Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)


Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
ISSN 1610-2606
ISSN 1610-2606
DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 196 - Dezember 2006
Michael J. Fox
Christopher Lloyd
LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 3 - 70825 K o r n t a l
Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web:
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans,
liebe Filmfreunde!
Ja ist denn schon wieder Weihnachten?
Den plötzlich allerorts scheinbar aus dem
Nichts sprießenden Lichterketten nach zu
urteilen, ist da was Wahres dran. Und ein
geübter Blick auf den Terminkalender bestätigt unser vorweihnachtliches Gefühl.
Gerade mal vier Wochen haben wir noch
Zeit, Geschenke für den Gabentisch zu
organisieren. Wie gut, dass es den
Newsletter gibt. Auf diese Art und Weise
gibt es zumindest eine Fülle an Ideen, wie
man Filmfreunde am Fest der Feste erfreuen kann. Aber man sollte natürlich nicht
bis zum letzten Tag damit warten, die Ideen in die Tat umzusetzen. Erfahrungsgemäß gibt es speziell in der Vorweihnachtszeit immer wieder Engpässe, die dann in
ungewollten Verzögerungen resultieren
und möglicherweise die Freude am Weihnachtsabend in leisen Frust verwandeln.
Also: je früher Ihre Bestellung bei uns
eingeht, desto größer die Chance auf
pünktliche Lieferung.
”Must See” & ”Must Have”
Auf ein paar der im aktuellen Newsletter
angekündigten Filme wollen wir nochmals
speziell hinweisen. Da wäre zunächst ein
echter Hammer vom vergangenen Fantasy
Filmfest: 13 (TZAMETI). In grobkörnigem Schwarzweiß aufgenommen, aber
trotzdem in CinemaScope und mit 5.1Sound produziert, zieht uns dieser eiskalte
Thriller in eine fast surreale Welt, in der
Menschenleben nichts mehr zählen. In fast
dokumentarischem Stil entführt uns Regisseur Gela Babluani an Schauplätze, wie sie
trister und angsteinflößender wohl kaum
sein könnten. Vergessen Sie den amerikanischen Langweiler HOSTEL und sehen
Sie sich stattdessen 13 (TZAMETI) an.
Wir sind ganz sicher, dass Sie dieser Film
nicht mehr loslassen wird. Die amerikanische DVD gibt’s im Februar und ist ab
sofort zum Pre-Order-Preis vorbestellbar.
Ebenfalls frisch vom 20. Fantasy Filmfest
kommt die irisch-englische Produktion
ISOLATION, die vom deutschen Independent-Label Sunfilm im Januar auf DVD
vermarktet wird. Die Geschichte ist zwar
nicht neu, wohl aber deren Schauplatz.
Denn waren es früher noch schwerelos im
Weltall treibende Raumschiffe, die von
einem bösartigen Alien heimgesucht wurden, so ist es in diesem Geheimtipp
schlicht und ergreifend ein Kuhstall mitten
auf dem Lande. Und dass dort die Post
abgeht, dafür sorgt Regisseur Billy
O’Brien. Die Freigabe ab 18 Jahren lässt’s
erahnen: absolut nichts für schwache Gemüter!
Apropos nicht jugendfrei. Man kann’s
kaum glauben, doch endlich hat es Warner
Home Video geschafft, den Actionfreunden
zwei Klassiker des Genres in den jeweils
ungeschnittenen Fassungen mit deutscher
Tonspur bereitzustellen. Die Rede ist von
NICO mit Steven Seagal und TANGO &
CASH mit Sylvester Stallone und Kurt
Russell. Beide DVDs gibt’s noch vor
Weihnachten zum attraktiven Preis von je
EUR 20,90. Und im Januar legt Warner
sogar noch nach mit den Einzelveröffentlichungen aller vier LETHAL
WEAPON Filme in den ungeschnittenen
Fassungen. Sammler wissen, dass diese
Versionen bislang nur als Viererpack erhältlich waren. Auch hier mit EUR 20,90
pro Titel in einem angenehmen Preissegment.
Ende Januar sorgt dann Anbieter Koch
Media für heftige Kontroversen. Denn
TAL DER WÖLFE, so der Titel der türkischen Produktion, um die es hier geht,
sorgte bereits bei seiner Kinoauswertung
für heftige Debatten. So heftig, dass
manch ein Kinobetreiber den Film kurzerhand aus dem Programm nahm. Spätestens
am 26. Januar 2007 können Sie sich dann
selbst davon überzeugen, ob zu recht oder
unrecht. Auch hier ist die fehlende
Jugendfreigabe ein sicheres Zeichen für
äußerst harte Kost.
Aber auch die stetig wachsende Fangemeinde der Mysterykonsumenten soll
nicht leer ausgehen. Und so erbarmt sich
endlich der deutsche Ableger des US-Majors Paramount, die zweite Season von
David Lynchs TV-Klassiker TWIN
PEAKS ins Rennen zu schicken. Allerdings mit einem kleinen Wermutstropfen.
Denn wer die gesamte zweite Staffel haben
möchte, wird von Paramount zweimal zur
Kasse gebeten. Am 4. Januar nämlich
gibt’s nur die erste Hälfte der zweiten
Staffel. Die zweite Hälfte ist erst für April
vorgesehen. Und schließlich im Oktober
des kommenden Jahres wird Paramount
dann unter dem Titel ”The Complete
Mystery” TWIN PEAKS als Komplettpaket anbieten.
Und noch eine Entdeckung vom Fantasy
Filmfest findet endlich seinen Weg auf die
Silberscheibe. MATANDO CABOS wurde
dort im Jahre 2005 präsentiert und sorgte
für allseits gute Laune unter den Festivalbesuchern - zumindest jenen, die der rabenschwarzen Seite des Humors nicht abgeneigt sind. Wer die Coen-Brüder und
deren Filme mag, der wird mit dem mexikanischen MATANDO CABOS seine wah-
re Freude haben. Die Jury der FSK teilte
diese Freude wohl auch und verpasste dem
Streifen keine Jugendfreigabe.
Noch mal zurück über den großen Teich,
wo im Februar einer der abgefahrendsten
Puppentrickfilme aller Zeiten auf DVD
gebannt wird: DISASTER! Wem die Marionetten-Posse TEAM AMERICA noch
zu ”anständig” war, der wird spätestens bei
DISASTER! einen schamroten Kopf bekommen. Denn hier bemühen sich die Filmemacher nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen auch wirklich kein Tabu auszulassen,
das gebrochen werden kann. Kein Wunder
also, dass die Amerikaner diesen Trickfilm
mit einem ”R” wie ”Restricted” klassifiziert haben. Die Fantasy Filmfest Gemeinde hat das Werk im vergangenen Sommer
sehr gut angenommen, was als sicheres
Zeichen dafür gedeutet werden darf, dass
DISASTER! auf Ihrer nächsten Party für
tolle Stimmung sorgen wird.
Wem aber unter die Gürtellinie gehender
Humor nicht so liegt und mehr an harter
Hausmannskost interessiert ist, dem bietet
die deutsche Sunfilm im kommenden Februar mit H6 - TAGEBUCH EINES
SERIENMÖRDERS eine knallharte
Splattergeschichte aus Spanien. Die ist
zwar mit etwas Sarkasmus und Ironie gewürzt, versteht es aber dennoch, auf die
besonderen Bedürfnisse seiner Fangemeinde ”en detail” einzugehen. Zart
Besaitete: Finger weg!
Alle Jahre wieder...
Abschließend noch ein Hinweis in eigener
Sache: wir machen Betriebsferien! Vom
23. Dezember 2006 bis einschließlich 07.
Januar 2007 bleibt unser Geschäft geschlossen. Während dieser Zeit sind wir
auch telefonisch nicht erreichbar. Ab dem
08. Januar 2007 sind wir dann wieder wie
gewohnt für Sie da. Bevor wir uns jedoch
in den Winterurlaub verabschieden, werden wir noch eine weitere Ausgabe des
Newsletters produzieren und noch rechtzeitig vor den Feiertagen für Sie bereitstellen. Denn schließlich sollen Sie ja nicht
ohne Lesestoff ”überwintern”müssen!
Seite 2
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Der unscheinbare georgische Einwanderer
Sébastien repariert das Dach des abgewrackten,
rauschgiftsüchtigen Monsieur Godon und
belauscht dabei per Zufall ein Telefonat: Godon
erwartet einen Brief mit dringend benötigtem
Geld. Auch Sébastien ist mega pleite, lebt mit
seinem Bruder und den Eltern von der Hand in
den Mund. Als der alte Mann kurz nach Erhalt der
Post an einer Überdosis stirbt, ergreift Sébastien
seine Chance. Er stiehlt den Brief. Als dieser
jedoch statt Geld nur kryptische Instruktionen
enthält, beginnt der verzweifelte Junge den
Anweisungen blind zu folgen – ohne zu wissen,
was ihn am Ende der Reise erwartet. Die Sache
wird zunehmend brenzliger, als er bemerkt, dass
ihm die Polizisten dicht auf den Fersen sind, doch
er kann in letzter Sekunde entwischen. Am Ende
der vielen konspirativen Nachrichten und
Wegweiser landet Sébastien in einem
Dezember 2006
abgelegenen Haus. Eine Versammlung
wohlhabender Herren heißt ihn unter neugierigen
Blicken willkommen. Bevor er überhaupt begreift,
was geschieht, schiebt man den Jungen in einen
Kreis äußerst nervös wirkender Männer. Jeder
von ihnen bekommt eine Pistole in die Hand
gedrückt, geladen mit genau einer Kugel…
Dieses herausragende, knallharte und tief
erschütternde Regiedebüt ist konsequent
schonungslos und mit Spannung versetzt, die
einem den Atem stocken lässt. Ein Festivaltipp!
Egal, was Hollywood mit diesem Thriller
anstellen wird, von Géla Babluani, der 13
(TZAMETI) in ausgefeilte Scope-Bilder in
körnigem Schwarz-Weiß getaucht hat, wird man
nach diesem fulminanten Erstling noch viel
13 (TZAMETI) - NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9 anamorph) - Dolby
Digital 5.1 - Normalpreis: EUR 40,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 34,90 (gültig bis 01.02.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 13. Februar 2007
Seite 3
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Spirit - Der wilde Mustang /
Sinbad - Der Herr der sieben Meere (2 DVDs)
Winkens, Ernst Meincke, Volker
Lechtenbrink, Tatjana Blacher, Miguel HerzKestranek, Frank Sieckel - Dir. Carlo Rola
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
Highlight (Constantin) 25.01.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019931
Tamara Akulowa - Dir. Sergei Tarasow
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Abenteuer 1983 FF DD 2.0 (D)
Icestorm 17.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019954
Spirit: Stallion Of The Cimarron / Sinbad:
Legend Of The Seven Seas
Audiokommentar, Interaktive Spiele, Bildergalerie
Zeichentrick/Abenteuer 2002-2003 Ltbx
16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Paramount (DreamWorks) 01.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019930
Der tierisch verrückte Bauernhof
Dir. Steve Oedekerk
Zeichentrick/Komödie 2006
Paramount 22.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019821
Alibi - Ihr kleines schmutziges
Geheimnis ist bei uns sicher!
8 1/2 Frauen
8 1/2 Women
John Standing, Matthew Delamere, Vivian
Wu, Annie Shizuka Inoh, Barbara Sarafian,
Kirina Mano, Toni Collette, Amanda
Plummer, Polly Walker - Dir. Peter
Komödie/Drama 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E)
absolut Medien 27.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019840
Die Affäre Semmeling (5 DVDs)
Fritz Lichtenhahn, Antje Hagen, Stefan
Kurt, Heike Makatsch, Robert Atzorn, Heinz
Hoenig, Mario Adorf, Maja Maranow, Richy
Müller, Heiner Lauterbach, Christian Berkel,
Dieter Pfaff, Michael Wittenborn, Andrea
Sawatzki, Annika Pages, Beate Maes, Matthias Redlhammer, Florian Martens, Jürgen
Tarrach, Anja Kling, Marion Breckwoldt, Irm
Hermann, Eva-Maria Bauer, Joachim Nimtz,
Caroline Peters, Alexander Radszun,
Anouschka Renzi, Peter Schmidt-Pavloff,
Isa Haller, Gerd Wameling, Jürgen Hentsch,
Sonja Kirchberger, Wolf-Dietrich Sprenger,
Andreas Schmidt-Schaller, Camilla
Schiefler, Magnus Johannsen, Hans Diehl,
Christine Reinhart, Sebastian Schipper,
Gundi Ellert, Karl-Walter Diess, Götz Schubert, Michael Goldberg, Patricia Lueger,
Eva Kryll, Dennenesch Zoudé, Peter Prager, Marita Breuer, Gerit Kling, Johannes B.
Kerner, Theo Waigel, Nena, Heide Simonis,
Harald Schmidt - Dir. Dr. Dieter Wedel
Komödie/Drama 2001
Universum Film (ZDF Video) 05.03.2007
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019846
The Alibi
Steve Coogan, Rebecca Romijn, James
Marsden, James Brolin, Sam Elliott, Selma
Blair, John Leguizamo, Jaime King, Debi
Mazar, Deborah Unger, Sharon Lawrence,
Henry Rollins, Jim Cody Williams - Dir. Matt
Checkowski, Kurt Mattila
Interviews, Making of, Kinotrailer, Bio- und Filmografien,
Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Universum Film (UFA) 08.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019945
Petra Vigna, Claudia Knickel, Roswitha
Schreiner, Krista Stadler, Stephan MeyerKohlhoff - Dir. Karin Brandauer
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1989 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019864
Bad Brains (k.J.)
Making of, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer
Western/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E)
Universum Film (UFA) 22.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019940
Batman Begins (HD DVD)
Batman Begins
Christian Bale, Sir Michael Caine, Liam
Neeson, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman,
Cillian Murphy, Tom Wilkinson, Rutger Hauer, Ken Watanabe, Mark Boone jr., Linus
Roache, Morgan Freeman, Larry Holden,
Gerard Murphy, Colin McFarlane, Sara
Stewart, Gus Lewis, Richard Brake, Rade
Serbedzija, Emma Lockhart, Christine
Adams, Catherine Porter, John Nolan,
Karen David, Jonathan D. Ellis, Tamer
Hassan - Dir. Christopher Nolan
Dokumentationen, Bildergalerie, Easter Eggs
Action/Abenteuer 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DDP 5.1
(D) DDP 5.1 (E)
Warner 15.12.2006
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019904
Bad Brains
Emanuele Cerman, Valeria Sannino, Matteo
Tosi, Kristina Cepraga, Valter D’Errico,
Lorenza Damiani - Dir. Ivan Zuccon
Making of, Dokumentation, Featurette, Outtakes, Kurzfilm,
Bildergalerie, Trailer
Horror/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (It) 80min.
epiX Media 18.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019824
Beschreibung eines Sommers
Manfred Krug, Christel Bodenstein, Günter
Grabbert, Johanna Clas, Marita Böhme Dir. Ralf Kirsten
Bio- und Filmografien, Dokumentationen, Trailer, Bildergalerie
Afrika, mon amour (3 DVDs)
Iris Berben, Pierre Besson, Robert Atzorn,
Matthias Habich, Alexander Held, August
Schmölzer, Benjamin Strecker, Bernd
Stegemann, Dieter Okras, Thorsten Merten,
Thomas Arnold, Sunnyi Melles, Teresa
Harder, Bettina Zimmermann, Godfrey
Odhiambo, Catherine Flemming, Elke
Salma Hayek, Penélope Cruz, Steve Zahn,
Dwight Yoakam, Sam Shepard, Denis Arndt,
Audra Blaser, Ismael Carlo, Carlos Cervantes, Joseph D. Reitman, Jose Maria Negri Dir. Espen Sandberg, Joachim Roenning
Drama 1962 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Icestorm 17.01.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019955
Die Ballade vom tapferen Ritter
The Big Empty (Special Edition, 2
Ballada O Doblestnom Rytsare Ayvengo
The Big Empty
Seite 4
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Jon Favreau, Joey Lauren Adams, Rachael
Leigh Cook, Bud Cort, Jonathan Gries,
Daryl Hannah, Adam Beach - Dir. Steve
Audiokommentar, Trailer, Making of, Entfallene Szenen,
Outtakes, Bildergalerie, Biografien
Komödie/Thriller 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E) 90min.
epiX Media 18.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019825
City of Violence (Gold-Edition, 2
DVDs) (k.J.)
Universum Film (UFA) 12.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019935
Ryoo Seung-wan, Jung Doo-hong, Lee
Beom-su, Jeong Seok-yong, Ahn Gil-gang,
Lee Joo-shil - Dir. Ryoo Seung-wan
Hintergrundinfos, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen
Action/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Korea)
Splendid 26.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019849
City of Violence (Limited GoldEdition, 2 DVDs) (k.J.)
Ryoo Seung-wan, Jung Doo-hong, Lee
Beom-su, Jeong Seok-yong, Ahn Gil-gang,
Lee Joo-shil - Dir. Ryoo Seung-wan
Action/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Korea)
Splendid 26.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019850
Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Jose Pablo
Cantillo, Efrem Ramirez, Dwight Yoakam,
Carlos Sanz, Keone Young, Glenn
Howerton, Valarie Rae Miller - Dir. Mark
Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Constantine (HD DVD)
Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Musikvideo, Interviews,
Hintergrundinfos, Making of, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen
Enid Blyton - Fünf Freunde verfolgen die Strandräuber und 6
weitere Geschichten (Fan-Edition, 5 DVDs)
Enid Blyton’s Famous Five
Jemima Rooper, Marco Williamson, Paul
Child, Laura Petela, Christopher Good,
Mary Waterhouse, Elsie Kelly, Robert
Crombie - Dir. Tim Leandro, Tim Dowd,
John Gorrie, Michael Kerrigan, Tony Kysh,
Andrew Morgan
Kinderfilm 1995 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film (ufa kids) 22.01.2007
28,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019947
Crank (Special Edition, 2 DVDs)
Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz, Shia
LaBeouf, Djimon Hounsou, Max Baker,
Pruitt Taylor Vince, Gavin Rossdale, Tilda
Swinton, Peter Stormare, Jesse Ramirez,
José Zúñiga, Francis Guinan, Larry Cedar,
April Grace, Suzanne Whang, Johanna
Trias - Dir. Francis Lawrence
Audiokommentar, DVD-ROM-Teil, Dokumentationen,
Featurette, Making of, Musikvideo, Entfallene Szenen,
Horror/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DDP 5.1 (D)
DDP 5.1 (E)
Warner 15.12.2006
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019905
Coupling - Wer mit wem? - Komplette 4. Staffel (2 DVDs)
Colin Ferguson, Jay Harrington, Christopher Moynihan, Lindsay Price, Rena Sofer,
Sonia Walger - Dir. Martin Dennis
Hintergrundinfos, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Interview,
Komödie 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
epiX Media 18.01.2007
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019826
Action 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Universum Film (UFA) 12.02.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019936
CSI: Miami - Season 4.1
CSI: Miami
David Caruso, Emily Procter, Adam
Rodriguez, Khandi Alexander, Rory
Cochrane, Kim Delaney
Audiokommentare, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
(D) DD 5.1 (E)
Universum Film (TV-Formate) 29.01.2007
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019847
D.O.A. - Dead or Alive
D.O.A. - Dead Or Alive
Jaime Pressly, Holly Valance, Sarah Carter,
Devon Aoki, Kane Kosugi, Natassia Malthe,
Matthew Marsden, Eric Roberts, Steve
Howey, Brian White, Kevin Nash, Collin
Chou, Derek Boyer, Silvio Simac - Dir.
Corey Yuen
Action/Abenteuer 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 83min.
Highlight (Constantin) 22.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019924
Der brave Soldat Schwejk
Dark Ride (k.J.)
Heinz Rühmann, Ernst Stankovski, Senta
Berger, Erika von Thellmann, Franz
Muxeneder, Ursula von Borsody - Dir. Axel
von Ambesser
Komödie 1960 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Universum Film (CCC) 29.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019938
Dark Ride
Jamie-Lynn DiScala, Patrick Renna, David
Rogers, Alex Solowitz, Andrea Bogart,
Jennifer Tisdale - Dir. Craig Singer
Horror/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
Sunfilm 16.03.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019882
A Chinese Tall Story (Exklusive
Sonderausgabe, 2 DVDs)
Ching Din Dai Sing
Nicholas Tse, Charlene Choi, Bingbing Fan,
Bo-Lin Chen, Isabella Leong, Kenny Kwan,
Steven Cheung - Dir. Jeffrey Lau
Making of, Interviews, Musikvideo
Fantasy/Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Kanton)
Splendid 26.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019848
Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Jose Pablo
Cantillo, Efrem Ramirez, Dwight Yoakam,
Carlos Sanz, Keone Young, Glenn
Howerton, Valarie Rae Miller - Dir. Mark
Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Action 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Lucas Black, Peter Coyote, Mía Maestro,
Lesley Ann Warren, Xander Berkeley, Jason
Cerbone, Michael Ironside, Kristen Bell,
Ben Cardinal - Dir. David S. Marfield
Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2005
Splendid (I-On New Media) 26.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019851
Seite 5
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Des Kaisers neue Kleider
Cisarovy Nove Saty
Harald Juhnke, Carsten Voigt, Jan Kalous,
Andréa Ferréol, Therese Herz, Annelie
Herz, Juraj Herz - Dir. Juraj Herz
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1993 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019873
Disco Dancer (OmU)
Disco Dancer
Mithun Chakraborty, Kim, Kalpana Iyer, Om
Puri, Gita Siddharth, Yusuf Khan - Dir.
Babbar Subhash
Kinotrailer, Karaoke
O’Rourke, Ralph Byrd, John Mather, Faith
Brook, Noble Johnson - Dir. Zoltán Korda
Abenteuer 1942 FF DD 1.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019867
Dum - Blutige Rache
Vivek Oberoi, Diya Mirza, Atul Kulkarni,
Mukesh Rishi, Sheeba, Sushant Singh - Dir.
E. Nivas
Songs deutsch untertitelt
Drama/Action 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
EuroVideo 08.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019952
Drama/Musikfilm 1983 FF DD 2.0 (Hindi)
Rapid Eye Movies 07.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019959
Die Flucht
Armin Mueller-Stahl, Jenny Gröllmann,
Erica Pelikowsky, Wilhelm Koch-Hooge,
Karin Gregorek, Simone von Zglinicki - Dir.
Roland Gräf
Dittsche: Das wirklich wahre Leben - Das perlt jetzt aber richtig!,
Die 3. Staffel (2 DVDs)
Bio- und Filmografien, Bildergalerien
Drama 1977 FF DD 1.0
Icestorm 17.01.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019956
Olli Dittrich - Dir. Olli Dittrich
Behind the Scenes, Teaser
Komödie 2004 FF DD 2.0 (D)
X-Cell 25.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019902
Angelica Domröse - Die 60 Jahre
DEFA-Film-Edition (4 DVDs)
Angelica Domröse
Drama 1959-1973 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Icestorm 07.12.2006
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019893
Ellie Parker
Ellie Parker
Naomi Watts, Rebecca Rigg, Scott Coffey,
Mark Pellegrino, Blair Mastbaum, Chevy
Chase - Dir. Scott Coffey
Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Audiokommentar
Komödie 2004 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Galileo 08.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019937
F-117 A Stealth-War (FSK 18)
Sipova Ruzenka
Judy Winter, Danka Dinková, Gedeon Burkhard, Jozef Anamovíc, Zdena Studenková Dir. Stanislav Párnicky
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1990 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019865
Jürgen Prochnow, Andrew Divoff, Elizabeth
Morehead, J. Kenneth Campbell, Jon Cedar
- Dir. Michael Cohn
Action/Thriller 1992 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D) DD
2.0 (E)
Kurt Media 18.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019827
Die drei goldenen Haare des Sonnenkönigs
Der falsche Prinz
Julienka A Slnko Kral / Plavcík A Vratko
Stefan Skrucany, Tereza Pokorna, Michal
Docolomansky, Milan Lasica, Martin Marek,
Emilia Vasaryová - Dir. Martin Tapák
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1981 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019866
Falosny Princ
Svetislav Goncic, Dusan Vojnovic, Kamila
Magalowa, Pinkas Braun, Hans
Wyprächtiger - Dir. Dusan Rapos
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1984 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019868
Drei Schwestern Made in
Barbara Rudnik, Karoline Eichhorn, Mavie
Hörbiger, Stefan Kurt, Matthias Brandt,
Christopher Buchholz, Felix Eitner - Dir.
Oliver Storz
Drama/Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 2.0 (D)
EuroVideo 25.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019823
Das Dschungelbuch
Jungle Book
Sabu, Joseph Calleia, John Qualen, Frank
Puglia, Rosemary deCamp, Patricia
Charles Jarrott
Drama 1985 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 95min.
Fox 08.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019844
Forbidden Warrior (k.J.)
Forbidden Warrior
Marie Matiko, Sung Kang, Karl Yune, Tony
Amendola, Chris Coppola, Andrew Divoff,
Musetta Vander, Bruce Locke, Minglie
Chen, Homie Doroodian, Vladimir Cuk, Al
Leong, Kay Kuter, Woon Yung Park, Ron
Yuan, James Hong - Dir. Jimmy Nickerson
Action/Fantasy 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
M.I.B. 04.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019860
Frau Holle
Giulietta Masina, Tobias Hoesl, Petra
Vanciková, Milanda Ondrasikova - Dir. Juraj
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1985 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019869
Der Froschkönig
Finish - Endspurt bis zum Sieg
The Boy In Blue
Nicolas Cage, Christopher Plummer,
Cynthia Dale, David Naughton, Sean
Gregory Sullivan, Melody Anderson - Dir.
Zabí Král
Iris Berben, Michael Degen, Linda Rybová,
Karel Greif, Therese Herz, Jíri Sovák,
Michal Dlouhy, Nina Diviskova - Dir. Juraj
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1991 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019870
Seite 6
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Galoschen des Glücks
Galose Stastia
Jana Brejchová, Towje Kleiner, José Luis
López Vázquez, Miroslav Donutil, Jan
Hrusinsky - Dir. Juraj Herz
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1986 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019871
Isha Koppikar, Amrita Arora, Aashish
Chowdhry, Shantanu Chappana, Dolly
Malhotra, Sumit Nijhawan - Dir. Karan
Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
MIG Filmgroup 15.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019951
Der große und der kleine Klaus
Mikola A Mikolko
Stefan Reck, István Hunyadkürti, Lola
Forner, Marta Raslová, Gundel Thormann Dir. Dusan Trancík
Komödie/Fantasy 1988 FF DD 2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019872
The Grudge 2 - Der Fluch
The Grudge 2
Amber Tamblyn, Arielle Kebbel, Jennifer
Beals, Edison Chen, Sara Roemer, Sarah
Michelle Gellar, Teresa Palmer - Dir.
Takashi Shimizu
Horror 2006
Highlight (Constantin) 15.04.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019918
Universum Film (ZDF Video) 22.01.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019858
Hausmeister Krause - Ordnung
muss sein, Staffel 6 (2 DVDs)
Tom Gerhardt, Irene Schwarz, Janine
Kunze, Axel Stein - Dir. Chico Klein, Friedrich Schaller, Gerit Schieske
Komödie 1999 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS
Highlight (Constantin) 11.01.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019932
Hinterm Mond gleich links,
Season 4 (5 DVDs)
3rd Rock From The Sun
John Lithgow, Kristen Johnston, French
Stewart, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jane Curtin,
Simbi Khali, Elmarie Wendel, Wayne
Knight, Ian Lithgow, David DeLuise,
Danielle Nicolet, Chris Hogan, Ileen Getz,
Jan Hooks - Dir. Robert Berlinger, James
Burrows, Terry Hughes, Phil Joanou
Interview mit Jane Curtain, Season Highlights, TVPreviews, Entfallene Szenen
Komödie/Science Fiction 1996-2001 FF DD
2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
Sunfilm 16.03.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019883
Hoboken Hollow (k.J.)
Hoboken Hollow
Jason Connery, C. Thomas Howell, Randy
Spelling, Michael Madsen, Dennis Hopper,
Robert Carradine - Dir. Glen Stephens
Devgan, Aishwarya Rai, Satish Kaushik,
Annu Kapoor, Paresh Rawal, Mukesh Rishi,
Ashish Vidyarthi, Avtar Gill, Navin Nischol Dir. David Dhawan
Action/Komödie 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Hindi)
MIG Filmgroup 18.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019828
Ich, du und der andere
You, Me And Dupree
Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson, Matt Dillon,
Seth Rogen, Michael Douglas, Sidney
Liufau, Amanda Detmer - Dir. Anthony
Russo, Joe Russo
Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Universal Pictures (Universal) 25.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019903
Isolation (Special Edition) (k.J.)
John Lynch, Essie Davis, Ruth Negga,
Sean Harris, Marcel Iures, Crispin Letts,
Stanley Townsend - Dir. Billy O’Brien
Kurzfilm „The Tale of The Rat“, Creature DesignFeaturette, Dokumentation, Storyboards, Q & A-Session
mit Regisseur O’Brien
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 91min.
Sunfilm 19.01.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019889
Horror 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
M.I.B. 07.09.2006
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20018295
Kara Ben Nemsi - Staffel 1 (3
Karl-Michael Vogler, Heinz Schubert, Will
Danin, Joachim Regelien, Hans Epskamp,
Dieter Hallervorden, Mogens von Gadow Dir. Günter Gräwert
H6 - Tagebuch eines Serienmörders (k.J.)
H6: Diario De Un Asesino
Fernando Acaso, Martin Garrido, Raquel
Arenas, Ruperto Ares, Sonia Moreno, Antonio Mayans, Elena Segui - Dir. Martin
Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer
Horror/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (Sp) 92min.
Sunfilm 16.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019884
Hallo Robbie! - Staffel 2 (3 DVDs)
Karsten Speck, Laura Lehnhardt, Inka
Victoria Barel, Karina Kraushaar, Till
Demtrøder, Marion Kracht, Tim Bräutigam,
Tim Knauer - Dir. Monika Zinnenberg, Christoph Klünker
Komödie/Drama 2002
Hooligans (Deluxe Edition, 2
DVDs im Steelbook)
Elijah Wood, Charlie Hunnam, Claire
Forlani, Marc Warren, Leo Gregory, Terence
Jay, Henry Goodman, Geoff Bell, Rafe
Spall, Kieran Bew, Ross McCall, Francis
Pope, Christopher Hehir - Dir. Lexi Alexander
ZDF-Beitrag über die Dreharbeiten, Interview mit Karl
Michael Vogler, 24-seitiges Booklet
Action/Abenteuer 1973-1975 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Koch Media 08.12.2006
35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019862
Audiokommentar, BBC Spielfilm „The Firm“, Interviews,
Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Musikvideo, StoryboardVergleich, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Teaser
Drama/Thriller 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
Ascot Elite 21.12.2006
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019946
Hum kisi se kum nahin - Der
Hum Kisi Se Kum Nahin
Amitabh Bachchan, Sanjay Dutt, Ajay
Kunoichi I & II - Lady Ninja & Blutige Rache (2 DVDs)
Kunoichi I & II
Seite 7
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Dir. Hitoshi Ozawa
Action/Fantasy 1998 Ltbx DD 5.1 (D) DD
2.0 (Jap)
Splendid (AFN) 12.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019859
Joe Pesci, Joss Ackland, Derrick O’Connor
- Dir. Richard Donner
Action/Thriller 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 113min.
Warner 12.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019942
Warner 12.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019944
Lucky # Slevin
Lucky Number Slevin
Josh Hartnett, Bruce Willis, Lucy Liu,
Morgan Freeman, Sir Ben Kingsley, Dorian
Missick - Dir. Paul McGuigan
Kriminalfilm/Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 106min.
Highlight (Constantin) 25.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019888
Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya - Warum
habe ich mich verliebt?
Maine Pyar Kyun Kiya?
Salman Khan, Sushmita Sen, Katrina Kaif,
Sohail Khan, Isha Koppikar, Arshad Warsi,
Rajpal Yadav - Dir. David Dhawan
Songs Deutsch untertitelt
Komödie/Drama 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 2.0 (Hindi)
EuroVideo 18.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019829
Manche mögen’s reich
Lady in the Water - Das Mädchen
aus dem Wasser
Lady In The Water
Paul Giamatti, Bryce Dallas Howard, Jeffrey
Wright, Bob Balaban, Sarita Choudhury,
Cindy Cheung, M. Night Shyamalan, Freddy
Rodriguez, Bill Irwin, Mary Beth Hurt, Noah
Gray-Cabey, Jared Harris, Joseph D.
Reitman, Grant Monohon - Dir. M. Night
Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Featurettes,
Hintergrundinfos, Trailer
Lethal Weapon 3 - Die Profis sind
zurück (Director’s Cut)
Lethal Weapon 3
Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene
Russo, Stuart Wilson, Steve Kahan, Darlene Love - Dir. Richard Donner
Action/Thriller 1992 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 116min.
Warner 12.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019943
Thriller/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 EX
(D) DD 5.1 EX (E)
Warner 19.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019841
Quatre Etoiles
Isabelle Carré, François Cluzet, Jose
Garcia, Michel Vuillermoz - Dir. Christian
Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer
Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS
(D) DD 5.1 (F) 97min.
Sunfilm 16.02.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019885
Der Masseur (OmU)
Coco Martin, Jacklyn Jose, Allan Paule,
Katherine Luna, Paolo Rivero, Kristoffer
King - Dir. Brillante Mendoza
Trailer, Behind the Scenes
Drama 2005 Ltbx (Filipino)
Salzgeber 29.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019953
Lethal Weapon 1 - Zwei stahlharte Profis (Director’s Cut)
Matando Cabos (k.J.) FFF 2005!
Matando Cabos
Tony Dalton, Ana Claudia Talancon, Pedro
Armendáriz Jr., Krysztof Raczynski, Raul
Mendez, Joaquín Cosio, Gustavo Sanchez
Parra, Rocío Verdejo, Silverio Palacios,
Jacqueline Voltaire, Pedro Altamirano,
Norman Sotolongo, José Ángel Bichir,
Alejandro Galán, Mary Paz Mata - Dir.
Alejandro Lozano
Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Sp)
Splendid (I-On New Media) 26.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019852
Lethal Weapon
Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Gary Busey,
Mitchell Ryan, Tom Atkins, Darlene Love Dir. Richard Donner
Action/Thriller 1986 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 113min.
Warner 12.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019941
Lethal Weapon 4 - Zwei Profis
räumen auf (Ungeschnittene
Originalversion) (FSK 18)
Lethal Weapon 2 - Brennpunkt
L.A. (Director’s Cut) (FSK 18)
Lethal Weapon 2
Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Patsy Kensit,
Lethal Weapon 4
Mel Gibson, Danny Glover, Joe Pesci, Rene
Russo, Chris Rock, Jet Li, Steve Kahan,
Kim Chan, Darlene Love, Traci Wolfe, Eddy
Ko, Steven Lam, Richard Libertini - Dir.
Richard Donner
Dokumentation, Entfallene Szenen, Interviews, Trailer
Action/Komödie 1998 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E) DD 5.1 (Sp) 122min.
