Calipers, a standard in your workshop
Calipers, a standard in your workshop
Valid until: 30.06.2014 Prices exclude VAT Version 22 - EN – No Price op h s k r , o s r Calipe ard in your w A Valueline IP40: ndard the sta g n i a stand SA IP40, TES m beco ure o capt ity, are y 67, TE ng ! P I nectiv e operator t traceabilit A n o S c E n i i n h i T t k t l i s m n u i u w optim their b of th on allo 3 lines calipers, dueirteoless conneuctairanteeing the g le or w al IP67 , thus Twin-C shops. A cab ults on a PC s k in wor surement re a e m all TESA IP67 –– Built in IP67 protection against liquids - Integrated TESA Link Connector (TLC) for a forward thinking approach to your overall quality control system – –– A new style housing with a stainless steel protection plate encased in PVC offering maximum durability and unique “soft touch” TESA IP40 –– protection against dust –– (TLC) Connector for a forward thinking approach to your overall quality control system C/ON TESA Valueline IP40 –– TESA technological know-how at the best price! ABS/ Wireless transmission with TLC-TWIN 04760180 Order number Description 00539090 00530097 00530319 04760180 Valueline IP40 Twin-Cal IP40 Twin-Cal IP67 Emitter/receiver TESA TLC-TWIN TLC-TWIN launch offer on page 4-5 2.0 Measuring range mm 150 150 150 Measuring range in 6 6 6 Depth Rod Square Square Square 2 rds nda a t s e h T lipers: nier Models a C A S TE l, Ver a i D , l a t Digi Order number Description 00539091 00539092 00539093 00530094 00530095 00530096 00530320 00530321 00530322 00530323 00510041 00510008 04760181 04760182 04760180 04981001 04981002 Valueline IP40 Valueline IP40 Valueline IP40 Twin-Cal IP40 Twin-Cal IP40 Twin-Cal IP40 Twin-Cal IP67 Twin-Cal IP67 Twin-Cal IP67 Twin-Cal IP67 Vernier caliper, 0,02 mm Dial caliper, CCMA-M CCMA-M, 0,02 mm Cable Tesa TLC-USB Cable Tesa TLC-Digimatic Emitter/receiver TESA TLC-TWIN Software DATA-Direct + dongle Software STAT-Express + dongle Measuring range mm 150 200 300 150 200 300 150 150 200 300 150 150 Measuring range in 6 8 12 6 8 12 6 6 8 12 – – Thumb roller Depth Rod – With With With With With – With With With Round Square Square Ronde Square Square Round Round Square Square 3 shop k r o w the r o f s r l jaws, ialised Calipe a n r e t ws, ex r spec o ja ternal or designed f n i h t i W ipers l a c h t dep tions applica Bore depth measurement Measurement of thicknessaluminium block Centre to centre measurement using a caliper with external jaws Order number 00530423 00530433 00530443 00530448 00530473 00510509 00510506 00510521 00510522 00510541 00510542 00510133 00510134 00510143 00510144 Description Measuring range mm T win-Cal IP67, with rounded measuring jaws for internal dimensions 300 Twin-Cal IP67, with knife-edge jaws for external dimensions 300 Twin-Cal IP67, with short cut measuring faces 300 Twin-Cal IP67, with rotary stop plate 250 Twin-Cal IP67, horizontal scale 300 Caliper with rounded edge jaws for internal measurement 200 Caliper with rounded edge jaws for internal measurement 200 Caliper with rounded edge jaws for internal measurement 300 Caliper with rounded edge jaws for internal measurement 300 Caliper with rounded edge jaws for internal measurement 500 Caliper with rounded edge jaws for internal measurement 500 Caliper with flat measuring faces 150 Caliper with flat measuring faces 150 Depth caliper with flat measuring faces 250 Depth caliper with flat measuring faces 250 Measuring Upper range vernier in mm 12 12 12 10 12 0,02 0,05 0,02 0,05 0,02 0,05 0,02 0,05 0,02 0,05 4 5x 5x 1x WIN T C L T TESA eless ion r i w r o F nsmiss a r t a t da 1x Special launch