bound to succeed


bound to succeed
Study aids from West Academic have guided
generations of law students successfully through
course work, examinations, and career planning.
Administrative Law
Antitrust Law
Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights
Bar Prep
Business Organizations – Agency & Partnership
Business Organizations – Corporations
Career Success
Civil Procedure
Commercial Law
Conflict of Laws
Constitutional Law
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Employment Discrimination
Employment Law
Environmental Law
Family Law
Federal Courts
First Amendment
Health Law
Intellectual Property
International Law
Labor Law
Law School Success
Lawyering Skills
Legal Research and Writing
Products Liability
Professional Responsibility/Ethics
Property Law
Real Estate Transactions
Securities Regulation
Trusts and Estates
First Year Courses
Mid Semester
• • • • • • •
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• • • • •
Late Semester
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• •
• •
• •
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• •
Exam Pro® Series
Acing Series®
Law School Legends Audio Series
Law Stories Series
Short & Happy Guides
Logic Maps
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• • • •
• • • • • • • • • •
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• • • • •
• • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • •
Sum & Substance Audio Series
Sum & Substance Quick Reviews
Gilbert Law Summaries
Black Letter Outlines
Concepts and Insights Series®
Concise Hornbook Series™
Hornbook Series®
High Court™ Case Summaries
Case Briefs
Nutshell Series®
Early Semester
Study Aids
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• •
• •
• •
• •
• • •
• •
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• • • • •
• • • • • •
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• • •
Intro to Law School
• 1L of a Ride
• Sum & Substance Audio Series
• Understanding and Surviving Life
with a Law Student
• Law School Legends Audio Series
• Law School Without Fear
• Acing Series
• Asked and Answered
• Exam Pro Series
• Mastering the Law School Exam
Case Briefs
• High Court Case Summaries
• Legalines
10 Hornbooks/Treatises
• Hornbook Series
• Concise Hornbook Series
• Concepts and Insights Series
38 Exam Prep
• Law School Secrets
• The Eight Secrets of Top Exam
Performance in Law School
34 Audio
• Black Letter Outlines
• Gilbert Law Summaries
• Sum & Substance Quick Reviews
23 Overviews
• Logic Maps
• Nutshell Series
• Turning Point Series
• Short & Happy Guides
• Law Stories Series
Customer quotations in this catalog were compiled by the
online sites, Bazaarvoice, or appeared on
42 Employment Guides
• Career Success
• Bar Exam Success
44 Legal Reference and Writing
• The Redbook
• Scholarly Writing for Law Students
• Academic Legal Writing
• Writing a Legal Memo
• Grammar, Punctuation, and Style:
A Quick Guide for Lawyers and
Other Writers
Three indispensable guides for and about
law students
Achieve academic and emotional success with Andrew
J. McClurg’s 1L of a Ride: A Well-Traveled Professor’s
Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School.
The author, an award-winning law professor and noted
humorist, provides candid, step-by-step guidance,
showing rather than telling you what to do.
McClurg’s 1L of a Ride covers first-year
students’ fears, the types of law students
and professors, stress, and more
• Family and friends can grasp the impact law
school has on students with The Companion
Text to Law School: Understanding
and Surviving Life with a Law Student
• In Law School Without Fear, two experienced
law professors provide strategies and tips on
how to successfully cope with law school
Help your relatives and friends support you through
law school with The Companion Text to Law School:
Understanding and Surviving Life with a Law Student.
McClurg explores the law student psyche, sources of
stress, and the effects law school can have on students’
personalities and outside relationships.
Law professors Helene and Marshall Shapiro wrote
Law School Without Fear to help their son prepare
for law school’s difficult emotional and practical
challenges. Since then, students all over the country
have field-tested this concise, plainspoken book. Topics
include legal reasoning, the court system, precedent,
balancing competing interests, and more.
”If you read 1L of a Ride,
McClurg: 1L of a Ride: A Well-Traveled Professor’s
Roadmap to Success in the First Year of Law School, 2d
trust me, you will have an
ISBN: 9780314283054
edge over any student who
McClurg: The Companion Text to Law School:
Understanding and Surviving Life with a Law Student
ISBN: 9780314267412
hasn’t read it.”
jewelz, Arkansas
Shapo and Shapo: Law School Without Fear – Strategies
for Success, 3d Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9781599414195
• Learn how to outline skillfully with
Law School Secrets: Outlining for Exam Success
More titles to help you from your first law
school course to exam prep
A well-written course outline can assist you in
preparing for classroom discussions and exams and
taking exams. In Law School Secrets: Outlining for
Exam Success, author Jeffrey S. Batoff answers law
students’ frequently asked questions about outlining.
Gerson’s Asked and Answered: Your Guide to Law
School Success provides practical answers to the most
• Gerson’s Asked and Answered offers students a
competitive edge with advice from successful
legal professionals
basic questions that incoming and first-year students
ask and shows how to find the right summer job, write
a great resume and persuasive cover letter, network
effectively, and more.
• The Eight Secrets of Top Exam Performance
discusses how to use your time, issue spotting,
how to organize your answer, and more
The Eight Secrets of Top Exam Performance in Law
School, 2d teaches the eight secrets that will add
points to every exam answer you write.
• Mastering the Law School Exam offers a
step-by-step approach to exam taking
Mastering the Law School Exam creates a successful
path from note taking to outlining to exam writing.
Batoff: Law School Secrets: Outlining for Exam Success
ISBN: 9780314278920
Gerson: Asked and Answered: Your Guide to Law School
Success, Volume 1, Advice for Pre-Law and First-Year Law
Students ISBN: 9780314190888
Gerson: Asked and Answered: Your Guide to Law School
Success, Volume 2, Advice for Second-Year Law Students
ISBN: 9780314194855
Whitebread: The Eight Secrets of Top Exam Performance
in Law School, 2d ISBN: 9780314183583
Darrow-Kleinhaus: Mastering the Law School Exam
ISBN: 9780314162816
The best-written case briefs available
Use High Court Case Summaries for help with
identifying and understanding the key takeaways from
the cases you read in your casebook. High Court Case
Summaries are written to present the essential facts,
• Keyed to all major casebooks
• Exclusive memory graphic helps you
remember the case at a glance
• Headnotes briefly summarize the importance
of each case
• Pages are perforated so you can incorporate
the briefs into your own class notes
”Without this book [High Court
Case Summaries on Constitutional
Law (Keyed to Stone)] Constitutional
Law would have seemed overwhelming. With this book, the class
was manageable, and the topics
were interesting!”
Super Satisfied Student
issue, decision, and rationale for each case in a clear,
concise manner.
High Court Case Summaries are not only the
best-written case briefs – they are also the most
comprehensive. Every concurring and dissenting
opinion is briefed. Plus the thorough Analysis section
gives you the contextual background that ties each
case to the broader concepts being developed in
your casebook.
Best of all, because High Court Case Summaries
are directly keyed to the most widely used casebooks,
there’s probably one for your book. Save time, gain a
competitive edge, and be confident in your grasp of
the issues. Study more efficiently with High Court
Case Summaries.
