2013 MVH Annual Report - Martha`s Vineyard Hospital


2013 MVH Annual Report - Martha`s Vineyard Hospital
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
Caring for Our Community
1. Getting a blood pressure check at the 2013 MVH Health Fair. 2. Wendy Bujak (phlebotomist). 3. Deb Glasser and Karen Bressler (volunteers). 4. (left to right) Volunteers Pamela Burke,
Alice Franklin, and Alice Goyert. 5. Gayle Poggi, LicSW (case manager) and accute care nurse manager Nina Thayer, R.N. 6. Deborah O’Malley, LPN 7. Muriel Monaco (lab tech).
8. Maternity nurse manager Joyce Capobianco, R.N. 9. Chris Porterfield, director of dietary services, and Elisa Natchioni. 10. Elaine Cavanaro, CNA with Helen Brown.
11. Brenda Mullins and Teri Culletto (primary care department secretaries). 12. Janete Sabin (housekeeping).
From the Chairman of the Board and Our CEO
A Growing Partnership
roviding quality health care in the
rural setting of an intensely seasonal
Island community will always pose huge
financial challenges, and in leading this
institution we will always need to be alert
for ways to contain costs and improve our
efficiency. But with our new Hospital
building now in its fourth year of service,
and with our membership in the Partners
HealthCare network now in its seventh
year, the focus has shifted. Quality of care
is firmly in the foreground at Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital – as it should be – and
it’s in this arena that the headlines are
being made:
New Oncology and Hematology
The Hospital’s new oncology and
hematology services, offered in a suite of
rooms newly created in the former ER
space of our 1972 building, represent the
most dramatic expansion of locallyavailable health care here in decades. A
team of clinicians from Massachusetts
General Hospital is providing services
that will enable scores of Island patients
to receive world-class cancer care close to
home, without the expense and stress of
trips to Boston.
Critical Care Services
Drawing on telemedicine technology
and the expertise of specialists at Mass
General, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital has
also expanded its critical care services,
enabling dozens of patients who once
would have been airlifted to Boston to
receive top-notch care right here at home.
Regular pacemaker clinics are now being
held at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, and
new pain clinic services are sparing
Islanders the need to travel for their
medical care.
Orthopedic and Sports Surgeon
After a national recruiting effort, the
Hospital announced this spring that Dr.
Mark M. Scheffer, orthopedic and sports
surgeon, is joining the medical staff in
July. Dr. Scheffer, who brings a broad
expertise in joint replacement and
arthroscopic surgery, says that our
Hospital’s affiliation with Mass General
and access to its expertise figured heavily
in his decision to come here.
Integrated Care Management
This spring, Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
launched the Integrated Care
Management program, based on a similar
initiative pioneered at Mass General and
focused on improving patient care
through a team approach that coordinates
communication among patients and their
doctors, specialists and home care
Comprehensive Restoration
And at the Windemere Nursing Home
and Rehabilitation Center,
a comprehensive restoration of the
building’s exterior is underway, funded
with $2 million from Mass General
Hospital and $1 million from Partners
HealthCare. This completes three years of
renovations at Windemere, which began
with improvements to the patient care
facilities inside the building – work which
Carol Hess rests in one of the heated seats in the new MGH cancer treatment facility
at Martha's Vineyard Hospital. With her is nurse Nina Thayer.
now brings the physical plant up to a
level that matches the compassionate care
delivered daily by its staff.
Behind these headlines are countless
stories of the small transactions that
make up a year in the life of a
community hospital – from the
emergency room to the maternity
department, from the offices of our
primary care doctors to the pharmacy,
the lab, the rehab center and the
cafeteria. Our partnership with Mass
General and the Partners organization
Timothy D. Sweet
Chairman of the Board
Chief of the Medical Staff Update
he recent Patriot’s Day explosion in
Boston looms large as I write to you
this year. As a trustee of Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital, I received a detailed
update at a recent Partners HealthCare
general board meeting regarding the care
provided to victims of this terrible
tragedy at both the Massachusetts
General Hospital (MGH) and the
Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The
care the victims received was exemplary
and in keeping with the ranking of the
two Partners Healthcare founding
hospitals, among the best in the world. I
must say that I am very proud of our
hospital’s affiliation with the MGH and
our membership in Partners Healthcare.
This past year we have continued to
build on our affiliation with Mass
General in numerous ways, all with the
goal of providing world-class healthcare
to residents and visitors right here on
our Island. Our radiology department
has completed the integration of the
MVH imaging system into the MGH
radiology image archiving system,
allowing for improved specialist image
gives us resources and support in this
daily work, but our ultimate and most
vital partnership is with the Vineyard
community that supports Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital and makes this work
possible. We are so grateful for your
support and we promise never to forget
this institution’s mission: to safeguard
the health of Islanders – year-round,
seasonal and visitors – with high-quality,
accessible medical care delivered in an
atmosphere that fosters respect and
compassion. interpretation and increased use of our
state-of-the-art CT scan and MRI
machines for sophisticated imaging tests.
Our anesthesia service has expanded
using a combination of telemedicine and
on-site specialists to provide pain
management services. Our ability to
take care of critically ill newborns and
young children has been enhanced
through a telemedicine initiative
involving neonatal and pediatric
intensive care specialists from the Mass
General Hospital for Children. And in
what I think is the most exciting
Pieter Pil, MD, PhD, Chief of the Medical Staff.
development in our affiliation to date,
we have partnered with the Mass
General Cancer Center to provide
including Drs. Jon Pangia, Morris
enhanced cancer services. These include
Rivera, and Tammy Thome to our
weekly visits by their cancer specialists
Emergency Department. This summer
and a nurse practitioner specializing in
we look forward to the arrival of
cancer care. This new service will allow
orthopedic surgeon, Mark M. Scheffer,
our cancer patients to benefit from the
M.D. Dr. Scheffer, comes to us from
world-renowned expertise of the MGH
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Orthopedic
while receiving their treatment locally.
Center and will bring a wealth of
Since my last report to you, Martha’s
expertise in minimally invasive joint
Vineyard Hospital added a number of
surgery, including joint replacements.
new members to our Medical Staff
His arrival will allow us to continue to
Timothy J. Walsh
President & CEO
expand on our vision of providing
world-class care locally.
Our work to enhance our information
technology in our physician practices
goes on. This year will see the addition
of the “Patient Gateway” program,
which will allow patients to
communicate with their providers
electronically. On the hospital side, we
are well underway with the
implementation of a new IT system,
which will do away with paper all
together while enhancing patient care
quality and patient safety.
None of the exciting changes described
above would have been possible without
the generous support of our patients and
our donors. On behalf of the medical
staff, I would like to thank you for
embracing our vision as we continue to
make Martha’s Vineyard Hospital a place
where you will get the best of care.
Best wishes for good health,
Pieter Pil
M A R T H A’ S
Mary R. Brown Secretary Timothy J. Walsh President & C.E.O. Pieter Pil, M.D., PhD Chief of Staff
An affiliate of Massachusetts General Hospital
and a Member of Partners HealthCare
Timothy D. Sweet Chairman Edward F. Miller Vice Chairman Earle A. Ray Treasurer
Susan C. Crampton, Judith M. Davenport, D.M.D., Brent L. Henry, Esq., A. Anthony James
Edward T. Kenyon, Ann L. Prestipino, John H. Schaefer, Walter S. Teller, Andrew L. Warshaw, M.D.
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital · One Hospital Road · P.O. Box 1477 Oak Bluffs, MA 02557 · 508-693-0410 · www.mvhospital.com
Thank You
To Our Generous Volunteers
1,000 hours
Sofia Anthony, Cynthia Schilling, Barbara Wallen
500 hours
Gail Burke, Anne Doss, Doris Gregory, Jack Rollins, Sara Wenner,
Angela Rhoderick, Elders Garret Rushforth, Bruno Sousa
100 hours
Karen Bressler, Cynthia Harriman, Taffy McCarthy, Ann Merritt, Sierra Simon,
Katherine Smith, Katherine Wilson
Volunteers Nancy Cabot (left) with
granddaughter, Violet.
Volunteer coordinator Angela Rhoderick
(left) with Volunteer of the Year, Maureen
olunteers are an important resource to both Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and
Windemere. Donating their time and energy to provide support to patients,
residents, families and visitors, our volunteers’ talents and enthusiasm make an
incalculable contribution to our community. Volunteering is a true win/win for all.
Volunteers: Making a Difference
hen Angela Rhoderick started work
last summer as the new volunteer
coordinator at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital,
one of the first tasks she set for herself was to
survey every Hospital department in search of
new volunteer opportunities. “I did that,” she
says, “and it was such an eye-opener –
because there are so many ways for volunteers
to help and make a difference here.”
Seeing all these opportunities, and drawing
upon her own long career experience with
IBM, Ms. Rhoderick set up a volunteer
management system called Volgistics – a
package of software that manages all
volunteer records, helps define each volunteer
service clearly, and creates schedules that
make it easy to see where the openings are.
But Ms. Rhoderick understands that the
best software is only a tool, and that
volunteering at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital is
finally about people helping people. In less
than a year, she’s grown the ranks of Hospital
volunteers from fewer than a dozen to more
than sixty people. This year, in the quiet
months of January and February when many
Islanders are away on their vacations, 31
Hospital volunteers delivered more than 20
weeks worth of service.
“We’re growing not only in our number of
volunteers,” Ms. Rhoderick says, “but also in
the range of services and the hours our
Jackie had learned about opportunities at
the Hospital from a high school classmate,
Sophie Ulyatt, who volunteers regularly in
the medical records department. Now she’s
working with Ms. Rhoderick to develop the
Friendly Visitors service, volunteering in the
patient care unit every Friday afternoon.
This year, in the quiet months of
January and February when many
Islanders were away on their
vacations, 31 Hospital volunteers
delivered more than 20 weeks
worth of service.
High School student and volunteer
Jackie Menton with Volunteer
Coordinator Angela Rhoderick.
volunteers provide.”
One of the Hospital’s newly-minted
volunteers is 17-year-old Jacqueline Menton,
a junior at Martha’s Vineyard Regional High
School who’s looking ahead to medical school
and thinking about a career in psychiatry.
Jackie has been volunteering since February,
bringing cheer to residents in Windemere’s
Alzheimer’s unit and in the Hospital’s patient
care unit each week in a new program Ms.
Rhoderick calls the Friendly Visitors service.
“It takes a very special person who can
communicate and who wants to spend the
time and make a difference and change
someone’s day,” says Ms. Rhoderick. “Our
volunteers from the high school are so
amazing – they have such an interest in
caring for others and in helping.”
Jackie says her volunteer hours at the
Hospital are challenging, but satisfying: “I
often go home and take a nap, to be honest.
But this experience is developing my social
skills. Especially the patient visits. I’m only 17
and not totally at home in my own skin yet,
and this is helping me, pushing me, to
develop in that way. I’m learning to connect
with people, and I feel so rewarded.”
Visiting with patients at the Hospital gives
her a healthy perspective on the daily
concerns of high school life, Jackie adds:
“Coming to the Hospital and Windemere
after high school, it’s so refreshing to not be
like, ‘Oh, what is she wearing?’ and ‘Who is
she dating?’ It’s really nice to not have that
for a few hours.”
For anyone wondering if there might be
volunteer work they’d enjoy at Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital, Jackie has this message:
“I’d say that they can definitely find
something they’ll like here, because there are
so many different things to do.” Ms.
Rhoderick reinforces that by noting that her
office has a thick service portfolio now, where
potential volunteers can explore the whole
range of volunteer opportunities.
The ranks of volunteers at Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital include people of all ages,
but Angie Rhoderick admits that her high
school volunteers bring a uniquely youthful
energy into the mix: “The students we’ve
been getting from the high school are so
intelligent, they’re passionate, they’re
hardworking. I say to Jacqueline, can you
please go back to the high school and bring
us ten more just like yourself?”
For more information about volunteer
opportunities at the Hospital, call Ms.
Rhoderick at 1-508-957-0195. Partners in Excellence Award
(left to right) Ken Chisholm, director
of Human Resources with nurse
manager Nina Thayer R.N.;
case manager Gayle Poggi R.N.;
Dr. Merrie Beth Dodge and
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital President
and CEO,Timothy J. Walsh.
Ms.Thayer and Dr. Dodge received the
award on behalf of the acute care
service committee for their quality
treatment and service through
patient-centered care. Ms. Poggi
received her award for “program in
motion – managing our resources for
excellent patient care.”
Dr. John Lamb
Best of the Vineyard’s Best Doctor
Dr. Julia Stunkel and Dr. Ellen McMahon
very December a tree at the Hospital is lit with
hundreds of lights, each donated by an individual in honor
or in memory of a loved one. We are deeply grateful to all
who helped to light the tree once again.
Susan Davis Allgood
Past Members of
the MV Antiques Club
Frances Hunt Austin
Edward J. Ballay
Margaret D. Ballay
Stuart A. Bangs
Diana Bardwell
Maxine Bardwell
Thomas Bardwell, Sr.
Joy Woods Barnes
James Beckman
Virginia & Arthur Besse
Henry Bessire
Kathleen Brady
Arnold Brown
Mugs & Don Burt
Ralph Case
Dorothy Cassell
George Cassell
Tom Carroll
Carol Combra Clark
Russell Combra
Eric Cottle
Peter Culkin
David Cunniffe
Sheri Lyn Cunningham
Philip DeRoche
Arthur B. Dickson
James Donovan, Jr.
Charles Drake
Nicholas Drake
Maureen Duane
Mel Dunayer
Sally Dunkley
Ollie Edwards
Connie Estabrook
Pat Flanders
William Flynn
Jay Foley, Jr.
John Foley, Sr.
Todd J. Follansbee
Fritz - Favorite Dog
Robert Gelotte
Mary Goodman
Edward F. Grant
Tom Hale
Della B. Hardman, PhD
Myra & Ray Houle
Russell Hoxie
Nell & Jamie Imbrie
Evelyn Kolodny
Leo Kolodny
Paul Krause
Ann Lampson
Susan Lampson
Mary Lauer
Betty Lawry
Tommy Lawry
Joe Leonard
Jean M. Levesque
Lee Lockwood
Loved ones
Richie Madeiras
Mark T. Magnarelli
Kathy Maseda
John W. Mayhew
Charles McCluskey
Danny Meader
Muriel “Sue” Mill
Lester J. Millman
Lillian & Jacob Millman
Don Mohr
Sheila Morgan
David Munn
Christopher S. Neumann
Joe Nunes
Elizabeth Pare
Our Parents
Darla Patriacca
Maurice Pease
Maurice H. Pease, Jr.
