CMCNJ 2005 Minutes - The Union County Watchdog Association
CMCNJ 2005 Minutes - The Union County Watchdog Association
CHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF CENTRAL NEW JERSEY Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, January 24, 2005 Home of KJmberly Benou Attendees: Francesca Azzara, Jane Baker, Molly Ball, Kimberly Benou, Alexandra Bormer, Peler Clarke, Kelly Deere, Teri DiFrancesco, Ellen Ganek, Henry Hummel, Gary Landriau, Jeanne Ryan>V]ctoria Sweeney, Albert Telsey. Guest: Siobhan McDermott, Strategic Management Consulting Absent: Matt Albano, George Devanney, Donald DiFrancesco, Angel Estrada, Betsy Ferguson, Clara Fernandez, Fernando Fernandez, Heather Hays, Janet Jackson, Michael Searson, Anne Wargo. Strategic Planning/Consulting Services Siobhan McDermott of Strategic Management Consulting presented a proposal for strategic planning consulting services. Plans for the initial phase include creating a pro forma and case for support, identifying and meeting with community leaders to determine the feasibility of the project from a leadership/volunteer standpoint, and ultimately creating a steering committee. As Board members had not seen the proposal prior to the presentation, a vote on retaining SMC was postponed. The proposal will be distributed to the Board for vote within ten days. Welcome to New Board Members Kelly welcomed three new board members, Jane Baker, Alexandra Bonner and Molly Ball. A MOTION WAS MADE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER, 2004, BOARD MEETING - PASSED. Change of By-Laws A MOTION WAS MADE TO AMEND THE CMCNJ BY-LAWS TO INCREASE THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TRUSTEES FROM 25 TO 30 - PASSED WITH A VOTE OF OVER 2/3 OF THE MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES (19 YES VOTES, 0 AGAINST). The By-Laws will now read: Section 2.2. Number, Term and Appointment (a) The Board of Directors shall consist of a minimum of five (5) directors and a maximum of thirty (30) directors, with the exact number of directors specified from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors, provided that any action of the Board to effect an increase or decrease in the number of Directors shall require a vote of the majority of the entire Board of Directors in accordance with New Jersey not-for-profit law. No decrease shall shorten the term of any Director then in office. New Trustees Kelly proposed two new Trustees, Christine Gottesman and Lynn Reed. Christine is a resident of Siimmit and attorney (no longer practicing). Lynn is also a resident of Summit with a background in education and extensive volunteer/leadership experience. Resumes for both candidates were distributed. A MOTION WAS MADE TO APPROVE CHRISTINE GOTTESMAJN AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND A MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE IN THE POSITION OF SECRETARY—PASSED. A MOTION WAS MADE TO APPROVE LYNN REED AS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES—PASSED. Trump Party The party at Trump National Golf Club will be held on March 8. The purpose of the event is to honor "Angel Donors" who contribute $5000 or more and to cultivate potential stakeholders/volunteers/donors. Packets are available for those wishing to solicit Angel Donors. Board members who wish to attend are asked to help defray the cost by contributing $100 per person. Anyone who has prospects they feel should be included should discuss with Kelly. Ten, Francesca and Vicki will provide assistance with party logistics. Kelly and her husband are underwriting the entire cost of the event, but ask that they reimburse the CMCNJ for costs incurred. ^\»^ -rififfff A MOTION WAS MADE TO APPROVE THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ABOVE THE AMOUNT OF $5,000 FOR THE COST OF THE MARCH 8 EVENT -PASSED. . Project Manager's Report ' Peter Clarke reported that he met with Stephen Hehl, a land use attorney in Union. Mr. Hehl is extremely influential and effective concerning land-use and planning issues in Union. It was recommended that we hire Mr. Hehl on retainer to represent CMCNJ. A MOTION WAS MADE TO APPROVE EXPENDITURES UP TO $2,500 TO RETAIN THE LEGAL SERVICES OF MR. STEPHEN HEHL - PASSED. A MOTION WAS MADE TO GIVE ALBERT TELSEY DISCRETION TO HIRE APPROPRIATE LEGAL COUNSEL TO ASSIST WITH GROUND LEASE NEGOTIATIONS AND TO APPROVE THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS UP TO $5,000 FOR THIS PURPOSE - PASSED. 