969 - StPatNashua- Easter 2016
969 - StPatNashua- Easter 2016
St. Patrick Parish Living Catholic Tradition in Nashua 29 Spring St., Nashua, NH 03060 Tel. 603-882-2262 Fax: 603-577-9817 Website: www.stpatricksnashua.org PARISH STAFF Rev. Michael Kerper Pastor Rev. John Healey Priest-in-Residence Rosemary Daly, Office Manager Jean Dickson, Bookkeeper Gary McDonald, Music Director Rel. Educ. Paul & Jennifer Murano St. Vincent de Paul Society Help for those in Need Tel. 603-821-5267 Mass Schedule Mon. - Fri. 12:05 PM (Daily Mass) Sat. 4:00 PM (Organ & Cantor) Sun. 7:00 AM (Quiet Mass) 9:30 AM (Organ & Cantor) 12:00 PM (Organ & Choir) Latin Mass (Extraordinary Form) Sat: 8:00 AM Second Sunday of each Month at 12:00 PM Confession Sat. 3:00 PM Sun. 9:00 & 11:30 AM Tues. through Fri. 11:30 AM Office Hours Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Fri. - 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Cemetery Office Mon. - Thurs. 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Tel. 603-881-8131 St. Patrick Parish LITURGICAL CALENDAR & INTENTIONS Saturday, March 26, 2016 - EASTER VIGIL MASS 8:00 PM Priest’s Intention (No 4:00 PM Mass on Saturday) Sunday, March 27, 2016 ~ EASTER SUNDAY 7:00 AM People of the Parish (Quiet Mass) 9:30 AM Priest’s Intention (Organ/Cantor) 12:00 PM Priest’s Intention (Organ/Choir) Monday, March 28, 2016 ~ Monday in the Octave of Easter 12:05 PM Bill Avril and Logan Avril By Gloria Avril Tuesday, March 29, 2016 ~ Tuesday in the Octave of Easter 12:05 PM Dorothy Hurley By Claire Pelletier Wednesday, March 30, 2016 ~ Wednesday in the Octave of Easter 12:05 PM Barbara Pollock By the Family Thursday, March 31, 2016 ~ Thursday in the Octave of Easter 12:05 PM Anne Murray By the Ciarletta Family Friday, April 1, 2016 ~ Friday in the Octave of Easter 12:05 PM Stephen Proulx By the Family Saturday, April 2, 2016 - Vigil - Divine Mercy Sunday 12:05 PM Pauline L. Mercier By the Family Sunday, April 3, 2016 ~ Divine Mercy Sunday 7:00 AM Joseph G. and Eva C. Fariz By the Family 9:30 AM The Benefactors of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society 12:00 PM People of the Parish Thank you for respecting God’s Holy Presence by keeping mobile phones and other electronic devices outside of this Sacred Place. Nashua, NH EASTER WEEKEND SCHEDULE HOLY SATURDAY March 26 Confessions - 3:00 - 4:00 PM EASTER VIGIL AT 8:00 PM EASTER SUNDAY March 27 7:00 AM Quiet Mass 9:30 AM Mass with Organ and Cantor 12:00 PM Mass with Organ and Choir Note: All Easter Masses are in English. No Confessions on Easter Day. GIFTS FOR THE LORD’S WORK Weekend of March 19 and 20 The Offertory information for the weekend of March 19 and 20 was unavailable at the time the bulletin went to print. This information will be included in next week’s bulletin. Thank you for your support of our parish. Knights of Columbus Rev. Martin T. Kelly Scholarship Applications Being Accepted through April 22 The Knights of Columbus Council 11907 is accepting applications for its annual Rev. Martin T. Kelly Scholarship. These applications may be picked up at either the St. Christopher or St. Patrick rectories or by contacting Deputy Grand Knight Robert Everett at (603) 229-7319 or [email protected] please put Rev. Martin Kelly Scholarship in the heading. All applications must be received no later than April 22, 2016. Father Kelly was the pastor at St. Patrick Parish from 1992 until 2011. Prior to his ordination he worked for the Nashua School District and taught Latin at Nashua Senior High School. The members of Council 11907 find it fitting to offer this scholarship in Fr. Kelly's memory. 