Mary & Frank Pero
Dorma Petrofsky
Charles Phillips, Jr.
Chris Rebello
Marilyn Rebello
Tubby Rebello
Barbara Regan
John Peter Reumann
Josephine Reynolds Walker
Frank Rocha Jr.
Mary Rocha
Elsa Schmid
Bruce D. Scott
Ruth & William Scott
Robert Silva
Procter Smith Jr.
Bud Stickles
Minnie & Howard Thompson
Dick & Ethnè Thrush
Katharine Tweed
Edgar F. VanBuskirk, Jr.
Elisabeth VanBuskirk
Norma C. VanBuskirk
Mannie Viera
Sara Viera
Thomas “Duke” Webb
Rose Williams
Arthur E. Winters
Virginia I. Winters
Mary Yankuns
Mary S. Zielinski
The late Dorothy Bangs at one of her favorite
places, the piano, seen here entertaining
everyone at the 2012 Tree of Lights ceremony.
Rudy Acosta
Betsy Burmeister
Marianne Cerniglia
Robert J. Connelly, Jr.
Doris B. Daniels
George G. Daniels
Lara Donnelly
Barbara Flynn
Carla Furtaw
Norma Gaudreau
Gerald Jeffers
The Magden Family
Kelli Magnarelli & the 3 ‘M’s
Staff at Mattakesett
Sue Mill
Helen K. Neumann
Peter G. Neumann
Joan Porter
Angela Rhoderick
Norma Gaudreau with her daughter, Marcella Provost,
granddaughter Suzanne Flanders and great-grandchildren Hannah
and Christian.
David Rhoderick, Jr.
Jonathan Rhoderick
John F. Schilling
Tim Sweet
Rachel Vanderhoop
Mary Viera
Jennifer & Donald Allgood
Patricia D. Bakke
Diane E. Ballay-Foley
Dorothy K. Bangs
Carol Bardwell
Rosalie C. Bassett
Barbara & Alden Besse
Edith Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Brown
Abbe Burt
Hilde & Herbert Combra
Patricia C. Connelly
Mark J. Culkin
Jane & Phillip Dietterich
Jody Drake
Joan Dunayer
Patricia & John Durfee
Jennifer Estabrook
Karen Flynn
Denitsa V. Gancheva
Helen V. Gelotte
Donna Hayes
Cori & Brian Humes
Reverend & Mrs. Allen M. Humes
Winifred W. & Allan Keith
Eleanor & John Ketcham
Carol Kolodny
Kathy, Bob, Robby & Kelly Lavieri
Debra S. Levesque
Kathleen & Norman Lobb
Lenona D. Magnarelli
Kaye Rick Manning
MVH Operating Room Team
Shirley W. Mayhew
Maria Moody
Paddy & Ben Moore
Mary Jane A. Pease
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pew
Jeannie Pierson
Marcella I. & Glenn F. Provost
Clara Rabbitt
Angela & David Rhoderick
Anne Rittershofer-Neumann
Ruth Rocha
Cynthia Schilling
Constance P. Scott
Mrs. Procter Smith, Jr. & Family
Donna Stickles
Andrea L. Taylor
Alice June Thompson
Linda & Henry Unczur
Penny Uhlendorf & Scott Stephens
Rachel Vanderhoop
Elizabeth Lawry Ventura
Pauline (Van Buskirk) Wassler
Margaret Winters
Adrian Wright
Reaching Out to Improve Patient Care
artha’s Vineyard Hospital launched a
new initiative in April. The program,
developed by Massachusetts General
Hospital, is called Integrated Care
Management. It is based on the premise that
medically complicated patients have
improved clinical outcomes and enjoy a
higher quality of life when an outpatient care
manager assists with the care coordination
and communication between patients and
their team of doctors, specialists and home
care providers.
Cheryl Kram, R.N., our new outpatient
high-risk care manager has been working
with Dedie Wieler, R.N., the Hospital’s chief
quality officer, to adapt the program to the
needs of the Vineyard community.
“A great thing about this
program is that there’s a provision
for home visits, so I can go to
someone’s home and see how
they’re living their day.”
In her new job, Ms. Kram will manage
approximately 100 Vineyard patients who
have been identified as medically high-risk.
They might have multiple medical
conditions that complicate their care, or
chronic and severe conditions like diabetes
or congestive heart failure.
Ms. Kram’s job is to keep in touch with
the patients when they’re at home, making
sure they follow the care plans that keep
their medical problems managed. When
her patients are hospitalized here on the
Vineyard, she’ll work with Gayle Poggi,
R.N., the Hospital’s inpatient case
manager, to set up a discharge plan that
enables the patient to be stable and healthy,
by connecting them with appropriate
services and resources. And, when Cheryl’s
patients are hospitalized at MGH or any
of the new
other Partner’s Hospital, she will work with
their case managers to set up those
discharge plans as well.
Ms. Kram noted that one of her first
tasks with each patient in this program is
need in the community. “Regular meetings
to understand their circumstances at home,
with the primary care doctors are built in to
and to connect them with services they might review patients and how they are doing,” she
says. “And a great thing about this program is
that there’s a provision for home visits, so I
can go to someone’s home and see how
they’re living their day – how they’re taking
their meds, how they’re cooking their meals,
how they’re managing.”
Ms. Kram will measure the success of this
new program by how patients are doing –
mentally and physically – and whether the
program is able to effect some change that
supported them out in the community, living
independently, taking care of themselves,
having some quality of life and being able to
do the things they want to do.
“For those of us who know Cheryl,” Ms.
Wieler says, “it was obvious that she was a
perfect fit. She has personal experience as a
visiting nurse, a hospital case manager, and in
a physician office setting, so she brings all the
pieces of the puzzle to the table. In addition,
Cheryl is familiar with the support services
that are available on the Island. She’s the total
Says Ms. Kram, “I feel this brings my 30
years of work experience together, all in one
job.” New Surgeon Brings Broad Expertise
ark M. Scheffer, M.D., a surgeon
with an emphasis on joint replacements, and
specializing in orthopedics and sports
spending time in the military with a focus on
medicine, brings a new level of surgical
sports injuries, has given him experience
services to Martha’s Vineyard Hospital when
that’s useful here, Dr. Scheffer says. “A lot of
he joins the medical staff on July 15.
young doctors now are trained to be ultraA 1989 graduate of the Vanderbilt
specialists in one area: a knee, hip or a
University School of Medicine, Dr. Scheffer
shoulder. My spectrum of practice has been
spent his residency at the renowned Mayo
much broader. I’ve felt very comfortable for
Clinic in Rochester, Minn., working with Dr. many years now in the operating room; I’ve
Mark Coventry, a pioneer
done thousands of
in the development of hip
surgical cases. I feel
Othopedics is a great way to take comfortable doing
replacement surgery.
While serving in the
someone who’s injured and return arthroscopic cases,
United States Air Force,
trauma cases, joint
them to a level of function that
Dr. Scheffer was a
replacements. I
restores not only physical health
member of the medical
think my range of
team at the USAF
experience is really
but mental health as well.
Academy in Colorado,
ideal for the Island.”
where he cared for the
Dr. Scheffer
hockey team and had plenty of opportunity
plans to offer a new service as well - a new
to practice sports medicine. “The Air Force
approach to hip replacement surgery that he
Academy has 2,000 cadets banging
believes will someday be the standard. Called
themselves up every day,” he says, “doing
anterior hip replacement, it involves an
combat training and sports. We got really
incision at the front of the hip instead of
good at sports injuries – knees, ACL tears,
through the buttocks or the side of the hip.
shoulder injuries, sprains, fractures. I also did
This approach, permits the surgeon to reach
a lot of joint replacements for retired military the hip socket without cutting through major
people – there’s a huge population there.”
muscle groups.
For the past 15 years, Dr. Scheffer has
“After anterior hip replacement,” Dr.
been an orthopedic surgeon at the
Scheffer says, “people are typically up on their
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Orthopedics Center
feet the afternoon after surgery, if done in the
in Concord, N.H. He saw the Vineyard job
morning, and sometimes they’re leaving the
advertised around Christmas time. After
hospital the next day. My experience is that
visiting the Island for a long weekend in
people come off the crutches and start
January, he decided this job was for him.
walking much faster; it’s a much quicker
The combination of training at Mayo,
Dr. Scheffer says about two-thirds of his
surgeries are arthroscopic – involving access
to injuries through tiny quarter-inch
incisions. As with anterior hip replacement,
one great advantage of arthroscopic surgery
is that because the incision wound is so
much smaller, recovery time is shorter.
Dr. Scheffer says the affiliation of
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital with
Massachusetts General Hospital was a big
factor in his decision to come here. “With
our integrated X-ray services, I’ll be able to
communicate in real time with Mass
General, looking at the same exact images
they’re looking at, conferring with
orthopedists and radiologists up there.
Knowing there’s that kind of support and
technology, and that resources are there to
back me up – that’s so important.”
The satisfactions of work as an orthopedic pressure all go up – all these other health
problems can develop secondarily from an
surgeon, he says, are deep.
orthopedic injury or a degenerative condition.
“In other areas of medicine, often you’re
can reverse that. To see people come in a
managing chronic illnesses, and there really
later, having lost thirty pounds, is so
isn’t a cure. Orthopedics is a great way to take
I had a patient who bicycled across
someone who’s injured, often depressed by
after I fixed his knee. It was one
their injury, immensely dissatisfied about not
moments of his life. I had a
being able to do the things they enjoy – and
able to participate in the
return them to a level of function that
after recovering from his
restores not only physical health but mental
orthopedic procedure. Shortly afterwards, he
health as well. There’s nothing more
arrived in my office and presented me with
gratifying, because you really do get that
medal, saying that he couldn’t have done
closure. You can say goodbye to people who
are better – they’re fixed – and they go back
and his wife Susan are avid
to doing the things they enjoy again.
sailors. They look forward to their arrival and
“When people can’t exercise, their health
navigating in Vineyard waters. suffers – blood sugars, weight, and blood
Prudence Look Society
In memory of Prudence Look, one of the founders of Martha’s Vineyard Hospital and the first president of the
Hospital’s Women’s Auxiliary, we have established The Prudence Look Society to honor the generosity
of individuals who support the mission of Martha’s Vineyard Hospital through planned gifts.
This year, we are pleased
to be able to thank
these members:
Reverend Alden Besse
Mr. and Mrs. Garth W. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hale
Janice and Bill Lehmberg
Lab: Accredited and Always Improving
n March, a team of seven inspectors from
the College of American Pathologists
(CAP) paid a visit to the Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital Lab. CAP, which serves as the lab’s
accreditation and certifying body, visits
member hospitals every two years with a
daunting amount of requirements to work
“It was a long day,” says Lena Prisco PhD,
lab director, but she quickly adds: “It went
fine. There are always a few items that require
follow-up on inspections like this, but the
Hospital lab was recommended for a full
two-year accreditation.”
It’s not as if the CAP inspection is the
only time the Hospital lab checks its
procedures and the accuracy of its methods
and instruments. During daily operations,
quality control is run and in alternate
inspection years the lab does its own selfinspection, Dr. Prisco says, and all
through the year, CAP submits random
unknown samples to be sure the lab’s
work is spot-on.
Dr. Prisco, who serves as a CAP
inspection team leader herself, says the
peer-review process at its best is quite a
useful experience. “You can learn a lot of
things visiting other labs,” she says.
The biggest advances at the Martha’s
Vineyard Hospital laboratory since the
last CAP inspection two years ago have
been in two areas: expanding the number
of in-house tests the lab performs, and
handling both test orders and the
communication of lab results
In all, Dr. Prisco says, the Hospital lab
now performs about three dozen tests in-
house that were sent off-Island as recently as
two years ago. There’s an improvement in
patient care and a potential cost savings
passed along to patients, she says. “When a
test is done here,” she says, “we can contact
the doctor faster.”
Perhaps one of the most dramatic changes
at the lab is its ability to test for Lyme
disease and return a result in as little as 60
minutes to a doctor in the emergency room.
Another example is that the lab can now do
hormone tests, enabling Martha’s Vineyard
Hospital to provide laboratory support for
fertility treatments.
Technicians Mary Edwards and Sam Kline showing off the new Laboratory at the open
house in 2010. Left—Mary at work in the lab in 2013.
Meanwhile, the work of the Hospital lab
has been fully integrated into the new
electronic medical records system since
January. “There’s no more hand entry or
faxing,” says Dr. Prisco, “which is more
accurate and has really decreased the
paperwork. People are still used to paper,
but they are thinking more electronically
Most of the lab’s older equipment was
updated when the Hospital moved into its
new building, but they had to replace one
failing chemistry instrument, a workhorse
nine years old, with a new one earlier this
year. Because that instrument’s work is so
One of the most dramatic
changes in the Laboratory is the
ability to test for Lyme disease
and return a result in as little as
60 minutes.
broadly essential, bringing it online took
almost four months.
Still, somehow Dr. Prisco has also found
time to set up a new continuing education
program for the technicians in the lab. “As
I’m reading and finding materials, I push it
their way. Here in the lab, you never stop
learning.” New Service: World-Class Cancer Care, Delivered Here
artha’s Vineyard Hospital embarked
this spring on the biggest expansion of
medical services in its recent history, with the
launch of a new comprehensive medical
oncology and hematology service program.
In a suite of newly renovated rooms in the
1972 Hospital building, expanded cancer care
for Island patients is now being provided by a
team of six clinicians from the Mass General
Cancer Center.
Chemotherapy infusions are being
administered by infusion nurses Monday
through Friday, and by advanced practice
nurse Jane Kelly, APRN, BC every
Wednesday through Friday. Jane works
Mondays and Tuesdays at the Nantucket
Hospital, which is also an affiliate of the Mass
General in the Partners HealthCare system.
“Patients living on Martha’s Vineyard now
have access to one of the finest cancer
treatment programs in the United States,”
says Dr. David Ryan, chief of Hematology/
Oncology at MGH and clinical director at the
Mass General Cancer Center. “We are very
pleased that our cancer providers are working
together with Martha’s Vineyard Hospital as a
“It’s soup to nuts”, says Tim Walsh, CEO of
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. “We tried to
expand oncology service here, several times,
before we became affiliated with Partners. But
it just wasn’t possible – we couldn’t make it
Tim Sweet, chairman of the Hospital board,
says “Now all the pieces have fallen into place.
I think that from the patients’ point of view,
we’re finally beginning to see all the great
advantages of joining Partners HealthCare.”
The opening of the Mass General
Hematology/Oncology Service on the
Vineyard has been welcomed enthusiastically
by the Island’s primary support and advocacy
group for cancer patients, the Martha’s
Vineyard Cancer Support Group. “We’re
absolutely thrilled,” says the organization’s
president, Jane Carroll.