5k Race Albert Telsey reported that the 5K Race will be held on April 17. Mark Zenobia wil] once again serve as race coordinator. Each Trustee is being asked to help with soliciting corporate sponsors. Al wil] e-mail each Trustee with a list of prospects to solicit and the attending sponsorship materials. Treasurer's Report Henry Hummel distributed a detailed Treasurer's Report, highlighting a current checking account balance of $37,608.85 and money market account balance of $51,629.81. Income includes $1,000 Race Sponsorship, $7,445 from the Annual Appeal, and a $5,000 Angel Donor. Meeting Adjourned. h CHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF CENTRAL NEW JERSEY Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, May 23, 2005 Home of Kelly Deere Attendees: Francesca Azzara, Jane Baker, Molly Ball, Kimberly Benou, Alexandra Bonner, Peter Clarke, Kelly Deere, Ten DiFrancesco, Ellen Ganek, Christine Gottesman, Henry Hummel, Janet Jackson, Lynn Reed, Jeanne Ryan, Al Telsey Absent: Matt AJbano, George Devanney, Donald DiFrancesco. Angel Estrada, Betsy Ferguson, Clara Fernandez, Fernando Fernandez, Heather Hays, Gary Landriau, Michael Searson, Daniel Sullivan, Victoria Sweeney, Anne Wargo Approval of March 2005 Minutes The March 2005 Board meeting minutes were approved without discussion. Children's Museum Conference Report Kelly Deere and Peter Clarke attended this year's American Children's Museum Conference in Indianapolis and found it inspiring. Kelly Deere reported that they met with other emerging children's museum representatives and she believes that comparatively we are doing very well. Liberty Hall Lease Peter Clarke and Al Telsey reported that a draft of the lease was delivered to Liberty Hall on April 23, and a copy was forwarded to Liberty Hall's attorneys on April 25. Liberty Hall representatives have stated that their next board meeting is in June and they would like to make progress on the lease by then. We are hoping to meet with Liberty Hall to discuss several outstanding issues, chief among them being the location of the reserve road. Liberty Hall has indicated that until the location of the reserve road has been determined, the lease can not be finalized. Trump Party Kelly Deere asked that all board members follow up with their guests from the party and thank them for attending. Kelly Deere and Christine Gottesman were submitting a press release and pictures from the party to various local newspapers. Kimberly Benou said that she would submit them to the Westfield Leader. Trustee Renewal of Terms Kelly Deere stated that the original term of several trustees will expire this year, and it needs to be determined who will be continuing with the board. Christine Gottesman will prepare a chart compiling this information to be discussed at the next meeting. Committees for 2005/2006 Year Kelly Deere stated that three committees (Fundraising/Development, Volunteer Action and Publicity) will be established over the summer to help advance the Children's Museum and each board member is expected to serve on one of these committees. Kelly asked that each board member let her know soon on which committee they would like to serve because these committees will be getting organized over the summer and will be active by September. The Fundraising/Development Committee will be chaired by KJmberly Benou and will be comprised of 8-10 members. It will be in charge of the Annual Appeal, the 5K Race, and a future Gala or Golf Invitational. In addition, the Ralph Lauren store in the Short Hills Mall has offered to host a fundraising event for the Children's Museum, and this event will be handled by Janet Jackson, Jane Baker and Alex Bonner with assistance from the Fundraising Committee. The Volunteer Action Committee's purpose is to raise awareness of the Children's Museum and expand our volunteer base by making presentations to various community groups, such as newcomer clubs, rotary clubs, and PTAs. Al Telsey offered to co-chair this committee that will be comprised of 8-10 other members. In addition, a Community Advisory Board will be established and will be comprised of several members of the Volunteer Action Committee and outside community leaders. Kelly Deere stated that she would be active with the Community Advisory Board. The Publicity