969 - St. Patrick Parish, Nashua, NH - Pg. 2 EASTER SUNDAY March 27, 2016 UPCOMING LATIN MASSES RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS 12:00 Noon April 3, 2016* Please keep our Religious Education students who are preparing to receive First Communion and Confirmation in your prayers over the coming weeks. (note change of date for April) Low Sunday Octave of Easter ________________________________________________ Saturday Mornings 8:00 AM (Church opens at 7:30 AM) April 2, 2016 Easter Saturday First Communicants Brady Borromeo Vanessa Martinez-Bayon Sean Broderick Ameilie Secovich Keithreyn Dolotina Thomas Topping Jack Fitzpatrick Samuel Woodward 1962 Roman Catholic Daily Missals in Latin and English are available for purchase for $50.00.Contact Jack McGreevy at 603-888-5824 for more information.. Confirmation Candidates Alexandra Bazzani Tara Duffy Jacqueline Dumont Mary Fahey Sara Veronica Hay A.J. Meehan Mike Polaneczky Timothy Rosco Peter Thompson *APRIL LATIN MASS UPDATES * RCIA Candidate Kevin S. Gilbert There will be NO 8:00 AM Latin Mass on Saturday, April 9th and the April Sunday Latin Mass will be held on the FIRST Sunday in April (April 3, 2016 at 12:00 PM), as Fr. Kerper will be unavailable for Masses on that weekend. We will be hosting a Missionary Priest on the weekend of April 9 & 10. More information regarding the missionary visitor will be made available in future bulletin announcements. NATIONAL PILGRIM VIRGIN STATUE HOME VISITATION TRAVELING KIT April 9, 2016* NO 8:00 AM LATIN MASS April 16, 2016 Saturday of Our Lady LATIN/ENGLISH MISSALS AVAILABLE “CONSOLING THE HEART OF JESUS” RETREAT The final session of the “Consoling the Heart of Jesus” retreat will be held on April 2nd and will be held in the Center (Room 1) from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM. ST. PATRICK EVENING MEAL TOGETHER DINNER April 23rd - 5:00 - 8:30 PM St. Patrick Parish will host its next evening meal together on April 23, 2016 from 5:00 to 8:30 PM in the Parish Gym. Save the date on your calendars and join us for fellowship, great food and fun! Tickets will go on sale in April. Watch the bulletin for more info. The World Apostolate of Fatima, an organization devoted to Our Lady of Fatima and her message of conversion, offers individual families the opportunity to host a home visitation of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue. The Pilgrim Virgin kit includes a 27” Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima with three doves and gold crown; a 90 minute DVD: “Apparition at Fatima;” an 80 minute DVD documentary: “Fatima;” 2 paperback booklets: “Pilgrim Virgin Home Visitation Program;” WAF USA Spiritual Guide; Pieta Prayer booklet; a bottle of Holy Water; a plastic covered Apostolate of Fatima Information Booklet; and a Journal Book - “Our Lady’s Visit to Our Home.” If you are interested in hosting the Pilgrim Virgin Statue for a week or two, please contact the Parish Office at 603882-2262 to make arrangements. ST. PATRICK & HOLY CROSS CEMETERIES St. Patrick Parish has two beautiful cemeteries located in Hudson, NH - St. Patrick Cemetery on Derry Road and Holy Cross Cemetery on Ledge Road. For more information on available lots, please contact Margie Gray at 603-881-8131. 969 - St. Patrick Parish, Nashua, NH - Pg. 3 “Building on Our Past, Securing Our Future” Capital Campaign continues almost $500,000 raised to date! Our capital campaign is off to a great start with many families pledging their support. To date we have raised just over $500,000! While this progress is tremendous, we will not reach our goal of $850,000 without your support. EASTER FLOWER DONATIONS Thank you for your generous contributions to our Easter Flower Fund. Not all donations had been received at the time the bulletin went to print. Additional Easter Flower donor information will be available in upcoming bulletins. If you have not decided on your gift to the campaign, we invite you to prayerfully consider making your pledge. Please review the suggested gift plans and continue the success of our campaign by making your gift as soon as possible! Additional brochures and pledge envelopes are available at the entrance to the church. • Flowers donated by Anonymous donors. • Flowers donated by an Anonymous donor in honor of the Sodality of Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Philomena. • Flowers donated by Robert Everett in memory of Everett Family and Friends. • Divine Mercy Sunday Family Celebration Flowers donated by Mr. and Mrs. John Goy and Family in memory of the Goy, Poloski, Walsh and Dolan Families. • Sunday, April 3, 2013 – 10:30am in the Gym at the Parish Center Flowers donated by Adela C. Hodge in memory of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fregeau. • Flowers donated by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Levesque