A diagnosis of cancer is challenging enough
by itself, says Mrs. Carroll – but the Island’s
distance from chemotherapy services has been
a huge additional burden. Describing
the grueling trips of a woman the
support group recently helped with
her travel expenses, she says: “She gets
on the boat, she gets on the bus, she
gets out at South Station, takes the T
to the Mass General. And afterwards
she takes the T back to South Station
and the bus down and the boat home.
That’s after a round of chemo.”
Dr. Richard T. Penson, clinical
director of medical gynecologic
oncology at the Mass General Cancer
Center, is heading up the team of six
doctors bringing this new service to
the Vineyard. Joining him are Dr.
Christopher G. Azzoli, whose special
expertise is lung cancer, Dr. Jeffrey A.
Barnes (lymphoma), Dr. Marcia
Browne (breast, GI and lymphoma),
Dr. Donald P. Lawrence (head, neck
and melanoma), and Dr. Lidia
Schapira (breast cancer).
“A standard course of chemotherapy
is six cycles, administered every three
weeks,” says Dr. Penson, “and the
typical appointment takes half a day
or more.” That means Vineyard
cancer patients traveling to Boston for
treatment most often have to stay
overnight off-Island, at great cost
both in money and in time.
Anne Lemenager receives infusion therapy at the new MGH/MVH Hematology, Oncology & Infusion
Service at Martha’s Vineyard Hospital.
“We’re committed to delivering
compassionate care, ensuring
that patients get the standard of
21st-century medical care, right
at home on the Vineyard.”
Jane Carroll knows the drill by heart, having
driven her late husband Tom to Boston for
regular cancer treatments for more than two
years. “I can’t tell you how many snowstorms I
drove through to get Tom to his
appointments,” she says. “If we could have
done those treatments down here, what a
major savings on money, stress and time that
would have been.”
Dr. Penson says he appreciates that after a
round of chemotherapy, most patients want
nothing more than to get home and curl up
under the covers of their own bed. With this
new service, he says, “For many patients,
they’ll be able to receive world-class care
without ever having to leave the Vineyard.”
Mrs. Carroll says the entire board of the
MV Cancer Support Group was impressed by
Dr. Penson’s recent presentation to them on
the new Island cancer service. “He told us that
even if you’re a patient with a doctor at
another off-Island hospital, you can get your
chemotherapy done here. And they’ve
arranged so that people on their summer
vacations can also get their chemo here. That’s
just wonderful.”
“The new infusion suite is a great space,”
says Dr. Penson. “We do think that a lot of
cancer care can be transferred to the Island.
We’re committed to delivering compassionate
care, ensuring that patients get the standard of
21st-century medical care, right at home on
the Vineyard.”
Patients under the active care of a medical
oncologist can transition their care to one of
the new physicians from the Mass General
Cancer Center and will be seen in the Mass
General Hematology/Oncology Service at
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital. For questions,
please call Nurse Practitioner Jane Kelly,
APRN-BC, at 855-508-5275, or call your
Primary Care Physician. Page 8 — MARTHA’S VINEYARD HOSPITAL 2013 ANNUAL REPORT
Summer Events Benefit the Hospital
27th Annual
MVH Golf Tournament
July 14th & 15th
Farm Neck Golf Club
with special guest Dan Boever,
sponsored by Columbia Construction Company.
For more information
• • • • •
25th Anniversary
Sullivan 5K Run/Walk
August 24th
Get details and download a registration form at
For more information about these events,
call the Development Office
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012
n grateful appreciation, this list of names pays tribute to the donors whose annual gifts to
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital help ensure the health & safety of all who live or visit here.Their
generosity exemplifies the best of this community’s spirit – the readiness of Vineyarders to help
a neighbor in need.
Dr. Ann R. Karnovsky
Dr. Jane Martin & Stuart Katz
Dr. & Mrs. Jay H. Kaufman
Lillian & Raymond Kellman
BeeBee Horowitz
& Stuart Kendall, M.D.
Carol & Jerome Kenney
Pedie & Bob Killebrew
Bobbie & Warren Kimber
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Konig
Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf J. Laager
Martha Olson & Stuart Land
Kathleen & Frank Lauinger
Sally G. Leahy
Mrs. Barbara Fish Lee
Linda Pennington & Michael Lehr
April & Michael Levandowski
Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Lloyd
The Loualan Foundation
Deborah & Joe Loughrey
Contributions of $200,000
to $499,999
Hugh L. Adams, Hugh Trumball Adams
& Mary Trumball Adams Trust
Contributions of $100,000
to $199,999
Stephen C. Luce Charitable Foundation
Contributions of $50,000 to $99,999
James B. Corcoran Trust
Gertrude M. Goff
Contributions of $25,000 to $49,999
Anonymous (1)
Brad & Dorothy Church Trust
Daedalus Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
J.M. Huber Corporation
Diane Sawyer & Mike Nichols
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Contributions of $10,000 to $24,999
Marcia Mulford Cini & William Lee Cini
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Cronig’s Markets & Healthy Additions
The ELMS Foundation
Farm Neck Golf Club
Ms. Lee Morgan
& Mr. James O. Fishbeck
The Goff Foundation
Merle & Stanley Goldstein
Mimi & Peter Haas Fund
Hoch 2003 Charitable Lead Trust
Dr. Karen A. Kennedy
& Mr. Kevin W. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Landreth
Dr. Laura Roebuck & Dr. William Meehan
& the Meehan Foundation
Donald & Emily Mulford Fund
The New York Community Trust –
Wallace Special Projects Fund
Mrs. Jane R. Newman
Permanent Endowment for MV –
Mayhew-Nevin Fund
Permian Basin Area Foundation
Lippy & Ed Reade
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rosbeck II
Winnetu Oceanside Resort
Contributions of $5,000 to $9,999
Constance Messmer & Steve Bernier
Susan & Robert Bishop
Agnes R. Butler Trust
Karen & Brian Conway
Kim & Drew Conway
Thea Duell & Peter Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Eberstadt
Emergent BioSolutions, Inc.
Jennifer Caldwell & John Fisher
Mr. Ralph C. Franklin
Robert A. Goff
Ms. Jayne Lipman
& Mr. Robert Goodman
Graham Hunter Foundation
Debby & Martin Hale
Judith & John Hannan
Henry Schein, Inc.
Jewish Communal Fund
Johnson & Johnson Family of
Companies Contributions Fund
Renee & Dan Kaplan
Londa Weisman & Sidney R. Knafel
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lewis
Mr. William R. MacClarence
Monina von Opel & Edward F. Miller
Mrs. Dina Perry
Migsie & Gar Richlin
Pamela Zilly & John Schaefer
Jacquelyne M. Schuman
Kathy & Paul Severino
Sarah Spencer Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Swartz
The Swordspoint Foundation
Peter & Elizabeth C. Tower Foundation
Ms. Susan E. Trees
Mr. Hansjoerg Wyss
Contributions of $2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous (1)
Levi Binney’s pediatric visit suits him just fine.
AGFA Health Care
Alliance Print Group & Steve Rosseel
Arbella Insurance Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Amy & Clifford Aronson
Pat & Geoff Banfield
Bardwell Electronics
Robert & Nettie Benenson Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Biondi, Jr.
Estate of Cornelia Elizabeth Bodkin
Mrs. Eileen O. Brown
Polly Brown
Rosemary & Michael Bulkin
Jeanne & Malcolm Campbell
Cintas Corporation
Fran & Bob Clay
Edgartown National Bank
Mr. R. Gardiner
Carol Brown & Henry H. Goldberg
Beth & Marc Goldberg
Ms. Jill Goodman
Hamel, Marcin, Dunn & Reardon, PC
Charles H. Harff
Nan & Bill Harris
Mrs. Dorothy J. Henry
Hope Hospice
The Howard Johnson Foundation
Edward T. Kenyon
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kiersted
Beth S. & Seth A. Klarman
Barbara N. Kravitz
Clare & Richard Lesser
Martha’s Vineyard Insurance Agency
Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Metric Corporation
Sharon A. Miller
Mone Insurance Agency, Inc.
Network Health
Judy Newbold
Liz & Frank Newman
Susan & Jeffrey Parker
Louise & Alan Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Rorer
Dr. & Mrs. Louis W. Sullivan
Claudia Weill & Walter Teller
Contributions of $1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (5)
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Accinno
Dr. & Mrs. Carlton M. Akins
Ms. Cynthia R. Anderson
Ms. Leslie K. Williams
& Mr. James A. Attwood
Carol & Thomas Bardwell
Cheryl & Max Batzer
Paul F. Doherty & David A. Behnke
Barbara & Harold Bell
Ms. Helen Benham
Bonnie & Merle Berger
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Berger
Ms. Linda Lipsett & Mr. Jules Bernstein
Helen & Robert Bernstein
Reverend & Mrs. Alden Besse
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bown
Tess & Kib Bramhall
Hope B. Woodhouse & Richard J. Canty
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Carnevale
Dr. Willie J. Cater
Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Chasin
Coca-Cola Bottling
Mrs. Ryna G. Cohen
Columbia Construction Company
Mr. & Mrs. George W. Coombe, Jr.
Mona D. Corbin Trust
Chris & Bob Cox
Mrs. Susan C. Crampton
Ms. Mary Steenburgen
& Mr. Edward B. Danson
Norris W. Darrell
Judy & Ron Davenport
Harriet & Bob Dewey
Mrs. Ineke M. Dikland
Mr. & Mrs. Shaun T. Dolan
Ms. Lucille R. Zanghi
& Mr. James M. Dow
Andrea & Michael Dubroff
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Durst
Louie & Ralph Dweck
EOS CAA Healthcare
Receivable Solutions
Gene & John Ferguson
Betsy & Andrew Forrester
Sylvia & Joe Frelinghuysen
Henrietta Gallagher
Pat & Stewart Gentsch
Ms. Mary Gillette
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Goodman
Susan & Malcolm Goodridge
Harriett & David Gowell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Graham, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Griffin
Eleanor M. Groel
Elizabeth & Lee Guittar
Sarah & Geoffrey Gund
Jerry Hawke
Michele & David Hedley
Minnie & Brent Henry
Mrs. LeGare R. Hole
Isabel B. Hooker
Bette & Bill Hoskins
Ginny & Lou Hoynes
June A. Hutchinson
Thomas C. Israel
Jacobus Family Foundation
Mrs. Jeanne N. Jaeckle
Jewish Community Foundation
of Los Angeles
Mrs. Thelma L. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Vernon E. Jordan, Jr.
Joy Street Foundation
Kathy & Ed Ludwig
Veronica & Bill Lytle
The Marianthi Foundation
Emily Rose & James Marrow
Mr. & Mrs. Graham A. Marx
Massachusetts General Hospital
Maurice Amado Foundation
Rosalee & David McCullough
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. McCullough
Grace Melrod
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Mettler
Elaine & Howard M. Miller
Christina G. Miller
& Stephen W. Miller, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Morby
Ellen & Richard Muglia
Mr. & Mrs. Sherif A. Nada
National Philanthropic Trust
Rhoda Nussbaum & Dr. Sam Nussbaum
Marianna & Frank O’Brien, Jr.
The Pacer Foundation
Richard J. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Partel, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Phelan
Carole & Thomas Phiebig
Elizabeth & James Pickman
Dr. Karen Casper & Dr. Pieter Pil
Lia & William Poorvu
Ann L. Prestipino
Edie Radley
Jill & Alan Rappaport
DiAnn & Earle Ray
Laurie Walker & Don Reese
Clara & Walter Ricciardi
Diane M. & H. John Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Robb III
Elizabeth Rose
Ms. Andrea C. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. E. Burke Ross, Jr.
Suzanne & Allen Rugg
Bette & Richard Saltzman
Sandpiper Fund, Inc.
Schoolbell Foundation
Allyne & Fred Schwartz
Schwarz Family Charitable Trust
Signet Electronic Systems
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Smith
Mrs. Leigh B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Smith
Mr. Edward B. Southworth III
Mr. John R. Stafford
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Nancy & Edward Strauss
Nancy & William Strecker
Mrs. Rose B. Styron
Mr. Timothy D. Sweet
Detta & Joe Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Tomason
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Trachsel
Trinity Episcopal Church
Dr. & Mrs. P. Roy Vagelos
Robert & Susan Van Roijen
Ms. Rachel Vanderhoop
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander W. Vietor
Vineyard Golf Club Foundation
Mrs. Barbara M. Walker
Helen & Timothy Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua J. Weeks
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Wheeler
Agnes N. Williams
Gage & Rob Woodard
Patricia Bacon & Jeffrey Zack, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zeender
Contributions of $500 to $999
Anonymous (2)
Karen & Michael Achille
John C. Anderson
Evelyn & David Auerbach
Baltimore Community Foundation
Charles Bangs & Family
Ms. Caroline A. Baum
Ruth Faden & Tom Beauchamp
Ms. Jennifer Sloan
& Mr. James A. Belushi
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Bradford
Ms. Emily B. Bramhall
Mrs. Leigh B. Braude
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
John Brittain
The Honorable Ann W. Brown
& Don A. Brown
Ann & Herbert Burger
Mr. & Mrs. Fenton J. Burke
Cape Air/Nantucket Airlines
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Chapman
Chilmark Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. Cohan
Rosalie & Bertram Cohen
Carolyn & John Connors
Carol & Ron Conte
Mary H. Crary
Iya Labunka & Wes Craven
Mrs. Sally S. Cross
Mrs. Gertrude Cutler
Margery Luening & Jeffrey Dando
Gail & Jerome Davidson
Betsey S. Delaney
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Dick, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Jules L. Dienstag
Dr. Kevin B. Dole
Denise L. Dooling
Happy & Bob Doran
Lal Dowley
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Dworsky
Ethan Allen of Whippany
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Ezequelle
Patricia & James Ferriter
H. Thomas Fisher
Dr. Judith A. Fisher
Mo & Bob Flanagan
John O. Flender
Dede & Woody Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Frank
Diana & Norman Freed
Ann F. Freedberg
Mrs. Mary S. French
JoAnn & Jack Fruchtman
Sharon & Irving Gates
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gibson
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Ralph & Eleanor Graves
Ms. Sherri N. Blount
& Mr. Edward W. Gray
Mary I. Greely
Patty & Brad Griffith
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Guernsey, Jr.
Dr. Timothy E. Guiney
Anne & Charles Hajjar
Susan Schaefer & Christian G. Halby
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart D. Halpert
April L. & Albert H. Hamel
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin W. Harley
Dr. Clare J. G. Harrington
& Mr. Robert D. Harrington, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth E. Harris
Cristine Russell Heineman
& Ben W. Heineman, Jr.
