DfE Portal Guide for new users - Course Directory Provider Portal


DfE Portal Guide for new users - Course Directory Provider Portal
Course Directory: Provider
Portal Help Guide
Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 3
Aim of this document.......................................................................................................................... 3
What is the National Careers Service Course Directory Provider Portal? .......................................... 3
Where will my course information appear? ....................................................................................... 3
Do I need to read all this? ................................................................................................................... 3
How your courses are updated ....................................................................................................... 4
Overview of the update process ......................................................................................................... 4
Login ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Who can upload their courses to the Course Directory Provider Portal? .......................................... 5
How to access the National Careers Service Course Directory Provider Portal ................................. 5
User accounts...................................................................................................................................... 5
Trouble shooting ................................................................................................................................. 6
The Home Page ............................................................................................................................... 6
Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Where do I start? ................................................................................................................................ 6
Manual Upload - how to amend information ................................................................................. 7
Mandatory information ...................................................................................................................... 7
Context specific help ........................................................................................................................... 7
Main Provider Details...................................................................................................................... 7
Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Updating Main Details ........................................................................................................................ 7
Venues............................................................................................................................................. 9
Overview ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Entering venue information ................................................................................................................ 9
Archiving a venue .............................................................................................................................. 11
Courses.......................................................................................................................................... 11
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Courses home page........................................................................................................................... 11
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Adding a new course ......................................................................................................................... 12
Viewing and editing information ...................................................................................................... 13
Status ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Saving your changes.......................................................................................................................... 14
Opportunities .................................................................................................................................... 15
Organisations ................................................................................................................................ 16
What is an Organisation? .................................................................................................................. 16
Creating Organisations...................................................................................................................... 16
How do Providers become members of an Organisation? ............................................................... 17
Organisation Superuser home page ................................................................................................. 18
Organisation Admin Reports ............................................................................................................. 18
10. Bulk upload ................................................................................................................................... 19
Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Bulk Upload home page for Provider Superusers ............................................................................. 19
Upload a file ...................................................................................................................................... 19
Downloading Current Provision ........................................................................................................ 19
11. Manage Users ............................................................................................................................... 24
Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 24
12. Update my own login details ........................................................................................................ 25
Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 25
13. Adding details of Apprenticeships to the Portal ........................................................................... 25
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1. Introduction
Aim of this document
This document is aimed at SFA-funded Providers wishing to upload information to the
National Careers Service Course Directory via the Provider Portal and Apprenticeship
Providers participating in the Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS) Private Beta pilot.
Please note: This document will be updated regularly to reflect any new or modified
What is the National Careers Service Course Directory Provider Portal?
The Course Directory Provider Portal is an internet based application for adding and
modifying course information.
The Course Directory Provider Portal allows Providers to update their course provision
quickly and regularly.
Where will my course information appear?
Your course information, apart from that of Apprenticeship Providers participating in the
Digital Apprenticeship Private Beta pilot, will appear on the National Careers Service
website, and as it is open data, it will also appear on data.gov.uk, and be freely available
for third parties to download and use.
[email protected]/pages/home.aspx
Do I need to read all this?
If you are new to the Course Directory Provider Portal, we recommend reading this whole
However, if you have already uploaded information and are refreshing your information via
the Bulk Upload process then please look refer to section 10.
If you are a provider who needs to add your apprenticeship information to the Portal
please also refer to the Apprenticeship User Guide.
I want to find out more about the Skills Funding Agency
You can find more about the role of the Skills Funding Agency by visiting their website.
I am having trouble and I really need to speak to someone
Information Advisers are on hand to offer dedicated support and advice to Providers
submitting data to the Course Directory.
If you need help, please contact:
Phone: 0844 811 5073
Email: [email protected]
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2. How your courses are updated
Overview of the update process
Once you are logged in to the Course Directory Provider Portal you can update your
courses in one of two ways: Manually or via Bulk Upload. Currently Apprenticeships can
only be added manually.
Please note: In general, the same data input rules will apply for both updating methods.
