Summer 2015 Calendar - Parks and Recreation
Summer 2015 Calendar - Parks and Recreation
Laurel - Beltsville Senior Activity Center Summer 2015 Calendar June, July, August Hours of Operation: Monday - Thursday - 8am-9pm Friday - 8am-5pm Saturday - 8am-2pm Sunday - CLOSED Holiday Closures: Saturday, July 4, 2015 Independence Day Summer Registration Begins: Monday, May 11 for Prince George’s County Residents. * Note: On May 11 only, we will open at 7am to assist with registration. Monday, May 18 for Montgomery County and Non-residents. Classes/Trips – Register early as spaces are limited and are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Programs that don’t meet the minimum number required to hold the program will be cancelled one week prior to the starting date of that program. * See refund policy on back page. 7120 Contee Road ● Laurel, Maryland 20707 Tel: (301) 206-3350 Fax: (301) 206-3387 TTY: (301) 446-3402 NEW!! Senior Nutrition Program Transportation Now Available The Prince George's County Senior Nutrition Program will begin providing transportation services to the LaurelBeltsville Senior Activity Center. If you are a senior 60 years & better, who resides in Prince George's County, you may be eligible for round trip transportation services to Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center. Home delivered meals will be provided to eligible seniors. Please contact the Prince George's County Senior Nutrition Program at 301-265-8475 for more information. WMATA Senior SmarTrip Card Club 300 Nixle Join Club 300 and take the For seniors 65 and older, you can Walk Across America Challenge! purchase a Metro Senior SmarTrip Register online at: card at the center for only $2. Bring NIXLE: photo ID and proof of age. This Get information on M-NCPPC clocard provides discounted fares on sures, cancellations, and emergenthe Metro bus and rail. cies by text or email. Sign up today by visiting and click on For more information about Club 300, call 301-446-3444. You will need your mobile phone number or an email address and your zip code to complete the registration. It’s easy, so join your friends and neighbors and “be in the know” about M-NCPPC. Don’t forget to check us out online @ Senior Trip Information For your information, we have included the mode of transportation provided on our trips. Please note, the mode of transportation is not guaranteed and may be changed. Here are some of the vehicles we use: M-NCPPC Activity bus- small tan bus Senior Activity bus- medium sized, new white bus that seats 12 adults comfortably Commission bus- large (27 passenger), white bus Charter bus- a private company is contracted to provide a bus (typically 40-50 passengers). Things to Do/Seniors/Laurel– Beltsville Senior Activity Center/ Events & Programs Help us conserve resources and go green! Note: When you see these feet with a trip or activity, there will be a lot of walking. Only take one calendar per season and use it as a reference! 2 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: CLASSES Class Name Location Day/Dates Aerobics: Multi-Purpose Hula Hoop Room Beginners Ages: 40 & up Wed Jun 17 - Sep 2 (12 weeks) Billiards Skills: Billiards Level I Room Ages: 40 & up Wed Jun 3 - Jul 8 (6 weeks) Wed Jun 3 - Jul 8 (6 weeks) Time Barcode Fee 2 - 3pm #1629320 $60/R; $72/NR 12:30 - 2pm #1629321 $30/R; $36/NR 7 - 8:30pm #1629322 $30/R; $36/NR Billiards Skills: Billiards Level II Room Ages: 40 & up Thurs Jun 4 - Jul 9 (6 weeks) 6 - 7:30pm #1629323 $30/R; $36/NR Billiards Skills: Billiards Level III Room Ages: 40 & up Thurs Jun 4 - Jul 9 (6 weeks) 7:35 - 8:35pm #1629325 $25/R; $30/NR (R) - Residents of Prince George’s County and Montgomery County (NR) - Non-Residents of Prince George’s County and Montgomery County 3 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: CLASSES Class Name Location Day/Dates Time Barcode Fee Ceramics: Adults, All Levels Ages: 40 & up (Materials & Supplies included) Ceramics Room Mon Jun 8 - Aug 10 (10 weeks) 10am - 2pm #1629326 $100/R; $120/NR Ceramics: Adults, All Levels Ages: 40 & up (Materials & Supplies included) Ceramics Room Tues Jun 9 - Aug 11 (10 weeks) 10am - 2pm #1629327 $100/R; $120/NR Ceramics: Adults, All Levels Ages: 40 & up (Materials & Supplies included) Ceramics Room Wed Jun 10 - Aug 12 (10 weeks) 10am - 2pm #1629328 $100/R; $120/NR Ceramics: Adults, All Levels Ages: 40 & up (Materials & Supplies included) Ceramics Room Thurs Jun 11 - Aug 13 (10 weeks) 10am - 2pm #1629329 $100/R; $120/NR Chair Aerobics Multi-purpose Room Tues & Fri Jun 9 - Jun 30 (4 weeks) 9:30 -10:30am (Tues) 12 -1pm (Fri) #1629354 $45/R; $54/NR Tues & Fri Jul 7 - Jul 31 (4 weeks) 9:30 -10:30am (Tues) 12 -1pm (Fri) #1629355 $45/R; $54/NR Tues & Fri Aug 4 - Aug 28 (4 weeks) 9:30 -10:30am (Tues) 12 -1pm (Fri) #1629356 $45/R; $54/NR 4 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: CLASSES Class Name Location Day/Dates Time Barcode Fee Computer Skills: Level 1 Computer Room Mon & Wed Jun 15 - Jul 8 Jul13 - Aug 5 Aug 10 - Sept 2 (4 weeks) 11:30am - 12:30pm 11:30am - 12:30pm 11:30am - 12:30pm #1629357 #1629358 #1629359 $45/R; $54/NR $45/R; $54/NR $45/R; $54/NR Computer Skills: Level 2 Computer Room Tues & Thurs Jun 16 - Jul 9 Jul 14 - Aug 6 Aug 11 - Sept 3 (4 weeks) 11am - Noon 11am - Noon 11am - Noon #1629369 #1629370 #1629371 $45/R; $54/NR $45/R; $54/NR $45/R; $54/NR Computer Skills: Navigating eBay Computer Room Thurs Jun 18 - Jul 9 Aug 13 - Sep 3 (4 weeks) 6 - 7:30pm 6 - 7:30pm #1629386 #1629387 $35/R; $42/NR $35/R; $42/NR Computer Skills: Craigslist NEW Computer Room Thurs Jul 16 - Aug 6 6 - 7:30pm #1629389 $35/R; $42/NR Drama Fine Arts Room Wed Jun 10 - Jul 29 (8 weeks) 4:10 - 6:10pm #1631883 $50/R; $60/NR Drawing Ages: 40 & up Fine Arts Room Tues Jun 16 - Sep 1 (12 weeks) 1 - 3pm #1629400 $60/R; $72/NR Drawing Ages: 40 & up Fine Arts Room Tues Jun 16 - Sep 1 (12 weeks) 3:30 - 5:30pm #1629401 $60/R; $72/NR 9 - 10am 9 - 10am 9 - 10am #1629402 #1629403 #1629404 $30/R; $36/NR $30/R; $36/NR $30/R; $36/NR Exercise Senior Fit Multi-purpose Mon, Wed & Fri (Bring floor mat) Room Jun 8 - Jul 1 (No class on Jul 6 - Jul 31 Independence Day, Aug 3 - Aug 28 Make up date TBD) (4 weeks) 5 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center CLASSES Class Name Location Day/Dates Time Barcode Exercise Senior Fit Multi-purpose (Bring floor mat) Room (No class on Independence Day, Make up date TBD) Mon & Wed Jun 8 - Jul 1 Jul 6 - Jul 29 Aug 3 - Aug 26 (4 weeks) 11am - Noon 11am - Noon 11am - Noon #1629405 #1629406 #1629407 $25/R; $30/NR $25/R; $30/NR $25/R; $30/NR Fitness: Bootcamp Great Room (No class on Independence Day, Make up date TBD) Sat Jun 6- Jul 11 Jul 18 - Aug 22 (6 weeks) 8:30 - 10am 8:30 - 10am #1629414 #1629415 $60/R; $72/NR $60/R; $72/NR Fitness: Personal Training (Group training) Multi-purpose Room Thurs Jun 11 - Jul 2 Jul 9 - Jul 30 Aug 6 - Aug 27 (4 weeks) 9:30 - 11am 9:30 - 11am 9:30 - 11am #1629422 #1629423 #1629424 $35/R; $42/NR $35/R; $42/NR $35/R; $42/NR Guitar Beginning: Adults Ages: 35 & up Fine Arts Room Tues Jun 9 - Aug 11 (10 weeks) 6 - 8pm #1629427 $55/R; $66/NR Internet Skills: Email Computer Room Fri Jul 10 - Jul 31 (4 weeks) 9:30 - 10:30am #1629562 $25/R; $30/NR Internet Skills: Computer Social Network Sites Room Fri Aug 1 - Aug 28 (4 weeks) 9:30 - 10:30am #1629563 $25/R; $30/NR Line Dance: Intermediate Ages: 40 & up Multi-purpose Room Mon Jun 8 - Aug 10 (10 weeks) 6:35 - 7:35pm #1629564 $45/R; $54/NR Line Dance: Beginning Multi-purpose Room Tues Jun 9 - Aug 11 (10 weeks) 11am - Noon #1629566 $45/R; $54/NR Line Dance: Beginning Multi-purpose Room Thurs Jun 11 - Aug 13 (10 weeks) 6:35 - 7:35pm #1629567 $45/R; $54/NR 6 Fee Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: CLASSES Class Name MS Windows 8 Ages: 40 & up Location Time Barcode Fee 4 - 5pm #1629572 $25/R; $30/NR