Pumpkin Festival 2015
Pumpkin Festival 2015
Serving East Berlin, Abbottstown, Reading and Hamilton Townships in Adams County, and Paradise and Washington Townships in York County 405 North Avenue P.O. Box 530 East Berlin, PA 17316 Fall 2015 717-259-8848 phone Volume XXV, Number 2 www.ebacc.org Office Hours: Mon-Thu 8 AM to 8 PM Fri 8 AM to 4 PM Sat 9 AM to 12 Noon Pumpkin Festival 2015 In partnership with Zwingli Church, East Berlin Area Community Center is having a Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, October 10, 2015. What better way to welcome the Fall season than joining us for delicious pumpkin goodies and fun games? Breakfast items will be available for sale at Zwingli Church. They’ll be serving some of Fall’s finest pumpkin pancakes and traditional breakfast goodies plus baked goods; pumpkin roll, pumpkin pie and pumpkin muffins. Lunch will be available for sale at East Berlin Area Community Center. EBACC’s Pumpkin Fest menu includes pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie, pumpkin whoopee pies, pumpkin bread, hamburgers, hot dogs and even pumpkin What an incredible and busy spring and summer we’ve had here at the East Berlin Area Community Center! From the biggest Yard Sale in Adams County in April to our 20th Annual Garden Tour and Summer Book Sale in June to our 19th Annual Summerfest 5K Run/Walk/Fun Run in July – we have so enjoyed having our dedicated community members join us for these great events. We’d also like to highlight our Summer Camps. We offered 21 Summer Camps this year and had 263 Summer Camp registrants. It was wonderful to have the halls of East Berlin Area Community Center full of children’s laughter delighting in all the different Summer Camp offerings while making new friends. Thank you to our fantastic instructors! The East Berlin Area Community Center’s mission is to improve the health, happiness and physical well-being of the residents of the area. The programs and events that we have lined up this fall do just that! In fact, this fall marks the most programs that we have EVER offered for adults and children! We are thrilled to offer creative outlets such as Paint Night, Pottery & Mosaic Class, Paper Cutting (the art of Schrerenschnitte) and a Water Color class. Classes such as Dr. Mike Brown’s 6 week weight loss program, classes on the benefits of proper nutrition, healthy cooking classes and yoga will re-engage your physical well-being. We even have some cooking classes for parents and children to have fun cooking together. Also, in partnership with Zwingli Church – East Berlin Area Community Center will be holding the 1st ever Pumpkin Festival on Saturday, October 10th. Read on to learn all delicious pumpkin items you can purchase for breakfast and lunch and all the fun, fall activities that we’ll be offering on October 10th. There’s even going to be a pre-carved pumpkin contest with prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. You don’t want to miss this! Once the fall air turns from crisp to brisk, it’ll be time for our Christmas Bazaar, Christmas Shoppe and Christmas Festival. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you at an upcoming program, fitness class, event or browsing our Thrift Shoppe for one of the many great finds. We are so grateful for the support of our wonderful community. There is no way that we would be able to put on these fun filled events without the incredible support of our community sponsors, amazing volunteers and generous donors. Thank you all! We look forward to seeing you soon! popcorn! EBACC will also have games for the children such as The East Berlin Historical Preservation Society (EBHPS) will again organize the 41st pumpkin pumpkin Annual Colonial Day Festival for East Berlin on September 12, Saturday 8am – 4pm. painting and a pre-carved pumpkin EBACC will join in the celebration in the EBACC kitchen by selling Hog Maw platters contest. Buy pumpkins for deco- for $8.00 along with chicken corn soup, hot sandwiches and homemade pie to eat-in rating and make your own straw or take-out. EBACC will also partner with EBHPS for the 2nd year in front of Red scare crows. Men’s Hall on King Street.; Hot dogs, hamburgers and cheeseburgers, fruit pies, and stacking, You don’t want to miss this fun Fall festival! Event apple dumplings for sale. Also breakfast sandwiches will be made on the spot for day starts at 8 am with breakfast early morning shoppers and vendors. As always, all day parking is available on the and continues till 2 pm. Community Center’s grounds for only $3.00. Restrooms will also be open. HAMILTON TOWNSHIP 272 MUMMERT’S CHURCH ROAD ABBOTTSTOWN, PA 17301 OFFICE (717) 259-7237 From the Secretary at Hamilton Township: Hamilton Township has been very busy these past few months. The Road Crew has been patching roads and filling pot -holes. Residents in East Berlin will be happy to know that within the next few months, Hamilton Township will be re-surfacing Beaver Street. The office staff and our intern from Penn State, Christopher Bianco, have been working on our own Newsletter that will come out in the fall. Regrettably, Hamilton Township has had to cease recycling services here at the township. In the past few months, someone has been taking any and all of the bags of aluminum cans and some of the barrels that Adams