Fall Court of Honor Scheduled Emergency Preparedness Exercise


Fall Court of Honor Scheduled Emergency Preparedness Exercise
Volume XLII
Fall Court of Honor
The fall Court of Honor is scheduled for Tuesday, September 28, at
Creekwood Church of Christ. The COH will begin at 6:30 pm and will
conclude at 8:30 with Alan’s Eagle Court of Honor. Scouts will receive recognition for rank advancements, earned merit badges, and
other recognition for their achievements over the past 6 months. Dinner will be served as part of this event and reservations will be taken
with a $2 per person cost.
A Court of Honor is a time for scouts to be recognized in front of their
family, friends, and troop leaders. We hope every scout and their
family will be in attendance to support their scout and the troop.
The Mississippi Coastal Emergency Preparedness Exercise will be held
on August 3. Twenty scouts and adults have signed up to participate. The scouts will simulate victims of a “dirty bomb” explosion.
They will be treated on site, transported to a hospital in Ocean
Springs, Gautier, or Pascagoula for further treatment. The purpose of
this exercise is to evaluate the readiness of the emergency medical
staff and hospital staff in dealing with this type of an emergency.
Gerald Nottenkamper is coordinating this activity for Singing River
This exercise is a great opportunity for our scouts to understand how
emergency personnel manage such events. The scouts will also receive service hours and receive credit for a sign off for the Emergency Preparedness merit badge.
August 2010
Inside this issue:
God & Service Award
Scoutmaster Update
Troop Committee Chair
Popcorn Time!
Columbiana Campout
Reader Contest
Important Dates:
 August 3
MS Emergency Exercise
 August 6-8
Canoe Campout
 August 9
Chris Roberts’
Eagle Court of Honor
 August 12
Spanish Trail
Preview Conference
 September 7
Parent’s Meeting
for Recharter
 September 14
Troop Elections
 September 17
Spanish Trail
District Camporee
 September 28
Court of Honor
Paul Roberts Receives “God & Service” Award
On Sunday July 25th, Paul Roberts was presented the God
and Service Award by the Forest Hill Church of God and the
BSA Mobile Area Council. The
God and Service Award is a
national recognition awarded
by local churches and national
youth agencies cooperating
with Programs of Religious Activities with Youth (P.R.A.Y.). This
award recognizes distinguished
volunteer service to youth in
the church and a national
youth agency, which in Paul’s
case is Boy Scouts of America.
Recruiting other volunteers for
leadership to youth, promoting
religious observances at youth
events, encouraging youth to
participate in community service, and promoting the organization of youth agency
units in a church are a few of
the eligibility requirements.
The recipient’s Christian example is highly regarded by
others in the church and his
lifestyle is a model for young
people. As an adult leader in
scouting, awards such as the
God and Service Award and
other accolades are displayed on the uniform as
“knots” above the left pocket
and over the heart. The God
and Service Award is a purple
knot on a silver field. Paul has
served in leadership in the
Mobile Area Council for 12
years and has jointly served his
church in numerous areas of
youth leadership over the past
16 years. Paul was pleasantly
surprised upon receiving this
award as it was on the Sunday
when his son Christopher was
being recognized for completion of his Eagle Scout rank. We
are very proud of Paul and his
nomination for this award.
Our Number 1 Asset!
What is our number one asset in
the troop? Is it the scouts?
What about the troop leaders?
Maybe the treasurer? Possibly
the church that supports us?
None of these are the correct
answer but are very important.
The number one asset in the
troop is our moms, dads, and
grandparents! You are critical
to the success of your scout
and the troop. It does not matter if we are talking about
scouting, school homework,
soccer, band, chorus, community theater, and the list goes
on. Without parental support,
our young men will probably
not be successful with any of
these activities.
Troop2292 News You Can Use
Parents, as your scoutmaster, I
recognize how important you
are to the scouting success of
your son. Your support of him
by making sure he comes to
the Tuesday night meeting,
goes on campouts, and works
on skills/sign offs at home is so
important. Some common
denominators for scouts who
become Eagle Scouts include
attending Winter camp, working on merit badges and sign
offs at home, and then demonstrating those skills at a
meeting or campout for approval, requesting leadership
positions, and attending Tuesday night meetings. Winter
camp is one of the few op-
portunities to receive the 3 Citizenship merit badges that are
required for an Eagle Scout. A
lot of skills can be signed off if
the scout works at home and
then comes to the Tuesday
night meeting and demonstrates that he has learned
these skills. One hour a week
working at home will accomplish a lot.