Mon Jun 8 - Jun 29 (4 weeks) Mon Jul 6 - Jul 27 (4 weeks) Tues Jun 9 - Jun 30 4 - 5pm #1629573 $25/R; $30/NR 12 - 1pm #1629574 $25/R; $30/NR Thurs Jul 9 - Jul 30 12 - 1pm #1629575 $25/R; $30/NR Fine Arts Room Wed Jun 10 - Aug 12 (10 weeks) 9:30 - 11:30am #1629580 $60/R; $72/NR Painting: Fine Arts Room Tue Calligraphy (NEW) Jun 16 - Aug 18 Ages: 40 & up (10 weeks) 9:30 - 11:30am #1629641 $60/R; $72/NR 6 - 7pm #1629581 $30/R; $36/NR 1 - 3pm #1629293 $40/R; $48/NR Painting: Chinese Brush Ages: 40 & up Salsa Scrapbooking Computer Center Day/Dates Great Room Mon Jun 8 - Jun 29 (4 weeks) Fine Arts Room Fri Jun 5 - Aug 7 (8 weeks) Spanish Beginning Meeting Room Seniors Tues Jun 9 - Aug 11 (10 weeks) 5 - 6:30pm #1629582 $55/R; $66/NR Spanish Advanced Meeting Room Ages: 50 & up Thurs Jun 11 - Aug 13 (10 weeks) 5 - 6:30pm #1629584 $55/R; $66/NR Spanish Beginning Meeting Room Ages: 40 & up (No class on Independence Day, Make up date Sat Jun 13 - Aug 22 (10 weeks) 9 –10:30am #1629585 $55/R; $66/NR 7 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: CLASSES Class Name Location Day/Dates Time Barcode Fee 10:45am 12:15pm #1629587 $55/R; $66/NR 12:30 - 2pm #1629583 $55/R; $66/NR 5:30 - 6:30pm #1629590 $50/R; $60/NR 6:30 - 7:30pm #1629591 $50/R; $60/NR 10 -11am #1629592 50/R; $60/NR Wed Jun 10 - Aug 26 (12 weeks) 1 - 3pm #1629594 $60/R; $72/NR Wed Jun 10 - Aug 26 (12 weeks) 3:30 - 5:30pm #1629596 $60/R; $72/NR 1-3pm #1629597 $120/R; $144/NR 9 - 11am #1629601 $120/R; $144/NR Spanish Intermediate Meeting Room Ages: 40 & up (No class on Independence Day, Make up date TBD) Sat Jun 13 - Aug 22 (10 weeks) Spanish Advanced Meeting Room Ages: 40 & up (No class on Independence Day, Make up date TBD) Sat Jun 13 - Aug 22 (10 weeks) Tai Chi Multi-purpose Ages: 40 & up Room (No class on Independence Day, Make up date TBD) Tues Jun 16 - Aug 4 (8 weeks) Tues Jun 16 - Aug 4 (8 weeks) Sat Jun 20 - Aug 15 (8 weeks) Watercolor Watercolor Fine Arts Room Fine Arts Room Woodcraft: Adults Ages: 40 & up (Intermediate) (with Dave) Woodcraft Room Mon & Wed Jun 8 - Jul 1 (4 weeks) Woodcraft: Adults Ages: 40 & up (Beginner) (with Dave) Woodcraft Room Mon & Wed Jun 29 - Jul 22 (4 weeks) 8 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: CLASSES Class Name Location Day/Dates Time Barcode Fee Woodcraft: Adults Ages: 40 & up (Beginner) (w/Dave) Woodcraft Room Tue & Thurs Jul 9 - Aug 4 (4 weeks) 1 - 3pm #1629598 $120/R; $144/NR Woodcraft: Adults Ages: 40 & up (Intermediate) (w/Dave) Woodcraft Room Tues & Thurs Aug 11 - Sep 3 (4 weeks) 1 - 3pm #1629600 $120/R; $144/NR Woodcraft: Adults Ages: 40 & up (Beginner) (w/Dave) Woodcraft Room Mon & Wed Aug 3 - Aug 26 (4 weeks) 9 - 11am #1629599 $120/R; $144/NR Yoga All Levels Ages: 40 & up w/Shelley Multi-purpose Room Thurs Jun 11 - Aug 27 (12 weeks) 1:10-2:25pm #1629619 $72/R; $87/NR Yoga All Levels Ages: 40 & up w/Theresa Multi-purpose Room Tues Jun 16 - Sep 1 (12 weeks) 7:35-8:35pm #1629620 $72/R; $87/NR Yoga All Levels Ages: 40 & up w/Theresa Multi-purpose Room Mon Jun 15 - Aug 31 (12 weeks) 1 - 2pm #1629621 $72/R; $87/NR Zumba Gold Multi-purpose Room Mon Jun 15 - Aug 31 (12 weeks) Wed Jun 17 - Sep 2 (12 weeks) 4 - 5pm #1629632 $60/R; $72/NR 4 - 5pm #1629633 $60/R; $72/NR Zumba Gold w/Maguett Multi-purpose Room Friday Jun 19 - Sep 4 (12 weeks) 10:30-11:30am #1629634 $60/R; $72/NR Zumba Toning Ages: 35 & up Multi-purpose Room Thurs Jun 18 - Sep 3 (12 weeks) 5 - 6pm #1629638 $60/R; $72/NR 9 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: Woodcraft Room Participants must complete safety orientation and safety training before registering for any woodcraft class or open shop time. Woodshop Tuesdays and Fridays 9am - 12pm 15 shop hours for $105 R/$126 NR *Participants must supply their own wood. See shop supervisor for more details on wood supply. Welcome to OPEN SHOP! The woodcraft room is open for you to work on your project. The shop is open for three (3) hours on Tuesday and Friday. Participants must attend a mandatory orientation and safety training before they can start their work. Participants are required to supply their own wood, and project plan. Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: Avenue of the Arts Events Avenue of the Arts: Bob Broadwater Art Display & Reception Free Exhibit: June 1—July 31 Reception: Monday, June 1, 7-8pm Avenue of the Arts: Russell Lehman Art Display & Reception Free Exhibit: August 3– September 30 Reception: Monday, August 3, 7-8pm Garden Club Want to develop a Green Thumb?! Join us for Gardening Tips and Tricks on Monday evenings from 6pm to 7pm. A variety of gardening related topics will be discussed. Pre-registration is required. Sign up in the lobby. FREE * June 1 *June 15 * June 29 * July 13 * July 27 10 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: BOOK CLUB Summer 2015 Book Club Club meets 2nd and 4th Fridays from 2-3:30pm June - The Summer Sisters by Judy Blume. In the summer of 1977, Victoria Leonard’s world changes forever when Caitlin Somers chooses her as a friend. Dazzling, reckless Caitlin welcomes Vix into the heart of her sprawling family, opening doors to a world of unimaginable privilege, sweeping her away to vacations on Martha’s Vineyard, an enchanting place where the two friends become “summer sisters.” Now years later, Vix is working in New York City, Caitlin is getting married on the vineyard and the early magic of their long complicated friendship has faded. But Caitlin begs Vix to come to the wedding and be her maid of honor. July - The Accidental Tourist by Anne Tyler. Macon Leary is a travel writer who hates both travel and anything out of the ordinary. He is grounded by loneliness and an unwillingness to compromise his creature comforts when he meets Muriel, a deliciously peculiar dog-obedience trainer who overturns Macon’s insular world—and thrusts him headlong into a remarkable engagement with life. August - The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum. This is the story of a man whose wounded body is discovered by fishermen who nurse him back to health. He can remember nothing and begins to try to rebuild his memory based on clues such as the Swiss bank account, the number of which, is implanted in his hip. He soon realizes that he is being hunted and searches to find out who he is and why he is being hunted. Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: Movies Catch a Movie with Us! Thursday, June 11 Stormy Weather 10am-noon Thursday, June 25 Carmen Jones 10am-noon Thursday, July 9 An Affair to Remember 10am-noon Thursday, July 23 High Society 10am-noon Thursday, August 13 The Road to Bali 10am-noon Thursday, August 27 The Road to Singapore 10am-noon 11 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: TRIPS U.S. Botanical Garden Wednesday, June 10 $10/R; $12/NR 9am-2pm Smartlink #1630594 The United States Botanic Garden is one of the oldest botanic gardens in North America. Come get informed about the importance, and often irreplaceable value, of plants to the well-being of humankind and to earth’s fragile ecosystems. This tour includes the Gardens and the Conservatory. Transportation is aboard the Commission bus. Lunch is at your own expense. Sports Legends Museum at Camden Yards Wednesday, June 17 $20/R; $24/NR 9am-4pm Smartlink #1630613 This wonderful tour of the Sports Legends Museum at Camden Yards and the Babe Ruth Birthplace Museum will include exhibits on the Baltimore Orioles, Colts, Ravens and Blast, The Orioles Hall of Fame, Negro League teams, the Preakness, the Maryland State Athletic Hall of Fame, regional college athletics and more. Transportation is aboard the Commission bus. Lunch is at your own expense. Adventure in Annapolis: Home, Garden & Food Tour (William Paca House Tour) Thursday, June 25 $100/R; $120/NR 9am-5pm Smartlink #1629952 Get a true taste of Annapolis with