Rescue Mission provides, have disappeared. We have also had problems with people dropping off items that cannot be recycled and discarding these items is costing the township. Board meetings are held the 1st Monday of each month. Planning Commission meets on the 3rd Tuesday each month. http;//twphamilton.com CONGRATULATIONS! East Berlin Borough 128 Water Street, East Berlin, PA 17316 Phone 717-259-9224, Fax 717-259-8298 www.eastberlinboro.com NAMED AS ONE OF THE TOP TEN SAFEST AND MOST PEACEFUL PLACES TO LIVE IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA! When deciding where to live, visit, work, or establish a business, safety plays a huge role. Based on Neighborhood Scout’s crime rates in Pennsylvania, check out the top ten listings at : www.onlyinyourstate.com/pennsylvania/pa-safest-cities/ This recognition is a tribute to Police Chief J. Michael Grim, the citizens, visitors, and workforce of East Berlin Borough! REMEMBER, BACK TO SCHOOL TIME IS HERE! Be cautious of school buses and children walking to and from school. Keep our town SAFE! Happy Autumn to All! Washington Township Fall Clean-Up September 30 & October 1, 8:00 to 3:30 See www.washington-township.net for details or call the Township Office 432-9814 Tax Planning and Preparation for Individuals, Corporations, Partnerships, LLCs/LLPs and Not-for-Profit Organizations Preparation of Compiled, Reviewed, and Audited Financial Statements Payroll Preparation, Quarterly Payroll Tax and W-2 Preparation Business Entity Start Up Services Controllership and Bookkeeping Services QuickBooks Consulting “Let’s Talk” Offices in East Berlin, York, Chambersburg, and Greencastle www.rotzandstonesifer.com (717) 801-0568 Biggest Yard Sale in Adams County April 25,2015 What beautiful weather for a yard sale this past April! All spaces were sold out! Thank you to all who participated as vendors indoors and outdoors. A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped prepare for the sale the week before, mark spaces, place vendors, grill hot dogs, prepare 160 quarts of soup, park cars, take out trash, scrub floors and so much more. Thank you again and again! Next Biggest Yard Sale in Adams County is Saturday, April 30, 2016. VISIT YOUR COMMUNITY NEIGHBORS AND FRIENDS AND JOIN IN ON THE FUN AT THE EAST BERLIN SENIOR CENTER ENTERTAINMENT, GOOD FOOD, AND SOCIAL EVENTS Contact: Kaye Snyder, Site Manager at 717-259-9630 Senior Center Information The East Berlin Senior Center is supported by the Adams County Office for Aging, Inc. and is located on the first floor at EBACC. The Senior Center offers residents age sixty (60) and older a place to go and socialize. The hours of operation for the center are Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The Senior Center is FREE to attend! Activities are happening daily! Activities and Events The Senior Center offers nutritious meals daily prepared by The Nutrition Group, donations are welcomed. Our daily activities include social activities such as Wii bowling, crafts, cards, bingo, games, a range of programs, singing and music entertainment, occasional trips, special holiday socials, birthday celebrations and much more! Looking for low impact exercise, come join us on Tuesdays and Thursdays for exercise class held at the Senior Center from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. beginning sometime in September, pending participation. Our exercise classes are conducted with a certified instructor, Linda Hermansen. Donations for these classes are greatly appreciated. Don’t Miss the Fun!!! Stop by the Senior Center at EBACC to pick up our monthly menu and activities calendar! During your visit, have a cup of coffee, socialize and relax in our lounge! Hope to see you at our East Berlin Senior Center soon! If you are interested in joining the Senior Center, please contact Kaye Snyder at 717-2599630 or by email at [email protected]. Volunteer opportunities are available! We appreciate your support! EBACC Recreation & Leisure Program Guide Registration forms are available at www.ebacc.org or at the EBACC main office. Youth Programs EBACC Youth Flag Football: DESCRIPTION: This program provides young players a fun and exciting opportunity to engage in non-contact, continuous action while learning lessons in teamwork. FLAG Football program is designed to educate young people about football while emphasizing participation and sportsmanship. Players learn skills and lessons that help them succeed both on and off the field. Ages 5-6, 7-9, 10-12. We will need volunteers to help coach and ref games. Saturday September 12 at 1 pm will be a parents meeting and the last day for sign-ups. Practice will be held Saturday from 1 to 2 pm with a game immediately following from 2 pm-3 pm. DATE/TIME: Saturday September 19-October 31: 1 to 3 pm LOCATION: EBACC Field AGES: 5-6, 7-9, and 10-12 FEES: $50 per child includes flags for the season LEAGUE MANAGER: Kim Bechtel EBACC Youth Flag Cheerleading: DESCRIPTION: This program will teach the participants cheers, chants and stunts that are age appropriate to each level. We will practice together from 1 to 2 pm and then go cheer for our team when the game starts at 2 pm. We will be emphasizing participation and sportsmanship. Ages 5-6, 7-9, 10-12. We will need volunteers to help coach a squad. Kim Bechtel will