Administrative Law
High Court Case Summaries on Administrative Law (Keyed
to Funk, 4th Ed.), 2011 ISBN: 9780314266262
Corporate Finance
High Court Case Summaries on Corporation Finance (Keyed
to Hamilton, 3d Ed.), 2001 ISBN: 9780314259950
Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights
High Court Case Summaries on Debtors and Creditors
(Keyed to Warren, 6th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266309
Criminal Law
High Court Case Summaries on Criminal Law (Keyed to
Dressler, 5th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266354
Business Organizations – Corporations
High Court Case Summaries on Business Associations
(Keyed to Klein, 8th Ed.), 2013 ISBN: 9780314282477
High Court Case Summaries on Criminal Law (Keyed to
Johnson, 7th Ed.), 2002 ISBN: 9780314145291
High Court Case Summaries on Corporations (Keyed to
Bauman, 7th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266262
High Court Case Summaries on Corporations (Keyed to
Eisenberg, 10th Ed.), 2012 ISBN: 9780314279163
High Court Case Summaries on Corporations (Keyed to
Hamilton, 11th Ed.), 2011 ISBN: 9780314272423
Civil Procedure
High Court Case Summaries on Civil Procedure (Keyed to
Freer, 5th Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314272423
High Court Case Summaries on Criminal Law (Keyed to
Kadish, 8th Ed.), 2008 ISBN: 9780314191427
High Court Case Summaries on Criminal Law (Keyed to
Kaplan, 7th Ed.), 2013 ISBN: 9780314282446
High Court Case Summaries on Criminal Law (Keyed to
LaFave, 5th Ed.), 2012 ISBN: 9780314279200
Criminal Procedure
High Court Case Summaries on Criminal Procedure (Keyed
to Dressler, 4th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266231
High Court Case Summaries on Civil Procedure (Keyed to
Friedenthal, 10th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314265647
High Court Case Summaries on Criminal Procedure (Keyed
to Israel’s Criminal Procedure and the Constitution, 2007
Ed.), 2008 ISBN: 9780314190017
High Court Case Summaries on Civil Procedure (Keyed to
Marcus, 5th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314265661
High Court Case Summaries on Criminal Procedure (Keyed
to Kamisar, 13th Ed.), 2012 ISBN: 9780314282491
High Court Case Summaries on Civil Procedure (Keyed to
Subrin, 4th Ed.), 2013 ISBN: 9780314282538
High Court Case Summaries on Criminal Procedure (Keyed
to Saltzburg, 9th Ed.), 2011 ISBN: 9780314272430
High Court Case Summaries on Civil Procedure (Keyed to
Yeazell, 7th Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314207043
Employment Law
High Court Case Summaries on Employment Law (Keyed to
Rothstein, 7th Ed.), 2012 ISBN: 9780314279156
Commercial Law – Sales and Leases
High Court Case Summaries on Commercial Law (Keyed to
Whaley, 9th Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314905291
Constitutional Law
High Court Case Summaries on Constitutional Law (Keyed
to Chemerinsky, 3d Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266323
High Court Case Summaries on Constitutional Law (Keyed
to Choper, 11th Ed.), 2012 ISBN: 9780314279149
High Court Case Summaries on Constitutional Law (Keyed
to Farber, 4th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266255
High Court Case Summaries on Constitutional Law (Keyed
to Stone, 6th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314265678
Environmental Law
High Court Case Summaries on Environmental Law (Keyed
to Percival, 6th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266286
High Court Case Summaries on Evidence, (Keyed to Fisher,
2d Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314905321
High Court Case Summaries on Evidence (Keyed to Mueller,
7th Ed.), 2012 ISBN: 9780314279187
High Court Case Summaries on Evidence (Keyed to Waltz,
11th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266293
High Court Case Summaries on Constitutional Law (Keyed
to Sullivan, 17th Ed.), 2011 ISBN: 9780314272416
Health Law
High Court Case Summaries on Health Law (Keyed to
Furrow, 6th Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314905314
High Court Case Summaries on Contracts (Keyed to Ayres,
7th Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314904812
Professional Responsibility/Ethics
High Court Case Summaries on Professional Responsibility
(Keyed to Gillers, 8th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266279
High Court Case Summaries on Contracts (Keyed to Burton,
4th Ed.), 2013 ISBN: 9780314282453
High Court Case Summaries on Professional Responsibility
(Keyed to Morgan, 7th Ed.), 2001 ISBN: 9780314260598
High Court Case Summaries on Contracts (Keyed to
Dawson, 9th Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314194343
Property Law
High Court Case Summaries on Property (Keyed to Cribbet,
9th Ed.), 2008 ISBN: 9780314198815
High Court Case Summaries on Contracts (Keyed to
Farnsworth, 7th Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314207104
High Court Case Summaries on Contracts (Keyed to Fuller,
8th Ed.), 2007 ISBN: 9780314181091
High Court Case Summaries on Property (Keyed to
Dukeminier, 7th Ed.), 2011 ISBN: 9780314272447
High Court Case Summaries (continued)
Securities Regulation
High Court Case Summaries on Securities Regulation
(Keyed to Cox, 6th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266330
Trusts and Estates
High Court Case Summaries on Estates and Trusts (Keyed
to Sterk, 4th Ed.), 2012 ISBN: 9780314282439
Taxation – Income
High Court Case Summaries on Federal Income Taxation
(Keyed to Freeland, 16th Ed.), 2012 ISBN: 9780314279194
High Court Case Summaries on Wills, Trusts and Estates
(Keyed to Dukeminier, 8th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266248
High Court Case Summaries on Federal Income Taxation
(Keyed to Bankman, 16th Ed.), 2013 ISBN: 9780314282507
High Court Case Summaries on Torts (Keyed to Dobbs,
6th Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314266347
High Court Case Summaries on Torts (Keyed to Epstein,
9th Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314905338
High Court Case Summaries on Torts (Keyed to Franklin,
9th Ed.), 2012 ISBN: 9780314279170
High Court Case Summaries on Torts (Keyed to Prosser,
12th Ed.), 2011 ISBN: 9780314272409
Practical guidance and humor to calm your fears and quickly
acclimate you to law school. Covers curriculum, class participation,
exam prep, time and stress management, legal research, and more.
See page 2 for details.
• Titles track the casebook, so the topics
discussed and the briefs provided follow the
order they are presented in the casebook
• A table of cases helps you quickly find the
cases you are looking for
• The outline format reveals how all the cases
relate to each other
The only series that gives you both case briefs and a
review of blackletter law
Legalines provide authoritative, detailed briefs of every
major case in your casebook, with clear explanations of
the facts and issues, the court’s holding and reasoning,
plus any significant concurrences and dissents.
Each Legaline features expert commentary that
explains the significance of each case and analyzes its
relationship to the other cases in the casebook.
Legalines are perfect for class preparation. A table of
cases indicates where to find principal cases as well as
incidental cases so you can find what you need quickly.
The outline format reveals how all the cases relate to
each other.
“ ... since the actual cases in the
casebook are so long, it’s very
helpful to have a short brief to look
at. ... The fact that this study aid
[Legalines on Corporations (Keyed
to Eisenberg)] is actually tailored
to the casebook my class is using
is also tremendously helpful.”
Mia, New York 2L
Legalines (continued)
Administrative Law
Legalines on Administrative Law (Keyed to Breyer, 5th Ed.),
2004 ISBN: 9780314151162
Constitutional Law
Legalines on Constitutional Law (Keyed to Brest, 5th Ed.),
2007 ISBN: 9780314181213
Legalines on Administrative Law (Keyed to Schwartz, 6th
Ed.), 2007 ISBN: 9780314181220
Legalines on Constitutional Law (Keyed to Choper, 10th
Ed.), 2007 ISBN: 9780314181190
Legalines on Administrative Law (Keyed to Strauss, 10th
Ed.), 2004 ISBN: 9780314155245
Legalines on Constitutional Law (Keyed to Varat, 13th Ed.),
2010 ISBN: 9780314924599
Antitrust Law
Legalines on Antitrust (Keyed to Areeda, 6th Ed.), 2006
Legalines on Constitutional Law (Keyed to Rotunda, 8th
Ed.), 2008 ISBN: 9780314191007
ISBN: 9780314167354
Legalines on Constitutional Law (Keyed to Stone, 6th Ed.),
2010 ISBN: 9780314263896
Legalines on Antitrust (Keyed to Pitofsky, 5th Ed.), 2004
ISBN: 9780314156358
Business Organizations – Corporations
Legalines on Business Associations (Keyed to Klein, 7th
Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314225887
Legalines on Constitutional Law (Keyed to Sullivan, 16th
Ed.), 2008 ISBN: 9780314190994
Legalines on Contracts, (Keyed to Ayres, 7th Ed.), 2009
Legalines on Corporations (Keyed to Choper, 7th Ed.), 2010
ISBN: 9780314904621
ISBN: 9780314904614
Legalines on Contracts (Keyed to Calamari, 5th Ed.), 2009
Legalines on Corporations (Keyed to Eisenberg, 9th Ed.),
2006 ISBN: 9780314169112
ISBN: 9780314191359
Legalines on Corporations (Keyed to Hamilton, 10th Ed.),
2008 ISBN: 9780314191274
ISBN: 9780314204370
Legalines on Contracts (Keyed to Dawson, 9th Ed.), 2009
Legalines on Corporations (Keyed to Vagts, 3d Ed.), 1991
