Merging Mosaics and Fusing
Merging Mosaics and Fusing
Three Evergreens Merging Mosaics and Fusing Pat Rizzotto Design and Fabrication by Erica Biery Collins, Text and Photography by w lii,It r 3 projects? n :xirlJl ;Jl *di il,'l; generally collects in bins hoping that someone will pick it up for making frit or for some other project that calls out for small pieces. Here's C. Grouted Texturecl Finislt another idea that will helP You use up the glass excess-one that gives 1,our rvork a mosaic look but is actu- ally fused! There are three variations, all using similar techniques. Project A features an iridized, smooth finish rvith a mosaic background, rvhile A. Iridescent Smooth Finish Pro.ject B is created using the traditional mosaic texture. Project C uses green and blue frit to fi1l in the tree and suggests a blue sky f,1led rvith snorv. For these projects, I am using all System 96 fusible glass, B, Iride ent Texture d F ini sh System 96@ Fusible Glass 10" x 10" Clear Iridescent (Irid)' 2 10" x 10" Clear, 1 Clear, ScraP TransParent Green, ScraP includrng Uroboros 96 COE frit and rods. Cut tlte 10" x 10" squares,then chop sc 1 Aventurine, ScraP White Iridescent (Irid), ScraP TransParent or OPal Brown, ScraP the clear,tvhite irid, and green glass into random pieces Uroboros SYstem 96@ Rod 1/4" Pieces of Red Rod, 45 in size using a Uroboros SYstem 96@ Fine Frit TransParent Light Blue n'tosaic ctfiter. TransParent Fern Green approrimately 1/2" Keep the clear. white irid, Aventurine, and Transparent Green separate. Tools and Materials Hairspray Squeeze Bottle r'vith Applicator Tip Cardboard Small Spoon Small Paint Brush Pencil Eraser Mosaic Cutter Pump ThinFire PaPer or Kiln Wash Place tlte glass pieces For projects A and B, place the irid glass base irid-side zp' (See Tips) For C, place the clear base in front of you' Mark the middle ofeach square at the top to center the tree and begin placing the mosaic pieces to form a tree. Projects A and B use Transparent Green. Project C uses Aventurine Green. Working frorr top to bottom, flt the pieces as you rvould apuzzle. Randomly leave a space approximately 1/4" betrveen the pieces. Glue the pieces in place by dropping hairspray between the mosaic pieces using a squeeze Fill in around tlte trees and cut glass for tlrc tree tunks Utttte. ffre hairspray will seep under the glass' (See Step 4 picture) <, GLASS PATTERNS QIJARTERLY /F all z<>tz frit Using the same technique, spread the Transparent Green fine mix doesn't green over the-green tree pieces, making sure that the with the blue but still feathering the two colors together for a natural as effect. Get frit close to the edges by using a piece of cardboard the spray arvay' a wall while adding frit' Gently, from about 10" piece with hairspray to hold the frit in place' Allorv the hairspray pencil io dry completely before picking up the piece' Slor'vly drag a For projects A & B ' fill in around the tree rvith the clear mosaic irid pieces. Foi project C, flll in around the tree ivith the white glass Losaic pieces. Chop a tree trunk from your choice of brown and fit it in at the bottom of each tree' For all three 4 ulorg the plate's edge to remove excess frit that is clinging a smooth finish' same Tack-fuse the pieces. The Tack Fuse firing schedule is the needed' as kiln for all three piecei- A, B , and C. Adapt for your orvn You are nol ready to slump the three evergreens using the projects, apply hairspray to act as a glue by dropping "ru.". on so you end up rvith it betvveen tlte mosaic pieces ttsing a squeeze bottle. slumping schedule, adapting for your kiln as needed' Viaci froiect A on the 10" x 10" mold with the nnsaic side down.Thiswill create a smooth surface on the finished plate lvith the irid glass, giving it a beautiful effect' Placi Project B on the 10" X 10" mold rvith the rwsaic side up.Thiswill create a bumpy finish and a different look to the Irid Make sure to get to each piece. Allow the hairspray to dry