Robert F. Higgins Foundation
Nancy A. Huntington
Dr. & Mrs. Michael R. Jaff
Alvida & Ralph Jones
Betsy & Bill Kaden
Drs. Kathryn & Dennis Karsh
Dr. Katherine Lapierre
& Dr. Peter Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O.Lawson-Johnston II
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O.Lawson-Johnston, Sr.
Drs. Ann & Robert Lees
Frances & Elliot Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. F. Andrew Leslie
Leslie’s Drug Store
Mr. & Mrs. S. Robert Levine
Anne & Ted Lewis
Dr. & Mrs. Mortimer Litt
Sarah & John Lolley
Cindy & Ronald Low
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lowell, Jr.
Irene & John MacKenty
Carol & Bill Maloney
Mr. John B. Mariano, Jr.
Virginia V. Mattern
Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Mattison
Cathy & Scot McCulloch
Mary & Jay McElroy
Medical Bureau of Economics, Inc.
Mrs. Lillian R. Meleney
Jacqueline Mendez-Diez
Lynn & Walter Mercer
Ms. Robin Shanus
& Mr. Stephen M. Merkel
Mr. & Mrs. Diego Messina
Patricia Fraser & Edgar Milford
Nancy & Herb Milstein
Trudi Mishara
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Mitchell
Virginia L. Mortara
Nasiff Fruit Company
Jean Needy & Dr. Carl Needy
Miryam Gerson & Henry Nieder, M.D.
Jeanne & Bob Ogden
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ollwerther
Our Island Club
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Pettenati
Mary Lou & Anthony Piland
Cassie Murray & William Plapinger
Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Pluck
Ellen M. Poss
Ms. Vera C. Pratt
Marcella & Glenn Provost
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Randall
Sharon & David Robinson
Jacquelyn & Paul Ronan
Caroline Kennedy & Edwin Schlossberg
Kay & Stan Schlozman
Nina Bramhall & Paul Schneider
Sally & Jack Schott
Cheryl & Bart Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Sheehan
Betsy & Richard Sheerr
Carol & Ron Shilakes
Jacqulyn C. Shropshire
Diane English & Joel Shukovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Shweder
Ms. Geralda Silva
Lee & Allen Sinai
Sherrill Blalock & Jonathan Smith
Mr. Stephen L. Smith
Mary Ann & Stanley W. Snider
Soikkeli & Company, Inc.
Barbara & Robert Solow
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Spongberg
Stanley Startzell,
Certified Financial Planner
Mr. & Mrs. Nicolas Stevens
Richard E. Steves
Lisa & John Stout
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. Stuart
Mr. & Mrs. Sheridan Talbott
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Thayer
Ms. Kate R. Whitney
& Mr. Franklin A. Thomas
Neva D. & Melvin D. Thornhill
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Troppman
Teri & Lloyd Trotter
Ms. Faith Van Clief
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome C. Vascellaro
Vineyard Gazette
Vineyard Propane & Oil
Vineyard Scripts
Marigil & Mason Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel D. Warriner II
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew L. Warshaw
Karl W. Weckman
Donna & Neil Weisman
Ms. Lorre B. Polinger
& Dr. Donald L. Wertlieb
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. White
Heidi Wild Photography
Gregory Willett
Megan & Seth Woods
Genevieve & Justin Wyner
Dorothy & McKinley Young
Jeanne & Dave Zenker
Contributions of $100 to $499
Anonymous (10)
Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan
Mr. & Mrs. John Abrams
Ezola & Earl Adams, Jr.
Joan & Siamak Adibi, M.D.
Affordable Lawn Care Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Odeh Ahmad
Rachel & Jonathan Albert
Sarah & Andrew Aliberti
Alchemy Bistro & Bar
Ms. Mary E. Alley
Mr. & Mrs. Blake P. Allison
Mr. Robert B. Almy, Jr.
Mr. Andrew Aloisi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Alter
Mrs. David Ames
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Anderson, Jr.
Mr. Santos Angelito
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Anselmo
Dr. Sofia H. Anthony
Dr. Erika L. Whitmore
& Dr. Thomas H. Aretz
Kay Matchullat & Allan Arffa
Mrs. Charlotte P. Armstrong
Mrs. Leslie Armstrong
Katherine & Paul Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Ashe
Ashley Furniture Homestore
Maria & Jesse Aweida
Wiet & John Bacheller
Back Door Donuts
Miki Badnek
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Badot
Betty & Bill Bailey
Elizabeth A. Baker
Julia & John Banks
Emma & Archie Bankston
Mr. Adam L. Barmakian
Vahan L. Barmakian
Mr. Jonathan S. Barnett
Mr. Thomas A. Barr
Jeanne & Fred Barron
Elaine & Roger Bart
Basement Designs, Inc.
Ms. Jo-Anne L. Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Bayne
Harriet Bechtold
Diane & Lewis Becker
Janice & Edward Belisle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bena
Marcelle & Arthur W. BenDavid
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Bennett
Barbara & Bill Bennett
Ms. Marguerite H. Benson
Francie & Jack Bergquist
Mrs. Nancy W. Bermudes
Peyton & Andrew Berry
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Butterick
Nancy & Dan Cabot
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. John Callahan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Callahan
Linda & Dan Campbell
Ms. Francie A. Camper
Ms. Mary S. Candon
Ms. Joyce Capobianco
Catha & David Carlson
Charlie Carpenter
Louise Elving & Stephen Carr
Mr. Michael E. Carroll
Mr. Robert J. Carroll
Nan Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Casella
Ms. Dede Rabaioli & Mr. Ronald Cavallo
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Cavanaugh
Mr. Kevin Cavanaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph T. Cazeault
CB Stark Jewelers
Ms. Nancy J. Kramer
& Mr. Christopher Celeste
Mr. & Mrs. Michal Cenkl
Carmine Cerone
Dorothy F. Chaffee
Chapman, Cole & Gleason
Funeral Home
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Chastang
Joan & Marcos Chavez
Chilmark Chocolates
Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Dean
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Dearing
Mae & Chas Deary
Nelia & Chris Decker
Ms. Katherine E. Putnam
& Mr. Timothy G. Delaney
Mr. Art DeLorenzo
Mr. & Mrs. Francois Delphin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Dempsey
Mrs. Frances I. Dennison
Evandro Deoliveira
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Derose
Ms. Carolyn A. Cohen
& Mr. Alan M. Dershowitz
Aaron Levan Dettra Memorial Fund
Mrs. Margaret P. Cox DeVane
Karen & Paul DiMaura
Jill & Jimmy Dimitri
Marie & Joe Doebler
Sandy & David Dolinsky
Barbara Rogers & Ron Domurat
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Donahue, Jr.
Ms. Sherrie S. Cutler
& Dr. Robert M. Donahue
Ms. Prudy Carter-Donovan
& Mr. Robert Donovan
Ms. Barbara S. Torrest
& Mr. Peter Dormont
Doyle Construction, Inc.
Mrs. Diana M. Dozier
Jennie & Jeremy Driesen
Lab tech Debbie Scott makes sure it doesn’t hurt.
Mrs. Louise H. Bessire
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Bigelow
Dr. & Mrs. Robert S. Blacklow
Jodi & Hadden Blair
Richard Blankenship
Blue Ribbon Travel & Cruises
Jennifer & Jonathan Blum
Sandra & Bob Blythe
Peter R. Boak
Patricia & Robert Boak
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Boardman
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Bologna
Mr. & Mrs. J. Q. Bonanno
The Boneyard
Dr. Paul Bouche
Ms. Carolann Clynes
& Mr. Robert B. Bourne
Helen H. Bowring
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander R.M. Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Bracken
Ms. Kathleen D. Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Bramhall
Catherine Brennan
Nancy & Alan Brenner
Linda & Gary Brenner
Mrs. Lorraine D. Bressler
Patricia & Neil Brooks
Nancy & Peter Brooks
Mrs. Seely Brooks
Francine & Pierre Brosens
Mr. & Mrs. Laurent P. Brousseau
The Brown Family
Brooke & Eric Brown
Mr. & Mrs. H. Harding Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Brown
Mr. Robert K. Brown
Robert M. Brown
Shelley W. Brown
Lynne & William Bruno
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bryan
Judy & Fred Buehler
Gabriella & Bruno Bufalini
Dr. Stanley J. Burba
Ms. Pamela B. Burke
Dr. & Mrs. Padraic Burns
Mr. & Mrs. John Bussmann
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Chirgwin
Ann & David Chook
Shelley Christiansen
Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Clark, Jr.
Anna & Ted Clarke
Reverend & Mrs. William C. Cline
Louise & Marston Clough
Dr. & Mrs. Steven I. Cohen
Sally & George Cohn
Susan Collinson
Mrs. Phyllis Colman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Colmer
Columbus Foundation
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
The Community Foundation
for the Greater Capital Region
Joan & Bill Connolly
Conroy Apothecary
Debra Conroy
Robert H. Conway
Diana & Bill Conway
Mrs. Judith H. Cook
Nan & Michael Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey A. Corbett
Jenny Young & Donald Corner
Mike Cosgrave
Patricia A. Costa
Cottage City Home Appliance
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund C. Cottle
E.C. Cottle, Inc.
Connie & George Cowan
Kit & Ross Cowan
Ms. Laurie Forkas & Mr. David Cox
Crane Appliance & Sound & Vision
Mr. & Mrs. Harry C. Crawford
Mr. & Mrs. C. David Cron
Janet & Arthur Crovatto
Ms. Evangeline Spanos
& Mr. Irvin Curtis
Cushing & Dolan, PC
Sally & Russ Dagnall
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo P. D’ambrosio, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David D’Angelo
Darvin Furniture
Bobbie & Sheldon Davis
Helen & Arne de Keijzer
Cornelia Dean
Mrs. Jacquelyn L. Driscoll
Anna & Richard Dubow
Mr. & Mrs. Thayer Dufresne
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Dunlap
Ms. Charlotte J. Dunmore
Patricia & John Durfee
Barbara & David Dutton
Dynamic Security Concepts, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert P. Earle, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary H. Eckhardt
Ms. Anna Edey
Edgartown Clothing Company
Edgartown Golf Club
Edgartown Marine
The Edgartown Reading Room
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Edison
Mrs. Frances C. Edwards
Jenny & Garth Edwards
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Eisendrath
Elkind Family Foundation
Teddie & Ray Ellis
Ms. Alan S. Emmet
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Enos
Judy & Hal Erdman
Peter E.B. Erdman
Deborah & John Evangelakos
Barbara & Bill Everdell
Ms. Gail Everhardt
Claudia & Steve Ewing
ExxonMobil Foundation
Ms. Ethelwyn B. Eyrick
Ms. Carol Dallos
& Mr. Michael J. Fabrikant
Dr. Lisa Kantrowitz
& Dr. Elliott Fankuchen
Betty & Rod Farrow
Mr. & Mrs. Edson Favoreto
Ruth & Arthur Feder
Judy & David Federowicz
Judy & Roger Feingold
Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Feinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd H. Feller
Mrs. Kathy Ferguson
Ursula & Frank Ferro
Oliver D. Filley
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Finley
Joan B. Firman
Jill & Ronald Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Flam
Julia & David Fleischner
Leslie & Hans Fleischner
Mr. Arthur C. Flood
Barbara J. Flynn
Maria T. Fuente & Robert M. Fogelson
Ruth & Dan Foland
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Foster
Ms. Tillie A. Foster
Ms. Tracy Pollan & Mr. Michael J. Fox
Frame Center
Mr. Gerald Franzago
Ivy M. Fraser
Mr. Milton S. Freedberg
Richard M. Freeland
Ms. Wendy H. French
Robert S. Fresher
Dr. Judith A. Merion
& Mr. Richard Fried
Joyce & Mark Friedman
Donna Lee & Richard Frisch
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Fruhan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Fryer
Mr. & Mrs. L. Robert Fullem
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel H. Fuller
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Furtaw
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gachot
Ms. Emily B. Gadd
Mr. & Mrs. Stewart D. Gager
Ms. Catherine A. Gallagher
Lisa & Chuck Garabedian
Robyn & Dale Garth
GE Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Gentle, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Gentle
Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Getsinger
Dr. Tracy C. Gibbons
Mr. & Mrs. Randall L. Gibbs
Mr. & Mrs. Brian B. Gibney
Ms. Jane Gilday
Dr. & Mrs. Brian A. Giles
Michele McNiff Gilligan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Gilman
Cathi & Maurice Gilmore
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Glassmeyer
Drs. R. & M. Gnanadesikan
Henry W. Goethals
Mr. & Mrs. Victor M. Goldberg
Judy & Bruce Golden
Dr. Meryl & Rabbi Mark Goldman
Drs. A. Deborah & Joel B. Goldstein
Helen Gorenstein
Drs. Michele & Robert Gottlieb
Mr. Alan Gowell
Mary Beth Grady
Dr. Donald J. Grande
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Grandin III
Dr. David Grant
Sue Carroll & Jared Grant
Dr. & Mrs. Clifton A. Grayer, Jr.
The Great Put On
Greater MFA
Christie Coon & Allen Green
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Green
Anne Barry & Daniel W. Greenbaum
Beverly & Arnold C. Greenberg
Jennie Greene
The Grill on Main
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Grinker
Mr. William M. Groton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Gurnitz
C. E. Hager
Ms. Mary K. Costello
& Mr. James F. Hague
Susan M. Halby
Deborah & Philip Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hale
Dr. & Mrs. Leon L. Haley
Mr. Charles V. Hallenback
Ms. Abbey A. Rockefeller
& Mr. Lee S. Halprin
Sarah & Robert Hammett
Deborah Hancock
Vicky & Armen Hanjian
Ms. Nancy Y. Harding
The Harding Girls
Ute & John Hargreaves
Sally & Steve Harr
Cynthia & Paul Harriman
Marge & Jamie Harris
Ms. Linda J. Harris
Gertrude C. Hart & James C. Hart
Anne & Maury Hartigan
Hartzband Real Estate
& Property Management
Susan & Rodney Hass
Mildred & Dick Hasselman
Kathleen & George Haubner
Helen & Sandy Havens
Dodie & Dan Headington
Linda & Glenn Hearn
Eleanor & Michael Hebert
Phyllis & Peter Heerwagen
We make every effort to correctly
identify our donors. If omissions or
discrepancies are noted, please advise us
and we will update our records.