Legalines on Contracts (Keyed to Farnsworth, 7th Ed.),
2009 ISBN: 9780314199812
ISBN: 9780159000786
Legalines on Contracts (Keyed to Fuller, 8th Ed.), 2007
Civil Procedure
Legalines on Civil Procedure (Keyed to Friedenthal, 10th
Ed.), 2010 ISBN: 9780314263858
ISBN: 9780314181206
Legalines on Contracts (Keyed to Kessler, 3d Ed.), 2004
ISBN: 9780159000700
Legalines on Civil Procedure (Keyed to Hazard, 10th Ed.),
2010 ISBN: 9780314263063
Legalines on Contracts (Keyed to Knapp, 6th Ed.), 2009
Legalines on Civil Procedure (Keyed to Yeazell, 7th Ed.),
2009 ISBN: 9780314200389
Criminal Law
Legalines on Criminal Law (Keyed to Dressler, 4th Ed.),
2007 ISBN: 9780314166067
Commercial Law – Sales and Secured Transactions
Legalines on Sales & Secured Transactions (Keyed to
Speidel, 5th Ed.), 1996 ISBN: 9780159001660
Conflict of Laws
Legalines on Conflict of Laws (Keyed to Hay, 11th Ed.), 2003
ISBN: 9780314150950
ISBN: 9780314200426
Legalines on Criminal Law (Keyed to Johnson, 7th Ed.),
2005 ISBN: 9780314163646
Legalines on Criminal Law (Keyed to Kadish, 8th Ed.), 2010
ISBN: 9780314200099
Legalines on Criminal Law (Keyed to Kaplan, 6th Ed.),
2009 ISBN: 9780314199829
Legalines on Criminal Law (Keyed to LaFave, 4th Ed.),
2007 ISBN: 9780314176974
Criminal Procedure
Legalines on Criminal Procedure (Keyed to Kamisar, 12th
Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314206879
Taxation – Individual
Legalines on Income Taxation (Keyed to Freeland, 14th
Ed.), 2007 ISBN: 9780314184344
Legalines on Evidence (Keyed to Mueller, 7th Ed.), 2013
Legalines on Income Taxation (Keyed to Klein, 15th Ed.),
2010 ISBN: 9780314263889
ISBN: 9780314288240
Legalines on Evidence (Keyed to Waltz, 11th Ed.), 2010
Legalines on Torts (Keyed to Dobbs, 6th Ed.), 2010
ISBN: 9780314288240
ISBN: 9780314263841
Family Law
Legalines on Domestic Relations (Keyed to Wadlington,
6th Ed.), 2009 ISBN: 9780314191342
Legalines on Torts (Keyed to Epstein, 9th Ed.), 2009
Legalines on Family Law (Keyed to Areen, 5th Ed.), 2010
ISBN: 9780314181183
ISBN: 9780314184368
Legalines on Torts (Keyed to Henderson, 7th Ed.), 2011
Labor Law
Legalines on Labor Law (Keyed to Cox, 14th Ed.), 2007
ISBN: 9780314204363
Legalines on Torts (Keyed to Franklin, 8th Ed.), 2007
ISBN: 9780314263872
Legalines on Torts (Keyed to Keeton, 3d Ed.), 2000
ISBN: 9780314184337
ISBN: 9780159004067
Legalines on Labor Law (Keyed to St. Antoine, 10th Ed.),
2002 ISBN: 9780159010013
Legalines on Torts (Keyed to Prosser, 12th Ed.), 2013
Property Law
Legalines on Real Property (Keyed to Cribbet, 9th Ed.),
2008 ISBN: 9780314194169
Trusts and Estates
Legalines on Estates & Trusts (Keyed to Dobris, 3d Ed.),
2008 ISBN: 9780314184306
Legalines on Real Property (Keyed to Dukeminier, 7th Ed.),
2010 ISBN: 9780314273970
Legalines on Wills, Trusts, and Estates (Keyed to
Dukeminier, 8th Ed.), 2011 ISBN: 9780314277497
ISBN: 9780314288233
Legalines on Property (Keyed to Nelson, 3d Ed.), 2009
ISBN: 9780314206886
Securities Regulation
Legalines Securities Regulation (Keyed to Coffee, 10th Ed.),
2008 ISBN: 9780314181237
West Hornbooks set the standard
• Recommended by more professors than
any other study guide
Hornbooks explain the law in great depth and broaden
your understanding with insights into not only the
law’s historical development, but also its contemporary
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context for the law
• Offers in-depth, insightful analysis
• Thorough footnotes make Hornbooks
a great reference guide
Re: Calamari and Perillo’s
Hornbook on Contracts:
“Exceptionally helpful, especially
if using the casebook by the same
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L’il Rita, Florida 1L
The Hornbook Series provides information that helps
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arrive in the practice of law. Scholarly and definitive,
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Hornbooks make great reference guides, citing
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The ultimate supplement to your classroom
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Administrative Law
Aman and Mayton: Hornbook on Administrative Law,
2d Ed., 2001 ISBN: 9780314238757
Constitutional Law
Nowak and Rotunda: Hornbook on Constitutional Law,
8th Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314195999
Admiralty Law
Schoenbaum and McClellan: Hornbook on Admiralty
and Maritime Law, 5th Ed., Student Edition, 2011
Calamari and Perillo: Hornbook on Contracts, 6th Ed.,
2009 ISBN: 9780314181435
ISBN: 9780314911575
Corbin: Text on Contracts, Student Ed., 1952
Antitrust Law
Hovenkamp: Hornbook on Federal Antitrust Policy,
The Law of Competition and Its Practice, 4th Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314284334
ISBN: 9780314210050
Sullivan and Grimes: Hornbook on the Law of Antitrust:
An Integrated Handbook, 2d Ed., 2006 ISBN: 9780314147066
Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights
Epstein, Nickles, and White: Hornbook on Bankruptcy,
2001 ISBN: 9780314011244
Criminal Law
LaFave: Hornbook on Criminal Law, 5th Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9780314912688
Criminal Procedure
LaFave, Israel, King, and Kerr: Hornbook on Criminal
Procedure, 5th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314199362
2012/2013 pocket part ISBN: 9780314281104
Disability Law
Business Organizations – Agency and Partnership
Gregory: Hornbook on the Law of Agency and Partnership,
3d Ed., 2001 ISBN: 9780314238580
Blanck, Hill, Siegal, and Waterstone: Hornbook on
Disability Civil Rights Law and Policy, 2004
Business Organizations – Corporations
Cox and Hazen: Hornbook on Business Organizations Law,
3d Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314160102
Employment Discrimination
Lewis and Norman: Hornbook on Employment
Discrimination Law and Practice, 2d Ed., 2004
Gevurtz: Hornbook on Corporation Law, 2d Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9780314150127
ISBN: 9780314159793
Player: Hornbook on Employment Discrimination Law,
1988 ISBN: 9780314589163
Henn and Alexander: Hornbook on Corporations, 3d Ed.
with 1986 pocket part ISBN: 9780314092298
ISBN: 9780314145147
Henn and Alexander: Hornbook on Corporations, 3d Ed.,
1986 pocket part only ISBN: 9780314242518
Employment Law
Rothstein, Craver, Schroeder, and Shoben: Hornbook on
Employment Law, 4th Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314200143
Civil Procedure
Friedenthal, Kane, and Miller: Hornbook on Civil
Procedure, 4th Ed., 2005 ISBN: 9780314156112
Environmental Law
Rodgers: Hornbook on Environmental Law, 2d Ed.,
with 1999 pocket part ISBN: 9780314063618
Siegel: Hornbook on New York Practice, 5th Ed.,
2011 ISBN: 9780314278418
2012 student supplement ISBN: 9780314281883
Rodgers: Hornbook on Environmental Law, 2d Ed.,
1999 pocket part only ISBN: 9780314239983
Civil Rights
Lewis and Norman: Hornbook on Civil Rights Law
and Practice, 2d Ed., 2004 ISBN: 9780314150110
Commercial Law
Miller and Harrell: Hornbook on the Law of Modern
Payment Systems with 2009 pocket part, 2003-2009
ISBN: 9780314976390
Commercial Law – Payments
White and Summers: Hornbook on the Uniform Commercial
Code, 6th Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314926692
Communications and Media Law
Zuckman, Corn-Revere, Frieden, and Kennedy: Hornbook
on Modern Communications Law, 1999 ISBN: 9780314211767
Conflict of Laws
Hay, Borchers, and Symeonides: Hornbook on Conflict of
Laws, 5th Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314911605
McCormick: Hornbook on Evidence, 6th Ed., 2007
ISBN: 9780314161277
Park, Leonard, Orenstein, and Goldberg: Hornbook on
Evidence Law, 3d Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314911735
Family Law
Clark: Hornbook on The Law of Domestic Relations in the
United States, 2d Ed., 1998 ISBN: 9780314234247
Federal Courts
Wright and Kane: Hornbook on the Law of Federal Courts,
7th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314927071
Health Law
Furrow, Greaney, Johnson, Jost, and Schwartz:
Hornbook on Health Law, 2d Ed., 2000, hardcover
ISBN: 9780314239396
Hornbook Series (continued)
Furrow, Greaney, Johnson, Jost, and Schwartz:
Hornbook on Health Law, 2d Ed., 2000, softcover
ISBN: 9780314239402
Intellectual Property – Survey
Schechter and Thomas: Hornbook on Intellectual Property:
The Law of Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks, 2003
State Practice and Procedure
Siegel: Hornbook on New York Practice, 5th Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314065995
Siegel: Hornbook on New York Practice, 5th Student
Edition, 2013 Supplement ISBN: 9780314288561
International – Business Transactions
Folsom, Gordon, and Spanogle: Hornbook on International
Business Transactions, 2d Ed., 2001 ISBN: 9780314242341
Labor Law
Gorman and Finkin: Hornbook on Labor Law –
Unionization and Collective Bargaining, 2d Ed., 2004
ISBN: 9780314065834
Land Use
Juergensmeyer and Roberts: Land Use Planning
and Development Regulation Law, 3d Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314286475
Local Government
Reynolds: Hornbook on Local Government Law, 3d Ed.,
2008 ISBN: 9780314005328
Natural Resources Law
Laitos: Hornbook on Natural Resources Law, 2002
ISBN: 9780314263421
Oil and Gas Law
Hemingway, Anderson, Dzienkowski, Lowe, Peroni, Pierce,
and Smith: Hornbook on Oil and Gas Law and Taxation, 4th
Ed., 2004 ISBN: 9780314147059
ISBN: 9780314278418
