sos newsletter - Save Ontario Shipwrecks
sos newsletter - Save Ontario Shipwrecks
ISSN NO 1180-1972 SOS NEWSLETTER May 2009 SOS NEWSLETTER P.O. Box 2389 Blenheim, ON N0P 1A0 Fax: 519-676-7058 Editor/Designer: Krissy Nickle [email protected] From the Editor: In addition to several interesting articles and news items, this month's newsletter contains news and updates from the SOS 2009 Annual General Meeting, which was held in Hamilton on April 25. I would also like to direct your attention to the changes to the Board Members The SOS Newsletter is published four times a year in February, May, August, and November. This issue is published May 2009. The SOS Newsletter is published by Save Ontario Shipwrecks (SOS), a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to furthering public knowledge and appreciation of Ontario’s Marine Heritage. and Committee Representatives listed on the last page of the newsletter. Thanks again to everyone who has contributed this month! Enjoy the newsletter, We encourage reproduction of our newsletter contents. Credits should read: From the SOS Newsletter, date of issue, a publication of Save Ontario Shipwrecks. Opinions expressed by contributors to the newsletter are not necessarily those of the Editor or the Board of SOS. Save Ontario Shipwrecks gratefully acknowledges the support and financial assistance of the Ontario Ministry of Culture. Submission deadline for the next issue is July 1, 2009. The Mission of Save Ontario Shipwrecks is the preservation and promotion of marine heritage through research, conservation and education. View from the Bridge SOS President's Report for 2008 (presented at the 2009 AGM) This past year has been an active one at SOS. We have taken a number of important steps forward. Accomplishments are outlined in the Chapter reports and Special Function reports in the most recent newsletters. At the Provincial level, we have been busy enhancing services to members and Chapters as well as making major advancements for education and the preservation of marine heritage. Ships Stores continues to evolve. Quartermaster Marg Barker maintains a fully populated online store where you can buy SOS items for the maintenance of buoys and plaques as well as survey equipment and personal diving items such as slates and field guides. We have added two to four new slates every year for the past few years. A set of 12 slates is now available as well as many other items. Website work was implemented in 2008 to put the old SOS Marine Heritage Database online, which was originally setup to run on a museum kiosk system. A great deal of database and programming work has been accomplished by Tom Wilson of Brockville. Tom has also put up the Shipwreck Geek challenge as well as a user survey poll on the SOS website. An online membership system is being researched to try and find a solution that could be adapted to our more complex situation. These complexities include SOS membership with family options and optional OUC membership/insurance combined. So far the quotes we received are out of sync for our financial means, and other open source systems would need a lot of customization. A system has not yet been chosen, but Tom, Bernie (Membership Chair) and I have moved the membership database to a secure server in a datacenter. This allows for multiple-user access and daily backup of critical data in a safe environment that protects your information from third parties. SOS Newsletter 1 As with any volunteer organization, we struggled with the implementation of grant applications for a number of projects again this year. We need new modernized displays… our 20+ year old displays work, but are cumbersome and hard to relocate in smaller vehicles. We need more brochures like the Low Impact Diving brochure… one on related laws for heritage sites would further educate people on the reasons not to disturb a site. More buoys are needed… our Buoy Program has been running since 2003 and most are showing wear. The challenge has been that people who committed to doing the grant application work were unable to step up for SOS, so it did not happen for the second year. SOS has created a simple strategic plan document so we can all focus on similar core goals. This does not preclude each part of SOS doing any other project, but helps create an expectation of what we need to see happen as a minimum in each area. These include working with local dive shops and charter operators to get SOS materials and ideals into the hands and minds of local divers across the province. With the ongoing vacancy of the Ministry of Culture’s “Marine Heritage Advisor” position (previously the “Marine Archaeologist” position held by Erika Laanela), we have been keeping in touch with the Ministry to emphasize the importance of filling this position so there can be a knowledgeable seasoned resource in local government . We are told an offer for a “Marine Heritage Advisor” is in the making but after 24 months there is still no announcement. This has directly impacted SOS’s ability to offer NAS training throughout the province in the past 2 years. We look forward to working with the new person whenever they arrive on the scene. It is very exciting to announce that SOS has applied for and received a license to teach NAS courses ourselves: we are now officially a Training Partner with the Nautical Archaeology Society. Previously we relied on the Ministry of Culture to supply the instructor under license to the NAS. With the help of Chris Phinney in the Hamilton Chapter and five SOS members (Deb Brooks, Chris Holloway, Bryan Thomas, Marg Barker, David Taylor), who have stepped up to be trained as NAS Tutors in May 2009, we will soon be in better control of our own destiny. This brings many new and vast challenges to our organization. We hope to see NAS programs delivered throughout Ontario this summer. 2 May 2009 Chapters were busiest in the East and Central regions based on financial report data. Overall, Chapters hold $10,939 in the bank as of Dec 31 2008. There was $5688 received by chapters as a result of projects, donations, provincial funds and a NAS1 in Quebec showing the highest revenue. $5902 was spent by chapters for outreach projects with 1000 Islands topping the list as biggest spender (also had 2nd largest revenue) with an all time low of 1.5% for all chapters going towards administrative expenses. Overall financial report discrepancies are down for the third consecutive year. I’d like to close by mentioning the awards SOS presented in 2008. The SOS Marine Heritage Award was bestowed upon Robert Grenier of Parks Canada at the 2008 AGM for his contribution to marine heritage around the world. The SOS Directors Achievement Award was bestowed upon Bob Ligthart for his 23 years service to SOS in various capacities such as Director on the Board, Membership Chair, Chapter Chair and Eastern Region Representative. Thank you to all the members for renewing and retaining your membership. Our years of service roster published in the Newsletter shows some amazing dedication to the cause. We need your continued support be it simply through membership. At this time, I would personally like to thank those of you who have stepped up and contributed to the success of SOS by lending a hand in 2008. As a 100% volunteer organization, we can’t do it without you. Respectfully Submitted, Brian Prince SOS President SOS Newsletter 3 Treasurer's Report for 2008 These audited statements were presented to the members at the 2009 Annual General Meeting: 4 May 2009 SOS Newsletter 5 SOS AGM Update – Brian Prince, SOS President 2009 has seen a number of changes to the Board of SOS. A resolution was passed at this year's AGM to increase the size of the Board from 7 to 9 positions, in order to facilitate the transition of the Board when new members are elected. Gordon Dewis resigned his position on the Board this year. Gordon remains a member of the Ottawa Chapter, and we thank him for his years of service on the Board, during which he served in various positions including as Bylaw Committee Chair and Quartermaster. I am pleased to announce that Mike Hill of Preserve Our Wrecks (POW) has been elected to the SOS Board of Directors. He has accepted the position of Vice President (in addition to his special function role as Public Relations Officer). Please join me in welcoming Mike to the province-wide marine heritage scene. Jonathan Ferguson remains on the Board as Ethics Committee Chair and is also this year the Chapter Chair for Toronto. Thanks Jon for holding the VP position for so many years and for your work in growing the Toronto Chapter. David Taylor has taken on the role of SOS Treasurer (in addition to his current roles as OUC Insurance Chair and Central Region Rep) freeing Margaret Barker to concentrate on the demanding task of managing Ships Stores and the SOS Secretary position. Thanks David for taking on more responsibility. With the business portion of the AGM concluded, Nathalie Lasselin, the Quebec Chapter Chair, made a very inspiring presentation of her new film H20 Secrets - J.B. King. Members who attended the AGM had a chance to hear first hand from the producer of this award winning film, and to see it on the large theatre screen at the Parks Canada Discovery Centre. Thanks Nathalie for being this year's guest speaker. People can see the trailer and buy the DVD at SOS Ships Stores: Congratulations to the SOS award winners Walter Lewis, Rick Neilson, and Bernie Roy for 2009. (See the associated articles on the following pages.) 