lead practices but will need a coach to watch the participants and tell them cheers to do during games. Practice will be from 1 to 2 pm and a game immediately following at 2 pm. DATE/TIME: Saturday September 19-October 31; Saturday September 12 at 1 pm will be a parents meeting and the last day for sign-ups. Early registration is recommended as space will be limited. LOCATION: EBACC Field AGES: 5-6, 7-9, and 10-12 FEES: $60 per child includes 2 pom-poms, per child, that they will be using during the season LEAGUE MANAGER: Kim Bechtel Little Tykes Soccer: DESCRIPTION: This is an interactive program for Pre-K kids and a parent/adult. The coach will introduce soccer basics such as passing, dribbling, shooting, throw-ins and goal keeping in a group setting with parents partnering with their child. Coloring projects with a soccer theme will also be given to players at the end of each week. They are encouraged to color them and they will be displayed at the Fitness Center. DATE/TIME: Saturdays, Sept. 12-Oct. 3 from 8:15 am-9 am; October 10th possible rain make-up day LOCATION: EBACC Field behind the Community Center FEES: $26 for the entire session or $8 drop in fee per week INSTRUCTOR: Kim Bechtel 2015 Youth Programs EBACC Eagles Competitive Cheer: DESCRIPTION: This program is to start a competitive cheer squad at EBACC. We will practice Sunday nights from 6-8 pm. Closer to competitions we may ask for extra practice time if there is space available. This would be for children ages 6-10. We would be competing as a Rec League, 10 and younger non-tumbling small squad. We have two competitions that the squad will be attending in early November. Parents are in charge of their registration fees, uniform fee, and transportation. DATE/TIME: Sundays, August 30 to November 9, from 6-8 pm LOCATION: EBACC Gym AGES: 6-10 FEES: $240 Total: $50 Registration Fee; $35 to register as a competitive cheerleader; $85 uniform, $15 shoes, $70 for both competitions, transportation costs LEAGUE MANAGER: Kim Bechtel Nature Kids! It’s time to get back outdoors and experience nature! During this 4 week program, kids ages 8 through 13 years old will learn about stream exploration, animal adaptations, constellation stories and more! You don’t want to miss playing in this beautiful, outdoor classroom. September 30 – WEEK ONE – Stream exploration – Instructor, Kimberly Schubert, will escort children to East Berlin Boro park where they will see firsthand different critters, from minnows to tiny insects and everything in between. Join us for a guided look at all that the life that exists in our streams. Please wear shoes that can get wet. October 7 – WEEK TWO - Tree identification and leaf rubbings – Kimberly Schubert will be showing the children the different types of trees that are around us in our backyard. The children will then do leaf rubbings to take home to share what they have learned. October 14 – WEEK THREE - Eco Art – Kimberly will be showing the children nature’s paintbrush. They will do some flower pressings, fall leaf masks, mushroom spore print, and nature journal. October 21 – WEEK FOUR - Night Hike – Children will learn about animal adaptations and constellation stories while star gazing. AGES: 8 through 13 years old FEE: $40 for the four week course TIME: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm LOCATION: Meet up in Room 1D before heading outdoors INSTRUCTOR: Kimberly Schubert, Environmental Educator EBACC Recreation & Leisure Program Guide Youth Programs C is for Cookie! Adult & Child One-Day Baking Class: DESCRIPTION: This adult and child baking class is a wonderful way to bond over the joys of baking holiday cookies. Students will prepare and bake several popular holiday cookie recipes and get to take home recipes to use during the holiday season. Lots of extra tips will be provided to make your baking experiences more enjoyable. Step-stool is recommended for smaller children. DATE/TIME: Saturday, November 21st from 12 pm-2 pm LOCATION: EBACC Kitchen AGES: All ages welcome COST: $50 (Parent & Child Combo) $25 for each additional child that attends INSTRUCTOR: Stephanie Blandy Early registration is recommended as space will be limited Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food-Adult Cooking DESCRIPTION: Stop struggling to get your kids to eat right. Learn how to make healthy meals and snacks that your kids will eat and also pack a nutritional punch. This class focuses on teaching easy and delicious meals and snacks based on adding in veggies and fruits to meals. We’ll share tips for saving time, cutting costs and healthy food that your family will love! This class is a cooking demonstration with some hands on and a generous tasting of each recipe. DATE/TIME: Sunday, November 15th from 1 pm-3 pm LOCATION: EBACC Kitchen AGES: 18 and up COST: $35 per person INSTRUCTOR: Stephanie Blandy Early registration is recommended as space will be limited Creative Tots: DESCRIPTION: This is a preschool class that will guide children through math, science, and literature activities based on our weekly themes. We will also work on calendar, weather, letters, colors, numbers, shapes, and name recognition as appropriate to each age group. The class fosters creativity and imagination through crafts and games. The class will take place in our second floor