Miller and Harrell: Hornbook on The Law of
Modern Payment Systems, 2009 pocket part only
ISBN: 9780314206343
Miller and Harrell: Hornbook on The Law of
Modern Payment Systems, with 2009 pocket part
ISBN: 9780314976390
Simes: Hornbook on Future Interests, 2d Ed., 1966
ISBN: 9780314283627
Taxation – Corporate
Kahn, Kahn, Perris, and Lehman: Hornbook on Corporate
Income Taxation, 6th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314204745
Taxation – Income
Rosenberg and Daher: The Law of Federal Income
Taxation, 2008 ISBN: 9780314161338
Dobbs: Hornbook on the Law of Torts, 2000
ISBN: 9780314211873
Trusts and Estates
Atkinson: Hornbook on Wills, 2d Ed., 1953
Products Liability
Owen: Hornbook on Products Liability, 2d Ed., 2008
ISBN: 9780314283337
ISBN: 9780314170859
ISBN: 9780314351395
Professional Responsibility and Legal Ethics
Wolfram: Hornbook on Modern Legal Ethics, 1986
McGovern, Kurtz, and English: Hornbook on Wills,
Trusts and Estates, Including Taxation and Future Interests,
4th Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314191366
ISBN: 9780314926395
Property Law
Stoebuck and Whitman: Hornbook on the Law of Property,
3d Ed., 2000 ISBN: 9780314228703
Real Estate Transactions
Nelson and Whitman: Hornbook on Real Estate Finance
Law, 5th Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314172488
Dobbs: Hornbook on Remedies, 2d Ed., 1993
ISBN: 9780314011237
Securities Regulation
Hazen: Hornbook on the Law of Securities Regulation,
Rev. 6th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314187970
Bogert: Hornbook on Trusts, 6th Ed., 1987
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Consice Hornbook Series (continued)
Administrative Law
Werhan: Principles of Administrative Law, 2008
ISBN: 9780314149343
Lilly, Capra, and Saltzburg: Principles of Evidence, 6th Ed.,
2012 ISBN: 9780314279958
Banking Law
Malloy: Principles of Bank Regulation, 3d Ed., 2010
Federal Courts
Pfander: Principles of Federal Jurisdiction, 2d Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314194565
ISBN: 9780314265234
Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights
Epstein and Nickles: Principles of Bankruptcy Law, 2007
Intellectual Property
Myers: Principles of Intellectual Property Law, 2d, 2013
ISBN: 9780314161925
ISBN: 9780314277794
Business Organizations
Freer and Moll: Business Organizations ISBN: 9780314181336
Intellectual Property – Patent Law
Schechter and Thomas: Principles of Patent Law, 2d, 2013
Civil Procedure
Clermont: Principles of Civil Procedure, 3d Ed., 2012
ISBN: 9780314276582
Commercial Law
White and Summers: Principles of Sales Law, 2009
ISBN: 9780314239457
Commercial Law – Payment Systems
White and Summers: Principles of Payment Systems,
2008 ISBN: 9780314239440
Commercial Law – Secured Transactions
White and Summers: Principles of Secured Transactions,
2007 ISBN: 9780314184788
International Law – European Union
Folsom: Principles of European Union Law, 3d Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314268488
International Law – Public
Murphy: Principles of International Law, 2d Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314262684
International Law – Trade
Folsom, Gordon, Spanogle, and Van Alstine:
Principles of International Business Transactions,
3d Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314286598
Conflict of Laws
Spillenger: Conflict of Laws, 2010 ISBN: 9780314191021
Legal Research
Olson: Principles of Legal Research, 2009, successor to
How to Find the Law ISBN: 9780314211927
Constitutional Law
Nowak and Rotunda: Principles of Constitutional Law,
4th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314266095
Products Liability Law
Krauss: Principles of Products Liability, 2011
Hillman: Principles of Contract Law, 2d Ed., 2010
Property Law
Hovenkamp and Kurtz: Principles of Property Law, 6th Ed.,
2005 ISBN: 9780314150455
ISBN: 9780314911629
Criminal Law
LaFave: Principles of Criminal Law, 2003
ISBN: 9780314146502
Criminal Procedure
LaFave, Israel, and King: Principles of Criminal Procedure:
Investigation, 2d Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314199355
LaFave, Israel, and King: Principles of Criminal Procedure:
Post-Investigation, 2d Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314199348
Weaver, Abramson, Burkoff, and Hancock: Principles of
Criminal Procedure, 4th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314276667
Dispute Resolution
Ware: Principles of Alternative Dispute Resolution,
2d Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314149077
Ware and Nolan: Principles of Arbitration Law, 2011
ISBN: 9780314204530
Employment Law
Smith, Hodges, Stabile, and Gely: Principles of
Employment Law, 2009 ISBN: 9780314168771
ISBN: 9780314276681
ISBN: 9780314180391
Weaver, Shoben, and Kelly: Principles of Remedies Law,
2d Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314911568
Securities Regulation
Hazen: Principles of Securities Regulation, 3d Ed., 2009
ISBN: 978031487994
Taxation – Individual
Posin and Tobin: Principles of Federal Income Taxation
Law, 7th Ed., 2005 ISBN: 9780314161468
Terrorism Law
Gurule and Corn: Principles of Counter Terrorism Law, 2011
ISBN: 9780314205445
Shapo: Principles of Tort Law, 3d Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9780314195388
Trusts and Estates
McGovern, Kurtz, and English: Principles of Wills, Trusts
and Estates, 2d Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314273574
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Reading a Concepts and Insights title will leave you
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Concepts and Insights Series (continued)
Administrative Law
Pierce: Administrative Law, 2d, 2013 ISBN: 9781609301132
Intellectual Property – Patent Law
Nard and Wagner: Patent Law, 2008 ISBN: 9781587789021
Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights
Baird: The Elements of Bankruptcy, 5th Ed., 2010
International Law – Business Transactions
Koh: Transnational Litigation in United States Courts, 2008
ISBN: 9781599417257
ISBN: 9781587787355
Business Organizations – Agency and Partnership
Bainbridge: Agency, Partnership and LLCs, 2004
International Law – Public
Bederman: International Law Frameworks, 3d Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9781587785085
ISBN: 9781599418568
Business Organizations – Corporations
Klein, Coffee, and Partnoy: Business Organization and
Finance: Legal and Economic Principles, 11th Ed., 2010
Eskridge, Frickey, and Garrett: Legislation and Statutory
Interpretation, 2d Ed., 2006 ISBN: 9781599410784
ISBN: 9781599414492
Civil Procedure
Issacharoff: Civil Procedure, 3d Ed., 2012
ISBN: 9781609300364
Tidmarsh and Trangsrud: Complex Litigation:
Problems in Advanced Civil Procedure, 2002
Mergers & Acquisitions
Bainbridge: Mergers & Acquisitions, 3d Ed., 2012
ISBN: 9781609301323
Products Liability
Geistfeld: Principles of Products Liability, 2d Ed., 2011
ISBN: 97815899419145
ISBN: 9781566628853
Commercial Law – Sales and Leases
Gillette and Walt: Sales Law: Domestic and International,
2d Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9781599412658
Conflict of Laws
Roosevelt: Conflict of Laws, 2010 ISBN: 9781599417882
Chirelstein: Concepts and Case Analysis in the Law of
Contracts, 7th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9781609303303
Gorman and Ginsburg: Copyright Law, 2012
Professional Responsibility/Ethics
Rhode and Hazard: Professional Responsibility and
Regulation, 2d Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9781599411422
Serkin: The Law of Property, 2012 ISBN: 9781609300623
Securities Regulation
Soderquist and Gabaldon: Securities Law, 4th Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9781599417455
Taxation – Corporate
Abrams, Doernberg and Leatherman: Federal Corporate
Taxation, 7th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9781609300524
ISBN: 9781599412511
Corporate Law
Bainbridge: Corporate Law, 2d Ed., 2009
Taxation – Income
Chirelstein and Zelenak: Federal Income Taxation,
12th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9781599419374
ISBN: 9781995413624
Employment Discrimination
Rutherglen: Employment Discrimination Law,
3d Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9781599418124
Employment Law
Estreicher and Lester: Employment Law, 2008
Taxation – International
Isenbergh: International Taxation, 3d Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9781599414416
Taxation – Partnership
Lyons and Repetti: Partnership Income Taxation,
5th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9781599413822
ISBN: 9781587784798
Environmental Law
Salzman and Thompson: Environmental Law and Policy,
3d Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9781599417714
Family Law
Wadlington and O’Brien: Family Law in Perspective,
3d Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9781609300456
First Amendment
Farber: The First Amendment, 3d Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9781599417516
Abraham: The Forms and Functions of Tort Law,
4th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9781609300531
Trusts and Estates
Leslie and Sterk: Trusts and Estates, 2d, 2012
ISBN: 9781599418612
Black Letter Outlines reveal the
blackletter law
Black Letter Outlines are written by recognized
national authorities to help students identify and
understand the basic principles and issues of law.
