regardless of brand. To further extend the flexibility of the USR 1, it may also be “taught” the codes for most infrared remote controls even when they are not in the built-in library. Discrete controls are available for operating the transport functions of CD, DVD and tape machines, and users may create up to five macro command sets for automating frequently repeated actions. To install the batteries, first remove the cover on the back side of the remote by placing your thumb on the round indented area on the battery compartment cover. Gently push down and then up away from the remote. The cover will slide off. The USR 1 is shipped from the factory already programmed to operate most current-model Harman Kardon AV receivers, processors, CD and DVD players, CD-R/RW decks and cassette decks. However, for older Harman Kardon products, or if you find that the preset codes do not properly operate your Harman Kardon products, or if you wish to use the remote with products made by manufacturers other than Harman Kardon, you may use a variety of methods to program in the code information from the USR 1’s built-in IR code library or to directly program the codes from another remote. NOTE: Although every effort has been made to include all features and functions available on the original remotes, in some instances not all functions will be available. In cases where you still have the original, working remote, you may attempt to program individual button codes into the USR 1 using the method described later in this manual. Place the three AAA batteries in the compartment as shown in the diagram below, being certain to observe the “+” and “–” polarity indications on the batteries and in the bottom of the compartment. To replace the cover, place it in the grooved edges of the compartment side. Then, gently slide the cover down towards you until you hear and feel the latch click as indication of a secure closure. When the remote will not be used for a significant length of time (over a few weeks) it is always a good idea to remove the batteries to prevent the possibility of damage to the remote due to corrosion or leakage. When replacing batteries, always replace all three at the same time and observe any local regulations that may apply in your area with regard to the proper disposal of used batteries. We recommend the use of high-quality alkaline batteries in the USR 1. Before starting the programming process, please note that throughout these instructions you will see mention of the “Program LED”. This refers to the three-color LED that is at the very top of the remote between the ON and OFF buttons. Depending on the specific programming operation underway, this LED may light or flash in green, red or amber. During normal operation it will not light. Direct Code Entry This method is the easiest way to program your remote to work with different products. 1. Use the tables in the following pages to determine the three-digit code or codes that match both the product type (e.g., VCR, TV), and the specific brand name. If there is more than one number for a brand, make note of the different choices. 2. Turn on the product you wish to program into the USR 1. 3. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the product you wish to control (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. When the Program LED turns amber and begins flashing, release the buttons. It is important that you begin the next step within 20 seconds. 4. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and enter the first three-digit code number using the Numeric Key Programming the Remote buttons. If the unit turns off, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again, and note that the red light will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 5. If the device to be programmed in does NOT turn off, continue to enter three-digit code numbers until the equipment turns off. At this point, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 6. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates properly. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, so it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control, but the Volume, Channel and Transport controls work as they should. If functions do not work properly, you may need to use a different remote code, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. 7. If a code cannot be entered to turn the unit off, if the code for your product does not appear in the tables in this manual, or if not all functions operate properly, try programming the remote with the Auto Search Method. For Harman Kardon products, consult the Harman Kardon Products code table to locate your model. Program the code on the far left after pressing the Device Selector shown in the column in which the code is found. For example, if you wish to program an AVR 85, you will need to press the AVR Device Selector and then program code 002 into the USR 1 following the instructions shown. The additional codes listed to the right will automatically be programmed into the CD, DVD and Tape Device selectors, respectively. You may reprogram those device selectors to operate other products. Although every effort has been made to program the USR 1 with all of the functions of the original Harman Kardon remotes, some functions may not be available, although individual buttons can be programmed if you have the original working remote. Auto Search Method If the unit you wish to program into the USR 1 is not listed in the code tables in this manual or if the code does not seem to operate properly, you may wish to program the correct code using the Auto Search method that follows: 1. Turn on the product that you wish to program into the USR 1. 2. Press the Device Selector for the type of product to be entered (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. Hold both buttons until the red light under the Device Selector stays lit. Note that the next step must take place while the red light is on, and it must begin within 20 seconds after the light appears. 3. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and press either the ⁄ or ¤ button. Each press will send out a series of codes from the remote’s built-in database. When the unit being programmed turns off, release the ⁄ /¤ button, as that is your indication that the correct code is in use. 4. Press the Device Selector, and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. Programming the Remote controls, as appropriate. If all functions do not work properly, you may need to Auto-Search for a different code, or enter a code via the Direct Code Entry method, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. Code Readout When the code has been entered using the Auto Search method, it is always a good idea to find out the exact code so that it may be easily reentered if necessary. You may also read the codes to verify which device has been programmed to a specific Control Selector button. 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the device you wish to find the code for and the Mute button at the same time. Note that the Program LED will initially turn amber. Release the buttons and begin the next step within 20 seconds. 2. Press the Set button. The Program LED will then blink green in a sequence that corresponds to the three-digit code, with a one-second pause between each digit. Count the number of blinks between each pause to determine the digit of the code. One blink is the number 1, two blinks is the number 2, and so forth. A series of three rapid flashes is used to indicate a “0.” Example: One blink, followed by a one-second pause, followed by six blinks, followed by a one-second pause, followed by three fast flashes indicates that the code has been set to 160. For future reference, enter the Setup Codes for the equipment in your system here: 5. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, and it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control works, but also that the Volume, Channel and Transport AVR/AUDIO ______ DVD ______________ 6 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 7 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE Learning Codes In addition to using codes from its internal code library, the USR 1 is able to “learn”codes from remotes that may not be in the code library. You may also use this function to “learn over” the codes from a preprogrammed device to add functions not included in the preprogrammed codes. To learn or transfer codes from an IR remote to the USR 1, follow these steps: NOTE: Not all buttons on the USR 1 may be taught codes from another remote. Only the following buttons may be programmed for a remote code: Power On, Power Off, Mute, Channel +, Channel –, T/V, Volume Up, Volume Down, CH./Guide, Menu/Spkr, ‹, ›, ⁄ , ¤, Set, Digital/Exit, Delay/Prev. Ch., the 0 to 9 “Numeric Keys”, Play, Stop, FF, REW, Record, Pause, Skip Down, Skip Up. 1. Place the front of the original remote with the code being sent so that it is facing the USR 1’s IR Transmitter Window “head-to-head.” The two remotes should be between one and three inches apart. 2. Select the button on the remote that you wish to use as the device selector for the codes about to be entered. This may be any of the Device Selectors. 3. Press the Device Selector button chosen and the Learn button at the same time. Hold these buttons until the Program LED flashes amber and the light under the Device Selector button turns red. Release the buttons. 4. Press the button on the USR 1 that you wish to program. Note that the Program LED will stop flashing. CD ______________ VID1/VCR __________ Programming the Remote 5. Within five seconds, press and hold the button on the original remote that you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. When the Program LED turns green three times, release the button. Note that the Program LED will then begin to flash amber again. NOTE: If the Program LED turns red during Step 5 or 6, the programming was not successful. Repeat the steps to see whether the code will “take.” 6. Repeat Steps 4 though 6 for each button on the source remote that you wish to transfer to the USR 1. 7. Once all codes have been transferred from the original source remote to the USR 1, press the Learn button. 8. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for any additional remotes you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. NOTE: Each programmable key may be programmed with a separate function for each of the eight devices the USR 1 is capable of controlling. Note, also, that once a key is programmed for a specific function, any code previously stored for that specific button/device combination will be erased. Erasing Learned Codes The USR 1 allows you to remove or erase the code learned into a single button for a single device, to remove or erase the code set for all the codes that have been programmed into specific device buttons, or to erase all commands that have been learned to all devices. To erase a single learned code from within a single device’s settings, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed and the Learn button. VID2/TV__________ VID3/CBL/SAT______ VID4 ____________ TAPE______________ Programming the Remote 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed. 3. Press and release the same Device Selector again. 4. Press the 9 button three times. 4. Press the 7 button three times. 5. Press and release the individual button for which the code is to be erased. The Program LED will blink green two times and then return to amber. 6. To erase other buttons within the same device, press them as noted in Step 5. 7. When all buttons to be erased have been pressed, press the Learn button to complete the process. To erase all codes within a single device, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for which you wish to erase the codes and the Learn button. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device whose code you wish to erase. 4. Press the 8 button three times. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased. To erase all codes that have been programmed to all devices in the remote, follow these steps: 1. Simultaneously press any Device Selector and the Learn button. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased and the USR 1 has returned to its factory default codes. Macro commands and “Punch-Through” programming will remain active, but may not have the effect you originally intended. NOTE: While entering commands for Power On/Off of any device during a macro sequence, press the Mute button. DO NOT press the actual Power button. Erasing Macro Commands To remove the commands that have been programmed into one of the Macro buttons, follow these steps: 3. When all the steps have been entered, press the Sleep button to enter the commands. The red light under the Device Selectors will blink and then turn off. 1. Simultaneously press the Mute button and the Macro button that contains the commands you wish to erase. Example: To program the Macro 1 button so that it turns on an AVR, a TV and a cable box, follow these steps: 1. Press the Macro 1 and Mute buttons at the same time and then release them. Macros enable you to easily repeat frequently used combinations of commands with the press of a single button on the USR 1. Once programmed, a macro will send out up to 19 different remote codes in a predetermined sequential order, enabling you to automate the process of turning on your system, changing devices, changing to a favorite channel with one button press, or other common tasks. The USR 1 can store up to five separate macro command sequences: one that is associated with the Power On button, and four more that are accessed by pressing the Macro buttons. 1. Press the Mute button and the Macro button to be programmed or the Power On button at the same time. Note that a Device Selector will light red, and the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Enter the steps for the macro sequence by pressing the button for the actual command step. Although the macro may contain up to 19 steps, each button press, including those used to change devices, counts as a step. The Program LED will flash green to confirm each button press as you enter commands. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber, and the LED under the AVR Selector will turn red. 3. Within ten seconds, press the Surround Mode Selector/Channel Down button. 3. Press the AVR Selector. 4. The red LED under the AVR Selector will go out, and the Program LED will turn green and flash three times before it goes out. 4. Press the Mute button to store the AVR’s power on command. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the Macro has been erased. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber. Macro Programming Operating Products With the USR 1 5. Press the VID 2 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “TV Power On.” Once the USR 1 has been programmed with the codes for the desired products, it operates in the same manner as traditional remotes. To change between devices, simply press one of the Device Selector buttons at the top of the remote. When one of these buttons is pressed, a red LED underneath the button will momentarily flash to confirm your device selection. The red LED will also light when any button programmed for a function associated with that device is pressed. If the red LED for a device does NOT light when a function button is pressed, it is your indication that the button does not work in conjunction with the device. For example, when the AVR Device Selector has been pressed to operate an audio/video receiver, the red light under the AVR button will go on when the Volume Up button is pressed. However, it will not normally light when the Stop button is pressed as this is not an AVR function. How the USR 1 responds to specific commands is greatly dependent on the device in use and the way in which the specific buttons have been programmed. For use with Harman Kardon products, consult the owner’s manual that came with the product to find the functions for specific buttons. If you do not have the manual for a Harman Kardon product, you may be able to download it at no charge from Harman Kardon’s Web site, 6. Press the Mute button to store the TV Power On command. 7. Press the VID 3 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “Cable Power On.” When operating a device other than a Harman Kardon product, the controls may not correspond exactly to the functions printed on the remote or button. Some commands, such as the volume control, work normally while other buttons will change their function so that they correspond to a secondary label on the remote. For example, the Sleep and Surround mode selector buttons also function as the Channel Up and Channel Down buttons when operating most TV sets, VCRs or cable boxes. The Channel Up/Down indication is printed directly on the remote. For many standard CD players, cassette decks, VCRs 8. Press the Mute button to store the Cable Power On command. 9. Press the Sleep/Channel Up button to complete the process and store the macro sequence. After following these steps, each time you press the Macro 1 button, the remote will send the Power On/Off command. ® Power for the Digital Revolution.™ 2 INTRODUCTION 3 INSTALLING THE BATTERIES 4 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 5 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 8 LEARNING CODES 9 LEARNING CODES 10 LEARNING CODES 11 MACRO PROGRAMMING 12 MACRO PROGRAMMING 13 MACRO PROGRAMMING 14 OPERATING PRODUCTS USR 1 Universal Remote Control OWNER’S MANUAL Introduction Installing the Batteries Programming the Remote Harman Kardon’s USR 1 is a full-featured, eightdevice remote control that is specially designed as a replacement for the remote controls used with most Harman Kardon components manufactured since 1995, along with some products produced before 1995. In addition to the codes used for operating Harman Kardon products, the USR 1 may be programmed with the commands for most contemporary home entertainment products, either from the extensive built-in code library, or via a simple “learning” technique, regardless of brand. To further extend the flexibility of the USR 1, it may also be “taught” the codes for most infrared remote controls even when they are not in the built-in library. Discrete controls are available for operating the transport functions of CD, DVD and tape machines, and users may create up to five macro command sets for automating frequently repeated actions. To install the batteries, first remove the cover on the back side of the remote by placing your thumb on the round indented area on the battery compartment cover. Gently push down and then up away from the remote. The cover will slide off. The USR 1 is shipped from the factory already programmed to operate most current-model Harman Kardon AV receivers, processors, CD and DVD players, CD-R/RW decks and cassette decks. However, for older Harman Kardon products, or if you find that the preset codes do not properly operate your Harman Kardon products, or if you wish to use the remote with products made by manufacturers other than Harman Kardon, you may use a variety of methods to program in the code information from the USR 1’s built-in IR code library or to directly program the codes from another remote. NOTE: Although every effort has been made to include all features and functions available on the original remotes, in some instances not all functions will be available. In cases where you still have the original, working remote, you may attempt to program individual button codes into the USR 1 using the method described later in this manual. Place the three AAA batteries in the compartment as shown in the diagram below, being certain to observe the “+” and “–” polarity indications on the batteries and in the bottom of the compartment. To replace the cover, place it in the grooved edges of the compartment side. Then, gently slide the cover down towards you until you hear and feel the latch click as indication of a secure closure. When the remote will not be used for a significant length of time (over a few weeks) it is always a good idea to remove the batteries to prevent the possibility of damage to the remote due to corrosion or leakage. When replacing batteries, always replace all three at the same time and observe any local regulations that may apply in your area with regard to the proper disposal of used batteries. We recommend the use of high-quality alkaline batteries in the USR 1. Before starting the programming process, please note that throughout these instructions you will see mention of the “Program LED”. This refers to the three-color LED that is at the very top of the remote between the ON and OFF buttons. Depending on the specific programming operation underway, this LED may light or flash in green, red or amber. During normal operation it will not light. Direct Code Entry This method is the easiest way to program your remote to work with different products. 1. Use the tables in the following pages to determine the three-digit code or codes that match both the product type (e.g., VCR, TV), and the specific brand name. If there is more than one number for a brand, make note of the different choices. 2. Turn on the product you wish to program into the USR 1. 3. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the product you wish to control (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. When the Program LED turns amber and begins flashing, release the buttons. It is important that you begin the next step within 20 seconds. 4. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and enter the first three-digit code number using the Numeric Key Programming the Remote buttons. If the unit turns off, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again, and note that the red light will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 5. If the device to be programmed in does NOT turn off, continue to enter three-digit code numbers until the equipment turns off. At this point, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 6. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates properly. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, so it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control, but the Volume, Channel and Transport controls work as they should. If functions do not work properly, you may need to use a different remote code, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. 7. If a code cannot be entered to turn the unit off, if the code for your product does not appear in the tables in this manual, or if not all functions operate properly, try programming the remote with the Auto Search Method. For Harman Kardon products, consult the Harman Kardon Products code table to locate your model. Program the code on the far left after pressing the Device Selector shown in the column in which the code is found. For example, if you wish to program an AVR 85, you will need to press the AVR Device Selector and then program code 002 into the USR 1 following the instructions shown. The additional codes listed to the right will automatically be programmed into the CD, DVD and Tape Device selectors, respectively. You may reprogram those device selectors to operate other products. Although every effort has been made to program the USR 1 with all of the functions of the original Harman Kardon remotes, some functions may not be available, although individual buttons can be programmed if you have the original working remote. Auto Search Method If the unit you wish to program into the USR 1 is not listed in the code tables in this manual or if the code does not seem to operate properly, you may wish to program the correct code using the Auto Search method that follows: 1. Turn on the product that you wish to program into the USR 1. 2. Press the Device Selector for the type of product to be entered (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. Hold both buttons until the red light under the Device Selector stays lit. Note that the next step must take place while the red light is on, and it must begin within 20 seconds after the light appears. 3. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and press either the ⁄ or ¤ button. Each press will send out a series of codes from the remote’s built-in database. When the unit being programmed turns off, release the ⁄ /¤ button, as that is your indication that the correct code is in use. 4. Press the Device Selector, and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. Programming the Remote controls, as appropriate. If all functions do not work properly, you may need to Auto-Search for a different code, or enter a code via the Direct Code Entry method, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. Code Readout When the code has been entered using the Auto Search method, it is always a good idea to find out the exact code so that it may be easily reentered if necessary. You may also read the codes to verify which device has been programmed to a specific Control Selector button. 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the device you wish to find the code for and the Mute button at the same time. Note that the Program LED will initially turn amber. Release the buttons and begin the next step within 20 seconds. 2. Press the Set button. The Program LED will then blink green in a sequence that corresponds to the three-digit code, with a one-second pause between each digit. Count the number of blinks between each pause to determine the digit of the code. One blink is the number 1, two blinks is the number 2, and so forth. A series of three rapid flashes is used to indicate a “0.” Example: One blink, followed by a one-second pause, followed by six blinks, followed by a one-second pause, followed by three fast flashes indicates that the code has been set to 160. For future reference, enter the Setup Codes for the equipment in your system here: 5. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, and it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control works, but also that the Volume, Channel and Transport AVR/AUDIO ______ DVD ______________ 6 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 7 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE Learning Codes In addition to using codes from its internal code library, the USR 1 is able to “learn”codes from remotes that may not be in the code library. You may also use this function to “learn over” the codes from a preprogrammed device to add functions not included in the preprogrammed codes. To learn or transfer codes from an IR remote to the USR 1, follow these steps: NOTE: Not all buttons on the USR 1 may be taught codes from another remote. Only the following buttons may be programmed for a remote code: Power On, Power Off, Mute, Channel +, Channel –, T/V, Volume Up, Volume Down, CH./Guide, Menu/Spkr, ‹, ›, ⁄ , ¤, Set, Digital/Exit, Delay/Prev. Ch., the 0 to 9 “Numeric Keys”, Play, Stop, FF, REW, Record, Pause, Skip Down, Skip Up. 1. Place the front of the original remote with the code being sent so that it is facing the USR 1’s IR Transmitter Window “head-to-head.” The two remotes should be between one and three inches apart. 2. Select the button on the remote that you wish to use as the device selector for the codes about to be entered. This may be any of the Device Selectors. 3. Press the Device Selector button chosen and the Learn button at the same time. Hold these buttons until the Program LED flashes amber and the light under the Device Selector button turns red. Release the buttons. 4. Press the button on the USR 1 that you wish to program. Note that the Program LED will stop flashing. CD ______________ VID1/VCR __________ Programming the Remote 5. Within five seconds, press and hold the button on the original remote that you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. When the Program LED turns green three times, release the button. Note that the Program LED will then begin to flash amber again. NOTE: If the Program LED turns red during Step 5 or 6, the programming was not successful. Repeat the steps to see whether the code will “take.” 6. Repeat Steps 4 though 6 for each button on the source remote that you wish to transfer to the USR 1. 7. Once all codes have been transferred from the original source remote to the USR 1, press the Learn button. 8. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for any additional remotes you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. NOTE: Each programmable key may be programmed with a separate function for each of the eight devices the USR 1 is capable of controlling. Note, also, that once a key is programmed for a specific function, any code previously stored for that specific button/device combination will be erased. Erasing Learned Codes The USR 1 allows you to remove or erase the code learned into a single button for a single device, to remove or erase the code set for all the codes that have been programmed into specific device buttons, or to erase all commands that have been learned to all devices. To erase a single learned code from within a single device’s settings, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed and the Learn button. VID2/TV__________ VID3/CBL/SAT______ VID4 ____________ TAPE______________ Programming the Remote 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed. 3. Press and release the same Device Selector again. 4. Press the 9 button three times. 4. Press the 7 button three times. 5. Press and release the individual button for which the code is to be erased. The Program LED will blink green two times and then return to amber. 6. To erase other buttons within the same device, press them as noted in Step 5. 7. When all buttons to be erased have been pressed, press the Learn button to complete the process. To erase all codes within a single device, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for which you wish to erase the codes and the Learn button. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device whose code you wish to erase. 