preschool room. TIME: 9am—11 am Fall I: Sept. 14 - Oct. 26, 2015 No preschool Oct. 12, (Mon only) Fall II: Nov. 2 - Dec. 14, 2015 No preschool Nov. 30, (Mon only) Winter I: Jan. 4 -Feb. 15, 2016 No preschool Jan. 18 or Feb, 22, (Mon only) Spring I: Feb 29-April 11, 2016 No preschool March 28, (Mon only) Spring II: April 25 & May 18, 2016, (Mon & Wed.) Graduation will be Wed., May 18 at 6:00 pm in the EBACC gym LOCATION: EBACC Room 2E AGES: 3-5 years, must be potty trained COST: $50 per session INSTRUCTOR: Kim Bechtel 2015 Youth Programs Kinder Ready Class: DESCRIPTION: This is a class that is geared to get your child ready for all day kindergarten. The children will learn today’s preschool basics weather, letters and their sounds, reading readiness skills, sight words, phonemic awareness, kid writing, numbers through at least 20, counting to at least 20, and simple addition. There will be time for developmental play as well as crafts and games. It will be taught by a teacher who is familiar with the kindergarten curriculum and knows where they should be for a smooth transition. There will be a tiered schedule to help the children adjust more quickly to full day kindergarten. Fall-Winter: September 14, 2015-December 18, 2015 Winter-Spring: January 4, 2016-May 18, 2016 Graduation will be Wednesday May 18, 2016 at 6:00 pm DATE/TIME: Mon/Wed/Fri, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. or 9 a.m.-1 p.m. September 14, 2015-Dec. 18, 2015 and Jan. 4, 2016-May 18, 2016 LOCATION: EBACC Room 2E AGES: 3-5 years, must be potty trained FEE: $110/month 9 a.m.-12 p.m. OR $125/month 9 a.m.-1 p.m. (children staying until 1 p.m. must have a packed lunch.) INSTRUCTOR: Kim Bechtel Halloween Kid’s Cooking Class-Beginners (Parent & Child): DESCRIPTION: Parent’s will be on-site to participate with their child as they learn to cook & bake Halloween inspired recipes. This is a hands-on class where they will also learn about kitchen safety, measuring, and kitchen tools. Everyone will leave with full bellies and recipes to share with their family and friends. We encourage young chefs to bring aprons and wear appropriate kitchen attire. Step-stool highly recommended. DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 3rd from 9 am- 10 am LOCATION: EBACC Kitchen AGES: 3-5 COST: $40 (Parent & Child Combo) $20 for each additional child that attends INSTRUCTOR: Stephanie Blandy Early registration is recommended as space will be limited Halloween Kid’s Cooking Class-Intermediate: DESCRIPTION: Kid’s will have hands-on fun with their food, and learn how to make frightfully sweet and savory treats, without scary ingredients. They will also learn about kitchen safety, measuring, and kitchen tools. Everyone will leave with full bellies and recipes to share with their family and friends. We encourage young chefs to bring aprons and wear appropriate kitchen attire. DATE/TIME: Saturday, October 3rd from 11 am-1 pm LOCATION: EBACC Kitchen AGES: 6-9 COST: $30 per child INSTRUCTOR: Stephanie Blandy Early registration is recommended as space will be limited EBACC Recreation & Leisure Program Guide Youth Programs Halloween Kid’s Cooking ClassAdvanced: DESCRIPTION: This Spooky themed class introduces kids to foods that might be out of their comfort zone. They will learn more about the science behind food, practice and refine knife skills, work at the stove, and create food from more sophisticated recipes. This class is for kids who have advanced beyond the beginner and intermediate level and are ready for greater challenges in cooking and baking. We encourage young chefs to bring aprons and wear appropriate kitchen attire. DATE/TIME: Sunday, October 4th from 1 pm-3 pm LOCATION: EBACC Kitchen AGES: 10-14 COST: $30 per child INSTRUCTOR: Stephanie Blandy Early registration is recommended as space will be limited Adult Programs Hatha Yoga: DESCRIPTION: A variety of basic yoga poses are sequenced in a gentle stream of movement. This includes stretching, breathing practices, proper body alignment, & relaxation techniques. All levels of ability welcome including first timers. Tuesday Session I: September 8-October 27 Thursday Session I: September 10-October 29 Tuesday Session II: November 3-December 22 Thursday Session II: November 5-December 17 *No class on November 26 DATE/TIME: Tues 6-7:30 pm or Thurs 9:30-11 am LOCATION: Room 2A COST: 8 week sessions-$45 per session for one day per week or $90 for Tuesday and Thursday 6 week session-$35 per session for one day per week or $70 for Tuesday and Thursday $8 drop-in fee per class is also available INSTRUCTOR: Lori Houck-Ruffner Zumba Gold: DESCRIPTION: Lively Latin and International dance music along with easy to follow moves create an intense, dynamic workout. This is geared to age 65+ but all are welcome for a low impact version of Zumba. Session Dates will be announced in the near future DATE/TIME: Tuesdays from 5:45 pm to 6:30 p.m. LOCATION: EBACC Gym COST: $45 for a 10 class punch card & $6 drop-in fee per class INSTRUCTOR: Bonnie Deck 2015 Adult Programs EBACC 3-On-3 Basketball League: DESCRIPTION: Season will consist of an 5 week regular season with an additional 2 weeks for playoffs. Teams are allowed to be co -ed and each team is encouraged to arrive 15 minutes prior to scheduled game time. Each team must have a designated captain