Committee will be in charge of reviving the Museum's newsletter and publicity surrounding the fundraising events. hi addition, a Facilities Committee, Exhibit/Content Committee and Finance Committee will be established later this year. Each will consist of board members and outside community members. Strategic Management Consultants Update Kelly Deere stated that SMG found the Trump Party helpful in understanding the museum and its support base. She also reported that the initial meeting between SMG, the executive board and ReB Haizlip (the architect) went well. SMG is working toward developing our Steering Committee (half board members and half outside people) for Fall 2005. Treasurer's Report" Henry Hummel reported that the museum has $41,688 in its checking account and approximately $48,000 in available cash. Approximately $241,000 of the original $250,000 installment from Union County has been spent. First Vice President's Report ~J Kimberly Benou reported that the Razors Edge Software has been purchased with grant money and installed on her computer. The next step is to create a constituent database, which requires data entry and she may need some assistance with this step. KJmberly also said that updating the Children's Museum brochure will be her next priority. Other Kelly Deere asked that everyone go to at least one children's museum over the summer. Meeting adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for 7:30 pm on June 27 at the home CHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF CENTRAL NEW JESREY BOARD MEETING MAY 23, 2005 AGENDA 1. APPROVE MAY 2005 MINUTES 2. UPDATE FROM STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS S1OBHAN MCDERMOTT Da^V^^^ ^ D 3. LIBERTY HALL UPDATE - PETER CLARKE, AL TELSEY 4. PROJECT MANAGER'S REPORT - PETER CLARKE (WILLOW SCHOOL) 5. TRUSTEE ISSUES - CHRJSTINE GOTTESMAN a. RENEWAL TERMS b. BOARD RESOLUTION 6. COMMITTEES FOR 2005-2006 YEAR (Consists of board members and non-board members) - KELLY DEERE a. FUNDRAISING/DEVELOPMENT - CHAIR KIMBERLY BENOU i. b. VOLUNTEER ACTION COMMITTEE i. Chairs - Lynn Reed and Al Telsey c. PUBLICITY i. Chair Francesca Azzara 7. UPDATE ON MUSEUM COMMITTEES FOR LATER THIS YEAR - will consist of board members and outside members; will nominate chairs over summer for board vote in September a. FA CILITIES COMMITTEE b. EXHIBIT/CONTENT COMMITTEE c. FINANCE COMMITTEE d. SUMMER FUN - CHILDREN'S MUSEUM TRIPS 8. OLD BUSINESS 9. NEW BUSINESS CHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF CENTRAL NEW JERSEY Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, May 23, 2005 Home of Kelly Deere Attendees: Jane Baker, Molly Ball, Kjmberly Benou, Alexandra Bormer, Peter Clarke, Kelly Deere, Clara Fernandez, Ellen Ganek, Christine Gottesman, Henry Hummel, Gary Landriau, Lynn Reed, Al Telsey Absent: Matt Albano, Francesca Azzara, George Devanney, Donald DiFrancesco, Teri DiFrancesco, Angel Estrada, Betsy Ferguson, Fernando Fernandez, Heather Hays, Janet Jackson, Jeanne Ryan, Michael Searson, Daniel Sullivan. Victoria Sweeney, Anne Wargo Welcome to New Board Members/Approval of January 2005 Minutes Kelly Deere welcomed the new Board of Trustees members, Christine Gottesman and Lynn Reed. The January 2005 Board meeting minutes were approved without discussion. Update on Voting Matters -Strategic Management Proposal Approved Kelly Deere reported that the Strategic Management Proposal which provided for the hiring of SMC on behalf of the Children's Museum had been approved by a majority of the Board. The Proposal was distributed to and voted upon by the Board via email. Kimberly Benou reported that she had provided SMC with requested documents and that the process had begun. Trump Parry Kelly Deere reported that the Angel Donor Party to be held at Trump National Golf Course has been rescheduled for May 3. She stated there are 5 confirmed Angel Donors (each donating $5,000 to the Museum) and that Angel Donor Packets are available. She also stated that the new invitations are completed and are ready to be mailed. 