Safe Sanctuary Policy Supporting Documents
Safe Sanctuary Policy Supporting Documents
PolicysupportingDocumentation RMC SafeSanctuary Tableof Contents This PDF file containsnecessaryzupportingdocumentationfor the RMC SafeSanctuaryPolicy Documentationincludes: I Media Spokesperson t AuthorizationandRequestfor Criminal RecordsCheck t ChurchProgramsandNon-churchProgramsasRelatedto Insurance t TransportationSafetywithin Your Mnistry o ParticipantBehaviorCovenant o ConferenceSafeSanctuaryChecklist | "Helpful Resources"bibliography(2 pages) Official, per PetitionACIT-201I Media SpoksPenson In the event that the media would like to addressan incident that may have taken plrrceat a ministry site either the ConfenenceMedia Spokespersonor the lead pastor of the local church, clerg5ryenonin charge, or his&er designee should be appointed media spokesperson.The spokespensonshould not feel pressuredto comment but should weigh carefrrlly what is said, balancing opennesswith concem for victim(s), perpetrator(s)nand due procss of law. The media spokespemonshould also coordinate any media communication with the District SuperintendenTwho may inform the Confenencelegal advisor, and possibly the insurance carrier. Official, per Petition ACIT -2011 w AUTNORIZATION AND E Reeursr Fg RecoRos Cl*ecr n CRTUTNAL Church to requestthe , hereby authorize I, @,::i:Y:::ffi lI.':'i*H;T::::* "f;Xffilo"i"T:?'::::ffi tained on me, whether said file is a local, state,or national file, and including but not limited to accusationsand convictionsfor crimes committed againstminors, to the fullest extent permitted by stateand federallaw. I do releasesaid police/sheriff's department,or other company,frorn all liability that may result from any such disclosuremade in responseto this lequest. Signatureof APPlicant Date Print applicant'sfull name: Print all other namesthat have been usedby applicant(if any): Dateof birth: Placeof birth: SocialSecuritynumber: Driver'slicensenumber: Stateissuinglicense: Licenseexpirationdate: Requestsentto: Name: Address: Phone: List eachaddressat rvhich you have residedin the last five years. Address:' Address: Address: Applicant'sCunent Name: Address: Phone: specificneeds. Tirisis a samplefonn andcanbe tailoredto fit your conglegation's by DisciplesiripResources' 20A3 in Youth Ministries SafeSanctuaries, Abuse Risk of Reducingthe CHURCHPROGRAMSAND NON.CHURCH PROGRAMSAS RELAf,ED TO INSURANCE programsrelatingto children,youth andvulnerableadultsare coveredunderthe Conference-wide ptoprrty and CasualtyInsuranceProgramso long asthey are churchoperated.That is, the churchmust havecontrol over startrngand stoppingthe operatioq hiring and firing the employees,andmanagement of the day4o-dayoperations. The decisionto operatea program,asdescribedabove,shouldbe a matterof recordin the meetlng minutesof the eOministrativeBoard or Board of Trusteesof the local church. This will lay to restthe questionof whetherit is a churchoperatedor a non-churchprogramthat is usingthe churchpremises. The non-churchprogramis not coveredby the Conferenceinsuranceandthe churchshouldbe surethat thesenon-churcliprogramscarry a minimum of $1,000,000in GeneralLiability Insuranceandare coveredby WorkersCo-p"osation Insurance.Certificatesofthese insurancecoveragesshouldbe . requestedandreceivedUytle churchannually. TheAnnual Conferenceandthe local churchshouldbe namedas"additional insured"on thesepolicies. childcarecentersare coveredunderthe Workers'Compensation The employeesof church-operated programand assuchshouldbe reportedon the annualWorkers'Compensationsalaryaudit of the locd church. Official, per Petition LCLT'2011 Transportation Safetywithin Your Ministry FromretneatsandyouthUipsto a quic{<run to the bank,manyof the ateryday oganizationincludesomeformof automobile at yourreligious activigesperformed but by Oftentimes,the vehiclesusedare not ownd by fte congregaUon transportation. andvolunteers. its employees s;Uessed fur ChurchMutuallnsunnceCompany, KarenMeE,casualtyclaimsmanager proper practices and driving safe of goodvehiclemaintenance, the importance ownedby the corgregation. not those only vehicles, for all insurancecoveftUe a safedriver Selectinq anddriversaftty,"MeEsaid. "selectingqualifieddriversis crucialto passenger process. to assistwith the driverselection ChurchMutualoffersguidelines whenselectinga driver: the followingqualifications Consider . Attitude . Age(minimumageof 25 is recommended) of Motor areeligibleto runa Department . Drivingrecord(ChurchMutualcustomers tor $3.50) VehiclecheckthroughChohePoint@ (checkdriverreftrences) . Experience . condition Physical possession opemtinglargervehicles driver/slicenseandexperience . of a commercial (if the iob requiresdrivinga busor largevan) ..Confirm MeEsaid. that all drivershavea rraliddriver'slicenseandpersonalinsurance," policy card to insurance or insurance "Makea copyof eachlicenseandthe personal keepon fi|e." It is the policyof the RockyMountainConftrencethat no yotrthwill be designated driversfor ConftrenceEvenb,'!outh" beingdefinedas persons18yearsof ageand in the Conference. on localchurches younger.Thissameguldelineis stronglyurgred