4. Press the 8 button three times. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased. To erase all codes that have been programmed to all devices in the remote, follow these steps: 1. Simultaneously press any Device Selector and the Learn button. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased and the USR 1 has returned to its factory default codes. Macro commands and “Punch-Through” programming will remain active, but may not have the effect you originally intended. NOTE: While entering commands for Power On/Off of any device during a macro sequence, press the Mute button. DO NOT press the actual Power button. Erasing Macro Commands To remove the commands that have been programmed into one of the Macro buttons, follow these steps: 3. When all the steps have been entered, press the Sleep button to enter the commands. The red light under the Device Selectors will blink and then turn off. 1. Simultaneously press the Mute button and the Macro button that contains the commands you wish to erase. Example: To program the Macro 1 button so that it turns on an AVR, a TV and a cable box, follow these steps: 1. Press the Macro 1 and Mute buttons at the same time and then release them. Macros enable you to easily repeat frequently used combinations of commands with the press of a single button on the USR 1. Once programmed, a macro will send out up to 19 different remote codes in a predetermined sequential order, enabling you to automate the process of turning on your system, changing devices, changing to a favorite channel with one button press, or other common tasks. The USR 1 can store up to five separate macro command sequences: one that is associated with the Power On button, and four more that are accessed by pressing the Macro buttons. 1. Press the Mute button and the Macro button to be programmed or the Power On button at the same time. Note that a Device Selector will light red, and the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Enter the steps for the macro sequence by pressing the button for the actual command step. Although the macro may contain up to 19 steps, each button press, including those used to change devices, counts as a step. The Program LED will flash green to confirm each button press as you enter commands. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber, and the LED under the AVR Selector will turn red. 3. Within ten seconds, press the Surround Mode Selector/Channel Down button. 3. Press the AVR Selector. 4. The red LED under the AVR Selector will go out, and the Program LED will turn green and flash three times before it goes out. 4. Press the Mute button to store the AVR’s power on command. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the Macro has been erased. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber. Macro Programming Operating Products With the USR 1 5. Press the VID 2 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “TV Power On.” Once the USR 1 has been programmed with the codes for the desired products, it operates in the same manner as traditional remotes. To change between devices, simply press one of the Device Selector buttons at the top of the remote. When one of these buttons is pressed, a red LED underneath the button will momentarily flash to confirm your device selection. The red LED will also light when any button programmed for a function associated with that device is pressed. If the red LED for a device does NOT light when a function button is pressed, it is your indication that the button does not work in conjunction with the device. For example, when the AVR Device Selector has been pressed to operate an audio/video receiver, the red light under the AVR button will go on when the Volume Up button is pressed. However, it will not normally light when the Stop button is pressed as this is not an AVR function. How the USR 1 responds to specific commands is greatly dependent on the device in use and the way in which the specific buttons have been programmed. For use with Harman Kardon products, consult the owner’s manual that came with the product to find the functions for specific buttons. If you do not have the manual for a Harman Kardon product, you may be able to download it at no charge from Harman Kardon’s Web site, 6. Press the Mute button to store the TV Power On command. 7. Press the VID 3 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “Cable Power On.” When operating a device other than a Harman Kardon product, the controls may not correspond exactly to the functions printed on the remote or button. Some commands, such as the volume control, work normally while other buttons will change their function so that they correspond to a secondary label on the remote. For example, the Sleep and Surround mode selector buttons also function as the Channel Up and Channel Down buttons when operating most TV sets, VCRs or cable boxes. The Channel Up/Down indication is printed directly on the remote. For many standard CD players, cassette decks, VCRs 8. Press the Mute button to store the Cable Power On command. 9. Press the Sleep/Channel Up button to complete the process and store the macro sequence. After following these steps, each time you press the Macro 1 button, the remote will send the Power On/Off command. ® Power for the Digital Revolution.™ 2 INTRODUCTION 3 INSTALLING THE BATTERIES 4 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 5 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 8 LEARNING CODES 9 LEARNING CODES 10 LEARNING CODES 11 MACRO PROGRAMMING 12 MACRO PROGRAMMING 13 MACRO PROGRAMMING 14 OPERATING PRODUCTS USR 1 Universal Remote Control OWNER’S MANUAL Introduction Installing the Batteries Programming the Remote Harman Kardon’s USR 1 is a full-featured, eightdevice remote control that is specially designed as a replacement for the remote controls used with most Harman Kardon components manufactured since 1995, along with some products produced before 1995. In addition to the codes used for operating Harman Kardon products, the USR 1 may be programmed with the commands for most contemporary home entertainment products, either from the extensive built-in code library, or via a simple “learning” technique, regardless of brand. To further extend the flexibility of the USR 1, it may also be “taught” the codes for most infrared remote controls even when they are not in the built-in library. Discrete controls are available for operating the transport functions of CD, DVD and tape machines, and users may create up to five macro command sets for automating frequently repeated actions. To install the batteries, first remove the cover on the back side of the remote by placing your thumb on the round indented area on the battery compartment cover. Gently push down and then up away from the remote. The cover will slide off. The USR 1 is shipped from the factory already programmed to operate most current-model Harman Kardon AV receivers, processors, CD and DVD players, CD-R/RW decks and cassette decks. However, for older Harman Kardon products, or if you find that the preset codes do not properly operate your Harman Kardon products, or if you wish to use the remote with products made by manufacturers other than Harman Kardon, you may use a variety of methods to program in the code information from the USR 1’s built-in IR code library or to directly program the codes from another remote. NOTE: Although every effort has been made to include all features and functions available on the original remotes, in some instances not all functions will be available. In cases where you still have the original, working remote, you may attempt to program individual button codes into the USR 1 using the method described later in this manual. Place the three AAA batteries in the compartment as shown in the diagram below, being certain to observe the “+” and “–” polarity indications on the batteries and in the bottom of the compartment. To replace the cover, place it in the grooved edges of the compartment side. Then, gently slide the cover down towards you until you hear and feel the latch click as indication of a secure closure. When the remote will not be used for a significant length of time (over a few weeks) it is always a good idea to remove the batteries to prevent the possibility of damage to the remote due to corrosion or leakage. When replacing batteries, always replace all three at the same time and observe any local regulations that may apply in your area with regard to the proper disposal of used batteries. We recommend the use of high-quality alkaline batteries in the USR 1. Before starting the programming process, please note that throughout these instructions you will see mention of the “Program LED”. This refers to the three-color LED that is at the very top of the remote between the ON and OFF buttons. Depending on the specific programming operation underway, this LED may light or flash in green, red or amber. During normal operation it will not light. Direct Code Entry This method is the easiest way to program your remote to work with different products. 1. Use the tables in the following pages to determine the three-digit code or codes that match both the product type (e.g., VCR, TV), and the specific brand name. If there is more than one number for a brand, make note of the different choices. 2. Turn on the product you wish to program into the USR 1. 3. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the product you wish to control (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. When the Program LED turns amber and begins flashing, release the buttons. It is important that you begin the next step within 20 seconds. 4. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and enter the first three-digit code number using the Numeric Key Programming the Remote buttons. If the unit turns off, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again, and note that the red light will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 5. If the device to be programmed in does NOT turn off, continue to enter three-digit code numbers until the equipment turns off. At this point, the correct code has been entered. Press the Device Selector again and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. 6. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates properly. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, so it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control, but the Volume, Channel and Transport controls work as they should. If functions do not work properly, you may need to use a different remote code, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. 7. If a code cannot be entered to turn the unit off, if the code for your product does not appear in the tables in this manual, or if not all functions operate properly, try programming the remote with the Auto Search Method. For Harman Kardon products, consult the Harman Kardon Products code table to locate your model. Program the code on the far left after pressing the Device Selector shown in the column in which the code is found. For example, if you wish to program an AVR 85, you will need to press the AVR Device Selector and then program code 002 into the USR 1 following the instructions shown. The additional codes listed to the right will automatically be programmed into the CD, DVD and Tape Device selectors, respectively. You may reprogram those device selectors to operate other products. Although every effort has been made to program the USR 1 with all of the functions of the original Harman Kardon remotes, some functions may not be available, although individual buttons can be programmed if you have the original working remote. Auto Search Method If the unit you wish to program into the USR 1 is not listed in the code tables in this manual or if the code does not seem to operate properly, you may wish to program the correct code using the Auto Search method that follows: 1. Turn on the product that you wish to program into the USR 1. 2. Press the Device Selector for the type of product to be entered (e.g., VCR, TV) and the Mute button at the same time. Hold both buttons until the red light under the Device Selector stays lit. Note that the next step must take place while the red light is on, and it must begin within 20 seconds after the light appears. 3. Point the USR 1 towards the product to be programmed, and press either the ⁄ or ¤ button. Each press will send out a series of codes from the remote’s built-in database. When the unit being programmed turns off, release the ⁄ /¤ button, as that is your indication that the correct code is in use. 4. Press the Device Selector, and note that the red light under the Device Selector will flash three times before going dark to confirm the entry. Programming the Remote controls, as appropriate. If all functions do not work properly, you may need to Auto-Search for a different code, or enter a code via the Direct Code Entry method, or choose the best remote code and program some individual buttons as explained below in the “Learning Codes” section. Code Readout When the code has been entered using the Auto Search method, it is always a good idea to find out the exact code so that it may be easily reentered if necessary. You may also read the codes to verify which device has been programmed to a specific Control Selector button. 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for the device you wish to find the code for and the Mute button at the same time. Note that the Program LED will initially turn amber. Release the buttons and begin the next step within 20 seconds. 2. Press the Set button. The Program LED will then blink green in a sequence that corresponds to the three-digit code, with a one-second pause between each digit. Count the number of blinks between each pause to determine the digit of the code. One blink is the number 1, two blinks is the number 2, and so forth. A series of three rapid flashes is used to indicate a “0.” Example: One blink, followed by a one-second pause, followed by six blinks, followed by a one-second pause, followed by three fast flashes indicates that the code has been set to 160. For future reference, enter the Setup Codes for the equipment in your system here: 5. Try all of the functions on the remote to make certain that the product operates. Keep in mind that many manufacturers use a number of different combinations of codes, and it is a good idea to make certain that not only the Power control works, but also that the Volume, Channel and Transport AVR/AUDIO ______ DVD ______________ 6 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 7 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE Learning Codes In addition to using codes from its internal code library, the USR 1 is able to “learn”codes from remotes that may not be in the code library. You may also use this function to “learn over” the codes from a preprogrammed device to add functions not included in the preprogrammed codes. To learn or transfer codes from an IR remote to the USR 1, follow these steps: NOTE: Not all buttons on the USR 1 may be taught codes from another remote. Only the following buttons may be programmed for a remote code: Power On, Power Off, Mute, Channel +, Channel –, T/V, Volume Up, Volume Down, CH./Guide, Menu/Spkr, ‹, ›, ⁄ , ¤, Set, Digital/Exit, Delay/Prev. Ch., the 0 to 9 “Numeric Keys”, Play, Stop, FF, REW, Record, Pause, Skip Down, Skip Up. 1. Place the front of the original remote with the code being sent so that it is facing the USR 1’s IR Transmitter Window “head-to-head.” The two remotes should be between one and three inches apart. 2. Select the button on the remote that you wish to use as the device selector for the codes about to be entered. This may be any of the Device Selectors. 3. Press the Device Selector button chosen and the Learn button at the same time. Hold these buttons until the Program LED flashes amber and the light under the Device Selector button turns red. Release the buttons. 4. Press the button on the USR 1 that you wish to program. Note that the Program LED will stop flashing. CD ______________ VID1/VCR __________ Programming the Remote 5. Within five seconds, press and hold the button on the original remote that you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. When the Program LED turns green three times, release the button. Note that the Program LED will then begin to flash amber again. NOTE: If the Program LED turns red during Step 5 or 6, the programming was not successful. Repeat the steps to see whether the code will “take.” 6. Repeat Steps 4 though 6 for each button on the source remote that you wish to transfer to the USR 1. 7. Once all codes have been transferred from the original source remote to the USR 1, press the Learn button. 8. Repeat Steps 1 through 7 for any additional remotes you wish to “teach” into the USR 1. NOTE: Each programmable key may be programmed with a separate function for each of the eight devices the USR 1 is capable of controlling. Note, also, that once a key is programmed for a specific function, any code previously stored for that specific button/device combination will be erased. Erasing Learned Codes The USR 1 allows you to remove or erase the code learned into a single button for a single device, to remove or erase the code set for all the codes that have been programmed into specific device buttons, or to erase all commands that have been learned to all devices. To erase a single learned code from within a single device’s settings, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed and the Learn button. VID2/TV__________ VID3/CBL/SAT______ VID4 ____________ TAPE______________ Programming the Remote 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device within which the individual button to be erased has been programmed. 3. Press and release the same Device Selector again. 4. Press the 9 button three times. 4. Press the 7 button three times. 5. Press and release the individual button for which the code is to be erased. The Program LED will blink green two times and then return to amber. 6. To erase other buttons within the same device, press them as noted in Step 5. 7. When all buttons to be erased have been pressed, press the Learn button to complete the process. To erase all codes within a single device, follow these steps: 1. Press and hold both the Device Selector for which you wish to erase the codes and the Learn button. 2. When the red LED under the Device Selector turns red and the Program LED flashes amber, release the buttons. 3. Press and release the Device Selector again for the device whose code you wish to erase. 4. Press the 8 button three times. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased. To erase all codes that have been programmed to all devices in the remote, follow these steps: 1. Simultaneously press any Device Selector and the Learn button. 5. The Program LED will turn off and the red light under the Device Selector will flash on and off once to indicate that the codes have been erased and the USR 1 has returned to its factory default codes. Macro commands and “Punch-Through” programming will remain active, but may not have the effect you originally intended. NOTE: While entering commands for Power On/Off of any device during a macro sequence, press the Mute button. DO NOT press the actual Power button. Erasing Macro Commands To remove the commands that have been programmed into one of the Macro buttons, follow these steps: 3. When all the steps have been entered, press the Sleep button to enter the commands. The red light under the Device Selectors will blink and then turn off. 1. Simultaneously press the Mute button and the Macro button that contains the commands you wish to erase. Example: To program the Macro 1 button so that it turns on an AVR, a TV and a cable box, follow these steps: 1. Press the Macro 1 and Mute buttons at the same time and then release them. Macros enable you to easily repeat frequently used combinations of commands with the press of a single button on the USR 1. Once programmed, a macro will send out up to 19 different remote codes in a predetermined sequential order, enabling you to automate the process of turning on your system, changing devices, changing to a favorite channel with one button press, or other common tasks. The USR 1 can store up to five separate macro command sequences: one that is associated with the Power On button, and four more that are accessed by pressing the Macro buttons. 1. Press the Mute button and the Macro button to be programmed or the Power On button at the same time. Note that a Device Selector will light red, and the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Enter the steps for the macro sequence by pressing the button for the actual command step. Although the macro may contain up to 19 steps, each button press, including those used to change devices, counts as a step. The Program LED will flash green to confirm each button press as you enter commands. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber, and the LED under the AVR Selector will turn red. 3. Within ten seconds, press the Surround Mode Selector/Channel Down button. 3. Press the AVR Selector. 4. The red LED under the AVR Selector will go out, and the Program LED will turn green and flash three times before it goes out. 4. Press the Mute button to store the AVR’s power on command. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the Macro has been erased. 2. Note that the Program LED will flash amber. Macro Programming Operating Products With the USR 1 5. Press the VID 2 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “TV Power On.” Once the USR 1 has been programmed with the codes for the desired products, it operates in the same manner as traditional remotes. To change between devices, simply press one of the Device Selector buttons at the top of the remote. When one of these buttons is pressed, a red LED underneath the button will momentarily flash to confirm your device selection. The red LED will also light when any button programmed for a function associated with that device is pressed. If the red LED for a device does NOT light when a function button is pressed, it is your indication that the button does not work in conjunction with the device. For example, when the AVR Device Selector has been pressed to operate an audio/video receiver, the red light under the AVR button will go on when the Volume Up button is pressed. However, it will not normally light when the Stop button is pressed as this is not an AVR function. How the USR 1 responds to specific commands is greatly dependent on the device in use and the way in which the specific buttons have been programmed. For use with Harman Kardon products, consult the owner’s manual that came with the product to find the functions for specific buttons. If you do not have the manual for a Harman Kardon product, you may be able to download it at no charge from Harman Kardon’s Web site, 6. Press the Mute button to store the TV Power On command. 7. Press the VID 3 Device Selector button to indicate the next command is for “Cable Power On.” When operating a device other than a Harman Kardon product, the controls may not correspond exactly to the functions printed on the remote or button. Some commands, such as the volume control, work normally while other buttons will change their function so that they correspond to a secondary label on the remote. For example, the Sleep and Surround mode selector buttons also function as the Channel Up and Channel Down buttons when operating most TV sets, VCRs or cable boxes. The Channel Up/Down indication is printed directly on the remote. For many standard CD players, cassette decks, VCRs 8. Press the Mute button to store the Cable Power On command. 9. Press the Sleep/Channel Up button to complete the process and store the macro sequence. After following these steps, each time you press the Macro 1 button, the remote will send the Power On/Off command. ® Power for the Digital Revolution.™ 2 INTRODUCTION 3 INSTALLING THE BATTERIES 4 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 5 PROGRAMMING THE REMOTE 8 LEARNING CODES 9 LEARNING CODES 10 LEARNING CODES 11 MACRO PROGRAMMING 12 MACRO PROGRAMMING 13 MACRO PROGRAMMING 14 OPERATING PRODUCTS Operating Products With the USR 1 and DVD functions, the standard function icons are printed on top of the buttons. Operating Products With the USR 1 Volume Punch-Through PROGRAM LED The USR 1 may be programmed to operate the Volume Control and Mute functions of either the TV or an AV receiver or processor in conjunction with any of the devices controlled by the remote. For example, since the receiver or processor will likely be used as the sound system for TV viewing, you may wish to have its volume activated, although the remote is set to run the TV. Either the receiver/processor or TV volume control may be associated with any of the remote’s devices. To program the remote for Volume Punch-Through, follow these steps: For some products, however, the function of a particular button does not follow the command printed on the remote. In order to see which function a button controls, consult the Function List tables, then check the type of device being controlled (e.g., TV, VCR). Next, look at the remote control diagram pictured at right. Note that each button has a number on it. There are two kinds of tables in this manual that show the functions of the USR 1’s buttons. One is specific to Harman Kardon products. It identifies the specific function of each button for certain Harman Kardon receivers and systems. For your convenience, the code used to program the USR 1 for each of those products is also shown. The other kind of table contains the generic function list for all other products. For example, the button shown on the diagram as number 49 is labeled as the OSD button, and it performs that function on newer Harman Kardon AVR products. However, as shown in the table, that button is the Surround Wrap button if you own an AVR 40 and program the USR 1 using code 003. Using the generic Function List, you will see that button 49 also acts as the OSD button for most video products. 1. Press the Device Selector for the unit you wish to have associated with the Volume Control and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector, and note that the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Press the Volume Up button and note that the Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press either the AVR Selector or the Device Selector, depending on which system’s Volume Control you wish to have attached for the Punch-Through mode. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Notes on Using the USR 1 With Other Devices. Manufacturers may use different code sets for the same product category. For that reason, it is important that you check to see whether the code set you have entered operates as many controls as possible. If it appears that only a few functions operate, check to see whether another code set will work with more buttons. Once you have selected the best code set, you can program in additional individual buttons, as described above. 15 OPERATING PRODUCTS Operating Products With the USR 1 Example: To have the AVR’s volume control activated even though the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time. Next, press the Volume Up button, followed by the AVR Device Selector. NOTE: Should you wish to return the remote to the original configuration after entering a Volume Punch-Through, you will need to repeat the steps shown above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 16 OPERATING PRODUCTS 17 OPERATING PRODUCTS 18 VOLUME PUNCH-THROUGH Channel Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Channel Control function for either the TV, cable or satellite receiver used in your system may be used in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the VCR, you may wish to change channels on a cable box or satellite receiver without having to change the device selected by the receiver or the remote. To program the remote for Channel Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector button for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Volume Down button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the device that will be used to change the channels. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Example: To control the channels using your cable box or satellite receiver while the USR 1 is set to control the VCR, first press the VID1/VCR Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Volume Down button, followed by the VID2/TV Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Channel Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 19 CHANNEL CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Operating Products With the USR 1 Transport Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Transport Control Functions (Play, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind, Pause and Record) for a VCR, DVD or CD will operate in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the TV, you may wish to start or stop your VCR or DVD without having to change the device selected. To program the remote for Transport Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. Reassigning Device Control Selectors Although each Device Selector is normally assigned to the category of product shown on the remote, it is possible to reassign one of these buttons to operate a second device of another type. For example, if you have two VCRs but no satellite receiver, you may program the “SAT” button to operate a second VCR. Before following the normal programming steps for either ThreeDigit entry or Auto Search code entry, you must first reassign the button with the following steps: 1. Press the Device Selector you wish to reassign and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Play button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 2. Press the Device Selector for the device you wish to program into the reassigned button. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the product whose transport mechanism will be controlled. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. 3. Program the remote with the code for your product using either the Direct Code Entry or Auto Search method of determining the correct code. Example: To control the transport of a DVD player while the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Play button, followed by the DVD Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Transport Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 4. Press the same Device Selector pressed in Step 1 once again to store the selection. The red LED under the reassigned Device Selector will flash three times and then go out. Operating Products With the USR 1 Resetting the Remote Memory As you add components to your home theater system, occasionally you may wish to totally reprogram the remote control without the confusion of any commands, macros or “PunchThrough” programming that you may have done. To do this, it is possible to reset the remote to the original factory defaults and command codes by following these steps. Note, however, that once the remote is reset, all commands or codes that you have entered will be erased and will need to be re-entered: 1. Press any of the Device Selector buttons and the “O” button at the same time until the Program LED begins to flash amber. 2. Press the “3” button three times. 3. The red LED under the Device Selector will go out and the Program LED will stop flashing and turn green. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the remote has been reset to the factory settings. Example: To use the CBL/SAT button to operate a second VCR, first press the CBL/SAT Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time until the red light glows under the CBL/SAT button. Press the VCR button, followed by the three-digit code for the specific model you wish to control. Finally, press the CBL/SAT button again. 21 REASSIGNING SELECTORS Occasionally, a remote control will get lost between the cushions of a couch, placed upside down, or otherwise stored so that the buttons are pressed. If the unit were to stay this way for an extended period, the batteries would drain until they are exhausted. To prevent this, the USR 1 has a “Couch Function” that recognizes when a button is held down for more than 30 seconds. In that case, an LED will begin to blink red under the last Device Selector button that was used. The LED will blink for 30 seconds to draw your attention to the stuck button or incorrect positioning of the remote. When the LED stops blinking and goes out, the remote will stop transmitting any codes until the stuck button is released or the unit is picked up so that no buttons are pressed. This preserves battery life and extends the life of the remote. Troubleshooting Guide Symptom 4. The Program LED will remain green until the remote is reset. Note that this may take a while, depending on how many commands are in the memory and need to be erased. Cause Solution Product does Weak batteries not respond in remote. to remote commands. Wrong device selected. Remote sensor is obscured. NOTE: Before programming the remote for Volume, Channel or Transport Punch-Through, make certain that you have finished programming the remote codes needed for the specific TV, CD, DVD, cable or satellite receiver. 20 TRANSPORT CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Couch Function 22 RESETTING REMOTE MEMORY Replace remote batteries. Press the Device Selector corresponding to the product you wish to control. Make certain the product’s front panel sensor is visible to the USR 1, or connect an outboard IR sensor to the product’s remote IR input jack (if available). 23 TROUBLESHOOTING Function List NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP Function List AVR/AUDIO (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR POWER ON DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL VID1 VID2 VID3 VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP TEST TONE VOL UP SURR NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CHANNEL (LEVEL) LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER < SET > DIGITAL LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1~M4 REWIND CD/CDR POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH TAPE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH INPUT SELECT CDP SELECT VOL UP CDR SELECT TV/DVD VOL UP SUBTITLE ON/OFF SUB ON/OFF VOL DOWN TITLE UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT OPEN/CLOSE DOWN RETURN 0~9 CHAPTER AUDIO NEXT. CHAP ANGLE CLEAR SLOW+ PREV. CHAP VOL DOWN INTRO SCAN OPEN/CLOSE 0~9 REPEAT TIME TRACK DIRECT RANDOM PLAY CLEAR +10 TRACK INCREMENT PROGRAM DISK SKIP M1~M4 R. SEARCH PLAY F. SEARCH RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + DVD (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH M1~M4 REW REV PLAY/FWD PLAY FF REC/PAUSE STOP DISC SKIP SLOW – M1~M4 REW PLAY FF STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + Function List – Harman Kardon NO. BUTTON NAME TV VCR CBL SAT NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/CBL VOL UP CH – TV/SAT VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN VOL DOWN UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 SLEEP CANCEL PPV FAV BYPASS MUSIC CANCEL FAV NEXT ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP 0~9 CLEAR OSD OSD OSD OSD M1~M4 M1~M4 REW PLAY FF REC STOP PAUSE SCAN – SCAN + M1~M4 DAY – M1~M4 DAY+ PAGE – PAGE + AVR 85 (CODE 002) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE /PTY SKIP – SKIP + Operating Products With the USR 1 and DVD functions, the standard function icons are printed on top of the buttons. Operating Products With the USR 1 Volume Punch-Through PROGRAM LED The USR 1 may be programmed to operate the Volume Control and Mute functions of either the TV or an AV receiver or processor in conjunction with any of the devices controlled by the remote. For example, since the receiver or processor will likely be used as the sound system for TV viewing, you may wish to have its volume activated, although the remote is set to run the TV. Either the receiver/processor or TV volume control may be associated with any of the remote’s devices. To program the remote for Volume Punch-Through, follow these steps: For some products, however, the function of a particular button does not follow the command printed on the remote. In order to see which function a button controls, consult the Function List tables, then check the type of device being controlled (e.g., TV, VCR). Next, look at the remote control diagram pictured at right. Note that each button has a number on it. There are two kinds of tables in this manual that show the functions of the USR 1’s buttons. One is specific to Harman Kardon products. It identifies the specific function of each button for certain Harman Kardon receivers and systems. For your convenience, the code used to program the USR 1 for each of those products is also shown. The other kind of table contains the generic function list for all other products. For example, the button shown on the diagram as number 49 is labeled as the OSD button, and it performs that function on newer Harman Kardon AVR products. However, as shown in the table, that button is the Surround Wrap button if you own an AVR 40 and program the USR 1 using code 003. Using the generic Function List, you will see that button 49 also acts as the OSD button for most video products. 1. Press the Device Selector for the unit you wish to have associated with the Volume Control and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector, and note that the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Press the Volume Up button and note that the Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press either the AVR Selector or the Device Selector, depending on which system’s Volume Control you wish to have attached for the Punch-Through mode. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Notes on Using the USR 1 With Other Devices. Manufacturers may use different code sets for the same product category. For that reason, it is important that you check to see whether the code set you have entered operates as many controls as possible. If it appears that only a few functions operate, check to see whether another code set will work with more buttons. Once you have selected the best code set, you can program in additional individual buttons, as described above. 15 OPERATING PRODUCTS Operating Products With the USR 1 Example: To have the AVR’s volume control activated even though the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time. Next, press the Volume Up button, followed by the AVR Device Selector. NOTE: Should you wish to return the remote to the original configuration after entering a Volume Punch-Through, you will need to repeat the steps shown above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 16 OPERATING PRODUCTS 17 OPERATING PRODUCTS 18 VOLUME PUNCH-THROUGH Channel Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Channel Control function for either the TV, cable or satellite receiver used in your system may be used in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the VCR, you may wish to change channels on a cable box or satellite receiver without having to change the device selected by the receiver or the remote. To program the remote for Channel Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector button for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Volume Down button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the device that will be used to change the channels. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Example: To control the channels using your cable box or satellite receiver while the USR 1 is set to control the VCR, first press the VID1/VCR Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Volume Down button, followed by the VID2/TV Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Channel Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 19 CHANNEL CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Operating Products With the USR 1 Transport Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Transport Control Functions (Play, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind, Pause and Record) for a VCR, DVD or CD will operate in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the TV, you may wish to start or stop your VCR or DVD without having to change the device selected. To program the remote for Transport Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. Reassigning Device Control Selectors Although each Device Selector is normally assigned to the category of product shown on the remote, it is possible to reassign one of these buttons to operate a second device of another type. For example, if you have two VCRs but no satellite receiver, you may program the “SAT” button to operate a second VCR. Before following the normal programming steps for either ThreeDigit entry or Auto Search code entry, you must first reassign the button with the following steps: 1. Press the Device Selector you wish to reassign and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Play button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 2. Press the Device Selector for the device you wish to program into the reassigned button. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the product whose transport mechanism will be controlled. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. 3. Program the remote with the code for your product using either the Direct Code Entry or Auto Search method of determining the correct code. Example: To control the transport of a DVD player while the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Play button, followed by the DVD Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Transport Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 4. Press the same Device Selector pressed in Step 1 once again to store the selection. The red LED under the reassigned Device Selector will flash three times and then go out. Operating Products With the USR 1 Resetting the Remote Memory As you add components to your home theater system, occasionally you may wish to totally reprogram the remote control without the confusion of any commands, macros or “PunchThrough” programming that you may have done. To do this, it is possible to reset the remote to the original factory defaults and command codes by following these steps. Note, however, that once the remote is reset, all commands or codes that you have entered will be erased and will need to be re-entered: 1. Press any of the Device Selector buttons and the “O” button at the same time until the Program LED begins to flash amber. 2. Press the “3” button three times. 3. The red LED under the Device Selector will go out and the Program LED will stop flashing and turn green. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the remote has been reset to the factory settings. Example: To use the CBL/SAT button to operate a second VCR, first press the CBL/SAT Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time until the red light glows under the CBL/SAT button. Press the VCR button, followed by the three-digit code for the specific model you wish to control. Finally, press the CBL/SAT button again. 21 REASSIGNING SELECTORS Occasionally, a remote control will get lost between the cushions of a couch, placed upside down, or otherwise stored so that the buttons are pressed. If the unit were to stay this way for an extended period, the batteries would drain until they are exhausted. To prevent this, the USR 1 has a “Couch Function” that recognizes when a button is held down for more than 30 seconds. In that case, an LED will begin to blink red under the last Device Selector button that was used. The LED will blink for 30 seconds to draw your attention to the stuck button or incorrect positioning of the remote. When the LED stops blinking and goes out, the remote will stop transmitting any codes until the stuck button is released or the unit is picked up so that no buttons are pressed. This preserves battery life and extends the life of the remote. Troubleshooting Guide Symptom 4. The Program LED will remain green until the remote is reset. Note that this may take a while, depending on how many commands are in the memory and need to be erased. Cause Solution Product does Weak batteries not respond in remote. to remote commands. Wrong device selected. Remote sensor is obscured. NOTE: Before programming the remote for Volume, Channel or Transport Punch-Through, make certain that you have finished programming the remote codes needed for the specific TV, CD, DVD, cable or satellite receiver. 20 TRANSPORT CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Couch Function 22 RESETTING REMOTE MEMORY Replace remote batteries. Press the Device Selector corresponding to the product you wish to control. Make certain the product’s front panel sensor is visible to the USR 1, or connect an outboard IR sensor to the product’s remote IR input jack (if available). 23 TROUBLESHOOTING Function List NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP Function List AVR/AUDIO (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR POWER ON DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL VID1 VID2 VID3 VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP TEST TONE VOL UP SURR NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CHANNEL (LEVEL) LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER < SET > DIGITAL LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1~M4 REWIND CD/CDR POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH TAPE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH INPUT SELECT CDP SELECT VOL UP CDR SELECT TV/DVD VOL UP SUBTITLE ON/OFF SUB ON/OFF VOL DOWN TITLE UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT OPEN/CLOSE DOWN RETURN 0~9 CHAPTER AUDIO NEXT. CHAP ANGLE CLEAR SLOW+ PREV. CHAP VOL DOWN INTRO SCAN OPEN/CLOSE 0~9 REPEAT TIME TRACK DIRECT RANDOM PLAY CLEAR +10 TRACK INCREMENT PROGRAM DISK SKIP M1~M4 R. SEARCH PLAY F. SEARCH RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + DVD (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH M1~M4 REW REV PLAY/FWD PLAY FF REC/PAUSE STOP DISC SKIP SLOW – M1~M4 REW PLAY FF STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + Function List – Harman Kardon NO. BUTTON NAME TV VCR CBL SAT NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/CBL VOL UP CH – TV/SAT VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN VOL DOWN UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 SLEEP CANCEL PPV FAV BYPASS MUSIC CANCEL FAV NEXT ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP 0~9 CLEAR OSD OSD OSD OSD M1~M4 M1~M4 REW PLAY FF REC STOP PAUSE SCAN – SCAN + M1~M4 DAY – M1~M4 DAY+ PAGE – PAGE + AVR 85 (CODE 002) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE /PTY SKIP – SKIP + Operating Products With the USR 1 and DVD functions, the standard function icons are printed on top of the buttons. Operating Products With the USR 1 Volume Punch-Through PROGRAM LED The USR 1 may be programmed to operate the Volume Control and Mute functions of either the TV or an AV receiver or processor in conjunction with any of the devices controlled by the remote. For example, since the receiver or processor will likely be used as the sound system for TV viewing, you may wish to have its volume activated, although the remote is set to run the TV. Either the receiver/processor or TV volume control may be associated with any of the remote’s devices. To program the remote for Volume Punch-Through, follow these steps: For some products, however, the function of a particular button does not follow the command printed on the remote. In order to see which function a button controls, consult the Function List tables, then check the type of device being controlled (e.g., TV, VCR). Next, look at the remote control diagram pictured at right. Note that each button has a number on it. There are two kinds of tables in this manual that show the functions of the USR 1’s buttons. One is specific to Harman Kardon products. It identifies the specific function of each button for certain Harman Kardon receivers and systems. For your convenience, the code used to program the USR 1 for each of those products is also shown. The other kind of table contains the generic function list for all other products. For example, the button shown on the diagram as number 49 is labeled as the OSD button, and it performs that function on newer Harman Kardon AVR products. However, as shown in the table, that button is the Surround Wrap button if you own an AVR 40 and program the USR 1 using code 003. Using the generic Function List, you will see that button 49 also acts as the OSD button for most video products. 1. Press the Device Selector for the unit you wish to have associated with the Volume Control and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector, and note that the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Press the Volume Up button and note that the Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press either the AVR Selector or the Device Selector, depending on which system’s Volume Control you wish to have attached for the Punch-Through mode. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Notes on Using the USR 1 With Other Devices. Manufacturers may use different code sets for the same product category. For that reason, it is important that you check to see whether the code set you have entered operates as many controls as possible. If it appears that only a few functions operate, check to see whether another code set will work with more buttons. Once you have selected the best code set, you can program in additional individual buttons, as described above. 15 OPERATING PRODUCTS Operating Products With the USR 1 Example: To have the AVR’s volume control activated even though the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time. Next, press the Volume Up button, followed by the AVR Device Selector. NOTE: Should you wish to return the remote to the original configuration after entering a Volume Punch-Through, you will need to repeat the steps shown above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 16 OPERATING PRODUCTS 17 OPERATING PRODUCTS 18 VOLUME PUNCH-THROUGH Channel Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Channel Control function for either the TV, cable or satellite receiver used in your system may be used in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the VCR, you may wish to change channels on a cable box or satellite receiver without having to change the device selected by the receiver or the remote. To program the remote for Channel Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector button for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Volume Down button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the device that will be used to change the channels. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Example: To control the channels using your cable box or satellite receiver while the USR 1 is set to control the VCR, first press the VID1/VCR Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Volume Down button, followed by the VID2/TV Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Channel Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 19 CHANNEL CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Operating Products With the USR 1 Transport Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Transport Control Functions (Play, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind, Pause and Record) for a VCR, DVD or CD will operate in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the TV, you may wish to start or stop your VCR or DVD without having to change the device selected. To program the remote for Transport Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. Reassigning Device Control Selectors Although each Device Selector is normally assigned to the category of product shown on the remote, it is possible to reassign one of these buttons to operate a second device of another type. For example, if you have two VCRs but no satellite receiver, you may program the “SAT” button to operate a second VCR. Before following the normal programming steps for either ThreeDigit entry or Auto Search code entry, you must first reassign the button with the following steps: 1. Press the Device Selector you wish to reassign and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Play button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 2. Press the Device Selector for the device you wish to program into the reassigned button. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the product whose transport mechanism will be controlled. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. 3. Program the remote with the code for your product using either the Direct Code Entry or Auto Search method of determining the correct code. Example: To control the transport of a DVD player while the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Play button, followed by the DVD Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Transport Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 4. Press the same Device Selector pressed in Step 1 once again to store the selection. The red LED under the reassigned Device Selector will flash three times and then go out. Operating Products With the USR 1 Resetting the Remote Memory As you add components to your home theater system, occasionally you may wish to totally reprogram the remote control without the confusion of any commands, macros or “PunchThrough” programming that you may have done. To do this, it is possible to reset the remote to the original factory defaults and command codes by following these steps. Note, however, that once the remote is reset, all commands or codes that you have entered will be erased and will need to be re-entered: 1. Press any of the Device Selector buttons and the “O” button at the same time until the Program LED begins to flash amber. 2. Press the “3” button three times. 3. The red LED under the Device Selector will go out and the Program LED will stop flashing and turn green. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the remote has been reset to the factory settings. Example: To use the CBL/SAT button to operate a second VCR, first press the CBL/SAT Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time until the red light glows under the CBL/SAT button. Press the VCR button, followed by the three-digit code for the specific model you wish to control. Finally, press the CBL/SAT button again. 21 REASSIGNING SELECTORS Occasionally, a remote control will get lost between the cushions of a couch, placed upside down, or otherwise stored so that the buttons are pressed. If the unit were to stay this way for an extended period, the batteries would drain until they are exhausted. To prevent this, the USR 1 has a “Couch Function” that recognizes when a button is held down for more than 30 seconds. In that case, an LED will begin to blink red under the last Device Selector button that was used. The LED will blink for 30 seconds to draw your attention to the stuck button or incorrect positioning of the remote. When the LED stops blinking and goes out, the remote will stop transmitting any codes until the stuck button is released or the unit is picked up so that no buttons are pressed. This preserves battery life and extends the life of the remote. Troubleshooting Guide Symptom 4. The Program LED will remain green until the remote is reset. Note that this may take a while, depending on how many commands are in the memory and need to be erased. Cause Solution Product does Weak batteries not respond in remote. to remote commands. Wrong device selected. Remote sensor is obscured. NOTE: Before programming the remote for Volume, Channel or Transport Punch-Through, make certain that you have finished programming the remote codes needed for the specific TV, CD, DVD, cable or satellite receiver. 20 TRANSPORT CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Couch Function 22 RESETTING REMOTE MEMORY Replace remote batteries. Press the Device Selector corresponding to the product you wish to control. Make certain the product’s front panel sensor is visible to the USR 1, or connect an outboard IR sensor to the product’s remote IR input jack (if available). 23 TROUBLESHOOTING Function List NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP Function List AVR/AUDIO (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR POWER ON DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL VID1 VID2 VID3 VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP TEST TONE VOL UP SURR NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CHANNEL (LEVEL) LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER < SET > DIGITAL LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1~M4 REWIND CD/CDR POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH TAPE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH INPUT SELECT CDP SELECT VOL UP CDR SELECT TV/DVD VOL UP SUBTITLE ON/OFF SUB ON/OFF VOL DOWN TITLE UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT OPEN/CLOSE DOWN RETURN 0~9 CHAPTER AUDIO NEXT. CHAP ANGLE CLEAR SLOW+ PREV. CHAP VOL DOWN INTRO SCAN OPEN/CLOSE 0~9 REPEAT TIME TRACK DIRECT RANDOM PLAY CLEAR +10 TRACK INCREMENT PROGRAM DISK SKIP M1~M4 R. SEARCH PLAY F. SEARCH RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + DVD (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH M1~M4 REW REV PLAY/FWD PLAY FF REC/PAUSE STOP DISC SKIP SLOW – M1~M4 REW PLAY FF STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + Function List – Harman Kardon NO. BUTTON NAME TV VCR CBL SAT NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/CBL VOL UP CH – TV/SAT VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN VOL DOWN UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 SLEEP CANCEL PPV FAV BYPASS MUSIC CANCEL FAV NEXT ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP 0~9 CLEAR OSD OSD OSD OSD M1~M4 M1~M4 REW PLAY FF REC STOP PAUSE SCAN – SCAN + M1~M4 DAY – M1~M4 DAY+ PAGE – PAGE + AVR 85 (CODE 002) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE /PTY SKIP – SKIP + Operating Products With the USR 1 and DVD functions, the standard function icons are printed on top of the buttons. Operating Products With the USR 1 Volume Punch-Through PROGRAM LED The USR 1 may be programmed to operate the Volume Control and Mute functions of either the TV or an AV receiver or processor in conjunction with any of the devices controlled by the remote. For example, since the receiver or processor will likely be used as the sound system for TV viewing, you may wish to have its volume activated, although the remote is set to run the TV. Either the receiver/processor or TV volume control may be associated with any of the remote’s devices. To program the remote for Volume Punch-Through, follow these steps: For some products, however, the function of a particular button does not follow the command printed on the remote. In order to see which function a button controls, consult the Function List tables, then check the type of device being controlled (e.g., TV, VCR). Next, look at the remote control diagram pictured at right. Note that each button has a number on it. There are two kinds of tables in this manual that show the functions of the USR 1’s buttons. One is specific to Harman Kardon products. It identifies the specific function of each button for certain Harman Kardon receivers and systems. For your convenience, the code used to program the USR 1 for each of those products is also shown. The other kind of table contains the generic function list for all other products. For example, the button shown on the diagram as number 49 is labeled as the OSD button, and it performs that function on newer Harman Kardon AVR products. However, as shown in the table, that button is the Surround Wrap button if you own an AVR 40 and program the USR 1 using code 003. Using the generic Function List, you will see that button 49 also acts as the OSD button for most video products. 