Volume Set
Volume Set
Please refer to the QStar license and Copyright information at the end of this manual before installing any QStar Software. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE Contact QStar Technical Support: • In the United States, Dial +1-850-243-0900 • In Europe, Dial +39-02-45-171-1 • Or E-mail support in North America is available through [email protected] • Or E-mail support in Europe is available through [email protected] Addresses: QStar Technologies USA QStar Technologies, Inc. 99 NE Eglin Parkway Bldg.37 Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 Tel: +1-850-243-0900 Fax: +1-850-243-4234 E-mail: [email protected] Web URL: http://www.qstar.com/ QStar Europe (HQ) QStar Technologies Italia srl Viale Italia 12 20094 Corsico (Milano) Italy Tel: +39-02-45-171-1 Fax: +39-02-45-101-745 E-mail: [email protected] Web URL: http://www.qstar.com/ QStar Europe (UK) QStar Europe Lyons House 2, Station Road Frimley, Surrey GU16 5HF England Tel: +44-1276-418-237 Fax: +44-1276-691-090 E-mail: [email protected] Web URL: http://www.qstar.com/ QStar SOFTWARE LICENSE CARD This License Agreement is your proof of License. Please treat it as valuable property. QStar LICENSE AGREEMENT This is a legal Agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and QStar Technologies, Inc. By opening the sealed software packages and/or by using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not open the SOFTWARE packages. Promptly return the SOFTWARE packages and any other materials that are parts of this QStar Product. QStar SOFTWARE LICENSE GRANT OF LICENSE. License grant in consideration of payment of the License fee you paid for this QStar Product. QStar as LICENSOR, grants you, the LICENSEE, a non-exclusive right to use and display this copy of the QStar Product and permits you to use the QStar Product on as many computers as you have authorized Licenses. The SOFTWARE is “in use” on a computer when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CDROM, or other storage device) of that computer, except that a copy installed on a network server for the sole purpose of distribution to other computers is not “in use”. QStar reserves all rights not expressly granted to the LICENSEE. COPYRIGHT. The SOFTWARE (including any images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, and text incorporated into the SOFTWARE) is owned by QStar Technologies, or its suppliers, and is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE as any other copyrighted material (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may either (a) make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the SOFTWARE to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. Unauthorized copying of the QStar Product even if modified, merged or included with other SOFTWARE, or of the written materials, is expressly forbidden. OTHER RESTRICTION. This QStar Product, user guide, and documentation is licensed to you, the LICENSEE, and may not be transferred to any third party for any length of time without the written consent of QStar. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, modify, adapt, translate or disassemble the SOFTWARE, except to the extent that applicable law expressly prohibits the foregoing restriction. DUAL-MEDIA SOFTWARE. As the LICENSEE, you own the magnetic or other physical media on which the QStar Product is recorded or fixed, but QStar retains title to and ownership in the SOFTWARE program of the QStar Product. You may not use the media on any other computer or computer network, or loan, rent, lease, or transfer them to another user except as part of a permanent transfer (as provided above) or other use expressly permitted by this License. This License is not a sale of the original SOFTWARE program of the QStar Product or any portion or copy of it. DISCLAIMER AND LIMITED WARRANTY. QStar Technologies warrants that the SOFTWARE will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying product manuals for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. Any implied warranties on the SOFTWARE are limited to ninety (90) days. Some states/jurisdictions do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you. QStar Technologies’ entire liability and your exclusive remedy shall be repair or replacement of the SOFTWARE that does not meet QStar Technologies’ Limited Warranty. This Limited Warranty is void if failure of the SOFTWARE has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. QStar shall have no responsibility to replace the disk or refund the License fee. TERMINATION. This Agreement is effective until terminated. This Agreement will terminate automatically without notice from QStar Technologies if you fail to comply with any provision contained herein. Upon termination, you shall destroy the written materials, the QStar Product and all copies of them, in part and in whole, including any modified copies. PRODUCT UPDATES. QStar may from time to time update the QStar Product. Updates may be made available to you based upon payment of annual software support fees and/or upgrade fees, to QStar or QStar’s Authorized Service Partners, and the level of service purchased. EVALUATION SOFTWARE. If the SOFTWARE you have requested is an evaluation copy only, LICENSEE recognizes that the SOFTWARE has tangible value, contains valuable trade secrets, copyrights, and confidential information of QStar and is the sole property of QStar. LICENSEE shall have no right to print or copy the QStar SOFTWARE or documentation in whole or in part. All SOFTWARE shall remain the property of QStar and must be returned upon completion of evaluation. QStar SOFTWARE is “For Demonstration or Evaluation Use Only.” LICENSEE agrees not to re-sell and/or use the SOFTWARE provided for its own internal business usage without the formal written consent of QStar. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, QSTAR TECHNOLOGIES DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE, AND THE ACCOMPANYING WRITTEN MATERIALS. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY HAVE OTHER RIGHTS, WHICH VARY FROM STATE/JURISDICTION TO STATE/JURISDICTION. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL QSTAR TECHNOLOGIES, OR ITS SUPPLIERS, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS QSTAR TECHNOLOGIES PRODUCT, EVEN IF QSTAR TECHNOLOGIES HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. RESTRICTED RIGHTS. The SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraph (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer SoftwareRestricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is QStar Technologies, 99 NE Eglin Pkwy, #37, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548. Unpublished – All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States and of other countries. GENERAL. If you acquired this product in the United States, the laws of the State of Florida govern this Agreement. If this product was acquired outside the United States, then local law may apply. This Agreement sets forth the entire Agreement between QStar and you may be amended only in writing signed by both parties. No waiver of any right under this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing signed by both parties. If any provision in this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable that provision shall be construed, limited, modified or, if necessary served, to the extent necessary, to eliminate its invalidity or un-enforceability and all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain unaffected. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, or if you desire to contact QStar Technologies for any reason, please contact the subsidiary serving your country, or write: QStar Technologies, Inc., Attn: General Counsel, 99 NE Eglin Pkwy, #37, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 QStar Technologies is a registered trademark of QStar Technologies, Inc D-LIC-05-07 5/00 TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE.............................................................................................................................................i Conventions and Notations .................................................................................................................ii QStar Manual Revision....................................................................................................................... iii Chapter Summary.............................................................................................................................. iiii CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... PLATFORMS SUPPORTED .............................................................................................................. 2 MEDIA SUPPORTED......................................................................................................................... 2 QSTAR PRODUCT LINE ................................................................................................................... 3 The Product Series for OPTICAL, DVD-RAM and TAPE............................................................... 3 QStar HSM ................................................................................................................................. 3 HSM Features and Benefits ................................................................................................... 3 QStar Data Director .................................................................................................................... 4 Data Director Features and Benefits...................................................................................... 4 The Product Series for CD/DVD-ROM ........................................................................................... 5 QStar CD/DVD Axxess............................................................................................................... 5 QStar CD/DVD Axxess Features and Benefits ...................................................................... 5 The Product Series for CD/DVD-R................................................................................................. 6 QStar CD/DVD Master ............................................................................................................... 6 QStar CD/DVD Master Features and Benefits....................................................................... 6 FEATURES OF QSTAR SOFTWARE................................................................................................ 7 CHAPTER TWO: QSTAR COMPONENTS ......................................................................................... GENERAL COMPONENTS................................................................................................................ 2 API Interface................................................................................................................................... 2 Command Line ............................................................................................................................... 2 Privileged Users ............................................................................................................................. 2 Online Help Manual pages ............................................................................................................. 2 Remote Administration ................................................................................................................... 2 Copy Disk ....................................................................................................................................... 2 VL Scheduler .................................................................................................................................. 2 DEVICE MANAGER COMPONENTS ................................................................................................ 3 QStar “SCSI” Manager ................................................................................................................... 3 Jukebox Manager ........................................................................................................................... 3 View Store ...................................................................................................................................... 3 MEDIA MANAGER COMPONENTS .................................................................................................. 4 QStar “Volume Librarian” Database ............................................................................................... 4 Online Media Management ............................................................................................................ 4 Offline Media Management ............................................................................................................ 4 Data Compaction............................................................................................................................ 4 Automated Copy Disk..................................................................................................................... 4 MIGRATION MANAGER COMPONENTS ......................................................................................... 5 Migration Manager.......................................................................................................................... 5 Cache ............................................................................................................................................. 5 File Migration .................................................................................................................................. 5 Transaction Logging Cache ........................................................................................................... 5 Virtual Disk ..................................................................................................................................... 5 DIAGNOSTIC COMPONENTS .......................................................................................................... 6 QStar Syslog File............................................................................................................................ 6 Qscsi_log Command ...................................................................................................................... 6 Vlconsole Command ...................................................................................................................... 6 Mail Notification .............................................................................................................................. 6 FILE SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................. 7 kOFS (Optical File System) ............................................................................................................ 7 OFS (Optical File System).............................................................................................................. 7 SDF (Standard Data Format) ......................................................................................................... 8 CD File System............................................................................................................................... 8 UDF (Universal Disk Format) ......................................................................................................... 8 MEDIA ORGANIZATION.................................................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER THREE: INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING QSTAR SOFTWARE................................ SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................... 2 Software Requirements .................................................................................................................. 2 QStar’s Recommendation for Optimization of the System............................................................. 2 The Storage Devices.................................................................................................................. 2 Improving the Servers Performance........................................................................................... 3 Protecting Against Data Loss ..................................................................................................... 3 Installation Considerations ......................................................................................................... 4 Hardware and SCSI Requirements ................................................................................................ 5 QSTAR SOFTWARE DIRECTORIES ................................................................................................ 6 UPGRADING YOUR CURRENT VERSION OF QSTAR SOFTWARE ............................................. 7 INSTALLATION STEPS ..................................................................................................................... 9 Diagram Installation Step ............................................................................................................... 9 STEP 1: HARDWARE INSTALLATION AND SETUP OF DEVICES............................................... 10 Step1.1) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: Sun Solaris, Digital Unix or Compaq Tru64 ............................................... 10 Step1.2) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: IBM AIX ...................................................................................................... 11 Step1.3) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: Silicon Graphics IRIX ................................................................................. 12 Step1.4) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: Hewlett Packard HP-UX............................................................................. 13 STEP 2: LOADING THE QSTAR SOFTWARE ON THE SYSTEM ................................................. 14 STEP 3: INSTALLING THE LICENSE KEYS AND REGISTERING THE SOFTWARE .................. 15 Demo License Key ....................................................................................................................... 16 Permanent License Key ............................................................................................................... 19 STEP 4: INSTALLING THE QSTAR SOFTWARE ........................................................................... 24 STEP 5: SPECIFYING YOUR STORAGE DEVICE CONFIGURATION ......................................... 25 Step 5.1) SUN Solaris, Digital Unix, Compaq Tru64, Silicon Graphics IRIX, Hewlett Packard HP-UX or Linux .............................................................................. 25 Step 5.2) IBM AIX..................................................................................................................... 32 STEP 6: RESTORING QSTAR DATABASES.................................................................................. 39 STEP 7: COMPILING THE KERNEL, IF APPLICABLE ................................................................... 40 STEP 8: POST INSTALLATION TEST............................................................................................. 41 RECONFIGURING STORAGE DEVICES ....................................................................................... 43 ADDING NEW STORAGE DEVICES............................................................................................... 48 DE-INSTALLING QSTAR SOFTWARE............................................................................................ 52 PRIVILEGED USERS....................................................................................................................... 53 SEND MAIL NOTIFICATION............................................................................................................ 53 START OR STOP QSTAR SERVERS ............................................................................................. 53 CHAPTER FOUR: JUKEBOX MANAGEMENT .................................................................................. BASIC NOTIONS OF JUKEBOX MANAGEMENT............................................................................. 2 Jbscheduler .................................................................................................................................... 2 Element Status: Online/Offline ....................................................................................................... 2 Jukebox or Standalone Drive Identification .................................................................................... 2 JUKEBOX PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................. 3 Time Control ................................................................................................................................... 3 Persistent Parameters .................................................................................................................... 3 MANAGING THE JUKEBOX PARAMETERS .................................................................................... 4 FEATURE JB COMMANDS ............................................................................................................... 5 Displaying the Jukebox Status ....................................................................................................... 6 Examples of Controlling the Jukebox Using the JB Commands .................................................... 8 Example 1 - Importing Media into the Jukebox and Checking the Status of the Jukebox ......... 8 Example 2 - Exporting Media from the Jukebox and Checking the Status of the Jukebox ....... 8 Example 3 - Setting a Drive and Shelf Offline, Loading a Media into a Drive and then Checking the Jukebox Status..................................................................................................... 9 Example 4 - Unloading a Media from the Drive, Setting the Drive and Shelf Online and then Checking the Jukebox Status..................................................................................................... 9 ERROR RECOVERY ....................................................................................................................... 10 Selected Errors............................................................................................................................. 10 Examples of Recovery after a Hardware Failure Using the JB Commands ................................ 10 Example 1 - Clearing Drive and Shelf Bad Status ................................................................... 10 Example 2 - Clearing a Drive Bad Status................................................................................. 11 Example 3 - Clearing a Shelf Bad Status................................................................................. 12 Example of Recovery for Lost Source Shelf Information ............................................................. 12 Example - Clearing Lost Source Shelf Information Error ......................................................... 12 USE OF MEDIA NOT SUPPORTED BY THE JUKEBOX................................................................ 13 MEDIA IMPORTED VIA FRONT PANEL OF JUKEBOX INSTEAD OF VIA QSTAR ...................... 13 CHAPTER FIVE: THE VOLUME LIBRARIAN .................................................................................... INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 4 Electronic Labeling ......................................................................................................................... 4 Location Tracking ........................................................................................................................... 4 Dynamic Media Allocation .............................................................................................................. 4 Media Set Quotas........................................................................................................................... 4 BASIC NOTIONS................................................................................................................................ 5 VL Domain ...................................................................................................................................... 5 VL Device Name............................................................................................................................. 5 Volume............................................................................................................................................ 5 Volume Set ..................................................................................................................................... 5 VL Server........................................................................................................................................ 5 VL Database................................................................................................................................... 5 Volume Set Policies........................................................................................................................ 6 Set Id .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Surface Id ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Refreshing ...................................................................................................................................... 6 VL Daemons................................................................................................................................... 6 USING THE VOLUME LIBRARIAN.................................................................................................... 7 MANAGING MEDIA VIA THE VL DATABASE................................................................................... 7 VL MEDIA SET RELATED COMMANDS........................................................................................... 7 Creating Media Sets ....................................................................................................................... 8 Creating a Set with the kOFS File System................................................................................. 8 Creating a Set with OFS File System......................................................................................... 9 Creating a Set with SDF File System ....................................................................................... 10 Creating a Set with UDF File System....................................................................................... 10 Creating a Set with CD File System ......................................................................................... 11 Adding Media to a Set .................................................................................................................. 12 Creating and Adding a Cache to a Media Set .............................................................................. 12 Modifying the Cache for an Integral Volume Set.......................................................................... 13 Displaying Set Information............................................................................................................ 14 Displaying the Information for the kOFS File System and Optical Media ................................ 14 Displaying the Information for the OFS File System and Optical Media of 512 or 1024 Bytes/Sector Size............................................................................................. 15 Displaying the Information for the OFS File System and Optical Media of 2048 or 4096 Bytes/Sector Size........................................................................................... 15 Displaying the Information for the SDF File System and Optical Media of 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 Bytes/Sector Size......................................................................... 16 Displaying the Information for the SDF File System and Tape Media ..................................... 16 Displaying the Information for the SDF File System and DVD-RAM Media............................. 17 Displaying the Information for the CD-ROM Format and CD-ROM Media .............................. 17 Displaying the Information for the UDF File System with Single-Volume Interchange Level and DVD-RAM Media ..................................................................................................... 18 Displaying the Information for the UDF File System with Automount Interchange Level and DVD-RAM Media ..................................................................................................... 18 Displaying the Information for the UDF File System with Automount Interchange Level and CD/DVD-ROM Media............................................................................................... 19 Additional Set Information Displayed on SGI, Linux and HP-UX Platforms............................. 19 VL JUKEBOX RELATED COMMANDS ........................................................................................... 22 Media and Shelf Status Reported by the VL Database................................................................ 22 Main Information for the Media in the VL Database..................................................................... 23 Specific File System Information for Media in the VL Database .................................................. 23 Displaying the Jukebox Media and Shelf Information .................................................................. 24 Displaying jukebox shelves Information for the kOFS, OFS, SDF and UDF File Systems...... 25 FIXING VL DATABASE INCONSISTENCIES.................................................................................. 26 Fixing a Database Inconsistency after a Jukebox Hardware Failure ........................................... 26 Fixing Database Inconsistencies after a Media has been Manually Removed from the Jukebox29 MANAGING OFFLINE MEDIA UNDER VL CONTROL ................................................................... 30 Managing Offline Media................................................................................................................ 30 Canceling a Request for Offline Media......................................................................................... 33 Managing Offline Media Sets ....................................................................................................... 33 MANAGING OFFLINE MEDIA UNDER VL CONTROL USING THE MAGAZINE OR PACK IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................................................ 34 ADDING MEDIA TO A SET.............................................................................................................. 38 Media Available ............................................................................................................................ 38 No Media Available....................................................................................................................... 38 RESTORING MEDIA SETS ............................................................................................................. 39 Restoring Media Sets Unknown to the VL Database ................................................................... 39 Restoring a Media Set after a Software Upgrade ........................................................................ 39 Restoring an Exported Media Set or Integral Volume Set Deleted from the VL Database.......... 39 DATA COMPACTION UNDER VL CONTROL................................................................................. 41 Data Compaction Features for the OFS File system ................................................................... 42 Data Compaction Feature for SDF File System ........................................................................... 45 Data Compaction Feature Using the Reallocation Only Option ................................................... 48 Set Status in the VL Database During Compaction for SDF File System.................................... 50 Re-create the Set Definition for an Integral Volume Set with SDF File System and the Media Reclaimed............................................................................................................. 51 Data Compaction not Available .................................................................................................... 52 ERROR RECOVERY ....................................................................................................................... 52 THE COPY DISK UTILITIES ............................................................................................................ 53 Copy Disk without VL Control....................................................................................................... 53 Substitute the Original Copy of the Media with the Exact Duplicate ........................................ 54 Copy Disk Under VL Control ........................................................................................................ 54 Substitute the Original Copy of the Media with the Duplicate .................................................. 58 Automated Copy Disk Under VL Control...................................................................................... 60 DELAYED JOBS UNDER VL SCHEDULER CONTROL ................................................................. 61 Displaying the Delayed Jobs under VL Scheduler Control .......................................................... 61 Displaying and Setting the General VL Configuration Properties ................................................ 62 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration Threshold Blank/Erased Media Properties............ 62 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration for Offline Media Request Properties. ................... 62 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Delayed Recording Properties............ 63 Starting the Delayed Recording Procedure.............................................................................. 64 Examples of Delayed Write Procedure Using Any Shelf Option.......................................... 66 Examples of Delayed Write Procedure Using a Specified Shelf.......................................... 67 Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Copy Disk Properties .............................. 68 Starting the Delayed Copy Disk Procedure.............................................................................. 69 Examples of Delayed Copy Disk Procedure Specifying the Destination Shelf .................... 70 Examples of Delayed Copy Disk Procedure without Specifying the Destination Shelf ....... 70 Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Compare Properties ................................ 71 Starting the Delayed Compare Procedure ............................................................................... 71 Examples of Delayed Compare Procedure.......................................................................... 72 Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Compaction Properties........................... 73 Starting the Delayed Compaction Procedure........................................................................... 73 Examples of Delayed Compaction Procedure ..................................................................... 74 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration Delayed Erase Properties ..................................... 75 Starting the Delayed Erasing Procedure.................................................................................. 75 Examples of Delayed Erase Procedure ............................................................................... 76 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status in the Delayed Jobs Queue List ............................................... 77 Displaying Delayed Job Status for a Single Job ...................................................................... 78 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status for a Different Delayed Jobs................................................. 79 Displaying Delayed Job Status in Long Format ....................................................................... 81 Moving Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List ....................................................................... 83 Deleting Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List...................................................................... 84 DISPLAYNG ERROR CONDITIONS FOR DELAYED JOBS ...................................................... 85 CHAPTER SIX: MIGRATION MANAGER........................................................................................... MIGRATION MANAGER DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... 2 Migration Manager Terminology..................................................................................................... 2 Events............................................................................................................................................. 3 File Migration Attributes.................................................................................................................. 3 Migrator Manager Parameters for an Integral Volume Set ............................................................ 4 FILE MIGRATION............................................................................................................................... 5 Archiving ......................................................................................................................................... 5 File Migration Modes ...................................................................................................................... 6 MANAGING THE CACHE .................................................................................................................. 6 Structure and Files in the Cache Database.................................................................................... 6 The Cache Files ............................................................................................................................. 7 MIGRATION MANAGER COMMANDS.............................................................................................. 8 MOUNTING AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET....................................................................................... 9 CHECKING THE MOUNTED STATUS OF AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET .................................... 10 ERROR CONDITION DURING MOUNT OPERATIONS ................................................................. 11 SHARE AND MOUNT AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET FROM A CLIENT MACHINE ...................... 12 UNMOUNTING AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET ............................................................................... 13 ARCHIVING NOTIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 14 DISPLAYING AND MONITORING CACHE INFORMATION ........................................................... 15 Information Displayed for a kOFS File System ............................................................................ 15 Information Displayed for a SDF or OFS File System.................................................................. 16 Information Displayed for the UDF File System ........................................................................... 17 Information Displayed for a CD-ROM File System....................................................................... 18 Additional Cache Information Displayed on SGI, Linux and HP-UX Platforms............................ 19 MANAGING THE CACHE PARAMETERS ...................................................................................... 22 ERROR HANDLING AND RECOVERY FOR ALL FILE SYSTEMS ................................................ 24 Error Condition while Processing a Delayed Event...................................................................... 24 Example of Error Condition in the Cache ..................................................................................... 24 POWER FAILURE, SYSTEM CRASH OR REBOOTING WITHOUT UNMOUNTING .................... 25 Transaction Logging Cache ......................................................................................................... 26 CHAPTER SEVEN: MEDIA CONFIGURATIONS .............................................................................. SINGLE VOLUME (S.V.) CONFIGURATION..................................................................................... 3 VOLUME SET (V.S.) CONFIGURATION ........................................................................................... 3 INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET CONFIGURATION ......................................................................... 4 Cache Management for Integral Volume Set Configuration ...................................................... 4 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT - MANAGING “OPTICAL” MEDIA ............................................................. 5 MANAGING A SINGLE VOLUME (S.V.)........................................................................................ 6 Design Considerations for Single Volume Configuration ........................................................... 6 Overview of Creating a Single Volume....................................................................................... 6 SINGLE VOLUME CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX............................................ 7 SINGLE VOLUME CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE...................... 10 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN kOFS AND OFS ON A SINGLE VOLUME (S.V.).............................. 12 MANAGING VOLUME SET (V.S.) ............................................................................................... 15 Design Considerations for Volume Set .................................................................................... 15 Overview of Creating a Volume Set ......................................................................................... 15 VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX................................................ 16 VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE ............................ 21 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 25 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 25 Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set .......................................................................... 25 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX............................. 26 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE ......... 32 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT - MANAGING “TAPE” MEDIA ................................................................. 37 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 38 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 38 Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set .......................................................................... 38 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR TAPE JUKEBOX................................... 39 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR TAPE STANDALONE DRIVE ............... 45 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT - MANAGING “DVD-RAM” MEDIA.......................................................... 50 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 51 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 51 Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set .......................................................................... 51 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM JUKEBOX ........................... 52 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM STANDALONE DRIVE........ 58 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT - MANAGING “DVD-RAM/OPTICAL” MEDIA ............................................. WITH UDF FILE SYSTEM................................................................................................................ 63 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 63 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 63 Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set .......................................................................... 63 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM/OPTICAL JUKEBOX WITH AUTOMOUNT INTERCHANGE LEVEL ........................................................................ 65 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM/OPTICAL JUKEBOX WITH MULTI-VOLUME INTERCHANGE LEVEL .................................................................... 71 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM/OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE WITH SINGLE-VOLUME INTERCHANGE LEVEL ...................................................... 77 QSTAR CD/DVD AXXESS PRODUCT - MANAGING “CD-ROM/DVD-ROM” MEDIA .................... 82 Mounting CD-ROM Media as ISO 9660 Volumes (S.V.).............................................................. 83 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 84 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 84 Overview of creating an Integral Volume Set........................................................................... 84 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR CD-ROM/DVD-ROM JUKEBOX WITH ISO 9660 FILE SYSTEM................................................................................................ 85 Advanced CD/DVD Axxess Commands for Controlling an Integral Volume Set with ISO 9660 File System ....................................................................................................... 90 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR CD-ROM/DVD-ROM JUKEBOX WITH UDF FILE SYSTEM AND WITH SINGLE-VOLUME INTERCHANGE LEVEL .............. 91 QSTAR CD/DVD MASTER PRODUCT - MANAGING “CD-R/DVD-R” MEDIA ............................... 96 MANAGING THE QSTAR CD/DVD MASTER SOFTWARE........................................................ 97 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR A CD/DVD-ROM JUKEBOX ..................... 98 SETTING THE CD/DVD-R WRITE PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 98 Displaying the Delayed Commands under VL Scheduler Control ........................................... 99 Displaying and Setting the General VL Configuration Properties .......................................... 100 Displaying the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Write Properties ............................................... 100 Setting the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Direct Write Properties .......................................... 100 Setting the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Delayed Write Properties ...................................... 101 CREATING AN ISO IMAGE ....................................................................................................... 102 Examples of Creating an ISO Image...................................................................................... 103 CREATING A UDF IMAGE......................................................................................................... 104 Examples of Creating a UDF Image....................................................................................... 104 WRITING AN IMAGE FILE TO THE CD/DVD-R MEDIA ........................................................... 105 Starting the RECORD Procedure........................................................................................... 105 Selecting Target Jukebox....................................................................................................... 107 Selecting Target Shelves ....................................................................................................... 107 Starting the CD/DVD-R Direct Write Procedure..................................................................... 108 Direct Write Procedure Using Any Option.......................................................................... 108 Direct Write Procedure Using a Specified Shelf ................................................................ 108 Information Displayed During the Direct Write Procedure ................................................. 109 Starting the CD/DVD-R Delayed Write Procedure ................................................................. 110 Delayed Write Procedure Using Any Shelf Option............................................................. 110 Delayed Write Procedure Using a Specified Shelf............................................................. 111 Delayed Write Procedure Using Any Option and Multiple Copy........................................ 112 Information Displayed During the Delayed Write Procedure ............................................. 113 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status in the Delayed Jobs Queue List ..................................... 114 Displaying Delayed Job Status for a Single Copy.............................................................. 115 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status for a Multiple Copy ......................................................... 116 Displaying Delayed Job Status in Long Format ................................................................. 118 Moving Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List ............................................................. 120 Deleting Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List ........................................................... 121 Burn Test Procedure Before Starting the Write Operation..................................................... 122 Laser OFF Burn Test.......................................................................................................... 122 Write OFF Burn Test .......................................................................................................... 124 ERROR CONDITIONS DURING RECORDING......................................................................... 126 CHAPTER EIGHT: DISASTER RECOVERY ...................................................................................... DIAGNOSTIC UTILITIES ................................................................................................................... 2 The QStar Syslog File .................................................................................................................... 2 The Qscsi_log Command ............................................................................................................... 2 The VLconsole Command .............................................................................................................. 6 Send Mail Notification..................................................................................................................... 6 DRIVE FAILURE IN A JUKEBOX....................................................................................................... 7 Recovery for Lost Source Shelf Information................................................................................... 9 JUKEBOX FAILURE......................................................................................................................... 10 ERROR CONDITION DURING MOUNT .......................................................................................... 11 ERROR HANDLING AND RECOVERY FOR ALL FILE SYSTEMS ................................................ 12 Error Condition while Processing a Delayed Event...................................................................... 12 Example of Error Condition in the Cache ..................................................................................... 12 POWER FAILURE, SYSTEM CRASH OR REBOOTING WITHOUT UNMOUNTING .................... 13 RECOVERY FROM MAGNETIC DISK CACHE FAILURE .............................................................. 14 ERROR RECOVERY IN THE VL DATABASE................................................................................. 15 ERROR RECOVERY USING DUPLICATE MEDIA ..................................................................... 15 Set Status in the VL Database when a Duplicate Media is Imported into the Jukebox ............... 16 TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................... 17 CHAPTER NINE: COMMAND REFERENCE...................................................................................... REMOTE ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................ 3 CMPDISK ........................................................................................................................................... 6 COPYDISK ......................................................................................................................................... 7 JBDRIVE............................................................................................................................................. 8 JBEXPORT....................................................................................................................................... 10 JBFLIP .............................................................................................................................................. 11 JBIMPORT........................................................................................................................................ 12 JBLOAD............................................................................................................................................ 13 JBMAGAZINE................................................................................................................................... 14 JBMOVE ........................................................................................................................................... 15 JBPARAM......................................................................................................................................... 16 JBPING............................................................................................................................................. 19 JBREGRESS .................................................................................................................................... 20 JBRESERVE .................................................................................................................................... 21 JBRESET.......................................................................................................................................... 22 JBSCHEDCHECK ............................................................................................................................ 23 JBSCHEDULER ............................................................................................................................... 24 JBSHELF .......................................................................................................................................... 25 JBSHUT............................................................................................................................................ 27 JBSTATUS ....................................................................................................................................... 28 JBUNLOAD....................................................................................................................................... 29 MKISO .............................................................................................................................................. 30 MKUDF ............................................................................................................................................. 33 MMARC ............................................................................................................................................ 34 MMAUTO.......................................................................................................................................... 35 MMCHMOD ...................................................................................................................................... 37 MMDELAY ........................................................................................................................................ 39 MMLS ............................................................................................................................................... 41 MMPARAM ....................................................................................................................................... 44 MMPING ........................................................................................................................................... 47 MMPURGE ....................................................................................................................................... 48 MMRESUME .................................................................................................................................... 49 MMSUBTREE................................................................................................................................... 50 MOUNTIV ......................................................................................................................................... 52 MOUNTSET...................................................................................................................................... 54 OERASE........................................................................................................................................... 55 OMKFS ............................................................................................................................................. 56 OMOUNT.......................................................................................................................................... 57 UDFDF.............................................................................................................................................. 59 UMOUNT .......................................................................................................................................... 60 UMOUNTIV....................................................................................................................................... 61 VLADDTOSET.................................................................................................................................. 62 VLCACHE......................................................................................................................................... 65 VLCMP ............................................................................................................................................. 67 VLCONSOLE.................................................................................................................................... 69 VLCOPY ........................................................................................................................................... 71 VLCRSET ......................................................................................................................................... 74 VLDELFROMSET............................................................................................................................. 78 VLDELSET ....................................................................................................................................... 79 VLEDITSET ...................................................................................................................................... 80 VLERASE ......................................................................................................................................... 83 VLEXCHANGE ................................................................................................................................. 86 VLEXPORT....................................................................................................................................... 87 VLIMPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 89 VLINSET........................................................................................................................................... 91 VLLSDEV.......................................................................................................................................... 94 VLLSSET .......................................................................................................................................... 96 VLMAGAZINE................................................................................................................................... 98 VLMEDIAUSAGE ............................................................................................................................. 99 VLMVSET ....................................................................................................................................... 100 VLPING........................................................................................................................................... 101 VLQLIST ......................................................................................................................................... 102 VLQMOVE ...................................................................................................................................... 103 VLQREMOVE ................................................................................................................................. 104 VLRECORD.................................................................................................................................... 105 VLREFRESH .................................................................................................................................. 107 VLREGRESS.................................................................................................................................. 109 VLRESTORE_FSDB ...................................................................................................................... 111 VLREUSE ....................................................................................................................................... 112 VLVERIFY ...................................................................................................................................... 114 Scsi Configuration Worksheet (Appendix “A”)................................................................................ A Credit and trademark...................................................................................................................... B QStar Warranty...............................................................................................................................C QStar Technologies is the leading software developer in sophisticated, large-scale client/server STORAGE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE solutions for Windows NT/2000 and UNIX. QStar provides solutions that allow every level of your organization to organize and manage the resources of even the most heterogeneous networks. The world’s leading organizations increasingly rely on QStar for the secure, cost effective and reliable storage of their critical data. More than a decade of experience and a large installed base have provided QStar with the knowledge to make the right software that brings life to storage hardware. The functionality of QStar Software is based on extensive research of user requirements and customer feedback, which has helped QStar develop top-of-the-line software. This System Administrator’s Guide provides the information you will need to install, configure, and utilize QStar Software to manage files. It contains all the necessary information to achieve the best results for implementing and customizing your mass storage solution. CONVENTIONS AND NOTATIONS The following conventions and notations are used in this manual to enable easier and more consistent understanding and interpretation. Topics in this user's guide are normally presented sequentially. Information required to perform a procedure is placed at the beginning of the section before the procedure itself, and should be read first. Many procedures vary by platform. In such cases (where individual chapters are not used), the platform will be identified in bold type at the beginning of the procedure. The following typographic conventions are used: Item Convention Command-line commands and options (switches) Bold monospace 10 pt ; lowercase except where uppercase is required for valid input. Device names All uppercase Example jbstatus –d jb LPT1 COM1 Environment Variables All uppercase PATH, MANPATH Glossary terms - unique or uniquely used terms explained in manual glossary Bold normal case A media set is....... Key names, key combinations, and key sequences Small caps ENTER Place holders in syntax and in user input Italic (note use of required single space denoted by underscore) tar xvf tape_drive_name Prompts and messages Monospace 10 pt with case matching actual display Release Medium User input Bold monospace 9 pt ; lowercase except where uppercase is required for valid input. CTRL, TAB SHIFT, F7 Enter: ln –s /usr/QStar QSTAR MANUAL REVISION November 2002 Revision A: Manual for release starting with v4.9.0. Based on the manual for v4.8.x (Revision F). Added the new Chapter 9. Updated the Chapter 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 . CHAPTER SUMMARY Chapter One: INTRODUCTION This chapter contains an introduction to the platform, device and the media supported, it also contains a brief overview of QStar products and their features. Chapter Two: QSTAR COMPONENTS This chapter describes the main components of QStar Software and the terminology used in later sections of the manual. These descriptions will help the user gain an understanding of the product, to ensure that the maximum performance, functionality, and organization for the storage solution is obtained. Chapter Three: INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING QSTAR SOFTWARE The first section of this chapter describes how to load the QStar Software onto the system and how to connect the hardware devices. The second section describes the installation of the QStar Software and the configuration of the storage device(s). The third section describes how to generate and install license keys. There is also a section to aid in upgrading from earlier versions of the QStar Software. Chapter Four: JUKEBOX MANAGEMENT This chapter describes how to manage the jukebox and its components including the media and drives within the jukebox. Also included are steps to gather jukebox statistics and tune the jukebox for optimum performance. Chapter Five: THE VOLUME LIBRARIAN This chapter describes the use of the Volume Librarian database and how it handles the media. There are sections on how media is handled both in and out of the jukebox as well as creating and managing Integral Volume sets. Chapter Six: MIGRATION MANAGER This chapter describes how to set-up the cache for a Integral Volume set and how to configure it for the best performance. There is also a description of how the cache works. Chapter Seven: MEDIA CONFIGURATIONS This chapter describes how to create the Integral Volume set configuration for all type of media supported by QStar Software. Included are walk through examples showing how each can be achieved. Chapter Eight: DISASTER RECOVERY This chapter covers some common hardware problems and how to recover from them. Chapter Nine: COMMAND REFERENCE This chapter covers all of the QStar commands, including explanations and command options. QStar’s Software significantly reduces the overall storage costs within a network. At the same time, productivity is boosted by keeping all of the data logically online, all the time. QStar Software integrates all storage media on the network. Client magnetic disks, optical, tape, DVD and CD media, both offline and near-line, are consolidated into a single network storage hierarchy. The view of the storage hierarchy is a network available logical disk, transparent to users and applications. Using this method, many terabytes of data storage can be accessed in real time. With QStar Software, data is automatically and transparently migrated between the different storage media within the logical disk based on real time access patterns. Data that is frequently accessed is migrated to faster media, while data that is accessed less frequently is migrated to less costly and more abundant media. QStar Software can represent multiple media as a single volume, keeping track of the exact location of all files on each medium. Off-the-shelf software packages for Imaging, CAD/CAM, Document Management, and other applications are fully compatible with QStar Software. This Chapter contains an introduction to the platforms, devices and media supported. It also includes a brief overview of QStar products and their features. PLATFORMS SUPPORTED .............................................................................................................. 2 MEDIA SUPPORTED......................................................................................................................... 2 QSTAR PRODUCT LINE ................................................................................................................... 3 The Product Series for OPTICAL, DVD-RAM and TAPE............................................................... 3 QStar HSM ................................................................................................................................. 3 HSM Features and Benefits ................................................................................................... 3 QStar Data Director .................................................................................................................... 4 Data Director Features and Benefits...................................................................................... 4 The Product Series for CD/DVD-ROM ........................................................................................... 5 QStar CD/DVD Axxess............................................................................................................... 5 QStar CD/DVD Axxess Features and Benefits ...................................................................... 5 The Product Series for CD/DVD-R................................................................................................. 6 QStar CD/DVD Master ............................................................................................................... 6 QStar CD/DVD Master Features and Benefits....................................................................... 6 FEATURES OF QSTAR SOFTWARE ............................................................................................... 7 Page 1 of 7 PLATFORMS SUPPORTED QStar Software supports the following server platforms: • Sun - Solaris • Silicon Graphics - IRIX • IBM - AIX ! Hewlett Packard - HP-UX series 700/800 • Digital - Digital Unix • Compaq - Tru64 • Microsoft - Windows NT and Windows 2000 • Linux MEDIA SUPPORTED The type and quantity of data being stored by users determines which media they will use to store it. QStar supports a wide variety of archival media, including Optical disks, digital Tapes, CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs and DVDRAMs. Optical disks, or platters, come in a wide range of sizes and capacities. The most common sizes are the 5 ¼ and 12 inch varieties. Of these, the media storage size per platter can range from 650 Megabytes to over 30 Gigabytes. Another distinguishing characteristic is whether the platters are Rewritable, able to be erased and reused, or WORM, Write Once Read Many. Tapes also come in many different types. Gigabytes per tape are in the double digits and varieties include, but aren’t limited to, AIT and DLT. CD-ROM media remains at the 650 Megabytes limit but also boasts the most commonly used media type. Disks can be written on any platform using a standardized ISO format and moved to any other platform to be read. DVDs are the newcomers to the storage game. They bring the best of two worlds, the commonality over many platforms like CD-ROM and near optical capacities. The following list defines the media types currently supported: MEDIA TYPE SUPPORT TYPE Rewritable Optical Read/Write WORM Optical Read/Write Tape Read/Write CD-ROM Read Only CD-R Read/Write DVD-ROM Read Only DVD-RAM Read/Write DVD-RAM-WO (WORM) Read/Write DVD-R Read/Write Page 2 of 7 QSTAR PRODUCT LINE The QStar product series provides jukebox storage for large, multi-platform networks as well as single, standalone UNIX and Windows NT workstations. Data stored on a system that includes an Optical disk, CD, DVD, or a digital Tape jukebox, plus one of the QStar products, is information that is securely stored and easily accessible. The Product Series for OPTICAL, DVD-RAM and TAPE QStar HSM A basic device driver for Optical, DVD-RAM, Tape jukeboxes and standalone drives. • Each media surface can be made to look like an online mounted hard drive. • File systems can be created on a single media surface or can span multiple surfaces to create volume sets within the jukebox. • Numerous parameters are available for tuning the swapping of archival media in and out of the available drives. This provides for the optimal level of control of the jukebox by the application. The Hierarchical Storage Manager software: • Allows users to create volume sets within the jukebox. • Uses a cache directory on the server hard drive. • Includes automatic data migration and dynamic allocation of media. • Keeps the most frequently used data cached for faster access. • Manages migration of data between the magnetic disk cache and the removable media devices. HSM Features and Benefits • Single Volume View - With HSM, multiple optical disks, DVDs, or tapes can be combined into a single Logical Volume. This Logical Volume has the same look and feel as a standard magnetic disk. In fact, a single Logical Volume can span across multiple jukebox devices. • Transaction Logging Cache - The HSM cache is implemented using transaction-logging technology. This ensures the highest level of reliability in case of system failure. Recovery of the cache is as simple as flushing the transaction log. • Scheduled Archiving - In addition to the standard archiving caused by the cache becoming full, HSM provides for user initiated and scheduled archiving. This means that data written into the cache can be flushed to the archive media with either a simple command or by setting up a schedule of archive times. In this way, the user can be certain that critical data is always on the archive media at the appropriate times. • Automated Volume Tracking - QStar HSM tracks all optical disks, DVDs, or tapes in a Logical Volume whether they are online in a jukebox or offline in storage. When data is required from an offline media, the user or administrator will automatically be prompted to insert the required media into an online device. • Online Backup and Restore - With a complete self describing file system written to the secure archival media and data migrated continuously and incrementally, the risk of data loss and the need for daily backups is removed. • Media Transportability - With either Universal Disk Format - UDF or QStar's Standard Data Format - SDF (the faster alternative to the Universal Disk Format - UDF), or Optical File System - OFS, the logical volumes created may be physically transported between different manufacturers’ versions of UNIX and even across to Windows NT. Page 3 of 7 QStar Data Director This is the full storage management product, providing full hierarchical storage management (HSM) in addition to mirroring software that automatically and transparently duplicates data across one or more distinct storage devices in real time. • Mirroring is a high performance and economical method of maintaining hot standby data storage while minimizing the vulnerability of data loss. • Reduces downtime for backups because an exact duplicate of the data exists at all times, without the manpower and time expensive backup processes. • Creates a hot standby that allows the user, in the event of a device failure, to automatically switch over accessing data to one of the alternate mirror sets without shutting down or reconfiguring the system. • Once the failed device has been repaired, it can be brought back online as part of the mirror set with minimal effort. Data Director Features and Benefits • HSM - With Data Director, media can be combined into a single Logical Volume which has the same look and feel as a standard magnetic disk. Using time-tested algorithms, the most frequently used data, as well as all of the directories for the Logical Volumes are duplicated in a magnetic disk cache. • Data Mirroring - Two Logical Volumes can be combined into a Mirror Set. The mirroring of data is performed continuously at the file transaction level. At all times, the primary and secondary Logical Volumes are exact duplicates. The logical volumes may be in different jukeboxes and sited in different locations on the network. They may even be of different archival media types. • Hot Standby - In a Mirror Set, the secondary Logical Volume acts as a Hot Standby for the primary should a disaster occur. The Mirror Set will automatically sense that the primary Logical Volume is not responding and start servicing requests from the secondary Logical Volume. The result is no down time for the users. • Automatic Re-synchronization of Data - In the unlikely event of a jukebox failure, data migration to the remaining volume is still available ensuring continued data security. When the jukebox is returned to an online state the previously unavailable volume is automatically re-synchronized, ensuring both volumes continue to accurately mirror the data. • Load Balancing - In environments where user requests exceed the throughput capability of the jukebox and where multiple jukeboxes are available, QStar Software automatically services read requests from both mirrored devices. With Load Balancing, users maintain fast data access at peak periods. Page 4 of 7 The Product Series for CD/DVD-ROM QStar CD/DVD Axxess A basic device driver for CD/DVD-ROM jukeboxes and standalone drives. With the proliferation of CDs and DVDs in the data storage environment, the need to efficiently manage them has become greater than ever before. QStar's Axxess for CD/DVD-ROM provides the degree of control and performance essential to provide fast access to company information. Caching technology, minimizing mount points, and providing ease of management of varying CD/DVD-ROM types makes QStar's Axxess the obvious choice to control your disk storage. QStar CD/DVD Axxess Features and Benefits • Standards Based Formats - QStar's CD/DVD Axxess supports the ISO 9660 standard together with Rock Ridge and Microsoft extensions as well as the Universal Disk Format (UDF). This ensures that long file name support and compatibility are available in a variety of operating environments. • Multi Disk Sets - By allowing multiple CDs or DVDs to be grouped together, a reduced number of mount points or drive letters are required. Within a disk set, each CD or DVD may be seen as a sub-directory, or they may be grouped within sub-directories. • Full Directory Caching - By caching the directory structures of all of the CDs and DVDs, performance is increased by eliminating the need to repeatedly access the jukebox. Directory caching of disks provides offline data management for CDs and DVDs, which can than be removed from the jukebox. • Full Media Caching - QStar Axxess can cache an entire CD or DVD if required; meaning the disk no longer has to reside in the jukebox for the data to be available to the users. This feature may be used for individual disks or by default on all of them. • Set Management - CDs and DVDs may be added and removed from disk sets while the set is mounted. When using offline volume management, QStar Axxess will prompt for media to be added and removed from jukeboxes as needed. Page 5 of 7 The Product Series for CD/DVD-R QStar CD/DVD Master An advanced jukebox and standalone drive management product with support for CD/DVD-R. CDs and DVDs have become a well-established storage media within the workplace. They are easily transported from one system to another and knowledge of their benefits has significantly increased. The CD/DVD Master product works across the network allowing both System Administrators and privileged clients to harness the power to manage more than just the standalone CD/DVD-R writer. With QStar's CD/DVD Master product, users get the ability to manage hundreds or thousands of CD/DVDs, with ease, through an intuitive GUI and advanced management tools. QStar's CD/DVD Master software combines all of the great features offered in the QStar CD/DVD Axxess product with the ability to intelligently write and group CD/DVDR media within sets. QStar CD/DVD Master Features and Benefits • Standards Based Formats - QStar's CD/DVD Master software adds the ability to write in either the ISO 9660 standard or UDF. These formats, recognized as world standards, will allow the media created with the QStar CD/DVD Master product to be transportable to other systems, even if they are not running the same operating system. • Writing Options - QStar’s CD/DVD Master supports both direct writing to media or scheduled writing of the ISO/UDF image. Administrators can assign mastered media to different media sets, and a profile can be defined to guarantee consistent media creation. E-mail notification ensures that System Administrators are informed of the completion of the write process and alerted to any conditions that could affect the systems ability to perform correctly. • Automatic Media Assignment - Administrators can create numerous sets whereby media will automatically be added as appropriate once mastered. This ensures that only the media the set requires will be allocated. Each surface of the set can be it's own file system or all the media together can be one contiguous file system. Page 6 of 7 FEATURES OF QSTAR SOFTWARE • Automatic Data Migration - QStar's Software suite automatically moves most recently used data to the faster magnetic disk, while less recently used data is moved to the archival media. Both full file migration and segmented file migration are supported; therefore, some files can be configured to move by segments and others as full files. • Application Compatibility - Because QStar Software uses a standard UNIX kernel interface called the Virtual File System (VFS) interface, QStar's Software products become a standard supported file system that sits side-by-side with NFS and UFS in the kernel. All existing application programs and procedures are compatible with it. • Data Accessibility - Data can be accessed from the integral volumes exactly as if it were on magnetic disk. The jukebox scheduler lets all media surfaces in a jukebox be logically mounted, regardless of the number of drives and media. Consequently, a user can access any file on a mounted media surface without special commands. • On-disk Format - QStar Software stores directory and file information twice: on magnetic disk to speed-up access times, and on the archival media in case the magnetic disk should fail. Even in the case of complete magnetic disk failure, the archival set can rebuild the directory and file information for all archived files directly from the media. No other product on the market offers this feature. • Media Interchangeability - Media can be interchanged between supported single-drive and jukebox subsystems (including supported CPUs with different operating systems), since the QStar on-disk format is the same across all supported platforms. Media-specific directory information is self-contained on each media, so media can be moved to other online systems and easily distributed to remote sites. • Automatic Scheduling - QStar Software schedules the insertion of a particular media into a drive, based on demand for that volume. A set of utilities that imports/exports media into and from the jukebox manages the movement of media among the shelves and drives. • Application Transparent Interface - The jukebox looks like a bank of online disk drives to both the UNIX operating system and to the network. Media swapping and sharing of the physical drives in the jukebox is handled completely and transparently. • Dynamic Space Allocation - QStar Software enables the ability to write out files larger than one media surface and to have multiple media allocated as a single media set. This dynamic storage allocation capability adds storage media to a set if more space is required. • Disaster Recovery - If the magnetic disk fails, all of its data can be recovered and the file system completely rebuilt from the storage media. If a device encounters a hardware error, QStar Software automatically takes it offline and uses other available devices to continue processing data requests. • Sparse Mounting - Media sets can be mounted even if most of the media is offline. This allows for rarely accessed media sets to remain mounted while not consuming valuable storage slots. If a request for a file that resides on an offline media is received, the system administrator is requested to reinsert the media. Once complete, the I/O request is resumed. • Stand-alone Drive Support - Because QStar Software supports stand-alone drives, media sets can be created at remote sites, sent to headquarters, and added to the jukebox. Page 7 of 7 Depending on the product purchased, QStar Software will install different components on the system. Before you install and configure the Software, you should be comfortable with QStar’s terminology and concepts. Please take the time to read all sections, as this will ensure that the maximum performance, functionality and organization for the storage solution are obtained. This section identifies key terminology and concepts that are vital for you to understand. Also included are the descriptions of QStar modules and conceptual and practical definitions for creating the configuration. GENERAL COMPONENTS................................................................................................................ 2 API Interface................................................................................................................................... 2 Command Line ............................................................................................................................... 2 Privileged Users ............................................................................................................................. 2 Online Help Manual pages ............................................................................................................. 2 Remote Administration ................................................................................................................... 2 Copy Disk ....................................................................................................................................... 2 VL Scheduler .................................................................................................................................. 2 DEVICE MANAGER COMPONENTS ................................................................................................ 3 QStar “SCSI” Manager ................................................................................................................... 3 Jukebox Manager ........................................................................................................................... 3 View Store ...................................................................................................................................... 3 MEDIA MANAGER COMPONENTS .................................................................................................. 4 QStar “Volume Librarian” Database ............................................................................................... 4 Online Media Management ............................................................................................................ 4 Offline Media Management ............................................................................................................ 4 Data Compaction............................................................................................................................ 4 VL Copy Disk.................................................................................................................................. 4 MIGRATION MANAGER COMPONENTS ......................................................................................... 5 Migration Manager.......................................................................................................................... 5 Cache ............................................................................................................................................. 5 File Migration .................................................................................................................................. 5 Transaction Logging Cache ........................................................................................................... 5 Virtual Disk ..................................................................................................................................... 5 DIAGNOSTIC COMPONENTS .......................................................................................................... 6 QStar Syslog File............................................................................................................................ 6 Qscsi_log Command ...................................................................................................................... 6 Vlconsole Command ...................................................................................................................... 6 Mail Notification .............................................................................................................................. 6 FILE SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................. 7 kOFS (Optical File System) ............................................................................................................ 7 OFS (Optical File System).............................................................................................................. 7 SDF (Standard Data Format) ......................................................................................................... 8 CD File System............................................................................................................................... 8 UDF (Universal Disk Format) ......................................................................................................... 8 MEDIA ORGANIZATION.................................................................................................................... 