ultimate bending strength and stiffness under compression test of
ultimate bending strength and stiffness under compression test of
1 ULTIMATE BENDING STRENGTH AND STIFFNESS UNDER COMPRESSION TEST OF END CORNER MITER JOINTS CONSTRUCTED OF SOLID WOOD Vassil JIVKOV Assia MARINOVA INTRODUCTION One of the strongest and most permanent joints made in carpentry and cabinet-making, where pieces of wood are fastened together, is the miter joint. The miter joint is a good way of efficiently joining wood and wood related materials like MDF, plywood, particleboard, etc. A cabinet with a face frame with miter joints immediately conveys a high level of quality and craftsmanship. Solid wood frame is a good solution for many other furniture structures like frames for upholstery furniture or bed support frame and therefore the strength of joints is of first priority. There are many studies dealing with strength and stiffness of joints constructed of wood. Some studies has been carried out for dowel joints [2,4,5,6,14,16] and other for mortise and tenon joints [1,3,7,8,9,10,11,13,15]. But very less data was found for the strength of miter joints [4]. Most of researchers have tested T-type joints and not end corner joints. Miter joints could be constructed in traditional way like dowels or mortise and tenon or in specific way with dovetail joints. This study was carried out to establish more information about bending strength and stiffness coefficient under compression test of different miter joints constructed from different wood species, designed for use in wooden cabinet doors or other furniture frames. MATERIALS AND TEST METHODS All specimens for this study have been made from alder, pine and walnut wood. Four types of end corner miter joints constructed with open mortise and tenon; two-pin dowels, plastic dovetail keys with glue and plastic dovetail keys without glue. Polyvinyl acetate glue has been used for assemble of joints. The type, shape, and dimensions of test samples are shown in Figure 1. All specimens have been tested under compression bending test (Fig. 2). The specimens’ sizes are given in Figure 2a. Figure. 1. Typ,e shape and dimensions of test samples. For each type of joints 10 samples were manufactured. The samples were tested under compression bending loading in the Laboratory for Furniture Structural Design at the University of Forestry, Sofia, using the universal testing machine FP 100. The requirement of a static loading that the time for the testing of each sample had to be within the interval of 60±30 s was met. The type, dimensions and scheme of loading and deformation of the tested samples under compression bending loading are shown in Fig. 2. NÁBYTOK 2006 – FURNITURE 2006 TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN ZVOLEN 2 Figure 2. Dimensions, type of loading and deformation of the tested samples The samples were loaded step by step in the compression bending test. For each value of the loading forces has been measured the change of the distance between the applied points of the forces and have been determined the changed under loading angle between the arms of the joints and the changed arm of bending, as well. The loading has been applied in the range corresponded to the linear section of the curve expressed the relationship between the bending moment and the semi-rigid rotation of the joint. In accordance with the results of the previous investigations this linear section of the curve corresponds approximately to the range of 20% to 60% of the failure bending moment. As it can be seen on the Fig. 2 b, c, in the compression bending test both the right angle between the two arms of the joints and the arm of the bending forces l were changed. The linear displacement f i of the applied points of the loading forces Fi has been measured for each test sample at each level of the loading. It is a sum of a displacement as a result of rotation of the arms of the joint and an additional displacement ∆ i as a result of bending deflection of the arms (See Figure 2 b). The displacement ∆ i has been calculated by the formula (1) ∆i = Fi a 3 , 3EI where: Fi is the magnitude of the loading forces in the compression bending test, N; а - the axial length of the joints arms (Fig. 2), m, ( а =141,4 mm); E - the modulus of longitudinal elasticity, N/m2; I - the axial moment of inertia of the cross-section of the joints arms, m4, which has been calculated by the formula (2) I= δb 3 12 , where: b is the width of the arms, m, ( b =50 mm); δ - the thickness of the arms, m, ( δ =20 mm). NÁBYTOK 2006 – FURNITURE 2006 TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN ZVOLEN 3 The distance between the applied points of the forces (Fig. 2 b, c) at each level of loading has been determined by the expression (3) Li = L − f i + ∆ i , where before the deformation of the samples the size L = 200 mm (Fig. 2 a). The changed under loading angle α i between the joints arms has been calculated in radians by the formula (4) α i = 2 arcsin Li L − fi + ∆i . = 2 arcsin 2a 2a The changed arm of bending l i has been determined by the expression (5) l i = a cos αi 2 . As a result of deformation through the compression bending test the semi-rigid rotation in radians of the arms of the joints is (6) γi = π 2 − αi . For each value of the loading force Fi the bending moment of the joint in [Nm] has been calculated by the formula M i = Fi l i . (7) The stiffness coefficient c i [Nm/rad] in the compression bending test has been calculated by the formula ci = (8) ∆M i . ∆γ i In (8) have been used the symbols (9) ∆M i = M i − M 0 , ∆γ i = γ i − γ 0 , where in the compression tests M i and γ i have been determined according to (7) and (6), respectively, for the value of the loading force Fi , and M 0 , γ 0 - according to (7) and (6) for the starting magnitude of the loading force F0 . The stiffness coefficient с as a stiffness characteristic of the corner joint in the compression test has been determined as an average value of the obtained from (8) values for each sample at each level of loading in the range of loading corresponded to the linear section of the curve expressed the relationship between the bending moment and the semi-rigid rotation of the