Source:ChurchIvlutualInsuranceCompanyWebsite http://www.churchrnutual.conri/risls'eporter/displaycontent.php?id:13&pagrfeature Official, per Petition AClT'zAll RI\4ICUMC Safe Sanctuaries Poiicy ParticipanttsehaviorCovenant Pleaseturnthis in withyourmedicallpermission form. As representatives of Christand Christ'sChurch,we, the participants in this Conference Event{Rejuvenation,Yl-C, DistrictLeadership,CCYM,MissionTeam,etc.)take seriouslyour responsibilfuto carefor one another. This covenantrepresentsthe affirmationof our concernfor the wellbeingof the totalcommunlty.We covenantwith eachotherto insurethe safetyof all,to makeour timetogethermostmeaningful, andto carefor the facilitywhichwe share. In additionto our general concemfor our community,we agree specificallyto: . . . . . . o r Leavevehiclesparkedandunoccupied. Remainon the site unlesshavingbeengivenpermissionto leave. Attendall activitiesincludingmeals. Observescheduledcurfewby beingin rooms,quiet,and notdisturbingothers. Neverenterthe roomof someoneof the othergender. Notusetobaccoproducts. Not use alcoholor illegaldrugs. Notbringanimals,weapons,illegalsubstances, explosives, fireworks,alcohol,or dangerous materials. r Respecttheperson,equipmentand propertyof others. (Thisshouldbe practicaljokes, consideredwhenconsidering waterfights,useof shavingcream, etc. Do no harmto others.) . We will use language,behavior,and attitudes,whichare consistent withthe Christianfaith. . We agreeto participatein everyprogramsessionand smallgroupmeeting. Thiscovenantis madebetweeneachpersonandthe wholegroup.In the caseof a brokencovenant,the groupwill be represented by the CovenantAdvisory Team, AssociateDirectorof Mission& Ministry,or equivalentrepresentation fromCCYM. t understand that if I breakthe covenant andif the brokenness cannotbe reconciled, that I may be sent homeat my ownexpenseand otherexpensesincurredby me will be chargedto me, my parents,and/ormy church. Signature PleasePrfnt,Complete,Copy,& Mailto: RockyMountainGonference 6110GreenwoodPlazaBlvd. Greenwood Viilage,CO 80111 Attn: Youth Events Juiy 2009 Version Date Roclry Mountain Conferenceof the United Methodist Church SafeSanctuarvCheck List This check list should be usedto assurecompliancewith the RMC Safe Sancfuary Policy. This check list should be usedfor all Conferenceoutings involving childrenn youth, and vulnerable adults. ConferenceFunction Date of Function Name of volunteer or paid worker Volunteeror paid worker: has beeneither a regular attendeeor memberfor a minimum of six months (nameand Stateof local church) has submitted an authorization form for permissionto conduct a Background Check (Criminal Records Check) with fingerprint check, as required for Confercncelevel evenb. Youth aneonly required to submit a rcferencecheck form. has obtainedclearancefrom the National Registerof SexOffendersaswell as from the State of nesidenceStateBureau of Investigations. (CO' WY' UT) has revieweda job descriptionand safepracticesfor the specificarea he or shewill be volunteeringftvorking in. hascompletedrelevantsafesanctuarytraining at the local church. has signed and submitted the medicaUpermissionform. has read and signedthe Behavior Covenant has submitted a W-4 and an I-9 (for paid workers only) has had any *Red Flags'addressedand discussedbetweenthe Conference coordinator and the local church pastor. Nameand phonenumber of personresponsiblefor monitoring safetyat this event Nameof Confenencesupervisor. Signature. Official, per Petition AClT-2All Helnful Resourcs The materials found in the *Safe Sanctuary" sectioncamefrom a variety of resourcesi.SomeweFecollectedfmm the Colorado Department of Human Services,somefrom the Roclry Mountain ConferenceAttorney' somefrom Church Mutual Insurance Company, and somefmm the resourceslisted below. Joy Thornburg Melton, Safe Sanetuariesfor Youth: Refurcingthe Risleof Abuse in Youth Ministries Disciplship Resources'2004 Joy Thornburg Melton, Safe Sanctuaries,Reducingthe Riskof Child Abuse in the Churclt Discipleship Resourcesb2005 Also available: Joy Thonnburg Melton, Re&rcing the Riskof Abuse in the Churchfot Childten and Youth. Discipleship Resounces,2008. (This updated nesourcecombines the two abovefrom 2004and 2005.) Training Resourceon DVD: Joy Thonnburg Melton, Safe Sunctuadesfor Children and Youth; Re&rcing the Rishof Abuse in the Church. Discipleship Resources. (The leader's guide can be ordered through or Atl of the abovecan be ordered through com through www.cokesbury. Church Mutual Insurance, Safety Tipson A SensitiveSubject; Child Suual Abuse (This DVD was producedin parlnership with Joy Thornburg Melton and can be ordered through company will also sendyou brochures to accompanythe DVD, free of charge. WEBSITES For Elder Abuseand at-risk prevention: org www.aarpelderwatch. (Continuedon next page) Official, per Petition AC|T -20ll Helpful Resonrrccs- WEBSITES (Cont'd) For hdpful information on First Aid, CP& elleryies, biohazards' rnd blodbome pathogens: For more infometion on heslth and safety, contect your local chapter of the American Red Cross. Official, per Petition ACIT-2011
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