However in few instances, when updating via bulk upload, you will need to use codes.
Please refer to Appendix B for guidance or to the Data Standards document.
All successfully changed data will be updated overnight. Updates appear daily on the
National Careers Service website, weekly updates to the open data CSV downloads, and
monthly updates to data.gov.uk, except for Apprenticeship data uploaded as part of the
Digital Apprenticeship Service Private Beta pilot.
Data flow process (not applicable to DAS Private Beta Providers)
Providers upload
(at least every 3 months)
Open source
data CSV files
(updated weekly)
SFA Provider Portal
(validation checks carried out)
(updated monthly)
National Careers Service Course
(overnight upload)
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3. Login
Who can upload their courses to the Course Directory Provider Portal?
To access this service you will need to be a Skills Funding Agency Provider with an active
contract to deliver provision that is within scope for the Course Directory.
If you do not have your login details please contact the Course Directory Provider Portal
Support team.
Once your details are registered by the Support Team, you will receive an email that will
contain an activation link. Click on the link and follow the instructions.
How to access the National Careers Service Course Directory Provider
You can access the Course Directory Provider Portal by going to the following address.
You will see the following page:
To login as an SFA funded Provider, click on the Log in using a Portal Account button. Enter
your email address and password to be taken to your Portal homepage.
User accounts
There are two types of user accounts for the Course Directory Provider Portal:
Superuser - the main Course Directory Provider Portal user for a given Provider. There is
only one Superuser per Provider and they can perform all functions in data maintenance.
They are responsible for the management of the data on the Course Directory. They have
the ability to change the main Provider details and create users for their Provider.
Users - other users who have been given login details to the Course Directory Provider
Portal by the Superuser. They will be responsible for manual updates, but cannot change
the main Provider details or create other users.
Please note: The type of the account you have been assigned with will be displayed next to
your name, at the top left corner, once you log in to the Course Directory Provider Portal.
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Trouble shooting
In the vast majority of cases, activation and password emails will be received within a few
minutes, however if this is not the case and you are experiencing difficulty logging in the
following tips and suggestions may help.
Emails not being received
1. Check any spam/junk folders that the email may have been placed
2. Check with your IT department for any spam blockers that may have inadvertently caught
the email prior to its arrival in your Inbox
3. Contact the Support Team to investigate further and have the email resent to you.
Trouble logging in
1. Passwords should be made up of 10 characters with at least 1 numeric and at least 1
character in lowercase.
2. Avoid copying and pasting your account details when logging in. Depending on where they
are being copied from, extra spaces may be included, causing your login details to be
3. A simple mistake to make; check that caps lock has not been enabled when entering the
username and password.
4. Contact the Support Team to investigate further
Please note: Activation and password creation emails have a 24 hour expiry, after which
new activation or password creation emails will have to be requested.
4. The Home Page
The home page is designed to enable easy navigation and access to all sections of the
Course Directory Provider Portal.
Where do I start?
You can upload your courses either manually or via the Bulk Upload functionality.
When updating manually you will need to enter the course details one at a time – this
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option is better for Providers who have a small number of courses.
If you choose to upload via Bulk Upload you can upload hundreds of courses in one go.
Please see the section on Bulk upload for full details on this process.
Please note: You can use both methods to update data, however, every time you bulk
upload a file, the existing data including the changes done manually will be erased and
replaced with the new information.
If you want to update the information about your apprenticeship provision, please refer to
the Apprenticeship User Guide.
5. Manual Upload - how to amend information
Mandatory information
All mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk.
Not all fields are mandatory; however it is recommended that you fill in as many fields as
possible, to provide accurate and informative course details for prospective learners.
Context specific help
All of the fields have a help option that will assist you when entering the information.
Hovering over this icon next to each field will give you further information.
6. Main Provider Details
In this section the Superusers can amend the Provider name and contact details. The
Course Directory will use the United Kingdom Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP)
details to populate main Provider information if the Provider details are blank.