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prepping for class and as a review when
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Black Letter Outlines feature a highly detailed capsule
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creating your own review outlines, or as a quick and
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The review questions are another great way to prepare
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Black Letter Outlines (continued)
Administrative Law
Weaver and Araiza: Black Letter Outline on Administrative
Law, 2d, 2013 ISBN: 9780314904089
Broun and Blakey: Black Letter Outline on Evidence,
5th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314194459
Hovenkamp: Black Letter Outline on Antitrust, 5th Ed.,
2011 ISBN: 9780314274489
Mueller and Kirkpatrick: Black Letter Outline on Evidence,
3d Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314267238
Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights
Nickles and Epstein: Black Letter Outline on Bankruptcy,
2d Ed., 2006 ISBN: 9780314065797
Business Organizations – Corporations
Hamilton and Booth: Black Letter Outline on Corporations,
5th Ed., 2006 ISBN: 9780314257079
Civil Procedure
Clermont: Black Letter Outline on Civil Procedure, 9th Ed.,
2012 ISBN: 9780314276575
Mullenix: Black Letter Outline on Civil Procedure, 2d, 2013
ISBN: 9780314277718
Commercial Law – Payment Systems and Negotiable
Nickles and Matthew: Black Letter Outline on Payments
Law, 2007 ISBN: 9780314176936
Commercial Law – Sales and Leases
Meyer and Speidel: Black Letter Outline on Sales and
Leases of Goods, 1993 ISBN: 9780314010681
Commercial Law – Secured Transactions
Rusch: Black Letter Outline on Secured Transactions,
2d Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314275752
Federal Courts
Freer and Redish: Black Letter Outline on Federal Courts,
3d Ed., 2004 ISBN: 9780314067715
Intellectual Property – Survey
Schechter: Black Letter Outline on Intellectual Property,
3d Ed., 2006 ISBN: 9780314147387
International Law – Human Rights
Malone: Black Letter Outline on International Human
Rights, 2d Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314180544
Professional Responsibility/Ethics
Rotunda: Black Letter Outline on Professional
Responsibility, 9th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314275530
Property Law
Bernhardt and Burkhart: Black Letter Outline on Property,
6th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314275509
Real Estate Transactions
Nelson and Whitman: Black Letter Outline on Land
Transactions and Finance, 4th Ed., 2004
ISBN: 9780314150431
Conflict of Laws
Hay: Black Letter Outline on Conflict of Laws, 7th Ed., 2013
Weaver and Kelly: Black Letter Outline on Remedies, 2005
ISBN: 9780314283566
ISBN: 9780314151568
Constitutional Law
Barron and Dienes: Black Letter Outline on Constitutional
Law, 9th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314281937
Taxation – Corporate
Schwarz and Lathrope: Black Letter Outline on
Corporate and Partnership Taxation, 7th Ed., 2012
Calamari and Perillo: Black Letter Outline on Contracts, 5th
Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314926937
Criminal Law
Dressler: Black Letter Outline on Criminal Law, 2d Ed.,
2010 ISBN: 9780314927507
Low: Black Letter Outline on Criminal Law, 3d Ed., 2007
ISBN: 9780314180575
Criminal Procedure
Saltzburg, Capra, and Davis: Black Letter Outline on
Criminal Procedure, 6th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314283191
Environmental Law
Gaba: Black Letter Outline on Environmental Law, 4th Ed.,
2009 ISBN: 9780314194435
Family Law
Krause and Meyer: Black Letter Outline on Family Law,
4th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314194480
ISBN: 9780314277565
Taxation – Estate and Gift
Yamamoto and Donaldson: Black Letter Outline on Federal
Wealth Transfer Taxes, 3d Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314288615
Taxation – Income
Hudson, Lind, and Yamamoto: Black Letter Outline on
Federal Income Taxation, 12th Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314287762
Kionka: Black Letter Outline on Torts, 5th Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314275523
Trusts and Estates
Averill and Helge: Black Letter Outline on Wills, Trusts, and
Future Interests, 4th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314281890
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Asimow: Gilbert Law Summaries on Administrative Law,
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Federal Courts
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Courts, 4th Ed., 2008 ISBN: 9780314184375
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Lemley and Leslie: Gilbert Law Summaries on Antitrust, 11th
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Labor Law
Gelhaus and Oldham: Gilbert Law Summaries on Labor
Law, 12th Ed., 2002 ISBN: 9780159010075
Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights
Waxman: Gilbert Law Summaries on Bankruptcy, 5th Ed.,
2002 ISBN: 9780314143402
Legal Research and Writing
Honigsberg and Ho: Gilbert Law Summaries on Legal
Research, Writing, and Analysis, 11th Ed., 201 1
Business Organizations – Agency and Partnership
Conviser: Gilbert Law Summaries on Agency, Partnership &
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Business Organizations – Corporations
Choper and Eisenberg: Gilbert Law Summaries on
Corporations, 15th Ed., 2005 ISBN: 9780314156396
Civil Procedure
Marcus and Rowe: Gilbert Law Summaries on Civil
Procedure, 17th Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314181138
Commercial Law – Payment Systems and
Negotiable Instruments
Whaley: Gilbert Law Summaries on Commercial Paper &
Payment Law, 17th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314282699
Commercial Law – Sales
Whaley: Gilbert Law Summaries on Sale and Lease of
Goods, 14th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314282675
Commercial Law – Secured Transactions
Whaley: Gilbert Law Summaries on Secured Transactions,
13th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314282682
Community Property
Reppy: Gilbert Law Summaries on Community Property,
18th Ed., 2003 ISBN: 9780314152206
Conflict of Laws
Kay: Gilbert Law Summaries on Conflict of Laws, 18th Ed.,
2003 ISBN: 9780314143419
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Choper: Gilbert Law Summaries on Constitutional Law,
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Eisenberg: Gilbert Law Summaries on Contracts, 14th Ed.,
2002 ISBN: 9780159007761
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Dix: Gilbert Law Summaries on Criminal Law, 18th Ed.,
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Criminal Procedure
Marcus and Wilson: Gilbert Law Summaries on Criminal
Procedure, 18th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314276209
ISBN: 9780314276186
Professional Responsibility/Ethics
Morgan: Gilbert Law Summaries on Legal Ethics, 8th Ed.,
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Krier: Gilbert Law Summaries on Property, 18th Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314286062
Gilbert Law Summaries on Personal Property, 8th Ed.,
2010 ISBN: 9780314181152
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Securities Regulation
Schaumann: Gilbert Law Summaries on Securities
Regulation, 7th Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314181114
Taxation – Corporate and Partnership
Bank: Gilbert Law Summaries on Taxation of Business
Entities, 14th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314279125
Taxation – Estate and Gift
Gingiss: Gilbert Law Summaries on Estate and Gift Tax,
16th Ed., 2005 ISBN: 9780314143501
Taxation – Income
Bank: Gilbert Law Summaries on Taxation of Individuals,
21st Ed., 2006 ISBN: 9780314172341
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Torts, 24th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314181145
Trusts and Estates
Gilbert Law Summaries on Future Interests and
Perpetuities, 5th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314181169
Halbach: Gilbert Law Summaries on Trusts, 13th Ed., 2007
ISBN: 9780314181121
Johanson: Gilbert Law Summaries on Wills, 12th Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314268914
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The concise format of Sum & Substance Quick Reviews
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Sum and Substance Quick Reviews (continued)
Business Organizations – Corporations
Cox: Sum & Substance Quick Review on Corporations,
4th Ed., 2004 ISBN: 9780314152572
Goode: Sum & Substance Quick Review of Evidence,
6th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314285942
California Civil Procedure
Levine and Shapell: Sum & Substance Quick Review on
California Civil Procedure, 2d Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314208149
Family Law
Perlin: Sum & Substance Quick Review on Family Law,
7th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314277749
Civil Procedure
Blaze: Sum & Substance Quick Review on Civil Procedure,
5th Ed., 2003 ISBN: 9780314145710
International Law
Burr: Sum & Substance Quick Review on International Law,
2d Ed., 2008 ISBN: 9780314180865
Miller and Friedenthal: Sum & Substance Quick Review on
Civil Procedure, 7th Ed., 2008 ISBN: 9780314191175
Property Law
Juergensmeyer and Brown: Sum & Substance Quick Review
on Property, 5th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314180957
Conflict of Laws
Fischer: Sum & Substance Quick Review on Conflict of
Laws, 4th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314180926
Constitutional Law
Prygoski: Sum & Substance Quick Review on Constitutional
Law, 17th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314286079
Brain: Sum & Substance Quick Review on Contracts,
8th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314280343
Levine: Sum & Substance Quick Review of Torts,
4th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314180995
Trusts and Estates
Pennell and Newman: Sum & Substance Quick Review of
Wills, Trusts & Estates, 4th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314286857
Criminal Law and Procedure
Friedland: Sum & Substance Quick Review on Criminal
Law, 5th Ed., 2008 ISBN: 9780314191472
Abramson: Sum & Substance Quick Review of Criminal
Procedure, 2d, 2013 ISBN: 9780314288004
ACING SERIES: the innovative, systematic way to analyze
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See page 38 for details.
