98804 Newsletter.indd - Binghamton Senators Booster Club
98804 Newsletter.indd - Binghamton Senators Booster Club
April/May 2010 American HOCKEY LEAGUE Binghamton Senators Booster Club www.BSensBoosters.com P.O. Box 846 Binghamton, NY 13902-0846 Officers: Theresa Prozeralik, President 607-722-0269 [email protected] Bridget Traver, Vice President 607-775-1655 [email protected] Jan Havich, Treasurer 607-772-0174 [email protected] Sally Spence, Rec Sec 607-723-3633 [email protected] Charlene Coates, Cor Sec [email protected] Justin MacGregor, Sgt. at Arms justin@gosensgocom Directors: Jen Camp, [email protected] Kay Orr, [email protected] Tim Orr, [email protected] Gene Wells, [email protected] Dick Havich, [email protected], Past President Committees: 50/50: Bridget Traver Charities: Bridget Traver Newsletter: Jen Camp, LeeAnn Matyas Web Page: Justin MacGregor, Andy Crawford Decorations/Handouts: Justin MacGregor, Jen Camp Membership: Charlene Coates, Jan Havich Trips: Jan Havich, Theresa Prozeralik Visiting Boosters: Beck & Gary Severcool, Gene Wells Team Bus/Cookies: Sally Spence Convention 2010: Jan & Dick Havich BINGHAMTON SENATORS Booster Club PRESIDENT’S Tidbits We’ve come to the end of another season. It wasn’t what we wanted, but we have to look to the bright side. We met some interesting and exciting players, many who cared a lot about the fans and tried to give us a successful season. Remember how they saluted us from the ice on the away trip? We had a captain who wants to play another year in Binghamton because he loves the area and the fans. Hope we see many of them back next year. As a booster club, we had some great meetings, especially the one with Holt and Schira. Holt came back from Elmira to sing while Schira played the guitar for us. He promised me that he would be there and he kept his promise. Could you ask any more from a player? I couldn’t. We had some fantastic trips, especially the Worcester, Portland, Providence one. Being a sold out trip goes to prove that everyone enjoys it. We’ll have to wait until next season to see if we’ll be making that trip. Cross your fingers that we can or we’ll have to have a bus trip minus the hockey game to go to Dimillo’s and Freeport. Our events were a success thanks to the chairpeople and their committees. Thanks to everyone for working so hard. Congratulations to Irene Survilla, our Booster Club Member of the Year. You’re one of those members who works hard for the club. Remember, our next events are the picnic in August and the convention in September. Please keep me informed of your committee meetings so I can help. Thanks to everyone for attending the meetings. We had some of the best attendance this year. Remember, our table, 50/50 and jersey raffle will be next to the red spiral stairs next season. Thanks you all for a good year and have a great summer. Yours in Hockey, Theresa Prozeralik BOOSTER BIRThDaYS! Happy Birthday to our boosters who’s celebrating a birthday! April 1 3 5 6 7 13 16 17 22 24 25 25 27 29 Dave nabi David Spenee Barbara Kutz Danielle Gray Wendy Bostrom Don chandler Jennifer Sackett Lloyd merritt Janet parette michael Jenson Gary Saunders Bonnie Brown Hans petersen Jim potter Dennis Frawley 2 4 7 ii June 13 14 15 16 18 23 24 25 26 Dale Fluegel Francis Stanley Al Segur Barry Use robert pickett Bill Smith David Jenkins rich perrin cindy Winters Leona payne Jim parette Lori Baker Joyce Lamphere rory Finch PLAYERS BIRTHDAYS May i 4 6 8 13 13 13 15 18 22 23 24 25 29 31 April 5 Willis platt 9 robert Furman 11 Bob Tokos 21 mary Wakeley 21 paul Boyd 25 Tim canfield chris Luckert rachel Kunsman Andrew Baranoski Barbara Gorr Laurie-Ann platt Kelly Benjamin pat Dyer charles Herrle Kevin Bixby Steve erickson Zack Smith Dew Bannister Brandon Svendsen1 craig Schira Video coach matt meacham Andy chiodo Sunshine Birthday Cards were sent to: Tomas Kudelka, Jeremy Yablonski (with Get Well Wishs for their injuries that kept them out for the remaining of the season), Mike Broduer, Brian Lee for March. Birthday Cards were sent to Zack Smith, Drew Bannister and Brandon Svendsen for April. Thinking of You Card was sent to Andy Cizike (has been in poor health). Get Well Card was sent to Bev Simmons (she broke her arm and had to miss the rest of the season). Sympathy Cards were sent to: Sue Falkin (the passing of her husband Bill), Tom