January 2016 - A. Russell Knight Elementary


January 2016 - A. Russell Knight Elementary
January 2016 From the Principal’s Desk Dear ARK Family, I hope you were all able to get some rest and spend quality <me with your loved ones. I am looking forward to geAng back to school and hearing about your adventures over the winter break. A highlight for the month of December was our second grade musical. Our second graders performed the musical “Snowflakes” and it was fantas<c! I s<ll find myself humming the music. Thanks to Mrs. Sedacca, Mr. Kritz, Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Atkinson, and Mrs. Badger for preparing our second grader for the performance. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Spivack for crea<ng the set for the musical. Thanks to Mrs. Novelli for crea<ng the backdrop highligh<ng the artwork of our second graders. I would also like to thank our custodial staff, Mr. Buff, Ms. Maxwell and Mr. Torres, for geAng our building ready for everyone to return aRer the break. The break has been wonderful in providing <me to reflect and rest. I hope you are all ready to get back into the swing of things. Looking forward to being together again. DATES TO REMEMBER Pajama Day (recommended $1 dona<on to support Winter Carnival) January 8 th
5 Grade Bowling
January 8 PTA Mee<ng January 12 / 7 pm Ska<ng Party January 13 / 6 – 8 pm Hat Day (recommended $1 dona<on to support Winter Carnival)
January 15 MLK Day – SCHOOL CLOSED January 18 Pajama Day (recommended $1 dona<on to support Winter Carnival)
January 22 Hat Day (recommended $1 dona<on to support Winter Carnival)
January 29 Sincerely, Eugene S. Park, Principal A. Russell Knight Elementary PTA President’s Message Dear ARK Community, Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful winter break. I would like to start with a huge thank you to Ka<e Gibson and Micheline Eakins for running the Secret Shop in December. Our students had a wonderful <me picking out special giRs for their family and friends. Also, thank you to Paula Alban, Amy Frankovich and Beth Sobus for organizing a delighiul holiday luncheon for our teachers and staff. Villa Barone provided a delicious Italian meal, and many ARK families contributed drinks, salads and desserts. The teachers and staff were very grateful. Another thank you goes to our room parents, who organized fun holiday par<es for the children before break. The kids had a great <me. We have a lot to look forward to in January. The first PTA mee<ng of 2016 will be held on Wednesday, January 12th at 7pm. Please mark your calendars to alend. There will be an ISC ska<ng party on January 13th, and the Winter Concert, starring our bands, orchestras and chorus, will be held on January 20th at 7pm. Our 5th graders are hos<ng a movie night on January 29th. Stay tuned for the movie selec<on and more informa<on. It’s always a fun, family night as well as a great way to support our 5th grade class. The planning for our Winter Carnival is well underway. The carnival is planned for February 20th. Our commilee’s next mee<ng is scheduled for January 14th at 7pm. Stop by if you would like to help. Planning ahead, ARK will visit the Harlem Globetrolers again when they return to the Wells Fargo Center on March 6th. In addi<on to the game, we are very excited that our own ARK 5th grade chorus will be singing the Na<onal Anthem! Mark your calendars and save the date, because you won’t want to miss this event! I hope you all have a very happy and healthy new year. Please feel free to contact me if you have any PTA ques<ons, comments or concerns. Warm regards, Deborah Solomons PTA President Join Us For These Important MeeMngs ISC SkaMng Party Wednesday, January 13 from 6-­‐8pm Join us at the Interna<onal Sports Centre on Kresson Road in Cherry Hill for an evening of ska<ng and fun for all ARK families! General PTA MeeMng January 12 ARK APR 7pm Winter Carnival Planning MeeMng January 14 ARK APR 7pm Student admission is $5 and includes skate rental