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Sample Logic Maps page
Beckman: Evidence Logic Maps, 2010
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General Evidence Map
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Nutshells offer succinct summations of the law, so they
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Use Nutshells as guides through unfamiliar or
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Meyer: Accounting and Finance for Lawyers in a Nutshell®,
5th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314285645
Civil Procedure
Kane: Civil Procedure in a Nutshell, 7th Ed., 2013
Administrative Law
Gellhorn and Levin: Administrative Law and Process in a
Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314144362
Scheindlin, Capra, and The Sedona Conference®: Electronic
Discovery and Digital Evidence in a Nutshell, 2009
Maraist and Galligan: Admiralty in a Nutshell, 6th Ed.,
2010 ISBN: 9780314926999
American Indian Law
Canby: American Indian Law in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2009
ISBN: 9780314195197
Animal Law
Frasch, Hessler, Kutil, and Weisman: Animal Law in a
Nutshell, 2011 ISBN: 9780314195975
ISBN: 9780314285881
ISBN: 9780314204486
Slomanson: California Civil Procedure in a Nutshell,
4th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314274427
Civil Procedure – Advanced
Klonoff: Class Actions and Other Multi-Party Litigation in a
Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314910974
Civil Rights
Collins: Section 1983 Litigation in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314920201
Thomas: Sex Discrimination in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 1991
ISBN: 9780314894182
Antitrust Law
Gellhorn, Kovacic, and Calkins: Antitrust Law and
Economics in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2004 ISBN: 9780314257239
Vieira: Constitutional Civil Rights in a Nutshell, 3d Ed.,
1998 ISBN: 9780314230089
Art Law
DuBoff and King: Art Law in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2006
ISBN: 9780314158789
Climate Change
Nolon and Salkin: Climate Change and Sustainable
Development in a Nutshell, 2010 ISBN: 9780314264206
Banking Law – Financial Institutions
Lovett: Banking and Financial Institutions Law in a
Nutshell, 7th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314184238
Commercial Law
Stone and Adams: Uniform Commercial Code in a Nutshell,
8th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314277442
Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights
Epstein: Bankruptcy and Related Law in a Nutshell,
8th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314279132
Commercial Law – Payments
Nickles and Matthews: Payments Law in a Nutshell, 2005
Schwartz and Johnson: Bioethics in a Nutshell, 2009
ISBN: 9780314066688
Commercial Law – Sales and Leases
Miller: Sales and Leases of Goods in a Nutshell, 4th Ed.,
2003 ISBN: 9780314232144
Business Organizations – Agency and Partnership
Hynes and Loewenstein: Agency, Partnership, and the
LLC in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314276148
Commercial Law – Secured Transactions
Hagedorn: Secured Transactions in a Nutshell, 5th Ed.,
2007 ISBN: 9780314172518
Business Organizations – Corporations
Hamilton and Freer: The Law of Corporations in a Nutshell,
6th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314904577
Communications Law
Carter, Dee, and Zuckman: Mass Communication Law in a
Nutshell, 7th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314280633
Shade: Business Associations in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2010
Community Property
Mennell and Boykoff: Community Property in a Nutshell,
2d Ed., 1988 ISBN: 9780314683557
ISBN: 9780314208514
Capital Punishment
Streib: Death Penalty in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314279569
ISBN: 9780314162762
Comparative Law
Glendon, Carozza, and Picker: Comparative Legal
Traditions in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2008 ISBN: 9780314184283
Career Success
Kavanagh and Nailon: Excellence in the Workplace:
Legal and Life Skills in a Nutshell, 2007
Conflict of Laws
Siegel and Borcher: Conflicts in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2005
ISBN: 9780314176097
ISBN: 9780314160669
Children and the Law
Ramsey and Abrams: Children and the Law in a Nutshell,
4th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314262905
Constitutional Law
Barron and Dienes: Constitutional Law in a Nutshell,
8th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314281944
Chinese Law
Chow: The Legal System of the People’s Republic of
China in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314198822
Marks: State Constitutional Law in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2003
ISBN: 9780314241689
Nutshell Series (continued)
Constitutional Theory
Baker and Williams: Constitutional Analysis in a Nutshell,
2d Ed., 2003 ISBN: 9780314265142
Education Law
Alexander and Alexander: Law of Schools, Students, and
Teachers in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314195395
Consumer Law
Marsh: Consumer Protection Law in a Nutshell, 3d Ed.,
1999 ISBN: 9780314231680
Elder Law
Frolik and Kaplan: Elder Law in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2011
Rohwer and Skrocki: Contracts in a Nutshell, 7th Ed., 2010
Election Law
Tokaji's Election Law in a Nutshell, 2012
ISBN: 9780314925640
ISBN: 9780314268471
Contracts – Government
Feldman and Keyes: Government Contracts in a Nutshell,
5th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314268518
Employee Benefits
Conison: Employee Benefit Plans in a Nutshell, 3d Ed.,
2003 ISBN: 9780314150837
Corporate Finance
Haas: Corporate Finance in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2011
Employment Discrimination
Player: Federal Law of Employment Discrimination in a
Nutshell, 7th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314285355
ISBN: 9780314908780
Oesterle: Mergers and Acquisitions in a Nutshell, 3d Ed.,
2012 ISBN: 9780314280312
Corrections and Sentencing
Branham: The Law of Sentencing and Corrections in a
Nutshell, 9th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314286666
ISBN: 9780314926012
Employment Law
Covington and Decker: Employment Law in a Nutshell,
3d Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314195401
Decker: Family and Medical Leave in a Nutshell, 2000
ISBN: 9780314241641
Criminal Law
Loewy: Criminal Law in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2009
Energy Law
Tomain and Cudahy: Energy Law in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314194961
ISBN: 9780314271860
Criminal Law – White Collar Crime
Podgor and Israel: White Collar Crime in a Nutshell,
4th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314184870
Entertainment Law
Burr: Entertainment Law in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2012
Criminal Procedure
Cammack and Garland: Advanced Criminal Procedure in a
Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2006 ISBN: 9780314158932
Environmental Law
Findley and Farber: Environmental Law in a Nutshell,
8th Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314233561
Israel and LaFave: Nutshell on Criminal Procedure –
Constitutional Limitations, 7th Ed., 2006
Estate Planning
Lynn and McCouch: Introduction to Estate Planning in a
Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2004 ISBN: 9780314153067
ISBN: 9780314167750
ISBN: 9780314280619
Disability Law
Tucker and Milani: Federal Disability Law in a Nutshell,
4th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314264619
European Union Law
Folsom: European Union Law in a Nutshell, 7th Ed., 2011
Dispute Resolution
Carbonneau: Arbitration in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2012
Graham: Federal Rules of Evidence in a Nutshell, 8th Ed.,
2011 ISBN: 9780314273659
ISBN: 9780314276155
Kovach: Mediation in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9780314268495
ISBN: 9780314908803
Rothstein, Raeder, and Crump: Evidence in a Nutshell,
6th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314278333
Nolan-Haley: Alternative Dispute Resolution in a Nutshell,
4th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314285324
Scheindin, Capra and The Sedona Conference: Electronic
Discovery and Digital Evidence in a Nutshell, 2009
Teply: Legal Negotiation in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2005
ISBN: 9780314204486
ISBN: 9780314154170
Economics and the Law
Harrison: Law and Economics in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314267535
Family Law
Krause and Meyer: Family Law in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2007
ISBN: 9780314183675
Katz & Katz: Adoption Law in a Nutshell, 2012
ISBN: 9780314190307
Federal Courts
Currie: Federal Jurisdiction in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 1999
ISBN: 9780314243522
International Law – Environmental
Guruswamy: International Environmental Law in a
Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314268174
First Amendment
Barron and Dienes: First Amendment Law in a Nutshell,
4th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314177360
International Law – European Union
Folsom: European Union Law in a Nutshell, 7th Ed., 2011
Gaming Law
Champion and Rose: Gaming Law in a Nutshell, 2012
International Law – Human Rights
Buergenthal, Shelton, and Stewart: International Human
Rights in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314184801
ISBN: 9780314278364
ISBN: 9780314268495
Health Law
Hall, Ellman, and Orentlicher: Health Care Law and Ethics
in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314209870
International Law – Litigation
Bermann: Transnational Litigation In a Nutshell, 2003
Jarvis, Closen, Hermann, and Leonard: AIDS Law in a
Nutshell, 2d Ed., 1996 ISBN: 9780314067821
International Law – NAFTA
Folsom: NAFTA and Free Trade in the Americas in a
Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314277466
Health Law – Liability/Medical Malpractice
Boumil and Hattis: Medical Liability in a Nutshell, 3d Ed.,
2011 ISBN: 9780314232939
Housing Law and Landlord/Tenant
Hill: Landlord and Tenant Law in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314225931
Immigration Law
Weissbrodt and Danielson: Immigration Law and
Procedure in a Nutshell, 6th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314199447
Insurance Law
Dobbyn: Insurance Law in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2004
ISBN: 9780314263759
Intellectual Property
McManis and Friedman: Intellectual Property and Unfair
Competition in a Nutshell, 7th Ed., 2012
ISBN: 9780314145840
International Law – Public
Buergenthal and Murphy: Public International Law in a
Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314171696
International Law – Trade
Folsom, Gordon, Spanogle and Van Alstine: International
Trade and Economic Relations in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314284358
Internet Law
Rustad: Internet Law in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314283306
Introduction to the Law
Bonfield: American Law and the American Legal System in
a Nutshell, 2006 ISBN: 9780314150165
ISBN: 9780314280640
Hegland: Introduction to the Study and Practice of Law in a
Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2008 ISBN: 9780314194152
Miller and Davis: Intellectual Property, Patents,
Trademarks, and Copyright in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2012
Kempin: Historical Introduction to Anglo-American Law in
a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 1990 ISBN: 9780314747082
ISBN: 9780314278340