If you prefer to use different information to that held on UKRLP, please fill in all contact
details. The information you input will have precedence over the data referred from the
Please Note: When updating via bulk upload, if you leave your Provider details fields blank
in your CSV file, your main details on the Course Directory will be erased and populated
from the UKRLP. Keep your main details in your CSV file if they are different from the details
registered on UKRLP.
Updating Main Details
Please note: For DAS Apprenticeship Private Beta pilot providers, please refer to
Apprenticeship User Guide for further information.
Provider Details
UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) - This is a unique identifier for the Provider from
the UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP) please see; https://www.ukrlp.co.uk/ for
more information.
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Provider name
This should be the name by which your Provider is best known. The Provider name does
not have to be same as the legal or trading name on the UKRLP.
Provider alias
If your Provider has an alternative name which a user may search for please fill in this field.
Please note: The alias field is searchable but will not be visible in the search results.
Provider Type
This field shows the type of Provider you are. As a SFA funded Provider you will be set
Further Education (FE).
This is your unique contract number with the Skills Funding Agency. Most Providers will
have this unless they are delivering subcontracted provision under a lead Organisation
which has the direct contract with the Skills Funding Agency.
Address contains six fields; Address 1; Address 2; Town; County; Post Code; Country. We
use Royal Mail, Postal Address File (PAF) data. You can enter a postcode and perform a
search, which will populate your address.
Please enter an email address for administrative enquiries.
Please enter the URL of your main website.
Please enter a phone number for administrative enquiries.
Please enter a phone number for administrative enquiries.
Please note: Only a Superuser can amend the Main Details.
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7. Venues
Use Venues to amend the information about where your course opportunities are held. If
you have more than one venue in which opportunities are offered, it is easier to enter all
the venues first. If you do forget to do this, there is an option to add a new venue when
adding/amending course opportunities.
To add a venue, click on Add a new venue button.
Entering venue information
There are four mandatory fields in the Venue section which are marked with a red asterisk.
You should try to complete as many fields as possible to give learners the most accurate
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VENUE_ID (bulk upload only)
This is a unique identifier to allow us to process your file successfully. This may be any
identifier you choose but must be alphanumeric.
Provider venue ID
If you have your own venue ID or unique identifier, you can enter this information here.
Venue Name
Venue name contains the name of the venue. There are instances where an opportunity
may not have a fixed venue, for example, training is offered on a client site. You will not
need to create these instances, but at opportunity level you will need to select the correct
attendance mode.
Address consists of six fields; Address 1, Address 2, Town, County, Post Code, Country. We
use Royal Mail PAF data. You can enter a postcode and perform a search, which will
populate your address.
Enter a phone number for that particular venue.
Enter an email address for that particular venue.
Enter a URL address, if applicable for that particular venue.
Enter a fax number for that particular venue.
This should be a description of the main features or facilities that may be relevant to the
opportunity at that site. For example, overnight accommodation and meals available, full
chemical and physics laboratory facilities. This is not a mandatory field, but we recommend
that you complete the information, as it is valuable for learners.
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Archiving a venue
To archive a venue, click on the edit link to the right of your venue, and press the Archive
button. The status of the venue will change to Archived. Be aware that if there are
opportunities attached to that venue, they will also be archived. You will receive a warning
message, where you will have an option to re-attach those opportunities to another venue
or to proceed and archive them.
To un-archive a venue please click on View/Amend link and press the Unarchive button.
Please note: If the archived venue had opportunities attached to it before it was archived
these opportunities will not be automatically unarchived. You will need to unarchive these
opportunities at opportunity level.
8. Courses
Courses home page
The home page gives you a list of courses currently on the Portal. On the left hand side you
will find a Course/ Opportunity finder that will allow you to search on your own data using
a number of filters.
To amend a current course you need to click on the edit link next to the relevant course.
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Adding a new course
To add a new course click on 'Add a new course' option from the navigation panel.
You will be asked if your course has a Learning Aim Reference, if it does you will need to
provide the reference number.
Please note: The Learning Aim Reference box links to the database in real time; this can
slow the process down. Please be patient when waiting for results.