and admission to the Fun Zone. Adults are admiled free of charge, but can rent skates for $4.25. Important Note: All children must be accompanied by an adult. If you have any ques<ons, please contact Helene Santola at [email protected]. Wear Your PJs & Hats to School Bring $1 on the following days and wear your PJ’s & hats to school. All dona<ons go to purchasing the big prizes for the Winter Carnival! PJ Days: Friday, Jan. 8, 22, Feb. 5 Hat Days: Friday, January 15 and 29 5th Grade Reminders 5th Grade Bowling: January 8th Yearbook Photos: Please send high resolu<on, digital photographs from 5th grade ou<ngs, plus baby photos, with your child’s name listed. Photos and ques<ons can be sent to Jane Yosko at [email protected]. We wanted to extend a warm and gracious THANK YOU to all our parent volunteers and even instruc<onal assistants, who helped us this holiday season. The shop ran so smoothly and the children thoroughly enjoyed their shopping experience because of you! We know how valuable your <me was, especially that <me of year, and we can't tell you how much we appreciate it!! The smiles on the children's faces were priceless! We're already looking forward to next year. We hope you enjoyed your giRs that came home. Thank you! Sincerely, Ka<e Gibson and Micheline Eakins Upcoming MeeMng Dates Father/Daughter Dance When: Friday, Feb. 5th 6:30-­‐8:00 Where: ARK APR Cost: $5 per student (no charge for Dads/Special Person) What: Dancing, craRs, food and fun! Ques<ons? Contact Ka<e Gibson at ka<[email protected] ARK Winter Concert The Annual Winter Concert is Wednesday, January 20th at 7pm. Doors open at 5:30pm and sea<ng is limited so come early! The Annual Winter Concert is Wednesday, January 20th at 7pm. Doors open at 5:30pm and sea<ng is limited so come early! Join Us For The A. Russell Knight Elementary School’s 7th Annual Winter Carnival Saturday, February 20th 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Silent AucIon Chinese AucIon Toy Raffle The Winter Carnival CommiKee Needs Your Help! Each year, ARK’s dedicated parents solicit dona6ons for our silent auc6on from various businesses in the community. The ARK PTA is looking for business owners willing to donate items or services to the Winter Carnival FUNraiser. We would also welcome personal items such as 6ckets to spor6ng events, theater or movie passes, spa services, etc. ARK relies heavily on this fun-­‐raiser to support our PTA ac6vi6es and giH to school, so your generosity is greatly appreciated. All dona6ons are tax deduc6ble. If you are able to contribute, please contact Angela Smith at [email protected] or 856-­‐912-­‐4188 7th Annual
Winter Carnival
Saturday, February 20, 2015
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
ARK All Purpose Room
Join us for a RAISING EVENT”
“FAMILY FUN GAMES Bean Bag Toss Ring Toss Bowling Golf Pu[ng Basketball Hoops And More! SNACKS Donuts Hot Dogs SoH Pretzels Pizza CoVon Candy And More! Fun! Face Pain6ng TaVoo Parlor Photo Booth CraHs DJ And More! Raffle Baskets, Toy Raffle, Silent AucMon and Prizes Too! Pre-­‐Order Wrist Band and Tickets Today! Pre-­‐ordered wrist bands and <ckets will be wai<ng for you at the entrance of the event! Wrist bands will let you play all games and do all craRs. Wrist bands do not include photo booth. Wrist Bands: $10 per person ($12 the day of the event) 12 Tickets = $5.00 24 Tickets = $10.00 36 Tickets = $15.00 48 Tickets = $20.00 CraRs and Games: 2 <ckets each Food Items: Various Photo Booth: 2 <ckets per photo Raffle Tickets: $1.00 Each Toy Raffle: $1.00 Each Tickets: $.50 each the day of the event Pre-­‐Order by February 16th by mailing in this form or at the Imes below: PTA meeIng – 1/12 ISC SkaIng Party – 1/13 Winter Music Concert – 1/20 Movie Night – 1/29 Father/Daughter Dance – 2/5 Pre-­‐order Prices Avoid the long line at the door! Name (Family): ___________________________________ Child’s Home Room: ____________________________________ # of Tickets: ______________ #of Raffle Basket Tickets: ______________ # of Toy Raffle Tickets: ______________ Amount Enclosed: $_____________ Please detach and return in an envelope marked: Aln: Missy Lang, PTA -­‐ Winter Carnival Tickets **Cash and checks will be accepted. Please make checks payable to ARK PTA** Box Tops For EducaMon November 16th Thru December 15th Friends of the Library *** Book DonaMon Program *** Honor someone special and enrich our children’s lives at the same <me! The PTA, in coopera<on with our school library, is again offering the “Friends of the Library” book dona<on program. Books are available for purchase as a giR to the library in honor of any deserving student, teacher, family member or friend. The honoree will receive acknowledgement in the book on a dedicated bookplate. Please complete and return this form to Russell Knight addressed to “Friends of the Library”. Parent’s Name: ___________________________________ Email Address: ___________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________________________ Student’s Name: ________________________________ Grade: _____________ Amount of Dona<on: $10-­‐$15 ________ $15-­‐$20 ________ $25+ ________ Grade level for Dona<on: K-­‐3rd __________ 4th–5th _________ This book has been purchased: In honor of _____________________________________ In memory of ___________________________________ Other ___________________________________________ This book has been donated by: ___________________________________ Please do not send any money un<l you are contacted to select the book. Ques<ons may be directed to Erica LaRusso at [email protected] or 856-­‐616-­‐1937. Thank you for your generosity! Friends of the Library Book List The 3 Lible Dassies by Brel, Jan $17.00 K-­‐3 A twist on the classic tale "The Three Lille Pigs," featuring three dassies named Mimbi, Pimbi, and Timbi and a pesky eagle. Author: A True Story by Lester, Helen $12.00 K-­‐3 Children's author Helen Lester describes her life from age three to adulthood and discusses how she writes. Autobiography. Basketball Belles: How Two Teams and One Scrappy Player Put Women's Hoops On The Map by Macy, Sue $18.41 Gr. 3-­‐5 Agnes Morley describes growing up on her family's ranch in New Mexico, alending school at Stanford University, and par<cipa<ng in the first basketball game played between two women's college teams on April 4, 1896. The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind by Kamkwamba, William $20.00 Gr. 5 The author details how he ignored naysayers and was able to bring electricity and running water to his Malawian village when he built a makeshiR windmill out of scrap metal and spare parts. Drawing From Memory by Say, Allen $20.00 Gr. 5-­‐8 Caldecol medalist Allen Say chronicles his experiences as an ar<st during World War II, and describes his rela<onship with his mentor Noro Shinpei, Japan's leading cartoonist. Autobiography Firefly July: A Year Of Very Short Poems $16.00 K-­‐5 An illustrated collec<on of classic short poems by Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes, Charlole Zolotow, and others. MigraMng With The Monarch Buberfly by Cal, Thessaly $16.00 Gr. 3-­‐5 Photographs and simple text introduce children to monarch bulerflies, describing their life cycle and their annual migra<on. Moonshot: The Flight Of Apollo 11 by Floca, Brian $17.00 Gr. 3-­‐5 Simply told, grandly shown, an illustrated account of the flight of Apollo 11 in 1969, the first manned mission to land on the moon. Nic Bishop Snakes. by Bishop, Nic $19.05 K-­‐3 Naturalist Nic Bishop provides an in-­‐depth examina<on of snakes, featuring full-­‐color images, and sharing details on the characteris<cs, habitats, and abili<es of various species of rep<les. Rally Car Racing: Tearing It Up by Howell, Brian $20.00 Gr. 5-­‐8 Describes rally car racing, with the history, courses, compe<<on rules, celebrity drivers, and more. KaMe Kazoo, Switcheroo. Books 1-­‐4: A CollecMon Of KaMe by Krulik, Nancy E $15.00 Gr. 3-­‐6 Anyone but me -­‐-­‐ Out to lunch -­‐-­‐ Oh baby! -­‐-­‐ Girls don't have coo<es. Contains four stories that follow the adventures of Ka<e Carew, a typical girl whose alempt to wish away a bad day brings forth a magical wind that keeps turning her into other people-­‐-­‐and some<mes animals. Me... Jane by McDonnell, Patrick $20.00 K-­‐3 Holding her stuffed toy chimpanzee, young Jane Goodall observes nature, reads Tarzan books, and dreams of living in Africa and helping animals. Includes biographical informa<on on the prominent zoologist. 125 true stories of amazing animals. -­‐-­‐ $25.00 Gr 3-­‐6, 590, 112p