1. Press the Device Selector for the unit you wish to have associated with the Volume Control and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector, and note that the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Press the Volume Up button and note that the Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press either the AVR Selector or the Device Selector, depending on which system’s Volume Control you wish to have attached for the Punch-Through mode. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Notes on Using the USR 1 With Other Devices. Manufacturers may use different code sets for the same product category. For that reason, it is important that you check to see whether the code set you have entered operates as many controls as possible. If it appears that only a few functions operate, check to see whether another code set will work with more buttons. Once you have selected the best code set, you can program in additional individual buttons, as described above. 15 OPERATING PRODUCTS Operating Products With the USR 1 Example: To have the AVR’s volume control activated even though the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time. Next, press the Volume Up button, followed by the AVR Device Selector. NOTE: Should you wish to return the remote to the original configuration after entering a Volume Punch-Through, you will need to repeat the steps shown above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 16 OPERATING PRODUCTS 17 OPERATING PRODUCTS 18 VOLUME PUNCH-THROUGH Channel Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Channel Control function for either the TV, cable or satellite receiver used in your system may be used in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the VCR, you may wish to change channels on a cable box or satellite receiver without having to change the device selected by the receiver or the remote. To program the remote for Channel Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector button for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Volume Down button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the device that will be used to change the channels. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Example: To control the channels using your cable box or satellite receiver while the USR 1 is set to control the VCR, first press the VID1/VCR Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Volume Down button, followed by the VID2/TV Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Channel Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 19 CHANNEL CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Operating Products With the USR 1 Transport Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Transport Control Functions (Play, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind, Pause and Record) for a VCR, DVD or CD will operate in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the TV, you may wish to start or stop your VCR or DVD without having to change the device selected. To program the remote for Transport Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. Reassigning Device Control Selectors Although each Device Selector is normally assigned to the category of product shown on the remote, it is possible to reassign one of these buttons to operate a second device of another type. For example, if you have two VCRs but no satellite receiver, you may program the “SAT” button to operate a second VCR. Before following the normal programming steps for either ThreeDigit entry or Auto Search code entry, you must first reassign the button with the following steps: 1. Press the Device Selector you wish to reassign and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Play button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 2. Press the Device Selector for the device you wish to program into the reassigned button. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the product whose transport mechanism will be controlled. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. 3. Program the remote with the code for your product using either the Direct Code Entry or Auto Search method of determining the correct code. Example: To control the transport of a DVD player while the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Play button, followed by the DVD Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Transport Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 4. Press the same Device Selector pressed in Step 1 once again to store the selection. The red LED under the reassigned Device Selector will flash three times and then go out. Operating Products With the USR 1 Resetting the Remote Memory As you add components to your home theater system, occasionally you may wish to totally reprogram the remote control without the confusion of any commands, macros or “PunchThrough” programming that you may have done. To do this, it is possible to reset the remote to the original factory defaults and command codes by following these steps. Note, however, that once the remote is reset, all commands or codes that you have entered will be erased and will need to be re-entered: 1. Press any of the Device Selector buttons and the “O” button at the same time until the Program LED begins to flash amber. 2. Press the “3” button three times. 3. The red LED under the Device Selector will go out and the Program LED will stop flashing and turn green. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the remote has been reset to the factory settings. Example: To use the CBL/SAT button to operate a second VCR, first press the CBL/SAT Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time until the red light glows under the CBL/SAT button. Press the VCR button, followed by the three-digit code for the specific model you wish to control. Finally, press the CBL/SAT button again. 21 REASSIGNING SELECTORS Occasionally, a remote control will get lost between the cushions of a couch, placed upside down, or otherwise stored so that the buttons are pressed. If the unit were to stay this way for an extended period, the batteries would drain until they are exhausted. To prevent this, the USR 1 has a “Couch Function” that recognizes when a button is held down for more than 30 seconds. In that case, an LED will begin to blink red under the last Device Selector button that was used. The LED will blink for 30 seconds to draw your attention to the stuck button or incorrect positioning of the remote. When the LED stops blinking and goes out, the remote will stop transmitting any codes until the stuck button is released or the unit is picked up so that no buttons are pressed. This preserves battery life and extends the life of the remote. Troubleshooting Guide Symptom 4. The Program LED will remain green until the remote is reset. Note that this may take a while, depending on how many commands are in the memory and need to be erased. Cause Solution Product does Weak batteries not respond in remote. to remote commands. Wrong device selected. Remote sensor is obscured. NOTE: Before programming the remote for Volume, Channel or Transport Punch-Through, make certain that you have finished programming the remote codes needed for the specific TV, CD, DVD, cable or satellite receiver. 20 TRANSPORT CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Couch Function 22 RESETTING REMOTE MEMORY Replace remote batteries. Press the Device Selector corresponding to the product you wish to control. Make certain the product’s front panel sensor is visible to the USR 1, or connect an outboard IR sensor to the product’s remote IR input jack (if available). 23 TROUBLESHOOTING Function List NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP Function List AVR/AUDIO (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR POWER ON DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL VID1 VID2 VID3 VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP TEST TONE VOL UP SURR NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CHANNEL (LEVEL) LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER < SET > DIGITAL LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1~M4 REWIND CD/CDR POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH TAPE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH INPUT SELECT CDP SELECT VOL UP CDR SELECT TV/DVD VOL UP SUBTITLE ON/OFF SUB ON/OFF VOL DOWN TITLE UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT OPEN/CLOSE DOWN RETURN 0~9 CHAPTER AUDIO NEXT. CHAP ANGLE CLEAR SLOW+ PREV. CHAP VOL DOWN INTRO SCAN OPEN/CLOSE 0~9 REPEAT TIME TRACK DIRECT RANDOM PLAY CLEAR +10 TRACK INCREMENT PROGRAM DISK SKIP M1~M4 R. SEARCH PLAY F. SEARCH RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + DVD (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH M1~M4 REW REV PLAY/FWD PLAY FF REC/PAUSE STOP DISC SKIP SLOW – M1~M4 REW PLAY FF STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + Function List – Harman Kardon NO. BUTTON NAME TV VCR CBL SAT NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/CBL VOL UP CH – TV/SAT VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN VOL DOWN UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 SLEEP CANCEL PPV FAV BYPASS MUSIC CANCEL FAV NEXT ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP 0~9 CLEAR OSD OSD OSD OSD M1~M4 M1~M4 REW PLAY FF REC STOP PAUSE SCAN – SCAN + M1~M4 DAY – M1~M4 DAY+ PAGE – PAGE + AVR 85 (CODE 002) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE /PTY SKIP – SKIP + Operating Products With the USR 1 and DVD functions, the standard function icons are printed on top of the buttons. Operating Products With the USR 1 Volume Punch-Through PROGRAM LED The USR 1 may be programmed to operate the Volume Control and Mute functions of either the TV or an AV receiver or processor in conjunction with any of the devices controlled by the remote. For example, since the receiver or processor will likely be used as the sound system for TV viewing, you may wish to have its volume activated, although the remote is set to run the TV. Either the receiver/processor or TV volume control may be associated with any of the remote’s devices. To program the remote for Volume Punch-Through, follow these steps: For some products, however, the function of a particular button does not follow the command printed on the remote. In order to see which function a button controls, consult the Function List tables, then check the type of device being controlled (e.g., TV, VCR). Next, look at the remote control diagram pictured at right. Note that each button has a number on it. There are two kinds of tables in this manual that show the functions of the USR 1’s buttons. One is specific to Harman Kardon products. It identifies the specific function of each button for certain Harman Kardon receivers and systems. For your convenience, the code used to program the USR 1 for each of those products is also shown. The other kind of table contains the generic function list for all other products. For example, the button shown on the diagram as number 49 is labeled as the OSD button, and it performs that function on newer Harman Kardon AVR products. However, as shown in the table, that button is the Surround Wrap button if you own an AVR 40 and program the USR 1 using code 003. Using the generic Function List, you will see that button 49 also acts as the OSD button for most video products. 1. Press the Device Selector for the unit you wish to have associated with the Volume Control and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector, and note that the Program LED will flash amber. 2. Press the Volume Up button and note that the Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press either the AVR Selector or the Device Selector, depending on which system’s Volume Control you wish to have attached for the Punch-Through mode. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Notes on Using the USR 1 With Other Devices. Manufacturers may use different code sets for the same product category. For that reason, it is important that you check to see whether the code set you have entered operates as many controls as possible. If it appears that only a few functions operate, check to see whether another code set will work with more buttons. Once you have selected the best code set, you can program in additional individual buttons, as described above. 15 OPERATING PRODUCTS Operating Products With the USR 1 Example: To have the AVR’s volume control activated even though the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time. Next, press the Volume Up button, followed by the AVR Device Selector. NOTE: Should you wish to return the remote to the original configuration after entering a Volume Punch-Through, you will need to repeat the steps shown above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 16 OPERATING PRODUCTS 17 OPERATING PRODUCTS 18 VOLUME PUNCH-THROUGH Channel Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Channel Control function for either the TV, cable or satellite receiver used in your system may be used in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the VCR, you may wish to change channels on a cable box or satellite receiver without having to change the device selected by the receiver or the remote. To program the remote for Channel Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector button for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Volume Down button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the device that will be used to change the channels. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. Example: To control the channels using your cable box or satellite receiver while the USR 1 is set to control the VCR, first press the VID1/VCR Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Volume Down button, followed by the VID2/TV Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Channel Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 19 CHANNEL CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Operating Products With the USR 1 Transport Control Punch-Through The USR 1 may be programmed to operate so that the Transport Control Functions (Play, Stop, Fast Forward, Rewind, Pause and Record) for a VCR, DVD or CD will operate in conjunction with one of the other devices controlled by the remote. For example, while using and controlling the TV, you may wish to start or stop your VCR or DVD without having to change the device selected. To program the remote for Transport Control Punch-Through, follow these steps: 1. Press the Device Selector for the device with which you wish to have the Channel Control associated and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. Reassigning Device Control Selectors Although each Device Selector is normally assigned to the category of product shown on the remote, it is possible to reassign one of these buttons to operate a second device of another type. For example, if you have two VCRs but no satellite receiver, you may program the “SAT” button to operate a second VCR. Before following the normal programming steps for either ThreeDigit entry or Auto Search code entry, you must first reassign the button with the following steps: 1. Press the Device Selector you wish to reassign and the Mute button at the same time until the red light appears under the Device Selector and the Program LED flashes amber. 2. Press the Play button. The Program LED will stop flashing and stay amber. 2. Press the Device Selector for the device you wish to program into the reassigned button. 3. Press and release the Device Selector button for the product whose transport mechanism will be controlled. The Program LED will blink green three times and then go out to confirm the data entry. 3. Program the remote with the code for your product using either the Direct Code Entry or Auto Search method of determining the correct code. Example: To control the transport of a DVD player while the remote is set to control the TV, first press the VID2/TV Device Selector button and the Mute button at the same time. Next, release them and press the Play button, followed by the DVD Device Selector button. NOTE: To remove the Transport Control PunchThrough and return the remote to its original configuration, repeat the steps shown in the example above. However, press the same Device Selector in Steps 1 and 3. 4. Press the same Device Selector pressed in Step 1 once again to store the selection. The red LED under the reassigned Device Selector will flash three times and then go out. Operating Products With the USR 1 Resetting the Remote Memory As you add components to your home theater system, occasionally you may wish to totally reprogram the remote control without the confusion of any commands, macros or “PunchThrough” programming that you may have done. To do this, it is possible to reset the remote to the original factory defaults and command codes by following these steps. Note, however, that once the remote is reset, all commands or codes that you have entered will be erased and will need to be re-entered: 1. Press any of the Device Selector buttons and the “O” button at the same time until the Program LED begins to flash amber. 2. Press the “3” button three times. 3. The red LED under the Device Selector will go out and the Program LED will stop flashing and turn green. 5. When the Program LED goes out, the remote has been reset to the factory settings. Example: To use the CBL/SAT button to operate a second VCR, first press the CBL/SAT Device Selector and the Mute button at the same time until the red light glows under the CBL/SAT button. Press the VCR button, followed by the three-digit code for the specific model you wish to control. Finally, press the CBL/SAT button again. 21 REASSIGNING SELECTORS Occasionally, a remote control will get lost between the cushions of a couch, placed upside down, or otherwise stored so that the buttons are pressed. If the unit were to stay this way for an extended period, the batteries would drain until they are exhausted. To prevent this, the USR 1 has a “Couch Function” that recognizes when a button is held down for more than 30 seconds. In that case, an LED will begin to blink red under the last Device Selector button that was used. The LED will blink for 30 seconds to draw your attention to the stuck button or incorrect positioning of the remote. When the LED stops blinking and goes out, the remote will stop transmitting any codes until the stuck button is released or the unit is picked up so that no buttons are pressed. This preserves battery life and extends the life of the remote. Troubleshooting Guide Symptom 4. The Program LED will remain green until the remote is reset. Note that this may take a while, depending on how many commands are in the memory and need to be erased. Cause Solution Product does Weak batteries not respond in remote. to remote commands. Wrong device selected. Remote sensor is obscured. NOTE: Before programming the remote for Volume, Channel or Transport Punch-Through, make certain that you have finished programming the remote codes needed for the specific TV, CD, DVD, cable or satellite receiver. 20 TRANSPORT CONTROL PUNCH-THROUGH Couch Function 22 RESETTING REMOTE MEMORY Replace remote batteries. Press the Device Selector corresponding to the product you wish to control. Make certain the product’s front panel sensor is visible to the USR 1, or connect an outboard IR sensor to the product’s remote IR input jack (if available). 23 TROUBLESHOOTING Function List NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP Function List AVR/AUDIO (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR POWER ON DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL DEVICE SEL VID1 VID2 VID3 VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP TEST TONE VOL UP SURR NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CHANNEL (LEVEL) LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER < SET > DIGITAL LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1~M4 REWIND CD/CDR POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH TAPE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH INPUT SELECT CDP SELECT VOL UP CDR SELECT TV/DVD VOL UP SUBTITLE ON/OFF SUB ON/OFF VOL DOWN TITLE UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT OPEN/CLOSE DOWN RETURN 0~9 CHAPTER AUDIO NEXT. CHAP ANGLE CLEAR SLOW+ PREV. CHAP VOL DOWN INTRO SCAN OPEN/CLOSE 0~9 REPEAT TIME TRACK DIRECT RANDOM PLAY CLEAR +10 TRACK INCREMENT PROGRAM DISK SKIP M1~M4 R. SEARCH PLAY F. SEARCH RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + DVD (CODE 001) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH M1~M4 REW REV PLAY/FWD PLAY FF REC/PAUSE STOP DISC SKIP SLOW – M1~M4 REW PLAY FF STOP PAUSE SKIP – SKIP + Function List – Harman Kardon NO. BUTTON NAME TV VCR CBL SAT NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32~39, 41~42 40 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52~55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 0~9 TUN-M MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN MACRO ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH CH + TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/VCR VOL UP CH – TV/CBL VOL UP CH – TV/SAT VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN VOL DOWN UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT VOL DOWN INFO UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 DOWN PREV. CH 0~9 SLEEP CANCEL PPV FAV BYPASS MUSIC CANCEL FAV NEXT ALT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP 0~9 CLEAR OSD OSD OSD OSD M1~M4 M1~M4 REW PLAY FF REC STOP PAUSE SCAN – SCAN + M1~M4 DAY – M1~M4 DAY+ PAGE – PAGE + AVR 85 (CODE 002) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE /PTY SKIP – SKIP + Function List – Harman Kardon Products NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 40RC (CODE 003) POWER POWER MUTE POWER CD TAPE1 VIDEO1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3 AM/FM SLEEP SELECT + SURROUND SELECT – LEVEL + CALIBRATE SPKRS_L SPKRS_R CENTER BOOST LEVEL – SEARCH + DISPLAY SURROUND WRAP + PRESET/DISC SKIP + SEARCH – SURROUND WRAP – SCAN PRESET/DISC SKIP – SKIP – SKIP + AVR 500 (CODE 004) POWER POWER MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 VID2 D-SKIP/VID3 Function List – Harman Kardon Products AVR 75 (CODE 005) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM 6 CH. CH +/SLEEP TEST AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOL + CH – /SURR. NIGHT/REC/PAUSE MULTI-ROOM /STOP VOL – GUIDE/CH. UP MENU/SPKR LEFT SET RIGHT EXIT/DIGITAL DOWN PREV.CH./DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DIRECT 9 0 CLEAR TUNING UP TUN-M MEMORY PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – PRESET DOWN DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE/PTY SKIP – SKIP + AVR 30 H.T. CONTROLLER (CODE 006) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CH + VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN UP/ON SCREEN LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SHIFT R_LEV UP R_LEV DOWN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP FESTIVAL 500 (CODE 007) POWER POWER AVR CD TAPE Function List – Harman Kardon Products FESTIVAL 60 (CODE 008) POWER POWER MUTE AVR FESTIVAL 80 (CODE 009) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AVR 10 (CODE 010) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR CD CD CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 TV TUNER VOLUME + VOLUME – TUNER TUNER TUNER SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP TEST VOL + VOL + SURROUND SURROUND CENTER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL – VOL – MASTER VOLUME – SELECT + UP CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + SELECT – DOWN CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY SKIP + SKIP – SEARCH + TUNING – P SCAN SEARCH – NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 20II (CODE 011) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AVR30 (CODE 012) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AM CD TAPE1 VCR1 VCR2 SAT Function List – Harman Kardon Products HK 3250 (CODE 013) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR HK 3400 (CODE 014) POWER ON POWER OFF CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 CD TAPE1 VIDEO TUNER PHONO SLEEP TEST TUNER FM THEATER TEST TUNER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL + SEARCH + TUNING – VOLUME + SIM. SURR PRO LOGIC HALL VOLUME – CLUB UP CENTER LEFT ENTER RIGHT STADIUM DOWN DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MOVIE VDP VCP PHONO TUNE + DIRECT SHIFT EFFECTS + TUNE – P SCAN SEARCH – SEEK EFFECTS – MASTER VOLUME – CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY AVR FM/AM TUNER SLEEP VOL – VOLUME + VOLUME – SEEK-ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY TUNING + TUNING – TUNING – P SCAN P. SCAN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 80II (CODE 015) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AM/FM 6CH CH/SKIP + SIGNATURE 2.0 (CODE 016) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE SIGNATURE DVD/TV CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) SIMUL TUNER AUX Setup Code Table: Harman Kardon Products AVR 70II (CODE 017) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 CH/SKIP + VOL UP SURR STEREO VOL DOWN MOVIES UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DISPLAY DOWN MUSIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MONO + 9 0 STORE CENTER TYPE PRESETS SUB TREBLE RDS DISC/TRACK BASS SIBILANT FILTER VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR MAIN OFF */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH + SEARCH + SEARCH + ADJUST – ADJUST + VDP S-VIDE0 2 S-VIDEO 1 VCR AUX 1 AUX 2 AM/FM BALANCE VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR THX MAIN OFF MONO */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN AVP 1A (CODE 019) POWER POWER MUTE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP ADJUST – ADJUST + MASTER LEVEL UP MASTER LEVEL DOWN CENTER ON BACK CENTER BOOST PAN DOWN REF PAN UP HI-FREQ EQ LEVEL CENTER ROCK POPULAR JAZZ CHAMBER ORCH MOVIE 70MM WIDE MOVIE 70MM THX PRO LOGIC MONO ENHANCE DELAY UP BY PASS DELAY DOWN MODEL AVR/AUDIO CODE CD CODE Setup Code Table: TV DVD CODE TAPE CODE AVR 110, AVR 210, AVR 310, AVR 510, AVR 7000 001 001 001 001 AVR 55, AVR 85 002 226 066 002 AVR 40 003 227 003 AVR 5, AVR 35, AVR 45, AVR 65, AVR 100, AVR 300, AVR 500 004 228 067 004 AVR 75 005 229 068 006 AVR 30 HOME THEATER CONTROLLER 006 234 005 FESTIVAL 300, FESTIVAL 500 007 230 007 FESTIVAL 60 008 231 FESTIVAL 80 009 232 AVR 10 010 233 008 AVR 20, AVR 20MKII, AVR 25, AVR 25MKII, AVI 200, AVI 200MKII, PT 2500, TU 930 011 235 009 AVR 30 SYSTEM REMOTE, AVR 15, HK 3600, PT2300, TU 9600 012 010 HK 3250, HK 3270, HK 3370, HK 3470 013 236 011 HK 3400, HK 3500, HK 3350, HK 3450, HK 3550 014 237 012 AVR 80, AVR 80MKII 015 238 013 SIGNATURE 2.0 016 239 014 AVR 70, AVR 70MKII 017 240 015 AVP 1A, AVP 1, AVP 2, AVP 2A 019 HD 710, HD 720, HD 7125, HD 7225, HD 7325 221 FL 8300 222 FL 8400, FL 8450 223 FL 8350, FL 8550, FL 8370, FL 8380 001 HK 400, HK 800 224 TL 8500, TL 8600 225 HD 7600 054 DC 520 001 TD 420* 009 DC 5300*, DC 5500, DC 5700, TD 4200*, TD 4400*, TD 4500, TD 4600, TD 4800 010 DVD 5 067 DVD 50 001 CDR 2, CDR 20, CDR 30 001 * THESE TAPE DECKS ARE REMOTE-CONTROLLABLE ONLY WHEN CONNECTED TO ANOTHER HARMAN KARDON PRODUCT USING THE REAR-PANEL REMOTE INPUT JACK. Setup Code Table: TV (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER A MARK ADMIRAL AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM AOC BLAUPUNKT BROKSONIC CANDLE CAPEHART CENTURION CENTRONIC CITIZEN CLASSIC CONCERTO CONTEC CORANDO CORONADO CRAIG CROWN CURTIS MATHES CXC DAEWOO DAYTRON DIGI LINK DYNASTY DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FISHER FUNAI FUTURETECH GE GOLDSTAR GRUNDIG HALL MARK HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INFINITY INKEL JBL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KAWASHO KEC KENWOOD KLOSS KMC KTV LLOYTRON LODGENET LOGIK LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MATSUI MEMOREX METZ MGA 103 192 001 070 053 045 001 084 205 001 059 170 045 001 045 011 041 172 132 045 045 001 045 011 107 200 045 063 074 001 013 033 045 001 011 193 107 201 001 148 120 148 001 019 038 173 045 001 002 132 001 172 069 069 011 013 001 001 148 013 084 001 MIDLAND MINERVA MITSUBISHI MTC NAD NATIONAL NEC NIKEI ONKING ONWA OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENNEY PHILCO PHILIPS PIONEER PORTLAND PROSCAN PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RUNCO SAA SAMPO SAMSUNG SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SIEMENS SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDESIGN SPECTRICON SSS SUPREMACY SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TATUNG TECHNICS TECHWOOD TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN TELERENT TERA THOMSON TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNIVERSAL VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDTECH WARDS YAMAHA YORK YUPITERU ZENITH ZONDA 199 084 001 175 021 177 001 045 045 045 025 207 038 199 001 001 001 011 133 059 038 025 001 013 152 183 001 051 013 033 011 011 084 069 043 003 103 011 002 001 184 077 057 080 011 001 039 069 156 190 011 013 132 014 160 011 011 001 107 045 069 103 132 160 164 055 057 076 095 099 103 106 109 112 122 011 103 206 002 003 011 171 002 003 011 045 092 094 132 045 051 052 055 157 158 159 132 092 107 132 022 023 038 045 046 056 068 073 094 098 102 105 108 111 114 116 118 119 127 132 132 132 012 033 045 048 049 051 052 091 107 132 137 139 141 157 158 162 205 058 045 014 015 038 057 070 071 107 121 133 141 145 163 199 093 097 101 103 104 107 110 113 118 128 132 011 015 016 017 018 029 043 072 132 144 147 011 014 015 030 035 092 132 145 040 079 134 204 060 045 132 162 173 021 053 077 145 148 003 011 060 061 062 064 065 118 132 145 148 074 148 069 107 011 033 044 050 074 107 011 030 033 042 044 100 107 115 154 160 167 168 176 031 178 179 180 181 182 013 