6 May 2009 SOS Marine Heritage Award – 2009 There are many individuals involved with marine heritage but we recognize that there are a select few whose dedication deserves special recognition. The SOS award is presented yearly to someone who demonstrates a special effort promoting marine heritage conservation. The Master Award, with an engraved plate recording each award, is on display in the SOS Head Office, or other public location and a personalized Plaque is given to each recipient. For the foreseeable future, the Master Award will be on display at the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston for all to appreciate. This year, unusually, the award recognizes the exceptional efforts, over many years, of two Ontario authors and researchers who have transformed a wide range of publicly accessible, but diverse and awkward sources of information, into an online resource that responds readily to the inquiries of all sections of the diving and historical research communities. Their website, the Maritime History of the Great Lakes, is an extraordinarily detailed repository of all manner of information benefiting divers, researchers and the idly curious. It represents many years of dedicated and painstaking work by the two individuals recognized today. Besides this major work, they have found time to write many articles for historical journals and to produce a wonderfully readable book titled “River Palace”, which is about the long working life of the steel-hulled paddle steamer Kingston - better known to many as the wreck of the Cornwall. The first individual is a professional librarian whose work is strongly inclined towards the drive to provide better access through digital archiving and the exploitation of computer technologies. A Masters in History from Queen's University accurately reflects a long-standing interest in historical topics. He has a particular interest in the history of the Great Lakes and the relationships between the shipping industry, government and the commercial interests of the steamboat trades. The person who shares the Award this year is a highly respected member of the Ontario dive community with an enviable record of research-led wreck discoveries. He has a reputation for scrupulous investigation and impeccably accurate reporting. He shares the distinction of a substantial body of published works with his colleague and fellow author. Both of the recipients have, for many years, been at the forefront of the campaign to preserve and protect Ontario's maritime legacy. Their articles and oral presentations contribute significantly to the essential SOS Newsletter 7 work of educating the public and informing each generation of divers and avocational nautical archaeologists. For their long-standing dedication to the promotion and preservation of marine heritage and their contributions to research and the written record of its many facets Save Ontario Shipwrecks have bestowed this award upon: Walter Lewis and Rick Neilson CONGRATULATIONS ! Brian Prince (centre) presenting the 2009 SOS Marine Heritage Award to Rick Neilson (left) and Walter Lewis (right). Photo: K. Nickle SOS Director’s Achievement Award – 2009 The cornerstones of any volunteer organization are its members; they determine the strength, direction and the resolve of the organization that ensures that the objectives are met. Today, with the pace of life always seeming to increase and numerous distractions available, a volunteer organization is very fortunate to have long-term members that have contributed to its success. This year’s recipient of the SOS Directors Achievement Award has been an SOS member for twenty years. He is one of the original members of the Windsor chapter where he lived while working at Ford. He has not only 8 May 2009 offered his services to his local chapter as Treasurer for 10 years, but also served the executive as a Board Member-at-Large, and as membership chair, perhaps the most challenging position in the organization. He has always been most reliable when there was a job to be done and he did it with integrity. He has proven utmost dedication to both Ontario’s maritime heritage and to Save Ontario Shipwrecks. Despite taking care of his parents for many years and personal health issues that have now prohibited his diving, he could not overlook a better Mecca (aka Lake Huron) than where he lives in Tobermory. His enthusiasm