in Faith - Jerry Savelle Ministries


in Faith - Jerry Savelle Ministries
Jerry Savelle Ministries International • Oc t-Dec 2015
in Faith
The Word of
Faith in the
21st Century
The Six Characteristics of Faith
Our Heritage of Faith
The Victorious Life of Faith
The Three Levels of Faith
—Jerry Savelle
—Carolyn Savelle
—Jerry Savelle
—Carolyn Savelle
In This Issue
The Six Characteristics of Faith
—Jerry Savelle
The Archives Collection
—Jerriann Savelle Newton
The Victorious Life of Faith
—Carolyn Savelle
10 Our Heritage of Faith
—Jerry Savelle
13 Faith Takes Flight!
—Jerry Savelle
14 The Three Levels of Faith
—Carolyn Savelle
in Faith
Volume 41 Number 4
Oct-Dec 2015
Adventures in Faith is published quarterly by
Heritage of Faith Christian Center a/k/a Jerry
Savelle Ministries International.
©2015 Jerry Savelle Ministries International. All
rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part
is prohibited without written authorization of the
copyright owner.
Printing and distribution costs are paid for by
donations from Jerry Savelle Ministries International
friends and partners.
Dr. Jerry Savelle
Managing Editor/Media Manager
Thomas Giangreco
Graphic Design/Editorial Services
Vision Book Producers
You’re Somebody Special to God
For those of you who don’t know Jesus, would you
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Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of
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Jesus to receive salvation and eternal life. I believe
Jesus is Your Son. I believe He died on the cross for
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my sins, and You raised Him from the dead. I receive
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Jesus now into my heart, and I make Him the Lord
of my life. Jesus, come into my heart. I welcome You
as my Lord and Savior. Father, I believe Your Word
says I am now saved. I confess with my mouth that
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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken
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Jerry Savelle
Pennsville, NJ
November 15 / Sunday 10am & 6pm
Honolulu, HI
January 10 / Sunday 9 & 11am
Christian Life Center
670 S. Broadway / 09070
Word of Life Christian Center
540 Queen Street / 96813
North Reading, MA
October 2 / Friday 7:30pm
Meno, OK
November 22 / Sunday 10am
Crowley, TX
January 17 / Sunday 10am
Faith Center Fellowship
201 S. Meno Avenue / 73760
Heritage of Faith Christian Center
10350 Old Cleburne-Crowley Road / 76036
Okmulgee, OK
November 22 / Sunday 6pm
Crowley, TX
January 24 / Sunday 10am
Jubilee Christian Center
12430 N. 230 Road / 74447
Heritage of Faith Christian Center
10350 Old Cleburne-Crowley Road / 76036
International Family Church
99 Concord Street / 01864
Chariots of Light North Carolina Tour
October 7-11 / Wednesday-Sunday
with Bill & Ginger Horn, COL Directors
Brevard, NC
October 7 / Wednesday 7pm
Spoken Word Church
305 S. Broad Street / 28712
Roanoke, VA
October 9 / Friday 7pm
Valley Word Church
1928 Loch Haven Drive / 24019
Clemmons, NC
October 11 / Sunday 9 & 11am
Agape Faith Church
2101 Lewisville-Clemmons Road / 27012
North Miami Beach, FL
October 11-14 / Sunday-Wednesday 7:30pm
Words of Life Fellowship / Conference
20051 NE 16th Avenue
Crowley, TX
October 18 / Sunday 10am
Heritage of Faith Christian Center
10350 Old Cleburne-Crowley Road / 76036
Crowley, TX
November 29 / Sunday 10am
Heritage of Faith Christian Center
10350 Old Cleburne-Crowley Road / 76036
Firebaugh, CA
November 30 / Monday 7pm
Firebaugh Faith Fellowship
355 “N” Street / 93622
Los Banos, CA
December 1 / Tuesday 7pm
Praise Fellowship Intl. Church
1510 Canal Farm Lane / 93635
Mississauga, ONT CANADA
December 12 / Saturday 10am & 7pm
December 13 / Sunday 10am & 7pm
Promise of Life Church
140 Capital Court / L5T 2R8
Crowley, TX
December 20 / Sunday 10am
Heritage of Faith Christian Center
10350 Old Cleburne-Crowley Road / 76036
Crowley, TX
October 25 / Sunday 10am
Kahului, HI
January 3 / Sunday 10am
Heritage of Faith Christian Center
10350 Old Cleburne-Crowley Road / 76036
Faith Family Fellowship
420 N. Wakea Avenue / 96732
For complete listings, go to
Adventures in Faith — Oct-Dec 2015
The Six Characteristics
of Faith
by Jerry Savelle
When activated, it causes the unseen
things in the Spirit that we desire to
become manifest in the natural world.
The Bible says, “By faith we understand
that the worlds were framed by the
word of God, so that the things which
are seen were not made of things which
are visible” (Hebrews 11:3).
Throughout the past forty-six years
of ministry, I’ve learned a lot about
faith. Some I learned from those who
served as my mentors, people such as
Oral Roberts, Kenneth Hagin, T.L. and
Daisy Osborn, and Kenneth Copeland.
However, much of what I learned came
from my own study of what God’s Word
says—and demonstrates—about faith.
I believe the Scripture clearly
illustrates six definable characteristics
of faith. When set into motion through a
believer, these characteristics produce a
full cycle of faith that causes the unseen
to manifest in the natural realm. These
Oct-Dec 2015 — Adventures in Faith
characteristics are as follows:
• Faith sees
• Faith speaks
• Faith acts
• Faith stands
• Faith rejoices
• Faith rests
Faith Sees
Faith always sees the end of a matter
before the result shows up in the natural.
