BSDL - Flynn Systems


BSDL - Flynn Systems
onTAP Boundary Scan Software
Series 4000 with ProScan
A Brief Overview of
BSDL Files
As miniaturization of PCBs became more desirable, denser (or layered) printed circuit boards began to
dominate the market. Testing electrical connectivity between devices posed a huge problem because
board density and complex layering prevented the IC pins from being physically probed. The Joint Test
Action Group (JTAG) developed a solution: boundary scan.
The Joint Test Action Group originally began with participation from just European electronics companies
in the mid-80s. As they sought to devise a specification for boundary scan testing, North American
companies joined in the effort and the consortium gained sponsorship from the IEEE.
By 1990, that specification was ready to become the standard for boundary scan test. It was published as
IEEE Std. 1149.1 and remains the foundation for boundary scan architecture. In 1994, an addition to the
standard was made, which contained the Boundary Scan Description Language, more commonly known
as BSD which is a subset of VHDL. The BSDL IEEE supplement to 1149.1 describes the logic content of
boundary scan compliant devices.
Texas Instruments was a key player in the original JTAG consortium. While much of the following
information has been obtained from TI’s Test Symposiums, the full IEEE 1149.1 standard is available for
purchase at
When and How is BSDL Used?
When boundary-scan compliant devices are incorporated into a board design, these devices are
organized into “chains.” Scan chains are the foundation for board-level and system-level tests. These
tests are used to detect and diagnose structural faults, such as opens and shorts, stuck-at faults, etc.
Automated tools, such as onTAP, are used to generate test programs for the boards. The two most
important inputs are the BSDL files for all the boundary scan devices on the board and the board netlist.
Where the BSDL file tells how the boundary scan TAP
pins, TAP instructions, device pins and boundary
register pins and cells are all related, the netlist file
describes the interconnects between the devices on the
onTAP reads the BSDL file and the board netlist file to
automatically generate test programs that will detect
and report faults to the pin level. In addition, onTAP
provides a BSDL Syntax Check. The onTAP Syntax Check
compares syntax of the loaded BSDL file to the syntax
rules of the IEEE Std 1149.1 specifications and alerts the
User to possible errors.
So, why a new language?
In a word, consistency. Having a standard modeling language, such as BSDL, for development of
boundary scan devices provided consistency throughout the electronics industry. Silicon vendors use
BSDL to model their boundary scan devices, automation tool vendors then use BSDL to develop their
tools and end-users can create boundary scan tests with the use of BSDL.
Additionally, BSDL allows users to provide a description of how boundary scan is implemented in any
given device. This is important because chip designers may apply the standard in slightly different ways,
but using BSDL assures consistency.
What is the language of BSD?
BSDL is a formal text file representation of how the boundary scan TAP pins, TAP instructions, device
pins and boundary register pins and cells are all related. The image below is visual depiction of the
BSDL text file.
The BSDL defines how device data is transported. For example, how the device captures, shifts and updates the
data. This information can then be used to define the test capability.
What’s in a BSDL File?
Typically, BSDL files contain the following elements:
Entity descriptions—identifies the device or a section of its functionality.
Generic Parameter—specifies package type
Logical Port Description—lists connections on the device and describes its attributes (e.g.
input, output, bi-directional, linkage, etc. )
 Use Statements—refers to the IEEE 1149.1 standard package external definitions found in
packages and package bodies.
Component Conformance Statement– indicates the latest issue of the IEEE Std 1149.1 to
which the device conforms.
Pin Mappings—maps logical signals onto the physical pins in a particular device package
Scan Port Identification—defines the pins in the device’s Test Access Port (TAP) that are
used for boundary scan implementation. These pins include TDI, TDO, TMS, and TRST, if
Instruction Register Description—identifies signals used for accessing JTAG device modes.
OR identifies device-dependent characteristics of the Instruction Register
Optional Register Description—identifies the values captured in the device identification
register for the optional IDCODE and USERCODE instructions, if supported.
Register Access Description—defines which register is placed between TDI and TDO for
each JTAG instruction
Boundary Register Description—is a list of boundary-scan cells with information on cell
type and associated control.