Reynolds: Judicial Process in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2002
Intellectual Property – Copyright
LaFrance: Copyright Law in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314144218
ISBN: 9780314271907
Intellectual Property – Patent Law
Adelman, Rader, and Klancnik: Patent Law in a Nutshell,
2d Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314279996
International Law – Business Transactions
Bermann: International Commercial Arbitration in a
Nutshell, 2011 ISBN: 9780314264817
Folsom, Gordon, Spanogle, and Van Alstine: International
Business Transactions in a Nutshell, 9th Ed., 2012
ISBN: 9780314284365
Niehuss: International Project Finance in a Nutshell, 2010
ISBN: 9780314265982
Sinha: Jurisprudence (Legal Philosophy) in a Nutshell, 1993
ISBN: 9780314013798
Juvenile Justice
Feld: Juvenile Justice Administration in a Nutshell, 2d Ed.,
2009 ISBN: 9780314181381
Labor Law
Leslie: Labor Law in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2008
ISBN: 9780314184429
Nolan: Labor and Employment Arbitration in a Nutshell,
2d Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314158826
Land Use
Nolon and Salkin: Land Use in a Nutshell, 2007
ISBN: 9780314163714
Nutshell Series (continued)
Law School Success
Burkhart and Stein: Law School Success in a Nutshell,
2d Ed., 2008 ISBN: 9780314167798
Ocean and Coastal Law
Christie and Hildreth: Coastal and Ocean Management Law
in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314161543
Darrow-Kleinhaus: The Bar Exam in a Nutshell, 2d Ed.,
2009 ISBN: 9780314199287
Sohn, Gustafson, Noyes, and Franckx: The Law of the Sea
in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2008 ISBN: 9780314169419
Teply: Law School Competitions in a Nutshell, 2003
Office Practice
Munneke: Law Practice Management in a Nutshell, 2003
ISBN: 9780314256911
Lawyering Skills
Shaffer and Elkins: Legal Interviewing and Counseling in a
Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2004 ISBN: 9780314151735
Legal Drafting
Haggard and Kuney: Legal Drafting in a Nutshell, 3d Ed.,
2007 ISBN: 9780314184184
Legal Research
Cohen and Olson: Legal Research in a Nutshell, 11th Ed.,
2013 ISBN: 9780314286659
Oil and Gas Law
Lowe: Oil and Gas Law in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2009
ISBN: 9780314184979
Dessem: Pretrial Litigation in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2012
ISBN: 9780314273963
Moore, Binder, Bergman, and Light: Depositions in a
Nutshell, 2011 ISBN: 9780314194893
Legal Research – International
Hoffman and Berring: International Legal Research in a
Nutshell, 2008 ISBN: 9780314163240
Privacy Law
Soma and Rynerson: Privacy Law in a Nutshell, 2008
Legal Writing
Bahrych and Rombauer: Legal Writing in a Nutshell,
4th Ed., 2009 ISBN: 9780314906915
Products Liability
Owen: Products Liability in a Nutshell, 8th Ed., 2008
Teply: Legal Writing Citation in a Nutshell, 2008
Professional Responsibility/Ethics
Johnson: Legal Malpractice in a Nutshell, 2011
ISBN: 9780314169389
Davies: Legislative Law and Process in a Nutshell, 3d Ed.,
2007 ISBN: 9780314167514
ISBN: 9780314181343
ISBN: 9780314170866
ISBN: 9780314195234
Rotunda: Legal Ethics in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2012
ISBN: 9780314282248
Local Government
McCarthy and Reynolds: Local Government Law in a
Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2003 ISBN: 9780314264893
Property Law
Bernhardt and Burkhart: Real Property in a Nutshell,
6th Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314261878
Maritime Law
Sohn, Noyes, Gustafson, Juras, and Franckx: The Law of
the Sea in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314169419
Burke: Personal Property in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2003
National Security Law
Shanor and Hogue: National Security and Military Law in a
Nutshell, 2003 ISBN: 9780314263575
ISBN: 9780314263742
Psychiatry/Mental Health
Hermann: Mental Health and Disability Law in a Nutshell,
1997 ISBN: 9780314065469
ISBN: 9780314907189
Public Land Law
Glicksman and Coggins: Modern Public Land Law in a
Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314276551
Natural Resources Law
Tomain and Cudahy: Energy Law in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2011
Real Estate Transactions
Bruce: Real Estate Finance in a Nutshell, 6th Ed., 2009
ISBN: 9780314271860
ISBN: 9780314183545
Nonprofit Organizations
Taylor: Tax Exempt Organizations in a Nutshell, 2011
Religion and Law
Berg: The State and Religion in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2004
ISBN: 9780314262349
ISBN: 9780314148858
Military Law in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314211743
Friedman: Contract Remedies in a Nutshell, 1981
Kionka: Torts in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9780314603739
ISBN: 9780314195005
Tabb and Janutis: Remedies in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2011
Toxic Torts/Hazardous Materials
Eggen: Toxic Torts in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9780314267023
Securities Regulation
Haas and Howard: Investment Adviser Regulation in a
Nutshell, 2007 ISBN: 9780314172655
Hazen and Ratner: Securities Regulation in a Nutshell,
9th Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314172433
ISBN: 9780314922823
Sprankling and Weber: The Law of Hazardous Wastes
and Toxic Substances in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2007
ISBN: 9780314167309
Hazen: Broker-Dealer Regulation in a Nutshell, 2d Ed.,
2010 ISBN: 9780314189578
Janis: Trademark and Unfair Competition in a Nutshell,
2013 ISBN: 9780314163417
Sports Law
Champion: Sports Law in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2009
Trial Practice
Bergman: Trial Advocacy in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2013
ISBN: 97803141204462
ISBN: 9780314284396
Taxation – Corporate
Burke: Federal Income Taxation of Corporations &
Stockholders in a Nutshell, 6th Ed., 2008
Castanias and Klonoff: Federal Appellate Practice and
Procedure in a Nutshell, 2008 ISBN: 9780314153074
ISBN: 9780314183965
Goldberg: The First Trial (Where Do I Sit? What Do I Say?)
in a Nutshell, 2d Ed., 2009 ISBN: 97803141211590
Kahn, Kahn, and Perris: Taxation of S Corporations in a
Nutshell, 2008 ISBN: 9780314184924
Hegland: Trial and Clinical Skills in a Nutshell, 4th Ed.,
2005 ISBN: 9780314158840
Taylor: Tax Exempt Organizations in a Nutshell, 2011
Trusts and Estates
Averill and Radford’s Uniform Probate Code and Uniform
Trust Act in a Nutshell, 6th Ed., 2010 ISBN: 9780314926920
ISBN: 9780314262349
Taxation – Estate and Gift
McNulty and McCouch: Federal Estate and Gift Taxation in
a Nutshell, 7th Ed., 2011 ISBN: 9780314276407
Taxation – Income
McNulty and Lathrope: Federal Income Taxation of
Individuals in a Nutshell, 8th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314927002
Gallanis and Waggoner: Estates, Future Interests and
Powers of Appointment in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9780314904539
Mennell and Burr: Wills and Trusts in a Nutshell, 4th Ed.,
2012 ISBN: 9780314180131
Taxation – International
Doernberg: International Taxation in a Nutshell, 9th Ed.,
2012 ISBN: 9780314275318
Water Rights
Getches: Water Law in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2009
Taxation – Partnership
Burke: Federal Income Taxation of Partners and
Partnerships in a Nutshell, 4th Ed., 2013
Workers’ Compensation
Hood, Hardy, and Lewis: Workers’ Compensation and
Employee Protection Laws in a Nutshell, 5th Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314280367
ISBN: 9780314275325
ISBN: 9780314199515
Taxation – Practice and Procedure
Watson: Tax Procedure and Tax Fraud in a Nutshell,
4th Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314650283
Taxation – State and Local
Gelfand, Mintz, and Salsich: State and Local Taxation and
Finance in a Nutshell, 3d Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314183873
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in Law School, 2004 ISBN: 9780314158895 (CD)
Commercial Law – Sales
Whaley: Sum & Substance Audio on Sale & Lease of Goods,
2d Ed., 2005 ISBN: 9780314159632 (CD)
Conflict of Laws
Fischer: Sum & Substance Audio on Conflict of Laws,
4th Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314180612 (CD)
Constitutional Law
Cheh: Sum & Substance Audio on Constitutional Law,
8th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314287380 (CD)
Cheh: Sum & Substance Audio on Constitutional Law,
8th Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314287731 (MP3)
Consumer Law
Whaley: Sum & Substance Audio on Consumer Law, 3d Ed.,
1999 ISBN: 9780314242808 (Cassette)
ISBN: 9780314170804 (CD)
Lawyering Skills
Hermann: Sum & Substance Audio on Legal Career
Management: Legal Job Interviewing & Effective
Networking, 2008 ISBN: 9780314189479
Hermann: Sum & Substance Audio on Legal Career
Management: Preparing for a Job Search & Career
Transition, 2008 ISBN: 9780314189462
Hermann: Sum & Substance Audio on Legal Career
Management: The Hidden Legal Job Market; Major
Employer Complaints; Solo Practice Success, 2008
ISBN: 9780314189455
Hermann: Sum & Substance Audio Series on Legal Career
Management, 2008 ISBN: 9780314189547 (CD bundle)
Legal Research
Berring: Sum & Substance Audio on Legal Research, Legal
Information and the 1st Year of Law School, 2001
ISBN: 9780314261793 (CD)
Whaley: Sum & Substance Audio on Contracts, 3d Ed.,
2007 ISBN: 9780314180780 (MP3), ISBN: 9780314180650 (CD)
Products Liability
Finz: Sum & Substance Audio on Products Liability, 2006
Criminal Law
Dressler: Sum & Substance Audio on Criminal Law, 5th Ed.,
2010 ISBN: 9780314266910 (MP3), ISBN: 9780314266903 (CD)
Professional Responsibility/Ethics
Dzienkowski: Sum & Substance Audio on Professional
Responsibility, 2004 ISBN: 9780314152862 (CD)
Criminal Procedure
Dressler: Sum & Substance Audio on Criminal Procedure,
6th Ed., 2013
Property Law
Juergensmeyer: Sum & Substance Audio on Real Property,
3d Ed., 2013 ISBN: 9780314267252 (CD)
ISBN: 9780314166920 (CD)
ISBN: 9780314289469 (MP3)
ISBN: 9780314289452 (CD)
Entertainment Law
Burr: Sum & Substance Audio Set on Entertainment Law,
2008 ISBN: 9780314180858 (CD)
Goode: Sum & Substance Audio on Evidence, 4th Ed., 2008
ISBN: 9780314189530 (CD)
Family Law
Perlin: Sum & Substance Audio on Family Law, 6th Ed.,
2012 ISBN: 9780314279521 (CD)
First Amendment
Weaver: Sum & Substance Audio on First Amendment,
2d Ed., 2006 ISBN: 9780314170774 (CD)
Securities Regulation
Cox: Sum & Substance Audio on Securities Regulation,
3d Ed., 2006 ISBN: 9780314188212 (CD)
Taxation – Individual
Doti: Sum & Substance Audio on Federal Income Tax,
5th Ed., 2004 ISBN: 9780314158505 (CD)
Finz and Levine: Sum & Substance Audio on Torts, 4th Ed.,
2010 ISBN: 9780314926968 (CD)
Trusts and Estates
Beyer: Sum & Substance Audio on Trusts, 3d Ed., 2004
ISBN: 9780314159199 (CD)
Beyer: Sum & Substance Audio on Wills & Trusts, 4th Ed.,
2009 ISBN: 9780314905345 (CD)
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Legends series, particularly
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The guy is brilliant! He breaks
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Hrank, California
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The Law School Legends Audio Series gives you
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draw rave reviews not only for their scholarship, but
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concepts in the law easy to understand. Courses are
condensed into single lectures and include examples
and exam tips. Plus, you get a handout so you can take
notes or work problems as you go.