and the league schedule will be sent to the captain one week prior to the start of the season. Teams will consist of 3 players on the court (with up to 5 total on the roster) playing two 20-minute halves with a 5-minute half time. Score will be kept throughout the game with a running clock. Clock will stop the last 2 minutes for time outs, fouls and out of bounds. Each team is encouraged to bring basketballs to shoot around with but there will be some available on site with a designated game ball. Must be 18 years of age or older to be on a team. League will run pending enrollment of at least 4 total teams. DATE/TIME: Tuesday, October 27—December 1, 7 pm-10 pm (There will be no games on November 10th), Playoffs: Dec 8 & 15 LOCATION: EBACC gym AGES: 16 and up FEES: $120 per team LEAGUE MANAGER: Russell Englebert Early registration is recommended as space will be limited EBACC Adult Flag Football: DESCRIPTION: This is an adult 7-on-7 flag football league. Team rosters may contain up to 16 players and may be co-ed. There will be a 10 week regular season and then 2 weeks of playoffs to determine the league champion. Teams must provide their own flags. Games will be refereed by 3 officials and start promptly at the top of each hour. DATE/TIME: Sunday September 13th-December 6th from 8 am-2 pm (No games Thanksgiving weekend November 29th) LOCATION: EBACC Field AGES: 18 and up FEES: $300 per team, teams may have up to 16 players on a roster LEAGUE MANAGER: Curtis Johnson Early registration is recommended as space will be limited Healthy Holiday Makeovers-Adult Cooking: DESCRIPTION: The holidays are all about abundance or, often, overabundance. It doesn’t have to be that way. With healthy updates to classic dishes, get high-impact flavors by using fresh herbs, spices, and seasonal vegetables to minimize the need for gobs of butter, cream and salt. We will demonstrate how to “makeover” your recipes to improve the nutritional content, while prioritizing delicious taste! This class is a cooking demonstration with some hands on and a generous tasting of each recipe. DATE/TIME: Sunday, November 22nd from 2 pm-4 pm LOCATION: EBACC Kitchen AGES: 18 and up COST: $35 per person INSTRUCTOR: Stephanie Blandy Early registration is recommended as space will be limited EBACC Recreation & Leisure Program Guide 2015 Adult Programs Adult Programs Self-Defense: DESCRIPTION: This will be a 4 week program in which participants will be taught the basics of self-defense. Many different real life situations will be covered with scenarios being scripted out to bring life to possible events someone would have to deal with if they needed to defend themselves. Defense against an assailant wielding a knife will also be covered. At the end of the class participants will know how to defend themselves in a variety of ways and feel more confident with protecting against an aggressor. DATE/TIME: Thursday, Oct 15-Nov 5, 7 pm to 8:30 pm LOCATION: EBACC Gym AGES: 16 and up COST: $80 for a 4 week program or $25 drop-in per day INSTRUCTOR: Larry Kitzmiller AARP Driver Safety Course Keeping seniors free and independent. This classroom program includes how to deal with many aging issues and improve ability to cope on highways. It will be taught by AARP instructors for drivers 55 and up. PA residents (with clean driving record) will be eligible for a 5% discount on their auto insurance for 3 years. Call EBACC to register (must pre-register) at 259-8848. DATE/TIME: Sept 21 & 22, 2-day 4 hours, 8:30am-12:30pm Sept 23, 8:30am-12:30pm 4 hour refresher course for repeat stu- Basketball Open Gym: DESCRIPTION: Anyone can join this drop-in pick-up team play program. All ability levels are welcome. DATE/TIME: Wednesday, 7:45 pm-9:30 pm LOCATION: EBACC Gym AGES: 16 and up FEES: $3 per person INSTRUCTOR: Tyler Jordon Volleyball Open Gym: DESCRIPTION: Anyone can join this drop-in pick-up team play program. All ability levels are welcome DATE/TIME: Monday, 7:15 pm-9:00 pm LOCATION: EBACC Gym AGES: 16 and up FEES: $3 per person INSTRUCTOR: Lois Dubbs & Marilyn Julius Paper Cutting (Scherenschnitte) Participants will experiment with scissors & x-acto knives. You will learn techniques, ideals, & patterns and will have time to complete an ornament & small picture of your choice. Bring xacto knife with #11 blade, a pair of tiny, sharp, pointy scissors & self-healing mat. Instructor will have limited supplies on hand for a fee. You will be able to borrow supplies if needed. DATE/TIME: Saturdays, Sept 21 (M), Oct 28 (W), Nov 21 (S), Monday & Wednesday Class: 6-9 pm, Saturday Class, 9am-12 pm LOCATION: EBACC 1D FEE: $25 per class, includes materials INSTRUCTOR: Joli Miller dent Oct 19 & 20, 2-day 4 hours, 8:30am-12:30pm Oct 21, 8:30am-12:30pm 4 hour refresher course for repeat student Nov 16 & 17, 2-day 4 hours, 8:30am-12:30pm Nov 18, 8:30am-12:30pm 4 hour refresher repeat students LOCATION: EBACC Room 1D FEE: $20 or $15 AARP members payable to AARP INSTRUCTOR: Al Crosby Water Colors - 6 Week Course It’s easy & it’s fun, and it’s a great way to get started in Watercolors. This class will teach you basic watercolor techniques, in a step-by-step format. We will create a painting in every class, approx. 