Every good thing that comes to pass
in your life starts in your heart—your
spirit. Jesus said, “A good man out of
the good treasure of the heart brings
forth good things” (Matthew 12:35).
The Bible also says, “The spirit of a man
is the lamp of the LORD, searching all
the inner depths of his heart” (Proverbs
Your human spirit is creative and
productive—just like God. Functioning
much like a manufacturing plant, your
spirit forms an image that creates a
picture in you of what God’s Word says
you can rightfully have and do.
When you meditate on the Word
and allow the Holy Spirit to join with
you in your studying, He will use the
Word of God like an artist’s paint to
create an image of what God says on
the canvas of your heart. For instance,
if you need money, you can meditate
on and confess scriptures that promise
to meet your financial needs, scriptures
such as Philippians 4:19, “My God will
supply all your needs according to His
riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” As you
read, confess and envision God’s Word
coming to pass, the Holy Spirit will
create in your heart an image of you
having enough money to meet all your
needs. Eventually, that faith image will
be more real than what your physical
eyes see.
God saw an image of the universe
in His heart before He ever spoke that
image into existence. He saw mankind
before He created man and woman in
His own image. And because we are
created in His image, we can use our
faith to bring what we see with the eye
of faith into the natural.
The Bible says, “Now faith is the
substance of things hoped for, the
evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews
11:1). Once you have conceived an
image, faith is the evidence that what
you need exists—whether or not it is
yet visible.
The unseen realm is not a fantasy
world in which you pretend certain
things exist: the unseen realm deals
with ultimate reality. The highest form
of reality is this: God’s Word is true.
According to what the physical eyes
can see, it is not possible to feed more
than 5,000 people with only five loaves
of bread and two fish. Jesus proved these
natural facts were subject to change
when He used His faith to multiply the
loaves and fishes to feed the multitude
(see Matthew 14:17–21).
Meditate on the Word and use your
faith to see yourself as God sees you. You
are a joint heir with Jesus (see Romans
8:17). Whatever He gets, you get. You
are a winner, more than a conqueror
and an overcomer (see Roman 8:37; 1
John 5:4). Choosing to see yourself as
God sees you is the first step to bringing
this image into existence.
He said, “And since we have the same
spirit of faith according to what is
written, ‘I believed and therefore I
spoke,’ we also believe and therefore
speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13).
When you see an image inside
yourself and believe it, you’ll
automatically speak it. Creative words
will come out of your spirit. Be careful to
conceive the right kind of image in your
heart. Jesus said, “Out of the abundance
of the heart the mouth speaks. A good
man out of the good treasure of his
heart brings forth good things, and an
evil man out of the evil treasure brings
forth evil things” (Matthew 12:34–35).
You will always talk about the image
you have conceived, whether good or
bad. If you have an image of failure, you
will talk failure. If you have an image of
success, you will talk success. Regardless
of the kind of image you’ve conceived,
your words will bring it into existence.
Jesus revealed this principle of faith
in the book of Mark: “For assuredly, I say
to you, whoever says to this mountain,
‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’
and does not doubt in his heart, but
believes that those things he says will
be done, he will have whatever he says”
(Mark 11:23).
If bad things are happening to you
and you want to know why, listen to
what is coming out of your mouth.
Faith Speaks
You may say, “But, Brother Jerry, I just
can’t make good confessions.” Yes, you
can. Start by changing the image in
your spirit.
A person who continually speaks
curses is speaking what is in his heart
in abundance. In the same way, a person
who has God’s Word in his heart in
abundance will have no problem
speaking the way God speaks. When
you are full of God’s Word, it is what
comes out. Jesus said, “He who believes
in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of
his heart will flow rivers of living water”
(John 7:38). Notice that Jesus said rivers
of water—not mere trickles.
Many people attempt to speak faith
without first having conceived an image
in their spirit. Because they haven’t seen
by faith, what they say doesn’t come
to pass. Then they are quick to say
their faith confession didn’t work: “I’ve
confessed that I’m healed, but I’m still
sick.” The Bible says, “For as he thinks
in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
Jesus said the time would come when
men’s hearts would fail them for fear of
what is coming on the earth (see Luke
21:26). This statement literally means
that people will die of fear, but it also
means the spirits of those who don’t
operate in faith will fail to produce.
Allowing our faith to speak is vital, but it
is only one part of the full cycle of faith.
“If bad things are
Faith always speaks a thing into
existence. In the book of Genesis, we
see this second step that God established
for bringing the unseen into the physical
realm: “Then God said, ‘Let there be
light’; and there was light. Then God
said, ‘Let there be a firmament …’ Thus
God made the firmament” (Genesis
1:3, 6–7).
Notice that whatever God said came
into existence. Because we are made
in the image of God, we too can speak
things into existence.
The apostle Paul understood the
connection between faith and speaking.
happening to you
and you want
to know why,
listen to what is
coming out of
your mouth.”
Adventures in Faith — Oct-Dec 2015
Faith Acts
Once you’ve spoken the image, you
begin to act accordingly. Peter saw
an image of himself getting out of the
boat and walking on the water to Jesus.
Then he spoke the image: “Lord, if it is
You, command me come to You on the
water” (Matthew 14:28).
Jesus said come, and immediately
Peter began walking on the water. Peter’s
faith saw, spoke, and acted. But then he
allowed the circumstances to change
his image. When he got his eyes off
the unseen and focused instead on
the storm about him, he began to sink.