Call the Development Office:
Janet & Peter Hefler
Ms. Myra J. Green
& Mr. Jeffrey L. Heidt
Lynda & Dr. Richard Heller
Mr. Arthur Henoch
Ms. Greta M. Herman
Nancy & Roy Hershey
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Hill
Eric Hintsa
Mr. & Mrs. David Z. Hirsh
Olga Hirshhorn
Anna M. Hobson
Ms. Ebba R. Hierta
& Mr. Charles A. Hodgkinson
Ms. Cathy Hoffman
Sally & Eric Hohenthal
Ms. Lucinda H. Holbrook
Aurora & Bradford Holley
Kathy Coe & Tom Hollinger
Marilyn & Warren Hollinshead
Mr. Carl T. Holst-Knudsen
Mr. Robert W. Holt
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Horan
Ms. Katherine A. Read
& Mr. John Houston
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hout
Pat & Rick Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Huffam
Carol Hulsizer
Norma N. Holmes & Walter Hunziker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Huss
Betsy & Carl Hyam
Ms. Aiko Hydeman
IBM Matching Grants Program
Mr. & Mrs. David Ingram
Sarah S. Isenberg
Island Outfitters
Island Tire & Auto Service
J. McLaughlin
Mr. Frederick A. Jacobi
Mr. Travis Beal Jacobs
Ms. Wanda McClain & Mr. Tony James
Rita & Peter Jeffers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Jennings
Vernon Jernegan
Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Jewett, Jr.
Ms. Deborah Wells
& Dr. Theodore Jochsberger
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Johnston
Mrs. Barbara J. Jones
Linda & Gerald Jones
James E. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Kahn
Clare & David Kane
Joy & Douglas Kant
Katydid, Inc.
Elizabeth Kehoe
Ms. Earline D. Kendall
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Kende
Clara B. Kennedy
Eleanor & John Ketcham
Herbert H. Kiehn, Jr.
Dr. Sue Bailey
Nancy M. Kingsley
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Kirn
Danielle Kish
Mr. Elliott H. Mittler
& Mr. Howard M. Klebanoff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Klein
Mr. David Kloss
Ralph L. Knapp
Suellen & Tom Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh E. Knipmeyer
Carol Kolodny
Barbara & Alvin Krakow
Helga & Bernard Kramarsky
Dr. Marianne Schuelein
& Mr. Ralph M. Krause
Dr. Anton Kris
Mrs. Barbara W. Kummel
Tammy Coselli & Michael R. Kutsch
Mr. John LaBell
David Lambert
Marion & Melvin Landew
Mr. James M. Langan
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan G. Langley
Ms. Madalyn P. Mattoon
& Mr. Carl Lawrence
Kay & John Leaird
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Leckerling
The Marvin & Annette Lee Foundation
& David M. Lee, Trustee
Rosalind & Louis Lefeber
Eileen & Gary Lefer
Barbara & Kenneth Leish
Dr. & Mrs. Marc J. Levine
Dr. Richard S. Levine
Dr. Cecile P. Levy & Dr. Stuart B. Levy
Willee & Finlay Lewis
Ms. Charisse R. Lillie
Judy & Steve Lippard
Sue Richmond & Rob Livernash
Mr. & Mrs. Norman H. Lobb III
The Locker Room
Mrs. George S. Lockwood, Jr.
Margaret Logue
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Long
Ms. Carly Look
Diane & Walt Looney
Reverend Thomas C. Lopes
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Lucas
Mr. Mark F. Lucier
Joy Carter Luke
Ms. Patricia M. Lyman
Maggie & Paul MacCowatt
Beverly Wright & Robert MacDiarmid
Joan & Joe MacDougall
Mr. & Mrs. Lanning MacFarland, Jr.
Lisa & Michael MacKenty
Linda Cohen & Bruce MacNelly
Susan G. Madeiras
Mary & Hugh Maher
Eileen & Timothy Maley
Dr. & Mrs. James R. Malm
Mr. Mark G. Maloy
Ms. Nora Maloy
Ms. Debbie L. Mandelker
Evie Miller & Bill Marane
Fay & Robert Marchman
Ms. Audrey J. Marcoe
E.R. Marshall
Martha’s Vineyard Vacation Rentals
Caroline & Bob Maruska
Mr. & Mrs. Hamish Maxwell
Mr. Peter J. Mayer
Alex & Josh McCall
Mrs. Jean C. McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. McCormick
Connie & Max McCreery
Sandy & Tom McGee
Eleanor & Donald McGrath
Cynthia J. McIntosh
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald H. Mechur
Rhonda & Derek Medina
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Mehne
Betsy & Paul Mendelson
Katherine Logue
& Ernest P. Mendenhall
Irene Hallie Mentzel
Marie & Stan Mercer
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Mercier
Allyson & Chad Metell
Claudia A. Metell
Patricia & William Meyers
Martha Eddy & Blake Middleton
Mr. & Mrs. J. Walter Miller
Mark & Jane Miller
Mink Meadows Golf Club
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Molinari, Jr.
Gayle & Bob Mone
Diane & Robert Moore
Judith & Fred Mopsik
Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Morgan, Jr.
Mr. George S.B. Morgan
The Honorable
& Mrs. Robert M. Morgenthau
Dr. & Mrs. Roger B. Morris
JoAnn & James Mosley
Judy & Carl Mueller
Dr. & Mrs. Leo R. Muido
Dr. & Mrs. Nick J. Mulchin
Carol & Peter Muldowney
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Mullin III
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mullin
Mr. & Mrs. Cyril Muromcew
Mr. & Mrs. John Murray
Marty Nadler
Robin Bray & David Nash
Dr. & Mrs. Francis E. Nasser, Jr.
Susan & Stuart Nathan
Mr. & Mrs. Mansfield Neal
Ms. Anita N. Neiman
Mickie & Don Nelson
Mr. F.A. Nelson III
Ms. Penny H. Nelson
The Net Result
Network for Good
Jane & Conrad Neumann
Evelyn & Eric Newman
Nancy & Jon Newman
Mrs. Sally A. Nicholas
Diane & Robert Nicholls
Ms. Nancy Nitchie
Atheline Wilbur Nixon
Elizabeth Nordlinger
Barbara Norfleet
North Shore Fund
Mr. & Mrs. S. Bailey Norton, Jr.
Nancy & Peter Nottonson
Deb & John Nugent
Ms. Cherrie A. Nunes
Mr. John D. O’Callaghan, Jr.
Mr. Patrick O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. O’Leary
Ms. Kathleen J. O’Neil
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Opiola
Ellen & Ned Orleans
Ms. Elizabeth C. O’Rourke
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Ostrow
Our Market Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory S. Ouzunoff
Barbara & Frank Pados
Mrs. Herman Page
Judith F. Palmer
Parker Carpets
Patricia S. Pease
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Pellegrino
Ms. Elizabeth A. Davis
& Mr. Luis R. Penalver
Judy Salosky & Jim Pepper
Dr. & Mrs. John H. Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Perkins
Permanent Endowment for MV –
Ruth J. Bogan-Ruth Redding
Memorial Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Peters
Mrs. Landon Peters
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Petkus
Petunia’s, LTD
Pfizer Foundation
Mrs. Beatrice Phear
Susan Phelps
Mr. Paul D. Pickard
Pik Nik
Sandra & Paul Pimentel
Mr. & Mrs. Sam J. Pinn
Kristen Pinto
Susan & Daniel Plaine
PMA East, Inc.
Mr. James P. Pober
Gayle Poggi
Mr. & Mrs. Giulio Pontecorvo
Ms. Leandra Pope
Lucy Axtell & John Porter
Jill & Jon Posner
Margaret & Allen Post
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Post
Mr. & Mrs. David Salkever
Joan Karol & Irving Salloway
Mrs. Nancy L. Salzman
Amy & Gil Sanborn
Sandpiper Realty
Pamela Willis Savarese
Mr. William Scalzi
Thalia & John Scanlan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schapiro
Barbara K. Scherlis
Ruth & James Scheuer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Schmidt
Audie & John Schneider
Gail Shufrin & Leonard S. Schoenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Irving J. Schoppe
Schwab Charitable Fund
Pamela & James Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schwier
Mr. & Mrs. Hal S. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Scott
Sarah & Maurice Segall
Mr. Thomas J. Sharkey
Jackie & Henry Shaub
Richard D. Sherman
Shirley’s Hardware
Susan & Stanley Shuman
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph K. Shunk
Ms. Laura D. Roosevelt
& Dr. Charles H. Silberstein
Teagan D'Arcy is a winner.
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Posterro
Edith W. Potter
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Price
Cynthia & Bob Provost
Dr. & Mrs. Heinz H. Puetthoff
Mr. Nicholas W. Puner
June & Edward Puwal
Peggy & Rick Quagliaroli
Bill Quinn
Abby Rabinovitz
Nora G. Radest
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Ranalli
Sally & Donn Randall
Karen & Bill Rankin
Dr. & Mrs. Vassilios D. Raptopoulos
RCB Design, Inc.
Diane & Brian Reed
Jane C. Reed
Deborah & Malcolm Reed
David Stork & Richard Regen
Tina & Len Reich
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Reily III
Lyn & Glenn Reiter
Ms. Irene Resendes
Mary Jo & Richard Reston
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Rhone
Ms. Joan F. Rice
Helen & Leroy Rieselbach
Mr. Christopher D. Righter
Ms. Ellen R. Rissman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Rivers, Jr.
Lois & Mike Robbins
Mr. John A. Roberts, Jr.
Belmira T. Robinson
Ms. Sylvia K. Robinson
Rocco’s Pizzeria
Mary Ann & Randy Rompola
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Rose
Mr. Harry Rosenzweig
Ms. Mary-Patrice Ruocco
Ms. Ginger Norton & Mr. Doug Ruskin
Dr. Deidre Ling & Mr. Edward H. Russell
Kathleen & Thomas Ruta
Joyce & Vincent Sabatini
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer H. Silva, Jr.
Kyl & Alan Silverstone
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher D. Simmons
Ruth B. Simmons
Leslie & Warren Simmons
Ms. Carly Simon
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Sirignano
Mr. & Mrs. Barton B. Skeen, Jr.
Diane & Arthur Smadbeck
Mr. Donald G. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Owen C. Smith
Dr. Ellyn Stecker & Mr. Peter D. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Smith, Jr.
Trina H. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Snider
Ms. Jessie P. Snyder
Jose Barbosa Sobrinho
Heikki M. Soikkeli
Kathy & Joe Sollitto
Mrs. Gloria Sonnabend
Mr. Donald H. Sorrie
Soundview Millworks
Ms. Anne C. Speakman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Spillman
Vivian & Lionel Spiro
Ms. Ruth C. Spohn
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Stackpole
The Honorable & Mrs. Norman H. Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund A. Stanley
Tony Starr
Starr, Gern, Davison & Rubin
Ms. Martha C. Nowycky
& Mr. John H. Steidl
Debbie & Gary Stein
Gary Stein
Andrea Quigley & Ned Sternick
Ms. Laura Stetson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Stevenson, Jr.
Lawrence E. Stewart
Ardelia & Ron Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Stiller
Ms. Heather Hohenthal
& Mr. David W. Stone
Elizabeth S. & Robert W. Stone
Mrs. Sylvia V. Storey
Rosemary Chalk & Michael Stoto
Jane F. Street
Pamela & Jack Street
Barbara & Al Sturdivant
Heidi Stutz
Eva & Eberhard Suhr
Dorothy & Barry Sullivan
The Honorable & Mrs. John P. Sullivan
Gemma & Tom Sullivan
Summer Shades
Ms. Priscilla B. Summers
Suskram Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart B. Sutphin III
Claudia & Ed Swan
Jean M. Swanfeldt
Dr. Gerri L. Sweder
& Mr. Kenneth A. Sweder
Annabelle & Allan Tait
Mr. & Mrs. Peter E. Tangredi
Jean & Samuel Tatelbaum
Pat & Howard Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Theise
Mrs. Melissa Thodos Johnston
Mrs. Marie O. Thompson
Janet & Samme Thompson
Mabelle & Samuel Thompson
Mr. Willard Thorn
Julia & Sam Thoron
Kemi & Jeff Tignor
Tilton Tents & Party Rentals
The Tisbury Printer
Mr. John Titus
Barsha & Ron Tolin
Tony’s Market
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Trachtenberg
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Trueheart
Wendy & Skip Ulrich
Ms. Susan D. Ultan
Ms. Gretchen T. Underwood
United Way of Massachusetts Bay
& Merrimack Valley
United Way of Rhode Island
Janet & Ted Urban
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Urbina
US Foodservice, Inc.
Andrew Vagelos
Janice P. Van Riper
Dr. & Mrs. Maurice Vanderpol
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Vanderwarker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. VanLandingham
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Veale
Ms. Judith Villa
Vineyard Bottled Waters
Vineyard Cash & Carry
Vineyard Harbor Motel
Vineyard Home Center
Vineyard Markets, Inc.
Vineyard Nursing Association
Vineyard Vines
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Vorenberg
Mr. & Mrs. D. Warren Vose, Jr.
Carolyn M. Wadsworth
Mrs. Adele H. Waggaman
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan M. Walker
Walsh Contractors, LLC
Ms. Cynthia H. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip G. Walters
Alice S. Wang
Rebecca & Dennis Ward
Ms. Grace K. Warnecke
AnnaBell L. Washburn
Mr. & Mrs. Milton A. Washington
Mr. & Mrs. Solomon B. Watson IV
Grace & Carl Watt
Mr. & Mrs. Colin B. Weir
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Weisman
Ronnie & Mitchell Weiss
Cora & Peter Weiss
Dr. Richard Weiss
Tamara Weiss
Ruth Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Werthwein
Ms. Jane G. West
Lynne P. & Granville White
Julia & Pendleton White
Susan E. Thompson
& Jonathan M. Whiting
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Wick, Jr.
Irene & Arnie Widman
Dedie Wieler
Mr. Craig R. Wiggins
Mrs. Jane A. Wilbur
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wilbur, Jr.
Ms. El Edwards & Mr. Alan Willens
Mr. & Mrs. J. Randolph Williams, Jr.