8” x 10”. We also make a hand painted Christmas card. Students will be required to bring their own materials and a list will be sent prior to the first class. DATE: Oct 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17 TIME: Tuesdays: 6:30pm to 8:30pm LOCATION: EBACC FEE: $60 per class INSTRUCTOR: Nancy Hanson Tai Chi Chih Best described as a “Moving Meditation”, a series of 19 movements and a pose that activates, circulates and balances the Intrinsic Energy or “Chi” that we all have. This is a soft, slower form of T’ae Chi that is non-martial and still is very easy to learn with many benefits as one continues to perform daily. Almost any person has the capability to perform these movements regardless of physical issues or age. To register and prepay, please contact Jack Weaver at 717-6760768.Registration form available at EBACC.org. DATE/TIME: Mondays, Sept. 14 to Nov. 2 * 6:00pm-7:30pm LOCATION: EBACC-Room 2A FEE: $90 per participant INSTRUCTOR: Jack Weaver EBACC Recreation & Leisure Program Guide 2015 Adult Programs Adult Programs Dr. Brown’s Weight-Loss Program It’s always the right time to push the re-set button and get healthy or healthier. Join Dr. Mike Brown’s Weight-Loss Program to learn the valuable steps and tools you need to reboot your health. During this great six-week program you will begin a life-long journey to health and well-being, learn how to lose weight safely and effectively, and learn how to stay from gimmicks or quick fixes that don’t work. SESSION 1: Tuesdays - Sept 15 through Oct 20, 2015 SESSION 2: Mondays – Oct 5 through Nov 16 (no class Nov. 9) TIME: 7:00 to 8:30 pm FEE: $50 for the six week program LOCATION: Room 1D Paint Night! Join us for our 1st Paint Night at East Berlin Area Community Center! During this fun event, everyone will be given a canvas and the use of an apron, easel, brushes and acrylic paint to paint the same item. The instructor will be offering different painting techniques and styles to help you create your masterpiece! Paint Night is a perfect idea for a girl’s night to catch up and relax with friends while having fun painting and learning new painting tips and techniques. Our instructor, Debra Strausbaugh, is from East Berlin and studied Fine Art and graduated from York Academy of Arts. She has taught painting and drawing classes for all ages and enjoys painting in acrylics and pastels. Her artwork varies from flowers, landscapes, and whimsical mermaids. Deb recently exhibited her paintings at Hauser Winery in Gettysburg. Making painting instruction easy to follow and fun, she reminds us, "Everyone is an artist. It's just a matter of relaxing and enjoying the art of creating something you can call your own!" DATES/TIME: Wednesdays, Sept 23, Oct 21, Nov 18 & Dec. 16, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm FEE: $25 for each class includes the use of apron, easel, brushes, The Benefits of Proper Nutrition Retired teacher, Louise Harrington, has had a lifelong passion for learning. One of the many topics that she has researched is nutrition. Louise has always cooked healthy meals but over the past 20 years, she has become even more focused on the role of nutrition in her health and the state of America’s diminishing health. Some of the topics that Louise will be discussing are circulation, brain health and avoiding cancer. Sign up today to learn more on improving your health. This is a four week session - $5 per class. DATES: Thursdays, Sept 24, Oct 1, 8, 15 TIME: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm FEE: $5 per class LOCATION: Room: 1D EBACC Wish List EBACC is in desperate need of plastic, lightweight 6 or 8ft tables. Our old tables are very heavy and in disrepair. Any donation would be greatly appreciated! We also need Floor Model Easels and “in good condition” tools and tools boxes to include small screw drivers!! EBACC 3rd Annual Pie and Soup Sale Stop by on Wed, November 25 11am till 5pm to pick up Chicken Corn Soup, Pumpkin, Apple, Coconut Cream or Cherry pie. Pies are $8.00, mini pies are $3.00 and soup is $5.00 per quart. Orders may be placed inadvance. Call EBACC office at 259-8848 to order! acrylic paint, painting instruction & one take home 16”x20” canvas LOCATION: Room 2A Space is limited – register today! Pottery/Mosaic Combo Class Learn the basics of the art of mosaics. During this four week class, the instructor will cover the materials used, types of mosaics, types of adhesive and grout. You will create one mosaic piece from idea to completion. If you are curious about how pottery is made, fired and glazed – this class is for you! September 14 - Week 1 - Pottery – students will be able to make a hand built piece of pottery. This may be a bowl, a bird house, a mushroom, a popcorn bowl etc. The instructor will help each student decide and individualize their choice of pottery. September 21 - Week 2 - Mosaic – students will make a picture using tiles. They will create their design and use an adhesive to secure the tiles. Samples will be given but students will have the opportunity to create their own design. September 28 - Week 3 - Glaze Pottery – students will take their pottery they created in week 1 and will glaze their piece – putting colors on their piece. October 5 - Week 4 - Grout Mosaic - students will grout their mosaic picture that they did in week 2 and do any last minutes touch up on their piece. After week 4 the pottery and mosaic pieces can go