When circumstances are against
you, you have to be bold with your
actions and use what I refer to as the
“ripping-off-the-roof ” kind of faith.
The book of Luke gives us an example
of this kind of faith. After conceiving
an image of getting their friend to the
Master for healing, four men carried
the sick man to the house where Jesus
was ministering. When they arrived,
the place was so full of people that they
couldn’t get in. But they didn’t focus
on the circumstances. They saw, they
spoke, and then they acted:
And when they could not find how
they might bring him in, because of the
crowd, they went up on the housetop
and let him down with his bed through
the tiling into the midst before Jesus
(Luke 5:19).
Those men were bold with their
faith. They ripped off the roof to get
their friend to Jesus. The Bible says,
“And when He saw their faith, He said to
him, ‘Man, your sins are forgiven you’”
(verse 20). When Jesus saw their faith
and their actions, He healed the man.
Let faith operate this way in your
life. Once you see an image, don’t let
anything stop you. Start speaking it, and
then take action. When every door you
come to is shut, use the ripping-off-theroof kind of faith to guide your actions.
Jesus will see your faith, and He will
meet your need.
Oct-Dec 2015 — Adventures in Faith
Faith Stands
A man once said to me, “Brother Jerry,
I have symptoms of sickness, and I’ve
done everything you said. I’ve meditated
the Word and allowed Holy Spirit to
create an image of health on the canvas
of my heart; I’ve talked the image; I’ve
acted like I’m healed. But I’ve got a
“What is it?” I asked.
“I’m still sick. What do I do now?”
I told him what I’m about to tell
you: “You’ve got to put the full cycle of
faith into operation. Faith sees, speaks,
and acts, but it also stands, rejoices,
and rests.”
The book of Ephesians gives us a
powerful word of encouragement about
Finally, my brethren, be
strong in the Lord and in the
power of His might. Put on the
whole armor of God, that you
may be able to stand against the
wiles of the devil. … take up the
whole armor of God, that you
may be able to withstand in the
evil day, and having done all, to
stand (Ephesians 6:10–11, 13).
When you’ve seen the image of
what you desire, you’ve spoken it,
and you’ve acted accordingly—yet the
circumstances haven’t changed—then
put on the whole armor of God and
stand. God hears you; therefore, keep
standing on His Word. God said, “My
covenant I will not break, nor alter
the word that has gone out of My lips”
(Psalm 89:34). If you are full of the
Word, you always know what God will
do in every area of your life.
In the life of faith, there is no room for
compromise. You must be determined
to win. You must become single-minded
and unwavering about what you believe
God’s Word has promised you. Don’t
allow circumstances or what others tell
you talk you out of what God says is
yours. Put on the whole armor of God,
and then, having done all to stand, stand!
Faith Rejoices
In the book of James, we find an
interesting directive about how we are
to conduct ourselves while standing
in faith:
My brethren, count it all
joy when you fall into various
trials, knowing that the testing
of your faith produces patience.
But let patience have its perfect
work, that you may be perfect
and complete, lacking nothing
(James 1:2–4).
When you are under Satan’s attack,
maintain an attitude of joy. Don’t let
the enemy discourage you; don’t let
pressure or anything else take your
joy. If Satan can steal your joy, he will
get your strength. If you are weak, you
won’t be able to resist.
During times when nothing seems
to be working out, you can get under
such severe pressure that you almost
wonder if God has forsaken you. You’re
dressed in the full armor of God, but
your shield is becoming so heavy with
the weight of the darts that you can
hardly hold it. You think, If the devil
fires one more dart, I’ve had it.
This is exactly what once happened
to me. That’s when God said, “Now is
the time for rejoicing.”
“What is there to rejoice about?”
I asked.
“Son, you’ve got the devil right where
you want Him,” God said.
I thought, I do? It didn’t look like it
to me, but God said I did, so I began to
praise Him and rejoice. Immediately I
sensed something whistling through the
air. It wasn’t just another dart; it was a
missile zooming straight for my shield!
“I thought you said I had the devil
right where I wanted him,” I shouted.
“You do,” God replied. “Start
“Why should I? A missile is coming.”
“Son, that’s a good sign. When
you are under the most severe
pressure, you know the devil has
just fired his best shot. If it doesn’t
get you, then he’s finished.”
Once I understood this truth, it was
easy to rejoice and say, “Glory to God!
The Word of God says, “As you
therefore have received Christ Jesus the
Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built
up in Him and established in the faith,
as you have been taught, abounding
with thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:6–7).
We are to abound in thanksgiving.
Giving God praise and thanksgiving is
the highest expression of faith. After
you pray and believe you’ve received,
immediately thank God and then
rejoice; your answer is about to manifest.
Praising God is a principle directly
linked to increase and blessing: “Let the
peoples praise You, O God; let all the
peoples praise You. Then the earth shall
yield her increase; God our own God,
shall bless us” (Psalm 67:5–6). Praise
keeps the enemy at a standstill and
opens the door to the blessing of God.
Faith Rests
The Bible says, “Let us labour therefore
to enter into [his] rest” (Hebrews
4:11 KJV). There is labor involved in
conceiving an image. You may have to
spend a few nights confessing God’s
Word until you get the image you desire
firmly planted inside you. You don’t
always have to labor, but if that’s what
it takes to win, be willing to do it.
Sometimes when you lie down to
go to sleep, the devil says over and
over, “This faith stuff won’t work. You’ll
never have what you’re believing for.”
When this happens, you have to get
up and labor.