a unique day of adventure in food, history and fun! Start out at The Paca Gardens to view the home and mansion of William Paca, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Next, view the Hammond Harwood House, which is said to have the most beautiful doorway in America. Now that you have an appetite, enjoy a wonderful food tour of Annapolis. Dine where George Washington enjoyed an ale, and taste what locals have eaten over the past three centuries through today. Fee includes transportation aboard the M-NCPPC activity bus, tour guides, admissions, and a progressive style meal. Olney Theatre: The Producers Wednesday, July 1 $50/R; $60/NR 11:30am-3:30pm Smartlink #1631872 Based on the hit 1968 film of the same name, this Mel Brooks comedic masterpiece follows the hilarious adventures of washed-up Broadway producer Max Bialystock, and his mousy accountant Leo Bloom, as they scheme to get rich quick by producing the most notorious flop in the history of show biz! The Producers won a record twelve Tony Awards©, including Best Musical, Best Book of a Musical, and Best Musical Score. Lunch will be at your own expense. Fee includes transportation aboard the commission bus and admission. Registration is required at least one week in advance for all trips! See trip refund policy on back page. 12 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: TRIPS Bowie Baysox: Take me out to the ball game! Thursday, July 9 $40/R; $48/NR 10am-4pm Smartlink #1629949 Join us for a VIP day at Baysox Park! Spend an afternoon watching the game from an air-conditioned suite. Enjoy a lunch buffet that includes fresh tossed salad, pulled chicken, BBQ, hotdogs, baked beans, popcorn, cookies, fruit, iced tea & lemonade. Transportation is aboard the M-NCPPC activity bus. Cost of buffet is included. Senior Dance Party Wednesday, July 22 $20R/$24NR 9am-12noon Martin’s Crosswinds, 7400 Greenway Center Drive, Greenbelt SMARTlink #1629201 Let’s Dance! Put on your dancing shoes and have some fun at the 3rd Annual Senior Dance Party. Enjoy an American Fare breakfast at the beautiful Martin’s Crosswinds in Greenbelt. Note: no transportation is provided for this event. Medieval Times Dinner and Show Thursday, August 13 $60/R; $72/NR 10am-4pm Smartlink #1629986 Step back in time and enjoy a great celebration, a feast and a jousting tournament. Witness the power and glory of the mighty Andalusion Stallions as they perform their ancient dance. Cost of admission and feast is included. Transportation is aboard the M-NCPPC activity bus. Taste of Georgetown and Capitol Hill Wednesday, August 26 $85/R; $102/NR 9am-5pm Smartlink #1630612 Join us as we explore a taste of historic Georgetown and Capitol Hill and enjoy the monuments, museums, and restaurants that make DC the place to be. Lunch and snacks are included. Transportation is aboard the Commission bus. Pre-registration is required. Registration is required at least one week in advance for all trips! See trip refund policy on back page. 13 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: Special Events Murder Mystery: “Murder on the Set” Sunday, June 14 $35/R;$42/NR 1:30pm-3:30pm POS # 15832R/15833NR Join us for a Sunday afternoon “whodunit!” A movie production company is on location shooting for an upcoming film when it is discovered that the head of the studio has been shot. Is the actress who is making a comeback (against the advice of the head of the studio) guilty? Was it the director, who recently discovered the studio head announced that this would be his last film? Did the producer who hasn’t had a blockbuster hit in the last 10 years have a financial motive? Or, is an unsuspecting character on the set guilty of the murder. Come dressed as your favorite movie character. Buffet style brunch is included. Sunny Sunday Fashion Show Sunday, June 28 $10/R;$12/NR 1:30pm-3:30pm POS # 15582R/15583NR Stop by and watch us walk the runway! Do