offer, TLC-TWIN kit, Composed of : –– 5x TESA TLC-TWIN wireless station 04760180 –– 5x caliper TWIN-CAL IP67 150 mm 00530319 –– 1x Software Data-Direct 04981001 –– 1x Receiver TWIN Station 05030012 TLC-TWIN –– Bidirectional communication –– Range up to 12 m, depending on the surroundings –– Swiss Made TWIN-CAL IP 67 –– New generation of TESA calipers with built in IP67 protection –– TLC connector, connects the TLC-USB cable or TLC-TWIN wireless emitter/receiver –– Swiss Made Software Data-Direct –– Transfer of measuring data to any interface –– Compatible with the majority of TESA instruments or other brands equipped with RS 232 data output –– Can be customised (data with date and or hour), .csv file format TESA IP 67 Calipers equipped with a TLC-TWIN emitter/receiver Example of data transmission TLC-TWIN, TWIN STATION and DATA-Direct –– Bidirectional communication of TLC-TWIN for data collection using a computer, no need for a cable ! –– Confirmation of data reception « REC » on the instrument display, following each press of the send-button (function can be de/re-activated) –– Data-Direct acts as a keyboard emulator and sends data to any application ( for example: .xls.txt .doc) C/ON ABS/ 2.0 Receiver TWIN Station –– Up to 48 instruments equipped with TLC-TWIN can be received by the TWIN Station –– Connected to computer by USB port –– Optimum protection with an aluminium housing –– Swiss made Order number Description S05137036 Special launch offer, TLC-TWIN kit Note: the sale of the starter kit is limited to EU countries! 5 ries o s s e c All ac r with IP40 e l f a s C n a r N at WI For dat al IP 67 and T a ilt with able TWIN-C are bu c via a ipers 40 cal data either P I r o al IP67 nsfers WIN-C r, which tra T ble e h T –– atic ca ecto de. m n i n g i o c D LCTLC reless mo WIN i SB or T or in w fer by TLC-U ng the TLC-T on receiver. i i Stat trans r er : us transf nd the TWIN ata-Direct o –– Data a t a d a s D r s e h e l v t i i –– Wire mitter-rece data w ysis of l a trans n a and ware. ection ft –– Coll Express so Stat- TWIN-Cal with TLC-USB or TLC-Digimatic cable TWIN-CAL with TLC-TWIN wireless emitter-receiver Data-Direct Software Data-Direct software is an easy way to collect and report results in real time from the majority of the measuring instruments in the TESA range which have RS 232 data output. DataDirect is supplied not only with serial input/output drivers specially configured for TESA’s products, but also with drivers for products purchased from other manufacturers. It works effectively to provide data transfer for your data sheets, databases, statistical modules or any other Windows-based applications. With this user-friendly software you will be able to create your own inspection reports. Logiciel Stat-Express Stat-Express allows the download, capture, transfer and archiving of your measuring results. Stat-Express offers the ability to create reports including measured values obtained from a single instrument or several hand tools, to assign tolerances, calculate statistics, print out various measurement reports, build control charts in real time, and much more. Data-Direct is also included in the CD of Stat-Express software. Example of data transmission with TLC-TWIN, TWIN STATION and STAT-EXPRESS –– Stat-Express provides a customised measuring programme –– The bidirectional communication provided by TLC-TWIN allows the collection of data at a distance from the computer without the need for a cable. –– Confirmation of data reception « REC » appears on the instrument display, each time the send button is pressed (function can be de/re-activated