Thanks to all parents and
grandparents for what you do
for your son. I want your scout
to succeed in all areas of his life
and especially as a scout. Let
me know how I can be of help.
 Manny
Troop 292 News You Can Use
Scoutmaster Update
Troop 292 Philmont Trekkers, June/July, 2010
July has been a fun and busy
month for the troop. The Philmont trekkers returned from a
16 day trip to New Mexico,
where they back-packed,
climbed mountains, and encountered bears! Alan, Robbie, Stephen, Chris M., Ethan,
Tyler M., James, and Thomas
trekked approximately 80 miles.
The trip to Philmont Scout
Ranch challenged everyone
both physically and mentally. It
was a great accomplishment
to complete the trek.
The July campout was awesome. The troop visited the
Alabama 4-H center in Columbiana. We stayed in air conditioned cottages! This was a
treat! We used the pool
through out the weekend,
Page 3
played putt-putt golf, and
fished. The high light of the trip
was water skiing and tubing.
Gerald brought his boat and
the scouts took turns going out
on Lay Lake. In addition to
these activities, the scouts did
not have to cook or wash
dishes. The adults did all the
hard work. This campout was
designed for the boys to have
fun with very little responsibility.
an effort to deliver a great Outdoor Program. Boys learn to
work together, learn to follow
their leaders, and develop
leadership skills in our Outdoor
Program. These skills are not
learned at troop meetings
Manny Russo
On July 27, the troop met at
Amberly Swim Club for an endof-the-year pool party. Everyone seemed to have fun, swimming and playing water basketball. We had plenty of pizza
and lemonade.
You can see that the troop
continues to be very active in
News You
You Can
Can Use
From our Troop Committee Chairman...
It’s hard to believe that school
will soon start and summer vacation for the Scouts will soon
be over! Many of Troop 292’s
scouts have had a fun-filled,
active summer of scouting. I
am now looking forward to getting back into the routine of a
regular schedule. As part of the
regular routine, I hope that the
parents of Troop 292’s scouts
will recommit to supporting
your Scout and Troop 292.
Parental Support
We need you to become involved. Parental support is vital
to a Troop’s success. It is even
more vital for the success of
YOUR scout in scouting.
Troop Committee
The function of the Troop Committee is to support the Troop’s
operating needs. Being a committee member is about being
an active member of the support mechanism of the Troop.
Yes, we occasionally vote on
how to spend money and on
the Troop’s policies, but voting
is not the purpose of the committee or committee members.
We need your help in the following areas:
Boards of Review members –
See Board of Review Coordinator Tony Gard or me. Even if
you don’t know what a Board
of Review (BOR) is, we can use
your help. Tony will work with
you so that you will feel comfortable. We have printed
Page 4
guides available, and Tony will
let you sit in and observe, until
you feel comfortable participating.
Coordinator – The job duty of
this person is to count the
number of seatbelts that we
have going to events and
campouts, and compare the
number of Scouts and
Scouters going, so everyone
has a seat.
Drivers and vehicles – These
volunteers will drive their vehicle and some Scouts to
events and campouts.
Fund raising coordinator –
Help with ideas and implementation of ways to raise
money for the Scouts and
Troop to offset the cost of
Record keeping – Assist the
treasurer and/or Advancement member when they
can’t be at the meetings.
Hospitality – Includes things
like food at events (Pool
Party, Christmas Party, Court
of Honors, Bridging, Scout
Fairs) – See my wife Donna,
Manny, or me.
Newsletter Editor – Help
Scouts serving as Troop Scribe
and Historian put together a
professional newsletter
Troop Secretary – Take minutes at Committee meetings.
If you can think of an area that
you would like to assist in, even
if it’s not listed here, please let
me know. Our committee
meetings are the third Tuesday
of each month. (August 17th
and September 21st) Please
mark your calendar now!
Upcoming Events
Parent Meeting for 2010
Recharter – On September 7,
we will have our annual parent/recharter meeting. Rechartering is the process of renewing the Scout’s membership in the BSA for 2011 and the
Troop’s affiliation with the Mobile Area and National Councils of BSA. It is a time to complete and update forms, pay
dues, and answer any questions that you may have for the
Troop’s adult leadership.