Brief descrip<ons and color photographs capture amazing animal stories, such as unlikely animal friendships, rescues by animals, and animal intelligence. Na<onal Geographic Friends of the Library Book List (con’t) Crane -­‐-­‐ Gregory, Josh K-­‐3, RL 2.4, 24p
$22.00 Photographs and easy-­‐to-­‐follow text describe cranes and how they are used. El Deafo -­‐-­‐ Bell, Cece Gr. 3-­‐6, RL 3.3, 233p $22.00 A graphic novel memoir of author/illustrator Cece Bell who grew up hearing impaired. Do princesses really kiss frogs? -­‐-­‐ Coyle, Carmela LaVigna K-­‐3, RL 1.7, 33p $17.00 A young girl takes a hike with her father, asking many ques<ons along the way about what princesses do. Elephants cannot dance! -­‐-­‐ Willems, Mo K-­‐3, RL 1.2, 57p $17.00 Piggy loves to dance and wants to teach everyone, including her best friend, Gerald the elephant. The evil elves -­‐-­‐ Coville, Bruce K-­‐3, RL 2.3, 71p
$14.00 In order to complete his third task and become a member of the Society of Magicians, Moongobble embarks on a quest to recover a magical stone and help his old elf friends at the same <me. Firebird : ballerina Misty Copeland shows a young girl how to dance like the firebird -­‐-­‐ Copeland, Misty K-­‐3, RL 2.6, 34p
$18.00 American Ballet Theater soloist Misty Copeland encourages a young ballet student, with brown skin like her own, by telling her that she, too, had to learn basic steps and how to be graceful when she was star<ng out, and that someday, with prac<ce and dedica<on, the lille girl will become a firebird, too. Includes author's note about dancers who led her to find her voice. The frog princess -­‐-­‐ Allchin, Rosalind K-­‐3, RL 3.9, 32p
$14.00 Frog dreams constantly about how wonderful it would be to be a princess, but when she is given an opportunity to try out the role for a day, she learns that life as a member of the royal family is much more stressful than she had imagined. Goodnight, goodnight, construc<on site -­‐-­‐ Rinker, Sherri Duskey K-­‐3, RL 3.5, 32p
$18.00 At sunset, when their work is done for the day, a crane truck, a cement mixer, and other pieces of construc<on equipment make their way to their res<ng places and go to sleep. H.O.R.S.E. : a game of basketball and imagina<on -­‐-­‐ Myers, Chris K-­‐3, RL 2.8, 32p $17.00 "Two friends try to outdo each other on the basketball court in an out-­‐of-­‐this-­‐world game of H.O.R.S.E" Publisher Separate is never equal : Sylvia Mendez & her family's fight for desegrega<on -­‐-­‐ Tona<uh, Duncan K-­‐3, RL 3.2, 40p $19.00 "Years before the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling Brown v. Board of Educa<on, Sylvia Mendez, an eight-­‐year-­‐old girl of Mexican and Puerto Rican heritage, played an instrumental role in Mendez v. Westminster, the landmark desegrega<on case of 1946 in California"-­‐Publisher Friends of the Library Book List (con’t) All the water in the world -­‐-­‐ Lyon, George Ella K-­‐3, RL 3, 34p
$22.00 A lyrical, illustrated look at the water cycle, showing how water rises to the clouds and is rained back down again to be used by plants, people, and every living thing. Analyzing doggie data -­‐-­‐ Aboff, Marcie K-­‐3 RL 2.8, 24p
$21.00 Uses animals in a pet store to explore how collec<ng and analyzing data can help readers organize and understand informa<on. Andy Shane and the barn sale mystery -­‐-­‐ Jacobson, Jennifer K-­‐3, RL 3.4, 50p