in Stat-Express). –– Classification according to pre-set tolerances : «PASS» or «FAIL» appears on the instrument display each time the send button is pressed (function can be de/re-activated) in StatExpress TWIN-CAL caliper display during the transmission of of data Order number Description 04760180 TESA TLC-TWIN Emitter-receiver TESA TLC-USB cable TESA TLC-Digimatic cable Software DATA-Direct + Dongle Software STAT-Express + Dongle TWIN STATION Receiver 04760181 04760182 04981001 04981002 05030012 Note: the sale of the TLC-TWIN and TWIN Station is limited to EU coutries only! 6 ers t e m o r c 01 mm nier mi on isi c e r p igh H er 0,0 TESA v ion up to 0,01 or resolut With Measurement of a small series of parts using a TESAMASTER and stand Order number Description 00310001 00310002 00310003 00310004 00110101 00110102 00110103 00110104 00160201 072110123 Tesamaster Tesamaster Tesamaster Tesamaster ISOmaster isomaster isomaster isomaster Stand for TESA micrometer Stand for Etalon micrometer Measuring range mm 0 ÷ 25 25 ÷ 50 50 ÷ 75 75 ÷ 100 0 ÷ 25 25 ÷ 50 50 ÷ 75 75 ÷ 100 Maximum permissible error μm 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Maximim permissible parallelism error μm 1 1,5 1,5 1,5 7 ers t e m o r c rnal mi te in IMICRO ere t adh a h t s r romete e c i m y l The on BBE principl to the A B A C Order number Description 06130105 06130106 06130107 06130108 06130109 06130110 06130111 06130112 06130113 06130114 00840114 00840101 00840102 00840116 00840104 00840117 00840106 00840107 Digital IMICRO Capa Digital IMICRO Capa Digital IMICRO Capa Digital IMICRO Capa Digital IMICRO Capa Digital IMICRO Capa Digital IMICRO Capa Digital IMICRO Capa Digital IMICRO Capa Digital IMICRO Capa Setting ring Setting ring Setting ring Setting ring Setting ring Setting ring Setting ring Setting ring Measuring range mm 6÷8 8 ÷ 10 10 ÷ 12 11 ÷ 14 14 ÷ 17 17 ÷ 20 20 ÷ 25 25 ÷ 30 30 ÷ 35 35 ÷ 40 6 8 10 12,5 15 17,5 25 35 Measuring range in 0.2362 ÷ 0.3150 0.3150 ÷ 0.3970 0.3970 ÷ 0.4724 0.4330 ÷ 0.5512 0.5512 ÷ 0.6693 0.6693 ÷ 0.7874 0.7874 ÷ 0.9843 0.9843 ÷ 1.1811 1.1811 ÷ 1.3780 1.3780 ÷ 1.5748 Maximum permissible error μm 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Dimension C mm 79 79 79 93 93 93 91 91 91 91 8 355E ack! tors... b a c i s i d n C i d tors an COMPA para qualled m o c C COMPA pied, never e o often c 712 556 353 555 512K 367 Order number Description 353 355E 367 512K 555 556 712 Dial Gauge Ø 40, 0,01 mm Dial Gauge Ø 40, 0,002 mm Dial Gauge Ø 40, 0,001 mm Dial Gauge Ø 58, 0,01 mm Dial Gauge Ø 58, 0,002 mm Dial Gauge Ø 58, 0,001 mm Dial Gauge Ø 58, 0,01 mm Measuring range mm 5 3 1 10 5,3 5 30 213 Order number Description 212GL 213 215GL 222GL 232GL Standard indicator Standard indicator Standard indicator Perpendicular indicator Parallel indicator Travel per revolution mm 0,5 0,2 0,1 1 0,2 0,2 1 Circular scale 0 ÷ 25 ÷ 50 0 ÷ 10 ÷ 20 0 ÷ 5 ÷ 10 0 ÷ 50 ÷ 100 0 ÷ 10 ÷ 20 0 ÷ 10 ÷ 20 0 ÷ 50 ÷ 100 222GL 212GL Measuring range mm 3 1,5 1,2 3 3 Travel per revolution mm 1 0,5 0,2 1 1 Circular scale 0÷50÷100 0÷25÷ 50 0÷10÷ 20 0÷50÷100 0÷50÷100 Dial Ø mm 40 27 40 40 40 232GL 9 ICO IG TESA D f dial o e g n a lete r ive A comp for comparat le and p gauges ement of sim r measu x features comple DIGICO 205 MI DIGICO 410 MI DIGICO 505 MIE Order number Description 01930230 01930231 01930241 01930255 01930256 01930257 01930258 DIGICO 205 MI DIGICO 305 MI DIGICO 410 MI DIGICO 505 MIE DIGICO 605 MI DIGICO 610 MI DIGICO 705 MI ial D T S A TESAT icators test ind gnetic nt a m o t itive d moveme s n e s n I ewelle ery low j s d l fie ies - v b u r 7 h wit ing