Severance (passing of his Father-In-Law), Maurice Taylor (Mo, The Arena DJ) – (passing of his mother). Thank You Cards to: Portland Pirates Booster Club for hosting us to pizza and lots of other food in their Pirate’s Pub Room. Providence Bruins Booster Club for greeting us at the game and assisting our bus driver where to park the bus and offering to show us around before the doors opened and also providing pizza, snacks & soda for the ride home. DiMillo’s Floating Resturant for squeezing our group in during a very busy time. Congratulations Cards were sent to Drew Bannister and Katie for the birth of ther baby girl Brinn Elizabeth, also to Mike and Jan Busniuk for the birth of their first grandchild. Please call or e-mail me any time if you know of someone who needs our support or congratulations and I will make sure a card is sent to them on behalf of their friends and family of the booster club. Phone: 607-724-7336, E-mail: [email protected]. This also includes after the season is over and during the summer. Sincerely, Charlene Coates Corresponding Secretary SEaSON TICKET RaFFLE WINNERS Congratulations to the following winners in our annual season ticket raffle: 1st prize of two season tickets for next season: Patrick Sine 2nd prize of $250 cash: Derek Holochak 3rd prize of $150 cash: Charlie Philbrook Thank you to all who supported this great fundraiser! Check out our website at www.BinghamtonSenatorsBoosters.com PLaYER OF ThE MONTh JOSH HENNESSY is the SENATOR to earn the ‘Player of the Month’ honors for FEBRUARY of the ’09-’10 season, as voted by the members attending the March 1st meeting. Josh has been a Senator since 2006 and has been a 20-goal scorer in every year. So far this season, he has 20 goals and 42 points for the SENS. He has 15 games in Ottawa helping them win. His strong game and speed is the spark that we need against all teams. These efforts are what we need and our fans appreciate it. Josh had a good February and March as well. Josh will receive a gift certificate award of $50.00 for Number 5 Restaurant. Congratulations! Dick Havich Convention 2010 50/50 Winners September 11-13 is the date of the 46th annual AAHLBC Convention at the Holiday Inn Arena in Binghamton. We currently have 59 members planning to attend this year’s Convention and, as far as I know, this is a record number for Binghamton. It has been 22 years since the Binghamton Whalers Booster Club hosted the Convention at Swan Lake in the Catskills. All of our committees are working hard to ensure that everyone will have a great time. Our Friday night theme is “Comic Strips” in deference to our Duster and Icemen logos. The logo has been designed by Mason Mastroianni, who is Johnny Hart’s grandson and is currently doing the BC comic strip. Former Duster player and NHL referee, Paul Stewart, has agreed to be the speaker at the Saturday night dinner. We have many fun and interesting side trips planned and hope to have a great turnout. If you are on a committee, you will be notified of future meetings. If you are not on a committee, but would like to help, please call Jan at 772-0174 or e-mail [email protected]. Jan & Dick Havich Co-chairpersons Charities Thank you to everyone who purchsed 50/50 tickets and donated wish list items this season. With your help we were able to reach out and touch so many in our community. These are the many places that we were able to help out and donate to this season: •Family Enrichment Network •Moms House •Binghamton Senators Junior •Lend a Hand •CHOW Hockey teams •Broome Sports Foundation •Girls Blizzard Hockey team •Make A Wish Foundation •Binghamton High Schools •Friendship Tree Thanksgiving day dinner •Community Options •Ronald McDonald House I am very grateful for everyone’s help. If there are any local charities that you would like to see the booster club support next season please let me know. Watch for details at the start of next season for the annual American Diabetes Walk which will take place on Sunday November 7th at the Oakdale Mall in Johnson City. Please continue to save your pop tops throughout the summer. There are collection sites at the McDonalds on Upper Court St. and at the Can Man on Upper Front St. in Binghamton.If you are unable to take them to a collection site, then pass them on to me at the picnic, meetings or games next season. Have a safe and fun