9 Page 1 of 9 GENERAL COMPONENTS The general components of the QStar Software are as follows: API Interface QStar operates seamlessly with all major UNIX Platforms and Windows NT/2000 with full Application Programming Interface (API) support. A separate API Interface manual is available upon request from QStar. Command Line In the /sys/QStar directory, the QStar Software creates two directories, bin and etc. In these directories QStar places all user and Administrator commands. Adding these paths to the Administrator's default execute path (PATH environment variable) will make all QStar commands accessible to the System Administrator. Privileged Users Usually only the System Administrator can run QStar commands because of their administrative capabilities. QStar creates a special option that, if required, allows non-root users to run QStar commands. For more detailed information, please refer to Chapter 3 - Installing and Configuring QStar Software in this manual. Online Help Manual pages In the /sys/QStar directory, the QStar Software creates the man directory. In this directory QStar places all of the Manual pages for the QStar commands. These pages explain the syntax and show some examples of the QStar commands to help the System Administrator. Adding this path to the Administrator's default Manual pages path (MANPATH environment variable) will make all QStar Man pages accessible to the System Administrator. Remote Administration The QStar commands can be used to remotely configure and manage any devices controlled by another QStar server. If user access is allowed, remote administration can be run from any workstation on the network. The System Administrator can remotely run all the QStar commands by including the “–H” flag with the command. For specific examples, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. Copy Disk The System Administrator can execute a duplication process of the media that has been written to, using the utility called Copy Disk. The Copy Disk utility makes an exact duplicate of the original media in the Integral Volume set that must be removed from the jukebox after the process is complete. If a disk is damaged, the copied disk can be used to replace the damaged disk. For more information on how to use Copy Disk, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. VL Scheduler The QStar Software contains an event scheduler for scheduling certain processes. Scheduling of events allows the Software to be used to it's full potential, notifying the system administrator of low available media and delaying system intensive processes to be run at off peak times. The VL Scheduler can be used to run batch or single media erases as well as Copy Disk requests. It can also be used to schedule more complicated tasks such as data Compaction on Integral Volume sets and recording of CD/DVD-R media. Page 2 of 9 DEVICE MANAGER COMPONENTS The term “device” refers to hardware such as standalone drives and jukebox subsystems. The QStar Software can manage one or many standalone drives and jukebox devices on the same system. These devices can use Optical, Tape, CD/DVD-ROM, CD/DVD-R or DVD-RAM media. To manage the device(s), QStar Software has three components: QStar “SCSI” Manager The “QSCSI” commands are the low-level SCSI drivers and are used to provide an interface for performing any direct SCSI device diagnostics, independent of the QStar drivers. These commands allow viewing of device profiles, inquiry strings, capacities of media, defined vendors, sense log information and other data from devices. Jukebox Manager The JB driver, through the “jb” commands, manages the jukebox. The JB module performs various operations with the jukebox and its elements (shelves, drives, carriers, and mailslots). The commands can move media between elements as follows: load move a medium from the shelf to the drive unload move a medium from the drive back to the shelf flip invert a medium in the drive export move a medium from the shelf or drive to the mailslot import move a medium from the mailslot to the shelf. An application can control the online/offline status of the elements as well as the jukebox time control parameters through API calls. View Store Jukebox management software provides a complete application transparent interface to jukeboxes, scheduling the insertion of a particular medium into a drive, based on demand for that volume. Page 3 of 9 MEDIA MANAGER COMPONENTS QStar “Volume Librarian” Database The “VL” commands allow you to configure the QStar database named Volume Librarian (VL). QStar’s Volume Librarian module is responsible for managing all archival media known to QStar referred to as the media library. The Volume Librarian knows the location (physical and logical) and status of every archival medium, whether available online in a jukebox or offline in a storage facility. Its capabilities eliminate any errors that may occur during manual volume management, while increasing productivity and performance. The QStar Volume Librarian performs many different tasks including erasing, media initialization, export/import from the storage devices, automatic electronic labelling, partitioning of the jukebox, dynamic media allocation and compaction. Online Media Management For online media, the QStar Software automatically manages all storage media allocation and movement without operator intervention. Offline Media Management The offline media management provides virtually unlimited storage capacity by managing media outside of the storage device. For requests that require offline archival media access, the operator is prompted to retrieve the storage media from its storage location and insert it into the QStar configured device. Data Compaction The Data Compaction utility is available for use with both the SDF and OFS file systems, and is used for migrating data from one piece of media to the current write surface of the Integral Volume set. The Data Compaction feature lets you fully reclaim media blocks after modifying or removing files on rewritable Optical media, DVD-RAM media or Tape. This feature is managed under the control of the VL database. You can use this feature on all Integral Volume sets, or just selected ones. Once a media has been compacted, the System Administrator has the option of adding it to the same Integral Volume set or removing it from the Integral Volume set entirely. VL Copy Disk The QStar Software can manually or automatically execute a duplication process of the media that has been completely written. With a properly configured Integral Volume set, the Automatic Copy Disk command will run every time the Integral Volume set reaches the point of dynamically allocating another piece of media to the Integral Volume set. With the VL Copy Disk the source and destination media may be selected and copied at the System Administrators convenience. The copied disk is an exact duplicate of the original media in the Integral Volume set. If a disk is damaged, the copied disk can be used to replace the damaged disk. For more information on how to enable the VL Copy Disk, please refer to Chapter 5 - The Volume Librarian in this manual. Page 4 of 9 MIGRATION MANAGER COMPONENTS Migration Manager Migration is the movement of data between the magnetic disk partition and the archival media. The Migration Manager was designed to provide a Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) system view of a collection of diverse types of storage media. This includes magnetic disks, RAID, Optical, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, DVD-RAM, Tape drives and jukeboxes. The job of the Migration Manager is to combine all of these technologies into a Virtual File System called an Integral Volume set. An Integral Volume set looks and feels to the user like a standard magnetic disk. This means that all standard applications, including network-based applications, can work with the Integral Volume set without modification and in the same manner that they would work with a normal magnetic disk. Cache QStar Software uses server magnetic disk to temporarily store files, improving system performance. Caching provides the capability to place frequently accessed files on magnetic disk or RAID for quicker access. Different configurations of caching and cache logic provide you with instant access to your data without delays or a need for special commands. File Migration File Migration is defined as the movement of data from one storage medium to another. This includes archiving files to the secondary storage media and replicating files back to the magnetic cache to service read requests. In the case of archiving data to an Integral Volume set from the cache, there is several start and stop archiving policies that can be utilized to maximize the efficiency of the archiving process. Automatic data migration to the Integral Volume set, or demand archiving forces an archiving cycle when a prearranged watermark, High Primary Capacity, is reached. Archiving can also be started by the System Administrator at any given time or scheduled in a timed interval using the standard UNIX cron utility. Transaction Logging Cache The magnetic cache is implemented using transaction-logging technology. This ensures the highest level of reliability in case of system failure. Recovery of the cache is as simple as flushing the transaction log, which happens automatically at the next mount of the Integral Volume set, after an unclean unmount. Virtual Disk QStar Software consolidates all of the physical mass storage subsystems on a network-magnetic disk, Optical, CD-ROM, DVDROM, DVD-RAM or Tape - into a single, hierarchically managed resource, or Virtual Disk, treated as one logical entity. Using QStar’s caching technology, the most recently used data is available on the magnetic disk, providing fast access for users. Less recently used data is stored on optical disks or other archival media, via the Volume Librarian (VL) and is automatically moved to the magnetic disk if a user accesses it. This is a function of the Migration Manager. The moving of data between the magnetic disk and the archival media is transparent to end-users. QStar Software’s automatic storage management provides the benefit of virtually unlimited storage capacity without sacrificing access time to critical data. Page 5 of 9 DIAGNOSTIC COMPONENTS QStar Software provides different diagnostic components that can help the System Administrator monitor events, warnings and errors within the system. QStar Syslog File QStar Software redirects to the system console window the main error and warning messages. In addition, QStar Software places its own log file called syslog into the /sys/QStar/log directory. The QStar’s syslog file collects all action events performed by the Software. The error and alert messages are also captured to help the System Administrator quickly identify and solve potential problems that might otherwise become critical problems if ignored or unnoticed. Qscsi_log Command The scsi_log is a useful tool for detecting and diagnosing hardware errors. There may also be occasions, under instruction from QStar Technical Support, that a scsi_log file will need to be generated. When initiated, the QStar Software places a scsi_log file into the /sys/QStar/log directory where it will sequentially collect all the SCSI commands sent to the devices as well as the response back from the SCSI devices. This file can be enabled/disabled using the qscsi_log command. Vlconsole Command The vlconsole command prints a list of requests for manual assistance. The System Administrator can cancel a particular request, or remove requests from the list upon completion. Requests might include Volume/Integral Volume sets that need another piece of media added to the jukebox or for offline media to be reinserted into the storage device to satisfy a read request. Mail Notification The System Administrator can receive mail notification about abnormal events in the QStar Software. An abnormal event can be, for example, a drive/jukebox failures, an unrecoverable write errors, a requests for additional medium (no more space in the Integral Volume set), a requests for medium that is currently offline. For more detailed information, please refer to Chapter 3 Installing and Configuring QStar Software in this manual. Page 6 of 9 FILE SYSTEMS A File System is an interface for saving and retrieving files on a storage media. The file system controls all aspects of media management, including directory/file structures, data layout, and data transfers. The file system allows data to be written out to the storage device in the file format that is acceptable to the application. QStar Software supports different types of standard file systems such as UFS, NTFS, FAT, UDF and ISO. In addition, QStar Software supports two file system types that have data layouts suitable to the media QStar controls. These appear as standard file systems and give optimal performance for the storage and retrieval of data. QStar media format manager stores information about the data on the surface of the medium, thus providing the template for the data written to the archival medium. All archival media sets are self-contained, with file directory information, data, and indexes on the same Optical media, DVD-RAM or Tape. The volume format is optimized to ensure that data gives maximum performance and transportability between Optical, DVD-RAM or Tape jukeboxes and file servers. The benefits of QStar formatted media include: • Transportability. - Media format lets you easily move media from one host system to another, regardless of the manufacturer. Thus, QStar’s media format manager protects your company’s investment in current hardware and allows access to critical data using other manufacturers’ products. • Flexibility. - Media format describes the contents of a single archival medium allowing the medium to be used as part of a logical group, or media set. As part of a set, file and directory information is not restricted to a single platter or tape; it may span several platters or tapes, giving you contiguous space for large files. • Disaster recovery. - Making all archival media self-contained provides you with the means for disaster prevention and recovery. Any magnetic disk in the storage hierarchy can be completely rebuilt from the archival media, thus preventing catastrophic data loss. QStar stores file databases on a stacking file system. The first time a file is written to storage, it creates a baseline copy of the file. Subsequent changes to the file only cover portions of the file that were modified. The original file and each subsequent change are simply overlaid by more recent file segments. This method provides true incremental changes to the file without consuming excessive storage space. Similarly, changes made to directories are also stacked. Therefore, if a user removes a file, the directory is simply rewritten without the name of the deleted file. The file, however, still exists. The QStar file systems are as follows: kOFS (Optical File System) This file system supports both WORM and erasable optical media on all UNIX platforms that QStar supports. Files are stored contiguously from the beginning to the end of each piece of media. This file system only supports media with 512 or 1024 bytes/sector. OFS (Optical File System) This file system supports both WORM and erasable optical media on all UNIX platforms that QStar supports. Files are stored contiguously from the beginning to the end of each piece of media. This file system supports all optical media whether it’s 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 bytes/sector. The kOFS and OFS file systems are the best choice for applications that will use medium to large sized files. Page 7 of 9 SDF (Standard Data Format) This file system can be used for Optical and DVD devices to manage data storage and retrieval on WORM and rewriteable Optical or DVD media. SDF is available on both UNIX and NT platforms. This file system supports all optical media whether it’s 512, 1024 or 2048 bytes/sector. Files are stored contiguously from the beginning to the end of each piece of media, with single-seek read and write access. This file system also supports SCSI tape devices, specifically, Digital Linear Tape (DLT) and AIT. The files are stored contiguously from the beginning to the end of each tape. The SDF file system is best suited for applications that will generate relatively small sized files. CD File System QStar Software uses its caching technology to mount multiple CD/DVD-ROMs to be seen as a single file system. QStar Software supports the ISO 9660 standard with Rock Ridge and Microsoft extensions. Each CD/DVD-ROM is then seen as a separate directory within the file system. CD/DVD-ROMs can be added or removed without taking the file system offline. UDF (Universal Disk Format) This file system can be used to manage data storage and retrieval on WORM and rewriteable Optical or DVD media. UDF is available on both UNIX and NT platforms. This file system supports all optical media whether it’s 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 bytes/sector. Files are stored contiguously from the beginning to the end of each piece of media, with single-seek read and write access. Currently QStar Software supports UDF Version 1.5. Page 8 of 9 MEDIA ORGANIZATION The number of storage media in a system can reach into the thousands of tapes, platters or disks. System configurations can range in size from 1.3 GB personal archive systems to multi-terabyte storage solutions. QStar can configure the jukebox(s) to be seen as one or multiple Virtual Disks. This partitioning allows a multi-platter jukebox to be logically divided so that the jukebox can appear as multiple standard virtual hard drives allocated to different applications. In addition, partitioning allows the user to predetermine where and when files are written. This allows data to be written to a specific set of platters, thereby simplifying back-up and optimizing performance. Creating ten partitions, each with one piece of media, is comparable to creating a single partition with ten pieces of media, each with its own directory. The main difference between these implementations is data organization. QStar offers configuration, media paths, and write paths in the virtual file system to provide the most flexible data organization available. When deciding between multiple partitions and/or media paths, take into consideration the goal of the entire storage solution. QStar Software allows for both standalone drives and jukeboxes in the following configuration of data sets: Single Volume (S.V.) Configuration Using “o” and “jb” commands it is possible to configure each surface of the optical media as a single surface file system. This configuration is available in kOFS and OFS file systems modes. Volume Set (V.S.) Configuration Use the “vl” commands to create and manage an optical media set as a Volume Set. This configuration is available only in kOFS file system mode. Integral Volume (I.V.) Configuration Use the “vl” commands to create and manage an Optical, DVD or Tape media set as an Integral Volume. This configuration requires a CACHE that manages the migration of the data between the storage media and the Hard Disk. This configuration is available in kOFS, OFS, UDF and SDF file systems. The media used determines the file system needed. Note: For more detailed information please, refer to Chapter 7 - Media Configurations in this manual. Page 9 of 9 This chapter describes how to get the system up and running. The Installation program guides you through every step of the process. Before installing QStar Software however, certain system components should be checked, such as the system, connection of storage devices and server configuration. This ensures that the QStar Software installation will run smoothly and minimize the time it takes to set up the system. This chapter contains instructions on how to verify these components, as well as information on completing the set-up of the QStar Software. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................... 2 Software Requirements .................................................................................................................. 2 QStar’s Recommendation for Optimization of the System............................................................. 2 The Storage Devices.................................................................................................................. 2 Improving the Servers Performance .......................................................................................... 3 Protecting Against Data Loss ..................................................................................................... 3 Installation Considerations ......................................................................................................... 4 Hardware and SCSI Requirements ................................................................................................ 5 QSTAR SOFTWARE DIRECTORIES ................................................................................................ 6 UPGRADING YOUR CURRENT VERSION OF QSTAR SOFTWARE ............................................. 7 INSTALLATION STEPS ..................................................................................................................... 9 Diagram Installation Step ............................................................................................................... 9 STEP 1: HARDWARE INSTALLATION AND SETUP OF DEVICES............................................... 10 Step1.1) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: Sun Solaris, Digital Unix or Compaq Tru64 ............................................... 10 Step1.2) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: IBM AIX ...................................................................................................... 11 Step1.3) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: Silicon Graphics IRIX ................................................................................. 12 Step1.4) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: Hewlett Packard HP-UX ............................................................................ 13 STEP 2: LOADING THE QSTAR SOFTWARE ON THE SYSTEM ................................................. 14 STEP 3: INSTALLING THE LICENSE KEYS AND REGISTERING THE SOFTWARE .................. 15 Demo License Key ....................................................................................................................... 16 Permanent License Key ............................................................................................................... 19 STEP 4: INSTALLING THE QSTAR SOFTWARE ........................................................................... 24 STEP 5: SPECIFYING YOUR STORAGE DEVICE CONFIGURATION ......................................... 25 Step 5.1) SUN Solaris, Digital Unix, Compaq Tru64, Silicon Graphics IRIX, Hewlett Packard HP-UX or Linux .............................................................................. 25 Step 5.2) IBM AIX..................................................................................................................... 32 STEP 6: RESTORING QSTAR DATABASES.................................................................................. 39 STEP 7: COMPILING THE KERNEL, IF APPLICABLE ................................................................... 40 STEP 8: POST INSTALLATION TEST ............................................................................................ 41 RECONFIGURING STORAGE DEVICES ....................................................................................... 43 ADDING NEW STORAGE DEVICES............................................................................................... 48 DE-INSTALLING QSTAR SOFTWARE ........................................................................................... 52 PRIVILEGED USERS....................................................................................................................... 53 SEND MAIL NOTIFICATION............................................................................................................ 53 START OR STOP QSTAR SERVERS............................................................................................. 53 Page 1 of 53 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS You must have the minimum configuration described below to install QStar products on the host computer and reconfigure the system kernel (only for some platforms). Software Requirements Listed below are the minimum system requirements for installing QStar Software on your host. Memory : Disk space in /usr partition for Device drivers, file systems, and special device files: Disk space on the /root Partition : Disk space for QStar Software : Media Drive : SOLARIS SGI/LINUX 64 MB 30 MB 64 MB 30 MB -----45 MB IBM/HP-UX DIGITAL UNIX /COMPAQ 64 MB 30 MB 64 MB 30 MB 10 MB -----45 MB 45 MB CD-ROM, 4mm or 8mm Tape 10 MB 45 MB Note: The space in the /root partition is required to store multiple copies of the kernel image which is created during the installation of the QStar Software. Note1: The space on /usr partition is required to accommodate some commands for the QStar Software products. QStar’s Recommendation for Optimization of the System • • • • • Install as much memory as possible to provide faster data access. To improve processing speed, use a processor that is faster than the minimum requirement. Space planned on the cache partition for future expansion of cache file system. Use a separate SCSI host adapter for the jukebox. Additional hard drive space on the main hard disk (or additional hard disks on the server) for better cache utilization. To achieve the best possible performance from the System that the QStar Software is installed on, the following are suggested: The Storage Devices Appropriate Hardware for Desired Performance One of the largest decisions to consider when setting up the QStar Software is the device(s) selection. The hardware configurations can be significantly different depending upon the storage needs of the enterprise. To determine which type of storage devices including the number of drives, number of shelves and media type will provide the best performance; a complete and thorough evaluation of the enterprise needs should be conducted. The number of users and the amount of data being accessed will determine the number of drives, shelves and type of media that will be required in the jukebox to maintain optimum performance. Page 2 of 53 Improving the Servers Performance All of the following will effect the performance of the Server, the QStar Software is installed on: • • • • The amount of available RAM. The size, speed (in RPMs and bus speed) and the number of hard drives. The number of processors and their power. The network cabling and configuration. Amount of Available RAM Memory is the fastest and cheapest way to improve performance on the Server, the QStar Software is installed on. Maximizing the RAM on the Server, will significantly improve the System and the QStar Software performance. Numbers of Machine's Processors QStar Software can be installed on either single or multiple-processor machines. Using a multi-processor machine, the number of multiple tasks that can be performed at the same time is increased significantly. Using a multiple-processor machine for the QStar Software will greatly improve the migration performance. Protecting Against Data Loss QStar copies the data out to the media during the archiving process automatically based on the High Primary Capacity (HPC) value by default. To ensure that all data in the QStar file system is protected against system failure (including hard disk failure); QStar offers several utilities to protect the data from loss or corruption. Using one or more of these utilities is highly recommended. Scheduled Archives It is recommended that you periodically archive the data without waiting for the HPC to begin archiving. A daily archive is beneficial to most users who maintain a large cache with a defaulted HPC value. Archiving can be scheduled to start automatically every day using the Cron tab. Disk Redundancy QStar recommends the use of disk redundancy for the Integral Volume sets (i.e. Copy Disk), if the data is mission-critical. Disaster recovery time for the QStar file system can be significantly reduced if disk redundancy is used. However, further redundancy can be achieved utilizing QStar’s Data Director product, in which all information is mirrored to an identical Integral Volume set. In the event the primary server goes down, the primary server can be “swapped” and the secondary mirror can become the primary file server in a matter of minutes. Using Automated Copy Disk to back up the Primary Media The Copy Disk feature creates an identical piece of media from the primary HSM set. This capability takes away the potential of data becoming unrecoverable because of a damaged disk. Page 3 of 53 Installation Considerations Before installing the QStar Software, it may be advantageous to consider the overall storage needs for the system. It is advisable to make a cache size appropriate for daily usage. Considerations for cache size are: How much new data will be written to the Integral Volume set per day? How much data will be requested from the jukebox per day? Some issues to consider include: The total amount of files expected per directory inside of the QStar Integral Volume set, Appropriate watermark levels and scheduling data archiving. Some organizations have existing file storage systems, and may have already decided upon an optimum arrangement for the file server. Sizing the Cache A general rule for an Integral Volume’s cache size is more is better. An Integral Volume’s cache size should be selected depending on the system’s activity and required response time. The larger the Integral Volume’s cache, the faster the system performance, because there is a greater chance that the files being requested are already in the cache. For systems with large volumes of data, the cache should be sized to accommodate an entire day’s processing. This allows the users to work at full speed during the day, with the QStar Software performing time-costly migration at night. Each Integral Volume set must be sized separately. Calculating overhead space in addition to cache size will help determine the hardware requirements for the QStar file system. As a general rule of thumb, 1,000,000 files will require 500 Megabytes of hard drive space over and above the cache size for metadata overhead. However, this rule should only be used for an approximate estimate of the required drive size. Page 4 of 53 Hardware and SCSI Requirements The jukebox or standalone drive that will be connected to your computer via a SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) bus must comply with these requirements. 1) Every device attached to the SCSI bus must be assigned a unique SCSI ID or “address”. 2) You must determine the combined internal and external length of your cables from your host computer to the end of the SCSI bus. The combined length of all SCSI cables, including the integration of the QStar subsystem, must not exceed 6 meters (approximately 18 feet) for a single-ended SCSI bus. If the cable exceeds 6 meters, operational problems such as device errors or system failures could occur. We recommend that the length of the SCSI cable from the host computer to the jukebox or standalone drive be no longer than 3 meters. The operating environment (noise and/or high voltage power supply) could also have an effect on the optimal cable length. Ensure that the SCSI bus is terminated correctly using an active terminator. 3) The number of SCSI IDs that you will need for your storage subsystem depends on the type of device that you are installing. Ensure you know which drive number in the jukebox corresponds with each SCSI ID. In the Installation Steps section, we will explain how to find your current SCSI configuration for each platform. When you have determined what devices are currently attached to your SCSI bus, you can fill in the worksheet in Appendix “A” and then decide which available SCSI IDs you will use for your jukebox or standalone drive. In addition, before you begin the installation make sure that you have the following: • The hardware manual for your particular storage device. • SCSI Cable(s) and active terminators for connecting the jukebox or standalone drive. • CD-ROM or Tape device to install the QStar Software. Page 5 of 53 QSTAR SOFTWARE DIRECTORIES QStar Software is installed in the /sys/QStar directory. Here you can find the following files and directories: INSTALL bin cd cdr dev doc etc fsi install jb lib license log man mcfs ofs qscsi sdf tmp udf vl (Installation Script) (Directory of QStar user commands)** (Directory that contains the CD-ROM module - CD-ROM management) (Directory that contains the CD-R module) (Directory that contains the QStar device nodes) (Directory that contains the API html documentation) (Directory of QStar administrator commands)** (File system interface) *** (Directory that contains installation and de-installation scripts called by the INSTALL script) (Directory that contains the JB module - Jukebox management) (Directory that contains the QStar Library files) (Directory that includes installkey program for the license key generation and the license file) (Directory that contains the QStar log file) (Directory of QStar command man pages)* (Directory that contains the MCFS module - Front end caching) (Directory that contains the OFS module - Optical file system) (Directory that contains the QSCSI module - Low level drivers) (Directory that contains the SDF module - Standard Data Format file system) (Temporary directory sometimes used by QStar Software) (Directory that contains the UDF module - Universal Disk Format file system) (Directory that contains the VL module - Volume Librarian) * /sys/QStar/man should be added to the Administrator's default man page search path environment variable (MANPATH) ** /sys/QStar/bin and /sys/QStar/etc should be added to the Administrator's default execute path environment variable (PATH) *** Only on SGI IRIX, LINUX and HP-UX. Page 6 of 53 UPGRADING YOUR CURRENT VERSION OF QSTAR SOFTWARE To de-install the QStar Software in order to install an upgrade, install system patches, or in preparation for moving to another host, follow the steps below: Note: De-installing the QStar Software to install system patches is not necessary on modularly loaded kernel systems, i.e. Sun Solaris, IBM AIX. The QStar Software should be de-installed prior to installing any system patches on kernel rebuild systems, i.e. HP-UX, SGI Irix, Dec Digital Unix/Compaq, Linux. 1) Archive all data for each of the Integral Volume's set. mmarc -e /mount_point For each set mounted. 2) Unmount all Media sets or Integral Volume sets and stop all jukebox schedulers. umount /mount_point For each media set or Integral Volume set mounted. jbshut jb For each jbscheduler running. 3) Change directory to the QStar directory. cd /sys/QStar 4) Start the installation program: A) 3.x Version of QStar Software: 1) Pay close attention to gathering all information about existing sets so that you may redefine them once the upgrade is complete. Information needed: a) Set names and the media locations for each set, also media type if more than one media type is in the jukebox. (WORM/Rewriteable) b) Cache locations and size for each set. c) Mount point for each set. d) Keep details of and back up license key (/sys/QStar/license/licrecfile). If earlier versions, the system will need to be re-licensed. See “Installing License Keys and Registering Software” later in this section. 2) Run the installation program by entering: ./QStar-install Enter “r” to select the Remove QStar Products option, and enter “y” to confirm the removal. Page 7 of 53 3) Remove the contents of the QStar directory: rm -r /sys/QStar/* 4) Reboot the system 5) When the system is back up install the upgrade version of the QStar Software as described in the “Installation Steps” section of this manual. B) 4.x Version of QStar Software: 1) Keep details of and back up license key (/sys/QStar/license/licrecfile). 2) Run the installation program by entering: ./INSTALL QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar Data Director 3) Uninstall QStar Software 4) Reconfigure QStar Software 5) Restore QStar Databases 6) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 3 Select #3 to uninstall the software. Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you really want to uninstall [n]: y Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to save QStar databases [y]: y QStar databases saved to /var/tmp/qs_db_saved.tar.Z QStar Software uninstalled QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar Data Director 3) Uninstall QStar Software 4) Reconfigure QStar Software 5) Restore QStar Databases 6) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 6 Select #6 to exit from the installation program. 3) Remove the contents of the QStar directory. rm -r /sys/QStar/* 4) Install the upgrade version of the QStar Software as described in the “Installation Steps” section of this manual. Page 8 of 53 INSTALLATION STEPS For the correct installation procedure of the QStar Software for each platform you must follow these steps in the order shown in the diagram below: Diagram Installation Step STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 Hardware Installation And Setup of Devices Loading the QStar Software on to the System Installing the License Key and Registering the Software Installing the QStar Software STEP 5 STEP 7 STEP 8 Specifying your Storage Device N Configuration Compiling Kernel If Applicable Post Installation Test NEW INSTALLATION UP GRADE STEP 6 Restoring the QStar Databases Page 9 of 53 STEP 1: HARDWARE INSTALLATION AND SETUP OF DEVICES Step1.1) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: Sun Solaris, Digital Unix or Compaq Tru64 To install the jukebox(es) or standalone drive(s), follow these steps: 1) Shut down the system using the standard shutdown procedure. After the system is shut down, you will see the following “console mode” prompt on the display: ok >> !Solaris !Digital Unix or Tru64 Verify the attached devices and their corresponding SCSI IDs, by entering the following maintenance command: probe-scsi probe-scsi-all show dev !Solaris - Single SCSI bus server !Solaris - Multiple SCSI bus server !Digital Unix or Tru64 - All servers The system will display a list of the attached SCSI devices 2) Fill in the SCSI configuration worksheet in Appendix “A” with the information you gathered on currently used SCSI target IDs. A used SCSI target ID is one that appears on the screen. You may choose any available number from target 0 through 6 on the SCSI bus for the storage devices. 3) Select appropriate SCSI target IDs from those that are available for each storage device connected to your host. Enter this information in the worksheet in Appendix “A”. Each device will require between 1 and 13 target Ids. For information specific to your hardware, consult the hardware manual that came with your jukebox or standalone drive. 4) Power off your system. Set the SCSI IDs of your storage devices per the instructions of the hardware operator's manual. Attach each device to its appropriate SCSI controller(s) and attach a terminator to the last device on each SCSI bus. Power up all peripherals. Power up your server. 5) Verify the SCSI ID settings of the jukebox(es) or the standalone drive(s) to ensure there are no conflicts with other devices on the same SCSI bus using the maintenance command again: probe-scsi probe-scsi-all show dev !Solaris - Single SCSI bus server !Solaris - Multiple SCSI bus server !Digital Unix or Tru64 - All servers The system returns a list similar to the one seen in Step #1 above. This list should now also include the inquiry strings from the newly attached devices. Confirm that all devices that were seen in Step #1 are still visible now. If you find that one or some of the devices that were previously seen are not now, you may have set your device to an address already in use. In this case, recheck the results that you got in Step #1 and start again. Also be sure to confirm all SCSI cables are securely connected. 6) Boot your system and log on as “root”. During the boot process, the operating system will configure the devices attached to the system. Page 10 of 53 Step1.2) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: IBM AIX To install the jukebox(es) or standalone drive(s), follow these steps: 1) Log on to the host computer as root. Verify the attached devices and their corresponding SCSI IDs by entering the following maintenance command: lsdev -Csscsi The system will display a list of the attached SCSI devices 2) Fill in the SCSI configuration worksheet in Appendix “A” with the information you gathered on currently used SCSI target IDs. A used SCSI target ID is one that appears on the screen. You may choose any available number from target 0 through 6 on the SCSI bus for the storage devices. 3) Select appropriate SCSI target IDs from those that are available for each storage device connected to your host. Enter this information in the worksheet in Appendix “A”. Each device will require between 1 and 13 target IDs. For information specific to your hardware, consult the hardware manual that came with your jukebox or standalone drive. 4) Power off your system. Set the SCSI IDs of your storage devices per the instructions of the hardware operator's manual. Attach each device to its appropriate SCSI controller(s) and attach a terminator to the last device on each SCSI bus. Power up all peripherals. Power up your server. 5) After the system boots, there should be sdoX and auchX devices at the SCSI addresses (where X is some sequential number). There is one sdoX device for each optical drive and an auchX device for the autochanger for most jukeboxes. 6) Log on to the host computer as root. Verify the SCSI ID settings on the jukebox or on the standalone drive to ensure there are no conflicts with other devices on the same SCSI bus using the maintenance mode command again: lsdev -C for a general hardware listing or lsdev -Csscsi for a more concise SCSI listing Verify these devices. The system returns a list similar to the one below of the SCSI devices attached to your system. The list now shows the additional devices that have been attached to your system. All of the previously connected devices, as well as any newly connected devices, should be included in the display. Check your SCSI ID configuration and SCSI cabling if a device is missing from this list. There should be a sdo0 and sdo1 device for a two-drive jukebox and an auch0 device for the jukebox autochanger. The devices must be in the available state. Example: lsdev –Csscsi cd0 hdisk0 rmt0 auch0 sdo0 sdo1 Available Available Defined Available Available Available 04-B0-00-3,0 04-B0-00-6,0 04-B0-00-5,0 04-B0-00-5,0 04-B0-00-2,0 04-B0-00-4,0 SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive Other SCSI Disk Drive Other SCSI Tape Drive PLASMON Jukebox Autochanger 650Mb SONY Magneto-optical drive 650Mb SONY Magneto-optical drive Page 11 of 53 Step1.3) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: Silicon Graphics IRIX To install the jukebox(es) or standalone drive(s), follow these steps: 1) Shut down the system using the standard shutdown procedure. After the system is shut down, verify the attached devices and their corresponding SCSI IDs by following the sequence below: Power on the server. Wait for the “Starting up the system…” window to appear Depress the “esc” key to enter into the maintenance program Select the “Enter command monitor” option Enter the following maintenance command: hinv -t 2) Fill in the SCSI configuration worksheet in Appendix “A” with the information you gathered on currently used SCSI target IDs. A used SCSI target ID is one that appears on the screen. You may choose any available number from target 1 through 7 on the SCSI bus for the storage devices. 3) Select appropriate SCSI target IDs from those that are available for each storage device connected to your host. Enter this information in the worksheet in Appendix “A”. Each device will require between 1 and 13 target Ids. For information specific to your hardware consult the hardware manual that came with your jukebox or standalone drive. 4) Power off your system. Set the SCSI IDs of your storage devices per the instructions of the hardware operator's manual. Attach each device to its appropriate SCSI controller(s) and attach a terminator to the last device on each SCSI bus. Power up all peripherals. Power up your server. 5) Verify the SCSI ID settings of the jukebox(es) or the standalone drive(s) to ensure there are no conflicts with other devices on the same SCSI bus using the maintenance command again: hinv -t The system returns a list similar to the one seen in Step #1 above. This list should now also include the inquiry strings from the newly attached devices. Confirm that all devices that were seen in Step #1 are still visible now. If you find that one or some of the devices that were previously seen are now not, you may have set your device to an address already in use. In this case, recheck the results that you got in Step #1 and start again. Also be sure to confirm all SCSI cables are securely connected. 6) Exit from the command monitor and select the “START UP THE SYSTEM” option. During the boot process, IRIX configures the devices attached to the server. Page 12 of 53 Step1.4) Determining Available SCSI IDs and Setup of the Storage Device(s) Installed on: Hewlett Packard HP-UX To install the jukebox (es) or standalone drive(s), follow these steps: 1) Shut down the system using your standard shutdown procedure. After the system is shut down, you will see the following “console mode “prompt on the display: ….… Verify that the system recognizes the devices at the correct SCSI IDs by entering the following maintenance command: ioscan –f The system will display a list of the attached SCSI devices. 2) Fill in the blank SCSI configuration worksheet in Appendix “A” with the information on currently used SCSI target ids. An available SCSI target ID is one that does not appear on the screen. You can choose any available number from target 0 through target 6 on the SCSI bus for the storage devices. 3) Power off your system. Attach each device to its appropriate SCSI controller(s) and connect the terminator to close the SCSI chain and power it on. 4) Select an appropriate SCSI target IDs from those that are available for each storage device connected to your host. Enter this information in the worksheet in Appendix “A”. Each jukebox will require from 1 to 5 or more target Ids. For more information, consult the hardware manual that came with your jukebox or standalone drive. 5) Verify the SCSI ID settings on the jukebox or on the standalone drive to ensure there are no conflicts with other devices on the same SCSI bus using the maintenance mode command again: ioscan -f The list now shows the additional devices that have been attached to your system. All of the previously connected devices as well as any newly connected devices should be included in the display. Check your SCSI ID configuration and SCSI cabling if a device is missing from this list. 6) Boot your system and log on as “ROOT”. During the boot process, HP-UX configures the devices attached to the system. Page 13 of 53 STEP 2: LOADING THE QSTAR SOFTWARE ON THE SYSTEM Following these steps: 1) Log on to the system as root. 2) Create a directory named QStar in either the /sys directory (default) or another directory. If you created the QStar directory in the /usr directory, for example, also do the following: Create a symbolic link between /usr/QStar and /sys/QStar by entering the following command: ln -s /usr/QStar /sys/QStar 3) To extract the QStar Software from the CD or tape into the QStar directory, issue the following commands: CD: Insert QStar Software CD into the local CD drive and mount it. Examples of the correct syntax for the mount command are as follows(*): mount –F hsfs –o ro /dev/<cd drive> /cdrom mount –v cdrfs –o ro /dev/cd0 /cdrom mount -t cdfs -o ro,rrip /dev/rz4c /cdrom mount -r -t cdfs /dev//dsk/c4d0s2 /cdrom mount -r -F cdfs /dev/dsk/c0t4d0 /cdrom mount -r -F cdfs /dev/scsi/sc0d410 /cdrom !SOLARIS !IBM !Digital Unix or Compaq Tru64 !HP-UX 9.x Series 700 !HP-UX 10.x Series 700 and 800 !IRIX Change directories to the QStar directory. cd /sys/QStar tar xvf /cdrom/distribution_file.tar TAPE: Insert the tape into the local tape drive. Change directories to the QStar directory. cd /sys/QStar tar xvf tape_drive_name For example: tar xvf /dev/rmt/0 (*): Please consult the Administrator's manual for the correct syntax for the operating system of the server. Page 14 of 53 STEP 3: INSTALLING THE LICENSE KEYS AND REGISTERING THE SOFTWARE Before the QStar Software will function, you must install a valid License Key for the specific QStar product you've purchased or are evaluating. The License Key generation utility allows to you create two different types of keys: • DEMO ( by default this License Key expires after 30 days) • PERMANENT The following example will demonstrate how to use the License Key generation program called installkey. The installkey program provides all the information needed to obtain a Demo or Permanent License Key from QStar Customer Support Personnel. Run the installkey program located in the /sys/QStar/license directory. cd /sys/QStar/license/ ./installkey The program will display the following menu: installkey version - 2001.12.11 The Installkey Version may be requested in order to verify which License Key program is present in the release. Type 'q' to quit at any prompt. 1) Display license description. 2) Build license list. 3) Activate licenses. 4) Print license description to file. 5) Change 1/18/2002 - demo expiration date. Enter option: 2 Select, #2 Build license list. Once option #2 is selected the license list can be created for a Demo or Permanent License key. To create the proper list go to the following section “ DEMO LICENSE KEY ” or “ PERMANENT LICENSE KEY ” as required. Page 15 of 53 Demo License Key Item #5 on the first Menu of the installkey program will display the default Demo Expiration Date information, this is the date the QStar Software will deactivate. The Default value is 30 days from the current date. With QStar’s approval, if needed the Demo License Key can be issued for a longer period of time by changing the Demo Expiration Date. Note: This date must match the Date assigned by the QStar Customer Support personnel, if not the License Key will be not activated. The information that the System Administrator will need to provide to QStar Customer Support personnel for a Demo License key are as follows: A) Demo Expiration Date B) Host ID To facilitate the generation of the Demo License Key the Serial Number, QStar Software Version and License Version will be requested. The Demo License Key will allow the use of all the QStar Products with any supported device for the time specified by the Demo Expiration Date. The maximum number of jukeboxes and standalone drives that can be controlled by the QStar Software at the same time is “4”. Once option #2 (Build license list) is selected follow the steps below to generate the Demo License Key: 1) Demo license 2) Jukebox license 3) Standalone license 4) HSM license 5) CD/DVD-ROM Axxess license 6) CD/DVD-R Master license 7) DDR license 8) API license 9) License list is complete Enter choice: 1 Select #1 for the Demo License Key. 1) Demo license 2) Jukebox license 3) Standalone license 4) HSM license 5) CD/DVD-ROM Axxess license 6) CD/DVD-R Master license 7) DDR license 8) API license 9) License list is complete Enter choice: 9 Select #9, the License list is completed. Page 16 of 53 1) Display license description. 2) Build license list. 3) Activate licenses. 4) Print license description to file. 5) Change 1/18/2002 - demo expiration date. Enter option: 1 Select #1 to display License Inventory or #5 to change the demo expiration date. LICENSE INVENTORY Demo ACTIVATION ITEMS Software version: 4.8.x Activation code: 80000000 Host ID: xxxxxxxx Demo expiration date: 2/13/2002 License key: 0 Licenses NOT activated. 1) Display license description. 2) Build license list. 3) Activate licenses. 4) Print license description to file. 5) Change 2/13/2002 - demo expiration date. Enter option: 3 Software version: 4.8.x Activation code: 80000000 Host ID: xxxxxxxx Demo expiration date: 2/13/2002 Enter license key: xxxxxxxx This information can be faxed or emailed to your local QStar office for a License Key. Alternately you may call your local QStar technical support team for the activation of the License Key. Once you have the License Key, select #3 to Activate the License. The activation code is always 80000000 for the Demo License Key. If the installkey program is ran on line with the QStar Customer Support personnel, enter the License Key code provided by the QStar representative. License key checks! 1) Display license description. 2) Build license list. 3) Activate licenses. 4) Print license description to file. 5) Change 2/13/2002 - demo expiration date. Enter option: q Type “q” to quit the installkey program. After entering the License Key, the installkey program should return the response “License key checks!”. The “License key does not check” or any other response should be reported to your QStar representative for a new License Key. Page 17 of 53 If you decide to fax the Product Registration Form found in the root directory of the CD-ROM and the LICENSE INVENTORY information to QStar, please fax it to either +1-850-243-4234 (USA) or +39-02-45101-745 (EUROPE) or your local QStar office. Alternately e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]. A Customer Support representative will fax or e-mail your License Key and any further instructions. Once the License Key is obtained activate the code as follows: Run the installkey program once more: installkey version - 2001.12.11 Type 'q' to quit at any prompt. 1) Display license description. 2) Build license list. 3) Activate licenses. 4) Print license description to file. 5) Change 1/18/2002 - demo expiration date. Enter option: 3 Select option #3 to Activate the License Key. Note: The Demo expiration date must match the Date assigned by the QStar Customer Support personnel, if not the License Key will be not activated. If the Demo expiration date doesn’t match change it selecting #5 option and change the date to match the date given to you by the QStar Customer Support Personnel. Once the Demo Expiration Date matches select #3 to Activate the License Key. Software version: 4.8.x Activation code: 80000000 Host ID: 807bef41 Demo expiration date: 2/13/2002 Enter license key: xxxxxxxx Enter the License Key, be certain the Demo expiration date entered matches the date the activation code was generated (demo license only). After entering the License Key, the installkey program should return the response “License key checks”. The “License key does not check” or any other response should be reported to your QStar representative for a new License Key. When entering the License Key, select #4 to save the license information in the /sys/QStar/license directory to a file called “license-description” and make note of the License Key # sequence on the configuration worksheet in Appendix “A”. Type “q” to quit the installkey program. Page 18 of 53 Permanent License Key The information that the System Administrator will need to provide to QStar Customer Support personnel for a Permanent License key are as follows: A) B) C) D) E) F) G) Number of jukeboxes or standalone drives Type of jukeboxes or standalone drives QStar product installed Serial Number QStar Software and License Version Host ID Activation Code Note: The Permanent License Key for one product cannot be used for another. Once option #2 (Build license list) is selected follow the steps below to generate the Permanent License Key: JUKEBOX LICENSE KEY LIST 1) Demo license 2) Jukebox license 3) Standalone license 4) HSM license 5) CD/DVD-ROM Axxess license 6) CD/DVD-R Master license 7) DDR license 8) API license 9) License list is complete Enter choice: 2 Select #2 for the Jukebox Permanent License Key. 1) Optical jukebox 2) CD/DVD jukebox 3) Tape jukebox 4) 12 inch Worm jukebox Enter jukebox type: 1 Select the type of Jukebox. Enter number of shelves: 238 Enter the appropriate number of shelves for every Jukebox connected to the system. Note: Repeat #2 Jukebox license steps for every jukebox connected with the same server, please pay attention to specifying the correct type of jukebox and number of shelves or select #3 Standalone license if a standalone drive will also be licensed. Page 19 of 53 1) Demo license 2) Jukebox license 3) Standalone license 4) HSM license 5) CD/DVD-ROM Axxess license 6) CD/DVD-R Master license 7) DDR license 8) API license 9) License list is complete Enter choice: 4 Enter the number that corresponds with the product you've purchased. Note: Repeat the above steps for every QStar product that will be licensed. In the example the License list is for the QStar HSM product and for one Optical jukebox with 238 shelves. Note1: For the DVD-RAM jukebox select #4 “HSM license”. Note2: For Mirroring select #7 “DDR license” and in the next sub menu select #1 “Mirroring”. 1) Demo license 2) Jukebox license 3) Standalone license 4) HSM license 5) CD/DVD-ROM Axxess license 6) CD/DVD-R Master license 7) DDR license 8) API license 9) License list is complete Enter choice: 9 If the API product was purchased select#8 “API license” on the next menu. After selecting the device and product, close the License list. Once option #9 (License list is complete) is selected go to the ACTIVATE PERMANENT LICENSE KEY section. Page 20 of 53 STANDALONE DRIVE LICENSE KEY LIST 1) Demo license 2) Jukebox license 3) Standalone license 4) HSM license 5) CD/DVD-ROM Axxess license 6) CD/DVD-R Master license 7) DDR license 8) API license 9) License list is complete Enter choice: 2 1) Optical drive 2) CD/DVD drive 3) Tape drive Enter drive type: 1 Enter number of standalone drives: 1 Select #3 for the Standalone Drive Permanent License Key. Select the type of Standalone Drive. Enter the appropriate number of standalone drives connected to the system. Note: If different types of standalone drives are controlled by the QStar Software, repeat #3 Standalone license steps for every type of Standalone Drive connected with the same server or select #2 Jukebox license if a Jukebox will be licensed also. 1) Demo license 2) Jukebox license 3) Standalone license 4) HSM license 5) CD/DVD-ROM Axxess license 6) CD/DVD-R Master license 7) DDR license 8) API license 9) License list is complete Enter choice: 4 Enter the number that corresponds with the product you've purchased. Note: Repeat the above steps for every QStar product that will be licensed. In the example the License list is for the QStar HSM product and for one Optical Standalone Drive. Note1: For the DVD-RAM Standalone Drive select #4 “HSM license”. 1) Demo license 2) Jukebox license 3) Standalone license 4) HSM license 5) CD/DVD-ROM Axxess license 6) CD/DVD-R Master license 7) DDR license 8) API license 9) License list is complete Enter choice: 9 If the API product was purchased select#8 “API license” on the next menu. After selecting the device and product, close the License list. Once option #9 (License list is complete) is selected go to ACTIVATE PERMANENT LICENSE KEY section. Page 21 of 53 ACTIVATE PERMANENT LICENSE KEY 1) Display license description. 2) Build license list. 3) Activate licenses. 4) Print license description to file. 5) Change 1/18/2002 - demo expiration date. Enter option: 1 Select #1 to display License Inventory. LICENSE INVENTORY Jukebox, permanent, Optical, 238 HSM, permanent ACTIVATION ITEMS Software version: 4.8.x Activation code: 690000ee Host ID: xxxxxxxx License key: 0 Licenses NOT activated. 1) Display license description. 2) Build license list. 3) Activate licenses. 4) Print license description to file. 5) Change 2/13/2002 - demo expiration date. Enter option: 3 Software version: 4.8.x Activation code: 690000ee Host ID: xxxxxxxx Enter license key: xxxxxxxx This information can be faxed or emailed to your local QStar office for a License Key. Alternately you may call your local QStar technical support team for the activation of the License Key. Once you have the License Key, select #3 to Activate the License. If the installkey program is run on line with the QStar Customer Support personnel enter the License Key code provided by the QStar representative. License key checks! 1) Display license description. 2) Build license list. 3) Activate licenses. 4) Print license description to file. 5) Change 2/13/2002 - demo expiration date. Enter option: q Page 22 of 53 Type “q” to quit the installkey program. After entering the License Key, the installkey program should return the response “License key checks!”. The “License key does not check” or any other response should be reported to your QStar representative for a new License Key. Note: In the example the Permanent License Key is for the QStarHSM product and an Optical jukebox with 238 shelves is activated. If you decide to fax the Product Registration Form found in the root directory of the CD-ROM and the LICENSE INVENTORY information to QStar, please fax it to either +1-850-243-4234 (USA) or +39-02-45101-745 (EUROPE) or your local QStar office. Alternately e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]. A Customer Support representative will fax or e-mail your License Key and any further instructions. Once the License Key is obtained activate the code as follows: Run the installkey program once more: installkey version - 2001.12.11 Type 'q' to quit at any prompt. 1) Display license description. 2) Build license list. 3) Activate licenses. 4) Print license description to file. 5) Change 1/18/2002 - demo expiration date. Enter option: 3 Select option #3 to Activate the License Key. Software version: 4.8.x Activation code: 690000ee Host ID: xxxxxxxx Enter license key: xxxxxxxx Enter the License Key, be certain the Demo expiration date entered matches the date the activation code was generated (demo license only). After entering the License Key, the installkey program should return the response “License key checks”. The “License key does not check” or any other response should be reported to your QStar representative for a new License Key. When entering the License Key, select #4 to save the license information in the /sys/QStar/license directory to a file called “license-description” and make note of the License Key # sequence on the configuration worksheet in Appendix “A”. Type “q” to quit the installkey program. Page 23 of 53 STEP 4: INSTALLING THE QSTAR SOFTWARE The installation program automatically sets up all necessary product directories, files, and symbolic links. After the Software has been extracted from the CD-ROM or tape, start the Software installation script by entering the following command sequence: Change directory to the Software location. cd /sys/QStar Start the installation script ./INSTALL The installation script will display the following menu: QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: Page 24 of 53 Enter the number that corresponds with the product you've purchased or are evaluating. STEP 5: SPECIFYING YOUR STORAGE DEVICE CONFIGURATION Step 5.1) SUN Solaris, Digital Unix, Compaq Tru64, Silicon Graphics IRIX, Hewlett Packard HP-UX or Linux To configure the devices, jukeboxes and/or standalone drives, which will be handled by the QStar Software follow these steps: Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to check if any devices are configured. No configured devices Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 2 Select #2 to add a jukebox. Getting SCSI probe. Please wait... Enter jb_name, ? for help, ^ for cancel [jb]: jb Traditional naming convention. The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=3 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 3. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=SONY SMO-F521-01 2.04 4. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 5. bus=0 target=6 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 ! System Disk ! First Jukebox Drive ! Standalone Optical Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive ! Jukebox Autochanger Enter item number for changer, ? for help, ^ for cancel: 5 Page 25 of 53 If the robot and drives use different SCSI buses, you must configure drives manually. Otherwise drives can be configured automatically. Automatically: Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drives manually [n]: n Current device is: Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Add device to list of configured devices [y]: y Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Only the changer will be configured, the drives not will be present in this list until after the installation is completed. Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 6 Page 26 of 53 The configuration is complete, return to main menu. QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit UP GRADE - SELECT (7) and GOTO STEP 6 Enter item number or ? for help: NEW INSTALLATION - SELECT (8) and GOTO STEP 7 If the message “Please configure drives manually” is displayed while exiting from the installation script, the device cannot be configured automatically by the software. If this is the case, please restart the INSTALL script. Once the INSTALL script is restarted follow the steps below to reconfigure the devices Manually. QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 6 Select #6 to reconfigure QStar Software. QStar Software Reconfiguration Menu 1) Configure Devices 2) SCSI Classes 3) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to configure the devices. Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to list the configured devices. Page 27 of 53 Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 4 Stopping QStar daemons ... _rc: SCSI: Stopped Select #4 to remove all devices previously configured. Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb Changer bus=1,target=2,lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Remove device 1 from list of configured devices [y]: y Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 2 Select #2 to add a jukebox. Getting SCSI probe. Please wait... Enter jb_name, ? for help, ^ for cancel [jb]: jb Traditional naming convention. The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=3 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 3. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=SONY SMO-F521-01 2.04 4. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 5. bus=0 target=6 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 Enter item number for changer, ? for help, ^ for cancel: 5 Page 28 of 53 ! System Disk ! First Jukebox Drive ! Standalone Optical Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive ! Jukebox Autochanger Manually: Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drives manually [n]: y Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drive 1 [y]: y The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=3 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 3. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=SONY SMO-F521-01 2.04 4. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 5. bus=0 target=6 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 ! System Disk ! First Jukebox Drive ! Standalone Optical Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive ! Jukebox Autochanger Enter item number for drive 1, ? for help, ^ for cancel: 2 Current device is: Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=3, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drive 2 [y]: y The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=3 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 3. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=SONY SMO-F521-01 2.04 4. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 5. bus=0 target=6 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 ! System Disk ! First Jukebox Drive ! Standalone Optical Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive ! Jukebox Autochanger Enter item number for drive 2, ? for help, ^ for cancel: 4 Current device is: Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=3, lun=0 Drive 2 bus=0, target=5, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drive 3 [y]: n In the example, the jukebox only has two drives. Current device is: Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=3, lun=0 Drive 2 bus=0, target=5, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Add device to list of configured devices [y]: y Page 29 of 53 Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=3, lun=0 Drive 2 bus=0, target=5, lun=0 Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 3 Enter jb_name, ? for help, ^ for cancel [jb1]: drive0 The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=3 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 3. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=SONY SMO-F521-01 2.04 4. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 5. bus=0 target=6 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 ! System Disk ! First Jukebox Drive ! Standalone Optical Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive ! Jukebox Autochanger Enter item number for standalone_drive, ? for help, ^for cancel: 3 Current device is: Drive drive0 bus=0, target=4, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Add device to list of configured devices [y]: y Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Page 30 of 53 Select #1 for List Configured Devices. Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=3, lun=0 Drive 2 bus=0, target=5, lun=0 2. Drive drive0 bus=0, target=4, lun=0 Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: The configuration is completed, return to main menu. QStar Software installed. QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit UP GRADE - SELECT (7) and GOTO STEP 6 Enter item number or ? for help: NEW INSTALLATION - SELECT (8) and GOTO STEP 7 Page 31 of 53 Step 5.2) IBM AIX First step of Installation is completed. Now you will need to configure the device(s), jukebox(es) and/or standalone drives, which will be handled by the QStar Software. The following devices have been already detected and configured: auch0 scsi0 5,0 PLASMON Jukebox Autochanger Note: Some devices you intend to use with the QStar Software may have already been configured by non-QStar drivers. If these devices are missing in the list above then select "List Other Devices" in the menu below. Then you may start a shell and run “rmdev -l 'device' -d” command(s) for such devices. Note also that some optical drives may be recognized as hard disks. Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) List Other Devices 3) Configure/Reconfigure/Remove Devices 4) Start shell 5) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to check if any devices are configured. No configured devices Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) List Other Devices 3) Configure/Reconfigure/Remove Devices 4) Start shell 5) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 2 The following scsi devices are configured with non-QStar drivers. If you intend to use some of them with QStar Software then please remove (deconfigure) them before configuring QStar devices. omd0 omd1 cd0 hdisk0 Available Available Available Available 04-B0-00-1,0 04-B0-00-2,0 04-B0-00-3,0 04-B0-00-6,0 Other SCSI Read/Write Optical Drive Other SCSI Read/Write Optical Drive SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive Other SCSI Disk Drive Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) List Other Devices 3) Configure/Reconfigure/Remove Devices 4) Start shell 5) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 4 Type exit to return to the QStar installation. Page 32 of 53 #> rmdev -l omd0 -d omd0 deleted #>rmdev -l omd1 -d omd1 deleted #> exit #> Please wait: running /usr/sbin/cfgmgr... Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) List Other Devices 3) Configure/Reconfigure/Remove Devices 4) Start shell 5) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Configured Devices: 1. sdo0 bus=scsi0 target,lun=1,0 2. sdo1 bus=scsi0 target,lun=2,0 Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) List Other Devices 3) Configure/Reconfigure/Remove Devices 4) Start shell 5) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 2 The following scsi devices are configured with non-QStar drivers. If you intend to use some of them with QStar Software then please remove (deconfigure) them before configuring QStar devices. cd0 Available 04-B0-00-3,0 SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive hdisk0 Available 04-B0-00-6,0 Other SCSI Disk Drive Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) List Other Devices 3) Configure/Reconfigure/Remove Devices 4) Start shell 5) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 3 Select #3 to add a jukebox. Usually devices supported by QStar Software are detected and configured automatically. You only have to configure the Jukebox Manager using smit. Please be careful when specifying jukebox drives, specifiing the drives in the wrong order will result in incorrect operation of the Jukebox Manager. It is recommended that you check the jukebox configuration (SCSI id/LUNs) and list of already configured drives before configuring Jukebox Manager. Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure devices now [y]: y Note: In the example an Optical jukebox is used. Page 33 of 53 The QStar Device Configuration Menu calls the smit program to configure the devices. Once the smit program starts the following menu is displayed: System Management (Menu) Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Software Installation and Maintenance Software License Management Devices System Storage Management (Physical & Logical Storage) Security & Users Communications Applications and Services Print Spooling Problem Determination Performance & Resource Scheduling System Environments Processes & Subsystems Applications Using SMIT (information only) F1=Help F9=Shell F2=Refresh F10=Exit F3=Cancel Enter=Do Select Devices. F8=Image Devices (Menu) Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL Printer/Plotter TTY Asynchronous Adapters PTY Console Fixed Disk MO (Magnetic-Optical) Optical Disk Disk Array WORM (Write-Once-Read-Many) Optical Disk Jukebox Autochanger Jukebox Manager CD ROM Drive Read/Write Optical Drive Diskette Drive Tape Drive Communication Graphic Displays ……. ISA Adapters F1=Help F9=Shell Page 34 of 53 F2=Refresh F10=Exit F3=Cancel Enter=Do Select this to configure an optical standalone drive. Select Jukebox Manager. Select this to configure a CD ROM standalone drive. Select this to configure a tape standalone drive. F8=Image Jukebox Manager (Menu) Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Add a Jukebox Configure a Defined Jukebox Remove a Jukebox List All Defined Jukeboxes List All Supported Jukeboxes Change/Show Characteristics of a Jukebox Define a Jukebox Select Add a Jukebox. F1=Help F9=Shell F8=Image F2=Refresh F10=Exit Select this to remove a jukebox. Select this for redefine a jukebox. F3=Cancel Enter=Do After you select the Add a jukebox item the following menu will appear: Robot Device In this menu you have to move the cursor to the desired and press ENTER. In the example auch0 is selected. auch0 Available 04-B0-00-5,0 PLASMON Jukebox Autochanger F1=Help F8=Image /=Find F2=Refresh F10=Exit n=Find Next F3=Cancel Enter=Do Add a Jukebox (Menu) Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. Robot Device Number of Shelves * Drive 1 * Drive 2 F1=Help F5=Reset F9=Shell F2=Refresh F6=Command F10=Exit [Entry Fields] [auch0] [52] F3=Cancel F7=Edit Enter=Do F4=List F8=Image Select Drive1 in Add a Jukebox (Menu). Note: Be sure to select drives in the correct order. After you Select Drive1, the Drive 1 (Menu) menu will appear, use the F4 key to choose the devices for the drives. Page 35 of 53 Drive 1 (Menu) Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. sdo0 sdo1 cd0 Available Available Available 04-B0-00-1,0 04-B0-00-2,0 04-B0-00-3,0 In this example sdo0 is selected. SONY F541 Multifunction drive SONY F541 Multifunction drive SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive Add a Jukebox (Menu) Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] [auch0] [52] sdo0 Robot Device Number of Shelves * Drive 1 * Drive 2 F1=Help F5=Reset F9=Shell F2=Refresh F6=Command F10=Exit F3=Cancel F7=Edit Enter=Do F4=List F8=Image Select Drive2 in Add a Jukebox (Menu) After you Select Drive2, the Drive 2 (Menu) menu will appear, use the F4 key to choose the devices for the drives. Drive 2 (Menu) Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. sdo0 sdo1 cd0 Available Available Available 04-B0-00-1,0 04-B0-00-2,0 04-B0-00-3,0 In this example sdo1 is selected. SONY F541 Multifunction drive SONY F541 Multifunction drive SCSI Multimedia CD-ROM Drive After All the selection the situation is the Following: Add a Jukebox (Menu) Type or select values in entry fields. Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes. [Entry Fields] Robot Device [auch0] Number of Shelves [52] * Drive 1 sdo0 * Drive 2 sdo1 F1=Help F5=Reset F9=Shell F2=Refresh F6=Command F10=Exit F3=Cancel F7=Edit Enter=Do F4=List F8=Image Press Enter to create the jukebox home directory that will contain the special files and the configuration files that the jukebox needs. The system will return “jbn Available”. Page 36 of 53 COMMAND STATUS (Menu) Command: OK stdout: yes stderr: no Before command completion, additional instructions may appear below. jb0 Available F1=Help F8=Image /=Find F2=Refresh F9=Shell n=Find Next F3=Cancel F10=Exit F6=Command Note: Always use the QStar INSTALL script to add or remove a jukebox or standalone drive devices. This guarantees a clean install and de-install. Repeat steps for each individual jukebox that you have connected to the system. For a Standalone Drive Devices (Menu) Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Install/Configure Devices Added After IPL Printer/Plotter TTY Asynchronous Adapters PTY Console Fixed Disk MO (Magnetic-Optical) Optical Disk Select this to configure an optical standalone drive. Disk Array WORM (Write-Once-Read-Many) Optical Disk Jukebox Autochanger Jukebox Manager Select Jukebox Manager. CD ROM Drive Select this to configure a CD-ROM standalone drive. Read/Write Optical Drive Diskette Drive Tape Drive Select this to configure a tape standalone drive. Communication Graphic Displays Graphic Input Devices Low Function Terminal (LFT) SCSI Initiator Device SCSI Adapter IDE Adapters Asynchronous I/O Multimedia List Devices Install Additional Device Software ISA Adapters F1=Help F9=Shell F2=Refresh F10=Exit F3=Cancel Enter=Do F8=Image Page 37 of 53 After Exiting from the smit menu Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) List Other Devices 3) Configure/Reconfigure/Remove Devices 4) Start shell 5) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to list the configured devices. Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb0 Changer auch0 bus=scsi0 target,lun=5,0 Drive 1 sdo0 bus=scsi0 target,lun=1,0 Drive 2 sdo1 bus=scsi0 target,lun=2,0 Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) List Other Devices 3) Configure/Reconfigure/Remove Devices 4) Start shell 5) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 5 The configuration is completed return to main menu. QStar Software installed. QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit UP GRADE - SELECT (7) and GOTO STEP 6 Enter item number or ? for help: NEW INSTALLATION - SELECT (8) and GOTO STEP 7 Page 38 of 53 STEP 6: RESTORING QSTAR DATABASES **Only if UPGRADING, for *NEW INSTALLATIONS* PROCEED TO STEP 7** After the installation is completed, to restore the information from the QStar databases, do the following actions: QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 7 found QStar databases at /var/tmp/qs_db_saved.tar.Z Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to restore OFS table files [y]: y Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to restore VL device database [y]: y Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to restore VL set database [y]: y QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 8 Select #8 to exit from the installation program. Note: Also the setting made for Privileged Users and the Send Mail Notification was saved and now are restored. Page 39 of 53 STEP 7: COMPILING THE KERNEL, IF APPLICABLE A) Sun Solaris After exiting the installation program the following message will be printed to the screen: Check for missing inquiry IDs... Start jbschedulers for configured jukeboxes [y]: Enter y for Yes or n for No. Choose: y B) IBM AIX After exiting the installation program the following message will be printed to the screen: Check for missing inquiry IDs... It is highly recommended that you reboot now. Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to reboot now [y]: Choose: y If you Choose No you will see this next question. Start jbschedulers for configured jukeboxes [y]: Enter y for Yes or n for No. Choose: y C) DIGITAL Unix or COMPAQ Tru64: After exiting the installation program the following message will be printed to the screen: Check for missing inquiry IDs... Configuring kernel... Building kernel, please wait... Original kernel is saved as /vmunix.b4_QStar. The new kernel is /usr/sys/QSTAR/vmunix.QSTAR If you reply Yes for the next question, the new kernel will be renamed to /vmunix, which is used by "reboot" command or "boot" console command after the machine is turned on. If you reply No, you can reboot the system later using the following command line mv /usr/sys/QSTAR/vmunix.QSTAR /vmunix; reboot Enter y for Yes or n for No. Reboot the system now [y]: y Choose: y D) Silicon Graphics IRIX, LINUX and HP-UX: After exiting the installation program the following message will be printed to the screen: Check for missing inquiry IDs... Starting QStar daemons … starting _fsi_server … _media_server: VL: Started _media_server: Jbscheduler Started: jb Page 40 of 53 STEP 8: POST INSTALLATION TEST Starting the Daemons Before creating a Volume set or an Integral Volume set, verify that the following daemons are running. QStar Software adds these daemons to your system and, on some platforms, automatically starts them at boot-up. Server Operating System Description _jbserver Solaris This server is multi threaded and processes the requests from various JB clients (usually JB commands). Upon receiving a connect request the server creates a thread for talking to the client. Also this server starts the jbscheduler system daemon for each jukebox connected to your system. AIX Digital Unix Compaq Tru64 _vlserver Solaris AIX Digital Unix Compaq Tru64 _vlofs _qscsiserver _mmserver _fsi_server IRIX HP-UX LINUX _media_server IRIX HP-UX The jbscheduler is required on all platforms: • Starts automatically at bootup on all platforms. • Initializes your storage devices. • Controls and manages access to your storage devices. It’s the VL server which processes the requests from various VL clients (usually VL commands). Upon receiving a connect request the server creates a thread for talking to the client. The -t option in _vlserver defines the maximum number of threads. This daemons enables: • Adding erased platters to a media set. • Mounting additional platters as needed. • Managing version access. It’s the communication daemon between OFS and VL and replaces the old Daemon rpc.rmntd. This server performs all scsi command. This server performs the migration of the data between the Hard disk and the media. This Server is a file system interface that allows support of all UNIX commands on the QStar file systems. It is started for each volume set as a result of a “publish” request. It also keeps a list of published volume sets and the associated port number. A multithread daemon that governs qscsi_server, qscsi_log, jb_server, jb_scheduler, vl_server, mmserver threads. Page 41 of 53 IRIX HP-UX LINUX It registers itself as a standard mountd daemon. It accepts all mount requests, responds to mount requests for volume sets, and redirects other requests to the standard mountd daemon. To verify that all required daemons are running, follow these steps: 1) Log on as root. 2) Run the following commands: #>qscsiping qscsiping: SCSI server thread is running. #>jbping jbping: JB server thread is running. #>vlping vlping: VL server thread is running. #>mmping mmping: MM server thread is running. #>jbschedcheck -a jbschedcheck: JB Jbscheduler is running. 3) If the jbscheduler daemon is not running, start it now by entering the following command for each jukebox: jbscheduler device_name For example: #>jbscheduler jb jb: Jbscheduler started Note: See the jbscheduler command in Chapter 9-Command Reference for more information. Page 42 of 53 RECONFIGURING STORAGE DEVICES Changing the jukebox configuration from a one-drive unit to a two-drive unit. Change directory to the QStar directory: cd /sys/QStar Start the installation script ./INSTALL The installation script will display the following menu: QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 6 Select #6 to reconfigure QStar Software. QStar Software Reconfiguration Menu 1) Configure Devices 2) SCSI Classes 3) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to configure the devices. Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to list the configured devices. Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb Changer bus=0,target=6,lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0,target=2,lun=0 Page 43 of 53 Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 4 _rc: VL: Stopped _rc: MM: Stopped _rc: JB: Stopped _rc: SCSI: Stopped Select #4 to remove all devices previously configured. Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb Changer bus=0,target=6,lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0,target=2,lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Remove device 1 from list of configured devices [y]: y Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to list the configured devices. No configured devices Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 6 Select #6 to return to the previous menu. QStar Software Reconfiguration Menu 1) Configure Devices 2) SCSI Classes 3) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 3 Page 44 of 53 Select #3 to return to the previous menu. QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 8 Select #8 to exit from the installation program. Now shut down your system, connect the new jukebox with unique SCSI IDs and boot your system back up. When the system is up, change directory to the QStar directory: cd /sys/QStar Start the installation script ./INSTALL The installation script will display the following menu: QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 6 Select #6 to reconfigure QStar Software. QStar Software Reconfiguration Menu 1) Configure Devices 2) SCSI Classes 3) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to configure the devices. Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 2 Select #2 to add a jukebox. Page 45 of 53 Getting SCSI probe. Please wait... Enter jb_name, ? for help, ^ for cancel [jb]: jb Traditional naming convention. The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=1 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 3. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 4. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 ! System Disk ! Jukebox Autochanger ! First Jukebox Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive Enter item number for changer, ? for help, ^ for cancel: 2 If robot and drives use different SCSI buses, you must configure drives manually. Otherwise drives can be configured automatically. In this section the reconfiguration is made Manually, to follow the automatic configuration see “Specifying Your Storage Device Configuration” section in this chapter. Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drives manually [n]: y Current device is: Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=1, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drive 1 [y]: y The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=1 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 3. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 4. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 ! System Disk ! Jukebox Autochanger ! First Jukebox Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive Enter item number for drive 1, ? for help, ^ for cancel: 3 Current device is: Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=1, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=4, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drive 2 [y]: y The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=1 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 3. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 4. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 Enter item number for drive 2, ? for help, ^ for cancel: 4 Current device is: Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=1, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=4, lun=0 Drive 2 bus=0, target=5, lun=0 Page 46 of 53 ! System Disk ! Jukebox Autochanger ! First Jukebox Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drive 3 [y]: n Current device is: Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=1, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=4, lun=0 Drive 2 bus=0, target=5, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Add device to list of configured devices [y]: y Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 6 Select #6 to return to the previous menu. QStar Software Reconfiguration Menu 1) Configure Devices 2) SCSI Classes 3) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 3 Select #3 to return to the previous menu. QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 8 Select #8 to exit from the installation program. Check for missing inquiry Ids... Unloading q_jb driver... Unloading q_pdscsi driver... Loading q_pdscsi driver... _rc: SCSI: Started _rc: JB: Started _rc: MM: Started _rc: VL: Started Enter y for Yes or n for No. Start jbschedulers for configured jukeboxes [y]: y Page 47 of 53 ADDING NEW STORAGE DEVICES Change directory to the QStar directory: cd /sys/QStar Start the installation script ./INSTALL The installation script will display the following menu: QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 6 Select #6 to reconfigure QStar Software. QStar Software Reconfiguration Menu 1) Configure Devices 2) SCSI Classes 3) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Select #1 to configure the devices. Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Page 48 of 53 Select #1 to list the configured devices. Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=1, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=4, lun=0 Drive 2 bus=0, target=5, lun=0 Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 2 Select #2 to add a jukebox. _rc: VL: Stopped _rc: MM: Stopped _rc: JB: Stopped _rc: SCSI: Stopped Getting SCSI probe. Please wait... Enter jb_name, ? for help, ^ for cancel [jb1]: jb1 The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=1 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 3. bus=0 target=2 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1716T 3404 4. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 5. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 6. bus=0 target=6 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1718T 2.11 ! System Disk ! Jukebox Autochanger ! First Jukebox Drive ! First Jukebox Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive ! Jukebox Autochanger Enter item number for changer, ? for help, ^ for cancel: 6 If robot and drives use different SCSI buses, you must configure drives manually. Otherwise drives can be configured automatically. In this section the configuration is made Manually, to follow the automatic configuration see “Specifying Your Storage Device Configuration” section in this chapter. Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drives manually [n]: y Current device is: Jukebox jb1 Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Page 49 of 53 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drive 1 [y]: y The following SCSI devices have been found: 1. bus=0 target=0 lun=0 Disk id=SEAGATE ST32430W SUN2.1G0666 2. bus=0 target=1 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1160J 1.47 3. bus=0 target=2 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1716T 3404 4. bus=0 target=4 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 5. bus=0 target=5 lun=0 Erasable id=HP C1113J 1.06 6. bus=0 target=6 lun=0 Changer id=HP C1718T 2.11 ! System Disk ! Jukebox Autochanger ! First Jukebox Drive ! First Jukebox Drive ! Second Jukebox Drive ! Jukebox Autochanger Enter item number for drive 1, ? for help, ^ for cancel: 3 Current device is: Jukebox jb1 Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=2, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to configure drive 2 [y]: n Current device is: Jukebox jb1 Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=2, lun=0 Enter y for Yes or n for No. Add device to list of configured devices [y]: y Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 1 Configured Devices: 1. Jukebox jb Changer bus=0, target=1, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=4, lun=0 Drive 2 bus=0, target=5, lun=0 2. Jukebox jb1 Changer bus=0, target=6, lun=0 Drive 1 bus=0, target=2, lun=0 Page 50 of 53 Select #1 to list the configured devices. Device Configuration Menu 1) List Configured Devices 2) Add Jukebox 3) Add Standalone Drive 4) Remove Device 5) Remove All Devices 6) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 6 Select #6 to return to the previous menu. QStar Software Reconfiguration Menu 1) Configure Devices 2) SCSI Classes 3) Return Enter item number or ? for help: 3 Select #3 to return to the previous menu. QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 8 Select #8 to exit from the installation program. Check for missing inquiry Ids... Unloading q_jb driver... Unloading q_scsi driver... Unloading q_pdscsi driver... Loading q_pdscsi driver... _rc: SCSI: Started _rc: JB: Started _rc: MM: Started _rc: VL: Started Enter y for Yes or n for No. Start jbschedulers for configured jukeboxes [y]: y Page 51 of 53 DE-INSTALLING QSTAR SOFTWARE To de-install the QStar Software, follow these steps: 1) Archive all data out of the each Integral Volume's cache. mmarc -e /mount_point For each mounted Integral Volume set. 2) Unmount all Media sets or Integral Volume sets and stop all jukebox schedulers. umount /mount_point For each mounted Integral Volume set. jbshut jb For each jbscheduler running. 3) Change directory to the QStar directory. For example: cd /sys/QStar 4) Run the installation program by entering: ./INSTALL QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 5 Select #5 to uninstall QStar Software. Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you really want to uninstall [n]: y Enter y for Yes or n for No. Do you want to save QStar databases [y]: n QStar Software uninstalled QStar Software Installation Main Menu 1) Install QStar HSM 2) Install QStar CD/DVD-ROM Axxess 3) Install QStar CD/DVD-R Master 4) Install QStar Data Director 5) Uninstall QStar Software 6) Reconfigure QStar Software 7) Restore QStar Databases 8) Exit Enter item number or ? for help: 8 5) Remove the contents of the QStar directory. rm -r /sys/QStar/* Page 52 of 53 Select #8 to exit from the installation program. PRIVILEGED USERS Usually only the System Administrator as root can run the QStar commands. QStar creates a special option that, if required, allows non-root users to run QStar commands. QStar creates a special file called “priv.users” under the /sys/QStar/install directory. Edit this file and insert the name(s) of the user(s) that should be allowed access to run all QStar commands. Please insert one name for each line and save the file. After that all the users that are listed in this file are allowed access to run the QStar commands. SEND MAIL NOTIFICATION QStar creates a special file called “send_notification” under the /sys/QStar/install directory. The System Administrators can get mail notification about abnormal events in the QStar Software. Abnormal events are - drive/jukebox failures, unrecoverable write errors, requests for additional medium (no more space in the Integral Volume set), requests for medium that is currently offline, etc. QStar Software puts messages into the /sys/QStar/log/message file and then executes this script. To receive the mail, please select the appropriate mail program for your computer and set the DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS ( [email protected] ). To test this script please create /sys/QStar/log/message file and execute the script. DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS= if [ -n "$DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS" -a -f /sys/QStar/log/message ]; then # # /bin/mail $DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS < /sys/QStar/log/message # /usr/sbin/Mail -s "message from QStar server" $DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS < /sys/QStar/log/message # /usr/sbin/mailx -s "message from QStar server" $DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS < /sys/QStar/log/message # /usr/bin/mailx -s "message from QStar server" $DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS < /sys/QStar/log/message # mv /sys/QStar/log/message /sys/QStar/log/message.old fi START OR STOP QSTAR SERVERS As explained on Step 8 “Post Installation Test” the section QStar Software adds different daemons to the system and automatically starts them at boot up. To do so QStar creates a special file called “rc” under the /sys/QStar/install directory that is ran at the boot up time. This is very useful to start and stop the QStar servers without rebooting the system. Before stopping the QStar servers the System Administrator must be sure to unmount all the Integral Volume sets. To stop the QStar Servers, enter: /sys/QStar/install/rc stop To start the QStar Servers, enter: /sys/QStar/install/rc start The “rc” file will return the confirmation messages for the stopping or starting procedure. Page 53 of 53 This chapter describes the basic notions of the jukebox management, the device’s identifications, the jukebox parameters and some jukebox management features of the QStar Software that let you recover from errors introduced by accident or caused by hardware failure. Topics include: • Checking jukebox status and parameters • Setting the media or drives on/offline • Error recovery • Selected errors • Use of media not supported by the jukebox BASIC NOTIONS OF JUKEBOX MANAGEMENT............................................................................. 