Meine Stunde Null
Manfred Krug, Anatoli Kusnezow, Lew
Seite 8
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Prigunow - Dir. Joachim Hasler
Bio- und Filmografien, Dokumentation, Bildergalerie
Drama 1970 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Icestorm 17.01.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019957
Highlight (Constantin) 15.03.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019920
Nachtschicht: Vatertag
Katharina Böhm, Armin Rohde, Minh-Khai
Phan-Thi, Ken Duken, Christian Redl, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Anja Kling, Ercan
Durmaz, Jasmin Gerat, Axel Prahl, Alexandra Neldel, Oscar Ortega Sánchez, Marek
Wlodarczyk, Meral Perin, Brigitte Janner,
Kim Ill-Young - Dir. Lars Becker
Kriminalfilm 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Highlight (Constantin) 01.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019929
Nico (k.J.)
Eric Bana, Daniel Craig, Geoffrey Rush,
Mathieu Kassovitz, Ciarán Hinds, Hanns
Zischler, Ayelet Zorer, Michael Lonsdale,
Mathieu Amalric, Gila Almagor, Moritz
Bleibtreu, Marie-Josée Croze, Oded Teomi,
Meret Becker, Yvan Attal, Lynn Cohen,
Sharon Alexander, Omar Metwally, Bijan
Daneshmand - Dir. Steven Spielberg
Drama/Thriller 2005
Paramount (DreamWorks) 04.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019835
Nacho Libre
Nacho Libre
Jack Black, Ana de la Reguera, Héctor
Jiménez, Darius Rose, Moises Arias,
Eduardo Gómez, Carlos Maycotte, Richard
Montoya, Cesar Gonzalez - Dir. Jared Hess
Komödie 2006
Paramount 08.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019820
Nachtschicht: Amok!
Katharina Böhm, Armin Rohde, Minh-Khai
Phan-Thi, Ken Duken, Cosma Shiva Hagen,
Uwe Ochsenknecht, Gustav-Peter Wöhler,
Florian Lukas, Loretta Stern, Ercan
Durmaz, Oscar Ortega Sánchez, Pierre
Semmler, Meral Perin, Collin Böhnke,
Joanna Kitzl, Thomas Kügel - Dir. Lars
Kriminalfilm 2002 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
Highlight (Constantin) 01.02.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019927
Nachtschicht: Der Ausbruch
Armin Rohde, Minh-Khai Phan-Thi, Ken
Duken, Barbara Auer, Pierre Semmler, Florian Lukas, Jan Josef Liefers, Miriam Morgenstern, Bela B. Felsenheimer, Martin
Brambach, Meral Perin, Oscar Ortega
Sánchez, Anna Loos - Dir. Lars Becker
Kriminalfilm 2006
Highlight (Constantin) 15.03.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019919
Nachtschicht: Supermarkt
Nachtschicht: Tod im Supermarkt
Katharina Böhm, Armin Rohde, Minh-Khai
Phan-Thi, Ken Duken, Christian Redl, Marie
Bäumer, Tobias Oertel, Susanne Bormann,
Devid Striesow, Aurel Manthei, Vadim
Glowna, Stefanie Schmid, Henriette Heinze
- Dir. Lars Becker
Kriminalfilm 2005
Above The Law
Steven Seagal, Pam Grier, Henry Silva, Ron
Dean, Daniel Faraldo, Sharon Stone - Dir.
Andrew Davis
Action 1987 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Warner 01.12.2006
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019933
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019921
Die Passion Christi (Premium
Edition, 2 DVDs)
The Passion Of The Christ
James Caviezel, Monica Bellucci, Maia
Morgenstern, Mattia Sbragia, Hristo
Shopov, Claudia Gerini, Luca Lionello,
Sergio Rubini, Toni Bertorelli, Roberto
Bestazzoni, Francesco Cabras, Giovanni
Capalbo, Rosalinda Celentano, Emilio De
Marchi, Francesco DeVito, Lello Giulivo,
Abel Jafry, Hristo Jivkov, Jarreth Merz, Matt
Patresi, Fabio Sartor, Roberto Visconti,
Giacinto Ferro, Olek Mincer, Adel Ben Ayed,
Chokri Ben Zagden, Luca De Dominicis,
Pedro Sarubbi - Dir. Mel Gibson
Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9
Highlight (Constantin) 21.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019925
Camila Morgado, Caco Ciocler, Fernanda
Montenegro, Mariana Lima, Renata Jesion,
Osmar Prado, Luis Melo, Eliane Giardini,
Werner Schünemann, Guilherme Weber Dir. Jaime Monjardim
Drama 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 95min.
Highlight (Constantin) 08.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019926
The Omen Collector’s Box
(Collector’s Edition, 6 DVDs)
(FSK 18)
The Omen / Damien - Omen II / The Final
Conflict / Omen IV / Omen 666
Audiokommentare, Dokumentation, Bonusepisode, Interview, Trailer
Horror 1976-2006
Fox 15.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019842
Das Parfum - Die Geschichte eines Mörders (Einzel-DVD)
Ben Whishaw, Dustin Hoffman, Alan
Rickman, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Karoline
Herfurth, David Calder, Simon Chandler,
Jessica Schwarz, Sian Thomas, Corinna
Harfouch, Paul Berrondo, Timothy Davies,
Sam Douglas, Birgit Minichmayr - Dir. Tom
Thriller/Drama 2006
Highlight (Constantin) 15.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019922
Das Parfum - Die Geschichte eines Mörders (Premium Edition, 2
Ben Whishaw, Dustin Hoffman, Alan
Rickman, Rachel Hurd-Wood, Karoline
Herfurth, David Calder, Simon Chandler,
Jessica Schwarz, Sian Thomas, Corinna
Harfouch, Paul Berrondo, Timothy Davies,
Sam Douglas, Birgit Minichmayr - Dir. Tom
Thriller/Drama 2006
Highlight (Constantin) 15.03.2007
Passwort: Swordfish (HD DVD)
John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry,
Don Cheadle, Sam Shepard, Vinnie Jones,
Drea de Matteo, Rudolf Martin, Zach
Grenier, Camryn Grimes, Angelo Pagán,
Laura Lane, Kirk B. R. Woller - Dir. Dominic
Thriller/Action 2001 Ltbx 16x9 DDP 5.1 (D)
DDP 5.1 (E) DDP 5.1 (F) 99min.
Warner 15.12.2006
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019906
Peter und Paul (1. Staffel, 14 Folgen) (7 DVD / Sammel Edition)
Helmut Fischer, Hans Clarin, Ilse Neubauer,
Ernst Cohen, Felix Nottensteiner, Hans
Brenner, Loni von Friedl, Andrea Wildner,
Bettina Redlich, Gundi Ellert, Veronica
Ferres, Gerhard Zemann, Elisabeth Karg,
Kai Borsche, Lisa Kreuzer, Saskia Vester,
Sona MacDonald, Christine Buchegger Dir. Kai Borsche, Heide Pils
Komödie 1992-1994
MCP 05.12.2006
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019912
Gilda Gray, Anna May Wong, Jameson Thomas, Charles Laughton, Ellen Pollock,
Charles Paton - Dir. Ewald André Dupont
Drama 1929
Seite 9
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
absolut Medien 01.12.2006
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019894
Wai Ka-fai
Interviews, Behind the Scenes
Komödie/Drama 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Kanton)
Splendid 12.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019854
Saikano - The Last Love Song on
This Little Planet
Saishû Heiki Kanojo
Masatô Ibu, Shihori Kanjiya, Takuji
Kawakubo, Ryo Kimura, Shunsuke
Kubozuka, Aki Maeda - Dir. Taikan Suga
Featurette, Filmpremiere
Science Fiction/Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (Jap)
Splendid (I-On New Media) 26.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019855
Pole Poppenspäler
Heliane Bei, Heinz Höpner, Willi
Kleinoschegg, Paula Braend, Annemarie
Hase, Leny Marenbach - Dir. Arthur Pohl
Der Salzprinz
Bio- und Filmografien, Dokumentationen, Bildergalerie,
Drama 1954-1955 FF DD 1.0 (D)
Icestorm 17.01.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019958
Featurettes, Bildergalerie, Trailer
Komödie 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Kinowelt 16.02.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019900
Sol Nad Zlato
Karol Machata, Jozef Kroner, Zuzana
Kocúriková, Dietlinde Turban, Libuse
Safránková - Dir. Martin Holly
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1982 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019875
Robin Hood - Die 3. Staffel (4
Pretty Baby
Pretty Baby
Keith Carradine, Susan Sarandon, Brooke
Shields, Antonio Fargas, Gerrit Graham,
Frances Faye - Dir. Louis Malle
Drama 1978 Ltbx 16x9 DD 1.0 (D) DD 1.0
(E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 105min.
Paramount 04.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019836
Reicher Hund mit Herz
Bailey’s Billion$
Dean Cain, Laurie Holden, Tim Curry,
Jennifer Tilly, Max Baker, Jon Lovitz - Dir.
David Devine
Robin Of Sherwood
Michael Praed, Jason Connery, Judi Trott,
Clive Mantle, Peter Llewellyn Williams, Ray
Winstone, Phil Rose, Mark Ryan, Nickolas
Grace, Robert Addie
Audiokommentare, Making of, Featurette zum Schwertkampf, Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szenen, TV-Beiträge
Fantasy/Abenteuer 1984-1986 FF DD 2.0
(D) DD 2.0 (E)
Koch Media 08.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019887
Romeo Must Die / Born 2 Die (2
DVDs im Metalpak)
Romeo Must Die / Cradle 2 The Grave
Jet Li - Dir. Andrzej Bartkowiak
Dokumentationen, Musikvideos, Trailer
Action/Thriller 2000-2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E)
Warner 26.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019853
Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 89min.
Sunfilm 19.01.2007
15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019890
Der Reisekamerad
Tomas Valik, Fritz Bachschmidt, Eva
Vejmelková, Matthias Habich - Dir. Ludvik
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1990 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019874
Relative Strangers
Relative Strangers
Neve Campbell, Ron Livingston, Danny
DeVito, Kathy Bates, Christine Baranski,
Beverly D’Angelo, Edward Herrmann, Martin
Mull, Bob Odenkirk - Dir. Greg Glienna
Justine Bateman, Liam Neeson, Trini
Alvarado, Scott Coffey, Julia Roberts,
Deborah Harry - Dir. Joan Freeman
Original Kinotrailer
Komödie 1988 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
(E) DD 2.0 (F) DD 2.0 (It) 89min.
Fox 08.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019845
Schmetterlinge im Bauch - Vol. 1,
Folge 01-20 (3 DVDs)
Alissa Jung, Raphaël Vogt, Laurent Daniels, Nicole Ernst, Sonja Gerhardt, April
Hailer, Bernd E. Jäger van Boxen, Matthias
Matz, Marie Munz, Paco-Luca Nitsche, Matthias Paul, Jannek Petri, Julia Philippi, Zacharias Preen, Sandra Schreiber, Claudia
Vogt, Christian Wunderlich, Anna-Luise
Kiss, Gertie Honeck - Dir. Tina Kriwitz, Petra Clever
Drama/Komödie 2006
Polyband 26.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019960
Schneewittchen und das Geheimnis der 7 Zwerge
Running on Karma (k.J.)
Daai Chek Liu
Andy Lau, Cheung Siu-fai, Chun Wong,
Karen Tong, Lu Wenzheng, Hou Liansheng,
He Shengwei, Zheng Meng - Dir. Johnny To,
Natalie Minko, Gudrun Landgrebe, Eberhard
Feik, Alessandro Gassman, Dietmar Schönherr, Sandro Köleseri - Dir. Ludvik Raza
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1992 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019876
Schöne Bescherung (HD DVD)
Christmas Vacation
Seite 10
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo, Randy
Quaid, Diane Ladd, John Randolph, E. G.
Marshall - Dir. Jeremiah S. Chechik
Kriegsfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTSES 6.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E/Türk/Kurd) 118min.
Koch Media 26.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019822
Audiokommentar, Trailer
Komödie 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DDP 2.0 (D) DDP
2.0 (E)
Warner 15.12.2006
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019907
Tango & Cash (FSK 18)
Schulmädchen-Report 07- Doch
das Herz muss dabei sein (k.J.)
Puppa Armbruster, Elke Deuringer, Margot
Mahler - Dir. Ernst Hofbauer
Erotik 1974
Kinowelt 19.01.2007
18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019712
Slow Fade - Nacht der Entscheidung
Wu Jian Lucheng
Ken Wong, Jimmy Wong, Josie Ho, Roy
Cheung, Akira Koieyama, Sara Au - Dir.
Daniel Chan
Behind the Scenes
Kriminalfilm/Drama 1999 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (Kanton)
Splendid (AFN) 26.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019856
DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1 (E)
Paramount 04.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019837
Das Spukschloß im Spessart
Liselotte Pulver, Hanne Wieder, Heinz Baumann, Hubert von Meyerinck, Ernst
Waldow, Hans Clarin - Dir. Kurt Hoffmann
Komödie 1960 FF DD 1.0 (D)
EuroVideo 18.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019832
Step Up
Step Up
Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan, Mario,
Drew Sidora, Heavy D, Damaine Radcliff,
De’Shawn Washington, Joshua Henderson,
Deirdre Lovejoy, Alyson Stoner, Rachel
Griffiths - Dir. Anne Fletcher
Drama 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS (D)
DD 5.1 (E) 99min.
Highlight (Constantin) 08.02.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019928
Sturm der Liebe - Folge 131-140:
Auf Messers Schneide (3 DVDs)
SOKO Leipzig - Staffel 1 (3 DVDs)
Andreas Schmidt-Schaller, Marco Girnth,
Melanie Marschke, Gabriel Merz
Booklet, Bildergalerie, Behind the Scenes, Interviews
Kriminalfilm 2000 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
Universum Film (ZDF Video) 29.01.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019939
Katharina Schüttler, Alexander Beyer, Martin Brambach, Ercan Durmaz, Josef Ostendorf, Gerd Wameling, Robert Stadlober,
Traugott Buhre, Wilfried Müller, Thomas
Schüler, Orazio Zambeletti, Holger Malisch,
Antje Westermann, Boris Aljinovic, Claus
Tannhoff, Axel Olsson, Harald Polzin, Katharina Schütz, Guido Schick, Tomek
Nowicki, Cow - Dir. Michael Hofmann
Henriette Richter-Röhl, Gregory B. Waldis,
Judith Hildebrandt, Florian Böhm, Mona
Seefried, Dirk Galuba, Lorenzo Patané,
Sepp Schauer, Antje Hagen, Claudia Wenzel, Isabella Jantz, Simone Heher, Jenny
Gröllmann, Sebastian Deyle, Sandra Keller,
Jan van Weyde, Jenny Marie Muck, Christian Rudolf, Karyn von Ostholt, Wayne
Carpendale - Dir. Klaus Witting, Markus
Schmidt-Märkl, Carsten Meyer-Grohbrügge,
Jürgen R. Weber, Alexander Wiedl, Dieter
Schlotterbeck, Klaus Knoesel, Stefan Jonas
Drama 2005 FF DD 2.0 (D)
EuroVideo (ARD Video) 18.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019833
A Sound of Thunder
Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2005 Ltbx 16x9
Sedm Jednou Ránou
Miro Noga, Amanda Sandrelli, Mónica
Molina, Günter Mack, Chris Greener, Sasa
Sizonenko - Dir. Dusan Trancík
Komödie 1988 FF DD 2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019877
Taugenichts, der tapfere Ritter
Popolvar Najvtsi Na Svete
Martin Marek, Zuzana Skopálová, Jozef
Kroner, Vlado Müller, Bronislav Krizan - Dir.
Martin Tapák
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1982 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019878
Der Teufel und seine zwei Töchter
Blancaflor, La Hija Del Diabolo
Thomas Heinze, Karin Baal, Lina
Canalejas, Héctor Alterio, Emma Suárez Dir. Jesús García de Dueñas
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1989 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019879
TKKG - Das Geheimnis um die
rätselhafte Mind-Machine
Jannis Niewöhner, Jonathan Dümcke, Lukas Eichhammer, Svea Bein, Hauke Diekamp, Jürgen Vogel, Ulrich Noethen,
Jeanette Hain, Robert Dölle, Heinrich
Schafmeister, Anna Hausburg, Anna
Schudt, George Lenz, Ruby Kossin, Nicolas
Christl, Johann Hillmann, Helmfried von
Lüttichau - Dir. Tomy Wigand
Kinderfilm/Kriminalfilm 2006
Highlight (Constantin) 29.03.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019923
Tôkyô Zonbi
Tadanobu Asano, Sho Aikawa, Erika Okuda,
Arata Furuta, Satoshi Hashimoto, Masaki
Miura - Dir. Sakichi Sato
Action/Komödie 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (Jap)
Splendid (I-On New Media) 26.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019857
Drama 2002 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D)
epiX Media 18.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019831
Das tapfere Schneiderlein
Tokyo Zombie (k.J.)
Audiokommentar, Making of, Interviews, Biografien,
Original Kinotrailer
A Sound Of Thunder
Edward Burns, Catherine McCormack, Sir
Ben Kingsley, William Armstrong, Jemima
Rooper, David Oyelowo, Corey Johnson,
Wilfried Hochholdinger, Armin Rohde, Heike
Makatsch, August Zirner - Dir. Peter Hyams
Tango & Cash
Sylvester Stallone, Kurt Russell, Teri
Hatcher, Jack Palance, Brion James, Michael J. Pollard - Dir. Albert Magnoli, Andrej
Action/Thriller 1989 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
Warner 01.12.2006
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019934
Tal der Wölfe (2 DVDs) (k.J.)
Kurtlar Vadisi - Irak
Necati Sasmaz, Billy Zane, Gary Busey,
Bergüzar Korel, Ghassan Massoud, Gürkan
Uygun - Dir. Serdar Akar
Kinotrailer; Making of
Der treue Johannes
Mahuliena, Zlatá Panna
Rémi Martin, Vladimir Hajdu, Heinz Moog,
Lara Naszinski, Maru Valdivielso, Jiri
Krytinar - Dir. Miloslav Luther
Seite 11
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Kinderfilm/Fantasy 1986 FF DD 2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019880
The Tribe - DVD-Box 1 (4 DVDs)
The Tribe
Amy Morrison, Beth Allen, Caleb Ross,
Meryl Cassie, Victoria Spence, Michael
Wesley-Smith, Daniel James, Michelle Ang,
Zachary Best, Ari Boyland, Dwayne
Cameron, Kiriana Chase, Keegan FulfordWierziciki, Jaimee Kaire-Gataulu, Jennyfer
Jewell, Vanessa Stacey, Ashwath Sundarasen - Dir. Danny Mulheron, Simon Murray,
Damon Andrews, Geoff Husson, Peter T.
Nathan, John Reid
Making of, Entfallene Szenen
fel, Box 19, Folge 366 - 380 (3
Tim Sander, Oliver Bokern, Julia Malik,
Thorsten Feller, Matthias Gall, Volker Herold, Alexandra Seefisch, Ulrike Mai, Wilhelm Manske, Olivia Pascal, Hubertus Regout, Lara-Isabelle Rentinck, Gabrielle
Scharnitzky, Anja Thiemann, Susanne Szell,
Daniel Rösner, Bärbel Schleker, Matthias
Dietrich, Alexander Sternberg - Dir. Klaus
Kemmler, Sabine Landgraeber, Laurenz
Schlüter, Michaela Zschiechow, Cornelia
Dohrn, Markus Schmidt-Märkl, Winfried
Drama/Komödie 2006
Polyband 26.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019961
Abenteuer/Science Fiction 1999 Ltbx 16x9
DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0 (E)
Koch Media 12.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019834
Das Wasser des Lebens
O Zivej Vode
Michael König, Nicholas Vogel, Michele
Melega, Dusan Dorcák, Asunta Almirall Dir. Ivan Balada
Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 1987 FF DD
2.0 (D)
AVU (United Video) 01.12.2006
9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019881
Troja (HD DVD)
Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom, Diane
Kruger, Brian Cox, Sean Bean, Brendan
Gleeson, Peter O’Toole, Rose Byrne,
Saffron Burrows, Julie Christie, Garrett
Hedlund - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen
Westender (Director’s Cut)
Dokumentationen, Bildergalerie, Trailer
Historienfilm/Abenteuer 2004 Ltbx 16x9
DDP 5.1 (D) DDP 5.1 (E)
Warner 15.12.2006
39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019908
Verliebt in eine Hexe - Die komplette Season Four (4 DVDs)
Elizabeth Montgomery, Dick York, Dick
Sargent, Agnes Moorehead, David White,
Diane Murphy, Erin Murphy - Dir. William
Asher, Bruce Bilson, Ida Lupino, Russell
Komödie/Fantasy 1964-1972 FF DD 1.0 (D)
DD 1.0 (E) DD 1.0 (F) DD 1.0 (It) 803min.
Sony Pictures 09.01.2007
42,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019843
Twin Peaks - Die zweite Seaon,
Teil eins von zwei (4 DVDs)
Twin Peaks
Kyle MacLachlan, Michael Ontkean, Sheryl
Lee, Mädchen Amick, Dana Ashbrook, Richard Beymer, Lara Flynn Boyle, Sherilyn
Fenn, Warren Frost, Peggy Lipton, James
Marshall, Everett McGill, Jack Nance,
Kimmy Robertson, Ray Wise, Joan Chen,
Piper Laurie, Eric DaRe, Don S. Davis,
Mary Jo Deschanel, Harry Goaz, Michael
Horse, David Patrick Kelly, Chris Mulkey,
Wendy Robie, Russ Tamblyn, Kenneth
Welsh, Michael John Anderson, Phoebe
Augustine, Robert Bauer, John Boylan, Ian
Buchanan, Catherine Coulson, David
Duchovny, Julee Cruise, Jan D’Arcy, Miguel
Ferrer, Heather Graham, Robyn Lively, David Lynch, Carel Struycken, Frank Silva,
Lenny von Dohlen, Grace Zabriskie, Billy
Thriller/Fantasy 1990-1991
Paramount 04.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019838
Verliebt in Berlin - Die neue Staf-
Paramount 02.01.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019839
The Veteran (k.J.)
The Veteran
Ally Sheedy, Bobby Hosea, Michael
Ironside, Casper Van Dien, Colin Glazer,
Sean Baek, Donald Burda, Joseph Griffin Dir. Sidney J. Furie
Drama/Kriegsfilm 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
(D) DD 5.1 (E)
M.I.B. 04.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019861
Walker, Texas Ranger - Feuertaufe
Walker, Texas Ranger - Trial By Fire
Chuck Norris - Dir. Aaron Norris
Action 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DD 5.1
Blake Stadel, Rob Simonsen, John Rankin,
Kari Gjone, David Shelofsky, Sean
Kottmeier - Dir. Brock Morse
Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer
Abenteuer/Fantasy 2003 Ltbx DD 2.0 (D)
DD 2.0 (E)
MIG Filmgroup 18.01.2007
20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019892
Die wilden Siebziger - Die komplette 2. Staffel (5 DVDs)
That ’70s Show
Mila Kunis, Danny Masterson, Laura
Prepon, Wilmer Valderrama, Debra Jo
Rupp, Kurtwood Smith, Ashton Kutcher,
Topher Grace, Don Stark, Tanya Roberts,
Lisa Robin Kelly, Tommy Chong, Mo
Gaffney, Allison Munn, Luke Wilson, Josh
Meyers, Tim Reid, Judy Tylor, Joanna
Canton, Shannon Elizabeth, Brooke
Shields, Christina Moore, Jim Gaffigan,
Megalyn Echikunwoke, Kevin McDonald,
Cynthia Lamontagne, Jim Rash, Marion
Ross, Betty White, Seth Green, Bret
Harrison, Tom Poston, Jessica Simpson,
James Avery, Mary Tyler Moore, Katey
Sagal, Carolyn Hennesy, Jennifer Lyons,
Jeff Doucette, Bob Clendenin, Howard
Hesseman, Ron Pearson, Lindsay Lohan,
Alyson Hannigan, Jackie Debatin, Christopher Masterson, Robert Hays, Lindsay
Sloane, Bruce Willis, Jamie Farr - Dir. David Trainer
Season-2-Featurette, Behind the Scenes, Dokumentation,
Komödie 1998-2006 FF DD 2.0 (D) DD 2.0
Sunfilm 16.02.2007
30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019886
Sean Pertwee, Alex Reid, Toby Kebbell,
Stephen Wight, Luke Neal, Ben McKay,
Lenora Crichlow, Karly Greene, Adam
Deacon, Richie Campell - Dir. Michael J.
Seite 12
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD BRD (Regionalcode 2)
Horror/Thriller 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DTS (D) DD 5.1 (E) 90min.
Legend Films 04.12.2006
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019863
Withnail & I
Withnail & I
Richard E. Grant, Paul McGann, Richard
Griffiths, Ralph Brown, Michael Elphick Dir. Bruce Robinson
Audiokommentar, Dokumentation, Interviews, Trailer
Komödie 1987 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D) DTS
(D) DD 5.1 (E) 103min.
Sunfilm 19.01.2007
13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019891
Kinowelt 09.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019898
Special Interest
Hannes und dr Bürgermeister DVD 08
Humor FF DD 2.0 (D)
in-akustik (swr) 24.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019913
Komede-Scheuer in der
Mäulesmühle - Kartoffelschnitz
ond Spätzla
Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne FF DD 2.0
in-akustik (swr) 01.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019914
Komede-Scheuer in der
Mäulesmühle - Kraut ond Riaba
Theater/Boulevard/Volksbühne FF DD 2.0
in-akustik (swr) 01.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019915
Wolf Creek
Wolf Creek
John Jarratt, Nathan Phillips, Cassandra
Magrath, Kestie Morassi, Gordon Poole Dir. Greg McLean
Audiokommentare, Making of, Interviews, Behind the
Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, TV-Spots, Bildergalerie,
Playboy’s - No Boys Allowed 3
Playboy: No Boys Allowed, 100% Girls 3
Erotik 2006 FF DD 2.0 (E)
IMV 18.01.2007
22,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20019830
Horror/Thriller 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
Kinowelt 09.03.2007
tba BestellNr.: 20019899
Wolf Creek (k.J.)
Wolf Creek
John Jarratt, Nathan Phillips, Cassandra
Magrath, Kestie Morassi, Gordon Poole Dir. Greg McLean
Audiokommentare, Making of, Interviews, Behind the
Scenes, Entfallene Szenen, TV-Spots, Bildergalerie,
Horror/Thriller 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 (D)
DD 5.1 (E)
Seite 13
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Sie sind auf der Suche nach Ihrem nächsten Party-Film? Hier ist er: die Antwort auf TEAM
AMERICA! Noch nie waren die Amerikaner so böse....und politisch vollkommen unkorrekt!
NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:1.85 (16x9 anamorph) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 40,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 34,90 (gültig bis 25.01.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 06. Februar 2007
Seite 14
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Conqueror of Shamballa
Area 88 TV Complete Collection
Action/Adventure 2004 DD 5.1 300min.
ADV Films, Inc. 16.01.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062379
Action/Adventure 2005 DD 5.1 104min.
FUNimation Entertainment, Ltd. 28.11.2006
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062077
Baby Looney Tunes Vol. 3
Childrens, Animated FF S 88min.
Warner Home Video 31.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062479
Guyver - Vol. 2: Procreation of
the Wicked
Best Student Council - Vol. 1:
Comedies 2005 S 125min.
ADV Films, Inc. 09.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062029
Charlotte’s Web
This animated adaptation of E. B. White’s classic
children’s book tells the story of a clever spider named
Charlotte who befriends the piglet Wilbur. Although he has
been raised as a young girl’s pet, Wilbur is sold to a
farmer who makes the oinker just another addition to his
barn. The pig soon finds out that he — like the other
animals — will eventually be killed for food. But Charlotte
comes to Wilbur’s aid by convincing the farmer that Wilbur
is a very special pig...
Childrens, Animated 1973 Ltbx 94min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062270
The classic 1980s sci-fi anime series THE GUYVER
receives a contemporary makeover with this 2005 remake
crafted by the creative masterminds behind BUBBLEGUM
Yoshiki Takaya’s popular manga, the series still centers
on a normal high-school student who is thrust into an epic
battle of good and evil when he stumbles upon a suit of
alien robot armor that transforms him into a powerful
mechanized warrior. But the remake aims to follow in a
more modernist tradition with stunningly stylized animation
and character designs as well as amped-up levels of
violence and gore. Gearing up to appeal to a whole new
generation of anime fans, the remake continues with this
second volume of episodes.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 DD 5.1
ADV Films, Inc. 02.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062027
Guyver - Vol. 2: Procreation of
the Wicked
Clifford the Big Red Dog Clifford’s Doghouse
Childrens, Animated 2006 Ltbx 16x9 S
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062148
Coyote Ragtime Show - Vol. 1:
Fox Trot
Action/Adventure 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
ADV Films, Inc. 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062382
In the satirical spirit of ROBOT CHICKEN and TEAM
AMERICA, DISASTER! is a Claymation spoof of action
blockbusters with bloated budgets. When scientists
discover that an asteroid is on a collision course with
earth, it’s up to Harry Bottoms, Sandy Mellons, and V.D.
Johnson to save the world. Featuring the voices of Motley
Crue, DISASTER! takes aim at movies like
ARMAGEDDON by using lots of scatological humor and
animated gore. Though made using stop-motion
animation, this raunchy comedy doesn’t belong on the
shelf next to Gumby or the Rankin and Bass classics.
Comedies 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 84min.
Universal Studios Home Video 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062153
Disgaea - Vol. 2: The Netherworld
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 DD 2.0
Geneon Entertainment 13.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062459
Fate/stay Night - Vol. 2: War of
the Magi
Action/Adventure 2005 DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062460
Fullmetal Alchemist: The Movie -
Set two years after the final episode of the FULLMETAL
ALCHEMIST TV series, this film picks up with Edward
Elric’s attempts to rediscover the alchemical powers that
once he had, enabling him to return to his world. Stuck in
the parallel realm of Earth, Elric has lost the powers that
brought him here, but has taken up the study of rocketry
in the hopes of regaining them. He is aided by Alphonse,
a young man who bears a striking resemblance to the
brother Elric left behind, and who now toils to find a way
to join Elric.
The classic 1980s sci-fi anime series THE GUYVER
receives a contemporary makeover with this 2005 remake
crafted by the creative masterminds behind BUBBLEGUM
Yoshiki Takaya’s popular manga, the series still centers
on a normal high-school student who is thrust into an epic
battle of good and evil when he stumbles upon a suit of
alien robot armor that transforms him into a powerful
mechanized warrior. But the remake aims to follow in a
more modernist tradition with stunningly stylized animation
and character designs as well as amped-up levels of
violence and gore. Gearing up to appeal to a whole new
generation of anime fans, the remake continues with this
second volume of episodes.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2005 DD 5.1
ADV Films, Inc. 02.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062028
Heat Guy J - The Complete Box
Set Collection
In the future city of Judoh, the mafia empire headed by
the insane Claire Leonelli controls the streets, letting
crime run rampant and holding the populace in fear. In
order to combat the out-of-control criminals, the
government secretly constructs Android J, who is
designed and programmed to fight crime. Partnered with
good cop Daisuke Aurora, J sets out on the mission he
was built for, leading him on a course for a confrontation
with the most vicious outlaws the city has to offer. HEAT
GUY J is an action-packed, futuristic anime series with a
focus on police investigations. This release collects the
entire 25 episode series in seven volumes.
Action/Adventure 2003 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Geneon Entertainment 23.01.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062249
Hellboy Animated - Sword of
Childrens, Animated 2007
Starz Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062012
Hellsing Ultimate - Vol. 1
Alucard is the Hellsing Organization’s best weapon in the
war against vampires. The irony of his success is that he
is a vampire himself (Alucard is „Dracula“ spelled
backwards). When he accidentally shoots policewoman
Seras Victoria, Alucard gives the woman the option of
living—but only a transformation into a vampire can save
her. This release of the anime series HELLSING includes
commentary, an interview, and a music video for „Broken
Horror/Suspense 2006 DD 5.1 50min.
Geneon Entertainment 05.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062250
Hellsing Ultimate - Vol. 1
Alucard is the Hellsing Organization’s best weapon in the
war against vampires. The irony of his success is that he
is a vampire himself (Alucard is „Dracula“ spelled
backwards). When he accidentally shoots policewoman
Seras Victoria, Alucard gives the woman the option of
living—but only a transformation into a vampire can save
her. This release of the anime series HELLSING includes
commentary, an interview, and a music video for „Broken
Horror/Suspense 2006 DD 5.1 50min.
Geneon Entertainment 05.12.2006
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062251
InuYasha - Vol. 50: Kikyo and
VOLUME 50 of the popular animated series INUYASHA
contains three episodes: „The Single Arrow of Chaos,“
„The Mysterious Light That Guides the Saint,“ and
„Kagome’s Instinctive Choice.“ Inuyasha and friends
continue on their adventures, which include battles with
Princess Abi’s dangerous bird, a message from a saint
named Hijiri, and a moral decision for Kagome.
Action/Adventure 2000-2004 FF S 75min.
Viz Media, LLC. 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062474
InuYasha - Vol. 51: The Path to
the Netherworld
Action/Adventure 2000-2004 FF S 75min.
Viz Media, LLC. 27.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062475
The Last Unicorn
Weary of being alone in the vast forest, unicorn Amalthea
(Mia Farrow) begins to wonder if she’s the last of her
kind. Following a rumor, she joins forces with feeblish
wizard Schmendrick (Alan Arkin) and wayward barmaid
Molly (Tammy Grimes) to look for the mystical Red Bull, a
creature known to hunt and imprison unicorns. In order to
walk unnoticed among men, Schmendrick magically
transforms Amalthea into a beautiful woman. Together the
three embark on a adventurous journey into the dark land
of King Haggard, the man rumored to control the Red Bull.
Childrens, Animated 1982 Ltbx DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062142
Loonatics Unleashed Vol. 1
The Looney Tunes are back, and they’ve got an edge in
this action cartoon. THE LOONATICS UNLEASHED
features the descendants of all the beloved Warner
Brothers characters loved by millions, but they’ve been
transported to the year 2772 and given super powers.
This band of heroes includes two rascally rabbits, a racing
roadrunner, a daring duck, a thundering Tasmanian devil,
and a wily coyote. Boasting celebrity voices like Tim
Curry, Vivica A. Fox, and Florence Henderson, this
release includes the entire first season.
Childrens, Animated 2005 FF DD 2.0
Warner Home Video 13.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062351
Michel - Vol. 5: The Golden
Feather and the Time Machine
Produced and directed by the DR Movie animation studio
de Saint-Exupéry’s beloved children’s fable, THE LITTLE
PRINCE, into a whimsical fantasy anime series. Trying to
escape an evil army of Black Hammers, a female airplane
pilot named Kim lands on a magical island that is home to
a kingdom of fairies protected by the little prince Michel.
Unfortunately, the Black Hammers soon arrive in hot
pursuit and decide to kidnap the fairies for their own
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nefarious purposes, leaving Kim and Michel to rescue
their sprite friends and restore the island’s tranquility. This
fifth volume continues the kid-friendly anime series with
four more episodes.
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062279
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 S 100min.
ADV Films, Inc. 09.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062025
This lively, computer-animated Spanish family film follows
the fascinating lives and adventures of a motley crew of
stray animals.