The Honorable
& Mrs. Joseph K. Williams III
Connie & Preston Williams
Roberta C. Williamson
Richard Willinger
Mr. & Mrs. James O. Wilson
Susan & David Wilson
Mrs. E.A. Winnette
Iris C. Freeman & Warren D. Woessner
Ms. Wendee Wolfson
Lois & Ben Wolkowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Wright
Felice & Henry Yager
Pam & David Young
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Young
Patti Young
Drs. Deborah & Paul Young-Hyman
Norma & Arnold Zack
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Zeller
Linda & Bob Zeltzer
Mr. & Mrs. Adam D. Zoia
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zoll
Ms. Kerry Armstrong
& Mr. Andrew Cheney
Lydia & Robert Chidsey
Ms. Selena Chmielewski
Holly Heslop & Charlie Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Cleasby
Dr. & Mrs. Jordan J. Cohen
Ms. Natalie Conroy
Ms. Gayle E. Converse
Marguerite & David Cook
Susie & Steve Cooper
Betty & Henry Costabel
Mr. & Mrs. Ian I. Cotterell
Dr. & Mrs. Jay Cowan
Tara Kenny & Terrence Crimmen
Ms. Gail F. Croft
Ms. Janet Cronin
Jane L. Culbert
Mark J. Culkin
Ms. Theresa J. Culletto
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Culver
Mr. Matthew W. Curtis
Mr. Lawrence Czaplewski
Ms. Kristen Daly
Ernest Daman
Ms. Carol M. Daniels
Nevenka Kovacevich Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. John T. D’Arcy
Marion & Leo Dauwer
Donald V. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Davis
Ms. Susan Davy
Ms. Ellen E. Day
Ms. Valeria R. DeAguiar
Carol Deanow
Dr. Deirdre DeCarion
Ms. Chantal Desgagut
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Dewar
Ms. Elizabeth W. Deyo
Rhoda L. Diamond
Jane & Philip Dietterich
Ms. Meredith Dillon
Hedda Rubenstein
& Michael Dimenstein
Contributions to $99
Anonymous (6)
Nancy-Alyce & Brian Abbott
Ms. Deborah Abbott
Ms. Denise M. Acquaviva
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Aitken
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Alberich
Mrs. Vera R. Alcalay
Ms. Whitney V. Ale
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Alley
Pat & Kerry Alley
Mr. Carmen E. Amadeo
Among The Flowers Cafe
Ms. Angela Amos
Mr. & Mrs. Morton Amstel
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Andersen
Mr. & Mrs. John Andrades, Jr.
Iona Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Victor P. Anesini
Mary Ann Angelone
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Aronie
Judy Athearn
Dr. & Mrs. Steven W. Atwood
Irma & Robert Bachman
Mr. & Mrs. George Baierlein
Ms. Edith B. Baker
Nancy & Ted Balcomb
Dorothy Bangs
Bank of America
Patricia & William Banks
Ms. Georgina L. Barboza
Ms. Evelyn Barish
Mrs. Glenna Barkan
Ms. Patricia M. Barker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Barrett
Susan & George Bashian
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Basque
Dr. Constance J. Batty
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Bayer
Ms. Anne Beal
Ms. Brenda J. Gerosa-Beal
& Mr. Robert F. Beal
Mr. & Mrs. John Becker
Nancy & Bill Becker
Mr. Peter Behnke
Yolande & Robert Bel Bruno
Ms. Lisa Belcastro
Ms. Allanah M. Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Bernardo
Jean C. Berry
Bespoke Abode
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas F. Best
Betsy’s Hands
Mr. & Mrs. Peter O. Bettencourt
Carol & Robert Bick
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Biros
Ms. Carolyn Bishop
Nancy & Charles Blank
Ms. Dorothy L. Poole
& Mr. Thomas C. Block
Jo Ann & H. Lee Blumberg
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Bobbin
Reverend Arlene L. Bodge
Ms. Johnnie Booker
Euclides Neto, just starting out.
Barbara & Peter Boucher
Mr. Ivan Bourguignon
Susie & Woody Bowman
Dr. L. Susan Branche
Mr. & Mrs. Wiley A. Branton, Jr.
Mark DiOrio
Mr. & Mrs. Alan S. Bressler
Richard M. Divver
Joann Green Breuer
Mr. Keith A. Dodge
Mr. Stephen Brewster
Mr. Dicky Doleck
Dr. Linda Stewart
Mrs. Marie J. D’Olimpio
& Mr. J. Scott Brockmeyer
Ms. Debra Dolliver
Miss Mary J. Broussard
Mr. & Mrs. Warren M. Doty
Mrs. Joann P. Brown
Bernice Dourmashkin
Carolyn & Chris Buchholz
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence J. Doyle
John H. Bunker, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Spiros C. Droggitis
Leslie I. Bunker
Dorothy & John Dropick
Julia Burgess
Helen L. Duarte
Mrs. Gloria Burkin
Mr. & Mrs. John Duddy
Mr. Richard L. Burt
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Duffy
Ms. Jacque Cage
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Durawa
Mr. Geoffrey W. Cahill
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Ebert
Cakes By Liz
Carolyn Y. Eddy
Mr. Joseph H. Calamia
Edgartown Books
Mr. & Mrs. E. Davis Caldwell
Mr. Lee Edwards
Martha & Randolph Cameron
Ms. Anna Elefant
Ms. Carol W. Campbell
Ms. Ann F. Ellery
Mrs. Patience W. Campbell
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Troy A. Canham
Marion & Mark Ellis
Electra & Rodolfo Cardona
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Enrich
Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Caroline
Robert E. Erlandson
Paula & David Caron & Family
Mrs. Dorothy G. Esposito
Carousel Ice Cream Factory, Inc.
Ms. Ocean Eversley
Jane C. Carroll
Ms. Connie S. Fishman
Barbara P. Carter
& Mr. Jeffrey A. Fagan
Ms. Linda M. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Falchiere
Ms. Anna Mae Cecilio
Edith & Sal Falcone
Ms. Carole F. Connolly
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Faneuil
& Mr. Nicholas J. Cesaro
Mr. Julius Feinblum
Ms. Debra Chandler
Samuel M. Feldman
Ms. Lisa Chavis
Ann Fielder
Ms. Irma Chazotte
Lee Fierro
Kathleen F. Hedlund
Vivian & George Henn
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Henriksen
Caroline Ferris Hetfield
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Hewett
Ms. Eleanor R. Hinds
Mrs. Lucile J. Holliday
Mr. Douglas V. Holloway
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Holmberg
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Holthausen
Ms. Peggy E. West
& Mr. Charles M. Honart
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Ann M. Howes
Mr. Jeff Howley
Haven & Dylan Huck
Mr. John T. Hughes
Paul J. Hughes
Dr. Sonya Hutchins
Ms. Joy Hymel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Iadicicco
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn H. Ickler
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ignacio
Integrated Health Care
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Ireland
Marian R. Irving
Island Cove Adventures
Helen F. Issokson
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Jackson, Jr.
Geri & George Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jahries
Mr. Frances Janson
Ms. Judith Jardin
Mr. & Mrs. Reynaldo D. Jaro
Judie & John Jaycox
Nancy Jefferson
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jenkins
Richard A. Joel
Bonnie & Bill Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Jones
Margaret Jordan
Dr. Warren & Harriet Kantrowitz
Rosalind & Mark Kaplan
Ms. Sylvia Kaplan
Ms. Joan B. Mazur
& Mr. Stephen N. Kapner
Ms. Linda Katz
Ann & Herb Kazer
Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Keith
Eleanor Keohane
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Kernan
Mrs. Ruth B. King
Joyce Morinutz & Jules P. Kirsch
Mr. Jesse Kirshbaum
Mr. Jason Kish
Elaine & Robert Klein
Trude Kleinschmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Klim
Mr. Benjamin J. Koch
Kogen Family
Ms. Melanie Kokorus
Patricia C. Kolbe
Mr. & Mrs. Dean M. Kolker
Sara N. Kominers
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Kopans
Ms. Trudy Korda
Mr. & Mrs. James Kosakoski
Angie & Kevin Kubacki
Karen & Edward J. Kubasek
Mary & Werner Kuhn
Mr. Sanjiv Kumar
Mr. Rick Laferriere
Pam, Mike, Jake
& Josh Bumbaca & Barbara Lake
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Langenauer
Mr. George Graeber
Ellen Langreth
Ms. Ann Graham
Priscilla G. Lansey
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert G. Graham, Sr.
Mrs. Mary Ellen Larsen
Mr. & Mrs. Victor R. Grann
Jane & Tod Laudonia
Mr. & Mrs. Vince Greco
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Green
Ms. Sara Laytham
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Green
Ms. Eleanor S. Lee
Donna & Sol Green
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Lee
Karen & Michael Greenbaum
Mr. Clifford R. Leland
Dorothy & Patrick Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Leone, Jr.
Robert J. Grinch
Carol & Arthur Lerner
Ms. Ann Marie Reilly
Mr. Sander M. Levin
& Mr. Timothy L. Grove
Ms. Katherine Hayes & Mr. David Levine
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Grunden
Gloria & Mike Levitas
Mr. Steven Guertin
Mr. & Mrs. Roger F. Lieblich
Mr. Tom Gwin
Ms. Sara Borges & Mr. Robson B. Lima
Lucy & Sheldon Hackney
Cece & Rick Lindequist
Ms. Barbara F. Haefeli
Sandy & Mike Lindheimer
Ann T. Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Lippelt
Mr. & Mrs. Elliott S. Hall
Sylvia D. Loferski
Ms. Lashann D. Hall
Linda Thompson & Mark London
Marcia & Daniel Halperin
Mr. Gregory Loonan
Daniel Hanavan
Ms. Bernice J. Lopes
Sandra K. Hanaway
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey B. Lott
Nancy Tutko & Whit Hanschka
Ms. Ruth Louie
Kathryn & Gary Harcourt
Ms. Bonita M. Love
Barbara & Daniel Harnen
John Joe Lynch
Mr. Edward H. Harris III
Mr. Andrew B. Lyon
Mrs. Christine B. Hart
Janet & Michael Macdonald
Ms. Karen M. Flathers
Marcia & Don Macgillivray
& Mr. James R. Hartman
Marion & Robert MacKay
Theresa C. & Robert Hasan
Mr. Kevin MacPherson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Hasenfuss
Ms. Jill Macy
Ms. Marjorie D. Heath
Mrs. Susan H. Macy
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Hecht
Nancy & Bob Magill
Mr. Daniel Heck
Mr. Dan Finger
Marilyn Fish
Mr. Richard A. Fissette
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Flathers
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Flynn, Jr.
Barbara & Bob Fontaine
Sally & Stephen Fortlouis
Jewel & Anthony Foster
Mr. David H. Foster
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Foy
Ms. Linda Frances
Mr. Joe Frannssen
Betty G. & Ross Frazier
Carolyn M. Ballard, RN MPH
Margaret H. Freydberg
Dr. Joel P. Friedman
Barbara Seidman & Kimberly Fuson
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gallant
Walter Gallant
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Galligan
Jeannine & Daniel Garab
Mr. & Ms. Julio Garcia, Jr.
Thomas L. Gardner
Linda & Bobby Garland
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Gear, Jr.
Ms. Lori Gebhardt
Beth Gelfond
Cynthia & David Gibby
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred R. Giordano III
Frank Giovanangelo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Glad
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Gladstone
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Glaeser
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Glorioso
Mr. Thomas R. Goethals
Dr. Frankin H. Goldberg
DelRene Goldsmith
Donna & Avrum Goldstein
Anne & Meverell L. Good
Mr. Trent Good
Mr. Martin H. Gordon
Mrs. Maureen A. Gordon
Mr. Saul Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Gorman
Mary Gould
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Maloy
Katherine G. Manning
Ms. Loryn Marino
Mr. & Mrs. Ari J. Markenson
Susan Markwica
Martha’s Vineyard Preservation Trust
James Masek
Ms. Valerie J. Stoyer
& Mr. James Masselli
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mayo II
Mr. Michael Mayone
Ms. Kathy McBrien
Patricia & Thomas McCarthy
Mr. Peter S. McChesney
Dr. Barbara A. McCormack
& Mr. P. Frederick McCormack
Pat & Terry McCracken
Mr. David McCullough
Ms. Erin McDonnell
Mr. & Mrs. Mark McGoldrick
Ms. Mary E. McGourty
Ms. Mary M.U. McGuire
Ms. Natalie Brown-McKenzie
& Mr. Obie L. McKenzie
John D. Meade
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Meegan
Merck Partnership for Giving
Ms. Dorothy L. Meyer
Donna & Garry Meyers
Mary B. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Mollin
Mr. Robert L. Montague III
Melissa & Adam Moore
Andrew Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Moore
Caroline & John Y. Moore
Ms. Christopha Moreland
Morning Glory Farm
Ms. Nancy Morris
Ms. Hannah Morrow
Mr. James Morse
Martha & Paul Moschetti
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Moses
Ms. Marcia G. Moss
Ms. Tracy Munford
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Murray
Lucy Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Nalven
Nora & Tony Nevin
Ms. Jacqueline Newman
Mr. John E. Niederhuber
Chloe D. Nolan
Ms. Diane Nolan
Mr. Archie L. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Jon L. Norris
Ms. Kristin Nugent
Pedro Nunes
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. O’Connell
Jo Ann Weiner & Finbarr O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Maruice L. O’Connor
Ms. Sandra L. White-Olden
& Mr. Kenneth Olden
Mr. & Mrs. David Oliveira
Mr. Louis Oliveira
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Ondocin
Jacynth P. Orridge
Mr. & Mrs. David O’Sullivan
PAE Consulting, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Pagano
Mr. & Mrs. James Parrinello
Past & Presents
Mr. & Mrs. Arden L. Paulhamus
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Pearlson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Pepe
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Perrine
Mr. & Mrs. John Perrone
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Perry
Mr. Jonathan Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Landon Peters
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Peura
Barbara Magnuson Phillips
Mr. James Piatt
Ann Milstein & Frank Piccione
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Pierce
Ms. Melissa Pierce
Joan & Dan Pinck
Judy & Gordon Plank
Lucille & Charles Plotz
Ms. Patricia Ludwig
& Mr. Larry Popowich
Ms. Abigail Potter
Nisa & Peter Poulos
Rosalie Powell
Ms. Kedra Priest
Mrs. Arlene Prince
Ms. Rose Marie Priore
Ms. Barbara L. Prowe
Ms. Valerie Purdie-Vaughns
Mr. & Mrs. Sumner C. Putnam
Mr. Matthew Quirey
Mrs. Clara S. Rabbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Owen J. Rabbitt, Jr.
Ms. Monica Ramirez
We make every effort to correctly
identify our donors. If omissions or
discrepancies are noted, please advise us
and we will update our records.
Call the Development Office:
Mr. Benjamin Ramsey
Betty A. Ranslow
Ms. Gina Raphanella
Ms. Suzanne Raponi
Mrs. Myrnice M. Ravitch
Ms. Deborah Raymond
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Recht
Carol G. & Robert M. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. W. Creighton Reed, Jr.
Mrs. Eulalie M. Regan
Ms. M. Jane Tiernan-Reilly
& Mr. David F. Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. David Remillard
Suzanne & Phil Reppert
Dr. Judith U. Reynolds
Dianne & Donna Rhoades
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Ricci
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rice
Mr. Paul C. Richardson, Jr.