5k Race a. Sponsors Al Telsey reported that Coca Cola will be sponsoring the event by providing drinks. He also stated that the tee-shirt deadline for sponsors is April 9. b. Publicity/Flier Distribution Al Telsey stated that Mark Zenobia is responsible for publicizing the race. He also reported that the Union County superintendent would be distributing the fliers to the schools in his districts. Kelly Deere asked that someone make sure that the race is otherwise publicized in Elizabeth and Union by distributing the pamphlet in libraries, schools, etc. Ellen Ganek stated that one of her patients will make a radio announcement and give away two books of tickets and a free race entry to a caller. c. Other Al Telsey stated that volunteers are still needed. The President of Kean University will start the race and prizes will be given at the end of the race. Kelly asked that Board members try and get one gift certificate as a prize. Liberty Hall Lease Al Telsey stated that the Museum has engaged an attorney at Cole, Schotz to review and revise the ground lease with Liberty Hall. Lease issues include commercial condominium use, road easements and common expenses for parking, lighting and landscaping. Project Manager's Report Peter Clarke stated that the Museum is on the agenda for the April 1 1 meeting of Union Township. He and Kelly Deere discussed the need for the Steering Committee to be formed so that issues regarding Museum usage and programming will be more fully explored. Peter also stated that Township is supportive of the Museum but remains concerned about traffic and usage of resources (i.e. - fue, police, etc.). Treasurer's Report Henry Hummel reported that $14,000 remains from the initial $250,000 Union County distribution to the Museum. He also stated that the Junior League of Short Hills and the Oranges is a new Angel Donor due to their recent $5,000 grant. /' Other Kelly Deere stated that the Museum's website needs to be updated and asked if anyone has any contacts who could help. Meeting adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for April 25th at the home of CHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF CENTRAL NEW JERSEY Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, May 23,2005 Home of Kelly Deere Attendees: Francesca Azzara, Jane Baker, Molly Ball, Kjmberly Benou, Alexandra Bonner, Peter Clarke, Kelly Deere, Ten DiFrancesco, Ellen Ganek, Christine Gottesman, Henry Hummel, Janet Jackson, Lynn Reed, Jeanne Ryan, Al Telsey Absent: Matt Albano, George Devanney, Donald DiFrancesco. Angel Estrada, Betsy Ferguson, Clara Fernandez, Fernando Fernandez, Heather Hays, Gary Landriau, Michael Searson, Daniel Sullivan, Victoria Sweeney, Anne Wargo Approval of March 2005 Minutes The March 2005 Board meeting minutes were approved without discussion. Children's Museum Conference Report Kelly Deere and Peter Clarke attended this year's American Children's Museum Conference in Indianapolis and found it inspiring. Kelly Deere reported that they met with other emerging children's museum representatives and she believes that comparatively we are doing very well. Liberty Hall Lease Peter Clarke and Al TeJsey reported that a draft of the lease was delivered to Liberty Hall on April 23, and a copy was forwarded to Liberty Hall's attorneys on April 25. Liberty Hall representatives have stated that their next board meeting is in June and they would like to make progress on the lease by then. We are hoping to meet with Liberty Hall to discuss several outstanding issues, chief among them being the location of the reserve road. Liberty Hall has indicated that until the location of the reserve road has been determined, the lease can not be finalized. Trump Party * Kelly Deere asked that all board members follow up with their guests from the party and thank them for attending. Kelly Deere and Christine Gottesman were submitting a press release and pictures from the party to various local newspapers. Kimberly Benou said that she would submit them to the Westfield Leader. Trustee Renewal of Terms Kelly Deere stated that the original term of several trustees will expire this year, and it needs to be determined who will be continuing with the board. Christine Gottesman will prepare a chart compiling this information to be discussed at the next meeting. Committees for 2005/2006 Year Kelly Deere stated that three committees (Fundraising/Development, Volunteer Action and Publicity) will be established over the summer to help advance the Children's Museum and each board member is expected to serve on one of these committees. Kelly asked that each board member let her know soon on which committee they would like to serve because these committees will be