Johnny Hazelton Hajoca Corporation [email protected]


Johnny Hazelton Hajoca Corporation [email protected]
Johnny Hazelton
Hajoca Corporation
[email protected]
 Sales Budgeting Module
 Sales Reports
 Sales Order Entry Options
 Sales Queues & Inquiries
Sales Budgeting Module
 Sales Budget Queue
 Establish Goals by Salesperson
and Customer
 Sales Budget Analysis Report
 Compare Actual to Budget
Sales Budget Queue
 Sales Budget Queue
 Enter Year
 Enter Outside
Salesperson Number
 Enter Branch#
 Custs w/ no Budget =
Sales Budget Queue
 Sales Budget Queue
 LY Actual = 2014 $sales
 TY Actual = 2013 $sales
 Select: Re-Select Options
(ex: choose another slsp)
 Detail Budget: Set goals for
specific Products or type of
 Formula: Set goals for all
Customers using existing
data (ex: Last year * 1.05)
Sales Budget Report
 Maintenance  Sales
Budgeting  Reports
 Date Range
 Specific Salesperson or
ALL (leave Salesperson
Sales Budget Report
Shows Actual Sales vs
Budgeted Sales
Also shows each Budget
Group – from Product
Budget Groups can also be
assigned a $budget
Sales Reports
 Salesperson Reports
 Product / Line Reports
 Customer Reports
 Gross Profit by Salesperson
 Show Customers and Invoices
 Product Sales Report
 History within a specific date range
 Sales to one Customer – all products or specific
 Sales of one Line – all customers
 “Who bought what?”
 Item Sales Report
 T.M.O.A.R
(The Mother of all Reports)
 Note: Use ‘Selection’ menu option for additional
choices on any sales report
Item Sales Report:
Lots of Selection choices
Can be a Comparison Report of
specific date range
Price Line Comparison
Ship Via Comparison
Sales Source Comparison
Salesperson or Writer Compare
Gross Profit by Salesperson
Reports  End of Month 
Salesman & Writer Reports
Leave Salesperson field blank
if you want all salespeople.
This can be scheduled to email
the report
daily/weekly/monthly to each
Product Sales Report
History within a
specific date range
Sales to one
Customer – all
products or specific
Sales of one Line –
all customers
“Who bought
Item Sales Report
Reports  End of Month
Reports menu
Leave Start Date blank to
invoke “comparison” logic
Many more Select & Sort
options than the Product
Sales Report
Customer Reports:
Customer Ranking Report
 Can sort by Sales$ or GP$
 Can select one Salesperson or All
 Customer Comparison Report
 Compares MTD to MTD LY
 Compares YTD to YTD LY
 One Salesperson or All
 Customer Product Sales History
 12 month sales buckets for each product sold
 All Products or specific Price Lines
Customer Sales Reports:
The first two are on the Reports 
End of Month Reports  Customer
Reports menu path
The third one is in the Orders 
Reports menu
Customer Ranking
Home Branch vs Sales
As-of Date for Monthly
Sort By vs Rank By
Customer Sales Ranking
Shows Month-to-Date and Year-toDate numbers
Shows the Outside Salesperson
Shows the Matrix Price Class
Customer Comparison
Home Branch vs Sales
As-of Date for monthly
Sort By options
Customer Product Sales
Orders  Reports menu
12 month sales buckets
for each product sold
All Products or specific
Price Lines
Use ‘Selection’ menu
option to choose Price
Report Writer Reports
 Increasing / Decreasing
 Customer sales reports that compare most recent 60
days sales to the 60 days prior to that
 Lost Sales Report
 Shows customers with no sales in the last 90 days
but sales prior to that
 Customer Class Report
 Sorts Customers by their Price Class and then by
highest sales
Report Writer Reports we created
at Hajoca
 Activity Based Costing (A.B.C.)
True Customer Profitability
 “Cost-to-Serve” –
Costs per Activity
 “Net Profitability” vs. “Gross” Profit
A.B.C. can be true activity costs
from the G/L or “Estimated” costs
All of the company’s that I know
use Estimated costs
Helps answer the question, “Do
 A.B.C. Customer Profitability Inquiry
customers with similar
Gross Profit$ contribute the
same to the bottom line?”
A.B.C. Customer Profit
Orders  Inquiries menu
This Year & Last Year
Sales & Gross Profit
Activity Costs
Adjusted Gross Profit =
Gross Profit – Activity Costs
 Sales Order Entry
Re-Order Pad
This file is built from the
Reports  End Of Month 2
Generate Customer Product
by Demand Index program
There are several Control
Reorder Pad:
Products sold to Customer in the
last year (Control record)
Sequenced initially by Hits (most
popular items for that customer)
Print or Hold File option for
Outside Salesperson
Sort by Last Date to find products
not being sold anymore
Sales Queues & Inquiries:
 Customer Calling Queue – New/Trouble/Direct
 Sales Inquiry – Open Sales Orders and Bids for one
 Customer Inventory History Ledger – Product by
Invoice history for one Customer
 A/R Inquiry – MTD/YTD Sales & Customer Sales
History Inquiry
 Customer Activity Log Viewing – System log for
one Customer