joint. NÁBYTOK 2006 – FURNITURE 2006 TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN ZVOLEN 4 The testing of each sample has been extended until the failure load was reached. The ultimate bending moment can be calculated by the formula (7) with the maximum value of the loading force. In this way, by the testing of the samples at the same scheme of compression loading can de determined simultaneously the strength and the stiffness characteristics of the joints. RESULTS AND ANALISIS The results of bending moments under compression test are given in Table 1. Results from the test indicate that type of joints and type of wood species have considerable influence on the ultimate bending strength. Highest bending moment has joint constructed with open mortise and tenon of walnut 284.8 Nm. This is due to two reasons. First, this is because of huge gluing area in this joint. On the other hand walnut wood has the best mechanical properties in comparison with other wood species. Typical type of failure of open mortise and tenon joints can be seen in Figure 3. In most of test samples the joint failed due to a split failure of the tenon. Figure 3. Type of failure of end corner miter joints with open mortise and tenon The next highest ultimate bending moment with approximately 31-32% lower strength is determined in the corner joint constructed of walnut wood with two-pin dowel joints (196 Nm) and in the one constructed again of walnut wood with dovetail key joint (195.2 Nm). Close in magnitude is the ultimate bending moment of alder wood corner joint with open mortise and tenon joints with 191.5 Nm. The following group has 38 to 52% lower bending strength and consists of joints with ultimate bending moment from 136.8 to 179.6 Nm. These joints are constructed of pine and alder wood with open mortise and tenon, two-pin dowels and dovetail key joints. All joints constructed with dovetail keys failed due to shear failure in the area of the dovetail key (See Figure 4). Figure 4. Type of failure of end corner miter joints with dovetail keys The results for joints bending strength indicate clearly that dovetail joints with unglued keys are very weak and they should be recommended only in case of usage in none-load-bearing frames. NÁBYTOK 2006 – FURNITURE 2006 TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN ZVOLEN 5 Table 1. Ultimate bending moments and stiffness coefficients of tested end corner joints from 3 different wood species under compression tests Type of joints/ Wood species Ultimate bending moment, М Coefficient of Mean x , Nm variation v, % I. End corner miter joint with open mortise and tenon: 1. Alder 191,5 11,1 2. Pine 179,6 9,3 3. Walnut 284,8 9,5 II.: End corner miter joint with two-pin dowels: 4. Alder 174,9 9,9 5. Pine 144,5 7,4 6. Walnut 196,0 12,1 III. End corner miter joint with dovetail keys with glue: 7. Alder 160,6 15,0 8. Pine 136,8 14,8 9. Walnut 195,2 11,3 IV. End corner miter joint with dovetail keys without glue: 10. Alder 73,1 14,6 11. Pine 58,8 18,0 12. Walnut 103,5 5,3 Stiffness coefficient, с Coefficient of Mean x , variation v, % Nm/rad 4252,3 3475,2 5416,4 17,9 17,8 17,9 4965,3 3689,5 6385,4 15,4 13,6 15,7 4181,0 3251,5 6211,0 17,7 19,0 14,4 2268,9 1459,6 2561,8 19,2 18,7 13,0 Ultimate bending strength 300 250 200 Nm 150 Alder Pine 100 Walnut 50 0 I II III IV Type of joints Figure 5. Ultimate bending moments of end corner miter joints constructed of alder, pine and walnut wood. I - open mortise and tenon joint; II – two-pin dowel joint; III – dovetail key joint with glued key; IV – dovetail key joint with unglued key A clear relationship between ultimate bending strength and stiffness coefficient can be observed in the test results. Stiffness coefficient of joints follows the trend from ultimate bending strength with some exceptions. Two-pin dowel and dovetail with glued key joints constructed of NÁBYTOK 2006 – FURNITURE 2006 TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN ZVOLEN 6 walnut have higher strength compare to open mortise and tenon joints. Also two-pin dowel joints have higher stiffness in comparison to open mortise and tenon joints. Stiffness coeficients 7000 6000 5000 Nm/rad 4000 Alder 3000 Pine 2000 Walnut 1000 0 I II III IV Type of joints Figure 6. Stiffness coefficients of end corner miter joints constructed of alder, pine and walnut wood. I - open mortise and tenon joint; II – two-pin dowel joint; III – dovetail key joint with glued key; IV – dovetail key joint with unglued key CONCLUSIONS From the results of this study for evaluating the ultimate bending moment and stiffness coefficient under compression test of end corner miter joints constructed from alder, pine and walnut wood following conclusions can be done: 1. Type of joints and type of wood species have considerable influence on the ultimate bending strength and stiffness of tested end corner miter joints. 2. Highest ultimate bending moment and stiffness were obtained with joints constructed of walnut wood. 3. Open mortise and tenon joints showed the highest ultimate bending strength among the four types of joints tested within each wood species. 4. No significant difference in bending strength and stiffness was observed among two-pin dowel joints and dovetail joints with glued keys. 5. The application of dovetail miter joints with unglued key should be very limited because these types of joints showed three times lower strength and stiffness among all evaluated joints. 6. The results of this study on bending moments and stiffness coefficient under compression test of end corner miter joints can be used for norm and strength design of furniture and other structural elements, for furniture construction analyses and for quality control. 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Author's addresses: Vassil Jivkov, Associate Professor Assia Marinova, Associate professor Department of Furniture and Interior Design University of Forestry Kliment Ohridski Blvd 10 1756 Sofia Bulgaria e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] NÁBYTOK 2006 – FURNITURE 2006 TECHNICKÁ UNIVERZITA VO ZVOLENE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY IN ZVOLEN
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