Stan Lee Presents: Mosaic
Childrens, Animated
Anchor Bay Entertainment 09.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062014
Childrens, Animated 2004 Ltbx DD 2.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062117
Tactics - Vol. 3
First aired on Japanese television in 2005, this exquisitely
drawn anime series comes from the same producers
Taking his folklore studies from the classroom to the
streets, Kantaro Ichinomiya bravely embarks on the task
of combining the human and beast worlds. Experience the
thrilling results in this collection of five 30-minute
Naruto - Vol. 9: The Scroll’s
Action/Adventure 2002 FF S 100min.
Viz Media, LLC. 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062476
Noein: Volume Two
This anime series explores the coming-of-age of 12-yearold Haruka and her pal Yuu. They are planning to run
away from home when a chance encounter introduces
them to a member of the Dragon Cavalry claiming to be
from 15 years in the future. Suddenly, Haruka becomes
part of the Cavalry’s plan and finds herself in the midst of
a chaotic battle set in the future. With this second volume
containing the next batch episodes, the story continues.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy, Television 2006
DD 5.1 157min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 16.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062010
One Piece - Vol. 7: New Crew
Action/Adventure 1999 FF S 110min.
Viz Media, LLC. 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062473
Dramas 2006 FF 118min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062011
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie - Vol. 6:
Songs From the Darkside
Created by Kaishaku (STEEL ANGEL KURUMI) with
character design by Maki Fujii (STRAWBERRY EGGS),
the magical-girl anime series UFO ULTRAMAIDEN
VALKYRIE is a racy blend of action, comedy, and sexual
innuendo. When space princess Valkyrie crash-lands into
a Japanese bathhouse run by teenager Kazuto Tokino, the
alien vixen bestows a magical kiss that saves the boy’s
life but transforms her into an eight-year-old child. Now
stranded on Earth and totally dependent on Kazuto,
Valkyrie searches for an antidote to her condition in a
series of wacky adventures featuring various scantily clad
females. This sixth volume continues the anime series
with four more episodes.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2002
ADV Films, Inc. 09.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062380
Paradise Kiss - Volume 2
Dramas 2005 DD 2.0 100min.
Geneon Entertainment 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062461
Utawarerumono: Mask of a
Stranger - Vol. 1
The Prince of Egypt / Joseph:
King of Dreams
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 DD 5.1
ADV Films, Inc. 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062381
This double feature presents two animated children’s films
based on the biblical tales of Moses and Joseph: THE
DREAMS (2000). See individual titles for plot details.
Childrens, Animated
Paramount Home Entertainment 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062272
Sex Warrior Pudding - Vols. 1 & 2
Volumes one and two of the kinky anime series SEX
WARRIOR PUDDING are collected here, following the
adventures of Shuta, an ordinary young man (albeit one
with very active hormones) who inherits his father’s
restaurant—only to find that the incredibly attractive
waitresses who work there are actually secret agents
fighting against the evil Lividolls.
Comedies 2005 FF S 60min.
JapanAnime 28.11.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062434
South Park - The Complete Ninth
What began as a construction-paper film short evolved
into a veritable pop-culture phenomenon for Trey Parker
and Matt Stone’s outrageous animated comedy series
SOUTH PARK. Centered on the hilarious misadventures of
four potty-mouthed grade-schoolers in the perpetually
wintry environs of South Park, Colorado, the series
skewers the vagaries of the modern American cultural
landscape with politically incorrect humor and satirical
plotlines ranging from homophobia and terrorism to boy
bands and talking poo. This collection presents all 14
episodes from the series’ ninth season, including
controversial favorites like „Erection Day,“ „Follow That
Egg,“ and „Trapped in the Closet.“
Television, Comedies 2005
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2007
The Wild (Blu-ray)
Ryan, a lion cub, worships his father, Sampson (Kiefer
Sutherland), the brawny, brave, uncontested king of a
New York City zoo. The film opens as Ryan listens
adoringly as Sampson recounts yet another tale of roaring
wildebeests into submission on the African savannah.
While the zoo animals cavort, Ryan slips into a metal
crate bound overseas for a chance to see „the wild“ for
himself. Now Sampson, with the help of his loyal friends
Benny the squirrel (James Belushi), Nigel the koala bear
(Eddie Izzard), Bridget the giraffe (Janeane Garafalo),
and Larry the snake (Richard Kind), must brave the New
York City jungle and then the actual jungle to save his son
from the clutches of a crazed wildebeest with aspirations
to carnivorousness (William Shatner). To make things
worse, Sampson confesses that his heroic stories were
fabrications; he’s completely lost in his wild surroundings,
unable to fight off a rabid poodle or eat a sassy hyrax.
Childrens, Animated 2006
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062043
Wubbulous World of Dr. Seuss The Cat’s Family and Friends
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062398
Yuko The Clown - The Damn
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062456
Yumeria - The Complete
The acclaimed animators at Studio DEEN (COWBOY
BEBOP, FRUITS BASKET) craft a racier version of
AQUARIAN AGE with their hormonally driven comedy
anime series YUMERIA. As an orphaned high-school
student living with his bookish cousin, nerdy teenager
Tomokazu faces a bleak freshman year bereft of friends,
good grades, and dates. But all that changes on the eve
of Tomokazu’s 16th birthday, when the clumsy schoolboy
drifts off to sleep and wakes up in a magical universe
populated by a bevy of scantily clad vixens battling for the
fate of mankind. It isn’t long before the now-studly
Tomokazu joins in the cosmic struggle and suddenly finds
himself the object of feminine desire. Based on a video
game and manga, this bawdy anime blends action,
comedy, magical dream sequences, and scads of sexual
innuendo into a playfully titillating slice of male wishfulfillment fantasy. This collection presents the anime
series in its entirety for a total of 12 episodes.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2004 Ltbx 16x9 DD
2.0 300min.
ADV Films, Inc. 19.01.2007
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062026
Zatch Bell! - Vol. 8: A Fierce
Childrens, Animated 2003 FF S 88min.
Viz Media, LLC. 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062333
13 Tzameti
George Babluani, Jean Pascal Bongard,
Aurelien Recoing, Fred Ulysse, Nicolas
Pignon - Dir. Géla Babluani
A man decides to follow his instincts when he uncovers
detailed instructions and directions left for someone else.
But when he follows them he ends up in a dangerous
world where a gambling syndicate is playing a deadly
game with human lives.
Dramas 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062254
1888 - El Extraordinario Viaje De
La Santa Isabel
Action/Adventure 2005
Vanguard International Cinema 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062331
The 49th Parallel
Laurence Olivier, Leslie Howard, Glynis
Johns, Raymond Massey, Anton Walbrook,
Niall MacGinnis, Raymond Lovell, Finlay
Currie - Dir. Michael Powell
After a German U-Boat is bombed to smithereens in the
Hudson, its Nazi survivors determine to reach the stillneutral United States and hide out — and they’ll gladly
murder anyone who tries to stand in their way.
Action/Adventure 1941 FF M 123min.
Criterion Collection 06.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062429
All Creatures Great and Small Complete Series 6 Collection
Christopher Timothy, Lynda Bellingham,
Robert Hardy
Real-life British country veterinarian James Herriott’s
enormously popular books inspired this television series,
featuring busybody villagers, verdant landscapes, and
plenty of cute animals. This collection includes every
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
episode from the sixth season of the show.
Television, Dramas
Warner Home Video 28.11.2006
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062037
All Creatures Great and Small Series Five Set
Christopher Timothy, Robert Hardy, Peter
Davison, Lynda Bellingham
Set in the 1930s on England’s Yorkshire Dales, James
(Christopher Timothy), his wife Helen, and hospital
employees Siegfried, Tristan, and Mrs. Hall face their
share of trials and tribulations on the farm, in the field,
and in the veterinarian emergency room, all handled with
a genuine care and love for the animals. The fifth season
here in its entirety, with all 12 episodes included.
Television, Comedies
Warner Home Video 28.11.2006
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062036
All Creatures Great and Small Series One Set
Christopher Timothy, Robert Hardy, Carol
Drinkwater, Peter Davidson - Dir. Terence
Real-life British country veterinarian James Herriott’s
enormously popular books inspired this television series,
featuring busybody villagers, verdant landscapes, and
plenty of cute animals.
Television, Comedies 1986
Warner Home Video 28.11.2006
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062033
All Creatures Great and Small Series Three Set
Christopher Timothy, Robert Hardy, Carol
The complete third season of the BBC television series
based on world-renowned British veterinarian James
Herriott’s popular novels. Set in the 1930s on England’s
Yorkshire Dales countryside, James (Timothy), his wife,
Helen, and hospital employees Siegfried, Tristan, and
Mrs. Hall face their share of trials and tribulations on the
farm, in the field, and in the veterinarian emergency room,
all handled with a genuine care and love for the animals.
Contains the episodes „Plenty to Grouse About,“ „Charity
Begins at Home,“ „Every Dog His Day...,“ „Hair of the
Dog,“ „If Wishes Were Horses,“ „Pig in the Middle,“ „Be
Prepared,“ „A Dying Breed,“ „Brink of Disaster,“ „Home
and Away,“ „Alarms and Excursions,“ „Matters of Life and
Death,“ and „Will to Live.“
Dramas 2000
Warner Home Video 28.11.2006
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062035
All Creatures Great and Small Series Two Set
Christopher Timothy, James Herriot, Robert
Hardy, Peter Davison
Set in the Yorkshire Dales, this BBC production continues
the true-life story of young veterinarian James Herriot.
Newly married and settled into a practice with Siegfried
and and Tristan Farnon, James’ adventures increase
exponentially with the array of creatures he treats.
Dramas 1999
Warner Home Video 28.11.2006
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062034
the first night, one of them gets shot. The carnage of the
battle shocks the boys, and some are driven mad. Day
after day, the recruits huddle in the trenches, frightened,
starving, and unable to gain ground, realizing that it is not
glorious to die for one’s fatherland. This powerfully
affecting film is brilliantly directed and written, and
generally well acted despite some dated elements.
Milestone’s magnificent crane and tracking shot
woman are the subject of dark horror movie ANGST.
Helen loves to seduce men, but feels an out-of-control
urge to murder them every time she gets a guy in the
sack. To make matters worse, the urge to kill builds with
each successive conquest, and when she actually falls in
love with someone things start to get really complicated.
Plenty of bloodletting and humor comes to the fore in this
unusual foray into the horror genre.
Action/Adventure 1930 FF DD 2.0 132min.
Universal Studios Home Video 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062159
Horror/Suspense 2006 FF
MTI Home Video 26.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062186
All The King’s Men
Annapolis (Blu-ray)
Sean Penn, Jude Law, Patricia Clarkson,
Kate Winslet, Kathy Baker, Talia Balsam,
James Gandolfini, Jackie Earle Haley, Mark
Ruffalo, Anthony Hopkins, Frederic Forrest
- Dir. Steven Zallian
James Franco, Jordana Brewster, Tyrese
Gibson, Roger Fan, Donnie Wahlberg,
Vicellous Shannon, Chi McBride - Dir.
Justin Lin
Sean Penn gives an electrifying performance as rising
politician Willie Stark in ALL THE KING’S MEN, the second
film based on Robert Penn Warren’s Pulitzer Prize-winning
novel. (In 1949, the original ALL THE KING’S MEN,
directed by Robert Rossen, was a huge hit, earning
Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor [Broderick Crawford],
and Best Supporting Actress [Merceded McCambridge].)
But whereas the novel and first film set the story of pride,
ambition, jealousy, and dirty politics in pre-World War II
Louisiana, writer-director Steven Zaillian (SEARCHING
FOR BOBBY FISCHER) moves the action to the 1950s, a
much different time in American history, with the Great
Depression and the war over and McCarthyism just
around the corner. Stark starts out as a man of the
people, proud to be a hick, wanting to make a difference
to the struggling families in his community. But the smell
of power leads to back-room corruption, lies, and
betrayal. Stark surrounds himself with smart, wellconnected people, including journalist (and narrator) Jack
Burden (Jude Law), right-hand man Tiny Duffy (James
Gandolfini), and doctor Ada
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 128min.
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062053
Sean Penn, Jude Law, Patricia Clarkson,
Kate Winslet, Kathy Baker, Talia Balsam,
James Gandolfini, Jackie Earle Haley, Mark
Ruffalo, Anthony Hopkins, Frederic Forrest
- Dir. Steven Zallian
Sean Penn gives an electrifying performance as rising
politician Willie Stark in ALL THE KING’S MEN, the second
film based on Robert Penn Warren’s Pulitzer Prize-winning
novel. (In 1949, the original ALL THE KING’S MEN,
directed by Robert Rossen, was a huge hit, earning
Oscars for Best Picture, Best Actor [Broderick Crawford],
and Best Supporting Actress [Merceded McCambridge].)
But whereas the novel and first film set the story of pride,
ambition, jealousy, and dirty politics in pre-World War II
Louisiana, writer-director Steven Zaillian (SEARCHING
FOR BOBBY FISCHER) moves the action to the 1950s, a
much different time in American history, with the Great
Depression and the war over and McCarthyism just
around the corner. Stark starts out as a man of the
people, proud to be a hick, wanting to make a difference
to the struggling families in his community. But the smell
of power leads to back-room corruption, lies, and
betrayal. Stark surrounds himself with smart, wellconnected people, including journalist (and narrator) Jack
Burden (Jude Law), right-hand man Tiny Duffy (James
Gandolfini), and doctor Ada
All Quiet on the Western Front
Still widely regarded as the best war film ever made,
director Lewis Milestone’s adaptation of the Remarque
WWI novel is clearly his masterpiece, a searing indictment
of the insanity of war. Starring Lew Ayres as the young
Paul Bauman, the film focuses on the fates of the boy and
his classmates, who have enlisted to fight in the German
army during WWI. Still on fire with the patriotism instilled
by their teacher, Kantorek (Arnold Lucy), they arrive for
training, eager to face death. When they reach the front
lines, the realize that the German troops have few
supplies and no food. Sgt. Katczinsky (Louis Wolheim),
briefs the recruits on how to avoid getting killed, but on
Dramas 2006
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062044
Arabian Nights
All The King’s Men (Blu-ray)
Dramas 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062056
Lew Ayres, Louis Wolheim, Russell
Gleason, John Wray - Dir. Lewis Milestone
Working-class tough guy Jake Huard (James Franco) gets
a chance to make good when he’s accepted into the
famed Annapolis Naval Academy, but his buddies and dad
back at the shipyard doubt he’ll last a month. The film
moves through his first year at the academy, culminating
in the big boxing tournament, which is Huard’s chance to
get revenge against his stoic-beyond-the-call-of-duty
senior officer, Cole (Tyrese Gibson). First, though, the
closed-off Huard must learn to ask for help, which arrives
via a warmly attractive senior officer played by Jordanna
director, Justin Lin (BETTER LUCK TOMORROW) brings
an unpretentious visual approach to this film; he lets the
story flow straight as an arrow, sweeping viewers up into
the daunting rigors and the developing camaraderie of this
challenging environment. A muscular orchestral score by
Brian Tyler pushes everything along with maximum heart
and impact, and the rich cinematography creates an
invigorating sense of you-are-there closeness which, by
the time the story gets to the climactic fight, is
breathlessly inte
Amazing Screw-On Head
Paul Giamatti, David Hyde Pierce, Molly
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062149
Fiona Horsey
The cannibalistic tendencies of a young sex-obsessed
Jon Hall, Maria Montez, Sabu, Leif
Erickson, Turhan Bey, Billy Gilbert, Shemp
Howard, John Qualen, Thomas Gomez Dir. John Rawlins
Lavish sets and costumes distinguish this story of two
brothers competing for the throne of Turkey and the hand
of the fiery dancing girl Scheherazade. A colorful, escapist
Technicolor fantasy and the first pairing of Hall and
Montez. Academy Award Nominations: 4.
Action/Adventure 1942 FF DD 2.0 87min.
Universal Studios Home Video 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062155
Michael Forest, Frank Wolff - Dir. Roger
A despot named Praximedes tricks Atlas into battle and
then betrays him.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1960 FF
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062210
Ricardo Darin, Dolores Fonzi, Pablo
Cedron, Jorge D’Elia, Alejandro Awada,
Walter Reyno - Dir. Fabian Bielinsky
Ricardo Darin (THE LIGHTHOUSE) plays a lonely
taxidermist whose years of obsessing over murder come
to a logical conclusion after he accidentally kills a man in
a motel. Fabien Bielinsky, who helmed NINE QUEENS,
Foreign Films 2006 Ltbx 128min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062433
Available Men
This collection assembles seven films by talented
members of the gay filmmaking community. Films include
„Available Men“ by David Dean Bottrell, „Straight Boys“ by
Dave O’Brien, „Hello, Thanks,“ by Andy Blubaugh,
„Tumbleweed Town“ by Samara Halperin, „The
Underminer“ by Todd Downing,“ „Irene Williams: Queen of
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Lincoln Road“ by Eric Smith, and „Sissy Frenchfry“ by JC
Dramas 2006 Ltbx S
Wolfe Video 30.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062373
Foreign Films, Italian 1948 FF M 89min.
Criterion Collection 06.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062426
Big Valley Season 2 Volume 1
Bab El-Oued City
Nadia Kaci, Mohamed Ourdache, Hassan
Abdou, Messaoud Hattou, Michel Such,
Nadou Samir - Dir. Merzak Allouache
Set in a gritty area of Algiers in the late 1980s, this
intense, powerful film follows a young man who finds
himself on the wrong side of the increasingly powerful
Islamic fundamentalist movement.
Dramas 1994 Ltbx 93min.
Facets Video 27.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062408
Babes in Kongland
Men have been discarded from the planet and women
have taken apes as their lovers in the bizarre world of
BABES IN KONGLAND. But when a human TV repair man
mysteriously turns up on the planet, an invention he’s
holding turns out to provide plenty of erotic thrills for both
himself and the sex-hungry women who surround him.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062134
Barbara Stanwyck, Richard Long, Lee Majors, Linda Evans
Television, Dramas 1966-1967 FF
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062417
Billy Budd
Terence Stamp, Robert Ryan, Peter
Ustinov, Melvyn Douglas, Paul Rogers,
John Neville, Ronald Lewis, David
McCallum, Lee Montague, John Meillon,
Thomas Heathcote, Niall MacGinnis, Cyril
Luckham - Dir. Peter Ustinov
Adapted from the last book written by Herman Melville, an
allegory of good vs. evil, with innocence standing by as
the helpless victim. A naive young man is pressed into the
service of the British Navy at the very end of the 18th
century. He views first hand the cruelty and extreme
brutality of the ship’s sadistic master-at-arms, and
accidentally kills him. He is then tried for his murder.
Dramas 1962 Ltbx 123min.
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062336
Backfield in Motion
Tom Arnold, Kevin Galecki, Conchata
Ferrell, Colleen Camp, Kevin Scannell,
Roseanne, Cicciolina - Dir. Richard Michaels
Roseanne expanded her rock-the-boat sitcom persona to
feature length in this made-for-TV effort.
Television, Comedies 1991 FF 94min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062066
Billy the Kid Vs. Dracula
John Carradine - Dir. William Beaudine
Just when poor Billy the Kid decides to stop shooting
everyone and settle down and get married, he discovers
that his bride’s uncle is a vampire. A camp classic.
Horror/Suspense 1966
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062196
Bit Parts
Baron Blood
Joseph Cotten, Elke Sommer - Dir. Mario
American student Peter Kleist travels to Austria on
summer holiday to learn more about his family roots. By
reciting an incantation on a piece of ancient parchment,
he succeeds in scaring up a genuine ancestor-Baron Otto
von Kleist, a 16th century sadistic nobleman whose
appetite for cruelty earned him the nickname „Baron
Horror/Suspense 1972 FF 77min.
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062209
Lewis Black - A Pair of Lewis
Black Shorts
Lewis Black
Two short films featuring a young (but already hilarious)
Lewis Black, alongside other cutting-edge comics like Jim
Norton and Greg Fitzsimmons, are collected here for the
first time. The first, SIDESPLITTERS: THE BURT & DICK
STORY, is a classic mockumentary featuring Black and
Norton as a foulmouthed old-school vaudeville comedy
duo. THE GYNOCOLOGISTS has Black as a gangster
chasing after a comedian who got a little too funny with
his daughter. Together, these shorts make up a half hour
of rarely seen laugh-out-loud comedy from Black’s early
Be Easy
Dramas 2007 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062129
Fontana Distribution 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062312
Bicycle Thief
Enzo Staiola, Lamberto Maggiorani,
Lianella Carell, Gino Saltamerenda, Vittorio
Antonucci, Giulio Chiari - Dir. Vittorio De
The recipient of international acclaim, Vittorio de Sica’s
Italian Neorealist masterwork, THE BICYCLE THIEF, is a
treasure of world cinema. After nearly two years of
unemployment, Antonio (Lamberto Maggiorani) finally
finds work posting bills. But he needs a bicycle to do the
job. Unfortunately, he was forced to pawn his own bicycle
long ago. In a humbling, tragic scene, Antonio exchanges
his family’s linen for his bicycle. But when the bike is
stolen on his first day of work, he must comb the streets
of Rome in search of the bike: his family’s only means to
survival. After three days of hunting, Antonio and his son,
Bruno (Enzo Staiola), find the thief (Vittorio Antonucci)—
but without witnesses or evidence, the police are unwilling
to help Antonio. Hopeless, Antonio and Bruno wander
aimlessly through Rome, landing outside of a soccer
stadium where hundreds of bicycles are parked. His will
broken, Antonio attempts to steal a bike but is caught in
the act.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062123
The Black Pirate
Douglas Fairbanks, Donald Crisp, Billie
Dove, Tempe Piggot, Sam De Grasse,
Charles Stevens, Charles Belcher, Anders
Randolf - Dir. Albert Parker
This swashbuckling nautical adventure, starring the
incomparable Douglas Fairbanks, made film history as
one of the first full features shot entirely in Technicolor.
Here, he plays a nobleman who wants to revenge his
father’s murder, so he boards a pirate vessel disguised as
one of the thieving, villainous rapscallions, and sets about
achieving his goal. On the high seas, the athletic
Fairbanks provides a no-holds barred, rip-roaring, stuntfilled voyage — complete with a one-man takeover of a
merchant ship.
Action/Adventure 1926
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062220
Black Rain (Blu-ray)
Michael Douglas, Andy Garcia, Ken
Takakura, Kate Capshaw - Dir. Ridley Scott
In BLACK RAIN, a dirty New York cop learns the value of
honor from a Japanese cop who in turn learns about the
benefits of not-so-subtle American assertiveness. Ridley
Scott’s thriller features a rarely seen side of Japan
seething with mob violence, prostitution, homelessness,
and near-peasant rural life.
Action/Adventure 1989
Paramount Home Entertainment 23.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062275
Matt Godfrey, Jenette Kozak, Michael
Piscitelli, James A. Roberts - Dir. James A.
Horror/Suspense 2006
York Entertainment 16.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062375
Blonde Girls of Peach
This release brings together some of Peach’s sexiest,
slinkiest, sultriest blonde bombshells—a group of girls
who, based on the footage collected here, are definitely
having no shortage of fun.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Red Dragon 05.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062248
Bloody Tie
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062471
Stephen Rea, Angeline Ball, Hugh O’Conor,
Patrick Bergin
James Joyce’s „Ulysses“ has been widely declared as
both one of the most brilliant, and most difficult, books in
the history of literature. This brave attempt at visualizing
the book comes courtesy of director Sean Walsh, and
stars Stephen Rea (THE CRYING GAME) as Leopold
Bloom, Angeline Ball (THE COMMITMENTS) as Molly
Bloom, and Hugh O’Connor (MY LEFT FOOT) as Stephen
Dedalus. The story begins on June 16th, 1904, with
Leopold setting out on a tale which runs the full gamut of
human emotions. The actors give convincing
performances throughout, and the tale may add a degree
of coherence to those struggling with the novel.
Action/Adventure 2004
Vanguard International Cinema 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062329
Blue Collar Comedy Tour - 3 Pack
Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the Cable Guy, Bill
Engvall, Ron White
This collection presents all three films in the BLUE
COLLAR COMEDY TOUR series featuring the everyman
observations of comedians Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the
Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and Ron White: BLUE COLLAR
See individual titles for plot details.
Paramount Home Entertainment 28.11.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062278
Bound By Blood
Drew MacIver, Nic Main, Kenny Richards Dir. Stephen Reedy
Action/Adventure 2006
York Entertainment 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062376
Brokeback Mountain
Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger, Michelle
Williams, Anne Hathaway, Randy Quaid,
Linda Cardellini, Anna Faris, Valerie
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Planche - Dir. Ang Lee
Based on the short story by Pulitzer Prize-winning author
E. Annie Proulx, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is the tragic
and moving story of two cowboys who unexpectedly fall in
love while working together one summer in 1963. When
the film begins, rodeo cowboy Jack Twist (Jake
Gyllenhaal) and ranch-hand Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger)
are strangers meeting for the first time. As the more
outgoing one, it is Jack who must initiate a friendship with
Ennis, a man so tight-lipped and self-consciously macho
he refuses all facial expression. From this strained
beginning, Jack and Ennis gradually begin to bond on
cold, lonely nights over a fire in the mountains of Signal,
Wyoming. One particularly chilly evening, Jack invites
Ennis into his tent, where a sudden awkward embrace
sends their relationship in a new direction. Though each
man stubbornly defends his heterosexuality, the spark
between them cannot help but grow, with that initial
summer on Brokeback Mountain becoming their reference
point for happiness during the rest of their lives.
Dramas 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 135min.
Universal Studios Home Video 23.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062157
Brokeback Mountain (HD DVD)
Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger, Michelle
Williams, Anne Hathaway, Randy Quaid,
Linda Cardellini, Anna Faris, Valerie
Planche - Dir. Ang Lee
Based on the short story by Pulitzer Prize-winning author
E. Annie Proulx, BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN is the tragic
and moving story of two cowboys who unexpectedly fall in
love while working together one summer in 1963. When
the film begins, rodeo cowboy Jack Twist (Jake
Gyllenhaal) and ranch-hand Ennis Del Mar (Heath Ledger)
are strangers meeting for the first time. As the more
outgoing one, it is Jack who must initiate a friendship with
Ennis, a man so tight-lipped and self-consciously macho
he refuses all facial expression. From this strained
beginning, Jack and Ennis gradually begin to bond on
cold, lonely nights over a fire in the mountains of Signal,
Wyoming. One particularly chilly evening, Jack invites
Ennis into his tent, where a sudden awkward embrace
sends their relationship in a new direction. Though each
man stubbornly defends his heterosexuality, the spark
between them cannot help but grow, with that initial
summer on Brokeback Mountain becoming their reference
point for happiness during the rest of their lives.
Dramas 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 135min.
Universal Studios Home Video 23.01.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062161
Broken Arrow (Blu-ray)
John Travolta, Christian Slater, Samantha
Mathis, Delroy Lindo, Frank Whaley, Bob
Gunton, Howie Long - Dir. John Woo
Broken arrow“ is a military term for a nuclear warhead
that has been stolen — and villainous Air Force pilot Vic
Deakins (John Travolta) has done just that. In fact, he’s
pilfered TWO bombs, in an effort to extract a huge
amount of cash from the government in exchange for their
safe return. However, there’s a fly in the ambitious thief’s
ointment: Riley Hale (Christian Slater), Vic’s former copilot, whom Vic thought he had killed when he robbed the
bombs. Helping Riley is gutsy female Park Ranger Terry
Carmichael (Samantha Mathis). Together the duo uses all
the artillery, ammo, vehicles, and gumption they can
muster, as they risk life and limb to thwart Vic and his vile
gang. Hong Kong action specialist John Woo propels the
film through trains, Humvees, exploding helicopters and
Action/Adventure 1996
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062080
Musician Toby Keith plays a man returning to his
hometown in this bittersweet drama. On arrival he meets
his childhood sweetheart and is also introduced to a
young girl who turns out to be his daughter.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 104min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 09.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062276
C.C. Ryder—an honest grease monkey (played with „awshucks“ good-naturedness by Joe Namath)—is thrust into
the rapacious, swarthy world of hog-riding when he joins
hell-bound biker gang „The Heads“. Shortly after his
induction into the sleazy club, he averts the gang rape of
Ann McCalley (Ann-Margaret), a fashion reporter sent to
cover a motor sports event. Ann and C.C. are on their way
to falling madly in love, much to the chagrin of „Heads“
leader, Moon (William Smith). Mayhem and an adrenalinepumping, high-stakes race across the desert ensue.
Eddie and Lily are part of a research team on the verge of
inventing a process that transforms water into energy.
One night, Eddie goes to the lab and discovers that his
boss has been killed — and that the plant is about to
explode. Narrowly escaping the blast, Eddie realizes he
and Lily are marked for death, but he doesn’t know by
Action/Adventure 1970
Cheezy Flicks 05.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062194
Michel Cote, Marc-Andre Grondin, Danielle
Proulx - Dir. Jean-Marc Vallee
Dramas 2005 Ltbx 129min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062421
Cafe Express
Nino Manfredi, Adolfo Celi, Vittorio
Mezzogiorno - Dir. Nanni Loy
A bungling flim-flam artist does his best to stay at least
one small step ahead of the law as he attempts to help his
ailing son. A light-hearted, buoyant comedy.
Comedies 1981
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062229
Captain Horatio Hornblower
Gregory Peck, Virginia Mayo, Robert
Beatty, Denis O’Dea, Christopher Lee,
James Robertson Justice, Terence Morgan,
Moultrie Kelsall, Richard Hearne, James
Kenney - Dir. Raoul Walsh
Action/Adventure 1996
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062081
Checking Out
Peter Falk, Laura San Giacomo, David
Paymer, Judge Reinhold
This charming, off-beat 2005 comedy stars Peter Falk as
a famous actor celebrating his 90th birthday. When his
three children arrive to wish him well, he informs them of
his plans to commit suicide, so that instead of leaving the
world with a whimper he can exit with a grand, dramatic
bang. Hilarity and hijinks ensue among the cast of quirky
characters. Judge Reinhold, Laura San Giacomo, and
David Paymer also star.
Comedies 2006
Allumination Film Works LLC 19.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062384
Cheezy Explotation Trailers
The title says it all: see the ridiculous trailers to some of
the cinema’s most laughable and in-poor-taste exploitation
Dramas 2006
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062201
Cheezy Fantasy Trailers
Swords and sorcery never looked so preposterous as in
this collection of cinema’s most ridiculous fantasy film
A straightforward naval adventure, based on three novels
by C.S. Forester, about the heroic, 19th-century British
sea captain. The story sails with his ship, the Lydia,
through battles with Spain and then France won with wit
rather than might. Hornblower still finds time to romance
Lady Barbara Wellesley, who roils emotional seas
because she’s married to his admiral.
Horror/Suspense 2006
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062205
Action/Adventure 1951 FF M 117min.
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062337
The title speaks for itself in this wacky collection of
priceless low-budget gems. The trailers for some of film
history’s most out-there movies are themselves riotously
entertaining, as demonstrated in the first volume of this
collection, which includes CURSE OF THE UNDEAD, INN
Cave of the Yellow Dog
A little dog adopted by a young nomadic Mongolian girl
saves the life of her brother in this touching tale.
Foreign Films 2006
Tartan Video 13.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062470
Cease Fire
This sharp, incisive Iranian romantic comedy from director
Tahmineh Milani examines modern marriage in all its
agonies, joys, and insanity. The film follows pretty young
Sayeh as she complains to a psychologist about her
handsome but overly headstrong husband, painting a
detailed yet universal view of a turbulent relationship.
Iranian heartthrob Mohammad Reza Golzar costars.
Toby Keith, Lindsey Haun, Daniel Newman,
BeBe Winans - Dir. Steven Goldmann
Joe Namath, Ann-Margret, Jennifer
Weisz, Fred Ward, Kevin Dunn, Brian Cox Dir. Andrew Davis
Comedies 2006
Facets Video 27.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062412
Broken Bridges
C.C. & Company
Billingsley, William Smith, Ned Wertimer Dir. Seymour Robbie
A sexy, ambitious young paparazzi sneaks into a steamy
L.A. club and takes plenty of scandalous pictures of
gorgeous young stars—but soon finds herself more
involved in the sexy debauchery than she ever intended.
The gorgeous cast includes Carli Banks, Zoe Britton,
Briget Banks, Jennifer Lee, and Ayanna.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Red Dragon 26.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062245
Chain Reaction (Blu-ray)
Keanu Reeves, Morgan Freeman, Rachel
Cheezy Horror Trailers Vol. 1
Horror/Suspense 2006
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062202
Cheezy Horror Trailers Vol. 2
The title speaks for itself in this wacky collection of
priceless low-budget gems. The trailers for some of film
history’s most out-there movies are themselves riotously
entertaining, as demonstrated in the second volume of
this collection, which includes BLACK ZOO, RAW MEAT,
Horror/Suspense 2006
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062203
Cheezy Science Fiction Trailers
Vol. 1
The title speaks for itself in this wacky collection of
priceless low-budget gems. The trailers for some of film
history’s most out-there movies are themselves riotously
entertaining, as demonstrated in the first volume of this
incredible collection, which includes EARTH VS. THE
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062217
Cheezy Science Fiction Trailers
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Vol. 2
The title speaks for itself in this wacky collection of
priceless low-budget gems. The trailers for some of film
history’s most out-there movies are themselves riotously
entertaining, as demonstrated in the second volume of
this incredible collection, which includes ATTACK OF THE
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062204
Chicken Soup for the Soul:
Inspirational Stories about Life’s
Michael Tucker (LA LAW) hosts this television adaptation
of the massively popular and heartwarming book series.
George Burns, Gracie Allen, Red Skelton,
Buddy Ebsen, Milton Berle
Tyrin Turner, Clifton Powell, Ja Rule, Snoop
Dogg, Ice-T
Some of the best known and most popular television
programs of all time have found their way onto CLASSIC
TV COMEDY. This collection features 25 episodes of both
sitcoms and sketch comedy programs, highlighting the
golden age of network television in the 1950s and 1960s.
BURNS AND ALLEN SHOW, starring one-of-a-kind
comedic couple George Burns and Gracie Allen, are
included. Sketch comedy shows, like the legendary MILTON BERLE SHOW and THE RED SKELTON SHOW
featuring the titular comedians, can also be found in this
set. CLASSIC TV COMEDY is a nostalgic trip down
television’s memory lane, as well as a neat history of
programming in the network era.
Billy (Tyrin Turner) and Jackie (John Bryant), two bottomrung criminals, are sick of getting no recognition for their
work. When a crime boss asks them to handle a highprofile hit, they’re ready for the recognition—but
unfortunately, they aren’t prepared for the aftermath.
Based on a novel by Donald Goines.
Television, Comedies
St. Clair Entertainment Group 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062467
Jim Norton, Terry Gillespie, Michael Marino
- Dir. Paul Battista
Comedies 2000
Ventura Distribution 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062072
Chicken Soup for the Soul:
Inspirational Stories for all
Acclaimed independent director Victor Nunez (ULEE’S
GOLD) delivers another gem with this drama about a
former convict who returns to his small-town Florida
home, only to fall for his best friend’s wife. Josh Brolin,
Timothy Olyphant, Angela Bettis, and Josh Lucas star.
Michael Tucker (LA LAW) hosts this television adaptation
of the massively popular and heartwarming book series.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 110min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062431
Josh Brolin, Timothy Olyphant, Angela
Bettis, Joshua Lucas - Dir. Victor Nunez
Comedies 2000
Ventura Distribution 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062073
Collector’s Item
Chicken Soup for the Soul:
Inspirational Stories Triumphing
the Human Spirit
Michael Tucker (LA LAW) hosts this television adaptation
of the massively popular and heartwarming book series.