in memory of Thomas Roy Levesque. • Flowers donated by Paul McDermott in memory of Katharine Dougherty. • Flowers donated by Tim McLaughlin in memory of Pauline and Philip McLaughlin. • Flowers donated by Mr. and Mrs. John T. Murray in memory of Paul and Anne Murray. • Flowers donated by Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pare in memory of William Pare. • Flowers donated by Dorothy L. Peabody in memory of Lillian (Lynch) Williams. • Flowers donated by Kelly Shimmel in memory of Philip T. Christ, Jr. • Flowers donated by Clare Smith in memory of Helen O. Smith. • Flowers donated by Carol Tetler. Campaign Pledge Reminders Pledge reminders will begin after Easter. If you would like to make an early payment, be sure to add “Capital Campaign” to the memo line on your check and place in a separate envelope marked “Capital Campaign”. Thank you for your support! This Family Gathering Session for the Faith Formation Program will consist of reciting the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy after sharing in a pancake breakfast! While this is required for all students and families in the Faith Formation Program, all parishioners are welcome! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COFFEE AND DONUTS The April Coffee and Donuts has been cancelled. In its place, the Faith Formation Program will host their Annual Divine Mercy Sunday Family Celebration. Please join the St. Patrick faith formation families in the Gym at the Parish Center for a time of community and prayer. 969 - St. Patrick Parish, Nashua, NH - Pg. 4 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS WEEKLY READINGS March 28 through April 3 Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:1335 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 Please note that there are no Religious Education Classes on Sunday, March 27 and Monday March 28th in observance of Easter. Happy Easter! Community News BE A BOOKWORM! Elise Roy is conducting a community service project called, “Be A Bookworm.” She is collecting used, elementary age chapter books in the back of the church. The books will be donated to area classrooms to benefit students who don’t have adequate resources to obtain reading materials. Your contribution to this project is greatly appreciated! For more info, call Elise at (603) 321-8731. MEETINGS THIS WEEK Below is a list of Parish meetings being held in the Parish Center this week. (PAL uses the gym Monday through Saturday, unless otherwise arranged in advance). Easter Sunday, March 27th & Monday, March 28th: No Religious Education classes. Monday, March 28: Red Cross Blood Drive in the St. Patrick Gym from 2:00 to 7:00 PM. Thursday, March 31: Boy Scouts meet in Rooms 3 and 4 beginning at 7:00 PM Please note: Schedule is subject to change. To schedule a meeting or an event in the Center, please contact Rosemary Daly in the Office at 603-882-2262. AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Monday, March 28th ~ 2:00 - 7:00 PM St. Patrick Parish Center The Knights of Columbus will host an American Red Cross Blood drive at St. Patrick Parish on Monday, March 28th from 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. It is highly recommended to make an appointment in advance by calling their offices at 1-800-RedCross or sign up on their website at www.redcrossblood.org. Walk-ins are welcome. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK The Sacrament of the Sick is offered each Friday after the 12:05 PM Mass for all who wish to receive it. The Sacrament of the Sick is not reserved for people facing imminent death. Contact the office at 603-882-2262 to make individual arrangements. RIVIER PRAYER COMMUNITY EVENTS The Rivier Prayer Community invites you to join them at the following upcoming events: • • A Healing Mass will be held on April 1, 2016 at 7:00 PM at Immaculate Conception Parish, 216 East Dunstable Rd., Nashua, NH; Rev. Moe Larochelle, Pastor Ste. Marie Parish, Manchester will be our Celebrant. (Divine Mercy Chaplet begins at 6:30 PM). A New Pentecost: 8 Teachings to Prepare for a New “Life in the Spirit” is a series of 8 DVD presentations that will inspire and challenge you to pray with fervor. Sessions will be held on