Law School Legends audios provide an excellent
way for 1Ls to get a jump start on classes before
school begins, and they are a great introduction to
the law. Terminology and concepts are introduced in
an entertaining and easy-to-follow format. You can
listen to lectures to learn the overall structure of an
area of law, to learn key terminology, and to enhance
understanding of major cases and statutes.
Administrative Law
Borchers: Administrative Law, 3d Ed., 2008
ISBN: 9780314198808 (CD)
Leslie: Antitrust Law, 2006 ISBN: 9780314160720 (CD)
Bankruptcy and Creditors’ Rights
Epstein: Bankruptcy, 2006 ISBN: 9780314160744 (CD)
Business Organizations – Agency and Partnership
Kaufman: Agency & Partnership, 2006
ISBN: 9780314160706 (CD)
Business Organizations – Corporations
Maynard: Corporations, 2006 ISBN: 9780314160881 (CD)
Civil Procedure
Freer: Civil Procedure, 3d Ed., 2009
ISBN: 9780314199782 (CD)
Commercial Law – Payment Systems and Negotiable
Spak: Commercial Paper, 2005 ISBN: 9780314160775 (CD)
Commercial Law – Sales
Spak: Sale & Lease of Goods, 2005 ISBN: 9780314161123 (CD)
Commercial Law – Secured Transactions
Spak: Secured Transactions, 2005 ISBN: 9780314161161 (CD)
Conflict of Laws
Borchers: Conflict of Laws, 3d Ed., 2008
ISBN: 9780314198792 (CD)
Constitutional Law
Jeffries: Constitutional Law, 2005 ISBN: 9780314160829 (CD)
Epstein: Contracts, 3d Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314282590 (CD)
Criminal Law
Whitebread: Criminal Law, 2005 ISBN: 9780314160904 (CD)
Criminal Procedure
Whitebread: Criminal Procedure, 2005
Rossi: Evidence, 2005 ISBN: 9780314160942 (CD)
Family Law
Schechter: Family Law, 2002 ISBN: 9780314160966 (CD)
Federal Courts
Jeffries: Federal Courts, 2005 ISBN: 9780314160980 (CD)
Immigration Law
Scaperlanda: Immigration Law, 2008
ISBN: 9780314181039 (CD)
Intellectual Property
Schechter: Copyright Law, 2005 ISBN: 9780314160867 (CD)
Law School Success
Whitebread: Law School Exam Writing, 2005
ISBN: 9780314161048 (CD)
Professional Responsibility/Ethics
Chemerinsky: Professional Responsibility, 10th Ed., 2010
ISBN: 9780314905420 (CD)
Property Law
Franzese: Real Property, 2005 ISBN: 9780314161086 (CD)
Flechter: Remedies, 2005 ISBN: 9780314161109 (CD)
Securities Regulation
Maynard: Securities Regulation, 2007
ISBN: 9780314161147 (CD)
Taxation – Individual
Block: Federal Income Tax, 2005 ISBN: 9780314161000 (CD)
Conviser: Torts, 2006 ISBN: 9780314161185 (CD)
Trusts and Estates
Carpenter: Future Interests, 2008 ISBN: 9780314180872 (CD)
Johanson: Wills and Trusts, 6th Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314276223 (CD)
ISBN: 9780314160928 (CD)
Education Law
Kaufman: Education Law, 2008 ISBN: 9780314180971 (CD)
An innovative checklist approach to
evaluating legal issues
The Acing Series titles feature an innovative method of
• The innovative checklist format leads you
through the questions you need to ask to
fully evaluate the subject
content organization, utilizing a checklist format that
leads you through the questions you need to ask to
fully evaluate the legal problem you are trying to solve.
• Offers a systematic approach to problem
solving that is not found in other study aids
Many other study aids provide sample problems for
students to work on, but none provide the type of
systematic approach to problem solving that can be
found in the Acing Series. The Acing Series titles pull
together the different issues, presenting a clear guide
to legal analysis that you can draw upon when writing
your exams.
Business Organizations
Chasalow: Acing Business Associations, 2010
Criminal Procedure
Abramson: Acing Criminal Procedure, 3d Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314906731
ISBN: 9780314282736
Civil Procedure
Spencer: Acing Civil Procedure, 3d Ed., 2011
Law School Success
Darrow-Kleinhaus: Acing the Bar Exam, 2008
ISBN: 9780314276070
ISBN: 9780314177063
Commercial Law – Payment Systems and
Negotiable Instruments
Leibson: Acing Negotiable Instruments, 2010
Professional Responsibility and Ethics
Abramson: Acing Professional Responsibility, 2d Ed., 2013
ISBN: 9780314911452
Constitutional Law
Weaver, Friedland, Hancock, and Lively: Acing
Constitutional Law, 2010 ISBN: 9780314181350
Darrow-Kleinhaus: Acing Contracts, 2010
ISBN: 9780314171719
Criminal Law
Burkoff: Acing Criminal Law, 2d, 2013
ISBN: 9780314285478
“ It would be impossible to
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Procedure]. ... Awesome.“
lawadvocate, Virginia 1L
ISBN: 9780314286413
Medill: Acing Property, 2d Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314280954
Taxation – Income
Donaldson: Acing Income Tax, 2008 ISBN: 9780314176837
Ghosh: Acing Tort Law, 2d Ed., 2012 ISBN: 9780314279972
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help you understand the correct answer while building
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testing titles
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real exam situations
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(objective) provide detailed explanations
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[Cheh: Exam Pro Objective on
Take your final exams with confidence – prepare
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Each Exam Pro title has been prepared by a leading
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area of law. Most Exam Pro exams present detailed
fact patterns, then pose questions, simulating real
exam situations. The detailed answer keys not only
provide the correct answer, but also explain why it
is the best option. You will also learn to identify
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Prepare with Exam Pro.
Criminal Procedure]. ... It is helpful
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Exam Pro Series (continued)
Bar Prep
Friedland: Exam Pro Bar Prep Workbook Revised, 2010
Professional Responsibility
Abramson: Exam Pro on Professional Responsibility, 2010
ISBN: 9780314268457
ISBN: 9780314264756
Civil Procedure
Mullenix: Exam Pro Objective on Civil Procedure, 2d Ed.,
2007 ISBN: 9780314180681
Property Law
Wendel: Exam Pro Objective on Property, 2d Ed., 2007
Commercial Law – Secured Transactions
Sepinuck: Secured Transactions Exam Pro Objective
2d, 2012 ISBN: 9780314283252
Taxation – Individual
Popovich: Exam Pro Objective on Federal Income Taxation,
2d Ed., 2007 ISBN: 9780314180698
Criminal Law
Burkoff: Exam Pro Essay on Criminal Law, 2010
Bauman and Eades: Exam Pro on Torts, 2011
ISBN: 9780314232953
ISBN: 9780314161475
Burkoff and Burkoff: Exam Pro Objective on Criminal Law,
2012 ISBN: 9780314232960
Trusts and Estates
Cain and Spitko: Exam Pro Objective on Wills, Trusts, and
Estates, 2006 ISBN: 9780314239471
Criminal Procedure
Cheh: Exam Pro Objective on Criminal Procedure, 3d Ed.,
2012 ISBN: 9780314279552
Graham: Exam Pro Essay on Evidence, 2d Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314273642
Graham: Exam Pro Objective on Evidence, 4th Ed., 2011
ISBN: 9780314273635
ISBN: 9180314180704
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Darrow-Kleinhaus: Acing the Bar Exam, 2008
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Darrow-Kleinhaus, Berman and Cooney: The New York Bar
Exam by the Issue, 2012≠
Kaplan: The Opportunity Maker: Strategies for Inspiring
Your Legal Career Through Creative Networking and
Business Development, 2008 ISBN: 9780314194428
Kavanagh and Nailon: Excellence in the Workplace: Legal
and Life Skills in a Nutshell, 2007 ISBN: 9780314176097
ISBN: 9780314200112
McKim: Maximize Your Lawyer Potential: Business
Etiquette and Professionalism for Law Students and
Lawyers, 2008 ISBN: 9780314194039
Friedland: Exam Pro Bar Prep Workbook, Revised Edition,
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National Association of Law Placement (NALP): Official
Guide to Legal Specialties, 2000 ISBN: 9780159003916
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Success, 2008 ISBN: 9780314176783
Strauss: Behind the Bench: The Guide to Judicial
Clerkships, 2002 ISBN: 9780314143969
Career Success
Cleveland: Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks: The
Essential Guide to Thriving as a New Lawyer, 2010
Walton: America’s Greatest Places to Work with a Law
Degree, 1999 ISBN: 9780159001806
ISBN: 9780314917478
Gladney and Millien: From Finals to the Firm: The
Top 10 Things New Associates Should Know, 2009
ISBN: 9780314904270
Walton: Best of the Job Goddess, 1999 ISBN: 9780159003930
Walton: Guerrilla Tactics for Getting the Legal Job of Your
Dreams, 2d Ed., 2008 ISBN: 9780314176776
Walton: What Law School Doesn’t Teach You … But You
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