force r measu Measuring range mm 12,5 12,5 25 12,5 12,5 25 12,5 Measuring range in 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 DIGICO 605 MI Resolution mm 0,01 0,001 0,01 0,001 0,001 0,001 0,001 Maximum permissible error μm 20 8 20 4 4 5 4 SWISSTAST TESATAST * Delivered without indicator Order number 01810006 01811000 01811001 01810009 01810010 01639054 01639053 01639007 01639035 Description Measuring range mm Dial indicator TESATAST 0,8 Dial indicator SWISSTAST 0,8 Dial indicator SWISSTAST 0,2 Dial indicator TESATAST 0,2 Dial indicator TESATAST 0,2 Case with 01639023 support and TESATAST S18001695 Magnetic support with fine adjustment Magnetic support UJ 15 Support column Ø20/H: 200 mm Resolution Insert mm 0,01 0,01 0,002 0,002 0,002 mm 12,53 12,53 12,53 12,53 12,53 Circular scale 0 ÷ 0,4 ÷ 0 0 ÷ 0,4 ÷ 0 0 ÷ 100 ÷ 0 0 ÷ 100 ÷ 0 0 ÷ 100 ÷ 0 100 x 150 x 40 Dial Ø mm 38 28 38 28 38 10 es g u a g t igh due e p h o h A s k S or y TE ccurac r your w a ence fo f operation, r e f e r The ickness o u to its q satility r and ve #1 e Wid d l r o W TESA-Hite 400 TESA-Hite 400 magna TESA-Hite magna 400/700 with unique IP65 protection against dust and liquids, specially adapted for the difficult environments in a workshop. TESA-Hite 400/700 with opto-electronic measuring system, aerostatic tracks and integrated operator panel. The «must have» of height gauges for its simplicity, quickness and accuracy. TESA-Hite plus M 400/700 with motorised movement and advanced measuring functions. Each TESA-Hite is delivered with a measurement certificate SCS (Swiss Calibration Service). TESA-Hite plus M SWISS MADE Order number Description 00730043 00730044 00730057 00730058 00730047 00730059 TESA HITE 400 TESA HITE 700 TESA HITE PLUS M 400 + Printer TESA HITE PLUS M 700 + Printer TESA HITE 400 MAGNA TESA HITE 700 MAGNA Measuring range mm 415 715 405 705 415 715 Maximum permissible error μm 2,5+4L µm (L in m) 2,5+4L µm (L in m) 2,5+3L µm (L in m) 2,5+3L µm (L in m) <8 <8 ges u d a n g a e l t i Manuased Micro-H tility combine ide motori tness and versa W d l r obus # 1 Wo When r uracy 11 c with ac Height Gauges Micro-Hite are the most reliable and robust instruments for the workshop. Their internal construction guarantees perfect measurement accuracy, even at higher temperatures. Micro-Hite 350/600/900 with motorised movement of the touch probe. Each Micro-Hite is delivered with a certificate of measurement SCS (Swiss calibration service). Easy and quick to use for measurements between axes. Versatile in the measurement of different bore-diameters and depths. SWISS MADE * Price with panel Order number Description 00730033 00730034 00730035 00760163 00730063 00730064 00730065 00760221 Set MICRO-HITE 350 Set MICRO-HITE 600 Set MICRO-HITE 900 Panel POWER PANEL Set MICRO-HITE Plus M 350 Set MICRO-HITE Plus M 600 Set MICRO-HITE Plus M 900 POWER PANEL Plus M without printer Maximum permissible error μm 2+3L µm (L in m) 2+3L µm (L in m) 2+3L µm (L in m) 1,9+1,5L µm (L in m) 1,9+1,5L µm (L in m) 1,9+1,5L µm (L in m) 0 A YW Y for t i k y r cesso c a l l a Sm gauges ooling t t h e l g i b e a h uit most s inspection d n a l a enti nent The esshined compo c for ma Accessory package for your TESA height gauge. This accessory kit is suitable for most characteristics requiring measurement in an industrial environment, such as small diameters, grooves, shafts or clearances. Delivered in a compact suitcase, easily transportable and transferable. Order number Description 00760232 Small Set of accessories 0 0 YG 0 0 X 6x 0 XG XW ø ... A 12 ds, URF ng goo S i O m o G c U n SA R nspection of i E