Please note: When updating via bulk upload, if you don't provide a Learning Aim Reference,
you will need to supply Provider course title, and qualification type as minimum information
For help on qualification type codes please refer to the Data Standards or the Quick Guide –
Bulk Upload Codes.
If you have a valid Learning Aim Reference the Portal will auto-complete the majority of
the mandatory fields.
If you do not have a Learning Aim Reference or the LAR doesn’t have Qualification
information available you will need to complete all of the mandatory fields yourself.
If you don’t know the Learning Aim Reference you can search for them on The Hub.
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Once you have filled in all required data click on Create and Add Opportunity button, you
will be taken to the opportunity page.
You will need to complete all of the mandatory fields, if you have the required information
for the non-mandatory fields then please add this as well, it will make it easier for
prospective students.
For further information on the individual fields, either hover over the question mark or
refer to the Data Standards.
There is the option to Create but courses will remain in Pending without a valid
Opportunity, and will not show on the NCS website.
Viewing and editing information
The summary table has the following columns: Status, Course details, Last update and Edit
To edit information, simply click on the Edit link.
Live - this status indicates that this course, opportunity or venue is live and searchable by
users on the public facing website.
Archived - This status is useful if you have decided to withdraw a course for a short period
but will be running in the near future.
Pending - This status is shown against a course when it doesn’t have a live Opportunity
attached. An Opportunity needs to be added to make the Course live.
Please note: Records with pending data will not be copied over to the live website.
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The status appears to the left of each row in the summary table.
Saving your changes
When you fill out a form, your changes will not be saved automatically so you will need to
click the Create button OR the Save button.
Amending a course
To amend a course please click on the course View/Amend link. Once the courses form
opens make all necessary changes and press on the 'Save' button.
Please note: From time to time you will need to remove or change some Learning Aim
References. Based on your action you may need to fill in additional fields.
Archiving a course
Archiving courses is the same as archiving a venue. Simply click on View/Amend link and
then click on the Archive button. If you need to archive more than one Course, you can do
that by clicking the checkbox next to the courses then click Archive Selected.
To Un-archive an archived courses please click on the view/amend link next to the courses
and then press on the Unarchive button.
Please note: When you archive a course you will be archiving all opportunities attached to
that course.
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For further information on the individual fields, either hover over the question mark or
refer to the Data Standards.
Opportunities are the delivery method for the course. One course can be delivered through
different Opportunities. Opportunities can be linked to either Regions or Venues (for more
details of valid regions please refer to Valid Regions for Bulk Upload).
You will need to complete all of the mandatory fields, if you have the required information
for the non-mandatory fields then please add this as well, it will make it easier for
prospective students.
For further information on the individual fields, either hover over the question mark or
refer to the Data Standards.
Viewing/amending opportunities
To amend an opportunity please click on the opportunity view/amend link.
Duplicating opportunities
Duplicating an opportunity is a handy short cut if you have several similar opportunities
delivered at different venues or on different days. If for example you have a course
attached to opportunities delivered at different venues and where all other information is
same, simply click on the duplicate button.
Archiving an opportunity
Archiving an opportunity is the same as archiving a venue. Simply click on view/amend link
and then click on the 'Archive' button.
To Un-archive an archived course please click on the view/amend link next to the
opportunity and then press on the 'Un-archive' button.
The course/opportunity finder
The course and opportunity finder allows you to search for your courses and opportunities.
After pressing 'Search' your courses will appear in a data table to the right of the course
finder. Your search criteria will remain in the course finder. To wipe this search from the
course finder, click 'Clear'.
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9. Organisations
What is an Organisation?
An Organisation is a group of Providers. This may be:
A consortium
A partnership
An organisation that has a contract with the Skills Funding Agency and sub-contracts
A provision to multiple Providers who do not have direct contracts
A group of Providers who have formed an organisation in order to meet Minimum
Contracting Levels
A group of Providers who want to share their back office duties
A group of Providers
A trusted third party who uploads provision on behalf of Providers
A multi-academy trust
The Organisation functionality is flexible and supports all these arrangements. The only
requirement is that any opportunity be offered under a current contract with the Skills
Funding Agency. If you need advice on how to best set up an Organisation for your needs,
please contact the Support Team.
