TN Newsletter Volume 14 Issue 2
Volume 14, Issue 2 February 1st, 2015 Targa Newfoundland September 13th - 18th, 2015 St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada Writer: Darren Sheppard Targa Newfoundland Newsletter The logistics involved with attending Targa Newfoundland I’ve had to deal with some interesting questions over my almost 2 years with the organization. Where exactly does the event take place? Can we drive directly to St. John’s? Do you shut down the Trans Canada Highway for the event? What’s the cost of entering and what type of budget should I look at having? A person having questions is actually a very good thing. Nobody expects someone from outside the organization to know everything about the event. Possible competitors who have never been to Canada, much less the most easterly point on the North America continent - yup, that’d be us - would naturally have questions about what the event is, where it is held, the logistics of getting here and organizing a crew with vehicle to compete. Robert “Semi” Semrad, a former navigator in the 2013 Targa, suggested I write an article regarding the logistics and the information most seek upon coming to Targa. For a newsletter that reaches fans, competitors, possible competitors, and those who are generally interested in the event, this was actually a great idea on his part (I give Robert full credit for it, however, I’m still better looking, so that’s the main thing ). What do I need to have in order to compete in Targa? Depending on the division you wish to enter, you will need some specific safety equipment for you and your vehicle. For Targa division, a full roll cage, safety harness, fire suits, fire extinguishers and other equipment will have to be installed and worn to compete. For Grand Touring, we strongly recommend having the same safety equipment, but it is up to the team if they wish to purchase and use most of that equipment. For Fast Tour, since it is not a competition, a helmet with basic safety equipment that all vehicles must carry, would be required. Helmets for all competitors are mandatory, no matter what division you run, along with other specific safety equipment. For full rules and regulations, please view the Targa website and download the PDF file containing the document or contact the office for more specific questions regarding safety equipment and regulations. Inside of Gordon Pilling’s BMW that competed last year in Grand Touring (he moved up to Targa division on the 2nd day) You will need a driver and a co-driver/navigator for the whole event. The vehicle must be road-worthy and legal to be on the road (must have signal lights, wipers, headlights, etc.). It must be insured during transits (the entry fee covers the insurance when the vehicle is running on a closed stage). And you will need a competition license and first aid certificate (both can be purchased through us if not acquired before the event). Again, if you have any other questions regarding the rules and regulations, please contact us and we will be happy to assist. How much does it cost to enter? What type of budget should I aim for? Currently, the entry fee is $7,339.35 CDN (tax included). This fee will be in place until the June 1st. For such an event as Targa, it requires hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund it properly. Course work and design, printing cost, purchasing of safety tape, training cost, salaries, insurance, etc., it all adds up. Targa Newfoundland is a 365/7 days a week operation. If we are not in the office, we are still available via email and phone. The amount of planning and preparation that goes into such an event is staggering and takes a lot of time and effort to complete. Help us help you in providing a top-notch motorsports adventure, it is highly worth it. mileage on your vehicle when deciding which works best for you (and if you get sea sick). We also suggest looking for other competitors when you are waiting to get onto the ferry. The parking lot is huge at North Sydney and you can get out and look around, which will probably allow you to see other trucks towing vehicles competing in the Targa. Introduce yourself and make new friends. These competitors could become an unofficial teammate during the event and can help you out in situations when assistance is needed. The M/V Blue Puttees - one of the ferries traveling to and from North Sydney to Newfoundland The 2014 route; very similar to the proposed 2015 route that is currently in the works As for budgeting, if factoring in the entry fee, then we suggest a team, coming from somewhere on the mainland (what us Newfoundlanders call Canada), to budget in the range of $15,000.00 - $25,000.00, with higher amounts for the more serious funded teams. You have to consider the cost of hotels along the way and while you are at the event (a couple of nights in St. John’s prior to the