T e g shop, i ss gau e r Roughn pection in the wo k e ins Surfac laboratory e or in th RUGOSURF 20 – Portable surface roughness tester designed for the production workshop –– Measuring range of 400 μm in the Z axis –– Sturdy metal base –– IP 67 membrane keypad –– 15 most commonly used roughness parameters –– 2'' LCD display, parameters and roughness profile displayed after each measurement –– Easy to use RUGOSURF 20 RUGOSURF 10G - Portable Roughness gauge –– range 400 microns in Z –– 3 horizontal measuring positions to -90 °, 0 °, 90 ° –– Measurement of the roughness parameter of the primary profile in addition to the roughness parameter –– 31 roughness parameters in total –– TFT colour graphic display 2'' for easy reading –– Display of parameters and roughness profiles R and P after each measurement –– IP 67 Membrane keypad RUGOSURF 10G RUGOSURF 90G - Compact, versatile and powerful roughness gauge –– 1000 μm span in the Z axis –– Measuring range of 50 mm in the X axis –– W ripple profiles, P primary profile and R roughness profile measuring –– 3.5'' colour touch screen for ease of use –– 3-position horizontal measurement at -90 °, 0 °, 90 ° –– 49 roughness parameters –– Special features of the RUGOSURF 90G : Supplied with SB 10/60 probe with removable skid: one single probe can be used to measure roughness or undulation –– RUGOSURF 90G can measure components with a height of up to 90mm, thanks to a vertical positioning bracket without the need for any additional accessory –– With the Profile Set 2mm (06960100) the RUGOSURF 90G becomes a profile measurement instrument with a width of 2000 μm measuring in the Z axis (optional) Order number 06930012 06930011 06930013 04760099 06960062 RUGOSURF 90G Special probe for measure with or without skid Description TESA RUGOSURF 90G TESA RUGOSURF 10G TESA RUGOSURF 20 Connection cable for RUGOSURF 20 to computer Connection cable for RUGOSURF 10G and RUGOSURF 90G to computer 13 surface URF S O G U for R s e i r o Accessess testers asuree m s s oughne et : r roughn e h t t S oi expl mm Profile F 90G : e r a w Soft rom the 2 GOSUR U R f h t i s ment e profiles w r measu Rugosoft RUGOSOFT Software –– Software for RUGOSURF 20 and RUGOSURF 10G. –– Enables the user to import stored measurement values from the device to the computer for management in a database. –– Optimal and detailed visualization of the results: parameters, profiles (P primary profile and R roughness) or a combination of both. Calculation of statistics from a set of measurements. –– Programme creation in the software, which can then be loaded onto the device. –– Customizable measurement report. Software MEASUREMENT STUDIO –– For RUGOSURF 90G. –– Enables the import of stored measurement data from the device onto the computer, for management in a database. –– Optimal and detailed visualization of the results: parameters, profiles (W undulation, P primary profile and R roughness) or a combination of both. –– Calculation of roughness parameters. Calculation of statistics from a set of measurements. –– Programme creation in the software, which can then be loaded onto the device. –– Customizable measurement report. Software PROFILE STUDIO (delivered with 2 mm Profile Set) –– For profile measurement using the RUGOSURF 90G. –– Allows micro and macro geometric identification of a surface. –– Measurement programme creation that can be saved for the same measurements on a batch of identical parts from the same set or for subsequent batch measurements. –– Measurement control and calibration controlled from the PC. –– Import and export of parameter settings from and to the