Martin Luther King Elementary
Martin Luther King Elementary
Martin L. King Elementary Summer Reading List Need sugges~ocs for beach reading or books to read9 Here are some favorite new titles, all published within the last year, that are ideal for the season. Picture Books (Fiction and Nonfiction) Suggested aade ee listed with each entry Alfie Runs Awaywriten by Kenneth M. Cadow, illustrated by L.auren Castillo (FarrarlFoster) When his momer ~ to give away his favorite shoes just because they’re too small Alfie decides he’s had enough. GraDe le’w& DX. 40 pages. My Side of tim Carcitten by Kate Feiffer, Illustrated by Jules Feiffer (candlewick) It might be raining x Dad’s side of the car, but imaginative Sadie argues that it is not raining on her side so their trip to the zoo d~-’ -e~ to be postponed. Grade level: K—s. sz pages. One Big Ram PL~IO for Rainy Days compiled by Rita Gray, illustrated by Ryan O’Rourke (Charlesbridge) Illustrated wui ar apopriate palette of grays, blues, and olive greens, this invitingly small anthology of twenty poems quietly L.~J.dLe5 rain. Grade level: K—S. 32 pages. Ballet for a~1t2 Making Appalachian Spring written by Jan Greenberg and Sandra Jordan, Illustrated by Brian Floca (Rc2ring BrooklFlash PointiPorter) Using spare, ~ sentences, the authors echo Graham’s approach to dance: nothing’s wasted, and in such exactness lies beauty. Floca’s fluid, energetic illustrations also reflect the plain boldness of Graham’s choreography. Grade level: K—S 48 pages. Three by these written and illustrated by Mini Grey (Knopf) A cat, mouse. and doa coexist harmoniously in their beach hut until a manipulative fox plants seeds of discontent. Grade level: K—3. 32 pages. The Day Ray GotA~y written by Angela Johnson, Illustrated by Luke LaMarca (Simon) This hard-boiled srczv of a parade balloon who makes a break for freedom lies somewhere between picture book noir and mock crime r Grade level: K—3. 40 pages. Red Wagon written and illustrated by Renata Liwska (Philomel) When Lucy and friends take her wagon to the market, it’s no ordinary errand: the pals imagine sailing on the high seas and cr~ing the great frontier, among other adventures. Grade level: PK. 32 pages. Pocketful of Posies written and illustrated by Salley Mayor (Houghton) Sixty-four nursery rhymes appear in an intricate tapestry of wool, felt, embroidery, beads, and every kind of needlework. Graje level: PK. 64 pages. Popi: The Invention of Bubble Gum written and illustrated by Meghan Mccarthy (SlmonIWiseman) This light-as-air biography presents Walter Diemer as a likable hero who introduced bubble gum to the American public in 1928 Trivia about bubble gum continues the fun Grade level K—S. 40 pages. Celebritrees: l-atoric and Famous Trees of the Worldwritten by Margi Preus, illustrated by Rebecca Gibbon (Holt/Ottaviano This picture ba~ gallery of impressive trees offers nformation on what makes each specimen (including world record holders, oddities and cultural icons) unique. Grade level: K—3. 40 pages Big Belching Bog written by Phyllis Root, illustrated by Betsy Boweq (Univ. of Minnesota) Root’s prose conveys the mellow characteristics and funkiness of a northern Minnesota bog, while Bowen’s stylized woodcut illustrations capture the murky but nonetheless teeming-with ife place. Grade level: K—S. 40 pages Where’s Walrus? written and illustrated by Stephen Savage (Scholastic) A walrus heads out the zoo gates with the zookeeper in pursuit, but Walrus hides easily in plain sight over and over again. Grade level: K—3. 32 pages. Madlenka S~er Star written and illustrated by Peter Sis (Farrar/Foster) Madlenka cha!~eges a dog, parking meter, and trashcan to play soccer before meeting up for a game with a friend, and by exterzscr children around the world. Grade level: K—3. 40 pages. A Sick Day krAsnos McGee written by Philip C. Stead, illustrated by Erin E. Stead (Roaring BrooklPorter) This Caldec~ wwrler follows zookeeper Amos ‘s daily routine with his charges. When Amos stays home sick, his animal friencs ‘ave the right medicine: a visit to their pal. Grade level: PK. 32 pages. Knuftie Bunny ree An Unexpected Diversion written and illustrated by Mo Willems (HarperCollinsl5alzer + Bray) Thxie’s fami ‘e grandparents in the Netherlands; once there, she realizes someone never got off the plane. Trixie finds ~ ±eaming of Knuffle Bunny’s new life. Grade level: PK. 48 pages. —~ Air Show! wr.Uj by Treat Williams, illustrated by Robert Neubecker (Hyperion) Stunning spr~~ ~t Elire flying to an air show in her dad’s plane At the show, Ellie rides in a stunt plane—with a pilot named Amelia c course. Grade level: K—3. 40 pages. Early Re~d.