- Sisk Memorial Baptist Church
- Sisk Memorial Baptist Church
What’s Happening on the Hill Dinner on the Hill March Served Wednesdays from 5:30-6:15 PM. The cost is $4 for adults, $2 for ages 4-12. Children under 4 eat free, family cap of $15. Menu for 3/23: flip-flop meal, sausage, ham, eggs, grits, biscuits, toast, fruit cup 27 28 Easter Egg Hunt 10 11 17 18 21-23 Our Easter Egg Hunt for preschool to 6th grade will be on Saturday, March 26th, at 11:00 AM. We are in need of individually wrapped candies. Please drop them in the church office. We need volunteers to help with this event. This Week Looking Ahead Sunday, March 20 Easter Sunday Church Office Closed April Movie-War Room YBA Senior Adult Spring Rally The Phillips Family Golden Ager Luncheon Senior Adult Trip to Myrtle Beach May Church Directory We are updating our church directory. Photos will be taken on March 22-23. Sign up in the foyer or online. Parent and Child Dedication Pastor Tom will dedicate on Sunday, April 10th, in both morning Services. If you would like to participate, please contact the church office. The Ark Trip We are going to the Ark August 3-5, 2016. Please see Diane Burkholder for information. 1 8 14 15 24 30 Senior Adult Day Mother’s Day Women’s Extravaganza Children’s Choir Spring Concert Senior Adult Trip-Swan Lake in Sumpter Memorial Day Brooks & Ruby Aldridge Linda Stamper Chip & Melissa Boykin 5:30 PM Dinner on the Hill 6:00 PM OnFireForGod Youth Praise Team Practice 6:00 PM Reach All Teams 6:45 PM Youth and Children Activities 7:00 PM Pastor’s Bible Study Thursday, March 24 803-493-3094 980-722-3662 Today’s Preschool Workers Christy O’Neill Heather Tollison & Candace Tanner Children’s Choir 6:30 PM Leadership Team Wednesday, March 23 Deacons of the Week Beverly Bassham Rebecca McCormack & Kelly Thomas Teresa Broome & Susan Guard April Porter & Holli Justice Ashley Johnson Monday, March 21 11:00 AM Golden Ager Choir Practice 6:30 PM Praise Team Practice This year the Secret Church simulcast is a live event at Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte on April 29th at 6:30 PM. We still have a limited number of tickets for this event. Please see Troy or Shellie Tyson for tickets. Cost is $10 each. Sunday Morning 8:30 Service Babies 1’s 2-3’s 4-5’s Sunday Evening Babies 1-2’s 3-5’s Wednesday Night Babies-24 mos. 8:00 AM Men’s Prayer Time 8:30 AM Early Morning Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 9:45 AM Disciples Path w/Pastor Tom 11:00 AM Praise Factory 11:00 AM Morning Worship 4:30 PM Celebration Choir Practice 5:00 PM Disciples Path w/Pastor Tom 5:30 PM Ladies Prayer Time 6:00 PM Children’s Choir 6:00 PM Acteens 6:00 PM Easter Musical Tuesday, March 22 Greeters, March 27 Secret Church Glenn Hutto Matt King Welcome Card WITH PASTOR TOM 11:00 AM Thursday’s Child Quilt Group 9:00 PM Grace Point TV—CN2 Channel 103 Saturday, March 26 8:00 AM Men’s Prayer Time 11:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt Sundays at 9:45 AM or 5:00 PM Katie Bassham& Angie Reiking Sunday April 10th at 6:00 PM Date Name Address City _ State _________ Zip Phone __________________________ Email ___________________________ I came as a guest of: Check all that apply: □ 1st visit □ 2nd visit □ 3rd visit □ New to Area □ 8:30am □ 11:00am □ 6:00pm □ I Would Like a Visit □ I’m looking for a church home □ Single □ Married □ Widowed Age: □ 18-25 □ 46-55 □ 26-35 □ 56-65 □ 36-45 □ 66+ □ If Student, indicate grade Names of children living at home: Name Date of Birth Name Date of Birth Name Date of Birth Please place this card in the offering plate when it is passed. Check all that apply My Decision Today: □ I’m accepting Christ as my Savior □ I want to be baptized □ I’m renewing my commitment to Christ □ I’d like to talk to a staff member I Would Like Information On: □ Beginning a relationship with Christ □ How to join this church family □ Sunday Morning Bible Study I would like additional information on: □ Nursery Volunteer □ Women’s Ministry □ Preschool Choir □ Men’s Ministry Looking Back Welcome to Sisk March 13, 2016 Sunday School Preschool Children Youth Adults Early Morning Worship Morning Worship Total Morning Worship Evening Worship 180 26 21 16 117 83 210 293 135 Budget Need Budget Receipts Building Fund Eternal Impact This Wk. Playground Other Total Receipts YTD Budget Need YTD Budget Receipts Eternal Impact Goal Eternal Impact Rec’d Total Rec’d YTD $10,161.00 $11,854.20 $57.00 $777.00 $300.00 $23,812.00 $36,800.20 $111,771.00 $108,995.03 $32,000.00 $3,486.00 $157,891.06 □ Senior Adult Ministry □ Children’s Ministry □ Youth Ministry Tithes and Offerings [email protected] □ Adult Choir Building and Grounds [email protected] Prayer Requests and Needs: □ For Prayer Team or □ Confidential If this is your first time or you are a returning guest, we welcome you. Please take a moment and fill out the Welcome Card in this bulletin and place your card in the offering plate when it is passed. At the end of the service we have a special gift for all first time guests. Thank you for worshipping with us today. Our Giving □ Children's Choir □ Reach Ministry www.siskmbc.org Eternal Impact [email protected] Student Ministry [email protected] Media Ministry [email protected] Galatians 2:20 www.tomtuckerministries.com www.facebook.com/TomTuckerMinistires Guest Information Childcare is provided for children under five in our preschool areas during worship. Sunday School and Ministry information is located in the foyer. www.siskmbc.org Facebook.com/sisk.memorial Twitter.com/siskmbc Vimeo.com/channels/558548 Eternal Impact Spotlight CD's of ___________ $2 DVD’s of __________$2 I will be at the Wednesday family meal this week. _______ adults _______ children Annie Armstrong Offering for North American Missions The Annie Armstrong Easter Offering helps North American Missionaries to share God’s message of love, mercy and redemption with the 259 million people without a personal relationship with Christ in the United States, Canada and their territories. WMU Founder, Annie Walker’s commitment to doing whatever it takes has created a rich legacy of people who were awakened and responded to the call of the Gospel and the missions mandate to take it throughout the world. . www.anniearmstrong.com A Place where we Gather Our Hearts | Grow Our Souls | Give Our Lives 115 Massey St. | Fort Mill, SC 29715 | 803-547-2537 | www.siskmbc.org Sunday, March 20, 2016 Welcome to Sisk www.siskmbc.org
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