with genealogy, marine heritage preservation and the role in which Save Ontario Shipwrecks plays in the preservation of this heritage, remains steadfast. All organizations would be more successful if they had people like this year’s recipient. Recognizing twenty years of dedication to the preservation of Ontario’s marine heritage, the Windsor Chapter and the members of Save Ontario Shipwrecks through his past activities on the Board and current role as membership chair, we are very pleased to present the 2009 SOS Directors Achievement award to: Bernie Roy CONGRATULATIONS ! Brian Prince (left) presenting the 2009 SOS Director's Achievement Award to longtime SOS member, Bernie Roy. Photo: K. Nickle SOS Newsletter 9 10 May 2009 H2O Secrets J.B. King At this year's AGM, we were privileged to have as our guest speaker an award-winning documentary filmmaker. Nathalie Lasselin is the founder of Pixnat production. She has been working in the film industry for the last 17 years as a Director of Photography and professional underwater camera operator. Being an occupational and technical diver, she produces documentaries to enlighten the beauty and treasures of the underwater world. After the business portion of the AGM, Nathalie – who is also the Chair of SOS's Quebec Chapter – gave a brief talk introducing her film, “H2O Secrets – J.B. King”. The story takes place on the St. Lawrence River: the longest inland seaway in the world. It took 350 years to transform the river into the blue highway we now know. Within its history, the biggest marine industrial disaster in Canada occurred: the loss of the biggest drilling barge: the J.B. King. 78 years after the accident, Nathalie Lasselin put together a team of rebreather divers to rediscover this lost story. Confronting the depth and current, the team goes on a journey to identify the exploded wreck’s remains and honour the memory of the men who lost their life. In a split second, among the 42 on board, 30 lost their lives. The bodies of seventeen men were never recovered. Throughout Nathalie's film the sole remaining survivor, Ev Snider, recounts that fatal day. “H2O Secrets – J.B. King”, featuring Ev Snider, Marc-André Bernier and Stancko Polic, is now available on DVD through the SOS Ships Stores website: Î DVD cover image of “H OSecrets – J.B. King”, directed by Nathalie Lasselin 2 SOS Newsletter 11 200 Year Old War Ship May Lie In French Creek Bay Near Clayton, New York. Cannon may link old hull to the USS Oneida, America's first Warship on the Great Lakes. Dennis R. McCarthy St. Lawrence River Historical Foundation, Inc. Local folklore and history came together during a presentation at Great Lakes Underwater 2009, an Underwater Cultural Resource Event hosted by New York Sea Grant and the Oswego Maritime Foundation in Oswego, NY, on March 7th 2009. One of the presentations, “The USS Oneida - 200th Anniversary of America's First Warship on the Great Lakes”, detailed the history of the USS Oneida that was launched on March 31st 1809 at Oswego, NY. A vessel of 262 tons, it had a distinguished service during the War of 1812. As part of the presentation it was stated that historians did not believe that any remains of the Oneida still existed. In Robert Malcomson’s book “Warships of the Great Lakes 1754-1834” page 142, the Oneida was listed as being sold out of US service and was “beached at Clayton, New York in 1837”. At the presentation was Skip Couch, a resident of Clayton, New York and descendant of Connecticut shipbuilders that settled in Clayton in the early 1800’s. As he listened to the talk, he realized that he may be the only living person to dive on the wreck of the Oneida. The presentation caused Skip to remember that years ago his uncle Bill Couch told him about a cannon from a wreck in French Creek Bay at Clayton. The cannon had been mounted downtown through the efforts of the Clayton Fish & Rod Club in the early 1900’s. Skip’s uncle also said that because it was identified as a relic of the War of 1812 the cannon was not lost to the Scrap Iron Recovery Plan of World War II. 12 May 2009 In the early 1970’s, Tommy Turgeon, the Director of Thousand Island Ship Yard Museum, asked Skip Couch and Charlie Bender, both well known local scuba divers, to check on the location of the wreck that the old cannon was salvaged from, because of the marine construction taking place in the area. They found the remains of a wreck and recovered a number of artifacts for the museum including cannon balls, small pieces of iron and a bar shot. These items were transferred to the New York State Historic Site at Sacket's Harbor about 1973. Charlie Bender passed