2 Jbscheduler .................................................................................................................................... 2 Element Status: Online/Offline ....................................................................................................... 2 Jukebox or Standalone Drive Identification .................................................................................... 2 JUKEBOX PARAMETERS ................................................................................................................. 3 Time Control ................................................................................................................................... 3 Persistent Parameters .................................................................................................................... 3 MANAGING THE JUKEBOX PARAMETERS .................................................................................... 4 FEATURE JB COMMANDS ............................................................................................................... 5 Displaying the Jukebox Status ....................................................................................................... 6 Examples of Controlling the Jukebox Using the JB Commands .................................................... 8 Example 1 - Importing Media into the Jukebox and Checking the Status of the Jukebox ......... 8 Example 2 - Exporting Media from the Jukebox and Checking the Status of the Jukebox ....... 8 Example 3 - Setting a Drive and Shelf Offline, Loading a Media into a Drive and then Checking the Jukebox Status..................................................................................................... 9 Example 4 - Unloading a Media from the Drive, Setting the Drive and Shelf Online and then Checking the Jukebox Status..................................................................................................... 9 ERROR RECOVERY ....................................................................................................................... 10 Selected Errors............................................................................................................................. 10 Examples of Recovery after a Hardware Failure Using the JB Commands ................................ 10 Example 1 - Clearing Drive and Shelf Bad Status ................................................................... 10 Example 2 - Clearing a Drive Bad Status................................................................................. 11 Example 3 - Clearing a Shelf Bad Status................................................................................. 12 Example of Recovery for Lost Source Shelf Information ............................................................. 12 Example - Clearing Lost Source Shelf Information Error ......................................................... 12 USE OF MEDIA NOT SUPPORTED BY THE JUKEBOX................................................................ 13 MEDIA IMPORTED VIA FRONT PANEL OF JUKEBOX INSTEAD OF VIA QSTAR ...................... 13 Page 1 of 14 BASIC NOTIONS OF JUKEBOX MANAGEMENT Jbscheduler The jbscheduler is activated by the jbscheduler command and deactivated by the jbshut command. When the jbdriver receives an I/O request for a surface, and a medium is not loaded into any drive or a medium is loaded but the access to another side is requested, the driver notifies the jbscheduler. The jbscheduler processes all necessary loading, unloading or flipping of the media to get the requested surface accessible and notifies the jbdriver that all I/O requests to this surface can be satisfied. The described procedure - the automatic binding of the shelf to the drive - is the main task of the jbscheduler. If the jbscheduler is not running, there is no automatic binding and the surface can be accessed only if a medium has been loaded by jbload command or flipped by the jbflip command. Element Status: Online/Offline If the jbscheduler is running it does not mean that it controls all elements in the jukebox. Whether an element is under the jbscheduler jurisdiction or not depends on its online/offline status. If the element is online, it is controlled by the jbscheduler, if the element is offline, it is not controlled by the jbscheduler. The jbscheduler makes the automatic bindings only for online shelves and uses only the drives that are online. The offline shelf can be accessed only after it has been explicitly loaded by the jbload command or flipped by the jbflip command. An application can change the online/offline status of the drives or shelves by using the jbdrive command or jbshelf command. Jukebox or Standalone Drive Identification A device is represented by the name of the directory containing the special files used for accessing the device. In the API functions and commands, this name is designated as the jb_name. Filenames The following filenames reside in the jb_name directory: jbctl The jukebox control device, which accepts the changers SCSI commands, is a symbolic link to the filename representing the changers character device. driveN, rdriveN The devices that accept the drives SCSI commands. N is a drive number (1, 2, etc). The driveN (rdriveN) filename is a symbolic link to the filename representing the drive block (character) device. jbNa, jbNb, rjbNa, rjbNb The platter surface devices. N is the shelf number (1, 2, etc), ‘a’ and ‘b’ designate the sides, prefix ‘r’ symbolizes the character device. The jukebox elements are specified by their numbers, which are 1-based. The directory for a standalone drive contains the special files for one drive, one shelf and control device. All normal jukebox operations with the control device call for operator intervention. Page 2 of 14 JUKEBOX PARAMETERS Time Control The jbscheduler uses the time parameters - inactive time, idle time, quantum time and reserve time - for the automatic unloading of media from the drives. The inactive, idle and quantum times are built on a per jukebox basis, the reserve time - on a per surface basis. All times are set in seconds. The inactive time is defined as the maximum number of seconds a medium is allowed to stay in the drive without access. If a medium remains in the drive, without access, longer than the inactive time, the jbscheduler unloads it back to the shelf. If the inactive time is set to “0”, this mechanism is disabled. The default inactive time value is 900 seconds (15 minutes ). The idle time is defined as the minimum number of seconds a medium is allowed to stay in the drive without access. If a new medium has to be loaded, but all drives are full, the jbscheduler may unload the medium which has remained in the drive, without access, for more than the quantum or idle time, whichever is less. If the idle time is set to “0”, this mechanism is disabled and the quantum time defines the minimum period of time the medium remains in the drive without access. The default idle time value is “0”. The quantum time is defined as the number of seconds after which the jbscheduler examines again if the media can be unloaded. The minimum and default value is 10 seconds. A surface that has a non-zero reserve time is reserved. The minimum number of seconds a medium with the reserved surface is allowed to stay in the drive without access is incremented by the reserve time. The reserved surface is not affected by the idle time mechanism, but is affected by the inactive time mechanism. If a reserved surface has been idling more than the idle time, a medium will not be eligible to be swapped out (unlike the unreserved surface). However, if a reserved surface has been idling more than inactive time, a medium is unloaded. The default reserve time for every surface is “0”, which means the reserve time mechanism is disabled. The reserve time is applied only to the next loading of the medium; when the medium is unloaded the reserve times of its upper surface drops to “0”. The reserve time can be set only for the surface on the online shelf and is cleared when the shelf becomes offline. Persistent Parameters Some parameters controlling the jukebox management are persistent; they remain unchanged through a system reboot. These parameters include time control values (inactive, idle, and quantum times) and statistics values (nimports, nexports, nloads, nunloads, and nflips) and are related to the special jukebox control daemon called jbscheduler. The special jbdriver in the operating system’s kernel supports the jukebox management interface. They are set when the jukebox management software is configured for the jukebox and can be cleared or set to their default values using the jbparam command. Page 3 of 14 MANAGING THE JUKEBOX PARAMETERS To view the current jukebox parameter values, Quantum, Inactive and Idle times, and statistical information, number of Imports, Exports, Loads, Unloads and Flips, use the jbparam command. To display the current values for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>jbparam jb Inactive time: Idle time: Quantum time: Imports: Exports: Loads: Unloads: Flips: 900 0 10 0 0 1239 12 3754 To modify the jukebox parameters, use jbparam with the following flags: -i Set inactive time -q Set quantum time -d Set idle time To reset the jukebox statistical information use jbparam with the following flags: -t Set all time parameters to their default values -s Clear the statistics values Note: For more detailed information on the “jbparam” command, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. Page 4 of 14 FEATURE JB COMMANDS The JB module allows various operations with the jukebox and its elements (shelves, drives, carriers, and mailslots). All the jb commands are available once the jukebox scheduler is running. The commands that enable and disable the jukebox driver are: jbscheduler Start the jukebox driver (usually this command is automatically run at boot time). jbshut Shut down the jukebox driver. The movement commands are the following: jbload jbunload jbflip jbexport jbimport jbmove jbmagazine Move a media from the shelf to the drive Move a media from the drive back to the shelf Invert a media in the drive Move a media from the shelf or drive to the mailslot Move a media from the mailslot to the shelf. Moves a media from one shelf to another in the jukebox. Exchanges media in the jukebox using the magazines. The Commands that can set the online/offline status of the elements or show their status are the following: jbreset jbshelf jbdrive jbstatus jbparam Can clear the bad status of a drive and shelf in a single command when an error has occurred. Can set online/offline the media into the selected shelf and can clear the bad status of the shelf when the error occurred. Can set online/offline the drive media into the selected shelf and can clear the bad status of the shelf when the error occurred. Can show the status of the jukebox, including drives, shelves, mailslot and carriers. Can show and change the parameters of the jukebox, including idle, inactive and quantum times, also the number of imports, exports, loads, unloads and flips. Page 5 of 14 Displaying the Jukebox Status The jbstatus command is used to display the jukebox status, including the drives, shelves, mailslot and carriers. The jbstatus command can be run with different options please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. The jbstatus command is a useful tool to monitor the jukebox status and to detect which jukebox component may be failing. Example for an Optical jukebox. To display the status for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>jbstatus jb jb – JUKEBOX ----------Carrier 1: Carrier 2: ----------Mailslot 1: ----------Drive 1: Drive 2: Drive 3: Drive 4: ----------Shelf 1: Shelf 2: Shelf 2: Shelf 3: Shelf 4: Shelf 5: Shelf 6: Shelf 7: Shelf 8: Shelf 9: Shelf 10: Shelf 11: Shelf 12: Shelf 13: Shelf 14: Shelf 15: Shelf 16: Shelf 17: Shelf 18: Shelf 19: Shelf 20: Page 6 of 14 TYPE empty empty empty online online online offline online online online online online online online online online online online online online online online online online online online online online empty empty full loaded shelf 2a empty full loaded open drive 3 full full full empty empty empty empty empty full full empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty Example for a CD/DVD jukebox. #>jbstatus jb jb – JUKEBOX ----------Carrier 1: Carrier 2: ----------Mailslot 1: ----------Drive 1: Drive 2: Drive 3: Drive 4: Drive 5: Drive 6: ----------Shelf 1: Shelf 2: Shelf 3: Shelf 4: Shelf 5: Shelf 6: Shelf 7: Shelf 8: Shelf 8: Shelf 9: Shelf 10: Shelf 11: Shelf 12: Shelf 13: Shelf 14: Shelf 15: Shelf 16: Shelf 17: Shelf 18: Shelf 19: Shelf 20: TYPE empty empty empty cd-rom dvd-rom dvd-ram online empty cd-rom dvd-rom dvd-ram online empty cd-rom dvd-rom online empty cd-rom dvd-rom online empty dvd-rom dvd-r online empty cd-rom cd-r cd-rw online empty dvd-ram online full magazine 1 dvd-ram online full magazine 1 dvd-ram online full magazine 1 dvd-ram online full magazine 1 dvd-ram online full magazine 1 dvd-ram online full magazine 1 dvd-r online full magazine 1 dvd-r online full magazine 1 dvd-ram online full magazine 1 dvd-ram online full magazine 1 dvd-ram online full magazine 1 online empty magazine 2 cd-rom 1-side online full magazine 2 cd-rom 1-side online full magazine 2 online empty magazine 2 dvd-rom 1-side online full magazine 2 online empty magazine 2 cd-r 1-side online full magazine 2 cd-r 1-side online full magazine 2 cd-rom cd-r cd-rw dvd-rom dvd-r dvd-ram online full magazine 2 cd-rom cd-r cd-rw dvd-rom dvd-r dvd-ram online full magazine 2 Note: The jbstatus command for CD/DVD device shows the magazine number information, the drives capabilities and media type within the shelves. Before the refresh procedure (vlrefresh command) all media capabilities are assigned for every full shelf (i.e shelves 19 and 20). This allows loading the media into all drives during the refresh procedure to determine the correct media type of the shelf. The media type is automatically set after the refresh procedure and “1-side” information will be assigned if the media is single sided and the jukebox also supports dual sided media. After that, the jbscheduler will only allow the proper media to be loaded into the drive that can handle this media type. For example, the media loaded into the shelf with a “cd-r” status may be inserted only into the CD-R drive. Once the CD-R media is burned and becomes a CD-ROM media, the QStar Software will automatically change the “cd-r” status to “cd-rom” . The shelf’s media type can also be manually cleared or changed using the “-r” or “-p” option with the jbshelf command. The “1-side” information can be changed using the “-1” flag. Page 7 of 14 Examples of Controlling the Jukebox Using the JB Commands Example 1 - Importing Media into the Jukebox and Checking the Status of the Jukebox #>jbimport jb 1 #>jbimport jb 2 #>jbimport jb 3 #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: Carrier 2: ----------Mailslot 1: ----------Drive 1: Drive 2: ----------Shelf 1: Shelf 2: Shelf 3: Shelf 4: Shelf 5: “ “ Shelf 50: Shelf 51: empty empty empty online online empty empty online online online online online “ online online full full full empty empty “ empty empty Note: Shelves 1,2,3 are full. Example 2 - Exporting Media from the Jukebox and Checking the Status of the Jukebox #>jbexport jb 2 jb: Please remove medium from mailslot. #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online Page 8 of 14 empty empty full empty full empty Note: Shelf 2 is empty. Example 3 - Setting a Drive and Shelf Offline, Loading a Media into a Drive and then Checking the Jukebox Status #>jbdrive -f jb 1 jb drive 1: is set offline #>jbshelf -f jb 1 jb shelf 1: is set offline #>jbload jb 1 1a #>jbstatus -d jb Drive 1: offline full loaded shelf 1a Drive 2: online empty #>jbstatus -s jb Shelf 1: offline Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online loaded drive 1 empty full empty Note: Drive status is changed. Note: Shelf status is changed. Example 4 - Unloading a Media from the Drive, Setting the Drive and Shelf Online and then Checking the Jukebox Status #>jbunload jb 1 #>jbdrive -n jb 1 jb drive 1: is set online #>shelf -n jb 1 jb shelf 1: is set online #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online empty empty full empty full empty Note : For more detailed information on the “jb” commands, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. Page 9 of 14 ERROR RECOVERY QStar's Software contains features that let you recover from most errors introduced by accident or caused by hardware failure. When jbscheduler fails to move media from a shelf to a drive and vice versa or when it fails to flip media, it marks both the media and drive as “Bad”. From that moment on, the media and the drive, which are marked as Bad, will not be used by the jbscheduler until the problem is fixed. Check the status of the drives and shelves with the jbstatus command. If the drive, with or without a medium, is marked as Bad, then try to recover with the jbreset command. This will clear the Bad status of a drive and, if media is present in the drive, of the shelf and then move the media back to the shelf. Again check with jbstatus for the current status of the jukebox. If a Bad status is still displayed on a shelf or drive, it can be cleared by using the jbshelf or jbdrive command. Selected Errors The commands you need to use to recover from most hardware failure or human errors are: jbstatus jbreset jbdrive jbshelf Examples of Recovery after a Hardware Failure Using the JB Commands Example 1 - Clearing Drive and Shelf Bad Status When a drive is marked bad you will see the following message appear in the console windows: JB: jb drive 1 marked bad, sense 00 00 00 To recover the correct statuses of the jukebox components, follow these steps: #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online Page 10 of 14 full bad loaded shelf 1a empty Note: Drive is marked bad. loaded bad open drive 1 full full empty Note: Shelf is marked bad. a) Automatically #>jbreset jb 1 jb drive 1: is jb shelf 1: is jb drive 1: is jb shelf 1: is set set set set offline offline online online b) Manually #>jbdrive -bf jb 1 jb drive 1: is set offline #>jbshelf -bf jb 1 jb shelf 1: is set offline #>jbdrive -n jb 1 jb drive 1: is set online #>jbshelf -n jb 1 jb shelf 1: is set online In either of the above procedures, the status of the jukebox should appear as follows: #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online empty empty Note: Drive is unloaded and bad flag cleared. full full full empty Note: Shelf’s bad flag cleared. Example 2 - Clearing a Drive Bad Status #> jbstatus -d jb Drive 1: online bad empty Drive 2: online empty Note: Drive is marked bad. #> jbdrive -b jb 1 #> jbstatus -d jb Drive 1: online Drive 2: online empty empty Note: Drive bad flag is cleared. Page 11 of 14 Example 3 - Clearing a Shelf Bad Status #>jbstatus -s jb Shelf 1: online loaded drive 1 Shelf 2: online bad full Shelf 3: online full Note: Shelf is marked bad. #>jbshelf -b jb 2 #>jbstatus -s jb Shelf 1: online loaded drive 1 Shelf 2: online full Shelf 3: online full Note: Shelf’s bad flag is cleared. Example of Recovery for Lost Source Shelf Information This error can be introduced by human intervention or hardware failure. In this case the jukebox loads media into a drive and because of a hardware error, forgets which shelf the media came from. The jbstatus command output displays this media as having lost the source shelf information. The QStar software redirects the following message into the /sys/QStar/log/syslog file as well as displaying it on the console: JB: jb drive 1: Source shelf information lost - use jbreset Using the jbreset command and specifying an empty shelf as the destination for this media can clear this error. Example - Clearing Lost Source Shelf Information Error #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online full lost source shelf empty empty full full empty Note: Shelf 1has been selected as the destination shelf. #>jbreset jb 1 1 #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online Page 12 of 14 Note: Drive is full with unknown media. empty empty Note: Drive is empty and the error is cleared. full full full empty Note: Shelf is full. USE OF MEDIA NOT SUPPORTED BY THE JUKEBOX This type of incident is rare, but could happen if the manufacturer’s drive does not support the type of media that you are trying to use. Assume that you import a WORM disk into a jukebox that only supports rewritable disks. Jbscheduler, after loading the disk into the drive, cannot spin the disk and make it ready for use. Thus, jbscheduler will not unblock the I/Os that were issued to the disk. The jbstatus command shows that the imported disk and the drive in which it is loaded are marked Bad. The only way to properly unblock the I/O is by using the jbreset command. The jbexport command should be run to export the wrong disk, use jbstatus to check that no bad flags were set. If this fails, try jbunload or ejecting the media from the front panel of the jukebox. MEDIA IMPORTED VIA FRONT PANEL OF JUKEBOX INSTEAD OF VIA QSTAR This can happen with some jukebox models as the front panel of the jukebox prompts the user to import the media to a shelf as it is inserted into the mailslot. Should this happen, an updated jukebox map is needed. This can be achieved by running the jbstatus command (jbstatus device_name). This will refresh the jbdriver so it will know that the shelf is now occupied. Page 13 of 14 Page 14 of 14 This chapter describes the basic notions of the Volume Librarian (VL) and the relationship between VL and the devices (media, jukebox and standalone drives). There are detailed explanations of the commands used to control the VL to ensure the maximum potential is obtained from the devices both attached and offline from the system. Details of recovery procedures in the event of VL database inconsistency are also included. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 4 Electronic Labeling ......................................................................................................................... 4 Location Tracking ........................................................................................................................... 4 Dynamic Media Allocation .............................................................................................................. 4 Media Set Quotas........................................................................................................................... 4 BASIC NOTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 5 VL Domain ...................................................................................................................................... 5 VL Device Name............................................................................................................................. 5 Volume............................................................................................................................................ 5 Volume Set ..................................................................................................................................... 5 VL Server........................................................................................................................................ 5 VL Database................................................................................................................................... 5 Volume Set Policies........................................................................................................................ 6 Set Id .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Surface Id ....................................................................................................................................... 6 Refreshing ...................................................................................................................................... 6 VL Daemons................................................................................................................................... 6 USING THE VOLUME LIBRARIAN.................................................................................................... 7 MANAGING MEDIA VIA THE VL DATABASE................................................................................... 7 VL MEDIA SET RELATED COMMANDS........................................................................................... 7 Creating Media Sets ....................................................................................................................... 8 Creating a Set with the kOFS File System................................................................................. 8 Creating a Set with OFS File System......................................................................................... 9 Creating a Set with SDF File System ....................................................................................... 10 Creating a Set with UDF File System....................................................................................... 10 Creating a Set with CD File System ......................................................................................... 11 Adding Media to a Set .................................................................................................................. 12 Creating and Adding a Cache to a Media Set .............................................................................. 12 Modifying the Cache for an Integral Volume Set.......................................................................... 13 Displaying Set Information............................................................................................................ 14 Displaying the Information for the kOFS File System and Optical Media ................................ 14 Displaying the Information for the OFS File System and Optical Media of 512 or 1024 Bytes/Sector Size............................................................................................. 15 Displaying the Information for the OFS File System and Optical Media of 2048 or 4096 Bytes/Sector Size........................................................................................... 15 Displaying the Information for the SDF File System and Optical Media of 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 Bytes/Sector Size......................................................................... 16 Displaying the Information for the SDF File System and Tape Media ..................................... 16 Displaying the Information for the SDF File System and DVD-RAM Media ............................ 17 Displaying the Information for the CD-ROM Format and CD-ROM Media .............................. 17 Displaying the Information for the UDF File System with Single-Volume Interchange Level and DVD-RAM Media ..................................................................................................... 18 Displaying the Information for the UDF File System with Automount Interchange Level and DVD-RAM Media ..................................................................................................... 18 Page 1 of 86 Displaying the Information for the UDF File System with Automount Interchange Level and CD/DVD-ROM Media............................................................................................... 19 Additional Set Information Displayed on SGI, Linux and HP-UX Platforms............................. 19 VL JUKEBOX RELATED COMMANDS ........................................................................................... 22 Media and Shelf Status Reported by the VL Database................................................................ 22 Main Information for the Media in the VL Database..................................................................... 23 Specific File System Information for Media in the VL Database .................................................. 23 Displaying the Jukebox Media and Shelf Information .................................................................. 24 Displaying jukebox shelves Information for the kOFS, OFS, SDF and UDF File Systems...... 25 FIXING VL DATABASE INCONSISTENCIES.................................................................................. 26 Fixing a Database Inconsistency after a Jukebox Hardware Failure ........................................... 26 Fixing Database Inconsistencies after a Media has been Manually Removed from the Jukebox29 MANAGING OFFLINE MEDIA UNDER VL CONTROL ................................................................... 30 Managing Offline Media................................................................................................................ 30 Canceling a Request for Offline Media......................................................................................... 33 Managing Offline Media Sets ....................................................................................................... 33 MANAGING OFFLINE MEDIA UNDER VL CONTROL USING THE MAGAZINE OR PACK IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................................................ 34 ADDING MEDIA TO A SET.............................................................................................................. 38 Media Available ............................................................................................................................ 38 No Media Available....................................................................................................................... 38 RESTORING MEDIA SETS ............................................................................................................. 39 Restoring Media Sets Unknown to the VL Database ................................................................... 39 Restoring a Media Set after a Software Upgrade ........................................................................ 39 Restoring an Exported Media Set or Integral Volume Set Deleted from the VL Database.......... 39 DATA COMPACTION UNDER VL CONTROL................................................................................. 41 Data Compaction Features for the OFS File system ................................................................... 42 Data Compaction Feature for SDF File System ........................................................................... 45 Data Compaction Feature Using the Reallocation Only Option ................................................... 48 Set Status in the VL Database During Compaction for SDF File System.................................... 50 Re-create the Set Definition for an Integral Volume Set with SDF File System and the Media Reclaimed............................................................................................................. 51 Data Compaction not Available .................................................................................................... 52 ERROR RECOVERY ....................................................................................................................... 52 THE COPY DISK UTILITIES ............................................................................................................ 53 Copy Disk without VL Control....................................................................................................... 53 Substitute the Original Copy of the Media with the Exact Duplicate ........................................ 54 Copy Disk Under VL Control ........................................................................................................ 54 Substitute the Original Copy of the Media with the Duplicate .................................................. 58 Automated Copy Disk Under VL Control...................................................................................... 60 DELAYED JOBS UNDER VL SCHEDULER CONTROL ................................................................. 61 Displaying the Delayed Jobs under VL Scheduler Control .......................................................... 61 Displaying and Setting the General VL Configuration Properties ................................................ 62 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration Threshold Blank/Erased Media Properties............ 62 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration for Offline Media Request Properties. ................... 62 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Delayed Recording Properties............ 63 Starting the Delayed Recording Procedure.............................................................................. 64 Examples of Delayed Write Procedure Using Any Shelf Option.......................................... 66 Examples of Delayed Write Procedure Using a Specified Shelf.......................................... 67 Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Copy Disk Properties .............................. 68 Page 2 of 86 Starting the Delayed Copy Disk Procedure.............................................................................. 69 Examples of Delayed Copy Disk Procedure Specifying the Destination Shelf .................... 70 Examples of Delayed Copy Disk Procedure without Specifying the Destination Shelf ....... 70 Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Compare Properties ................................ 71 Starting the Delayed Compare Procedure ............................................................................... 71 Examples of Delayed Compare Procedure.......................................................................... 72 Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Data Compaction Properties .................. 73 Starting the Delayed Data Compaction Procedure .................................................................. 73 Examples of Delayed Data Compaction Procedure............................................................. 74 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration Delayed Erase Properties ..................................... 75 Starting the Delayed Erase Procedure..................................................................................... 75 Examples of Delayed Erase Procedure ............................................................................... 76 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status in the Delayed Jobs Queue List ............................................... 77 Displaying Delayed Job Status for a Single Job ...................................................................... 78 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status for a Different Delayed Jobs................................................. 79 Displaying Delayed Job Status in Long Format ....................................................................... 81 Moving Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List ....................................................................... 83 Deleting Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List...................................................................... 84 DISPLAYNG ERROR CONDITIONS FOR DELAYED JOBS ...................................................... 85 Page 3 of 86 INTRODUCTION The “VL” commands allow configuration of the QStar database named Volume Librarian (VL). The QStar Volume Librarian module is responsible for managing all archival media known to QStar referred to as the media library. The Volume Librarian knows the location (both the physical and logical) and status of every archival medium, whether available online in a jukebox or near line in a storage facility. Its capabilities eliminate any errors that may occur in manual volume management, while increasing productivity and performance. For online media, the QStar Software automatically manages all disk or tape allocations and movement without operator intervention. For requests that require offline archival media access, the operator is prompted to retrieve the disk or tape from its storage location outside jukebox and insert it into the QStar designated device. To ensure integrity of the large numbers of archival media in the media library, the QStar Software uses a volume catalog to index the location and status of each disk or tape. In this chapter the media managed by the Volume Librarian can be referred to in different ways depending on the type of configuration specified by the System Administrator as follows: “Set” or “Media set”: Is a group of media in the jukebox associated to a same set. “Volume set”: Is a group of media that appears as one continuously growing hard disk associated to a set without a cache, so the Media set is mounted without cache. “Integral Volume set”: Is a group of media that appears as one continuously growing hard disk associated to a set with a cache, so the Media set is mounted with a front end cache. Electronic Labeling The key to each archival medium is a unique electronic ID, applied directly to each disk or tape. This label is used to record the surface, the physical medium, and any additional information QStar needs. Using the electronic label, QStar can quickly locate any medium under its control. Location Tracking As disks or tapes move from one location to another, the VL database is updated with the new information. For example, if you request information residing on a disk outside a jukebox, the QStar Software prompts the Administrator to “retrieve volume 101 from the storage facility and place it in jukebox 1”. Once inserted, the database changes the new location for volume 101 to jukebox 1. Dynamic Media Allocation As Media sets fill with data, it may be necessary to add additional media. The QStar Software can automatically allocate additional media to a set. The user benefits, because no time is spent resolving a request for more space. The QStar Software simply appends additional media to the Media set, and the user’s write request is satisfied. The System Administrator may also define their own allocation policies for staggering Media sets across surfaces. Media Set Quotas To prevent excessive usage of media, the QStar Software allows the System Administrator to pre-define the quota for the set, or the maximum number of archival media in a set, at set creation time. This feature gives the System Administrator additional control over the use of the Media sets, particularly against runaway processes that consume more space than expected. Quotas can be increased after a Media set is created. If a set requests additional media, the QStar Software first checks to see if the set quota has been reached and if so, notifies the System Administrator. If the quota is within limits, the QStar Software attempts to acquire an additional medium from a pool of blank disks or tapes and appends it to the Media set. If a blank disk or tape is not available, the Administrator is prompted to insert an additional piece of media into the QStar designated device. Media may also be manually added to a set as needed. The additional disk or tape is appended to the online Media set without interrupting any current processes using the set. Page 4 of 86 BASIC NOTIONS VL Domain A collection of hosts and devices managed by the Volume Librarian. A host may belong to multiple domains. A domain is identified by its name. For every domain a host belongs to, there is a subdirectory in the /sys/QStar/vl/files directory with that domain name. This subdirectory is referenced below as the domain root directory. See its contents in the VL Database entry. VL Device Name A name used to identify the device in the Volume Librarian. The device can be a jukebox or a standalone drive. Every device configured, during the installation of the QStar Software is represented by a directory containing the special files needed to access the device. The name of this directory (e.g. /sys/QStar/dev/jb for Solaris, /dev/jb0 for AIX IBM) is the name used in the JB functions and commands. The last component of this name (jb for the above example) is the VL device name. The installation program for the QStar Software allows the Administrator to specify which domain (or domains) a certain device belongs to. Volume A surface is a part of the volume set. Each volume has its 0-based volume number. If a volume is loaded into the device (on the shelf in a jukebox or into a standalone drive) it is online. Otherwise, it is considered offline and the Volume Librarian maintains its offline location. Volume Set A sequence of volumes integrated as a single unit. For example a file system containing a couple of surfaces is a set. A Media set has a name (set name) and attributes. A medium belonging to a Media set can be online (residing in the jukebox or standalone drive) or offline (outside the jukebox but with the offline location known to VL). VL Server When the VL starts on a host, a special daemon (VL server) is activated. The VL API communicating with the corresponding server directs all requests for VL operations, which may be a VL server on the same host or on any other host in the same domain. The VL server maintains the VL database within the domain. VL Database The VL database includes the list of hosts controlled by VL and the databases for the devices, sets and archives on the current host. The root database directory (/sys/QStar/vl/files) contains the following files and directories: devices For every device controlled by VL, this directory contains a device database. A database is a file whose name matches the VL device name. sets For every set, this directory contains a set database. A set database is a file whose name matches the set name. Page 5 of 86 Volume Set Policies There are two policies managing how to add media to a set. The stagger policy knows where to find a new surface, which can be used as the next volume in the set, whether it is on the same or another medium. The spread policy determines whether a set can be distributed between several jukeboxes and hosts within the same domain. Set Id A string of characters, which are normally written on every volume to identify the set, this volume belongs to. Surface Id A string of characters, which is normally written on every surface to identify the volume within the set. Refreshing To build the state of the surfaces, the Volume Librarian has to examine the existence of the medium (on the shelf or in the standalone drive), read information from it and fill the VL database. This procedure is called refreshing. Importing a medium into a jukebox also causes the medium to refresh. VL Daemons _vlserver _vlofs Page 6 of 86 Processes requests from the VL clients. It also controls adding additional media to sets and dynamically adding them to the mount The communication daemon between OFS and VL USING THE VOLUME LIBRARIAN The VL module manages the media in the jukebox and allows the QStar Software to track all media in and out of the jukebox. The Volume Librarian module makes it possible to configure the entire jukebox as a unique volume or to create multiple volumes inside the same or multiple jukeboxes. Using the VL commands, media can be configured to the Administrator's requirements. Different applications can have different media criteria to suit the application’s requirements. MANAGING MEDIA VIA THE VL DATABASE Media is tracked both in and out of the jukebox by the VL database. When media is imported into the jukebox with the vlimport command, the VL database loads the media into a drive and reads it to find the status of the media, does it have a volume label, is it erased, etc. If media is exported from the jukebox using the vlexport command, the VL database is updated to show that shelf as empty. If the media being exported is part of a set, then the VL database prompts the Administrator to give an offline location and to label the media. Please label the media as instructed. This will be the information used if VL requests an offline media from a mounted set. The VL database will also reflect the offline location that is input by the Administrator. If the media to be used is rewritable optical, tape or DVD-RAM, it needs to be erased using the vlerase command. If the media is WORM optical, CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, it is ready for use. The vlrefresh command can be used to refresh all or selected shelves within the jukebox and update the VL database. The selected shelves will be loaded into the drives of the jukebox to find the status of each media. The VL is able to determine whether the medium belongs to a set, if it’s blank, if an unknown file system resides on the medium, etc. Media Management commands: vlimport vlexport vlerase vlrefresh vlexchange vlmagazine Import a media into a jukebox and checking the media contents Export a media from the jukebox and store its offline location (if it belong a set) in the VL database Erase a media, a surface, a group of media, the whole jukebox Refreshing the database as to media type and contents Moves a media from one shelf to another in the jukebox and updates the VL database. Exchanges media in the jukebox using the magazines and updates the VL database. VL MEDIA SET RELATED COMMANDS Media sets are created using the vlcrset command, which can be used to specify options such as the amount of media in a set, the media type (Rewritable, WORM, CD, DVD, or Tape), or the file system type to be created (OFS, SDF, UDF or CD). The set can be modified with the vleditset command, or viewed using the vllsset command. The set can be renamed with the vlmvset command or initialize media and add them to a set with the vladdtoset command. If a magnetic cache is required for the set, then the vlcache command is used to set the cache parameters. The vlcache command may also be used to modify the cache parameters. The vlinset command allows changes to be made to the media within a set, such as offline location and cache specific functions relating to that media (mainly CD-ROM). If a set is no longer required, then it can be deleted with the vldelset command. This command simply deletes the set name from the VL database, the data remains on the media. If the media is a tape or a rewritable disk, then it can be re-used after vlerase command. VL will not allow vlerase command on any media contained within a set. Using vldelset command will also remove any reference to the cache for that set, but the magnetic cache files will not be removed. The VL commands related to managing a set (Integral Volume set): Create a Media set (file system) on archival media vlcrset Add additional media to the Media set vladdtoset Create and modify a cache for a Media set vlcache Page 7 of 86 vldelset vlmvset vleditset vlinset vllsset mountset mountiv umount/umountiv Delete a Media set from the VL database Rename a Media set name Display and modify Media set information Modify information relating to a CD within the Media set List set information in the database Mount a Volume set Mount an Integral Volume set Unmount an Integral Volume set Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the VL related commands in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this chapter. Creating Media Sets The vlcrset command is used to create a Media set, there are several different types of file systems available. Specifying only the set_name, by default the command will create a set using rewritable media with the OFS file system. vlcrset [-T set_type][-H host_name] [-u {disk|cd|tape|dvd|writable|worm|rdonly,cd-dvd}] [-q quota] [-s] [-I] [-r] [-U {local|share}] [-b] [set_type_specific_options] set_name [number_of_media] set_type ofs sdf cd udf set_type_specific_options: [-k] [-c {default|on|off}] (tape media only) [{-m [hostname_2]:setname_2 | -2 [hostname_1]:setname_1}] [-h] [-C {short|long}] [-v{s|m|a}] Note: The -U {local|share} option is used to specify whether an Integral Volume set can only be mounted and accessed from the local server. This option is only available for HP-UX, SGI and Linux. The default value is share. Note1: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vlcrset command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. Creating a Set with the kOFS File System The kOFS file system is used to create a Media set with WORM or writable Optical media with 512 or 1024 bytes/sector. The “-k” option allows mounting the file system in kernel mode and is available only on Solaris, DEC/Compaq and AIX platforms. Note: The kOFS default parameters are disk and writable media and the quota limit is equal to 1024 media. 1) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the kOFS file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T ofs -k Test 2) To create a set named “Test” with WORM media and the kOFS file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T ofs -k -u worm Test Page 8 of 86 3) To create a set named “Test” with WORM and writable media and the kOFS file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T ofs -k –u writable –u worm Test 4) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the kOFS file system and the spread option enabled (so the set can spread across multiple jukeboxes), enter: #>vlcrset –T ofs -k –s Test 5) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the kOFS file system and the read only option enabled, enter: #>vlcrset –T ofs -k –r Test Creating a Set with OFS File System The OFS file system is used to create a Media set with WORM or writable Optical media with 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 bytes/sector or DVD-RAM media. Note: The OFS default parameters are disk and writable media and the quota limit is equal to 1024 media. 1) To create a set named “Test” with default parameters, enter: #>vlcrset Test 2) To create a set named “Test” with WORM media and the OFS file system, enter: #>vlcrset –u worm Test 3) To create a set named “Test” with WORM and writable media and the OFS file system, enter: #>vlcrset –u writable –u worm Test 4) To create a set named “Test” with DVD-RAM media and the OFS file system, enter: #>vlcrset –u dvd Test 5) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the OFS file system and the spread option enabled (so the set can spread across multiple jukeboxes), enter: #>vlcrset –s Test 6) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the OFS file system and the read only option enabled, enter: #>vlcrset –r Test 7) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the OFS file system and the automatic start of Copy Disk enabled, enter: #>vlcrset –b Test Page 9 of 86 Creating a Set with SDF File System The SDF file system is used to create a Media set with WORM or writable Optical media with 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 bytes/sector or DVD-RAM media or Tape media. Note: The SDF default parameters are disk writable and the quota limit for a set with SDF file system is equal to 1024 media. 1) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the SDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf Test 2) To create a set named “Test” with WORM media and the SDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –u worm Test 3) To create a set named “Test” with WORM and writable media and the SDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –u writable –u worm Test 4) To create a set named “Test” with DVD-RAM media and the SDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –u dvd Test 5) To create a set named “Test” with Tape media and the SDF file system with compression option enabled, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –c on –u tape Test 6) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the SDF file system and the spread option enabled (so the set can spread across multiple jukeboxes), enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –s Test 7) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the SDF file system and the read only option enabled, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –r Test 8) To create a set named “Test” with WORM media and the SDF file system and the automatic start of Copy Disk enabled, enter: #>vlcrset -T sdf -u worm –b Test Creating a Set with UDF File System The UDF file system is used to create a Media set with WORM or writable Optical media with 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 bytes/sector or DVD-RAM media. Note: The UDF default parameters are disk and writable media, the interchange level (how many volumes are in the set) for a single-volume set and the quota limit is equal to 1 for single-volume set and 1024 for multi-volume and automount set. Note1: The “-I” option in vlcrset command is not used for the UDF file system. 1) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the UDF file system as single-volume set, enter: Page 10 of 86 #>vlcrset –T udf Test 2) To create a set named “Test” with WORM media and the UDF file system as single-volume set, enter: #>vlcrset –T udf -v s –u worm Test 3) To create a set named “Test” with DVD-RAM media and the UDF file system as multi-volume set, enter: #>vlcrset –T udf -v m –u dvd Test 4) To create a set named “Test” with DVD-RAM media and the UDF file system as automount set, enter: #>vlcrset –T udf –v a –u dvd Test 5) To create a set named “Test” with writable media and the UDF file system as automount set and the spread option enabled (so the set can spread across multiple jukeboxes), enter: #>vlcrset –T udf -v a –s Test 6) To create a set named “Test” with DVD-RAM media and the UDF file system as automount set and the read only option enabled, enter: #>vlcrset –T udf -v a -u dvd –r Test 7) To create a set named “Test” with WORM media and the UDF file system as automount set and the automatic start of Copy Disk enabled, enter: #>vlcrset -T udf -v a -u worm –b Test 8) To create a set named “Test” with CD/DVD-ROM media and the UDF file system as automount set and the read only option enabled, enter: #>vlcrset -T udf -u cd-dvd -r Test Creating a Set with CD File System The CD file system is used to create a Media set with CD/DVD-ROM media. QStar Software supports the ISO 9660 standard with Rock Ridge and Microsoft extensions. Note: The CD default parameters are disk and cd, filename in long format and the quota limit is equal to 1024 media. Note1: The “-I”, “-r” and “-b” options in vlcrset command are not used for the CD file system. 1) To create a set named “Test” with CD-ROM media and the default (long) filename format, enter: #>vlcrset –T cd Test 2) To create a set named “Test” with CD-ROM media and the filename format set to short, enter: #>vlcrset –T cd –C short Test 3) To create a set named “Test” with DVD-ROM media, enter: #>vlcrset –T cd -u dvd Test Page 11 of 86 Adding Media to a Set The vladdtoset command is used to add the media to a Media set. vladdtoset [-H host_name] [-n number_of_media] set_name | vladdtoset [-H host_name] [set_type_specific_options] set_name device_name shelf_number vladdtoset [-H host_name] set_name device_name shelf_number:shelf_number vladdtoset [-H host_name] -f offline set_name in_set_number set_type set_type_specific_options: ofs sdf cd [-D dir_name] udf [-A identifier][-B identifier] Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vladdtoset command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. 1) To add the first available media to a set named Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test 2) To add the media on shelf 1 to a set named Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 3) To add a range of media to a set named Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1:10 4) To add a media on a CD-ROM set named Test with a specified directory name (CD001), enter: #>vladdtoset–D CD001 Test jb 1 5) To add a media on a CD-ROM set with UDF file system named Test with a specified directory name (CD001), enter: #>vladdtoset –A CD001 Test jb 1 Creating and Adding a Cache to a Media Set The vlcache command is used to create a cache for a Media set. Once the cache is added to a Media set, it is referred to as an Integral Volume set. vlcache [-H host_name][-D0rn][-p max_number_of_pages][-u {0|1}] [-l low_primary_capacity][-h high_primary_capacity] [-c cache_root] set_name Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vlcache command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. 1) To create a cache with 100 pages on the /export/home/cache_Test cache_root directory for a set named Test, enter: #>vlcache –p 100 –c /export/home/cache_Test Test Page 12 of 86 2) To create a cache with 100 pages on the /export/home/cache_Test cache_root directory and the high_primary_capacity value set to 80 pages for a set named Test, enter: #>vlcache –p 100 –c /export/home/cache_Test –h 80 Test 3) To create a cache with 100 pages on the /export/home/cache_Test cache_root directory and the cache in read only mode for a set named Test, enter: #>vlcache –p 100 -r –c /export/home/cache_Test Test Modifying the Cache for an Integral Volume Set The vlcache command is also used to modify the cache options for an Integral Volume set. If the cache was already created and the set is mounted this change will take effect upon the next mount. QStar suggests umounting the Integral Volume set, change the cache options and then remount the Integral Volume set. 1) To change the flush on umount option to Yes (default is No) for an Integral Volume named Test, enter: #>vlcache –u 1 Test 2) To change the high_primary_capacity value to 70 pages for an Integral Volume named Test, enter: #>vlcache –h 70 Test 3) To change the low_primary_capacity value to 10 pages for an Integral Volume named Test, enter: #>vlcache –l 10 Test Note: After the cache is added to the Integral Volume set you will see output similar to the following using the vllsset command. Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Flush_on_umount=0 Low_primary_capacity=10 High_primary_capacity=70 Note: For more detailed information on changing the number of pages of the cache and the cache location, please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual. Page 13 of 86 Displaying Set Information After creating a Media set or an Integral Volume set, the contents can be displayed (including the status of all surfaces in the set and its configuration), its cache parameters, its maximum number of media, and more. The vllsset command is used to display the set information. vllsset [-H host_name] set_name in_set_number | vllsset [-H host_name] [-v] set_name | vllsset [-H host_name] [-nv] -a Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vllsset command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. 1) To display the set information for all set created, enter: #>vllsset -va 2) To display the set information for the set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Displaying the Information for the kOFS File System and Optical Media 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=3 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=yes Mount_in_kernel_mode=yes Set_Id=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 Mounted=a,b 1: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=1,3 Mounted=a,b 2: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,6 Mounted=a Note: The Mount_in_kernel_mode option is equal to yes (enabled) for the kOFS file system used with writable optical media of 512 or 1024 bytes/sector, if the “-k” option was specified on the creation of the Integral Volume set. Page 14 of 86 Displaying the Information for the OFS File System and Optical Media of 512 or 1024 Bytes/Sector Size 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=3 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=yes Mount_in_kernel_mode=no Set_Id=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 Mounted=a,b 1: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=1,3 Mounted=a,b 2: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,6 Mounted=a Note: The Mount_in_kernel_mode option is equal to no (disabled) for the kOFS file system used with writable optical media of 512 or 1024 bytes/sector, if the “-k” option was not specified on the creation of the Integral Volume set. Displaying the Information for the OFS File System and Optical Media of 2048 or 4096 Bytes/Sector Size 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=3 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=no Set_Id=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 Mounted=a,b 1: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=1,3 Mounted=a,b 2: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,6 Mounted=a Note: The kernel_mountable option is equal to no (disabled) because these types of media cannot be mounted on kernel mode. Page 15 of 86 Displaying the Information for the SDF File System and Optical Media of 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 Bytes/Sector Size 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=2 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 Mounted=a,b 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 Mounted=a,b Displaying the Information for the SDF File System and Tape Media 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=tape,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=2 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Compression=Default SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0 Mounted=a 1: Online=jb:2 Sequence_number=1 Mounted=a Note: For tape media the compression option by default is default. Page 16 of 86 Displaying the Information for the SDF File System and DVD-RAM Media 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=2 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0 Mounted=a 1: Online=jb:2 Sequence_number=1 Mounted=a Note: In the example the DVD-RAM single surface media were used. Displaying the Information for the CD-ROM Format and CD-ROM Media 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=cd,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=10 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=yes Make_copy=no Set_type=cd (CDROM format) Names=long Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 CD_name=NO_NAME 478fe.680039ec Dir_name=Test_0 1: Online=jb:2 CD_name=EE_4_94 41c17.074a8631 Names=long 2: Online=jb:3 CD_name=SEAGATE 34a8e.0e753286 Names=long 3: Online=jb:4 CD_name=CDROGGI 138bc.36628c42 Names=long 4: Online=jb:5 CD_name=RASTEREX 0a3ac.1e07d627 Names=long 5: Online=jb:6 CD_name=PCMSP0197 12adf.e5df88b1 Names=long 6: Online=jb:7 CD_name=OLIVET04 1f712.caf44bc2 Names=long 7: Online=jb:8 CD_name=TEST_1 0021d.a91aafa0 Names=long 8: Online=jb:9 CD_name=ZDBOP98D 495a2.64972c54 Names=long 9: Online=jb:10 CD_name=SUPER_CD 11443.5b7521d9 Dir_name=dir10 Names=long Names=long Page 17 of 86 Displaying the Information for the UDF File System with SingleVolume Interchange Level and DVD-RAM Media 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=q_3b0a88e0 UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=single-volume Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=1 Mounted=a Note: In the example DVD-RAM single surface media were used and the Interchange_level (how many volumes are in the set) was specified as single-volume. In the single-volume and multi-volume configurations the Logical_volume_identifier is a unique logical_volume_identifier number. Displaying the Information for the UDF File System with Automount Interchange Level and DVD-RAM Media 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=3 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Automount_sequence_numbers=0,1 Mounted=a,b 1: Online=jb:2 Automount_sequence_numbers=2,3 Mounted=a,b A_dir=jb1a B_dir=jb1b 2: Online=jb:3 Automount_Sequence_numbers=4,5 Mounted=a,b Note: In the example DVD-RAM dual surface media were used and the Interchange_level (how many volumes are in the set) was specified as automount. In the automounter configuration the Logical_volume_identifier is equal to NA (Not Available) and instead the Automaunt_Sequence_number is displayed. The Automount_Sequence_numbers represent the sequence number of the surfaces in the root directory of the file system once it is mounted. All sub-directories will be labeled as vol_0, vol_1, vol_# by default or can be changed specifying the -A -B option in the vladdtoset command. Page 18 of 86 Displaying the Information for the UDF File System with Automount Interchange Level and CD/DVD-ROM Media 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=cd,dvd,worm,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=3 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=yes Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Automount_sequence_number=0 Mounted=a,b 1: Online=jb:2 Automount_sequence_number=2 Mounted=a,b A_dir=cd2 2: Online=jb:3 Automount_Sequence_number=4 Mounted=a,b Note: The CD/DVD-ROM media recorded with the UDF file system can be accessed using the automount Interchange_level. In the automounter configuration the Logical_volume_identifier (Volume Label) of the CD/DVD-ROM media is used as the name of the CD/DVD-ROM in the root directory of the file system once it is mounted. The CD/DVD-ROM name in the root directory can be changed specifying the -A option in the vladdtoset command. The Integral Volume set must be configured in Read_only mode. Additional Set Information Displayed on SGI, Linux and HP-UX Platforms On the SGI, Linux and HP-UX platforms instead of the “Mounted at” the “Published as” will be displayed. Additionally Local_access_only will be displayed only if the -U flag was used during the creation of the Integral Volume set, the default value is share and the Local_access_only will not be displayed. Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Local_access_only Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=ac100186.3baa064d Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Published as Test 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_number=2,3 Media=2 Published=a,b Published=a,b Page 19 of 86 The main parameters are described as follows: General Parameters Description Use_media Media type selected for the set. Default = disk, writable for OFS, SDF and UDF file system Default = cd, read only for CD-ROM format Spread Spread option yes if the set can be spread to another jukebox. Default = NO Quota=1024 The maximum number of media that can be allocated to the set. Default = 1024 Media Number of media currently belonging to the set. Set_type File system selected (SDF or OFS or UDF or CD-ROM format) Default = OFS Restore_fsdb Option that allows rebuilding OFS and SDF Data Base at the next mount. Option disabled for UDF and CD-ROM format Default = NO Read_only The set can be mounted read only with this option. Default = NO (OFS, SDF or UDF file systems) Make_copy Set_Id YES (CD-ROM format) Automatic start of vlcopy. When current medium is filled, vlcopy command copies it to first available medium with the same capacity. Option disabled for CD-ROM format Default = NO Set ID for this surface, assigned automatically by VL For OFS and SDF only Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Cache parameters related to the set, created with vlcache command. Default =No cache Max_number_of_pages=100 0: In set number Online=jb:1 Status on line = shelf number Status offline = off line location Sequence_numbers=0,2 (OFS) Surface sequence numbers for the media in the set. Sequence_numbers=0,1 (SDF) For OFS, SDF only Page 20 of 86 Mounted Surface status: a,b both surface are mounted. Published For OFS, SDF and UDF only Mounted at Directory where the file system is mounted. Published as KOFS and OFS Specific Parameters Kernel_mountable Description Allows mounting the set in kernel mode. For OFS and kOFS only Default = NO for OFS, YES for kOFS Mount_in_kernel_mode Enable the kernel mount option. For kOFS only Default= NO SDF Specific Parameters Description Compression This compression option is available only for tape media. Default = Default CD-ROM Format Specific Parameters Description CD_name 478fe.680039ec Default label of CD-ROM Dir_name Root directory (mount_point ) name for the CD-ROM. CD_ID of CD-ROM Default = CD-ROM’s label for CD-ROM with label Default = (set_name)_(in_set_number) for CD-ROM without label Names=long Filename format option. Default = long UDF Specific Parameters Description Logical_volume_identifier q_3b0a578e NA (Not Available) for automount Interchange Level UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level Version of UDF file system. Type of Integral Volume set created. Single -Volume set Multi -Volume set. Automount set. Automount_Sequence_numbers=0,1 For automount Interchange Level Sequence_numbers=0,1 For single-surface and multi-volume Interchange Level Page 21 of 86 VL JUKEBOX RELATED COMMANDS The jukebox shelves and media information can be extracted from the VL database. Please note that if media is imported or exported from the jukebox without the use of the VL commands (vlimport/vlexport), the changes will not be updated in the VL database. The VL database associates each media to a Shelf # when the media is imported into the jukebox. The vllsdev command is used to displays the jukebox shelves and media information. vllsdev [-H host_name] [-n] device_name shelf_number vllsdev [-H host_name] [-nsiebwuS] device_name vllsdev [-H host_name] [-vnsiebwuS] -a Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vllsdev command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. Media and Shelf Status Reported by the VL Database unknown Media is of unknown format. If rewritable, the media will need to be erased before it can be initialized with a file system. blank The media is blank. This can be a blank CD-R, DVD-R or Optical media. erased The media has been erased and is ready for use in the creation of a Integral Volume set, or to be added to an existing Integral Volume set. empty The shelf contains no media. bad The media has a bad flag set and should be cleared. dup The media in the shelf is identical to another in the jukebox. inaccessible The shelf is not available to VL because it has been turned offline by the jb module. Check its status with jbstatus and rectify with the jbshelf command. erasing The media in the shelf is currently being erased. refreshing The media in the shelf is currently being refreshed, this is the result of vlrefresh or vlimport. initializing The media in the shelf is currently being initialized. exporting The media in the shelf is currently being exported. importing The media in the shelf is currently being imported. recording The media in the shelf is currently being recorded. copying The media in the shelf is currently being copied. copying The media in the shelf is currently being copied. exchanging The media in the shelf is currently being exchanged. Page 22 of 86 sdf The media contains an SDF file system. ofs The media contains an OFS file system. kofs The media contains a kOFS file system. udf The media contains a UDF file system. 9660 The media contains an ISO 9660 file system. 9660-J The media contains an ISO 9660 file system with Juliet extension. 9660-R The media contains an ISO 9660 file system with Rock Ridge extension. Main Information for the Media in the VL Database Size of each surface of the medium #Mb or #Gb Type of media present in the shelves Rewritable, Worm, Tape, CD-ROM, CD-R, DVD-RAM, DVD-ROM, DVD-R Status of write -protection tab of the media prot (physical media write protect switch is on or media is only read compatible with the drive) Specific File System Information for Media in the VL Database The information for OFS, SDF and UDF file systems are described as follows: Set Identifier for each media added to a set If the media is already added to the set, using the vllsdev command with –n option, the SetName is displayed instead of the Set_id Sequence Surface Number of the media in the set SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 (OFS and SDF) Log_vol_id=q_3bc5af80 (UDF) SetName=Test Seq=0 for a media with OFS file system Seq=2 Seq=0 for a media with SDF file system Seq=1 Seq=1 for a media with UDF file system Seq=1 (single-volume, automount) Seq=m1 for a media with UDF file system Seq=m2 (multi-volume) Page 23 of 86 The information for CD-ROM Format: The name used as a CD/DVD-ROM identifier is CD/DVD-ROM label LabelName=QSTAR_SOFTWARE LabelName=NO_NAME (CD/DVD-ROM without label) The unique CD/DVD-ROM identifier is the Set_id. If the CD/DVD-ROM is already added to the set, using vllsdev command with –n option, the SetName is displayed instead of the Set_id Set_id=478fe.680039ec SetName=Test Displaying the Jukebox Media and Shelf Information 1) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev jb 2) To display the jukebox shelf information by the set_name instead of the set_Id for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev -n jb 3) To display the jukebox shelf information for shelves with blank or erased media only for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev -b jb 4) To display the jukebox shelf information sorted by set_name for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev -Sn jb Page 24 of 86 Displaying jukebox shelves Information for the kOFS, OFS, SDF and UDF File Systems 1) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: kofs 622 Mb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 1b: kofs 622 Mb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2a: kofs 622 Mb Rewritable Seq=1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2b: kofs 622 Mb Rewritable Seq=3 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 3a: erased 1.2 Gb Rewritable 3b: erased 1.2 Gb Rewritable 4a: udf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1 Log_vol_id=q_3bc5af80 4b: udf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1 Log_vol_id=q_3bc5afbf 5a: unknown 622 Mb Rewritable 5b: unknown 622 Mb Rewritable 6a: ofs 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807bef41.3725972e 6b: ofs 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=807bef41.3725972e 7: empty 8a ofs 2.2 Gb Rewritable,prot Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.35baed67 8b: ofs 2.2 Gb Rewritable,prot Seq=2 SetId=807aeea2.35baed67 9: empty 10a: sdf 1.2 Gb Worm Seq=0 SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d 10b: sdf 1.2 Gb Worm Seq=1 SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d 11a: sdf 1.2 Gb Worm Seq=2 SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d 11b: sdf 1.2 Gb Worm Seq=3 SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d Output: For CD-ROM Format jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1a-1: 9660 572 Mb CD-ROM NO_NAME 478fe.680039ec 2a-1: 9660 526 Mb CD-ROM EE_4_94 41c17.074a8631 3a-1: 9660 421 Mb CD-ROM SEAGATE 34a8e.0e753286 4a-1: 9660 156 Mb CD-ROM CDROGGI 138bc.36628c42 5a-1: 9660 81 Mb CD-ROM RASTEREX 0a3ac.1e07d627 6a-1: 9660 149 Mb CD-ROM PCMSP0197 12adf.e5df88b1 7a-1: 9660 251 Mb CD-ROM OLIVET04 1f712.caf44bc2 8a-1: 9660-J 1 Mb CD-ROM TEST_1 0021d.a91aafa0 9a-1: 9660 650 Mb CD-ROM ZDBOP98D 495a2.64972c54 10a-1: 9660-R 21 Mb CD-ROM SUPER_CD 02a0a.cf9551d5 11-2: empty 12a-2: 9660-J 225 Mb CD-ROM 970219_1626 1c3f4.6357145e 13a-2: 9660 434 Mb CD-ROM MS_CDORG 36545.0e88a55b 14a-2: 9660-R 531 Mb CD-ROM CD_TEST 42696.c67be3f2 Note: The “1a-1” or “14a-2” value on the first column of the vllsdev output for a CD/DVD jukebox represents respectively the shelf number and the magazine or pack number. Note1: By using the vllsdev command, the jukebox shelf information can be sorted by SetName, Set_id or LabelName. For more detailed information on the vllsdev command, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. Page 25 of 86 FIXING VL DATABASE INCONSISTENCIES The QStar Volume Librarian database (VL) will remain accurate in normal working conditions. However, under some circumstances, the VL database can develop inconsistencies. Such problems can stem from a hardware failure of the jukebox or manual intervention. Manual intervention is when someone has manually moved media within or out of the jukebox. In these circumstances, the status of the VL database must be verified and if necessary, refreshed to reflect the current jukebox status. The vlverify command is used to print any inconsistencies in the VL database. vlverify [-H host_name] The vlrefresh command is used to refresh and fix the inconsistencies in the VL database. vlrefresh [-H host_name] -f Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vlverify and vlrefresh commands in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. If either of the above listed problems is suspected, the vlverify command should be used to check the jukebox media status. If the jukebox media status differs from the VL database, then the vlrefresh command must be run at the earliest convenience to avoid further problems. This process requires that all sets are unmounted on all VL devices while vlrefresh is running. This may take some time if there are multiple jukeboxes. The more shelves to refresh, the longer this will take and it must be allowed to complete. Fixing a Database Inconsistency after a Jukebox Hardware Failure To explain this procedure an Optical jukebox is used, but the example is valid for every type of jukebox supported by the QStar Software. The description below manually reproduces the typical jukebox hardware failure caused by the picker inserting the media into a wrong shelf. In this case, the media is not considered lost because it is still in the jukebox and the QStar Software can detect it. The vllsset and vllsdev command is used to displays the current status of the Integral Volume set and jukebox databases. A set Test was created, three media were added and the Integral Volume set is currently mounted or Published (Linux, HPUX, SGI). A) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=3 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Set_Id=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Note: The media with sequence_number 2 and 3 was imported into shelf 2. Page 26 of 86 B) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 1b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=3 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 3a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=4 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 3b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=5 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 4a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 4b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 7: empty 8: empty Note: The shelf information for the jukebox named “jb” matches the information reported in the vllsset output and the vllsdev output also shows that shelf 8 is empty. Using the eject/load button on the front panel of the jukebox the media in shelf 2 is moved to shelf 8. The VL database cannot track this operation, so when an attempt is made to access this media, an error message will be returned. C) To verify if there is any inconsistency in the VL database, enter: #>vlverify host_name, device jb, shelf 2: Shelf empty host_name, device jb, shelf 8: Shelf full host_name, set Test, in_set_number 1: Shelf empty Note: If the VL database is consistent with the jukebox status information, no messages will be returned. If the VL database is inconsistent with the jukebox status information, a message such as the one above will be returned. D) To fix the inconsistency the System Administrator must first ensure that all the Integral Volume sets are unmounted, that there are no administrative commands running for any of the jukeboxes connected to the system and enter the following command: #>vlrefresh -f jb: refreshing shelf 1…. jb: refreshing done Fixing databases ... Note: This command refreshes all media present in all jukeboxes connected to the system and fixes any database inconsistencies. If the media was found in the jukebox no additional information will be reported in the /sys/QStar/log/syslog file. Page 27 of 86 E) To display the changes that were made in the set information for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=3 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Set_Id=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:8 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Note: The fixing procedure found the media in the jukebox and corrected the set database information for the Integral Volume set Test by updating the correct location for the media. Now the media is reported as loaded in shelf 8. F) To display the changes that were made to the jukebox shelves information, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 1b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2: empty 3a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=4 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 3b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=5 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 4a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 4b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 7: empty 8a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 8b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=3 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Note: The vllsdev output also displays the information about the new location of the media in the jukebox. Now shelf 2 is marked as empty and shelf 8 now contains the media with sequence numbers 2 and 3. Page 28 of 86 Fixing Database Inconsistencies after a Media has been Manually Removed from the Jukebox In this example the media is exported using the eject command from the front panel of the jukebox. The procedure is the same as shown in the previous examples, but in this case, the media is not found in the jukebox. The changes that are made in the vllsset and vllsdev output are different with respect to the previous examples and additional information is reported in the /sys/QStar/log/syslog file because the media is considered lost. After the refresh procedure is complete and the database is fixed, if the media was not found in the jukebox, the /sys/QStar/log/syslog file and in the console window will report the following message: VL: set Test fixed: in_set_number 1 (jb:2) set offline: Shelf empty A) To display the changes that were made in the set information for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=3 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Set_Id=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Offline=Test_2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Note: This time the media wasn't found in the jukebox, the procedure to correct the set database information for the Integral Volume set Test is to set as Offline the information of the media imported in shelf 2 with sequence_number 2,3. If a user tries to access a file residing on the Offline media the System Administrator will be notified by VL to import the media to satisfy the request. See "Managing Offline Media under VL Control" section in this chapter for more detailed information. B) To display the changes that were made to the jukebox shelves information, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 1b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2: empty 3a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=4 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 3b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=5 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 4a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 4b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 7: empty 8: empty Note: The vllsdev output displays that shelf 2 is now empty. Page 29 of 86 MANAGING OFFLINE MEDIA UNDER VL CONTROL The QStar offline Volume Tracking is managed through the VL database. As all media has a unique electronic Set ID, Surface Sequence ID (OFS and SDF) or Log_vol_id (UDF), the media can be tracked by the VL database. Any media from an Integral Volume set that is exported with the vlexport command requires an offline location, which the VL keeps in its database. If a file is needed from an offline media a request is sent to the System Administrator to import the media into the jukebox, so the request can be satisfied or canceled using the vlconsole command. If the QStar email notification service is configured the System Administrators can receive an E-mail notification to import the requested media. For this reason, configuring mail notification is highly recommended. The vlimport command is used to import the media into a jukebox and check the media’s content. vlimport [-H host_name] [-a] device_name shelf_number The vlexport command is used to export a media from the jukebox and store its offline location, if it belongs to a set in the VL database. vlexport [-H host_name] [-a] device_name shelf_number The vlconsole command is used to manage the list of VL requests for manual assistance. The vlconsole –l command displays a list of all the pending requests that the VL module sent to the System Administrator and their status. For example, a typical request can be to import an erased or an offline media and the status can be pending, satisfied, or cancelled. vlconsole [-H host_name] -l [-PSC] vlconsole [-H host_name] -r [-SC] vlconsole [-H host_name] -c -A set_name vlconsole [-H host_name] -c -N set_name set_type_specific_name vlconsole [-H host_name] -c {-E|-I} device_name shelf_number vlconsole [-H host_name] -c {-E|-I} -s set_name in_set_number set_type ofs sdf cd udf set_type_specific_name: sequence_number sequence_number in_set_number sequence_number Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vlimport, vlexport and vlconsole commands in Chapter 9 Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. Managing Offline Media To explain this procedure an Optical jukebox is used, but the example is valid for every type of jukebox supported by the QStar Software. In the following example a set named Test was created, three pieces of media were added to it and the Integral Volume set is currently mounted. A media belonging to the Integral Volume set is exported from the jukebox and an offline location is requested from the System Administrator. Once the media is offline a read request is performed for a file located on the offline media and a VL request to re-import the media is sent by the QStar Software. By default the request to re-import the offline media will wait until the offline request is satisfied by importing the media or cancelled using the vlconsole command. The System Administrator instead of waiting can immediately receive an error for an offline request. To change this the offline behavior, please refer to Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration for Offline Media Request Properties section later in this chapter. Page 30 of 86 A) To display the current set information for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Media=3 Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Note: The media on shelf 1, shelf 2 and shelf 3 belong to the Integral Volume set Test. B) The media on shelf 1 is exported and because the media belongs to the Integral Volume set Test an offline location is requested by the QStar Software. In this example, “firesafe” is the offline location entered for the media exported from shelf 1. To export the media on shelf 1, enter: #>vlexport jb 1 jb: Please remove medium from mailslot. Test:0 exported from jb:1. Please enter offline location [Test_0]: firesafe Note: If no offline location is specified, the QStar Software will assign the default offline location, which is composed of the Integral Volume set name and the in_set_number of the media. (i.e. the default location for this media is Test_0). C) To display the new set information for the Integral Volume set Test after the media in shelf 1 was stored offline, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Offline=firesafe Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Media=3 Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Note: The media with in_set_number 0 and Sequence_numbers =0 ,1 is offline and “firesafe” is its offline location. Page 31 of 86 D) Now that the media has been moved to an offline location, if a user tries to access a file residing on that media, the VL will request the media to be re-imported. Below is displayed a VL request for offline media with the SDF file system (this output will go to the /sys/QStar/log/syslog file and console window): SDF: set Test, sequence_number 0, offline firesafe : Please vlimport medium E) To Display the list of the VL requests, enter: #>vlconsole -l 10/11/2001 20:57:08 Pending Bring online Test:0 firesafe Note: The VL request to bring the media online is still pending. F) To satisfy the request for the offline media, import the media into any available empty shelf of the jukebox. In this example, the media is re-imported to shelf 1. To import the media to shelf 1, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 jb: refreshing shelf 1 ... Note: After the media is refreshed, the QStar Software will satisfy the user’s request and mark the media as online in the VL set database. G) To display the new set information for the Integral Volume set Test after the media was re-imported, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Media=3 Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Offloc=firesafe Note: The set database displays the media on shelf 1 as online and the QStar Software maintains the offline location information in its database. The next time the media is exported this offline location will be the default or can be updated. F) To Display the list of the VL requests, enter: #>vlconsole -l 10/11/2001 20:59:10 Satisfied Bring online Note: The VL request to bring the media online has been satisfied. Page 32 of 86 Test:0 jb:1 Canceling a Request for Offline Media In the previous example the request for an offline media was satisfied. The QStar Software allows the System Administrator to decide to cancel a request or to satisfy it, whichever is more convenient. To cancel a request for offline media, use the following command: vlconsole –c –N set_name sequence_number Displayed below is a VL request for offline media with the SDF file system: SDF: set Test, sequence_number 0, offline firesafe : Please vlimport medium A) To Display the list of the VL requests, enter: #>vlconsole -l 10/11/2001 21:00:02 Pending Bring online Test:0 firesafe Test:0 firesafe Note: The VL request to bring the media online is still pending. B) To cancel the VL request, enter: #>vlconsole –c –N Test 0 C) To Display a list of the VL requests, enter: #>vlconsole -l 10/11/2001 21:02:45 Cancelled Bring online Note: The VL request to bring the media online is cancelled. Once the request is cancelled, the user will get the prompt back in the window where the request for the offline media was run. Managing Offline Media Sets With the QStar Software the Media set can be taken offline and all the information can be maintained in the VL Database. To export the entire Media set with one command, enter: #>vlexport –s Test To import the entire Media Set with one command, enter: #>vlimport –s Test Page 33 of 86 MANAGING OFFLINE MEDIA UNDER VL CONTROL USING THE MAGAZINE OR PACK IMPLEMENTATION The QStar Software for certain type of jukeboxes, in most cases CD or DVD devices, that have shelves made as removable magazines or packs which allow exchanging the media in the magazines or packs will automatically update the contents of the media on the shelves in the VL database. During the update if the media is still present in the jukebox but loaded on a different shelf, the shelf information will be updated in the VL set database with the new location. If the media is removed from the jukebox, the shelf in the VL set database will be automatically switched to offline. The exchange and update operations in the magazines or packs are made using the vlmagazine command; these operations will be denied if any of the media are open (accesses by the users). The exchange and update operations between the magazines or the packs and the internal shelves are made using the vlexchange command. QStar suggests unmounting all Integral Volume sets before running the vlmagazine command in order to assure a correct exchange operation. Once the vlmagazine command is run, automatically all the media loaded in the drives will return to their shelves and the exchange operation is allowed, removing the prevent_removal status and allowing the door to be opened or removal of the packs. Terminating the exchange procedure by closing the door or reinserting the pack, a refreshing procedure will automatically be started by the QStar Software for the magazine previously accessed, at the end of the refreshing procedure the VL database will be updated with the new information. A jbmagazine command is also available to open the jukebox door or allow the packs to be removed without updating the VL database. For example, this command can be used in the case of a hardware failure to open the jukebox door. The vlmagazine command is used to exchange media in the jukebox using the magazines and updates the VL database. vlmagazine [-H host_name] device_name [magazine_number | h] Note: If magazine_number is omitted all magazines are available for exchange. The h option as magazine_number is used for hyper magazine (Pioneer jukebox only). The vlexchange command is used to move a media from one internal shelf or shelf belonging to a pack, to another in the jukebox and updates VL databases. vlexchange [-H host_name] device_name source_shelf_number destination_shelf_number If the destination shelf is empty, the vlexchange command moves a media from the source shelf to the destination shelf in the jukebox. If media is present on destination shelf the vlexchange command exchanges a media from the source shelf with the destination shelf. Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vlmagazine, vlexchange and jbmagazine commands in Chapter 9 Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. Page 34 of 86 To explain the exchange procedure a CD jukebox is used, an Integral Volume set named Test was created, five pieces of media were added to it and the Integral Volume set is currently mounted. A) To display the current set information for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=cd,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=5 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=yes Make_copy=no Set_type=cd (CDROM format) Names=long Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 CD_name=NO_NAME 017ea.43ce21e8 Dir_name=Test_0 Names=long 1: Online=jb:2 CD_name=QStar_Manual 03c8d.65e720a1 Names=long 2: Online=jb:3 CD_name=QSTAR 012f0.c31b4dc5 Names=long 3: Online=jb:4 CD_name=Q_SOURCE 074c1.a122bb6c Names=long 4: Online=jb:5 CD_name=QSTAR_SOFTWARE 09ed2.51a571a0 Names=long Note: The media from shelf 1 to shelf 5 belong to the Integral Volume set Test. B) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1a-1: 9660 11 Mb CD-ROM NO_NAME 017ea.43ce21e8 2a-1: 9660-R 30 Mb CD-ROM QStar_Manual 03c8d.65e720a1 3a-1: 9660 9 Mb CD-ROM QSTAR 012f0.c31b4dc5 4a-1: 9660 58 Mb CD-ROM Q_SOURCE 074c1.a122bb6c 5a-1: 9660-J 79 Mb CD-ROM QSTAR_SOFTWARE 09ed2.51a571a0 6-1: empty 7-1: empty 8-1: empty 9-1: empty 10-1: empty Note: The shelves from shelf 1 to shelf 5 are full and the shelves from shelf 6 to shelf 10 are empty. C) To exchange the magazines for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vlmagazine jb jb: Please open the door, do manual operations and close the door. Type Enter when ready: Note: QStar highly recommends umounting all Integral Volume sets before using the vlmagazine command, if any media are accessed during the exchange process, the vlmagazine command will return an error. The vlmagazine command will open the door or will release the pack and will return the below message: jb: Please open the door, do manual operations and close the door. Type Enter when ready: Page 35 of 86 Before typing Enter do the following: 1) Exchange the media in the jukebox. 2) Close the door. 3) Type Enter. In our example the media in shelf 1and shelf 2 of the first magazine are moved respectively to the shelf 8 and shelf 10 of the same magazine, the others media are removed from the magazine and a new media is inserted on shelf 9. Once the door is closed the QStar Software will automatically start the refresh procedure of the media exchanged and subsequently the fixing procedure of the VL databases. jb: refreshing shelves 8 9 10 ... jb: refreshing done Fixing databases ... D) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-1: empty 2-1: empty 3-1: empty 4-1: empty 5-1: empty 6-1: empty 7-1: empty 8a-1: 9660 11 Mb CD-ROM NO_NAME 017ea.43ce21e8 9a-1: 9660-J 85 Mb CD-ROM QSTAR_SOFTWARE 0a5da.76fe3a14 10a-1: 9660-R 30 Mb CD-ROM QStar_Manual 03c8d.65e720a1 Note: The media from shelf 1 to shelf 7 are empty, 8 and 10 contain the media previously in shelves 1 and 2 and 9 is a new media. E) To display the new set information for the Integral Volume set Test after the exchange procedure, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=cd,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=5 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=yes Make_copy=no Set_type=cd (CDROM format) Names=long Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:8 CD_name=NO_NAME 017ea.43ce21e8 Dir_name=Test_0 Names=long 1: Online=jb:10 CD_name=QStar_Manual 03c8d.65e720a1 Names=long 2: Offline=Test_2 CD_name=QSTAR 012f0.c31b4dc5 Names=long 3: Offline=Test_3 CD_name=Q_SOURCE 074c1.a122bb6c Names=long 4: Offline=Test_4 CD_name=QSTAR_SOFTWARE 09ed2.51a571a0 Names=long Page 36 of 86 Note: The media from shelves 1 and 2 are still on line, they are now located in shelves 8 and 10, all the other media are set offline. The QStar Software will assign the default offline location, which is composed of the set_name and the in_set_number. The offline location name can be changed if required using the vlinset command. Once the exchange operation is terminated remount all Integral Volume sets. F) To exchange the media in the magazines or between the packs and the internal shelves for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vlexchange jb 8 1 In our example the media in shelf 8 and shelf 1 of the magazine or pack 1 will be exchanged. Because shelf 1 is empty, the media from shelf 8 will be moved to shelf 1 and the QStar VL database for the jukebox and the Integral Volume set will be automatically updated. G) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1a-1: 9660 11 Mb CD-ROM NO_NAME 017ea.43ce21e8 2-1: empty 3-1: empty 4-1: empty 5-1: empty 6-1: empty 7-1: empty 8-1: empty 9a-1: 9660-J 85 Mb CD-ROM QSTAR_SOFTWARE 0a5da.76fe3a14 10a-1: 9660-R 30 Mb CD-ROM QStar_Manual 03c8d.65e720a1 Note: The shelf 8 is empty and the shelf 1 contain the media previously in shelves 8. H) To display the new set information for the Integral Volume set Test after the exchange procedure, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=cd,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=5 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=yes Make_copy=no Set_type=cd (CDROM format) Names=long Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 CD_name=NO_NAME 017ea.43ce21e8 Dir_name=Test_0 Names=long 1: Online=jb:10 CD_name=QStar_Manual 03c8d.65e720a1 Names=long 2: Offline=Test_2 CD_name=QSTAR 012f0.c31b4dc5 Names=long 3: Offline=Test_3 CD_name=Q_SOURCE 074c1.a122bb6c Names=long 4: Offline=Test_4 CD_name=QSTAR_SOFTWARE 09ed2.51a571a0 Names=long Note: The media from shelf 8 is still on line, but is now located in shelf 1. Page 37 of 86 ADDING MEDIA TO A SET Media Available If the quota is not exceeded and there is media available, it will be added automatically as more space is needed. No Media Available To explain this procedure an Optical jukebox is used, but the example is valid for every type of jukebox supported by the QStar Software. In the description below is a mounted Integral Volume set. Data has been written to the cache and archiving of the data to the media has started. The Integral Volume set has exceeded the available capacity. There are no available blank/erased media in the jukebox. The _vlserver daemon automatically displays the following message: OFS: set Test, sequence_number 1: Please vladdtoset erased (blank) medium SDF: set Test, sequence_number 1: Please vladdtoset erased (blank) medium UDF: set Test, sequence_number 1: Please vladdtoset erased (blank) medium If the message is not noticed to insert pre-erased media, the process of writing the data is automatically placed in a disk wait state. At this point, the Integral Volume set can not be unmounted nor can the process be terminated. To fix this problem, do the following: A) The vlimport command is used to import the media into a jukebox and check the media’s content. vlimport [-H host_name] [-a] device_name shelf_number To import a new media into the jukebox, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 Note: If all the shelves are full, one of the media will have to be exported to an offline location and import into this free shelf. B) The vlerase command is used to erase the media. vlerase [-H host_name] [-a] device_name shelf_number If the media is rewritable and is not erased, it must be erased, to erase the media, enter: #>vlerase jb 1 C) The vladdtoset command is used to add the media to the set. vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number To add the new media to the set, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 Note: The _vlserver will add the media to the set and add it to the mounted file system. Now that space available for writing new data is available, the jbscheduler automatically activates the process that was in the disk wait-state. Page 38 of 86 RESTORING MEDIA SETS Restoring Media Sets Unknown to the VL Database There are usually two situations where Media sets are unknown to the Volume Librarian (VL) database. 1) After an upgrade from an earlier version of the QStar Software. 2) Media sets exported from the jukebox and their set definitions were deleted from the VL database. In both cases, to access the sets, the media will have to be refreshed by the VL database. If the media has been removed from the jukebox, use vlimport command to load the media into the jukebox, during the import the VL database updated. If upgrading the QStar Software and the media is still in the jukebox, a vlrefresh will read the media contents and update the VL database. Once the VL database has been updated with media contents, the Media set definitions can be re-created. There are two sections below explaining how to recover a Media set from each situation. Restoring a Media Set after a Software Upgrade If you are upgrading from a QStar Software release earlier than V4, then the VL database will need to be rebuilt. This can be achieved by refreshing the jukebox contents and then creating the set definitions and adding the media to the set. A) To refresh the contents of the jukebox identified as “jb” (to be carried out for each configured jukebox), enter: #>vlrefresh jb B) To create a set definition named Test, enter: #>vlcrset Test C) To add the media in shelf 1 to the set named Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 Note: This will also add to the set any other media in the jukebox with the same set_Id. Restoring an Exported Media Set or Integral Volume Set Deleted from the VL Database If a Media set or Integral Volume set has been exported and then the set definition deleted using the vldelset command, then the media needs to be imported back into the jukebox and refreshed. This can be achieved in one of two ways. The following are examples of both scenarios: A) Import one piece of media from the set and re-create the set definition, all other media imported that belong to that set will automatically be added to the set definition. 1) To import the media into shelf 10 of the jukebox named “jb” (this will automatically update the VL database), enter: #>vlimport jb 10 Page 39 of 86 2) To create a set definition named Test, enter: #>vlcrset Test Note: The vlcrset command should be run with the appropriate options for the media and file system used. The example has created a Media set with the ofs file system, writable media and no cache. 3) To add to the media into shelf 10 to the set Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 10 Note: Once the first media is added to the set, any other media imported into the jukebox that has the same Set_Id will be automatically added. 4) To import any other media belonging to the set, enter: #>vlimport jb 11 B) Import all the media belonging to the set and then create the set definition. 1) To import all media belonging to the set, enter: #>vlimport jb 10 #>vlimport jb 11 Note: In the example there are only two media in the set. 2) To create a set definition named Test, enter: #>vlcrset Test 3) To add to the media into shelf 10 to the set Test (shelf 11will automatically be added to the set), enter #>vladdtoset Test jb 10 Note: The set is now re-created. If necessary a cache can be added. Please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual for detailed information on the vlcache command. Page 40 of 86 DATA COMPACTION UNDER VL CONTROL An Integral Volume set will contain a certain amount of “Dead Space” based on files being changed, rewritten, and/or updated. “Dead Space” is defined as those data bytes on the archive media that have a newer set of equivalent data bytes somewhere else on the media or from files that have been deleted. This includes both data and metadata. An example of “Dead Space” for a data byte, is when a page has been re-written to the archive. An example of “Dead Space” for a metadata byte is when a file has been deleted, all metadata, event data, on the archive previous to the delete event, is dead space. Data Compaction is the process of rewriting the data and metadata which is NOT “Dead Space”, from one piece of media to a new piece of media, thus eliminating the “Dead Space”. The Data Compaction utility is available only for Optical, DVD-RAM and Tape media written with the SDF or OFS file system. The following commands are used for managing the dead space on a piece of media: vlmediausage This command will list the usage statistics for all media in an Integral Volume set. By default, these will be listed in order of sequence number. This list will be printed in descending order of amount of “Dead Space”. vlmediausage [-H host_name] set_name vlreuse This command will copy the data and metadata that are NOT considered dead space from the specified media to the current write surface or to a pre-allocated empty piece of media. After this command has completed, the specified media will show 100% dead space when the vlmediausage command is run. Then it will erase the media that contain 100% dead space and add it to the end of the Integral Volume set. vlreuse [-r] [-H host_name] set_name in_set_number... vldelfromset This command will remove a piece of media that has 100% dead space from an Integral Volume set. If the media does not have 100% dead space, then this command will fail. This command can be run while the Integral Volume set is either mounted or unmounted. vldelfromset [-H host_name] [-k] set_name in_set_number Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the above commands in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. Page 41 of 86 Data Compaction Features for the OFS File system The following is an example of Data Compaction utility using the vlreuse command for the Integral Volume set Test. The OFS file system requires that the volume be mounted to run the Data Compaction utility. With the OFS file system the Data Compaction utility will run in background with no down time. The vllsset command is used to display the current status for the Integral Volume set database. An Integral Volume set Test was created, four media were added and the Integral Volume set is currently mounted or Published (Linux, HP-UX, SGI). A) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=no SetId=5246b54c.3a14371a Cache: Cache_root=/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 1: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=1,3 2: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,6 3: Online=jb:4 Sequence_numbers=5,7 Media=4 Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Note: The media from shelf 1 to 4 belong to the Integral Volume set Test. B) To list and analyze the statistical information for all media belonging to the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlmediausage Test [>-------------------------------------------------] [>-------------------------------------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] [>-------------------------------------------------] [++++++++++>---------------------------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++>-----------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>-------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>--------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>---------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>----] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] Seq. Status 0. Written 1. Written 2. Incomplete 3. Current Total: Page 42 of 86 Set Test: 4 media Location Capacity jb:1 2.4GB jb:2 4.8GB jb:3 4.8GB jb:4 4.8GB 16GB Used 1.4GB 4.6GB 2.3GB 0.1GB 8GB Dead 1.0GB 0.2GB 0.1GB 0.0GB 1GB Complete onodes... Analyzing file maps... 93999 files processed... Volume 0 Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7 Done. Available %used 0.0GB 57 0.0GB 95 2.4GB 47 4.7GB 1 7GB The following media may be reclaimed: Seq. Location Add.space(MB) Time(min) 0. jb:1 1067 80 Note: The above output displays the status and all the other statistical information for each media. The media usage analysis suggests all the media that may be reclaimed and an estimated time for the compaction. In the example, the media in shelf 1 can be reclaimed in approximately 80 minutes. C) To reclaim the space on the media on shelf 1with sequence number 0, erase it and add it to the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlreuse Test 0 Reclaiming seq. 0 in set Test [>-------------------------------------------------] [>-------------------------------------------------] [+>------------------------------------------------] [++>-----------------------------------------------] [++++++++>-----------------------------------------] [++++++++>-----------------------------------------] [+++++++++++++++>----------------------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++>-------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++>----------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>-------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>---------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>---] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>] Reclaim volume #0... Onode #10 (94017) Onode #3204 (94017) Onode #4801 (94017) Onode #15555 (94017) Onode #16071 (94017) Onode #26090 (94017) Onode #46098 (94017) Onode #50110 (94017) Onode #58593 (94017) Onode #67704 (94017) Onode #76482 (94017) Onode #82100 (94017) Onode #86570 (94017) Onode #93392 (94017) Seq. 0 in set Test contains no more data Seq. 0 has been removed from set Test Erasing platter jb:1 D) To list and analyze the new statistical information for all media belonging to the Integral Volume set Test after the vlreuse command, enter: #>vlmediausage Test [>-------------------------------------------------] [>-------------------------------------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] [>-------------------------------------------------] [+++++>--------------------------------------------] [++++++++++>---------------------------------------] [+++++++++++++++>----------------------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++>-----------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>-------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>--------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>---------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>----] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] Complete onodes... Analyzing file maps... 93999 files processed... Volume 0 Volume 1 Volume 2 Volume 3 Volume 4 Volume 5 Volume 6 Volume 7 Volume 8 Volume 9 Done. Page 43 of 86 Set Test: 4 media Seq. Status Location Capacity Used 1. Written jb:2 4.8GB 4.6GB 2. Incomplete jb:3 4.8GB 2.3GB 3. Current jb:4 4.8GB 1.5GB 4. Empty jb:1 2.4GB 0.0GB Total: 16GB 8GB The following media may be reclaimed: Seq. Location Add.space(MB) Time(min) 1. jb:2 247 266 Dead 0.2GB 0.1GB 0.0GB 0.0GB 0GB Available %used 0.0GB 95 2.4GB 47 3.3GB 30 2.4GB 0 8GB Note: Now the media with sequence number 0 is completely removed and the media in shelf 1 is empty and was added to the Integral Volume set Test as sequence number 8,10. E) To display the new set information for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=no SetId=5246b54c.3a14371a Cache: Cache_root=/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 1: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=1,3 2: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,6 3: Online=jb:4 Sequence_numbers=5,7 4: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=8,10 Media=4 Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a Note: The media on shelf 1 is added to the Integral Volume set Test as sequence number 8,10 and the information about the sequence 0,2 was completely removed from the Integral Volume set information. Page 44 of 86 Data Compaction Feature for SDF File System The following is an example of Data Compaction utility using the vlreuse command for the Integral Volume set Test. The SDF file system requires that the volume be unmounted to run the Data Compaction utility. The vllsset command is used to display the current status for the Integral Volume set database. An Integral Volume set Test was created, eight media were added and the Integral Volume set is currently not mounted or Published (Linux, HP-UX, SGI). A) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36fa4670 Cache: Cache_root=/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 6: Online=jb:4 Sequence_numbers=6,7 8: Online=jb:5 Sequence_numbers=8,9 10: Online=jb:6 Sequence_numbers=10,11 12: Online=jb:7 Sequence_numbers=12,13 14: Online=jb:8 Sequence_numbers=14,15 Media=8 Note: The media from shelf 1 to 8 belong to the Integral Volume set Test. B) To list and analyze the statistical information for all media belonging to the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlmediausage Test [>-------------------------------------------------] Analyzing file maps... [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] Checking volumes... [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] Done. Set Test: 8 media Seq. Status Location Capacity Used Dead Available %used 0. Written jb:1 614MB 273MB 341MB 0MB 44 2. Written jb:2 614MB 280MB 335MB 0MB 45 4. Written jb:3 563MB 262MB 302MB 0MB 46 6. Written jb:4 614MB 358MB 257MB 0MB 58 8. Written jb:5 563MB 544MB 20MB 0MB 96 10. Current jb:6 563MB 397MB 19MB 148MB 70 12. Empty jb:7 563MB 0MB 0MB 563MB 0 14. Empty jb:8 614MB 0MB 0MB 614MB 0 Total: 4.6GB 2.1GB 1.2GB 1.3GB The following media may be reclaimed: Seq. Location Add.space(MB) Time(min) 0. jb:1 341 15 2. jb:2 335 15 4. jb:3 302 14 6. jb:4 257 20 Page 45 of 86 Note: The above output displays the status and all the other statistical information for each media. The media usage analysis suggests all the media that may be reclaimed and an estimated time for the compaction. In the example, the media in shelf 1 can be reclaimed in approximately 15 minutes C) To reclaim the space on the media on shelf 1with sequence number 0, erase it and add it to the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlreuse Test 0 Reclaiming seq. 0 in set Test [>-------------------------------------------------] [>-------------------------------------------------] [>-------------------------------------------------] [++>-----------------------------------------------] [++>-----------------------------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++>----------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++>] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] Collecting data pages... 4266 data pages selected, Writing to vol 11 (/dev/jb 200 pages written 200 pages relocated. Writing to vol 11 (/dev/jb 200 pages written 2200 pages relocated. Writing to vol 12 (/dev/jb 200 pages written 4200 pages relocated. Writing to vol 12 (/dev/jb 66 pages written completed relocation of 42 Done. OK Seq. 0 in set Test contains no more data Seq. 0 has been removed from set Test Erasing platter jb:1 D) To list and analyze the new statistical information for all media belonging to the Integral Volume set Test after the vlreuse command, enter: #>vlmediausage Test [>-------------------------------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] Seq. Status 0. Offline 2. Written 4. Written 6. Written 8. Written 10. Written 12. Current 14. Empty 16. Empty Total: Page 46 of 86 Set Test: 9 media Location Capacity removed jb:2 614MB jb:3 563MB jb:4 614MB jb:5 563MB jb:6 563MB jb:7 563MB jb:8 614MB jb:1 614MB 4.6GB Used 0MB 280MB 262MB 358MB 544MB 544MB 125MB 0MB 0MB 2.1GB Dead 0MB 335MB 302MB 257MB 20MB 19MB 4MB 0MB 0MB 0.9GB Analyzing file maps... Checking volumes... Volume # (N/A) Done. Available %used 0MB 0MB 45 0MB 46 0MB 58 0MB 96 0MB 96 434MB 22 614MB 0 614MB 0 1.6GB The following media may be reclaimed: Seq. Location Add.space(MB) Time(min) 2. jb:2 335 15 4. jb:3 302 14 6. jb:4 257 20 Note: Now the media with sequence 0 is set offline - removed and the media in shelf 1 is empty and was added to the Integral Volume set Test as sequence number 16,17. E) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set Test after the media was erased and added to the Integral Volume set, enter: #>vllsset -v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36fa4670 Cache: Cache_root=/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Offline=removed Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 6: Online=jb:4 Sequence_numbers=6,7 8: Online=jb:5 Sequence_numbers=8,9 10: Online=jb:6 Sequence_numbers=10,11 12: Online=jb:7 Sequence_numbers=12,13 14: Online=jb:8 Sequence_numbers=14,15 16: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=16,17 Media=9 Note: Now the media in shelf 1 with sequence number 0,1 is marked as Offline=removed it has been removed and added to the Integral Volume set Test with the sequence number 16,17. Page 47 of 86 Data Compaction Feature Using the Reallocation Only Option The vlreuse command can also be used in the reallocation only mode. The reallocation only mode is enabled with the “-r” flag. Specifying the reallocation only mode option, after successfully completing the reallocation procedure, where the data and metadata that are NOT considered dead space will be copied from the specified media to the end of the Integral Volume set. The reclaimed media will contain no up to date data and is displayed as a media that contains 100% dead space in the vlmediausage output. However, the media still belongs to the Integral Volume set. The reallocation only mode will not erase the reclaimed media or add it to the end of the Integral Volume set. This allows the System Administrator to decide if the media should be exported from jukebox (for backup purposes) or erased and added to the same or different Integral Volume set. The media can be removed from the Integral Volume set using the vldelfromset command. A) To reclaim only the data on the media on shelf 1with sequence number 0, enter: #>vlreuse -r Test 0 B) To list and analyze the new statistical information for all media belonging to the Integral Volume set Test after the vlreuse command, enter: #>vlmediausage Test [>-------------------------------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] Set Test: 8 media Seq. Status Location Capacity Used 0. Written jb:1 614MB 0MB 2. Written jb:2 614MB 280MB 4. Written jb:3 563MB 262MB 6. Written jb:4 614MB 358MB 8. Written jb:5 563MB 544MB 10. Written jb:6 563MB 544MB 12. Current jb:7 563MB 125MB 14. Empty jb:8 614MB 0MB Total: 4.6GB 2.1GB The following media may be reclaimed: Seq. Location Add.space(MB) Time(min) 0. jb:1 614 0 2. jb:2 335 15 4. jb:3 302 14 6. jb:4 257 20 Dead 614MB 335MB 302MB 257MB 20MB 19MB 4MB 0MB 1.5GB Analyzing file maps... Checking volumes... Volume # (N/A) Done. Available %used 0MB 0 0MB 45 0MB 46 0MB 58 0MB 96 0MB 96 434MB 22 614MB 0 1.0GB Note: Now the media in shelf 1 contains 100% dead space, because all the good data that was on the media was copied to the end to the Integral Volume set. C) To remove the media in shelf 1 with sequence number 0 from the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vldelfromset Test 0 Note: Now the media can be erased using the vlerase command and can be added to the same or different Integral Volume set by using the vladdtoset command. Page 48 of 86 D) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set Test, after the media was removed, enter: #>vllsset -v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36fa4670 Cache: Cache_root=/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Offline=removed Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 6: Online=jb:4 Sequence_numbers=6,7 8: Online=jb:5 Sequence_numbers=8,9 10: 12: 14: Online=jb:6 Online=jb:7 Online=jb:8 Media=9 Sequence_numbers=10,11 Sequence_numbers=12,13 Sequence_numbers=14,15 Note: Now the media in shelf 1 with sequence numbers 0 and 1 is no longer present in the Integral Volume set, the VL database has marked it as “Offline=removed”. Page 49 of 86 Set Status in the VL Database During Compaction for SDF File System During the Data Compaction procedure, a lock is placed by vlserver on the Integral Volume set, the Integral Volume set cannot be mounted because it is considered already mounted at the “.Busy” mount point. The mountiv command will return the following message if an attempt is made to mount the Integral Volume set during the Data Compaction procedure: #>mountiv Test /mnt mountiv: host #####, set Test: Is mounted To display the mounted status of the Integral Volume set Test, during the Data Compaction procedure, enter: #>vllsset -v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36fa4670 Cache: Cache_root=/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at .BUSY 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 6: Online=jb:4 Sequence_numbers=6,7 8: Online=jb:5 Sequence_numbers=8,9 10: Online=jb:6 Sequence_numbers=10,11 12: Online=jb:7 Sequence_numbers=12,13 14: Online=jb:8 Sequence_numbers=14,15 Media=8 Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Note: After that the Data Compaction procedure is completed, the Integral Volume set is returned to an unmounted state. Page 50 of 86 Re-create the Set Definition for an Integral Volume Set with SDF File System and the Media Reclaimed If a Hard Disk failure caused the loss of the VL database information for an Integral Volume set where the Data Compaction utility was used or the System Administrator decided intentionally to re-create it. Once it is re-created, the information about the media that was reclaimed will no longer be present in the Integral Volume set information. To display the new Integral Volume set information after recreating the VL database information, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36fa4670 Cache: Cache_root=/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 6: Online=jb:4 Sequence_numbers=6,7 8: Online=jb:5 Sequence_numbers=8,9 10: Online=jb:6 Sequence_numbers=10,11 12: Online=jb:7 Sequence_numbers=12,13 14: Online=jb:8 Sequence_numbers=14,15 16: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=16,17 Media=7 Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Note: The media with sequence number 0,1 and 1,3 are no longer present in the Integral Volume set database information. Page 51 of 86 Data Compaction not Available The vlmediausage command may advise that the amount of free space present on the Integral Volume set it is not sufficient for running the Data Compaction utility. The message display as follows: #>vlmediausage Test [>-------------------------------------------------] Analyzing file maps... [+++++++++++++++++++++++++>------------------------] Checking volumes... [++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++] Done. Set Test: 8 media Seq. Status Location Capacity Used Dead Available %used 0. Written jb:1 614MB 273MB 341MB 0MB 44 2. Written jb:2 614MB 280MB 335MB 0MB 45 4. Written jb:3 563MB 262MB 302MB 0MB 46 6. Written jb:4 614MB 358MB 257MB 0MB 58 8. Written jb:5 563MB 544MB 20MB 0MB 96 10. Current jb:6 563MB 397MB 19MB 148MB 70 Total: 4.6GB 2.1GB 1.2GB 1.3GB The following media may be reclaimed: Seq. Location Add.space(MB) Time(min) ------ Medium below may not be reclaimed due to lack of free space! -----0. 2. 4. 6. jb:1 jb:2 jb:3 jb:4 341 335 302 257 15 15 14 20 If the above message appears in the vlmediausage output, add an available piece of media to the Integral Volume set using the vladdtoset command. Run the vlmediausage command again to see if the reclaim procedure is now allowed. If allowed, then use the vlreuse command to start the Data Compaction procedure. ERROR RECOVERY The QStar Software contains features that allow recovery from most errors introduced by human error or caused by hardware failure. If the VL database gets out of sync with the jukebox status, this can be due to a hardware problem or human intervention with the jukebox. To recover from this, there is a utility called vlrefresh that can be run on a single shelf, multiple shelves or all the shelves contained in the jukebox. See the Chapter 9 - Command Reference for full details or read the “Fixing Database Inconsistencies” section of this chapter. Page 52 of 86 THE COPY DISK UTILITIES The QStar Software allows the System Administrator to create a back up copy of the media used in the jukebox. There are three ways of creating a back up copy of a media in an Integral Volume set and are as follows: A) Copy Disk without VL control B) Copy Disk under VL control C) Automatic Copy Disk under VL control Copy Disk without VL Control The System Administrator can execute a duplication process of the media that has been written to, using the copydisk command and then compare the duplicate media with the original media using the cmpdisk command once the duplication process is finished. The copydisk command creates an exact duplicate of the original media in the Integral Volume set, if an original media is damaged, the duplicate media can be used to replace the damaged media. The Copy Disk procedure made with the copydisk command is completely unknown to the QStar Volume Librarian database because the VL database does not allow an exact duplicate media to co-exist in the jukebox. This means that if a media created with the copydisk command is refreshed using the vlrefresh command the VL database will recognize the media as an exact duplicate media. The VL database will mark both the original and the copied media as duplicates and will lock the Integral Volume set that the original media belongs to until the exact duplicate media is exported from the jukebox using the vlexport command. For this reason it is highly recommended to immediately remove the duplicate media from the jukebox after the copy disk process has completed. For more detailed information about “Error Recovery Using Duplicate Media”, please refer to Chapter 8 - Disaster Recovery in this manual. The copydisk command is used to create an exact duplicate copy of a media surface. copydisk [-va] source destination The cmpdisk command is used to compare the original media surface with the duplicate media surface once the Copy Disk procedure has completed. cmpdisk [-v] disk1 disk2 Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the copydisk and cmpdisk commands in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. 1) To create a exact duplicate copy of the media on shelf 5(side a and b) with the media on shelf 10, enter: #>copydisk /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb5a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb10a #>copydisk /dev/jb/rjb5a /dev/jb0/rjb10a (IBM syntax) #>copydisk /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb5b /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb10b #>copydisk /dev/jb0/rjb5b /dev/jb0/rjb10b (IBM syntax) Page 53 of 86 2) To compare the media on shelf 5(side a and b) with the media on shelf 10, enter: #>cmpdisk -v /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb5a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb10a #>cmpdisk -v /dev/jb/rjb5a /dev/jb0/rjb10a (IBM syntax) #>cmpdisk -v /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb5b /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb10b #>cmpdisk -v /dev/jb0/rjb5b /dev/jb0/rjb10b (IBM syntax) 3) To export the media on shelf 10, enter: #>vlexport jb 10 Note: The jbexport command may also be used to export the media from the jukebox. Substitute the Original Copy of the Media with the Exact Duplicate To substitute the original media with the duplicate media for an Integral Volume set requires exporting the original media with the vlexport command. When the original media is exported the System Administrator will be prompted for an offline location. Import the duplicate media to an available shelf with the vlimport command and the media will be automatically added to the VL set database. Note: Substitute the original media with the duplicate media only if the cmpdisk command reports that both side a and b are identical. Copy Disk Under VL Control The System Administrator can execute a duplication process of the media that has been written to, using the vlcopy command and then compare the duplicate media with the original media using the vlcmp command once the duplication process is finished. The vlcopy command creates a duplicate of the original media in the Integral Volume set, if an original media is damaged, the duplicate media can be used to replace the damaged media. The Copy Disk procedure made with the vlcopy command is under the control of the QStar Volume Librarian database and creates a duplicate copy of a media (SDF, OFS or UDF file system). The only exception is that the copy_number in volume_id block is incremented in order to create a different sequence_number that identifies the media as a back up copy of the original. This difference in the sequence_number allows both the original and duplicate media to co-exist in the VL database (jukebox), without introducing the error condition using duplicate media or locking the set database when the vlrefresh command is used. This means that after the copy disk process is completed the vlcopy command will automatically update the VL database and the media can be left in the jukebox or exported and stored in a safe location until it is needed. Note: The original and the copy media must reside on the same host and if the media is double-sided both sides will be copied. Note1: The UDF file system also supports the incremental copy disk. The vlcopy command is used to create a duplicate copy of a media. vlcopy [-H host_name] [-v] [-c copy_number] [-C {yes|no} [-j{delayed_job_name | "default"}] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM}] src_dev_name:shelf_number dst_dev_name:shelf_number] Page 54 of 86 The vlcopy command includes different options as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the source_jukebox and destination_jukebox are connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v: Verbose. Prints a progress report on the user’s terminal. -c copy_number: This option allows the System Administrator to change the incremented number of the copy_number to a different value; which will allow multiple copies to be made of the original media and all copies may co-exist in the jukebox. Without this option the copy_number on destination media is equal to the copy_number of the original media plus one. The vlcopy command belongs to the list of the commands that can be delayed and placed under the VL scheduler control. The options -j, -d and -C are related to the delayed start option and will be explained on the Delayed Jobs under VL Scheduler Control section in this chapter. The vlcmp command is used to compare the original media with the duplicate media once the Copy Disk procedure is completed. vlcmp [-H host_name] [-v] [-j {delayed_job_name | "default"}] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM}] source_jukebox:shelf_number destination_jukebox:shelf_number The vlcmp command includes different options as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the source_jukebox and destination_jukebox are connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v: Verbose. Prints a progress report on the user’s terminal. The vlcmp command belongs to the list of the commands that can be delayed and placed under the VL scheduler control. The options -j and -d are related to the delayed start option and will be explained on the Delayed Jobs under VL Scheduler Control section on this chapter. Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vlcopy and vlcmp commands in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. 1) To create a duplicate copy of the media on shelf 1 (side a and b) with the media on shelf 8, enter: #>vlcopy jb:1 jb:8 Note: If the destination shelf is omitted on the command line, the QStar Software will automatically use as destination media, the first available media present in jukebox with the same capacity and block size. Page 55 of 86 2) To display the jukebox shelf information during the Copy Disk procedure for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 1b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=3 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 3a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=4 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 3b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=5 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 4a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 4b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 7: empty 8: copying Note: The media in shelf 8 is being copied. 3) To display the jukebox shelf information after the Copy Disk procedure has completed for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 1b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=3 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 3a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=4 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 3b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=5 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 4a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 4b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 7: empty 8a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0.1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 8b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1.1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Note: The media in shelf 1 has been copied to shelf 8. The VL database displays identical SetId number on both media but a different seq_no, the duplicate media has been incremented by 1. Page 56 of 86 4) To display the jukebox shelf information by the set_name instead of the set_Id for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev -n jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetName=Test 1b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1 SetName=Test 2a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetName=Test 2b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=3 SetName=Test 3a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=4 SetName=Test 3b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=5 SetName=Test 4a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 4b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 7: empty 8a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0.1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 8b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1.1 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Note: Shelf 8 displays the Set_Id instead of the SetName. This means, although this media has an identical Set_Id as another media belonging to the Integral Volume set Test, it isn't considered part of the Integral Volume set because the original media is still present in the VL set database. 5) To compare the media on shelf 1(side a and b) with the media on shelf 8, enter: #>vlcmp jb:1 jb:8 Note: If the vlcmp command is run with the verbose option enabled it will print a progress report of the comparison on the users terminal. Note1: Once the vlcmp command has completed it will generate in the /sys/QStar/log directory a report file (i.e. vlcmp_JB_1JB_8) that will display the results of the comparison. Below is an example of the contents of the report file: Vlcmp report Date October 19 2001 17:07:19 JB0:1 sdf, Side capacity: blocksize 2048, 1263472 blocks JB0:8 sdf, Side capacity: blocksize 2048, 1263472 blocks Block size for compare 2048 Blocks to compare 1263472 JB0:8a JB0:1a are equal. JB0:8b JB0:1b are equal. Vlcmp completed at 18:13:49 6) To export the media on shelf 8, enter: #>vlexport jb 8 Page 57 of 86 Substitute the Original Copy of the Media with the Duplicate To substitute the original media with the duplicate media for an Integral Volume set requires exporting the original media. When the original media is exported the System Administrator will be prompted for an offline location. Import the duplicate media to an available shelf and add the media to the Integral Volume set with the vladdtoset command. Note: Substitute the original media with the duplicate media only if the vlcmp command reports that both side a and b are identical. 1) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset -v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=687077ff.3b535493 Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Media=3 2) To export the media on shelf 1, enter: #>vlexport jb 1 3) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset -v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=687077ff.3b535493 Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Offline=Test_0 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Note: The media in shelf 1 is now set offline. 4) To import the duplicate media on shelf 1, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 Page 58 of 86 Media=3 5) To add the duplicate media on shelf 1 to the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 6) To display the set information after the duplicate media was added to the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset -v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=687077ff.3b535493 Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:3 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Media=3 Offloc=Test_0 Note: The media in shelf 1 is now set online. 7) To display the jukebox shelf information by the set_name instead of the set_Id for a jukebox with a device name “jb”, enter: #>vllsdev -n jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0.1 SetName=Test 1b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1.1 SetName=Test 2a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetName=Test 2b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=3 SetName=Test 3a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=4 SetName=Test 3b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=5 SetName=Test 4a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 4b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 5b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 6b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable 7: empty 8: empty Note: The jukebox shelf information displays that the duplicate media now belongs to the Integral Volume set Test. Page 59 of 86 Automated Copy Disk Under VL Control The QStar Software can be configured to automatically duplicate any media that has been completely written to. With a properly configured Integral Volume set, the Copy Disk procedure will run every time the Integral Volume set reaches the point of dynamically allocating another piece of media to the Integral Volume set. The Automated Copy Disk procedure creates a duplicate of the original media in the Integral Volume set, if an original media is damaged, the duplicate media can be used to replace the damaged media. The Automated Copy Disk procedure is under the control of the QStar Volume Librarian database and creates a duplicate copy of a media (SDF, OFS or UDF file system). The only exception is that the copy_number in volume_id block is incremented in order to create a different sequence_number that identifies the media as a back up copy of the original. This difference in the sequence_number allows both the original and duplicate media to co-exist in the VL database (jukebox), without introducing the error condition using duplicate media or locking the set database when the vlrefresh command is used. This means that after the copy disk process is completed the VL database will be automatically updated and the media can be left in the jukebox or exported and stored in a safe location until it is needed. It may be required to configure the automated Copy Disk procedure to be added to the Delayed Jobs under VL scheduler control. The parameters are set in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file, to enable COPY Delayed Start within a certain time period, the Copy Disk will then be deferred until this time. This would be the preferred option for a jukebox with less than 4 drives, or to simply move the automated Copy Disk to a time period when the jukebox is under less load. See the “Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Copy Disk Properties” later in this chapter to configure this option. The Automatic Copy Disk procedure is configured during the creation of the Integral Volume set using the -b flag with the vlcrset command and can also be activated or deactivated, after the creation of the Integral Volume set, using the vleditset command. Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the vlcrset and vleditset commands in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. 1) To create a set named Test with the SDF file system and the Automated Copy Disk procedure enabled, enter: #>vlcrset -T sdf -b Test 2) To display the set information for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=yes Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:11 Sequence_numbers=0,1 Media=1 Mounted=a,b Note: The vllsset output displays the Make_copy option is set to yes (Automated Copy Disk enabled). QStar recommends when using the Automatic Copy Disk procedure that the jukebox has a minimum of four drives. This is recommended because when archiving begins three drives will be in use, it will require one drive for the archiving and dynamic allocation of more media, one drive for the source media of the copy disk process and one drive for the destination media of the copy disk process. Alternately, configure the VL scheduler to process the Automatic Copy Disk procedure outside of normal working hours. Page 60 of 86 DELAYED JOBS UNDER VL SCHEDULER CONTROL The QStar Software contains an event scheduler for scheduling certain processes. Scheduling of events allows the Software to be used to it's full potential, notifying the System Administrator of low available media and delaying system intensive processes to be run at off peak times. The VL scheduler can be used to run batch or single media erases as well as Copy Disk requests. It can also be used to schedule more complicated tasks such as Data Compaction on Integral Volume sets and recording of CD/DVD-R media. Displaying the Delayed Jobs under VL Scheduler Control QStar creates a special file called “conf” under the /sys/QStar/vl/files directory. The conf file keeps all the configuration information for the QStar Commands that can be delayed. Once a command is submitted, a job will be created and placed into the delayed jobs queue list that is managed and controlled by the QStar VL scheduler process. The System Administrator can use the delayed queue commands option to manage and monitor the delayed commands in the delayed jobs queue list by using the vlqlist command. The options available in the conf file are represented with a key word that identifies the delayed command that can be under the VL scheduler's control. The key words are as follows: RECORD: Option related to the Recording procedure. COPY: Option related to the Copy Disk procedure. CMP: Option related to the Compare Procedure, which follows the Copy Disk procedure. REUSE: Option related to the Compaction procedure. ERASE: Option related to the Erase procedure. REGRESS: Option related to the Regression procedure. Below the content of the conf file: # VL Configuration File RECORD Images Dir Path = "/sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images" RECORD Images Max Size Mb = "650" # RECORD Direct - {Prohibited | Allowed | Allowed Hosts} RECORD Direct = "Prohibited" RECORD Allowed Hosts = "" RECORD Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" COPY Jb Name = "" COPY Start Shelf Number = "0" COPY End Shelf Number = "0" COPY Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" COPY Compare After Copy = "No" CMP Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" REUSE Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" ERASE Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" REGRESS Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" Keep Done Records = "7" Blank Media Threshold = "0" Erase Media Threshold = "0" Monitor Blank/Erase Mail Address = "" Return Error on Access to Offline Media = "No" Note: The VL Configuration option for the Delayed Regress procedure and related commands will be explained only in the Managing DVD Array Jukebox manual. Page 61 of 86 Displaying and Setting the General VL Configuration Properties Keep Done Records = "7" Number of latest records kept in the delayed jobs queue list. The default number is 7; the System Administrator can change this by editing the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file and typing the new value. Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration Threshold Blank/Erased Media Properties This option allows the System Administrator to send (receive) an E-Mail notification when a set number of Erased or Blank media are left in the jukebox. Blank Media Threshold = "0" Erase Media Threshold = "0" Monitor Blank/Erase Mail Address = "" By default this option is disabled. For example if the threshold of the Blank/Erase media is “3” the System Administrator can set to receive an E-mail notification when this level has been reached or passed by editing the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file and typing the following value: Blank Media Threshold = "3" Erase Media Threshold = "3" Monitor Blank/Erase Mail Address = "[email protected]" Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration for Offline Media Request Properties. This option sets whether access to the Integral Volume set is suspended, or not by an error until an offline media request has been satisfied. Return Error on Access to Offline Media = "No" By default the request will wait until the offline request is satisfied by importing the media or cancelled using the vlconsole command. The System Administrator can immediately receive an error by typing the following value: Return Error on Access to Offline Media = "Yes" Page 62 of 86 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Delayed Recording Properties These options are related to the write options for CD/DVD-R devices managed by the QStar CD/DVD Master Software. A full explanation regarding the QStar CD/DVD Master Software and the recording procedure can be found in the QSTAR CD/DVD MASTER PRODUCT- MANAGING “CD-R/DVD-R” MEDIA section in Chapter 7 - Media Configuration of this manual. RECORD Images Dir Path = "/sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images" RECORD Images Max Size Mb = "650" # RECORD Direct - {Prohibited | Allowed | Allowed Hosts} RECORD Direct = "Prohibited" RECORD Allowed Hosts = "" RECORD Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" By default the Direct write is Prohibited and the Delayed write is always allowed with the default delayed write options below: A) Images Dir Path: /sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images The Images Directory on the server where the temporary image files that will be recorded to the CD/DVD-R media will be stored. B) Image Max Dir Size (Mb): 650 Mb Maximum Size of the Images Directory. C) Direct: “Prohibited” Type of recording procedure allowed, by default the Direct write is prohibited. D) Allowed Hosts: Hosts allowed to do the Direct write procedure. Select Allowed or Allowed Hosts to enable the Direct write procedure. E) Delayed Start: Start Time and Stop Time when the VL scheduler will process the delayed jobs in 24-hour mode. A 0:0 0:0 value ensures the jobs will not be delayed and will be processed immediately after the ISO/UDF image has been completely transferred to the Images Directory. Note: The VL Configuration option for the Direct write (recording) procedure and related commands will be explained in the QSTAR CD/DVD MASTER PRODUCT- MANAGING “CD-R/DVD-R” MEDIA section in Chapter 7 - Media Configuration of this manual. The System Administrator can change any of the default parameters by editing the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file and typing the new value. In the example, default Delayed write options are set as follows: RECORD Images Dir Path = "/export/home/cd_images" RECORD Images Max Size Mb = "2000" RECORD Delayed Start = "23:30 06:30" Page 63 of 86 To create the directory where the images will be temporarily transferred and kept until the delayed jobs are completely processed, enter: #>mkdir /export/home/cd_images Note: Ensure the hard disk partition where the Images Directory was created has sufficient space for the required images. Note1: There may be a need or a requirement for the users of the QStar CD/DVD Master Software to transfer the image to the cd_images directory from a client machine. To allow the users to access the Images Directory, the correct permissions must be applied to the directory. Starting the Delayed Recording Procedure The vlrecord command is used to record an ISO/UDF image to a CD/DVD-R media. The CD/DVD-R media is specified by the device_name:shelf_number argument. If “any” option is specified instead of a shelf number then the 1st available blank CD/DVD-R in the storage device will be used. The image location and name is specified by the image_path argument. vlrecord [-H host_name] [-v] [-x {speed_X | max}] [-b buffer_Mb] [{-t | -T}] [-s set_name] [-j delayed_job_name [-d {[mmdd]HHMM | [cc]yymmddHHMM}]] [-m mail_addr] [-n number_of_copies]device_name:{shelf_number{a|b}|any} [image_path] The options available with the vlrecord command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v Verbose output. -x speed_X Specifies the recording speed at which all CD/DVDs will be recorded. Without this option the recording speed is selected automatically based on the memory buffer filling time. The options available are any number below the maximum write speed of the drive (i.e. 2x =2 3x = 3 4x =4), or Max. The selection of “Auto” as the recording speed ensures that the server will automatically detect the writing speed. With a buffer on the server, data is transferred from the client machine to the buffer first and then from the buffer to the drive. The server waits until the buffer is full before it starts to write. It calculates the speed of transfer for the first 4Mb (buffer size) of data and sets the appropriate write speed for the drive. The auto speed selection of the software may not always be accurate as the server assumes that all transfers will be made at the same speed calculated for the first 4MB. If the recording procedure returns an error, the speed is not correct, a write speed test must then be carried out. This procedure is described in the Burn Test Procedure Before Starting the Write Operation section of this manual, QStar recommends reading the section before starting the recording procedure to determine the correct write speed for your drives. -b buffer_Mb Specifies memory buffer size used for recording. The default value is 4 Mb. -t The Laser OFF test mode is used to test and verify the optimum write speed to be used with the CD/DVD-R drive. When the Laser OFF test mode is specified, the Software and the CD/DVD-R drive simulate the write process. The CD/DVD-R drive does not actually write data to the media as the Laser power is turned off. Page 64 of 86 -T The Write OFF test mode is used to measure the data transfer rate. When the Write OFF test mode is specified, the Software will send the data to the drive, but will not perform the write operation on the media. Note: For more detailed information about the test procedure, please refer to “Burn Test Before Start Write Operation” section of this manual. -s set_name Specifies the Integral Volume set name to which the newly written media will be automatically added. -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the “RECORD Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. Note: The -d flag can only be used by the superuser. mm - is the month number dd - is the day number in the month HH - is the hour number (24 hour system) MM - is the minute number cc - is the century yy - is the last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be omitted; the current date values are supplied as defaults. -n number_of_copies Specifies the number of copies of the same ISO/UDF image that will be recorded to the CD/DVD-R media. Without this option only one ISO/UDF image will be recorded. This option is only available with the Delayed write procedure in conjunction with any option and will be ignored if is used with the Direct write procedure. -m mail_addr Specifies the email address to which confirmation is sent when the job has completed. An E-mail notification can be sent reporting the exit status information of the recording operation using the -m option and specifying the E-mail address of the person who should receive the notification. Note: The recording is a long procedure, QStar suggests using the -v option to track the progress of the recording. Note1: The VL Configuration option for the Direct write (recording) procedure and related commands will be explained in the QSTAR CD/DVD MASTER PRODUCT- MANAGING “CD-R/DVD-R” MEDIA section in Chapter 7 - Media Configuration of this manual. If the Delayed write procedure is used with an existing ISO/UDF image, the image is first transferred to the Images Directory specified in the RECORD Images Dir Path entry of the conf VL Configuration file. Then in accordance with the RECORD Delayed Start Time settings also specified in the conf VL Configuration file, the image will be recorded to the CD/DVD-R media. When the record procedure has completed the existing ISO/UDF image will be not removed from the server hard disk however, the transferred image will be removed from the Images Directory. Page 65 of 86 To select the Delayed write procedure the System Administrator will need to use the -j delayed_job_name option and assign a name to the job using the vlrecord command. The job name must be a unique name, if the same job name is already present on the delayed jobs queue list then the job will be denied and the following message will be returned to the vlrecord command: vlrecord: QStar_Unix_Release: Can't add to VL-queue: Record already exists By default the recording Start Time will follow the setting inserted in the RECORD Delayed Start Time setting specified in the conf VL Configuration file. The System Administrator can change the recording Start Time specifying the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list using the -d [mmdd]HHMM | [cc]yymmddHHMM option using the vlrecord command. Note: If the Delayed write procedure is interrupted, the interruption will cancel the delayed job request and the partial image that has been transferred will be removed from the Images Directory. Examples of Delayed Write Procedure Using Any Shelf Option Using the Any option, the target shelf will be chosen by the QStar Software. In the examples the QStar_Release is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -j QStar_Release jb:any /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -s set_name option is used to add the new CD/DVD-ROM created to the Integral Volume set Test. The new media will then be mounted immediately after the recording has completed and the data will be available online. 2) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -m [email protected] -j QStar_Release jb:any /home/QStar_Software _Unix.iso Note: In the example the -m mail_addr option is used to send an E-mail notification reporting the exit status information of the delayed recording operation. 3) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -m [email protected] -j QStar_Release jb:any /home/QStar_ Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example both -s set_name and -m mail_addr options are used. 4) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -j QStar_Release -d 2330 jb:any /home/QStar_ Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -d option is used to set the Delayed Start Time to 23:30. Page 66 of 86 Examples of Delayed Write Procedure Using a Specified Shelf In the examples the QStar_Release is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -j QStar_Release jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -s set_name option is used to add the new CD/DVD-ROM created to the Integral Volume set Test. The new media will then be mounted immediately after the recording has completed and the data will be available online. 2) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -m [email protected] -j QStar_Release jb:1a /home/QStar_Software _Unix.iso Note: In the example the -m mail_addr option is used to send an E-mail notification reporting the exit status information of the recording operation. 3) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -m [email protected] -j QStar_Release jb:1a /home/QStar_ Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example both -s set_name and -m mail_addr options are used. 4) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -j QStar_Release -d 2330 jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_ Unix.iso Note: In the example the -d option is used to set the Delayed Start Time to 23:30. Page 67 of 86 Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Copy Disk Properties These options are related to the Delayed Copy Disk procedure under the VL control. They can also be used to configure the Automated Copy Disk feature to take place in pre-determined hours. A full explanation regarding the Copy Disk procedure under the VL control can be found in The Copy Disk Utility section in this chapter. If dst_dev_name:shelf_number is omitted the vlcopy command consults “COPY Jb Name”, “COPY Start Shelf Number”, “COPY End Shelf Number” fields in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. If there are no such fields in /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file the vlcopy command examines the src_dev_name jukebox first and then all other jukeboxes. COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY Jb Name = "" Start Shelf Number = "0" End Shelf Number = "0" Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" Compare After Copy = "No" By default the jukebox name and the range of destination shelves are not defined with the below default options: A) Jb Name: “ ” The name of jukebox, which the QStar Software will use to examine for available media that, can be used as destination media in the vlcopy command. B) Start Shelf Number: “0” The first available shelf (media) usable as destination media. C) End Shelf Number: “0” The last shelf (media) usable as destination media. D) Delayed Start: Start Time and Stop Time when the VL scheduler will process the delayed jobs in 24-hour mode. A 0:0 0:0 value ensures the jobs will not be delayed and will be processed immediately. E) Compare After Copy: “No” Allows automatically starting the Compare procedure once the Copy Disk procedure is completed. The System Administrator can change any of the default parameters by editing the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file and typing the new value. In the example, default Delayed Copy Disk options are set as follows: COPY COPY COPY COPY COPY Jb Name = "jb" Start Shelf Number = "80" End Shelf Number = "90" Delayed Start = "23:30 06:30" Compare After Copy = "Yes" Note: In the example, the Automated Copy Disk feature would only take place between the hours of 23:30 and 06:30 and would only use media to copy to from shelves 80 to 90 inclusive. It would also Compare the media afterwards (vlcmp). Page 68 of 86 Starting the Delayed Copy Disk Procedure The vlcopy command is used to create a duplicate copy of a media. vlcopy [-H host_name] [-v] [-c copy_number] [-C {yes|no} [-j{delayed_job_name | "default"}] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM}] src_dev_name:shelf_number dst_dev_name:shelf_number] The vlcopy command creates a copy of a media (SDF, OFS, UDF). The resulting copy is identical to the original except that the copy_number in the volume_id block is incremented. The copy may be used for backup purposes and may be substituted for the original if the original becomes bad or unavailable. The src_dev_name:shelf_number specifies the jukebox and shelf number for the original media. The dst_dev_name:shelf_number specifies the jukebox and shelf number for the copy. Note: The original and the copy media must reside on the same host and if the media is double-sided both sides will be copied. The options available with the vlcopy command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the source_jukebox and destination_jukebox are connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v: Verbose. Prints a progress report on the user’s terminal. -c copy_number: This option allows the System Administrator to change the incremented number of the copy_number to a different value; which will allow multiple copies to be made of the original media and all copies may co-exist in the jukebox. Without this option the copy_number on destination media is equal to the copy_number of the original media plus one. -C yes|no Compare source and target media after copy. This flag takes effect only for delayed jobs. -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. If the delayed_job_name is the key word “default”, the actual job name will be generated automatically. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the “COPY Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. Note: The -d flag can only be used by the superuser. mm - is the month number dd - is the day number in the month HH - is the hour number (24 hour system) MM - is the minute number cc - is the century yy - is the last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be omitted; the current date values are supplied as defaults. Page 69 of 86 Examples of Delayed Copy Disk Procedure Specifying the Destination Shelf In the examples the Make copy of shelf #3 is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option and the shelf 5 is the destination media of the copy. 1) To create a duplicate copy of the media on shelf 3 (side a and b) with the media on shelf 5 using the Delayed Copy Disk procedure, enter: #> vlcopy -j "Make copy of shelf #3" jb:3 jb:5 Note: The job will be executed according to the “COPY Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. 2) To create a duplicate copy of the media on shelf 3 (side a and b) with the media on shelf 5 using the Delayed Copy Disk procedure, enter: #> vlcopy -j "Make copy of shelf #3" –d 1330 jb:3 jb:5 Note: In the example the -d option is used to set the Delayed Start Time to 1:30 PM. The “COPY Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Examples of Delayed Copy Disk Procedure without Specifying the Destination Shelf In the examples the Make copy of shelf #3 is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option and the destination shelf is not specified. Without specifying the destination shelf, the destination shelf will be chosen by the QStar Software, according to the values set for COPY Start and End shelf in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. 1) To create a duplicate copy of the media on shelf 3 (side a and b) without to specify the destination shelf using the Delayed Copy Disk procedure, enter: #> vlcopy -j "Make copy of shelf #3" jb:3 Note: The job will be executed according to the “COPY Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. 2) To create a duplicate copy of the media on shelf 3 (side a and b) with the media on shelf 5 using the Delayed Copy Disk procedure, enter: #> vlcopy -j "Make copy of shelf #3" –d 1330 jb:3 Note: In the example the -d option is used to set the Delayed Start Time to 1:30 PM. The “COPY Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Page 70 of 86 Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Compare Properties This option is related the Delayed Compare procedure that can be performed in order to verify a copy of a media made with the Copy Disk under the VL control to ensure the vlcopy command has copied the media correctly. A full explanation regarding the Copy Disk procedure under the VL control can be found in The Copy Disk Utility section in this chapter. CMP Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" This is used by default with the options below: A) Delayed Start: Start Time and Stop Time when the VL scheduler will process the delayed jobs in 24-hour mode. A 0:0 0:0 value ensures the jobs will not be delayed and will be processed immediately. The System Administrator can change any of the default parameters by editing the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file and typing the new value. In the example, default Delayed Compare options are set as follows: CMP Delayed Start = "23:30 06:30" Starting the Delayed Compare Procedure The vlcmp command is used to compare the original media with the duplicate media once the Copy Disk under the VL control procedure is completed to ensure that their contents are identical. vlcmp [-H host_name][-v][-j {delayed_job_name | "default"}][-d {[mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM}] source_jukebox:shelf_number destination_jukebox:shelf_number The options available with the vlcmp command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the source_jukebox and destination_jukebox are connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v: Verbose. Prints a progress report on the user’s terminal. -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. If the delayed_job_name is the key word “default”, the actual job name will be generated automatically. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the “CMP Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. Note: The -d flag can only be used by the superuser. Page 71 of 86 mm - is the month number dd - is the day number in the month HH - is the hour number (24 hour system) MM - is the minute number cc - is the century yy - is the last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be omitted; the current date values are supplied as defaults. Examples of Delayed Compare Procedure In the examples the Compare 5 and 6 is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option and the shelf 5 is the destination. 1) To compare all data on the media in jukebox#1 (jb1) on shelf 5 to the media in jukebox#2 (jb2) on shelf 6 using the Delayed Compare procedure, enter: #> vlcmp -j "Compare 5 and 6" jb1:5 jb2:6 Note: The job will be executed according to the “CMP Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. 2) To compare all data on the media in jukebox#1 (jb1) on shelf 5 to the media in jukebox#2 (jb2) on shelf 6 using the Delayed Compare procedure, enter: #> vlcmp -j "Compare 5 and 6" –d 1330 jb1:5 jb2:6 Note: In the example the -d option is used to set the Delayed Start Time to 1:30 PM. The “CMP Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Page 72 of 86 Displaying and Setting the Delayed VL Configuration Data Compaction Properties This option is related the Delayed Data Compaction procedure that relocates data, erases media and adds it to an Integral Volume set. A fully explanation regarding the Data Compaction procedure under the VL control can be found in the Data Compaction Under VL Control section in this chapter. REUSE Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" This is used by default with the options below: A) Delayed Start: Start Time and Stop Time when the VL scheduler will process the delayed jobs in 24-hour mode. A 0:0 0:0 value ensures the jobs will not be delayed and will be processed immediately. The System Administrator can change any of the default parameters by editing the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file and typing the new value. In the example, default Delayed Compaction options are set as follows: REUSE Delayed Start = "23:30 06:30" Starting the Delayed Data Compaction Procedure The vlreuse command is used to relocate data, erase the media and add it to an Integral Volume set. vlreuse [-H host_name] [-r] [-j {delayed_job_name | "default"}] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM}] set_name in_set_number [in_set_number2..] The vlreuse command relocates up-to-date data from a specified media ('in_set_number' in set 'set_name') to the current write position. After successful relocation the media is erased and added to the Integral Volume set. As a result available space for the Integral volume set is increased. More than one in_set_number may be specified for the same command. The options available with the vlreuse command are described as follows: -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -r Specify relocation only mode. After successful completion of the command the media may be exported from jukebox (for backup purposes) or erased and added to the same or different Integral Volume set. -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. If the delayed_job_name is the key word “default”, the actual job name will be generated automatically. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). Page 73 of 86 -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the “REUSE Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. Note: The -d flag can only be used by the superuser. mm - is the month number dd - is the day number in the month HH - is the hour number (24 hour system) MM - is the minute number cc - is the century yy - is the last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be omitted; the current date values are supplied as defaults. Note: The command will fail if the specified set contains an SDF filesystem and is in a mounted state. It may also fail if there is not enough space for the reallocated data. Examples of Delayed Data Compaction Procedure In the examples the Reuse volume #1 is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option. 1) To relocate data, erase the media with in_set_number 1and add it to an Integral Volume set beta using the Delayed Data Compaction procedure, enter: #> vlreuse -j "Reuse volume #1" beta 1 Note: The job will be executed according to the “REUSE Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. 2) To relocate data, erase the media with in_set_number 1and add it to an Integral Volume set beta using the Delayed Data Compaction procedure, enter: #> vlreuse -j "Reuse volume #1" –d 1330 beta 1 Note: In the example the -d option is used to set the Delayed Start Time to 1:30 PM. The “REUSE Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Page 74 of 86 Displaying and Setting the VL Configuration Delayed Erase Properties This option is related the Delayed Erase procedure. ERASE Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" This is used by default with the options below: A) Delayed Start: Start Time and Stop Time when the VL scheduler will process the delayed jobs in 24-hour mode. A 0:0 0:0 value ensures the jobs will not be delayed and will be processed immediately. The System Administrator can change any of the default parameters by editing the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file and typing the new value. In the example, default Delayed Erase options are set as follows: ERASE Delayed Start = "23:30 06:30" Starting the Delayed Erase Procedure The vlerase command is used to erase re-writable media. vlerase [-v] [-f] [-H host_name] [-j {delayed_job_name | "default"}] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM}] device_name shelf_number[{a|b}] The vlerase command erases either an individual media, (in a standalone drive, or jukebox) or a group of media in the specified range of shelves, (within a jukebox). The jukebox or standalone drive is specified by the device_name argument. A shelf range can only be used for an immediate erase, only a single erase is allowed in the Delayed Erase, if multiple erases are required, they must be entered as separate jobs. The command erases both sides of the media if the surface (a or b) is not specified. The shelf is specified by the shelf_number argument. Note: If media belongs to an Integral Volume set, the erase process will be denied. The options available with the vlerase command are described as follows: -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v Verbose Print the progress report on the user terminal. If erasing a single shelf (surface), the command prints a line with the number of blocks, block size and approximate time needed for erasing. If erasing a range of shelves the command prints a line with shelf number. -f Fast erase This option is available only in the first form of the command. With this option vlerase erases only the first 2048 blocks on each side of the media which may be acceptable for testing purposes or if the media was initialized but not yet written to. QStar recommends not using this command with media already written with any file systems supported by QStar (or written to by another software package) because, in the case of recreating the table of contents of the Integral Volume set, the file system can be recreated incorrectly (corrupted). This option is not available for media to be used with QStar Data Director product or OFS file system. Page 75 of 86 -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. If the delayed_job_name is the key word “default”, the actual job name will be generated automatically. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the “ERASE Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. Note: The -d flag can only be used by the superuser. mm - is the month number dd - is the day number in the month HH - is the hour number (24 hour system) MM - is the minute number cc - is the century yy - is the last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be omitted; the current date values are supplied as defaults. Examples of Delayed Erase Procedure In the examples the Erase shelf #2 is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option. 1) To erase the media on shelf 2 using the Delayed Erase procedure, enter: #> vlerase -j "Erase shelf #2" jb:2 Note: The job will be executed according to the “ERASE Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. 2) To erase the media on shelf 2 using the Delayed Erase procedure, enter: #> vlerase -j "Erase shelf #2" –d 1330 jb:2 Note: In the example the -d option is used to set the Delayed Start Time to 1:30 PM. The “ERASE Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Page 76 of 86 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status in the Delayed Jobs Queue List The vlqlist command is used to list all the information for the delayed jobs present in the delayed jobs queue list, which is controlled by the QStar VL scheduler process. The VL scheduler will start to process the jobs in the list at the time set by the System Administrator. The System Administrator using the vlqlist command can manage and monitor the delayed jobs in the delayed jobs queue list. vlqlist [-H host_name] [-j [d][c][m][r][e]] [-s [w][s][d][e]] [-h sender_hostname] [-u user_id] [-l] The options available with the vlqlist command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -j [d][c][m][r][e] The –j flag allows specific job type filters to be used. Multiple filters may be used together on the same command line. d - Display only vlrecord jobs. c - Display only vlcopy jobs. m - Display only vlcmp jobs. r - Display only vlreuse jobs. e - Display only vlerase jobs. Note: By default all types of jobs are displayed. -s [w][s][d][e] The -s flag allows specific job state filters to be used. Multiple filters may be used together on the same command line. w - Display all jobs waiting for execution. s - Display all jobs that have started. d - Display all jobs that have completed without error. e - Display all jobs that have completed with error. Note: By default all types of job states are displayed. -h sender_hostname Display all records that came from the host specified by sender_hostname -u user_id Display all records that originated from the user specified by user_id. -l Output long format. Page 77 of 86 Displaying Delayed Job Status for a Single Job The delayed jobs listed on the vlqlist command output are displayed in the order they were added to the delayed jobs queue. In this section there are examples of a delayed job for a recording procedure. 1) To display the delayed job status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release Record Waiting 0:natasha In the example the job with the name QStar_Release is present on the delayed jobs queue list and was registered on the list with Job ID 1 and Registration Date 2002/03/10 at 21:43 and currently this job has a Status of Waiting. The Delayed Start Date information is empty because the scheduling procedure follows the general settings made in the RECORD Delayed Start Time setting specified in the conf VL Configuration file. Note: The User ID "0" is the User root. 2) To display the delayed job status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release Record Started 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 The Status of the job with Job ID 1 has changed to Started and the recording was started at 2002/03/10_21:44 Delayed Start Date. 3) To display the delayed job status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release Record Done 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 2002/03/10_21:50 The Status of the job with Job ID 1 has changed to Done and the recording was completed without any errors at 2002/03/10_21:50 End Date. Note: If the Status displays Error the recording procedure has failed to write the image on the media. Page 78 of 86 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status for a Different Delayed Jobs The delayed jobs listed on the vlqlist command output are displayed in the order they were added to the delayed jobs queue. If different types of jukeboxes are connected to the same server a combination of different delayed jobs can be present in the delayed jobs queue. These jobs will differ mainly in the Job ID, Job Type and Job Name. The jobs will be processed according to the priority order specified. The job on top of the delayed jobs queue list has the highest priority. 1) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 Job-Type Record Erase Copy Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Waiting 0:natasha Waiting 0: Waiting 0: In the example the jobs with the name QStar_Release, Erase shelf #2, Make copy of shelf #8 are present on the delayed jobs queue list. They were registered on the list respectively with Job ID 1, Job ID 2, Job ID 3 and with different Registration Date. Currently these jobs have a Status of Waiting. The Delayed Start Date information is empty because the scheduling procedure follows the general settings made respectively in the RECORD, ERASE, COPY Delayed Start Time settings specified in the conf VL Configuration file Note: The User ID "0" is the User root. 2) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 Job-Type Record Erase Copy Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0:natasha 2002/05/28_21:00 Waiting 0: Waiting 0: The Status of the job with Job ID 1 has changed to Started and the recording was started at 2002/05/28_21:00 Delayed Start Date. 3) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 Job-Type Record Erase Copy Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0:natasha 2002/05/28_21:00 Started 0: 2002/05/28_21:01 Waiting 0: The Status of the job with Job ID 2 has changed to Started and the erasing was started at 2002/05/28_21:01 Delayed Start Date. Page 79 of 86 4) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release Job-Type Erase Copy Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0: 2002/05/28_21:01 Waiting 0: Done 0:natasha 2002/05/28_21:00 2002/05/28_21:07 The recording has completed successfully, the Status of the job with Job ID 1 has changed to Done and the job details are then moved to the bottom of the delayed jobs queue list. 5) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release Job-Type Erase Copy Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0: 2002/05/28_21:01 Started 0: 2002/05/28_21:15 Done 0:natasha 2002/05/28_21:00 2002/05/28_21:07 The Status of the job with Job ID 3 has changed to Started and the copying was started at 2002/05/10_21:15 Delayed Start Date. 6) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 Job-Type Copy Record Erase Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0: 2002/05/28_21:15 Done 0:natasha 2002/05/28_21:00 2002/05/28_21:07 Done 0: 2002/05/28_21:01 2002/05/28_22:08 The erasing has completed successfully, the Status of the job with Job ID 2 has changed to Done and the job details are then moved to the bottom of the delayed jobs queue list. 7) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 Job-Type Record Erase Copy Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Done 0:natasha 2002/05/28_21:00 2002/05/28_21:07 Done 0: 2002/05/28_21:01 2002/05/28_22:08 Done 0: 2002/05/28_21:15 2002/05/28_23:06 The copying has completed successfully, the Status of the job with Job ID 3 has changed to Done and the job details are then moved to the bottom of the delayed jobs queue list. Page 80 of 86 If the System Administrator has changed the Delayed Start Time specifying the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list using the -d [mmdd]HHMM | [cc]yymmddHHMM option on the delayed commands, this new recording start time information will be displayed on the vlqlist output on the Delayed-Start-Date information. 1) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Record Waiting 0:natasha 2002/05/28_23:30 Erase Waiting 0: 2002/05/28_23:30 Copy Waiting 0: 2002/05/28_23:30 Note: The Registration-Date reports the Date and Time when the delayed job was added to the delayed jobs queue list and the Delayed-Start-Date shows the Date and Time when the job is to be processed. Displaying Delayed Job Status in Long Format The vlqlist command used with the –l (Output on Long Format) option allows displaying detailed information for the delayed jobs present in the delayed jobs queue list. #>vlqlist –l Record ID: 1 Job: Record Job Status: Waiting Job Name: QStar_Release Sender Hostname: natasha Sender UID: 0 Registration Date: 2002/05/28_20:51 Start Date: End Date: Error: Delayed Start Date: Notification Mail Address: Test Write Mode: no test Write Speed: 0 Buffer Size(Mb): 0 Device Name: jb1 Shelf Number: 1 Side: A Image Size: 90052608 Image Path: /sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images/natasha.1022539813.img Set Name: Leave Open: No Page 81 of 86 Record ID: Job: Job Status: Job Name: Sender UID: Registration Date: Start Date: End Date: Error: Delayed Start Date: Notification Mail Address: Device Name: Shelf Number: Sides: Fast Erase: 2 Erase Waiting Erase shelf #2 0 2002/05/28_20:53 Record ID: Job: Job Status: Job Name: Sender UID: Registration Date: Start Date: End Date: Error: Delayed Start Date: Notification Mail Address: Source Device Name: Source Shelf Number: Destination Device Name: Destination Shelf Number From: Destination Shelf Number To: Copy Number: Compare After Copy: 3 Copy Waiting Make copy of shelf #8 0 2002/05/28_20:54 Page 82 of 86 jb 2 2 No jb 8 jb 6 6 0 No Moving Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List The vlqmove command is used to move the jobs in the delayed jobs queue list that is controlled by the QStar VL scheduler process. The delayed jobs listed on the vlqlist command output are displayed in the order they were added to the delayed jobs queue. The job that has the highest priority on the queue is the job that is displayed at the top of the list. The job on the top of the list will be the first delayed job to be processed if the Delayed Start Time is the same for all types of delayed jobs. The System Administrator using the vlqmove command can change the order the jobs will be processed. vlqmove [-H host_name] job_id1 [after] job_id2 Note: By default, this command moves job_id1 ahead of job_id2. The options available with the vlqmove command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. [after] Specifies that job_id1 should be placed after job_id2. Example: 1) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 Job-Type Record Erase Copy Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Waiting 0:natasha 2002/05/29_01:30 Waiting 0: 2002/05/29_01:30 Waiting 0: 2002/05/29_01:30 Note: In the example the job with Job ID 1 will be the first to be started. 2) To change the priority order of the jobs 1 and 2, enter: #>vlqmove 2 1 Note: In the example, the job with Job ID 2 is selected to move this job to the top of the list. 3) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 Job-Type Erase Record Copy Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Waiting 0: 2002/05/29_01:30 Waiting 0:natasha 2002/05/29_01:30 Waiting 0: 2002/05/29_01:30 Note: Now the job with Job ID 2 is at the top of the list and will be the first job that will be processed. Page 83 of 86 Deleting Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List The vlqremove command is used to remove a job in the delayed jobs queue list that is controlled by the QStar VL scheduler process. This command can be used to clear completed, completed with error, and unwanted incomplete records. vlqremove [-H host_name] job_id The options available with the vlqremove command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. Example: 1) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/05/28_20:51 QStar_Release 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 Job-Type Record Erase Copy Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Waiting 0:natasha 2002/05/29_01:30 Waiting 0: 2002/05/29_01:30 Waiting 0: 2002/05/29_01:30 2) To delete a job from the delayed jobs queue list, enter: #>vlqremove 1 Note: In the example, the job with Job ID 1 is removed from the list. 3) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 2 2002/05/28_20:53 Erase shelf #2 3 2002/05/28_20:54 Make copy of shelf #8 Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Erase Waiting 0: 2002/05/29_01:30 Copy Waiting 0: 2002/05/29_01:30 Note: Once a job for the delayed recording procedure is removed from the list the job is canceled and the associated image file in the Images Directory is removed. Page 84 of 86 DISPLAYNG ERROR CONDITIONS FOR DELAYED JOBS If an error occurred during a Delayed job, the error information will be displayed in the record regarding the job. Information on the error encountered in delayed jobs queue list can be displayed using the vlqlist command. The syslog file will report additional information about the error encountered during the job procedure. The vlqlist command used with the –l (Output on Long Format) option allows displaying detailed error information for the delayed jobs present in the delayed jobs queue list. #>vlqlist –l Record ID: 2 Job: Record Job Status: Error Job Name: QStar Release Sender Hostname: brian Sender UID: 0 Registration Date: 2002/04/19_13:15 Start Date: 2002/04/19_13:29 End Date: 2002/04/19_13:30 Error: USCSICMD ioctl: try jb:6a 82 Mb: cdr_write: write process was interrupted: SCSI cmd 0x2a (write): I/O error Delayed Start Date: Notification Mail Address: [email protected] Test Write Mode: no test Write Speed: 4 Buffer Size(Mb): 0 Device Name: jb Shelf Number: 6 Side: A Image Size: 86372352 Image Path: /sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images/brian.1019214846.img Set Name: Leave Open: No Note: In the example an error occurred during the delayed recording procedure is displayed. Page 85 of 86 Page 86 of 86 This chapter describes, in detail, the inner workings of the magnetic cache. The magnetic cache serves as the interface between the user requests and the archive media. All migration to and from the archive media is transparent to all users and applications due to the advanced underlying features of the magnetic cache. Included in this chapter are the following: • Definitions of commonly used terms • Descriptions of cache management • Procedures for recovery after an error has occurred • Descriptions of cache files created in the cache_root directory • Examples of how to use the Migration Manager commands MIGRATION MANAGER DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................... 2 Migration Manager Terminology..................................................................................................... 2 Events............................................................................................................................................. 