start, then 4 nights in Clarenville during the event, then a night or two back in St. John’s at the conclusion of the event). A travel agent can assist you by taking the stress out of arranging bookings and we can recommend an agency if required. Most competitors who come to Newfoundland with their vehicle will have to take a ferry (some have flown their vehicle down, but that is quite rare). The ferry crosses between North Sydney, Nova Scotia and either Port Aux Basques, Newfoundland or Argentia, Newfoundland. The cost will depend on the size of a vehicle, if you are bringing a truck and trailer, or tractor trailer. To figure out scheduling for the ferry and the cost, check out the Marine Atlantic website ( and see what crossing best fits your schedule. Don’t forget, most competitors cross on the Argentia run - a 14 hour ferry ride, which then leaves you about a 2 hour drive into St. John’s. If you decide to cross on the Port-Aux-Basques ferry, it’s a 6 hour ferry ride, then another 10 hour or so drive right across the island to get to the capital. Consider the gas prices and the Gas is another consideration when attending the event - no, not the type you get after eating a chilli dog - the type you put in your vehicle. There are plenty of gas stations along the way here and while participating in the event. We do mark most of these gas stations in the routebook that you will receive upon Registration at the event. However, if you are using racing fuel, then it has to be pre-ordered from a supplier here in the province and then you will have to have a way to transport it around safely during the event. We do deal with a supplier that can take orders for such fuel, so contact the office and we’ll send you their contact info. Octane 87, 89, and 91 are available at most stations, although in rural Newfoundland the choice sometimes is only Octane 87 (regular). Diesel is available at most stations in urban areas, but rural areas it can be difficult to find a station with it, so keep that in mind. Again, service crews will also receive a service crew routebook at Registration, and again, gas stations are marked where service stops will be held and where you can fuel up. As a competitor, all lunches and some suppers will be supplied during the week of the event. We will have some “Newfoundland-style” meals on this year’s menu. We are working with communities and groups that will host such meals and will continue to aim for a hardy, good home-cooked fare. Plus, tons of desserts! These meals are included in the entry fee, but only for the driver and codriver/navigator. Other meals will have to be taken care of on your own, so factor in the cost of breakfast and the other meals not provided. Also, the days before and after the event are once again, all on you. There are plenty of really nice restaurants here for all kinds of tastes and price ranges. Meal packages can also be purchased for service crews and family members. Ask the office for more information and pricing regarding those tickets. Professional transportation of competition vehicles can also be included in the budgeting process. There are a couple of transportation companies that have expressed interest in transporting vehicles down to Targa and back again. More information regarding those companies can be found later in the newsletter below. Keep in mind, if you transport your vehicle down and you are flying in, you would fly into St. John’s International Airport, so please check with specific carriers regarding flights, pricing, and schedules. 2015 Targa Newfoundland entry fees and deadline dates Regular - $6495 + 13% tax - payment plan possible - June 1st deadline. Late Entry - $6995 + 13% tax - one payment - June 2nd until start of event. Now is a great time to enter Targa for September. The opportunity to promote your entry on our websites and in our printed material is currently there. If you’re an American citizen, then the exchange rate benefits you close to 20%! As we all know, the exchange rate can change greatly from week to week, so take advantage of the stronger U.S. Dollar now while the chance is there. Payment plans are available and group rates for multi-car teams can be considered. Registration forms can be obtained from contacting the Targa office or downloading the forms from the main Targa website ( Further information regarding entry into the 2015 Targa or other related topics regarding the event, please contact the office at 1-877-332-2413 or email [email protected]. Brake for Safety Written by: Janet Brake, Stage Operations Coordinator How to use Antilock Brake System (ABS) There are considerable differences in opinions about how to use your ABS brakes and considerable misinformation. Some incorrectly think a driver should “pump” brakes when using ABS. The following information is from the Canadian Transportation Ministry. Apply steady and constant pressure - do not take your foot off the brake pedal until the vehicle has stopped and do not pump the brake. The noise and vibration is normal and indicates the ABS is active. Some indications are a groaning noise, rapid pulsing of brake pedal, periodic dropping of the brake pedal, or a hard (non-compliant) brake pedal. ABS does not have a shorter stopping distance than conventional brakes; it’s about the same on dry or wet roads. However, allow for a longer stopping distance with ABS than for conventional brakes when driving on gravel, slush, and snow. This is because the rotating tire will stay on top of this low traction road surface covering, and effectively "float" on this boundary layer. A non ABS braked vehicle can lock its tires and create a snow plow effect in front of the tires which helps slow the vehicle. These locked tires can often find more traction below this boundary layer. Braking and steering are limited by the amount of traction your tires can generate. Rather than installing only two winter tires on the drive wheels, it is RECOMMENDED that you install four winter tires to maintain equal traction on each wheel. This will help you to steer, stop, and accelerate. Transportation from Toronto east & from the U.S. to Targa Scott Robbins (past competitor and master of everything mechanical) transported 8 vehicles to/from the mainland for last year’s Targa. Competitors who used his services were impressed with the professionalism and the care he and his crew took in bringing the vehicles down and back to their respective homes. Scott will once again be transporting vehicles for the 2015 Targa and is looking forward to working with former and new competitors in getting their vehicles and gear down to the event in September. Scott has an enclosed transporter (see below) and a couple of open trailers that he will use to transport vehicles and gear for the event. The price of transport will be determined based on the number of vehicles, which transport option the competitor wishes to use (enclosed or open trailer) and the size of the vehicle itself. For more information on the cost and other questions, please email Scott at [email protected]. He can pick up vehicles from Toronto and east along the way to St. John’s. Vehicles from western Canada and the U.S. are welcome to join the convoy at any point (Toronto and east) or meet the convoy at the starting point in Toronto. Scott's equipment on its way back from Targa this past September Also, a U.S. based transport company will also provide competitors an option for getting their vehicles to the Targa in 2015. Bats Motorsports, located in Oregon, has experience transporting motorsports vehicles throughout North America and has done Targa competitor business in the past. They would start west and work their way east picking up vehicles as they move through the U.S. and Western Canada. Karen Timblin is the contact person if anyone has questions or seeking a quote for pickup, delivery, and transport back after the event. Her email is [email protected]. She’ll gladly see what they can do for your transportation needs. You can also check out their website at They are a small company; however they do have both open and enclosed trailers and enclosed transporters, so options are available depending on what type of transport someone is looking for. Norm Henderson - The Awards Guy Certain individuals just happen to come into the Targa Newfoundland family by chance. There is no real other way to explain how they became important pieces of this event or how we now call them friends. Those who know Targa and the inner workings of it, when in passing hearing a certain name, they automatically know what that individual does for a living, what they bring to Targa, and who they are on a personal level. This happens more often than not here in the office and within the senior volunteer group. Individuals who are as much a part of this event as wheels on a vehicle and helmets on competitors heads; the connection of each is a must. Norm Henderson is one of these individuals, who have been involved with Targa even before the very first stage was ever run. It just so happened he got involved by chance, through a knock on a door, and a random ‘cold call’ that turned into something way more than he expected. Norm was nice enough to stop by the office and allow me to conduct the interview face to face. He now believes he cannot tell me anything because he thinks I’ll write it down and make a story out of it for future newsletters. The life of a writer! Anyway, this is Norm’s story. Norm with Robert and a couple of awards he has provided to Targa over the years How did you end up getting involved with Targa Newfoundland and being known as the ‘Awards Guy’? As a general rule, I would go to a building and knock on all the doors, cold calls as you would call it. On this particular day, I was in the area, and