away in 2006. Stories passed down from local Clayton residents, including Skip’s ancestors, stated that “the Oneida lies in French Creek Bay next to one of its conquests”. Folklore also states that in the 1820’s or 1830’s, a Clayton-based shipping company owned by E. G. Merreck bought several vessels from someone in Oswego that had been part of the War of 1812 fleet sold by the US government. One of these was supposed to be the Oneida and she was refitted for the timber trade and sailed out of Clayton. She was presumed to be abandoned after many years and was left to decay in French Creek Bay at the mercy of the elements and ice. Plan of the USS Oneida. SOS Newsletter 13 It is very unique that an iron cannon and artifacts such as cannon balls and bar shot would be on a wreck in French Creek Bay, Clayton, NY. Iron could be carried in a ship for ballast and does not immediately confirm the ship’s identity. Charles Trollope, a member of the Ordnance Society in Great Britain reviewed photos and dimensions of the cannon and identified it as of French design of the 1780-90s. This puts the gun in the time frame that it could have been on the Oneida. It was also common that guns produced by one country would be bought or captured and used by an other country. Robert Malcomson’s book “Warships of the Great Lakes 1754-1834”, page 65, list the Oneida as having 18 guns, and two of them were 6 pounders. Skip Couch, a scuba diver since the 1960’s, is a founding member of the Clayton Diving Club, and co-author of the book “Diver's Guide to the Upper St. Lawrence River”. Skip’s ancestors include Willard Cook, keeper of Rock Island Light House 1870 to 1879 and Ivan Couch, Clayton ship builder whose St. Lawrence Skiff can be seen in the Clayton Antique Boat Museum. More information will be posted as it becomes available on . There is no dilemma compared with that of the deepsea diver who hears the message from the ship above, "Come up at once. We are sinking." ~ Robert Cooper 14 May 2009 NOW AVAILABLE IN SHIPS STORES! Underwater Archaeology: The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice provides a comprehensive summary of the archaeological process as applied in an underwater context. • • • • Long awaited second edition of what is popularly referred to as the NAS Handbook Provides a practical guide to underwater archaeology: how to get involved, basic principles, essential techniques, project planning and execution, publishing and presenting Fully illustrated with over 100 drawings and new colour graphics New chapters on geophysics, historical research, photography and video, monitoring and maintenance and conservation With Underwater Archaeology the Nautical Archaeology Society reveals the real underwater treasure – a rich cultural heritage that has helped shape the world in which we live. By outlining the principles and practices, this book will enable the reader to make informed and responsible decisions about how to get the most from their involvement with underwater archaeology. The Nautical Archaeology Society is a non-government organization formed to further interest in our underwater cultural heritage. The NAS is dedicated to advancing education in nautical archaeology at all levels; to improving techniques in excavating, conservation and reporting; and to encouraging the participation of members of the public at all stages. The Society has published The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology since 1972 and also produces the newsletter Nautical Archaeology, which is free to members. SOS Newsletter 15 (L – R) Marc-Andre Bernier, Brian Prince, Marg Barker, David Taylor, Bryan Thomas, Chris SOS Holds NAS In conjunction with the NAS license SOS acquired in February 2009, SOS held an NAS Tutor training class on May 9th and 10th in Kingston at the Marine Museum of the Great Lakes. Marc-André Bernier of Parks Canada (the Senior NAS Tutor for Canada) was the instructor. All of the people in the photo have graduated to be SOS NAS Tutors, allowing them to teach the NAS curriculum under the SOS license and gain more experience. SOS can now hold our own classes without relying on the schedule of other organizations. The class started bright and early on Saturday and 8am. We covered the curriculum items and extended the day a bit to free up people's time for Mothers' Day on Sunday. Sunday we started again at 8am and each person presented their 10 minute topic of choice and was given a critique. The hardest part was not the material or standing in front of others, but covering a small topic is just 10 minutes. Most of us went over a bit. Topics ranged from 2D & 3D survey techniques, project safety, DSM software usage, the value of pictures, how to use the National Archives, to more technical presentations about acoustic scanning, sonar, laser scanning, position fixing and GPS types, accuracies and errors. 