Comedies 2000
Ventura Distribution 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062074
Tony Musante, Laura Antonelli, Florinda
Bolkan - Dir. Giuseppe Patroni Griffi
The story revolves around an accidental meeting between
lovers of 16 years ago. Their inadvertent rendezvous
ignites a fury of fond memories and temporarily rekindles
the passion, which leads to dangerously obsessive
Dramas 1989
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062222
Chop Shop
Cool It Carol
Shannon Michaels, Rob Rose, Mark Schell,
Michelle Lozano, Yoyao Hsueh - Dir. Simuel
Denell Rankins, R’Celena Rattliffe
Robin Askwith, Janet Lynn - Dir. Pete Walker
The tale of one woman who will stop at nothing to get her
life and integrity back in order. Riding on a psychological
rollercoaster, this heroine deals with it all to fight back
against the elements that brought her down. Inspired by
true events.
Dramas 2003 FF DD 5.1 90min.
Maverick Entertainment 02.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062233
A sexy, promiscuous high school girl and her boyfriend
move to the big city where the young lady can make full
use of her ‘talents.’ No longer available.
Comedies 1968 Ltbx DD 1.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062096
Count Dracula
Christmas Collection / Fireplaces
2 Pack
Dramas 1935-2005 DD 5.1
St. Clair Entertainment Group 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062462
Christmas Story (Blu-ray)
Peter Billingsley, Darren McGavin, Melinda
Dillon, Ian Petrella, Scott Schwartz, R.D.
Robb, Tedde Moore, Yano Anaya, Zack
Ward, Jeff Gillen - Dir. Bob Clark
Humorist Jean Shepard’s vignette-laden, nostalgic view of
Christmastime in Indiana during the 1940s.
Comedies 1984
Warner Home Video 05.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062349
Christopher Lee, Klaus Kinski, Herbert
Lom, Maria Rohm, Soledad Miranda, Fred
Williams, Jack Taylor, Paul Muller - Dir.
Jesus Franco
This version of the „Dracula“ legend is closer to the original story written by Bram Stoker in 1897. As Dracula
terrorizes others he is pursued by Jonathan Harker, a man
obsessed with killing the undead fiend because he
murdered a friend of Jonathan’s wife. Will the coffindweller succeed in eluding the vengeful Harker?
Horror/Suspense 1971
Dark Sky Films 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062184
Crime Busters
Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, David
Huddleston, Moira Chen - Dir. E.B. Clucher
Two likable losers bungle an armed robbery in a big way when they set out to knock off a supermarket, they walk
into the police recruitment office instead. In one
boneheaded scrape after another, each misstep and
blunder somehow makes them look more like heroes.
Classic Nudie Cutie Films Volume 1
Dramas 2000
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062172
Known as „New Jersey’s Bad Boy,“ comedian Mike Marino
stars as a lucky bartender in this dark comedy set in the
Garden State. When a postman dies soon after confiding
his plan to steal priceless stamps from the post office,
Nicky (Marino) thinks he has found his ticket to riches. He
gathers a group of witless accomplices, including his best
friend (Jim Norton), and they attempt the perfectly plotted
Comedies 2002
Warner Home Video 23.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062344
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Yun-Fat Chow, Michelle Khan, Chang Chen,
Ziyi Zhang, Sihung Lung, Pei Pei Cheng, Fa
Zeng Li, Xian Gao, Yan Hai, Deming Wang,
Li Li - Dir. Ang Lee
Known for making films about familial relationships,
director Ang Lee surprised everyone with his martial arts
novel by Wang Du Lu, CROUCHING TIGER starts with the
revenge plot common in the wuxia stories that Lee loved
as a child, then adds a feminist twist. Li Mu Bai (Chow
Yun Fat) is a legendary martial artist who has decided to
pass on his sword, the Green Destiny, to a friend. Soon
afterward, the sword is stolen by a masked female, setting
in motion events that test the bonds of family, love, duty,
and sisterhood. Chow appears with three generations of
female stars: Cheng Pei Pei, a 1960s action heroine;
Michelle Yeoh, the beauty queen turned 1980s action
goddess; and newcomer Zhang Ziyi, who smolders as the
princess who wants more than domestic tranquillity.
Famed action choreographer Yuen Woo-Ping (THE MATRIX) stages jaw-dropping zero-G fights across rooftops,
rivers, and bamboo trees, while Yo-Yo Ma punctuates the
fisticuffs with dramatic cello solos. Described by Lee as
„SENSE AND SENSIBILITY with martial arts,“
CROUCHING TIGER recalls the best wu
Foreign Films, Chinese/Mandarin 1999
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062054
Lucy Lawless, Shawn Pyfrom, Greg
Grunberg, Ellie Cornell, Reed Edward Diamond
Locked up in a mental hospital years ago after being
found wandering the streets without any memory of his
past, an institutionalized man suddenly starts having
visions from his former life. The mystery man escapes
and connects with a troubled teen, then slowly begins
remembering the identity that was once his, and receiving
glimpses of the darkness that the future holds.
Horror/Suspense 2005 Ltbx 16x9 DD 2.0
Anchor Bay Entertainment 02.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062013
Doris Day Show: Season 4
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Pacific Media Entertainment 12.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062258
Comedies 1978 FF 115min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062292
Doris Day
Television, Comedies 2006
MPI Home Video 28.11.2006
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062181
Classic TV Comedy
Crime Partners
De Nadie
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Foreign Films, Latin 2005
Laguna Films 16.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062141
Miano, Al Sapienza - Dir. Fabien Pruvot
Dead End
Humphrey Bogart, Sylvia Sidney, Joel
McCrea, Wendy Barrie, Claire Trevor, Allen
Jenkins, Dead End Kids, Marjorie Main,
James Burke, Ward Bond - Dir. William
DEAD END is the prototypical social-problem drama about
a Manhattan slum in the 1930s. Lillian Hellman’s engaging
script, based on Sidney Kingsley’s hit play, finds the
neighborhood residents struggling to get by, some
choosing hard work, some taking the easier route of
crime. When a gangster starts to hang around his old
haunts, he becomes an unwelcome influence on the street
Director Fabien Pruvot takes viewers on a violent and
terrifying ride through the American desert, following a
tour bus full of strange and disparate people—and one
psychotic killer. The impressive up-and-coming-cast
includes Shane Brolly, Natassia Malthe, Robert Miano,
and Al Sapienza.
Horror/Suspense 2006
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062111
Devil’s Woman
Ben Ng, Miu-Ying Chan
Officer Lam has had his fair share of difficult missions.
After being hit by a gunned-down woman’s fetus, Lam
decides it’s time to get some psychiatric help, and starts
seeing sexy Dr. Mary Fu. While Lam spills his guts on the
therapist’s couch, struggling actress May gets sucked into
an evil sorcerer’s plot.
Billy Joe Armstrong, Jonathan Breck, Shane
Elliott, Jackie Kreisler, Kenny Saylors - Dir.
James Lay
UFOs, time travel, and government conspiracies all
feature in this slick sch-fi thriller, which follows a young
couple who find themselves stranded in the Nevada
desert, where one strange event leads to another.
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 77min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062102
Driver’s Seat
Elizabeth Taylor, Ian Bannen, Andy Warhol Dir. Giuseppe Patroni Griffi
Elizabeth Taylor stars as a psychotic spinster who
searches all over Rome for a mystery lover. Based on the
novel by Muriel Spark.
Dramas 1937 FF
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062206
Foreign Films 1996
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062218
Dead Mary
Diary of A Telephone Operator
Dominique Swain
After finding work in the big city as a telephone operator,
and moving in with her best pal Nanda, Marta sets her
mind on finding a man. But unlike Nanda, who wants a
future husband, Marta just wants someone for the month,
a week, or the night. Things only get more complicated
from here, with wires getting crossed between lovers left
and right.
Emergency Exit
Dramas 1969
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062223
Enemy of the State (Blu-ray)
An innocent childhood rhyme uttered by a group of
vacationing high school friends brings a devious killer
back to life in DEAD MARY. Plenty of gore and violence
ensues as the friends are picked off in classic slasher-film
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 103min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062423
Deadly Reckoning
Frank Zabarino, Robert Vaughn - Dir. Art
A former military man attempts to get away from his
dangerous past and begins working in a local bookstore.
But he can’t get away from his history so easily when a
mysterious group is desperate to learn information about
his previous life. Veteran actor Robert Vaughn plays the
leader of the group in this action film.
Action/Adventure 2001 FF
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062214
Doc Hollywood / Mr. Wonderful /
John Travolta, Andie MacDowell, Matt
Dillon, Michael J. Fox - Dir. Michael CatonJones, Anthony Minghella, Nora Ephron
romantic comedy about a big-city plastic surgeon who
finds real roots and true love in a small town.
Warner Home Video 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062340
Death of a Prophet: The Last
Days of Malcolm X
Doctor Who - The Invasion
Patrick Troughton, Frazer Hines, Sally
Morgan Freeman, Yolanda King - Dir.
Woody King
This film follows the events in the final 24 hours of the life
of religious and political leader Malcolm X. Fanatics tried
to firebomb his home. They tried to murder him while he
slept. Why was he so hated? Where were the police on
the day of his assassination? How did his killers manage
to escape?
Dramas 1981 FF 60min.
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062257
Filling in the gaps that fans of the series demanded, this
Who special episode explores the character of Brigadier
Lethbridge-Stewart. Doctor Who (Patrick Troughton) and
his team go to International Electromatics in search of a
missing scientist. The Brigadier’s UNIT force aids the
Doctor in discovering what lies under the surface of
International Electromatics and what exactly it’s nefarious
leader, Tobias Vaughn, is up to.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1968
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062039
Debt Collector
Director Feliks Falk helms this Polish film about debt
collector Lucek Bohme. Bohme’s unenviable job is
undertaken with a rigid determination that results in him
working under some very sad circumstances over the two
days Falk follows him.
Dramas 2005
Facets Video 27.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062413
Demon Rage
Britt Ekland, Lana Wood, John Carradine
A sexually and emotionally neglected housewife falls
under the spell of a horrible demon. Her forbidden desires
prove to be too strong for her weakened will.
Doctor Who - The Sontaran Experiment
Tom Baker
Tom Baker plays the Doctor in this episode of the popular
sci-fi show. „The Sontaran Experiment“ originally aired on
British television in 1975, and follows the Doctor and his
colleagues as they are catapulted into the future in the
Tardis, discovering a version of London that is radically
different to the one they left behind.
Television, Science-Fiction/Fantasy
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062040
Double D Dreams
Horror/Suspense 1981
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062221
DOUBLE D DREAMS presents a mouthwatering collection
of buxom beauties displaying their luscious curves in a
series of sexy striptease vignettes, including the ample
charms of Busty Brittany, Jordan St. James, Rebecca
Wild, Latina, Devin DeRay, and Angel Bust.
Devil’s Highway
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Pacific Media Entertainment 28.11.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062237
Shane Brolly, Natassia Malthe, Robert
Dramas 1975
Cheezy Flicks 05.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062195
Foreign Films 1982 FF 89min.
Facets Video 27.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062411
Will Smith, Gene Hackman, Jon Voight,
Regina King, Loren Dean, Jake Busey,
Barry Pepper, Gabriel Byrne, Jason Lee,
Jack Black, Jamie Kennedy, Lisa Bonet,
Scott Caan, Grant Heslov - Dir. Tony Scott
In Tony Scott’s ENEMY OF THE STATE, a lawyer
unwittingly discovers evidence of a serious politicallymotivated crime. Federal agents eager to cover up their
crime proceed to turn his life upside-down and ruin his
reputation, thanks to the latest in high-tech surveillance
techniques. The film features various connections to
Francis Ford Coppola’s brilliant 1974 film, THE
Action/Adventure 1998
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062045
Entrapment (Blu-ray)
Sean Connery, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Will
Patton, Maury Chaykin, Ving Rhames - Dir.
Jon Amiel
Sparks fly as Catherine Zeta-Jones, an insurance agent,
charms her way into doing business with Sean Connery,
an aging thief. In preparation for their latest heist,
Connery has her suffer through a rigorous training camp.
Promises begin to blur and dwindle as romance
introduces itself into the picture, building up to a payoff
that’s sure to disappoint one of the involved parties.
Action/Adventure 1999
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062082
Evil Spirits
Karen Black, Arte Johnson, Michael
Berryman, Virginia Mayo, Bert Remsen,
Yvette Vickers, Robert Quarry, Anthony
Eisley, Mikel Angel, Debra Lamb, Martine
Beswick - Dir. Gary Graver
The proprietor of a run-down boardinghouse
systematically murders her tenants in order to steal their
social security checks.
Horror/Suspense 1991 FF 95min.
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062216
Facing the Giants
Alex Kendrick, Jim McBride, James
Blackwell, Shannen Fields, Tracy Goode Dir. Alex Kendrick
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 21
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
A high school football coach (played by actor/director Alex
Kendrick) uses some unorthodox methods to motivate his
team in FACING THE GIANTS. A devoted Christian, the
coach turns to God for inspiration, with amazing results.
Dramas 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062399
Film Noir Double Feature #1 - The
Hitch-Hiker / Detour
Edmond O’Brien, Tom Neal - Dir. Ida
Lupino, Edgar G. Ulmer
Dramas 1945-1953
Pro-Active Entertainment 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062050
Failure to Launch (Blu-ray)
Matthew McConaughey, Sarah Jessica Parker, Justin Bartha, Kathy Bates, Zooey
Deschanel, Adam Alexi-Malle, Bradley
Cooper, Katheryne Winnick - Dir. Tom Dey
Paula (Sarah Jessica Parker, SEX AND THE CITY) has a
highly unusual job in this at times cartoonish romantic
comedy: she’s an interventionist. What this means is that
parents of young men who are still living at home well into
adulthood can hire her to date their sons, which lends the
often troubled men the fortitude to strike out on their own.
Trip (Matthew McConaughey) seemingly fits this
description perfectly; a 35-year-old extreme sports
enthusiast and boat salesman, he uses his living situation
to quickly end any relationship that becomes too serious.
Trip’s doting mother (Kathy Bates) and quirky father
(former quarterbackTerry Bradshaw) hire Paula at their
friends’ adamant recommendation, and she sets about her
tried-and-true method of winning Trip over. A few
obstacles emerge, however, as Trip’s buddy Ace (Justin
Bartha) finds out the truth, and must be bribed by a date
with Paula’s hilariously hostile roommate Kit (Zooey
Deschanel). Paula also discovers a few things about Trip’s
past that make her realize how different he is from the
rest of her clients, but just as she begins to dev
Film Noir Double Feature #2 Borderline / Cause for Alarm
Fred MacMurray, Raymond Burr, Loretta
Young - Dir. William A. Seiter, Tay Garnett
The Girl in the Bikini
One of the most underappreciated auteurs of the Nouvelle
Vague movement, Luc Moullet directed gorgeous, offbeat
films that rival Godard’s in quality. Two sharp, strange,
wonderfully bizarre comedies are collected here:
SMUGGLERS, an imaginative and low-budget slapstick
about a pair of female criminals; and A GIRL IS A GUN,
starring Truffaut muse Jean-Pierre Léaud as a criminal in
a wild and very French take on the Western.
Fantastic Argoman
Roger Browne, Eduardo Fajardo
Action/Adventure 1967
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062228
The film festival circuit is parodied in this amusing
mocumentary-style movie. THE FESTIVAL begins by
following a young filmmaker named Rufus Marquez, who
is being filmed by a documentary crew as he takes his
first film to the fictitious Mountain United Film Festival
(M.U.F.F.). On arrival Marquez encounters ludicrously
pretentious figures, film festival groupies, burnt-out Hollywood players, and actors with impossibly lofty opinions of
themselves. A spirited and well-observed satire of the film
festival circuit, THE FESTIVAL may prove to be
uncomfortable viewing for industry veterans.
Comedies 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062241
Miguel Nunez, Monica Calhoun, Mel
Jackson, Leon, Arnez J. - Dir. Je’Caryous
Dramas 1950-1951
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062386
Failure to Launch (HD DVD)
Comedies 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 96min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062269
Friends & Lovers
The dangerously thin line between friendship and love is
explored in this sizzling, highly entertaining drama, based
on the popular novel by Eric Jerome Dickey. Shelby and
Debra are two young woman sick of the dating scene and
looking for true love, who soon find themselves in a
complicated morass of lies, emotions, and difficult
decisions as they struggle to balance love, loyalty, and
faith. The impressive cast includes Miguel Nunez, Monica
Calhoun, Mel Jackson, and Arnez J.
Films of Luc Moullet: The
Smugglers / A Girl is a Gun
Paula (Sarah Jessica Parker, SEX AND THE CITY) has a
highly unusual job in this at times cartoonish romantic
comedy: she’s an interventionist. What this means is that
parents of young men who are still living at home well into
adulthood can hire her to date their sons, which lends the
often troubled men the fortitude to strike out on their own.
Trip (Matthew McConaughey) seemingly fits this
description perfectly; a 35-year-old extreme sports
enthusiast and boat salesman, he uses his living situation
to quickly end any relationship that becomes too serious.
Trip’s doting mother (Kathy Bates) and quirky father
(former quarterbackTerry Bradshaw) hire Paula at their
friends’ adamant recommendation, and she sets about her
tried-and-true method of winning Trip over. A few
obstacles emerge, however, as Trip’s buddy Ace (Justin
Bartha) finds out the truth, and must be bribed by a date
with Paula’s hilariously hostile roommate Kit (Zooey
Deschanel). Paula also discovers a few things about Trip’s
past that make her realize how different he is from the
rest of her clients, but just as she begins to dev
Foreign Films 2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062128
Two underrated classics of film noir are collected here. In
BORDERLINE, a pair of undercover agents (Fred
MacMurray and Claire Trevor, with terrific interplay and
sizzling chemistry) team up to bust dope smugglers along
the U.S./Mexico border — all the while suspecting each
other of being crooks. CAUSE FOR ALARM follows a
former US serviceman recovering from illness (Barry
Sullivan), who forms an unfounded suspicion that his wife
(Loretta Young) is having an affair, and decides to frame
her. After planting evidence that she and her lover were
planning on poisoning him, he dies of other causes,
leaving her in a predicament that appears to implicate her
in foul play from any angle. Taut pacing, fine
performances, and a great plot make this a classic thriller.
Comedies 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062268
Matthew McConaughey, Sarah Jessica Parker, Justin Bartha, Kathy Bates, Zooey
Deschanel, Adam Alexi-Malle, Bradley
Cooper, Katheryne Winnick - Dir. Tom Dey
established as a pimp, Semo gives Azad his first taste of
life abroad, while Azad develops a brotherly friendship
with an 11-year-old boy who lives in his building. When
the brothers encounter a pair of Turkish criminals, the
resentments and feuds they thought they’d left behind are
brought violently back to the surface.
Jean-Pierre Léaud - Dir. Luc Moullet
Comedies 1967-1971
Facets Multi-Media, Inc. 27.12.2006
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062416
Final Move
Rachel Hunter, Daniel Baldwin, David
Carradine, Matt Schulze, Amanda Detmer
MTI Home Video 09.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062458
Flightplan (Blu-ray)
Jodie Foster, Peter Sarsgaard, Sean Bean,
Kate Beahan - Dir. Robert Schwentke
After 2002’s PANIC ROOM, Jodie Foster took a three year
break before deciding to take another leading role in a
major motion picture. Three years is a lifetime in Hollywood, but Foster is one of the few stars who can afford to
take such a lengthy hiatus from the industry and still
command major roles on her return. Robert Schwentke’s
FLIGHTPLAN is the movie Foster chose as her comeback
vehicle; playing the recently widowed Kyle Pratt, she
sticks close to PANIC ROOM territory, delving further into
fear and isolation as her character boards an airplane to
escort her dead husband’s body from Berlin to New York.
Dramas 2005
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062046
Foster’s Home for Imaginary
Friends: Complete Season One
Childrens FF DD 2.0 299min.
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062334
A brutal tale of violence in exile, FRATRICIDE follows
young Kurd Azad from his poverty-stricken homeland to
Germany at his brother Semo’s behest. Already
Dramas 2005 FF S
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062105
Brigitte Bardot - Dir. Willy Rozier
THE GIRL IN THE BIKINI is a small yet significant part of
film history as it features a very early appearance from
future sex-kitten Bridget Bardot. Although the acting is a
little wooden the film features an exuberant soundtrack
and some deeply sensual scenes that will set pulses
racing among Bardot fans. The story revolves around two
men who have showed up for the summer at the
lighthouse where Bardot lives, but really the movie is a
chance to commit this rare beauty to celluloid for one of
the first times in her life.
Comedies 1952 Ltbx DD 5.1 86min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062300
Girlfriends - The Complete First
Tracee Ellis Ross, Jill Marie Jones, Golden
Brooks, Persia White, Reggie Hayes
Television, Comedies 2000-2001 FF S
Paramount Home Entertainment 27.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062273
Glorious Gloria - The Swanson
Gloria Swanson, Charlie Chaplin, Wallace
Beery, Lionel Barrymore - Dir. Cecil B.
DeMille, Mack Sennett
Best remembered by modern audiences as Norma Desmond in SUNSET BOULEVARD, Gloria Swanson was one
of the most luminous stars in the early days of cinema.
This collection of films centers on Swanson at the height
of her career, including her pairings with Cecil B. DeMille,
Lionel Barrymore, and Charlie Chaplin. Featuring silent
films and talkies, these 10 films show her acting ability in
both comedies and dramas. This collection also includes a
documentary on the life of the Academy-Award-nominated
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062242
Glow Ropes: The Rise and Fall of
a Bar Mitzvah Emcee
Marlene Forte, Carlo Alban, Elizabeth
Canavan, Candice Coke, Bob Greenberg,
Melissa Gundersen, Paul Iacono, Eliezer
Meyer, Tim Peper, Judy Reyes, Giselle
Rodriguez, Marc Sebastian, George Valencia - Dir. Edwin M. Figueroa, George Valen-
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 22
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Featuring the talents of Judy Reyes (SCRUBS), this
comedy tracks the career of a bar mitzvah emcee. Taylor
(Tim Peper) begins his career in New Jersey with gelled
hair and tacky shirts. But when a New York event planner
(Reyes) gives him a chance at the holy grail of DJ gigs,
he needs to change. Enter Sebastian (George Valencia),
a star in the emcee world who can give Taylor a sense of
style and rhythm. After exchanging his New Jersey look
for a new haircut and sleek, black clothes, Taylor realizes
there’s no place like home.
Comedies 2005
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062255
comedian gets his big break when the current cut-up is
thought to be lost at sea. Original release title: „Babes
Comedies 1989
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062446
Going Steady
A teenage comedy set to the popular Rock ‘Roll of the
1950’s. Fast cars & even faster girls vie for the boys’
Comedies 1980
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062219
Goal! The Dream Begins (Blu-ray)
Gold Mine in the Sky
Kuno Becker, Alessandro Nivola, Marcel
Iures, Stephen Dillane, Anna Friel, Kieran
O’Brien, Sean Pertwee, Tony Plana, Miriam
Colon, Gary Lewis, Frances Barber - Dir.
Danny Cannon
Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, Carol Hughes
- Dir. Joseph Kane
Santiago Munez (Kuno Becker), an illegal Mexican
immigrant living in Los Angeles, lives and breathes
soccer, but seems destined to live his life as a day
laborer. His father, Hernan (Tony Plana), a stern
hardworking man, discourages Santiago from playing
soccer, believing it is only a feckless fantasy. One day, a
former British professional, Glen Foy, spots Santiago
playing in a pickup game, and promises him a tryout for
Newcastle United. With the support of his doting
grandmother, Santiago travels to England, and finds
himself in a world where „football“ is king, and
„footballers“ are Gods. His path to soccer stardom is
tortuous and paved with pitfalls. Santiago must overcome
a terrible tryout, a secret asthma condition, and the
animosity of some of his teammates. However, with the
guidance of Glen, the love of a plucky and beautiful nurse
(Anna Friel), and the unexpected support by Newcastle
United’s playboy star Gavin Harris (Alessandro Nivola),
Santiago finally finds himself in a position to score a
pivotal goal and live his dream.
Westerns 1938 FF DD 1.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062109
Dramas 2006
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062047
Godfather of Green Bay
Lauren Holly, Thomas Lennon, Tony
Goldwyn, Steve Seagren, Pete Schwaba Dir. Pete Schwaba
The chance to perform on THE TONIGHT SHOW is a
young comedian’s dream, and full-length comedy feature
THE GODFATHER OF GREEN BAY highlights some of the
potential pitfalls awaiting a talented comic as he strives to
appear on the show. A journey to Wisconsin to perform
before a hostile audience and a TONIGHT SHOW talent
scout is the first step on the road to fame and fortune for
Joe Keegan, but getting over this initial hurdle proves to
be much tougher than he ever imagined.
Comedies 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 88min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062112
Golden Girls - The Complete
Seventh Season
Betty White, Rue McClanahan, Beatrice
Arthur, Estelle Getty
The final season of THE GOLDEN GIRLS features the
quartet of lovely ladies that audiences adore. Delightfully
ditzy Rose (Betty White), lascivious Blanche (Rue
McClanahan), snarky Dorothy (Bea Arthur), and her
frankly hilarious mother Sophia (Estelle Getty) are
roommates in Miami, Florida. For seven years, this
hilarious sitcom showed that life doesn’t end with eligibility
for the senior discount. Season seven saw a number of
great guest stars, including Leslie Nielsen, Merv Griffin,
and Alex Trebek. Nielsen played Blanche’s uncle and
Dorothy’s groom-to-be in the two-part series finale, „One
Flew Out of the Cuckoo’s Nest.“ Men come and go in the
lives of these women (particularly Blanche), but their
enduring friendship is the core of the series.
Television, Comedies FF 625min.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062041
Green for Danger
Sally Gray, Trevor Howard, Rosamund
John, Leo Genn, Judy Campbell, Megs
Jenkins, Alastair Sim - Dir. Sidney Gilliat
In a rural British hospital, Inspector Cockrill must
determine whodunit when the head nurse is done away
with after revealing that the death of a patient under
anesthesia was no accident. The hospital is full of
suspicious doctors and staff and the interrogation brings
them all into question.
Dramas 1946 FF M 92min.
Criterion Collection 06.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062427
Going My Way
Bing Crosby, Barry Fitzgerald, Frank
McHugh, James Brown, June Lockhart,
Rise Stevens, William Frawley, Jean
Heather, Porter Hall - Dir. Leo McCarey
This lovable Leo McCarey picture is a sentimental favorite
about a dynamic young priest who adds sparkle to a
parish overseen by crusty old priest who could sure use
some luster. Crosby single-handedly wins over the local
toughs by organizing a football team and bolstering the
parish coffers with a little ditty he sells. The whole thing
just sings.
Musical & Performing Arts, Musicals 1944
FF DD 2.0 126min.
Universal Studios Home Video 07.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062160
Going Overboard
Adam Sandler, Billy Zane, Burt Young, Terry
Moore, Liza Collins Zane - Dir. Valerie
A cruise ship waiter with hopes of becoming the ship’s
In this classic 1939 western, Gene Autry—the best and
most famous of the „singing cowboys“ of the era—stars as
a handy foreman who must save his pretty but spoiled
young boss from marrying a gold-digging cad.
Zane Grey Western Classics Wave 4
This set contains four feature films based on the novels of
Zane Grey.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 28.11.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062445
on U.S. television. In this fictionalized version of the same
name, Dwayne „The Rock“ Johnson stars as Porter, the
coach who uses sports as a means to instill self-esteem
into a group or boys for whom crime is a way of life.
Dramas 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062403
Gridiron Gang (Full Screen)
Jade Yorker, Rock, Xzibit, Vanessa Ferlito,
L. Scott Caldwell, Leon Rippy, Kevin Dunn,
Brandon Smith, Trever O’Brien, David Thomas, Setu Taase, James Earl III, Jamal
In 1990, coaches Sean Porter and Malcolm Moore took
the Kilpatrick Mustangs—a football team of hard-core
juvenile offenders from California’s Camp Kilpatrick juvenile detention center—through their inaugural season, in
which they reached the regional championships. In 1993,
an Emmy-winning documentary, GRIDIRON GANG, aired
on U.S. television. In this fictionalized version of the same
name, Dwayne „The Rock“ Johnson stars as Porter, the
coach who uses sports as a means to instill self-esteem
into a group or boys for whom crime is a way of life.
Dramas 2006 FF
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062401
Gridiron Gang (Widescreen)
Jade Yorker, Rock, Xzibit, Vanessa Ferlito,
L. Scott Caldwell, Leon Rippy, Kevin Dunn,
Brandon Smith, Trever O’Brien, David Thomas, Setu Taase, James Earl III, Jamal
In 1990, coaches Sean Porter and Malcolm Moore took
the Kilpatrick Mustangs—a football team of hard-core
juvenile offenders from California’s Camp Kilpatrick juvenile detention center—through their inaugural season, in
which they reached the regional championships. In 1993,
an Emmy-winning documentary, GRIDIRON GANG, aired
on U.S. television. In this fictionalized version of the same
name, Dwayne „The Rock“ Johnson stars as Porter, the
coach who uses sports as a means to instill self-esteem
into a group or boys for whom crime is a way of life.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062400
A quintet of bored teens hijack a van full of musical
equipment and take to the road, where their lack of
expertise lights up the punk clubs of the American
Midwest. A spirited and homegrown independent odyssey,
naturalistically filmed and bolstered with a soundtrack
featuring Helium, Sleepyhead, and others.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1994
Ltbx 16x9 S 140min.
Rumur Releasing 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062122
Handsome Siblings - Complete
TV Series
Television, Dramas 2004
Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 30.01.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062303
Have Sword Will Travel
Gridiron Gang (Blu-ray)
Chen Hsing, Ku Feng, David Chiang, Lung
Ti - Dir. Cheh Chang
James Earl III, Jamal Mixon, Jade Yorker,
Rock, Xzibit, Vanessa Ferlito, L. Scott
Caldwell, Leon Rippy, Kevin Dunn, Brandon
Smith, Trever O’Brien, David Thomas, Setu
This classic Hong Kong martial arts flick, a rip-roaring
twist on the American western, stars the great, chemistryladen duo of David Liang and Ti Lung. Lung and his
fiancée (Li Ching) are fighters transporting a valuable
shipment who encounter the mysterious Liang on the road
and soon find themselves in for a series of dangerous, if
highly entertaining, surprises.
In 1990, coaches Sean Porter and Malcolm Moore took
the Kilpatrick Mustangs—a football team of hard-core
juvenile offenders from California’s Camp Kilpatrick juvenile detention center—through their inaugural season, in
which they reached the regional championships. In 1993,
an Emmy-winning documentary, GRIDIRON GANG, aired
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1969 Ltbx
DD 5.1 103min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062099
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 23
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062472
Gabby Hayes Show - Volume 3
George „Gabby“ Hayes
Hollywood High, Pt. 2
This third volume of episodes from the classic TV show is
packed with more highly entertaining and satisfying, if
somewhat dated, Old West adventures.
April May - Dir. Caruth C. Byrd, Lee
Television, Westerns
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062387
Heading South
Charlotte Rampling, Karen Young, Louise
Portal - Dir. Laurent Cantet
Laurent Cantet’s feature film stars Charlotte Rampling and
is set in 1970s Haiti. The film examines a time and place
in which wealthy women from the east headed to the
country in search of sexual fulfillment among its young
male population.
Education/General Interest, Sex/Sexuality
2006 Ltbx 105min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062422
The Heiress
Olivia de Havilland, Montgomery Clift,
Ralph Richardson, Miriam Hopkins,
Vanessa Brown, Mona Freeman, Ray
Collins - Dir. William Wyler
Catherine, the plain, shy daughter of a wealthy physician,
has never received either tenderness or attention. So
when a handsome young man comes along and claims to
love her, she eagerly returns his affections. Her cold,
stern father, however, realizes that the suitor cares more
for Catherine’s money than for her... and he does
everything in his considerable power to destroy the
Dramas 1949 FF DD 2.0 116min.
Universal Studios Home Video 07.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062158
Based on the extremely popular fantasy stories by Andrzej
Sapkowski, this Polish movie follows a powerful, magical
warrior named Geralt who battles villains and dragons and
meets a wide variety of strange, interesting, and
supernatural characters along the way.
Action/Adventure 2001
Facets Video 27.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062414
Benny Hill: Set 6 - Complete &
Unadulterated - the Hill’s Angels
Benny Hill
Benny Hill, a legendary figure in the history of British
comedy, specialized in a unique blend of bawdy humor
and cheeky fun that has won over millions of fans across
the globe. His television shows revolved around the havoc
he created as he chased after scantily clad women,
making mischief wherever he went. This release features
some of his rarely seen earlier works, with episodes
culled from the 1986-1989 run of the show.
Television, Comedies 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 30.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062030
Hitchcock - 3 Disc Collector’s
Dramas 2006 S 441min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062147
Three high school girls with truly heavenly bodies find
time for just three activities - boys, beer, and the beach.
When their boyfriends suddenly lose interest in the surf,
the girls conduct a very special investigation into the
reason why.
Comedies 1981 FF DD 2.0 85min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062107
Hollywoodland (HD DVD)
Adrien Brody, Ben Affleck, Diane Lane, Bob
Hoskins, Robin Tunney, Molly Parker,
Kathleen Robertson - Dir. Alan Coulter
Playing Superman on TV brought aspiring film actor
George Reeves stardom, but it also held him back as far
as more serious acting roles went. When a 45-year-old
Reeves was found dead in his home in 1959, his death
was ruled a suicide, and attributed to this b-level
frustration. The result of a single bullet wound, Reeves’s
death caused controversy in and around Hollywood,
where popular theories related his death to either his
starlet fiancé, Leonore Lemmon (Robin Tunney), or his
famously ongoing and unique relationship with Toni
Mannix (a fabulous Diane Lane), the wife of mobconnected MGM head Eddie Mannix (Bob Hoskins).
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 127min.
Universal Studios Home Video 06.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062449
Hollywoodland (Full Screen)
Adrien Brody, Ben Affleck, Diane Lane, Bob
Hoskins, Robin Tunney, Molly Parker,
Kathleen Robertson - Dir. Alan Coulter
Playing Superman on TV brought aspiring film actor
George Reeves stardom, but it also held him back as far
as more serious acting roles went. When a 45-year-old
Reeves was found dead in his home in 1959, his death
was ruled a suicide, and attributed to this b-level
frustration. The result of a single bullet wound, Reeves’s
death caused controversy in and around Hollywood,
where popular theories related his death to either his
starlet fiancé, Leonore Lemmon (Robin Tunney), or his
famously ongoing and unique relationship with Toni
Mannix (a fabulous Diane Lane), the wife of mobconnected MGM head Eddie Mannix (Bob Hoskins).
Dramas 2006 FF DD 5.1 127min.