You shouldn’t mind missing some
sleep when you can change things in just
a few hours by successfully conceiving
an image. Then you reach the point
in your faith where the labor is over
and you rest. Some people continue to
struggle with their faith after they enter
into the rest. They struggle because they
don’t let the nature, the characteristics,
and the full cycle of faith operate in their
lives. The Bible explains it this way:
Therefore, since a promise
remains of entering His rest, let
us fear lest any of you seem to
have come short of it. For indeed
the gospel was preached to us
as well as to them; but the word
which they heard did not profit
them, not being mixed with faith
in those who heard it. For we who
have believed do enter into that
rest (Hebrews 4:1–3).
Once you’ve conceived an image by
seeing the end result through the eye
of faith, you have spoken and acted
accordingly, and you’ve stood and
rejoiced, then all there is left to do is
just enter into God’s rest. When you
do, you will experience the consuming
assurance that the struggle is over and
what you are believing for is yours.
The characteristics of faith that
worked for believers in Bible times
are no less significant or powerful for
us in the 21st century. Whether you’re
a seasoned believer or you are hearing
these Bible truths for the first time,
God’s Word always works. So, stir
yourself up in the Word, activate your
faith, and enjoy the victorious life that
God has already provided for you in
Jesus Christ!
Many people misunderstand faith. They don’t know how
it works or how to make it grow.
In order for faith to grow, it must be fed every day—just as you feed your body
every day. In this revealing look at faith, noted author and Bible teacher Dr. Jerry
Savelle gives an in-depth study on what faith is and how to live a life of faith.
You’ll discover how faith grows, how faith can decrease, how to determine your
level of faith, how to see through the eyes of faith, and how your faith can move
When great faith is operating in your heart, you will get great faith results!
Order online now
3015BK Book$5
Adventures in Faith — Oct-Dec 2015
Jerriann Savelle Newton
Dear Partners and Friends,
I want to tell you about an exciting new project we’ve undertaken at Jerry Savelle Ministries
International—The Archives Collection.
Not too long ago I went into the archives department here at the ministry. I was overwhelmed
as I stood there, surrounded by a roomful of my dad’s messages. He has preached over 10,000
messages all over the world in the past 46 years. God has used him in such a big way to bring
the message of faith—and of course favor—to the Body of Christ. I know millions have been
affected throughout the years by his wisdom, his faithfulness, his humor, and his integrity to
the Word of God.
I feel it’s part of my heritage to protect and preserve his legacy and the Word that’s been
preached—and to make these valuable treasures available to you. We’ve re-mastered scores of
his powerful audiocassette messages, and I can tell you that they are as anointed today as when
they were first preached.
Beginning in January, 2016, I’ll be featuring a selected monthly message, which will be offered
as a digital download at our online store. Not only will the featured messages be available; as
we continue to digitize all of Dad’s messages, you can shop and purchase as many as you like.
I’m excited about The Archives Collection, and know you’ll be so blessed by these messages.
Love & blessings,
Jerriann Savelle Newton
Oct-Dec 2015 — Adventures in Faith
The Victorious
Life of Faith
Carolyn Savelle
When Jerry first told me the theme for this issue of our magazine
was to be “the word of faith in the 21st century,” I thought
to myself, How fitting for the days that we are living in right
now! We are living in perilous and unstable times; therefore, I
personally believe that faith needs to be preached now more
diligently than ever before.
JESUS’ DISCIPLES ASKED what would be the sign of His
coming and the end of the age. He said that we would hear
of wars and rumors of wars. But He added that we were not
to be troubled. The Amplified Bible says, “See that you are
not frightened or troubled” (Matthew 24:6). Today, every day
on the news, we are hearing these reports Jesus spoke about.
ISIS is trying to take over the Middle East, and it looks like
that is just what they are doing.
The Bible tells us that everything that can be shaken will
be shaken (see Hebrews 12:27). However, in the midst of this
present-day, worldwide turmoil and distress, I’m reminded
of the beloved, old hymn “My Hope Is Built on Nothing
Less.” Written in 1834 by pastor-hymnist Edward Mote, its
words are as powerful today as when Mote first penned it:
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
His oath, His covenant, His blood
Support me in the whelming flood;
When all around my soul gives way,
He then is all my hope and stay.
Oct-Dec 2015 — Adventures in Faith
When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
Dressed in His righteousness alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking stand.
God’s Word in Troubled Times
Over 30 years ago Jerry preached a sermon entitled “A Whole
Lot of Shaking Is Going On.” In this message he addressed
the very essence of Edward Mote’s powerful hymn. We saw
then, as we see now, that we cannot depend on things in this
world. Banking institutions and major corporations were
failing then, just as they are failing now.
The national news recently reported that China hacked
into our national security and now has the social security
numbers and addresses of all of our government officials and
military personnel. If you think the United States government
is secure, think again!
Nevertheless, our instruction from Jesus is not to be
troubled in troubled times. The only way not to be troubled
is to know what’s in the book (the Bible). Peace that passes
all understanding comes from knowing God’s written Word
(see Philippians 4:7). Hebrews 11:6 says, “But without faith it
is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must
believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who
diligently seek Him.”
It is impossible to please God without faith. In fact, faith
is the very thing we are to live by, “for in [the gospel] the
righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is
written, ‘The just shall live by faith’” (Romans 1:17, italics
added). Living by faith is not an option or a suggestion; it
is a command. We even see the same words “the just shall
live by faith” in Habakkuk 2:4 and again in Galatians 3:11.
Do you think God is trying to tell us something?
