Professional Archive Solutions from QStar and Alliance Storage
Professional Archive Solutions from QStar and Alliance Storage
P r o f e s s i o n a l A r c h i v e So l u t i o ns from QStar and Alliance Storage Technologies Companies are facing new financial and regulatory realities that are having a major impact on storage management within the data center. Organizations across virtually every industry are now required to comply with government regulations and meet strict internal policies on the long term preservation of digital information. Increased data retention periods are being applied to a greater number of data types in a financial climate of reduced IT budgets. This situation is forcing organizations to store more data for longer periods of time with less money. The solution is a cost effective data archive strategy designed to meet corporate and regulatory obligations. A well designed archive integrates appropriate technology to optimize storage resources, reducing cost and legal risk. QStar Technologies and Alliance Storage Technologies (ASTI) have 50 years of combined industry experience helping companies manage and retain their digital assets. Using the 3-2-1 Archiving and Data Protection Best Practice, the QStar management software and ASTIʼs Plasmon UDO (Ultra Density Optical) G-Series libraries provide professional archive solutions that directly address todayʼs financial and regulatory challenges. The 3-2-1 Archiving and Data Protection Best Practice 3 A 3-2-1 strategy using QStarʼs archive platform and an Alliance G-Series UDO library can optimize IT infrastructure by reducing cost and complexity, while providing the essential tools for regulatory compliance. 1 3-2-1 Archive Benefits • • • • • • • • Delivers robust availability to archive data Optimizes the use of existing IT infrastructure Reduces the demand for IT capital acquisition Improves disaster recovery response time Eliminates backup overhead for archive data Extends data and system refresh cycles Lowers power consumption costs and carbon footprint Creates a foundation for regulatory compliance copies The 3-2-1 Best Practice provides a field proven framework for the deployment of a professional archive. Endorsed by leading storage analysts, the 3-2-1 Best Practice recommends that a professional archive retain 3 copies of all critical data, these copies should be archived on 2 different storage technologies, with 1 copy offsite on removable media. This simple yet powerful strategy forms a cost effective and resilient archive foundation that no business can afford to be without. 2 3 Active Redundancy Copy of Record media types 2 1 Fast Access 1 2 Optical / Tape copy offsite RAID and Optical / Tape Primary Data Center 1 Secondary Site 321 ARCHIVING & D ATA P R O T E C T I O N BEST PRACTICE Q S t a r P r o f e s s i o n a l Archive QStarʼs archive platform offers enterprise data management functionality with a choice of the SntrySTR network attached appliance or open system HSM software running on Windows, Linux, Unix and Mac OS X operating systems. A QStar solution enables a 3-2-1 Best Practice through a unique tiered storage model that manages the location, retention and replication of data throughout its lifecycle. In combination with an ASTI G-Series library, the QStar solution migrates static data off expensive primary storage to more cost effective UDO media for long term storage. This architecture maximizes IT resources by releasing space on expensive primary storage and reducing backup overheads. QStarʼs policy management controls where and for how long data is retained, providing audit trail accountability for regulatory and legal purposes. By managing a defined number of data copies on multiple media types, across distributed sites, the QStar platform meets the redundancy and preservation objectives of the 3-2-1 model. To satisfy the final stage of the 3-2-1 Best Practice, QStar also provides complete offline UDO media management, delivering a very cost effective and resilient disaster recovery strategy. The SntrySTR appliance and HSM software consolidate valuable data into a managed archive environment that makes efficient use of limited IT resources and supports corporate policies for legal and regulatory compliance. QStar Prof essional Archive Ben e f i t s • • • • • Optimizes the use of storage infrastructure Manages the retention and lifecycle of data Reduces backup overheads Lowers the cost of disaster recovery Controls the demand for IT capital acquisition � � � � � � � � � �� � Alliance Professional Archive ASTI is the exclusive manufacturer of Plasmon storage technology, including Libraries, Drives and Media. Allianceʼs GSeries family of automated optical libraries use UDO (Ultra Density Optical) drives and media technology. Designed specifically for the demands of long term archival storage, UDO delivers unmatched 100 year data life, and unquestioned WORM (Write Once Read Many) recording. Housed in a robust removable cartridge, UDO is ideally suited for the 3-2-1 Best Practice including cost effective offline storage. The highly flexible G-Series library