device. –– Storage of measurement results and of the measured parameters as well as the database. –– Database search with filters (date, operator, batch ...). –– Detailed visualization of the measured profile and geometric construction tools (arc, line, point, intersection, angle ...). –– Measurements reports with customizable header. Measurement Studio Profil Studio with 2 mm Profile Set and RUGOSURF 90G 2 mm Profile Set and RUGOSURF 90G 100 mm extension Order number 06960066 06960034 06960048 06960100 06960041 06960064 06960056 Description Roughness standard Ra=1.0 μm (40 μin) Software RUGOSOFT + dongle Software Measurement Studio + dongle PROFILE SET 2 mm Roughness standard Ra=2.97 μm (117 μin) Roughness standard Ra=0.1 μm (4 μin) 100 mm extension for skid probe sions r e v 3 ble in 14 ila es b o r p e ctiv ava s r e l l e e bests : Th , GT 22 B S U 1 2, GT 2 2 HP Indu 2 T G , 1 GT 2 21 HP, GT 2 : d r a d Stan curacy : GT High ac you When be sure o need t GT21 USB Application example using inductive probes TESA inductive axial probes : excellent repeatability, durability and longevity –– The measuring bolt is mounted on ball bearings, and is virtually insensitive to radial forces. protected against the penetration of solid and liquid contaminants by rubber sealing bellows. –– Probe inserts can be replaced or interchanged. A large choice of models with for different geometries, forms and sizes is available. GTL21 USB –– Adaptable force by changing the key (GT-21 and GT-22) –– The USB probe allows direct connection to a computer through a USB port. –– This type of probe does not need the use of an electronic interface (BPX box) or a display unit (TESATRONIC) Interface palpeur USB Order number Description 03230200 03230201 03210904 03210924 03230036 03230021 03260500 GTL21 USB Probe, Measuring Force=0,63N GTL22 USB Probe, Measuring Force=0,63N GT21 Axial Probe, Measuring Force=0,63N GT22 Axial Probe, Measuring Force=0,63N GT21 High accuracy probe, Measuring Force=0,63N GT22 High accuracy probe, Measuring Force=0,63N USB Probe interface S-73.75 Measuring range mm ±2 ±2 ±1 ±1 ± 0,2 ± 0,2 ±2 Maximum permissible linearity errors µm 0,4 + 0,8· L (MPE) 0,4 + 0,8· L (MPE) 0,2 + 3 · L 3 0,2 + 3 · L 3 0,07 + 0,4 · L 0,07 + 0,4 · L TT20 its n u y a l sp and C TT di digital ONI ined robes R b T m A o c S , p ts TE ductive lay uni t disp , for 1 or 2 in n e g i l l Inte e display u analog Repeatability limit μm 0,1 0,1 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,01 TT60 y curac c a n e Wh tional p o t o is n TT80 TESATRONIC display units allow the value of single inductive probes to be read as well as combinations of 2 probes. They manage and synchronise the inductive probes and transmit the data to a computer or a machine tool. TT90 –– 2 probe inputs for single, sum or difference measurements. –– Large LCD display panel, easy to read, reducing errors. –– Choice of analogue or bar display. –– Metric or inch conversion. –– Ability to set permissible limit values. –– RS 232 Interface opto-coupled, bidirectional Mains power supply adapter. Order number Description Number of probe inputs 04430009 04430010 04430011 04430012 TESATRONIC TT20 TESATRONIC TT60 TESATRONIC TT80 TESATRONIC TT90 2 2 2 2 Application example using inductive probes TER rument S A M I t N s TESA Uaordinary insernal dimension An extr internal and ext 15 ge For lar UNIMASTER as used in the aeronuatical engineering sector: SR Technics in Zurich, who operate in the field of jet engine maintenance, carry out the inspection, maintenance and repair of jet engines and use UNIMASTER instruments. It is