approximately twenty minutes. Place the red rod pieces on the tree tehveen the mosaic pieces to decorate the trees' Secure the rod the pieces rvith a drop of hairspray. Projects A & B are ready for aside. kiln, so set them behind it. PTaceProiectC ona 10" X 10" moldfinssic side up' to Each of the plates has a unique look rvhen finished' Choose you remake one, two, or all three. Experiment to find rvhich one ally like best! - 5 Fill in the spaces betYveen the glass on project C with frit and use hairsPraY to hold the frit in place. Firing Schedules rackFuse i r /rrl, Rate Ndttr t("F/Hr) 70r\ Temp- Now it's time to "grout" project C. Make sure the hairspray that was applied in step 4 is completely dry, because you do not r'vant the pieces to move.This mighttake overnight.PlaceProject C on a clean piece of cardboard or paper, since applying frit can be messy. Using a spoon (see Tips), begin with the Transparent Blue fine frit, spreading the frit over the white mosaic pieces to create a snorvy sky' Using a paintbrush, carefully brush the frit into the spaces betrveen the mosaic pieces, making sure that the "grout" is piled as high as the thickness of the glass. Try not to get any blue on the green pieces. i q50 I120 20 nnn 1'4nA 1000 OOn 700 950 700 1400 1000 q-.--l q I o..r b,ii o.f lHold (Hr.Min) I45i _ I ..-- .'-:-...''----i *-i'' '--*f-*'---r-'--. sr"",pil; ^9^ **'i:i,*i.r 300 sses ssss tq9 r"F; .i *"': ---.....- 3 I 1 I -:^ I ":^ 1*-l-)-*igggg gggg 800 500 200 400 I I t i"."p t"el' I I llt i I :99 1000 t22s 1000 9s0 , 700 ]?q :, I I l Tips . Be creative and use up more of your glass. The same idea can be used for heatls, or just about shamrocks, free-form designs such as ribbons or swirly designs, anything You want' favorite molds, cutting the base to the correct slze' . Use transparent glass on the iridescent base. opal will just cover up the irid' use opal or transparent glass on clear. . Iridescent glass facing iridescent glass will not fuse together properly' . Make a "fiit ,poor" by bending a cheap metal spoon in a vice, squeezing it to . Adapt ihis project to any of your the desired width. . Scratch iridescent glass with your flngernail to tell which side is irid' The irid texture' side will make a sound, and it will have a rough, unfinished . you can work on either side of iridescent glass, you will get small Although if you fuse on Bullseye ThinFire shelf paper' as I do with my work' If youfireorukiln-*urhedshelf,youcanfireirid-sidedownwithoutaproblem' "craters" GPQ @ Copyright 2012by Glass Patterns Quarterly' A11 54 GLASS PATTERNS QIJARTERLY /F all z<>t z' rights reserved. -.] Erica Biery Collitts is a glass artist Jrotn \orthampton, Pettrtsr-lvania, who tt'cts itttroduced into tlte glass industry man\' lears ago while working crt Warner -C r it, e I I uro. 4 5i,lirt at' ?-,;-t-t v,arehouse in the Leliglt \ ai[t'' . Dtr:': : lrcr terutre tltere, sltc It'oytitti li:L .' it:' trt' learning variottt q/rl " .'. L ;:';-'--;'ia' ;: trom world-renotned ariir;-i. -(i;g '; ttses lrcr knov'led3e rltd '^ii.. i' -r'-"it tunnin g gl a s s p i e c e s ltsiii E,:l-t. ; --.';''' uained gluss, antl ntosttit r. .;r'*j "-- '' s " ' her love for glqss te(tcltin?t :1.'-r-'. ; --;';" home sludio attd tttttttt' (tii:.' . - -;;' ';' ' Erica exhibirs itt lot r,- .:;;r'; ' .-'''= 0rt shows, ziJt .sltops. (i':-: ..-'- -'-'- leries throttghout Pertrist- ' -^':.-; -i;:' fituline lr'.1.\') :' ''lr: '-"'-: tlrc varittus ttte(littttts .lot' r;'-;:.:. - :-'--;' purposes sut'h as liqltiirt':. ;' -.. ": -'ics ttsing Jitsetl piece:. (/r ).'-.':-'r--: ':: stained Slass ol' trto.sttit cic'---'l-' : -'l: fused glass ctccents. Srupio Pno" P$,[#;g#"#es'o rhe most eracti:fl-Sut5fg New! tool built! €.# -,1.-*r-ry &i.rraiiiaff* Cuts wood, metal, glass, stone, tile and a whole lot morel ightweight - use it anYwhere! Visit for more product information' ffi'=i$:: Tampa, FL 33634 ' 800-937-9593 ' info@dticrafts GLASS PATT ERNS QUARTERLY /F a'll z'<>t z com 55