Universal Studios Home Video 06.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062451
Hollywoodland (Widescreen)
Adrien Brody, Ben Affleck, Diane Lane, Bob
Hoskins, Robin Tunney, Molly Parker,
Kathleen Robertson - Dir. Alan Coulter
Playing Superman on TV brought aspiring film actor
George Reeves stardom, but it also held him back as far
as more serious acting roles went. When a 45-year-old
Reeves was found dead in his home in 1959, his death
was ruled a suicide, and attributed to this b-level
frustration. The result of a single bullet wound, Reeves’s
death caused controversy in and around Hollywood,
where popular theories related his death to either his
starlet fiancé, Leonore Lemmon (Robin Tunney), or his
famously ongoing and unique relationship with Toni
Mannix (a fabulous Diane Lane), the wife of mobconnected MGM head Eddie Mannix (Bob Hoskins).
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 127min.
Universal Studios Home Video 06.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062450
Hopalong Cassidy TV Collection #2
William Boyd
A man’s homecoming after a 30-year absence doesn’t live
up to his expectations in this Mexican thriller. The life he
lived is gone: friends are dead, his childhood sweetheart
has married another, and everyone else lives soaked in
tequila. Set the night before the Day of the Dead, EL
AGUJERO (THE HOLE) is a dark and probing look at the
problems of contemporary Mexican society.
William Boyd stars as the legendary cowboy in this
collection of classic episodes from the long-running
television show.
Dramas 2000
Vanguard International Cinema 02.02.2007
Television, Westerns 1953-1954
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062395
Stathis Papadopolous, Theodora Tzimou,
Yannis Stankoglou, Minas Hatzisavvas, Arto
Apartian - Dir. Constantine Giannaris
Foreign Films 2005 Ltbx 16x9 97min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062437
I Dream of Jeannie - Complete
Third Season
Barbara Eden, Larry Hagman, Hayden
Rorke, Bill Daily
Television, Comedies 1967-1968
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062405
Invincible (Blu-ray)
Elizabeth Banks, Greg Kinnear, Mark Wahlberg, Kevin Conway, Michael Rispoli, Kirk
Acevedo, Dov Davidoff, Michael Kelley, Sal
Darigo, Nicoye Banks, Michael Nouri - Dir.
Ericson Core
The story of the misfit outsider who rises through the
ranks of a professional sport to enjoy inexplicable success
has been stamped into celluloid more times than most
folks can remember. INVINCIBLE tells the tale of
bartender Vince Papale (Mark Wahlberg), a down-on-hisluck former teacher who decides to answer an open tryout
for the Philadelphia Eagles. It doesn’t take a genius to
work out what happens next, but the twist here is that
Vince Papale is a real person, and the story is based on
his eyebrow-raising memoir of the same name.
Dramas 2006
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062049
Iron Lion
Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062305
Jealous Eyes
Kriss finds himself strangely turned on by what he sees in
the window across the way. But when his innocent
voyeurism spies an evil act, he becomes the witness in a
terrible crime.
Dramas 2006
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062227
Keeping Mum
Rowan Atkinson, Kristin Scott Thomas,
Maggie Smith, Patrick Swayze - Dir. Niall
A pastor becomes so obsessed with his work that he fails
to notice his family falling apart around him in this British
Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1
ThinkFilm 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062307
King of Queens - The Complete
Seventh Season
Kevin James, Leah Remini, Jerry Stiller,
Nicole Sullivan, Patton Oswalt
The hilarity of the Heffernan household continues into the
seventh season of this popular sitcom. Kevin James
Heffernan, a UPS delivery man who lives in Queens with
his shopaholic wife, Carrie (Leah Remini). The couple’s
life together is turned upside down when Carrie’s
eccentric father, Arthur (Jerry Stiller, SEINFELD), moves
in with them, taking over Doug’s cherished TV room and
usurping his sports-watching habits. The unusual family
continues its attempts to live harmoniously in this
collection of episodes.
Television, Comedies 2004-2005 Ltbx 16x9
S 487min.
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062055
St. Clair Entertainment Group 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062465
Law & Order: Special Victims
Unit - The Third Year
King of the Rocket Men
Tris Coffin, Mae Clarke, I. Stanford Jolley,
Tommy Steele - Dir. Fred C. Brannon
Dr. Vulcan plots to steal important scientific information
until stopped by Jeff King, leader of the Rocket Men.
Contains 12 episodes.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1949 FF
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062208
Kommissar X Collection
Tony Kendall, Brad Harris, Maria Perschy,
Christa Linder, Barbara Frey - Dir. Frank
Kramer, Rudolf Zehetgruber
Three deliriously strange and exploitative 1960s action
films are collected here, based on the German Kommissar
Between the three of them, viewers will enjoy radioactive
gold in Germany, karate and fatal bacteria in Ceylon, and
deadly lasers in Singapore, along with plenty of babes
and bullets.
Action/Adventure FF M 270min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062116
Noah Taylor, Chris Barrie, Julian RhindTutt, Angelina Jolie, Iain Glen, Daniel Craig,
Jon Voight, Leslie Phillips - Dir. Simon
Angelina Jolie stars as Lara Croft, a tough, sexy, heavily
armed adventurer, in this action film based on the wildly
popular video game series of the same name. When
mercenaries invade her cavernous, hi-tech mansion and
steal an ancient relic, Lara journeys to various international locations, including Cambodia, Italy, and the Arctic
Circle, to retrieve the strange object and discover its
mysterious properties. As Lara’s quest becomes
increasingly dangerous, it begins to shed light on the life
of her deceased father, Lord Croft (Jon Voight, Jolie’s
real-life father), and a secretive group known as the
Action/Adventure 2001 Ltbx DD 5.1
Paramount Home Entertainment 28.11.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062277
Last Blood
Andy Lau, May Lo, Eric Tsang, Alan Tam Dir. Wong Jing
A tough-guy cop and and even tougher-guy tourist team
up in a race against time after the Dalai Lama is injured in
an assassination attempt—and only they can hand over a
blood donor with the same rare type as His Holiness. But
a squadron of terrorists stands in their way. Sometimes
touted as the sequel to John Woo’s „Hard Boiled,“ but
there is no narrative connection, and this film actually
predates „Hard Boiled.“
Foreign Films, Chinese/Mandarin 1991
Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062304
Last of the Mohicans
John Abineri, Barbara Ashcroft, Ken Barker
- Dir. David Maloney
Television, Action/Adventure 1971 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062440
Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy
Comedies 1920
New York has rarely looked less welcoming than it does in
Dick Wolf’s gritty series about a sex crimes unit in the city.
third season with an impressive list of guest stars,
including Bobby Cannavale, Eric Stoltz, John Ritter, and
Henry Winkler. Diane Neal, who would later star as A.D.A.
Casey Novak, plays a woman accused of raping a male
stripper at a bachelorette party. In addition to the stellar
regular cast (particularly Christopher Meloni and Mariska
Hargitay), B.D. Wong has a recurring role as forensic
psychiatrist Dr. George Hwang. SVU never shies away
from real life controversies, and this season’s finale
centered on a sex scandal in the Catholic Church.
Television, Dramas 2001-2002 FF DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 30.01.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062165
Kari Hawker, Jim Jepson, Jason Connery,
Daniel Goddard, Nicole Eggert, Lee Majors,
K.C. Clyde - Dir. Don E. Fauntleroy, John
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (HD
Laurel and Hardy
Christopher Meloni, Mariska Hargitay, Dann
Florek, Richard Belzer, Ice-T - Dir. Steve
Shill, Ted Kotcheff
With the popularity of the X-Men and Spider-man
franchises, few would question the creative genius of their
creator, Stan Lee. As executive producer of LIGHTSPEED,
Lee brings another superhero story to the screen. Jason
Connery (SMALLVILLE) is Daniel Leight, an agent who
transforms into the title character after a dangerous
accident. But where there are superheroes, there are also
super-villains. Lightspeed’s scaly nemesis is half-man,
half-snake Python (Daniel Goddard). This action-packed
film also stars Lee Majors (THE SIX MILLION DOLLAR
MAN) and Nicole Eggert (BAYWATCH).
Television, Action/Adventure 2006
Anchor Bay Entertainment 09.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062022
Like Father, Like Son
Jemma Redgrave, Robson Green
British TV star Robson Green stars in LIKE FATHER, LIKE
SON, playing the fiance of Dee Stanton (Jemma
Redgrave), a woman with a checkered past. And when
Jemma’s son discovers the true identity of his father
things really explode as the movie races towards a
gripping climax.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062135
Literary Classics Collection
Gregory Peck, Peter Ustinov, Terence
Stamp - Dir. Raoul Walsh
Some big screen adaptations of LITERARY CLASSICS
feature on this collection. The titles included are: The
HORNBLOWER, MADAME BOVARY (1992), both the 1952
and 1978 versions of PRISONER OF ZENDA, and THE
THREE MUSKETEERS (1948). Please see individual titles
for synopsis information.
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062338
Lucky Louie: The Complete First
Laura Kightlinger, Pamela Adlon, Louis C.K.
Though it’s a multi-camera show with a live audience,
LUCKY LOUIE is far from being a traditional sitcom. Louis
C.K. is an Emmy-winning comedy writer, and he both
writes and plays the title character in this HBO comedy.
Louie has a part-time job at an auto shop, but he spends
most of his time at home with his young daughter. With
her job as a nurse, his wife (Pamela Adlon) is the family’s
real provider, creating an interesting family dynamic. All
12 first-season episodes, plus a bonus episode and
backstage footage, are featured.
Television, Comedies 2006
Warner Home Video 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062092
Marta DuBois, Evelina Fernandez, Scott
Bakula, Cheech Marin, Alma Beltran, Robert Beltran, Richard Coca, Angela Moya,
Dyana Ortelli - Dir. Jose Luis Valenzuela
At Luminarias, a restaurant in East Los Angeles, four
Latino women meet to discuss the romance in their lives.
The women—Andrea, a lawyer; Sofia, a therapist; Irene, a
clothing designer; and Lily, a visual artist—all have
serious issues that they must confront concerning their
personal lives. Jose Luis Valenzuela’s film presents an
honest, intelligent glimpse into a world that has never
been explored so sincerely on celluloid before.
Dramas 2000
Echo Bridge Home Entertainment
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062256
Madame Bovary
Isabelle Huppert, Jean-François Balmer,
Christopher Malavoy, Jean Yanne, Lucas
Belvaux, Jean-Claude Bouilland - Dir.
Claude Chabrol
Claude Chabrol’s lifelong interest in the psychological
lives of women finds a perfect vehicle in Gustave
Flaubert’s 1856 novel, MADAME BOVARY. Isabelle
Hupert, Chabrol’s frequent collaborator and muse, brings
a detached and icy intensity to her portrayal of Emma, an
ambitious farmer ’s daughter suffocated by her own life.
When Emma meets meek country doctor Charles Bovary
(Jean-François Balmer), she sees a ticket out of her
meager existence. However, the lure of marriage and
motherhood is short-lived, and soon Emma senses a new
set of ever-encroaching snares and limits preventing her
from fulfilling the fanciful destiny she constructs for herself out of her own desires and the romance novels that
fuel them. When her outlets of novels and the odd ball at
the local château cease to satisfy Emma’s ravenous
hunger for passion and luxury, she takes matters into her
own hands, embarking on a double life of domesticity and
adultery. Chabrol injects the film with his patented dark
humor while remaining faithful to Flaubert’s stinging
depiction of the narrow world of 19th-century provincial
life an
Foreign Films, French 1992 M 114min.
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062346
Maintenance Man
Arnez J., Billy Dee Williams, Darius
McCrary - Dir. Je’Caryous Johnson
Darius McCrary stars as Malcolm, an upscale male escort
who, despite his lavish lifestyle and abundance of
gorgeous women longing to pay him for his services,
begins to dream of a true love, a steady job, and a family.
Billy Dee Williams and Arnez J costar.
Dramas 2006 FF DD 2.0 123min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062103
Manhunt: Search for the Night
A Martinez, Richard Jordan, Julie Carmen,
Alan Feinstein, Lisa Eilbacher, Gregory
Norman Cruz, Gerry Bamman, Jenny
Sullivan - Dir. Bruce Seth Green
Dramas 1989 FF 95min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062060
Marcado por el Narco
Rafael Buendia, Maria Elena Jasso, Pablo
Foreign Films, Spanish FF 94min.
Laguna Films 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062443
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Martin Kane: Private Eye Volume 3
William Gargan, Lee Tracy, Mark Stevens
The world’s first television private detective, MARTIN
KANE PRIVATE EYE gradually became a big hit as
America tuned in to watch the affable yet street-smart
detective take on the crooks of New York City. The show
ran for five seasons with several different actors playing
the role of Kane. Each manifestation of the gumshoe had
a different style and attitude, but all, invariably, spent a lot
of time in Happy McMann’s Tobacco Shop (the show was
sponsored by U.S. Tobacco). Like much of early
television, the sets, props, plots, and extras left much to
be desired, but Kane’s wisecracking mix of cynicism and
sentimentality, and the juicy nature of the crimes, kept
people coming back for more.
Television, Dramas 1949-1953
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062388
Massacre Time
Nino Castelnuovo, Franco Nero, George
Hilton - Dir. Lucio Fulci
Underneath the mask of respectable citizen and son of a
wealthy father, Jason is a cold-blooded killer. As he
closes in on a western border town, he meets his ultimate
match in Tom and Tom’s half-brother Jeff.
Westerns 1966
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062232
Allen Payne, Richard Roundtree, Lavell
Crawford, Monifah, Rhona Bennet - Dir.
Je’Caryous Johnson
Director Je’Caryous Johnson’s powerful urban drama tells
the moving story of Derrick Reed, a successful bachelor
whose life changes forever after an appearance on a
morning radio show that sends him on an intense personal
journey, eventually meeting a beautiful woman who gives
him a chance to reexamine his life.
Dramas 2006 FF DD 1.0 139min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062104
Men on the Mountain
Jozsef Bihari, Nandor Bihary, Janos Gorbe,
Alice Szelalry, Oszcar Borovsky, Peterke
Ferency - Dir. Istvan Szots
A man who goes to work as a woodcutter in the
Transylvanian mountains faces some unexpectedly
upsetting circumstances in this Hungarian film.
Comedies 1987
Anchor Bay Entertainment 02.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062015
Comedies 2005 FF DD 1.0 109min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062095
Richard Denning, Jerry Paris
Richard Denning stars as a Miami Beach gumshoe in this
classic but short-lived early 1960s television show.
Television, Dramas 1960-1961
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062392
Million Dollar Mystery
Tom Bosley, Eddie Deezen, Rich Hall, Rick
Overton, Kevin Pollack, Pam Matteson Dir. Richard Fleischer
MILLION DOLLAR MYSTERY is loosely based on IT’S A
MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD. Stanley Kramer’s 1963
movie was huge, both in width (shot in 70mm Cinerama)
and length (two and a half hours), and full of well-known
comedians. In contrast, Richard Fleischer ’s movie, made
24 years later, is taught, tight and short; it lasts only 95
minutes and has a relatively unknown cast. As with all his
films, Fleischer obtains strong and vigorous performances
from his cast, including Kevin Pollack (THE USUAL
SUSPECTS) in his first film as a man who unleashes a
series of dead-on impressions. Other characters include
Pam Matteson as the waitress at Apache Acres, Rich Hall
as a disgruntled soldier, Douglas Emerson as the smartass young son, and especially Jamie Alcroft and Mark
Dryden as the two wisecracking policemen who trail
A twentysomething slacker (Justin Rice) moves to New
York City to pursue his musical ambitions in the ironic
indie comedy MUTUAL APPRECIATION, a followup to
writer-director Andrew Bujalski’s equally wry debut,
My Bedbugs - Volume 1
Jeffrey Chyau, Sung Kang, Jade Wu, Alexis
Chang, Samantha Futerman - Dir. Michael
A selection of episodes from the Emmy award-winning TV
show MY BEDBUGS are included on this collection. The
show is suitable for kids aged between two and six and is
designed to help them with their developmental skills.
This quiet gem marks the directorial debut of Michael
Kang, and was produced by Miguel Arteta (THE GOOD
GIRL, CHUCK AND BUCK). Thirteen-year-old Ernest Chin
(Jeffrey Chyau) is the first-generation son in a family of
Chinese immigrants; he lives in a sleazy motel run by his
hardworking, dour mother (Jade Wu) who discourages his
interests in writing and girls. She believes that Ernest
needs to appreciate what he has at home, and give up his
dreams that threaten nothing but heartache—the viewer
infers that this is what became of her own dreams. When
a brash, hard-drinking, womanizing young Korean man
named Sam (Sung Kang) moves into the motel, Ernest
forms an unlikely bond with him, as each finds in the other
something he desperately needs. Sam seeks out the
fatherless boy, sensing a need for guidance and
companionship that mirrors his own.
The Mummy Returns (HD DVD)
Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz, John
Hannah, Oded Fehr, Arnold Vosloo, Patricia
Velasquez, Rock, Freddie Boath - Dir.
Stephen Sommers
Flanked by fabulous computer-generated battle scenes
that would make BRAVEHEART proud, THE MUMMY
RETURNS is a fast-paced sequel that surpasses the hit
1999 original, both directed by Stephen Sommers.
Virtually the entire cast has come back for another
exciting go-round, this time trying to prevent Imhotep
(Arnold Vosloo) from gaining control of the Bracelet of
Anubis and taking on the Scorpion King (the Rock) for
control of the world. But to gain that power, Imhotep and
his vicious true love, Anck-Su-Namun (Patricia
Velasquez), must get to the Oasis of Ahm Shere before
Rick O’Connell (Brendan Fraser), his wife, Evie (Rachel
Weisz), their son, Alex (Freddie Boath), the mysterious
Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr), and Evie’s brother, Jonathan
(John Hannah, who provides much of the comic relief).
Set in 1933, THE MUMMY RETURNS combines elements
of the STAR WARS and INDIANA JONES films in letting
loose a scintillating thrill-ride of a movie, chock-full of
terrific special effects and marvelous locations (Morocco,
Jordan, and London), erupting in a spirited tale of flight
and fantasy, sword and sorcery. The addition o
Action/Adventure 2001 Ltbx DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062162
Michael Shayne: Detective Volume 1
Dir. Andrew Bujalski
Dramas 2006
Palm Pictures 30.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062253
Men Cry in the Dark
Foreign Films, Hungarian 1942
Facets Video 27.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062409
Sidney Preston to Apache Acres. In that rundown cafe,
cook Tugger’s (Royce D. Applegate) specialty is „the best
chili in the Southwest.“ He tells Preston that it is made
from „choice cuts of the finest beef, pork, rattlesnake, and
armadillo delicately blended in a very special secret
Murder She Wrote: The Complete
Fifth Season
Angela Lansbury - Dir. Anthony Shaw
There’s little doubt that Jessica Fletcher’s name belongs
in the fictional detectives’ hall of fame with such legends
as Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple, and Nancy Drew.
Played by Angela Lansbury, the writer-detective was the
center of MURDER, SHE WROTE, a mystery series that
ran for 12 years. The fifth season finds Jessica solving
crimes from her home town of Cabot Cove to the gritty
streets of New York City. Future stars like Megan Mullally
and Bill Maher made guest appearances, as did veteran
actors like Roddy McDowall and Dinah Shore. Lansbury
earned 12 nominations for her smart and warm portrayal
of Jessica (one for each season), but she was never
rewarded for her deserving efforts.
Television, Dramas 1988-1989 FF DD 2.0
Universal Studios Home Video 30.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062164
Mutual Appreciation
Justin Rice, Rachel Clift, Andrew Bujalski -
Television, Childrens Ltbx 57min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062441
My First Love
Beatrice Arthur, Joan Van Ark, Richard
Kiley, Anne Francis - Dir. Gilbert Cates
Television, Dramas 1988 FF 93min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062061
National Lampoon’s Christmas
Vacation (Blu-ray)
Chevy Chase, Beverly D’Angelo, Randy
Quaid, John Randolph, Diane Ladd, E.G.
Marshall, Doris Roberts, William Hickey,
Juliette Lewis, Johnny Galecki - Dir.
Jeremiah Chechik
The third in the series of National Lampoon’s ‘Vacations ‘
films, this sequel concerns the Griswold family’s holiday
get-together. This time they’re trying to have a picture
book, old-fashioned Christmastime — even though all the
in-laws are dropping by, including Clark’s redneck cousin,
Eddie. Looks like it’s going to be a real holly-jolly holiday
— if they can make it through.
Comedies 1989 Ltbx DD 1.0 97min.
Warner Home Video 05.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062350
Next Man
Sean Connery, Cornelia Sharpe, Albert
Paulsen, Adolfo Celi, Charles Cioffi, Salem
Ludwig, Tom Klunis, Michael Storm - Dir.
Richard C. Sarafian
A beautiful, highly efficient hitwoman falls in love with the
man she’s been assigned to assassinate.
Action/Adventure 1976 FF 108min.
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062198
Night of Bloody Horror
Gerald McRaney - Dir. Joy Houck
A string of horrible murders haunt the consciousness of a
disturbed young man, including his brother shot, his
girlfriend gored, and a hospital nurse bludgeoned to
Horror/Suspense 1969 FF 89min.
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062212
Night Skies
Jason Connery, Ashley Peldon, A.J. Cook Dir. Roy Knyrim
Horror/Suspense 2006
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062402
Nightowls of Coventry
Comedies FF 75min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062435
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Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
war. Cuba Gooding, Jr., Jon Voight, Alec Baldwin and
Mako also star in this tribute to both the fallen and
No Rest for the Wicked
After hearing a confession from a dying friend, Father
William’s own life is in jeopardy. His friend’s secret draws
him into the dark criminal world where men plan to take
advantage of the church’s international connections to
smuggle drugs. Haunted by his history in the Vietnam
War, Father William encounters real evil in both the
present and his own past.
Dramas 1993
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062215
Dramas 2001
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062042
Wladyslaw Hancza, Krzystof Chamiec,
Ignacy Gogolewski - Dir. Jan Rybkowski
Based on the Nobel Prize-winning novel by Wladyslaw
Reymont, this film set at the turn of the century tells the
story of the bitter struggle between a father and son in
love with the same woman.
Una Nortena Brava
Beatriz Adriana, Mario Zebadua, Antonio
Foreign Films, Spanish
Laguna Films 12.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062442
Foreign Films, Polish 1972
Facets Video 27.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062410
Peligros de Juventud
Manuel „Loco“ Valdes, Teresa Velazquez,
Elvira Quintana - Dir. Benito Alazraki
On The Line
Linda Hamilton, Coolio, Jeff Fahey, Jay
Acovone, Dan Ferro, Dean Norris, Tim
Redwine, Tim De Zarn, Evan Jones, Marshall Teague, Tracey Cherelle Jones, Brian
Markinson - Dir. Elodie Keene
Television, Dramas 1997 FF 90min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062069
Our Gang
Comedies 2006
St. Clair Entertainment Group 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062464
Eight friends struggle to make sense of their tangled lives
and loves in this immensely entertaining and engaging
Spanish-language dramedy from director Benito Alazraki.
The largely excellent cast includes Manuel „Loco“ Valdes,
Teresa Velazquez, and Elvira Quintana.
Comedies 1960 FF DD 1.0 75min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062106
Penn & Teller: Bulls**t! - The
Complete Fourth Season
Penn & Teller
Television, Comedies 2006
Paramount Home Entertainment 20.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062280
Tracy Davis, Hans Bachman, Rich
Foucheux, Michael Mack, Ron Ikejiri - Dir.
Philip J. Cook
Designed to be the perfect assassin, a genetically
engineered government agent loses her taste for the job
and must try to outsmart her evil corporate creators in this
sharp 1987 sci-fi flick from director Philip J. Cook.
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1987 FF DD 2.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062113
Peach Remixes
A selection of Peach’s hottest, most talented lovely ladies
chose some of their favorite Peach scenes for this varied,
highly entertaining, and deeply sexy release.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Red Dragon 05.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062247
Rob Estes, Karen Valentine, Twink Caplan,
Jennifer Rhodes, Lauren Hutton, Priscilla
Barnes, Perry King - Dir. Bruce Seth Green
Television, Comedies 1987 FF 100min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062067
Persons Unknown
Xander Berkeley, Antoni Corone, Sonny
Carl Davis, Jon Favreau, Joe Mantegna,
Kelly Lynch, Naomi Watts, J.T. Walsh - Dir.
George Hickenlooper
A twisted thriller in which a security expert is scammed by
a woman and her sister, only to return the favor.
Dramas 1996
Vanguard International Cinema 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062328
Pearl Harbor (Blu-ray)
Josh Hartnett, Ben Affleck, Kate
Beckinsale, Cuba Gooding, Alec Baldwin,
Jon Voight, Dan Aykroyd, Tom Sizemore,
Catherine Kellner, Leland Orser, Michael
Shannon, Andrew Bryniarski, Guy Torry,
Matt Davis, Jennifer Garner, Jesse James,
William Fichtner, Jamie King - Dir. Michael
Director Michael Bay (ARMAGEDDON, THE ROCK) uses
a tragic romantic triangle to set the stage for the infamous
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in this epic tale of love,
loss, and patriotism. When Evelyn (Kate Beckinsale), a
beautiful Navy nurse, meets dashing ace Army fighter pilot
Rafe (Ben Affleck), the two fall madly in love, only to be
separated abruptly when he is called upon to help fight
the war in Europe. Unforeseen circumstances lead Evelyn
into the arms of Danny (Josh Hartnett), another fighter
pilot and Rafe’s best friend since childhood. In the
meantime, the Japanese military is planning the surprise
early morning raid on Hawaii that will pull the United
States into World War II. Spectacular special effects
vividly recreate the attack in devastating detail as bombs
explode, torpedoes shoot through the water, and bullets
fly, shaking tranquil Pearl Harbor to its core. Bay deftly
captures the patriotism and the loss of innocence of the
young men and women who were suddenly thrust into the
Perfect People
Having much in common with Michelangelo Antonioni’s
1961 film L’AVVENTURA, PHOENIX is a suspense story
ripe with sensual energy and drama. Dylan Wells has a
great life. With a cool apartment, awesome boyfriend, and
great job, it seems like he’s got it all. But when his lover
Ken mysteriously disappears after a supposedly urgent
phone call, Ken embarks on a journey which reveals
truths he may not be prepared to learn.
Dramas 2006 Ltbx 16x9 S 91min.
Wolfe Video 28.11.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062374
Phone Booth (Blu-ray)
Colin Farrell, Forest Whitaker, Katie
Holmes, Radha Mitchell, Kiefer Sutherland,
Tia Texada, Richard Timothy Jones - Dir.
Joel Schumacher
Joel Schumacher (8 MM, FALLING DOWN) directs this
suspense drama set in New York City’s Times Square. A
wannabe hotshot entertainment publicist who’s more
intent on posturing for his unpaid assistant than he is in
actually working, Stu Shepherd (Colin Farrell) ducks into a
phone booth to make his regular afternoon call to his
girlfriend (Katie Holmes). Stu stops in the same phone
booth at the same time every day to flirt with the young
girl, who does not know that Stu is happily married with no
intention of dating her seriously. When Stu says goodbye
to his girl and sets down the receiver, he picks up a call
from a threateningly sarcastic man with a deep voice. This
man seems to have been tracking Stu’s visits to this booth
every day, and suddenly Stu knows that his secrets are no
longer his own. Soon, the caller identifies himself as a
sniper and begins shooting. Police are called in, and Stu
must use his PR skills in a final test to get out of the
booth, alive. This compelling drama, expertly crafted for
maximum tension, will keep audiences nervously awaiting
its outcome, unable to look away from the
Dramas 2003
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062083
Planet Brooklyn
Ishmael Butler, Bonz Malone, Anita Kopacz
- Dir. Mad Matthewz
Comedies 2006 Ltbx DD 2.0 96min.
Universal Studios Home Video 27.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062154
Planet of the Apes (Blu-ray)
Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena BonhamCarter, Michael Clarke Duncan, Kris
Kristofferson, Estella Warren, Paul
Giamatti, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, David Warner, Erick Avari, Luke Eberl - Dir. Tim
In remaking this classic sci-fi horror film, director Tim
Burton takes on a whopping challenge and succeeds.
Astronaut Leo Davidson (Mark Wahlberg) is part of a
space station crew that, in the year 2029, is conducting
experiments in training genetically engineered chimps to
perform complex away missions. When Leo’s chimp
disappears into a worm hole, Leo unadvisedly goes after
him, ending up in a parallel world in which the monkeys
are the keepers and humans are traded and caged like
animals. It’s a horrifying place, and the whole
atmosphere, colored by Burton’s direction and Rick
Baker ’s incredible special effects makeup, is charged with
terror. Leo becomes a heroic figure in the eyes of his
defeated human brethren, and he puts his trust—and his
hope for escape—in Ari (Helena Bonham Carter), a
forward-thinking ape who believes in human rights. But
Leo has formidable opponents in Thade (Tim Roth) and
Attar (Michael Clark Duncan), two power-hungry,
testosterone-charged apes who wish to rid the planet of
humans altogether. This excellent rendition of PLANET
OF THE APES is more than just a remake: it incl
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2001
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062084
Prayer Beads
MPI Home Video 27.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062185
The Princess Bride (Blu-ray)
Peter Falk, Mandy Patinkin, Carol Kane,
Billy Crystal, Chris Sarandon, Cary Elwes,
Robin Wright, Fred Savage, Christopher
Guest, Wallace Shawn, Mel Smith, André
the Giant - Dir. Rob Reiner
Once upon a time, a feisty old grandfather told his
bedridden grandson a tongue-in-cheek fairy tale... In the
mythical kingdom of Florin, farm boy Westley rides off one
day to make his fortune, leaving his true love, Buttercup,
waiting patiently behind. Unfortunately, his ship is beset
by pirates, and Buttercup grieves for many years,
believing Westley dead. She reluctantly agrees to marry
Prince Humperdinck, knowing that she will never love him.
Humperdinck has his own plans for the marriage,
however—he intends to have Buttercup kidnapped and
murdered in order to set off a border war that will
strengthen his power. But she is eventually rescued by a
mysterious pirate, who turns out to be Westley in
disguise. Their reunion does not last long, though, and
the pair must face numerous obstacles before they can
live happily ever after.
Comedies 1987
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Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
atmosphere, some strange changes take place amongst
the local population, leading to a bloody gore-fest that
should please horror film fans looking for visceral thrills.
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062168
Horror/Suspense 2005 FF 104min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062115
The Prisoner of Zenda
Ronald Colman, Raymond Massey, Madeleine Carroll, Mary Astor, Douglas
Fairbanks, David Niven, C. Aubrey Smith,
Stewart Granger, Deborah Kerr, Jane Greer
- Dir. Richard Thorpe, John Cromwell
Two versions of Anthony Hope’s THE PRISONER OF
ZENDA are brought to the screen here. The version from
1952 stars Stewart Granger and Deborah Kerr, while the
1937 adaptation features Ronald Colman in a dual role as
dead ringers Rudolph Rassendyll, a commoner, and
Rudolf V, the crown prince of Ruritania.
Action/Adventure 1937-1952 FF M
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062347
Joan Collins, James Booth, Ray Barrett,
Kenneth Griffith, Sinead Cusack - Dir.
Sidney Hayers
Due to a lack of evidence the police release the
suspected killer of a ten year old girl. In an act of
revenge, the dead girl’s outraged family captures the
suspect and makes plans for punishing him.
Dramas 1971
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062226
Roy Rogers Show - Volume 4
Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Trigger
Private Moments
Luke Goss, Jason Connery, Judi Shekoni,
Catalina Guirado, Natasja Vermeer, Aruna
Shields - Dir. Jag Mundhra
Dramas 2005 FF DD 5.1 85min.
Maverick Entertainment 16.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062235
Public Cowboy #1
Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette
Gene Autry stars in this classic western as the hero who
takes on a group of cattle rustlers who brainstorm innovative ways to outwit the law.
Westerns 1937 FF DD 1.0 61min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062110
Television, Westerns 1952-1956
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062389
Gabriele Ferzetti, Marta Toren, Nadia Gray,
Paolo Stoppa, Sergio Tofano - Dir. Carmine
This classic of 1950s Italian cinema follows the legendary
composer (Gabriele Ferzetti) through highs and lows both
professional and romantic. Glauco Pelligrini and Carmine
Gallone direct, but the gorgeous Technicolor
cinematography is courtesy of Claude Renoir.
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 1952
FF DD 1.0 118min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062097
Nicole Cooke, Jill Swanson, Jack Quinn Dir. Ulli Lommel
Horror/Suspense 2006 Ltbx 81min.
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 06.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062144
Red Planet Mars
Peter Graves, Andrea King, Marvin Miller,
Herbert Berghof, House Peters, Orley
Lindgren, Bayard Veiller, Walter Sande Dir. Harry Horner
A scientist uses Nazi radio equipment to contact Mars.
When he gets an answer he wonders if it is from martians
- or is it from god? There is only one way to settle the
Science vs. Religion debate - go to the Red Planet and
find out!
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1952
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062211
Amy Paliganoff, Becky Niccum, J.J. Huckim
- Dir. Tyler Tharpe
The citizens of a small town are the unwitting subjects of
a terrifying scientific experiment in RETURN IN RED. With
electromagnetic frequencies soaring into the local
Based on the novel of the same name by Gerald
Petievich, THE SENTINEL offers a rare look at the world
of the Secret Service and questions what would happen if
an insider were involved in a plot to kill the President of
the United States. Agent Pete Garrison (Michael Douglas)
has earned his stripes and is a fixture in the Secret Service. In 1981, he took a bullet during the assassination
attempt on President Reagan. More than twenty years
later, he is an essential element in the first line of defense
for current first lady Sarah Ballentine (Kim Basinger). But
Garrison has some secrets—secrets that could end his
career if they were discovered. When a plot to
assassinate President John Ballentine (David Rasche) is
suspected, Garrison finds himself the primary suspect.
Heading the investigation is Agent David Breckenridge
(Kiefer Sutherland), who is convinced that Garrison—his
former best friend and mentor—slept with his wife. With
the help of rookie agent Jill Marin (Eva Longoria), who
was trained by Garrison, Breckenridge is determined to
crack the case and keep the president safe—even if it
means tak
Action/Adventure 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062079
Roy Rogers Show - Volume 5
Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Trigger
Dick Simmons
This entertaining, family-friendly television series provided
yet another outlet for the greatest singing cowboy of them
all. Roy continues to take on the bad guys and croon
under the big western skies in the classic episodes
collected in this fifth volume, alongside demure love
interest Dale Evans and, of course, Trigger.
The second season of the classic 1950s adventure show
with the self-explanatory title is collected here; dated but
still enormously fun, the show stars Dick Simmons as the
wholesome Canadian Mountie who fights wrongdoers in
harsh weather with his trusty dog, Yukon King.
Television, Action/Adventure
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062390
Shadow Double Feature
Romancing the Bride
Richard Derr - Dir. Charles F. Haas
Carrie Fisher, Laura Prepon
Comedies 2005
Starlight Home Entertainment 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062469
Two classic releases starring the mysterious crimefighting hero are collected here.
Sabrina the Teenage Witch - The
Complete First Season
Melissa Joan Hart, Caroline Rhea, Beth
Television, Comedies 1996-1997 FF DD
2.0 526min.
Paramount Home Entertainment 06.03.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062274
Savage Weekend
Christopher Allport, William Sanderson,
David Gale - Dir. John Mason Kirby
What should have been a weekend of fun turns out to be
a living (& dying) nightmare for a group of vacationers.
Horror/Suspense 1980
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062231
Scarred Memory
Veronica Yip, Simon Yam, Farini Cheung Dir. Raymond Leung
While tending an amnesiac in her ward, an emotionally
traumatized doctor finds herself gradually falling in love
with her patient. But what he can’t recall about his identity
is their shared past—when he was a brutal rapist and she
his victim.