Creating Organisations
Organisations can be created by Providers or by the Support Team. Providers can do it by
selecting Add a new Organisation on the Organisations tab:
You will need to complete all of the mandatory fields, if you have the required information
for the non-mandatory fields then please add this as well, it will make it easier for
prospective students.
For further information on the individual fields, either hover over the question mark or
refer to the Data Standards.
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Organisation Type:
This field is mandatory.
The listed types cover common scenarios:
Partnership - a legal partnership between entities
Shared Back Office - an arrangement where Providers want to share and/or centralise back
office responsibilities. In this scenario, Organisation will likely not be a legal entity, not
have a UKPRN and exist purely so a single Organisation Superuser can upload content on
behalf of all member Providers.
MIS Vendor - MIS vendors who manage or hold Provider data may want to do bulk uploads
on behalf of their clients. Under this scenario a group of Providers would agree to have a
single vendor upload content for all them and create an Organisation for the purpose. The
Organisation Superuser details would be provided to the MIS Vendor.
Consortium - a different type of legal organisation structure, typically but not always with a
Lead Provider. Note there is no concept of a Lead Provider in the Organisation system on
the Course Directory. If a Lead Provider exists, it is suggested the Superuser be a staff
member at the Lead Provider.
Other - any other type of scenario
Like Providers, Organisations require a Superuser. You will be prompted to create this user
- this is exactly the same as creating a Superuser for a Provider:
Once you've entered the Organisation Superuser, they will be emailed a link to complete
setting up their account. As the Provider who created the Organisation, you will be
automatically invited to be part of it. You will not be able to accept the invitation until the
Organisation Superuser has activated their account.
How do Providers become members of an Organisation?
Providers are invited to join an Organisation by the Organisation Superuser. Providers can
accept or reject an invitation. The invitation system is a formality and not intended to be a
mechanism for initiating relationships - it is anticipated setting up an Organisation and
inviting Providers to join it will be the last stage of setting up a relationship, and all the
parties will be in direct contact with each other.
When accepting an invitation, a Provider can choose if they want to allow the Organisation
Superuser access to their content. Should the need arise to change this; the Provider
Superuser can amend this setting via the Organisations menu item at any time.
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Organisation Superuser home page
On the Organisation home page, the Organisation user can see what Providers are
members of their Organisation, invite other Providers to be members and see what
invitations are outstanding.
Clicking a Providers name shows a summary of their details. Clicking Remove removes
them from the Organisation.
Clicking View allows you use the Provider Portal exactly as if you were that Providers
Superuser. You can view and edit all their provision.
You can withdraw an invitation, view basic Provider details for invited Providers, and view
reasons for rejection.
Organisation Admin Reports
Organisation Superusers can view the traffic light status of all member Providers.
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10. Bulk upload
Bulk upload allows you to update your entire provision in a single file. This includes your
Courses, Opportunities, Venues and your main Provider information. This is particularly
useful if you have a large number of Courses and Opportunities. We would recommend
that anything over 10 courses be uploaded via the Bulk Upload function.
Bulk upload supports Comma Separated Values (CSV) files. Further in depth guidance can
be found on the Help pages, please refer to the Data Standards and Quick Guide for Bulk
Upload Codes, Apprenticeship Data Standards.
Please note: A bulk upload replaces your entire current provision, unless you are uploading
on behalf of an Organisation. It is important to make sure only one person bulk uploads at a
time, and coordinates with any people making changes manually on the Portal.
Bulk Upload home page for Provider Superusers
Click on the Bulk Upload tab – you will have 2 options, Upload a file or View Previous
Upload Status.
Upload a file
From this page you can download your current course provision, or upload a new file.
Downloading Current Provision
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This will download all the Live Courses/ Opportunities/Apprenticeships you have on the
Portal in the appropriate CSV format. Any archived or Pending
Courses/Opportunities/Apprenticeships will not be included.