met Bob (Robert Giannou, President of Targa Newfoundland) and Targa was just in the process of, not really getting started, but Bob was talking about the upcoming ideas that they had to get Targa going. We stayed in touch. After Targa got going, I started providing the award material. This was about late 1999 or early 2000. And I’ve been providing the award material to the event ever since. I’ve never competed in the event, no real want to even do that. Not particularly fond of vehicles or racing in general, so it was purely a business decision to be involved with you guys. As a teenager I did go through that phase, we called it street racing though! Tell me who Norm Henderson is, personally and professionally. I was born in Denver, Colorado. I am active in the Anglican Church. I teach Bible study a couple times a week. Right now, at the age of 68 (he certainly does not look his age), I would consider myself semi-retired. I’m not working terribly hard, but I do want to continue to provide for the people that have provided for me for so many years. I’ve built up a good client list, and I will take care of those people as long as I can. So, right now, there are no intentions to completely retire. I suppose, if I get too old that I can’t carry a hat box, someone will have to come along and carry it for me, but I fully intend to continue. The company itself was developed over a lot of years. When I retired from the Navy, I was looking for a job, that wasn’t a matter of stopping working at the age of 38, which was my retirement age. I was going to university, going to MUN (Memorial University of Newfoundland), and decided that I did need a job and got a job selling advertising space on a calendar. I walked into a speciality advertising company at the time, to sell them an ad space, and the owner of the company offered me a job! So, I started as the general manager of that company. I was there for several years. I left that company, tried a couple different things, decided to go back to speciality advertising and ultimately my own company. Ad Spec Promotions started around 1997 or 1998. We specialize in doing engraving or anything you can put a logo, including awards. We have access to over 3,000 suppliers worldwide, and that’s before you get into China! I have contacts in China, I can get anything, I have contacts in Europe, and I can get anything, of course the U.S. and Canada. And Mexico! I brought some straw hats out of Mexico one year. If you can put a logo on it, I can find it (he said that with an evil grin and laugh, quite fitting for the conversation topic). I’ve been challenged, but normally I come up with it. I graduated from high school in 1964 and 5 days after graduation I was in the Great Lakes Training Centre, outside of Chicago, for boot camp. And, from boot camp, I went to the Naval Station Training Centre, Glynco Naval Air Station, Georgia; it was outside of Brunswick, Georgia. And that was training for air traffic controller. From there, I went to Naval Air Station Argentia (this is where some competitors and crews will arrive in September, where the ferry docks when you reach Newfoundland from North Sydney). From Argentia to Naval Air Station Cecil Field, just outside of Jacksonville, Florida. I was there for 3 years. From there, I went to San Francisco, California, the home port of the USS Oriskany (CV - 34). I was on that for 3 and a half years. From there, well there were a couple schools in between all that, for training. Home port was San Francisco, but we had tours in Vietnam, and of course, we were there for the last day of the war in Tonkin Gulf. I did 4 tours of Vietnam. Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club is what I’m a part of for doing that. I even got a patch that says Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club on it. Not your typical yacht club by any stretch of the imagination. Newfoundland. I retired with the rank of AC - 1 (Air Controlman 1st Class). Norm standing on a lower deck of the USS Oriskany (CV - 34), off Vietnam, 1970 (note the destroyer in the background) USS Nassau (LHA - 4) USS Oriskany (CV - 34) One interesting fact, my wife was 3 months pregnant when I left for that final cruise; my son was 6 months old the first time I saw him. We were gone for almost a full year. That was kind of interesting, being introduced to your 6 month old son. He didn’t have a clue who I was. From there, we went back to Jacksonville and we were there for 5 and a half years. School thrown in there as well. From there, Norfolk, Virginia, and I was attached to the USS Nassau (LHA - 4), which was a Marine Assault Carrier, and I was on that a little over 3 years. Actually, I was in pre-commissioning for 4 or 5 months in Pascagoula, Mississippi while the carrier was getting ready. When we set sail for Norfolk we just drove our cars onto the ship and drove them off when we got to