Luke 18:8 asks this question: “When the Son of Man
comes, will He really find faith on the earth?” We can see
how important faith is to God as we read Hebrews 10:38:
“Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back,
My soul has no pleasure in him.” God has no pleasure in
those who cave in, compromise, and draw back from the
life of faith. This scripture doesn’t say He doesn’t love them,
only that He’s not pleased with them.
Sadly, most Christians today aren’t looking for truth that
demands a change in them or produces a lifestyle of faith
pleasing to God. Rather, they are looking for something
that entertains them and offers a quick fix to their problem.
Once an immediate crisis is over, they soon forget God and
go back to their old lifestyle.
The Message says, “You’re going to find that there will be
times when people will have no stomach for solid teaching,
but will fill up on spiritual junk food—catchy opinions
that tickle their fancy” (2 Timothy 4:3). A continual diet
of spiritual junk food will prevent us from walking in the
fullness of the life of faith God has made available for us
in Jesus Christ.
us that faith is in two places: in our heart and in our mouth.
We are to believe with our heart and confess with our mouth.
If we have accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior, then we know
we already have faith because that’s how we receive everything
from God—by faith. The Bible says, “Think soberly, according
as God has dealt to every man the measure of faith” (Romans
12:3 KJV). Notice it says the measure of faith, not a measure.
Remember, this verse is talking about the Church, the Body
of Christ; it is not talking about non-believers. The word
faith in this verse is the Greek word metron, which literally
means “a determined extent, a portion taken of.”
The word portion implies a part, or a measure, of something.
From what I see in this verse, God predetermined the amount
of faith to give every believer when he or she accepts Jesus as
Savior. We all received the same exact amount, or measure,
at the time of the new birth; however, the measure can grow.
Consider a newborn baby. That baby’s body is equipped
with all of the same muscles an adult has, yet the baby
cannot raise its head or roll over. Its muscles haven’t yet
grown or developed. Likewise, our faith is always subject
to growth and development, regardless of our level of
maturity as believers.
According to the Bible, the measure of faith can grow:
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of
God” (Romans 10:17). Your faith level can grow. The amount
of God’s Word you read and hear on a daily basis will cause
your faith to grow. And with more of God’s Word comes
greater understanding: “The entrance of Your words gives
light; it gives understanding to the simple” (Psalm 119:130).
Now let’s see what else the Word has to say about light:
You are all children of the light and children of the
day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness
(1 Thessalonians 5:5 NIV).
But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood,
a holy nation, His own special people, that you may
proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of the
darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9).
“While you have the Light, believe in the Light
[have faith in it, hold to it, rely on it], that you may
become sons of the Light and be filled with Light”
(John 12:36 AMP).
One definition of the word light is “something that makes
vision possible.” Therefore, the brighter the light shines, the
more darkness is dispelled and vision increases. Jesus said, “I
am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk
in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12).
We have Jesus, the light of life; we have the measure of
faith; and we have God’s Word—all dwelling within us.
That’s why we can be assured that, despite all the chaos and
turmoil going on in the world, we are firmly established in
God’s victorious life of faith!
The Measure of Faith
Because God made us in His likeness and image, we are to
have dominion over everything. He operates by faith because
He calls things that are not as though they are, as He envisions
them to be (see Romans 4:17).
I see God demonstrating His faith in Isaiah 55:11: “So
shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall
not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please,
and it shall prosper in the things for which I sent it.” God’s
words carry such creative power that all He has to do is say,
“Let there be light,” and there is light (see Genesis 1:3).
So in the life of a believer, where does faith reside? We
find the answer in Romans 10:8–10: “But what does it say?
‘The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart’ (that
is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess
with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart
that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For
with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation.” This scripture tells
Adventures in Faith — Oct-Dec 2015
Our Heritage
of Faith
Jerry Savelle
Many people do not look at faith as a heritage; instead, they look at it as an experiment.
When Jesus returns to this earth, He’s not coming for those who have tried to live by
faith but rather for those who have actually lived a consistent lifestyle of faith (Luke 18:8).
What is a lifestyle of faith? One that refuses to draw back or give up. Hebrews 10:38
says, “Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure
in him.”
THE FAITH LIFE is also one that is committed and one that
is perpetuated. The Bible consistently records God speaking
in terms of at least three generations, most frequently, “I am
the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Jacob.” I believe
the reason for referencing three generations is this: once a
lifestyle is adopted by at least three consecutive generations
of people, there is a strong possibility that lifestyle also will
be perpetuated.
If God can get me to live by faith, my children to live by
faith, and my children’s children to live by faith, it is likely
that from now until Jesus comes, the Savelle household will
be people of faith.
God wants you and me to live by faith—not just because
faith works, but because He is establishing a heritage. For
us to draw back from faith is to do dishonor to our heritage.
God said, “For I have known him [Abraham], in order
that he may command his children and his household after
him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness
and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He
has spoken to him” (Genesis 18:19). Here we see the Lord
saying, “The reason I have chosen this man, Abraham, is
that I know him. He will command the lifestyle of faith to
his children and to his children’s children.”
Abraham is recognized as “the father of faith,” not simply
because he exercised faith in God, but because he perpetuated
that faith to his descendants. This is where Noah failed.
Although Noah acted in faith during his own lifetime, he
failed to perpetuate that life of faith in his children and their
children after them.
Oct-Dec 2015 — Adventures in Faith
As God’s children, you and I are to create and
demonstrate a lifestyle of faith in our homes. In many
families, the only time the children see their parents
demonstrate Christianity is on Sundays and special
occasions. Likewise, the only time the children see their
parents pray is just before a meal, and the only time they
see their parents read the Bible is on Saturday night, in
last-minute preparation for Sunday school the next day.