$13.00 Andy Shane holds a barn sale to earn enough money to buy Granny Webb a case for her favorite binoculars, but once he has the cash, he cannot find the binoculars and must enlist his friend Dolores Starbuckle in a quest to locate them. Angelina and the royal wedding -­‐-­‐ Holabird, Katharine K-­‐3, RL 3.5, 26p $16.00 Trapped in a castle tower on the morning of Princess Eliza's marriage, bridesmaids Angelina and Princess Sophie hope they will be rescued in <me for the wedding processional. Balle Bunny -­‐-­‐ Scieszka, Jon K-­‐3, RL 2.8, 32p
$16.00 On his birthday, Alex hijacks a story about Birthday Bunny on his special day and turns it into a balle between a supervillain and his enemies in the forest-­‐-­‐who, in the original story, are simply planning a surprise party. A boy and a jaguar -­‐-­‐ Rabinowitz, Alan K-­‐3, RL 4, 32p
$22.00 Picture book autobiography of Alan Rabinowitz, a wildlife conserva<onist, who struggled with stulering as a child. Brown girl dreaming -­‐-­‐ Woodson, Jacqueline Gr. 5-­‐8, RL 5.3, 336p
$17.00 "The author shares her childhood memories and reveals the first sparks that ignited her wri<ng career in free-­‐verse poems about growing up in the North and South"-­‐-­‐Publisher. Bulldozers at work -­‐-­‐ Addison, D. R K-­‐3, RL 2.1, 24p
$22.00 Photographs and simple text introduce early readers to the parts and func<ons of bulldozers. Can I play too? -­‐-­‐ Willems, Mo K-­‐3, RL .7, 57p
$17.00 Elephant and Piggie learn to play catch with their new friend Snake. Cement mixers at work -­‐-­‐ Addison, D. R K-­‐3, RL 2.7, 24p $21.00 Photographs and simple text introduce early readers to the parts and func<ons of cement mixers. ARK School/PTA Calendar A Look At The Next Three Months January 2016 thru March 2016 ~ All dates and Imes are subject to change January 2016 TBD
1/20 1/22
February 2016 TBD
March 2016 3/2
Walnut Street Theater Assemblies 9:30 & 10:30am Pajama Day ($1 dona<on for Winter Carnival) 5th Grade Bowling-­‐ Cherry Hill Playdrome General PTA Mee<ng 7 pm APR Zone PTA Mee<ng – Malberg Building 9:15am Board of Educa<on Work Session – 7pm Malberg ISC Ska<ng Party 6:00-­‐8:00pm Winter Carnival Planning Mee<ng Hat Day ($1 dona<on for Winter Carnival) School Closed-­‐ MarMn Luther King’s Birthday Winter Concert 7pm Pajama Day ($1 dona<on for Winter Carnival) 5th Grade Bowling-­‐ Cherry Hill Playdrome Board of Educa<on Ac<on Mee<ng-­‐ 7pm Malberg Hat Day ($1 dona<on for Winter Carnival) 5th Grade Movie Night Execu<ve Board mee<ng 6pm African American Read In Chain Winter Carnival Planning Mee<ng Pajama Day ($1 dona<on for Winter Carnival) 5th Grade Bowling – Cherry Hill Playdrome Father/Daughter Valen<ne’s Dance 6:30-­‐8:00pm Zone PTA Mee<ng – Malberg Building 9:15am Board of Educa<on Work Session – 7pm Malberg Building School Closed-­‐ Teacher In Service Day 1st Snow Make Up Day School Closed – Presidents’ Day 2nd Snow Make Up Day Winter Carnival Planning Mee<ng 5th Grade Bowling-­‐ Cherry Hill Playdrome Winter Carnival 10:00am-­‐2:00pm Board of Educa<on Ac<on Mee<ng-­‐ 7pm Malberg Building Winter Carnival Snow Date General PTA Mee<ng 7pm School Closed – Teacher In Service Day 3rd Snow Make Up Day Harlem Globetrolers 5pm Scholas<c Book Fair Zone PTA Mee<ng – Malberg Building 9:15am Board of Educa<on Work Session – 7pm Malberg Building Book Fair Family Night Science Fair 6:30-­‐8:00pm 5th Grade/Ac<vi<es Photo 5th Grade Bowling-­‐ Cherry Hill Playdrome Board of Educa<on Ac<on Mee<ng – 7pm Malberg Building School Closed – Spring Break ISC Ska<ng Party 6:00-­‐8:00pm Stay up
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DAY 3 School Closed DAY 4 DAY 4 DAY 4 BOA Ac<on Mee<ng 7pm, Malberg DAY 4 DAY 5 General PTA Mee<ng, 7pm DAY 5 DAY 5 DAY 5 Winter Concert 7pm DAY 1 ISC Ska<ng Party 6-­‐8 DAY 1 DAY 1 DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 2 Hat Day $1 Dona<on Movie Night DAY 2 PJ Day $1 Dona<on 5th Gr. Bowling DAY 2 DAY 3 Hat Day $1 Dona<on PJ Day $1 Dona<on 5th Gr. Bowling DAY 3 School Closed A. Russell Knight Elementary School – January 2016 Calendar