Sample BSDL Instructions
Entity Descriptions—a statement that begins with naming the entity (in this example device
XC5VLX50_FF76) and terminates with an end statement:
entity XC5VLX50_FF676 is {statements to describe entity go here}
end XC5VLX50_FF676;
Generic Parameter—a value such as a package type or can be a parameter that can come from outside
the current entity:
generic (PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP : string := "FF676" );
Logical Port Description—gives logical names to the I/O pins (system and TAP) and denotes their
nature, such as input, output, bi-directional, linkage, etc.
port (
PROG_B: in bit;
RDWR_B_P18: in bit;
R_FUSE_T18: linkage bit;
TCK: in bit;
TDI: in bit;
TDN_R13: linkage bit;
TDO: out bit;
TDP_R14: linkage bit;
TMS: in bit;
Use Statements—refers to the IEEE 1149.1 standard package external definitions found in
packages and package bodies:
use STD_1149_1_2001.all;
Component Conformance Statement—indicates the latest issue of IEEE Std 1149.1 to which the device
attribute COMPONENT_CONFORMANCE of XC5VLX50_FF676 : entity is
Sample BSDL Instructions (cont’d)
Pin Mapping—maps logical signals onto the physical pins in a particular device package:
attribute PIN_MAP of XC5VLX50_FF676 : entity is PHYSICAL_PIN_MAP;
constant FF676: PIN_MAP_STRING:=
"AVDD_M14:M14," &
"AVSS_M13:M13," &
"CCLK_J10:J10," &
"CS_B_N18:N18," &
"DONE_K10:K10," &
"DOUT_BUSY_W11:W11," &
"D_IN_K11:K11," &
"GND:(A1,A6,A11,A16,A21,A26,B3,B8,B13,B18," &
Scan Port Identification— defines the pins in the device’s Test Access Port (TAP) that are used for
boundary scan implementation. These pins include TDI, TDO, TMS, and TRST, if used.
attribute TAP_SCAN_IN of TDI : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_MODE of TMS : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_OUT of TDO : signal is true;
attribute TAP_SCAN_CLOCK of TCK : signal is (33.0e6, BOTH);
Instruction Register Description—identifies the device dependent characteristics of the
instruction register.
attribute INSTRUCTION_LENGTH of XC5VLX50_FF676 : entity is 10;
attribute INSTRUCTION_OPCODE of XC5VLX50_FF676 : entity is
"EXTEST (1111000000)," &
"RESERVED1 (1111111100)," &
"RESERVED2 (1111111101)," &
"SAMPLE (1111000001)," &
Optional Register Description—identifies the values captured in the device identification
register for the optional IDCODE and USERCODE instructions, if supported.
attribute IDCODE_REGISTER of XC5VLX50_FF676 : entity is
"XXXX" &
-- version
"0010100" & -- family
"010010110" & -- array size
"00001001001" &
-- manufacturer
-- required by 1149.1
Register Access Description—defines which register is placed between TDI and TDO for each
JTAG instruction.
attribute REGISTER_ACCESS of XC5VLX50_FF676 : entity is
"<reg_name>[<length>] (USER1)," &
"<reg_name>[<length>] (USER2)," &
"<reg_name>[<length>] (USER3)," &
"<reg_name>[<length>] (USER4)," &
Boundary Register Description—is a list of boundary-scan cells with information on cell type
and associated control.
attribute BOUNDARY_LENGTH of XC5VLX50_FF676 : entity is 1722;
attribute BOUNDARY_REGISTER of XC5VLX50_FF676 : entity is
-- cellnum (type, port, function, safe[, ccell, disval, disrslt])
" 0 (BC_1, *, internal, X)," &
" 1 (BC_1, *, internal, X)," &
" 2 (BC_1, *, internal, X)," &
" 3 (BC_1, *, internal, X)," &
" 4 (BC_1, *, internal, X)," &
" 5 (BC_1, *, internal, X)," &
" 6 (BC_1, *, internal, X)," &
" 7 (BC_1, *, internal, X)," &
" 8 (BC_1, *, internal, X)," &
" 9 (BC_2, *, internal, 1)," & -- PAD560.T
" 10 (BC_2, *, internal, X)," & -- PAD560.O
How to Get BSDL Files
Most BSDL files are available from the manufacturer’s web site. We have provided links to some of the
manufacturers’ sites. The links in light blue will point to the list of BSDL files. The links in dark blue will
point to the company’s home page where search is available; use the term BSDL or BSDL Files.
Over the years, many companies have either sold divisions or merged with other companies. We have
provided the latest information as was available to us.
When selecting your BSDL file, we encourage you to make certain that you have the latest version.
Maxim Integrated
Analog Devices
Cypress Semiconductor
PMC Sierra
Silicon Labs
Lattice Semiconductor
Texas Instruments
National Semi
Formerly Mindspeed
Technical Support
Should you have any questions about the BSDL files and how onTAP uses them. Do not hesitate to contact
Technical Support is available by telephone or by email, 8:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time,
Monday through Friday.
Contact Support by:
Telephone: + 1 (603) 598-44444
Email: [email protected]