a little shopping afterward from a variety of clothing, jewelry and accessory vendors. This is sure to be an afternoon of summer fun and fashion. Light refreshments will be served. Sign up in advance at the Center. Jazz Infused Tea Sunday, July 12 $35/R;$42/NR 2pm-4pm POS # 15834R/15835NR Spend a sunny summer afternoon sipping tea and enjoying the soothing sounds of live Jazz. Our Afternoon Tea menu includes a selection of finger sandwiches, fruit, freshly baked scones, preserves and an array of tempting pastries. Enhance this delight, even further, with a choice of traditional, flavored, aromatic, fruit and green teas or a signature iced tea blend. Ladies, this is the moment to show off your Sunday best hat and gentlemen, to wear your seersucker suit. Jazz concert & brunch is included. Ice Cream Karaoke Thursday, July 2 $10/R;$12/NR 6:30pm-8:30pm POS # 15836R/15837NR Join us for an Ice Cream Social with a twist! Cool off with an ice cold treat and join in with a hot karaoke performance. The Sound of Summer with Ray “Apollo” Allen Wednesday, July 29 FREE 11pm-12:30pm Stop by for the Sound of Summer! Ray “Apollo” Allen will treat us to a lovely summertime concert on the patio. Sign-up at the front desk. BINGOFEST Friday, August 7 Donation of a School Supply Item 10am-2pm Smartlink #1629464 B-I-N-G-O! Play bingo for great prizes while helping support Prince George’s County middle school youth as they prepare for the upcoming school year. A box lunch will be provided, at noon, by the Prince George’s County, Aging and Disability Services Division. Doors open at 9:30am. Summer Soul & Salsa Party Friday, August 14 $5/R;$7/NR 7:30pm-10pm POS # 15588R/15589NR Soul and Latin dancing! What could be a better combination?!!! It’s sure to be hot, hot, hot! Put on a suit or a party dress and groove the night away. 14 POS (point of sale) events= you must register at the center front desk Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: FREE Educational Workshops Dealing with Dementia and Parkinson’s? Monday, June 1, 10am-11am Join us and learn signs, symptoms and tips on how to deal with both. Presented by Wendy Johnson, Owner of Senior Helpers and hosted by Arden Courts Memory Care Community. Sign up in the center lobby. The Basics of Alzheimer’s Seminar Tuesdays, June 2,16,23 and 30, 7-8pm This workshop is perfect for anyone who would like to know more about Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. Join Nancy Quarles and Ana Nelson with the Alzheimer’s Association for a five week seminar series. Check the binder on the lecture table for topics to choose from, or come to all four. NO Class on June 9th. Sign up in the center lobby. Build your Bones: Combating Osteoporosis Thursday, June 4 , 11am-12pm Krista Frederic, MPT, with Forever Fit Physical Therapy will discuss how you can improve your bone density and decrease your risk of fracture through exercise. Sign up in the center lobby. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Wednesday, June 17, 10:30-11:30am Learn how to start your own in-home/deck potted garden and find out where to find some local farms, farmers markets, and Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) , with nutrition expert Michele Wright! Sign up in the center lobby. Virtual Walking Tour of Laurel Friday, June 19, 10-11am By taking this virtual trip down Laurel’s Main Street you will learn about some of its history and the businesses that formed the city. Be inspired as you get out walking this summer to experience it up close and in person. Presented by the Laurel Historical Society. Sign up in the center lobby. The Amazing Advantages of Laser Dentistry for Seniors Monday, June 22, 10-11am Dentists now use lasers to attack a wide range of oral-health problems. A physician from Laurel Laser Dentistry, will tell us how lasers can remove bacteria, find and repair cavities, brighten teeth, and much more. The advent