Return in Red
Kiefer Sutherland, Kim Basinger, Michael
Douglas, Martin Donovan, Blair Brown,
Ritchie Coster, David Rasche - Dir. Clark
Sergeant Preston of the Yukon Season 2
Television, Westerns 1952-1956
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062391
This entertaining, family-friendly television series provided
yet another outlet for the greatest singing cowboy of them
all. The classic episodes collected in the fourth volume
feature Roy fighting various bad guys alongside demure
love interest Dale Evans and, of course, Trigger.
The Sentinel (Blu-ray)
Foreign Films, Chinese/Cantonese 1996
Pacific Media Entertainment 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062306
Television, Dramas 1954-1958
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062393
Shadow Play
Helena Bonham-Carter, Romane Bohringer
With a Rohmer-esque sense of wit and style, the French
chronicles the lives of two Parisian fashion designers
(Helena Bonham Carter and Romane Bohringer) and the
circle of friends and lovers who inhabit their emotional
Foreign Films, French 2004 Ltbx S
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062457
Shaft / Shaft’s Big Score / Shaft
in Africa
Richard Roundtree, Moses Gunn - Dir. Gordon Parks
SHAFT: Following the breakout success of Melvin Van
Gordon Parks’ SHAFT would officially launch the historic
Blaxploitation movement. Based on the novel by Ernest
Tidyman, the film stars Richard Roundtree as John Shaft,
a debonair, tough-talking private detective, who became a
full-fledged American archetype after the film was
released. Combining street smarts and sharp wit, Shaft is
the quintessential black action hero. After battling against
Harlem gang kingpin Bumpy Jonas (Moses Gunn), Shaft
decides to help rescue Bumpy’s daughter from the Mafia.
What follows is an action-packed thrill ride through the
rough-and-tumble streets of early 1970s New York City.
Warner Home Video 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062345
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062048
Sherlock Holmes - Incident at
Victoria Falls
Action/Adventure 1991 FF
Madacy Entertainment Group 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062151
Sherlock Holmes - The Leading
Action/Adventure 1991 FF
Madacy Entertainment Group 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062152
Shock to the System
Chad Allen, Sebastian Spence, Michael
Woods, Morgan Fairchild, Daryl
Shuttleworth, Anne Marie Loder - Dir. Ron
Dramas 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 13.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062424
Angela Lansbury, John Cullum, George
Coe, Kyle Secor, Diana Bellamy, Molly
Hagan, Jennifer Savidge, Alan Fudge,
Booth Colman, Robin Curtis, Paul Linke,
Gloria Stuart, Michele Marsh - Dir. Michael
Dramas 1988 FF 95min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062059
Chris Berger, Robert P. Campbell, Charles
Cline, Alex Downs, Pilate Downs, Jim
Erickson, Melanie Erickson - Dir. C.M.
In trying to find the person responsible for brutally
murdering an entire family, a small-town marshal and
sheriff discover that the person with the motive might be a
disfigured man shunned by the entire town years ago and
now seeking revenge.
Horror/Suspense 2005
Anchor Bay Entertainment 09.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062024
Smiles & Spectacles - The Harold
Lloyd Treasury
Harold Lloyd
The silent star gets his due in SMILES & SPECTACLES: A
HAROLD LLOYD TREASURY. Spanning from silent films
to talkies, this collection features 23 of Lloyd’s films, all
with his trademark comedic style. This five-volume set is a
10-hour tribute to the man who belongs in the cinematic
hall of fame next to Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton.
Comedies FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062243
Soldier Blue
Candice Bergen, Peter Strauss, Donald
Pleasence, John Anderson, Jorge Rivero,
Dana Elcar, Martin West, Mort Mills - Dir.
Ralph Nelson
This violent drama is based on an allegedly historic
encounter between white settlers and the Cheyenne
Indians, of the west. Based on Theodore V. Olsen’s novel
ARROW IN THE SUN, the account enacts the struggle of
a U.S. soldier named Honus Gant (Peter Strauss) and a
white woman named Cresta (Candice Bergen) who has
been captured by the Indians two years earlier. The pair is
hoping to stay alive until they can reach the nearest army
outpost. When the Cheyenne slaughter the paymaster’s
party, with which they have been traveling, the two carry
on to encounter several unusual characters. Donald
Pleasance is perfect in his portrayal of Isaac Q. Cumber,
who holds them captive, while hoping to sell the Cheyenne guns, in order to acquire some of gold they stole
from the paymaster. When Honus is wounded, Cresta
goes ahead alone, only to discover that the army plans to
wipe the Indians out entirely. She hopes to return to help
Honus, and warn the Cheyenne to flee, before the handful
of them that are left, are wiped out. Ralph Nelson directs,
and keeps the allegiances even, revealing the true
tragedy behind th
Westerns 1974
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062448
Harvey Keitel, Fernando Rey, Klaus Kinski,
Maria Lamor, Santiago Alvarez, Miguel
Bosé - Dir. Fernando Colomo
A Mexican comedy from 1960, THE SKELETON OF MRS.
MORALES follows a taxidermist who frequently finds
himself at the mercy of his overbearing wife.
Comedies 1960
Facets Video 27.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062415
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 1992
Cheezy Flicks 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062199
Sky High (Blu-ray)
Star Power
Michael Angarano, Liz Winstead, Bruce
Campbell, Lynda Carter, Dave Foley, Kevin
McDonald, Kelly Preston, Kurt Russell - Dir.
Mike Mitchell
Demi Moore, Keanu Reeves, Robert De
Niro, Nick Nolte, Jodie Foster, Sissy
Spacek, Art Carney, Bill Cosby, Jerry Reed,
Barbara Mandrell, Tom Selleck, Morgan
Fairchild, Roy Acuff, Sally Field, Cloris
Arturo Cordova - Dir. Rogelio A. Gonzalez
Most teenagers cringe at the thought of meeting their
parents’ high expectations—good grades, well-behaved
friends, and a plan for the future—and none more so than
Will Stronghold (Michael Angarano), the son of legendary
superheroes Commander (Kurt Russell) and Jetstream
(Kelly Preston). This clever Disney comedy follows Will
from his first day as star student at Sky High, an elite
school for the children of superheroes. The only problem
is that Will apparently has no special powers, and he can’t
let his parents find out! Lacking the abilities needed to
attend hero classes, Will falls in with the misfit sidekicks,
whose only powers include turning into a guinea pig,
glowing, and melting. However, when an old villain with a
new power reappears on the scene, the pressure is on
Will and his sidekicks to save his parents, his school, and
the earth itself.
Action/Adventure 2005
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Television, Dramas 2006
Warner Home Video 27.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062038
The Sting (HD DVD)
Paul Newman, Robert Redford, Robert
Shaw, Eileen Brennan, Charles Durning,
Ray Walston, Harold Gould, Dana Elcar,
Jack Kehoe, Dimitra Arliss, Robert Earl
Jones, James Sloyan, Charles Dierkop,
Sally Kirkland, Avon Long, Arch Johnson,
Ed Bakey, Brad Sullivan, John Quade, Larry
D. Mann, Joe Tornatore - Dir. George Roy
This lighthearted caper tells the story of two con men who
attempt to swindle a powerful racketeer in 1930s Chicago.
Johnny Hooker is a young confidence man whose mentor
is murdered when they run afoul of syndicate head Doyle
Lonnegan. Seeking revenge as well as a career boost,
Hooker joins forces with old pro Henry Gondorff. Together
the two scam artists cook up a complicated gambling sting
that could net them the big score they are looking for.
Dramas 1973 Ltbx DD 2.0 130min.
Universal Studios Home Video 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062163
Stocks and Blondes
Veronica Hart, Leigh Wood, Jamie Gillis,
Samantha Fox, Sharon Mitchell, Ron
Jeremy - Dir. Arthur Greenstands
As part of a get-rich-quick scheme, an attractive woman
seduces married male executives and then blackmails
them into paying her large sums of money.
Dramas 1982 FF M 90min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062108
Super Fuzz
Star Knight
A thrilling science-fiction tale about an intergalactic vessel
that carries a visitor from another world on a mystic quest
to a small Spanish town during the middle ages. The
extraterrestrial finds himself in the middle of a struggle
between the powerful village priest and an alchemist, who
both want to ally themselves with a wealthy landowner.
Also present is a sweet, incompetent knight, who would
like to marry the lord’s daughter... but the alien may have
a surprise for him, too.
The Skeleton of Mrs. Morales
THE STATE WITHIN is a pulsating British television series
that revolves around the British Ambassador to America,
Mark Brydon (Jason Isaacs). Brydon finds himself
severely tested after an airplane explodes while flying
over Washington DC, leading to him having to untangle a
dangerous web of deceit and lies. All five episodes from
the show are included here.
This collection showcases such Hollywood giants as Nick
Nolte, Jodie Foster, Robert DeNiro, Bill Cosby, Tom
Selleck and others in their lesser-known works including
some of their pre-superstardom appearances: Demi
Moore in CHOICES, Keanu Reeves in DREAM TO
St. Clair Entertainment Group 28.11.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062463
State Within
Ben Daniels, Jason Isaacs, Lennie James,
Neil Pearson, Sharon Gless
Terence Hill, Joanne Dru, Ernest Borgnine,
Marc Lawrence - Dir. Sergio Corbucci
After being accidentally exposed to radiation, a policeman
develops super powers. However, whenever he sees the
color red, he temporarily loses his newly acquired
Comedies 1981 FF 97min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062290
Superman Returns / Justice
League: Justice on Trial
Brandon Routh, Kate Bosworth, Kevin
Spacey, James Marsden, Parker Posey Dir. Bryan Singer, Butch Lukic
SUPERMAN RETURNS: For five years, Superman
(Brandon Routh) has been away from Earth, coaxed into
space by a belief that Krypton may still exist. Finding
nothing, he comes back to a changed world—not only has
terrorism become rampant, but Lois Lane (Kate Bosworth)
has married, started a family, and won the Pulitzer for her
piece „Why the World Doesn’t Need Superman.“ After a
stop in Smallville to see his adopted mother (Eva Marie
Saint), Superman is back in Metropolis, and Clark Kent
has his old job back at the Daily Planet, with everyone still
incredibly oblivious to his alter ego. But where there’s
Superman, there’s Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey), and he is
likely to be planning something dastardly—in this case,
using a piece of pilfered kryptonite to grow an entirely
new continent that he will control.
Action/Adventure 2006
Warner Home Video 05.12.2006
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062341
James Patterson’s Suzanne’s
Diary for Nicholas
Johnathon Schaech, Christina Applegate -
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Dir. Richard Friedenberg
Based on James Patterson’s touching novel, this madefor-television movie starring Christina Applegate and
Jonathon Schaech explores the parallels between the
lives of book editor Kate Wilkinson and Suzanne, the
woman whose diary Kate is now considering publishing.
Suzanne writes of her life so that her unborn son will
know her, while Kate gets drawn into Suzanne’s story and
slowly finds a way to connect it with her own.
Television, Dramas 2005 FF 90min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062020
classic to get an „origin“ story. Why is Leatherface so
angry? Whose face does he wear as a mask? How did his
family get their taste for human flesh? A 2003 remake
revisited the original film, painted with post-millenial gloss
by former music video director Marcus Nispel. For his
second feature, director Jonathan Liebesman
(DARKNESS FALLS) follows suit, though wisely
eliminating the heavy rock soundtrack of the remake.
Horror/Suspense 2006
Warner Home Video 16.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062335
Thomas & Friends: Trust Thomas
Elizabeth Taylor Double Feature
George Carlin
Elizabeth Taylor, William Powell, Irene
Dunne, Joan Bennett, Spencer Tracy
This collection of episodes from the THOMAS & FRIENDS
children’s series features narration by George Carlin and
seven educational stories including „Trust Thomas,“
„Mavis,“ „Toby’s Tightrope,“ „No Jokes For James,“
„Percy’s Promise,“ „Henry’s Forest,“ and „Trouble with
Two underrated films showcasing the considerable talents
of the young Elizabeth Taylor are collected here. The
critically acclaimed family comedy LIFE WITH FATHER
(1947), based on Howard Lindsay and Russell Crouse’s
Broadway play, provides a look at family life in New York
City during the 1880’s; William Powell (who received an
Oscar nomination) costars with Irene Dunn and Edmund
Gwenn. 1951’s FATHER’S LITTLE DIVIDEND is the
lesser-known sequel to the classic FATHER OF THE
BRIDE, reuniting the entire cast for another charming
turn. Although Stanley Banks (Spencer Tracy) is hoping
for some peace and quiet now that his daughter (Taylor)
has been married off, he soon learns he’s in for more
chaos as an expectant grandfather.
Dramas 1947-1951
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062385
Angel Tompkins, Jay North, Anthony James,
Marlene Schmidt - Dir. Howard Hikmet
A beautiful and seductive small town high school teacher
seduces her star pupil. Deranged desire leads to murder
and mayhem when their careless, uncontrolled passion
provokes the raging jealousy of a town misfit who has just
been released from a mental hospital.
Dramas 1974
Cheezy Flicks 05.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062197
Terror Out of the Sky
Efrem Zimbalist, Dan Haggerty, Lonny
Chapman, Tovah Feldshuh, Ike Eisenmann,
Steve Franken, Bruce French, Joe E. Tata,
Philip Baker Hall, Charles Hallahan, Bill
Quinn - Dir. Lee H. Katzin
Those bothersome bees are back in this sequel to „The
Savage Bees.“ wearing a bee suit covered with the
essence of queen bee, a scientist tries to lure the nasty
stingers away from a bus load of school children. Made
for television.
Television, Horror/Suspense 1978 FF
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062068
Terry and the Pirates - Volume 1
William Tracy, John Baer
This classic TV show, based on the popular 1930s and
’40s comics, featured high-flying global adventure (albeit
with relatively low production values) and vintage American optimism. The game cast includes William Tracy, John
Baer, and Gloria Saunders.
Television, Action/Adventure
Hepcat Distribution 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062394
Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The
Jordana Brewster, Cyia Batten, Andrew
Bryniarski, Diora Baird, Matthew Bomer,
Taylor Handley, Lee Tergesen, R. Lee
Ermey, Lew Temple, Heather Kafka, Marietta March, Terrence Evans - Dir. Jonathan
Though it’s spawned a handful of sequels, it took more
than 30 years for Tobe Hooper’s ever-potent horror
Childrens, Puppets/Live-Action 2006 FF
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062016
Thomas & Friends: Trust Thomas
George Carlin
This collection of episodes from the THOMAS & FRIENDS
children’s series features narration by George Carlin and
seven educational stories including „Trust Thomas,“
„Mavis,“ „Toby’s Tightrope,“ „No Jokes For James,“
„Percy’s Promise,“ „Henry’s Forest,“ and „Trouble with
Childrens, Puppets/Live-Action 2006 FF
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062017
Thomas the Tank Engine - A Big
Day for Thomas
Thomas the Tank Engine, the beloved children’s favorite
and the Island of Sodor ’s best loved train, returns with his
friends for these episodes of his long running show. The
story stops for this collection are: „A Big Day For Thomas,“ „Percy Runs Away,“ „Thomas Breaks The Rules,“
„Henry’s Special Coal,“ „The Flying Kipper,“ „Trouble For
Thomas,“ and „Toby The Tram Engine“.
Childrens, Puppets/Live-Action 2003 FF
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062018
Thomas the Tank Engine - A Big
Day for Thomas
Thomas the Tank Engine, the beloved children’s favorite
and the Island of Sodor ’s best loved train, returns with his
friends for these episodes of his long running show. The
story stops for this collection are: „A Big Day For Thomas,“ „Percy Runs Away,“ „Thomas Breaks The Rules,“
„Henry’s Special Coal,“ „The Flying Kipper,“ „Trouble For
Thomas,“ and „Toby The Tram Engine“.
Childrens, Puppets/Live-Action 2003 FF
Anchor Bay Entertainment 23.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062019
The Three Musketeers
Gene Kelly, Lana Turner, June Allyson,
Vincent Price, Keenan Wynn, John Sutton,
Gig Young, Robert Coote - Dir. George
The famous trio of noblemen do battle against intrigue
and villainy.
Action/Adventure 1948 FF M 126min.
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062348
Three Stooges
Comedies 1940
St. Clair Entertainment Group 09.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062466
Three’s Company: Capturing the
Laughter - Jack’s Episodes
John Ritter, Joyce DeWitt, Suzanne
Somers, Don Knotts, Priscilla Barnes,
Norman Fell, Audra Lindley, Richard Kline
Television, Comedies FF 150min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 30.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062021
Thrills! Chills! Spills! - The
Ultimate Adventure Collection
Robert Wagner, Douglas Fairbanks,
Gregory Peck, Ava Gardner, Wallace Beery,
Fay Wray
This collection of 12 films features the best of Hollywood
excitement. Classic stars like Douglas Fairbanks, Gregory
Peck, and Ava Gardner shine in these essential adventure
films. Includes THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO, 20,000
JUNGLE BOOK, and many others.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062244
Jeff Bridges, Jodelle Ferland, Brendan
Fletcher, Jennifer Tilly, Janet McTeer, Dylan
Taylor, Wendy Anderson - Dir. Terry Gilliam
Terry Gilliam, the director of such fantasies as TIME
MUNCHAUSEN, tells a very different kind of story in
TIDELAND. Based on the novel by Mitch Cullin and
cowritten by Gilliam and Tony Grisoni, TIDELAND follows
young Jeliza-Rose (Jodelle Ferland), the daughter of
Noah (Jeff Bridges), a drug-addicted aging rock-androller, and Queen Gunhilda (Jennifer Tilly), a drugaddicted, mean-spirited chocoholic. After her mother
overdoses, Jeliza-Rose and Noah move to his mother’s
home in the middle of nowhere, an abandoned wreck of a
house. As Noah gets lost in one of his „vacations“—his
drug trips, for which his daughter prepares the
speedball—Jeliza-Rose becomes friends with the
emotionally and physically challenged epileptic Dickens
(Brendan Fletcher), the brother of Dell (Janet McTeer), a
witchlike woman who is deathly afraid of bees, has a
penchant for taxidermy, and continually terrifies JelizaRose. Jeliza-Rose also falls farther into her own
fantastical world, particularly with her doll heads
Mustique, Sateen Lips, Glitter Gal, and Baby Blonde—one
of which fa
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD
5.1 121min.
ThinkFilm 27.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062309
Total Destruction
The residents of a small town are subject to the TOTAL
DESTRUCTION of the title in this fast-paced action
thriller. Tensions between the police and a group of
criminals have descended into chaos, leading to some
ferocious martial arts battles, all of which are executed
with a welcome dash of humor.
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 2002 Ltbx
DD 2.0
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062101
Trail of Blood
Yoshio Harada, Katsuo Nakamura, Etsuko
Ichihara, Ryoko Nakano - Dir. Kazuo Ikehiro
Becoming a Yakuza is a lifelong commitment, although the
lead character in THE TRAIL OF BLOOD finds this out in
the worst way imaginable. Trying to leave the life of the
Yakuza behind him, our hero finds his family brutally
murdered as penance, leading to a bloody tale of revenge
as he hunts down the killers.
Foreign Films, Japanese 1972
Animeigo 28.11.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062383
Train Man
Takayuki Yamada, Miki Nakatani - Dir.
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 30
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Masanori Murakami
Comedies 2005 FF DD 5.1 101min.
Viz Media, LLC. 06.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062332
Video X: The Dwayne & DarlaJean Story
Triangle Factory Fire Scandal
Stephanie Zimbalist, David Dukes, Tovah
Feldshuh, Tom Bosley, Janet Margolin,
Stacey Nelkin, Charlotte Rae, Erica Yohn,
Milton Selzer, Sean Roche, Olivia Barash,
Bart Burns, Larry Gelman, Valerie Landsburg, Dave Shelley, Bill Sorrells, Naomi
Stevens, Rhoda Gemignani - Dir. Mel Stuart
The Triangle Factory Fire“ tells of the true-life tragedy
which occured in a New York City factory in 1911 in which
146 women, mainly immigrant workers, lost their lives.
Made for television.
Eerily reminiscent of BONNIE AND CLYDE and THE
BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, this shocking film features
footage shot by a young couple on a road trip gone
wrong. Dwayne Foote and Darla-Jean Stanton begin their
journey on the back roads of Kentucky, but a botched
robbery turns their cross-country trip into a killing spree.
Television, Dramas 2003
Vanguard International Cinema 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062330
Virgin Nightmares
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Geneon Entertainment 19.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062252
Television, Dramas 1979 FF 100min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062070
Tweek City
Oscar-nominated actor Edward James Olmos
(BATTLESTAR GALACTICA) directs this true story of a
student protest in East Los Angeles in 1968. Led by Paula
Crisostomo (Alexa Vega), a number of Chicano students
walk out of their high school. The teens want to voice their
opposition to the racist policies they encounter on a daily
basis. With the help of a concerned teacher played by
Michael Peña (WORLD TRADE CENTER), Paula
organizes students from five area schools to join the
historic demonstration. Featuring an all-star cast,
WALKOUT tells the personal and political story of a group
of students who worked to change the world.
Eric G. Johnson, Giuseppe Andrews,
Elizabeth Bogush, Keith Brunsmann, Eva
Fisher, Demetrius Navarro, Samy Langs,
Luis Saguar, Gabriela Maltz Larkin, Nick
Scoggin, Salim Cain, Anni Long, Alex
Moggridge, Brett Banducci, Molly Landy,
Charles C. Stevenson, Gary Johnson,
Nectar Rose, Drea Portes, Deb Fink - Dir.
Eric G. Johnson
Dramas 2005 FF DD 5.1 86min.
Maverick Entertainment 02.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062234
Alexa Vega, Michael Pena, Efren Ramirez,
Edward James Olmos - Dir. Edward James
Dramas 2006
Warner Home Video 06.03.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062425
Wandering Swordsman
Undisputed II: Last Man Standing
Michael Jai White, Scott Adkins, Eli Danker,
Ben Cross, Velizar Binev, Michail Elenov,
Maria Ilieva, Mark Ivanir, Ken Lerner,
Trayan Milenov-Troy, Hristo Mitzkov, Velizar
Peev, Silvio Simac, Stanimir Stamatov,
Raicho Vasilev, George Zlatarev - Dir. Isaac
Michael Jai White (SPAWN) plays George Chambers, the
role originated by Ving Rhames, in INDISPUTED II: LAST
MAN STANDING. In this sequel to the 2002 film
UNDISPUTED, boxing champ Chambers is imprisoned in
Russia where he is forced to fight. With the no-holdsbarred style of Russian prison boxing, Chambers’s streetfighting skills may just save his life.
Action/Adventure 2005 Ltbx 98min.
Warner Home Video 16.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062239
Chang Cheh’s dynamic martial arts retelling of the Robin
Hood legend focuses on a warrior (the always engaging
David Chiang) who steals from thieves in order to help the
desperate poor—a tactic which is, predictably, not
received well by the criminals. Lily Li and Wei Lieh Lan
costar in this entertaining Shaw Brothers mixture of
action, humor, romance, and drama.
Sports/Recreation, Martial Arts 1970
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062100
Taylor Wane’s Erotic Games
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062121
The Usual Suspects (Blu-ray)
Gabriel Byrne, Kevin Spacey, Stephen
Baldwin, Chazz Palminteri, Kevin Pollak,
Benicio Del Toro, Suzy Amis, Giancarlo
Esposito - Dir. Bryan Singer
THE USUAL SUSPECTS is an intricately plotted and
suspenseful tale about five very different crime suspects
who meet while in a police line-up. After the quintet’s
fortuitous encounter, they decide to band together and
attempt their own big heist by robbing a smuggler of $3
million worth of emeralds. However, the following job
proves much more dangerous....
Dramas 1956
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062167
War and Peace
This epic tale takes place during Napoleon’s invasion of
Russia in the years 1805-1820. While these calamitous
historical events unfold, a variety of characters from
various classes and cultures try to deal with their own
personal dramas. Whether peasant or prince, soldier or
gentlewoman, each person undergoes a search for
happiness and self-knowledge... and each one ultimately
finds a different answer.
Foreign Films, Russian 1968 FF 403min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062126
The Well
El Vacilon
The on-air discussions of radio personalities Luis Jimenez
and Moonshadow make for equally interesting movie
material in this outrageously daring feature.
Foreign Films, Spanish 2006
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 26.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062143
David Chiang, Lily Li, Bolo Yeung, Wu Ma Dir. Cheh Chang
Richard Rober, Harry Morgan, Barry Kelley,
Christine Larson, Maidie Norman, Ernest
Anderson - Dir. Russell Rouse, Leo Popkin
An incisive study of crowd psychology, focusing on the
effects of the townsfolk when a black child gets lodged in
a deep well. Academy Award Nominations: 2, including
Best Story and Screenplay and Best Film Editing.
Dramas 1951 FF DD 1.0 86min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 20.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062119
Wet 3
Jaime Hammer
Beaches, pools, fountains, car washes: no source of
water is off-limits to the gorgeous, steamy, and scantilyclad ladies of WET 3. Among the tantalizing young women
getting wet and bothered In this titillating release are
Veronica Saint, Jaime Hammer, Cindy Pucci, and Karlie
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Red Dragon 19.12.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062246
When a Woman Ascends the
Hideko Takamine, Tatsuya Nakadai,
Masayuki Mori, Reiko Dan, Daisuke Katô,
Ganjiro Nakamura, Eitarô Ozawa, Keiko
Awaji - Dir. Mikio Naruse
A stunning drama about a ginza bar hostess as she
approaches the perilous age of 30.
Foreign Films, Japanese 1960 Ltbx 16x9 M
Criterion Collection 06.02.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062430
Where the Hell’s That Gold?!!?
Delta Burke, Willie Nelson, Jack Elam,
Alfonso Arau, Gregory Sierra, Gerald
McRaney, Annabelle Gurwitch - Dir. Burt
Television, Comedies 1989 FF 91min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062062
White Valentine
Foreign Films, Korean
Pacific Media Entertainment 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062301
Wild Camp
Dramas FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062150
World War II - When Lions Roared
Michael Caine, Bob Hoskins, John Lithgow
Television, Dramas FF 186min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062439
X-Men: The Last Stand (Blu-ray)
Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian
McKellen, Famke Janssen, Halle Berry,
James Marsden, Anna Paquin, Rebecca
Romijn-Stamos, Shawn Ashmore, Aaron
Stanford, Daniel Cudmore, Vinnie Jones,
Ellen Page, Josef Sommer - Dir. Brett
As the third installment of the X-Men series opens, the
world has entered a relatively peaceful period for mutants.
There’s a mutant-tolerant president of the United States, a
blue furry mutant named Beast (Kelsey Grammer) heading
up the Department of Mutant Affairs, and Magneto’s
shape-shifting femme fatale, Mystique, has been
captured. The tranquility is shattered by two events.
Worthington Laboratories, using a powerful mutant boy,
develops a serum that eliminates the „mutant X gene“
permanently. This so-called „cure“ quickly divides the
mutant community; Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart) and
his school are willing to give the government the benefit of
the doubt, but Magneto (Ian McKellen) and his mutant
Brotherhood see the serum as a vile threat to their way of
life. They form an army of mutants and march on the
fortified Worthington Laboratory located on Alcatraz
Island. A much more dire threat appears in the form of the
resurrected super-mutant Jean Grey (Famke Janssen),
who has succumbed to her cataclysmic Id identity known
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Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
as The Phoenix. To face these menaces Wolverine (Hugh
Jackman) and Storm
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
MPI Home Video 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062182
Carter U.S.M.
Barrework Level 4: Finis Jhung
Ballet Technique
Sy Bondy, Alan Cagan, Louis Candelaria,
Sam Coates, Emily Donahoe, Igor
Aleksandr, J.J. Ackell - Dir. Aleks Rosenberg
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF 60min.
BayView Entertainment 09.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062359
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1993
Music Video Distributors 28.11.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062283
Science-Fiction/Fantasy 2006
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062078
Though not yet an adult, Zelimo has lived a life filled with
loss. The young Jewish boy and his mother may have
moved to the idyllic landscape of the Catskills, but they
cannot forget the tragedy they experienced in their
homeland. As revealed through painful flashbacks, his
father and brother died in the family’s attempt to escape
Russia. A resident of a new land, Zelimo must forge his
own way in his journey to adulthood.
Dramas 2001 FF 91min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062299
Abba In Performance
Music critics discuss the lasting influence of Swedish pop
sensations Abba on this program. The group themselves
also feature, mostly in archive performances from various
television shows.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062124
Marc Anthony
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062193
Art of Pointework Level 1: Finis
Jhung Ballet Technique
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF 56min.
BayView Entertainment 02.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062361
Art of Pointework Level 2: Finis
Jhung Ballet Technique
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction FF 47min.
BayView Entertainment 02.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062362
Bishop Paul S. Morton - Still
Gospel star Bishop Paul S. Morton flexes all his gospel
talents on the live recording STILL STANDING.
Bluegrass Roots - Music Makers
of Blue Ridge
The Asheville Mountain Music Festival is the subject of
this documentary from 1965. MUSIC MAKERS OF BLUE
RIDGE originally aired on TV, and focuses on the search
for artists to perform at the festival.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062187
Chris Botti - Live With Orchestra
and Special Guests
Chris Botti
Pop-jazz trumpeter Chris Botti performs his smooth and
amorous style of pop-jazz live.
Musical & Performing Arts 2006
Sony Music Video 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062298
Art of Pointework Level 3: Finis
Jhung Ballet Technique
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF 53min.
BayView Entertainment 23.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062363
Art of Pointework Level 4: Finis
Jhung Ballet Technique
This television program examines the life and career of
Tony Bennett. Revisiting all the hotspots where Bennet
established himself and built a reputation, AN AMERICAN
CLASSIC makes stops in Greenwich Village, the Columbia
recording studios, Las Vegas, and Carnegie Hall. The film
consists of re-recreations of key moments in the singer ’s
life, with special appearances by artists including Stevie
Wonder, Elton John, Barbara Streisand, and Christina
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062051
Marc Anthony - Hasta Ayer
Chet Atkins
Tony Bennett
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
DD 5.1
Sony Music Video 12.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062296
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF 60min.
BayView Entertainment 23.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062364
Tony Bennett - An American
Classic (Blu-ray)
Broadway Dance Center: Takes
On Theater Dance
Originally held in 1993, this live concert features tracks
from the height of Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine’s
popularity. Song include „After the Watershed,“ „Lean on
Me I Won’t Fall Over,“ and „Sheriff Fatman“ among
Centerwork Level 3: Finis Jhung
Ballet Technique
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction FF 65min.
BayView Entertainment 02.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062358
Centerwork on Turns Level 4:
Finis Jhung Ballet Technique
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF 60min.
BayView Entertainment 09.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062360
Clash - Up Close And Personal
Various people who were close to punk rock legends the
Clash talk frankly and honestly about their times with the
band on this documentary. Among the contributors are
filmmaker Don Letts, publisist Catherine Coon, and road
manager Johnny Green.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062127
Sheryl Crow Wildflower Tour:
Live in New York
The country-inflected pop of Sheryl Crow has endeared
her to a vast global audience of fans, many of whom flock
to see her when she rolls into town. This show was caught
on camera in New York City during the „Wildflower“ tour
and includes a hit-packed set of songs.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062321
Cure - Festival 2005
One of modern rock’s most enduring acts, the Cure
proves it’s still able to put on a great live show in THE
CURE FESTIVAL 2005. Former guitarist Porl Thompson
returned to The Cure’s fold in 2005, and he takes a crosscontinental tour with the three other band members (Robert Smith, Simon Gallup, and Jason Cooper). The band
played nine different festivals from Spain to Turkey, and
this title combines the best footage from the shows.
Songs include „Never Enough,“ „Just Like Heaven,“
„Inbetween Days,“ and „Disintegration.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062317
Day the Country Died
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF 80min.
BayView Entertainment 23.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062353
Through interviews with major players in the anarchistpunk movement, DAY THE COUNTRY DIED explores the
evolution of a genre. Those sharing their views include
Colin Jerwood of Conflict, Penny Rimbaud of Crass, Zillah
Minx of Rubella Ballet, and more. The release also
includes live concert material.
Broadway Dance Center: Turns &
Turn Combos
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Music Video Distributors 28.11.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062285
Musical & Performing Arts, Dance
Instruction 2006 FF 60min.
BayView Entertainment 02.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062354
Carter U.S.M. - Splash It All Over:
Live at Cologne
Death Row Uncut
Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg, Tupac Shakur
Never before seen live performances, interviews, unrated
videos, unreleased and classic videos, and too raw for
BET/MTV footage from Death Row Records. Including
never before seen videos from: DJ Quirk, 2Pac, Dr. Dre
and Snoop Dogg. Live performances by: 2pac, The Lady
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 32
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
of Rage, Snoop Dogg. Approach with caution and/or great
excitement folks, because a few of these tracks are even
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1999
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062177
Diplomats - Diplomats Presents 140th and Lennox
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062130
Diplomats Present: 140th &
Lenox - Volume 2
Don’t Knock the Rock / Rock
Around the Clock
Bill Haley, Alan Dale, Alan Freed, Fay
Baker, Jana Lund, Pierre Watkin, Patricia
Hardy - Dir. Fred F. Sears
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1956
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062396
Don’t Knock the Twist / Twist
Around the Clock
Chubby Checker, Gene Chandler, Vic Dana,
Dion - Dir. Oscar Rudolph
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1961
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062397
Dresden Dolls - Paradise
Overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds to make sure
that old adage „the show must go on“ is adhered to, the
Dresden Dolls perform live in Boston on this release. With
Boston in the dark after a blackout, the band and its
expectant audience had to wait five hours for power to be
restored. But when the city flickered back to life the Dolls
delivered a set filled with joyous punk-rock energy. Adding
a dash of cabaret to the proceedings, the band introduces
some theatrical delights throughout the show, with circus
acts and various weird and wonderful performers helping
to make the night a colorful visual experience. The tracks
performed are mostly culled from the Dolls’ eponymously
titled album, and this memorable night was filmed for
posterity at the Paradise Club on June 5, 2005.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062314
Foghat - The Official Bootleg
DVD - Vol. 1
Their name has been immortalized in the song „Wear Your
Foghat With Pride“ by eccentric English popstars Denim,
and Foghat continues to draw a new audience with its
classic rock sounds. This first volume in a proposed
series of bootleg recordings includes live tracks from
Free - Forever
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Music Video Distributors 19.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062166
Good Charlotte - Fast Future Generation
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Sony Music Video 19.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062295
PJ Harvey On Tour: Please Leave
Polly Jean Harvey
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062438
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062323
This comprehensive release contains all the existing
material available on the band Free. Packed with concert
footage from their Isle of Wright concert from 1970 and
several BBC performances, FREE- FOREVER also
contains interviews with the remaining band members.
A reclusive star who has a very strong vision for her
career, PJ Harvey opens up on this tour documentary,
allowing cameras to follow her as she promotes the UH
HUH HER album in 2004. Captured travelling through
Europe and the U.S. with her four-piece band, Harvey is
filmed both on- and off-stage. The singer-songwriter
highlights how the touring process affects her via some
intimate video diaries, while also delivering some
impressive shows in a variety of venues, from huge
festivals to intimate club appearances. A well-packaged
documentary on the diminutive star, ON TOUR: PLEASE
LEAVE QUIETLY also includes 16 songs that span
Harvey’s career, from „Dress“ to „Meet Ze Monsta“ to a
new song (at the time of recording) titled „Evol.“
INXS - Switch
INXS seemed to be finished as an entity after the death of
lead singer Michael Hutchence in 1997. Yet in a rather
bizarre commercial move, the band signed on to a realityTV show based on the idea of finding a new lead singer.