Virginia! Pretty neat. Once that was done, I went to Brunswick, Maine for 3 years and then I retired and moved to Little story (I asked him if being in a war zone, especially 4 tours in Vietnam during the height of the war, was stressful). I met the ship in Japan, and was heading for my first time in the combat zone, was sending aircraft off and landing. And our compartment was right underneath the #4 wire of the flight deck (the wire ‘catches’ planes when they land on the carrier). When I use to go to bed at night, my head was probably…3 feet below the aircraft landing above. So during the first recovery, as this was my first ship, hear the aircraft hit and hear a crash, boom, the cable pull out and come back, and this continued in that order. All of a sudden I hear a crash, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump. I asked one of the guys up there in the compartment what in the world was that and he said it was one of the bombers that came back with a hung bomb and when the airplane hit the deck, the bomb came off and bounced down the flight deck. I said well that’s cool. Then I asked what happens if it goes off and he said don’t worry about it, you’ll never know about it (wouldn’t feel it either, if you get my drift). Once I knew that, it didn’t bother me. Similar situation had a fighter come back after a run one night. It had a jammed heat seeker (air-to-air missile) and he was lined up on the angle deck for approach, which is 10 degrees off the heading of the ship, so they landed kind-of off to the side. He was about half a mile out and the missile misfired and went off. Had he been further out, it would have locked onto the stack and went right down the stack of the ship, but it instead went right on by the ship. Fun times (he said that with a smile). Norm with his family on his last day in the Navy, Atlantic Fleet Audio Visual Facility, Naval Air Station Brunswick, Maine, 1985. USN Photo Tell me how you met your wife? She’s a Newfoundlander, correct? Correct, she’s from Chamberlains, met her while stationed at Argentia. I met her in 1965, which was my first year in Argentia. I worked with a man, who was married to her cousin and they were living in Dunville at the time and were preparing to move to Freshwater. He asked his mother in law to come and help, who is my wife’s aunt, and she asked if she’d like to come help too, which she did. My friend, who after a night shift working together invited me back to his place for breakfast, and there she sat. We went out that day, I think I took her to a movie that night or something. I was smitten. Back and forth. I was working 24 hours on, 48 off at the time. She came back to Chamberlains, I’d get off a night shift and come up to Chamberlains and spend that day and the next there and then midnight the next day I’d go back to Argentia. Been married 37 years. Her name is Gertie, a Fowler from Fowler’s Road (one of the main roads in Chamberlains to access the CBS bypass road). Michael and Michelle are our children. Each has a couple of kids so I’m a grandfather. Norm, sitting on a Water Buffalo in the Philippines while on shore leave, 1972 Being born in Colorado but living here in Canada, do you consider yourself a Canadian or American? I am a landed immigrant. I am! Reason being, I have to retain my American citizenship to retain my pension. Except for that, I wouldn’t have a problem with dual citizenship. The American way of doing it, if you declare allegiance to another country, you lose your citizenship. And I, it’s kind of interesting, I suppose I do consider myself an American, but there are…I feel very comfortable being a Newfoundlander. I probably couldn’t declare a Canadian citizenship, but I consider myself a Newfoundlander. This is home. Built my house in 1985, lived in it ever since, built it myself, so its home. Designed it myself. Took about 15 years to do it in my head and on paper, but it turned out just how it actually looked in my imagination. Kind of neat how it came out in the end. It stayed up! Been up for almost 30 years now, so I did something right when I built it. Targa is important to Newfoundland, now more than ever Written by: Robert Giannou, President Targa Newfoundland, as it currently exists, creates approximately $6m of economic activity and contributes about $3m to the province's GDP each year. These figures do not include the $7m it contributes by way of free advertising and the goodwill it brings to the province based on the extended media coverage the event receives, not to mention the monetary value raised for charity. Nor does it take into account the tens of thousands of people that the event has brought to Newfoundland over the past fourteen years who come solely to see our motorsports spectacle. With the current, very concerning revenue position facing Newfoundland and Labrador due to the protracted fall in oil revenues, the province