family scales to over 38TB in a single system, providing a powerful combination of archive capacity, data longevity and record authenticity. UDO drive and media technology lie at the heart of a G-Series archive. This high capacity blue laser optical technology, UDO2 media (60GB) and UDO1 media (30GB), provides state-of-the-art storage functionality. UDOʼs true WORM recording process prevents stored data from being altered in any way which ensures the very highest degree for data authenticity. The UDO standard simply canʼt be matched by magnetic disk or tape storage, and UDOʼs read after write verification process for every file is a key requirement for many organizations with sensitive data or records that are regulated by industry or government agencies. Offline tracking of UDO media is securely administered with unique barcode labels and media serial numbers for every disk to prevent media loss or tampering. An impressive list of worldwide customers already benefit from the compelling business proposition offered by a GSeries UDO library and QStar archive platform. These organizations have deployed archive solutions with a much lower total cost of ownership than a RAID alternative, with dramatically reduced power consumption. A G-Series UDO library provides a much greener archive solution that optimizes data center resources, and meets the strict compliance standards for data authenticity. Alliance Professional Archive B e n e f i t s • • • • • Extends media and data life Protects and preserves archive data Ensures record authenticity Reduces power consumption Creates a foundation for regulatory compliance Single Site, Singl e A r c h i ve wi t h O f f l i n e U D O M e d i a 321 ARCHIVING & D ATA P R O T E C T I O N ASTI G-Series QStar SntrySTR or HSM UDO Library Disk Cache BEST PRACTICE Offline UDO Media Archive Direct from Applications Multiple Site, Redundant Archive with Offline UDO Media QStar SntrySTR or HSM with DDR Disk Cache 321 ARCHIVING & D ATA P R O T E C T I O N ASTI G-Series BEST PRACTICE UDO Library Primary Site Archive Direct from Applications Network Migrator WAN Fast RAID Archive using SDJ Disaster Recovery Site Client & Server File Migration SntrySTR Offline UDO Media Q S t a r a n d A l l i a n c e J o i n t A r c h i v e S olution A 3-2-1 strategy using QStarʼs archive platform and an Alliance G-Series UDO library optimizes IT infrastructure by reducing cost and complexity, while providing the essential foundation for regulatory compliance. Capacity Slot Count ASTI Series Based on UDO2 with maximum no. of drives 38TB 638 G-Series 26TB 438 14TB No. of UDO Drives ASTI Model Number*** QStar SntrySTR and HSM Model Number* 2 - 12 G638-W6W6N0 QSS-6000-01 STR-HSM-40U G-Series 2 - 12 G438-W6W6N0 238 G-Series 2 - 12 G238-W6W6N0 10TB 164 G-Series 2 - 12 G164-W6W6N0 9.5TB 158 G-Series 2-6 G174-W6N0 QSS-6000-01 STR-HSM-10U HSM-10U-WIN 4.3TB 72 G-Series 2-4 G80-W4N0 QSS-6000-01 HSM-05U-WIN 1.9TB 32 G-Series 1-2 G32-W2N0 QSS-6000-01 HSM-02U-WIN 1.4TB 24 G-Series 1-2 G24-W2N0 QSS-6000-01 HSM-02U-WIN Solution requires one of the models below QStar HSM for Windows Model Number** Solution requires one of the models below. If choosing HSM then an appropriate server is also required. QSS-6000-01 STR-HSM-26U QSS-6000-01 STR-HSM-14U QSS-6000-01 STR-HSM-10U HSM-40U-WIN HSM-26U-WIN HSM-14U-WIN HSM-10U-WIN * - SntrySTR also supports SDJ for disk caching of all archived data on UDO ** - HSM is also available for Linux, Apple Mac, Solaris, IBM AIX, SGI IRIX and HP/UX substitute WIN for LNX, MAC, SOL, AIX, SGI or HPX *** - QStar Solutions can support multiple G-Series libraries ASTI partcodes Gxxx-AyByCy Gxxx A B C y G series model number On 1st SCSI BUS (W=UDO2, U=UDO1, M=9.1GB MO, N=Not Present) On 2nd SCSI BUS when available (W=UDO2, U=UDO1, M=9.1GB MO, N=Not Present) On 3rd SCSI BUS when available (W=UDO2, U=UDO1, M=9.1GB MO, N=Not Present) Number of specified drives Options Barcode Reader QStar partcodes QSS-6000, STR-XXXX-yyyT, XXXX-yyyT-AAA QSS-6000 STR AAA XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX yyy O U 2U SntrySTR NAS appliance Additional software installed on the SntrySTR Software installed on a server (e.g. WIN = Windows) HSM = single copy to one library DDR1 = mirror within one library DDR2 = mirror to two local libraries DDR3 = mirror to two remote libraries Capacity managed Optical Technology used UDO Technology Contact Information QStar Tech n o l o g i e s , I n c . 2175 West H i g h w a y 9 8 Mary Esthe r, F L 3 2 5 6 9 Phone: 850 - 2 4 3 - 0 9 0 0 Fax: 850-2 4 3 - 4 2 3 4 Info@qstar. c o m www.qstar. c o m Q S t a r Te c h n o l o g i e s E u r o p e Vi a l e I t a l i a , 1 2 - 2 0 0 9 4 Corsico - Milano (Italy) Phone: +39 0245171.1 Fax: +39 0245101745 I n f o @ q s t a r. i t w w w. q s t a r. c o m A l l i a n c e S t o r a g e Technologies 9 9 2 5 F e d e r a l D r i ve, Suite 100 C o l o r a d o S p r i n g s , CO 80921 P h o n e : 7 1 9 . 5 9 3 . 7900 P h o n e : 1 . 8 8 8 . 5 6 7.6332 F a x : 7 1 9 . 5 9 3 . 4 1 64 w w w. a s t i u s a . c o m [email protected]
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