They came away with J.D. Fortune, a Canadian who at
one time made his living as an Elvis impersonator.
Surprisingly enough, though, Fortune is a good fit for the
band, with a pouty, sultry croon that recalls—not
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2005
Sony Music Video 28.11.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062289
Antonio Carlos Jobim - Live At
Montreal Jazz Festival
Antonio Carlos Jobim
Brazilian musician Antonio Carlos Jobim will be forever
remembered as one of the founders of bossa nova. This
rare concert recording finds Jobim performing a selection
of songs at the famous Montreal Jazz Festival.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062131
Kinks - In Performance
This release mostly centers around music critics
discussing the work of British mod-rockers the Kinks, but
also includes a few brief clips of the band playing live.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2004
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062322
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062125
Hawkwind - Live 1984-1995
Learn Magic with Lyn
Musical & Performing Arts 2005
Starlight Home Entertainment 09.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062288
This compilation features material from the years 1984 to
1995. Contained programs include CHRONICLE OF THE
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Music Video Distributors 28.11.2006
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062282
Big Boi, Andre 3000, Macy Gray, Terrence
Howard, Patti LaBelle, Ving Rhames,
Faizon Love, Cicely Tyson, Ben Vereen,
Paula Jai Parker, Paula Patton - Dir. Bryan
André Benjamin and Antoine A. Patton—aka Andre 3000
and Big Boi of the hip-hop duo Outkast—star in this
uproarious period piece, a comedy-drama-musical-action
film set in Prohibition-era Virginia. Patton plays Rooster,
the lead singer at a raucous, high-class all-black club
called Church. Benjamin plays Percival, his best friend,
who is the piano player at the club and the shy son of a
funeral parlor owner (played by Ben Vereen). Terence
Howard (HUSTLE AND FLOW) provides the menace as
Trumpy, a vicious underling of Rooster’s bootlegger father
(Ving Rhames). Meanwhile, a beautiful singer (Paula
Patton) comes to town and Percival finds himself falling in
love—much to his terror, as he’s afraid to leave the small
community of Idlewild for the big city: Chicago, her next
stop. As Rooster prepares for a showdown with Trumpy,
Percival faces his fears, the band heats up, and the guns
and songs come out for a big final night at the Church.
Musical & Performing Arts 2006 Ltbx 16x9
Universal Studios Home Video 05.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062156
In the Mood for Love
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
DD 5.1 80min.
Music Video Distributors 28.11.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062230
Marilyn Manson - Demystifying
the Devil
A documentary mostly about Manson’s early years,
DEMYSTIFYING nonetheless contains all the ingredients
that you’d expect from a Manson video: bizarre antics,
stomach churning weirdness, and a large dose of humor.
Comprised mainly of footage shot by the band during the
early years on tour and interviews with people who knew
Manson „way back when,“ such as long time girlfriend
Missy, DEMYSTIFYING tries to paint a picture of how
Manson got to where he is today. As interesting as most
of these interviews are, the most entertaining parts of the
video are definitely the old footage of the band’s offstage
behavior on early tours. Alternately disgusting and
hilarious, no Manson fan should pass this up, if only for
the sequence where the band runs amok in Disneyland.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1999
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062179
Judith Christie McAllister - In His
Presence Live
Judith Christie McAllister
Nashville is the location for this live recording from gospel
singer Judith Christie McAllister.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062052
Loreena Mckennitt - No Journey’s
Drawing inspiration from literature, ancient cultures, and
religion, Loreena McKennitt gives fans insight into her
three of her albums in NO JOURNEY’S END. This
documentary about the Celtic siren takes fans deeper into
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062327
Martha Reeves - In Concert
Martha Reeves
Ennio Morricone - Arena
Musical & Performing Arts, Classical 2006
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062132
Martha Reeves performs live at Orlando’s Rock n’ Roll
Palace. Famous for her work with The Vandellas, Reeves
was a driving force in early female Motown music. In this
special performance, Reeves joins forces with guest star
Sam Moore in performing tracks such as „Dancing In The
Street,“ „Something’s Wrong With My Baby,“ and „Come
And Get These Memories.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Music Video Distributors 20.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062213
Murder Was the Case
Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Charlie
Murphy, Freez Luv - Dir. Dr. Dre
Rapper Dr. Dre has proved himself as good a producer
and director as he is a rhymer. The quietly menacing,
wonderfully smooth gangsta rapper Snoop Doggy Dogg
was Dre’s first major prodigy, and has proven himself
worthy of his own massive success. MURDER WAS THE
CASE is a long-form video (or more accurately, a short
film) which goes along with Snoop’s eponymous song
„Murder Was the Case“. Directed by Dr. Dre, it conjures
up resonant images of life on the street and as a young
gangsta. Also included is the director’s cut version of Dr.
Dre and Ice Cube’s „Natural Born Killaz“ as well as three
other uncensored music videos from Snoop („Gin &
Juice,“ „Who Am I (What’s My Name),“ and „Doggy Dogg
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1994
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062178
Dolly Parton & Friends
Dolly Parton
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
MPI Home Video 27.02.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062180
Jaco Pastorius - In Concert
Jaco Pastorius
Jazz fusion bass player Jaco Pastorius makes an entry
into the In Concert series with this live recording.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062468
Joe Posada - Una Noche con Joe
Joe Posada
Tejano icon and saxophone virtuoso Jorge Posada is at
his best in this dynamic live concert, performing classics
like „No Puedo Mas,“ „Chica Chica,“ and „Penas.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
DD 5.1 56min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062114
Psychobilly: Behind the Music
This behind-the-scenes look at the psychobilly genre
features interview material with Nigel Lewis, Chuck
Harvey, Mark Harman, Alan Wilson, and more.
promo videos, personal anecdotes, and live footage
featuring the bands the Sharks, Frenzy, and the Coffin
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Music Video Distributors 28.11.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062284
Pussycat Dolls - PCD
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062326
Rise Against - Generation Lost
Hardcore band Rise Against is the subject of this
rockumentary. This title includes biographical footage
about the band members, plus songs performed at soldout shows in Los Angeles. GENERATION LOST features
hit videos, including a behind-the-scenes look at „Ready
to Fall“ and „Swing Life Away.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062316
Rolling Stones - Rolling On
Rolling Stones
This documentary on the Rolling Stones includes some
candid backstage footage, interviews, sensational footage
that has barely been seen before, and a whole lot more.
Find out why the Stones legend has endured, and the
band has become more and more popular as time passes
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062191
Sabbath In Paradise
Various New York City-based Jewish musicians talk about
their experiences in the downtown music scene on
SABBATH IN PARADISE. Among the artists who proffer
their thoughts are Tom Waits’s guitarist Marc Ribot and
legendary jazz innovator John Zorn.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062133
their faces, Slipknot also treats fans to a detailed look at
their masks.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062315
Solido - Frente a Frente
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062188
Gwen Stefani - Harajuku Lovers
Gwen Stefani takes the stage in HARAJUKU LOVERS
LIVE. Stylish and energetic, the No Doubt frontwoman
puts on a great show when she goes solo. A musical
chameleon, Stefani takes her cues from sources as varied
as a marching band („Hollaback Girl“), a Broadway
musical („Rich Girl“), and R&B („Luxurious“). Featuring all
her biggest hits from LOVE. ANGEL. MUSIC. BABY, the
concert also includes two new songs, „Wind It Up“ and
„Orange County Girl.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062318
Swing Years Sweet Lorraine
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062190
The Tragically Hip - That Night In
Despite their years of success and sizable loyal following,
this is Canadian rock group The Tragically Hip’s first-ever
concert film. They enlisted producers Pierre and Francois
Lamoureux for the occasion, pioneers in the field of
concert recording who are known for their work with
legends like The Who. Always an excellent live band, The
Tragically Hip opted to create an unusual program,
declining to edit anything out: multiple cameras captured
the entire performance from start to finish. Shot in 2004 at
the sold-out Air Canada Centre, its 24 live tracks include
„Vaccination Scar,“ „As Makeshift as We Are,“ „Poets,“
and „At the Hundredth Meridian.“
Carlos Santana & Wayne Shorter
- Live at the Montreaux Jazz Festival
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music
Fontana Distribution 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062325
This memorable performance from the legendary Carlos
Santana, playing alongside his longtime inspiration and
friend Wayne Shorter, was the toast of the 1988
Montreaux Jazz Festival, and features sparkling renditions
of classics like „Spiritual,“ „Goodness & Mercy,“ „Once It’s
Gotcha,“ and „Europa.“
Usher - Rhythm City Volume One:
Caught Up
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1988
FF DD 5.1 64min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062118
Siouxsie and the Banshees - Nocturne
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Siouxsie and the Banshees weave their bewitching spell in
a live performance.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1983
MSI Music 28.11.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062320
Slipknot - Voliminal: Inside the
Slipknot’s founder, M. Shawn Crahan (aka Clown), directs
an in-depth look at the alternative metal band, giving a
perspective that only an insider could. VOLIMINAL:
INSIDE THE NINE profiles each of the band’s nine
members. This release also includes concert footage,
music videos, and band interviews. Famous for hiding
Usher, Joy Bryant
CONFESSIONS saw Usher widening his fanbase and
consolidating his position as one of the best R&B acts to
ever pick up a microphone and lay down some super-slick
sounds. This visual companion to the album features an
extended version of „Caught Up,“ which takes the original
promo clip for the song and stretches it out to a 30 minute
mini-movie. After viewers have marveled at the sights on
offer, they get a chance to go behind-the-scenes with
Usher and crew, as they show how it was all done in an
impressive making of-style featurette. Finally, the package
is completed with music videos for „Confessions Part II,“
„My Boo,“ „Yeah!,“ „Burn,“ and the original version of
„Caught Up.“
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2005
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062192
Violent Femmes - No, Let’s Start
Having helped define the indie-rock landscape in the
1980s, the Violent Femmes subsequently enjoyed
notoriety as one of the most influential bands in their field.
This live show from 1984 offers 12 songs from their early
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
career, performed in front of an expectant audience in
London, England.
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1984
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062324
Kanye West - Late Registration
Video Anthology
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062319
Andy Williams - An Evening With
Andy Williams: Royal Albert Hall
Andy Williams
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 1978
Music Video Distributors 20.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062281
World of Spanish Hip Hop
Musical & Performing Arts, Pop Music 2006
Universal Music & Video Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062311
Special Interest
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2007
FF 54min.
Anchor Bay Entertainment 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062377
2006 FIA Formula One World
Championship Review
D.L. Hughley hosts this special AMERICA’S FUNNIEST
HOME VIDEO three-episode program featuring some of
the most romantic and disastrous video clips in the history
of the series. From stumbling walks down the aisle to
nightmare meetings between in-laws, the episode „Stupid
Cupid“ has got it all. Also included is a $100,000 bonus
episode, and a season finale featuring hosts Daisy
Fuentes and John Fugelsang.
Television, Comedies 2006
Sony Music Distribution 30.01.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062294
Denise Austin - Hit the Spot: Core
This total body workout includes a warm-up and several
customizable segments designed to be done individually
or together. By alternating between different muscle
groups, Denise Austin offers viewers many ways to work
the abs, upper body, legs, and buns.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062444
Bad Attitude!
Director Jack Banner’s BAD ATTITUDE finds dominatrix
Mistress Julie Simone displaying her bondage-dominance
skills on six submissive beauties, including Amber Michaels, Anastasia Pierce, and Summer Cummings.
Sports/Recreation, Auto Sports 2006
Kultur Films Inc. 19.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062139
Featuring the rivalry between the United States and
Europe, the Ryder Cup is consistently one of the most
exciting competitions in golf. With power players like Tiger
Woods and Sergio Garcia, the 2006 match-up was no
exception. See the European team defeat the United
States for a third straight year after decades of American
dominance. In addition to all the thrilling game play, THE
2006 RYDER CUP also includes extra features like aerial
views of each beautiful hole at the K Club in County
Kildare, Ireland.
Sports/Recreation, Golf 2006
Kultur Films Inc. 19.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062138
America’s Funniest Home Videos
- Motherhood Madness
Hosted by Tom Bergeron, this two-hour program offers a
$100,000 prize for the funniest video out there, with
homemade clips all gathered around the theme of
motherhood and mother ’s day.
Big Comfy Couch - Vol. 3: Let’s
Have a Party
Join Loonette the clown and her doll Molly for a party in
VOL. 3 of the popular children’s series THE BIG COMFY
COUCH. This party involves songs, stories, games,
laughs, and preschool instruction in the tradition of the
series. Children will delight again and again in this festive,
fun, and educational program.
Childrens 2006 FF 72min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062419
Big Comfy Couch - Vol. 4 Wiggling and Giggling
The popular children’s series THE BIG COMFY COUCH
returns with more songs, fun, laughs, and preschool
instruction on VOL. 4— WIGGLING AND GIGGLING. Join
Loonette the clown and her doll Molly as they tell stories,
play games, and share songs in this fun, educational
program that will have children singing, wiggling, and
Childrens 2006 FF 72min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062420
Bruce Bruce: Live
Bruce Bruce
Bad Behavior 3-Pack
Comedies 2003
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062176
behavior with a trio of MTV-generation comedies: BEAVIS
(2004). See individual titles for plot details.
Comedies 1996-2004
Paramount Home Entertainment 28.11.2006
68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062271
BALL ABOVE ALL collects great basketball footage from
games played across the country and played on many
levels of skill. Compiled by, this collection
shows off slammin’ dunks, crazy handles and amazing
moves from the playgrounds, the schools and the pros.
Behind the scenes footage shows everything from tattoos
to rides. All this action is complemented by a well chosen
hip-hop soundtrack.
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2000 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062171
2006 Ryder Cup
Grizzly Adams Family Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062088
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Pacific Media Entertainment 28.11.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062260
Ball Above All Vol. 1
The 2006 Formula One World Championship became a
head-to-head battle between Renault and McLaren, who
battled hard for the Constructors title, and Fernando
Alonso and Kimi Räikkönen, who fought for the honor of
becoming Driver’s Champion. This review of the year
offers plenty of highlights and analysis from another
superb season for the sport.
D.L. Hughley, Daisy Fuentes
Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O
10 Minute Solution - Blast Off
Belly Fat
Television, Comedies 2006
Sony Music Distribution 17.04.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062293
America’s Funniest Home Videos
- Salute to Romance
Biblical Collector’s Series - Set 1
Religious 2006
Grizzly Adams Family Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062085
Biblical Collector’s Series - Set 2
Religious 2006
Grizzly Adams Family Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062086
Biblical Collector’s Series - Set 3
Religious 2006
Grizzly Adams Family Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062087
Biblical Collector’s Series - Set 4
Religious 2006
BRUCE BRUCE: LIVE is the latest installment in the
Platinum Comedy Series. The Double Bruce keeps them
rollin’ in the aisles as he lays down his own unique brand
of humor.
Buff - Brides: Count Down to
Gown Workout
As the center of attention and the focus of seemingly
immortal photographs, every bride wants to look her best
on her wedding day. Featuring workouts for the areas a
wedding dress might reveal (such as the back, arms, and
hips) as well as a cardio workout, personal trainer Sue
Fleming gives women a fitness program to prepare for
their exciting day.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
Inspired Corporation 09.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062265
Buff - Moms: Beyond Baby
Regaining a pre-baby body is only one of the many
challenges new mothers face. BUFF MOMS: BEYOND
BABY BODY features a workout designed specifically for
moms with special exercises to slim stomachs.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
Inspired Corporation 09.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062266
Buff - Moms-to-Be: The Early
Designed especially for pregnant women, BUFF MOMSTO-BE: THE EARLY WORKOUT helps get expectant
mothers in good shape. This title features stretching and
cardio exercises led by fitness guru Sue Fleming. These
exercises will also help in the future mothers’ experience
with childbirth.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
Inspired Corporation 09.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062267
George Burns in Concert
George Burns
Comedian George Burns performs before a live audience.
Taped in 1982.
Comedies 1982 Ltbx 56min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062291
Television, Comedies 2006 Ltbx 16x9
Anchor Bay Entertainment 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062023
Cardio Camp Workout With
Kimberly Spreen
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 70min.
BayView Entertainment 23.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062371
Cardio Step Express With Gay
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF
BayView Entertainment 02.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062366
Caribbean Workout Yoga - 2 Pack
Stretch into Yoga / Yoga for the
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 138min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062065
Complete Pilates Workout - Box
This collection presents all three of instructor Juliana
Afram’s easy-to-follow Pilates workouts: the first program
offers traditional mat exercises that emphasize core
strengthening; the second program uses a miniball to
work muscle groups that aren’t covered by the mat
workout; and the third program incorporates a foamroller
to create an even broader spectrum of moves and
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
Navarre Corporation 28.11.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062238
David Courtney’s Dodgy DVD
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062071
Criss Cross Cardio and Capoeira
with Sherri Jacquelyn
Caribbean Workout Yoga Stretch Into Yoga
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 69min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062063
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 67min.
BayView Entertainment 09.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062367
Crunch - Bikini Body
Caribbean Workout Yoga - Yoga
for the Core
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 69min.
Direct Source 26.12.2006
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062064
George Carlin: Life is Worth
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness FF
Anchor Bay Entertainment 06.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062378
Cycle All Terrain With Brooke
Brooke Hayward
Sports/Recreation, Bicycling 2006 FF
BayView Entertainment 02.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062365
George Carlin
Comedies 2006
MPI Home Video 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062183
Def Comedy Jam Vol. 2
Tony Roberts, Katt Williams, Kevin Hart
Phil Carson Collection - #2
Bondage king Phil Carson directs four erotic vignettes
starring submissive beauties Andrea Neal, Cleo Nichole,
Talia Monet, and Randi Storm in a variety of punishing ties
and gags.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Pacific Media Entertainment 28.11.2006
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062262
Code Name: Aida
For nine seasons throughout the 1990s Russell
Simmons’s DEF COMEDY JAM exposed hilarious,
predominantly African-American comedians to the public
via HBO, and created many new superstars in the
process. Unfettered by censors, the show allowed up and
coming stars such as Martin Lawrence, D.L. Hughley,
Chris Tucker, Chris Rock, and Bernie Mac to be be as raw
and wild as they wanted to be. Simmons revived the show
in the early 21st century, and this second volume of
highlights from the all-new DEF COMEDY JAM is hosted
by Mike Epps.
In director Jon Woods’s CODE NAME: AIDA, a bevy of
bound and gagged beauties like Ander Page, Carolyn
Monroe, Amber Michaels, and Alissa Anderson act out
four bondage-dominance vignettes about android spies,
escaped convicts, cat burglars, and sorority girls.
Television, Comedies 2006
Warner Home Video 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062094
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Pacific Media Entertainment 28.11.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062261
Def Comedy Jam Volume 1
Comedians of Comedy
Patton Oswalt, Brian Posehn, Maria
Bamford, Zach Galifianakis - Dir. Michael
Michael Blieden’s documentary explores the lives of four
comedians on the road between standup routines: Patton
Oswalt, Brian Posehn, Maria Bamford, and Zach
Galifianakis. Viewers will find themselves laughing while
also learning what’s involved in the comedian’s daily
Adele Givens
For nine seasons throughout the 1990s Russell
Simmons’s DEF COMEDY JAM exposed hilarious,
predominantly African-American comedians to the public
via HBO, and created many new superstars in the
process. Unfettered by censors, the show allowed up and
coming stars such as Martin Lawrence, D.L. Hughley,
Chris Tucker, Chris Rock, and Bernie Mac to be be as raw
and wild as they wanted to be. Simmons revived the show
in the early 21st century, and this first volume of
highlights from the all-new DEF COMEDY JAM is hosted
by Mike Epps and Dave Chappelle.
Television, Comedies 2006 Ltbx
Warner Home Video 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062093
Discover China - Bodacious
Sports/Recreation, Travel 2001
Tai Seng Video Marketing, Inc. 30.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062302
Dr. Lynn’s Anti Aging Workout for
Everybody: Flex & Tone
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
Razor Digital Entertainment 09.01.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062287
Doctor, The Tornado & The Kentucky Kid
In 2005 the eyes of motorcycle fans across the globe
were fixed firmly on California as one of the biggest races
in MotoGP history blazed into action. Actor Ewan
McGregor—a huge fan of the sport—narrates this
documentary on the event.
Sports/Recreation, Motorcycle Sports 2006
Ltbx DD 5.1 104min.
New Video Group, Inc. 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062240
Double Cardio With Sharon
Money Twombly & Seasun Zieger
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 145min.
BayView Entertainment 23.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062370
Dress Rehearsal: The Brave
Hurr’s Ta’Zieh
Aladdin Ghasemi, Amir-Solermani
Moghaddam, Mozaffer Ghorbani-Nejad,
Gharvameddin Ghasemi, Davoud Abaei Dir. Nasser Taghvai
Influential „Iranian New Wave“ auteur Nasser Taghvai
directs this fascinating insider’s look at an Iranian passion
play, or ta’zieh, a unique mixture of Mohammad’s sayings,
the Koran, and traditional Iranian folklore.
Foreign Films 2005
Facets Video 27.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062407
ECW - December to Dismember
Fans of events promoted by World Wrestling
Entertainment will enjoy DECEMBER TO DISMEMBER, an
event first held by Extreme Championship Wrestling. All
the fierce physical competition, elimination matches, and
lovable theatrics associated with pro wrestling are taken a
step further in ECW. This program, which features some
of America’s fiercest competitors, is a must for any fan of
the sport.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 26.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062480
ECW - Extreme Rules
ECW- EXTREME RULES delivers two DVDs of top-notch
wrestling competition, compiling some of the most extreme matches from the years 1996 through 2006. Among
the extreme wrestling elite featured are Sandman, Sabu,
Mysterio, and RVD, and the matches include cage
weapons, street fights, and ladder matches. The program
also features vignettes with many of the performers.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006
Genius Productions, Inc. 30.01.2007
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062482
Eye of the Leopard
The National Geographic documentary EYE OF THE
LEOPARD follows a leopard from week-old cub to adult.
Viewers watch as Legadema the leopard learns everything
from hunting monkeys to the dangers of lions with her
mother as her teacher. Documentarians Dereck and
Beverly Joubert followed Legadema for three years,
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
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Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
creating this detailed picture of the life of a single big cat.
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Warner Home Video 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062090
FIFA 2006 World Cup Film: The
Grand Finale
Sports/Recreation, Soccer 2006 Ltbx S
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062057
Final Countdown: Bodybuilding
With Shawn Ray
Sports/Recreation, Bodybuilding 1998 FF
BayView Entertainment 23.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062369
First Merchants
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2006
Kultur Films Inc. 28.11.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062140
This entertaining and thoughtful documentary takes a look
at the history of the word „fuck.“ Talking to celebrities,
political figures, and other commentators who are eager
to discuss this taboo-riddled word, director Steve
Anderson crafts a film that manages to combine deep
conversation about civil liberties with some highly amusing
uses of a word that is still considered shocking to many.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2006 Ltbx 16x9 DD 5.1 90min.
ThinkFilm 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062308
Guys Gone Wild - Bad to the
The GUYS GONE WILD series turns the tables on male
voyeurism as women get behind the camera to document
the wild, sexy, naked antics of fantastically muscled men.
This volume celebrates the the naughty charms of the allAmerican bad boy with a collection of uninhibited college
studs baring it all in the showers, beaches, and bedrooms
of sunkissed spring break.
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit
Pacific Media Entertainment 06.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062263
Guys Gone Wild - Pool Party
Who says girls should have all the fun? With this GUYS
GONE WILD program, guys get to take center stage,
baring close to all in a series of spring break photo shoots
and uncensored video footage. From a blue-eyed surfer
and a rodeo cowboy riding his bedsheets to a blonde
pierced and shaved in all the right places, GUYS GONE
WILD contains all the makings of a perfect spring break
Adult Audience, Non-Explicit 2006
Mantra Films, Inc. 26.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062259
Fred Hammond - Free to Worship
Religious 2006
Sony Music Video 02.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062297
Hardwood Dreams - Vols. 1 & 2
Narrated by Wesley Snipes (BLADE: TRINITY), this
documentary recalls Steve James’s HOOP DREAMS in its
concentration on the trials and glory of an inner-city highschool basketball team. Volume one follows the starting
five players of the Morningside High School varsity team
in Inglewood, California. The boys train hard to realize
their NBA dreams as they also face the challenges
presented by SATs, the lure of gangs, and encounters
with the law. They must also deal with the bruised egos,
jealousy, and infighting that occur among the players. The
second volume follows up on the players 10 years later, to
find out if their aspirations to turn pro panned out and if all
the hard work was worth it.
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 1994-2004
FF 120min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062453
History Channel Presents: Desperate Crossing - The Untold Story
The History Channel provides a typically thoughtful
Shakespeare Company provided actors for the extensively
reconstructed footage of the trip on the Mayflower, and
the program also ventures into the first year in their new
country as they attempted to forge a relationship with the
Native Americans.
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 30.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062031
D.L. Hughley - Live
D.L. Hughley
From his top-rated television series The Hughleys, to his
status as one of the „Original Kings of Comedy,“ to his
role in the film THE BROTHERS, D.L. Hughley is known
as one of the hardest working comedians in show
business. Here, D.L. is showcases his standup act, raw
and uncut, before an appreciative audience for the highly
successful Platinum Comedy Series.
Comedies 2003
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062174
Inside & Out: Bodybuilding with
Shawn Ray
Sarah McLachlan
Appealing to a wide range of fans with her accessible but
artistically sound music, Sarah McLachlan’s gorgeous
voice has become part of the soundtrack to her
generation. Hailing from Nova Scotia, the singer has won
three Grammies and sold over 22 million records, a
testament to her position in the hearts and minds of fans
across the globe. Moreover, with the traveling festival she
started, Lilith Fair, Sarah has helped countless young
female artists gain an audience and the recognition they
deserve. This documentary explores the wide range of
ways she brings joy to listeners, through both her own
work and that of other artists, as Sarah talks about a life
dedicated to music. The artist’s friends and family
members also weigh in, giving insight into her artistic
processes, which are also in evidence as she prepares for
the release of AFTERGLOW. The song selection features
many of the pieces Sarah is most known for, including „I
Will Remember You,“ „Good Enough,“ and „Fallen.“
Education/General Interest, Biography 2005
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062189
Finesse Mitchell - Snap Famous
Finesse Mitchell
Charming and engaging stand-up comic (and SATURDAY
NIGHT LIVE cast member) Finesse Mitchell slays the
crowd with hilarious riffs on his childhood, dating,
celebrities, and the absurdities of daily life in this winning
50-minute performance.
Comedies 2006 FF DD 5.1
Image Entertainment, Inc. 13.02.2007
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062098
Paul Mooney - Know Your
History: Jesus Was Black; So
Was Cleopatra
Paul Mooney
Sports/Recreation, Bodybuilding 2006 FF
BayView Entertainment 09.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062368
Always hilarious and often controversial, veteran stand-up
comic Paul Mooney has written for legends like Richard
Pryor, brought IN LIVING COLOR’s Homey the Clown to
life, and appeared on THE CHAPELLE SHOW. This program captures a classic, scathingly funny live
performance at The Laugh Factory, with riffs on topics
ranging from celebrities to history to race.
It’s a Big, Big World - Investigate
Your World
Comedies 2006 Ltbx DD 5.1 83min.
Image Entertainment, Inc. 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062120
Television, Childrens
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062406
It’s a Big, Big World - The Sky
Television, Childrens
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062404
Japanese Hardcore Wrestling Vol. 9
Fans of American pro wrestling haven’t seen anything yet.
This ninth volume in the popular JAPANESE HARDCORE
series features wild, brutal fights between stars like Mr.
Pogo, Shadow WX, Kanemura, Necro Butcher, Hero and
Kudo, and Daisuke Sekimoto and Katsumas, involving
everything from chairs and tables to broken glass, barbed
wire, and fire.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006
Red Dragon 28.11.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062286
March of Prophecy Collection
Total Content 28.11.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062310
Sarah McLachlan - A Life of
MotoGP 2006 - Official Review
The 2006 MotoGP was as thrilling as any other, and this
series of highlights captures all the action and excitement
from the various races. As well as pulse-racing footage
from the track there is expert commentary and analysis,
and thoughts from the riders themselves.
Sports/Recreation, Motorcycle Sports 2006
Kultur Films Inc. 19.12.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062137
MotoGP Head to Head
Motorcycle racing is at its best when two fierce
competitors go one-on-one for the win, especially when
they’re only separated by fractions of a second. MOTOGP
HEAD TO HEAD features three historic battles for number
one between some of the sport’s best. In addition to
footage from races, this title features the riders discussing
their opponents, whether they are friend or foe.
Sports/Recreation, Motorcycle Sports 2006
Kultur Films Inc. 19.12.2006
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062136
N Word
A documentary look at the cultural significance of the
weighty, historically volatile „n word,“ this program
features interviews with a variety of cultural figures,
including Chuck D, Wynton Marsalis, Dr. Todd Boyd,
Samuel Jackson, Bryant Gumbel, Whoopi Goldberg, Talib
Kweli, and many others. An enlightening and in-depth look
at a crucial topic, the film examines the history of the
word and its uses, which range from a term of endearment
to an abhorrent insult, as well as the personal
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„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 37
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
experiences of many people.
Television, Education/General Interest,
American History/Culture 2004 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062170
Nasser on the Way: Bodybuilding
with Nasser El Sonbaty
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 90min.
BayView Entertainment 09.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062357
NBA Street Vol. 4: Class of 03
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2006 FF S
Warner Home Video 13.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062477
New and Improved DX
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2007 FF
Genius Productions, Inc. 20.02.2007
56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062483
NFL Film Classics: Legends of
This three-volume retrospective celebrates NFL Films, the
company created by father-son team Ed and Steve Sabol.
Founded in 1962, NFL Films has its hands in nearly every
aspect of visual media, including feature films,
documentaries, and advertising. NFL FILM CLASSICS
goes behind the scenes to reveal the story behind NFL
Films (originally called Blair Motion Pictures) and its
impact on football.
Sports/Recreation, Football 2006 FF DD
Warner Home Video 30.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062352
NFL Greatest Follies 1997-2000
Sports/Recreation, Football 2006 FF DD
Warner Home Video 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062342
chance to shine on this entry into the Platinum Comedy
Comedies 2005
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062175
Rhythm and Blitz
Sports/Recreation 2006 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062169
Paul Robeson: Portraits of the
Paul Robeson, Mercedes Gilbert, Julia
Theresa Russell, Lawrence Chenault,
Eslanda Robeson, Edward Chapman, Rachel Thomas, Leslie Banks, Nina Mae
McKinney, Robert Cochran, Henry
Wilcoxon, Wallace Ford, Dudley Digges,
Frank Wilson, Fredi Washington, Ruby Elzy,
Rex Ingram, Moms Mabley, Harold Nicholas
- Dir. Dudley Murphy, Saul J. Turell, Leo
Hurwitz, Paul Strand, Zoltan Korda,
Thornton Freeland, Oscar Micheaux,
Kenneth MacPherson, Pen Tennyson
This excellent Criterion Collection DVD set provides a
definitive portrait of the trailblazing African-American
figure Paul Robeson. As a singer, scholar, athlete, actor,
and social activist, Robeson was not only a renaissance
man, he transcended the endless social and racial
barriers of the time. This in-depth documentary gives a
full picture of the man, and includes audio commentary,
interviews, and clips from Robeson’s films.
Dramas 1925-1979 FF M 105min.
Criterion Collection 06.02.2007
148,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062428
St. Louis Cardinals 2006 World
Series Collector’s Edition
Cardinals fans can relive the glory of the 2006 World
Series with this extensive collection of full games,
highlights, and expert commentary and analysis. Among
the games included are the two victories against the Mets
and the five complete games against the Tigers.
Education/General Interest, Media Arts
2006 Ltbx 90min.
Genius Productions, Inc. 13.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062432
Steve-O - Gross Misconduct
Wild stunts alternate with vulgar slapstick humor in
featuring Steve-O, the star of the hit TV shows JACKASS
and WILD BOYS, are included, seeing him undertake the
crazy exploits that he has become famous for. Comedic
stunts that will make one both laugh and cringe have
become Steve-O’s trademark, and GROSS MISCONDUCT
contains tons of footage that has never been seen in any
other form.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062173
Tales From the Land of Gullah
Anita Singleton-Prather - Dir. Clark Santee
An enlightening, educational presentation which pays
tribute to the first African slaves who landed on the sea
islands of South Carolina. Their fables, songs, and stories
are shared for everyone to enjoy.
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 1999 FF 60min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062436
Tales From the Land of Gullah
For Kids
Anita Singleton-Prather
An enlightening, educational presentation which pays
tribute to the first African slaves who landed on the sea
islands of South Carolina. Their fables, songs, and stories
are shared for everyone to enjoy. This release focuses on,
and is targeted at, children.
Education/General Interest, American
History/Culture 1999 FF 44min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062452
Sports/Recreation, Baseball 2006
New Video Group, Inc. 18.12.2006
120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062032
NFL Greatest Follies: The
This is the Way I Do It! Bodybuilding With Dennis „The Menace“
Salsa Dance Workout
Sports/Recreation, Football 2006
Warner Home Video 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062343
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 120min.
BayView Entertainment 02.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062355
Dennis „The Menace“ James
Sports/Recreation, Bodybuilding 2000 FF
BayView Entertainment 23.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062356
NFL Superbowl XLI
Secrets of Jerusalem’s Holiest
Sports/Recreation, Football 2006
Warner Home Video 27.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062478
Nike Battlegrounds: Ball Or Fall
best moments from the Nike Battlegrounds street
basketball tournament, which took place in New York, Los
Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Philly, and Toronto during the
summer of 2003. A „king of the court“ was picked in each
town, then those winners were picked to battle it out in a
special one-on-one tournament in New York for a chance
at a cash prize and an endorsement deal. This special
originally appeared on MTV in September 2003.
Sports/Recreation, Basketball 2003 FF
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062454
Shape Pilates Workout - Firm Up
from Head to Toe
Based on Pilates principles, this workout addresses many
of the muscle groups for an overall effect. Viewers will
learn to control their breathing while strengthening their
abs, butts, thighs, and hips.
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
Inspired Corporation 12.12.2006
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062264
So Goes the Nation
Platinum Comedy Series Earthquake
The talents of stand-up comedian Earthquake are given a
Education/General Interest, World History/
Culture 2006
Warner Home Video 27.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062089
Ohio proved to be a key state in the 2004 Presidential
election, and SO GOES THE NATION profiles exactly what
happened there in the build-up to the big day.
Lily Tomlin - The Search for
Signs of Intelligent Life in the
Lily Tomlin - Dir. John Bailey
Twelve seemingly unconnected characters are interwoven
in this one-woman show combining arch social
commentary and brilliant humor. Lily Tomlin won a Tony
Award as Best Actress for her tour-de-force performance.