getting organized over the summer and will be active by September. The Fundraising/Development Committee will be chaired by Kimberly Benou and will be comprised of 8-10 members. It will be in charge of the Annual Appeal, the 5K Race, and a future Gala or Golf Invitational. In addition, the Ralph Lauren store in the Short Hills Mall has offered to host a fundraising event for the Children's Museum, and this event will be handled by Janet Jackson, Jane Baker and Alex Bonner with assistance from the Fundraising Committee. The Volunteer Action Committee's purpose is to raise awareness of the Children's Museum and expand our volunteer base by making presentations to various community groups, such as newcomer clubs, rotary clubs, and PTAs. Al Telsey offered to co-chair this committee that will be comprised of 8-10 other members. In addition, a Community Advisory Board will be established and will be comprised of several members of the Volunteer Action Committee and outside community leaders. Kelly Deere stated that she would be active with the Community Advisory Board. The Publicity Committee will be in charge of reviving the Museum's newsletter and publicity surrounding the fundraising events. In addition, a Facilities Committee, Exhibit/Content Committee and Finance Committee will be established later this year. Each will consist of board members and outside community members. Strategic Management Consultants Update Kelly Deere stated that SMG found the Trump Party helpful in understanding the museum and its support base. She also reported that the initial meeting between SMG, the executive board and ReB Haizlip (the architect) went well. SMG is working toward developing our Steering Committee (half board members and half outside people) for Fall 2005. / Treasurer's Report Henry Hummel reported that the museum has $41,688 in its checking account and approximately $48,000 in available cash. Approximately $241,000 of the original $250,000 installment from Union County has been spent. \ First Vice President's Report Kimberly Benou reported that the Razors Edge Software has been purchased with grant money and installed on her computer. The next step is to create a constituent database, which requires data entry and she may need some assistance with thus step. Kimberly also said that updating the Children's Museum brochure will be her next priority. Other Kelly Deere asked that everyone go to at least one children's museum over the summer. Meeting adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for 7:30 pm on June 27 at the home of Kelly Deere DRAFT Children's Museum of Central New Jersey Steering Committee Structure & Responsibilities Internal Document Only June 26th, 2005 Objective: To recruit a short-term committee of community leaders, business leaders, prospective supporters and people of influence to help guide the Children's Museum of Central New Jersey (CMCNJ) it its planning process. Through its work, SMC seeks to identify the merits - or strengths and weaknesses - of the organization's proposed plan and the likelihood for interest in its capita] endeavor and future programming. Recruitment of appropriate committee will: • • • • lend credibility to the project through their names and associations; bring considerable business and community leadership lo bear; attract and recruit fellow leaders to the project; and help to shape both the case for support and operating pro forma. Composition: Committee will consist of 10-15 members and be ideally comprised of approximately 50% CMCNJ board members and 50% outside leadership. Participants should include: • • • • • • community leaders (2-3); nonprofit/children's museum leaders (2-3); corporate or area business leaders (3-4); foundation representatives (2); individual donors (3-5); and government representatives (1-3). Structure: Committee will consist of a chair and members. Agendas and materials will be prepared by SMC with support of CMCNJ. Responsibilities: Participants will be asked to: • Attend two to three meetings to review CMCNJ materials and share input; • Review organization's mission, area competition, programming, and potential audience; • Review operating pro forma and capital budget; • Review preliminary case for support; • Make recommendations to the CMCNJ Board of Directors about ways to improve its plan for the Museum. At the conclusion of these meetings, if