home with the student. AGES: 8 years old through adult TIME: 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm FEE: $65 LOCATION: Room 1A INSTRUCTOR: Sandra Schlessman, Growing Hands EBACC 405 North Ave. P.O. Box 530 East Berlin, PA 17316 www.ebacc.org Winter Book Sale at EBACC Book lovers will be treated to a mid-winter book sale at the East Berlin Area Community Center. There are thousands of books so mark your calendars. The sale will be from Wednes- Over 35 volunteers help staff the Thrift Shoppe, sort clothing and house hold items, set-up the indoor yard sale, price items, clean, plus many other tasks. We are grateful for the excellent quality of donations received throughout the year. day Jan 20th to Saturday Jan 30th. So, tell your friends and don’t miss this one! All proceeds benefit EBACC. We need volunteers and book donations. All books are donated and may be dropped off at EBACC. On Wednesday, January 20th, books will be priced at $2.00 for hardcover, $1.00 for paperback. Thursday, January 21st through Monday, January 25th, books The income generated from sales support all aspects of EBACC and it’s wonderful community programs. will be priced at $1 for hardcover, $.50 for paperback. Tuesday, January 26th, fill a bag for $5.00. Wednesday, January 27th, fill a bag for $4.00. Thursday, January 28th, fill a bag for $3.00. The Annual Christmas Shoppe Friday, January 29th, fill a bag for $2.00. th Saturday, January 30 , fill a bag for $1.00! Book categories include Fiction, Mystery and Suspense, Romance, Science Fiction, Biography, History, Military, Cookbooks, Kids books, Self-help, Art, Science and Nature, Young Adult, Vintage books, Coffee Table books, Large Print, plus many other categories. INDOOR YARD SALE Nov 30 —Dec 16 One room filled with Christmas items. Sept. 17, 18 & 19 Nov 12, 13, & 14 Jan 7, 8 & 9 SALE HOURS Thurs-12 to 6pm $10.00/bag Hours for the Books sale are: Mon, Wed & Fri 10am-3pm Tue & Thu 10am-3pm & 5pm-8pm Saturday, January 23rd - 8 am to 1pm Saturday, January 30th – 8 am to 1pm Sunday Closed Fri-8am to 2pm $5.00/bag Sat-8am to 12pm $3.00/bag Thrift Shoppe Hours: Mon, Wed & Fri 10am-3pm Tue & Thu 10am-3pm 5pm-8pm Saturday 9am-12pm Sunday Closed East Berlin Community Chorus 2016 East Berlin Community Chorus is now preparing for Season Three! Rehearsals will begin March of 2016 and will be held at the Trinity Lutheran Church 117 West King Street, East Berlin. No Auditions Necessary and is open for All Adults! Concert scheduled for May 15th, 2016 at 4 pm. Contact Artistic Director Jane Johnston by email at [email protected] or call 717-259-0881 or 717-773-0849. East Berlin Area Community Center’s 19th Annual 5k Run & Walk 2015 Even though we had a rainy day, spirits were high with a two gun start from Ed Wire for a great 5K Run & Walk on July 18 which welcomed 248 participants. This 19th Annual EBACC event, organized by a dedicated committee comprised of Charlie Hoffman, Mary Beth LeVan, Marie & John Klopfer (19th year on this committee,) Karen Wire , Russell Englebert, and Robin Heyser with a special thank you to Linda Maroney for designing this year’s t-shirt. Thank you Greg Maroney for the photography for this EBACC event. Congratulations to the overall winners: Brian Fuller 15:31 and Emily Dubs 18:41! This great event would not be possible without our generous sponsors! Thank you to: WellSpan Health, VFW East Berlin Post 8896, ACNB Bank, Aero Energy, Cashman’s True Value Hardware Store, East Berlin Pharmacy & Choice Apothecary, Dr. John W. Klopfer D.D.S., Rotz & Stonesifer PC, Solemates, Thoman’s Small Engine Repair, CGA Law Firm, Danners Insurance, Destinations: A Travel Company, East Berlin Beverage Dist., Feiser Funeral Home, Flying Feet, Koi Asian Restaurant, Law Office of Thomas E. Miller, Esquire LLC, L & L Ford, Inc., Lincoln Investment Planning, McDonald’s JDCS Enterprise, Attorney Thomas Nell, Paul’s Garage, Roaring Spring Water, Schaline Print Shop, Stony Run Veterinary Center, Susquehanna Bank, Weis Markets and M & M Electric. Wonderful Random Drawing Prizes were donated by: The Altland House; Apple Valley Creamery, Briarwood Golf Course, Country Hearth Flower & Gift Shop, Crown Trophy, East Berlin Area Community Center Fitness Center, East Berlin Area Community Center Thrift Shoppe, East Berlin Subway, Hickory Falls Family Entertainment Center, Jim & Nena’s Pizza East Berlin, The Lion & Lamb Antique Shop, Martin Menges of Old Glory Antiques & Barber Shop, Menges Rt. 30 Diner & Dairy Bar, Rocco’s Pizza, Tail Chasers Grooming, Thomason’s Olde Thyme Herb Farm, Hoffman & Woodward, and donations from EBACC Board and Volunteers. The cool healthy snacks were donated by: Giant Food Store, Hanover, Knouse Foods Inc, MacGregor Market at Amish Markets, Roaring Spring Water, D.F. Stauffer Biscuit Company, Utz Quality Foods, Weis Markets Hanover Store #16, West Brook Farm Market. This major fundraiser for EBACC was possible because of the many volunteers working long hours for many months of planning. THANK YOU to ALL that makes this event a huge success each and every year! 2nd Annual Christmas Festival in East Berlin December 11 & 12, 2015 New event at the Community Center! We’re looking forward to the 2nd Annual Christmas Festival in East Berlin at the Community Center! A fun morning and evening is planned for