summer. Bridget Traver Charity Chairperson Long time Booster Club member and hockey fan, Bill Falkin, passed away on February 17. Bill was an original Booster Club member and season ticket holder since day one of hockey in Binghamton. His first membership card was #10. He was an avid supporter of youth hockey in the area and supported the Broome Sports Foundation/Tommy Mitchell scholarship fund for many years. He was president of the booster club in the early years of the Rangers and also served on the board. Along with his wife Sue, he received the Super Fan Award from the hockey team owners and management in 1992-1993, along with the Bob Carr Community Service Award in 2009 from the Broome Sports Foundation. This past season, he received a lifetime membership from the Booster Club for his long time support of hockey. A true gentleman, Bill always had a smile on his face and a kind word to everyone with whom he had a conversation. Our sincere sympathy to his wife Sue and family. Congratulations to these lucky winners! 2/14/10 Amy M. Alien 2/17/10 Michael Shara 2/19/10 JaredW. West 2/24/10 Robert J. Gallagher 2/27/10 PhyllisGonos 3/30/10 Sally Spence (awards banquet) 4/01/10 Clara Groover (membership mtg.) 4/02/10 Amy M. Alien 4/03/10 Greg Swartz 4/10/10 Luke Bernthon 3/01/10 Justin MacGregor (membership mtg.) 3/07/10 George Rood 3/17/10 Korey Elkins 3/19/10 Michael Janson 3/20/10 Sean P. McAvoy TRIPS On March 12-14, 52 enthusiastic fans made the bus trip to Worcester, Portland and Providence. The team rewarded them with two wins and a loss and everyone had a great time. Whether it was dinner at DeMillio’s or shopping in New Hampshire or Freeport, there was something for everyone. Instead of having several small prizes on individual bus trips, we put the names of all members who have gone on any of our trips during the season in a basket and draw one name for a larger prize This year’s winner of a game-worn B-Sens jersey was Charlene Coates. Congratulations!!!! We will start planning next year’s trips as soon as we have a schedule. There are possible trips to Ottawa and Charlotte, NC, depending on the schedule. Watch the website, www.bsensboosters.com, for information on any early trips. Signups for any early trips can usually be done at the picnic in August, so keep looking for info. EXTRa EFFORT aWaRDS 50/50 I want to take this time to thank everyone who helped out with the 50/50 raffle throughout the season. Joe and Joyce Lamphere who were patient with me the first few games while teaching me the ropes. Then showing up whenever needed with smiles on their faces always ready to help. Irene Survilla who became my reliable Friday night gal. Gary Severcool who is the fastest ticket ripper this side of the Pa. line. And those members who filled in or just jumped in and helped out, sometimes on a moments notice: Becky Severcool, Bev Simmons, Ron Winn, Eric Brom, Joe Krizauskas, Edna Coates, Charlotte Pastore, and Gene Wells. And last, but not least a HUGE thank you to Diana Traver and Clara Groover for running the back table each and EVERY game. Also thank you to Diana for helping to rip all those tickets into strips of threes and tens. Also thank you to those behind the scenes helpers: • Jan Havich who misses all of the second period every game to count up all of that money. • Joe Lamphere and Irene Survilla staying behind after selling tickets to man the raffle barrel. • Theresa Prozeralik who filled in for Jan. • Dick Havich who put all of the signs, tickets and containers back into the cupboard for me. • Sally Spence who watched the table whenever I needed to step away for a few minutes. • All of the STHA volunteers. • Shannon and Christa who made sure our 50/50 got on the announcements. • Lorraine and Justin Ostrowsky for picking up our raffle tickets. It is amazing when a small group of people come together, each doing their own part, to make something big happen. I couldn’t have done it without all of you. I appreciate everyones hard work and I promise, the red dye from handling all of those tickets should wear off of your fingers sometime around June. Bridget Traver 50/50 Chairperson The season has come to an end, but we had a lot to cheer about during March with two extra efforts. Congratulations to Christ Holt for a shutout against Adirondack on March 6th. He received a $50 gift card for the