Once these children become adults, most who have grown
up with this type of double standard want nothing to do
with such an empty, hypocritical lifestyle.
There is an old saying, “Like father, like son.” It means, of
course, that, in time, most young people end up being very
much like their parents. When children grow up in a home
where there is darkness because God’s Word is not lived and
taught, it’s not unusual to find that they establish homes like
the one they came from. This negative heritage of darkness,
ungodliness and perverseness gets passed down from one
generation to the next.
Our two daughters know what it’s like to live a lifestyle
of faith. They saw their parents stand on the Word time and
time again, trusting God to supply their every need. Our
daughters had many opportunities to watch God do what
He does best: keep His Word. Because they were taught that
way, that’s how they live today.
In developing this lifestyle of faith, you must be determined.
When you get up, talk faith. When you lie down, talk faith.
What are the results of talking faith? The Bible says, “And
this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith”
(1 John 5:4). God promises that
our faith will bring victory in the
midst of every adversity we face
in this world.
I know you may have had
struggles with faith in the past.
You may have allowed difficult
circumstances, bad experiences,
or the negative opinions of other
people to convince you the faith
life is not the way to live. But once
this message of faith drops into
your spirit, no circumstance or
experience will be able to defeat
you. Winning will become your
When faith has healed your
body, restored your marriage
and your family, and provided
finances in what looks like an
impossible situation, when faith
has provided you with a place
to live, clothes to wear, a car to drive, and food to eat,
then it’s too late for anyone to try to convince you that
faith won’t work.
We don’t live the life of faith because it’s a fad or a
movement. We live the life of faith because it is our heritage. My
ancestors lived the life of faith. When I read the Bible, I don’t
look at Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob only as Bible characters.
They are my spiritual ancestors. They lived by faith before I
did. I owe it to them to live this way too.
I believe the reason Peter called our faith “precious” is this:
it is a spiritual heirloom passed down from one generation
to another. It’s my responsibility to pass down this precious
heritage to my children. My life before them must be an
example of faith. God holds me responsible, not only for
passing the life of faith to my children, but also for seeing
that they, in turn, pass it down to their children.
When my grandchildren were born, I held each of them
in my arms, and within twenty minutes, I was blessing them
and talking to them about their heritage. Today their heroes
are faith preachers—not rock-and-roll stars or television
There is a precious heritage thriving in my family, and
I pray you have one thriving in yours as well. If not, I hope
this article encourages you to begin passing down your faith
from generation to generation.
Psalm 89:1 says, “I will sing of the mercies of the LORD
forever; with my mouth will I make known Your faithfulness
to all generations.” God expects us to talk constantly about
our life of faith and His faithfulness.
It’s not uncommon for people to hold conversations about
their family and their ancestry. One woman told me that
someone in her family decided to trace their family tree.
Going back generation after generation, she became more
disappointed the further she went. Her heritage was not
thrilling. In fact, it was downright embarrassing.
But you and I are not like that. We have a wonderful
family history, one that we can be proud to pass on to future
generations – regardless of natural parentage. It’s a “faith
family history” that is recorded in the Bible. For example,
our father Abraham had the audacity to believe God that he
was going to be the father of nations—when he knew full
well that in the natural, this was impossible.
We have another ancestor named Daniel who had
unwavering faith in God. Because of his faithfulness to the
Lord, when he was thrown into a den of lions, he was able
to lie down beside those savage beasts and go to sleep in
peace and confidence.
Another of our ancestors is Elijah, who prophesied to the
king of the land that there would be no more rain until he
(Elijah) decreed an end to the drought. It happened just as
Elijah said it would. This same man was so strong in faith
that he once outran the king’s horses and chariots.
We have an ancestor named Samson who was so powerful
that when the Holy Ghost came upon him, he uprooted the
city gates, slew a thousand men with the jawbone of a donkey,
and ripped apart lions with his bare hands.
In fact, we have a great cloud of spiritual ancestors who
act as witnesses to watch over us as we live out our faith and
to cheer us on to ultimate victory. With this kind of family
history, we should never be ashamed. Like Paul, we can boldly
proclaim, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for
it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes
… For in it the righteous of God is revealed from faith to
faith [from generation to generation]; as it is written, ‘The
just shall live by faith’” (Romans 1:16–17).
You and I have a wonderful heritage and legacy of faith.
Let’s not dishonor it in any way. Why? Because it’s faith that
activates God, that moves His hands to intervene on behalf
of those in need. God wants you and me to live by faith and
to pass it on to our descendants so that those who come
after us will know and experience this wonderful gift—this
marvelous heritage of faith.
I encourage you to do with your family as God instructed
me to do with mine: Sit them all down and share with them
their precious heritage. Reveal to them the vitality and
importance of living by faith, not just experimenting with it.
Most of all, uphold a lifestyle of faith before your children and
your grandchildren so that this faith can be perpetuated in
your family for generations to come. Declare that your family
is a household of faith. After all … it’s your heritage!
Adventures in Faith — Oct-Dec 2015
God is calling you to a lifestyle of faith!
In this powerful book, Jerry Savelle writes about the “family tree
of faith” that God has created for His children, which we are to live
out before our children. As you join Jerry Savelle on this journey
of faith you’ll learn:
• The three positions of faith and how to move through them
• How to teach your children about faith
• How to use the authority you have over Satan
• And how to maintain your faith through any circumstance
God not only wants you to live by faith, but to pass it on to your
descendants so that those who come after you will know and
experience this wonderful gift—the marvelous heritage of faith!