Friday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 PM at Rivier University, Memorial Hall, Room 104 beginning on Friday, April 8 and concluding on Friday, May 27th. Registration will be held on Friday, April 8 between 7:00 and 7:30 PM. For more information call Joanne Charron at 603-889-3483. ELDER CARE FAIR Saturday, April 16 - 8:30 AM to 12:00 Noon Immaculate Conception Parish Gathering Hall Come learn how to plan for a safe future for you or a loved one. Topics will cover the spectrum from stay-athome services to long-term care. Keynote speaker is Kathi Rice-Orshak, VP Mission Integration and Ethics, St. Joseph Hospital. Please join us on Saturday, April 16th from 8:30 AM to 12:00 noon in the parish center. A continental breakfast will be served. The program is free and open to the public. Please call 888-0321 to register. CORPUS CHRISTI CHAPEL ADORATION Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday ~ Noon to 8:00 PM 43 Franklin Street, Nashua, NH 969 - St. Patrick Parish, Nashua, NH - Pg. 5 Easter and Cemeteries When we recite the Creed together, we always say that Christ “suffered death and was buried.” We then say, “And rose again on the third day.” We do not say that the Lord went directly from death to life. Rather, we recall a “transitional event,” the burial of His dead body in a tomb. This explicit mention of burial helps us to understand the inseparable connection between the Easter Event and church-sponsored cemeteries. Very early in the Church’s life, Christians established their own cemeteries. They did this so that believers could imitate the burial of Jesus, which followed the long-established practice of the Jewish people. Burial of dead bodies in specific locations symbolized hope in the resurrection of the dead. Graves and tombs, which contained the bones of dead people, served as vivid and constant reminders of the inevitability of new and permanent life. By standing in the presence of the remains of loved ones, one professed faith that eventually those people would be raised up at that precise place. Graves and tombs, then, were not just receptacles to hold corpses; they pointed toward the future. This widespread custom of full body burial had its roots in the very ancient practice of the Jewish people. We see this very clearly in Abraham’s decision to purchase a grave for himself and Sarah. Chapter 23 of Genesis describes in great detail Abraham’s negotiations with the Hittites to secure a burial cave at Machpelah following the death of his wife Sarah. In Chapter 25 we read that Isaac and Ishmael set aside their chronic alienation to bury Abraham with Sarah. Even though the descendants of Abraham would move on, they insisted on having a clearly marked tomb to honor their ancestors. The tomb acted as a sacred point of intergenerational linkage. The treatment of the bones of Joseph, the son of Jacob, is another interesting testament to burial. In Exodus 13:19 we learn that the Israelites disinterred Joseph’s remains and transported them into the Sinai desert. When the Israelites finally settled in the Promised Land, they reburied Joseph’s bones in Shechem. How touching it is that the Israelites felt compelled to haul around Joseph’s bones even during the “emergency” of the Exodus. They felt an intense physical bond with their ancestors. The Jewish veneration of ancestors precluded cremation. After all, the bodies were considered sacred and the Israelites wanted to keep them around in tombs. The Old Testament has only three references to cremation. One mentions the cremation of Saul, the first king who was deposed by God. The cremation is viewed as a disgrace, a rupturing of the familial bond. We must always remember that the original proclamation of Christ’s Resurrection was focused on the empty tomb. Ever since that first Easter morning, graves and tombs have acquired a new meaning: they are places of hopeful expectation. Just as the Lord’s tomb was emptied at Easter, so too the graves of our loved ones will eventually be emptied. The Easter Mystery is not limited to Christ, but extends to everyone. What Good News we have today! Please have happy and blessed Easter Season! Rev. Michael Kerper 969 - St. Patrick Parish, Nashua, NH - Pg. 6