022 025 030 042 057 121 123 125 077 208 209 210 211 057 076 087 148 169 003 011 030 045 057 060 061 064 065 118 132 148 003 011 040 060 067 088 132 145 148 024 029 031 032 107 213 214 132 107 057 045 011 025 153 122 087 048 029 045 132 165 107 118 132 195 196 197 198 030 057 071 133 145 161 163 199 048 195 196 197 059 085 026 045 013 020 107 092 027 049 021 025 096 037 107 033 028 104 041 132 035 033 107 118 124 128 132 145 054 058 078 058 078 092 107 132 145 034 077 132 154 067 075 117 130 136 194 212 033 045 107 045 003 011 060 061 064 065 107 118 131 145 148 063 002 003 011 030 033 036 045 069 074 092 094 132 047 083 191 107 021 035 042 052 063 092 129 202 015 107 014 015 025 033 061 062 064 065 069 071 107 132 148 011 070 090 094 Function List – Harman Kardon Products NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 40RC (CODE 003) POWER POWER MUTE POWER CD TAPE1 VIDEO1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3 AM/FM SLEEP SELECT + SURROUND SELECT – LEVEL + CALIBRATE SPKRS_L SPKRS_R CENTER BOOST LEVEL – SEARCH + DISPLAY SURROUND WRAP + PRESET/DISC SKIP + SEARCH – SURROUND WRAP – SCAN PRESET/DISC SKIP – SKIP – SKIP + AVR 500 (CODE 004) POWER POWER MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 VID2 D-SKIP/VID3 Function List – Harman Kardon Products AVR 75 (CODE 005) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM 6 CH. CH +/SLEEP TEST AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOL + CH – /SURR. NIGHT/REC/PAUSE MULTI-ROOM /STOP VOL – GUIDE/CH. UP MENU/SPKR LEFT SET RIGHT EXIT/DIGITAL DOWN PREV.CH./DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DIRECT 9 0 CLEAR TUNING UP TUN-M MEMORY PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – PRESET DOWN DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE/PTY SKIP – SKIP + AVR 30 H.T. CONTROLLER (CODE 006) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CH + VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN UP/ON SCREEN LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SHIFT R_LEV UP R_LEV DOWN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP FESTIVAL 500 (CODE 007) POWER POWER AVR CD TAPE Function List – Harman Kardon Products FESTIVAL 60 (CODE 008) POWER POWER MUTE AVR FESTIVAL 80 (CODE 009) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AVR 10 (CODE 010) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR CD CD CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 TV TUNER VOLUME + VOLUME – TUNER TUNER TUNER SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP TEST VOL + VOL + SURROUND SURROUND CENTER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL – VOL – MASTER VOLUME – SELECT + UP CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + SELECT – DOWN CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY SKIP + SKIP – SEARCH + TUNING – P SCAN SEARCH – NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 20II (CODE 011) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AVR30 (CODE 012) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AM CD TAPE1 VCR1 VCR2 SAT Function List – Harman Kardon Products HK 3250 (CODE 013) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR HK 3400 (CODE 014) POWER ON POWER OFF CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 CD TAPE1 VIDEO TUNER PHONO SLEEP TEST TUNER FM THEATER TEST TUNER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL + SEARCH + TUNING – VOLUME + SIM. SURR PRO LOGIC HALL VOLUME – CLUB UP CENTER LEFT ENTER RIGHT STADIUM DOWN DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MOVIE VDP VCP PHONO TUNE + DIRECT SHIFT EFFECTS + TUNE – P SCAN SEARCH – SEEK EFFECTS – MASTER VOLUME – CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY AVR FM/AM TUNER SLEEP VOL – VOLUME + VOLUME – SEEK-ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY TUNING + TUNING – TUNING – P SCAN P. SCAN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 80II (CODE 015) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AM/FM 6CH CH/SKIP + SIGNATURE 2.0 (CODE 016) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE SIGNATURE DVD/TV CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) SIMUL TUNER AUX Setup Code Table: Harman Kardon Products AVR 70II (CODE 017) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 CH/SKIP + VOL UP SURR STEREO VOL DOWN MOVIES UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DISPLAY DOWN MUSIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MONO + 9 0 STORE CENTER TYPE PRESETS SUB TREBLE RDS DISC/TRACK BASS SIBILANT FILTER VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR MAIN OFF */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH + SEARCH + SEARCH + ADJUST – ADJUST + VDP S-VIDE0 2 S-VIDEO 1 VCR AUX 1 AUX 2 AM/FM BALANCE VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR THX MAIN OFF MONO */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN AVP 1A (CODE 019) POWER POWER MUTE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP ADJUST – ADJUST + MASTER LEVEL UP MASTER LEVEL DOWN CENTER ON BACK CENTER BOOST PAN DOWN REF PAN UP HI-FREQ EQ LEVEL CENTER ROCK POPULAR JAZZ CHAMBER ORCH MOVIE 70MM WIDE MOVIE 70MM THX PRO LOGIC MONO ENHANCE DELAY UP BY PASS DELAY DOWN MODEL AVR/AUDIO CODE CD CODE Setup Code Table: TV DVD CODE TAPE CODE AVR 110, AVR 210, AVR 310, AVR 510, AVR 7000 001 001 001 001 AVR 55, AVR 85 002 226 066 002 AVR 40 003 227 003 AVR 5, AVR 35, AVR 45, AVR 65, AVR 100, AVR 300, AVR 500 004 228 067 004 AVR 75 005 229 068 006 AVR 30 HOME THEATER CONTROLLER 006 234 005 FESTIVAL 300, FESTIVAL 500 007 230 007 FESTIVAL 60 008 231 FESTIVAL 80 009 232 AVR 10 010 233 008 AVR 20, AVR 20MKII, AVR 25, AVR 25MKII, AVI 200, AVI 200MKII, PT 2500, TU 930 011 235 009 AVR 30 SYSTEM REMOTE, AVR 15, HK 3600, PT2300, TU 9600 012 010 HK 3250, HK 3270, HK 3370, HK 3470 013 236 011 HK 3400, HK 3500, HK 3350, HK 3450, HK 3550 014 237 012 AVR 80, AVR 80MKII 015 238 013 SIGNATURE 2.0 016 239 014 AVR 70, AVR 70MKII 017 240 015 AVP 1A, AVP 1, AVP 2, AVP 2A 019 HD 710, HD 720, HD 7125, HD 7225, HD 7325 221 FL 8300 222 FL 8400, FL 8450 223 FL 8350, FL 8550, FL 8370, FL 8380 001 HK 400, HK 800 224 TL 8500, TL 8600 225 HD 7600 054 DC 520 001 TD 420* 009 DC 5300*, DC 5500, DC 5700, TD 4200*, TD 4400*, TD 4500, TD 4600, TD 4800 010 DVD 5 067 DVD 50 001 CDR 2, CDR 20, CDR 30 001 * THESE TAPE DECKS ARE REMOTE-CONTROLLABLE ONLY WHEN CONNECTED TO ANOTHER HARMAN KARDON PRODUCT USING THE REAR-PANEL REMOTE INPUT JACK. Setup Code Table: TV (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER A MARK ADMIRAL AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM AOC BLAUPUNKT BROKSONIC CANDLE CAPEHART CENTURION CENTRONIC CITIZEN CLASSIC CONCERTO CONTEC CORANDO CORONADO CRAIG CROWN CURTIS MATHES CXC DAEWOO DAYTRON DIGI LINK DYNASTY DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FISHER FUNAI FUTURETECH GE GOLDSTAR GRUNDIG HALL MARK HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INFINITY INKEL JBL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KAWASHO KEC KENWOOD KLOSS KMC KTV LLOYTRON LODGENET LOGIK LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MATSUI MEMOREX METZ MGA 103 192 001 070 053 045 001 084 205 001 059 170 045 001 045 011 041 172 132 045 045 001 045 011 107 200 045 063 074 001 013 033 045 001 011 193 107 201 001 148 120 148 001 019 038 173 045 001 002 132 001 172 069 069 011 013 001 001 148 013 084 001 MIDLAND MINERVA MITSUBISHI MTC NAD NATIONAL NEC NIKEI ONKING ONWA OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENNEY PHILCO PHILIPS PIONEER PORTLAND PROSCAN PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RUNCO SAA SAMPO SAMSUNG SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SIEMENS SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDESIGN SPECTRICON SSS SUPREMACY SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TATUNG TECHNICS TECHWOOD TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN TELERENT TERA THOMSON TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNIVERSAL VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDTECH WARDS YAMAHA YORK YUPITERU ZENITH ZONDA 199 084 001 175 021 177 001 045 045 045 025 207 038 199 001 001 001 011 133 059 038 025 001 013 152 183 001 051 013 033 011 011 084 069 043 003 103 011 002 001 184 077 057 080 011 001 039 069 156 190 011 013 132 014 160 011 011 001 107 045 069 103 132 160 164 055 057 076 095 099 103 106 109 112 122 011 103 206 002 003 011 171 002 003 011 045 092 094 132 045 051 052 055 157 158 159 132 092 107 132 022 023 038 045 046 056 068 073 094 098 102 105 108 111 114 116 118 119 127 132 132 132 012 033 045 048 049 051 052 091 107 132 137 139 141 157 158 162 205 058 045 014 015 038 057 070 071 107 121 133 141 145 163 199 093 097 101 103 104 107 110 113 118 128 132 011 015 016 017 018 029 043 072 132 144 147 011 014 015 030 035 092 132 145 040 079 134 204 060 045 132 162 173 021 053 077 145 148 003 011 060 061 062 064 065 118 132 145 148 074 148 069 107 011 033 044 050 074 107 011 030 033 042 044 100 107 115 154 160 167 168 176 031 178 179 180 181 182 013 022 025 030 042 057 121 123 125 077 208 209 210 211 057 076 087 148 169 003 011 030 045 057 060 061 064 065 118 132 148 003 011 040 060 067 088 132 145 148 024 029 031 032 107 213 214 132 107 057 045 011 025 153 122 087 048 029 045 132 165 107 118 132 195 196 197 198 030 057 071 133 145 161 163 199 048 195 196 197 059 085 026 045 013 020 107 092 027 049 021 025 096 037 107 033 028 104 041 132 035 033 107 118 124 128 132 145 054 058 078 058 078 092 107 132 145 034 077 132 154 067 075 117 130 136 194 212 033 045 107 045 003 011 060 061 064 065 107 118 131 145 148 063 002 003 011 030 033 036 045 069 074 092 094 132 047 083 191 107 021 035 042 052 063 092 129 202 015 107 014 015 025 033 061 062 064 065 069 071 107 132 148 011 070 090 094 Function List – Harman Kardon Products NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 40RC (CODE 003) POWER POWER MUTE POWER CD TAPE1 VIDEO1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3 AM/FM SLEEP SELECT + SURROUND SELECT – LEVEL + CALIBRATE SPKRS_L SPKRS_R CENTER BOOST LEVEL – SEARCH + DISPLAY SURROUND WRAP + PRESET/DISC SKIP + SEARCH – SURROUND WRAP – SCAN PRESET/DISC SKIP – SKIP – SKIP + AVR 500 (CODE 004) POWER POWER MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 VID2 D-SKIP/VID3 Function List – Harman Kardon Products AVR 75 (CODE 005) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM 6 CH. CH +/SLEEP TEST AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOL + CH – /SURR. NIGHT/REC/PAUSE MULTI-ROOM /STOP VOL – GUIDE/CH. UP MENU/SPKR LEFT SET RIGHT EXIT/DIGITAL DOWN PREV.CH./DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DIRECT 9 0 CLEAR TUNING UP TUN-M MEMORY PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – PRESET DOWN DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE/PTY SKIP – SKIP + AVR 30 H.T. CONTROLLER (CODE 006) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CH + VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN UP/ON SCREEN LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SHIFT R_LEV UP R_LEV DOWN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP FESTIVAL 500 (CODE 007) POWER POWER AVR CD TAPE Function List – Harman Kardon Products FESTIVAL 60 (CODE 008) POWER POWER MUTE AVR FESTIVAL 80 (CODE 009) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AVR 10 (CODE 010) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR CD CD CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 TV TUNER VOLUME + VOLUME – TUNER TUNER TUNER SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP TEST VOL + VOL + SURROUND SURROUND CENTER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL – VOL – MASTER VOLUME – SELECT + UP CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + SELECT – DOWN CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY SKIP + SKIP – SEARCH + TUNING – P SCAN SEARCH – NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 20II (CODE 011) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AVR30 (CODE 012) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AM CD TAPE1 VCR1 VCR2 SAT Function List – Harman Kardon Products HK 3250 (CODE 013) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR HK 3400 (CODE 014) POWER ON POWER OFF CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 CD TAPE1 VIDEO TUNER PHONO SLEEP TEST TUNER FM THEATER TEST TUNER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL + SEARCH + TUNING – VOLUME + SIM. SURR PRO LOGIC HALL VOLUME – CLUB UP CENTER LEFT ENTER RIGHT STADIUM DOWN DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MOVIE VDP VCP PHONO TUNE + DIRECT SHIFT EFFECTS + TUNE – P SCAN SEARCH – SEEK EFFECTS – MASTER VOLUME – CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY AVR FM/AM TUNER SLEEP VOL – VOLUME + VOLUME – SEEK-ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY TUNING + TUNING – TUNING – P SCAN P. SCAN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 80II (CODE 015) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AM/FM 6CH CH/SKIP + SIGNATURE 2.0 (CODE 016) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE SIGNATURE DVD/TV CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) SIMUL TUNER AUX Setup Code Table: Harman Kardon Products AVR 70II (CODE 017) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 CH/SKIP + VOL UP SURR STEREO VOL DOWN MOVIES UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DISPLAY DOWN MUSIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MONO + 9 0 STORE CENTER TYPE PRESETS SUB TREBLE RDS DISC/TRACK BASS SIBILANT FILTER VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR MAIN OFF */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH + SEARCH + SEARCH + ADJUST – ADJUST + VDP S-VIDE0 2 S-VIDEO 1 VCR AUX 1 AUX 2 AM/FM BALANCE VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR THX MAIN OFF MONO */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN AVP 1A (CODE 019) POWER POWER MUTE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP ADJUST – ADJUST + MASTER LEVEL UP MASTER LEVEL DOWN CENTER ON BACK CENTER BOOST PAN DOWN REF PAN UP HI-FREQ EQ LEVEL CENTER ROCK POPULAR JAZZ CHAMBER ORCH MOVIE 70MM WIDE MOVIE 70MM THX PRO LOGIC MONO ENHANCE DELAY UP BY PASS DELAY DOWN MODEL AVR/AUDIO CODE CD CODE Setup Code Table: TV DVD CODE TAPE CODE AVR 110, AVR 210, AVR 310, AVR 510, AVR 7000 001 001 001 001 AVR 55, AVR 85 002 226 066 002 AVR 40 003 227 003 AVR 5, AVR 35, AVR 45, AVR 65, AVR 100, AVR 300, AVR 500 004 228 067 004 AVR 75 005 229 068 006 AVR 30 HOME THEATER CONTROLLER 006 234 005 FESTIVAL 300, FESTIVAL 500 007 230 007 FESTIVAL 60 008 231 FESTIVAL 80 009 232 AVR 10 010 233 008 AVR 20, AVR 20MKII, AVR 25, AVR 25MKII, AVI 200, AVI 200MKII, PT 2500, TU 930 011 235 009 AVR 30 SYSTEM REMOTE, AVR 15, HK 3600, PT2300, TU 9600 012 010 HK 3250, HK 3270, HK 3370, HK 3470 013 236 011 HK 3400, HK 3500, HK 3350, HK 3450, HK 3550 014 237 012 AVR 80, AVR 80MKII 015 238 013 SIGNATURE 2.0 016 239 014 AVR 70, AVR 70MKII 017 240 015 AVP 1A, AVP 1, AVP 2, AVP 2A 019 HD 710, HD 720, HD 7125, HD 7225, HD 7325 221 FL 8300 222 FL 8400, FL 8450 223 FL 8350, FL 8550, FL 8370, FL 8380 001 HK 400, HK 800 224 TL 8500, TL 8600 225 HD 7600 054 DC 520 001 TD 420* 009 DC 5300*, DC 5500, DC 5700, TD 4200*, TD 4400*, TD 4500, TD 4600, TD 4800 010 DVD 5 067 DVD 50 001 CDR 2, CDR 20, CDR 30 001 * THESE TAPE DECKS ARE REMOTE-CONTROLLABLE ONLY WHEN CONNECTED TO ANOTHER HARMAN KARDON PRODUCT USING THE REAR-PANEL REMOTE INPUT JACK. Setup Code Table: TV (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER A MARK ADMIRAL AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM AOC BLAUPUNKT BROKSONIC CANDLE CAPEHART CENTURION CENTRONIC CITIZEN CLASSIC CONCERTO CONTEC CORANDO CORONADO CRAIG CROWN CURTIS MATHES CXC DAEWOO DAYTRON DIGI LINK DYNASTY DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FISHER FUNAI FUTURETECH GE GOLDSTAR GRUNDIG HALL MARK HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INFINITY INKEL JBL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KAWASHO KEC KENWOOD KLOSS KMC KTV LLOYTRON LODGENET LOGIK LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MATSUI MEMOREX METZ MGA 103 192 001 070 053 045 001 084 205 001 059 170 045 001 045 011 041 172 132 045 045 001 045 011 107 200 045 063 074 001 013 033 045 001 011 193 107 201 001 148 120 148 001 019 038 173 045 001 002 132 001 172 069 069 011 013 001 001 148 013 084 001 MIDLAND MINERVA MITSUBISHI MTC NAD NATIONAL NEC NIKEI ONKING ONWA OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENNEY PHILCO PHILIPS PIONEER PORTLAND PROSCAN PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RUNCO SAA SAMPO SAMSUNG SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SIEMENS SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDESIGN SPECTRICON SSS SUPREMACY SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TATUNG TECHNICS TECHWOOD TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN TELERENT TERA THOMSON TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNIVERSAL VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDTECH WARDS YAMAHA YORK YUPITERU ZENITH ZONDA 199 084 001 175 021 177 001 045 045 045 025 207 038 199 001 001 001 011 133 059 038 025 001 013 152 183 001 051 013 033 011 011 084 069 043 003 103 011 002 001 184 077 057 080 011 001 039 069 156 190 011 013 132 014 160 011 011 001 107 045 069 103 132 160 164 055 057 076 095 099 103 106 109 112 122 011 103 206 002 003 011 171 002 003 011 045 092 094 132 045 051 052 055 157 158 159 132 092 107 132 022 023 038 045 046 056 068 073 094 098 102 105 108 111 114 116 118 119 127 132 132 132 012 033 045 048 049 051 052 091 107 132 137 139 141 157 158 162 205 058 045 014 015 038 057 070 071 107 121 133 141 145 163 199 093 097 101 103 104 107 110 113 118 128 132 011 015 016 017 018 029 043 072 132 144 147 011 014 015 030 035 092 132 145 040 079 134 204 060 045 132 162 173 021 053 077 145 148 003 011 060 061 062 064 065 118 132 145 148 074 148 069 107 011 033 044 050 074 107 011 030 033 042 044 100 107 115 154 160 167 168 176 031 178 179 180 181 182 013 022 025 030 042 057 121 123 125 077 208 209 210 211 057 076 087 148 169 003 011 030 045 057 060 061 064 065 118 132 148 003 011 040 060 067 088 132 145 148 024 029 031 032 107 213 214 132 107 057 045 011 025 153 122 087 048 029 045 132 165 107 118 132 195 196 197 198 030 057 071 133 145 161 163 199 048 195 196 197 059 085 026 045 013 020 107 092 027 049 021 025 096 037 107 033 028 104 041 132 035 033 107 118 124 128 132 145 054 058 078 058 078 092 107 132 145 034 077 132 154 067 075 117 130 136 194 212 033 045 107 045 003 011 060 061 064 065 107 118 131 145 148 063 002 003 011 030 033 036 045 069 074 092 094 132 047 083 191 107 021 035 042 052 063 092 129 202 015 107 014 015 025 033 061 062 064 065 069 071 107 132 148 011 070 090 094 Function List – Harman Kardon Products NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 40RC (CODE 003) POWER POWER MUTE POWER CD TAPE1 VIDEO1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3 AM/FM SLEEP SELECT + SURROUND SELECT – LEVEL + CALIBRATE SPKRS_L SPKRS_R CENTER BOOST LEVEL – SEARCH + DISPLAY SURROUND WRAP + PRESET/DISC SKIP + SEARCH – SURROUND WRAP – SCAN PRESET/DISC SKIP – SKIP – SKIP + AVR 500 (CODE 004) POWER POWER MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 VID2 D-SKIP/VID3 Function List – Harman Kardon Products AVR 75 (CODE 005) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM 6 CH. CH +/SLEEP TEST AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOL + CH – /SURR. NIGHT/REC/PAUSE MULTI-ROOM /STOP VOL – GUIDE/CH. UP MENU/SPKR LEFT SET RIGHT EXIT/DIGITAL DOWN PREV.CH./DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DIRECT 9 0 CLEAR TUNING UP TUN-M MEMORY PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – PRESET DOWN DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE/PTY SKIP – SKIP + AVR 30 H.T. CONTROLLER (CODE 006) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CH + VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN UP/ON SCREEN LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SHIFT R_LEV UP R_LEV DOWN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP FESTIVAL 500 (CODE 007) POWER POWER AVR CD TAPE Function List – Harman Kardon Products FESTIVAL 60 (CODE 008) POWER POWER MUTE AVR FESTIVAL 80 (CODE 009) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AVR 10 (CODE 010) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR CD CD CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 TV TUNER VOLUME + VOLUME – TUNER TUNER TUNER SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP TEST VOL + VOL + SURROUND SURROUND CENTER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL – VOL – MASTER VOLUME – SELECT + UP CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + SELECT – DOWN CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY SKIP + SKIP – SEARCH + TUNING – P SCAN SEARCH – NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 20II (CODE 011) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AVR30 (CODE 012) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AM CD TAPE1 VCR1 VCR2 SAT Function List – Harman Kardon Products HK 3250 (CODE 013) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR HK 3400 (CODE 014) POWER ON POWER OFF CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 CD TAPE1 VIDEO TUNER PHONO SLEEP TEST TUNER FM THEATER TEST TUNER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL + SEARCH + TUNING – VOLUME + SIM. SURR PRO LOGIC HALL VOLUME – CLUB UP CENTER LEFT ENTER RIGHT STADIUM DOWN DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MOVIE VDP VCP PHONO TUNE + DIRECT SHIFT EFFECTS + TUNE – P SCAN SEARCH – SEEK EFFECTS – MASTER VOLUME – CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY AVR FM/AM TUNER SLEEP VOL – VOLUME + VOLUME – SEEK-ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY TUNING + TUNING – TUNING – P SCAN P. SCAN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 80II (CODE 015) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AM/FM 6CH CH/SKIP + SIGNATURE 2.0 (CODE 016) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE SIGNATURE DVD/TV CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) SIMUL TUNER AUX Setup Code Table: Harman Kardon Products AVR 70II (CODE 017) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 CH/SKIP + VOL UP SURR STEREO VOL DOWN MOVIES UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DISPLAY DOWN MUSIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MONO + 9 0 STORE CENTER TYPE PRESETS SUB TREBLE RDS DISC/TRACK BASS SIBILANT FILTER VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR MAIN OFF */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH + SEARCH + SEARCH + ADJUST – ADJUST + VDP S-VIDE0 2 S-VIDEO 1 VCR AUX 1 AUX 2 AM/FM BALANCE VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR THX MAIN OFF MONO */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN AVP 1A (CODE 019) POWER POWER MUTE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP ADJUST – ADJUST + MASTER LEVEL UP MASTER LEVEL DOWN CENTER ON BACK CENTER BOOST PAN DOWN REF PAN UP HI-FREQ EQ LEVEL CENTER ROCK POPULAR JAZZ CHAMBER ORCH MOVIE 70MM WIDE MOVIE 70MM THX PRO LOGIC MONO ENHANCE DELAY UP BY PASS DELAY DOWN MODEL AVR/AUDIO CODE CD CODE Setup Code Table: TV DVD CODE TAPE CODE AVR 110, AVR 210, AVR 310, AVR 510, AVR 7000 001 001 001 001 AVR 55, AVR 85 002 226 066 002 AVR 40 003 227 003 AVR 5, AVR 35, AVR 45, AVR 65, AVR 100, AVR 300, AVR 500 004 228 067 004 AVR 75 005 229 068 006 AVR 30 HOME THEATER CONTROLLER 006 234 005 FESTIVAL 300, FESTIVAL 500 007 230 007 FESTIVAL 60 008 231 FESTIVAL 80 009 232 AVR 10 010 233 008 AVR 20, AVR 20MKII, AVR 25, AVR 25MKII, AVI 200, AVI 200MKII, PT 2500, TU 930 011 235 009 AVR 30 SYSTEM REMOTE, AVR 15, HK 3600, PT2300, TU 9600 012 010 HK 3250, HK 3270, HK 3370, HK 3470 013 236 011 HK 3400, HK 3500, HK 3350, HK 3450, HK 3550 014 237 012 AVR 80, AVR 80MKII 015 238 013 SIGNATURE 2.0 016 239 014 AVR 70, AVR 70MKII 017 240 015 AVP 1A, AVP 1, AVP 2, AVP 2A 019 HD 710, HD 720, HD 7125, HD 7225, HD 7325 221 FL 8300 222 FL 8400, FL 8450 223 FL 8350, FL 8550, FL 8370, FL 8380 001 HK 400, HK 800 224 TL 8500, TL 8600 225 HD 7600 054 DC 520 001 TD 420* 009 DC 5300*, DC 5500, DC 5700, TD 4200*, TD 4400*, TD 4500, TD 4600, TD 4800 010 DVD 5 067 DVD 50 001 CDR 2, CDR 20, CDR 30 001 * THESE TAPE DECKS ARE REMOTE-CONTROLLABLE ONLY WHEN CONNECTED TO ANOTHER HARMAN KARDON PRODUCT USING THE REAR-PANEL REMOTE INPUT JACK. Setup Code Table: TV (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER A MARK ADMIRAL AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM AOC BLAUPUNKT BROKSONIC CANDLE CAPEHART CENTURION CENTRONIC CITIZEN CLASSIC CONCERTO CONTEC CORANDO CORONADO CRAIG CROWN CURTIS MATHES CXC DAEWOO DAYTRON DIGI LINK DYNASTY DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FISHER FUNAI FUTURETECH GE GOLDSTAR GRUNDIG HALL MARK HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INFINITY INKEL JBL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KAWASHO KEC KENWOOD KLOSS KMC KTV LLOYTRON LODGENET LOGIK LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MATSUI MEMOREX METZ MGA 103 192 001 070 053 045 001 084 205 001 059 170 045 001 045 011 041 172 132 045 045 001 045 011 107 200 045 063 074 001 013 033 045 001 011 193 107 201 001 148 120 148 001 019 038 173 045 001 002 132 001 172 069 069 011 013 001 001 148 013 084 001 MIDLAND MINERVA MITSUBISHI MTC NAD NATIONAL NEC NIKEI ONKING ONWA OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENNEY PHILCO PHILIPS PIONEER PORTLAND PROSCAN PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RUNCO SAA SAMPO SAMSUNG SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SIEMENS SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDESIGN SPECTRICON SSS SUPREMACY SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TATUNG TECHNICS TECHWOOD TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN TELERENT TERA THOMSON TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNIVERSAL VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDTECH WARDS YAMAHA YORK YUPITERU ZENITH ZONDA 199 084 001 175 021 177 001 045 045 045 025 207 038 199 001 001 001 011 133 059 038 025 001 013 152 183 001 051 013 033 011 011 084 069 043 003 103 011 002 001 184 077 057 080 011 001 039 069 156 190 011 013 132 014 160 011 011 001 107 045 069 103 132 160 164 055 057 076 095 099 103 106 109 112 122 011 103 206 002 003 011 171 002 003 011 045 092 094 132 045 051 052 055 157 158 159 132 092 107 132 022 023 038 045 046 056 068 073 094 098 102 105 108 111 114 116 118 119 127 132 132 132 012 033 045 048 049 051 052 091 107 132 137 139 141 157 158 162 205 058 045 014 015 038 057 070 071 107 121 133 141 145 163 199 093 097 101 103 104 107 110 113 118 128 132 011 015 016 017 018 029 043 072 132 144 147 011 014 015 030 035 092 132 145 040 079 134 204 060 045 132 162 173 021 053 077 145 148 003 011 060 061 062 064 065 118 132 145 148 074 148 069 107 011 033 044 050 074 107 011 030 033 042 044 100 107 115 154 160 167 168 176 031 178 179 180 181 182 013 022 025 030 042 057 121 123 125 077 208 209 210 211 057 076 087 148 169 003 011 030 045 057 060 061 064 065 118 132 148 003 011 040 060 067 088 132 145 148 024 029 031 032 107 213 214 132 107 057 045 011 025 153 122 087 048 029 045 132 165 107 118 132 195 196 197 198 030 057 071 133 145 161 163 199 048 195 196 197 059 085 026 045 013 020 107 092 027 049 021 025 096 037 107 033 028 104 041 132 035 033 107 118 124 128 132 145 054 058 078 058 078 092 107 132 145 034 077 132 154 067 075 117 130 136 194 212 033 045 107 045 003 011 060 061 064 065 107 118 131 145 148 063 002 003 011 030 033 036 045 069 074 092 094 132 047 083 191 107 021 035 042 052 063 092 129 202 015 107 014 015 025 033 061 062 064 065 069 071 107 132 148 011 070 090 094 Function List – Harman Kardon Products NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 40RC (CODE 003) POWER POWER MUTE POWER CD TAPE1 VIDEO1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3 AM/FM SLEEP SELECT + SURROUND SELECT – LEVEL + CALIBRATE SPKRS_L SPKRS_R CENTER BOOST LEVEL – SEARCH + DISPLAY SURROUND WRAP + PRESET/DISC SKIP + SEARCH – SURROUND WRAP – SCAN PRESET/DISC SKIP – SKIP – SKIP + AVR 500 (CODE 004) POWER POWER MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 VID2 D-SKIP/VID3 Function List – Harman Kardon Products AVR 75 (CODE 005) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM 6 CH. CH +/SLEEP TEST AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOL + CH – /SURR. NIGHT/REC/PAUSE MULTI-ROOM /STOP VOL – GUIDE/CH. UP MENU/SPKR LEFT SET RIGHT EXIT/DIGITAL DOWN PREV.CH./DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DIRECT 9 0 CLEAR TUNING UP TUN-M MEMORY PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – PRESET DOWN DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE/PTY SKIP – SKIP + AVR 30 H.T. CONTROLLER (CODE 006) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CH + VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN UP/ON SCREEN LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SHIFT R_LEV UP R_LEV DOWN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP FESTIVAL 500 (CODE 007) POWER POWER AVR CD TAPE Function List – Harman Kardon Products FESTIVAL 60 (CODE 008) POWER POWER MUTE AVR FESTIVAL 80 (CODE 009) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AVR 10 (CODE 010) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR CD CD CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 TV TUNER VOLUME + VOLUME – TUNER TUNER TUNER SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP TEST VOL + VOL + SURROUND SURROUND CENTER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL – VOL – MASTER VOLUME – SELECT + UP CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + SELECT – DOWN CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY SKIP + SKIP – SEARCH + TUNING – P SCAN SEARCH – NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 20II (CODE 011) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AVR30 (CODE 012) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AM CD TAPE1 VCR1 VCR2 SAT Function List – Harman Kardon Products HK 3250 (CODE 013) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR HK 3400 (CODE 014) POWER ON POWER OFF CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 CD TAPE1 VIDEO TUNER PHONO SLEEP TEST TUNER FM THEATER TEST TUNER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL + SEARCH + TUNING – VOLUME + SIM. SURR PRO LOGIC HALL VOLUME – CLUB UP CENTER LEFT ENTER RIGHT STADIUM DOWN DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MOVIE VDP VCP PHONO TUNE + DIRECT SHIFT EFFECTS + TUNE – P SCAN SEARCH – SEEK EFFECTS – MASTER VOLUME – CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY AVR FM/AM TUNER SLEEP VOL – VOLUME + VOLUME – SEEK-ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY TUNING + TUNING – TUNING – P SCAN P. SCAN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 80II (CODE 015) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AM/FM 6CH CH/SKIP + SIGNATURE 2.0 (CODE 016) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE SIGNATURE DVD/TV CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) SIMUL TUNER AUX Setup Code Table: Harman Kardon Products AVR 70II (CODE 017) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 CH/SKIP + VOL UP SURR STEREO VOL DOWN MOVIES UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DISPLAY DOWN MUSIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MONO + 9 0 STORE CENTER TYPE PRESETS SUB TREBLE RDS DISC/TRACK BASS SIBILANT FILTER VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR MAIN OFF */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH + SEARCH + SEARCH + ADJUST – ADJUST + VDP S-VIDE0 2 S-VIDEO 1 VCR AUX 1 AUX 2 AM/FM BALANCE VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR THX MAIN OFF MONO */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN AVP 1A (CODE 019) POWER POWER MUTE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP ADJUST – ADJUST + MASTER LEVEL UP MASTER LEVEL DOWN CENTER ON BACK CENTER BOOST PAN DOWN REF PAN UP HI-FREQ EQ LEVEL CENTER ROCK POPULAR JAZZ CHAMBER ORCH MOVIE 70MM WIDE MOVIE 70MM THX PRO LOGIC MONO ENHANCE DELAY UP BY PASS DELAY DOWN MODEL AVR/AUDIO CODE CD CODE Setup Code Table: TV DVD CODE TAPE CODE AVR 110, AVR 210, AVR 310, AVR 510, AVR 7000 001 001 001 001 AVR 55, AVR 85 002 226 066 002 AVR 40 003 227 003 AVR 5, AVR 35, AVR 45, AVR 65, AVR 100, AVR 300, AVR 500 004 228 067 004 AVR 75 005 229 068 006 AVR 30 HOME THEATER CONTROLLER 006 234 005 FESTIVAL 300, FESTIVAL 500 007 230 007 FESTIVAL 60 008 231 FESTIVAL 80 009 232 AVR 10 010 233 008 AVR 20, AVR 20MKII, AVR 25, AVR 25MKII, AVI 200, AVI 200MKII, PT 2500, TU 930 011 235 009 AVR 30 SYSTEM REMOTE, AVR 15, HK 3600, PT2300, TU 9600 012 010 HK 3250, HK 3270, HK 3370, HK 3470 013 236 011 HK 3400, HK 3500, HK 3350, HK 3450, HK 3550 014 237 012 AVR 80, AVR 80MKII 015 238 013 SIGNATURE 2.0 016 239 014 AVR 70, AVR 70MKII 017 240 015 AVP 1A, AVP 1, AVP 2, AVP 2A 019 HD 710, HD 720, HD 7125, HD 7225, HD 7325 221 FL 8300 222 FL 8400, FL 8450 223 FL 8350, FL 8550, FL 8370, FL 8380 001 HK 400, HK 800 224 TL 8500, TL 8600 225 HD 7600 054 DC 520 001 TD 420* 009 DC 5300*, DC 5500, DC 5700, TD 4200*, TD 4400*, TD 4500, TD 4600, TD 4800 010 DVD 5 067 DVD 50 001 CDR 2, CDR 20, CDR 30 001 * THESE TAPE DECKS ARE REMOTE-CONTROLLABLE ONLY WHEN CONNECTED TO ANOTHER HARMAN KARDON PRODUCT USING THE REAR-PANEL REMOTE INPUT JACK. Setup Code Table: TV (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER A MARK ADMIRAL AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM AOC BLAUPUNKT BROKSONIC CANDLE CAPEHART CENTURION CENTRONIC CITIZEN CLASSIC CONCERTO CONTEC CORANDO CORONADO CRAIG CROWN CURTIS MATHES CXC DAEWOO DAYTRON DIGI LINK DYNASTY DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FISHER FUNAI FUTURETECH GE GOLDSTAR GRUNDIG HALL MARK HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INFINITY INKEL JBL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KAWASHO KEC KENWOOD KLOSS KMC KTV LLOYTRON LODGENET LOGIK LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MATSUI MEMOREX METZ MGA 103 192 001 070 053 045 001 084 205 001 059 170 045 001 045 011 041 172 132 045 045 001 045 011 107 200 045 063 074 001 013 033 045 001 011 193 107 201 001 148 120 148 001 019 038 173 045 001 002 132 001 172 069 069 011 013 001 001 148 013 084 001 MIDLAND MINERVA MITSUBISHI MTC NAD NATIONAL NEC NIKEI ONKING ONWA OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENNEY PHILCO PHILIPS PIONEER PORTLAND PROSCAN PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RUNCO SAA SAMPO SAMSUNG SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SIEMENS SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDESIGN SPECTRICON SSS SUPREMACY SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TATUNG TECHNICS TECHWOOD TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN TELERENT TERA THOMSON TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNIVERSAL VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDTECH WARDS YAMAHA YORK YUPITERU ZENITH ZONDA 199 084 001 175 021 177 001 045 045 045 025 207 038 199 001 001 001 011 133 059 038 025 001 013 152 183 001 051 013 033 011 011 084 069 043 003 103 011 002 001 184 077 057 080 011 001 039 069 156 190 011 013 132 014 160 011 011 001 107 045 069 103 132 160 164 055 057 076 095 099 103 106 109 112 122 011 103 206 002 003 011 171 002 003 011 045 092 094 132 045 051 052 055 157 158 159 132 092 107 132 022 023 038 045 046 056 068 073 094 098 102 105 108 111 114 116 118 119 127 132 132 132 012 033 045 048 049 051 052 091 107 132 137 139 141 157 158 162 205 058 045 014 015 038 057 070 071 107 121 133 141 145 163 199 093 097 101 103 104 107 110 113 118 128 132 011 015 016 017 018 029 043 072 132 144 147 011 014 015 030 035 092 132 145 040 079 134 204 060 045 132 162 173 021 053 077 145 148 003 011 060 061 062 064 065 118 132 145 148 074 148 069 107 011 033 044 050 074 107 011 030 033 042 044 100 107 115 154 160 167 168 176 031 178 179 180 181 182 013 022 025 030 042 057 121 123 125 077 208 209 210 211 057 076 087 148 169 003 011 030 045 057 060 061 064 065 118 132 148 003 011 040 060 067 088 132 145 148 024 029 031 032 107 213 214 132 107 057 045 011 025 153 122 087 048 029 045 132 165 107 118 132 195 196 197 198 030 057 071 133 145 161 163 199 048 195 196 197 059 085 026 045 013 020 107 092 027 049 021 025 096 037 107 033 028 104 041 132 035 033 107 118 124 128 132 145 054 058 078 058 078 092 107 132 145 034 077 132 154 067 075 117 130 136 194 212 033 045 107 045 003 011 060 061 064 065 107 118 131 145 148 063 002 003 011 030 033 036 045 069 074 092 094 132 047 083 191 107 021 035 042 052 063 092 129 202 015 107 014 015 025 033 061 062 064 065 069 071 107 132 148 011 070 090 094 Function List – Harman Kardon Products NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 40RC (CODE 003) POWER POWER MUTE POWER CD TAPE1 VIDEO1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3 AM/FM SLEEP SELECT + SURROUND SELECT – LEVEL + CALIBRATE SPKRS_L SPKRS_R CENTER BOOST LEVEL – SEARCH + DISPLAY SURROUND WRAP + PRESET/DISC SKIP + SEARCH – SURROUND WRAP – SCAN PRESET/DISC SKIP – SKIP – SKIP + AVR 500 (CODE 004) POWER POWER MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 VID2 D-SKIP/VID3 Function List – Harman Kardon Products AVR 75 (CODE 005) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM 6 CH. CH +/SLEEP TEST AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOL + CH – /SURR. NIGHT/REC/PAUSE MULTI-ROOM /STOP VOL – GUIDE/CH. UP MENU/SPKR LEFT SET RIGHT EXIT/DIGITAL DOWN PREV.CH./DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DIRECT 9 0 CLEAR TUNING UP TUN-M MEMORY PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – PRESET DOWN DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE/PTY SKIP – SKIP + AVR 30 H.T. CONTROLLER (CODE 006) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CH + VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN UP/ON SCREEN LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SHIFT R_LEV UP R_LEV DOWN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP FESTIVAL 500 (CODE 007) POWER POWER AVR CD TAPE Function List – Harman Kardon Products FESTIVAL 60 (CODE 008) POWER POWER MUTE AVR FESTIVAL 80 (CODE 009) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AVR 10 (CODE 010) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR CD CD CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 TV TUNER VOLUME + VOLUME – TUNER TUNER TUNER SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP TEST VOL + VOL + SURROUND SURROUND CENTER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL – VOL – MASTER VOLUME – SELECT + UP CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + SELECT – DOWN CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY SKIP + SKIP – SEARCH + TUNING – P SCAN SEARCH – NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 20II (CODE 011) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AVR30 (CODE 012) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AM CD TAPE1 VCR1 VCR2 SAT Function List – Harman Kardon Products HK 3250 (CODE 013) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR HK 3400 (CODE 014) POWER ON POWER OFF CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 CD TAPE1 VIDEO TUNER PHONO SLEEP TEST TUNER FM THEATER TEST TUNER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL + SEARCH + TUNING – VOLUME + SIM. SURR PRO LOGIC HALL VOLUME – CLUB UP CENTER LEFT ENTER RIGHT STADIUM DOWN DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MOVIE VDP VCP PHONO TUNE + DIRECT SHIFT EFFECTS + TUNE – P SCAN SEARCH – SEEK EFFECTS – MASTER VOLUME – CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY AVR FM/AM TUNER SLEEP VOL – VOLUME + VOLUME – SEEK-ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY TUNING + TUNING – TUNING – P SCAN P. SCAN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 80II (CODE 015) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AM/FM 6CH CH/SKIP + SIGNATURE 2.0 (CODE 016) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE SIGNATURE DVD/TV CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) SIMUL TUNER AUX Setup Code Table: Harman Kardon Products AVR 70II (CODE 017) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 CH/SKIP + VOL UP SURR STEREO VOL DOWN MOVIES UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DISPLAY DOWN MUSIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MONO + 9 0 STORE CENTER TYPE PRESETS SUB TREBLE RDS DISC/TRACK BASS SIBILANT FILTER VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR MAIN OFF */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH + SEARCH + SEARCH + ADJUST – ADJUST + VDP S-VIDE0 2 S-VIDEO 1 VCR AUX 1 AUX 2 AM/FM BALANCE VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR THX MAIN OFF MONO */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN AVP 1A (CODE 019) POWER POWER MUTE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP ADJUST – ADJUST + MASTER LEVEL UP MASTER LEVEL DOWN CENTER ON BACK CENTER BOOST PAN DOWN REF PAN UP HI-FREQ EQ LEVEL CENTER ROCK POPULAR JAZZ CHAMBER ORCH MOVIE 70MM WIDE MOVIE 70MM THX PRO LOGIC MONO ENHANCE DELAY UP BY PASS DELAY DOWN MODEL AVR/AUDIO CODE CD CODE Setup Code Table: TV DVD CODE TAPE CODE AVR 110, AVR 210, AVR 310, AVR 510, AVR 7000 001 001 001 001 AVR 55, AVR 85 002 226 066 002 AVR 40 003 227 003 AVR 5, AVR 35, AVR 45, AVR 65, AVR 100, AVR 300, AVR 500 004 228 067 004 AVR 75 005 229 068 006 AVR 30 HOME THEATER CONTROLLER 006 234 005 FESTIVAL 300, FESTIVAL 500 007 230 007 FESTIVAL 60 008 231 FESTIVAL 80 009 232 AVR 10 010 233 008 AVR 20, AVR 20MKII, AVR 25, AVR 25MKII, AVI 200, AVI 200MKII, PT 2500, TU 930 011 235 009 AVR 30 SYSTEM REMOTE, AVR 15, HK 3600, PT2300, TU 9600 012 010 HK 3250, HK 3270, HK 3370, HK 3470 013 236 011 HK 3400, HK 3500, HK 3350, HK 3450, HK 3550 014 237 012 AVR 80, AVR 80MKII 015 238 013 SIGNATURE 2.0 016 239 014 AVR 70, AVR 70MKII 017 240 015 AVP 1A, AVP 1, AVP 2, AVP 2A 019 HD 710, HD 720, HD 7125, HD 7225, HD 7325 221 FL 8300 222 FL 8400, FL 8450 223 FL 8350, FL 8550, FL 8370, FL 8380 001 HK 400, HK 800 224 TL 8500, TL 8600 225 HD 7600 054 DC 520 001 TD 420* 009 DC 5300*, DC 5500, DC 5700, TD 4200*, TD 4400*, TD 4500, TD 4600, TD 4800 010 DVD 5 067 DVD 50 001 CDR 2, CDR 20, CDR 30 001 * THESE TAPE DECKS ARE REMOTE-CONTROLLABLE ONLY WHEN CONNECTED TO ANOTHER HARMAN KARDON PRODUCT USING THE REAR-PANEL REMOTE INPUT JACK. Setup Code Table: TV (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER A MARK ADMIRAL AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM AOC BLAUPUNKT BROKSONIC CANDLE CAPEHART CENTURION CENTRONIC CITIZEN CLASSIC CONCERTO CONTEC CORANDO CORONADO CRAIG CROWN CURTIS MATHES CXC DAEWOO DAYTRON DIGI LINK DYNASTY DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FISHER FUNAI FUTURETECH GE GOLDSTAR GRUNDIG HALL MARK HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INFINITY INKEL JBL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KAWASHO KEC KENWOOD KLOSS KMC KTV LLOYTRON LODGENET LOGIK LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MATSUI MEMOREX METZ MGA 103 192 001 070 053 045 001 084 205 001 059 170 045 001 045 011 041 172 132 045 045 001 045 011 107 200 045 063 074 001 013 033 045 001 011 193 107 201 001 148 120 148 001 019 038 173 045 001 002 132 001 172 069 069 011 013 001 001 148 013 084 001 MIDLAND MINERVA MITSUBISHI MTC NAD NATIONAL NEC NIKEI ONKING ONWA OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENNEY PHILCO PHILIPS PIONEER PORTLAND PROSCAN PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RUNCO SAA SAMPO SAMSUNG SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SIEMENS SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDESIGN SPECTRICON SSS SUPREMACY SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TATUNG TECHNICS TECHWOOD TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN TELERENT TERA THOMSON TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNIVERSAL VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDTECH WARDS YAMAHA YORK YUPITERU ZENITH ZONDA 199 084 001 175 021 177 001 045 045 045 025 207 038 199 001 001 001 011 133 059 038 025 001 013 152 183 001 051 013 033 011 011 084 069 043 003 103 011 002 001 184 077 057 080 011 001 039 069 156 190 011 013 132 014 160 011 011 001 107 045 069 103 132 160 164 055 057 076 095 099 103 106 109 112 122 011 103 206 002 003 011 171 002 003 011 045 092 094 132 045 051 052 055 157 158 159 132 092 107 132 022 023 038 045 046 056 068 073 094 098 102 105 108 111 114 116 118 119 127 132 132 132 012 033 045 048 049 051 052 091 107 132 137 139 141 157 158 162 205 058 045 014 015 038 057 070 071 107 121 133 141 145 163 199 093 097 101 103 104 107 110 113 118 128 132 011 015 016 017 018 029 043 072 132 144 147 011 014 015 030 035 092 132 145 040 079 134 204 060 045 132 162 173 021 053 077 145 148 003 011 060 061 062 064 065 118 132 145 148 074 148 069 107 011 033 044 050 074 107 011 030 033 042 044 100 107 115 154 160 167 168 176 031 178 179 180 181 182 013 022 025 030 042 057 121 123 125 077 208 209 210 211 057 076 087 148 169 003 011 030 045 057 060 061 064 065 118 132 148 003 011 040 060 067 088 132 145 148 024 029 031 032 107 213 214 132 107 057 045 011 025 153 122 087 048 029 045 132 165 107 118 132 195 196 197 198 030 057 071 133 145 161 163 199 048 195 196 197 059 085 026 045 013 020 107 092 027 049 021 025 096 037 107 033 028 104 041 132 035 033 107 118 124 128 132 145 054 058 078 058 078 092 107 132 145 034 077 132 154 067 075 117 130 136 194 212 033 045 107 045 003 011 060 061 064 065 107 118 131 145 148 063 002 003 011 030 033 036 045 069 074 092 094 132 047 083 191 107 021 035 042 052 063 092 129 202 015 107 014 015 025 033 061 062 064 065 069 071 107 132 148 011 070 090 094 Function List – Harman Kardon Products NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 40RC (CODE 003) POWER POWER MUTE POWER CD TAPE1 VIDEO1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3 AM/FM SLEEP SELECT + SURROUND SELECT – LEVEL + CALIBRATE SPKRS_L SPKRS_R CENTER BOOST LEVEL – SEARCH + DISPLAY SURROUND WRAP + PRESET/DISC SKIP + SEARCH – SURROUND WRAP – SCAN PRESET/DISC SKIP – SKIP – SKIP + AVR 500 (CODE 004) POWER POWER MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 VID2 D-SKIP/VID3 Function List – Harman Kardon Products AVR 75 (CODE 005) MAIN POWER ON MAIN POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 VID3 AM/FM 6 CH. CH +/SLEEP TEST AM/FM AC-3 SLEEP TEST TONE VOL + CH – /SURR. NIGHT/REC/PAUSE MULTI-ROOM /STOP VOL – GUIDE/CH. UP MENU/SPKR LEFT SET RIGHT EXIT/DIGITAL DOWN PREV.CH./DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DIRECT 9 0 CLEAR TUNING UP TUN-M MEMORY PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD VOLUME + OPT NIGHT MULTI VOLUME – CH SELECT UP HALL LEFT SELECT RIGHT REPLAY/FM MODE DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX MOVIE 9/YZ 0/CLEAR STEREO TUNE/SEARCH + DISPLAY */MEMO PRESET DISC + TUNE/SEARCH – OSD #/P-SCAN PRESET DISC – PRESET DOWN DOLBY P/L PLAY/AF DOLBY 3 ST MATRIX STOP/RDS DISP. REC/PAUSE/PTY SKIP – SKIP + AVR 30 H.T. CONTROLLER (CODE 006) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CH + VOL UP CH – VOL DOWN UP/ON SCREEN LEFT ENTER RIGHT DOWN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 SHIFT R_LEV UP R_LEV DOWN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP FESTIVAL 500 (CODE 007) POWER POWER AVR CD TAPE Function List – Harman Kardon Products FESTIVAL 60 (CODE 008) POWER POWER MUTE AVR FESTIVAL 80 (CODE 009) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AVR 10 (CODE 010) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR CD CD CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 TV TUNER VOLUME + VOLUME – TUNER TUNER TUNER SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP TEST VOL + VOL + SURROUND SURROUND CENTER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL – VOL – MASTER VOLUME – SELECT + UP CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + SELECT – DOWN CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY SKIP + SKIP – SEARCH + TUNING – P SCAN SEARCH – NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 20II (CODE 011) POWER POWER MUTE AVR CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AVR30 (CODE 012) POWER POWER MUTE AVR AM CD TAPE1 VCR1 VCR2 SAT Function List – Harman Kardon Products HK 3250 (CODE 013) STANDBY STANDBY MUTE AVR HK 3400 (CODE 014) POWER ON POWER OFF CD TAPE MON VCR1 VCR2 CD TAPE1 VIDEO TUNER PHONO SLEEP TEST TUNER FM THEATER TEST TUNER MASTER VOLUME + 3 STEREO PRO LOGIC VOL + SEARCH + TUNING – VOLUME + SIM. SURR PRO LOGIC HALL VOLUME – CLUB UP CENTER LEFT ENTER RIGHT STADIUM DOWN DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MOVIE VDP VCP PHONO TUNE + DIRECT SHIFT EFFECTS + TUNE – P SCAN SEARCH – SEEK EFFECTS – MASTER VOLUME – CENTER LEVEL + CENT MODE REAR LEVEL – REAR LEVEL + CENTER LEVEL – DELAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY AVR FM/AM TUNER SLEEP VOL – VOLUME + VOLUME – SEEK-ST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 9 0 TUNING + DISPLAY TUNING + TUNING – TUNING – P SCAN P. SCAN NO. BUTTON NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE AVR DVD CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) VID4 LEARN AM/FM 6CH SLEEP/CH+ TEST TONE TV/VCR VOL UP SURR/CH– NIGHT MULTI-ROOM VOL DOWN CH./GUIDE LEVEL+/UP SPEAKER/MENU LEFT < SET RIGHT > DIGITAL/EXIT LEVEL–/DOWN DELAY/PREV. CH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TUN-M 9 0 MEMORY TUNING UP DIRECT CLEAR PRESET UP TUNING DOWN OSD D. SKIP PRESET DOWN M1 M2 M3 M4 ‹‹ PLAY (‹ ›) ›› RECORD STOP PAUSE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP AVR 80II (CODE 015) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 AM/FM 6CH CH/SKIP + SIGNATURE 2.0 (CODE 016) POWER ON POWER OFF MUTE SIGNATURE DVD/TV CD TAPE VID1 (VCR) VID2 (TV) VID3 (CBL/SAT) SIMUL TUNER AUX Setup Code Table: Harman Kardon Products AVR 70II (CODE 017) SOURCE POWER ON SOURCE POWER OFF MUTE AUX CD TAPE1 VID1 VID2 CH/SKIP + VOL UP SURR STEREO VOL DOWN MOVIES UP MENU LEFT ENTER RIGHT DISPLAY DOWN MUSIC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MONO + 9 0 STORE CENTER TYPE PRESETS SUB TREBLE RDS DISC/TRACK BASS SIBILANT FILTER VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR MAIN OFF */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH – SEARCH + SEARCH + SEARCH + ADJUST – ADJUST + VDP S-VIDE0 2 S-VIDEO 1 VCR AUX 1 AUX 2 AM/FM BALANCE VOLUME + CH/SKIP – 3ST STEREO VOLUME – MOVIE UP SPEAKER LEFT SELECT RIGHT MATRIX DOWN DELAY 1/ABC 2/DEF 3/GHI 4/JKL 5/MNO 6/PQR 7/STU 8/VWX SCREEN 9/YZ 0/CLEAR THX MAIN OFF MONO */MEMO P/L MAIN ON DISPLAY #/P-SCAN AVP 1A (CODE 019) POWER POWER MUTE SKIP DOWN SKIP UP ADJUST – ADJUST + MASTER LEVEL UP MASTER LEVEL DOWN CENTER ON BACK CENTER BOOST PAN DOWN REF PAN UP HI-FREQ EQ LEVEL CENTER ROCK POPULAR JAZZ CHAMBER ORCH MOVIE 70MM WIDE MOVIE 70MM THX PRO LOGIC MONO ENHANCE DELAY UP BY PASS DELAY DOWN MODEL AVR/AUDIO CODE CD CODE Setup Code Table: TV DVD CODE TAPE CODE AVR 110, AVR 210, AVR 310, AVR 510, AVR 7000 001 001 001 001 AVR 55, AVR 85 002 226 066 002 AVR 40 003 227 003 AVR 5, AVR 35, AVR 45, AVR 65, AVR 100, AVR 300, AVR 500 004 228 067 004 AVR 75 005 229 068 006 AVR 30 HOME THEATER CONTROLLER 006 234 005 FESTIVAL 300, FESTIVAL 500 007 230 007 FESTIVAL 60 008 231 FESTIVAL 80 009 232 AVR 10 010 233 008 AVR 20, AVR 20MKII, AVR 25, AVR 25MKII, AVI 200, AVI 200MKII, PT 2500, TU 930 011 235 009 AVR 30 SYSTEM REMOTE, AVR 15, HK 3600, PT2300, TU 9600 012 010 HK 3250, HK 3270, HK 3370, HK 3470 013 236 011 HK 3400, HK 3500, HK 3350, HK 3450, HK 3550 014 237 012 AVR 80, AVR 80MKII 015 238 013 SIGNATURE 2.0 016 239 014 AVR 70, AVR 70MKII 017 240 015 AVP 1A, AVP 1, AVP 2, AVP 2A 019 HD 710, HD 720, HD 7125, HD 7225, HD 7325 221 FL 8300 222 FL 8400, FL 8450 223 FL 8350, FL 8550, FL 8370, FL 8380 001 HK 400, HK 800 224 TL 8500, TL 8600 225 HD 7600 054 DC 520 001 TD 420* 009 DC 5300*, DC 5500, DC 5700, TD 4200*, TD 4400*, TD 4500, TD 4600, TD 4800 010 DVD 5 067 DVD 50 001 CDR 2, CDR 20, CDR 30 001 * THESE TAPE DECKS ARE REMOTE-CONTROLLABLE ONLY WHEN CONNECTED TO ANOTHER HARMAN KARDON PRODUCT USING THE REAR-PANEL REMOTE INPUT JACK. Setup Code Table: TV (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER A MARK ADMIRAL AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM AOC BLAUPUNKT BROKSONIC CANDLE CAPEHART CENTURION CENTRONIC CITIZEN CLASSIC CONCERTO CONTEC CORANDO CORONADO CRAIG CROWN CURTIS MATHES CXC DAEWOO DAYTRON DIGI LINK DYNASTY DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FISHER FUNAI FUTURETECH GE GOLDSTAR GRUNDIG HALL MARK HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INFINITY INKEL JBL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KAWASHO KEC KENWOOD KLOSS KMC KTV LLOYTRON LODGENET LOGIK LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MATSUI MEMOREX METZ MGA 103 192 001 070 053 045 001 084 205 001 059 170 045 001 045 011 041 172 132 045 045 001 045 011 107 200 045 063 074 001 013 033 045 001 011 193 107 201 001 148 120 148 001 019 038 173 045 001 002 132 001 172 069 069 011 013 001 001 148 013 084 001 MIDLAND MINERVA MITSUBISHI MTC NAD NATIONAL NEC NIKEI ONKING ONWA OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENNEY PHILCO PHILIPS PIONEER PORTLAND PROSCAN PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RUNCO SAA SAMPO SAMSUNG SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SIEMENS SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDESIGN SPECTRICON SSS SUPREMACY SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TATUNG TECHNICS TECHWOOD TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN TELERENT TERA THOMSON TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNIVERSAL VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDTECH WARDS YAMAHA YORK YUPITERU ZENITH ZONDA 199 084 001 175 021 177 001 045 045 045 025 207 038 199 001 001 001 011 133 059 038 025 001 013 152 183 001 051 013 033 011 011 084 069 043 003 103 011 002 001 184 077 057 080 011 001 039 069 156 190 011 013 132 014 160 011 011 001 107 045 069 103 132 160 164 055 057 076 095 099 103 106 109 112 122 011 103 206 002 003 011 171 002 003 011 045 092 094 132 045 051 052 055 157 158 159 132 092 107 132 022 023 038 045 046 056 068 073 094 098 102 105 108 111 114 116 118 119 127 132 132 132 012 033 045 048 049 051 052 091 107 132 137 139 141 157 158 162 205 058 045 014 015 038 057 070 071 107 121 133 141 145 163 199 093 097 101 103 104 107 110 113 118 128 132 011 015 016 017 018 029 043 072 132 144 147 011 014 015 030 035 092 132 145 040 079 134 204 060 045 132 162 173 021 053 077 145 148 003 011 060 061 062 064 065 118 132 145 148 074 148 069 107 011 033 044 050 074 107 011 030 033 042 044 100 107 115 154 160 167 168 176 031 178 179 180 181 182 013 022 025 030 042 057 121 123 125 077 208 209 210 211 057 076 087 148 169 003 011 030 045 057 060 061 064 065 118 132 148 003 011 040 060 067 088 132 145 148 024 029 031 032 107 213 214 132 107 057 045 011 025 153 122 087 048 029 045 132 165 107 118 132 195 196 197 198 030 057 071 133 145 161 163 199 048 195 196 197 059 085 026 045 013 020 107 092 027 049 021 025 096 037 107 033 028 104 041 132 035 033 107 118 124 128 132 145 054 058 078 058 078 092 107 132 145 034 077 132 154 067 075 117 130 136 194 212 033 045 107 045 003 011 060 061 064 065 107 118 131 145 148 063 002 003 011 030 033 036 045 069 074 092 094 132 047 083 191 107 021 035 042 052 063 092 129 202 015 107 014 015 025 033 061 062 064 065 069 071 107 132 148 011 070 090 094 Setup Code Table: VCR Setup Code Table: VCR (continued) Setup Code Table: SAT Setup Code Table: Cable Setup Code Table: Cable (continued) Setup Code Table: CD Setup Code Table: CD (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER AIWA AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM ASA AUDIO DYNAMICS BROKSONIC CANDLE CANON CAPEHART CITIZEN CRAIG CURTIS MATHES DAEWOO DAYTRON DBX DUAL DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FERGUSON FINLUX FISHER FUNAI GE GO VIDEO GOLDSTAR GRAETZ HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INSTANT REPLAY ITT JCL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD LLOYD LXI MAGIN MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MARTA MATSUI MEI MEMOREX MGA MINOLTA MITSUBISHI MTC MULTITECH NAD NATIONAL NEC NORDMENDE OPTIMUS OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENTAX PHILCO 040 022 076 133 037 134 018 041 134 034 094 134 003 037 012 094 018 136 040 063 013 136 133 003 040 037 113 018 136 018 011 037 136 037 018 048 018 020 040 019 045 037 018 087 033 037 003 049 019 019 133 030 139 140 018 048 159 057 147 070 019 037 PHILIPS PILOT PIONEER PORTLAND PULSAR QUARTZ QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RICO RUNCO SABA SAISHO SALORA SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCHAUB LORENZ SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHINTOM SONY SOUNDESIGN STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TASHICO TATUNG TEAC TECHNICS TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN THOMAS THOMSON THORN TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNITECH VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDEOSONIC WARDS YAMAHA ZENITH 037 087 019 094 076 001 039 133 019 003 062 128 136 143 020 038 028 003 136 023 003 037 030 002 040 019 037 040 017 134 044 040 037 025 136 040 136 136 013 015 045 045 018 052 018 045 003 018 040 ALPHASTAR ALPHASTAR DBS ALPHASTAR DSR AMPLICA BIRDVIEW BSR CAPETRONICS CHANNEL MASTER CHAPARRAL CITOH CURTIS MATHES DRAKE DX ANTENNA ECHOSTAR ELECTRO HOME EUROPLUS FUJITSU GENERAL INSTRUMENT HITACHI DBS HOUSTON TRACKER HUGHES HYTEK JANIEL JERROLD KATHREIN LEGEND LUXOR MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX NEXTWAVE NORSAT OPTIMUS PANASONIC PANASONIC DBS PANSAT PERSONAL CABLE PHILIPS PICO PRESIDENT PRIMESTAR RCA REALISTIC SAMSUNG SATELLITE SERVICE CO SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SONY STAR CHOICE DBS STARCAST SUPER GUIDE TEECOM TOSHIBA UNIDEN ZENITH 472 450 422 356 414 359 359 320 315 360 356 312 331 364 392 415 324 303 455 463 372 359 366 367 410 453 368 317 461 453 423 373 466 366 457 420 418 375 407 326 412 301 349 422 335 339 405 459 347 327 330 302 323 385 ABC ALLEGRO AMERICAST ANTRONIX ARCHER BELCOR CABLE STAR CENTURION CENTURY CITIZEN COLOUR VOICE COMBANO COMTRONICS DIAMOND DIGI EAGLE EASTERN ELECTRICORD EMERSON FOCUS G.I. GC ELECTRONICS GE GEMINI GENERAL GENERAL INSTRUMENT GOLDEN CHANNEL GOODMIND HAMLIN HITACHI HOSPITALITY JASCO JERROLD LINDSAY M-NET MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX MOVIE TIME NSC OAK PACE PANASONIC PANTHER PARAGON PHILIPS PIONEER POPULAR MECHANICS POST NEWS WEEK PRELUDE PRIMESTAR PTS PULSAR RADIO SHACK RCA RECOTON REGAL REGENCY REMBRANT SAMSUNG SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SEAM 001 111 212 021 012 113 033 092 014 014 069 083 026 030 114 027 063 039 112 116 001 113 076 015 210 168 037 112 055 001 074 111 001 118 043 040 017 058 035 022 023 179 050 114 058 013 001 116 023 120 162 018 058 111 053 116 055 063 032 037 003 121 SHERITECH SIGNAL SIGNATURE SL MARX SPRUCER STARCOM STARGATE SYLVANIA TADIRAN TANDY TELECAPATION TEXSCAN TFC TIMELESS TOCOM TOSHIBA UNIKA UNITED CABLE UNIVERSAL VIDEOWAY VIEWSTAR ZENITH ZENTEK 029 037 001 037 053 002 015 071 037 024 028 036 122 123 045 058 014 011 012 124 019 058 116 ADC ADCOM AIWA AKAI AUDIO TECHNICA AUDIOACCESS AUDIOFILE BSR CALIFORNIA AUDIO CAPETRONIC CARRERA CARVER CASIO CLARINETTE CROWN CURTIS MATHES DENON EMERSON FISHER FRABA FUNAI GE GENEXXA GOLDSTAR HAITAI HARMAN KARDON 012 049 072 050 053 125 211 044 015 070 064 051 066 122 042 066 187 049 023 117 126 164 017 016 099 001 234 049 026 021 153 029 014 012 108 018 066 039 043 194 021 096 032 051 032 152 122 013 199 021 053 051 037 020 015 039 017 051 015 122 024 169 048 050 108 109 126 039 089 029 043 135 037 044 048 110 147 166 137 039 135 140 045 116 039 014 017 068 069 094 096 097 098 102 103 104 029 044 048 057 023 031 033 035 037 040 041 042 043 050 087 110 112 119 015 016 017 133 039 067 076 093 095 124 127 117 019 026 087 092 100 107 049 040 048 067 118 130 039 039 019 021 039 045 070 087 037 039 048 052 054 059 064 111 130 132 044 048 052 020 040 087 039 040 071 072 037 039 071 073 036 039 017 020 037 039 040 057 076 087 115 120 050 063 026 026 049 050 