Mrs. Micki G. Riddick
Vhonda Ridley
Francis J. Riley
Mr. & Mrs. Rupert H. Robinson
Dennis A. Robitaille
Mr. & Mrs. Edouard Rocher
Pat & John Rodgers
Sylvia C. & James E. Rogers
Mary Lou & Ed Roman
Ms. Suzanne G. Roman
Emily & Ronald Rose
Jessica & Tom Rosenbloom & Family
RougeLuxe Apothecary
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Sabin
Mr. & Mrs. Moosa Salman
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Salsgiver
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Salvo
Ms. Elizabeth B. Sansverie
Ms. Rose Sarja
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict H. Saurino
Mr. Steven M. Saxonis
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Sayle
Ms. Bernice L. Scalzi
Ms. A. Ruth Scarville
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Schepici
Robert L. Schiffman
John Schley
Schneiders & Schneiders
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnee L. Schultz
Ms. Teresa M. Scilipote
Ms. Linda Scott
The Seafood Shanty
Mrs. Gladys Segal
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sellers
Linda & Bob Senior
Ms. Margaret E. Serpa
Sharon Custom Framing
Ms. Linda Sharpe
Ms. Asieh Shayegani
Shearer Cottage
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Shemeth
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sherman
Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Sherman
Mr. Michael Shields
Mr. C. Morgan Shipway
Vera Shorter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Shrager
Ms. Terilyn Shropshire
Cynthia & Brian Sills
Dr. Karianne S. Silverman
& Dr. Adam M. Silverman
Mr. Gibbons Sinclair
Mrs. Betty L. Singer
Sioux Eagle Designs
Dr. Elizabeth A. Slaughter
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Slauson
The Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Permanent Art Collection continues to grow.
Ms. Blair Smoak
Heather Neill’s “The Herald,” above, is among the latest additions. You can now view
Joan & Arthur Solomon
the entire collection on our website at mvhospital-art.com
Dr. Gregory W. Solomon
Alan Sooho
Carolyn & Arthur Spengler
Reverend & Mrs. Roger Spinney
Amy & Jeff Tomkins
Ali & Rick Sullo
Mr. Dusko Stajic
Eleanor Towles
Super Stop & Shop
Ms. Wendy Stanick
Allene Turner
Mr. James Supple
Ms. Barbara E. Stanley
Richard L. Tutt
Ms. Joan B. Leibovich
Nancy Stark
United Way of New England
& Mr. Ted Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher C. Staszak
Sheila & Tom Urmston
Mr. Peter Svorinic
Ms. Kimberly Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Vallis
Dr. Carolyn B. Swain
& Mr. Reaan Steenkamp
Julie R. Newell & A. Bowdoin Van Riper
Ms. Sarah Sylvia
Gloria J. Steere
Mr. Richard W. Varela
Ms. Ellen I. Synan
Mr. John Steffens, Jr.
Jane Creed Vera
Ms. Mary Tahmoush
Josene M. Steinberg
& Joseph Sequeira Vera
Mr. & Mrs. Les Taylor
Penny Uhlendorf & Scott Stephens
Lisa Wiesner & Fred Volkmar
Mr. & Mrs. Alan K. Temple
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Stephens
Ms. Jo Ann M. Walker
Jane & Roger Thayer
Judith & Robert Sterns
Ms. Justen V. Walker
Edward Thomas
Elizabeth & Robert Sterrett
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin R. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Evan W. Thomas
Christiane & Donald Stevens
Ms. Dawn Larkin-Wallace
Ms. Thenzel Thomas
Dr. & Mrs. Edward W. Stewart
& Mr. Kevin Wallace
Ms. Anne E. Thompson
Mrs. Kathryn B. Stewart
Mr. Thomas Walsh
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Thompson
Dori K. Stibolt
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney T. Waters
Mrs. Hurmie Thorne
Alma & Hans Stibolt
Bonnie S. Watson
Mr. Robert Tignor
Donna M. Stickles
Dr. & Mrs. Charles B. Watson
Barbara M. & Fred F. Tilden
Mr. George I. Stirrup
Dr. & Mrs. Lee W. Wattenberg
Erin & Zeb Tilton
Susanna Styron
Bonnie & Paul F. Weber
Ms. Patricia A. Tobin
Ms. Renee J. Weeks
Ms. Angela M. Marchi
& Mr. Robert A. Weidner
Penny & Philip Weinstein
Sara & Ross Weintraub
Ms. Rosalyn Welsh
Sara & Rolfe Wenner
Nettie & Bob West
The Wharf Restaurant & Pub
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Whatley
Ms. Dorothy F. White
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Wholley
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Wickwire
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley W. Widger
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Widmayer
Ms. Linda K. Wiggin
Mrs. Ruth G. Wilcox
Linda Wildermuth
Leslie A. O’Brien
& Kenneth C. Williams
Ms. Cheryle Wills
Ms. Terri A. Winston
Ms. Nancy Winterbottom
Mr. & Mrs. Julian F. Wise
Pat & Bob Wittig
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Woodson
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Wright
Mrs. Jacqueline O. Wyman
Mrs. Robert J. Yapp
Ms. Sarah York
Ms. Dianne Young
Dr. Stefan H. Young
Peggy & Steve Zablotny
Ms. Jill Zamarro
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Zappala
Ms. Susan D. Freedman
& Mr. Mark L. Zeidel
Marilyn Miller & Ronald Zentner
Lawrence & Susan Zielinski
Ms. Vanessa Filley & Mr. Zachary Zises
We make every effort to correctly
identify our donors. If omissions or
discrepancies are noted, please advise us
and we will update our records.
Call the Development Office:
For more information about how you can support Martha’s Vineyard Hospital go to:
Honor & Memorial Tributes
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
In Honor of:
Clarissa Allen
Doreen Anderson
Jeremy Biggs
Alan Bressler
Polly Brown
Dolly Campbell’s Successful Recovery
Catherine Chase
Molly & Jack Crawford
Judith Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Davenport’s
50th Anniversary
Guandro Deoliveira
Sandy & Dave Dolinsky
Bernice Dourmashkin
John P. Ferguson
Dr. Judith Fisher
Noreen Flanders
Karen Flynn
Dr. Denise Fraser
Carla & Steve Furtaw
Dr. Deborah Hall
Dr. Ellen McMahon
Tom Hale
Judy & John Hannan
Harthaven Neighbors
Joel Holmberg
Becky & Walter Jewett
Dr. John Lamb
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Little
Sarah Lolley
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital
• Dr. Karen Casper
& Emergency Room Staff
• Dialysis Unit Staff
• Emergency Room Staff
• Good Service
Charles Morano
Marci Nichols
Deborah O’Malley
Pamela Bell Payton
Dr. Karen Casper & Dr. Pieter Pil
Marcy Pouliot
Marcella Provost
Barbara Prowe
Binnie Ravitch
Sandy Ray
Frances Resendes
The Margaret Haskel Ross Family
John Schaefer
Robert Schwier
Alma Stibolt
Dr. Louis W. Sullivan
Timothy D. Sweet
Dr. Robert L. Thorne
Dr. Andrew L. Warshaw
Dr. Jeffrey Zack
In Memory of:
Cathy Allen
Albert P. Angelone
Daniel Jonas Aronie
Robert S. Basque
Do & Kurt Blumberg
Kathleen Brady
Alan Bressler
Dorothy Estelle Brooks-Brown
Gray MacW. Bryan
Henry Burkin
Ruth Caine
Clementina Cavallo
Henry N. Chaffee
Jean Chapman
Marilyn Colla
Phyllis Colman
William J. Colman
Phyllis H. Conway
James P. Cory
John Coward
Phil Craig
Peter A. Culkin
Florence & Gardner Dove
Robert J. Dozier
Carole Lynn Dunscombe
Ollie Edwards
Dr. Sam Fankuchen
Donald Foster, Jr.
Joan A. Fresher
Eleanor & Frank Gadd
H. Gary Garab
Sandy & Alf Gelfond
Katharine Bunker Getsinger
Tom Gordon
Janet & Walter Haefeli
Jean & Herb Hancock
J. Donald Hare
Dee Henoch
Mrs. Mary Ann Hoxsie
& Dr. Russell S. Hoxsie
Oulton Hues
Mary Lee Huntington
Richard A. Hutchinson
Dr. S. Bernard Issokson
Sheryl Jaynes-Andrews
Wendy Weisman Jenkinson
Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz
Larry Kehoe
Frederick W. Kingsley
Dr. J. Walter Knapp
Bill Kolbe
Edward Krikorian, Jr.
Lois Lippman
Lee W. Lockwood
Viola & Constantine Lopes
Nancy Luedeman
Virginia S. Lurie
Luther T. Madison
Priscilla Magnuson
Julienne Costa Marshall
W. Gray Mattern
Susan “Ticket” May
John Mayhew
Jeremiah J. McCarthy
Dr. Thomas McFarland
Helen McGrath, R.N.
Alfred M. Metell
Rose Morris
Leonore & Dr. Leo Moss
Dr. Robert Nevin
Diane Nicholls
Penny Norris
Marilyn O’Callaghan
Bradford Pachico
Reuben Tyler Palmer IV
Dr. Bob Provost
Joan F. Putnam
Anthony Puwal
George W. Ranslow
Michael M. Ravitch
Dr. Cecil Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund B. Ross
Dr. Edwin W. Salzman
Louise Simon
Mrs. Bernice W. Slaughter
& Judge Henry Anton Slaughter, Sr.
Proctor Smith, Jr.
Kathleen Brown Smith
Louise Walgreen Solano
Susan Lorraine Sotherden
Bud Stickles
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strecker
Lawrence Street
Alice Swartz
Jess Talbott
Dr. Leon Thomas
Donald L. Thompson
Samuel A. Thompson
Adelbert Thurber
Leola Tutt
Victims of Newtown Connecticut
Mary Maloy Walker
Margaret Walsh
Stanley Washburn, Jr.
Thomas “Duke” Webb
Wendy J. Weisman
Vickie Weiss
Robert Weiss
Basil Welch
George L. Wey
Joseph C. Whitney
E.A. Winnette
Dr. James A. Wolff, Sr.
Ruth & Raymond Young
Nancy H. Zamarro
Windemere Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012
long with our residents, the Board of Directors & staff of Windemere extend their sincere thanks for the community’s generous
support during this past calendar year. Since 1995, our mission has remained unchanged – to provide the highest level of care in
a caring environment that our residents proudly call home. With continued community support, Windemere will be able to carry
on its vital role of caring for our Island’s elderly for many more years to come.
Contributions of $5,000 to $9,999
Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Auxiliary
Contributions of $2,500 to $4,999
Rotary Club of Martha’s Vineyard
Contributions of $1,000 to $2,499
Anonymous (1)
John C. Anderson
Carol & Thomas Bardwell
Constance Messmer & Steve Bernier
Polly Brown
Dr. & Mrs. James D. Butterick
Barbara & Richard Couch
& The Couch Family Foundation
Cronig’s Markets & Healthy Additions
Ms. Stephanie Danforth
Farm Neck Golf Club
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Deborah Hancock
Minnie & Brent Henry
Mrs. LeGare R. Hole
Dr. Laura Roebuck
& Dr. William Meehan
Moses in the Bullrushes
Permanent Endowment for MV
– General Discretionary Fund
Rhoderick Design
Pamela Zilly & John Schaefer
Ms. Brooke Adams
& Mr. Anthony Shalhoub
Mr. Timothy D. Sweet
Helen & Timothy Walsh
Diane & Paul Watts
Ms. Betsy Burmeister
Dr. & Mrs. Padraic Burns
Ms. Joyce Byrne
Nancy & Dan Cabot
Dr. Willie J. Cater
Dorothy F. Chaffee
Chilmark Chocolates
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Chirgwin
Mrs. Margeret Chisholm
Fran & Bob Clay
Louise & Marston Clough
Morgan & Joe Coffey
Carolyn & John Connors
Robert H. Conway
Creative Concrete Designs
Ms. Gail F. Croft
Mrs. Gertrude Cutler
Terry & Les Cutler
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Cywinski
Judy & Ron Davenport
Helen & Arne de Keijzer
Mr. Helio De Oliveira
Mae & Chas Deary
Ms. Mary J. Hillman
The Homemakers Club of Oak Bluffs
Ann M. Howes
Terry Kriedman & Deurward Hughes
Nancy A. Huntington
Mr. & Mrs. David Ingram
Island Alpaca Company of MV
Island Classic Charters, Inc.
Island Spirit Kayak
Island Timber
Ms. Wanda McClain & Mr. Tony James
Jardin Mahoney, Inc.
Vernon Jernegan
Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Jewett, Jr.
Taffy McCarthy & Bob Johnston
Alvida & Ralph Jones
Mrs. Thelma L. Jones
Renee & Dan Kaplan
Karpet Kare, Inc.
Elizabeth Kehoe
Lillian & Raymond Kellman
BeeBee Horowitz & Stuart Kendall, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Kende
Contributions of $500 to $999
Wiet & John Bacheller
Pat & Geoff Banfield
Bartlett Tree Experts
Mr. Kenneth Chisholm
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
The Cottagers, Inc.
Mrs. Susan C. Crampton
Ms. Anna Marie D’Addarie
Ray Ellis Gallery
Ms. Nancy H. Evoy
Patricia & James Ferriter
Dr. Judith A. Fisher
Henrietta Gallagher
Gertrude M. Goff
Brenda Campbell visits her mother Jessie Tyrance at Windemere.
Isabel B. Hooker
Island Propane, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kiersted
Drs. Ann & Robert Lees
Ms. Carol Klein & Mr. Bruce L. Levett
Edward T. Kenyon
Nelia & Chris Decker
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Levine
Kitchen Porch Catering
Gail & Philip Derick
Irene & John MacKenty
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Klein
Philip Dietterich
Martha’s Vineyard Museum
Ms. Sandra Demel & Mr. John Kollett
Dr. Kevin B. Dole
Mr. Joseph Mendolia
Carol Kolodny
Patricia & John Durfee
Sharon A. Miller
Joseph E. Krautkramer
Barbara & David Dutton
Nancy & Herb Milstein
Marion & Melvin Landew
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Eberstadt
Ms. Alice Northrop
Wendy Weldon & James Langlois
Edgartown National Bank
DiAnn & Earle Ray
Mr. & Mrs. Louis S. Larsen
Mr. Blake H. Edmunds
Gertrude R. Russell
V. Jaime Hamlin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Epstein
Mary Ann & Stanley W. Snider
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin A. Lewis
ExxonMobil Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Zadeh
Reverend Thomas C. Lopes
David & Judy Federowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Zeender
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lowell, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Feinstein
Linda Cohen & Bruce MacNelly
Oliver D. Filley
Contributions of $100 to $499
Susan G. Madeiras
Mo & Bob Flanagan
Anonymous (4)
Hannah L. Malkin
Ms. Janice Florin
Ms. Mary E. Alley
Mr. & Mrs. Andre J. Mallegol
Ms. Tillie A. Foster
Alley’s General Store
Susan Markwica
Mr. Ralph C. Franklin
Dr. Lorna E.C. Andrade
E.R. Marshall
Diana & Norman Freed
Dr. Sofia H. Anthony
Martha’s Vineyard Framing
Ann F. Freedberg
Banfield Interiors
Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club
Mr. Milton S. Freedberg
Anwyl Bates
Phyllis & T. Robert McCarron
Frances (Campos) Gentle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Bayne
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce McHale
Dr. Tracy C. Gibbons
Ruth Faden & Tom Beauchamp
Mr. Thomas McQuade
Dr. Ellen McMahon & Mr. Arik Goff
Ellen & David Berube
Katherine Logue
Good Ship Lollipop, LLC
Reverend & Mrs. Alden Besse
& Ernest P. Mendenhall
Ms. Helen Green
Nancy & Donald Billings
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence A. Mercier
Jennie Greene
Mr. John F. Bitzer, Jr.