appropriate, Committee members will be asked to: • Serve as a volunteer for organization in some capacity, such as program committee, marketing committee, or, quite importantly, campaign volunteer, etc.; • Join the Board of Directors, in some cases; • Consider a personal or institutional financial commitment to campaign; and • Recruit and support other volunteers in their execution of campaign activities; Timeline: Committee members will be recruited in summer and early fall of 2005, with the goal of leading committee meetings in October and November. Recommendations will be presented to the Board of Directors in December 2005. Strategic Management Consulting page 1 June 26,2005 CMCNJ COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 2005-2006 FUNDRAISING CHAIR: KJmberly Benou Janet Jackson Alex Bonner Jane Baker Ellen Ganek Clara Fernandez Teri DiFrancesco Molly Ball Betsy Ferguson Sudipta Bardham* Jan Kramer* Michael Searson PUBLICITY CHAIR: Francesca Azzarra Christine Gottesman Heather Hays VOLUNTEER ACTION COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS: Lynn Reed and Al Telsey Kelly Deere Vicki Sweeney Jeanne Ryan Gary Landriau * Committee member is not a trustee or\ CONFIDENTIAL SECOND DRAFT Children's Museum of Central New Jersey Meeting of the Steering Committee Thursday, December 1, 2005 Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, NJ 7:30 am Breakfast 8:00 am Meeting Commencement Agenda Call to Order VOLUNTEER, Chair CMCNJ Steering Committee 8:05 am Introduction Kelly Deere, President Children's Museum of Central New Jersey 8:10 am Role of the Steering Committee Siobban McDermott, President Strategic Management Consulting 8:20 am Case for Support Why build a children's museum? Reb Haizlip, The Haizlip Firm 8:25 am David Green, Partner Strategic Management Consulting 8:40 am Discussion Steering Committee 8:50 am Next Steps McDermott 9:20 am Operational & Capita] Plan r CHILDREN'S MUSEUM OF CENTRAL NEW JERSEY Board of Trustees Meeting Monday, December 19, 2005 Home of Kelly Deere Attendees: Kimberley Benou, Peter Clarke, Kelly Deere, Samantha Ekert, Christine Gottesman, Susan Hoecker,, Siobhan McDermott (Strategic Management Consultants), Lynn Reed, Jeanne Marie Ryan, Al Telsey, Anne Wargo Absent: Matt Albano, Maria Antokas, Francesca Azzara, Jane Baker, Alexandra Bonner, George Devanney, Donald DiFrancesco, Ten DiFrancesco, Angel Estrada, Ellen Ganek, Clara Fernandez, Fernando Fernandez, Heather Hays, Janet Jackson, Gary Landriau, Michael Searson, Daniel Sullivan, Victoria Sweeney Approval of November 2005 Minutes/Proxies The November 2005 Board meeting minutes were approved without discussion. Kelly Deere announced that the following Board members could not attend the meeting but had given their proxies to either her or Kimberly Benou - Heather Hays, Jane Baker, Alexandra Bonner and Janet Jackson. Welcome to Samantha Ekert The Board welcomed Samantha Ekert as a new Board member. Board Binders New Board binders will be prepared by Anne Wargo and Christine Gottesman for the January meeting. Update on Steering Committee Meeting Kelly Deere reported that the first Steering Committee meeting went well. Siobhan McDermott and Anne Wargo reviewed the materials distributed at the meeting. Al Telsey and Peter Clarke will spearhead the Site Selection Subcommittee, which will also include Anne Babineau, Todd Stires, Rose Cali and Gary Landriau. The Board agreed to hire a consultant to help research possible Union County sites since the Board would like to see such possible sites identified as soon as possible. The Board voted to approve a budget for general site research and feasibility up of $10,000. Website Committee ''V Lynn Reed reported that the Website Committee will start up shortly and that the website will permit online donations. Budget/Financial Reporting Susie Hoecker distributed the Union County Grant balance sheet. Fupdraising The Annual Appeal letters were mailed. The Fundraising Committee is planning a children's focused "gala" for Fall 2006/Spring 2007. In addition, the Fundraising Committee is planning on several interim events such as Poker Night. Entering CMCNJ to be a recipient of one of the Summit Junior Fortnightly fundraising events (Tot Trot or Travel Auction) was also discussed. The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for 7:30 pm on January 23 at a location to be determined.