3 File Migration Attributes.................................................................................................................. 3 Migrator Manager Parameters for an Integral Volume Set ............................................................ 4 FILE MIGRATION............................................................................................................................... 5 Archiving ......................................................................................................................................... 5 File Migration Modes ...................................................................................................................... 6 MANAGING THE CACHE .................................................................................................................. 6 Structure and Files in the Cache Database.................................................................................... 6 The Cache Files ............................................................................................................................. 7 MIGRATION MANAGER COMMANDS ............................................................................................. 8 MOUNTING AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET....................................................................................... 9 CHECKING THE MOUNTED STATUS OF AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET .................................... 10 ERROR CONDITION DURING MOUNT OPERATIONS ................................................................. 11 SHARE AND MOUNT AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET FROM A CLIENT MACHINE ...................... 12 UNMOUNTING AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET ............................................................................... 13 ARCHIVING NOTIFICATION ........................................................................................................... 14 DISPLAYING AND MONITORING CACHE INFORMATION........................................................... 15 Information Displayed for a kOFS File System ............................................................................ 15 Information Displayed for a SDF or OFS File System.................................................................. 16 Information Displayed for the UDF File System ........................................................................... 17 Information Displayed for a CD-ROM File System....................................................................... 18 Additional Cache Information Displayed on SGI, Linux and HP-UX Platforms............................ 19 MANAGING THE CACHE PARAMETERS ...................................................................................... 22 ERROR HANDLING AND RECOVERY FOR ALL FILE SYSTEMS ................................................ 24 Error Condition while Processing a Delayed Event...................................................................... 24 Example of Error Condition in the Cache ..................................................................................... 24 POWER FAILURE, SYSTEM CRASH OR REBOOTING WITHOUT UNMOUNTING .................... 25 Transaction Logging Cache ......................................................................................................... 26 Page 1 of 26 MIGRATION MANAGER DESCRIPTION The Migration Manager was designed to provide a Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) system view of a collection of diverse types of storage media. This includes magnetic disks and RAID, Optical, CD or DVD jukeboxes and drives, Tape jukeboxes and drives. The job of the Migration Manager is to combine all of these technologies into a Virtual File System called an Integral Volume set. An Integral Volume set looks and feels to the user like a standard magnetic disk. This means that all standard applications, including network-based applications, can work with the Integral Volume set without modification and in the same manner that they would work with a normal magnetic disk. Logically, the Migration Manager is divided into two Software components: The first is called the Migration Server. The Migration Server is responsible for servicing all requests for the Integral Volume set. The Migration Server is primarily responsible for the first tier of the storage management hierarchy; in other words it manages the data which resides on the magnetic disk cache. The Migration Server is tuned to provide the highest performance for retrieving data that resides in the magnetic disk cache. It is also responsible for enforcing a set of Migration Policies, which determines when and what data is migrated to and from the secondary tiers of storage. The second component is the Migrator. The Migrator is responsible for managing the archive(s). There are actually several different versions of the Migrator, depending on the type of storage managed by the archive and the functionality required when migrating the data. Migration Manager Terminology Archive A mass storage resource that is the source and destination of all the files accessed by clients. Cache A space (or a separate file system) that is used for temporarily holding data and metadata (directories and inodes - file status information) from the Archive. Event An action to be performed which changes the state of a file or the file system itself. Delayed event An event that has been performed on the cache but has not yet been performed on the Archive. Page A portion, which every file is logically divided into one or more 64 Kb chunks, called pages. Primary page A page that has been written to while it was present in the cache (that is, a page that has been modified in the cache but is not yet archived). Replicated page A page which has been copied into the cache from the Archive. Archived page A page, which has been written to the Archive but is still in the cache. Archiving Writing the primary data from the cache to the Archive. Archiving can also refer to processing the delayed events. Replicating Copying data from the Archive into the cache. Page 2 of 26 Events Events are the basis of the Migrator Manager functionality. Every action on the Integral Volume set is represented by an event. The Migrator Server performs all changes that are to be carried out in response to an event both in the cache and on the Archive. In the cache, events are performed immediately. In the Archive, they are performed later. The following groups of events are supported: Events generated by file and I/O syscalls Events that change the file system state: create, link, mkdir, remove, rename, rmdir, setattr (combines chmod, chown, truncate, utime), symlink and write syscalls. Events that read information from the file system: lookup, readdir, readlink, and statfs. A free-file event is generated when the link count of the file drops to 0 and this file is no longer referenced in the kernel. Page fault and Directory faults If the required page is not present in the cache, a read and write generate a page-fault event. Any access to a directory in which contents are not stored in the cache generates a dir-fault event. Umount Event Generated by umount syscall. Events from the Migrator Manager commands Generated by the mmarc, mmchmod, mmparam, mmpurge, mmresume, mmsubtree commands. Delayed Events Events, which have been generated but not processed on the Archive, are called delayed events. Delayed events are stored in the delayed queue and processed on the Archive in the same order in which they were generated. Processing of the delayed queue is called archiving. File Migration Attributes Migration attributes control the behavior of how, when, and if the file is migrated. The following table lists the attributes which can be set on a per file basis. These parameters are changed using mmchmod command, and can be viewed using mmls command. Full File Migration Whenever a file is migrated, its entire contents are moved completely from one tier of the hierarchy to the other. Per Page Migration Only those pages, which are needed to satisfy the request, are migrated. An access to the file causes a page containing the referenced bytes to be read into the cache. Similarly, if a file in the cache is modified, then only those pages, which contain modified data (Primary Data), are archived. Never Archive When this attribute is set the file and its contents will never be migrated to the archive. This is useful for temporary files. Allow Archiving The file will be archived according to the standard algorithms. Keep in Cache Any page of the file that is now present in the cache or will be put in the cache cannot be swapped out of the cache. Page 3 of 26 Migrator Manager Parameters for an Integral Volume Set Parameters listed below control the behavior of the Integral Volume set. All of them can be set using the vlcache and the mmparam commands. Number of Pages in Cache Maximum number of pages which will be used for caching data to magnetic disk. Flush Delayed Events on Unmount Boolean value that specifies whether the delayed events for the Integral Volume set will automatically be processed when it is unmounted. Default is set to No. Low Primary Capacity When archiving is initiated, either by Demand Archiving or Scheduled Archiving it will continue until the number of primary pages in the cache is less than or equal to this value. Default is set to 0. High Primary Capacity This value specifies the number of primary pages that may reside in the cache. When the number of primary pages reaches this value then Demand Archiving will be initiated and will continue until the Low Primary Capacity value is reached. Default is set to 80% of the cache size. Page 4 of 26 FILE MIGRATION Archiving Archiving is the copying of primary data from the magnetic disk (cache) to the archival media. The mmarc command is used to start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media. mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the mmarc command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. QStar Software supports three start archiving policies: • Periodic Archiving - The System Administrator specifies a discrete time interval when the migration manager begins archiving. When periodic archiving is started, the migration manager begins processing delayed events until a stop archiving policy is satisfied. A copy of the data remains on the magnetic disk as archived data so you can quickly access it as needed without querying the slower archival media. • Demand Archiving - The migration manager automatically begins archiving when the primary data on the magnetic cache equals or exceeds the high primary capacity. • User Initiated Archiving - The System Administrator initiates archiving on a selected Integral Volume set. This method lets you archive critical files as soon as they are written. Any archiving method, or all three, can occur in an Integral Volume set. However, a well-configured Integral Volume set uses periodic archiving as its primary method of controlling the migration cycle. This can be achieved using the mmarc command with the cron command. Once the mmarc command is inserted in the appropriate crontab file, the cron command starts a process that executes the mmarc command on the specified dates and times. QStar also supports stop archiving policies. These rules determine when the archiving cycle should cease. The supported policies are: • All Delayed Events - All primary data and all delayed events are archived. This policy ensures that all files as well as all high level changes such as changing ownership or permissions are processed on the archive media. This is the default stop archiving policy. • Low Primary Capacity - The migration manager stops archiving once a certain amount of data has been archived. This amount is determined by the value of the tunable parameter, Low Primary Capacity. This parameter is useful in controlling the archiving to a defined data amount decreasing the length of the archiving cycle. • Agetime - Only files written prior to the agetime are archived. This user definable value maintains recently written data in primary form. This limit is highly useful for customers who mainly access recently written files. These files will remain in the cache until they exceed the agetime value. The System Administrator sets the primary agetime and low primary capacity parameters based on Integral Volume set usage characteristics. Page 5 of 26 File Migration Modes QStar’s migration manager allows migration to occur in two modes: data segment mode and full file mode. In data segment mode, a file is viewed as a collection of data segments of discrete size. Each segment can be migrated individually or collectively with other segments. In full file mode, the migration manager always migrates the complete file as a single entity. With large files, segment migration is more efficient than full file migration. For example, imaging applications typically store a multi-page document as a single file, often as large as 100 Megabytes or more. In segment migration mode, only the pages that have been accessed or modified are migrated. This results in a substantial timesavings: it’s more efficient to migrate, modify, and archive two Megabytes (or less) than do the same with 100 Megabytes. Magnetic disk and archival media resources are used most efficiently, leaving more space on the magnetic disk for other data. Also, segment migration mode makes it possible to have files partially resident on magnetic and partially on the archival media. MANAGING THE CACHE Once the Integral Volume set is created using the vlcrset command and the cache location is assigned using the vlcache command, the Integral Volume set can be mounted using the mountiv command. This command can be run with different options that will be better understood after the following brief description of the cfs_cache_files and the db_files. Structure and Files in the Cache Database Inside the cache root directory that was specified with the vlcache command, there will be two types of files present after the Integral Volume set is mounted. 1) The cfs_* files. Together these files represent the cache. 2) The *_db files. Created when using the SDF, OFS and/or UDF file systems. Together they contain the table of contents of all the surfaces belonging to the Integral Volume set. Note: The kOFS file system table of content files are created in the /sys/QStar/ofs/ofscache directory. One file is created per surface of an Integral Volume set. Every file is identified by a two-part name, the set_name and the sequence_number of the media in the set (i.e.: test-000-). Page 6 of 26 The Cache Files The following are the files created in the cache_root directory: File Description cfs_tree Holds directory layout information about the Integral Volume set. This is an analog map of the directory tree of the covered file system. cfs_attr<num> This file contains the file metadata. In other words, it contains all the standard attribute information about the files in the Integral Volume set. In addition it contains the extended attribute information which consists of the files Migration Attributes. On many computer platforms there is a limitation on the size of a file to 2 or 4 GB. The Migration Manager, by creating multiple cfs_attr files, resolves the problem of this limitation. cfs_event All delayed events are held in this file. cfs_pte Holds Page Table Entries (PTEs), which describe the state of every page in the cache. cfs_info Holds Integral Volume set information such as the Migration Parameters. cfs_log This file contains the transaction log information. The transaction log will be replayed automatically by the QStar Software at the next mount to restore or repair the cache in case of abrupt computer failures. cfs_page_<num> Holds the actual file data or pages. On many computer platforms there is a limitation on the size of a file to 2 or 4 GB. The Migration Manager Module allows the number of pages in a cache to be virtually unlimited by creating multiple page files (named cfs_pages_0, cfs_pages_1, etc), up to a maximum of 256. cfs_mig_<name> For some types of migrators, additional database files may be created which store migrator specific information. cfs_lock Used to lock or unlock the cache. The sdf_db or ofs_db files are the table of content files for the SDF and OFS file systems. The files are created in the cache_root directory and are as follows: File Description sdf_node ofs_node sdf_jblk ofs_jblk sdf_dir This file contains “tnodes” (sdf or ofs type inodes) for all files and directories on a sdf or ofs set. Each tnode is 128 bytes in size and contains “map entries” (pairs of ‘volume, position’ for a 64K data block) for file or “directory blocks” for directories. It also contains attributes of file (directory). 2 tnodes (0 and 1) are reserved and contain some “global” data (number of tnodes, number of free tnodes, set ID etc.). This file contains “indirect blocks” and “double-indirect blocks” for map entries for file or directory entries. These blocks are used if a file grows larger than ~640K (~20K for directory). This file contains directory blocks (1K each) ofs_dir sdf_log This file collects information for sdf and ofs files. ofs_log Page 7 of 26 The udf_db files are the table of content files for the UDF file system. The files are created in the cache_root directory and are as follows: File Description udf_master This file contains the indicator for the type of set, automount and logical volume identifier (1 if single- or multi-volume, for every volume if automount). udf_stamp This file has no data. File length shows how the set has been synced or unmounted: 1 - transactions have not been synced yet 2 - udf_db files have been synced 3 - media have been synced 4 - set has been correctly unmounted udf_transaction This file contains the sequence of transactions made after the last sync point. Note: The cfs_page file is a static file, the size is represented in 2 GB cfs_page files, the number of cfs_page files is equal to the cache size assigned to the Integral Volume set when it was created. Except on 64 bit systems which will only have one cfs_page file regardless of the cache size. All the cfs_*, udf_db, ofs_db and sdf_db are dynamic files and will grow in size with the number of files written to the Integral Volume set. QStar recommends always reserving some free space in the cache location in order to let the dynamic cache files grow. Note1: QStar recommends not doing a backup of the directory where the QStar Software is installed or the QStar cache directories while the Integral Volume set is mounted. If a backup utility is used while an Integral Volume set is mounted there is a very good possibility that the cache files and the Integral Volume set database will be corrupted. The cache files will be rebuilt from the media in the case of disaster. However, if there is a requirement to do a backup of the cache files it is recommended that the Integral Volume set is un-mounted first. Also, keep in mind that because the cache files change every time a file is written to the Integral Volume set restoring the cache files from a backup will most likely generate an inconsistency between the cache files and the media. Therefore, restoring the cache files is not recommended. MIGRATION MANAGER COMMANDS Command Description mmarc Start the archiving mmchmod Change migration attributes of the specified files mmdelay Print the delayed queue mmls List the information of specified files mmparam Set or print the cache parameters mmresume Clear covered file system errors mmpurge Free pages in the cache mmsubtree Remove or add a sub tree in the cache Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for these commands in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this chapter. Page 8 of 26 MOUNTING AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET The mountiv command is used to mount an Integral Volume set on a specified mount_point directory. mountiv [-H host_name] [-Inra] set_name mount_point Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the mountiv command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. 1) To mount the Integral Volume set Test for the first time (cache root directory empty) on the /mnt directory, enter: #>mountiv Test /mnt Note: No flag is needed to build the cache files if the cache root directory is empty. 2) To mount the Integral Volume set Test with a clean cache on the /mnt directory, enter: #>mountiv –n Test /mnt Note: The “–n” flag will rebuild all existing cache files, ensure that all primary pages have been archived before using this flag. 3) To mount the Integral Volume set Test with new “sdf_db or ofs_db” files on the /mnt directory, enter: #>mountiv –I Test /mnt Note: The “-I” option is ignored for UDF and CD-ROM file system. 4) To mount The Integral Volume set Test in read only mode on the /mnt directory, enter: #>mountiv –r Test /mnt Note: The Integral Volume set can be mounted in read only mode and with new “sdf_db” or "ofs_db” files using the vlcrset or vleditset commands. For more detailed information, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. Note1: When using Tape media the number of Integral Volume sets that can be mounted at one time is limited by the number of drives available in the jukebox. Page 9 of 26 CHECKING THE MOUNTED STATUS OF AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET The System Administrator can verify that the file system is correctly mounted using the UNIX df -k or mount commands. The QStar Software also maintains the mount status information of the Integral Volume set in the VL database. This information is displayed using vllsset command. 1) To display the mount status for the Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 Media=2 Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Note: The following platforms, Solaris, DEC/Compaq, AIX use Mounted at /mount_point to display the mount state of the Integral Volume set. Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=ac100186.3baa064d Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Published as Test 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0,1 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_number=2,3 Media=2 Published=a,b Published=a,b Note: The following platforms, HP-UX, Linux and SGI use Published as Set_Name to display the mount state of the Integral Volume set. Page 10 of 26 ERROR CONDITION DURING MOUNT OPERATIONS The mountiv command can return with an error condition. This section will explain what these errors mean and how to remedy them. Error message example 1: mountiv: host_name: , set Test: Migrator files invalid or belong to different set This error means that the “sdf_db” or “ofs_db” files are corrupted or are already in use with another Integral Volume set. Check to see if the cache root directory specified for this Integral Volume set is the same as another Integral Volume set. If it is the same, change it or remove all files inside the cache root directory and run the mountiv command. Error message example 2: mountiv: /export/home/Test: host_name: , set Test: prepare cache: Cache files belong to different file system This error means that the “cfs_*” files are already in use with another Integral Volume set (set with cache). Check to see if the cache root directory specified for this Integral Volume set is the same as another Integral Volume set. If it is the same, change it or remove all files inside the cache root directory and run the mountiv command again with the option, “-n”. Error message example 3: mountiv: host_name: , set Test: Busy directory or mount point This error means that the mount point specified for this Integral Volume set is already in use by another Integral Volume set or file system. Change the mount point directory. Page 11 of 26 SHARE AND MOUNT AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET FROM A CLIENT MACHINE Once the Integral Volume set is created and the file system is mounted the System Administrator if required can share the file system on the network. A) Share and mount from the client Machine the Integral Volume set on Solaris, DEC/Compaq and AIX platforms. To share the file system use the UNIX specific share or exportfs commands. share [ -F FSType ] [ -o specific_options ] [ -d description ] [ pathname ] (Solaris) exportfs [-aiuv] [-o options] [directory] (AIX) To mount the file system from a client machine the UNIX specific platform mount command is used. B) Share and mount from the client Machine the Integral Volume set on Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms. For these platforms by default the file system is already shared, to change this option use the -U {local|share} option in vlcrset or vleditset command. This option specifies whether an Integral Volume set can only be accessed from the local server or shared on the network. 1) To mount the file system from a client machine the UNIX specific platform mount command is used specifying the port number as 5005. mount -o port=5005 < host_name >:<set_name> <mount_point> Note: The port number must be specified, additionally the System Administrator can also select tcp or udp and nfs 2 or nfs3. 2) The mountiv command may be used if the QStar Software is installed on a client machine: mountiv <host_name>:<set_name> < mount_point> mountiv [-H host_name] set_name mount_point Page 12 of 26 UNMOUNTING AN INTEGRAL VOLUME SET QStar highly recommends that the file system is unshared before the Integral Volume set is unmounted. To unmount the Integral Volume set the umount or umountiv commands are used. The QStar umountiv command finds the mount_point for the Integral Volume set specified by the set_name argument. It then detaches the mount_point from the Integral Volume set. If the mount_point and the Integral Volume set are located on the same host, umountiv closes the Integral Volume set (making the integral volume unavailable to all clients). umountiv [-H host_name] {set_name | mount_point} The UNIX umount command unmounts the Integral Volume set specifying with the argument of either the mount_point or the set_name. The umount command is only available for the Solaris, DEC/Compaq and AIX platforms. umount { set_name | mount_point } The main difference between umount and the umountiv commands are that the umountiv command does not require root privileges to be run and any users that have been added to the priv.users file can run the umountiv. For more detailed information, please refer to Chapter 3 - Installing and Configuring QStar Software in this manual. A) Unmount the Integral Volume set on Solaris, DEC/Compaq and AIX platforms. 1) To unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the /mnt directory, enter: #>umount /mnt 2) To unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the /mnt directory, enter: #>umount Test 3) To unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the /mnt directory, enter: #>umountiv /mnt 4) To unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the /mnt directory, enter: #>umountiv Test Note: The System Administrator may use either the umountiv or the umount command to unmount an Integral Volume set for these platforms. Page 13 of 26 B) Unmount the Integral Volume set Test on Linux, SGI or the HP-UX platforms. 1) To unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the /mnt directory, enter: #>umountiv Test 2) To unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the /mnt directory, enter: #>umountiv /mnt Note: To ensure that the Integral Volume set will be completely unmounted, QStar does not recommend using the umount command on these platforms. The umount command will unmount the Integral Volume set locally only but will not remove access from the network because the Integral Volume set will remain Published. At this point the System Administrator may unmount the Integral Volume set from the network also, by running the unmountiv command or may restore the Integral Volume set locally by running the mountiv command. ARCHIVING NOTIFICATION The QStar Software includes a feature to inform the System Administrator when archiving starts and stops. To enable this logging feature, create the mcfs_archiving_log_on file in /sys/QStar/log directory. Once this file is created all the archiving start/stop information will be logged into the QStar /sys/QStar/log/syslog file. Page 14 of 26 DISPLAYING AND MONITORING CACHE INFORMATION The mmparam command is used to display, modify and monitor cache information. To display the cache use the mmparam command with no options, this will display the current status of the cache. To modify the cache use the mmparam command with the flags and switches to alter the high_primary_capacity or the low_primary_capacity. To monitor the cache during archiving use the mmparam command repeatedly to view the current state of the on going archive. Using the mmparam command without any switches will display the following information. mmparam {-c cache_root | [-H host_name] set_name | filename} | mmparam [-u {0|1}] [-l low_primary_capacity] [-h high_primary_capacity] {[-H host_name] set_name | filename} Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the mmparam command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. Information Displayed for a kOFS File System To display the cache parameters for an Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt Cache root: Mcfs mount point: Max number of pages: Flush on umount: Low primary capacity: High primary capacity: Page size: Present pages: Primary pages: Replicated pages: Archived pages: Keep in cache: Archive never: Files in cache: Number of delayed events: Read/write access: Mount state: Error condition: Archiving: Migrator: Covered root: /export/home/cache_Test /mnt 100 (6400 Kbytes) No 0 pages (0 Kbytes) 80 pages (5120 Kbytes) 64 Kbytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 Read-write Unmounted No Not started standard /sys/QStar/tmp/mnt_913917636_16254 Page 15 of 26 Information Displayed for a SDF or OFS File System To display the cache parameters for an Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt Cache root: Mcfs mount point: Max number of pages: Flush on umount: Low primary capacity: High primary capacity: Page size: Present pages: Primary pages: Replicated pages: Archived pages: Keep in cache: Archive never: Files in cache: Number of delayed events: Read/write access: Mount state: Error condition: Archiving: Migrator: Medium drive type: Writing to partition: Number of partitions: Max.number of opened partitions: Max.number of write buffers: Compression: Page 16 of 26 /export/home/cache_Test /mnt 100 (6400 Kbytes) No 0 pages (0 Kbytes) 80 pages (5120 Kbytes) 64 Kbytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Read-write Mounted No Not started sdf ERASBLE /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb11a 2 8 64 Off Information Displayed for the UDF File System To display the cache parameters for an Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt Cache root: Mount point: Max number of pages: Flush on umount: Low primary capacity: High primary capacity: Page size: Present pages: Primary pages: Replicated pages: Archived pages: Keep in cache: Archive never: Files in cache: Number of delayed events: Read/write access: Mount state: Error condition: Archiving: Migrator: /export/home/cache_Test /mnt 100 (6400 Kbytes) No 0 pages (0 Kbytes) 80 pages (5120 Kbytes) 64 Kbytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Read-write Mounted No Not started udf Page 17 of 26 Information Displayed for a CD-ROM File System To display the cache parameters for an Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt Cache root: Mount point: Max number of pages: Flush on umount: Low primary capacity: High primary capacity: Page size: Present pages: Primary pages: Replicated pages: Archived pages: Keep in cache: Archive never: Files in cache: Number of delayed events: Read/write access: Mount state: Error condition: Archiving: Migrator: Covered root: Number of covered CD's: Page 18 of 26 /export/home/cache /mnt 100 (6400 Kbytes) No 0 pages (0 Kbytes) 80 pages (5120 Kbytes) 64 Kbytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 55207 0 Read-only Mounted No Not started cd 47 Additional Cache Information Displayed on SGI, Linux and HP-UX Platforms On the SGI, Linux and HP-UX platforms instead of “Mount point” the “Share name” will be displayed. To display the cache parameters for an Integral Volume set named Test, enter: #>mmparam Test Cache root: /cache/Test Share name: linux1:Test Max number of pages: 100 (640000 Kbytes) Flush on umount: No Low primary capacity: 0 pages (0 Kbytes) High primary capacity: 80 pages (512000 Kbytes) Page size: 64 Kbytes Present pages: 9744 Primary pages: 0 Replicated pages: 0 Archived pages: 9744 Keep in cache: 0 Archive never: 0 Files in cache: 74 Number of delayed events: 0 Read/write access: Read-write Error condition: No Archiving: Not started Migrator: sdf Medium drive type: Writing to partition: /sys/QStar/dev/jb0/rjb22a Number of partitions: 1 Max.number of opened partitions: 0 Max.number of write buffers: 0 Compression: Off Page 19 of 26 The main parameters are described as follows: General Parameter Description Cache root: /export/home/cache_Test Displays the location of the cache root directory Mcfs mount point: /mnt(kOFS,OFS,SDF) Mount point of the Integral Volume set Mount point: /mnt Share name: (UDF,CD) Test (HP-UX,LINUX,SGI) Max number of pages:100 (640000 Kbytes) Total number of cache pages allocated to the Integral Volume set Flush on umount: No Process (archive) all the delayed events on umount Default = No (Recommended) Low primary capacity: 0 pages(0 Kbytes) Low primary Capacity value (the point archiving stops) Default = 0 pages High primary capacity: 80pages(5120 Kbytes) High primary capacity value ( the point archiving will begin automatically) Default = 80 % of the total pages Page size: 64 Kbytes Size of each page Default = 64 Kbytes Present pages: 0 Primary pages: 0 Status of the pages in the cache Replicated pages: 0 Archived pages: 0 Keep in cache: 0 Archive never: 0 Files in cache: 9 Number of pages set with these specific attributes Files present in the cache Number of delayed events: 0 Number of delayed events to be processed when archiving starts Read/write access: Read-write Type of access to the media Default = Read-write for SDF, OFS, kOFS and UDF Default = Read-only for CD-ROM Mount state: Mounted Mount status of the Integral volume set HP-UX,LINUX and SGI does not display a Mount State Error condition: No Error condition notification Archiving: Not started Archiving status Page 20 of 26 Migrator: standard (kOFS) Type of migrator ofs sdf udf cd Covered root: /sys/QStar/tmp/mnt_913917636_16254 Temporary mount point where the optical media is mounted. For kOFS only Number of covered CD's: 47 Number of CD-ROM Media associated to a set. For CR-ROM only Medium drive type: ERASBLE Type of current writing medium of the Integral Volume set For SDF only Writing to partition:/sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb11a Device name of the current write surface Not displayed for CD-ROM and UDF Number of partitions: 2 Total number of “partitions” (sides of double-sided media or individual tapes) allocated to the sdf set This may grow when the Volume Librarian adds new volumes to the Integral Volume set For SDF only Max.number of opened partitions: 8 Maximum number of partitions that the sdf_migrator may keep open at one time, the default is 8. This is meaningless for sdf on MO/WORM disks, but should not be more than the actual number of drives in a jukebox when tapes are used (jbscheduler can not unload a tape from a drive if the tape is open). This number instructs the sdf_migrator to close one of the partitions when it wants to open another and shows the number of currently open partitions that exceeds this max limit. For SDF only Max.number of write buffers: 64 For drives with a write buffer, the drive migrator keeps the last N data buffers in memory until it ensures that these buffers have been actually written to the medium. Optical disk drives only have 2 buffers if write buffering is not physically enabled 4 if it is enabled. Tape drives always maintain 64 buffers. For SDF only Compression: off This flag displays if compression is used on the tape drive; for optical media it is Off For SDF only Page 21 of 26 MANAGING THE CACHE PARAMETERS The QStar Software includes several commands that allow the System Administrator to tune the cache parameters to achieve the best performance and optimal setting for his environment. A description for each command is made in order to explain how and when the following commands should be used. QStar recommends reviewing the explanation of the following commands in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. A) The mmls command is used to display the status of the files in the cache and check the attributes for files and directories. mmls [-Rps] [filename ...] The mmls command prints the cache information on the files specified by the filename argument. If the files are not specified the current directory is used. If a file has a zero size and has not been created in the covered file system, its migration status is “Non-covered”. A page that is present in the cache can be primary, replicated, or archived. The mmls command does not copy the directories it lists into the cache, if the files are not present the mmls command displays the directory as empty. The mmls command does not communicate with the cache server (even when the system is mounted) and reads the data directly from the cache files. If the system is mounted and the server uses a log facility for writing into the cache files, the mmls output may not be up-to-date or accurate. To display the status of the files in the cache for an Integral Volume set named Test mounted on /mnt, enter: #>mmls -Rp /mnt Directory Directory Directory Regular Out-of-cache Regular Out-of-cache Regular Out-of-cache Segmented Segmented Segmented -f-v-k -f-v-k -f-v-k -f-v-k -f-v-k -f-v-k / test 7394.1 01 02 03 To display the status of the files in the cache for an Integral Volume set named Test mounted on /mnt, enter: #>mmls -Rps /mnt/test Directory -f-v-k Cnode_number=3 Ino=3 Mode=40755 UID=0 GID=0 Nlink=4 Size=2048 Directory -f-v-k Cnode_number=1642 Ino=4 Mode=40755 UID=0 GID=0 Nlink=2 Size=2048 Regular Out-of-cache Segmented -f-v-k Cnode_number=1644 Present=0 Primary=0 Ino=5 Mode=100755 UID=0 GID=0 Nlink=1 Size=1048576 Regular Out-of-cache Segmented -f-v-k Cnode_number=1645 Present=0 Primary=0 Ino=9 Mode=100755 UID=0 GID=0 Nlink=1 Size=1048576 Regular Out-of-cache Segmented -f-v-k Cnode_number=1646 Present=0 Primary=0 Ino=11 Mode=100755 UID=0 GID=0 Nlink=1 Size=1048576 Page 22 of 26 /test 7394.1 01 02 03 B) The mmchmod command is used to change the migration attributes of specified cache files. This command is useful if the System Administrator does not want to archive some files to the archival media but wants to keep them in the cache. mmchmod [-R] {+|-}{fvk} ... filename ... The attributes are designated by the letters fvk with the + / - prefix. The +/- f determines if a file is segmented or not. The +/- v determines if the primary pages of a file are archived or not. The +/- k determines if any page of a file that is present in the cache will be swapped out of the cache or not. If an attribute is set for a directory all files in that directory will have the same attributes; this excludes any subdirectories. The total number of number of keep in cache and archive never files is printed using the mmparam command, and the files status attributes can be displayed with mmls command. C) The mmsubtree command removes or adds a subtree within the cache. This command is useful for rebuilding one part of the directory subtree tree information stored in the cache database without rebuilding the whole directory structure within the cache. mmsubtree -a path/new_subdir_name mmsubtree -r {tree|data|kill} path mmsubtree -c {tree|data} path Note : The mmsubtree –c data path command is used for Prefetching files. D) The mmparam command is used to change the High and Low Water Mark Level of the cache in order to tune the cache to allow more reads than write requests or viceversa. The mmparam command also includes the -u (0| 1) option that uses the boolean value to specify whether or not to process the delayed event queue when the Integral Volume set is unmounted. mmparam {-c cache_root | [-H host_name] set_name | filename} | mmparam [-u {0|1}] [-l low_primary_capacity] [-h high_primary_capacity] {[-H host_name] set_name | filename} E) The vlinset command depending on the file system being used allows editing the offline location, adding or removing a media from the covered file system, copying the information from the media into the cache, locking the data related to a media into the cache, removing related information for the media from the cache (tree, data, media or all), specifying the subdirectory name where the media will be mounted and specifying the filename format. vlinset [-H host_name][-f offline] [-c {tree|data}][-alu][-r {tree|data|medium|all}] [set_type_specific_options] set_name in_set_number set_type ofs sdf cd udf set_type_specific_options: [-D dir_name][-C {short|long|set}] Note: The vlinset command is used primarily with CD/DVD-ROM Integral Volume sets to implement Full Directory Caching of the contents of a selected CD/DVD-ROM media. Caching the directory structures of a selected CD/DVD-ROM into the cache increases the read performance by eliminating the need to repeatedly access the jukebox and allows removal of the media from the jukebox by keeping the contents of the CD/DVD-ROM online in the cache. Page 23 of 26 ERROR HANDLING AND RECOVERY FOR ALL FILE SYSTEMS The archive component of an Integral Volume set is typically a mass storage device such as a Tape, Optical, DVD or CD jukebox connected either to the local computer or to another computer on the network. These mass storage devices, as well as the network, can have hardware faults which cause an error to be produced during archiving. The Migration Server protects the integrity of the Integral Volume set, and its data, by maintaining the currently processed delayed event in the queue until the Migrator has notified it of successful completion. Error Condition while Processing a Delayed Event If the Migrator returns an error condition while processing a delayed event, then the Migration Server will automatically set itself to an error condition. In this condition the archiving will stop. In addition, any processes waiting on an event, which requires access to the archive, will return errors as will any new accesses to the Integral Volume set which require access to the archive. Any accesses to the Integral Volume set, which do not require access to the archive, will process as normal. Example of Error Condition in the Cache If an error condition occurs in the cache, the QStar Software directs an error message to the system console window and the /sys/QStar/log/syslog file. Below is an example of the error messages: mmserver: /cache/103019992: Covered file system error: No such device or address: PAGE_FAULT: Client UID=0, Client GID=0 Cnode_number=6602, Ino=7273, page_number=0, page_address=155, map_size=65536 The status of the cache can be monitored using the mmparam command and if an error occurs, the “Error Condition” line of this command will display the following message: Error condition: COVERED ERROR At this point, the System Administrator can fix the problem with the archive and resume normal processing by clearing the error condition of the Integral Volume set using the following command: #>mmresume (mount_point | set_name) Note: This command can be used in conjunction with two different flags, “–e” and “–n”. Never use these flags without contacting QStar Technical Support Personnel first. For more detailed information on the mmresume command, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. If necessary, the Integral Volume set may be unmounted and the system halted to repair the problem with the archive prior to issuing the mmresume command. During this entire process, the maximum level of availability to data is maintained while at the same time protecting the Integral Volume set from data loss or corruption. Page 24 of 26 POWER FAILURE, SYSTEM CRASH OR REBOOTING WITHOUT UNMOUNTING In the event of a system crash due to power failure or other cause, the Integral Volume sets will not be cleanly unmounted. Some steps will be taken care of automatically, but the System Administrator must ensure other steps are carried out to bring the Integral Volume sets back online. The set database will be initialized on startup by _vlserver and any media left in drives will be returned to their shelves when the jbscheduler starts. The first time the Integral Volume sets are mounted after the sever was rebooted the QStar Software will perform a consistency check between the cache file system and the cache log file (called Transaction Logging Cache), this action is completely transparent to the users. QStar recommends the following steps: 1) Check the consistency of the disk partition containing the QStar cache using the UNIX fsck command: Platform Digital UNIX Sun Solaris HP/UX IBM AIX SGI IRIX Command (example) fsck /dev/rrz1e fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s5 fsck /dev/vg00/rvol4 fsck /dev/lv08 fsck /dev/rdsk/dks1d1s0 2) Remount the sets using the mountiv or mountset command. Some sets may take longer to mount, as the QStar Software may need to carry out further recovery procedures or consistency checks. 3) After the set is mounted, try to access a file. If an I/O error is received it means that the db_files (sdf_db or ofs_db files) present in the cache partition are corrupted. To rebuild these index_files, umount the sets and run the following commands: vlrestore_fsdb set_name Once the vlrestore_fsdb command has completed remount the sets. Note: This command will require a long time to restore all the db_files. For more detailed information on the vlrestore_fsdb command, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. Page 25 of 26 Transaction Logging Cache The QStar Software checks and repairs any file system inconsistencies in the cache automatically at the next mount. In the case of a disk crash, the cache may need to be rebuilt; however, do this only if absolutely necessary. #>mountiv set_name mount_point Before mounting the Integral Volume set, the QStar Software activates the Transaction Logging feature that performs a consistency check between the cache file system and the log file. The consistency check is completely transparent to the users and the QStar Software keeps the results of in /sys/QStar/log/syslog file. Example - If there isn’t an inconsistency between the file system and the log file, the /sys/QStar/log/syslog file will contain the following lines: qs_open_tlog: log file not empty, replaying... qs_open_tlog: log file replayed successfully. /export/home/cache_Test: File system is mountable Note: If file names are displayed during this check, the listed files should be examined to see if they are corrupted. Page 26 of 26 QStar Software allows the creation of three types of media configurations. A combination of any of the three types of media configuration can co-exist within the same jukebox. This allows the user to tailor the media sets within the jukebox to his own requirements. There follows a detailed description on how to create and manage each of the three types of media configuration. SINGLE VOLUME (S.V.) CONFIGURATION..................................................................................... 3 VOLUME SET (V.S.) CONFIGURATION........................................................................................... 3 INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET CONFIGURATION ......................................................................... 4 Cache Management for Integral Volume Set Configuration ...................................................... 4 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT - MANAGING “OPTICAL” MEDIA ............................................................. 5 MANAGING A SINGLE VOLUME (S.V.)........................................................................................ 6 Design Considerations for Single Volume Configuration ........................................................... 6 Overview of Creating a Single Volume ...................................................................................... 6 SINGLE VOLUME CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX............................................ 7 SINGLE VOLUME CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE ...................... 10 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN kOFS AND OFS ON A SINGLE VOLUME (S.V.).............................. 12 MANAGING VOLUME SET (V.S.) ............................................................................................... 15 Design Considerations for Volume Set .................................................................................... 15 Overview of Creating a Volume Set ......................................................................................... 15 VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX................................................ 16 VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE ............................ 21 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 25 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 25 Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set .......................................................................... 25 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX............................. 26 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE ......... 32 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT - MANAGING “TAPE” MEDIA ................................................................. 37 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 38 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 38 Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set .......................................................................... 38 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR TAPE JUKEBOX................................... 39 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR TAPE STANDALONE DRIVE ............... 45 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT - MANAGING “DVD-RAM” MEDIA.......................................................... 50 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 51 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 51 Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set .......................................................................... 51 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM JUKEBOX ........................... 52 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM STANDALONE DRIVE........ 58 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT - MANAGING “DVD-RAM/OPTICAL” MEDIA ............................................. WITH UDF FILE SYSTEM................................................................................................................ 63 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 63 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 63 Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set .......................................................................... 63 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM/OPTICAL JUKEBOX WITH AUTOMOUNT INTERCHANGE LEVEL ........................................................................ 65 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM/OPTICAL JUKEBOX WITH MULTI-VOLUME INTERCHANGE LEVEL .................................................................... 71 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM/OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE WITH SINGLE-VOLUME INTERCHANGE LEVEL ...................................................... 77 Page 1 of 126 QSTAR CD/DVD AXXESS PRODUCT - MANAGING “CD-ROM/DVD-ROM” MEDIA .................... 82 Mounting CD-ROM Media as ISO 9660 Volumes (S.V.).............................................................. 83 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET.............................................................................. 84 Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set ....................................................................... 84 Overview of creating an Integral Volume Set........................................................................... 84 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR CD-ROM/DVD-ROM JUKEBOX WITH ISO 9660 FILE SYSTEM................................................................................................ 85 Advanced CD/DVD Axxess Commands for Controlling an Integral Volume Set with ISO 9660 File System ....................................................................................................... 90 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR CD-ROM/DVD-ROM JUKEBOX WITH UDF FILE SYSTEM AND WITH SINGLE-VOLUME INTERCHANGE LEVEL .............. 91 QSTAR CD/DVD MASTER PRODUCT - MANAGING “CD-R/DVD-R” MEDIA ............................... 96 MANAGING THE QSTAR CD/DVD MASTER SOFTWARE........................................................ 97 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR A CD/DVD-ROM JUKEBOX ..................... 98 SETTING THE CD/DVD-R WRITE PROCEDURE ...................................................................... 98 Displaying the Delayed Commands under VL Scheduler Control ........................................... 99 Displaying and Setting the General VL Configuration Properties .......................................... 100 Displaying the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Write Properties ............................................... 100 Setting the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Direct Write Properties .......................................... 100 Setting the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Delayed Write Properties ...................................... 101 CREATING AN ISO IMAGE ....................................................................................................... 102 Examples of Creating an ISO Image...................................................................................... 103 CREATING A UDF IMAGE......................................................................................................... 104 Examples of Creating a UDF Image ...................................................................................... 104 WRITING AN IMAGE FILE TO THE CD/DVD-R MEDIA ........................................................... 105 Starting the RECORD Procedure........................................................................................... 105 Selecting Target Jukebox....................................................................................................... 107 Selecting Target Shelves ....................................................................................................... 107 Starting the CD/DVD-R Direct Write Procedure..................................................................... 108 Direct Write Procedure Using Any Option.......................................................................... 108 Direct Write Procedure Using a Specified Shelf ................................................................ 108 Information Displayed During the Direct Write Procedure ................................................. 109 Starting the CD/DVD-R Delayed Write Procedure ................................................................. 110 Delayed Write Procedure Using Any Shelf Option............................................................. 110 Delayed Write Procedure Using a Specified Shelf............................................................. 111 Delayed Write Procedure Using Any Option and Multiple Copy ........................................ 112 Information Displayed During the Delayed Write Procedure ............................................. 113 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status in the Delayed Jobs Queue List ..................................... 114 Displaying Delayed Job Status for a Single Copy.............................................................. 115 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status for a Multiple Copy ......................................................... 116 Displaying Delayed Job Status in Long Format ................................................................. 118 Moving Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List ............................................................. 120 Deleting Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List ........................................................... 121 Burn Test Procedure Before Starting the Write Operation..................................................... 122 Laser OFF Burn Test.......................................................................................................... 122 Write OFF Burn Test .......................................................................................................... 124 ERROR CONDITIONS DURING RECORDING......................................................................... 126 Page 2 of 126 SINGLE VOLUME (S.V.) CONFIGURATION A Single Volume (S.V.) Configuration allows each piece of media (separate A and B side for optical media), to be used as a separate file system. Each file system is mounted on it’s own mount point. Both jukeboxes and standalone drives support this media configuration. VOLUME SET (V.S.) CONFIGURATION A Volume Set (V.S.) Configuration allows a single piece, or a selected group of media to be bound together as a seamless file system. The Volume Set consists of sequenced surfaces of the physical archival media. Further sequences (media), can be added manually, or dynamically as required. As the media set grows, sequences can be removed from the jukebox to an offline location, to free up shelf space for new media to be added to the jukebox. This uses the QStar offline Volume Management within the Volume Librarian (V.L.). The data still appears online and media is requested to be inserted into the jukebox if needed. By viewing the archival media as groups, or Volume Sets, rather than single, autonomous units, QStar Software lets you access large amounts of stored data without having to track their location. The advantages of using media sets include: • Ease of administration: you can export a single file system rather than cope with multiple file systems. • Ease of handling: large data files that require more than one surface are easily accommodated. • Information security: media sets can be organized and controlled by the type of information stored in them (e.g., accounting, personnel, engineering), to which you can assign different levels of access security. • Transportability: complete Volume Sets can be exported from a jukebox and then imported into another jukebox. • Duplication: you can make fast copies of the Volume Sets. This feature enables you to create baseline copies of critical sets and then store these media volumes offline for disaster recovery. QStar controls the Volume Sets according to each user’s needs. Some users may want to have one very large Volume Set, while others may prefer to departmentalize their data into several sets. You have complete control over the data, including who may access it, how, and when. You can configure Volume Sets to match your needs in any combination of the following: • A Single Volume Set per jukebox, or across all jukeboxes, or across the entire media library (online, near-line or offline). Single Volume Sets give you greater ease of administration, handling, and transportability, and lets you set common controls for entire sets. • Multiple Volume Sets per jukebox, or across all jukeboxes, or across the entire media library (online, near-line or offline). Multiple sets facilitate offline storage and transportability. They also let you conveniently segregate data by type and set as many levels of security as required. This configuration is available for both jukeboxes and standalone drives that use the kOFS file system with 512 or 1024 Byte/sector media. Page 3 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET CONFIGURATION All of the combined storage media that QStar Software manages is referred to as an Integral Volume set. An Integral Volume set is the sum total of all of the items in the storage hierarchy. To users, the QStar Integral Volume set seems like a standard magnetic disk with unlimited storage capacity. It is completely compatible with existing applications and NFS (Network File System) mounted by the Systems Administrator. Integral Volume sets can also be completely offline, such as volumes that contain infrequently accessed data. QStar Software manages all of the media in the Integral Volume set as a single unit and knows the location of all of the files and media (including those that are offline) at all times. Like a standard magnetic disk, an Integral Volume set has a hierarchical directory structure, and it can be navigated by using normal system commands. The difference is that at any point in time, a file on an Integral Volume set can actually reside on different types of storage media. For example, the entire file can be on magnetic disk only or on optical disk only; the entire file can be on optical disk with a copy on magnetic disk; or part of the file can be on magnetic disk, while the entire file is on optical disk. As depicted in a tree hierarchy, the files controlled by QStar are composed of independent data segments. The data segments that make up the file are migrated according to user access patterns. A copy of directory trees and file attributes always resides on the magnetic disk. This allows faster file lookup, file open, and directory listing operations without losing performance. In addition, a copy of this directory and file information is maintained on archival media using the QStar volume format feature, to prevent catastrophic loss in case of total magnetic disk failure. In a properly configured QStar Software Integral Volume set, files are always first written to and read from the magnetic disk; namely, users normally access the faster magnetic medium directly, rather than the slower archival media. As the magnetic disk fills up, the least recently used data is moved to the archival media, where it can be easily retrieved later, if needed. The magnetic disk portion of the Integral Volume set should be large enough to accommodate general usage, based on the average file size and the average number of users who simultaneously access the Integral Volume set. Using Integral Volume sets includes all the advantages of the Volume set configuration and the following: Single mount point for multiple platters, dynamic allocation of media, availablity of multiple file systems, ease of management and a magnetic cache for improved proformance. Cache Management for Integral Volume Set Configuration An Integral Volume set Configuration has an additional module to consider the cache. The Migration Manager controls the cache. The status of the cache can be checked and modified by the mmparam command. This allows cache parameters such as a High Water Mark and flush on umount to be altered. The High Water Mark defines the level in the cache where the data begins to flush out to the archive media. This can also be started manually by the mmarc command. The flush on umount parameter sets a flag to archive the data out to the archive media if the set is unmounted. For further details see the Chapter 6 Migration Manager or the Chapter 9 - Command Reference, later in this manual. Page 4 of 126 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT MANAGING “OPTICAL” MEDIA Optical media can be configured as a Single Volume, a Volume Set or an Integral Volume set. With any of these configurations, all the file systems that QStar Software supports are available. In this section, to easily understand how you can configure the optical media, a simple walk through will be presented that will support every type of jukebox and standalone drive that QStar Software supports. Page 5 of 126 MANAGING A SINGLE VOLUME (S.V.) Design Considerations for Single Volume Configuration This configuration allows the use of each surface of the optical media to be an independent partition mounted on a unique mount point. This configuration is available for both jukeboxes and standalone drives that use the kOFS filesystem with 512 or 1024 Byte/sector media and the OFS file system with 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 Byte/sector media. Overview of Creating a Single Volume The following is a summary of the steps performed to create, mount and monitor a Single Volume using the QStar commands. Detailed information follows in subsequent topics. Steps for a jukebox Command To Use 1. Import optical media into the jukebox(es) jbimport 2. Erase the optical media, if rewritable oerase 3. Create Single Volume file system omkfs 4. Create the mount point directory mkdir 5. Mount the Single Volume omount 6. Repeat above steps to create and mount additional surfaces 7. Umount the Single Volume umount/umountiv Steps for a standalone drive Command To Use 1. Manually load the optical media into the drive 2. Erase the optical media, if rewritable oerase 3. Create Single Volume file system omkfs 4. Create the mount point directory mkdir 5. Mount the Single Volume omount 6. Umount the Single Volume umount/umountiv 7. Unload the optical media from the drive jbexport 8. Repeat above steps to create and mount additional surfaces Monitoring a Single Volume Command To Use 1. Displaying jukebox shelf information jbstatus 2. Monitoring the file system df –k (Platform independent command) Page 6 of 126 SINGLE VOLUME CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create a Single Volume, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) To determine which jukebox shelves are empty, enter: jbstatus device_name Example - to display the status for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: ----------Mailslot 1: ----------Drive 1: Drive 2: ----------Shelf 1: Shelf 2: Shelf 3: Shelf 4: Shelf 5: Shelf 6: Shelf 7: Shelf 8: Shelf 9: Shelf 10: Shelf 11: Shelf 12: Shelf 13: Shelf 14: Shelf 15: Shelf 16: empty empty online online empty empty online online online online online online online online online online online online online online online online empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty empty Page 7 of 126 2) To import the media into a shelf, enter: jbimport device_name shelf_number Example - to import the media to shelf 1 in the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>jbimport jb 1 3) To import additional media, simply repeat the steps above with the appropriate shelf number. 4) To erase the media before using it (rewritable MO media), enter: oerase [ -v] device_name Note: If the media is WORM skip this command. Example - to erase side “A” of the media located in shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>oerase /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb1a 5) (IBM oerase /dev/jb0/rjb1a) To create the file system on an optical surface, enter: omkfs device_name [label] Example - to create the file system on surface “A” of the media in shelf 1, enter: #>omkfs /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb1a 6) (IBM omkfs /dev/jb0/rjb1a) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 7) To mount the omkfs file system, enter: omount [-a] [-k] [-r] [-I] [-z] [-i] [-c file_cache_size] table_prefix device_name mount_point Example - to mount the file system on the moint point /mnt, enter: #>omount -k jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt kOFS file system syntax (IBM device_name=/dev/jb0/jb1a) Note: The kOFS file system is not available for the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms. Page 8 of 126 #>omount jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt OFS file system syntax (IBM device_name=/dev/jb0/rjb1a) Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for kOFS, OFS and the vlcrset command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual, while reading this section. 8) To monitor usage of the file system, enter: #>df –k /mnt 9) To unmount the file system, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv /mount_point Example - to unmount the file system on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv /mnt (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. Page 9 of 126 SINGLE VOLUME CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create a Single Volume, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) Manually load the media into the drive. 2) To erase the media before using it (rewritable MO media), enter: oerase [ -v] device_name Example - to erase side “A” of the media in the standalone drive identified as jb, enter: #>oerase /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb1a 3) (IBM device_name=/dev/rsdo0) To create the file system on an optical surface, enter: omkfs device_name [label] Example - to create the file system on surface “A” of the media, enter: #>omkfs /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb1a 4) To create the mount point directory mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt Page 10 of 126 (IBM device_name=/dev/rsdo0) 5) To mount the file system, enter: omount [-a] [-k] [-r] [-I] [-z] [-i] [-c file_cache_size] table_prefix device_name mount_point Example - to mount the file system on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>omount -k jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt #>omount jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt 6) kOFS file system syntax (IBM device_name=/dev/sdo0) OFS file system syntax (IBM device_name=/dev/sdo0) To monitor usage of the file system, enter: #>df –k /mnt 7) To unmount the file system, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv /table_prefix Example - to unmount the file system on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv jb1a (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. 8) To unload the media from the drive, enter: #>jbexport jb 1 Note: On Solaris and DEC Unix (Compaq), it is possible to use a standalone drive either as a block device, device_name=/sys/QStar/dev/jb/drive1 or as a raw device, device_name=/sys/QStar/dev/jb/rdrive1. Page 11 of 126 DIFFERENCE BETWEEN kOFS AND OFS ON A SINGLE VOLUME (S.V.) On a Single Volume configuration, it is possible to use the following file systems: kOFS (Optical File System) is a kernel based file system used on QStar 3.x code This file system only supports either 512 or 1024 bytes/sector media and is not available for the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) OFS (Optical File System) is a user level file system that also supports the 2k block size media This file system supports all optical media whether it’s 512, 1024, 2048 or 4096 bytes/sector. As shown in the above example, the “-k” option in the omount command specifies that the file system to use is kOFS. To mount a surface with a kOFS file system, enter: Jukebox Syntax: omount -k jb1a /dev/jb0/jb1a /mnt omount -k jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt (IBM) (Solaris) Standalone Drive Syntax: omount -k jb1a /dev/sdo0 /mnt omount -k jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/drive1 /mnt (IBM) (Solaris) To mount a 2048 byte/sector media surface, enter: Jukebox Syntax: omount jb1a /dev/jb0/jb1a /mnt omount jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt (IBM) (Solaris) Standalone Drive Syntax: omount jb1a /dev/sdo0 /mnt omount jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/drive1 /mnt (IBM) (Solaris) Note: A media with a 2k block size cannot be mounted as a kOFS file system. A surface written as a kOFS file system can also be mounted using the OFS file system, but if any write commands are run while mounted in OFS mode, the surface can no longer be mounted as a kOFS file system. The file system will convert to OFS. If no write commands are run, the surface can be remounted as a kOFS file system. To be safe, mount the kOFS platters in Read Only mode if mounting as an OFS surface: Jukebox Syntax: omount -r jb1a /dev/jb0/jb1a /mnt omount -r jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt (IBM) (Solaris) Standalone Drive Syntax: omount -r jb1a /dev/sdo0 /mnt omount -r jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/drive1 /mnt (IBM) (Solaris) Page 12 of 126 kOFS and OFS Table of Contents files Both the OFS and kOFS file systems create a file in the /sys/QStar/ofs/ofscache directory specific to each optical surface. These files contain the pointers and onodes for files on the optical media. The names of these files are constructed using the table_prefix name and surface_sequence (i.e. set1-000-) kOFS CACHE File kOFS stores the onodes in two places, kernel memory and in two files in the /sys/QStar/ofs/ofscache directory, as listed below: Stores the 512 most recently accessed directory and file onodes. Kernel memory .ONODE_CACHE file Stores the 40,960 most recently accessed onodes from all mounted kOFS file systems. Requires 40 bytes of kernel memory per Kb of data stored in the .ONODE_CACHE file. .DIR_CACHE file Stores directory data from all mounted kOFS file systems. Maximum file size: 16,384 Kb. Requires 36 bytes of kernel memory per Kb of data stored in .DIR_CACHE. Kernel memory is allocated in chunks, and is deallocated if related directory data is not accessed within 24 hours. Note: The .ONODE_CACHE and .DIR_CACHE files are UNIQUE to the kOFS file systems. OFS CACHE File Unlike kOFS, where the .ONODE_CACHE file oversees all kOFS file systems, OFS creates a unique cache directory for each file system. The cache files are created using the table_prefix named when running the omount command. Example, a surface with the table_prefix defined as jb1a, an ls in /sys/QStar/ofs/ofscache would display the following: -rw------- 1 drwxr-xr-x 2 -rw-rw-rw- 1 . / jb1a-cache: -rw------- 1 prw------- 1 prw------- 1 -rw------- 1 -rw------- 1 -rw------- 1 -rw------- 1 -rw------- 1 -rw------- 1 prw------- 1 prw------- 1 root root root other other other root root root root root root root root root root root other other other other other other other other other other other 2116 Dec 22 11:51 jb1a-000512 Dec 22 11:50 jb1a-cache 17 Dec 22 11:51 jb1a-conf (File used by automounter on HP-UX, SGI, Linux platforms) 1048576 0 0 1024 1024 3520 1024 3520 256 0 0 Dec 22 11:50 Dec 22 18:56 Dec 22 11:51 Dec 22 11:50 Dec 22 11:50 Dec 22 11:51 Dec 22 11:50 Dec 22 11:51 Dec 22 11:50 Dec 22 18:56 Dec 22 11:50 cfs_page_0 kernel_client_port migrator_port ofs_dir ofs_iblk ofs_log ofs_ind ofs_vol ofs_node server_port user_client_port By default, QStar maintains information about the last 100 files accessed or written to a surface. You can change the number of cached files per surface using the “-c” flag with the omount command. For example, “-c 200” would maintain information about the last 200 accessed files. Page 13 of 126 The .ONODE_CACHE,.DIR_CACHE and the jb1a-cache directory they remain until: • The onodes and directory data are replaced by more recently accessed onodes and directory data • An OFS file system is unmounted. Once you unmount a file system, its onode data is invalidated; when you reboot and remount the OFS file systems, all onode cache files are rebuilt from scratch. Note: Maximum benefit of the cache files is gained when you leave your kOFS or OFS file system mounted for an extended period of time. Doing so allows the caches to become populated with the directory and onode information you are accessing most frequently. Disk Space and Memory Requirements: Combining .ONODE_CACHE, .DIR_CACHE and the jb1a-cache directory, at least 60 Mb of free space in the partition holding the /sys/QStar/ofs/ofscache directory. If you do not have sufficient space, relocate the cache files by using a symbolic link to the /sys/QStar/ofs/ofscache directory. Note: The omkfs command automatically initializes kOFS on 1024 byte/sector media and OFS on 2048 Byte/sector media. Page 14 of 126 MANAGING VOLUME SET (V.S.) This configuration is not available for the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms. Design Considerations for Volume Set This configuration allows for multiple optical media to be created as a single seamless file system. This configuration is available for both jukeboxes and standalone drives that use the kOFS file system with 512 or 1024 Byte/sector media. Overview of Creating a Volume Set The following is a summary of the steps performed to create, mount and monitor a Volume Set using the QStar commands. Detailed information follows in subsequent topics. Steps for jukebox Command To Use 1. Import optical media to the jukebox(es) vlimport 2. Erase the optical media, if rewritable vlerase 3. Repeat above steps 1and 2 for all media needed 4. Create a Volume Set definition vlcrset 5. Add optical media to a Volume Set vladdtoset 5. Create the mount point directory mkdir 6. Mount the Volume Set mountset 7. Umount the Volume Set umount Steps for standalone drive Command To Use 1. Load the optical media to the drive manually 2. Refresh status of the optical media vlrefresh 3. Erase the optical media, if rewritable vlerase 4. Create a Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Add optical media to a Volume Set vladdtoset 6. Create the mount point directory mkdir 7. Mount the Volume Set mountset 8. Umount the Volume Set umount 9. Unload the optical media from the drive vlexport Monitoring a Volume Set Command To Use 1. Displaying jukebox shelf information jbstatus 2. Monitoring the VL device information vllsdev 3. Monitoring the VL set information vllsset 4. Monitoring the file system df –k (Command platform independent) Page 15 of 126 VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create a Volume Set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) To determine the jukebox shelf and media information in reference to the Volume Librarian, enter: vllsdev device_name Example - To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1: empty Note: The shelf 1 is empty. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 2) To import the media into a shelf, enter: vlimport device_name shelf_number Example - to import the media to shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 jb: refreshing shelf 1 ... 3) To import additional media, repeat the above steps with the appropriate shelf number. Page 16 of 126 4) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 1.2 Gb Rewritable Note: This message appears if the media is rewritable and new. 1b: unknown 1.2 Gb Rewritable 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 5) To erase the media before using it (rewritable MO media), enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the media on shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlerase jb 1 6) Note: If the media is WORM skip this command. To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 1.2 Gb Rewritable Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. 1b: erased 1.2 Gb Rewritable Note1: The status in the VL database for new WORM media is blank. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty Page 17 of 126 7) To create a new Volume Set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example - create a new Volume Set definition named Test for rewritable media with kOFS file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T ofs –k Test For WORM media, the command will have different syntax: #>vlcrset –T ofs –k –u worm Test 8) To display the status of the Volume Set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Volume Set definition and associated media. Note1: The Volume Set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated to it. Note2: The Volume Set is mountable on kernel mode. Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=yes Mount_kernel_mode=yes Set_Id= No Cache 9) Media=0 To add media to the Volume Set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to the Volume Set Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 jb: initializing side a ... Note: Include media 1 and any other media in the jukebox with the same Set_Id in this Volume Set. 10) To display the status of the Volume Set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Volume Set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated to a Volume Set Test that has a Set_Id. Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=yes Mount_kernel_mode=yes Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 No Cache 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 Page 18 of 126 Media=1 11) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: kofs 1.2 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=c25b016a.3453d0e4 1b: kofs 1.2 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=c25b016a.3453d0e4 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 12) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 13) To mount the Volume Set, enter: mountset set_name mount_point Example - to mount the Volume Set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountset Test /mnt Page 19 of 126 14) To display the status of the Volume Set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Volume Set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Volume Set Test is mounted. Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=no Mount_kernel_mode=yes Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 No Cache Mounted at /mnt Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 Mounted=a Media=1 15) To monitor the Volume Set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 16) To unmount the Volume Set, enter: umount /mount_point Example - to unmount the Volume Set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt Page 20 of 126 VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create a Volume Set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) Manually load the media into the standalone drive. 2) To refresh the status of the media in the standalone drive, enter: vlrefresh device_name Example - to refresh the media in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlrefresh jb1 3) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 1.2 Gb Rewritable Note: This message appears if the media is rewritable and new. 4) To erase the media before using it (rewritable MO media), enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the surface 1a in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlerase jb1 1a 5) Note: If the media is WORM skip this command. To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 1.2 Gb Rewritable Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. Note1: The status in the VL database for new WORM media is blank. Page 21 of 126 6) To create a new Volume Set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example - create new Volume Set definition named Test1 for rewritable media with OFS file system (default), enter: #>vlcrset –T ofs –k Test1 For WORM media, the command will have different syntax: #>vlcrset –T ofs –k –u worm Test1 7) To display the status of the Volume Set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Volume Set definition and associated media. Note1: The Volume Set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated to it. Note2: The Volume Set is mountable on kernel mode. Test1 Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=yes Mount_kernel_mode=yes Set_Id= No Cache 8) Media=0 To add the media to the Volume Set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Volume Set Test1, enter: #>vladdtoset Test1 jb1 1 jb1: initializing side a ... 9) To display the status of the Volume Set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Volume Set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated with the Volume Set Test1 that has a Set_Id. Test1 Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=yes Mount_kernel_mode=yes Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 No Cache 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_numbers=0 Note: Only sequence 0 for standalone drive. Page 22 of 126 10) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: kofs 1.2 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=c25b016a.3453d0e4 11) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 12) To mount the Volume Set, enter: mountset set_name mount_point Example - to mount the Volume Set Test1 on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountset Test1 /mnt 13) To display the status of the Volume Set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Volume Set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Volume Set Test1 is mounted. Test1 Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=yes Mount_kernel_mode=yes Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 No Cache Mounted at /mnt Online=jb1:1 Sequence_numbers=0 Mounted=a Media=1 14) To monitor the Volume Set, enter: #>df -k /mnt Page 23 of 126 15) To unmount the Volume Set, enter: umount /mount_point Example - to unmount the Volume Set Test1 on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt 16) To unload the media from the drive, enter: #>vlexport jb1 1 Page 24 of 126 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set This configuration allows the use of multiple optical media to be created as a single seamless file system with a magnetic cache. This configuration is available for jukeboxes and standalone drives using OFS, SDF or kOFS file systems with any type of media. Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set The following is a summary of the steps performed to create, mount and monitor an Integral Volume set using the QStar commands. Detailed information follows in subsequent topics. Steps for jukebox Command To Use 1. Import optical media to the jukebox(es) vlimport 2. Erase the optical media, if rewritable vlerase 3. Repeat above steps 1and 2 for all media needed 4. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Add optical media to an Integral Volume set vladdtoset 6. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 7. Create the mount point directory mkdir 8. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 9. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/unountiv Steps for standalone drive Command To Use 1. Load the optical media to the drive manually 2. Refresh the status of the optical media vlrefresh 3. Erase the optical media, if rewritable vlerase 4. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 6. Create the mount point directory mkdir 7. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 8. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/umountiv 9. Unload the optical media from the drive vlexport Monitoring an Integral Volume set Command To Use 1. Displaying jukebox shelf information jbstatus 2. Monitoring the VL device information vllsdev 3. Monitoring the Integral Volume set information vllsset 4. Monitoring the file system df –k (Command platform independent) 5. Monitoring the cache status mmparam Page 25 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL JUKEBOX DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) To determine the jukebox shelf and media information in reference to the Volume Librarian, enter: vllsdev device_name Example - To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1: empty Note: The shelf 1 is empty. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 2) To import the media into a shelf, enter: vlimport device_name shelf_number Example - to import the media to shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 jb:refreshing shelf 1 ... 3) To import additional media, repeat the above steps with the appropriate shelf number. Page 26 of 126 4) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 2.4 Gb Rewritable Note: This message appears if the media is rewritable and new. 1b: unknown 2.4 Gb Rewritable 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 5) To erase the media before using it (rewritable MO media), enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the media on shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlerase jb 1 6) Note: If the media is WORM skip this command. To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. 1b: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable Note1: The status in the VL database for new WORM media is blank. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty Page 27 of 126 7) To create a new Integral Volume set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example-A - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test for rewritable media with kOFS file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T ofs –k Test Example-B - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test for rewritable media with SDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf Test Example-C - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test for rewritable media with OFS file system (default), enter: #>vlcrset Test For WORM media, the command will have different syntax: Example-D #>vlcrset –T ofs –k –u worm Test Example-E #>vlcrset –T sdf –u worm Test Example-F #>vlcrset –u worm Test Note: The SDF file system is the Primary QStar file system, in the examples for Optical media the OFS file system is used in order to demonstrate the differences between the OFS file system. The main difference between SDF and OFS is that SDF initializes the media with sequence numbers 0,1 and OFS initializes the media with sequences 0,2. This means that OFS file system require at least two pieces of media to write to both surfaces. Examples of the SDF file system are demonstrated in the DVD-RAM and Tape media sections of this chapter. 8) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test (Example-C), enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated with it. Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=yes Mount_kernel_mode=no Set_Id= No Cache 9) To add media to the Integral Volume set Test, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Page 28 of 126 Media=0 Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 jb:initializing side a ... Note: Include media 1 and any other media in the jukebox with the same Set_Id in this Integral Volume set. 10) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated with the Integral Volume set Test that has the Set_Id. Note2: The Integral Volume set is no longer Kernel mountable because the example uses 2048 byte/sector media that are supported only by the OFS and the SDF file systems. Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel mountable=no Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 No Cache 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 Media=1 11) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: ofs 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=c25b016a.3453d0e4 1b: ofs 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=c25b016a.3453d0e4 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 12) To create the cache for the Integral Volume set, enter: vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /Cache_Test for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test Test Page 29 of 126 13) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the cache is associated with the Integral Volume set Test. Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel mountable=no Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 Media=1 14) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 15) To mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache, enter: mountiv –n set_name mount_point Example - to mount the Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. 16) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test is mounted. Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel mountable=no Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 Mounted=a Page 30 of 126 17) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 18) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test 19) To start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media, enter: mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Example - to start the archiving of the files from the cache of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmarc -e /mnt #>mmarc -e Test 20) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. Page 31 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integal Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) Manually load the media into the standalone drive. 2) To refresh the status of the media in the standalone drive, enter: vlrefresh device_name Example - to refresh the media in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlrefresh jb1 3) To display the jukebox shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 2.4 Gb Rewritable Note: This message appears if the media is rewritable and new. 4) To erase the media before using it (rewritable MO media), enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the surface 1a in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlerase jb1 1a 5) Note: If the media is WORM skip this command. To display the jukebox shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 2.4 Gb Rewritable Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. Note1: The status in the VL database for new WORM media is blank. Page 32 of 126 6) To create a new Integral Volume set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example-A - create a new Integral Volume set definition named Test1 for rewritable media with kOFS file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T ofs –k Test1 Example-B – create a new Integral Volume set definition named Test1 for rewritable media with SDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf Test1 Example-C – create a new Integral Volume set definition named Test1 for rewritable media with OFS file system (default), enter: #>vlcrset Test1 For WORM media, the command will have different syntax: Example-D #>vlcrset –T ofs –k –u worm Test1 Example-E #>vlcrset –T sdf –u worm Test1 Example-F #>vlcrset –u worm Test1 7) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1 (Example-C), enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated with it. Test1 Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=yes Mount_kernel_mode=no Set_Id= No Cache 8) Media=0 To add the media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vladdtoset Test1 jb1 1 jb1:initializing side a ... Page 33 of 126 9) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated to the Integral Volume set Test1 that has a Set_Id. Note2: The Integral Volume set is no longer Kernel mountable because the example uses 2048 byte/sector media that are supported only by the OFS and the SDF file systems. Test1 Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=no Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 No Cache 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_numbers=0 Note: Only sequence 0 for standalone drive. 10) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: ofs 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=c25b016a.3453d0e4 11) To create the cache for the Integral Volume set, enter: vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /cache_Test1 for the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test1 Test1 12) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the cache is associated to the Integral Volume set Test1. Test1 Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountble=no Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test1 Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_numbers=0,2 Page 34 of 126 Media=1 13) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 14) To mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache, enter: mountiv -n set_name mount_point Example - to mount Integral Volume set Test1 with a new cache on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test1 /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. 15) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test1 is mounted. Test1 Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=ofs (optical filesystem) Kernel_mountable=no Set_Id=c25b016a.3453d0e4 Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test1 Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt Online=jb1:1 Sequence_numbers=0 Mounted=a Media=1 16) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 17) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test1 Page 35 of 126 18) To start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media, enter: mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Example - to start the archiving of the files from the cache of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmarc -e /mnt #>mmarc -e Test 19) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test1 on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test1 (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. 20) To unload the media from the drive, enter: #>vlexport jb1 1 Page 36 of 126 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT MANAGING “TAPE” MEDIA Tape media can only be configured as an Integral Volume set with the SDF file system. In this section, to easily understand how to configure the tape media, a simple walk through will be presented that will support every type of tape jukebox and standalone tape drive that QStar Software supports. Page 37 of 126 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set This configuration allows the use of multiple tape media to be created as a single seamless file system with a magnetic cache. This configuration is available for tape jukeboxes and standalone drives with the SDF file system. Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set The following is a summary of the steps performed to create, mount and monitor an Integral Volume set using the QStar commands. Detailed information follows in subsequent topics. Steps for jukebox Command To Use 1. Import tape media to the jukebox(es) vlimport 2. Erase the tape media vlerase 3. Repeat above steps 1and 2 for all media needed 4. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Add tape media to an Integral Volume set vladdtoset 6. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 7. Create the mount point directory mkdir 8. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 9. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/umountiv Steps for standalone drive Command To Use 1. Load the tape media to the drive manually 2. Refresh the status of the tape media vlrefresh 3. Erase the tape media vlerase 4. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 6. Create the mount point directory mkdir 7. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 8. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/umountiv 9. Unload the tape media from the drive vlexport Monitoring an Integral Volume set Command To Use 1. Displaying jukebox shelf information jbstatus 2. Monitoring the VL device information vllsdev 3. Monitoring the Integral Volume set information vllsset 4. Monitoring the file system df –k (Command platform independent) 5. Monitoring the cache status mmparam Page 38 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR TAPE JUKEBOX DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) To determine the jukebox shelf and media information in reference to the Volume Librarian, enter: vllsdev device_name Example - To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1: empty Note: The shelf 1 is empty. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 2) To import the media into a shelf, enter: vlimport device_name shelf_number Example - to import the media to shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 jb:refreshing shelf 1 ... 3) To import additional media, repeat the above steps with the appropriate shelf number. Page 39 of 126 4) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 70 Gb Tape Note: This message appears if the media is new. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 5) To erase the media before using it, enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the media on shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlerase jb 1 6) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 70 Gb Tape Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty Page 40 of 126 7) To create a new Integral Volume set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example-A - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test for tape media with SDF file system and compression option enabled, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –c on –u tape Test Example-B - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test for tape media with SDF file system and compression option as default, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –c default –u tape Test Example-C - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test for tape media with SDF file system and compression option disabled, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –c off –u tape Test 8) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated with it. Note2: In this example, compression is set to on. Test Use_media=tape,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Compression=On Set_Id= No Cache 9) Media=0 To add media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 jb:initializing side a ... Note: Include media 1 and any other media in the jukebox with the same Set_Id in this Integral Volume set. Page 41 of 126 10) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated to the Integral Volume set Test that has a Set_Id. Test Use_media=tape,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Compression=On SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a No Cache 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0 Media=1 11) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 70 Gb Tape Seq=0 SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 12) To create the cache for the Integral Volume set, enter: vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /Cache_Test for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test Test Page 42 of 126 13) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now a cache is associated with the Integral Volume set Test. Test Use_media=tape,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Compression=On SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0 Media=1 14) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 15) To mount the Integral Volume set with new cache, enter: mountiv –n set_name mount_point Example - to mount Integral Volume set Test on /mnt directory, enter: #>mountiv –n Test /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. Note1: When using Tape media the number of Integral Volume sets that can be mounted at one time is limited by the number of drives available in the jukebox. 16) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test is mounted. Test Use_media=tape,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Compression=On SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0 Mounted=a Media=1 Page 43 of 126 17) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 18) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test 19) To start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media, enter: mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Example - to start the archiving of the files from the cache of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmarc -e /mnt #>mmarc -e Test 20) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. Page 44 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR TAPE STANDALONE DRIVE DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) Manually load the media into the standalone drive. 2) To refresh the status of the media in the standalone drive, enter: vlrefresh device_name Example - to refresh the media in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlrefresh jb1 3) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 70 Gb Tape Note: This message appears if the media is new. 4) To erase the media before using it, enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the media on shelf 1 in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlerase jb1 1a 5) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 70 Gb Tape Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. Page 45 of 126 6) To create a new Integral Volume set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example-A - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test1 for tape media with SDF file system and compression option enabled, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –c on –u tape Test1 Example-B - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test1 for tape media with SDF file system and compression option as default, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –c default –u tape Test1 Example-C - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test for tape media with SDF file system and compression option disabled, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –c off –u tape Test1 7) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated with it. Note2: In this example, compression is set to on. Test1 Use_media=tape,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Compression=On Set_Id= No Cache 8) To add media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vladdtoset Test1 jb1 1 jb1:initializing side a ... Page 46 of 126 Media=0 9) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated to the Integral Volume set Test1 that has a Set_Id. Test1 Use_media=tape,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Compression=On SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a No Cache 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_number=0 Media=1 10) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 70 Gb Tape Seq=0 SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a 11) To create the cache for the Integral Volume set, enter : vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /Cache_Test1 for the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test1 Test1 12) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now a cache is associated with the Integral Volume set Test1. Test1 Use_media=tape,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Compression=On SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test1 Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_number=0 Media=1 Page 47 of 126 13) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 14) To mount the Integral Volume set with new cache, enter: mountiv -n set_name mount_point Example - to mount the Integral Volume set Test1 on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test1 /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. 15) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test1 is mounted. Test1 Use_media=tape,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Compression=On SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test1 Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_number=0 Mounted=a Media=1 16) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 17) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test1 Page 48 of 126 18) To start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media, enter: mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Example - to start the archiving of the files from the cache of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmarc -e /mnt #>mmarc -e Test 19) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test1 on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test1 (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. 20) To unload the media from the drive, enter: #>vlexport jb1 1 Page 49 of 126 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT MANAGING “DVD-RAM” MEDIA For each configuration described below we will show a simple walk through for every type of DVD-RAM jukebox that QStar Software supports. In this section, to understand how to configure the DVD-RAM media, we will present a simple walk through that will support every type of jukebox and standalone drive that the QStar Software supports. Page 50 of 126 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set This configuration allows the use of multiple DVD-RAM media to be created as a single seamless file system with a magnetic cache. This configuration is available for DVD-RAM jukeboxes and standalone drives with the SDF file system. Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set The following is a summary of the steps performed to create, mount and monitor an Integral Volume set using the QStar commands. Detailed information follows in subsequent topics. Steps for jukebox Command To Use 1. Import DVD-RAM media to the jukebox(es) vlimport 2. Erase the DVD-RAM media vlerase 3. Repeat above steps 1and 2 for all media needed 4. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Add DVD-RAM media to an Integral Volume set vladdtoset 6. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 7. Create the mount point directory mkdir 8. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 9. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/umountiv Steps for standalone drive Command To Use 1. Load the DVD-RAM media to the drive manually 2. Refresh the status of the DVD-RAM media vlrefresh 3. Erase the DVD-RAM media vlerase 4. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 6. Create the mount point directory mkdir 7. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 8. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/umountiv 9. Unload the DVD-RAM media from the drive vlexport Monitoring an Integral Volume set Command To Use 1. Displaying jukebox shelf information jbstatus 2. Monitoring the VL device information vllsdev 3. Monitoring the Integral Volume set information vllsset 4. Monitoring the file system df –k (Command platform independent) 5. Monitoring the cache status mmparam Page 51 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM JUKEBOX DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) To determine the jukebox shelf and media information in reference to the Volume Librarian, enter: vllsdev device_name Example - To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1: empty Note: The shelf 1 is empty. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 2) To import the media into a shelf, enter: vlimport device_name shelf_number Example - to import the media to shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 jb:refreshing shelf 1 ... 3) To import additional media, repeat the above steps with the appropriate shelf number. Page 52 of 126 4) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: This message appears if the media is DVD-RAM and new. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 5) To erase the media before using it, enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the media on shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlerase jb 1 6) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty Page 53 of 126 7) To create a new Integral Volume set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example-A - create a new Integral Volume set definition named Test for DVD-RAM media with SDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –u dvd Test 8) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated with it. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Set_Id= No Cache 9) Media=0 To add media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 jb:initializing side a ... Note: Include media 1 and any other media in the jukebox with the same Set_Id in this Integral Volume set. 10) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated with the Integral Volume set Test that has a Set_Id. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a No Cache 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0 Page 54 of 126 Media=1 11) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Seq=0 SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 12) To create the cache for an Integral Volume set, enter: vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /Cache_Test for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test Test 13) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now a cache is associated with the Integral Volume set Test. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0 Media=1 Page 55 of 126 14) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 15) To mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache, enter: mountiv –n set_name mount_point Example - to mount Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. 16) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test is mounted. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_number=0 Mounted=a Media=1 17) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 18) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test Page 56 of 126 19) To start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media, enter: mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Example - to start the archiving of the files from the cache of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmarc -e /mnt #>mmarc -e Test 20) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. Page 57 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM STANDALONE DRIVE DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) Manually load the media into the standalone drive. 2) To refresh the status of the media in the standalone drive, enter: vlrefresh device_name Example - to refresh the media in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlrefresh jb1 3) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: This message appears if the media is rewritable and new. 4) To erase the media before using it, enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the media on shelf 1 in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlerase jb1 1a 5) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. Page 58 of 126 6) To create a new Integral Volume set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example-A – to create a new Integral Volume set definition named Test1 for DVD-RAM media with SDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T sdf –u dvd Test1 7) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated with it. Test1 Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) Set_Id= No Cache 8) Media=0 To add media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vladdtoset Test1 jb1 1 jb1:initializing side a ... 9) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated with the Integral Volume set Test1 that has the Set_Id. Test1 Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a No Cache 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_number=0 Media=1 Page 59 of 126 10) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Seq=0 SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a 11) To create the cache for the Integral Volume set, enter : vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /Cache_Test1 for the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test1 Test1 12) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now a cache is associated with the Integral Volume set Test1. Test1 Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test1 Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_number=0 Media=1 13) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 14) To mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache, enter: mountiv -n set_name mount_point Example - to mount Integral Volume set Test1 on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test1 /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. Page 60 of 126 15) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test1 is mounted. Test1 Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36b9c01a Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test1 Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_number=0 Mounted=a 16) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 17) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test1 18) To start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media, enter: mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Example - to start the archiving of the files from the cache of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmarc -e /mnt #>mmarc -e Test Page 61 of 126 19) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test1 on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test1 (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. 20) To unload the media from the drive, enter: #>vlexport jb1 1 Page 62 of 126 QSTAR HSM PRODUCT MANAGING “DVD-RAM/OPTICAL” MEDIA WITH UDF FILE SYSTEM In this section, to understand how to configure the DVD-RAM or Optical media with the UDF file system, we will present a simple walk through that will support every type of jukebox and standalone drive that the QStar Software supports. MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set The UDF file system allows three types of configurations identified by the interchange level. The interchange level defines how many volumes are in the Integral Volume set. The configurations are as follows: A) automount With this configuration it is possible to configure multiple DVD-RAM media as a seamless file system with a magnetic cache where each surface is a separate file system but mounted under a single mount point. B) multi-volume With this configuration it is possible to configure multiple DVD-RAM media as a seamless file system with a magnetic cache where as all surfaces appear to be a single continuously growing file system under a single mount point. C) single-volume With this configuration it is possible to configure each surface of the DVD-RAM media as a single surface file system with a magnetic cache with each single-volume mounted on a separate mount point. This configuration is available for DVD-RAM or Optical jukeboxes and standalone drives with the UDF file system. Overview of Creating an Integral Volume Set The following is a summary of the steps performed to create, mount and monitor an Integral Volume set using the QStar commands. Detailed information follows in subsequent topics. Steps for jukebox with automount interchange level Command To Use 1. Import DVD-RAM/optical media to the jukebox(es) vlimport 2. Erase the DVD-RAM/optical media vlerase 3. Repeat above steps 1 and 2 for all media needed 4. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Add DVD-RAM/optical media to an Integral Volume set vladdtoset 6. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 7. Create the mount point directory mkdir 8. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 9. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/umountiv Page 63 of 126 Steps for jukebox with multi-volume interchange level Command To Use 1. Import DVD-RAM/optical media to the jukebox(es) vlimport 2. Erase the DVD-RAM/optical media vlerase 3. Repeat above steps 1 and 2 for all media needed 4. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Add DVD-RAM/optical media to an Integral Volume set vladdtoset 6. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 7. Create the mount point directory mkdir 8. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 9. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/umountiv Steps for standalone drive with single-volume interchange level Command To Use 1. Load the DVD-RAM/optical media to the drive manually 2. Refresh the status of the DVD-RAM/optical media vlrefresh 3. Erase the DVD-RAM/optical media vlerase 4. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 5. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 6. Create the mount point directory mkdir 7. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 8. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/umountiv 9. Unload the DVD-RAM/optical media from the drive vlexport Monitoring an Integral Volume set Command To Use 1. Displaying the jukebox shelf information jbstatus 2. Monitoring the VL device information vllsdev 3. Monitoring the Integral Volume set information vllsset 4. Monitoring the file system df –k (Command platform independent) udfdf 5. Monitoring the cache status Page 64 of 126 mmparam INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM/OPTICAL JUKEBOX WITH AUTOMOUNT INTERCHANGE LEVEL DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. Note1: In the walk through described below a DVD-RAM jukebox is used. 1) To determine the jukebox shelf and media information in reference to the Volume Librarian, enter: vllsdev device_name Example - To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1: empty Note: The shelf 1 is empty. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 2) To import the media into a shelf, enter: vlimport device_name shelf_number Example - to import the media to shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 jb:refreshing shelf 1 ... 3) To import additional media, repeat the above steps with the appropriate shelf number. Page 65 of 126 4) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: This message appears if the media is DVD-RAM and new. 1b: unknown 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 5) To erase the media before using it, enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the media on shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlerase jb 1 6) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. 1b: erased 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty Page 66 of 126 7) To create a new Integral Volume set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example-A - create a new Integral Volume set definition named Test for DVD-RAM media with automount interchange level and UDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T udf -v a –u dvd Test 8) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated with it. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount No cache 9) Media=0 To add media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 jb:initializing side a ... Note: If dual sided media was used with the single-volume configuration, then the A side of the media is initialized with a UDF file system and the B side is still erased. Adding this media under automount control will include the file system on the A side and automatically the B side will also be initialized and added under the automount control. Note1: With the vladdtoset command it is possible to specify the Logical Volume Identifier using the -A -B options. If the media is blank the Specified Logical Volume Identifier will be written to the surface and used as the directory name that identifies the surfaces under the Automount mount point. If the Media already has the Logical Volume Identifier (initialized) the -A and -B option will only change the default vol_0, vol_1 and vol_# directory names that identified the surfaces under the Automount mount point with the specified one. 10) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated with the Integral Volume set Test that has a Set_Id. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount No cache 0: Online=jb:1 Automount_sequence_numbers=0,1 Page 67 of 126 11) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: udf 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=q_3c0e5c5e 1b: udf 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=q_3c0e5c74 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 12) To create the cache for an Integral Volume set, enter : vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /Cache_Test for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test Test 13) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now a cache is associated with the Integral Volume set Test. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Automount_sequence_numbers=0,1 Page 68 of 126 14) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 15) To mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache, enter: mountiv –n set_name mount_point Example - to mount Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. 16) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test is mounted. #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Automount_sequence_numbers=0,1 Mounted=a,b 17) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt Note: This command will display the total capacity of all the surfaces already accessed. #>udfdf -t /mnt #>udfdf -f -a 0 /mnt Note: QStar recommends reviewing the explanation for the udfdf command in Chapter 9 - Command Reference of this manual. Page 69 of 126 18) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test 19) To start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media, enter: mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Example - to start the archiving of the files from the cache of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmarc -e /mnt #>mmarc -e Test 20) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. Page 70 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM/OPTICAL JUKEBOX WITH MULTI-VOLUME INTERCHANGE LEVEL DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. Note1: In the walk through described below a DVD-RAM jukebox is used. 1) To determine the jukebox shelf and media information in reference to the Volume Librarian, enter: vllsdev device_name Example - To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1: empty Note: The shelf 1 is empty. 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 2) To import the media into a shelf, enter: vlimport device_name shelf_number Example - to import the media to shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 jb:refreshing shelf 1 ... 3) To import additional media, repeat the above steps with the appropriate shelf number. Page 71 of 126 4) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: This message appears if the media is DVD-RAM and new. 1b: unknown 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 5) To erase the media before using it, enter: vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the media on shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlerase jb 1 6) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. 1b: erased 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty Page 72 of 126 7) To create a new Integral Volume set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example-A - create a new Integral Volume set definition named Test for DVD-RAM media with multi-volume interchange level and UDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T udf -v m –u dvd Test 8) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated with it. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=0 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=multi-volume No cache 9) To add media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1 jb:initializing side a ... Note: Include media 1 and any other media in the jukebox with the same Logical_volume_identifier in this Integral Volume set. 10) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now one media is associated with the Integral Volume set Test that has a Set_Id. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=q_3c0eae5b UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=multi-volume No cache 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=1,2 Page 73 of 126 11) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: udf 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Seq=m1 Log_vol_id=q_3c0eae5b 1b: udf 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Seq=m2 Log_vol_id=q_3c0eae5b 2: empty 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10: empty 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15: empty 16: empty 12) To create the cache for an Integral Volume set, enter: vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /Cache_Test for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test Test 13) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now a cache is associated with the Integral Volume set Test. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=q_3c0eae5b UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=multi-volume Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=1,2 Page 74 of 126 14) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 15) To mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache, enter: mountiv –n set_name mount_point Example - to mount Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. 16) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test is mounted. Test Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=q_3c0eae5b UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=multi-volume Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=1,2 Mounted=a,b 17) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 18) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test Page 75 of 126 19) To start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media, enter: mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Example - to start the archiving of the files from the cache of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmarc -e /mnt #>mmarc -e Test 20) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. Page 76 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR DVD-RAM/OPTICAL STANDALONE DRIVE WITH SINGLEVOLUME INTERCHANGE LEVEL DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. Note1: In the walk through described below a DVD-RAM standalone drive is used, but this configuration can be used also with a jukebox. 1) Manually load the media into the standalone drive. 2) To refresh the status of the media in the standalone drive, enter: vlrefresh device_name Example - to refresh the media in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlrefresh jb1 3) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: unknown 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: This message appears if the media is rewritable and new. 4) To erase the media before using it, enter : vlerase device_name shelf_number[a/b] Example - to erase the media on shelf 1 in the standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vlerase jb1 1a 5) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: erased 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Note: The status in the VL database now displays erased. Page 77 of 126 6) To create a new Integral Volume set, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -u media_type set_name Example-A - create a new Integral Volume set definition named Test for DVD-RAM media with single-volume interchange level and UDF file system, enter: #>vlcrset –T udf -v s –u dvd Test 7) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no media (Media=0) is associated with it. Test1 Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1 Media=0 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=single-volume No cache 8) To add media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add the media on shelf 1 to Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vladdtoset Test1 jb1 1 jb1:initializing side a ... Note: If a jukebox with dual side media is used only the surface A will be added to the Integral Volume set and the B side will not change its status. 9) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: One media is associated with the Integral Volume set Test1 that has the Set_Id. Test1 Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=q_3c0ec380 UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=single-volume No cache 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_number=1 Page 78 of 126 10) To display the shelf information for a standalone drive identified as jb1, enter: #>vllsdev jb1 jb1 JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: udf 4.3 Gb DVD-RAM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=q_3c0ec380 11) To create the cache for the Integral Volume set, enter : vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /Cache_Test1 for the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test1 Test1 12) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now a cache is associated with the Integral Volume set Test1. Test1 Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=q_3c0ec380 UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=single-volume Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test1 Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_number=1 13) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 14) To mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache, enter: mountiv -n set_name mount_point Example - to mount Integral Volume set Test1 on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test1 /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. Page 79 of 126 15) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>vllsset –v Test1 Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test1 is mounted. Test1 Use_media=dvd,writable Spread=no Quota=1 Media=1 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=q_3c0ec380 UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=single-volume Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test1 Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb1:1 Sequence_number=1 Mounted=a 16) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 17) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test1, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test1 18) To start the archiving of the files from the cache to the archival media, enter: mmarc [-H host_name] {-l | -e | -a age} [-w] {set_name | filename} Example - to start the archiving of the files from the cache of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmarc -e /mnt #>mmarc -e Test Page 80 of 126 19) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test1 on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test1 (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. 20) To unload the media from the drive, enter: #>vlexport jb1 1 Page 81 of 126 QSTAR CD/DVD AXXESS PRODUCT MANAGING “CD-ROM/DVD-ROM” MEDIA The QStar Software using two methods can manage CD/DVD-ROM media. The first is by mounting each CD/DVD-ROM as a different mount point. Each CD/DVD-ROM is then accessed as a separate file system, using the QStar Jukebox Management module to load each CD/DVD-ROM into a drive as it is required. This is known as a Single Volume (S.V.) Configuration. The second method is to use the CD/DVD Axxess product, which allows CD/DVD-ROMs to be bound together as a set. This is known as an Integral Volume set Configuration. The set is created with a cache and each CD/DVD-ROM is seen as a separate directory within the set. All directory information for the CD/DVDs in the set will be cached and data is cached on a most recently accessed basis. The cache can then be configured to each CD/DVD-ROM individually within the set. Each CD/DVDROM can have its own directory tree cache and data cache removed from the set, or just its data cache removed. CD/DVDROMs can be added or removed from the set dynamically, even on a mounted set. CD/DVD-ROMs can be exported from the jukebox on a mounted set and QStar’s offline volume management can be used (see Chapter 5 - The Volume Librarian in this manual). This allows the CD/DVD-ROM to appear online, but the CD/DVD-ROM has been removed from the jukebox to allow more frequently accessed CD/DVD-ROMs to be present in the jukebox. In this section, to understand how to configure the CD/DVD-ROM media, a simple walk through will be presented that will support every type of jukebox and standalone drive that QStar Software supports. Page 82 of 126 Mounting CD-ROM Media as ISO 9660 Volumes (S.V.) This can be achieved by using the UNIX mount command to mount a CD-ROM on the system. The only difference from any local CD-ROM device on the system is the device that is specified during the mount command. The device to use is the device denoted by the shelf number in the jukebox and is of the ISO 9660 format: /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jbXXa Where XX is the shelf and the side will always be a Each CD-ROM will need to be mounted separately in this configuration. There are some examples below of mounting a CDROM in this manner: mount –F hsfs –o ro /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /cdrom !SOLARIS mount –v cdrfs –o ro /dev/jb0/jb2a /cdrom !IBM mount -t cdfs -o ro,rrip /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb3a /cdrom !Digital Unix mount -r -F cdfs /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb4a /cdrom !HP-UX 10.x Series 700 and 800 mount -r -F cdfs /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb5a /cdrom !IRIX With each CD-ROM to be mounted, a new shelf number and mount point is specified. Page 83 of 126 MANAGING INTEGRAL VOLUME (I.V.) SET This configuration is more suited to larger volumes of CD/DVD-ROM media, or applications where higher data access is required. Each Integral Volume set can be created with its own area of cache and this can be setup to contain CD/DVD-ROM media according to its access rate. A larger data cache can be used to allocate to data with a high data access rate and a smaller data cache can be setup for less important CD/DVD-ROM media, this is controlled by the number of 64K pages allocated to each cache. Design Considerations for Integral Volume Set This configuration allows the use of multiple CD/DVD-ROM media to be created as a single seamless file system with a magnetic cache. This configuration is only available for jukebox users. Overview of creating an Integral Volume Set The following is a summary of the steps performed to create, mount and monitor an Integral Volume set using the QStar commands. Detailed information follows in subsequent topics. Steps for jukebox Command To Use 1. Import CD/DVD-ROM media to the jukebox(es) vlimport 2. Repeat step 1 for all CD/DVD-ROM needed 3. Create an Integral Volume set definition vlcrset 4. Add CD/DVD-ROM media to the Integral Volume set vladdtoset 5. Create the cache for the Integral Volume set vlcache 6. Create the mount point directory mkdir 7. Mount the Integral Volume set mountiv 8. Umount the Integral Volume set umount/umountiv Monitoring an Integral Volume Command To Use 1. Displaying jukebox shelf information jbstatus 2. Monitoring the VL device information vllsdev 3. Monitoring the Integral Volume set information vllsset 4. Monitoring the file system df –k (Command platform independent) 5. Monitoring the cache status mmparam Page 84 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR CD-ROM/DVD-ROM JUKEBOX WITH ISO 9660 FILE SYSTEM DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) To determine the jukebox shelf and media information in reference to the Volume Librarian, enter: vllsdev device_name Example - To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-1: empty Note: The shelf 1 is empty. 2-1: empty 3-1: empty 4-1: empty 5-1: empty 6-1: empty 7-1: empty 8-1: empty 9-1: empty 10-1: empty 11-2: empty 12-2: empty 13-2: empty 14-2: empty 15-2: empty 16-2: empty 2) To import the CD/DVD-ROM media into a shelf, enter: vlimport device_name shelf_number Example - to import the CD/DVD-ROM on shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 jb: refreshing shelf 1 ... 3) To import additional CD/DVD-ROM, repeat the above steps with the appropriate shelf number. Page 85 of 126 4) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1a-1: 9660 572 Mb CD-ROM NO_NAME 478fe.680039ec 2a-1: 9660 526 Mb CD-ROM EE_4_94 41c17.074a8631 3a-1: 9660 421 Mb CD-ROM SEAGATE 34a8e.0e753286 4a-1: 9660 156 Mb CD-ROM CDROGGI 138bc.36628c42 5a-1: 9660 81 Mb CD-ROM RASTEREX 0a3ac.1e07d627 6a-1: 9660 149 Mb CD-ROM PCMSP0197 12adf.e5df88b1 7a-1: 9660 251 Mb CD-ROM OLIVET04 1f712.caf44bc2 8a-1: 9660-J 1 Mb CD-ROM TEST_1 0021d.a91aafa0 9a-1: 9660 650 Mb CD-ROM ZDBOP98D 495a2.64972c54 10a-1: 9660-R 21 Mb CD-ROM SUPER_CD 02a0a.cf9551d5 11-2: empty 12-2: empty 13-2: empty 14-2: empty 15-2: empty 16-2: empty 5) To create a new Integral Volume set to contain the CD/DVD-ROM media, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options set_name Example - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test for CD/DVD-ROM media with filename format equal to long (default), enter: #>vlcrset –T cd Test 6) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated CD/DVD-ROM. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no CD/DVD-ROM (Media=0) are associated with it. Test Use_media=cd,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=0 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=cd (CDROM format) Names=long No Cache 7) To add media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_name device_name shelf_number Example - to add media from shelf 1 to 9 to the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1:9 Note: The media were added to the Integral Volume set without specifying the set type specific option. Page 86 of 126 Example - to add media on shelf 10 to the Integral Volume set Test with identifier equal to dir10, enter: #>vladdtoset -D dir10 Test jb 10 Note: The media on shelf 10 was added using the CD specific option -D [dir_name]. This option specifies the subdirectory name where the CD device will be mounted. The default for dir_name depends on the following: if there is no label on the CD, cd_name is equal to "NO_NAME", dir_name is built as S_N, where S is the Integral Volume set name and N is the in_set_number. Otherwise dir_name is equal to cd_name. If a dir_name is duplicated within the Integral Volume set, the latter occurrence is appended with a "_N" suffix, where N is the in_set_number. If the Integral Volume set has a cache assigned to it, the dir_name will not be changed. #>vladdtoset Test jb 1:10 8) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Ten media are associated to the Integral Volume set Test. Test Use_media=cd,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=10 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=cd (CDROM format) Names=long No Cache 0: Online=jb:1 CD_name=NO_NAME 478fe.680039ec Dir_name=Test_0 1: Online=jb:2 CD_name=EE_4_94 41c17.074a8631 Names=long 2: Online=jb:3 CD_name=SEAGATE 34a8e.0e753286 Names=long 3: Online=jb:4 CD_name=CDROGGI 138bc.36628c42 Names=long 4: Online=jb:5 CD_name=RASTEREX 0a3ac.1e07d627 Names=long 5: Online=jb:6 CD_name=PCMSP0197 12adf.e5df88b1 Names=long 6: Online=jb:7 CD_name=OLIVET04 1f712.caf44bc2 Names=long 7: Online=jb:8 CD_name=TEST_1 0021d.a91aafa0 Names=long 8: Online=jb:9 CD_name=ZDBOP98D 495a2.64972c54 Names=long 9: Online=jb:10 CD_name=SUPER_CD 11443.5b7521d9 Dir_name=dir10 9) Names=long Names=long To create the cache for the Integral Volume set, enter : vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and cache located on /Cache_Test for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test Test Page 87 of 126 10) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The cache is associated to the Integral Volume set Test. Test Use_media=cd,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=10 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=cd (CDROM format) Names=long Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 CD_name=NO_NAME 478fe.680039ec Dir_name=Test_0 1: Online=jb:2 CD_name=EE_4_94 41c17.074a8631 Names=long 2: Online=jb:3 CD_name=SEAGATE 34a8e.0e753286 Names=long 3: Online=jb:4 CD_name=CDROGGI 138bc.36628c42 Names=long 4: Online=jb:5 CD_name=RASTEREX 0a3ac.1e07d627 Names=long 5: Online=jb:6 CD_name=PCMSP0197 12adf.e5df88b1 Names=long 6: Online=jb:7 CD_name=OLIVET04 1f712.caf44bc2 Names=long 7: Online=jb:8 CD_name=TEST_1 0021d.a91aafa0 Names=long 8: Online=jb:9 CD_name=ZDBOP98D 495a2.64972c54 Names=long 9: Online=jb:10 CD_name=SUPER_CD 11443.5b7521d9 Dir_name=dir10 Names=long Names=long 11) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 12) To mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache, enter: mountiv –n set_name mount_point Example - to mount Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. Page 88 of 126 13) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test is mounted. #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=cd,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=10 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=cd (CDROM format) Names=long Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 CD_name=NO_NAME 478fe.680039ec Dir_name=Test_0 1: Online=jb:2 CD_name=EE_4_94 41c17.074a8631 Names=long 2: Online=jb:3 CD_name=SEAGATE 34a8e.0e753286 Names=long 3: Online=jb:4 CD_name=CDROGGI 138bc.36628c42 Names=long 4: Online=jb:5 CD_name=RASTEREX 0a3ac.1e07d627 Names=long 5: Online=jb:6 CD_name=PCMSP0197 12adf.e5df88b1 Names=long 6: Online=jb:7 CD_name=OLIVET04 1f712.caf44bc2 Names=long 7: Online=jb:8 CD_name=TEST_1 0021d.a91aafa0 Names=long 8: Online=jb:9 CD_name=ZDBOP98D 495a2.64972c54 Names=long 9: Online=jb:10 CD_name=SUPER_CD 11443.5b7521d9 Dir_name=dir10 Names=long Names=long 14) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 15) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test 16) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. Page 89 of 126 Advanced CD/DVD Axxess Commands for Controlling an Integral Volume Set with ISO 9660 File System Once a CD/DVD-ROM Integral Volume has been created, there are further commands available to tune the Integral Volume set. Additional CD/DVD-ROM media can be added to the Integral Volume set, or media can be removed from an Integral Volume set. Cache usage can be reduced by removing data related to a directory path, thus freeing cache pages, or removing a directory tree with its cached data. Data can be locked, so it always remains in cache. The offline location can be changed to a piece of media within the Integral Volume set. The directory name for each CD/DVD-ROM can be selected from the CD/DVD-ROMs own label, using vllsdev the label information is displayed, if there is a “NO_NAME” this signifies no label is available, with the vlinset command a directory name can be allocated. There is also an option to specify the filename format (Long or Short). For further details on advanced commands, see Chapter 9 - Command Reference section for vlinset command. Page 90 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR CD-ROM/DVD-ROM JUKEBOX WITH UDF FILE SYSTEM AND WITH AUTOMOUNT INTERCHANGE LEVEL DETAILED WALK THROUGH: To create an Integral Volume set, follow the directions below. Note: For more detailed information about the QStar commands referenced in this procedure, please refer to Chapter 9 Command Reference in this manual. 1) To determine the jukebox shelf and media information in reference to the Volume Librarian, enter: vllsdev device_name Example - To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1-1: empty Note: The shelf 1 is empty. 2-1: empty 3-1: empty 4-1: empty 5-1: empty 6-1: empty 7-1: empty 8-1: empty 9-1: empty 10-1: empty 11-2: empty 12-2: empty 13-2: empty 14-2: empty 15-2: empty 16-2: empty 2) To import the CD/DVD-ROM media into a shelf, enter: vlimport device_name shelf_number Example - to import the CD/DVD-ROM on shelf 1 of the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlimport jb 1 jb: refreshing shelf 1 ... 3) To import additional CD/DVD-ROM, repeat the above steps with the appropriate shelf number. Page 91 of 126 4) To display the jukebox shelf information for a jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vllsdev jb jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1a-1: udf 85 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=QStar_Software 2a-1: udf 150 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=image1 3a-1 udf 150 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=release 4a-1: udf 150 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=windows_manual 5a-1: udf 150 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=unix_manual 6a-1: udf 150 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=test 7a-1: udf 150 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=test1 8a-1: udf 150 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=scsi_manual 9a-1: udf 150 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=data2000 10a-1: udf 150 Mb CD-ROM Seq=1 Log_vol_id=data2001 11-2: empty 12-2: empty 13-2: empty 14-2: empty 15-2: empty 16-2: empty 5) To create a new Integral Volume set to contain the CD/DVD-ROM media, enter: vlcrset -T fs_type set_type_specific_options -r set_name Note: The UDF file system used with the CD/DVD-ROM media is used with automount interghange level and as a read only file system. The Readonly flag must be applied to mount the Integral Volume set with QStar CD/DVD Master or Axxess product. If the flag is not applied the mount will be denied. Example - create new Integral Volume set definition named Test for CD/DVD-ROM media with automount interchange level and the read only option enabled, enter: #>vlcrset –T udf -v a -r -u cd-dvd Test 6) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated CD/DVD-ROM. Note1: The Integral Volume set is empty because no CD/DVD-ROM (Media=0) are associated with it. Test Use_media=cd,dvd,worm,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=yes Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount No cache 7) Media=0 To add media to the Integral Volume set, enter: vladdtoset set_type_specific_options set_name device_name shelf_number Page 92 of 126 Example - to add media from shelf 1 to 9 to the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vladdtoset Test jb 1:9 Note: The media were added to the Integral Volume set without specifying the set type specific option. Example - to add media on shelf 10 to the Integral Volume set Test with identifier equal to dir10, enter: #>vladdtoset -A dir10 Test jb 10 Note: The media on shelf 10 was added using the UDF specific option -A [identifier]. This option specifies the identifier assigned to surface A. If the option was specified, the system tries to use it as a root directory name for the surface. Otherwise, it tries to use the Logical Volume Identifier. 8) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Ten media are associated to the Integral Volume set Test. Test Use_media=cd,dvd,worm,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=10 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=yes Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount No cache 0: Online=jb:1 Automount_sequence_number=0 1: Online=jb:2 Automount_sequence_number=1 2: Online=jb:3 Automount_sequence_number=2 3: Online=jb:4 Automount_sequence_number=3 4: Online=jb:5 Automount_sequence_number=4 5: Online=jb:6 Automount_sequence_number=5 6: Online=jb:7 Automount_sequence_number=6 7: Online=jb:8 Automount_sequence_number=7 8: Online=jb:9 Automount_sequence_number=8 9: Online=jb:10 Automount_sequence_number=9 A_dir=dir10 9) To create the cache for the Integral Volume set, enter : vlcache -p #_pages -c /cache_root set_name Example - to create a cache with 100 pages and a cache located on /Cache_Test for the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vlcache -p 100 -c /Cache_Test Test Page 93 of 126 10) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>vllsset –v Test Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: The cache is associated to the Integral Volume set Test. Test Use_media=cd,dvd,worm,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=10 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=yes Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Automount_sequence_number=0 1: Online=jb:2 Automount_sequence_number=1 2: Online=jb:3 Automount_sequence_number=2 3: Online=jb:4 Automount_sequence_number=3 4: Online=jb:5 Automount_sequence_number=4 5: Online=jb:6 Automount_sequence_number=5 6: Online=jb:7 Automount_sequence_number=6 7: Online=jb:8 Automount_sequence_number=7 8: Online=jb:9 Automount_sequence_number=8 9: Online=jb:10 Automount_sequence_number=9 A_dir=dir10 11) To create the mount point directory, enter: mkdir directory_name Example - to create the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mkdir /mnt 12) To mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache, enter: mountiv –n set_name mount_point Example - to mount the Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>mountiv –n Test /mnt Note: The “-n” option is used only with the first mount, on subsequent mounts, don’t use the “-n” option in the mountiv command syntax. Page 94 of 126 13) To display the status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: Note: List the Integral Volume set definition and associated media. Note1: Now the Integral Volume set Test is mounted. #>vllsset –v Test Test Use_media=cd,dvd,worm,rdonly Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=10 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=yes Make_copy=no Set_type=udf (Universal Disk Format) Logical_volume_identifier=NA UDF_revision=150 Interchange_level=automount Cache: Cache_root=/Cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Automount_sequence_number=0 1: Online=jb:2 Automount_sequence_number=1 2: Online=jb:3 Automount_sequence_number=2 3: Online=jb:4 Automount_sequence_number=3 4: Online=jb:5 Automount_sequence_number=4 5: Online=jb:6 Automount_sequence_number=5 6: Online=jb:7 Automount_sequence_number=6 7: Online=jb:8 Automount_sequence_number=7 8: Online=jb:9 Automount_sequence_number=8 9: Online=jb:10 Automount_sequence_number=9 Mounted=a A_dir=dir10 14) To monitor the Integral Volume set, enter: #>df -k /mnt 15) To monitor the cache status of an Integral Volume set, enter: mmparam { set_name | mount_point} Example - to monitor the cache status of the Integral Volume set Test, enter: #>mmparam /mnt #>mmparam Test 16) To unmount the Integral Volume set, enter: umount /mount_point umountiv set_name Example - to unmount the Integral Volume set Test on the mount point /mnt, enter: #>umount /mnt #>umountiv Test (For the Linux, SGI and HP-UX platforms) Note: QStar does not recommend using the umount command for the Linux, SGI or HP-UX platforms, this ensures the Integral Volume set is completely unmounted. Please refer to Chapter 6 - Migration Manager in this manual for more detailed information. Page 95 of 126 QSTAR CD/DVD MASTER PRODUCT MANAGING “CD-R / DVD-R” MEDIA This manual describes how to create an Integral Volume set for CD/DVD-ROM devices and how to set-up, configure and use the QStar CD/DVD Master product. The QStar Software can control CD/DVD-ROM media written with the ISO 9660 or the UDF file systems by using the CD/DVD Axxess product. Both products allow CD/DVD-ROMs to be bound together as an Integral Volume set. The Integral Volume is created with a cache and each CD/DVD-ROM is seen as a separate directory within the Integral Volume set. The CD/DVD-R media are recorded using the QStar CD/DVD Master product and if required the media, once recorded can be automatically added to a specified Integral Volume set. Page 96 of 126 MANAGING THE QSTAR CD/DVD MASTER SOFTWARE The following sections will give a detailed walk through on how to use the QStar CD/DVD Master Software, create an ISO/UDF image and record it to CD/DVD-R media, and how to use the QStar CD/DVD Axxess Software to manage the jukebox and the Integral Volume sets. The walk through will be divided into the following main sections: A) Configuration of an Integral Volume set for CD/DVD-ROM media. B) Setting the CD/DVD-R write options and parameters. C) Description of how to create an ISO/UDF image. D) Description of how to write an ISO/UDF image to the CD/DVD-R media. E) Description of how to manage the delayed jobs list. F) Display error condition during the recording procedure. Note: In the walk through described below a CD-R jukebox is used in the examples, but the explanation is also valid for DVD-R jukeboxes. Page 97 of 126 INTEGRAL VOLUME SET CONFIGURATION FOR A CD/DVD-ROM JUKEBOX In this section an Integral Volume set will be created, some media will be added to it and the Integral Volume set will be mounted. This initial procedure is explained because, mounting an Integral Volume set that does not contain any media is not a valid operation. In order to have the data written on the new CD/DVD-ROM media available the Integral Volume set must be mounted. If the Integral Volume set is mounted any new CD/DVD-ROM media recorded may be automatically added to the Integral Volume set allowing the data recorded on the CD/DVD-ROM to be accessible online. This walk through is described for both ISO and UDF file systems on the QSTAR CD/DVD AXXESS PRODUCT MANAGING CD-ROM/DVD-ROM MEDIA section on this chapter. QStar recommends gaining some experience using the QStar CD/DVD Axxess Software before using the QStar CD/DVD Master Software. SETTING THE CD/DVD-R WRITE PROCEDURE The QStar CD/DVD Master Product can be used from the server that the QStar Software is installed on. It can also be accessed from a client machine to create an ISO/UDF image and record it to a CD/DVD-R media. The QStar CD/DVD Master product allows two methods of recording. A) Direct write The Direct write procedure sends the ISO/UDF image data directly to the CD/DVD-R drive and the ISO/UDF image is not saved on the sever or on the remote client machine hard disk. To use the Direct write procedure QStar recommends the following: 1) Locate the CD/DVD-R drives and the CD/DVD-ROM drives on separate buses in the jukebox and connected to the server via different SCSI cards. 2) Only allow the Direct write procedure if the remote client machine is in a fast network environment. These recommendations will avoid the “buffer underun” problem from occurring. Note: Selecting the Direct write procedure does not deny the Delayed write procedure. B) Delayed write The ISO/UDF image is first transferred into an Images Directory on the server specified by the System Administrator and will then be recorded according to the scheduled settings or can be cancelled if required. Note: Selecting the Delayed write procedure will deny the Direct write procedure. Page 98 of 126 Displaying the Delayed Commands under VL Scheduler Control QStar creates a special file called “conf” under the /sys/QStar/vl/files directory. The conf file keeps all the configuration information for the QStar Commands that can be delayed. Once a command is submitted, a job will be created and placed into the delayed jobs queue list that is managed and controlled by the QStar VL scheduler process. The System Administrator can use the dalayed queue commands option to manage and monitor the delayed commands in the delayed jobs queue list by using the vlqlist command. The options available in the conf file are represented with a key word that identifies the delayed command that can be under the VL scheduler's control. The key words are as follows: RECORD: Option related to the Recording procedure. COPY: Option related to the Copy Disk procedure. CMP: Option related to the Compare Procedure, which follows the Copy Disk procedure. REUSE: Option related to the Compaction procedure. ERASE: Option related to the Erase procedure. REGRESS: Option related to the Regression procedure. Below the content of the conf file: # VL Configuration File RECORD Images Dir Path = "/sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images" RECORD Images Max Size Mb = "650" # RECORD Direct - {Prohibited | Allowed | Allowed Hosts} RECORD Direct = "Prohibited" RECORD Allowed Hosts = "" RECORD Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" COPY Jb Name = "" COPY Start Shelf Number = "0" COPY End Shelf Number = "0" COPY Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" COPY Compare After Copy = "No" CMP Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" REUSE Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" ERASE Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" REGRESS Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" Keep Done Records = "7" Blank Media Threshold = "0" Erase Media Threshold = "0" Monitor Blank/Erase Mail Address = "" Return Error on Access to Offline Media = "No" Note: In this section only the VL Configuration option for the CD/DVD-R recording procedure will be explained. Page 99 of 126 Displaying and Setting the General VL Configuration Properties Keep Done Records = "7" Number of latest records kept in the delayed jobs queue list. The default number is 7; the System Administrator can change this by editing the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file and typing the new value. Displaying the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Write Properties RECORD Images Dir Path = "/sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images" RECORD Images Max Size Mb = "650" # RECORD Direct - {Prohibited | Allowed | Allowed Hosts} RECORD Direct = "Prohibited" RECORD Allowed Hosts = "" RECORD Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" Images Dir Path: The Images Directory on the server where the temporary image files that will be recorded to the CD/DVD-R media will be stored. Image Max Dir Size (Mb): Maximum Size of the Images Directory. Direct: Type of recording procedure allowed. Allowed Hosts: Hosts allowed to do the Direct write procedure. Delayed Start: Start Time and Stop Time when the VL scheduler will process the delayed jobs in 24-hour mode. A 0:0 0:0 value ensures the jobs will not be delayed and will be processed immediately after the ISO/UDF image has been completely transferred to the Images Directory. Setting the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Direct Write Properties # RECORD Direct - {Prohibited | Allowed | Allowed Hosts} RECORD Direct = "Prohibited" RECORD Allowed Hosts = "" By default, the Delayed write is allowed and the Direct write is Prohibited. Select Allowed or Allowed Hosts to enable the Direct write procedure. Select the Allowed option to enable the Direct write procedure for all users. RECORD Direct = "Allowed" Select the Allowed Hosts option to enable the Direct write procedure for specific users only. RECORD Direct = "Allowed Hosts" Specify in the Allowed Hosts option, the name of the hosts that are allowed Direct write access. RECORD Allowed Hosts = "Host1,Host2,Host3,Host4" In the example a generic Host# name is used, the Host name must be separated with a comma and there is no limitation on the number of hosts that can be specified. Note: Also the Delayed write will be enabled for all users. Page 100 of 126 Setting the VL Configuration CD/DVD-R Delayed Write Properties RECORD Images Dir Path = "/sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images" RECORD Images Max Size Mb = "650" # RECORD Direct - {Prohibited | Allowed | Allowed Hosts} RECORD Direct = "Prohibited" RECORD Allowed Hosts = "" RECORD Delayed Start = "0:0 0:0" By default, the Delayed write is always allowed with the below default delayed write options: A) Images Dir Path: /sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images B) Image Max Size (Mb): 650 Mb C) Delayed Start: 0:0 0:0 The 0:0 0:0 value ensures the jobs will not be delayed and will be processed immediately after the ISO/UDF image has been completely transferred to the Images Directory. The System Administrator can change any of the default parameters by typing the new value. In the example, default Delayed write options are set as follows: RECORD Images Dir Path = "/export/home/cd_images" RECORD Images Max Size Mb = "2000" RECORD Delayed Start = "23:38 06:38" To create the directory where the images will be temporarily transferred and kept until the delayed jobs are completely processed, enter: #>mkdir /export/home/cd_images Note: Ensure the hard disk partition where the Images Directory was created has sufficient space for the required images. Note1: There may be a need or a requirement for the users of the QStar CD/DVD Master Software to transfer the image to the cd_images directory from a client machine. To allow the users to access the Images Directory, the correct permissions must be applied to the directory. Page 101 of 126 CREATING AN ISO IMAGE The mkiso command is used to create an ISO 9660 file system image from a specified file tree which may later be recorded onto a CD/DVD-R media and it includes several options that will cover all the ISO standard requirements. mkiso [-x exclude_path] [-c charset] [-s system_id] [-v volume_id][-V volume_set_id] [-p preparer_id] [-q quiet] [-P publisher_id] [-a application_id] [-o image_file_name|-] [-R] [-J] [-D] [-S][cd_dir_name=]path [...] Note: If the -o option is omitted the mkiso command only calculates the size of the image and exits. Note1: On Unix platforms the default file system type is ISO-R (ISO 9660 with RockRidge extension). The options available with the mkiso command are described as follows: -R Use RockRidge extensions with the ISO-9660 standard. These extensions are mainly used for UNIX systems. -J Use Microsoft Joliet extensions. These extensions are used for MS-Windows OS. -D Deference symlinks. This will force symlink files when encountered, to be replaced by the file or directory that they point to. Without this option symlink files are either omitted from the ISO image or if the -R flag is specified they are preserved as the original symlink file. -S Use strict attributes. With this option owner and permissions of files and directories are preserved and device special files are also saved into the image (the latter makes sense only if the CD is to be mounted on the same OS the image was created on). This flag can only be specified if used in conjunction with the -R flag. -q Silently ignore large (>2GB) files. The ISO-9660 filesystem does not support such files. Without this option if a large file is encountered, mkiso prints an error and exits. With this option mkiso skips the file and continues. -v volume_id: Sets the volume id of the image to volume_id (maximum 32 chars). The volume_id is used as the Volume Label of the CD/DVD media that will be used by the QStar Software as the root directory of the CD/DVD media within the Integral Volume set. -V volume_set_id -p preparer_id -P publisher_id -s system_id -a application_id Set optional volume_set_id, preparer_id, publisher_id, system_id or application_id fields of the ISO volume descriptor. Page 102 of 126 -c charset Specifying the charset to be used for translating filenames to unicode. This option will have no effect unless -J is also specified. The Unicode translation table for the charset is required to be in the /sys/QStar/vl/files sub-directory. -x exclude_path Exclude files or directories matching the set pattern. This option allows specifying which types of files should not be included in the ISO image. This option may be repeated as necessary. -o image_file_name -o Specifies the image output file name. In the first form the output image will be written to image_file_name. In second form the output will be written to a standard output. If it is not a regular file but rather a pipe, 8 bytes of image size are written before the actual image. If the -o is omitted no output is produced but the mkiso will print the information about image size only. [cd_dir_name=]path Directory of file named path will be copied into resulting image under name cd_dir_name. If cd_dir_name is omitted then root directory is assumed. The argument may be repeated, but at least one path argument is required. The command returns the exit code 0 in the case of a successful completion. Otherwise, a positive non-zero error code is returned (see error codes in libqcommon API (3)) and an error message is printed to stderr. Examples of Creating an ISO Image 1) To create an ISO CD/DVD image at /var/spool/cdimage.iso using the /usr/docs/part2 subtree as the root of the CD/DVD with the name of the CD/DVD (Volume Label) set to QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX, enter: #>mkiso -v QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX -o /var/spool/cdimage.iso /usr/docs/part2 2) To create an ISO CD/DVD image with Joliet extensions at /home/cdimage.iso and copy the subtrees /usr/docs/part2 and /usr/docs/part3 into the CD/DVD directories /part2 and /part3 respectively with the name of the CD/DVD (Volume Label) set to QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX and excludes files with names ending with .bak, enter: #>mkiso -J -x '*.bak' -v QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX -o /home/cdimage.iso /part2=/usr/docs/part2 /part3=/usr/docs/part3 3) To create an ISO CD/DVD image at /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso using the /Release48 subtree as the root of the CD/DVD with the name of the CD/DVD (Volume Label) set to QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX, enter: #>mkiso -v QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX -o /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso /Release48 Page 103 of 126 CREATING A UDF IMAGE The mkudf command is used to create a UDF file system image from a specified file tree, which may later be recorded onto a CD/DVD-R media. The UDF Revison Level of the UDF file system can be 1.50, 2.00, 2.01. mkudf [-o image_file|-] [-b block_size] [-l logical_volume_identifier] [-u {150|200|201}] [-t] path ... The options available with the mkudf command are described as follows: -o image_file Specifies the pathname of the file where the volume image will be stored. Specifing '-' for the image_file sends the image to the standard output. -b block_size Specifies the block size on the medium. The default is 2048. -l logical_volume_identifier Specifies the logical volume identifier of the volume. The logical_volume_identifier is used as the Volume Label of the CD/DVD media that will used by the QStar Software as a root directory of the CD/DVD media within the Integral Volume set. -u {150|200|201} Specifies the UDF revision. The default is 1.50. -t All file times will be set to the current system time. Without this option, they are inherited from the source file. Examples of Creating a UDF Image 1) To create a UDF CD/DVD image at /var/spool/cdimage.udf using the /usr/docs/part2 subtree as the root of the CD/DVD with the name of the CD/DVD (logical_ volume_identifier) set to QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX, enter: #>mkudf -l QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX -o /var/spool/cdimage.udf /usr/docs/part2 2) To create a UDF CD/DVD image at /home/QStar_Software_Unix.udf using the /Release48 subtree as the root of the CD/DVD with the name of the CD/DVD (logical_ volume_identifier) set to QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX, enter: #>mkudf -l QSTAR_SOFTWARE_UNIX -o /home/QStar_Software_Unix.udf /Release48 Page 104 of 126 WRITING AN IMAGE FILE TO THE CD/DVD-R MEDIA In this section using the vlrecord command both Direct and Delayed write procedures will be described in the examples using ISO as the file system type. The same procedures are also applicable to the UDF file system. Starting the RECORD Procedure The vlrecord command is used to record an ISO/UDF image to a CD/DVD-R media. The CD/DVD-R media is specified by the device_name:shelf_number argument. If “any” option is specified instead of a shelf number then the 1st available blank CD/DVD-R in the storage device will be used. The image location and name is specified by the image_path argument. vlrecord [-H host_name] [-v] [-x {speed_X | max}] [-b buffer_Mb] [{-t | -T}] [-s set_name] [-j delayed_job_name [-d {[mmdd]HHMM | [cc]yymmddHHMM}]] [-m mail_addr] [-n number_of_copies]device_name:{shelf_number{a|b}|any} [image_path] The options available with the vlrecord command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v Verbose output. -x speed_X Specifies the recording speed at which all CD/DVDs will be recorded. Without this option the recording speed is selected automatically based on the memory buffer filling time. The options available are any number below the maximum write speed of the drive (i.e. 2x =2 3x = 3 4x =4), or Max. The selection of “Auto” as the recording speed ensures that the server will automatically detect the writing speed. With a buffer on the server, data is transferred from the client machine to the buffer first and then from the buffer to the drive. The server waits until the buffer is full before it starts to write. It calculates the speed of transfer for the first 4Mb (buffer size) of data and sets the appropriate write speed for the drive. The auto speed selection of the software may not always be accurate as the server assumes that all transfers will be made at the same speed calculated for the first 4MB. If the recording procedure returns an error, the speed is not correct, a write speed test must then be carried out. This procedure is described in the Burn Test Procedure Before Starting the Write Operation section of this manual, QStar recommends reading the section before starting the recording procedure to determine the correct write speed for your drives. -b buffer_Mb Specifies memory buffer size used for recording. The default value is 4 Mb. -t The Laser OFF test mode is used to test and verify the optimum write speed to be used with the CD/DVD-R drive. When the Laser OFF test mode is specified, the Software and the CD/DVD-R drive simulate the write process. The CD/DVD-R drive does not actually write data to the media as the Laser power is turned off. -T The Write OFF test mode is used to measure the data transfer rate. When the Write OFF test mode is specified, the Software will send the data to the drive, but will not perform the write operation on the media. Note: For more detailed information about the test procedure, please refer to “Burn Test Before Start Write Operation” section of this manual. Page 105 of 126 -s set_name Specifies the Integral Volume set name to which the newly written media will be automatically added. -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the “RECORD Delayed Start” field in the /sys/QStar/vl/files/conf file. Note: The -d flag can only be used by the superuser. mm - is the month number dd - is the day number in the month HH - is the hour number (24 hour system) MM - is the minute number cc - is the century yy - is the last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be omitted; the current date values are supplied as defaults. -n number_of_copies Specifies the number of copies of the same ISO/UDF image that will be recorded to the CD/DVD-R media. Without this option only one ISO/UDF image will be recorded. This option is only available with the Delayed write procedure in conjunction with any option and will be ignored if is used with the Direct write procedure. -m mail_addr Specifies the email address to which confirmation is sent when the job has completed. An E-mail notification can be sent reporting the exit status information of the recording operation using the -m option and specifying the E-mail address of the person who should receive the notification. Note: The recording is a long procedure, QStar suggests using the -v option to track the progress of the recording. Page 106 of 126 Selecting Target Jukebox In the vlrecord command the -H host_name option is used to select the hostname of the server to which the jukebox or jukeboxes are connected. If the QStar Software is installed on the same server as the jukebox (es), the -H host_name option is not required because by default the local host is used. If the jukebox to use for recording the CD/DVD-R media is connected remotely, type the host name using the -H host_name option. Note: If the host name was not already inserted in the system /etc/hosts file, use the IP address. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb and connected to the remote server production1, enter: #>vlrecord -H production1 jb:1 /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Selecting Target Shelves In the vlrecord command the device_name:{shelf_number{a|b}|any} argument is used to specify the target device and shelves (media) that will be used for recording. If the any option is selected the first available CD/DVD-R media in the jukebox will be automatically used by the QStar Software for the recording procedure. If multiple jukeboxes are connected, select the name of the required jukebox in the device_name argument. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlrecord jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso 2) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>vlrecord jb:any /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Page 107 of 126 Starting the CD/DVD-R Direct Write Procedure The Direct write procedure is used with an existing ISO/UDF image, once the recording is completed the existing ISO/UDF image will not be removed from the server hard disk. In the examples displayed below the recording speed is set to 2x and the -v Verbose output option will be used to track the progress of the recording. QStar recomends to always use the -v Verbose output option because the recording process is a long procedure. The vlrecord command allows the use of the Direct write procedure only if it was enabled in the RECORD Direct entry on the conf VL Configuration file. If the System Administrator tries to use the Direct write procedure without enabling it, the following error messages will be returned to the vlrecord command: vlrecord: host_name: Direct record prohibited: Operation not supported Direct Write Procedure Using Any Option Using the Any option on the vlrecord command, the target shelf will be chosen by the QStar Software. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Direct write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test jb:any /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -s set_name option is used to add the new CD/DVD-ROM created to the Integral Volume set Test. The new media will then be mounted immediately after the recording has completed and the data will be available online. 2) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Direct write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -m [email protected] jb:any /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -m mail_addr option is used to send an E-mail notification reporting the exit status information of the recording operation. 3) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Direct write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -m [email protected] jb:any /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example both -s set_name and -m mail_addr options are used. Direct Write Procedure Using a Specified Shelf 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Direct write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -s set_name option is used to add the new CD/DVD-ROM created to the Integral Volume set Test. The new media will then be mounted immediately after the recording has completed and the data will be available online. Page 108 of 126 2) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Direct write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -m [email protected] jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -m mail_addr option is used to send an E-mail notification reporting the exit status information of the recording operation. 3) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Direct write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -m [email protected] jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example both -s set_name and -m mail_addr options are used. Information Displayed During the Direct Write Procedure In order to displays the events performed during the record the -v Verbose output option must be used with the vlrecord command, the Memory Buffer and Drive Buffer will then depict their relative values. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Direct write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x jb:any /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso jb:0 setup jb:0 ready. Recording started jb:0 5Mb of 85Mb (2560 blks)299Kb/s, jb:0 10Mb of 85Mb (5120 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 15Mb of 85Mb (7680 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 20Mb of 85Mb(10240 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 25Mb of 85Mb(12800 blks)299Kb/s, jb:0 30Mb of 85Mb(14848 blks)297Kb/s, jb:0 35Mb of 85Mb(17408 blks)299Kb/s, jb:0 39Mb of 85Mb(19968 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 44Mb of 85Mb(22528 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 49Mb of 85Mb(25088 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 54Mb of 85Mb(27648 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 59Mb of 85Mb(30208 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 64Mb of 85Mb(32768 blks)364Kb/s, jb:0 69Mb of 85Mb(34816 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 74Mb of 85Mb(37376 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 78Mb of 85Mb(39936 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 83Mb of 85Mb(42496 blks)300Kb/s, jb:0 85Mb of 85Mb(43971 blks)103Kb/s, jb:0 closing 85 Mb done Total:248Kb/s, Total:271Kb/s, Total:280Kb/s, Total:284Kb/s, Total:287Kb/s, Total:289Kb/s, Total:291Kb/s, Total:292Kb/s, Total:293Kb/s, Total:293Kb/s, Total:294Kb/s, Total:294Kb/s, Total:293Kb/s, Total:295Kb/s, Total:295Kb/s, Total:296Kb/s, Total:296Kb/s, Total:294Kb/s, buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 75%, 0%, drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive 84% 84% 86% 84% 84% 86% 84% 84% 84% 43% 84% 84% 34% 84% 84% 84% 84% 45% Note: The shelf used for recording is displayed as "0" because the any option was used in the example. Additional information relating to the write will be reported in the QStar /sys/QStar/log/syslog file. Page 109 of 126 full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full Starting the CD/DVD-R Delayed Write Procedure If the Delayed write procedure is used with an existing ISO/UDF image, the image is first transferred to the Images Directory specified in the RECORD Images Dir Path entry of the conf VL Configuration file. Then in accordance with the RECORD Delayed Start Time settings also specified in the conf VL Configuration file, the image will be recorded to the CD/DVD-R media. When the record procedure has completed the existing ISO/UDF image will be not removed from the server hard disk however, the transferred image will be removed from the Images Directory. To select the Delayed write procedure the System Administrator will need to use the -j delayed_job_name option and assign a name to the job using the vlrecord command. The job name must be a unique name, if the same job name is already present on the delayed jobs queue list then the job will be denied and the following message will be returned to the vlrecord command: vlrecord: QStar_Unix_Release: Can't add to VL-queue: Record already exists By default the recording Start Time will follow the setting inserted in the RECORD Delayed Start Time setting specified in the conf VL Configuration file. The System Administrator can change the recording Start Time specifying the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list using the -d [mmdd]HHMM | [cc]yymmddHHMM option using the vlrecord command. Note: If the Delayed write procedure is interrupted, the interruption will cancel the delayed job request and the partial image that has been transferred will be removed from the Images Directory. Delayed Write Procedure Using Any Shelf Option Using the Any option, the target shelf will be chosen by the QStar Software. In the examples the QStar_Release is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -j QStar_Release jb:any /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -s set_name option is used to add the new CD/DVD-ROM created to the Integral Volume set Test. The new media will then be mounted immediately after the recording has completed and the data will be available online. 2) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -m [email protected] -j QStar_Release jb:any /home/QStar_Software _Unix.iso Note: In the example the -m mail_addr option is used to send an E-mail notification reporting the exit status information of the delayed recording operation. 3) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -m [email protected] -j QStar_Release jb:any /home/QStar_ Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example both -s set_name and -m mail_addr options are used. Page 110 of 126 4) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -j QStar_Release -d 2330 jb:any /home/QStar_ Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -d option is used to set the Delayed Start Time to 23:30. Delayed Write Procedure Using a Specified Shelf In the examples the QStar_Release is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -j QStar_Release jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example the -s set_name option is used to add the new CD/DVD-ROM created to the Integral Volume set Test. The new media will then be mounted immediately after the recording has completed and the data will be available online. 2) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -m [email protected] -j QStar_Release jb:1a /home/QStar_Software _Unix.iso Note: In the example the -m mail_addr option is used to send an E-mail notification reporting the exit status information of the recording operation. 3) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -m [email protected] -j QStar_Release jb:1a /home/QStar_ Software_Unix.iso Note: In the example both -s set_name and -m mail_addr options are used. 4) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -s Test -j QStar_Release -d 2330 jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_ Unix.iso Note: In the example the -d option is used to set the Delayed Start Time to 23:30. Page 111 of 126 Delayed Write Procedure Using Any Option and Multiple Copy The Delayed write procedure allows creating multiple copies of CD/DVD using the same ISO/UDF image specifying the -n number_of_copies and any options on the vlrecord command. In the examples the QStar_Release is the name assigned to the delayed_job_name option. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the CD/DVD-R media in shelf 1 on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -j QStar_Release -n 3 jb:any /export/home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso If the -n number_of_copies option is used with a specified shelf an error is returned to the vlrecord command. Below is an example of the error returned: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -j QStar_Release -n 3 jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso #>vlrecord: several copies on one shelf requested: Invalid argument Note: The specified shelf 1 is an invalid argument with -n number_of_copies option. To avoid a Duplicate Media error that will lock the Integral Volume set database, the QStar Software will not allow the adding of media to an Integral Volume set until all the other copies are exported from the jukebox. The Number of Copies and the -s set_name options are mutually exclusive and if the -n number_of_copies option is used with -s set_name option an error is returned to the vlrecord command. Below is an example of the error returned: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -j QStar_Release -s Test -n 3 jb:any /home/QStar_Software_ Unix.iso #>vlrecord: several copies and add to set requested: Invalid argument Note: The -s set_name option is an invalid argument with -n number_of_copies option. Page 112 of 126 Information Displayed During the Delayed Write Procedure In order to display the events performed during the transfer of the ISO/UDF image to the Images Directory the -v Verbose output option must be used with the vlrecord command. 1) To record the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image to the first available CD/DVD-R media on the jukebox identified as jb using the Delayed write procedure, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2x -j QStar_Release jb:any /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release QStar_Release 8Mb 17Mb 25Mb 33Mb 41Mb 49Mb 58Mb 66Mb 74Mb 82Mb 85Mb 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb done 10666Kb/s, 351Kb/s, 659Kb/s, 516Kb/s, 1122Kb/s, 2133Kb/s, 10666Kb/s, 415Kb/s, 64000Kb/s, 10666Kb/s, 2064Kb/s, Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: Total: 1590Kb/s 1519Kb/s 1516Kb/s 1512Kb/s 1500Kb/s 1459Kb/s 1437Kb/s 1423Kb/s 1427Kb/s 1433Kb/s 1426Kb/s Note: The example shows that the transfer has completed without any errors and now the ISO image is ready to be recorded to the first available shelf that contains a Blank CD/DVD-R media. Additional information relating to the transfer will be reported in the QStar /sys/QStar/log/Syslog file. Page 113 of 126 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status in the Delayed Jobs Queue List The vlqlist command is used to list all the information for the delayed jobs present in the delayed jobs queue list, which is controlled by the QStar VL scheduler process. The VL scheduler will start to process the jobs in the list at the time set by the System Administrator. The System Administrator using the vlqlist command can manage and monitor the delayed jobs in the delayed jobs queue list. vlqlist [-H host_name] [-j [d][c][m][r][e]] [-s [w][s][d][e]] [-h sender_hostname] [-u user_id] [-l] The options available with the vlrecord command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -j [d][c][m][r][e] The –j flag allows specific job type filters to be used. Multiple filters may be used together on the same command line. d - Display only vlrecord jobs. c - Display only vlcopy jobs. m - Display only vlcmp jobs. r - Display only vlreuse jobs. e - Display only vlerase jobs. Note: By default all types of jobs are displayed. -s [w][s][d][e] The -s flag allows specific job state filters to be used. Multiple filters may be used together on the same command line. w - Display all jobs waiting for execution. s - Display all jobs that have started. d - Display all jobs that have completed without error. e - Display all jobs that have completed with error. Note: By default all types of job states are displayed. -h sender_hostname Display all records that came from the host specified by sender_hostname -u user_id Display all records that originated from the user specified by user_id. -l Output long format. Page 114 of 126 Displaying Delayed Job Status for a Single Copy The delayed jobs listed on the vlqlist command output are displayed in the order they were added to the delayed jobs queue. 