The Valley Buckeye Spring 2012


The Valley Buckeye Spring 2012
The Valley Buckeye
Spring 2012
Hey area Buckeyes, are you planning to buy Buckeye
clothes, music, or a big inflatable Brutus this year?
If so, buy from the store that gives a hefty sum
back to our club.
College Traditions
(, 800-628-4678)
has a program where our own Sacramento Valley club
receives 15% of your total bill just for shopping with
them. So, if you are thinking about buying something,
ANYTHING, that is Buckeye related, check with
College Traditions and you’ll be giving back to the
All you have to do is give them our club code:
You can order by phone or on the ‘net. If you order by
phone, provide the code or let them know that you are
from the Sacramento Valley club.
We will receive a portion of your purchase to use for
our scholarship fund!
Your alumni club and future OSU student scholarship
recipients THANK YOU!
2012 Scholarship
Press from the
Like the SacValley Buckeyes on
Stay up to date on club activities and
upcoming events by checking out our club
facebook page.
Find it by clicking on the link from our club
website or scan the QR code.
You are receiving this email because you signed up online, by mail, or at an event to receive email
messages from OSUSV.
Mark your
Recipients 2012:
We are happy to
congratulate the
following recipients of
the 2012 Sacramento
Valley Alumni Club
Scholarship Award.
These students worked
very hard to qualify
for our award and
have enrolled at The
Ohio State University
this fall.
2012 Club Events:
June 3rd:
BIG-10 Picnic
at William Pond Park in
On March 22, Gary Penwell and
a group of local Buckeyes
attended a production at the
Award Recipients:
Hannah Bensman
Braden Soalfeld
Natalia White
Graham Lyon
Please join us in wishing them
good luck and a friendly send
off on Saturday, August 25th.
Tell them about your favorite
pizza place on campus, a
wonderful memory of Mirror
Lake, or the exciting times in
“The Shoe”.
Broadway” is spoof of almost
every well-known musical ever
June 9th
Doggy Dash to support
the Sacramento SPCA
August 25 th :
Football Kick-off & Student
Send off Party
written. The songs were from
“Chicago,” Wicked,” “Annie,”
“The Lion King”, “Hello, Dolly,”
and many, many more. Each
hilarious. The group thoroughly
enjoyed the production.
Afterwards there was even time
to watch the last few minutes of
Ohio State basketball semi-final
game with Syracuse at a sports
bar across the street.
What fun, Gary! Thank you for
sharing with the group!
$5 per person for your main dish
and drink. Please bring a side
dish or dessert to share. More
information to follow.
August 26th
Big Ten Bowling Party
hosted by “that state up north”.
Keep an eye out for more
information about location &
September 1st
Game Watch: OSU vs.
Miami of Ohio RedHawks
December 6th
Holiday Social & Silent
The Valley Buckeye :: Spring 2012
The Valley
Press from the Pres: Sacramento Buckeyes! As a club we have taken great strides to continue As the new “Urban Nation” enters into the Big Ten
schedule, the OSU-SacValley Alumni Club would
remind all OSU fans in the Sacramento area that the
centerpiece of being a true Buckeye is good
our membership drive and want to continue to The Buckeye Sportsmanship Creed
grow. It’s always exciting to speak to members, On game days, we come down with scarlet fever.
new and old, and find out the similarities among each of us – having grown up in the same areas, going to the same “hole in the wall” pizza place on campus, spending time in the library coffee shop or just being the #1 fan in the land for the BUCKEYES. That sharing is what is so important – We sing the fight song loud and proud.
We believe every O-H deserves an I-O.
We support all of our athletes and teams.
We follow the "scarlet rules."
We treat our guests as we wish to be treated.
We cheer for a good play and respect the other team.
We're gracious in victory and defeat.
Athletics brings out the best in all of us.
and keeps us growing! Please renew your When the dust has cleared…
membership on our website or ask a board And the final whistle has blown,
member for a membership form and we’ll get you in the loop. In 2011 and 2012 we were able to offer three scholarships to area students attending OSU. We The spirit is maintained…
The pride is there…
With or without the victory bell,
Ohio State has the…
Best Fans in the Land.
would love to continue the tradition of providing scholarships but need your help to do it. Please treat fans of all Big Ten Teams with the
dignity and respect which is the hallmark of
being a true Buckeye Fan.
The Valley Buckeye :: Spring 2012
We are looking for YOU!
Do you like to plan events, give suggestions, help future alumni, and
participate in Sacramento activities? Be a Buckeye Board Member!
We currently have the treasurer position available and
could use your help and suggestions.
We’ll be electing new board members this fall – don’t delay!
Please contact a current board member or email us at
[email protected]
We are looking for board members and officers for our wonderful club.
Come join us to be the best damn fans in the land!
Mail to: Disa Banker, President
4121 Cornelia Way, N. Highlands, CA 95660
or join online at
Make checks payable to :
OSU Alumni Club of Sacramento Valley
Membership Benefits
• Opportunity to purchase tickets to select OSU home football games and possible bowl games
• Subscription to our newsletter, The Valley Buckeye.
• Group ticket purchases for local events (Kings and River Cats games, Mondavi concerts)
• Expand personal and professional contacts
• Participate in club sponsored events (banquets, Holiday receptions, workshops)
• Support local OSU students through our scholarship fund
Alumni club membership dues are $25 per year for single or families
Membership runs January 1 through December 31
* Full Name : _______________________________________________________
* Street Address: ____________________________________________________
* City: __________________________________________
* State: _________
* Zip:___________
* Phone #: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________________
Many of our event announcements and updates are sent via email – we do not sell email to anyone.
*OSU Alumni
Yes /
*OSUAA Member: Yes /
(attended at least 1 quarter)
Major/Degree(s): ____________________________________________
Year graduated:
Occupation _____________________________________
Degree(s): ___________________________________
Are you interested in serving on the board or committee?
Membership Dues: _______$25_____
Contribution to Scholarship Fund: ______________
Total Amount enclosed: ________________
The Valley Buckeye :: Spring 2012

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