is now facing one of the most serious fiscal situations it has ever experienced. In the 2015 provincial budget, a billion dollar shortfall is being projected. As if that were not enough, the province also faces questionable fishery revenues and a drop in mining revenues. Tourism has, therefore, now become one of the most important areas on which the province must concentrate to produce more revenue. We, therefore, must do whatever is in our power to attract, grow, and retain tourists. Tourists bring new dollars - no matter where they are spent. Targa has, in its fourteen years, brought to the province $60.8m (cash contribution) which has generated an $85.5m economic impact (total value) and provided a Gross Domestic Product (net benefit) contribution of $29.5m. These figures stem from an independent study conducted by Memorial University and from two subsequent economic benefit surveys conducted by the Province. The figures do not include the goodwill component of the event nor do they take into account that there is no capital expenditure required from communities or the province. As said, Targa attracts new, much needed economic benefit to the province. With the 14th annual Targa occurring this September, with what is to be a very solid field of competitors, the economic benefits will again increase, providing the province and the communities Targa deals with, funds it desperately needs. We want our competitors, service crews, and our fans to know that each and every one of you that attend the event is helping the province and the communities financially. You are enjoying the event and what this beautiful province has to offer, yet you are giving back much needed tourism dollars, and will hopefully tell friends and family about what you will experience while here. This will continue the tourism revenue for years to come. As Targa Newfoundland continues to grow, we would hope the economic benefits to the province and the communities involved with the event do too. We look forward to seeing you in September and for many more years to come. Driving with Puss Written by: Bill “Puss” Goodyear, Clerk of the Course The correct way of entering a corner To enter a Targa Newfoundland corner correctly is an art. Targa has some 6000 corners, so it is important that you take what follows to heart. In road racing there are increasing, decreasing and constant radius corners to say nothing of road camber and rise and fall. If a corner has an increasing radius it means the corner starts with 20m (example) radius and the radius increases, thereby becoming easier as you move through the turn. Decreasing radius means the opposite, so it becomes a tighter corner as you move through it. Constant radius means it stays the same, so a smooth corner, which could be either tight or a nice easy gentle turn remains constant throughout. The increasing radius corner is easiest to work as there is additional space on the way out. Constant is less so, and decreasing corners can be very tricky. The problem is that unless there is a specific description in the route book or a clear field of vision (not often) you simply don’t know what the corner is going to be. Then throw in camber changes, rise and fall (all of which may be different as you proceed through) to say nothing of changes in pavement types, patches and or animals etc. Therefore, corner radiuses in Targa mean little, so stick to the center line going in (it leaves you all sorts of options) and then adjust your line as your field of vision become clear on exit. Have fun, I will see you here in September. Wayne Rodgers October 29, 1950 - January 17, 2015 Written by: Robert Giannou, President Wayne started with Targa in 2002 as a safety marshal in the St. John’s area and then later moved into Stage Operations rising to a Department Head in 2011. In 2012 he moved to Marketing and then latterly he worked closely with the Autism Society of Newfoundland and Labrador, our official charity acting, with Tom Jackman, as a roving ambassador for the society during the event. Last fall, shortly before he became ill, he was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Autism Society, a position he had much pride in. We will miss Wayne; he was one of the true characters of Targa and continuously fought tooth and nail for the event. I am proud, humbled and thankful that we could create an event that would inspire such loyalty from a man like Wayne. Yes we will miss him. Targa Newfoundland Contacts Robert Giannou President [email protected] 303 Thorburn Road, Suite 2-D St John's, Newfoundland, Canada. A1B 4R1 Cell: 709-682-7900 Tel: 877-332-2413 Fax: 709-753-7646 Darren Sheppard General Manager [email protected] 303 Thorburn Road, Suite 2-D St John's, Newfoundland, Canada. A1B 4R1 Tel: 709-722-2413 Tel: 877-332-2413 Fax: 709-753-7646 Targa Newfoundland Sponsors
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