There are four steps you need to take before you upload a file.
Step 1: Read both the Data Standards and this Help Guide
It is very important you familiarise yourself with the Data Standards / Apprenticeship Data
Standards before you start preparing for an update.
The Data Standards list the name and format of every piece of data used in the Course
Directory. Not all fields are mandatory, but the more data you supply, the more useful your
information will be to learners.
For Course Data a number of fields use specific codes rather than the value itself, e.g. Study
Mode, instead of 'Full Time', you should enter SM1.
A complete list of fields requiring codes and the codes themselves can be found in the Data
Standards or the Quick Guide – Bulk Upload Codes.
Step 2: Understand the file format and create your file
Bulk Upload files are in CSV file format with a defined column and section order.
To ensure compatibility please make sure you are using the latest CSV template available.
The CSV template can be downloaded from the Help page of the Portal.
For Course Data your file must have four sections in the order shown below:
For Apprenticeship Data file must have four sections in the order shown below:
Delivery Locations
Headers for each section should read exactly as they are in the template, including the *
where it is shown.
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Step 3: Save and upload your file
Once you have created and saved the file in CSV format, please follow the steps below:
Click on the Browse/Choose file button:
Select the file you want to upload, click open, this will highlight the file on the Portal:
Check the tick box that you agree for the new file information to replace the existing data:
Click on the Upload button:
You will be able to see that you have a Pending Bulk Upload in the banner at the top of the
If your file contains any errors you may need to carry out some additional actions.
Step 4: Review errors and re-upload if necessary
Click on View previous upload status to check the progress of your upload.
The file goes through 4 validation stages. If the file fails during Stage 1 to 3, the entire file
will be rejected and no data will be published. The errors are reported on the Provider
If the file passes Stage 3 you will be asked to confirm that you are happy to publish only
the valid Course/Opportunities/Apprenticeships and discard any that are invalid. Without
this confirmation, your data will not be published.
You will be sent a summary email outlining the status of your file upload.
You will also be sent an email if your new CSV file is uploading 90% less data than what we
hold for you on our database. You will than need to confirm that you are happy for us to
proceed with the upload. If you do not confirm your new file data will not be published.
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Please note: Successfully loaded files are processed overnight, meaning your updated
information will not appear on the National Careers Service website until the following day.
Viewing errors
Clicking on your file name allows you to view a summary of errors.
The areas where the system has found errors will be presented as buttons. You will see the
section name and a count of issues found. By clicking on theses buttons you can open a
report table that gives you further explanation.
Please Note: This is a static table and it only informs you of the errors. Any amendments
need to be done on your original CSV file.
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Organisation bulk uploading content for their member Providers
The Organisation Bulk Upload screen gives you a summary table of provision for all your
Organisations can Bulk Upload for more than one Provider in a single file by repeating the
format for each Provider and including ProviderId at the start of each Provider section.
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You can see this ID on the Course Directory Home Page.
Please see Organisation CSV Template for Bulk Upload / Organisation CSV Template for
Apprenticeship Bulk Upload on the Help page for an example of a file with multiple
You can include one, some or all the member Providers in a single file. Any Providers you
do not include will not have their data erased.
Please note: if you include even one single opportunity run by that Provider, however, all
existing provision offered by that Provider will be erased.
11. Manage Users
This is a privilege assigned to the Superuser only. Here you can add or amend user's details.
If you are creating a new Portal user, please enter a valid email address as the user will be
sent an activation link to this address. The new user account will not be active until this link
is used to access the Portal.
Please note: New Apprenticeship users cannot be created by the Superuser and must be
requested from Tribal by emailing [email protected].
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12. Update my own login details
On this tab you can access and edit your own login details.
Adding details of Apprenticeships to the Portal
Apprenticeship provision is added to the Portal in a slightly different way due to the
structure of Apprenticeships i.e. multiple component qualifications and delivery locations.
A step-by-step guide of how to do this can be found at Apprenticeship User Guide.
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