1) To display the delayed job status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release Record Waiting 0:natasha In the example the job with the name QStar_Release is present on the delayed jobs queue list and was registered on the list with Job ID 1 and Registration Date 2002/03/10 at 21:43 and currently this job has a Status of Waiting. The Delayed Start Date information is empty because the scheduling procedure follows the general settings made in the RECORD Delayed Start Time setting specified in the conf VL Configuration file. Note: The User ID "0" is the User root. 2) To display the delayed job status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release Record Started 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 The Status of the job with Job ID 1 has changed to Started and the recording was started at 2002/03/10_21:44 Delayed Start Date. 3) To display the delayed job status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release Record Done 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 2002/03/10_21:50 The Status of the job with Job ID 1 has changed to Done and the recording was completed without any errors at 2002/03/10_21:50 End Date. Note: If the Status displays Error the recording procedure has failed to write the image on the media. Note1: The image transferred to the Images Directory will be removed in both cases, whether the recording procedure was successful, or if it ended with an error. Page 115 of 126 Displaying Delayed Jobs Status for a Multiple Copy The delayed jobs listed on the vlqlist command output are displayed in the order they were added to the delayed jobs queue. If the Number of Copies option is used to create multiple CD/DVD-ROM media with the same image, a job will be created for each copy in the delayed jobs queue. These jobs will differ in the Job ID and the copy number will be added to Job Name. The jobs will be processed according to the priority order specified. The job on top of the delayed jobs queue list has the highest priority. 1) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#1 copy> 2 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#2 copy> 3 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#3 copy> Job-Type Record Record Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Waiting 0:natasha Waiting 0:natasha Waiting 0:natasha In the example the jobs with the name QStar_Release<#1 copy>, QStar_Release<#2 copy>, QStar_Release<#3 copy> are present on the delayed jobs queue list. They were registered on the list respectively with Job ID 1, Job ID 2, Job ID 3 and Registration Date 2002/03/10 at 21:43. Currently these jobs have a Status of Waiting. The Delayed Start Date information is empty because the scheduling procedure follows the general settings made in the RECORD Delayed Start Time setting specified in the conf VL Configuration file Note: The User ID "0" is the User root. 2) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name Job-Type 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#1 copy> Record 2 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#2 copy> Record 3 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#3 copy> Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 Waiting 0:natasha Waiting 0:natasha The Status of the job with Job ID 1 has changed to Started and the recording was started at 2002/03/10_21:44 Delayed Start Date. 3) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#1 copy> 2 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#2 copy> 3 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#3 copy> Job-Type Record Record Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 Started 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:45 Waiting 0:natasha The Status of the job with Job ID 2 has changed to Started and the recording was started at 2002/03/10_21:45 Delayed Start Date. Note: The QStar CD/DVD Master Software will use all the CD/DVD-R drives available simultaneously. With the jukebox used in the example, two CD-R drives are available. Page 116 of 126 4) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 2 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#2 copy> 3 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#3 copy> 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#1 copy> Job-Type Record Record Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:45 Waiting 0:natasha Done 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 2002/03/10_21:50 The recording of the first copy has completed successfully. The Status of the job with Job ID 1 has changed to Done and the job details are then moved to the bottom of the delayed jobs queue list. 5) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 2 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#2 copy> 3 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#3 copy> 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#1 copy> Job-Type Record Record Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:45 Started 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:51 Done 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 2002/03/10_21:50 The Status of the job with Job ID 3 has changed to Started and the recording was started at 2002/03/10_21:51 Delayed Start Date. 6) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 3 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#3 copy> 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#1 copy> 2 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#2 copy> Job-Type Record Record Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Started 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:51 Done 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 2002/03/10_21:50 Done 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:45 2002/03/10_21:51 The recording of the second copy has completed successfully. The Status of the job with Job ID 2 has changed to Done and the job details are then moved to the bottom of the delayed jobs queue list. 7) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#1 copy> 2 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#2 copy> 3 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#3 copy> Job-Type Record Record Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Done 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:44 2002/03/10_21:50 Done 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:45 2002/03/10_21:51 Done 0:natasha 2002/03/10_21:51 2002/03/10_21:57 The recording of the third copy has completed successfully. The Status of the job with Job ID 3 has changed to Done and the job details are then moved to the bottom of the delayed jobs queue list. Note: The QStar syslog file will report detailed information about the recording for all three copies. The image transferred to the Images Directory is kept until the recording is completed for all the copies. When all the jobs are completed with or without error the image is deleted from the Images Directory. Page 117 of 126 The vllsdev command output will display all these copies as duplicate. The QStar Software will not allow duplicate media in the same jukebox, it prevents the addition of these media to an Integral Volume set or locks the Integral Volume set if the original media is already part of the Integral Volume set. In order to add media or unlock the Integral Volume set the two copies must first be exported from the jukebox. Note: For more detailed information about duplicate media, please refer to Chapter 8 Disaster Recovery on the QStar System Administrator's Guide. If the System Administrator has changed the recording Start Time specifying the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list using the -d [mmdd]HHMM | [cc]yymmddHHMM option on the vlrecord command, this new recording start time information will be displayed on the vlqlist output on the Delayed-Start-Date information. 1) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name Job-Type 1 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#1 copy> Record 2 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#2 copy> Record 3 2002/03/10_21:43 QStar_Release<#3 copy> Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/10_23:30 Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/10_23:30 Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/10_23:30 Note: The Registration-Date reports the Date and Time when the delayed job was added to the delayed jobs queue list and the Delayed-Start-Date shows the Date and Time when the job is to be processed. Displaying Delayed Job Status in Long Format The vlqlist command used with the –l (Output on Long Format) option allows displaying detailed information for the delayed jobs present in the delayed jobs queue list. #>vlqlist –l Record ID: Job: Job Status: Job Name: Sender Hostname: Sender UID: Registration Date: Start Date: End Date: Error: Delayed Start Date: Notification Mail Address: Test Write Mode: Write Speed: Buffer Size(Mb): Device Name: Shelf Number: Side: Image Size: Image Path: Set Name: Leave Open: Page 118 of 126 1 Record Waiting QStar_Release natasha 0 2002/03/10_21:43 laser off 2 0 jb 0 A 68960256 /sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images/nataha.1019164293.img No Record ID: Job: Job Status: Job Name: Sender Hostname: Sender UID: Registration Date: Start Date: End Date: Error: Delayed Start Date: Notification Mail Address: Test Write Mode: Write Speed: Buffer Size(Mb): Device Name: Shelf Number: Side: Image Size: Image Path: Set Name: Leave Open: 2 Record Waiting QStar_Release 1 brian 0 2002/04/19_13:15 Record ID: Job: Job Status: Job Name: Sender Hostname: Sender UID: Registration Date: Start Date: End Date: Error: Delayed Start Date: Notification Mail Address: Test Write Mode: Write Speed: Buffer Size(Mb): Device Name: Shelf Number: Side: Image Size: Image Path: Set Name: Leave Open: 3 Record Done QStar_Release 3 brian 0 2002/04/19_15:24 2002/04/19_15:25 2002/04/19_15:29 [email protected] no test 4 0 jb 6 A 86372352 /sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images/brian.1019214846.img No [email protected] no test 4 0 jb 1 A 86372352 /sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images/brian.1019222594.img No Page 119 of 126 Moving Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List The vlqmove command is used to move the jobs in the delayed jobs queue list that is controlled by the QStar VL scheduler process. The delayed jobs listed on the vlqlist command output are displayed in the order they were added to the delayed jobs queue. The job that has the highest priority on the queue is the job that is displayed at the top of the list. When the recording starts, the job on the top of the list will be the first delayed job to be processed. The System Administrator using the vlqmove command can change the order the jobs will be processed. vlqmove [-H host_name] job_id1 [after] job_id2 Note: By default, this command moves job_id1 ahead of job_id2. The options available with the vlqmove command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. [after] Specifies that job_id1 should be placed after job_id2. Example: 1) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/03/11_00:57 QStar_Release<#1 copy> 2 2002/03/11_00:57 QStar_Release<#2 copy> 3 2002/03/11_00:57 QStar_Release<#3 copy> Job-Type Record Record Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 Note: In the example the job with Job ID 1 will be the first to be recorded. 2) To change the priority order of the jobs 1 and 2, enter: #>vlqmove 2 1 Note: In the example, the job with Job ID 2 is selected to move this job to the top of the list. 3) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 2 2002/03/11_00:57 QStar_Release<#2 copy> 1 2002/03/11_00:57 QStar_Release<#1 copy> 3 2002/03/11_00:57 QStar_Release<#3 copy> Job-Type Record Record Record Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 Note: Now the job with Job ID 2 is at the top of the list and will be the first job that will be processed. Page 120 of 126 Deleting Delayed Jobs from the Delayed Jobs List The vlqmove command is used to remove the job records in the delayed jobs queue list that is controlled by the QStar VL scheduler process. This command can be used to clear completed, completed with error, and unwanted incomplete records. vlqremove [-H host_name] job_id The options available with the vlqremove command are described as follows: -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. Example: 1) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name 1 2002/03/11_00:57 QStar_Release1 2 2002/03/11_01:10 QStar_Release2 3 2002/03/11_01:17 QStar_Release3 Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date Record Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 Record Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 Record Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 2) To delete a job from the delayed jobs queue list, enter: #>vlqremove 1 Note: In the example, the job with Job ID 1 is removed from the list. 3) To display the delayed jobs status, enter: #>vlqlist JobID Registration-Date Job-Name Job-Type Status UserID:User-Hostname Delayed-Start-Date End-Date 2 2002/03/11_01:10 QStar_Release2 Record Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 3 2002/03/11_01:17 QStar_Release3 Record Waiting 0:natasha 2002/03/11_01:30 Note: Once a job is removed from the list the job is canceled and the associated image file in the Images Directory is removed. Page 121 of 126 Burn Test Procedure Before Starting the Write Operation Before starting the actual write operation, QStar suggests carrying out a recording test. This will ensure that the write speed between the CD/DVD-R drive and the CD/DVD-R media is adequate without wasting any media. The QStar CD/DVD Master Software allows two types of test procedures: A) Laser OFF (-t option on vlrecord command) This test can be done either with the QStar CD/DVD Master Software running on the server, or with it running on a client machine. When the Laser OFF test mode is specified, the Software and CD/DVD-R drive simulate the write process, but the CD/DVD-R drive does not actually write data to the media. The CD/DVD-R drive will accept the data sent by the Software and will behave as if it is actually writing the data to the media but with the laser power turned off the write will not actually occur. This test mode is used to determine the optimum write speed that can be used with the CD/DVD-R drive controlled by QStar Software. This test is useful to determine the compatibility between the media, the drive and the system, in order to prevent wasting media. This can be done using the Direct and Delayed write procedures. The only difference is that with the Delayed write procedure the System Administrator will get the information about the test from the QStar Syslog file only. The final exit status of the test is displayed, whether the test was local, or over the network. B) Write OFF (-T option on vlrecord command) Test mode without a write operation. This mode is used to determine the data transfer rate of the CD-R/DVD-R drives over the network. This test should be used with the Direct write procedure if the QStar CD/DVD Master Software is running on a client machine to determine the optimum transfer rate and set the best write speed for the environment. Typically a client machine on a 1Mb network will have drive transfer rates of, 1x = 150k/sec, 2x = 300k/sec, 6x = 1mb/sec, 12x = 2mb/sec. Therefore, write speeds greater than 6x will generate a buffer under run error. Either test can be carried out using the Direct or Delayed write procedures. In the following example an existing ISO image is transferred to the media on shelf 1 using the Direct write procedure. Laser OFF Burn Test In the Laser OFF test procedure the -v Verbose, -t (Laser OFF) option must be specified on the vlrecord command. A) In the first test the write speed of the CD/DVD-R drive is selected as Max. 1) To enable the Laser OFF test procedure using the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x max -t jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso During the test the Verbose output will display the events performed and the progress of the test. Example of the Verbose output: jb:1 setup jb:1 ready. Recording started jb:1 5Mb of 85Mb (2560 blks)600Kb/s, Total:407Kb/s, buffers:memory 95%, drive 83% full jb:1 6Mb of 85Mb (3072 blks)576Kb/s, Total:430Kb/s, buffers:memory 95%, drive 85% full vlrecord: I/O error If a problem is encountered during the test an error will be generated, the test will be stopped and the Verbose output will display the error generated. Note: In the example an error is generated. Page 122 of 126 Detailed information about the error is reported in the QStar syslog file. Example of the information displayed on the QStar syslog file: 03/11/2002 14:02:44 write mode: 03/11/2002 14:02:44 03/11/2002 14:02:47 705 Kb/s - 4X, 4 Mb 03/11/2002 14:03:06 03/11/2002 14:03:06 03/11/2002 14:03:28 VL: record:jb:1 - start laser off, max speed, default buffer, image size 90052608 - 85 Mb record:jb:1: create_service record: jb:1 - max write speed 705 Kb/s - 4X, current write speed buffer, close media JB: jb drive 1: Sync failed : I/O error JB: jb shelf 1: is set offline VL: record:jb:1 - end, error 3000002 Note: The QStar syslog file reports any errors encountered. B) The first test shows that at the maximum write speed allowed by the CD/DVD-R drive, the recording procedure can have a problem that will cause an error. To find the correct write speed, the speed is set to a lower value (in the example it is 2x) and the test is re-run. Note: The maximum speed for the drive used on the first example is 4x. 1) To enable the Laser OFF test procedure using the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x 2 -t jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso During the test the Verbose output will display the events performed and the progress of the test. Example of the Verbose output: jb:1 setup jb:1 ready. Recording started jb:1 5Mb of 85Mb (2560 blks)299Kb/s, Total:248Kb/s, jb:1 10Mb of 85Mb (5120 blks)299Kb/s, Total:272Kb/s, jb:1 15Mb of 85Mb (7680 blks)1684Kb/s, Total:273Kb/s, jb:1 20Mb of 85Mb (10240 blks)299Kb/s, Total:283Kb/s, jb:1 25Mb of 85Mb (12800 blks)299Kb/s, Total:287Kb/s, jb:1 30Mb of 85Mb (14848 blks)299Kb/s, Total:289Kb/s, jb:1 35Mb of 85Mb (17408 blks) 57Kb/s, Total:286Kb/s, jb:1 39Mb of 85Mb (19968 blks)299Kb/s, Total:292Kb/s, jb:1 44Mb of 85Mb (22528 blks)299Kb/s, Total:293Kb/s, jb:1 49Mb of 85Mb (25088 blks)1505Kb/s,Total:292Kb/s, jb:1 54Mb of 85Mb (27648 blks)300Kb/s, Total:294Kb/s, jb:1 59Mb of 85Mb (30208 blks)300Kb/s, Total:294Kb/s, jb:1 64Mb of 85Mb (32768 blks)1699Kb/s,Total:295Kb/s, jb:1 69Mb of 85Mb (34816 blks)1560Kb/s,Total:294Kb/s, jb:1 74Mb of 85Mb (37376 blks)299Kb/s, Total:295Kb/s, jb:1 78Mb of 85Mb (39936 blks)299Kb/s, Total:296Kb/s, jb:1 83Mb of 85Mb (42496 blks)300Kb/s, Total:296Kb/s, jb:1 85Mb of 85Mb (43971 blks)111Kb/s, Total:296Kb/s, jb:1 closing 85 Mb done buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 95%, 75%, 0%, drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive 84% 84% 84% 77% 84% 84% 25% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 49% 84% 84% 84% 96% Page 123 of 126 full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full The Verbose output displays that this time the test procedure completed without any errors. The selected write speed is clearly the correct speed for the CD/DVD-R drive. Detailed information about the exit status of the test is reported in the QStar syslog file. Example of the information displayed on the QStar syslog file: 03/11/2002 16:48:47 VL: record:jb:1 - start write mode: laser off, 2X speed, default buffer, image size 90052608 - 85 Mb 03/11/2002 16:48:47 record:jb:1: create_service 03/11/2002 16:48:48 record: jb:1 - max write speed 705 Kb/s - 4X, current write speed 352 Kb/s - 2X, 4 Mb buffer, close media 03/11/2002 16:54:06 VL: record:jb:1 - end, error 0 Note: The QStar syslog file shows that the test was completed with “0” error. Write OFF Burn Test In the Write OFF test procedure the -v Verbose, -T (Write OFF) option must be specified on the vlrecord command. A) In the test the write speed of the CD/DVD-R drive is selected as Max. 1) To enable the Write OFF test procedure using the /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso image, enter: #>vlrecord -v -x max -T jb:1a /home/QStar_Software_Unix.iso During the test the Verbose output will display the events performed and the progress of the test. Example of the Verbose output: jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 ……… jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 setup ready. Recording started 1Mb of 85Mb (512 blks) 0Kb/s, Total: 5Mb 6Mb 7Mb 8Mb 9Mb 10Mb 40Mb 41Mb 42Mb 43Mb 44Mb 45Mb 46Mb 47Mb 48Mb 49Mb of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of of 0Kb/s, buffers:memory 78%, drive 100% full 85Mb(2560 blks)864Kb/s, Total:4376Kb/s, 85Mb(3072 blks)864Kb/s, Total:2603Kb/s, 85Mb(3584 blks)864Kb/s, Total:2019Kb/s, 85Mb(4096 blks)864Kb/s, Total:1728Kb/s, 85Mb(4608 blks)864Kb/s, Total:1554Kb/s, 85Mb(5120 blks)853Kb/s, Total:1438Kb/s, 85Mb(20480 blks)864Kb/s, Total:952Kb/s, 85Mb(20992 blks)864Kb/s, Total:950Kb/s, 85Mb(21504 blks)864Kb/s, Total:947Kb/s, 85Mb(22016 blks)864Kb/s, Total:945Kb/s, 85Mb(22528 blks)864Kb/s, Total:943Kb/s, 85Mb(23040 blks)864Kb/s, Total:941Kb/s, 85Mb(23552 blks)864Kb/s, Total:938Kb/s, 85Mb(24064 blks)864Kb/s, Total:936Kb/s, 85Mb(24576 blks)864Kb/s, Total:935Kb/s, 85Mb(25088 blks)752Kb/s, Total:933Kb/s, Page 124 of 126 buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive drive 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full full jb:1 ……… jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 jb:1 85Mb 50Mb of 85Mb(25600 blks)864Kb/s, Total:931Kb/s, buffers:memory 1%, drive 100% full 80Mb of 81Mb of 82Mb of 83Mb of 84Mb of 85Mb of 85Mb of closing done 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 1%, 85Mb(40960 85Mb(41472 85Mb(41984 85Mb(42496 85Mb(43008 85Mb(43520 85Mb(43965 blks)864Kb/s, blks)864Kb/s, blks)853Kb/s, blks)864Kb/s, blks)864Kb/s, blks)864Kb/s, blks)865Kb/s, Total:902Kb/s, Total:901Kb/s, Total:901Kb/s, Total:900Kb/s, Total:900Kb/s, Total:899Kb/s, Total:899Kb/s, buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory buffers:memory drive drive drive drive drive drive drive 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% full full full full full full full The Verbose output displays that this time the test procedure completed without any errors. The Kb/sec information relates to the transfer rate achieved over the network. Detailed information about the exit status of the test is reported in the QStar syslog file. Example of the information displayed on the QStar syslog file: 03/11/2002 17:33:45 VL: cdrecord:jb:1 - start write mode: write off, max speed, default buffer, image size 90052608 - 85 Mb 03/11/2002 17:33:45 cdrecord:jb:1: create_service 03/11/2002 17:33:47 cdrecord: jb:1 - max write speed 705 Kb/s - 4X, current write speed 705 Kb/s - 4X, 4 Mb buffer, close media 03/11/2002 17:36:07 VL: cdrecord:jb:1 - end, error 0 Note: The QStar syslog file shows that the test was completed with “0” error. Page 125 of 126 ERROR CONDITIONS DURING RECORDING If an error occurred during the Direct write procedure the error will be displayed during the recording if the Vebose output option was specified in the vlrecord command. The QStar syslog file will report additional information about the error encountered during the recording procedure. If an error occurred during the Delayed write pocedure the error information will be displayed on the record regarding the job that encountered the error in delayed jobs queue list, displayed using the vlqlist command. The syslog file will report additional information about the error encountered during the recording procedure. If an error is frequently encountered during the recording procedure, QStar suggests monitoring the CD/DVD-R drive to detect which error the device returns using the qscsi_log command with the option that allows collecting all the SCSI command information in the /sys/QStar/log/scsi_log file. For more detailed information regarding the qscsi_log command, please refer to Chapter 8 Disaster Recovery on this manual. The vlqlist command used with the –l (Output on Long Format) option allows displaying detailed error information for the delayed jobs present in the delayed jobs queue list. #>vlqlist –l Record ID: 2 Job: Record Job Status: Error Job Name: QStar Release Sender Hostname: brian Sender UID: 0 Registration Date: 2002/04/19_13:15 Start Date: 2002/04/19_13:29 End Date: 2002/04/19_13:30 Error: USCSICMD ioctl: try jb:6a 82 Mb: cdr_write: write process was interrupted: SCSI cmd 0x2a (write): I/O error Delayed Start Date: Notification Mail Address: [email protected] Test Write Mode: no test Write Speed: 4 Buffer Size(Mb): 0 Device Name: jb Shelf Number: 6 Side: A Image Size: 86372352 Image Path: /sys/QStar/vl/files/cd_images/brian.1019214846.img Set Name: Leave Open: No Page 126 of 126 This chapter describes how to recover from various hardware failures. Earlier sections covered error recovery for each module, this section covers overall steps to recovering Media sets in the event of a hardware failure, while ensuring minimum downtime and preventing data loss or corruption. Any message relating to a hardware problem will be sent to the system console window and recorded in the QStar syslog file. This chapter covers instances of: • Diagnostic utilities • Drive failure in a jukebox • Jukebox failure • Power failure or system crash • Recovery from magnetic disk cache failure DIAGNOSTIC UTILITIES ................................................................................................................... 2 The QStar Syslog File .................................................................................................................... 2 The Qscsi_log Command ............................................................................................................... 2 The VLconsole Command .............................................................................................................. 6 Send Mail Notification..................................................................................................................... 6 DRIVE FAILURE IN A JUKEBOX....................................................................................................... 7 Recovery for Lost Source Shelf Information................................................................................... 9 JUKEBOX FAILURE......................................................................................................................... 10 ERROR CONDITION DURING MOUNT .......................................................................................... 11 ERROR HANDLING AND RECOVERY FOR ALL FILE SYSTEMS ................................................ 12 Error Condition while Processing a Delayed Event...................................................................... 12 Example of Error Condition in the Cache ..................................................................................... 12 POWER FAILURE, SYSTEM CRASH OR REBOOTING WITHOUT UNMOUNTING .................... 13 RECOVERY FROM MAGNETIC DISK CACHE FAILURE .............................................................. 14 ERROR RECOVERY IN THE VL DATABASE................................................................................. 15 ERROR RECOVERY USING DUPLICATE MEDIA ..................................................................... 15 Set Status in the VL Database when a Duplicate Media is Imported into the Jukebox ............... 16 TROUBLESHOOTING ..................................................................................................................... 17 Page 1 of 22 DIAGNOSTIC UTILITIES The QStar Software contains several diagnostic utilities allowing users to easily collect information about the status of the QStar Software and the devices it is managing. They can be used as tools to monitor the system status and view events, errors and warnings messages. These utilities provide a quick look at the activity of the actions performed by the QStar Software and can help to identify and solve potential problems that occurred during the runtime of the system. The QStar Software diagnostic utilities include: - The QStar syslog file where all events, errors and warning messages are chronologically logged. This information can then be used for debugging, detecting and diagnosing system errors or problem identification in the system. - The qscsi_log command is used for device debugging purposes and allows the System Administrator to collect and view all the SCSI commands issued to and received from the device in order to detect hardware errors. - The vlconsole command is used to list and manage warning messages and Software requests sent by the QStar Software to the System Administrator. - The mail notification service will inform System Administrators of issues that arise in the storage configuration as soon as they appear. The QStar Syslog File The QStar syslog file is located in the /sys/QStar/log directory. In this file the system events, errors, warnings and all the events performed by the QStar Software are automatically logged. The QStar syslog file is not only a useful informational tool, but can also be helpful in diagnostic situations, for example it can be used for debugging and problem determination purposes. All the information logged in the QStar syslog file is saved in a chronological list. The most recent events are listed last in the list. The QStar Software will collect all event information until the QStar syslog file reaches a size of 2 Mb. Once the 2 Mb size is reached the QStar syslog file is automatically renamed to syslog.old and a new syslog file is created. The QStar Software will save the last 4 Mb (2+2) of event information, so very old information might be lost. The Qscsi_log Command The qscsi_log command allows System Administrators to enable, disable and manage SCSI command logging and is a useful tool for detecting and diagnosing hardware errors. The main hardware errors are displayed in the QStar syslog file as well, but the qscsi_log command provides a more precise focus for error tracking. The qscsi_log command logging is by default disabled, once enabled it collects all the SCSI information for the devices that have been specified in the command. The SCSI information collected includes the commands sent by the QStar Software to the device selected and then any error code returned by the device performing the SCSI command. Page 2 of 22 The syntax of the qscsi_log command is as follows: qscsi_log {-acCeElLgt | {-n|-f} device_name [drive_number]} The qscsi_log command can be run with different options, the options are specified using the flags listed below: -n|-f Enable (-n) or disable (-f) SCSI command logging for the selected device(s). -a Disable SCSI log for all devices. -g Get the SCSI log. The SCSI log is printed on stdout and saved in /sys/QStar/log/last_scsi_log file. -l Print all bytes of the SCSI sense. -L Print sense key, additional sense key and additional sense key qualifier only. This is the default. -e Log only the SCSI commands with non-zero sense. -E Log all SCSI commands. This is the default. -c Copy SCSI log to /sys/QStar/log/scsi_log file by the SCSI log daemon. -C Do not copy SCSI log to /sys/QStar/log/scsi_log file. This is the default. -t Truncate /sys/QStar/log/scsi_log file to the size 0. Select the device(s) that should have the SCSI information logged by specifying the device_name and the optional drive_number. If the drive_number is omitted, the option is applied to the robot and all the drives of this device. If the drive_number is equal to 0, the option is applied to the robot. Otherwise, the drive_number specifies the drive it is applied to. A) Enable SCSI logging The qscsi_log command allows collecting all SCSI information for only one jukebox at a time. 1) To enable SCSI logging for the changer and all drives contained in the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>qscsi_log -n jb 2) To enable SCSI logging for drive 1 only contained in the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>qscsi_log -n jb 1 3) To enable SCSI logging for drive 2 only contained in the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>qscsi_log -n jb 2 4) To enable SCSI logging for a standalone drive identified as rsdo0, enter: #>qscsi_log -n rsdo0 Page 3 of 22 5) To enable SCSI logging for a standalone drive identified as rdrive1, enter: #>qscsi_log -n rdrive0 Immediately, for the selected device(s), the qscsi_log command will start to collect each SCSI command sent, including the time, the device information (Scsi bus, Target ID, Lun), and the type and parameters of the SCSI command. In addition, the sense key, additional sense key and additional sense key qualifier for the SCSI commands that return an error code will also be logged. B) Display the SCSI log The QStar Software can display the last 50 commands or all the SCSI information logged. 1) To display the last 50 SCSI command in the stdout, enter: #>qscsi_log -g Note: Once displayed this information is also saved in /sys/QStar/log/last_scsi_log file. 2) To have the SCSI log daemon automatically collect all the SCSI command information in the /sys/QStar/log/scsi_log file, enter: #>qscsi_log -c The information is displayed as follows: Time 13:15:57 13:15:57 13:15:57 13:15:57 13:15:57 13:15:57 13:15:57 13:15:57 13:15:58 13:16:09 Scsi bus, Target ID, Lun 0:4:0 0:4:0 0:4:0 0:4:0 0:4:0 0:4:0 0:4:0 0:4:0 0:4:0 0:4:0 Command inquiry test unit ready inquiry mode sense mode sense read picker status read shelf status read mail status read drive status inquiry Scsi information 12 00 00 00 38 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 38 1a 08 1d 00 18 1a 08 1f 00 18 b8 11 03 e8 00 b8 12 00 00 00 b8 13 03 f2 00 b8 14 04 06 00 12 00 00 00 38 00 00 00 00 00 01 1e 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 50 90 50 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 The QStar Software will collect all the SCSI information until the QStar scsi_log file reaches a size of 2 Mb. Once the 2 Mb size is reached the QStar scsi_log file is automatically renamed to scsi_log.old and a new scsi_log file is created. The QStar Software will save the last 4 Mb (2+2) of SCSI information, so very old information might be lost. Note: The “-c” option disables the “-g” option; to reinstate the “-g” option run qscsi_log -C command. Note1: In both case the most recent SCSI information are listed at the end of the stdout or the scsi_log file. Page 4 of 22 C) Change the characteristic of the SCSI information logged Once the SCSI logging is enabled, it is possible to change the characteristic of the SCSI information that is logged. 1) To collect all the SCSI information including all bytes of the SCSI sense, enter: #>qscsi_log -l Note: This option is useful for the SCSI commands that return an error code. 2) To collect sense key, additional sense key and additional sense key qualifier only (this is the default), enter: #>qscsi_log -L 3) To collect only the SCSI commands that returns an error code(non-zero sense), enter: #>qscsi_log -e 4) To collect all SCSI information (this is the default),enter: #>qscsi_log -E D) Disable SCSI logging 1) To disable SCSI logging for the changer and all drives contained in the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>qscsi_log -n jb 2) To disable SCSI logging for drive 1 only contained in the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>qscsi_log -f jb 1 3) To disable SCSI logging for drive 2 only contained in the jukebox identified as jb, enter: #>qscsi_log -f jb 2 4) To disable SCSI logging for a standalone drive identified as rsdo0, enter: #>qscsi_log -f rsdo0 5) To disable SCSI logging for a standalone drive identified as rdrive1, enter: #>qscsi_log -f rdrive0 6) To disable SCSI logging for all devices, enter: #>qscsi_log -a Note: If the qscsi_log command was started with one/or all of the options “-c”, “-e”, and/or “-l” and the qscsi_log command was stopped using the “-f” flag. The next time the qscsi_log command is started the default will be whatever the previous settings were. To reset the default before stopping the qscsi_log use the options “-C”, “-E” and /or “-L” before using the “-f” flag. Page 5 of 22 The VLconsole Command The vlconsole command displays and manages warning messages and requests from the QStar Software to the System Administrator. It provides warning messages such as: Requests to import an offline media. Requests to import and erase media. Requests to import a media. Requests to add new erased media to an Integral Volume set. Using the vlconsole command it is possible to list these requests, check the status and if required cancel an event. QStar allows the System Administrator to decide to cancel a request or to satisfy it, whichever is more convenient. The vlconsole –l command displays a list of all the pending requests that the VL module sent to the System Administrator and their status. For example, a typical request can be to import an erased or an offline media and the status can be pending, satisfied, or cancelled. Note: The cancel action can be applied to any VL request. Note1: For more detailed information on the vlconsole command, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference or read the "Managing Offline Media under VL Control" section in Chapter 5 - The Volume librarian in this manual. Send Mail Notification QStar creates a special file called send_notification under the /sys/QStar/install directory. The System Administrators can get mail notification about abnormal events in the QStar Software. Abnormal events are - drive/jukebox failures, unrecoverable write errors, requests for additional medium (no more space in the Integral Volume set), requests for medium that is currently offline, etc. QStar Software puts messages into the /sys/QStar/log/message file and then executes this script. To receive the mail, please select the appropriate mail program for your computer and set DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS ([email protected]). To test this script please create the /sys/QStar/log/message file and execute the script. DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS= if [ -n "$DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS" -a -f /sys/QStar/log/message ]; then # # /bin/mail $DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS < /sys/QStar/log/message # /usr/sbin/Mail -s "message from QStar server" $DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS < /sys/QStar/log/message # /usr/sbin/mailx -s "message from QStar server" $DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS < /sys/QStar/log/message # /usr/bin/mailx -s "message from QStar server" $DESTINATION_MAIL_ADDRESS < /sys/QStar/log/message # mv /sys/QStar/log/message /sys/QStar/log/message.old Page 6 of 22 the DRIVE FAILURE IN A JUKEBOX If the jbscheduler daemon detects an error during access to the media in a drive, jbscheduler automatically marks this drive as bad and pauses all I/O requests to the device. All other drives will function as normal. The System Administrator can determine where the problem originates by using the jbstatus command: jbstatus [-H host_name] [-cmsd] device_name To display the jukebox status, enter: #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online Shelf 5: online full bad loaded shelf 1a empty Note: Drive is marked bad. loaded bad open drive 1 full full empty empty Note: Shelf is marked bad. The System Administrator can follow two procedures to clear the drive and media bad status: A) Use the jbreset command (Example 1). jbreset [-H host_name] device_name drive_number [shelf_number] B) Use jbdrive and jbshelf commands (Example 2). jbdrive [-H host_name] [-nfb] device_name drive_number jbshelf [-H host_name] [-nfbr1] device_name shelf_number [-p {cd-rom | cd-r | cd-rw | dvd-rom | dvd-r | dvd-ram | dvd-rw | dvd-rw-s}] device_name shelf_number Both procedures will reset the drive, unload the media to its storage shelf and clear both bad flags. The I/O request will then continue. If the same drive is again marked bad, the drive should be set offline using the jbdrive command until it is repaired. Once the drive is functional, it can be set online with the jbdrive command. Page 7 of 22 Example 1 - Clear the bad status on the drive and media using the jbreset command. #>jbreset jb JB: jb drive JB: jb shelf JB: jb drive JB: jb shelf 1 1: 1: 1: 1: is is is is set set set set #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online Shelf 5: online offline offline online online empty empty Note: Drive is unloaded and bad flag is cleared. full full full empty empty Note: Shelf’s bad flag cleared. Example 2 - Clear a bad status for a drive and shelf using the jbdrive and jbshelf commands to take the drive and shelf offline and online. #>jbdrive -bf jb 1 JB: jb drive 1: is set offline Note: Sets the drive offline, this will eject the media from the drive, and return it to the shelf. #>jbshelf -bf jb 1 JB: jb shelf 1: is set offline Note: Sets the shelf offline and reset the bad flag on shelf 1. #>jbdrive -n jb 1 JB: jb drive 1: is set online Note: Sets the drive online after repair, so it available. #>jbshelf -n jb 1 jb shelf 1: is set online Page 8 of 22 Note: Sets the shelf 1 online, so it available. Recovery for Lost Source Shelf Information This error can be introduced by human intervention or hardware failure. In this case, the jukebox loads a media into the drive, and because of a hardware error, forgets which shelf the media came from. The jbstatus command output displays this media as having lost the source shelf information. The QStar Software redirects the following message into the /sys/QStar/log/syslog file as well as displaying it on the system console window: JB: jb drive 1: Source shelf information lost - use jbreset To clear this error the System Administrator must use the jbreset command additionally specifying an empty shelf number that will be used by the QStar Software as the destination for this media. jbreset [-H host_name] device_name drive_number [shelf_number] Example - Clear the Lost Source Shelf Information Error. #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online full lost source shelf empty empty full full empty Note: Shelf 1has been selected as the destination shelf. #>jbreset jb 1 1 #>jbstatus jb Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online Note: Drive is full with unknown media. empty empty Note: Drive is empty and the error is cleared. full full full empty Note: Shelf is full. Page 9 of 22 JUKEBOX FAILURE In the event of jukebox failure, media cannot be moved between the shelves and drives. Depending upon jukebox manufacturer and model, there may be an error code in the jukebox display. Refer to the jukebox manual for this information. The following steps should be carried out: 1) Terminate any read/write processes to the jukebox if possible. 2) Unmount all media sets if possible. 3) Shut down the workstation. 4) Rectify the failure on the jukebox. 5) Ensure the jukebox is configured the same as before the failure (SCSI Ids, etc), then restart the workstation. 6) Refresh the jukebox with vlverify and vlrefresh -f commands, for more detailed information see Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. 7) Remount all sets. All sets will mount quickly if they unmounted cleanly, sets that would not unmount may take longer to mount. Page 10 of 22 ERROR CONDITION DURING MOUNT The mountiv command can return with an error condition. This section will explain what these errors mean and how to remedy them. Error message example 1: mountiv: host_name: , set Test: Migrator files invalid or belong to different set This error means that the “sdf_db or ofs_db” files are corrupted or are already in use with another Integral Volume set. Check to see if the cache root directory specified for this Integral Volume set is the same as another Integral Volume set. If it is the same, change it or remove all files inside the cache root directory and run the mountiv command. Error message example 2: mountiv: /export/home/Test: host_name: , set Test: prepare cache: Cache files belong to different filesystem This error means that the “cfs_*” files are already in use with another Integral Volume set (set with cache). Check to see if the cache root directory specified for this Integral Volume set is the same as another Integral Volume set. If it is the same, change it or remove all files inside the cache root directory and run the mountiv command again with the option, “-n”. Error message example 3: mountiv: host_name: , set Test: Busy directory or mount point This error means that the mount point specified for this Integral Volume set is already in use by another Integral Volume set or file system. Change the mount point directory. Error message example 4: mountiv: /export/home/Test: clean_cache required: Cache files may need to be recreated. Use -f flag to mount with existing cache This error means that the “cfs_*” files may already be in use by another or old Integral Volume set. Check to see if the cache root directory specified for this Integral Volume set is the same as another Integral Volume set. If it is the same, change it or remove all files inside the cache root directory or run the mountiv -n command to clean the cache. If the cache root directory belonged to an Integral Volume set that was recreated, run the mountiv -f command to mount using the existing cache files. Error message example 5: mountiv: /export/home/Test: Migrator files may need to be recreated. Use -f flag to mount with existing migrator database This error means that the Integral Volume set information has been recreated and the “sdf_db” or “ofs_db” files have been used with a different or old Integral Volume set. If the Integral Volume set is the same as the old one and only the Integral Volume set information has changed, run the mountiv -f command to mount using the existing migrator database. If the Integral Volume set is not the same, remove all files inside the cache root directory or run the mountiv -n command to clean the cache. Page 11 of 22 ERROR HANDLING AND RECOVERY FOR ALL FILE SYSTEMS The archive component of an Integral Volume set is typically a mass storage device such as a Tape, Optical, DVD or CD jukebox connected either to the local computer or to another computer on the network. These mass storage devices, as well as the network, can have hardware faults which cause an error to be produced during archiving. The Migration Server protects the integrity of the Integral Volume set, and its data, by maintaining the currently processed delayed event in the queue until the Migrator has notified it of successful completion. Error Condition while Processing a Delayed Event If the Migrator returns an error condition while processing a delayed event, then the Migration Server will automatically set itself to an error condition. In this condition the archiving will stop. In addition, any processes waiting on an event, which requires access to the archive, will return errors as will any new accesses to the Integral Volume set which require access to the archive. Any accesses to the Integral Volume set, which do not require access to the archive, will process as normal. Example of Error Condition in the Cache If an error condition occurs in the cache, the QStar Software directs an error message to the system console window and the /sys/QStar/log/syslog file. Below is an example of the error messages: mmserver: /cache/103019992: Covered file system error: No such device or address: PAGE_FAULT: Client UID=0, Client GID=0 Cnode_number=6602, Ino=7273, page_number=0, page_address=155, map_size=65536 The status of the cache can be monitored using the mmparam command and if an error occurs, the “Error Condition” line of this command will display the following message: Error condition: COVERED ERROR At this point, the System Administrator can fix the problem with the archive and resume normal processing by clearing the error condition of the Integral Volume set using the following command: #>mmresume (mount_point | set_name) Note: This command can be used in conjunction with two different flags, “–e” and “–n”. Never use these flags without contacting QStar Technical Support Personnel first. For more detailed information on the mmresume command, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. If necessary, the Integral Volume set may be unmounted and the system halted to repair the problem with the archive prior to issuing the mmresume command. During this entire process, the maximum level of availability to data is maintained while at the same time protecting the Integral Volume set from data loss or corruption. Page 12 of 22 POWER FAILURE, SYSTEM CRASH OR REBOOTING WITHOUT UNMOUNTING In the event of a system crash due to power failure or other cause, the Integral Volume sets will not be cleanly unmounted. Some steps will be taken care of automatically, but the System Administrator must ensure other steps are carried out to bring the Integral Volume sets back online. The set database will be initialized on startup by _vlserver and any media left in drives will be returned to their shelves when the jbscheduler starts. The first time the Integral Volume sets are mounted after the sever was rebooted the QStar Software will perform a consistency check between the cache file system and the cache log file (called Transaction Logging Cache), this action is completely transparent to the users. QStar recommends the following steps: 1) Check the consistency of the disk partition containing the QStar cache using the UNIX fsck command: Platform Digital UNIX Sun Solaris HP/UX IBM AIX SGI IRIX Command (example) fsck /dev/rrz1e fsck /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s5 fsck /dev/vg00/rvol4 fsck /dev/lv08 fsck /dev/rdsk/dks1d1s0 2) Remount the sets using the mountiv or mountset command. Some sets may take longer to mount, as the QStar Software may need to carry out further recovery procedures or consistency checks. 3) After the set is mounted, try to access a file. If an I/O error is received it means that the db_files (sdf_db or ofs_db files) present in the cache partition are corrupted. To rebuild these index_files, umount the sets and run the following commands: vlrestore_fsdb set_name Once the vlrestore_fsdb command has completed remount the sets. Note: This command will require a long time to restore all the db_files. For more detailed information on the vlrestore_fsdb command, please refer to Chapter 9 - Command Reference in this manual. Page 13 of 22 RECOVERY FROM MAGNETIC DISK CACHE FAILURE In the event of a magnetic disk failure that contains the cache, the cache data will need to be rebuilt from the media contained in the set. Since the media set is a self contained file system, the cache can be recovered from the media set. After the cache is rebuilt, initial access to the set will be slow. Requests are serviced from the archive media. This information is then cached. This is refereed to as “rebuild on demand”. To speed up this process, a user can force a demand by requesting the directory structure in part or in full, the UNIX ls command can be used to achieve this. Then, any future access to files will ensure the directory information is already in cache, improving performance. The cache can be rebuilt to the same or different location. If disk space is available, you can change the location of the cache. To rebuild the cache in the same location, use the “-n” flag for the mountiv command to specify a new cache. Example: #>mountiv -n set1 /optical To rebuild the cache in a new location, use the vlcache command to specify the new location. Next, use the mountiv command with the “-n” flag. Example: #>vlcache -p XXX -c /cache/set1_cache set1 This specifies /cache/set1_cache as the cache location and XXX as the number of 64K pages in cache (cache size). #>mountiv -n set1 /optical This will mount the Integral Volume set with a new cache using the parameters specified in the vlcache command. Note: If the kOFS file system is being used, the set can be mounted without a cache using the mountset command. If data is written to the set while mounted without a cache, then the cache must be rebuilt before re-mounting the Integral Volume set with a cache (mountiv –n). Page 14 of 22 ERROR RECOVERY IN THE VL DATABASE QStar's Software contains features that allow you to recover from most errors introduced by human error or caused by hardware failure. If the VL database gets out of synch with the jukebox status, this can be due to a hardware problem or human intervention with the jukebox. To recover from this, there is a utility called vlrefresh that can be run on a single shelf, multiple shelves or all the shelves contained in the jukebox. See the Chapter 9 - Command Reference for full details or Chapter 5 The Volume Librarian in the “Fixing Database Inconsistencies” section. ERROR RECOVERY USING DUPLICATE MEDIA The QStar Software doesn’t allow the use of identical or duplicate media in the jukebox. This media can be made, for example, by using the copydisk command or by vlimporting a CD-ROM that is identical to another CD-ROM already present in the jukebox. When the VL database detects a duplicate media, it marks the identical media as “dup” within the VL database. If this media has been added to an Integral Volume set, the QStar Software will not allow the Integral Volume set to be mounted until the duplicate media has been exported from the jukebox using the vlexport command. Example of error message when vlimport command imports a duplicate media: #>vlimport jb 1 jb: refreshing shelf 1 ... vlimport: Medium in the VL database already exists The vllsdev command displays the duplicate optical media as follows: #>vllsdev jb Output: OFS and SDF filesystems jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: dup 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 1b: dup 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2a: dup 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 2b: dup 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Output: CD-ROM Format jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1a-1: dup 531 Mb CD-ROM CD_TEST 42696.c67be3f2 2a-1: dup 531 Mb CD-ROM CD_TEST 42696.c67be3f2 To solve the problem created by the duplicate media, it is sufficient to export one of the identical media from the jukebox using the vlexport command. Page 15 of 22 The following example shows that exporting the media on shelf 1 with the vlexport command solves the duplicate media problem. After the media is exported, the vllsdev command displays the appropriate information about the media. If the media belongs to an Integral Volume set, the Integral Volume set is now mountable. Using the vlexport command the duplicate media is removed from the jukebox: #>vlexport jb 1 The vllsdev command now displays the following information: #>vllsdev jb Output: OFS and SDF filesystems jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 1b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=807aeea2.34ba1fc5 Output: CD-ROM Format jb JUKEBOX TYPE FS_type Size Type LabelName/Seq_no Set_id/SetName --------------------------------------------------------------------------------1a-1: 9660-R 531 Mb CD-ROM CD_TEST 42696.c67be3f2 Set Status in the VL Database when a Duplicate Media is Imported into the Jukebox If the duplicate media is identical to a media already added to the Integral Volume set, the vlserver, that manages the VL database, locks the Integral Volume set making the Integral Volume set temporarily unavailable until the duplicate media is exported from the jukebox using the vlexport command. #>mountiv Test /mnt mountiv: host #####, set Test: read database: Set non-accessible The vllsset command displays the following information: #>vllsset -v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=8 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set status=Not mountable. There are duplicate media Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=5246b54c.36fa4670 Cache: Cache_root=/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 Mounted=a,b 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 Mounted=a,b Page 16 of 22 TROUBLESHOOTING In this section, the most frequently encountered warning and error messages are listed and explained with the relative solution. MESSAGE DISPLAYED FOR ALL JB COMMAND PROBLEM AND SOLUTION Example: jbdrive -f jb 6 Message: jbdrive: jb, drive 6: Invalid drive number The drive number is wrong. With the jbstatus command, check the number of drives present in the jukebox. Example: jbshelf -f jb 200 Message: jbshelf: jb, shelf 200: Invalid shelf number The shelf number is wrong. With the jbstatus command, check the number of shelves present in the jukebox. Example: jbstatus jb Message: jbstatus: jb: No such device The device name is wrong. with the vllsdev –a command, check the device name. Example: The jbscheduler cannot be stopped because the device is jbshut jb busy. Check to see if any sets are mounted. If there are, Message: unmount them all and stop the jbscheduler by running jbshut: /dev/jbctl: jb, drive 2: call kernel: the jbshut command. Device busy Example: jbstatus jb Message: jbstatus: jb: create_client: Connection refused The QStar _jbserver server isn’t running. Check the QStar syslog file for the problem. If the license key is invalid or expired, get a new license and connect: go to the /sys/QStar/install directory and run ./rc stop followed by ./rc start. Example: The device is not available due to a hardware problem. jbimport jb 21 Call QStar Customer Support for additional instructions. Message: jbimport: jb: /dev/jb/jbctl: Q_SCSI_PT_CMD ioctl: No such device or address Page 17 of 22 MESSAGE DISPLAYED FOR ALL VL COMMAND PROBLEM AND SOLUTION Example: The device name is wrong. With the vllsdev –a vllssev jb command, check the device name. Message: vllsdev: host xxx:, device jb: check device name: Invalid device name Example: This message will appear only after an upgrade of the vlrefresh jb 1:10 QStar Software. The version of the VL database is not Message: compatible with the new one. vlrefresh: host xxx:, device jb: read device Go to /sys/QStar/vl/files/devices and remove the device conf: Invalid version of database file (i.e. jb). Then run vlrefresh command. Example: vlrefresh jb 123 Message: vlrefresh: host xxx: , device jb: shelf 123: Invalid shelf number The specified shelf exceeded the number of available shelves in the jukebox. Run either vllsdev command or jbstatus command to see the correct number of available shelves. Example: This message notifies the user that a duplicate media vlrefresh jb 42 was imported into the jukebox and the set was made Message: inaccessible to avoid any major disasters. vlrefresh: host xxx: set Test: read database: For more detailed information, please refer to the Error Set non-accessible Recovery Using Duplicate media section of this chapter. Example: vlrefresh jb 0 Message: vlrefresh: 0: Number out of range The specified shelf is wrong. Run either vllsdev command or jbstatus command to see the correct number of available shelves. Example: This message will appear only after an upgrade of the vllsset -v Test QStar Software. The version of the VL database is not Message: compatible with the new one or the set file in the VL vllsset: host xxx: set Test: read database: database is corrupted. Invalid size of database Go to /sys/QStar/vl/files/sets and remove the set file (i.e. Test) and recreate the set definition with the vlcrset, vladdtoset and vlcache commands. Example: vldelset Test Message: vldelset: host xxx: set Test: database: Set does not exist Page 18 of 22 open set The specified set does not exist in the VL set database. Using the vllsset –a command, check the set names that are available in the VL set database. Example: The specified shelf cannot be added to the set because vladdtoset Test jb 6 it is empty or it contains a type of media that does not Message: match the type of media specified for the set in the VL vladdtoset: host xxx: , device jb: shelf 6: set database. Medium cannot be added to set Using with vllsset –va command, check the specification made for the media in the VL set database. Example: vllsdev jb Message: vllsdev: connect: refused Example: vllsset -va Message: vllsset: connect: refused create_client: create_client: The QStar _vlserver server is not running. Check the QStar syslog file for the problem. If the license key is invalid or expired, get a new license and Connection go to the /sys/QStar/install directory and run ./rc stop followed by ./rc start. The QStar _vlserver server is not running. Check the QStar syslog file for the problem. If the license key is invalid or expired, get a new license and Connection go to the /sys/QStar/install directory and run ./rc stop followed by ./rc start. Example: The shelf cannot be refreshed because the jbscheduler is vlrefresh jb not running or the drives are all in an offline or bad Message: condition. vlrefresh: current host: device jb: No drives Check to see if the jbscheduler is running using the available jbschedcheck command. If it is not running, start it with the jbscheduler command. With the jbstatus command, check the status of the drives in the jukebox. If they are bad, clear the bad state with the jbreset command. Example: The media cannot be erased because it belongs to a set. vlerase jb 16 Check the status of the shelf in VL database by running Message: the vllsdev –n command and then check the set status by vlerase: host xxx: device jb: , shelf 16: running vllsset command. If the media belongs to a set Medium belongs to set and it is the correct media to be erased, delete the set by running the vldelset command and erase the media. Example: vlerase jb 42 Message: vlerase: Medium inaccessible Example: vlcopy -v jb:34 jb:42 Message: vlcopy: host xxx: device jb: shelf copy_medium: No medium to initialize The media cannot be erased because it is inaccessible. Check the status of the shelf in VL database by running the vllsdev command if the shelf is displayed as inaccessible set the shelf online by running the jbshelf n command. Refresh the media by running vlrefresh command and erase the media. The destination shelf selected for the vlcopy command is empty or doesn't contain a blank or erased media. Check the status of the shelf in VL database by running 42: the vllsdev command. Page 19 of 22 MESSAGE DISPLAYED FOR QSTAR MOUNT COMMAND PROBLEM AND SOLUTION Example: The specified device is wrong or doesn’t exist. Check omount jb2a /dev/jb2a /xx/jb2a the device name path. Message: omount: /dev/rjb2a: /dev/rjb2a: /dev/rjb2a: open: Couldn't open: No such file or directory omount error: No such file or directory. Example: omount jb2a /dev/jb0/jb2a /xx/jb2aa Message: omount: No such file or directory omount error: No such file or directory. The specified mount_point is wrong or does not exist. Check to see if the directory mount_point exists. Example: The surface is not initialized with the QStar file system. omount Test /dev/sdo0 /mnt Run the omkfs command to initialize the surface and Message: then mount it with omount command. omount: /dev/rsdo0: Couldn't read Home block: Blank block found omount error: Blank block found. Example: The mount point is already in use by another surface. omount 18a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb18a /mnt Message: omount: /sys/QStar/ofs/ofscache/18a-cache: Busy directory or mount point omount error: Busy directory or mount point. Example: omount Test /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt Message: omount: Invalid argument omount error: Invalid argument. In the example, a single surface OFS filesystem is used. The OFS filesystem requires QStar's HSM product to be installed. In this case, only the JBM product is installed or the mmserver was not started properly. Check the QStar syslog file for a possible problem with the mmserver process. If a problem is found with the mmserver, go to the /sys/QStar/install directory and run ./rc stop followed by ./rc start. If QStar JBM is installed, deinstall it and install QStar HSM. Call QStar Technical Support for a new license key. Example: mountiv Test /mnt Message: mountiv: host xxx: , set Test: database: Set does not exist The specified set doesn’t exist in the VL set database. Using the vllsset –va command, check the available sets in the VL set database. Page 20 of 22 open set Example: mountiv Test /mnt Message: mountset: host xxx: , set database: Set non-accessible Test: This message notifies the user that a duplicate media was imported into the jukebox and the set was made inaccessible to avoid any major disasters. read For more detailed information, please refer to the “Error Recovery Using Duplicate media” section of this chapter. Example: The specified set cannot be mounted without cache. The mountiv Test /mnt file system specified in the VL set database requires the Message: set to be mounted with cache. mountiv: host xxx: , set xxxx: host xxx: , Run the vllsset –va command to check the VL set set Test: Cannot be mounted without cache information for the set and run the vlcache command to specify the cache for the set. Example: mountset Test /mnt Message: mountset: current host: , set Test: Cannot be mounted without cache The specified set cannot be mounted without cache. The file system specified in the VL set database requires the set to be mounted with cache. Mount the set with the mountiv command. Example: The set cannot be mounted because the current write mountiv Test /mnt1 media is set offline or was manually exported from the Message: jukebox. mountiv: host xxx: , set Test: No such device Example: mountiv Test /mnt Message: mountiv: host xxx: , set Test: database: Set does not exist open The set cannot be mounted because it doesn’t exist in the VL set database. Using the vllsset –va command, check the available sets set in the VL database. Example: The mount_point used to mount the set is already in use mountiv Test /mnt for another one. Message: Mount the set on a different mount_point. mountiv: host xxx: , set Test: Busy directory or mount point Example: mountiv Test /mnt Message: mountiv: host xxx: , set Test: Is mounted Example: mountiv Test /mnt Message: mountiv: connect: refused create_client: The set is already mounted. The QStar _mmserver server isn’t running. Check the QStar syslog file for the problem. If the license key is invalid or expired, get a new license and Connection go to the /sys/QStar/install directory and run ./rc stop followed by ./rc start. Page 21 of 22 Page 22 of 22 This chapter describes all the QStar commands and displays some examples for more detail. REMOTE ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................ 3 CMPDISK ........................................................................................................................................... 6 COPYDISK ......................................................................................................................................... 7 JBDRIVE............................................................................................................................................. 8 JBEXPORT....................................................................................................................................... 10 JBFLIP .............................................................................................................................................. 11 JBIMPORT........................................................................................................................................ 12 JBLOAD............................................................................................................................................ 13 JBMAGAZINE................................................................................................................................... 14 JBMOVE ........................................................................................................................................... 15 JBPARAM......................................................................................................................................... 16 JBPING............................................................................................................................................. 19 JBREGRESS .................................................................................................................................... 20 JBRESERVE .................................................................................................................................... 21 JBRESET.......................................................................................................................................... 22 JBSCHEDCHECK ............................................................................................................................ 23 JBSCHEDULER ............................................................................................................................... 24 JBSHELF .......................................................................................................................................... 25 JBSHUT............................................................................................................................................ 27 JBSTATUS ....................................................................................................................................... 28 JBUNLOAD....................................................................................................................................... 29 MKISO .............................................................................................................................................. 30 MKUDF ............................................................................................................................................. 33 MMARC ............................................................................................................................................ 34 MMAUTO.......................................................................................................................................... 35 MMCHMOD ...................................................................................................................................... 37 MMDELAY ........................................................................................................................................ 39 MMLS ............................................................................................................................................... 41 MMPARAM ....................................................................................................................................... 44 MMPING ........................................................................................................................................... 47 MMPURGE ....................................................................................................................................... 48 MMRESUME .................................................................................................................................... 49 MMSUBTREE................................................................................................................................... 50 MOUNTIV ......................................................................................................................................... 52 MOUNTSET...................................................................................................................................... 54 OERASE........................................................................................................................................... 55 OMKFS ............................................................................................................................................. 56 OMOUNT.......................................................................................................................................... 57 UDFDF.............................................................................................................................................. 59 UMOUNT .......................................................................................................................................... 60 UMOUNTIV....................................................................................................................................... 61 VLADDTOSET.................................................................................................................................. 62 VLCACHE......................................................................................................................................... 65 VLCMP ............................................................................................................................................. 67 VLCONSOLE.................................................................................................................................... 69 VLCOPY ........................................................................................................................................... 71 VLCRSET ......................................................................................................................................... 74 VLDELFROMSET............................................................................................................................. 78 VLDELSET ....................................................................................................................................... 79 Page 1 of 114 VLEDITSET ...................................................................................................................................... 80 VLERASE ......................................................................................................................................... 83 VLEXCHANGE ................................................................................................................................. 86 VLEXPORT....................................................................................................................................... 87 VLIMPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 89 VLINSET........................................................................................................................................... 91 VLLSDEV.......................................................................................................................................... 94 VLLSSET .......................................................................................................................................... 96 VLMAGAZINE................................................................................................................................... 98 VLMEDIAUSAGE ............................................................................................................................. 99 VLMVSET ....................................................................................................................................... 100 VLPING........................................................................................................................................... 101 VLQLIST ......................................................................................................................................... 102 VLQMOVE ...................................................................................................................................... 103 VLQREMOVE ................................................................................................................................. 104 VLRECORD.................................................................................................................................... 105 VLREFRESH .................................................................................................................................. 107 VLREGRESS.................................................................................................................................. 109 VLRESTORE_FSDB ...................................................................................................................... 111 VLREUSE ....................................................................................................................................... 112 VLVERIFY ...................................................................................................................................... 114 Page 2 of 114 REMOTE ADMINISTRATION The QStar commands can be used to remotely configure and manage any devices controlled by another QStar server. If user access is allowed, the remote administration can be run from any workstation on the network. The System Administrator can remotely run all the QStar commands by including the “–H host_name” option with the command. To remotely run the QStar commands from another server follow the below procedure: 1) Create the /sys/QStar directory on the remote server 2) Copy the proper QStar release in the /sys/QStar directory 3) On the main server add the remote username to the priv.user file in the /sys/QStar/install directory to allow QStar commands to be run. Note: For more detailed information about priv.users setting, please refer to Chapter 3 - Installing and Configuring QStar Software in this manual. All the QStar commands are available in the /sys/QStar/bin directory and the System Administrator can check which commands can be run remotely by reading the description of the QStar commands found in this chapter. Note: No license is required to intall the remote server to remotely run the QStar commands. A) Example of the jbstatus command ran on the remote server: alfa#>jbstatus -H beta Carrier 1: empty Carrier 2: empty ----------Mailslot 1: empty ----------Drive 1: online Drive 2: online ----------Shelf 1: online Shelf 2: online Shelf 3: online Shelf 4: online Shelf 5: online Shelf 6: online Shelf 7: online Shelf 8: online Shelf 9: online Shelf 10: online Shelf 11: online Shelf 12: online Shelf 13: online Shelf 14: online Shelf 15: online Shelf 16: online jb full loaded shelf 2a empty empty loaded open drive 1 empty empty empty empty empty empty empty full empty empty empty empty full full Page 3 of 114 B) Example of the vllsset command ran on the remote server: alfa#>vllsset -H beta -va beta:Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=8c0110ac.3bf06577 Cache: Cache_root=/var/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=200 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=0,1 2: Online=jb:10 Sequence_numbers=2,3 4: Online=jb:15 Sequence_numbers=4,5 Media=3 Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Mounted=a,b Note: The server name is also diplayed in the vllsset command output. C) Example of the vllsdev command ran on the remote server: alfa#>vllsdev -H beta jb beta: jb FS_type Size Type Seq_no Set_id/SetName ---------------------------------------------------------------------------1: empty 2a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=0 SetId=687077ff.3b535493 2b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=1 SetId=687077ff.3b535493 3: empty 4: empty 5: empty 6: empty 7: empty 8: empty 9: empty 10a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=2 SetId=687077ff.3b535493 10b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=3 SetId=687077ff.3b535493 11: empty 12: empty 13: empty 14: empty 15a: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=4 SetId=687077ff.3b535493 15b: sdf 2.4 Gb Rewritable Seq=5 SetId=687077ff.3b535493 16a: erased 16b: erased Note: The server name is also diplayed in the vllsdev command output. Page 4 of 114 D) Example of the mmparam command ran on the remote server: alfa#>mmparam -H beta Test Cache root: /var/cache_Test Mount point: /mnt Max number of pages: 200 (12800 Kbytes) Flush on umount: No Low primary capacity: 0 pages (0 Kbytes) High primary capacity: 160 pages (10240 Kbytes) Page size: 64 Kbytes Present pages: 142 Primary pages: 110 Replicated pages: 32 Archived pages: 0 Keep in cache: 0 Archive never: 0 Files in cache: 8102 Number of delayed events: 21 Read/write access: Read-write Mount state: Mounted Error condition: No Archiving: Not started Migrator: sdf Medium drive type: ERASABLE Writing to partition: /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb15b Number of partitions: 12 Max.number of opened partitions: 8 Max.number of write buffers: 2 Compression: Off Page 5 of 114 CMPDISK NAME cmpdisk - Compares two optical disk surfaces. SYNOPSIS cmpdisk [-v] disk1 disk2 DESCRIPTION The cmpdisk command compares two optical disk surfaces to ensure that they are identical. Normally this command is used to verify a copy of an optical disk surface made with the copydisk command to ensure it is correct. Note that these are raw devices, so, for example, to refer to the media on shelf one, you would type /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb1a. For IBM only, you would type /dev/jb0/rjb1a. OPTIONS -v Verbose. EXAMPLES cmpdisk /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb5a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb6a cmpdisk /dev/jb0/rjb5a /dev/jb0/rjb6a (IBM) Page 6 of 114 COPYDISK NAME copydisk - Makes a copy of an optical disk surface. SYNOPSIS copydisk [-va] source destination DESCRIPTION The copydisk command copies a source device to destination device saving the file system structure of the Optical File System (OFS) or Standard Data Format (SDF) file systems. This is the only way to copy an OFS or SDF Volume because OFS or SDF Volumes may contain small unwritten spots intermixed with written ones which will cause I/O errors during reads by other raw level copies. In contrast the copydisk command analyzes the source and copies only the written blocks to the destination. NOTES These are raw devices, so, for example, to refer to the media on shelf one, you would type /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb1a. For IBM only, you would type /dev/jb0/rjb1a. OPTIONS -v Verbose. -a Copy all blocks. Otherwise copydisk stops after 300 blank blocks are detected on the source medium. NOTES The copying of a disk surface is a long procedure so please be patient. Use the -v to keep track of the copy’s location. EXAMPLES copydisk /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb5a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb6a Copies all data from rewritable media side 5a to rewritable media side 6a. copydisk /dev/jb0/rjb5a /dev/jb0/rjb6a (IBM) Page 7 of 114 JBDRIVE NAME jbdrive – Changes or shows the status of a jukebox drive. SYNOPSIS jbdrive [-H host_name] [-nfb] device_name drive_number DESCRIPTION The jbdrive command changes the online/offline status of the drive or clears the bad status of the drive in case of a hardware failure. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. With options, set the drive state as follows: -n Set the drive online. -f Set the drive offline. -b Clear the bad status of the drive. NOTES The -n and -f options are mutually exclusive. Only the administrator may set the drive state. A drive can be set online only if the jbscheduler for the jukebox is running. Page 8 of 114 Without options, print the current drive state: - online/offline, - full/empty, - bad, if the last move operation with this drive failed. - shelf_number and side ('a' or 'b'), if the drive contains a medium. NOTES If the drive online/offline status is changed and the drive contains a medium, which is not an open tape, it is unloaded back to the shelf it came from. The online/offline status of the drive is only valid if the jbscheduler is running. EXAMPLES jbdrive jb 1 Drive 1: online empty Page 9 of 114 JBEXPORT NAME jbexport – Exports a media from the jukebox. SYNOPSIS jbexport [-H host_name] device_name shelf_number jbexport [-H host_name] -s device_name DESCRIPTION The first form of the jbexport command exports a media from the shelf to the mailslot. The shelf is specified by the shelf_number argument. The second form of the jbexport command exports a trash media to the mailslot. This form is only available for array jukeboxes. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES jbexport jb 1 Export the media from the shelf 1. Page 10 of 114 JBFLIP NAME jbflip – Inverts a medium in the drive. SYNOPSIS jbflip [-H host_name] device_name drive_number DESCRIPTION The jbflip command inverts a medium in the drive. The drive is specified by the drive_number argument. Either the drive must be offline or the jbscheduler should not be running. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES jbflip jb 1 Page 11 of 114 JBIMPORT NAME jbimport – Imports a media into the jukebox. SYNOPSIS jbimport [-H host_name] device_name shelf_number jbimport [-H host_name] -s device_name DESCRIPTION The first form of the jbimport command imports a media from the mailslot to the shelf. The shelf is specified by the shelf_number argument. The second form of the jbimport command imports spare media from the mailslot. This form is only available for array jukeboxes. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES jbimport jb 1 Import a media from the mailslot to the shelf 1. Page 12 of 114 JBLOAD NAME jbload - Loads a medium from the shelf into the drive. SYNOPSIS jbload [-H host_name] device_name drive_number shelf_number{a|b} DESCRIPTION The jbload command loads a medium from the shelf to the drive.The shelf is specified by the shelf_number{a|b} argument where the shelf number is concatenated with the letter designating which side('a' or 'b')is to be inserted. The drive is specified by the drive_number. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. NOTES Either both the shelf and drive jbscheduler should not be running. must be offline or the EXAMPLES jbload jb 1 2a Loads a medium from the shelf number 2 to drive number 1 with the A side up. Page 13 of 114 JBMAGAZINE NAME jbmagazine - Exchanges media in the jukebox using the magazines. SYNOPSIS jbmagazine [-H host_name] [-v] device_name DESCRIPTION The jbmagazine command exchanges media in the jukebox using the magazines. The jukebox is specified by the device_name argument. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v Verbose. Prints a list of the shelves exchanged. EXAMPLES jbmagazine jb Page 14 of 114 JBMOVE NAME jbmove - Moves a media from one shelf to another in the jukebox. SYNOPSIS jbmove [-H host_name] device_name source_shelf_number destination_shelf_number DESCRIPTION The jbmove command moves a media from the source shelf to the destination shelf in the jukebox. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES jbmove jb 1 2 Move the media from the shelf 1 to shelf 2. Page 15 of 114 JBPARAM NAME jbparam – Prints or sets the tunable time parameters of the jukebox. SYNOPSIS jbparam [-H host_name] [-{i|q|d} {D | seconds}] [-ts] device_name DESCRIPTION The jbparam command prints or sets the tunable time parameters of the jukebox. These parameters include the inactive time, the idle time and the quantum time. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. Without any options, print the current parameters and statistics values: Time control values (inactive, idle, and quantum times) in seconds and statistics values (nimports, nexports, nloads, nunloads, and nflips). With options, set the time parameters: -i Set inactive time. The jukebox inactive time is defined as the amount of time a disk loaded in a drive is allowed to stay in the drive without any pending I/O. After the jukebox inactive time expires, the disk is unloaded back to its shelf. The default value of the jukebox inactive time is 15 minutes or 900 seconds. If the inactive time is set to zero, the mechanism is disabled. The jukebox inactive time must be set to zero or to a value greater or equal to 60 seconds. This command requires that the jbscheduler is running. Page 16 of 114 NOTES This mechanism protects disks from spinning in the drives for long periods of time with no activity. It also makes access to heavily used platters quicker by leaving them in the drive for longer than one access. If the inactive time is set to zero, a disk loaded in a drive will stay in the drive until another disk needs to be loaded into the drive. -q Set quantum time. The jukebox quantum time is defined as the amount of time a surface is bound to a drive while other platters are queued for I/O. Once loaded in a drive, a surface stays in the drive for the entire jukebox quantum time unless the jukebox idle time is set to a positive value and there is no I/O activity for the loaded platter for the duration of the idle time. The default value of the jukebox quantum time is 10 seconds. The quantum time must be in the range between 10 and 7200 seconds. The quantum time must be twice the value of the idle time if the idle time is not zero. This command requires that the jbscheduler is running. ERROR MESSAGES Value out of boundaries. The given value is too small, relative to the jukebox idle time or not within the allowed time range. -d Set idle time. The idle time is defined as the amount of time a disk loaded in a drive is allowed to stay in the drive without any I/O. After the idle time has elapsed, even when the quantum time has not, a loaded disk is eligible to be swapped out. The default value of the jukebox idle time is 0 seconds, which means that this mechanism is disabled. This mechanism should be enabled to improve overall performance of the jukebox. The –d option can be used to fine tune the idle time in a jukebox. The idle time must be set to a value between 5 seconds and one half of the jukebox quantum time or to zero to disable this mechanism. The jbparam command without options can be used to get the current value of the jukebox idle time. This command requires that the jbscheduler is running. Page 17 of 114 ERROR MESSAGES Value out of boundaries. The given value is too little or too large relative to the jukebox quantum time. NOTES This mechanism improves overall performance by allowing I/Os on disks that are waiting for a loaded drive to be serviced more quickly, because they are not required to wait until the quantum times of disks that are in drives elapse. Disabling the idle time mechanism will leave a disk in a drive for the entire quantum time, even if there are no I/Os for the disk in the drive. The idle time must be set to a value between 5 seconds and one half of the jukebox quantum time or to zero to disable this mechanism. A value less than 5 seconds would make swapping of disks too frequent and is all the more useless since the moving of disks from shelves to drives and the waiting of disks to be ready for use may take as long as 5 to 10 seconds (WORM disks). -t Set all time parameters to their default values. -s Clear the statistics values. NOTES The -idq options set the time parameter to the value of the seconds argument. This value can be specified as a number of seconds or the letter D that means the default value. The default values are the following: Inactive time is 15 minutes Quantum time is 10 seconds Idle time is 0 EXAMPLES jbparam -q 20 jb Sets the quantum time to 20 seconds. jbparam jb produces (after running the previous command) Inactive time: 900 Idle time: 0 Quantum time: 20 Imports: 0 Exports: 0 Loads: 1 Unloads: 0 Flips: 0 Page 18 of 114 JBPING NAME jbping – Checks to see if the jbserver is running. SYNOPSIS jbping [-H host_name] DESCRIPTION The jbping running. command checks to see that the jbserver is OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES jbping jbping: JB server thread is running. Page 19 of 114 JBREGRESS NAME jbregress - Recovers regressed media. SYNOPSIS jbregress [-H host_name] [-s] [-v] device_name drive_number shelf_number DESCRIPTION The jbregress command recovers regressed media. This command is only available for array jukeboxes. The location of the media is specified by the shelf_number argument. The recovery procedure uses a drive which is specified by the drive_number argument. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -s Use spare media during recovery procedure. -v Verbose. Print the progress report on the user terminal. EXAMPLES jbregress jb 1 12 Recovery of media from shelf 12 using drive 1. Page 20 of 114 JBRESERVE NAME jbreserve – Sets the reserve time for the surface. SYNOPSIS jbreserve [-H host_name] device_name shelf_number{a|b} seconds DESCRIPTION The jbreserve command reserves a specific surface in a drive for the specified number of seconds, in addition to the quantum time (See jbparam). The jbreserve command applies only to the next time the disk is loaded into a drive. After the specified number of seconds, the quantum time for the specified surface will revert to the previous quantum time setting. The surface is specified by the shelf_number{a|b} argument where the shelf number is concatenated with the letter ('a' or 'b') designating the side. The reserve time is specified by the seconds’ argument. A value of 0 means that reserve time mechanism for this surface is disabled. The shelf must be online. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES jbreserve jb 1a 15 Page 21 of 114 JBRESET NAME jbreset - Clears the bad status of a drive. SYNOPSIS jbreset [-H host_name] device_name drive_number [shelf_number] DESCRIPTION The jbreset command clears the possible bad status of a drive. The drive is specified by the drive_number argument. If the drive contains a medium, jbreset first clears the possible bad status of the shelf and then moves the medium back to it’s shelf. The online/offline status of the drive and shelf is not changed. If the drive has lost source shelf information, an optional empty shelf_number should be used to specify the destination of the unload. If this argument is used when the source shelf information is not lost, it is ignored. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES jbreset jb 1 Page 22 of 114 JBSCHEDCHECK NAME jbschedcheck – Checks to see if the jbscheduler is running for a jukebox. SYNOPSIS jbschedcheck [-H host_name][-a | device_name] DESCRIPTION The jbschedcheck command checks to see if the jbscheduler daemon is running for the jukebox specified by the device_name argument. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -a Check if all jbscheduler daemons are started for all jukeboxes connected to the server. EXAMPLES jbschedcheck jb jb: Jbscheduler is running. Page 23 of 114 JBSCHEDULER NAME jbscheduler – Starts the scheduler for a jukebox. SYNOPSIS jbscheduler [-H host_name] [-ds] device_name DESCRIPTION The jbscheduler command starts the scheduler daemon for the jukebox specified by the device_name argument. On start, the jbscheduler does the following: Sets all drives online and, if a drive contains a medium, it is unloaded back to the shelf. Sets all shelves online. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -d On start, sets all drives offline. -s On start, sets all shelves offline. EXAMPLES jbscheduler jb jb: Jbscheduler is running. Page 24 of 114 JBSHELF NAME jbshelf – Changes or shows the status of the jukebox shelves. SYNOPSIS jbshelf [-H host_name] [-nfbr1] [-p {cd-rom | cd-r | cd-rw | dvd-rom | dvd-r | dvd-ram | dvd-rw | dvd-rw-s}] jb_name shelf_number DESCRIPTION The jbshelf command changes the online/offline status of the shelf or clears the bad status of a shelf in case of a hardware failure, reports/sets medium type. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -n Set the shelf online. -f Set the shelf offline and clear its reserve time. -b Clear the bad status of the shelf. -p Set media type of the shelf. This flag is used for jukeboxes with CD-ROM, CD-R, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RAM drives present. The jbstatus command shows drives capabilities and media type of the shelves. The media type is automatically set and can be altered with -p option, and after that, the jbscheduler will only load a media to a drive, that can handle this media type. The -p option can be used several times. -1 Set single sided media type for the shelf. This flag is used with jukeboxes that support single and double sided media. -r Set default media type of the shelf. This flag is used with jukeboxes with CD-ROM, CD-R, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, DVD-RAM drives present. Page 25 of 114 NOTES The -n and -f options are mutually exclusive. Only the administrator may set the shelf state. A shelf can be set online only if the jbscheduler for the jukebox is running. EXAMPLES jbshelf -f jb 2 Sets the shelf number 2 offline. Page 26 of 114 JBSHUT NAME jbshut – Stops the jbscheduler for a jukebox. SYNOPSIS jbshut [-H host_name] [-f] device_name DESCRIPTION The jbshut command stops the jbscheduler for the specified jukebox. This command sends a stop request to the jbscheduler. The jbscheduler will be stopped only if there are no outstanding requests waiting for jbscheduler and all sets are unmounted. Upon receiving this request the jbscheduler does the following steps: - Unloads media from all drives which are online. - Sets all shelves and drives offline. - Satisfies all pending bind and block-fault requests with the ENODEV error. - Exits. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -f With this option, the jbscheduler will be stopped unconditionally and all processes waiting for its response will get the ENODEV error. EXAMPLES jbshut –f jb Stop jbscheduler unconditionally. Page 27 of 114 JBSTATUS NAME jbstatus – Prints the status of the jukebox. SYNOPSIS jbstatus [-H host_name] [-cmsda] device_name DESCRIPTION The jbstatus command prints the state of all elements present in the jukebox. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -c Print only the full/empty status for carriers. -m Print only the full/empty status for mailslots. -s Print only the shelf state (see the jbshelf command) for all shelves. -d Print only the drive state (see the jbdrive command) for all drives. -a Print the number of Spare and Trash media present in the Array elements. This option is only available for array jukeboxes. EXAMPLES jbstatus jb produces ----------------Carrier 1: empty ----------------Mailslot 1: empty ----------------Drive 1: online full loaded shelf 2a ----------------Shelf 1: online empty Shelf 2: online loaded drive 1 Shelf 3: online empty Shelf 4: online empty Shelf 5: online full Shelf 6: online empty Shelf 7: online empty Shelf 8: online empty Shelf 9: online empty Shelf 10: online full Shelf 11: online empty Shelf 12: online empty Page 28 of 114 JBUNLOAD NAME jbunload – Unloads a medium from a drive. SYNOPSIS jbunload [-H host_name] device_name drive_number DESCRIPTION The jbunload command unloads a medium from the drive back to the shelf. The drive is specified by the drive_number argument. Either the shelf and drive must be offline or the jbscheduler should not be running. If a medium is an open tape it cannot be unloaded. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES jbunload jb 1 Unloads a medium back to the shelf. Page 29 of 114 MKISO NAME mkiso - Creates an ISO 9660 image image for recording. SYNOPSIS mkiso [-RJDS] [-s system_id] [-q quiet] [-v volume_id] [-V volume_set_id] [-p preparer_id] [-P publisher_id] [-a application_id] [-c charset] [-x exclude_path] [-o {image_file_name|-}] [cd_dir_name=]path[...] DESCRIPTION The mkiso command creates an ISO-9660 filesystem image which may later be recorded onto a CD/DVD-R media. If the -o option is omitted, mkiso only calculates the size of the image and exits. OPTIONS -R Use RockRidge extensions with the ISO-9660 standard. These extensions are mainly useful for UNIX systems. -J Use Microsoft Joliet extensions. These used for MS-Windows OS. -D Deference symlinks. This will force symlink files, when encountered, to be replaced by the file or directory that they point to. Without this option symlink files are either omitted from the ISO image or if the -R flag is specified they are preserved as the original symlink file. -S Use strict attributes. With this option owner and permissions of files and directories are preserved and device special files are also saved into the image (the latter makes sense only if the CD is to be mounted on the same OS the image was created on). This flag can only be specified if used in conjunction with the -R flag. Page 30 of 114 extensions are -q Silently ignore large (>2GB) files. The ISO-9660 filesystem does not support such files. Without this option if a large file is encountered, mkiso prints an error and exits. With this option mkiso skips the file and continues. -v volume_id Sets the volume id of the image to volume_id (maximum 32 chars). The volume_id is used as the Volume Label of the CD/DVD media that will be used by the QStar Software as the root directory of the CD/DVD media within the Integral Volume set. -V volume_set_id -p preparer_id -P publisher_id -s system_id -a application_id Set optional volume_set_id, preparer_id, publisher_id, system_id or application_id fields of the ISO volume descriptor. -c charset Specifying the charset to be used for translating filenames to unicode. This option will have no effect unless -J is also specified. The Unicode translation table for the charset is required to be in the /sys/QStar/vl/files sub-directory. -x exclude_path Exclude files or directories matching the set pattern. This option allows specifying which types of files should not be included in the ISO image. This option may be repeated as necessary. -o image_file_name -o – Specifies the image output file name. In the first form the output image will be written to image_file_name. In second form the output will be written to a standard output. If it is not a regular file but rather a pipe, 8 bytes of image size are written before the actual image. If the -o is omitted no output is produced but the mkiso will print the information about image size only. Page 31 of 114 [cd_dir_name=]path Directory of file named path will be copied into resulting image under name cd_dir_name. If cd_dir_name is omitted then root directory is assumed. The argument may be repeated, but at least one path argument is required. EXIT CODES The command returns an exit code 0 in the case of a successful completion. Otherwise, a positive non-zero error code is returned (see error codes in libqcommon API(3)) and an error message is printed to stderr. EXAMPLES mkiso -v DOC_2 -o /var/spool/cdimage.iso /usr/docs/part2 Creates an ISO CD/DVD image at /var/spool/cdimage.iso using the /usr/docs/part2 subtree as the root of the CD/DVD with the name of the CD/DVD (Volume Label) set to DOC_2. mkiso -J -x "*.bak" -v DOCS_2_3 -o /var/spool/cdimage1 /part2=/usr/docs/part2 /part3=/usr/docs/part3 Similar to the above but creates an ISO CD/DVD image with Joliet extensions at /var/spool/cdimage.iso and copies the subtrees /usr/docs/part2 and /usr/docs/part3 into the CD/DVD directories /part2 and /part3 respectively with the name of the CD/DVD (Volume Label) set to DOCS_2_3 and excludes files with names ending with .bak. Page 32 of 114 MKUDF NAME mkudf - Creates an UDF volume image from a specified file tree. SYNOPSIS mkudf -o [image_file|-] [-b block_size] [-l logical_volume_identifier] [-u{150|200|201}] [-t] path ... DESCRIPTION The mkudf command creates an UDF volume image containing file trees specified by path arguments, which may later be recorded onto a CD/DVD-R media. OPTIONS -o image_file Specifies the pathname of the file where the volume image will be stored. Specifing '-' for the image_file sends the image to standard output. -b block_size Specifies the block size on the media. The default is 2048. -l logical_volume_identifier Specifies the logical volume identifier of the volume. The logical_volume_identifier is used as the Volume Label of the CD/DVD media that will used by the QStar Software as a root directory of the CD/DVD media within the Integral Volume set. -u {150|200|201} Specifies the UDF revision. Default is 1.50. -t All file times will be set to the current system time. Without this option, they are inherited from the source file. EXAMPLES mkudf -l DOC_2 -o /var/spool/cdimage.udf /usr/docs/part2 Creates an UDF CD/DVD image at /var/spool/cdimage.udf using the /usr/docs/part2 subtree as the root of the CD/DVD with the name of the CD/DVD (logical_ volume_identifier) is set to DOC_2. Page 33 of 114 MMARC NAME mmarc - Starts archiving. SYNOPSIS mmarc [-H host_name] { -l | -e | -a age } [-w ] {set_name | filename} DESCRIPTION The mmarc command tells the mmserver to start archiving or process the delayed events. The options l,e,a are mutually exclusive and inform the mmserver when to stop archiving. The filename is the name of the mount_point where the Integral Volume set is mounted and the set_name is the Integral Volume set name. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -a age Stop archiving when all delayed events created before the agetime specified are processed. -l Stop archiving when the number of primary pages in the cache is equal to or less than the low_primary_capacity value. -e Stop archiving when the delayed queue becomes empty or all the delayed events are processed. -w Wait for archiving to stop. Without this option, the command returns immediately. EXAMPLES In the examples below /mnt is the mount_point. mmarc -ew /mnt Process the whole delayed queue and wait until archiving stops. mmarc -a 3600 /mnt Process all events older than one hour. Page 34 of 114 MMAUTO NAME mmauto - Control QStar automounter. Available only for Solaris, Dec(Compaq) and AIX. SYNOPSIS mmauto -s mount_point fs_auto_name cache_root mmauto -u mount_point fs_auto_name mmauto -a mount_point fs_dir_name "mount command" mmauto -r mount_point fs_dir_name DESCRIPTION The mmauto command controls the QStar automounter that manages multiple single surface media or Integral Volume set mounts under one common top-level directory (mount_point). OPTIONS -s mount_point fs_auto_name cache_root Start automounter over directory mount_point. Here fs_auto_name is a unique name for automounter and cache_root is the directory where automounter config file resides. The cache_root directory must contain cfs_auto file This file must exist and it can be empty or it may contain optional lines of the following structure: <fs_dir_name> <mount_command> without mount_point. After the successful start of automounter, every filesystem specified in this file will appear in directory fs_dir_name under specified mount_point. Examples: Example for Single Volume configuration jb1a omount jb1a /dev/jb0/jb1a Example For Volume set configuration: ofsset1 mountset ofsset1 Example for Integral Volume set configuration: sdfset1 mountiv sdfset1 Page 35 of 114 NOTES The <fs_dir_name> should be separated from <mount_command> by one or more spaces or <TAB>s.The command should be within the PATH variable or the full path name should be specified. -u mount_point fs_auto_name Stop (unmount) automounter. -a mount_point fs_dir_name "mount command" Add a subdirectory fs_dir_name to the list managed by QStar automounter. Here "mount command" is the command without a mount point that automounter will use to mount the actual filesystem. If "mount command" contains spaces it should be quoted. -r mount_point fs_dir_name Remove subdirectory fs_dir_name from the automounter list. EXAMPLES In the examples below the /mnt is the automonter mount_point. mmauto -s /mnt jb0 /var/cache/auto1 mmauto -u /mnt jb0 mmauto -a /mnt 1a "omount jb0_1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb0/jb1a" mmauto -a /mnt 1a "omount jb0_1a /dev/jb0/jb1a" (IBM) mmauto -r /mnt 1a Page 36 of 114 MMCHMOD NAME mmchmod - Changes the migration attributes of the cache files. SYNOPSIS mmchmod [-R] {+|-}{fvk} [-U uid | -u user_name] [-G gid | -g group_name] [-m mode]... filename ... DESCRIPTION The mmchmod command changes the migration attributes of the specified cache files. Attributes are designated by the letters fvk with the +/- prefix. OPTIONS +f (Keep full-file) File is in full-file mode. An access to the file causes the whole file to be read into the cache. -f File is in segmented mode. An access to the file causes a page containing the referenced bytes to be read into the cache. +v (Archive never). Primary pages of the file cannot be archived (written into the covered filesystem). -v Primary pages of the file may be archived. +k (Keep in cache). Any page of the file that is now present in the cache, or will be put in the cache, cannot be swapped out of the cache. -k File pages can be swapped out of the cache. -U uid Changes the owner of the files. New owner is specified by uid. -u user_name Changes the owner of the files. New owner is specified by user_name. -G gid Changes the group ID of the files. New group is specified by gid. Page 37 of 114 -g group_name Changes the group ID of the files. New group is fied by group_name. -m The permissions of the named files or changed according to mode. speci- directories are NOTES If an attribute is set for the directory, it is inherited by all of the existing files and new files in this directory (excluding subdirectories). The current file attributes are printed by the mmls command. The total number of keep in cache and archive never pages are printed by the mmparam command. -R with this the mmchmod command sets the specified attribute recursively for all subdirectories. -U -G -m options are devoloped for MS Windows and they are present for compatibility with unix semantics. On unix the same goal is achived with chmod, chown, chgrp commands. EXAMPLES In the examples below /mnt is the mount_point. mmls /mnt Directory -f-v-k / Directory -f-v-k files Directory -f-v-k scratch The command mmls show the current directory attributes. mmchmod +v /mnt/files Change the “Archive Never” directory attibute. mmls /mnt Directory -f-v-k Directory -f+v-k Directory -f-v-k The command mmls show the new directory attributes. Page 38 of 114 / files scratch MMDELAY NAME mmdelay - Prints information about delayed events. SYNOPSIS mmdelay [ -n number ] {-c cache_root | [-H host_name] set_name | filename} DESCRIPTION The mmdelay command prints information of the delayed events that have not been processed to the covered filesystem. This information contains the total number of delayed events in the delayed event queue and 2 lines of information per event. The first line contains the time when the event occurred, the event name and the UID and GID of the process (client) who produced the event. The second line contains the attribute address of the file involved in the event and specific information depending on the event type: CREATE Covered directory inode number, directory entry name, mode, and flags. LINK Covered directory inode number, directory entry name, file inode number. MKDIR Covered directory inode number, directory entry name, mode. REMOVE Covered directory inode number, directory entry name. RENAME Covered old directory inode number, old directory entry name, and covered new directory inode number, new directory entry name. RMDIR Covered directory inode number, directory entry name. SETATTR Setattr mask, file inode number,status attributes to be changed. Setattr mask is the |-separated sequence of the words (UID, GID, MODE, ATIME, MTIME, CTIME, SIZE) and designates which status attributes are to be changed. Page 39 of 114 SYMLINK Covered directory inode number, directory entry name, symlink target, and mode. WRITE File inode number. FREE FILE File inode number. If an inode number is printed as 0, the file that is used in the event has not been created in the covered filesystem. The filename is the name of the mount_point where Integral Volume set is mounted and the set_name is Integral Volume set name. the the OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -n number Print the first number of delayed events. Without this option, the mmdelay command tries to print all of the delayed events. -c cache_root Cache_root Pathname of the directory used as a cache root. This option allows you to print mmdelay information without mounting the cache. EXAMPLES mmdelay /mnt Example of the mmdelay output: Number of delayed events: 3 08/28/94 18 10:14 CREATE: Client UID=101, Client GID=200 Attr_address=408, Dir_ino=2, Name=xxx Mode=100444 08/28/94 10:16:06 SETATTR: Client UID=101, Client GID=200 Attr_address=408, Mask=MODE, Ino=0, Mode=100444 08/28/94 10:17:52 WRITE: Client UID=101, Client GID=200 Attr_address=408, Ino=0 Page 40 of 114 MMLS NAME mmls - Lists information about the cache files. SYNOPSIS mmls [ -Rps ][ filename ...] DESCRIPTION The mmls command prints the cache information of the files specified by the filename arguments. If filename is not specified the current directory is used. The mmls command without options prints: Column 1: Regular, Directory, Fifo, or Symlink. Column 2: Migration status. Column 3: Segmented or Full-file. Column 4: Migration attributes fvk with +/- prefix. Column 5: Filename in the local directory. The migration status of the file is a combination of the status of its pages. A page that is present in the cache can be primary, replicated, or archived: Primary The page has been modified or added to the file. Replicated The page was copied from the covered filesystem and has not been modified. Archived The page has filesystem. been written from the cache to the covered If a file has a zero size and has not been created in the covered filesystem, its migration status is "Non-covered". By default, a file is in segmented mode. Page 41 of 114 The file is in full-file mode, if it has +f attribute. In segmented mode, an access to the file causes a page containing the referenced bytes to be read into the cache. In full-file mode, an access to the file causes the whole file to be read into the cache. Migration attributes fvk can be set by the mmchmod command. If the filename is a directory, the mmls command does not print column 2 but lists the contents of the directory. Additional information is printed depending on options. OPTIONS -R Recursively list all directories and subdirectories encountered. -s Print the following: Cnode number This number plays a role of the inode number for the cache file. Symlink address If the file is a symlink, Symlink the address of the target filename is displayed. Number of present and primary pages For regular or fifo file. Status Inode number, mode, UID, GID, link count and size of the covered file. -p For every page of the file in the cache print page number in the covered file, page address in the cache, primary/replicated/archived status. Page address is printed in form file_number:page_number where file_number is the number of the page file (0-based), page_number is the number of the page in this file. NOTES 1. The mmls command does not copy the directories it lists into the cache. If the directory has not been copied into the cache by the normal access (like ls command), the mmls command displays the directory as empty. It allows using the mmls command in cases when the cache has behaved strangely or is not mounted at all. Page 42 of 114 2. The mmls command does not communicate with the cache server (even when the system is mounted) and reads the data directly from the cache files. If the system is mounted and the server uses log facility for writing into the cache files, mmls output may not be up-to-date and inaccurate. EXAMPLES In the examples below /mnt is the mount_point. mmls /mnt The command prints the following: Directory Directory Directory -f-v-k -f-v-k -f-v-k / files scratch Page 43 of 114 MMPARAM NAME mmparam - Prints information and set parameters for the cache. SYNOPSIS mmparam {-c cache_root | [-H host_name] set_name | filename} mmparam [-u {0|1}] [-l low_primary_capacity] [-h high_primary_capacity] {[-H host_name] set_name | filename} DESCRIPTION The mmparam command in the first form prints the information of the cache. Without any options mmparam prints: - Cache root directory name - MCFS mount point name - Maximum number of pages - Flush on umount parameter - Low primary capacity - High primary capacity - Page size - Total number of present pages - Total number of primary pages - Total number of replicated pages - Total number of archived pages - Total number of keep in cache pages - Total number of never archive pages - Number of delayed events - Number of files in the cache - Read/write access: read-only or read/write - Directory copying (on mount or on access) - Mount state: mounted or unmounted - Error condition: no error, covered error, no space in cache. - Migrator type. - Migrator specific information. The migrator specific information depends on the migrator type and is as follows: Standard migrator: Covered root directory name. The filename is the name of the mount_point where Integral Volume set is mounted and the set_name is Integral Volume set name. Page 44 of 114 the the OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. For the first form of the mmparam the following option is available: -c cache_root Name of the directory used as a root of the cache. This option allows you to print mmparam information without mounting the cache. In the second form, the mmparam sets the parameters of the cache by means of the following options: -u {0|1} Boolean value that specifies whether the delayed events are to be processed for the covered filesystem on umount(1)or not(0). The default is 0. -l low_primary_capacity Number of pages used to control a stop archiving policy.When archiving starts because of the number of primary pages in the cache becomes equal to the high_primary_capacity value, it proceeds until the number of primary pages in the cache is equal to or less than the low_primary_capacity value. The maximum value is the maximum number of pages in the cache minus 1. The default is 0. -h high_primary_capacity Number of pages used to control the start archiving policy. Archiving starts when the number of primary pages in the cache becomes equal to the high_primary_capacity value. The default and the maximum value are the maximum number of pages in the cache. Page 45 of 114 EXAMPLES mmparam /mnt The command prints the following: Cache root: Mcfs mount point: Max number of pages: Flush on umount: Low primary capacity High primary capacity Page size: Present pages: Primary pages: Replicated pages: Archived pages: Keep in cache: Archive never: Files in cache: Number of delayed events: Read/write access: Mount state: Error condition: Archiving: Migrator: Covered root: /export/home/cache /mnt 100 (6400 Kbytes) Yes 0 pages (0 Kbytes) 100 pages(6400 Kbytes) 64 Kbytes 100 90 10 52 0 0 250 1 Read-write Mounted No Not started standard /sys/QStar/tmp/mnt_913300223_1856 mmparam -h 2800 -u 0 /mnt The command sets the high primary capacity to 2800 pages and specifies that the delayed event queue will be flushed on umount. Page 46 of 114 MMPING NAME mmping – Checks to see if the mmserver is running. SYNOPSIS mmping [-H host_name] DESCRIPTION The mmping command checks to see if the mmserver is running. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES mmping mmping: MM server thread is running. Page 47 of 114 MMPURGE NAME mmpurge - Removes pages from cache. SYNOPSIS mmpurge filename ... DESCRIPTION The mmpurge command removes from the cache all pages belonging to the specified files. The files are specified by filename arguments. A file must not have primary or keep-incache pages and must not be active (open). Page 48 of 114 MMRESUME NAME mmresume - Resumes the cache. SYNOPSIS mmresume [-e] [-n] { [-H host_name] set_name | filename } DESCRIPTION The mmresume command clears an archiving error status in the mmparam output. The filename is the name of the mount_point where the Integral Volume set is mounted and the set_name is the Integral Volume set name. If processing of the event in the covered filesystem returns an error, the migration is stopped. It means that the delayed event queue is not being processed and all of the client requests are canceled with the ENOSYS error (Function not implemented). If the source of the error can be eliminated, the situation is recoverable and archiving can continue by using the mmresume command. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -e -n After the cache is resumed, the first event will removed from the delayed event queue. This might necessary if the system crashed when the event already been processed for the covered filesystem has not been removed from the delayed event queue. This option should only be used under supervision QStar personnel. be be had but of This flag instructs the migrator to add a new piece of media to the set before resuming the write. Only the sdf migrator currently supports this flag. Without this option, the migrator attempts to restart writing at the same position where the error occurred. This flag should only be used if the migrator gets a medium error (rather than device error) and cannot continue on the current media surface. NOTES The flags -e and -n are mutually exclusive. EXAMPLES mmresume /mnt Page 49 of 114 MMSUBTREE NAME mmsubtree - Removes and/or adds a subtree in cache. SYNOPSIS mmsubtree –a path/new_subdir_name mmsubtree -r {tree | data | kill} path mmsubtree –c {tree | data} path DESCRIPTION The mmsubtree command works with directory trees in the cache. The command is useful in situations when the structure of the covered filesystem tree is changed beyond the MCFS (Magnetic Cache File System) and this change must be reflected in the cache. The prior method of resynchronizing the covered filesystem with the MCFS required the cache to be completely rebuilt. With the mmsubtree command, a specific directory hierarchy in the cache can now be rebuilt exclusively. OPTIONS -a Add new_subdir_name subtree to the cache.The parent directory (to add new_subdir_name to)is specified by the path argument. The new_subdir_name must already exist in the covered filesystem and must not exist in the cache. -r {tree|data|kill} Remove a subtree from the cache. The root directory of the subtree is specified by the path argument and must exist in the cache. Specifying the data option means that only data pages will be removed from the cache. Specifying the tree option means that both directory structure and data pages will be removed from the cache. To remove data pages, all files in the subtree must not be active (open). The kill option removes a subtree without archiving. All delayed events related to that subtree are removed. Page 50 of 114 -c {tree|data} Copy a subtree into the cache. The root directory of the subtree is specified by the path argument and must exist in the cache. Specifying the tree option means that only directory structure will be copied into the cache. Specifying the data option means that both directory structure and data pages will be copied into the cache. EXAMPLES mmsubtree –r /images/dir10 Removes the hierarchy below directory dir10 from the cache, resynchronizing on next access of the directory. Page 51 of 114 MOUNTIV NAME mountiv - Mounts an Integral Volume set. SYNOPSIS mountiv [-H host_name] [-n] [-I] [-r] [-a] [-f] set_name mount_point DESCRIPTION The mountiv command mounts the Integral Volume set to the mount point specified by the mount_point argument. The Integral Volume set name is specified by the set_name argument. An Integral Volume set is a media set with a cache. All mount information is obtained from the Volume Librarian database. Mounting of the Integral Volume set means mounting of the target set (specified in the Integral Volume set database) with the cache. The migrator that represents the "covered filesystem" depends on the set type. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the Integral Volume set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. -n Mount with the clean cache. It is necessary to use this option on the first mountiv command for the Integral Volume set but not used with all subsequent mountiv commands unless you want to rebuild the cache. -I Recreate the filesystem databases before mounting. This flag is equivalent to setting “-I” set option by vleditset command. This option is disabled (ignored) for CD and UDF set types. Without options the filesystem databases are created automatically only if they do not exist. -r Mount the Integral Volume set read only. -a Option is used to place the specified Integral Volume set under QStar automounter control. The QStar automounter must have already been started with the mmauto command. Page 52 of 114 -f Mount the Integral Volume set even if there is a possible inconsistency between cache, filesystem databases and media. Use this flag with caution: the result may be undesirable. NOTES Filesystem databases that belong to a different Integral Volume set may not be overwritten by mountiv command. Mountiv may fail if the filesystem specific databases exist in a cache directory but belong to a different Integral volume set. To force removal and recreation of filesystem databases vlrestore_fsdb command may be used. EXIT CODES The command returns an exit code 0 in the case of a successful completion. Otherwise, a positive non-zero error code is returned (see error codes in libqcommon(3), libqscsi(3), libjb(3) and libvl(3)) and an error message is printed to stderr. EXAMPLES mountiv -n alpha /mnt Mount the Integral Volume set "alpha" on the /mnt mount_point and also rebuild the cache. Page 53 of 114 MOUNTSET NAME mountset – Mounts a Volume set that has no cache. This command is only available for Solaris, Dec(Compaq) and AIX. SYNOPSIS mountset [-H host_name] [-I] [-r] set_name mount_point DESCRIPTION The mountset command mounts the Volume set in the mount point specified by the mount_point argument. The set name is specified by the set_name argument. The set specific mount operation builds a command line which is executed. That means mounting of the Volume set. All mount information is obtained from the Volume Librarian database. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the Volume set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. -I Recreate the filesystem databases before mounting. This flag is equivalent to setting “-I” set option by vleditset command. -r Mount the Volume set read only. NOTES This command can be used only with the kofs filesystem. EXAMPLES mountset alpha /mnt Mount the Volume set "alpha" on the /mnt mount_point without cache. Page 54 of 114 OERASE NAME oerase - Erases a surface of an optical media. SYNOPSIS oerase [-v] device_name DESCRIPTION The oerase command is used to erase a surface of a rewritable optical media for use with kOFS or OFS filesystems. The device_name is the name of the raw device used to reference the disk surface. OPTIONS -v Verbose output. EXAMPLES oerase /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb2a Will erase side A of the medium residing on shelf 2 of the device "jb". oerase /dev/jb0/rjb2a (IBM) Page 55 of 114 OMKFS NAME omkfs - Constructs a kOFS or OFS filesystem on a surface of an optical media. SYNOPSIS omkfs device_name [label] DESCRIPTION The omkfs command is used to create a kOFS or OFS filesystem on device_name. The device_name is the name of the raw device used to reference the disk surface. OPTIONS label Specify a character string (40 characters maximum) identifying a piece of media. This string will be written to block 0. EXAMPLES omkfs /sys/QStar/dev/jb/rjb1a omkfs /dev/jb0/rjb1a (IBM) The media surface 1a is initialized with either a kOFS or OFS filesystem. If the media is 512 or 1024 byte/sector, it will be initialized with kOFS. If the media is 2048 byte/sector, it will be initialized with an OFS filesystem. Page 56 of 114 OMOUNT NAME omount - Mounts an optical filesystem. SYNOPSIS omount [-a] [-k] [-r] [-I] [-z] [-i] [-c file_cache_size] [-U {local|share}] table_prefix device_name mount_point DESCRIPTION The omount command is used to mount an optical media with a kOFS or OFS single-surface filesystem at the directory location mount_point. If the mount_point has any contents prior to the omount operation, these remain hidden until the device is once again unmounted. The device_name is a block device with either a single-surface kOFS or OFS filesystem. The table_prefix is a unique name which will identify the filesystem. OPTIONS -a Option is used to place the specified surface under QStar automounter control. QStar automounter must have already been started with the mmauto command. -k Option is used to run omount in kernel mode (Specifies kOFS filesystem). Without this option, the single-surface will be mounted as an OFS filesystem. -r Option specifies that the mounted filesystem is to be treated as read-only by the operating system. -I Option is used to force the creation of a new cache-file. -z Option is used to to mount older kOFS filesystems that do not contain specific blocks that are needed to facilitate the mount. These filesystems were created with QStar software v2.x and earlier. -i Option is used to ignore the fact that there was filesystem with the same table_prefix. another Page 57 of 114 -c file_cache_size Option is used to specify the number of files that will be cached after the single-surface filesystem is mounted. The default value is 100 files. This option can only be used with the OFS filesystem. -U {local|share} Used to specify whether a filesystem can only be mounted and accessed from the local server. The default value is share. This option is only available for HP-UX, SGI and Linux. NOTES The flags [-k] [-c] are mutually exclusive. EXAMPLES omount Test /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt omount Test /dev/jb0/jb1a /mnt (IBM) Mounts side 1a with the name "Test" to the /mnt mount_point directory with an OFS filesystem. omount -k jb1a /sys/QStar/dev/jb/jb1a /mnt omount -k jb1a /dev/jb0/jb1a /mnt (IBM) Mounts side 1a with the name "jb1a" to the /mnt mount_point directory with a kOFS filesystem. Page 58 of 114 UDFDF NAME udfdf - Reports number of blocks and files in UDF set. SYNOPSIS udfdf [-f][{-t|-a automount_sequence_number|-d dir_name}] {filename|setname} DESCRIPTION The udfdf command prints the total number of kbytes, the number of used kbytes, the number of available kbytes, the percentage of used kbytes, and the total number of files in the mounted UDF set. The filename is a mount point or any file under it. The command is primarily dedicated to automount, where an every volume is an independent file system. Without options, prints a line for every volume in automount. Prints "deleted" or "not accessed yet", if the volume in question has been deleted and has not been accessed. OPTIONS -f Forces to access accessed yet. every volume that has not been -t Prints a single line summing up values for all volumes. -a sequence_number Prints the values for a specified volume. -d dir_name Prints the values for a volume whose root directory dir_name. is EXAMPLES udfdf -f /mnt Page 59 of 114 UMOUNT NAME umount - Unmounts a Volume set or a Integral Volume set. SYNOPSIS umount { filesystem_name | mount_point } DESCRIPTION The mounted cache is assigned a name, which is the last component of the mcfs_mount_point filename. This name can be used in the umount command along with the mount point name. Umount unmounts cache. The filesystem is specified either by the mount point name or by the filesystem name assigned during the mount operation. EXAMPLES umount /mnt Unmounts the set mounted in /mnt mount_point. Page 60 of 114 UMOUNTIV NAME umountiv - Unmounts an Integral Volume set. SYNOPSIS umountiv [-H host_name] {set_name | mount_point} DESCRIPTION The umountiv command finds the mount_point for the Integral Volume set specified by the set_name argument. It then detaches the mount_point from the Integral Volume set. If the mount_point and Integral Volume set are located on the same host, umountiv closes the Integral Volume set making the Integral Volume set unavailable to all clients. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the Integral Volume set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. EXIT CODES The command returns the exit code 0 in case of a successful completion. Otherwise, a positive non-zero error code is returned (see error codes in \fBlibqcommon\fR(3), \fBlibqscsi\fR(3), \fBlibjb\fR(3) and \fBlibvl\fR(3)) and an error message is printed to stderr. EXAMPLES umountiv alpha Unmount the Integral Volume set "alpha" on the local host. Page 61 of 114 VLADDTOSET NAME vladdtoset - Adds media to set (Volume set or Integral Volume set). SYNOPSIS vladdtoset [-H host_name] [-n number_of_media] set_name vladdtoset [-H host_name] [set_type_specific_options] set_name device_name shelf_number vladdtoset [-H host_name] set_name device_name shelf_number:shelf_number vladdtoset [-H host_name] -f offline set_name in_set_number set_type ofs sdf cd udf set_type_specific_options: [-D dir_name] [-A identifier][-B identifier] DESCRIPTION The vladdtoset command adds media specified by the set_name argument. to sets. The set The first form of the command initializes and adds media the set. is to The second form of the command includes in the set all the media in the device specified by the device_name argument which are compatible with the set specified by the set_name argument. The shelf_number argument specifies any shelf containing such a medium. The third form of the command includes in the set all the media in the device specified by the device_name argument which are compatible with the set specified by the set_name argument and occupy the shelves in the range specified by the shelf_number:shelf_number argument. The fouth form of the command adds an offline medium to the set specified by the set_name and specifies its offline location. If the medium specified in the second or third form of the command is erased (blank) it can be added to the set if the medium type matches the use-media parameter of the set. Page 62 of 114 Otherwise, the compatibility is set specific. For example, for an OFS set, a medium will be included in the set if its SetId matches the SetId in the set parameters or the set is empty. If the medium contains a set identification, the second or third form of the command does not expand the set. It merely includes media in the database for the specified set. If a medium is already included in the set command does nothing. Such operation is usually required after the device has been refreshed. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -n number_of_media Specify the number of additional media which will be initialized and added to the set. The total number of media in the set must be less than or equal to the set quota. -f offline Specify the offline location for a medium offline. SET TYPE SPECIFIC OPTIONS In the second form of command the extra options can be specified depending on the set type: ofs No extra options. sdf No extra options. cd The specific option is: -D dir_name Specify the subdirectory name where the CD/DVD-ROM device will be mounted. The default for dir_name depends on the following: If there is no label on the CD/DVD-ROM, LabelName is equal to "NO_NAME", dir_name is built as S_N, where S is the set name and N is the in_set_number. Otherwise dir_name is equal to LabelName. If a dir_name is duplicated within the set, the duplicate occurrence is appended with a "_N" suffix, where N is the in_set_number. If the set has a cache assigned to it, the dir_name will not be changed. Page 63 of 114 udf The specific options are: -A identifier Specify the logical volume identifier assigned to the surface A in the case of a single-volume or automount set, if the surface is blank/erased and will be initialized. If the option is not specified for the surface, the logical volume identifier is generated by the system. -B identifier Specify the logical volume identifier assigned to the surface B in the case of an automount set, if the surface is blank/erased and will be initialized. If the option is not specified for the surface, the logical volume identifier is generated by the system. EXAMPLES vladdtoset -n 3 alpha Initializes 3 media and adds them to the set "alpha". vladdtoset beta jb 4 Adds to the set "beta" all media (one of them is on the shelf 4) which are compatible with the set "beta". Page 64 of 114 VLCACHE NAME vlcache - Creates or edits cache information for an Integral Volume set. SYNOPSIS vlcache [-H [-p [-u [-l [-h [-c host_name][-D0rn] max_number_of_pages] {0|1}] low_primary_capacity] high_primary_capacity] cache_root] set_name DESCRIPTION The vlcache command creates or edits the cache information used by mountiv to mount a set with cache (Integral Volume set). The set is specified by the set_name argument. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host the where set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. -D Delete all the cache options. is assigned to the set. This means that no cache -0 Clear all the cache parameters except for the cache_root and max_number_of_pages. This allows redefinition of the cache parameters with the "rnulh" options. -r Filesystem is mounted read-only. -n Mounts the Integral Volume set with a clean cache. This flag should be used with the vlcmd mountiv command instead. If this flag is added with the vlcmd cache command, the cache will be zeroed on every mount, regardless of primary data. -p number_of_pages Sets the maximum number of pages that can be used for caching data. If the -n is specified, this option is mandatory. Page 65 of 114 -u {0|1} Boolean value that specifies whether the delayed events are processed for the covered filesystem on umount (1) or not(0). The default is 0. -l low_primary_capacity Number of pages used to control the stopping of archiving. When archiving starts because of the number of primary pages in the cache becomes equal to the high_primary_capacity value, it proceeds until the number of primary pages in the cache is equal to or less than the low_primary_capacity value. The maximum value is the maximum number of pages in the cache minus 1. The default is 0. -h high_primary_capacity Number of pages used to control the start of archiving. Archiving starts when the number of primary pages in the cache becomes equal to or greater than the high_primary_capacity value. The default and the maximum value is the maximum number of pages in the cache (see -p option). -c cache_root Specify the cache root directory. If the cache_root has not been specified or has been deleted by the –D option, no cache is supposed to be assigned to the set. EXAMPLES vlcache -c /cache set1 Assigns the cache with /cache as the cache root directory to the set "set1". vlcache -l 2 set2 Sets the low primary capacity in set "set2" to 2. Page 66 of 114 VLCMP NAME vlcmp - Compares two optical or DVD disks. SYNOPSIS vlcmp [-H host_name][-v] [-j {delayed_job_name | "default"}] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM}]source_jukebox:shelf_number destination_jukebox:shelf_number DESCRIPTION The vlcmp command compares two optical or DVD disks to ensure that their contents are identical. This command is used to verify a copy of an optical or DVD disk made with the vlcopy command to ensure it has copied correctly. OPTIONS -H host_name Specifies the name of the host where the source_jukebox and destination_jukebox are connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v Verbose output. -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. If the delayed_job_name is the key word "default", the actual job name will be generated automatically. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the "CMP Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. Note - the -d flag is only usable by the superuser. Page 67 of 114 mm dd HH MM cc yy is is is is is is the the the the the the month number day number in the month hour number (24 hour system) minute number century last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be current values are supplied as defaults. omitted; the EXAMPLES vlcmp jb1:5 jb2:6 Compares all data on the disk in jukebox#1 (jb1) shelf 5 to the disk in jukebox#2 (jb2) on shelf 6. on vlcmp -j "Compare 5 and 6" jb1:5 jb2:6 Compares all data on the disk in jukebox#1 (jb1) on shelf 5 to the disk in jukebox#2 (jb2) on shelf 6. This command creates a delayed job. The job will be executed according to the "CMP Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. vlcmp -j "Compare 5 and 6" -d 1330 jb1:5 jb2:6 The same as above but the job will be executed at 1:30 PM. "CMP Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Page 68 of 114 VLCONSOLE NAME vlconsole - Manages the list of requests for manual assistance. SYNOPSIS vlconsole [-H host_name] -l [-PSC] vlconsole [-H host_name] -r [-SC] vlconsole [-H host_name] -c -A set_name vlconsole [-H host_name] -c -N set_name set_type_specific_name vlconsole [-H host_name] -c{-E|-I} device_name shelf_number vlconsole [-H host_name] -c{-E|-I} -s set_name in_set_number set_type ofs sdf cd udf set_type_specific_name: sequence_number sequence_number in_set_number sequence_number DESCRIPTION The vlconsole command prints the list of requests for manual assistance, to cancel a particular request, or to remove requests from the list. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -l Without the -PSC options, all the requests are printed. Otherwise, the pending (-P), satisfied (-S), or canceled (-C) requests are printed. -r Remove satisfied (-S), or canceled (-C) requests from the list. Without the -SC options, all the satisfied and canceled request are removed. Page 69 of 114 -c Cancel the specified request. With the -A option, a request to add a medium to the set is canceled. With the -N option, a request to bring a medium online is canceled. A set is specified by set_name. The set_type_specific_name (see below) specifies the medium within the set. With the -E (-I) option, a request to export (import) a medium is canceled. A medium is specified either by device_name and shelf_number or (with -s option) by set_name and in_set_number. SET TYPE SPECIFIC NUMBER The value of set_type_specific_name depends on the set type: ofs Sequence number. sdf Sequence number. cd In_set_number. udf Sequence number. The sequence number or in_set_name can be obtained with -l option or taken from the message printed on the system console and to /sys/QStar/log/syslog file. It is a message asking a user to vlimport or vladdtoset a medium. Page 70 of 114 VLCOPY NAME vlcopy - Creates a (backup) copy of a media. SYNOPSIS vlcopy [-H host_name] [-v] [-c copy_number] [-C {yes|no}] [-j {delayed_job_name | "default"}] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM | [cc]yymmddHHMM}]src_dev_name:shelf_number [dst_dev_name[:shelf_number]] DESCRIPTION The vlcopy command creates a copy of a media (SDF, OFS, UDF). The resulting copy is identical to the original except that the copy_number in the volume_id block is incremented. The copy may be used for backup purposes and may be substituted for the original if the original becomes bad or unavailable. src_dev_name:shelf_number specifies the jukebox and shelf number for the original media. dst_dev_name:shelf_number specifies the jukebox and shelf number for the copy. If dst_dev_name:shelf_number is omitted the vlcopy consults "COPY Jb Name", "COPY Start Shelf Number", "COPY End Shelf Number" fields in the vl/files/conf file. If there are no such fields in vl/files/conf file the vlcopy examines the src_dev_name jukebox first and then all other jukeboxes. NOTES Both the copy and the original must reside on the same host. If the media is double-sided both sides are copied. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is physically connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v Verbose. Print a progress report on the user's terminal. -c copy_number Force the value of the copy number in the volume_id block to copy_number. Without this option, the copy_number on the destination media is equal to the copy_number of the original plus one. Page 71 of 114 -C yes|no Compare source and target media after copy. takes effect only for delayed jobs. This flag -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. If the delayed_job_name is the key word "default", the actual job name will be generated automatically. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the "COPY Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. Note - the -d flag is only usable by the superuser. mm dd HH MM cc yy is is is is is is the the the the the the month number day number in the month hour number (24 hour system) minute number century last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be current values are supplied as defaults. omitted; the EXIT CODES The command returns the exit code 0 in the case of a successful completion. Otherwise, a positive non-zero error code is returned (see error codes in libqcommon(3), libqscsi(3), libjb(3) and libvl(3)) and an error message is printed to stderr. EXAMPLES vlcopy jb:3 jb:5 Copy the media on shelf 3 to the media on the jukebox specified by the jb VL name. Page 72 of 114 shelf 5 of vlcopy -v -c 0 jb:8 jb:11 Create a copy of the media on shelf 8 to shelf 11, set the copy_number of the copy to 0 and report the progress of the copying. In this case the media on shelf 11 will be recognized by the VL as the original rather than a copy. This may produce a "Duplicate shelves" error after a vlrefresh if the source media also has copy_number 0. vlcopy jb:3 Copy the media on shelf 3. The destination media will be determined by the "COPY Jb Name", "COPY Start Shelf Number", "COPY End Shelf Number" fields in the vl/files/conf file. vlcopy -j "Make copy of shelf #3" jb:3 jb:5 This command creates a delayed job. The job will be executed according to the "COPY Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. vlcopy -j "Make copy of shelf #3" -d 1330 jb:3 jb:5 The same as above but the job will be executed at 1:30 PM. "COPY Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Page 73 of 114 VLCRSET NAME vlcrset - Creates a set (Volume set or Integral Volume set). SYNOPSIS vlcrset [-T set_type] [-H host_name] [-u{disk,cd,tape,dvd,erasable,worm,rdonly,cd-dvd}] [-q quota] [-s] [-I] [-r] [-b] [-U {local|share}] [set_type_specific_options] set_name [number_of_media] set_type ofs sdf cd udf set_type_specific_options: [-k] [-c {default|on|off}](tape media only) [{-m [hostname_2]:setname_2 | -2 [hostname_1]:setname_1}] [-h] [-C {long|short}] [-v{s|m|a}] DESCRIPTION The vlcrset command creates a new set. The set is specified by the set_name argument. If the number_of_media argument is present, it specifies the number of media which will be initialized and included in the set. Without this argument the command does not include any media in the set, it merely creates a record about the set in the VL database. The number_of_media must be less than or equal to the set quota. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. -T set_type Specifies the set type which defines the set specific options in the command (see below). The default is ofs. -u disk,cd,tape,dvd,writable,worm,rdonly,cd-dvd (use_media) Specifies the type of media which can be used in the set. The use_media is one of the following words: disk(not a compact disk or DVD), cd(CD-ROM and CD-R disks), tape, dvd, writable(optical writable disks),worm(WORM disks), rdonly(read-only disks). The disk, cd, tape or dvd specifies the essence of media in the set. Other words list the type of media in the set from the read-write point of view. The default depends on the set type. Page 74 of 114 Multiple -u options can be used to specify a set of different types of media. For example, the presence of –u writable and -u worm in the same vlcrset command means that a set can consist of writable and WORM media. cd-dvd is equal to "-u cd, -u dvd, -u rdonly, -u worm". -s Specifies that the set can spread to another jukebox on the same host. Without this option, the media available for use for the set is limited to the jukebox where the set resides. -q quota Specifies the quota for the set. The quota is defined as the maximum number of media that can be allocated to the set. The default value depends on the set type. -I Recreate the filesystem databases before mounting. When the set is unmounted, this parameter is set to off. This option is disabled for CD and UDF set types. -r Filesystem is mounted read-only. -U {local|share} Used to specify whether an Integral Volume set can only be mounted and accessed from the local server. The default value is share. This option is only available for HP-UX, SGI and Linux. -b Automatic start of vlcopy. When current medium is filled up, vlcopy command copies it to first available medium with the same capacity. SET TYPES AND SPECIFIC OPTIONS All set specific options must be used after the generic options listed above. Not all set specific options that can be used in vlcrset can be used in vleditset and vice versa. It makes sense not to use generic option letters in the specific options of newly created set types. ofs: If the -u option is omitted, the default is disk and The quota limit is 1024. writable. The specific options are: -k Specifies kOFS filesystem. This option is only available for Solaris, Dec(Compaq)and AIX. Page 75 of 114 sdf: If the -u option is omitted, the default is disk and writable. The quota limit is 1024. The specific options are: -c {default|on|off} This option specifies the compression option. on enable the compression. off disable the compression. default the compression is set as default. This option is available only for tape jukeboxes. [{-m [hostname_2]:setname_2 | -2 [hostname_1]:setname_1}] [-h] These options specify the Mirroring parameters. See the QStar Mirroring Manual for more detailed information. cd: If the -u option is omitted, the default is cd and read only. The quota limit is 1024. The specific options are: -C {long|short} Specify filename format. Filenames in short format consist of an eight character name followed by an optional period and three character filename extension (8.3 format). This option effects the dir_name, which is the name of the directory where the CD/DVD-ROM device will be mounted, and all files below this directory. By default, the format is long, no 8.3 limitation, and the dir_name is equal to the LabelName, which is the Label of the CD/DVD-ROM. udf: If the -u option is omitted, the default is disk and writable. The quota limit is 1 for single-volume set and 1024 for multi-volume and automount set. Page 76 of 114 The specific options are: -v {s|m|a} Specify the interchange level (how many volumes are in the set): s - single-volume set, m - multi-volume set, and a - automount set. EXAMPLES vlcrset alpha 2 Creates the set "alpha" with the default attributes, initializes 2 media with the multi-volume OFS structure and includes them in the set. vlcrset -u writable –u worm beta Creates the set "beta" which can contain writable and WORM disks. Page 77 of 114 VLDELFROMSET NAME vldelfromset – Removes a medium from a set (Volume set or Integral Volume set). SYNOPSIS vldelfromset [-H host_name] [-k] set_name in_set_number DESCRIPTION The vldelfromset command removes specified medium (‘in_set_number’) from set ‘set_name’ without exporting it from jukebox. If the medium contains no up-to-date data then it may be erased (and reused for the same or different set). OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. -k The medium will be killed i.e. all primary pages and delayed events related to that medium will be removed from the cache. If the set is not mounted this procedure will be done immediately after the set is mounted. EXAMPLES vldelfromset alpha 0 Removes the medium with in_set_number="0" from the set "alpha". Page 78 of 114 VLDELSET NAME vldelset – Deletes a set (Volume set or Integral Volume set). SYNOPSIS vldelset [-H host_name] set_name DESCRIPTION The vldelset command deletes a Volume set or an Integral Volume set. The set is specified by the set_name argument. The vldelset command removes the record about the set from the VL database. It does nothing with the media included in the set. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES vldelset alpha Removes the set "alpha" from the VL database. Page 79 of 114 VLEDITSET NAME vleditset – Changes the set (Volume set or Integral Volume set) parameters. SYNOPSIS vleditset [-H host_name] [-q quota] –U {local|share} [-s] [-I] [-b] [-r {0|1}] [set_type_specific_options] set_name set_type ofs sdf cd udf set_type_specific_options: [-k {0|1}] [-c {default|on|off}](tape media only) [{-m {-|[hostname_2]:setname_2} | -2 [hostname_1]:setname_1}] [-h] [-C {long|short}] DESCRIPTION The vleditset command changes and edits the parameters of a set. The set is specified by the set_name argument. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. -q quota Specifies the quota for the set. The quota is defined as the maximum number of media that can be allocated to the set. The default value depends on the set type. -s Specifies that the set can spread to another jukebox on the same host. Without this option, the media available for use for the set is limited to the jukebox where the set resides. -I Recreate the filesystem databases before mounting. When the set is unmounted, this parameter is set to off. This option is disabled (ignored) for CD and UDF set types. Page 80 of 114 -r {0|1} Disable and enable the read-only option. -U {local|share} Used to specify whether an Integral Volume set can only be mounted and accessed from the local server. The default value is share. This option is only available for HP-UX, SGI and Linux. -b Automatic start of vlcopy. When current medium is filled up, vlcopy command copies it to first available medium with the same capacity. SET TYPES AND SPECIFIC OPTIONS All set specific options must be specified after the generic options listed above. ofs: The specific options are: -k{0|1} Disable and enable the option for mount the set with kOFS filesystem. This option is only available for Solaris, Dec(Compaq)and AIX. sdf: The specific options are: -c {default|on|off} This option specifies the compression option. on enable the compression. off disable the compression. default the compression is set as default. This option is available only for tape jukeboxes. [{-m [hostname_2]:setname_2 | -2 [hostname_1]:setname_1}] [-h] These options specify the Mirroring parameters. See the QStar Mirroring Manual for more detailed information. Page 81 of 114 cd: The specific options are: -C {long|short} Specify filename format. Filenames in short format consist of an eight character name followed by an optional period and three character filename extension (8.3 format). This option effects the dir_name, which is the name of the directory where the CD/DVD-ROM device will be mounted, and all files below this directory. By default, the format is long, no 8.3 limitation, and the dir_name is equal to the LabelName, which is the Label of the CD/DVD-ROM. udf: No specific options. EXAMPLES vleditset -r 1 beta Turns the read only option on for the set "beta". Page 82 of 114 VLERASE NAME vlerase - Erases a media. SYNOPSIS vlerase [-H host_name] [-v] [-fe] [-j {delayed_job_name | "default"}] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM}] device_name shelf_number[{a|b}] vlerase [-H host_name] [-v] [-e] device_name shelf_number:shelf_number DESCRIPTION The vlerase command erases either individual media or a group of media in the specified range of shelves. The jukebox or standalone drive is specified by the device_name argument. The first form of the command erases both sides of the media if the surface (a or b) is not specified. The shelf is specified by the shelf_number argument. The second form of the command erases all existing media in the range of shelves specified by the shelf_number:shelf_number argument. NOTES If media belongs to a Volume set or an Integral Volume the erase process will be denied. set, OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v Verbose. Print the progress report on single shelf (surface), the number of blocks, block size erasing. If erasing a range line with shelf number. the user terminal. If erasing a command prints a line with the and approximate time needed for of shelves the command prints a Page 83 of 114 -f Fast erase. This option is available only in the first form of the command. With this option vlerase erases only the first 2048 blocks on each side of the media which may be acceptable for testing purposes or if the media was initialized but not yet written to. QStar recommends not using this command with media already written with any filesystems supported by QStar because, in the case of recreating the table of contents of the Integral Volume set, the filesystem can be recreated incorrectly (corrupted). This option is not available for media to be used with QStar Data Director product or OFS filesystem. -e Emulate erase. A special pattern will be written on the medium instead of physical erasing. With -f option, the pattern will be written in the initial 2048 blocks; without this option - in every block. For vlrefresh a block with this pattern is recognized as an erased block. Erase emulation is available for magneto-optical rewritable media only and its main purpose is to get rid of blank blocks (blocks that cannot be read without error). It should be used on a medium that will hold a UDF filesystem and then will be moved to a non-QStar Windows UDF implementation (some of them do not like blank blocks). -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. If the delayed_job_name is the key word "default", the actual job name will be generated automatically. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the "ERASE Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. Note - the -d flag is only usable by the superuser. mm dd HH MM cc yy is is is is is is the the the the the the month number day number in the month hour number (24 hour system) minute number century last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be current values are supplied as defaults. Page 84 of 114 omitted; the EXAMPLES vlerase jb 3:5 Erase media on the shelves 3, 4 and 5 specified by the jb VL name. of the jukebox vlerase jb 8a Erases surface "a" of the media on shelf 8 vlerase -j "Erase shelf #3" jb:3 This command creates a delayed job. The job will be executed according to the "ERASE Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. vlerase -j "Erase shelf #3" -d 1330 jb:3 The same as above but the job will be executed at 1:30 PM. "ERASE Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Page 85 of 114 VLEXCHANGE NAME vlexchange - Moves a media from one shelf to another in the jukebox. SYNOPSIS vlexchange [-H host_name] device_name source_shelf_number destination_shelf_number DESCRIPTION If the destination shelf is empty the vlexchange command moves a media from the source shelf to the destination shelf in the jukebox. If media is present on the destination shelf the vlexchange command exchanges a media from the source shelf with the destination shelf. Also the command updates VL databases. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES vlexchange jb 1 2 Move the media from the shelf 1 to shelf 2. Page 86 of 114 VLEXPORT NAME vlexport - Exports a media or a complete set from the jukebox or standalone drive. SYNOPSIS vlexport [-H host_name] [-a] device_name shelf_number vlexport [-H host_name] [-a] -s set_name in_set_number vlexport [-H host_name] [-a] -s set_name DESCRIPTION The vlexport command exports a single medium or all media included in a Volume set or Integral Volume set. The first form of the command exports a medium from the jukebox or standalone drive specified by the device_name argument, the shelf_number specifies the shelf. The second form of the command exports a medium belonging to the set. The set_name argument specifies the name of the set. The in_set_number argument specifies the number of the medium within the set. The third form of the command exports all media included in a set. The set_name argument specifies the name of the set. The offline location of the medium can be specified by the vlinset -f command or during an export operation. If it is not specified, it is listed as S_N, where S is a set name, N is the in_set_number. A user will be prompted to enter the device name and the shelf number. Typing a '^' followed by Enter cancels the operation. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. Page 87 of 114 -a If the local host is not the host where the device is connected (remote administration), the command does not do the real export but places a request on the remote host for manual assistance. In case of local administration, this option allows the same behavior. The list of requests for manual assistance can be obtained with vlconsole command. The real export is done only when the command is running on the local host without -a option. -s set_name Specify the set name in the second and third forms of the command. EXAMPLES vlexport jb 3 Export a medium from shelf number 3 of the jukebox specified by the device_name jb. vlexport -H boa -s alpha Export all media from the set "alpha" on the host "boa". Page 88 of 114 VLIMPORT NAME vlimport - Imports medium into the jukebox or standalone drive. SYNOPSIS vlimport [-H host_name] [-a] device_name shelf_number vlimport [-H host_name] [-a] -s set_name in_set_number vlimport [-H host_name] [-a] -s set_name DESCRIPTION The vlimport command standalone drive. imports a medium into a jukebox or The first form of the command imports a medium into the jukebox or standalone drive specified by the device_name argument. The shelf_number specifies the shelf. The second form of the command imports a medium belonging to the set. The set_name argument specifies the name of the set. The in_set_number argument specifies the number of the medium within the set. The third form of the command imports all media included into the set. The set_name argument specifies the name of the set. The offline location of the medium can be specified by the vlinset -f command or during an export operation. If it is not specified, it is listed as S_N, where S is a set name, N is the in_set_number. A user will be prompted to enter the device name and the shelf number. Typing a '^' followed by Enter cancels the operation. After the medium is imported to the specified shelf in the jukebox, the medium is refreshed. If the medium contains a set identification it may be printed by the vllsdev -i command and included into the VL database by the vladdtoset command. Operator help required for the erase are directed to the user terminal. Page 89 of 114 OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -a If the local host is not the host where the device is connected (remote administration), the command does not do the real import but places a request on the remote host for manual assistance. In case of local administration, this option has the same behavior. The list of requests for manual assistance can be obtained with vlconsole command. The real import is done only when the command is running on the local host without -a option. -s set_name Specify the set name in the second and third forms of the command. EXAMPLES vlimport jb 3 Import a medium to shelf number 3 of the jukebox specified by the device_name jb. Page 90 of 114 VLINSET NAME vlinset - Edits medium in a set (Integral Volume set). SYNOPSIS vlinset [-H host_name] [-f offline] [-c {tree|data}][-alu] [-r {tree|data|medium|all}] [set_type_specific_options] set_name in_set_number set_type ofs sdf cd udf set_type_specific_options: [-D dir_name][-C {short|long|set}] DESCRIPTION The vlinset command edits medium in a set. The set is specified by the set_name argument. The medium is specified by in_set_number argument which is a sequential number of a medium in the set. In_set_numbers are 0-based and printed in the left column by vllsset -v command. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -f offline Changes the offline location of the medium to a new offline location. The medium must be offline. -a Add a medium to the covered filesystem without copying its data to the cache. -c {tree|data} Copy information from the medium into the cache. tree Copy the tree structure only. data Copy the tree structure and data. -l Lock data related to the medium in the cache. Same as the -k option in mmchmod. Page 91 of 114 -u Unlock data related to the medium in the cache. Same as the +k option in mmchmod. -r {tree|data|medium|all} Remove information related to the medium from the cache and/or from the set. tree Remove the tree structure and data from the cache. data Remove the data only. medium Remove the medium from the set. all Remove the tree structure and data from the cache and the medium from the set. SET TYPES AND SPECIFIC OPTIONS All set type specific options must be specified after the generic options listed above. It makes sense not to use generic option letters in the specific options of newly created set types. ofs: No specific options. A medium cannot be removed from the set. sdf: No specific options. A medium cannot be removed from the set. cd: A medium can be removed from the set. The specific options are: -D dir_name Specify the subdirectory name where the CD/DVD-ROM device will be mounted. The default for dir_name depends on the following: If there is no label on the CD/DVD-ROM, LabelName is equal to "NO_NAME", dir_name is built as S_N, where S is the set name and N is the in_set_number. Otherwise dir_name is equal to LabelName. If a dir_name is duplicated within the set, the duplicate occurrence is appended with a "_N" suffix, where N is the in_set_number. If the set has a cache assigned to it, the dir_name will not be changed. Page 92 of 114 -C {long|short} Specify filename format. Filenames in short format consist of an eight character name followed by an optional period and three character filename extension (8.3 format). This option effects the dir_name, which is the name of the directory where the CD/DVD-ROM device will be mounted, and all files below this directory. By default, the format is long, no 8.3 limitation, and the dir_name is equal to the LabelName, which is the Label of the CD/DVD-ROM. udf: No specific options. A medium cannot be removed from the set. EXAMPLES vlinset -f new_offline beta 2 Changes the offline location of the medium number 2 in the set "beta" to "new_offline". Page 93 of 114 VLLSDEV NAME vllsdev – Prints the status of the media and jukebox(es) or standalone drive(s). SYNOPSIS vllsdev [-H host_name] [-n] device_name shelf_number vllsdev [-H host_name] [-nsiebwuS] device_name vllsdev [-H host_name] [-vnsiebwuS] –a DESCRIPTION The vllsdev command prints the VL status for the specified shelf, device, or for all of them. The first form of the command prints the status of the shelf specified by the shelf_number. The jukebox is specified by the device_name argument. The second form of the command prints the status of the device which may be a jukebox or a standalone drive. In the case of a jukebox it prints the status of all the shelves in the jukebox. The device is specified by the device_name argument. The third form of the command prints the status of all the devices on the host. NOTES If the medium is present on the shelf, the output is provided for every surface. If the medium belongs to a set, the surface information depends on the -ni options. With the -ni options and if the set exists, the set name is printed. Without the -ni option or if the set name does not exist, the set specific information is printed. The command output is directed to the user terminal. Page 94 of 114 OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -n Print the set name instead of the set specific information. -s List the shelves with media that belongs to a set. -i List the shelves with media that belongs to a set not listed in the VL database. Usually such media emerges after the import or refresh operation. The set can be included into the VL database by using the vlcrset and vladdtoset commands. -e List the empty, inaccessible or bad shelves. -b List the shelves with blank or erased media. -w List the shelves which are currently working, i.e. erasing, refreshing, etc. -u List the shelves with unknown contents. -v Print the name of the device and the status of all the shelves (if it is a jukebox). Without this option, the status of shelves is not printed. -a Specify all devices on the host in the third form of the command. -S Sort shelves (surfaces). With -n option, the output is sorted by set names. Otherwise, it is sorted by set Ids for non-CD/DVD devices and by LabelNames for CD/DVD devices. If none of the -siebw options are used all shelves are listed. EXAMPLES vllsdev jb 3 Prints the VL status of shelf number 3. vllsdev -nbsa Prints, for all devices on the current host, the status of shelves with media which are erased (blank) or belong to sets. The set name should be printed instead of the Ids. Page 95 of 114 VLLSSET NAME vllsset - Prints status of a set (Volume set or Integral Volume set). SYNOPSIS vllsset [-H host_name] set_name in_set_number vllsset [-H host_name] [-v] set_name vllsset [-H host_name] [-nv] -a DESCRIPTION The vllsset command prints the VL status for the specified set, specified in-set-medium or for all of them. The first form of the command prints the status of the specified in-set-medium in the set. The set_name argument specifies the name of the set. The in_set_number argument specifies the in-set-medium. The second form of the command prints the status of the specified set. The set_name argument specifies the name of the set. The third form of the command prints the status of all the sets on the host. Set parameters printed by the command include use_media, spread and quota information, and the number of in-setmedia. The rest are set specific information. In-set-medium parameters include online (device and shelf) or off-line information and set specific in-set-medium data. The command output is directed to the user terminal. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. -n Print only the set name. Without this option, the command prints the set name and parameters. Page 96 of 114 -v Print information about the in-set-media. Without this option, the command does not print information about the in-set-media. -a Specifies all sets in the third form of the command. EXAMPLES vllsset -v Test Test Use_media=disk,writable Spread=no Quota=1024 Media=2 Restore_fsdb=no Read_only=no Make_copy=no Set_type=sdf (standard data format) SetId=807bef41.361b3d4d Cache: Cache_root=/export/home/cache_Test Max_number_of_pages=100 Mounted at /mnt 0: Online=jb:1 Sequence_numbers=0,1 Mounted=a,b 2: Online=jb:2 Sequence_numbers=2,3 Mounted=a,b Page 97 of 114 VLMAGAZINE NAME vlmagazine - Exchanges media in the jukebox using the VL database. magazines and updates the SYNOPSIS vlmagazine [-H host_name] device_name[magazine_number | h] DESCRIPTION The vlmagazine command exchanges media in the jukebox using the magazines and updates the VL database. The jukebox is specified by the device_name argument. If magazine_number is omitted all magazines are available for exchange. "h" as magazine_number is used for hyper magazine (Pioneer jukebox only). OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXIT CODES The command returns an exit code 0 in the case of a successful completion. Otherwise, a positive non-zero error code is returned (see error codes in libqcommon(3), libqscsi(3), libjb(3) and libvl(3)) and an error message is printed to stderr. EXAMPLES vlmagazine jb Page 98 of 114 VLMEDIAUSAGE NAME vlmediausage - Analyses media usage within in a Integral Volume set. SYNOPSIS vlmediausage [-H host_name] set_name DESCRIPTION The vlmediausage command analyses media usage for set ‘set_name’ and prints statistics on how much up-to-date data is present on each medium in a set. It also lists up to 5 media which contain more “dead” (unused) space and estimate how much time it would take to relocate all data to different media. (see vlreuse command). OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. EXIT CODES The command fails if the specified set is in a mounted state. EXAMPLES vlmediausage alpha Analyses media usage for the set alpha. Page 99 of 114 VLMVSET NAME vlmvset - Renames a set (Volume set or Integral Volume set). SYNOPSIS vlmvset [-H host_name] set_name new_set_name DESCRIPTION The vlmvset command renames sets. The set is specified by the set_name argument. The vlmvset command changes the name of the set to the new_set_name. This command is not available for sets that are part of a Mirrored set. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the set resides. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES vlmvset alpha beta Rename the set "alpha" to "beta" in the VL database. Page 100 of 114 VLPING NAME vlping – Checks to see if the vlserver is running. SYNOPSIS vlping [-H host_name] DESCRIPTION The vlping command checks to see if the vlserver is running. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES vlping vlping: VL server thread is running. Page 101 of 114 VLQLIST NAME vlqlist – Prints the delayed job queue. SYNOPSIS vlqlist [-H host_name] [-j [d][c][m][r][e]] [-s [w][s][d][e]] [-l] [-h sender_hostname] [-u user_id] DESCRIPTION The vlqlist command prints delayed job queue obtained from the QStar scheduler daemon. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -j [d][c][m][r][e] The –j flag allows for specific job type filters to be used. Multiple filters may be used together on the same command line. d c m r e – - Display Display Display Display Display only only only only only vlrecord jobs. vlcopy jobs. vlcmp jobs. vlreuse jobs. vlerase jobs. -s [w][s][d][e] The -s flag allows for specific job state filters to be used. Multiple filters may be used together on the same command line. w s d e - Display Display Display Display all all all all jobs jobs jobs jobs waiting for execution. that have started. that have completed without error. that have completed with error. -h sender_hostname Display all records that came from the host specified by sender_hostname -u user_id Display all records that originated from the user specified by user_id. -l Output long format. EXAMPLES vlqlist Page 102 of 114 VLQMOVE NAME vlqmove – Moves records in the delayed job queue list. SYNOPSIS vlqmove [-H host_name] job_id1 [after] job_id2 DESCRIPTION The vlqmove command moves job records within the QStar scheduler daemon’s queue list. By default, this command moves job_id1 ahead of job_id2. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. [after] Specifies that job_id1 should be placed after job_id2. EXAMPLES vlqmove 1 3 Page 103 of 114 VLQREMOVE NAME vlqremove – Removes records in the delayed job queue list. SYNOPSIS vlqremove [-H host_name] job_id DESCRIPTION The vlqremove command removes a job record specified by job_id from the QStar scheduler daemon’s queue list. This command can be used to clear completed, completed with error, and unwanted incomplete records. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXAMPLES vlqremove 1 Page 104 of 114 VLRECORD NAME vlrecord - Records an ISO/UDF image to CD/DVD-R media. SYNOPSIS vlrecord [-H host_name] [-v] [-x {speed_X | max}] [-b buffer_Mb] [{-t | -T}] [-s set_name] [-j delayed_job_name] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM | [cc]yymmddHHMM}] [-n number_of_copies][-m mail_addr] device_name:{shelf_number{a|b}|any} [image_path] DESCRIPTION The vlrecord command records an ISO/UDF image to a CD/DVD-R media. The CD/DVD-R media is specified by the device_name:shelf_number argument. If “any” is specified instead of a shelf number then the 1st available blank CD/DVDR in the storage device will be used. The image location and name is specified by the image_path argument. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -v Verbose output. -x [speed_X | max] Specifies recording speed. Without this option the recording speed is selected automatically based on the memory buffer filling time. -b buffer_Mb Specifies memory buffer size used default value is 4 Mb. for recording. -t Test mode. software and The CD/DVD-R media as the -T Test mode with no write operations. This mode to determine the data transfer rate. The When the Test mode is specified, the CD/DVD-R drive simulate the write process. drive does not actually write data to the Laser power is turned off. is used Page 105 of 114 -s set_name Specifies the Integral Volume set name to which newly written media will be automatically added. the -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the "RECORD Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. Note - the -d flag is only usuable by the superuser. mm dd HH MM cc yy is is is is is is the the the the the the month number day number in the month hour number (24 hour system) minute number century last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be current values are supplied as defaults. omitted; the -n number_of_copies Specifies the number of copies of the same ISO/UDF image that will be recorded to CD/DVD-R media. Without this option only one ISO/UDF image will be recorded. -m mail_addr Specifies the email address to which sent when the job has completed. confirmation is NOTES The recording is a long process, QStar suggests using the -v (verbose output to terminal) option to track the progress of the recording. EXAMPLES vlrecord jb1:5 image_path Records the image from image_path file to the shelf 5 in jukebox#1. Page 106 of 114 disk on VLREFRESH NAME vlrefresh - Refresh media, jukebox(es) and standalone drive(s) and fixes the VL database. SYNOPSIS vlrefresh [-H host_name] device_name shelf_number ... vlrefresh [-H host_name] device_name shelf_number:shelf_number vlrefresh [-H host_name] device_name vlrefresh [-H host_name] -f DESCRIPTION The vlrefresh command refreshes VL database information and fixes the VL database. Refreshing means reading information from the medium (if the medium is present) and updating the relevant VL database records. The first form of the command refreshes the list of shelves. The jukebox is specified by the device_name argument. The second form of the command refreshes all shelves in the range specified by the shelf_number:shelf_number argument. The jukebox is specified by the device_name argument. The third form of the command refreshes the device which may be a jukebox or a standalone drive. In case of a jukebox it refreshes all the shelves in the jukebox. The device is specified by the device_name argument. The fourth form of the command refreshes all devices and fixes inconsistencies in the VL databases. Unlike the previous version, the vlrefresh command does not maintain any kind of dialog with the user for creating new sets. After the device is refreshed, the vllsdev, vlcrset and vladdtoset commands can be used to register in the VL database the media containing set identification. The sequence of actions is normally as follows. The vllsdev command with the -i option lists media which contain set identification but does not belong to a set. The vlcrset command can be used to create an empty set. Then the vladdtoset command, with arguments containing the set name and one of the shelves with set identification to adds medium on the specified shelf and all other media with the same Set_ID. Page 107 of 114 OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. -f Refresh and fix all. EXAMPLES vlrefresh jb 3 Refreshes the shelf number 3 of the jukebox specified by the jb VL name. vlrefresh jb Refreshes the entire jukebox. Page 108 of 114 VLREGRESS NAME vlregress - Recovers regressed media under the VL Scheduler control. SYNOPSIS vlregress [-H host_name] [-s] [-j {delayed_job_name |"default"}] [-d{[mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM}] device_name shelf_number DESCRIPTION The vlregress command puts request to the delayed job queue to recover regressed media. This command is only available for array jukeboxes. The location of the media is specified by the shelf_number argument. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected Without this option, the local host is used. -s Use spare media during recovery procedure. -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. If the delayed_job_name is the key word "default", the actual job name will be generated automatically. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will executed according to the "REGRESS Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. Note - the -d flag is only usable by the superuser. mm dd HH MM cc yy is is is is is is the the the the the the month number day number in the month hour number (24 hour system) minute number century last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be current values are supplied as defaults. omitted; the Page 109 of 114 EXIT CODES This command returns the exit code 0 in the case of a successful completion. Otherwise, a positive non-zero error code is returned (see error codes in libqcommon(3), libqscsi(3) and libjb(3)) and an error message is printed to stderr. EXAMPLES vlregress jb 12 Recovery of media on shelf 12. vlregress -j "Regress 5" jb1 5 Recovers all data on the disk in jukebox#1 (jb1) on shelf 5. This command creates a delayed job. The job will be executed according to the "REGRESS Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. vlregress -j "Regress 5" -d 1330 jb1 5 The same as above but the job will be executed at 1:30 PM. "REGRESS Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Page 110 of 114 VLRESTORE_FSDB NAME vlrestore_fsdb – Recreates filesystem databases. SYNOPSIS vlrestore_fsdb [-H host_name] set_name DESCRIPTION The vlrestore_fsdb command recreates filesystem specific databases for set ‘set_name’ in the cache directory assigned to the set. Currently fs databases exist only for OFS and SDF filesystems. The databases are restored from media belonging to the set. Note that if the fs database already exists in the cache directory, they are removed. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. EXIT CODES The command fails if the specified set is in a mounted state. EXAMPLES vlrestore_fsdb alpha Page 111 of 114 VLREUSE NAME vlreuse – Relocates data, erases the media and adds it to a set (Integral Volume set). SYNOPSIS vlreuse [-H host_name] [-r][-j {delayed_job_name | "default"}] [-d {[mmdd]HHMM | [cc]yymmddHHMM}]set_name in_set_number [in_set_number2...] DESCRIPTION The vlreuse command relocates up-to-date data from a specified media ('in_set_number' in set 'set_name') to current write position. After successful relocation the media is erased and added to the set. As a result available space for the set is increased. More than one in_set_number may be specified for the same command. OPTIONS -r Specify relocation only mode. After successful completion of the command the media may be exported from jukebox (for backup purposes) or erased and added to the same or different set. -j delayed_job_name Specifies the job name used to identify the job in the delayed job list. If the delayed_job_name is the key word "default", the actual job name will be generated automatically. Without the -j flag the job will be executed according to the -d flag (without the -d flag, the job will execute immediately). -d [mmdd]HHMM|[cc]yymmddHHMM Specifies the date and time the jobs should be executed on the delayed jobs list. The job will be executed immediately if there is no -j flag and no -d flag. If there is a -j flag and there is no -d flag the job will be executed according to the "REUSE Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. Note - the -d flag is only usable by the superuser. Page 112 of 114 mm dd HH MM cc yy is is is is is is the the the the the the month number day number in the month hour number (24 hour system) minute number century last 2 digits of the year number The month, day, year, and century may be current values are supplied as defaults. omitted; the EXIT CODES The command will fail if the specified set filesystem and is in a mounted state. contains It may also fail if there is not enough space for the located data. a SDF real- The command returns the exit code 0 in the case of a successful completion. Otherwise, a positive non-zero error code is returned (see error codes in libqcommon(3), libqscsi(3), libjb(3) and libvl(3)) and an error message is printed to stderr. EXAMPLES vlreuse alpha 0 Relocates data from the media with in_set_number="0" belonging to the set "alpha" and then erases the media with in_set_number="0" and adds it to the end of set "alpha". vlreuse -r alpha 0 Relocates data from the media with in_set_number="0" belonging to the set "alpha". The media is not erased and there is no actual data on the media, but it still belongs to the set. vlreuse -j "Reuse volume #1" beta 1 This command creates a delayed job. The job will be executed according to the "REUSE Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file. vlreuse -j "Reuse volume #1" -d 1330 beta 1 The same as above but the job will be executed at 1:30 PM. "REUSE Delayed Start" field in the vl/files/conf file makes no difference if -d is specified. Page 113 of 114 VLVERIFY NAME vlverify – Checks the consistency of the VL database. SYNOPSIS vlverify [-H host_name] DESCRIPTION The vlverify command verifies the consistency of the VL databases and reports inconsistencies. OPTIONS -H host_name Specify the name of the host where the device is connected. Without this option, the local host is used. Page 114 of 114 SCSI CONFIGURATION WORKSHEET First SCSI Host adapter (Already configured) TARGET ID UNIT # (LUN) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inquiry information or Product Identification (PID) Comment Second SCSI Host adapter (Jukebox or standalone drive(s) add to the system) TARGET ID UNIT # (LUN) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 HOST ID LICENSE KEY Number: Number : Inquiry information or Product Identification (PID) Comment Credit and Trademark This document contains information protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of QStar Technologies, Inc. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. QStar makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this printed material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. QStar shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. The contents of this manual are based on the most current information. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Additions and corrections to this manual will be available from QStar Technologies, Inc., by request, as they become available. This manual contains confidential and proprietary information of QStar Technologies, Inc. Distributing or photocopying this manual is in direct violation of US. copyright laws and is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of QStar Technologies. Should you have questions regarding any QStar product, please contact QStar Technologies, Inc., 99 Eglin Parkway N.E. #37, Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548 or by telephone at (850) 243-0900, fax at (850) 243-4234, or e-mail at [email protected]. Restrictive Rights Notice The computer software and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions stated in paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of The Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause 252.227-7013 (DFARS) and the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause 52.227-19 (FAR), whichever is applicable. Contractor/Manufacturer is QStar Technologies, Inc., 99 Eglin Parkway N.E. #37, Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548. Unpublished - Rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States and of other countries. Copyright 1995-2000 by QStar Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved QStar Technologies is a registered trademark of QStar Technologies, Inc. Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Limited Warranty on Media and Manual QStar Technologies, Inc. warrants that the manual accompanying this software product and the physical media on which the software is furnished are free from defects in their production. QStar Technologies, Inc. will replace said media and / or manuals, if defective, if they are returned to QStar Technologies, Inc. postage prepaid, along with proof of purchase. The warranty and remedies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, express or implied. No QStar Technologies, Inc. dealer, agent or employee is authorized to make any modification, extension, or addition to this warranty. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have additional rights, which may vary from state to state. Disclaimers of Warranty Even though QStar Technologies Inc. has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, QStar Technologies, Inc. makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this software, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, with the exception of the limited warranty on media and manual expressed above. As a result, this software is sold as is, and you the purchaser are assuming the entire risk as to its quality and performance. In no event will QStar Technologies, Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any defect in the software or its documentation. In particular, QStar Technologies, Inc. shall have no liability for any damage to programs or data used with QStar Technologies Inc. products, including the costs of recovering such programs or data. The warranty and remedies set forth above are exclusive and lieu of all others, oral or written, express or implied. US Government Restricted Right Legend Use, duplication or disclosure of the QStar Technologies, Inc. software by any unit or agency of the United States Government (the “Government”) id subject to the restrictions set forth in FAR 52.227-19 (c ) (2), the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DFARS 252.227-7013 ( c ) (1) (ii), and any similar or successor clauses in the FAR, DFARS, or the DoD or NASA FAR Supplements, whichever are applicable. In addition to the foregoing, the Government agrees to be bound and abide by the terms and conditions set forth in the following license agreement. Unpublished – all rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Contractor/manufacturer is QStar Technologies Inc., 99 Eglin Parkway N.E. #37,.Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548 USA.
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