053 055 063 065 131 145 146 040 039 040 058 071 075 087 027 052 020 070 134 026 015 079 137 039 017 125 140 066 020 144 141 142 152 158 159 160 161 067 093 095 124 125 127 157 172 037 039 040 045 057 058 087 137 152 159 160 045 088 090 091 093 095 098 099 101 105 106 109 048 052 116 147 166 014 017 020 115 043 098 110 112 015 016 017 019 020 026 037 047 077 084 087 058 129 156 003 016 037 056 060 061 062 080 081 082 129 039 040 063 071 040 048 044 048 039 037 039 040 087 019 047 051 063 085 098 112 155 087 040 050 019 023 030 037 039 040 045 057 058 112 040 044 048 052 060 062 076 083 087 442 425 321 322 325 361 316 319 380 451 313 317 318 413 481 352 362 379 483 395 397 452 453 463 477 478 484 485 328 329 334 311 323 365 403 454 468 474 437 454 464 468 365 369 370 371 473 424 374 469 404 454 408 377 442 341 464 475 436 439 458 465 480 353 388 438 423 333 426 332 386 424 378 443 348 387 390 460 349 394 391 393 409 461 462 470 350 351 354 355 381 382 383 389 403 466 479 480 419 029 044 048 052 058 166 074 078 086 114 125 150 167 172 026 037 039 067 039 040 071 Setup Code Table: AVR/Audio MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 019 003 011 045 048 052 059 110 014 021 031 112 113 111 090 084 037 037 046 186 066 070 115 003 011 015 017 093 095 096 097 188 081 177 189 011 015 016 163 037 120 071 046 062 170 205 021 059 014 211 022 065 031 021 031 033 034 039 042 113 025 086 087 088 089 190 098 125 211 029 032 060 Setup Code Table: DVD 056 061 099 100 101 117 175 207 208 061 188 080 002 003 011 015 016 017 073 093 095 096 097 162 167 191 019 068 082 039 035 044 075 190 038 043 059 094 196 197 053 176 177 189 214 019 020 027 069 085 090 041 057 079 119 171 200 209 054 075 076 112 213 214 056 061 099 100 101 207 115 072 186 018 047 048 049 051 052 110 183 184 203 204 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER APEX DIGITAL CALIFORNIA AUDIO DENON GE GOLDSTAR HARMAN KARDON JVC KENWOOD KLH LG LOTTE MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MITSUBISHI NAD ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROCEED PROSCAN RCA RUNCO SAMSUNG SANYO SHARP SONY TECHNICS THOMSON TOSHIBA YAMAHA ZENITH ZENITH DIVX 061 040 002 003 005 001 006 007 071 005 008 033 033 023 010 009 011 024 033 012 060 003 003 027 031 013 021 015 026 003 009 016 005 039 019 022 034 051 004 032 066 067 068 069 050 072 055 064 056 059 036 062 015 048 050 025 030 034 035 044 052 056 020 038 041 046 047 065 004 037 004 018 037 053 054 049 028 050 029 043 045 070 004 033 047 057 058 017 030 063 033 055 064 HITACHI INKEL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD KYOCERA LOTTE LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MCINTOSH MCS MEMOREX MGA MISSION MITSUBISHI MITSUMI MODULAIRE NAD NAKAMICHI NEC NIKKO NSM ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA RCX 063 069 111 118 156 170 177 184 064 109 087 057 136 140 141 143 144 145 185 186 117 122 166 166 188 213 052 093 108 055 057 068 096 087 214 002 235 093 027 066 108 025 040 054 190 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 236 237 238 239 240 REALISTIC ROTEL SAE SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHERWOOD SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDSTREAM STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TAEKWANG TANDY TEAC TECHWOOD THETA DIGITAL TOSHIBA VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR WARDS YAMAHA YORK 049 051 051 028 047 033 108 066 020 003 040 060 124 012 051 059 177 096 011 083 039 013 087 029 040 019 122 056 057 058 093 095 104 105 108 164 166 051 081 134 157 172 057 068 082 095 168 058 073 105 114 151 159 167 180 181 026 027 041 058 105 133 103 115 116 118 132 139 163 205 206 207 208 212 217 110 022 048 058 085 086 106 107 110 121 137 146 154 074 097 151 155 173 120 130 095 031 053 061 135 169 166 Setup Code Table: Tape 216 098 147 176 195 196 020 023 030 062 078 079 148 151 176 178 181 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 035 077 102 164 051 113 051 058 084 191 192 193 066 080 098 166 074 197 198 200 201 069 055 038 036 075 051 036 210 109 126 049 045 056 109 138 071 046 057 119 149 094 171 064 158 209 096 213 081 093 150 175 202 203 065 089 090 091 092 096 099 104 212 183 204 100 112 123 131 160 161 162 215 Harman Kardon, Festival and Signature are registered trademarks, and Power for the Digital Revolution is a trademark, of Harman Kardon, Inc. Dolby and AC-3 are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. THX is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797 © 2001 Harman Kardon, Incorporated Part No.: OMUSR 1 Setup Code Table: VCR Setup Code Table: VCR (continued) Setup Code Table: SAT Setup Code Table: Cable Setup Code Table: Cable (continued) Setup Code Table: CD Setup Code Table: CD (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER AIWA AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM ASA AUDIO DYNAMICS BROKSONIC CANDLE CANON CAPEHART CITIZEN CRAIG CURTIS MATHES DAEWOO DAYTRON DBX DUAL DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FERGUSON FINLUX FISHER FUNAI GE GO VIDEO GOLDSTAR GRAETZ HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INSTANT REPLAY ITT JCL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD LLOYD LXI MAGIN MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MARTA MATSUI MEI MEMOREX MGA MINOLTA MITSUBISHI MTC MULTITECH NAD NATIONAL NEC NORDMENDE OPTIMUS OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENTAX PHILCO 040 022 076 133 037 134 018 041 134 034 094 134 003 037 012 094 018 136 040 063 013 136 133 003 040 037 113 018 136 018 011 037 136 037 018 048 018 020 040 019 045 037 018 087 033 037 003 049 019 019 133 030 139 140 018 048 159 057 147 070 019 037 PHILIPS PILOT PIONEER PORTLAND PULSAR QUARTZ QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RICO RUNCO SABA SAISHO SALORA SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCHAUB LORENZ SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHINTOM SONY SOUNDESIGN STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TASHICO TATUNG TEAC TECHNICS TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN THOMAS THOMSON THORN TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNITECH VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDEOSONIC WARDS YAMAHA ZENITH 037 087 019 094 076 001 039 133 019 003 062 128 136 143 020 038 028 003 136 023 003 037 030 002 040 019 037 040 017 134 044 040 037 025 136 040 136 136 013 015 045 045 018 052 018 045 003 018 040 ALPHASTAR ALPHASTAR DBS ALPHASTAR DSR AMPLICA BIRDVIEW BSR CAPETRONICS CHANNEL MASTER CHAPARRAL CITOH CURTIS MATHES DRAKE DX ANTENNA ECHOSTAR ELECTRO HOME EUROPLUS FUJITSU GENERAL INSTRUMENT HITACHI DBS HOUSTON TRACKER HUGHES HYTEK JANIEL JERROLD KATHREIN LEGEND LUXOR MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX NEXTWAVE NORSAT OPTIMUS PANASONIC PANASONIC DBS PANSAT PERSONAL CABLE PHILIPS PICO PRESIDENT PRIMESTAR RCA REALISTIC SAMSUNG SATELLITE SERVICE CO SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SONY STAR CHOICE DBS STARCAST SUPER GUIDE TEECOM TOSHIBA UNIDEN ZENITH 472 450 422 356 414 359 359 320 315 360 356 312 331 364 392 415 324 303 455 463 372 359 366 367 410 453 368 317 461 453 423 373 466 366 457 420 418 375 407 326 412 301 349 422 335 339 405 459 347 327 330 302 323 385 ABC ALLEGRO AMERICAST ANTRONIX ARCHER BELCOR CABLE STAR CENTURION CENTURY CITIZEN COLOUR VOICE COMBANO COMTRONICS DIAMOND DIGI EAGLE EASTERN ELECTRICORD EMERSON FOCUS G.I. GC ELECTRONICS GE GEMINI GENERAL GENERAL INSTRUMENT GOLDEN CHANNEL GOODMIND HAMLIN HITACHI HOSPITALITY JASCO JERROLD LINDSAY M-NET MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX MOVIE TIME NSC OAK PACE PANASONIC PANTHER PARAGON PHILIPS PIONEER POPULAR MECHANICS POST NEWS WEEK PRELUDE PRIMESTAR PTS PULSAR RADIO SHACK RCA RECOTON REGAL REGENCY REMBRANT SAMSUNG SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SEAM 001 111 212 021 012 113 033 092 014 014 069 083 026 030 114 027 063 039 112 116 001 113 076 015 210 168 037 112 055 001 074 111 001 118 043 040 017 058 035 022 023 179 050 114 058 013 001 116 023 120 162 018 058 111 053 116 055 063 032 037 003 121 SHERITECH SIGNAL SIGNATURE SL MARX SPRUCER STARCOM STARGATE SYLVANIA TADIRAN TANDY TELECAPATION TEXSCAN TFC TIMELESS TOCOM TOSHIBA UNIKA UNITED CABLE UNIVERSAL VIDEOWAY VIEWSTAR ZENITH ZENTEK 029 037 001 037 053 002 015 071 037 024 028 036 122 123 045 058 014 011 012 124 019 058 116 ADC ADCOM AIWA AKAI AUDIO TECHNICA AUDIOACCESS AUDIOFILE BSR CALIFORNIA AUDIO CAPETRONIC CARRERA CARVER CASIO CLARINETTE CROWN CURTIS MATHES DENON EMERSON FISHER FRABA FUNAI GE GENEXXA GOLDSTAR HAITAI HARMAN KARDON 012 049 072 050 053 125 211 044 015 070 064 051 066 122 042 066 187 049 023 117 126 164 017 016 099 001 234 049 026 021 153 029 014 012 108 018 066 039 043 194 021 096 032 051 032 152 122 013 199 021 053 051 037 020 015 039 017 051 015 122 024 169 048 050 108 109 126 039 089 029 043 135 037 044 048 110 147 166 137 039 135 140 045 116 039 014 017 068 069 094 096 097 098 102 103 104 029 044 048 057 023 031 033 035 037 040 041 042 043 050 087 110 112 119 015 016 017 133 039 067 076 093 095 124 127 117 019 026 087 092 100 107 049 040 048 067 118 130 039 039 019 021 039 045 070 087 037 039 048 052 054 059 064 111 130 132 044 048 052 020 040 087 039 040 071 072 037 039 071 073 036 039 017 020 037 039 040 057 076 087 115 120 050 063 026 026 049 050 053 055 063 065 131 145 146 040 039 040 058 071 075 087 027 052 020 070 134 026 015 079 137 039 017 125 140 066 020 144 141 142 152 158 159 160 161 067 093 095 124 125 127 157 172 037 039 040 045 057 058 087 137 152 159 160 045 088 090 091 093 095 098 099 101 105 106 109 048 052 116 147 166 014 017 020 115 043 098 110 112 015 016 017 019 020 026 037 047 077 084 087 058 129 156 003 016 037 056 060 061 062 080 081 082 129 039 040 063 071 040 048 044 048 039 037 039 040 087 019 047 051 063 085 098 112 155 087 040 050 019 023 030 037 039 040 045 057 058 112 040 044 048 052 060 062 076 083 087 442 425 321 322 325 361 316 319 380 451 313 317 318 413 481 352 362 379 483 395 397 452 453 463 477 478 484 485 328 329 334 311 323 365 403 454 468 474 437 454 464 468 365 369 370 371 473 424 374 469 404 454 408 377 442 341 464 475 436 439 458 465 480 353 388 438 423 333 426 332 386 424 378 443 348 387 390 460 349 394 391 393 409 461 462 470 350 351 354 355 381 382 383 389 403 466 479 480 419 029 044 048 052 058 166 074 078 086 114 125 150 167 172 026 037 039 067 039 040 071 Setup Code Table: AVR/Audio MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 019 003 011 045 048 052 059 110 014 021 031 112 113 111 090 084 037 037 046 186 066 070 115 003 011 015 017 093 095 096 097 188 081 177 189 011 015 016 163 037 120 071 046 062 170 205 021 059 014 211 022 065 031 021 031 033 034 039 042 113 025 086 087 088 089 190 098 125 211 029 032 060 Setup Code Table: DVD 056 061 099 100 101 117 175 207 208 061 188 080 002 003 011 015 016 017 073 093 095 096 097 162 167 191 019 068 082 039 035 044 075 190 038 043 059 094 196 197 053 176 177 189 214 019 020 027 069 085 090 041 057 079 119 171 200 209 054 075 076 112 213 214 056 061 099 100 101 207 115 072 186 018 047 048 049 051 052 110 183 184 203 204 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER APEX DIGITAL CALIFORNIA AUDIO DENON GE GOLDSTAR HARMAN KARDON JVC KENWOOD KLH LG LOTTE MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MITSUBISHI NAD ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROCEED PROSCAN RCA RUNCO SAMSUNG SANYO SHARP SONY TECHNICS THOMSON TOSHIBA YAMAHA ZENITH ZENITH DIVX 061 040 002 003 005 001 006 007 071 005 008 033 033 023 010 009 011 024 033 012 060 003 003 027 031 013 021 015 026 003 009 016 005 039 019 022 034 051 004 032 066 067 068 069 050 072 055 064 056 059 036 062 015 048 050 025 030 034 035 044 052 056 020 038 041 046 047 065 004 037 004 018 037 053 054 049 028 050 029 043 045 070 004 033 047 057 058 017 030 063 033 055 064 HITACHI INKEL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD KYOCERA LOTTE LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MCINTOSH MCS MEMOREX MGA MISSION MITSUBISHI MITSUMI MODULAIRE NAD NAKAMICHI NEC NIKKO NSM ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA RCX 063 069 111 118 156 170 177 184 064 109 087 057 136 140 141 143 144 145 185 186 117 122 166 166 188 213 052 093 108 055 057 068 096 087 214 002 235 093 027 066 108 025 040 054 190 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 236 237 238 239 240 REALISTIC ROTEL SAE SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHERWOOD SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDSTREAM STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TAEKWANG TANDY TEAC TECHWOOD THETA DIGITAL TOSHIBA VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR WARDS YAMAHA YORK 049 051 051 028 047 033 108 066 020 003 040 060 124 012 051 059 177 096 011 083 039 013 087 029 040 019 122 056 057 058 093 095 104 105 108 164 166 051 081 134 157 172 057 068 082 095 168 058 073 105 114 151 159 167 180 181 026 027 041 058 105 133 103 115 116 118 132 139 163 205 206 207 208 212 217 110 022 048 058 085 086 106 107 110 121 137 146 154 074 097 151 155 173 120 130 095 031 053 061 135 169 166 Setup Code Table: Tape 216 098 147 176 195 196 020 023 030 062 078 079 148 151 176 178 181 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 035 077 102 164 051 113 051 058 084 191 192 193 066 080 098 166 074 197 198 200 201 069 055 038 036 075 051 036 210 109 126 049 045 056 109 138 071 046 057 119 149 094 171 064 158 209 096 213 081 093 150 175 202 203 065 089 090 091 092 096 099 104 212 183 204 100 112 123 131 160 161 162 215 Harman Kardon, Festival and Signature are registered trademarks, and Power for the Digital Revolution is a trademark, of Harman Kardon, Inc. Dolby and AC-3 are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. THX is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797 © 2001 Harman Kardon, Incorporated Part No.: OMUSR 1 Setup Code Table: VCR Setup Code Table: VCR (continued) Setup Code Table: SAT Setup Code Table: Cable Setup Code Table: Cable (continued) Setup Code Table: CD Setup Code Table: CD (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER AIWA AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM ASA AUDIO DYNAMICS BROKSONIC CANDLE CANON CAPEHART CITIZEN CRAIG CURTIS MATHES DAEWOO DAYTRON DBX DUAL DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FERGUSON FINLUX FISHER FUNAI GE GO VIDEO GOLDSTAR GRAETZ HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INSTANT REPLAY ITT JCL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD LLOYD LXI MAGIN MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MARTA MATSUI MEI MEMOREX MGA MINOLTA MITSUBISHI MTC MULTITECH NAD NATIONAL NEC NORDMENDE OPTIMUS OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENTAX PHILCO 040 022 076 133 037 134 018 041 134 034 094 134 003 037 012 094 018 136 040 063 013 136 133 003 040 037 113 018 136 018 011 037 136 037 018 048 018 020 040 019 045 037 018 087 033 037 003 049 019 019 133 030 139 140 018 048 159 057 147 070 019 037 PHILIPS PILOT PIONEER PORTLAND PULSAR QUARTZ QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RICO RUNCO SABA SAISHO SALORA SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCHAUB LORENZ SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHINTOM SONY SOUNDESIGN STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TASHICO TATUNG TEAC TECHNICS TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN THOMAS THOMSON THORN TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNITECH VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDEOSONIC WARDS YAMAHA ZENITH 037 087 019 094 076 001 039 133 019 003 062 128 136 143 020 038 028 003 136 023 003 037 030 002 040 019 037 040 017 134 044 040 037 025 136 040 136 136 013 015 045 045 018 052 018 045 003 018 040 ALPHASTAR ALPHASTAR DBS ALPHASTAR DSR AMPLICA BIRDVIEW BSR CAPETRONICS CHANNEL MASTER CHAPARRAL CITOH CURTIS MATHES DRAKE DX ANTENNA ECHOSTAR ELECTRO HOME EUROPLUS FUJITSU GENERAL INSTRUMENT HITACHI DBS HOUSTON TRACKER HUGHES HYTEK JANIEL JERROLD KATHREIN LEGEND LUXOR MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX NEXTWAVE NORSAT OPTIMUS PANASONIC PANASONIC DBS PANSAT PERSONAL CABLE PHILIPS PICO PRESIDENT PRIMESTAR RCA REALISTIC SAMSUNG SATELLITE SERVICE CO SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SONY STAR CHOICE DBS STARCAST SUPER GUIDE TEECOM TOSHIBA UNIDEN ZENITH 472 450 422 356 414 359 359 320 315 360 356 312 331 364 392 415 324 303 455 463 372 359 366 367 410 453 368 317 461 453 423 373 466 366 457 420 418 375 407 326 412 301 349 422 335 339 405 459 347 327 330 302 323 385 ABC ALLEGRO AMERICAST ANTRONIX ARCHER BELCOR CABLE STAR CENTURION CENTURY CITIZEN COLOUR VOICE COMBANO COMTRONICS DIAMOND DIGI EAGLE EASTERN ELECTRICORD EMERSON FOCUS G.I. GC ELECTRONICS GE GEMINI GENERAL GENERAL INSTRUMENT GOLDEN CHANNEL GOODMIND HAMLIN HITACHI HOSPITALITY JASCO JERROLD LINDSAY M-NET MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX MOVIE TIME NSC OAK PACE PANASONIC PANTHER PARAGON PHILIPS PIONEER POPULAR MECHANICS POST NEWS WEEK PRELUDE PRIMESTAR PTS PULSAR RADIO SHACK RCA RECOTON REGAL REGENCY REMBRANT SAMSUNG SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SEAM 001 111 212 021 012 113 033 092 014 014 069 083 026 030 114 027 063 039 112 116 001 113 076 015 210 168 037 112 055 001 074 111 001 118 043 040 017 058 035 022 023 179 050 114 058 013 001 116 023 120 162 018 058 111 053 116 055 063 032 037 003 121 SHERITECH SIGNAL SIGNATURE SL MARX SPRUCER STARCOM STARGATE SYLVANIA TADIRAN TANDY TELECAPATION TEXSCAN TFC TIMELESS TOCOM TOSHIBA UNIKA UNITED CABLE UNIVERSAL VIDEOWAY VIEWSTAR ZENITH ZENTEK 029 037 001 037 053 002 015 071 037 024 028 036 122 123 045 058 014 011 012 124 019 058 116 ADC ADCOM AIWA AKAI AUDIO TECHNICA AUDIOACCESS AUDIOFILE BSR CALIFORNIA AUDIO CAPETRONIC CARRERA CARVER CASIO CLARINETTE CROWN CURTIS MATHES DENON EMERSON FISHER FRABA FUNAI GE GENEXXA GOLDSTAR HAITAI HARMAN KARDON 012 049 072 050 053 125 211 044 015 070 064 051 066 122 042 066 187 049 023 117 126 164 017 016 099 001 234 049 026 021 153 029 014 012 108 018 066 039 043 194 021 096 032 051 032 152 122 013 199 021 053 051 037 020 015 039 017 051 015 122 024 169 048 050 108 109 126 039 089 029 043 135 037 044 048 110 147 166 137 039 135 140 045 116 039 014 017 068 069 094 096 097 098 102 103 104 029 044 048 057 023 031 033 035 037 040 041 042 043 050 087 110 112 119 015 016 017 133 039 067 076 093 095 124 127 117 019 026 087 092 100 107 049 040 048 067 118 130 039 039 019 021 039 045 070 087 037 039 048 052 054 059 064 111 130 132 044 048 052 020 040 087 039 040 071 072 037 039 071 073 036 039 017 020 037 039 040 057 076 087 115 120 050 063 026 026 049 050 053 055 063 065 131 145 146 040 039 040 058 071 075 087 027 052 020 070 134 026 015 079 137 039 017 125 140 066 020 144 141 142 152 158 159 160 161 067 093 095 124 125 127 157 172 037 039 040 045 057 058 087 137 152 159 160 045 088 090 091 093 095 098 099 101 105 106 109 048 052 116 147 166 014 017 020 115 043 098 110 112 015 016 017 019 020 026 037 047 077 084 087 058 129 156 003 016 037 056 060 061 062 080 081 082 129 039 040 063 071 040 048 044 048 039 037 039 040 087 019 047 051 063 085 098 112 155 087 040 050 019 023 030 037 039 040 045 057 058 112 040 044 048 052 060 062 076 083 087 442 425 321 322 325 361 316 319 380 451 313 317 318 413 481 352 362 379 483 395 397 452 453 463 477 478 484 485 328 329 334 311 323 365 403 454 468 474 437 454 464 468 365 369 370 371 473 424 374 469 404 454 408 377 442 341 464 475 436 439 458 465 480 353 388 438 423 333 426 332 386 424 378 443 348 387 390 460 349 394 391 393 409 461 462 470 350 351 354 355 381 382 383 389 403 466 479 480 419 029 044 048 052 058 166 074 078 086 114 125 150 167 172 026 037 039 067 039 040 071 Setup Code Table: AVR/Audio MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 019 003 011 045 048 052 059 110 014 021 031 112 113 111 090 084 037 037 046 186 066 070 115 003 011 015 017 093 095 096 097 188 081 177 189 011 015 016 163 037 120 071 046 062 170 205 021 059 014 211 022 065 031 021 031 033 034 039 042 113 025 086 087 088 089 190 098 125 211 029 032 060 Setup Code Table: DVD 056 061 099 100 101 117 175 207 208 061 188 080 002 003 011 015 016 017 073 093 095 096 097 162 167 191 019 068 082 039 035 044 075 190 038 043 059 094 196 197 053 176 177 189 214 019 020 027 069 085 090 041 057 079 119 171 200 209 054 075 076 112 213 214 056 061 099 100 101 207 115 072 186 018 047 048 049 051 052 110 183 184 203 204 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER APEX DIGITAL CALIFORNIA AUDIO DENON GE GOLDSTAR HARMAN KARDON JVC KENWOOD KLH LG LOTTE MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MITSUBISHI NAD ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROCEED PROSCAN RCA RUNCO SAMSUNG SANYO SHARP SONY TECHNICS THOMSON TOSHIBA YAMAHA ZENITH ZENITH DIVX 061 040 002 003 005 001 006 007 071 005 008 033 033 023 010 009 011 024 033 012 060 003 003 027 031 013 021 015 026 003 009 016 005 039 019 022 034 051 004 032 066 067 068 069 050 072 055 064 056 059 036 062 015 048 050 025 030 034 035 044 052 056 020 038 041 046 047 065 004 037 004 018 037 053 054 049 028 050 029 043 045 070 004 033 047 057 058 017 030 063 033 055 064 HITACHI INKEL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD KYOCERA LOTTE LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MCINTOSH MCS MEMOREX MGA MISSION MITSUBISHI MITSUMI MODULAIRE NAD NAKAMICHI NEC NIKKO NSM ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA RCX 063 069 111 118 156 170 177 184 064 109 087 057 136 140 141 143 144 145 185 186 117 122 166 166 188 213 052 093 108 055 057 068 096 087 214 002 235 093 027 066 108 025 040 054 190 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 236 237 238 239 240 REALISTIC ROTEL SAE SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHERWOOD SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDSTREAM STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TAEKWANG TANDY TEAC TECHWOOD THETA DIGITAL TOSHIBA VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR WARDS YAMAHA YORK 049 051 051 028 047 033 108 066 020 003 040 060 124 012 051 059 177 096 011 083 039 013 087 029 040 019 122 056 057 058 093 095 104 105 108 164 166 051 081 134 157 172 057 068 082 095 168 058 073 105 114 151 159 167 180 181 026 027 041 058 105 133 103 115 116 118 132 139 163 205 206 207 208 212 217 110 022 048 058 085 086 106 107 110 121 137 146 154 074 097 151 155 173 120 130 095 031 053 061 135 169 166 Setup Code Table: Tape 216 098 147 176 195 196 020 023 030 062 078 079 148 151 176 178 181 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 035 077 102 164 051 113 051 058 084 191 192 193 066 080 098 166 074 197 198 200 201 069 055 038 036 075 051 036 210 109 126 049 045 056 109 138 071 046 057 119 149 094 171 064 158 209 096 213 081 093 150 175 202 203 065 089 090 091 092 096 099 104 212 183 204 100 112 123 131 160 161 162 215 Harman Kardon, Festival and Signature are registered trademarks, and Power for the Digital Revolution is a trademark, of Harman Kardon, Inc. Dolby and AC-3 are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. THX is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797 © 2001 Harman Kardon, Incorporated Part No.: OMUSR 1 Setup Code Table: VCR Setup Code Table: VCR (continued) Setup Code Table: SAT Setup Code Table: Cable Setup Code Table: Cable (continued) Setup Code Table: CD Setup Code Table: CD (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER AIWA AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM ASA AUDIO DYNAMICS BROKSONIC CANDLE CANON CAPEHART CITIZEN CRAIG CURTIS MATHES DAEWOO DAYTRON DBX DUAL DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FERGUSON FINLUX FISHER FUNAI GE GO VIDEO GOLDSTAR GRAETZ HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INSTANT REPLAY ITT JCL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD LLOYD LXI MAGIN MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MARTA MATSUI MEI MEMOREX MGA MINOLTA MITSUBISHI MTC MULTITECH NAD NATIONAL NEC NORDMENDE OPTIMUS OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENTAX PHILCO 040 022 076 133 037 134 018 041 134 034 094 134 003 037 012 094 018 136 040 063 013 136 133 003 040 037 113 018 136 018 011 037 136 037 018 048 018 020 040 019 045 037 018 087 033 037 003 049 019 019 133 030 139 140 018 048 159 057 147 070 019 037 PHILIPS PILOT PIONEER PORTLAND PULSAR QUARTZ QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RICO RUNCO SABA SAISHO SALORA SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCHAUB LORENZ SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHINTOM SONY SOUNDESIGN STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TASHICO TATUNG TEAC TECHNICS TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN THOMAS THOMSON THORN TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNITECH VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDEOSONIC WARDS YAMAHA ZENITH 037 087 019 094 076 001 039 133 019 003 062 128 136 143 020 038 028 003 136 023 003 037 030 002 040 019 037 040 017 134 044 040 037 025 136 040 136 136 013 015 045 045 018 052 018 045 003 018 040 ALPHASTAR ALPHASTAR DBS ALPHASTAR DSR AMPLICA BIRDVIEW BSR CAPETRONICS CHANNEL MASTER CHAPARRAL CITOH CURTIS MATHES DRAKE DX ANTENNA ECHOSTAR ELECTRO HOME EUROPLUS FUJITSU GENERAL INSTRUMENT HITACHI DBS HOUSTON TRACKER HUGHES HYTEK JANIEL JERROLD KATHREIN LEGEND LUXOR MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX NEXTWAVE NORSAT OPTIMUS PANASONIC PANASONIC DBS PANSAT PERSONAL CABLE PHILIPS PICO PRESIDENT PRIMESTAR RCA REALISTIC SAMSUNG SATELLITE SERVICE CO SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SONY STAR CHOICE DBS STARCAST SUPER GUIDE TEECOM TOSHIBA UNIDEN ZENITH 472 450 422 356 414 359 359 320 315 360 356 312 331 364 392 415 324 303 455 463 372 359 366 367 410 453 368 317 461 453 423 373 466 366 457 420 418 375 407 326 412 301 349 422 335 339 405 459 347 327 330 302 323 385 ABC ALLEGRO AMERICAST ANTRONIX ARCHER BELCOR CABLE STAR CENTURION CENTURY CITIZEN COLOUR VOICE COMBANO COMTRONICS DIAMOND DIGI EAGLE EASTERN ELECTRICORD EMERSON FOCUS G.I. GC ELECTRONICS GE GEMINI GENERAL GENERAL INSTRUMENT GOLDEN CHANNEL GOODMIND HAMLIN HITACHI HOSPITALITY JASCO JERROLD LINDSAY M-NET MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX MOVIE TIME NSC OAK PACE PANASONIC PANTHER PARAGON PHILIPS PIONEER POPULAR MECHANICS POST NEWS WEEK PRELUDE PRIMESTAR PTS PULSAR RADIO SHACK RCA RECOTON REGAL REGENCY REMBRANT SAMSUNG SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SEAM 001 111 212 021 012 113 033 092 014 014 069 083 026 030 114 027 063 039 112 116 001 113 076 015 210 168 037 112 055 001 074 111 001 118 043 040 017 058 035 022 023 179 050 114 058 013 001 116 023 120 162 018 058 111 053 116 055 063 032 037 003 121 SHERITECH SIGNAL SIGNATURE SL MARX SPRUCER STARCOM STARGATE SYLVANIA TADIRAN TANDY TELECAPATION TEXSCAN TFC TIMELESS TOCOM TOSHIBA UNIKA UNITED CABLE UNIVERSAL VIDEOWAY VIEWSTAR ZENITH ZENTEK 029 037 001 037 053 002 015 071 037 024 028 036 122 123 045 058 014 011 012 124 019 058 116 ADC ADCOM AIWA AKAI AUDIO TECHNICA AUDIOACCESS AUDIOFILE BSR CALIFORNIA AUDIO CAPETRONIC CARRERA CARVER CASIO CLARINETTE CROWN CURTIS MATHES DENON EMERSON FISHER FRABA FUNAI GE GENEXXA GOLDSTAR HAITAI HARMAN KARDON 012 049 072 050 053 125 211 044 015 070 064 051 066 122 042 066 187 049 023 117 126 164 017 016 099 001 234 049 026 021 153 029 014 012 108 018 066 039 043 194 021 096 032 051 032 152 122 013 199 021 053 051 037 020 015 039 017 051 015 122 024 169 048 050 108 109 126 039 089 029 043 135 037 044 048 110 147 166 137 039 135 140 045 116 039 014 017 068 069 094 096 097 098 102 103 104 029 044 048 057 023 031 033 035 037 040 041 042 043 050 087 110 112 119 015 016 017 133 039 067 076 093 095 124 127 117 019 026 087 092 100 107 049 040 048 067 118 130 039 039 019 021 039 045 070 087 037 039 048 052 054 059 064 111 130 132 044 048 052 020 040 087 039 040 071 072 037 039 071 073 036 039 017 020 037 039 040 057 076 087 115 120 050 063 026 026 049 050 053 055 063 065 131 145 146 040 039 040 058 071 075 087 027 052 020 070 134 026 015 079 137 039 017 125 140 066 020 144 141 142 152 158 159 160 161 067 093 095 124 125 127 157 172 037 039 040 045 057 058 087 137 152 159 160 045 088 090 091 093 095 098 099 101 105 106 109 048 052 116 147 166 014 017 020 115 043 098 110 112 015 016 017 019 020 026 037 047 077 084 087 058 129 156 003 016 037 056 060 061 062 080 081 082 129 039 040 063 071 040 048 044 048 039 037 039 040 087 019 047 051 063 085 098 112 155 087 040 050 019 023 030 037 039 040 045 057 058 112 040 044 048 052 060 062 076 083 087 442 425 321 322 325 361 316 319 380 451 313 317 318 413 481 352 362 379 483 395 397 452 453 463 477 478 484 485 328 329 334 311 323 365 403 454 468 474 437 454 464 468 365 369 370 371 473 424 374 469 404 454 408 377 442 341 464 475 436 439 458 465 480 353 388 438 423 333 426 332 386 424 378 443 348 387 390 460 349 394 391 393 409 461 462 470 350 351 354 355 381 382 383 389 403 466 479 480 419 029 044 048 052 058 166 074 078 086 114 125 150 167 172 026 037 039 067 039 040 071 Setup Code Table: AVR/Audio MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 019 003 011 045 048 052 059 110 014 021 031 112 113 111 090 084 037 037 046 186 066 070 115 003 011 015 017 093 095 096 097 188 081 177 189 011 015 016 163 037 120 071 046 062 170 205 021 059 014 211 022 065 031 021 031 033 034 039 042 113 025 086 087 088 089 190 098 125 211 029 032 060 Setup Code Table: DVD 056 061 099 100 101 117 175 207 208 061 188 080 002 003 011 015 016 017 073 093 095 096 097 162 167 191 019 068 082 039 035 044 075 190 038 043 059 094 196 197 053 176 177 189 214 019 020 027 069 085 090 041 057 079 119 171 200 209 054 075 076 112 213 214 056 061 099 100 101 207 115 072 186 018 047 048 049 051 052 110 183 184 203 204 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER APEX DIGITAL CALIFORNIA AUDIO DENON GE GOLDSTAR HARMAN KARDON JVC KENWOOD KLH LG LOTTE MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MITSUBISHI NAD ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROCEED PROSCAN RCA RUNCO SAMSUNG SANYO SHARP SONY TECHNICS THOMSON TOSHIBA