3032BK Book$7
Receiving the answer to your prayers depends on you.
Are you intense about receiving what you are believing for, or are you just casually praying about it? In this
practical and easy-to-understand book, Carolyn Savelle shares the secret to reaching the heart of God—and
receiving the very desires of your heart. She also answers questions such as:
• Why are the answers to some prayers delayed?
• Why are some prayers answered, and others are not?
• How can I avoid praying “hit-and-miss” prayers?
When the intensity of your prayers matches the intensity of your desires,
the answer you’ve been waiting for is sure to follow.
3081BK Book$8
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Oct-Dec 2015 — Adventures in Faith
Faith Takes Flight!
“You won’t be able to do
what you’re called to do
without airplanes.”
BACK IN MARCH of this year, I was speaking in Baltimore,
Maryland, talking about the early days of my walk with God.
I shared how Carolyn and I had first stepped out in faith
and were learning to trust God as our total source of supply.
At the time, I’d shut down my automotive paint and body
business and had begun accepting places to speak, mostly at
home Bible studies and in youth meetings. I remember how
excited we’d been about what God was doing in our lives.
The fact that others wanted to hear what we had to say was
The Lord had spoken to me during those early days and
said, “There will come a time when you will not be able to
fulfill what I’ve called you to do without airplanes in your
ministry, so start believing for them now.” But what He’d said
next had shocked me: “And I don’t want you flying airplanes
with debt on them, so believe to own them debt-free.”
That was in 1969, and until that time I’d never owned a
car that was without debt, yet God was talking to me about
debt-free airplanes. I knew the manifestation of a debt-free
airplane was going to require unwavering faith on my part.
Week after week, month after month, I continued to believe
and confess that God was going to provide our ministry with
an airplane—free of debt!
Well, that debt-free airplane manifested in 1976, just
seven years after I entered full-time ministry. And I might
add, that plane was the first of nine debt-free planes God
has blessed this ministry with over the past forty-six years.
What a faithful God!
A couple of years ago, the Lord impressed me to sow my
Citation 500 into Kenneth Copeland Ministries, which I did
with great joy. I felt the season for owning ministry aircraft
had come to an end, so I was not believing for the next one
as I’d always done in the past.
Until the night I was speaking in Baltimore.
When I returned to my hotel room after sharing the story
about our airplanes at the service, the Lord said to me, “And
at what time did I tell you that you can now fulfill what you’re
called to do without an airplane?”
“You didn’t,” I said.
“Then whose idea was that?” He asked.
“Mine,” I answered.
“Are you done in ministry?”
“Of course not,” I said.
He then closed the conversation with, “Then get back on
your faith for your next airplane.”
I am back on my faith as the Lord instructed, this time for
a Citation Mustang that will enable us to minister to more
people, more quickly and efficiently than ever before. This
ministry has sown much seed, and God is already blessing
us with the harvest so that we can soon testify about our
tenth debt-free airplane—to the glory of God!
As friends and partners of Jerry Savelle Ministries
International, we wanted you to know about this exciting
project. Please join your faith with ours, and together we
will see God do what only He can do: make what seems
impossible, possible!
Adventures in Faith — Oct-Dec 2015
The Three
of Faith
Carolyn Savelle
ACCORDING TO the Word of
God, we have all been given the
measure of faith. None of us are
given more faith than others; we
all start with the same measure.
However, it is up to each of us
as to what we do with the faith
we’ve been given. We can choose
to do absolutely nothing with
it, or we can choose to increase
our faith by the Word we hear.
Jesus talked about three
different levels of faith and two ways of measuring each
level. He always measured an individual’s faith by judging
the person’s words and actions. We know our words are
powerful for bringing about either good or bad, blessing
or cursing. Let’s see what God’s Word has to say about
the words we speak: Death and life are in the power
of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit
(Proverbs 18:21); A wholesome tongue is a tree of life,
but perverseness in it breaks the spirit (Proverbs 15:4);
Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul
from troubles (Proverbs 21:23).
Jesus said, “For out of the abundance of the heart the
mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34). I like the way the Amplified
Bible presents this scripture: “For out of the fullness (the
overflow, the superabundance) of the heart the mouth
speaks.” Within minutes of being around a person, we can
locate where they are and measure their faith by the words
coming out of their mouths—just as Jesus did.
Oct-Dec 2015 — Adventures in Faith
As we read the accounts of Jesus’ interactions with people,
the Word reveals the following three specific levels of faith:
no faith, little faith, and great faith. Let’s take a look at the
biblical account of each level and see the results of each
encounter with Jesus.
No Faith
Prior to the following incident, Jesus had spent countless
hours with His disciples. They had seen the miracles of faith,
and yet in this familiar scene, the Lord reprimanded them
for having no faith:
On the same day, when evening had come, [Jesus]
said to them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” Now
when they had left the multitude, they took Him along
in the boat as He was. And other little boats were also
with Him. And a great windstorm arose, and the waves
beat into the boat, so that it was already filling. But He
was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke
Him and said to Him, “Teacher, do You not care that
we are perishing?”
Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to
the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and
there was a great calm. But He said to them, “Why
are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?”
(Mark 4:35–40).
If Jesus had been holding a measuring stick, perhaps He
would have said, “I’m going to measure your faith by your
words and actions. Your words were ‘Do you not care that we
are perishing?’ Your actions show that you were frightened.
I measure that you have no faith.”
The centurion answered and said, “Lord, I am not
worthy that You should come under my roof. But only
speak a word, and my servant will be healed.”