-rs and Younger Fiction Suggested ~ es~ listed with each entry Sink & Golflewdtte.. by Kate DiCamillo and Alison McGhee, illustrated by Tony Fucile (Candlewick) Three short = ~rtwo friends who live in a duplex-style treehouse. petite, excitable Bink and lanky unflappable Gollie. The ~ ~z~e weathers ups and downs in their friendship. Grade level: 1—3. 82 pages. Just Grace and the Terrible Tutu written and illustrated by Charise Mericle Harper (Houghton) A babysitting j~ seems like a perfect opportunity for Grace’s best friend Mimi to practice being a big sister—until their charge s-u~ Mimi for Grace Grade level 1—3. 170 pages. Dizzy Dinosaurs: SiliyDino Poems Cl Can Readj written by Lee Bennett Hopkins, illustrated by Barry Gott (HarpercolllnslHarpa’). Nineteen diri~aurpzans (humorously featuring dinos set amidst modem life) plus a pronunciation guide to dinosaur names make up this ~sy reader collection. Grade level: K—3. 48 pages. Ling & Ting: Not Exactly the Same! written and illustrated by Grace Lin (Little) Six chapters tell brief, humorous stories about twin sisters. Despite identical outfits, readers will recognize the girls by their unique personalities (and Ting’s uneven bangs). Grade level: K-.3. 44 pages. Lulu and the Brontosaurus written by Judith Viorst, illustrated by Lane Smith (Atheneum) Spoiled Lulu seeks a pet brontosaurus; she finds one who, to her shock, wants to make Lulu his pet. Lulu learns compassion and manners while fleeing the dinosaur. Grade level: 1—3. 115 pages. Time to S!e~. Sheep the Sheep! written and illustrated by Mo Willems (HarperCollins/Balzer + Bray) Cat the Cat lets her animal friends know bedtime is nigh and helps each prepare for bed, but she’s stumped when she happens upon Owl the Owl. Grade level: K 3. 32 pages. Martin L. King Elementary Summer Reading List Need sugge~s for beach reading or books to read? Here are some favorite new titles, all published within the last year, that are seal for the season. Intermediate (Fiction and Nonfiction) Suggested grade level for each entry: 4—6 Keeperwri~.n oy Kathi Appelt, illustrated by August Hall (Atheneum) Ten-year-olc <e~s- ‘borrows’ a boat to search for her (possibly) mermaid mama. 409 pages. Sky Sailors: True Stories of the Balloon Era written by David L. Bristow (Farrar) Nine anecdc~s strange dangerous and exciting adventures of the pre-airplane balloon era. 136 pages. ‘~ I Dreamed &Ryfrig ilke a Bird: My Adventures Photographing Wild Animals from a Helicopter written by Robert B. Han photographs by the author (National) Along with ~ h~lng sampling of his photographs, National Geographic aerial photographer Haas describes the unique pei — — -ne r iature to which his job makes him privy. 64 pages. Turtle in ~ written by Jennifer L. HoIm (Random) In 1935, nartzrurt~e is sent to live in Key West. With her stoic nature and quick wits, she’s able to fit in with her boy cousins. ~ges. ‘~ Small as an ~hant written by Jennifer Richard Jacobson (Candlewick) When Jack’s not-quite-right mother disappears during their camping trip, he embarks on a series of desperate misadventures -~ct realizing that the whole state is searching for him. 277 pages. Here There Be Monsters: The Legendary Kraken and the Giant Squidwritten by HP Newquist (Houghton) Text augmerted by illustrations and photos segues smoothly between the giant squid’s history as “sea monster and the current study c’these mysterious creatures. 73 pages The Fantastic Sean of Owen Jester written by Barbara O’Connor (FarrarlFoster) Owen finds the best ~1vage ever: a submarine built for two To figure out how to retrieve and navigate the sub, Owen needs he’p ~‘r’ his irritating neighbor Viola 168 pages The Red Pyramid[Kane Chronicles] written by Rick Riordan (Hyperion) Carter and Sadie’s father, a magician, disappears after accidentally summoning gods into the mortal world While fleeing assassins, the sibrngs discover their own powers 516 pages. What Happened on Fox Street written by Tricia Springstubb (HarperColllnslBalzer + Bray) After intercepting a letter that may mean an end to her beloved neighborhood, Mo clings to Fox Street, finding memories of her mother and searching for the fox she swears is calling to her. 216 pages. The Romeo and Juliet Code written by Phoebe Stone (ScholasticlLevine) Londoner Fehcity is deposited with relatives in coastal Maine to escape the Blitz. Where her parents have gone—and why—are just two of the family’s many secrets Felicity investigates. 300 pages. Project Seahorse [Scientists in the Field] written by Pamela S. Turner, photographed by Scott Tuason (Houghton) A conservatior up fights to preserve seahorses, coastal reefs, and a community’s fishing-based livelihood. Facts about seahorses and ...riderwater photos are interspersed. 57 pages. Young Frodle written by Cynthia Voigt, illustrated by Louise Yates (Knopf) House mouse Fredle finds himself banished to the great outdoors, He longs for home, but it takes an extended mouse odyssey before he returns there. 229 pages.