Merck Partnership for Giving
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Grinker
The Black Dog Tall Ships
Mrs. Ruth D. Metell
Elizabeth & Lee Guittar
The Boneyard
Patricia Fraser & Edgar Milford
Ann T. Hale
Anne Bonnet
Monina von Opel & Edward F. Miller
Marian R. Halperin
Book A Boat
Mr. George S.B. Morgan
Daniel Hanavan
Ms. Emily B. Bramhall
Network for Good
Charles H. Harff
Catherine Brennan
Mrs. Sally A. Nicholas
Marge & Jamie Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Brigish
Diane & Robert Nicholls
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hart
R. Britton
Miryam Gerson & Henry Nieder, M.D.
Eleanor & Michael Hebert
Ms. Louisa Williams
Peter Nottonson
Janet & Peter Hefler
& Mr. Christopher R. Brooks
Ms. Cherrie A. Nunes
Ms. Ann E. Heron
Buckley’s Gourmet Catering
Marianna Mead O’Brien
Edward Higham
Ms. Pamela B. Burke
Mary E. & William F. O’Brien III
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Hill
Michelle O’Grady
The Orange Peel Bakery
Our Island Club
Outermost Inn
Susan & Jeffrey Parker
Permanent Endowment for MV
– Alfred F. Ferro
& Edward S. Redstone Fund
Ellen & Daniel Pesch, M.D.
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Petkus
Elizabeth & James Pickman
Ms. Ellen L. Poerner
Gayle Poggi
Marcella & Glenn Provost
Mr. Nicholas W. Puner
Sharon & Dan Purdy
Karen I. Bressler
Reclaimed Island
Diane & Brian Reed
Mary Jo & Richard Reston
Helen & Leroy Rieselbach
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Rivers, Jr.
Belmira T. Robinson
Macy & Bruce Rosinoff
The Seafood Shanty
Mr. Thomas J. Sharkey
Alison Shaw Photography
Ms. Geralda Silva
Ms. Jessie P. Snyder
Soikkeli & Company, Inc.
Heikki M. Soikkeli
Ms. Dorothy Soquist
Penny Uhlendorf & Scott Stephens
Andrea Quigley & Ned Sternick
Ms. Leona E. Ling
& Mr. William H. Stevens
Ardelia & Ron Stewart
Ms. Carolyn Stoeber
Elizabeth S. & Robert W. Stone
Nancy & William Strecker
Dorothy & Barry Sullivan
Claudia & Ed Swan
Tapas Hot Yoga
Jean & Samuel Tatelbaum
Neva D. & Melvin D. Thornhill
Mr. John Titus
Ms. Rachel Vanderhoop
Jackie Vermette
Verner Fine Gardens
Vineyard Flyer
Ms. Lois Virtue
Mr. & Mrs. D. Warren Vose, Jr.
AnnaBell L. Washburn
Ms. Catherine Welch
Ruth Welch
Nettie & Bob West
Dedie Wieler
Pat & Bob Wittig
Lois & Ben Wolkowitz
Ms. Beryl R. Jones-Woodin
& Mr. Peter H. Woodin
Genevieve & Justin Wyner
Sylvia & Frank Yeomans
YMCA of Martha’s Vineyard
Contributions to $99
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Alley
Al’s Package Store
The Aquinnah Shop
Mr. & Mrs. Theophilus Araujo
Barbara & John Armstrong
Judy Athearn
Dorothy Bangs
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Basque
Harriet Bechtold
Barbara & Bill Bennett
Peyton & Andrew Berry
Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Biros
The Bite
Nancy & Charles Blank
Ms. Tara Bolash-Larsen
Linda & Gary Brenner
Joann Green Breuer
Dr. Linda Stewart
& Mr. J. Scott Brockmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Brown
John H. Bunker, Sr.
Leslie I. Bunker
Gail & Walter Burke
Mr. Richard L. Burt
Cakes By Liz
Martha & Randolph Cameron
Canine Clippers
Electra & Rodolfo Cardona
Elaine C. Carroll
Barbara P. Carter
Ayn & Paul Chase
Lydia & Robert Chidsey
The Chilmark General Store
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Copeland
Patricia A. Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Ian I. Cotterell
Drs. Nancy & Paul Cotton
Connie & George Cowan
Mr. & Mrs. C. David Cron
Janet Cunningham
Sally & Russ Dagnall
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Damelio
Paul David’s Beauty Salon
Mr. Bob Decelles
Evandro Deoliveira
Mark DiOrio
Mr. Keith A. Dodge
Marie & Joe Doebler
Ms. Sherrie S. Cutler
& Dr. Robert M. Donahue
Mr. David H. Donald
Lal Dowley
Mr. & Mrs. Laurence J. Doyle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Dresser
Betsy & Craig Dripps
Edgartown Cinemas
Edgartown Inn
Edgartown Pizza
Dr. & Mrs. David M. Ellis
Marion & Mark Ellis
Robert E. Erlandson
Elaine Eugster
Edith & Sal Falcone
Kathleen Ayers-Ferland
Fiddlehead Farm
Ms. Mary E. Filiault
Mrs. Marina Z. Firestone
Joan B. Firman
Karen Flynn
Margaret H. Freydberg
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gaffey
Walter Gallant
Cynthia & David Gibby
Frank Giovanangelo
Henry W. Goethals
Judy & Bruce Golden
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie S. Goldstein
Good Dog Goods
Anne & Meverell L. Good
Mary Gould
Victoria Haeselbarth
Ms. Nancy E. Hall
Sarah & Robert Hammett
Ms. Mary M. Holmes
& Mr. Adam Hanjian
Kathryn & Gary Harcourt
Susan Whiting & Flip Harrington
Heather Gardens
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Hewett
Mrs. Harriet B. Hoar
Ms. Lucinda H. Holbrook
Marilyn & Warren Hollinshead
The Home Port
Ms. Geraldine Brooks
& Mr. Anthony Horwitz
Ms. Patrice Howell
Mr. John T. Hughes
Paul J. Hughes
Stephanie S. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Iadicicco
Island Entertainment
Geri & George Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Jennings
Eleanor Keohane
Herbert H. Kiehn, Jr.
Ms. Ruth Kirchmeier
Sara N. Kominers
Dr. Marianne Schuelein
& Mr. Ralph M. Krause
Ellen Langreth
Mr. Edwin J. Lapiene
Larsen’s Fish Market
Ms. Madalyn P. Mattoon
& Mr. Carl Lawrence
Ms. Shelley Leno
Cece & Rick Lindequist
Lisa’s Studio
Mrs. George S. Lockwood, Jr.
Linda Thompson & Mark London
Marcia & Don Macgillivray
Windemere Gets Facelift
indemere Nursing & Rehabilitation
Center is receiving much-needed
exterior renovations this spring and summer,
thanks to financial support from its corporate
parents – a $2 million grant from
Massachusetts General Hospital and $1
million from the Partners HealthCare
“This couldn’t be coming at a better time,”
says Ken Chisholm, Windemere’s
administrator. The work now underway at
Windemere has been a long time in the
planning: Windemere applied to the state
four years ago for a Determination of Need
(DON), and over the past two years has spent
$300,000 on a range of interior
improvements – a new boiler, new showers,
new beds and furniture in every resident’s
room, as well as new carpeting and other
renovations to the recreation area, cafeteria
and conference room.
After all this interior work, attention
shifted to the exterior of the nursing home,
which dates to 1994. The price tag was
overwhelming, Mr. Chisholm says:
“When we filed that DON, we really
Windemere Family Dinner
didn’t know how Windemere was going to be
able to afford this work. But everything’s
come together – we had this whole project
planned and ready to go, the state approved
it, and now Mass General and Partners have
stepped up to pay for it.”
For the second year in a row,
Windemere received the highest
5-star rating granted by the federal
government’s Medicare program.
The exterior work involves new siding,
new windows and doors, and new decks for
the entire facility. “When this project is
completed at the end of September,” Mr.
Chisholm says, “We’re going to be in good
shape, top to bottom, inside and out.”
As pleased as the administration and staff
are with the physical renovations, they haven’t
forgotten that Windemere’s mission is the
daily care of its residents. The nursing home’s
string of awards and high scores on
national quality-of-care measures
suggest that this mission hasn’t been
lost in the carpenters’ bustle.
For the second year in a row,
Windemere received the highest 5star rating granted by the federal
government’s Medicare program,
which is based on detailed health
inspections, ratings of staff and
measures of quality of care. The
nursing home received a perfect score:
“no deficiencies found.” And U.S.
News & World Report Magazine
listed Windemere among the best
nursing homes in the nation.
“We’re very proud,” says Mr.
Chisholm. “It takes a lot of work to
maintain this high rating. We’re
always looking to improve.”
Windemere offers short-term
rehabilitation, independent living
accommodations, and long-term care,
with specialized programs for those
with Alzheimer's and dementia. The
facility includes a 21-bed dementia
care unit, 40-bed skilled nursing and
rehabilitation unit, and a 13-bed
residential living wing. PHOTO BY HEIDI WILD
1. From left; Charleane
Corrigan with granddaughter
Susan Garrett, and daughter Judy
2. Mary Ann Alwardt and family.
Marion & Robert MacKay
Mr. & Mrs. Norman T. MacLeod
Ms. Lorraine H. Madonna
Nancy & Bob Magill
Ms. Deborah Maher
Helen & Luis Maldonado
Ms. Mary M.U. McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. McMahon
John D. Meade
Ms. Margaret Rogers-Meagher
& Mr. Edward M. Meagher
Menemsha Galley
Marie & Stan Mercer
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Merjos
Claudia A. Metell
Martha Eddy & Blake Middleton
Stefan Miljanic
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Miller
Ms. Kathleen Morris
Alex Morrison
Mr. Warren C. Morse
Murdick’s Fudge
Roz Nadler
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Neumann
Nora & Tony Nevin
Atheline Wilbur Nixon
Ms. Diane Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. S. Bailey Norton, Jr.
Oak Bluffs Council on Aging
Mr. Louis Oliveira
Pandora’s Box Designs, Inc.
Ms. Annie Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Arden L. Paulhamus
Mrs. Ann Perry
Mr. & Mrs. Eric L. Peters
Susan Phelps
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Phillips
Sandra & Paul Pimentel
Lorraine & Leo Pinsky
Edith W. Potter
Ms. Linda B. Carroll
& Mr. John J. Powers
Mrs. Arlene Prince
Ms. Allyson T. Quinn, LMT
Mrs. Clara S. Rabbitt
Abby Rabinovitz
Mrs. Eulalie M. Regan
Ms. Deborah Relyea
Dianne & Donna Rhoades
Dr. Linda Rimkunos
Mr. & Mrs. Rupert H. Robinson
Pat & John Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Rosenfeld
Ms. Ginger Norton & Mr. Doug Ruskin
Joan Karol & Irving Salloway
Amy & Gil Sanborn
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict H. Saurino
Robert L. Schiffman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Schmidt
Audie & John Schneider
Gail Shufrin & Leonard S. Schoenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Ronnee L. Schultz
The Secret Garden
Ms. Bethany L.H. Seidman
Ms. Margaret E. Serpa
Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Shemeth
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph E. Sherman
Vera Shorter
Ms. Sara S. Sinclair
Mrs. Leigh B. Smith
Alan Sooho
Artis Sparkman
Square Rigger Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Stackpole
Mrs. Gloria A. Stanbrook
Richard E. Steves
Alma & Hans Stibolt
Ms. Joyce D. Stiles
Mr. & Mrs. Neal J. Stiller
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry W. Sudderth
Dr. Carolyn B. Swain
Sweet Neck Farm
Jane & Roger Thayer
Ms. Thenzel Thomas
Ms. Mary Elizabeth Thompson
Erin & Zeb Tilton
Truly Scrumptious
Vineyard Gazette
Ms. Cynthia H. Walsh
Want to Know Club
Ms. Grace K. Warnecke
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Weinstein
Sara & Rolfe Wenner
Ms. Dorothy F. White
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Whitney
Ms. Suzanne S. Whittemore
Jane & Henry Wiley
Mr. & Mrs. Rickey A. Wilson
World of Reptiles & Bird Park
Dr. Stefan H. Young
Your Market
We make every effort to correctly
identify our donors. If omissions
or discrepancies are noted,
please advise us & we will
update our records.
MVH Development Office:
Windemere Nursing
& Rehabilitation Center
In Honor of:
Betsy Burmeister
Ken Chisholm
Sylvie & Paul
Richard Hamilton
Vicki Hanjian
Shirley Mayhew
Dianne Rhoades
Windemere Staff
Unit 4 Nurses
In Memory of:
For more information about how you can support Windemere or Martha’s Vineyard Hospital go to:
3. Rhoda Tappan with
granddaughter Sydney Minnehan
(left) and daughter Cecilia
Minnehan (right).
Robert S. Basque
Ruth Blasi
John Bryant
Henry N. Chaffee
Lucinda Chandler
Madeleine M. Condon
Phyllis H. Conway
Pat Cudmore
Marian Cutler
Gerry DeBettencourt
Barbara Donald
Carole Lynn
Jo-Ann Ewing
Mary H. Federowicz
Carol Irving Francis
Ann Marie Gallant
Jean & Herb Hancock
Sandra Jensen
Henry King
Evelyn & Leo Kolodny
Emma Machmer
Richard Mackey
Julienne Costa
John Mayhew
Anna Mederios
Jerry Ornstein
Catherine D. Paull
Carolyn & Paul Roedel
Helen Sigelman
Hope Welch Slater
Joyce Watts
Betty White
Barbara & Norman
Lillian Whitney