children and their families. On Friday December 11 from 4:00 till 8:00, a light supper of hearty potato soup, sandwiches and apple crisp with ice cream will be available from 4 pm till 7 pm. Twenty minute wagon rides will begin at 5:00 pm. This fun ride in a wagon pulled by a pair of beautiful horses will tour East Berlin and include a live narrative by Robbie Teal. Families may enjoy the light supper and other activities in the gym; such as Santa reading a story and a variety of games & crafts organized by the East Berlin Library, a local Brownie troop, East Berlin Area Senior Center, and Skills, Inc., as well as the wagon rides. Saturday, December 12 will feature “Breakfast with Santa” from 8 to 11am, the wagon rides will begin at 9am. Activities start in the morning for children. A breakfast of bacon, eggs, pancakes & beverages will be available till 11 am. This is a fun hometown event to enjoy. You may place reservations for the meals and wagon ride at 259-8848. There will be limited room so reserve early! Wagon rides are $5.00 per person. 20th Annual Garden Tour June 14, 2015 The Garden Tour featured gardens located in East Berlin, Abbottstown and New Oxford and what beautiful properties they are. Thank you Dr. Cockley DDS, Kristen Zollers & Bobby Barnhart Jr., Robbie Teal, Dave and Shelly Livingston, Frank and Marlene Spinosa, Wanda and Dave Peterson and Faith and Craig Peterson. Each garden was unique and peaceful! Thank you committee members; Faith Peterson, Marilyn Detwiler, Betty King, Robin Heyser, Shelly Livingston, and Karen Wire. Thank you kitchen crew for the wonderful chicken salad sandwiches and excellent strawberries. Many thanks to the volunteers who placed signs, helped with parking and cleaned up after the event. Next year’s Garden Tour is planned for Sunday, June 5, 2016. Expanded Summer Enrichment Camps are a Huge Success for 2015! This was EBACC’s 3rd Year of providing Summer Enrichment Camps to the children in our community and were the most attended to date with 21 camps to chose from over 9 weeks of the summer! The 263 campers had as much fun playing and learning as the instructors did instructing this summer! Each week, there were 30 to 50 campers that tested themselves both physically and intellectually. The campers chose from either a sports related camp or leisure camp such as arts/crafts, theater, cooking, or jewelry making. We kept our favorites, arts and crafts, cooking, sports sampler, basketball, volleyball, playground games, cheerleading and dance. We added a few new camps; Lego, Science Experiments, Soccer, and Martial Arts. Our most popular camp this year was science experiments. We had quite a few explosions and lots of chemical reactions. Whatever camp the children chose, there was always a huge smile on their faces at the end of the day and a wish that the week was just a few more days longer. A special thanks to all our camp leaders, camp assistants, and the community center volunteers who helped make our summer so fun and successful. We could not have achieved EBACC’s summer camp program without the staff, volunteers and the children working together. Remember to tell all your friends what an awesome year you had at EBACC’s 2015 Summer Enrichment Camps and we look forward to seeing you again in 2016! TAIL CHASERS GROOMING & PET SUPPLY STORE 503 W. King St. (Rt.234), East Berlin, PA 259-7024 TailChasersGrooming.com $3 Off Any Complete Groom or Bath with this coupon 10% Off Pet Supplies with this coupon Excludes Pet Foods & Front Line Products Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Hanover, PA 17331 Permit No. 36 405 North Avenue , P.O. Box 530, East Berlin, PA 17316 717-259-8848 phone www.ebacc.org ECRWSSEDDM LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER 2015 Calendar at a Glance (Dates and times are subject to change) September 12: Colonial Day- Selling Hog Maw platters for only $8.00! Soup, Pies and more at EBACC. EBACC Food Stand at Red Man’s Hall -Breakfast and Lunch September 17: Soup and Pie Sale—Thursday- 12pm to 6pm Call ahead for pre-orders at 259-8848 September 17, 18, 19: Indoor Yard Sale Thursday- 12pm to 6pm $10.00/bag Friday- 8am to 2pm $5.00/bag Sat- 8am to noon $3.00/bag FREE admission, FREE parking, EBACC Kitchen Open October 10: Pumpkin Festival in partnership with Zwingli Church 8 am – 2 pm Games, Food October 24 & 25: Conewago Carver’s Show November 12, 13 & 14: Indoor Yard Sale Thursday- 12pm to 6pm $10.00/bag Friday- 8am to 2pm $5.00/bag Sat- 8am to noon $3.00/bag FREE admission, FREE parking, EBACC Kitchen Open November 25th: Soup and Pie Sale Call ahead for pre-orders at 259-8848 November 30 through December 16: Christmas Shoppe Open Same Hours as Thrift Shoppe December 5: Christmas Bazaar, 8am to 2pm- Door prizes, FREE event December 11 & 12: Christmas Festival in East Berlin Friday 4-8pm * Saturday 8am— Noon January 7, 8 & 9: Indoor Yard Sale Thursday- 12pm to 6pm $10.00/bag Friday- 8am to 2pm $5.00/bag Sat- 8am to noon $3.00/bag FREE admission, FREE parking, EBACC Kitchen Open Find us on Facebook and the EBACC Website at : www.ebacc.org Want to be able to get the latest news of the Community Center? Send us your email and you will be added onto our NEW email update list! Email us at: [email protected]
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