Please make plans to attend.
The due date for dues to be
paid and all forms to be returned is October12.
Eagle Court of Honor
On a personal note, I would like
to invite everyone to my son’s
Eagle Scout Court of Honor.
Christopher Roberts’ Eagle
Scout Court of Honor will be
held at the Forest Hill Church of
God on Monday, August 9, at
7:00 pm. Forest Hill is at 5508
Moffett Road Mobile, AL 36618,
(near the intersection of Howell’s Ferry Road and Moffett
Road). We hope to see you
Paul Roberts
Committee Chairman
News You
You Can
Can Use
Popcorn Time!
It is time for the Boy Scout fall popcorn fundraiser. On Tuesday, August 10, we will have
a meeting of all scouts to discuss the upcoming popcorn fundraiser and how it will
be conducted. The “rewards” part of the
fundraiser will be discussed so that all scouts
will know what they will receive from their
efforts. Connie Hicks and Kelly Weir will be
the troop popcorn “Kernels.”
The popcorn fundraiser is an opportunity for
your scout to earn money for his scout
account. This can pay for campouts, summer camp, winter camp,
or other scout gear that he needs. The more popcorn your scout
sells, the less the parents will have to pay for scout events.
The popcorn order forms will be mailed on August 2 and your scout
can start selling. He should wear his scout shirt so that he is recognized as a Boy Scout and that he is selling to support the scouting
Troop Elections
in September
Troop elections will be held on Tuesday, September 14. Troop
elections are very important, as they provide an opportunity for
scouts to assume leadership roles in the troop.
The elected positions include assistant patrol leader (for each
patrol), patrol leader (for each patrol), two assistant senior patrol leaders, and senior patrol leader. The scouts will elect these
positions. There are many other positions that are appointed
that will give scouts an opportunity for leadership roles. These
positions include troop chaplain, bugler, historian, scribe, den
chiefs, guides, instructors, order of the arrow representative, and
Each parent should encourage their scout to run for a position
or request to be appointed to a position. The appointed positions are made by the senior and assistant senior patrol leaders.
Leadership skills are developed through these positions. Again,
encourage your scout to step up and work hard for his fellow
scouts and the troop.
Page 5
Spanish Trail
Once a year the Spanish Trail
District has a program preview for the upcoming year.
All scout leaders and parents
are invited to preview the
Mobile Area Council and the
Spanish Trail District calendars for the upcoming year.
The meeting is Thursday, August 12, at 7:00 p.m. at Christ
United Methodist Church.
This is a good time to gain
understanding of the council
and district activities for the
upcoming year. For more
information see Manny or
News You
You Can
Can Use
Troop 292:
July Campout
in Columbiana!
Page 6
News You
You Can
Can Use
News You Can Use Reader Contest
Scouts, read your newsletter cover to cover to locate our logo, or
, and then email your
editor, Teresa Stokes, at [email protected], with the total number of logos you find in the
entire newsletter. Look everywhere, including on uniforms and flags. The first three scouts to
email will be entered in a drawing to receive the prize of the month from Mr. Manny. You must
be in full uniform with your scout book at the meeting in which the prize is awarded. And I
would bet you’ll be really informed about all your troop’s happenings, too. Good Luck!
Website and
Photo Gallery
If you would like to submit articles for the website or tell us about something your scout has
done outside of scouting, please email this information to:
Manny at [email protected] or
Steve Marcantonio at [email protected].
Troop 292
News You Can Use
Providence Presbyterian Church
2320 Schillinger Rd
Mobile, AL 36695
Scoutmaster: Manny Russo
E-mail: [email protected]
We’re on
Editor’s Note - If you have any suggestions or contributions for
292 News, please contact Manny Russo at
[email protected] .
Troop 292 is a very active troop that camps each month regardless of the weather! We will camp in excess of 30 nights and
days per year. The Boy Scout Program is an “Outdoor Program,”
meaning that scout skills and leadership skills are developed
throughout this outdoor program, not only at Tuesday night meetings. We also provide hundreds of hours a year in service projects as we teach scouts this key value of “Service to Others.”
Join us as we provide a quality program that turns young boys
into young men who live the Scout Law and Oath in all that they
Our Mission—The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to
prepare young people to make ethical choices over their lifetimes
by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.