and evolution of laser assisted dentistry has revolutionized the comfort and safety of many dental and surgical procedures for all patients. Sign up in the center lobby. Exercise 101 Thursday, July 2,11am-12pm Ever wonder how many repetitions to perform an exercise? Or which type of exercise is best for your body? Krista Frederic, MPT with Forever Fit Physical Therapy will break down all of the basics to help you understand and reach your goals safely and quickly! Sign up in the center lobby. Healthy Food on a Budget Wednesday, July 15, 10:30-11:30am Join nutrition expert, Michele Wright, as she shares with us; where to find the best deals and get the most bang for your bucks! Sign up in the center lobby. And They’re Off: 100 Years of the Laurel Race Track Friday, July 17, 10-11am Discover the history of Laurel’s famed racetrack, from famous horses and celebrities to the glory days of the Washington International and the personalities who’ve shaped the course. Presented by the Laurel Historical Society. Sign up in the center lobby. 15 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center : Free Educational Workshops "Back" to School Wednesday, July 22, 10-11am This class will provide information including basic anatomy and body mechanics and how they relate to lower back pain. A physical therapist from Maximum Performance PT will then discuss tools to prevent back pain during daily activities. There will also be time to answer any questions you may have. Sign up in the center lobby. Snap, Crackle, Pop! The Senior Shoulder Thursday, August 6, 11am-12pm Learn the common causes of shoulder aches and pains, current treatment options and prevention tips to keep yourself reaching high for years to come. Presented by Forever Fit Physical Therapy. Sign up in the center lobby. Healthy Aging Wednesday, August 19, 10:30-11:30am Learn the keys to longevity with nutrition expert Michele Wright! Sign up in the center lobby. Mill Life in Laurel Friday, August 21, 10-11am Come take a journey through the life of Laurel’s mills and mill workers based on a recent Laurel Historical Society’s (LHS) exhibit: "True Life Story: I was a Laurel Mill Worker", as told by a LHS representative. Learn how Laurel’s mill workers lived, what they earned, and the ups and downs of the mills in Prince George’s County’s only factory town. Sign up in the center lobby. Fore! Golf Health and Fitness Wednesday, August 26, 10-11am Play Golf? Learn the common injuries involved with the game of golf from a physical therapist from Maximum Performance PT. The physical therapist will demonstrate exercises that can help prevent injury and improve your game. Sign up in the center lobby. Special Groups & Club Meetings AARP Driver’s Safety Course Thursday, June 18; July 16; August 20 $15 AARP Members / $20 AARP Non-Members 9:30am-3pm Tune up your driving skills and update your knowledge of the rules of the road. Learn about normal agerelated physical changes, and how to adjust your driving to allow for these changes. Reduce your traffic violations, crashes, and chances for injuries. Drive more safely. You may get an insurance discount. Fee is to be paid on the first day of the class and can be paid by check or money order only made payable to AARP. Bring AARP card or number. Lunch break on your own. Class is limited to 35 students. Sign up in the center lobby. Instructor: Bill Dobson. **If you want to purchase lunch at the center, please call the kitchen staff at 301-206-3368 the Tuesday before class to reserve your lunch. All Shades of Pink (ASOP) 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month Free 10am—Noon Help crochet blankets that go to breast cancer patients. All materials and instructions are provided; however, you must have the basic knowledge of how to crochet. Sign up in the ASOP binder in the center lobby. 