16 May 2009 Phinney, Nadine Kopp, Brandi Lockhart, Chris Holloway, Nathalie Lasselin, Ben Holthof. Tutor Training Many thanks again to Marc-André of Parks Canada for coming out on a weekend cutting in to family time on Mothers' Day right before departing for his field work season and to all the SOS members who attended and will be working hard to bring the NAS Introduction, Level 1 and Level 2 classes to Ontario divers and non-divers. This is SOS History in the making! Upcoming NAS Intro/Level 1 Courses July 3-5 Hamilton, ON July 24-25 Ottawa, ON August 28-30 Central or Western Region September 25-27 Eastern or Northern Region Please direct all inquiries to Chris Phinney at: [email protected] SOS Newsletter 17 "THE STORY OF GROG" Embellished from a PUSSER'S RUM booklet by Brian Prince Grog had its beginning in the Royal Navy - specifically on August 21st, 1740. It is the most traditional of all sea drinks. Prior to 1740, PUSSERS RUM was issued to the men 'neat' (undiluted). Their ration was 1/2-pint twice daily, and the men were often times drunk because of it. Admiral Edward Vernon, Commander-in-Chief West Indies, was much concerned with the drunkenness and the severe punishment that followed. Believing that dilution with water would reduce drunkenness, he ordered the men's daily rum ration be mixed with water in a scuttled butt (a wood water cask with a hole half way up). And that the men be given extra lime juice and sugar so that it be made more palatable to them. The men had affectionately nicknamed Vernon Old Grog on account of the grogram (coarse mixed fabric) cloak he often wore. They were incensed that he'd watered their rum, and thus named it contemptuously grog from the name they'd given him. And so it was that Grog became the first cocktail! Thereafter, all of the Royal Navy adopted the practice. The 'scuttled butt' became known as the 'Grog Tub' as sailors embellished it to be an oak cask, with fancy top and banded with polished brass or copper. As the men stood in line waiting for their ration of grog, rumours were exchanged and in time the word scuttlebutt became synonymous with gossip. To try "liquid history": In a short glass, over the rocks, pour 2 ozs. of dark rum 1/2 oz. fresh lime juice 2 oz. soda water 1 tsp. dark cane (brown) sugar Mix till sugar dissolved. Garnish with a lime wedge. SOS reminds you to please enjoy responsibly, and NEVER DRINK AND DIVE! 18 May 2009 From the Archives JULIE CARL Originally printed in the London Free Press October 29, 1993 Divers Discover 'Ghost Fleet' of St. Clair The Yakima. The four ships were scuttled in the 1920's and 30's. SARNIA – Take nothing but pictures and memories; leave nothing but bubbles.Bubbles? That's right bubbles. It's a fine motto for scuba divers exploring shipwrecks. Cris Kohl should know. He's a shipwreck historian who's een exploring shipwrecks in Ontario – the St. Clair River in particular – since 1974. Kohl and his partners recently discovered four late 19th-century and early 20th-century shipwrecks in Lake Huron, about 18 kilometers northeast of Sarnia. The ships, which the divers have named the Ghost Fleet of the St. Clair River, sunk in other locations and then were refloated, stripped of equipment which could be reused, towed to Sarnia Bay and scuttled – purposely sunk. The bay became crowded with scuttled ships. During the 1920s and 1930s there were massive clean-up efforts and the ships were towed out into the lake and scuttled again. Last June, Kohl, of Chatham and fellow divers found the Yakima, a 85metre (279 foot) wooden steamer. Researching old newspapers, shipping records and archives in Ottawa, Kohl discovered the ship went aground north of Stag Island near Marysville, Mich., on June 10, 1905. Three days later it burned and sank. Later that year, it was taken to Sarnia to be stripped and scuttled in the bay. While exploring the wreck, found mostly intact in 23.4 metres (77 feet) of water, the divers found the hull littered with 1920s beer bottles. Kohl guesses the SOS Newsletter 19 crew which scuttled it had a few beers while they worked and tossed their empties into the hull. It's the people stories connected with shipwrecks that fascinate Kohl. His team found the Province, a 49.3metre (162 foot) dredge barge, in October. It sank Sept. 27, 1923, 6.4 kilometers south of Sarnia. Newspaper accounts say it settled gently in the shallow water just six metres (20 feet) from