Comedies 1992
Universal Music & Video Distribution
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062313
Guy Torry & Joe Torry - Platinum
Comedy Series
Guy Torry, Joe Torry
This entry in the Platinum Comedy Series presents the
opportunity to catch Guy and Joe Torry as they perform
their live stand-up act in Mississippi.
Comedies FF 60min.
KOCH Entertainment Distribution
25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062455
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 38
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD USA (Regionalcode 1)
U2 - Achtung Baby: A Classic Album Under Review
What is arguably U2’s most influential work goes under
critical review with this album analysis. Through live
footage, music videos, and insights shared by experts, the
program offers a new level of understanding to fans.
Education/General Interest, Biography 2006
Music Video Distributors 20.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062224
UFC 59
The main fight in this set of matches from UFC 59 sees
Tito Ortiz taking on Forrest Griffin, but it is supported by
plenty of supporting match-ups.
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006
Studioworks 28.11.2006
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062075
UFC Classics 7
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006 S
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062145
UFC Classics 8
Sports/Recreation, Wrestling 2006 S
Lions Gate Home Entertainment 30.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062146
Very First Noel
Religious Ltbx
Genius Productions, Inc. 14.11.2007
17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062091
Winged Migration (Blu-ray)
Jacques Perrin (MICROCOSMOS) presents this
dramatically beautiful documentary about bird migratory
patterns, featuring breathtaking photography and hypnotic
music. The film covers seven continents during four
seasons, highlighting species both unique and common.
From puffins in Iceland, whooper swans in Japan, bald
eagles in Arizona, flamingos in Kenya, albatross in New
Zealand, macaw in Peru, geese in Nepal, and plenty of
cranes and storks in the director’s native France,
WINGED MIGRATION is literally a tour of the world from a
bird’s eye view. Filmed over the course of three year’s
time, the production for the movie was extensive to say
the least. Using a crew of over 450 people broken up into
five teams, new photographic techniques were invented
specifically for the purpose of filming flocks of birds in
flight. Balloon, helicopter, helicopter model, remote
controlled glider, traditional glider, delta plane, and ultralight motorized aircraft are the flying devices used to
achieve the film’s incredible camera angles. In fact,
because birds were trained to be unafraid of the delta
plane, photographers
Education/General Interest, Nature/Wildlife
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062058
World’s Most Dangerous Gang
Investigative reporter Lisa Ling takes a look at the
activities of a violent gang known as MS-13 in this National Geographic presentation.
Education/General Interest, Television
Warner Home Video 06.02.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062418
WWE - Armageddon 2006
Randy Orton, Undertaker, Batista, Rey
Mysterio, Big Show, Kane, Booker T.,
Chris Benoit
On December 18, 2005, the WWE roared into Boston for
its annual ARMAGEDDON showdown. A jam-packed event
featuring some of the fiercest wrestling talent around, the
year-end roundup included a Hell in a Cell Match between
Randy Orton and the Undertaker, as well as a Tag Team
Championship pitting Batista and Rey Mysterio against Big
Show and Kane.
Television, Sports/Recreation, Wrestling
Genius Productions, Inc. 16.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062481
Yoga Journal’s: Yoga for Your
Sports/Recreation, Physical Fitness 2006
FF 105min.
BayView Entertainment 02.01.2007
33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062372
Yves Saint Laurent: 5, Avenue
Marceau, 75116 Paris
Haute couture—original designs painstakingly created
from the finest fabrics—once comprised a sizable, though
exclusive and expensive, portion of the fashion industry.
Increasingly replaced by ready-to-wear lines, only a
handful of couture houses remained at the beginning of
the 21st century. When designer Yves Saint Laurent
announced his retirement in 2002, it marked a true end to
the era.
Foreign Films, French 2004 FF 163min.
Empire Pictures 28.11.2006
45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40062076
NTSC - Regionalcode 1
Letterbox 1:1.85 (16x9) oder Full Screen 1:1.33 (4x3)
Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90
Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 25.01.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 06. Februar 2007
Auch als HD DVD lieferbar
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 39
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Düster-bizarre Verfilmung des Romans von Mitch Cullin über eine Zehnjährige, die vor dem Schrecken einer
unerträglichen Realität in eine Fantasiewelt flieht.
Nach dem Drogentod der Mutter reist die zehnjährige Jeliza-Rose mit ihrem Vater, einem heroinabhängigen
Rockmusiker, in die Prärie, wo er in einer Einöde in einer klapprigen Hütte groß wurde. Während Jeliza-Rose die
Umgegend zu erforschen beginnt, nimmt auch der Vater Abschied von seinem irdischen Dasein. Völlig auf sich allein
gestellt, mit der langsam verwesenden Leiche des Vaters als ständiges Mahnmal, zieht sich das einsame Mädchen
mehr und mehr zurück in eine morbide Fantasiewelt, in der sie neue Freunde findet.
Obwohl Düsternis und Verzweiflung immer ein Merkmal selbst der verspieltesten und drolligsten Filme von Terry
Gilliam waren, hat der Regisseur seinen finsteren Impulsen noch nie so kompromisslos wie hier nachgegeben, in
seiner visuell immer beeindruckenden Verfilmung des Romans von Mitch Cullin. Die morbide Variation von „Alice im
Wunderland“ entstand für ein Budget von acht Mio. Pfund komplett während der Fertigstellung des
problembeladenen „Brothers Grimm“ im kanadischen Saskatchewan. Zusammengehalten werden die grotesken
Ereignisse, in wahrer Gilliam-Manier mit extremen Kamerawinkeln und verzerrenden Linsen festgehalten, von der
beeindruckenden Zehnjährigen Jodelle Ferland, die den Film mühelos trägt.
Quelle: Blickpunkt:Film
TIDELAND - NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:2.35 (16x9 anamorph) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 15.02.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 27. Februar 2007
Seite 40
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bartender Vol. 2
.Hack//Roots Vol. 7
Animation 26.01.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
_summer Season.2
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 17.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Black Blood Brothers
Vol. 3 (DD)
Animation 07.02.2007
93,90 EUR BestellNr.:
(Limited Edition)
Animation 24.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Coyote Ragtime Show
Vol. 5 (DD 5.1)
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Crash B-Daman Vol. 9
_summer Season.2
(Limited Edition)
Black Cat Fandisc:
Hoshi No Shito-Hen
Animation 17.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 07.02.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Crayon Shin-Chan:
Selection 7th Series 8
009-1 Vol. 2 (PCM)
Bleach Bount Soul
Society Kyoushuu-Hen 1
Animation 26.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
58,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Crayon Shin-Chan: TV
Best Selection Vol. 18
Bleach Bount Soul
Society Kyoushuu-Hen 1
(PCM) (First Pressing)
Animation 26.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
58,90 EUR BestellNr.:
D.Gray-Man Vol. 1 (DD)
Animation 24.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ah! My Goddess:
Sorezore No Tsubasa
Vol. 7 (DD)
Animation 26.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Aika: Remaster Box
Animation 26.01.2007
250,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Aria The Natural Vol. 7
Animation 25.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Armored Trooper
Votoms Vol. 11
Animation 26.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Armored Trooper
Votoms Vol. 12
Animation 26.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Armored Trooper
Votoms Vol. 13
Animation 26.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Asatte No Houkou Vol. 1
Animation 26.01.2007
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bakumatsu Kikansetsu
Irohanihoheto Vol. 1
Animation 26.01.2007
Bokura Ga Ita Vol. 5
Animation 07.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bokura Ga Ita Vol. 5
(Limited Edition)
Animation 07.02.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Le Chevalier D’eon Vol.
3 (DD 5.1)
Animation 25.01.2007
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chocotto Sister Vol. 4
Animation 25.01.2007
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Code Geass: Lelouch Of
The Rebellion Vol. 1
Animation 07.02.2007
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Death Note Vol. 2 (DD)
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Demashita! Powerpuff
Girls Z Coll.Ed. 2
Animation 24.01.2007
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Demashita! Powerpuff
Girls Z Vol. 3 (PCM)
Animation 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Demashita! Powerpuff
Girls Z Vol. 4 (PCM)
Animation 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dragon Ball Z Vol. 49
Animation 07.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Eyeshield 21 Vol. 19
Animation 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fighting Beauty Wulong
Rebirth Vol. 5 (DD)
Animation 26.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fushigi Boshi No
Futago Hime Gyu! Vol. 5
Animation 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gag Manga Biyori 2 Vol.
Animation 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Galaxy Angelune Vol. 1
Animation 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Galaxy Angelune Vol. 1
(DD) (Limited Edition)
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gallery Fake Vol. 7
Animation 24.01.2007
87,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gallery Fake Vol. 8
Animation 24.01.2007
87,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gallery Fake Vol. 9
Dragon Ball Z Vol. 46
Animation 24.01.2007
87,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 07.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gensoumaden Saiyuki
(2001 / DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
La Corda D’oro: Primo
Passo Vol. 1 (PCM)
Dragon Ball Z Vol. 47
Animation 24.01.2007
87,90 EUR BestellNr.:
La Corda D’oro: Primo
Passo Vol. 1 (PCM)
Animation 07.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dragon Ball Z Vol. 48
Animation 07.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 27.01.2007
48,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gift: Eternal Rainbow
Vol. 2 (DD)
Animation 25.01.2007
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Seite 41
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Ginga Tetsudo
Wasurerareta 1
Animation 24.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gintama Vol. 7 (PCM)
Animation 24.01.2007
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gintama Vol. 7 (PCM)
(First Pressing)
Animation 24.01.2007
75,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Glass No Kantai Vol. 6
Animation 24.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Glass No Kantai Vol. 6
(Limited Edition)
Animation 24.01.2007
150,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gundam Evolve../Alpha
(DD 5.1)
Animation 26.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Happiness! Vol. 2
Animation 25.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Inukami! Vol. 5 (DD)
Animation 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 07.02.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Vol. 1 (Limited Edition)
Inukami! Vol. 7 (DD)
Animation 07.02.2007
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Jeanie With The Light
Brown Hair Vol. 1
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Jeanie With The Light
Brown Hair Vol. 2
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Jigoku Shoujo
Futakomori Box 1
Animation 24.01.2007
161,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Joseph: King Of Dreams
(2000 / DD 5.1)
Animation 07.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kaminari Bouya
Pikkaribee Vol. 1
Hataraki Man Vol. 2
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kaminari Bouya
Pikkaribee Vol. 2
Hataraki Man Vol. 2
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kaminari Bouya
Pikkaribee Vol. 3
Honey And Clover II Vol.
4 (PCM)
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kaminari Bouya
Pikkaribee Vol. 4
Honey And Clover II Vol.
4 (PCM) (First Pressing)
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kaminari Bouya
Pikkaribee Vol. 5
Idaten Jump Vol. 12
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 07.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Innocent Venus Vol. 3
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kanon Vol. 2
Animation 07.02.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Vol. 1
Animation 26.01.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kero Kero Keroppi:
Hasunoue Town Vol. 2
Animation 17.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Keroro Gunsou 3rd
Season Vol. 4 (DD)
Animation 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kiba: TV Animation
Series Chapter 2 Vol.
2•@ (DD)
Animation 24.01.2007
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kidou Shinsengumi
Moeyo Ken TV Vol. 1
Animation 26.01.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kidou Shinsengumi
Moeyo Ken TV Vol. 2
Animation 26.01.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kidou Shinsengumi
Moeyo Ken TV Vol. 3
Animation 26.01.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kidou Shinsengumi
Moeyo Ken TV Vol. 4
Demonbane Vol. 6 (PCM)
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kishin Houkou
Demonbane Vol. 6 (PCM)
(Limited Edition)
Animation 26.01.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Konjiki No Gash Bell!!
Level 3 Vol. 14 (DD)
Animation 17.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Konjiki No Gash Bell!!
Level 3 Vol. 15 (DD)
Animation 07.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kujibiki Unbalance Vol.
2 (PCM)
Animation 25.01.2007
89,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kyou Kara Maou! 2nd
Chapter 2nd Season 3
Animation 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lost Universe: DVD Box
Animation 24.01.2007
344,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mamotte! Lollipop Vol. 4
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Marginal Prince Vol. 1
Animation 26.01.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kidou Shinsengumi
Moeyo Ken TV Vol. 5
Marginal Prince Vol. 1
(Limited Edition)
Animation 26.01.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kidou Shinsengumi
Moeyo Ken TV Vol. 6
Martian Successor
Nadesico Vol. 5 (DD 5.1)
Animation 26.01.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kikoushi Enma Vol. 3
(DD 5.1)
Martian Successor
Nadesico Vol. 6 (DD 5.1)
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kishin Houkou
Mobile Suit Gundam:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 42
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
DVD Box 2 (1979)
Animation 26.01.2007
467,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 17.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Nana Vol. 7 (PCM)
Rockman Exe Beast+
Vol. 4
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Yume Vol. 6 (DD)
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
72,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Simoun Vol. 6 (PCM)
Tonagura! Vol. 5 (DD)
(Limited Edition)
Animation 17.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Naruto 5th Stage 2007
Vol. 2 (PCM)
Sabu To Ichi Torimono
Hikae Vol. 6
Tsubasa Chronicle 2nd
Series Vol. 6 (PCM)
Animation 07.02.2007
66,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
South Park: Bigger
Longer & Uncut (1999 /
DD 5.1)
Negima!? DVD 1:
Special Edition (DD)
Sabu To Ichi Torimono
Hikae Vol. 7
Animation 31.01.2007
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Strawberry Panic Vol. 8
Tsuyokisu Cool X Sweet
Vol. 5 (DD)
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Night Head Genesis Vol.
Sabu To Ichi Torimono
Hikae Vol. 8
Strawberry Panic Vol. 8
(Limited Edition)
Usahana: Yume Miru
Ballerina Vol. 2
Animation 24.01.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 25.01.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 17.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Onegai My Melody Kuru
Kuru Shuffle Vol. 6
Sabu To Ichi Torimono
Hikae Vol. 9
Sumomo Mo Momo Mo
Vol. 2 (DD)
Utawareru Mono Vol. 6
Animation 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Otome Wa Boku Ni
Koishiteru Vol. 2
Sabu To Ichi Torimono
Hikae Vol. 10
Super Robot Taisen Og
Divine Wars Vol. 1
Welcome To The Nhk!
Vol. 4 (PCM)
Animation 07.02.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 23.02.2007
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ouran High School Host
Club Vol. 7 (DD)
Sasami Mahou Shoujo
Club: Season 2 Vol. 1
(DD 5.1)
Super Robot Taisen Og
Divine Wars Vol. 1
(Limited Edition)
Welcome To The Nhk!
Vol. 4 (PCM) (Limited
Animation 24.01.2007
43,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 23.02.2007
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
School Rumble Nigakki
Vol. 7
Suzumiya Haruhi No
Yuuutsu 7 (PCM)
Witchblade Vol. 7
Animation 25.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
61,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shibawanko No Wa No
Kokoro: Autumn
Suzumiya Haruhi No
Yuuutsu 7 (PCM)
(Limited Edition)
Animation 21.02.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 26.01.2007
76,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 24.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Pretty Cure Splash Star
Vol. 5
Animation 17.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Prince Of Tennis:
Zenkoku Taikai-Hen 6
Animation 26.01.2007
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 17.01.2007
60,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Project Blue Earth Sos
Vol. 6
Shibawanko No Wa No
Kokoro: Nagomi Box
Animation 26.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 17.01.2007
112,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 09.02.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Red Garden: DVD Box 1
Shibawanko No Wa No
Kokoro: Summer
Taiyo No Mokushiroku
(First Pressing)
Animation 17.01.2007
60,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Animation 09.02.2007
109,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shoujo Changumu No
Tonagura! Vol. 5 (DD)
Animation 24.01.2007
281,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rockman Exe Beast+
Vol. 3
Taiyo No Mokushiroku
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Animation 24.01.2007
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Xxxholic Vol. 8
Animation 07.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Yoake Mae Yori Ruriiro
Na: Crescent Love 2
Animation 26.01.2007
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Zegapain Vol. 7 (PCM)
Animation 26.01.2007
97,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Seite 43
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Zenmai Zamurai:
Ubawareta Dango Ken
Altered States (1980 /
DD 5.1)
Animation 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Zero No Tsukaima Vol. 5
Annie Hall (1977)
Animation 25.01.2007
82,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Antitrust (2001 / DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
10 To Midnight (1983)
Around The Bend (2004 /
DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
16 Blocks (2006 / DD
Film 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
16 Blocks (2006) (Bluray)
Film 02.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Absolute Beginners
(1986 / DD)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
As Good As It Gets
(1997 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Asphalt Jungle
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Atame! (1990 / DD 5.1)
Born Yesterday (1950)
Barbershop (2002 / DD
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Boys Don’t Cry (1999 /
DD 5.1)
Battle Of Britain (1969 /
DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Braveheart (1995 / DD
Battle Of Britain (1969 /
DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
(Ultimate Edition)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Be Cool (2005 / DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Beat (2000)
Film 07.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Beat Street (1984)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Beauty Shop (2005)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Addicted To Love (1997 /
DD 5.1)
The Avengers (1998 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Adventures Of
Priscilla (1994 / DD 5.1)
Awakenings (1990 / DD)
Bicentennial Man (1999 /
DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
After Hours (1985)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Age Of Innocence
(1993 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
All That Jazz (1979)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
All The King’s Men (1949
/ DD)
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Awful Truth (1937)
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Baby Boom (1987 / DD)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Badlands (1973 / DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bananas (1971)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bandits (2001 / DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ben-Hur (1959 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Big Hit (1998 / DD
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Blow Out (1981)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Blown Away (1994 / DD
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Born Romantic (2000)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Breakin’ (1984)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Breakin’ 2: Electric
Boogaloo (1984)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A Bridge Too Far (1977 /
DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
(Ultimate Edition)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A Bridge Too Far (1977 /
DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bugsy (1991 / DD)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Butch Cassidy And The
Sundance Kid (1969)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Cactus Flower (1969)
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Cannonball Run II (1984)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Captains Courageous
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Casablanca (1942)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Seite 44
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Cat Ballou (1965)
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Champ (1931)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chasing Liberty (2004 /
DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chasing Papi (2003 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
(1968 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Cimarron (1931)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Curly Sue (1991)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dance With A Stranger
(1984 / DD)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dangerous Liaisons
(1988 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dark Blue (2002 / DD
Film 07.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Defiant Ones (1958)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
City Slickers (1991 / DD)
The Detonator (2006 /
DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Cocoon (1985 / DD)
The Devil’s Own (1997 /
DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Coming Home (1978)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Commitments (1991
/ DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Cowboy (1958)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Hard (1988 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Hard 2 (1990 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dr. Strangelove (1963 /
DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Endangered Species
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Doctor Zhivago (1965 /
DD 5.1)
Enter The Dragon (1973)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Dogs Of War (1981)
Enter The Dragon (1973)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dolemite (1975)
Film 22.12.2006
55,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dolemite / Human Tornado / Petey Wheatstraw
Film 22.12.2006
150,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dracula (1992 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dreamship Surprise:
Period 1 (2004)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Dust Factory (2004 /
DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Dutch Girls (1985 / DD)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Criminal (2004 / DD 5.1)
Disco Godfather (1980)
The Element Of Crime
(1984 / DD)
Crouching Tiger Hidden
Dragon (2000 / DD) (Bluray)
Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Erin Brockovich (2000 /
DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Epidemic (1987 / DD)
Dressed To Kill (1980 /
DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Crouching Tiger Hidden
Dragon (2000 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Everything You Always
Wanted To Know About
Sex But Were Afra
Die Hard: With A
Vengeance (1995 / DD
Film 22.12.2006
55,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Entrapment (1999 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Edward Scissorhands
(1990 / DD)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Elmer Gantry (1960)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Failure To Launch (2006
/ DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
67,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Falcon And The
Snowman (1985)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Family Stone (2005 /
DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fandango (1985)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fantastic Four (DD 5.1 +
DTS 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fever Pitch (1997 / DD)
Seite 45
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
NTSC - Regionalcode 1
Letterbox (16x9 anamorph) - Dolby Digital 5.1
Rated und Unrated Versionen erhältlich
Normalpreis: EUR 45,90 - Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 39,90 (gültig bis 08.01.2007)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 16. Januar 2007
Seite 46
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fever Pitch (2005 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fight Club (1999 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A Fish Called Wanda
(1988 / DD 5.1)
French Connection Ii
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The French Lieutenant’s
Woman (1981)
The Good The Bad And
The Ugly (1966 / DD 5.1
+ DTS 5.1) (Ultimate Edition)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Funny Girl (1968 / DD)
The Good The Bad And
The Ugly (1966)
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Funny Lady (1968 / DD)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Flawless (1999 / DD 5.1)
The Fury (1978)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Fly (1986 / DD 5.1)
Gandhi: 25th
Anniversary Edition
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Fly Away Home (1996 /
DD 5.1)
Film 02.02.2007
67,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gaslight (1944)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
For A Few Dollars More
(1965 / DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Get Shorty (1995 / DD
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
For A Few Dollars More
The Girl Next Door (2004
/ DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Forever Young (1992 /
Girl, Interrupted (1999 /
DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Fortune Cookie
Gloria (1980)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Foxes (1980)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The French Connection
(1971 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gohatto (1999 / DD 5.1)
Film 27.01.2007
48,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gone With The Wind
(1939 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Good Earth (1937)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Goodbye Girl (1977)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Goodbye Lover (1999 /
DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Goodbye Mr. Chips
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Goodfellas (1990 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Goodfellas (1990) (Bluray)
Film 09.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Goodfellas (1990) (HD
Film 09.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Grand Hotel (1932)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Great Escape (1963
/ DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hair (1979 / DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Harder They Fall
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Harley Davidson And
The Marlboro Man
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Haruko Up Date: Part 1
Film 26.01.2007
91,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Haruko Up Date: Part 1
(Limited Edition)
Film 26.01.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Heaven’s Gate (1980)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Here Comes Mr. Jordan
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hoodlum (1997 / DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hook (1991 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Horrorvision (2001)
Film 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Hudson Hawk:
Collector’s Edition
Film 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ice Pirates (1984)
A Guy Thins (2003 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
I’ll Be There (2003 / DD
Hackers (1995 / DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Seite 47
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
In Like Flint (1967 / DD)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
In The Line Of Fire (1993
/ DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Interiors (1978)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Invasion Of The Body
Snatchers (1978)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Irma La Douce (1963)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Island Of Dr.
Moreau (1977)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The January Man (1989 /
DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Jerry Maguire (1996 / DD
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Joe’s Apartment (1996)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Johnny Belinda (1948)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Josie And The
Pussycats (2001)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Just Cause (1995 / DD)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Just My Luck (2006 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Key Largo (1948)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Khartoum (1966 / DD)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Killing (1956)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
King Rat (1965)
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kingdom Of Heaven (DD
5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kiss Me, Stupid (1964)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kiss Of Death (1995 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Klute (1971)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lady In The Water (2006
/ DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Lake House (2006 /
DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Last Picture Show
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lathe Of Heaven (2002)
Film 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lawman (1971)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Legally Blonde (2001 /
DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Legally Blonde 2 (2003 /
DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Legend Of Bagger
Vance (2000 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Legends Of The Fall
(1994 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
L’enfant Sauvage (1970)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A Life Less Ordinary
(1997 / DD)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Life Of Emile Zola
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lord Of Illusions (1995 /
DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Lust For Life (1956)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Magnificent Seven
(1960 / DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Magnificent Seven
(1960 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Majestic (2001 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A Man For All Seasons
Lifeforce (1985 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Man From Elysian
Fields (2001)
The Little Girl Who
Lives Down The Lane
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Little Manhattan (2005 /
DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Local Hero (1983 / DD)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Long Goodbye
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Long Riders (1980)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Looking For An Echo
Film 07.02.2007
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Film 07.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Man In The Iron
Mask (1998 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Manchurian
Candidate (1962)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Manhattan (1979)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Manhunter (1986 / DD
5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Marty (1954)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mash (1970)
Seite 48
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Mask Of Zorro (DD
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Masquerade (1988 / DD)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Master Of Thunder
Film 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Match Point (2005 / DD)
Film 02.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Match Point (2005 / DD)
(First Pressing)
Film 02.02.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Me, Myself & Irene (2000
/ DD)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mean Streets (1973)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Medea (1988 / DD)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Men In Black (1997 / DD
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Men Of Honor (2000 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Message In A Bottle
(1999 / DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Messenger Of Death
(1988 / DD)
Story Of Joan Of Arc
(1999 / DD)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Midnight Cowboy (1969 /
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Miracle Worker
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Les Miserables (1998 /
DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Misery (1990 / DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Misfits (1961)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Monster-In-Law (2005 /
DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Moonstruck (1987 / DD
Nicholas And Alexandra
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Night Watch (2004 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Norma Rae (1979)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mosquito Coast (1986)
The Old Man And The
Sea (1958)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Moulin Rouge! (2001 / +
DTS 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Omega Man (1971)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Murphy’s Law (1986)
One Flew Over The
Cuckoo’s Nest (DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Missing In Action (1984)
Mutiny On The Bounty
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mississippi Burning
(1988 / DD)
My Cousin Vinny (1992 /
Oscar And Lucinda
(1997 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mr. Majestyk (1974)
My Fair Lady (1964 / DD
Other People’s Money
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Negotiator (1998 /
DD 5.1)
Our Man Flint (1966)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mr. Mom (1983)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mister Roberts (1955 /
DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mrs. Doubtfire (1993 /
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Mrs. Miniver (1942)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Messenger: The
The Mod Squad (1999 /
DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Network (1976)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Never Been Kissed
(1999 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
New Jack City (1991)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
One, Two, Three (1961)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Overboard (1987)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Package (1989)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Panic Room (2002 / DD
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A Passage To India
Seite 49
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
(1984 / DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Passenger 57 (1992 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Petey Wheatstraw (1977)
Film 22.12.2006
55,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Phantom Of The
Paradise (1974)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Philadelphia Story
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Picture Perfect (1997 /
DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Platoon (1986 / DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Pollock (2000 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Poseidon Adventure
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Postman (1997 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Prelude To A Kiss (1992
/ DD)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Prince And The
Showgirl (1957)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Raging Bull (1980 / DD)
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
St. Elmo’s Fire (1985 /
The Silence Of The
Lambs (1991 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
St. Ives (1976)
Sleeper (1973)
Red Corner (1997 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Salmonberries (1991 /
So Close (2002 / DD 5.1)
Rain Man (1988 / DD)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Red Dawn (1984)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Return To Me (2000 / DD
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Say Anything (1989 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Solaris (2002 / + DTS
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sayonara (1957 / DD)
The Sound Of Music
(1965 / DD)
Reversal Of Fortune
(1990 / DD)
Film 02.02.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Secret Garden (1993
/ DD)
Soylent Green (1973)
Ring Around The Rosie
(2006 / DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Sentinel (2006 / DD
River’s Edge (1986)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rob Roy (1995)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rock Star (2001 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Rollerball (1975 / DD
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ronin (1998 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ryan’s Daughter (1970)
The Professionals
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
S.W.A.T. (2003 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
Film 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sessomatto (1973 / DD)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sex, Lies And Videotape
(1988 / DD)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shallow Hal (2001 / DD
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Shampoo (1975)
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Showtime (2002 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sideways (2004 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Speed (1994 / DD)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Speed 2: Cruise Control
(1997 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sphere (1998 / DD 5.1)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951 / DD)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Striptease (1996 / DD)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Supernova (2000 / DD
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sweet Bird Of Youth
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Seite 50
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
Tan De Repente (2002 /
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Teen Wolf (1985)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Human Tornado
Film 22.12.2006
55,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Thelma & Louise (1991 /
DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 50037111
There’s Something
About Mary (1998 / DD
Transamerica (2005 / DD
Film 27.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Truth About Cats &
Dogs (1996 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Uchu Daikaiju Girara
Film 27.01.2007
48,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ultraman Mebius &
Ultraman Brothers
Film 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Wild Orchid (1990 / DD)
Walking Tall (2004 / DD
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Witches Of
Eastwick (1987 / DD 5.1)
Wall Street (1987 / DD
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
War Games (1983 / DD
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Way Of The Vampire
Film 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ultraman Mebius &
Ultraman Brothers
(Limited Edition)
The Thomas Crown
Affair (1999 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
124,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
51,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Unbearable
Lightness Of Being
(1988 / DD)
West Side Story (1961 /
DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Throw Momma From
The Train (1987)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Thumbsucker (2005)
Film 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Tideland (2005 / DD 5.1)
Film 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
To Catch A Thief / The
Country Girl
Film 26.01.2007
66,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Untamed Heart (1993)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Yankee Doodle Dandy
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Year Of The Dragon
(1985 / DD 5.1)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Young Einstein (1988)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Youngblood (1986 / DD)
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Valley Girl (1983 / DD
When Harry Met Sally
(1989 / DD)
Music 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Absolute Punk Vol. 3
Valmont (1989 / DD)
White Mischief (1987 /
The Vanishing (1993)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Training Day (2001 / DD
Westworld (1973 / DD)
Working Girl (1988 / DD)
Valentine (2001 / DD 5.1)
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Film 07.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
What A Girl Wants (2003
/ DD 5.1)
To Live And Die In LA
(1985 / DD 5.1)
Tootsie (1982 / DD 5.1)
The Way We Were (1973
/ DD 5.1)
Within (2005)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Vanishing Point (1971)
Film 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Vikings (1958)
Film 19.01.2007
Film 24.01.2007
49,90 EUR BestellNr.:
White Nights (1985 / DD
Film 24.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Who’s That Knocking At
My Door? (1967)
Film 09.02.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
1st & Hope
Music 31.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Animations
Music 31.01.2007
55,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Black Eyed Peas: Live
From Sydney To Vegas
Music 24.01.2007
58,90 EUR BestellNr.:
I. Bolton & Salzburg
Mozarteum O: Mozart:
La Finta Giardiniera (DD
Seite 51
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Music 24.01.2007
161,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Peter Cetera / Amy
Grant: Soundstage
(2003 / DD 5.1)
Music 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Chicago: Soundstage
(2003 / DD 5.1)
Music 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Eschwe & Vienna State
Opera: Donizetti: L’Elisir
Music 24.01.2007
69,90 EUR BestellNr.:
E. Fuchs & Junge Philharmonie Salzburg: Mozart: Bastien &
Bastienne / Schauspieldirektor
Music 24.01.2007
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Anne-Sophie Mutter:
Mozart: The Violin
Concertos (DD + DTS)
Music 24.01.2007
100,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Norman Rockwell: An
American Portrait (1987)
Il Giovane Casanova
(2002) (First Pressing)
No Doubt: Live In The
Tragic Kingdom
Special Interest 22.12.2006
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 07.02.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Pro-Wrestling Noah
Great Voyage ’06 12.10
Hendrix (2000 / DD)
Music 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Stalin: Your Order! The
History Of The Stalin
Music 30.11.2006
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Gwen Stefani: Harajuku
Lovers Live
Music 24.01.2007
58,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Super Sentai Spirit II
Music 24.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 24.01.2007
120,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 05.12.2006
93,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kiss: Lick It Up: The Definitive (DD 5.1)
Music 31.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
485 Express Kinugawa
Special Interest 24.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Doctor, The Tornado & The Kentucky Kid
Special Interest 24.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program
The 4400: Complete
Season 1
TV Program 26.01.2007
78,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bewitched: 1st Season
Discs 1-3
TV Program 07.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 26.01.2007
179,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Madan Senki Ryukendo
Vol. 10 (DD)
TV Program 27.01.2007
94,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Moonlighting: Season 3
Bewitched: 2nd Season
Discs 1-3
TV Program 07.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 07.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Moonlighting: Seasons
1 & 2: Discs 4-6
Bewitched: 2nd Season
Discs 4-6
TV Program 07.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 07.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Odyssey 5: DVD Box
TV Program 07.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Making Of Bokko
Special Interest 22.12.2006
76,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bewitched: 3rd Season
Discs 4-6
Lois & Clark: 2nd
Season Coll. Box 2
Moonlighting: Seasons
1 & 2: Discs 1-3
The Doctor, The Tornado & The Kentucky Kid
(First Pressing)
Special Interest 25.01.2007
55,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 07.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Music 17.01.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Kirakira Idol LiccaChan: Original Dance
Kaettekita Ultraman No
TV Program 07.02.2007
183,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Special Interest 22.12.2006
76,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Michael McDonald /
Doobie Brothers:
Soundstage (2004 / DD
TV Program 19.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Bewitched: 1st Season
Discs 4-6
Live Video Neo
Romance: Live 2006
Music 19.01.2007
43,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Il Giovane Casanova
TV Program 07.02.2007
52,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Harding & VPO: Mozart:
Don Giovanni
Music 24.01.2007
105,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Special Interest 26.01.2007
70,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Weather Report: Live At
Montreux Jazz Festival
Hengelbrock & Balthasar Neumann Ensemble:
Mozart: Il Re Pastore
(DD 5.1 + DTS 5.1)
Metal: A Headbanger’s
Journey (2005 / DD 5.1 +
DTS 5.1)
Bewitched: 3rd Season
Discs 1-3
TV Program 07.02.2007
79,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Death Of The
Incredible Hulk (1990)
TV Program 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
TV Program 08.02.2007
191,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sex And The City:
Special Petit Box 1
TV Program 09.02.2007
218,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Sex And The City:
Special Petit Box 2
TV Program 09.02.2007
263,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Simple Life: Interns
Seite 52
Newsletter 25/06 (Nr. 196)
Dezember 2006
Neuankündigungen DVD Japan (Regionalcode 2)
TV Program 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
The Simple Life: Interns
Complete 1st Season
TV Program 07.02.2007
121,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 26.01.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ultra Seven No Subete
Ultraman No Subete
TV Program 02.02.2007
64,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Smallville: 2nd Season
Coll. Box 2
Ultraman A No Subete
Ultraman Taro No
TV Program 26.01.2007
179,90 EUR BestellNr.:
TV Program 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Ultraman Mebius Vol. 7
TV Program 26.01.2007
40,90 EUR BestellNr.:
Starsky And Hutch:
Unsere Öffnungszeiten:
Montags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Donnerstags 16.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 16.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Telefonische Bestellannahme:
Montags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Dienstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Mittwochs 09.00 - 12.00 Uhr
Donnerstags 13.00 - 19.30 Uhr
Freitags 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr
Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonnund Feiertags (Baden-Württemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf
Wir machen Betriebsferien
23. Dezember 2006 bis
07. Januar 2007
ALL THE KING’S MEN - NTSC - Regionalcode 1 - Letterbox 1:1.85
(16x9 anamorph) - Dolby Digital 5.1 - Normalpreis: EUR 45,90
Pre-Order-Preis: EUR 34,90 (gültig bis 14.12.2006)
Voraussichtlich erhältlich ab 19. Dezember 2006
Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag **
Newsletter 25 / 06 (Nr. 196)
ISSN 1610-2606
Wolfram Hannemann
Design & Layout:
Wolfram Hannemann
Beate Hannemann
© (2006) by LASER
** Preisangabe in EURO gilt
nur in Verbindung mit einem
„Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag und beinhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision.
* ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und
das doppelte D-Symbol sind
Warenzeichen der
Dolby Laboratories Inc.
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offizielle Informationsbroschüre für Kunden der Firma
Alle in diesem Mailing enthaltenen Angaben zu Produkten, die im Ausland veröffentlicht werden, stellen
kein Verkaufsangebot dar,
sondern dienen nur zur
Dolby Merchandise
Seite 53