16 Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center: WEEKLY ACTIVITIES/CLUBS ACTIVITY DAY TIME FEE Monday-Saturday During operating hours FREE with ID Chess Drop-In: Thursday 2 - 7pm FREE with ID Chess Club Join the Chess Club! Share and learn new chess moves. Thursday 6:30 - 8:45pm FREE with ID Friday 1:15 - 4:45pm FREE with ID Bridge: Bridge anyone? Monday & Friday 1 - 4:30pm FREE with ID Hearts: Let’s play Hearts! Tuesday & Thursday 1 - 3pm FREE with ID 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, & every Thursday 11:30am -1:30pm FREE with ID Fireside Lounge Card & Table Games See front desk staff for assistance with table games, puzzles and books. Bid Whist: Time for some bid whist! Pinochle 5:30 - 8:30pm American Association for Retired Persons (AARP) AARP General Membership Meeting 2nd Monday 10am - 12noon Board Meeting 1st Monday 10:30 - 11:30am Laurel Senior Friendship Club (LSFC) General Membership Meeting & Fundraiser 2nd Wednesday 10:30am - 1:30pm Bingo and Fundraisers Every Tuesday 12noon - 3pm Exec/Chairpersons Meetings 1st Wednesday 9am - 1pm Call LSFC office at 301-206-3380 for details. Call LSFC office at 301-206-3380 for orientation dates and times. Every Monday 11:30am-12:30pm New Member Orientation Program Crochet Club National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE) Monthly Chapter Meeting (lunch or refreshments served depending on month ) Officers Board Meeting General Meeting 1st Wednesday 1 - 3pm Last Friday 10am - 12noon Coffee and Cops for Seniors 1st Thursday of the Month 17 1-3pm Laurel-Beltsville Senior Activity Center Information Corner IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBERS Senior Nutrition/Transportation Department of Family Services Seniors County Information Medicare Information Call-A-Bus Call-A-Bus (City of Laurel) 301-265-8475 301-265-8401 301-265-8450 1-800-633-4227 301-499-8603 301-498-3384 Senior Nutrition (Lunch) Program Lunch is offered Monday through Friday, featuring a healthy, hot, well-balanced meal by the Prince George’s County, Department of Family Services. Seniors who are 60 & better can reserve a meal by contacting the Nutrition Manager, Rene Marshall at (301) 206-3368; by stopping by the kitchen or by calling the Department of Family Services, Aging Services Division at (301) 265-8475. The suggested donation is $3.00. If you need to cancel your meal, please do so at least 2 days in advance with Rene, the Nutrition Manager at 301-2063368. Note: There will be no lunch program when Prince George’s County schools have a two hour delayed opening or closed due to inclement weather conditions. For Your Information Moved? Number changed? From time to time, please stop at the reception desk and make sure your personal information is correct. Let us know if you have any changes including emergency contact names and phone numbers. Membership Card Come and get your membership card to join the center. Your card is good for one year from the date you receive it. Remember to update it each year! Visit the reception desk for more information. Refund Policy Class and activity refunds are subject to a 20% handling fee and must be requested in writing. Trip refunds will only be available if your registration is replaced by someone on the waiting list. If you must cancel your reservation, please contact the center staff as soon as possible or call 301206-3350. Disability Accommodations The Department of Parks and Recreation encourages and supports the participation of individuals with disabilities. Register a minimum of two weeks in advance of the program start date to request and receive a disability accommodation. Inclement Weather Policy and Closures Get up to date information on M-NCPPC closures, cancellations and emergencies by text or email. Sign up today by visiting and click on Nixle alerts. You will need a mobile phone or an email address and your zip code to complete the registration. 18
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