shore but two of the 11 crew members couldn't swim, panicked and drowned. One was 29, the other 37. One left five children. The Province was found with the remains of the Aztec, a 54.8 metre (180foot) wooden steamer, resting on it. The Aztec burned in its moorings in the Belle River near Marine City, Mich., Nov. 8, 1923. When Sarnia Bay was cleaned up in 1936, the Aztec was dynamited and placed on the Province to be towed out to the lake. The wreck of the Sachem rests nearby. The 56.9-metre (187-foot) steamer started life in the lumber trade. It sank Oct. 9, 1928, in the St. Clair River. Kohl says about 4,000 ships went down in this area and only about 2,000 wrecks have been found. The Province. 20 May 2009 The high school English teacher put together his diving skills and his background in historical research and is now known in diving circles for his books Dive Southwestern Ontario, Dive Ontario and Shipwreck Tales of the St. Clair River (to 1900). He is working on two books now: Shipwrecks in the St. Clair River since 1900 and Diving Rondeau Provincial Park, near Chatham. A shipwreck cannot be owned by anyone, says Kohl. It becomes a heritage site when someone finds it and nothing can be removed. Unfortunately, many acts of piracy happen in the Great Lakes with smaller items such as brass compasses, bells and anchors being pilfered, he says. A diver exploring the history of a shipwreck is seeking the same information as an archaeologist on a dig, says Kohl. Divers measure the wreck, check out the engines in they are still in place, take pictures and try to piece together the information to identify the ship. “What I'm trying to do is put together the tapestry of the shipwrecks, patchwork together the history of them,” says Kohl. 2009 SOS Board and Committee Representatives President Eastern Region Representative Webmaster Brian Prince 137 King Street East Brockville, ON K6V 1C1 (613) 342-3900 [email protected] Past President Northern Region Representative SOS Manitoulin Chairperson Jim Hopkins 38 Shamess Crescent Espanola, ON P5E 1B9 (705) 869-3532 [email protected] Vice President Public Relations Officer Michael Hill 48 Fairway Hill Crescent Kingston, ON K7M 2B4 (613) 767-7446 [email protected] Secretary Quartermaster Margaret Barker 103 MacDougall Kingston, ON K7N 0A1 (613) 384-8049 [email protected] SOS Hamilton Chairperson Walt Irie 169 Victoria Street Ingersoll, ON N5C 2N2 [email protected] (519) 425-4449 SOS Ottawa Chairperson Luc Lafontaine 1571 Prestwick Drive Ottawa, ON K1E 2E6 (613) 288-4181 [email protected] Treasurer Central Region Representative OUC Insurance Chairperson David Taylor 15 Dalewood Crescent Hamilton, ON L8S 4B5 [email protected] (905) 526-9026 SOS Port Dover Chairperson Jim Murphy PO Box 299 Port Dover, ON N0A 1N0 (519) 583-2884 [email protected] Board Director Ethics Chairperson SOS Toronto Chairperson Jonathan Ferguson 1911-730 Dovercourt Road Toronto, ON M6H 2W9 (416) 536-1247 [email protected] Board Director Brian Nickle PO Box 924 Granton, ON N0M 1V0 [email protected] (519) 225-2472 SOS Quebec Chairperson Nathalie Lasselin 6380 de Bordeaux Montreal, QC H2G 2R8 [email protected] (514) 276-9020 SOS Sarnia Chairperson Position Vacant Contact Brian Prince (613) 342-3900 [email protected] Board Director Western Region Representative SOS Huron Shores Chairperson Krissy Nickle PO Box 924 Granton, ON N0M 1V0 (519) 225-2472 [email protected] SOS Thousand Islands Chairperson Debbie Brooks PO Box 551 Brockville, ON K6V 5V7 (613) 498-0382 [email protected] Membership Director SOS Windsor Chairperson Roy Pickering 1230 Mariners Road, PO Box 39 Erieau, ON N0P 1N0 (519) 676-2136 [email protected] Bernie Roy 18 Ada Crescent, RR #2 Tobermory, ON N0H 2R0 (519) 596-2607 [email protected] Contents The View from the Bridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Treasurer’s Report for 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 AGM Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Marine Heritage Award 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Director’s Achievement Award 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 H2O Secrets J.B. King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 200 Year Old Ship in French Creek Bay? . . . . . . . . 12 Underwater Archaeology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 SOS Holds NAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Tutor Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Story of Grog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 From the Archives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
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