delicate work that requires the highest levels of accuracy. Before measurement, the instrument is adjusted to the size of the component to be measured, using the extensions in the set. These extensions allow the the total measuring range of the instrument to be changed from 250 to 2500 mm. The measuring element includes a fixed stop and a mobile measuring bolt. The displacements of the mobile bolt, moving on ball bearings are transmitted to an integral dial test indicator thus guaranteeing a constant measuring force. Furthermore, it is possible to reverse the measuring force of the bolt to allow both internal and external measurement: another feature that makes the UNIMASTER particularly flexible. The robustness and durability of the UNIMASTER are equally greatly appreciated: "We have 11 UNIMASTER sets, one of which is over forty years old" says Andreas Schlagenhauf, Calibration Specialist at SR Technics. "This confims the great quality and reliability of TESA instruments." You can find the entire case study on our website We would like to thank SR Technics for their friendly cooperation Order number Description 01110000 Unimaster Metric full set Application using UNIMASTER External measurement Application range mm Internal dimensions 250 ÷ 1475 Application range mm External dimensions 225 ÷ 1450 rms o f r e p , ator t r a p m e co asuremen g u a g e e or IRA 2 bthree-point m blind bores two or through bores0, mm king 10 up to 15 c e h c r Fo s from e v o o r or g ~ 65 20 20 15 10 5 0 SWITZERLAND 0 INTERAPID 3.5 M 2.3 10 - 150 mm 15 10 Z (2:1) 5 2.5 max. Z –– Large measuring range of 10 to 150 mm. Ease of use thanks to the low weight and ergonomic shape. –– Resolution of 0,01 mm on the integrated comparator and fine adjustment setting. –– Centring device for 2 point measurement. Order number Description 079105704 INTERAPID IRA 2 Internal measurement m o .c p u o r g a s e .t w w w y c a r u c c a h s g s i e H r d d a w e n has a for ished abase w r e v e at ou Have y ete product d ology needs ? l r a compg all your met u. o coverinreated it for y We’ve c Today we proudly present our new web portal for the TESA Group. You’ll find the latest information about us, our new products and access to our product data base. The new face of tesa group We invite you to discover this new universe for yourself ! * TESA Group: TESA SA Renens and its affiliates, TPTS (TESA Precision Technology Suzhou), JMTC, CEJ Sweden All rights reserved – 10012.079.1311 – Version 22 TESA SA Switzerland Bugnon 38 CH-1020 Renens Vente Suisse Tél. +41 (0)21 633 16 00 Fax +41 (0)21 633 17 57 [email protected] TESA FRANCE SAS 4 rue Antoine Lavoisier Pôle Lavoisier – Bâtiment A F-54300 Moncel-lès-Lunéville Tél. +33 (0)3 83 76 83 76 Fax +33 (0)3 83 74 13 16 [email protected] TESA Technology Deutschland GmbH Netzestraße 32 D-71638 Ludwigsburg Tel. +49 (0)7141 8747 0 Fax +49 (0)7141 8747 88 [email protected] TESA Technology UK Ltd. Metrology House Halesfield 13 Telford, Shrops. TF7 4PL Tel. +44 1952 681 349 Fax +44 1952 681 391 [email protected] TESA Technology ITALIA s.r.l. Via Bizzozzero, 118 IT-20032 Cormano (MI) Tel. +39 02 663 053 69 Fax +39 02 663 090 82 [email protected] SWISS MADE TESA Technology Ibérica Av. de Vizcaya s/n Apart. 202 ES-48260 Ermua Tel. +34 943 170 340 Fax +34 943 172 092 [email protected] TESA Benelux Van Elderenlaan 1 NL-5581 WJ Waalre Tel. +31 (0)40 222 06 08 Fax +31 (0)40 222 17 16 [email protected] TESA SA – Bugnon 38 – CH-1020 Renens – Switzerland – Tel. +41(0)21 633 16 00 – Fax +41(0)21 635 75 35 – – [email protected]
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