When Jesus heard it, He marveled, and said to
those who followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not
found such great faith, not even in Israel!” (Matthew
8:5–8, 10).
We can only imagine what Jesus’ followers thought when
Jesus cited this Roman citizen as having great faith. Here the
disciples were, having sat under Jesus’ teachings for some
time and having seen Him demonstrate faith firsthand—yet
they only had, at best, “little faith”?
I believe the incident with the centurion was just another
way our loving Lord chose to encourage His followers
to move from one level
of faith to another, as
He did with His disciple
“I want to
Thomas following the
be like the
So [Thomas] said to
them, “Unless I see in
centurion who,
His hands the print of
with great
the nails, and put my
finger into the print of
faith, said to
the nails, and put my
hand into His side, I
Jesus, ‘Speak
will not believe.”
And after eight days
only a word.’”
His disciples were again
inside, and Thomas
with them. Jesus came,
the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and
said, “Peace to you!” Then He said to Thomas, Reach
your finger in here, and look at My hands; and reach
your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be
unbelieving, but believing” (John 20:25–26).
If we have to see or feel something to believe it, then
according to Jesus, we are faithless—we have no faith. I don’t
know about you, but I want to be like the centurion who,
with great faith, said to Jesus, “Speak only a word.”
I invite you to take a moment to measure your own faith.
The best way to do so is by judging what is coming out of
your mouth. Are you speaking words of doubt, failure, and
defeat, or are you speaking words of life, power, and faith?
Remember, the power of life and death is in the tongue.
Regardless of your level of faith—whether it is no faith, little
faith, or great faith—your present measure of faith can always
grow as you hear more of the Word of God.
I know that my measure of faith is growing and that
my faith can overcome the world. And the good news is,
so can yours!
Little Faith
Let’s look at a time when Jesus measured the disciple Peter’s
faith by his words and actions:
Immediately Jesus made His disciples get into the
boat and go before Him to the other side, while He
sent the multitudes away. And when He had sent the
multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by
Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He was
alone there. But the boat was now in the middle of the
sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary.
Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to
them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw
Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying,
“It is a ghost!” And they cried out for fear.
But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Be
of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.”
And Peter answered Him and said, “Lord, if it is
You, command me to come to You on the water.”
So He said, “Come.” And when Peter had come
down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to
Jesus (Matthew 14:22–29).
What happened here? Peter heard the word come, and it
caused faith to increase in his heart. He stepped out of the
boat and went to Jesus. But on the way he got distracted from
the word come, and he focused instead on the winds and the
waves. Peter was actually walking on the water to Jesus, but
then something came to steal the word.
When you’re looking at circumstances and you can’t see
God’s Word, you’ll sink every time—as we see in verses 30
and 31 of the same account: “But when [Peter] saw that the
wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink
he cried out, saying, ‘Lord, save me!’ And immediately Jesus
stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, ‘O
you of little faith, why did you doubt?’”
Let’s compare Peter’s words and actions in this account
to the previous story in which Jesus declared that he and the
other disciples had no faith. This time, instead of cowering
in the boat, Peter actually stepped out on the water as soon
as he heard the word come.
His faith had increased, and his actions were the measure.
Great Faith
It is interesting that Bible uses the words and actions of those
who were closest to Jesus as examples of little or no faith, yet
the example of great faith comes from a centurion (a senior
officer in the Roman army):
Now when Jesus had entered Capernaum, a
centurion came to Him, pleading with Him, saying,
“Lord, my servant is lying at home paralyzed, dreadfully
And Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.”
Adventures in Faith — Oct-Dec 2015
From Our Family to Yours
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Dear Partners and Friends,
We pray the Savior’s love and
favor surround you every day
and keep you whole as you
walk in His way!
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Love and prayers,
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Geoff, Shar
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, Gary, and
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To you and your house: have a
Merry Christmas and a blessed and
prosperous New Year! We stand with
you in celebrating the birth of our
Lord and Savior.
Tom, Luke, and Bosa
The Media Department
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Year. We pr
Happy New
your life. L
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in Jesus ...
Carolynn &
G’day from the land down under.
Wishing you the most wonderful
Christmas as we celebate our Lord Jeus
Christ, and praying that you will be
blessed abundantly in 2016.
Ian, Diane, and Vicki
JSMI Australia
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Brother J
JSMI Intern
ational Dep
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Basic Bible Principles-Study Guide . . . . . . . . . . $20
This comprehensive guide contains Dr. Savelle’s own study notes covering more than 30 topics,
making it an excellent tool for both individual and group study.
Why God Wants You to Prosper-Package. . . . . . $60
This multi-media curriculum package contains Dr. Savelle’s in-depth teaching on the principles of
biblical prosperity, and how to walk out of financial bondage to receive God’s promised prosperity.
Life of Faith-CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21
If you dare to make faith your lifestyle, then you’ll see God’s power work in your life—just as it did
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The Faithful Shall Abound with Blessings-CD. . . $21
In this 3-message series, you’ll discover that if you are willing to develop a “no quite” kind of faith,
God will give His all to you.
Faith Made Simple-CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $28
In this 4-message series, (formerly “The Nature of Faith”), Dr. Savelle establishes a firm understanding
of what faith is and how God intends for you to use it.
Order now
PERMIT #1125
Jerry Savelle Ministries
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Crowley, TX 76036-0748
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You’re Invited!
Join Pastor Justin Bridges and the Heritage of Faith Christian Center family as we
Livestream every Sunday morning at 10am (Central):