YAMAHA ZENITH ZENITH DIVX 061 040 002 003 005 001 006 007 071 005 008 033 033 023 010 009 011 024 033 012 060 003 003 027 031 013 021 015 026 003 009 016 005 039 019 022 034 051 004 032 066 067 068 069 050 072 055 064 056 059 036 062 015 048 050 025 030 034 035 044 052 056 020 038 041 046 047 065 004 037 004 018 037 053 054 049 028 050 029 043 045 070 004 033 047 057 058 017 030 063 033 055 064 HITACHI INKEL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD KYOCERA LOTTE LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MCINTOSH MCS MEMOREX MGA MISSION MITSUBISHI MITSUMI MODULAIRE NAD NAKAMICHI NEC NIKKO NSM ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA RCX 063 069 111 118 156 170 177 184 064 109 087 057 136 140 141 143 144 145 185 186 117 122 166 166 188 213 052 093 108 055 057 068 096 087 214 002 235 093 027 066 108 025 040 054 190 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 236 237 238 239 240 REALISTIC ROTEL SAE SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHERWOOD SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDSTREAM STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TAEKWANG TANDY TEAC TECHWOOD THETA DIGITAL TOSHIBA VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR WARDS YAMAHA YORK 049 051 051 028 047 033 108 066 020 003 040 060 124 012 051 059 177 096 011 083 039 013 087 029 040 019 122 056 057 058 093 095 104 105 108 164 166 051 081 134 157 172 057 068 082 095 168 058 073 105 114 151 159 167 180 181 026 027 041 058 105 133 103 115 116 118 132 139 163 205 206 207 208 212 217 110 022 048 058 085 086 106 107 110 121 137 146 154 074 097 151 155 173 120 130 095 031 053 061 135 169 166 Setup Code Table: Tape 216 098 147 176 195 196 020 023 030 062 078 079 148 151 176 178 181 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 035 077 102 164 051 113 051 058 084 191 192 193 066 080 098 166 074 197 198 200 201 069 055 038 036 075 051 036 210 109 126 049 045 056 109 138 071 046 057 119 149 094 171 064 158 209 096 213 081 093 150 175 202 203 065 089 090 091 092 096 099 104 212 183 204 100 112 123 131 160 161 162 215 Harman Kardon, Festival and Signature are registered trademarks, and Power for the Digital Revolution is a trademark, of Harman Kardon, Inc. Dolby and AC-3 are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. THX is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797 © 2001 Harman Kardon, Incorporated Part No.: OMUSR 1 Setup Code Table: VCR Setup Code Table: VCR (continued) Setup Code Table: SAT Setup Code Table: Cable Setup Code Table: Cable (continued) Setup Code Table: CD Setup Code Table: CD (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER AIWA AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM ASA AUDIO DYNAMICS BROKSONIC CANDLE CANON CAPEHART CITIZEN CRAIG CURTIS MATHES DAEWOO DAYTRON DBX DUAL DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FERGUSON FINLUX FISHER FUNAI GE GO VIDEO GOLDSTAR GRAETZ HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INSTANT REPLAY ITT JCL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD LLOYD LXI MAGIN MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MARTA MATSUI MEI MEMOREX MGA MINOLTA MITSUBISHI MTC MULTITECH NAD NATIONAL NEC NORDMENDE OPTIMUS OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENTAX PHILCO 040 022 076 133 037 134 018 041 134 034 094 134 003 037 012 094 018 136 040 063 013 136 133 003 040 037 113 018 136 018 011 037 136 037 018 048 018 020 040 019 045 037 018 087 033 037 003 049 019 019 133 030 139 140 018 048 159 057 147 070 019 037 PHILIPS PILOT PIONEER PORTLAND PULSAR QUARTZ QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RICO RUNCO SABA SAISHO SALORA SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCHAUB LORENZ SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHINTOM SONY SOUNDESIGN STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TASHICO TATUNG TEAC TECHNICS TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN THOMAS THOMSON THORN TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNITECH VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDEOSONIC WARDS YAMAHA ZENITH 037 087 019 094 076 001 039 133 019 003 062 128 136 143 020 038 028 003 136 023 003 037 030 002 040 019 037 040 017 134 044 040 037 025 136 040 136 136 013 015 045 045 018 052 018 045 003 018 040 ALPHASTAR ALPHASTAR DBS ALPHASTAR DSR AMPLICA BIRDVIEW BSR CAPETRONICS CHANNEL MASTER CHAPARRAL CITOH CURTIS MATHES DRAKE DX ANTENNA ECHOSTAR ELECTRO HOME EUROPLUS FUJITSU GENERAL INSTRUMENT HITACHI DBS HOUSTON TRACKER HUGHES HYTEK JANIEL JERROLD KATHREIN LEGEND LUXOR MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX NEXTWAVE NORSAT OPTIMUS PANASONIC PANASONIC DBS PANSAT PERSONAL CABLE PHILIPS PICO PRESIDENT PRIMESTAR RCA REALISTIC SAMSUNG SATELLITE SERVICE CO SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SONY STAR CHOICE DBS STARCAST SUPER GUIDE TEECOM TOSHIBA UNIDEN ZENITH 472 450 422 356 414 359 359 320 315 360 356 312 331 364 392 415 324 303 455 463 372 359 366 367 410 453 368 317 461 453 423 373 466 366 457 420 418 375 407 326 412 301 349 422 335 339 405 459 347 327 330 302 323 385 ABC ALLEGRO AMERICAST ANTRONIX ARCHER BELCOR CABLE STAR CENTURION CENTURY CITIZEN COLOUR VOICE COMBANO COMTRONICS DIAMOND DIGI EAGLE EASTERN ELECTRICORD EMERSON FOCUS G.I. GC ELECTRONICS GE GEMINI GENERAL GENERAL INSTRUMENT GOLDEN CHANNEL GOODMIND HAMLIN HITACHI HOSPITALITY JASCO JERROLD LINDSAY M-NET MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX MOVIE TIME NSC OAK PACE PANASONIC PANTHER PARAGON PHILIPS PIONEER POPULAR MECHANICS POST NEWS WEEK PRELUDE PRIMESTAR PTS PULSAR RADIO SHACK RCA RECOTON REGAL REGENCY REMBRANT SAMSUNG SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SEAM 001 111 212 021 012 113 033 092 014 014 069 083 026 030 114 027 063 039 112 116 001 113 076 015 210 168 037 112 055 001 074 111 001 118 043 040 017 058 035 022 023 179 050 114 058 013 001 116 023 120 162 018 058 111 053 116 055 063 032 037 003 121 SHERITECH SIGNAL SIGNATURE SL MARX SPRUCER STARCOM STARGATE SYLVANIA TADIRAN TANDY TELECAPATION TEXSCAN TFC TIMELESS TOCOM TOSHIBA UNIKA UNITED CABLE UNIVERSAL VIDEOWAY VIEWSTAR ZENITH ZENTEK 029 037 001 037 053 002 015 071 037 024 028 036 122 123 045 058 014 011 012 124 019 058 116 ADC ADCOM AIWA AKAI AUDIO TECHNICA AUDIOACCESS AUDIOFILE BSR CALIFORNIA AUDIO CAPETRONIC CARRERA CARVER CASIO CLARINETTE CROWN CURTIS MATHES DENON EMERSON FISHER FRABA FUNAI GE GENEXXA GOLDSTAR HAITAI HARMAN KARDON 012 049 072 050 053 125 211 044 015 070 064 051 066 122 042 066 187 049 023 117 126 164 017 016 099 001 234 049 026 021 153 029 014 012 108 018 066 039 043 194 021 096 032 051 032 152 122 013 199 021 053 051 037 020 015 039 017 051 015 122 024 169 048 050 108 109 126 039 089 029 043 135 037 044 048 110 147 166 137 039 135 140 045 116 039 014 017 068 069 094 096 097 098 102 103 104 029 044 048 057 023 031 033 035 037 040 041 042 043 050 087 110 112 119 015 016 017 133 039 067 076 093 095 124 127 117 019 026 087 092 100 107 049 040 048 067 118 130 039 039 019 021 039 045 070 087 037 039 048 052 054 059 064 111 130 132 044 048 052 020 040 087 039 040 071 072 037 039 071 073 036 039 017 020 037 039 040 057 076 087 115 120 050 063 026 026 049 050 053 055 063 065 131 145 146 040 039 040 058 071 075 087 027 052 020 070 134 026 015 079 137 039 017 125 140 066 020 144 141 142 152 158 159 160 161 067 093 095 124 125 127 157 172 037 039 040 045 057 058 087 137 152 159 160 045 088 090 091 093 095 098 099 101 105 106 109 048 052 116 147 166 014 017 020 115 043 098 110 112 015 016 017 019 020 026 037 047 077 084 087 058 129 156 003 016 037 056 060 061 062 080 081 082 129 039 040 063 071 040 048 044 048 039 037 039 040 087 019 047 051 063 085 098 112 155 087 040 050 019 023 030 037 039 040 045 057 058 112 040 044 048 052 060 062 076 083 087 442 425 321 322 325 361 316 319 380 451 313 317 318 413 481 352 362 379 483 395 397 452 453 463 477 478 484 485 328 329 334 311 323 365 403 454 468 474 437 454 464 468 365 369 370 371 473 424 374 469 404 454 408 377 442 341 464 475 436 439 458 465 480 353 388 438 423 333 426 332 386 424 378 443 348 387 390 460 349 394 391 393 409 461 462 470 350 351 354 355 381 382 383 389 403 466 479 480 419 029 044 048 052 058 166 074 078 086 114 125 150 167 172 026 037 039 067 039 040 071 Setup Code Table: AVR/Audio MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 019 003 011 045 048 052 059 110 014 021 031 112 113 111 090 084 037 037 046 186 066 070 115 003 011 015 017 093 095 096 097 188 081 177 189 011 015 016 163 037 120 071 046 062 170 205 021 059 014 211 022 065 031 021 031 033 034 039 042 113 025 086 087 088 089 190 098 125 211 029 032 060 Setup Code Table: DVD 056 061 099 100 101 117 175 207 208 061 188 080 002 003 011 015 016 017 073 093 095 096 097 162 167 191 019 068 082 039 035 044 075 190 038 043 059 094 196 197 053 176 177 189 214 019 020 027 069 085 090 041 057 079 119 171 200 209 054 075 076 112 213 214 056 061 099 100 101 207 115 072 186 018 047 048 049 051 052 110 183 184 203 204 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER APEX DIGITAL CALIFORNIA AUDIO DENON GE GOLDSTAR HARMAN KARDON JVC KENWOOD KLH LG LOTTE MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MITSUBISHI NAD ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROCEED PROSCAN RCA RUNCO SAMSUNG SANYO SHARP SONY TECHNICS THOMSON TOSHIBA YAMAHA ZENITH ZENITH DIVX 061 040 002 003 005 001 006 007 071 005 008 033 033 023 010 009 011 024 033 012 060 003 003 027 031 013 021 015 026 003 009 016 005 039 019 022 034 051 004 032 066 067 068 069 050 072 055 064 056 059 036 062 015 048 050 025 030 034 035 044 052 056 020 038 041 046 047 065 004 037 004 018 037 053 054 049 028 050 029 043 045 070 004 033 047 057 058 017 030 063 033 055 064 HITACHI INKEL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD KYOCERA LOTTE LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MCINTOSH MCS MEMOREX MGA MISSION MITSUBISHI MITSUMI MODULAIRE NAD NAKAMICHI NEC NIKKO NSM ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA RCX 063 069 111 118 156 170 177 184 064 109 087 057 136 140 141 143 144 145 185 186 117 122 166 166 188 213 052 093 108 055 057 068 096 087 214 002 235 093 027 066 108 025 040 054 190 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 236 237 238 239 240 REALISTIC ROTEL SAE SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHERWOOD SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDSTREAM STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TAEKWANG TANDY TEAC TECHWOOD THETA DIGITAL TOSHIBA VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR WARDS YAMAHA YORK 049 051 051 028 047 033 108 066 020 003 040 060 124 012 051 059 177 096 011 083 039 013 087 029 040 019 122 056 057 058 093 095 104 105 108 164 166 051 081 134 157 172 057 068 082 095 168 058 073 105 114 151 159 167 180 181 026 027 041 058 105 133 103 115 116 118 132 139 163 205 206 207 208 212 217 110 022 048 058 085 086 106 107 110 121 137 146 154 074 097 151 155 173 120 130 095 031 053 061 135 169 166 Setup Code Table: Tape 216 098 147 176 195 196 020 023 030 062 078 079 148 151 176 178 181 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 035 077 102 164 051 113 051 058 084 191 192 193 066 080 098 166 074 197 198 200 201 069 055 038 036 075 051 036 210 109 126 049 045 056 109 138 071 046 057 119 149 094 171 064 158 209 096 213 081 093 150 175 202 203 065 089 090 091 092 096 099 104 212 183 204 100 112 123 131 160 161 162 215 Harman Kardon, Festival and Signature are registered trademarks, and Power for the Digital Revolution is a trademark, of Harman Kardon, Inc. Dolby and AC-3 are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. THX is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797 © 2001 Harman Kardon, Incorporated Part No.: OMUSR 1 Setup Code Table: VCR Setup Code Table: VCR (continued) Setup Code Table: SAT Setup Code Table: Cable Setup Code Table: Cable (continued) Setup Code Table: CD Setup Code Table: CD (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER AIWA AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM ASA AUDIO DYNAMICS BROKSONIC CANDLE CANON CAPEHART CITIZEN CRAIG CURTIS MATHES DAEWOO DAYTRON DBX DUAL DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FERGUSON FINLUX FISHER FUNAI GE GO VIDEO GOLDSTAR GRAETZ HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INSTANT REPLAY ITT JCL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD LLOYD LXI MAGIN MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MARTA MATSUI MEI MEMOREX MGA MINOLTA MITSUBISHI MTC MULTITECH NAD NATIONAL NEC NORDMENDE OPTIMUS OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENTAX PHILCO 040 022 076 133 037 134 018 041 134 034 094 134 003 037 012 094 018 136 040 063 013 136 133 003 040 037 113 018 136 018 011 037 136 037 018 048 018 020 040 019 045 037 018 087 033 037 003 049 019 019 133 030 139 140 018 048 159 057 147 070 019 037 PHILIPS PILOT PIONEER PORTLAND PULSAR QUARTZ QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RICO RUNCO SABA SAISHO SALORA SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCHAUB LORENZ SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHINTOM SONY SOUNDESIGN STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TASHICO TATUNG TEAC TECHNICS TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN THOMAS THOMSON THORN TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNITECH VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDEOSONIC WARDS YAMAHA ZENITH 037 087 019 094 076 001 039 133 019 003 062 128 136 143 020 038 028 003 136 023 003 037 030 002 040 019 037 040 017 134 044 040 037 025 136 040 136 136 013 015 045 045 018 052 018 045 003 018 040 ALPHASTAR ALPHASTAR DBS ALPHASTAR DSR AMPLICA BIRDVIEW BSR CAPETRONICS CHANNEL MASTER CHAPARRAL CITOH CURTIS MATHES DRAKE DX ANTENNA ECHOSTAR ELECTRO HOME EUROPLUS FUJITSU GENERAL INSTRUMENT HITACHI DBS HOUSTON TRACKER HUGHES HYTEK JANIEL JERROLD KATHREIN LEGEND LUXOR MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX NEXTWAVE NORSAT OPTIMUS PANASONIC PANASONIC DBS PANSAT PERSONAL CABLE PHILIPS PICO PRESIDENT PRIMESTAR RCA REALISTIC SAMSUNG SATELLITE SERVICE CO SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SONY STAR CHOICE DBS STARCAST SUPER GUIDE TEECOM TOSHIBA UNIDEN ZENITH 472 450 422 356 414 359 359 320 315 360 356 312 331 364 392 415 324 303 455 463 372 359 366 367 410 453 368 317 461 453 423 373 466 366 457 420 418 375 407 326 412 301 349 422 335 339 405 459 347 327 330 302 323 385 ABC ALLEGRO AMERICAST ANTRONIX ARCHER BELCOR CABLE STAR CENTURION CENTURY CITIZEN COLOUR VOICE COMBANO COMTRONICS DIAMOND DIGI EAGLE EASTERN ELECTRICORD EMERSON FOCUS G.I. GC ELECTRONICS GE GEMINI GENERAL GENERAL INSTRUMENT GOLDEN CHANNEL GOODMIND HAMLIN HITACHI HOSPITALITY JASCO JERROLD LINDSAY M-NET MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX MOVIE TIME NSC OAK PACE PANASONIC PANTHER PARAGON PHILIPS PIONEER POPULAR MECHANICS POST NEWS WEEK PRELUDE PRIMESTAR PTS PULSAR RADIO SHACK RCA RECOTON REGAL REGENCY REMBRANT SAMSUNG SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SEAM 001 111 212 021 012 113 033 092 014 014 069 083 026 030 114 027 063 039 112 116 001 113 076 015 210 168 037 112 055 001 074 111 001 118 043 040 017 058 035 022 023 179 050 114 058 013 001 116 023 120 162 018 058 111 053 116 055 063 032 037 003 121 SHERITECH SIGNAL SIGNATURE SL MARX SPRUCER STARCOM STARGATE SYLVANIA TADIRAN TANDY TELECAPATION TEXSCAN TFC TIMELESS TOCOM TOSHIBA UNIKA UNITED CABLE UNIVERSAL VIDEOWAY VIEWSTAR ZENITH ZENTEK 029 037 001 037 053 002 015 071 037 024 028 036 122 123 045 058 014 011 012 124 019 058 116 ADC ADCOM AIWA AKAI AUDIO TECHNICA AUDIOACCESS AUDIOFILE BSR CALIFORNIA AUDIO CAPETRONIC CARRERA CARVER CASIO CLARINETTE CROWN CURTIS MATHES DENON EMERSON FISHER FRABA FUNAI GE GENEXXA GOLDSTAR HAITAI HARMAN KARDON 012 049 072 050 053 125 211 044 015 070 064 051 066 122 042 066 187 049 023 117 126 164 017 016 099 001 234 049 026 021 153 029 014 012 108 018 066 039 043 194 021 096 032 051 032 152 122 013 199 021 053 051 037 020 015 039 017 051 015 122 024 169 048 050 108 109 126 039 089 029 043 135 037 044 048 110 147 166 137 039 135 140 045 116 039 014 017 068 069 094 096 097 098 102 103 104 029 044 048 057 023 031 033 035 037 040 041 042 043 050 087 110 112 119 015 016 017 133 039 067 076 093 095 124 127 117 019 026 087 092 100 107 049 040 048 067 118 130 039 039 019 021 039 045 070 087 037 039 048 052 054 059 064 111 130 132 044 048 052 020 040 087 039 040 071 072 037 039 071 073 036 039 017 020 037 039 040 057 076 087 115 120 050 063 026 026 049 050 053 055 063 065 131 145 146 040 039 040 058 071 075 087 027 052 020 070 134 026 015 079 137 039 017 125 140 066 020 144 141 142 152 158 159 160 161 067 093 095 124 125 127 157 172 037 039 040 045 057 058 087 137 152 159 160 045 088 090 091 093 095 098 099 101 105 106 109 048 052 116 147 166 014 017 020 115 043 098 110 112 015 016 017 019 020 026 037 047 077 084 087 058 129 156 003 016 037 056 060 061 062 080 081 082 129 039 040 063 071 040 048 044 048 039 037 039 040 087 019 047 051 063 085 098 112 155 087 040 050 019 023 030 037 039 040 045 057 058 112 040 044 048 052 060 062 076 083 087 442 425 321 322 325 361 316 319 380 451 313 317 318 413 481 352 362 379 483 395 397 452 453 463 477 478 484 485 328 329 334 311 323 365 403 454 468 474 437 454 464 468 365 369 370 371 473 424 374 469 404 454 408 377 442 341 464 475 436 439 458 465 480 353 388 438 423 333 426 332 386 424 378 443 348 387 390 460 349 394 391 393 409 461 462 470 350 351 354 355 381 382 383 389 403 466 479 480 419 029 044 048 052 058 166 074 078 086 114 125 150 167 172 026 037 039 067 039 040 071 Setup Code Table: AVR/Audio MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 019 003 011 045 048 052 059 110 014 021 031 112 113 111 090 084 037 037 046 186 066 070 115 003 011 015 017 093 095 096 097 188 081 177 189 011 015 016 163 037 120 071 046 062 170 205 021 059 014 211 022 065 031 021 031 033 034 039 042 113 025 086 087 088 089 190 098 125 211 029 032 060 Setup Code Table: DVD 056 061 099 100 101 117 175 207 208 061 188 080 002 003 011 015 016 017 073 093 095 096 097 162 167 191 019 068 082 039 035 044 075 190 038 043 059 094 196 197 053 176 177 189 214 019 020 027 069 085 090 041 057 079 119 171 200 209 054 075 076 112 213 214 056 061 099 100 101 207 115 072 186 018 047 048 049 051 052 110 183 184 203 204 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER APEX DIGITAL CALIFORNIA AUDIO DENON GE GOLDSTAR HARMAN KARDON JVC KENWOOD KLH LG LOTTE MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MITSUBISHI NAD ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROCEED PROSCAN RCA RUNCO SAMSUNG SANYO SHARP SONY TECHNICS THOMSON TOSHIBA YAMAHA ZENITH ZENITH DIVX 061 040 002 003 005 001 006 007 071 005 008 033 033 023 010 009 011 024 033 012 060 003 003 027 031 013 021 015 026 003 009 016 005 039 019 022 034 051 004 032 066 067 068 069 050 072 055 064 056 059 036 062 015 048 050 025 030 034 035 044 052 056 020 038 041 046 047 065 004 037 004 018 037 053 054 049 028 050 029 043 045 070 004 033 047 057 058 017 030 063 033 055 064 HITACHI INKEL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD KYOCERA LOTTE LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MCINTOSH MCS MEMOREX MGA MISSION MITSUBISHI MITSUMI MODULAIRE NAD NAKAMICHI NEC NIKKO NSM ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA RCX 063 069 111 118 156 170 177 184 064 109 087 057 136 140 141 143 144 145 185 186 117 122 166 166 188 213 052 093 108 055 057 068 096 087 214 002 235 093 027 066 108 025 040 054 190 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 236 237 238 239 240 REALISTIC ROTEL SAE SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHERWOOD SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDSTREAM STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TAEKWANG TANDY TEAC TECHWOOD THETA DIGITAL TOSHIBA VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR WARDS YAMAHA YORK 049 051 051 028 047 033 108 066 020 003 040 060 124 012 051 059 177 096 011 083 039 013 087 029 040 019 122 056 057 058 093 095 104 105 108 164 166 051 081 134 157 172 057 068 082 095 168 058 073 105 114 151 159 167 180 181 026 027 041 058 105 133 103 115 116 118 132 139 163 205 206 207 208 212 217 110 022 048 058 085 086 106 107 110 121 137 146 154 074 097 151 155 173 120 130 095 031 053 061 135 169 166 Setup Code Table: Tape 216 098 147 176 195 196 020 023 030 062 078 079 148 151 176 178 181 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 035 077 102 164 051 113 051 058 084 191 192 193 066 080 098 166 074 197 198 200 201 069 055 038 036 075 051 036 210 109 126 049 045 056 109 138 071 046 057 119 149 094 171 064 158 209 096 213 081 093 150 175 202 203 065 089 090 091 092 096 099 104 212 183 204 100 112 123 131 160 161 162 215 Harman Kardon, Festival and Signature are registered trademarks, and Power for the Digital Revolution is a trademark, of Harman Kardon, Inc. Dolby and AC-3 are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. THX is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797 © 2001 Harman Kardon, Incorporated Part No.: OMUSR 1 Setup Code Table: VCR Setup Code Table: VCR (continued) Setup Code Table: SAT Setup Code Table: Cable Setup Code Table: Cable (continued) Setup Code Table: CD Setup Code Table: CD (continued) MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER AIWA AKAI AMPRO AMSTRAD ANAM ASA AUDIO DYNAMICS BROKSONIC CANDLE CANON CAPEHART CITIZEN CRAIG CURTIS MATHES DAEWOO DAYTRON DBX DUAL DYNATECH ELECTROHOME EMERSON FERGUSON FINLUX FISHER FUNAI GE GO VIDEO GOLDSTAR GRAETZ HARMAN KARDON HITACHI INSTANT REPLAY ITT JCL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD LLOYD LXI MAGIN MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MARTA MATSUI MEI MEMOREX MGA MINOLTA MITSUBISHI MTC MULTITECH NAD NATIONAL NEC NORDMENDE OPTIMUS OPTONICA ORION PANASONIC PENTAX PHILCO 040 022 076 133 037 134 018 041 134 034 094 134 003 037 012 094 018 136 040 063 013 136 133 003 040 037 113 018 136 018 011 037 136 037 018 048 018 020 040 019 045 037 018 087 033 037 003 049 019 019 133 030 139 140 018 048 159 057 147 070 019 037 PHILIPS PILOT PIONEER PORTLAND PULSAR QUARTZ QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA REALISTIC RICO RUNCO SABA SAISHO SALORA SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCHAUB LORENZ SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHINTOM SONY SOUNDESIGN STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TANDY TASHICO TATUNG TEAC TECHNICS TEKNIKA TELEFUNKEN THOMAS THOMSON THORN TMK TOSHIBA TOTEVISION UNITECH VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR VIDEO CONCEPTS VIDEOSONIC WARDS YAMAHA ZENITH 037 087 019 094 076 001 039 133 019 003 062 128 136 143 020 038 028 003 136 023 003 037 030 002 040 019 037 040 017 134 044 040 037 025 136 040 136 136 013 015 045 045 018 052 018 045 003 018 040 ALPHASTAR ALPHASTAR DBS ALPHASTAR DSR AMPLICA BIRDVIEW BSR CAPETRONICS CHANNEL MASTER CHAPARRAL CITOH CURTIS MATHES DRAKE DX ANTENNA ECHOSTAR ELECTRO HOME EUROPLUS FUJITSU GENERAL INSTRUMENT HITACHI DBS HOUSTON TRACKER HUGHES HYTEK JANIEL JERROLD KATHREIN LEGEND LUXOR MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX NEXTWAVE NORSAT OPTIMUS PANASONIC PANASONIC DBS PANSAT PERSONAL CABLE PHILIPS PICO PRESIDENT PRIMESTAR RCA REALISTIC SAMSUNG SATELLITE SERVICE CO SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SONY STAR CHOICE DBS STARCAST SUPER GUIDE TEECOM TOSHIBA UNIDEN ZENITH 472 450 422 356 414 359 359 320 315 360 356 312 331 364 392 415 324 303 455 463 372 359 366 367 410 453 368 317 461 453 423 373 466 366 457 420 418 375 407 326 412 301 349 422 335 339 405 459 347 327 330 302 323 385 ABC ALLEGRO AMERICAST ANTRONIX ARCHER BELCOR CABLE STAR CENTURION CENTURY CITIZEN COLOUR VOICE COMBANO COMTRONICS DIAMOND DIGI EAGLE EASTERN ELECTRICORD EMERSON FOCUS G.I. GC ELECTRONICS GE GEMINI GENERAL GENERAL INSTRUMENT GOLDEN CHANNEL GOODMIND HAMLIN HITACHI HOSPITALITY JASCO JERROLD LINDSAY M-NET MACOM MAGNAVOX MEMOREX MOVIE TIME NSC OAK PACE PANASONIC PANTHER PARAGON PHILIPS PIONEER POPULAR MECHANICS POST NEWS WEEK PRELUDE PRIMESTAR PTS PULSAR RADIO SHACK RCA RECOTON REGAL REGENCY REMBRANT SAMSUNG SCIENTIFIC ATLANTA SEAM 001 111 212 021 012 113 033 092 014 014 069 083 026 030 114 027 063 039 112 116 001 113 076 015 210 168 037 112 055 001 074 111 001 118 043 040 017 058 035 022 023 179 050 114 058 013 001 116 023 120 162 018 058 111 053 116 055 063 032 037 003 121 SHERITECH SIGNAL SIGNATURE SL MARX SPRUCER STARCOM STARGATE SYLVANIA TADIRAN TANDY TELECAPATION TEXSCAN TFC TIMELESS TOCOM TOSHIBA UNIKA UNITED CABLE UNIVERSAL VIDEOWAY VIEWSTAR ZENITH ZENTEK 029 037 001 037 053 002 015 071 037 024 028 036 122 123 045 058 014 011 012 124 019 058 116 ADC ADCOM AIWA AKAI AUDIO TECHNICA AUDIOACCESS AUDIOFILE BSR CALIFORNIA AUDIO CAPETRONIC CARRERA CARVER CASIO CLARINETTE CROWN CURTIS MATHES DENON EMERSON FISHER FRABA FUNAI GE GENEXXA GOLDSTAR HAITAI HARMAN KARDON 012 049 072 050 053 125 211 044 015 070 064 051 066 122 042 066 187 049 023 117 126 164 017 016 099 001 234 049 026 021 153 029 014 012 108 018 066 039 043 194 021 096 032 051 032 152 122 013 199 021 053 051 037 020 015 039 017 051 015 122 024 169 048 050 108 109 126 039 089 029 043 135 037 044 048 110 147 166 137 039 135 140 045 116 039 014 017 068 069 094 096 097 098 102 103 104 029 044 048 057 023 031 033 035 037 040 041 042 043 050 087 110 112 119 015 016 017 133 039 067 076 093 095 124 127 117 019 026 087 092 100 107 049 040 048 067 118 130 039 039 019 021 039 045 070 087 037 039 048 052 054 059 064 111 130 132 044 048 052 020 040 087 039 040 071 072 037 039 071 073 036 039 017 020 037 039 040 057 076 087 115 120 050 063 026 026 049 050 053 055 063 065 131 145 146 040 039 040 058 071 075 087 027 052 020 070 134 026 015 079 137 039 017 125 140 066 020 144 141 142 152 158 159 160 161 067 093 095 124 125 127 157 172 037 039 040 045 057 058 087 137 152 159 160 045 088 090 091 093 095 098 099 101 105 106 109 048 052 116 147 166 014 017 020 115 043 098 110 112 015 016 017 019 020 026 037 047 077 084 087 058 129 156 003 016 037 056 060 061 062 080 081 082 129 039 040 063 071 040 048 044 048 039 037 039 040 087 019 047 051 063 085 098 112 155 087 040 050 019 023 030 037 039 040 045 057 058 112 040 044 048 052 060 062 076 083 087 442 425 321 322 325 361 316 319 380 451 313 317 318 413 481 352 362 379 483 395 397 452 453 463 477 478 484 485 328 329 334 311 323 365 403 454 468 474 437 454 464 468 365 369 370 371 473 424 374 469 404 454 408 377 442 341 464 475 436 439 458 465 480 353 388 438 423 333 426 332 386 424 378 443 348 387 390 460 349 394 391 393 409 461 462 470 350 351 354 355 381 382 383 389 403 466 479 480 419 029 044 048 052 058 166 074 078 086 114 125 150 167 172 026 037 039 067 039 040 071 Setup Code Table: AVR/Audio MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 019 003 011 045 048 052 059 110 014 021 031 112 113 111 090 084 037 037 046 186 066 070 115 003 011 015 017 093 095 096 097 188 081 177 189 011 015 016 163 037 120 071 046 062 170 205 021 059 014 211 022 065 031 021 031 033 034 039 042 113 025 086 087 088 089 190 098 125 211 029 032 060 Setup Code Table: DVD 056 061 099 100 101 117 175 207 208 061 188 080 002 003 011 015 016 017 073 093 095 096 097 162 167 191 019 068 082 039 035 044 075 190 038 043 059 094 196 197 053 176 177 189 214 019 020 027 069 085 090 041 057 079 119 171 200 209 054 075 076 112 213 214 056 061 099 100 101 207 115 072 186 018 047 048 049 051 052 110 183 184 203 204 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER APEX DIGITAL CALIFORNIA AUDIO DENON GE GOLDSTAR HARMAN KARDON JVC KENWOOD KLH LG LOTTE MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MITSUBISHI NAD ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROCEED PROSCAN RCA RUNCO SAMSUNG SANYO SHARP SONY TECHNICS THOMSON TOSHIBA YAMAHA ZENITH ZENITH DIVX 061 040 002 003 005 001 006 007 071 005 008 033 033 023 010 009 011 024 033 012 060 003 003 027 031 013 021 015 026 003 009 016 005 039 019 022 034 051 004 032 066 067 068 069 050 072 055 064 056 059 036 062 015 048 050 025 030 034 035 044 052 056 020 038 041 046 047 065 004 037 004 018 037 053 054 049 028 050 029 043 045 070 004 033 047 057 058 017 030 063 033 055 064 HITACHI INKEL JC PENNEY JENSEN JVC KENWOOD KYOCERA LOTTE LUXMAN LXI MAGNAVOX MARANTZ MCINTOSH MCS MEMOREX MGA MISSION MITSUBISHI MITSUMI MODULAIRE NAD NAKAMICHI NEC NIKKO NSM ONKYO OPTIMUS PANASONIC PHILIPS PIONEER PROTON QUASAR RADIO SHACK RCA RCX 063 069 111 118 156 170 177 184 064 109 087 057 136 140 141 143 144 145 185 186 117 122 166 166 188 213 052 093 108 055 057 068 096 087 214 002 235 093 027 066 108 025 040 054 190 218 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 236 237 238 239 240 REALISTIC ROTEL SAE SAMSUNG SANSUI SANYO SCOTT SEARS SHARP SHERWOOD SIGNATURE SONY SOUNDSTREAM STS SYLVANIA SYMPHONIC TAEKWANG TANDY TEAC TECHWOOD THETA DIGITAL TOSHIBA VECTOR RESEARCH VICTOR WARDS YAMAHA YORK 049 051 051 028 047 033 108 066 020 003 040 060 124 012 051 059 177 096 011 083 039 013 087 029 040 019 122 056 057 058 093 095 104 105 108 164 166 051 081 134 157 172 057 068 082 095 168 058 073 105 114 151 159 167 180 181 026 027 041 058 105 133 103 115 116 118 132 139 163 205 206 207 208 212 217 110 022 048 058 085 086 106 107 110 121 137 146 154 074 097 151 155 173 120 130 095 031 053 061 135 169 166 Setup Code Table: Tape 216 098 147 176 195 196 020 023 030 062 078 079 148 151 176 178 181 MANUFACTURER/BRAND SETUP CODE NUMBER HARMAN KARDON 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 035 077 102 164 051 113 051 058 084 191 192 193 066 080 098 166 074 197 198 200 201 069 055 038 036 075 051 036 210 109 126 049 045 056 109 138 071 046 057 119 149 094 171 064 158 209 096 213 081 093 150 175 202 203 065 089 090 091 092 096 099 104 212 183 204 100 112 123 131 160 161 162 215 Harman Kardon, Festival and Signature are registered trademarks, and Power for the Digital Revolution is a trademark, of Harman Kardon, Inc. Dolby and AC-3 are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. THX is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, New York 11797 © 2001 Harman Kardon, Incorporated Part No.: OMUSR 1