Oakdale Mall. Josh Hennessy was chosen as the AHL-Reebok Player of the Week for March 8-14. Josh received a $75 gift card for the Oakdale Mall. Congratulations to both players. SUMMER PICNIC Our annual summer picnic will be held on Sunday, August 22 from 1PM to ? at shelter #1 at Cole Park. Enjoy the company of fellow booster club members and hockey fans as we eat, play games and look forward to the upcoming season. Watch for the flyer in July with details of the menu and prices. Remember, there is no need to be a member for this family affair event. Invite your friends and come and have a good time. Gene Wells COOKIES We put cookies on the bus every time the team went out of town for an overnight trip. They really appreciated it. Many times I heard how much they enjoyed them. They went through them as fast as they could. Many thanks to all who helped make them. Thanks to Bridget Traver, Kay Orr, Ann Bello, Don Chandler, Willis and Lela Platt, Pat Dyer, Anita Stover, Cheryl Utero, Cindy Lee, Charlene Coates, Beverly Wendell and Joe Lamphere for all the cookies they baked. I hope I haven’t missed anyone. If I have, please forgive me. Sally Spence hISTORY OF SPORTS I received a call from Jason at the Roberson Center. They are going to have an exhibit on sports in the area that will run for one year. They are including hockey and need memorabilia for it. If anyone has anything they would like to let them use for the year, they would appreciate it. You can take it to Roberson as soon as possible and they will give you a letter stating that you lent it to them and it will be returned in one year in the exact condition as you gave it. They especially need Dusters and Whalers, but will take any of the teams. If you do lend something, your name will be in a booklet and on the wall. Thank you, Theresa Prozeralik JERSEY RaFFLE Thank you to all who supported our jersey raffle this year. We took in more than last year even though the jerseys cost us more. It is proving to be a good fundraiser for us. We are planning on doing it again next year and I hope all of you will continue to support us. I wish to thank Melody and Scott Correll for all their help and for manning the back table. I also thank Joyce Lamphere, Beverly Simmons, Eric Brom, and Edna Coates for helping on the nights when we were extra busy with Jeremy Yablonski and Denis Hamel’s jerseys. I really appreciated all the extra help. Sally Spence AWARDS BANQUET Binghamton Senators Booster Club P.O. Box 846 Binghamton, NY 13902 PLaYER OF ThE MONTh CHRIS HOLT is the SENATOR to earn the ‘Player of the Month’ honors for MARCH of the ’09-’10 season, as voted by the members attending the April 1st meeting. Chris joined our team from Elmira when we lost our main goalie and showed us how good he really was. He had been the AHL a few times in Hartford, but when we needed him he really came through. Josh Hennessy had a great month, but when Chris scored a goal, he became one of the leagues rare talents and the ‘Player of the Month’ was done. So far this season he has 16 wins, 15 loses, one SOL, and four shut outs – pretty good for a goalie on loan. Chris is back to Elmira for their playoffs and we wish him our best. The Booster Club gave him a check for $50.00 for his great effort. Congratulations! Dick Havich PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Binghamton, NY Permit No. 50 PLaYER aWaRDS 2009-10 The Booster Club awards were presented at our annual banquet and as you know, we updated the categories and award names to help you, the fans, make a selection. The winners as voted by you fans, by ballot, throughout February and March are: Offensive player .............................................. Josh Hennessy Deffensive player ................................................ Derek Smith extra effort ............................................................ chris Holt Fan Favorite ................................................Jeremy Yablonski rookie Of The Year............................................. craig Schira mVp ..................................................................... ryan Keller Board Of Directors ................................................ we had a tie martin St. pierre Denis Hamel Our member of the Year ................................... irene Survilla
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