Rolling Greens Master_Plan_App_031011
Rolling Greens Master_Plan_App_031011
SITE NARRATIVE THE PRESERVE AT ROLLING GREENS MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A.P. 110 LOTS 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 LOT 5 Introduction and Background Information The following is a list of the properties included in the proposed development. PARCEL ZONING DISTRICT ADDRESS AP 110 LOT 2 AP 110 LOT 3 AP 110 LOT 4 AP 110 LOT 5 AP 110 LOT 6 AP 110 LOT 7 AP 110 LOT 9 AP 110 LOT 10 AP 110 LOT 11 AP 126 LOT 5 RR – RURAL RES. GB – GEN. BUS. RR-RURAL RES. RR-RURAL RES. RR-RURAL RES. VR-VILLAGE RES. RR-RURAL RES. RR-RURAL RES. NR-NEIGHBOR. RES. RR-RURAL RES. 1755 TEN ROD ROAD 1717 TEN ROD ROAD 1675 TEN ROD ROAD 1651 TEN ROD ROAD OFF TEN ROD ROAD 1585 TEN ROD ROAD TEN ROD ROAD TEN ROD ROAD 1625 TEN ROD ROAD OFF TEN ROD ROAD TOTAL APPROXIMATE AREA (AC.) 0.65 1.2 0.6 1.9 0.7 4.6 0.4 0.2 97.1 24.5 131.85 AP 110 LOT 2 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING – 1755 TEN ROD ROAD This property is occupied by a 1506± SF single family dwelling. The 0.65 acre lot has a circular gravel drive and a typical residential yard containing lawn and landscaped areas. It is buffered from both Ten Rod Road and the surrounding properties with many mature trees. The property is bounded to the south by Ten Rod Road, to the west by a gravel road known as Mancini Place, to the east by a very small vacant parcel and to the north by the Rolling Greens Golf Course property. The three bedroom dwelling on the property is serviced by public water and an OWTS AP 110 LOT 3 OATLEY’S RESTAURANT - 1717 TEN ROD ROAD This property is occupied by Oatley’s restaurant and store. There is a 4157± SF commercial structure on the property. The structure, constructed in 1965, is surrounded on three sides by paved vehicle access and parking areas. There are grassed areas adjacent to the structure to the north and south and a small wooded area in the northeasterly corner of the property. The remainder of the property is occupied by the structure and paved areas. SITE NARRATIVE “THE PRESERVE AT ROLLING GREENS” MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A.P. 110 LOTS 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 LOT 5 Page 2 This parcel is bounded to the south by Ten Rod Road and to the north, east and west by wooded areas of the Rolling Greens Golf Course property (AP 110 Lot 11). The exit to the property is located directly opposite the traffic signal at the intersection of Ten Rod Road (RI Rte. 102) and South County Trail (RI Rte. 2). The site is serviced by public water and an onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) AP 110 LOT 4 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING – 1675 TEN ROD ROAD This property is occupied by a 1047± SF single family dwelling, a 400± SF garage and a small shed. The 0.62 acre lot has a circular gravel drive and a typical residential yard containing lawn and landscaped areas. It is nicely buffered from both Ten Rod Road and the surrounding properties with many mature trees. The property is bounded to the south by Ten Rod Road, to the west by a vacant residential property, to the east by a parcel containing a single family dwelling and to the north by the Rolling Greens Golf Course. The two bedroom dwelling on the property is serviced by public water and an OWTS AP 110 LOT 5 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING – 1651 TEN ROD ROAD This property is occupied by a 2302± SF single family dwelling and a 425± SF shed. The 1.92 acre lot has a long curved driveway entering the property in the southeasterly corner. The drive bends to the north and east toward a side entry garage attached to a 3 bedroom dwelling located in the northeasterly quadrant of the property. A well manicured lawn encompasses the immediate area around the dwelling. There is a cleared parking area between the dwelling and the shed which is located in the northwesterly corner of the property. The remainder of the property is predominantly wooded providing a substantial buffer to the abutting properties. The property is bounded to the south by Ten Rod Road, to the west by a single family residential property and to the east and north by the Rolling Greens Golf Course. The three bedroom dwelling on the property is serviced by public water and an OWTS AP 110 LOT 6 VACANT LAND – OFF TEN ROD ROAD This is a landlocked parcel containing 0.7± acres located in the southwesterly portion of the Rolling Greens Golf Course property. Access to the parcel is from a gravel driveway known as “Mancini Place” that runs along westerly boundary of the Rolling Greens property. The SITE NARRATIVE “THE PRESERVE AT ROLLING GREENS” MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A.P. 110 LOTS 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 LOT 5 Page 3 parcel is vacant and predominantly wooded. The property is bordered on all sides by the Rolling Greens Golf Course property. AP 110 LOT 7 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DWELLING – 1585 TEN ROD ROAD The property at 1585 Ten Rod Road is occupied by a two bedroom single family residence. There are several outbuildings on the property including a garage, barn and shed. The improvements are located central to the property. There is a gravel access driveway from Ten Rod Road to the dwelling/garage. The property contains a lawn and landscaped areas typical of a residential property. There is also an area in the northeasterly portion of the property where the grass has been allowed to grow giving the appearance of a meadow. AP 110 LOT 9 VACANT LAND – OFF TEN ROD ROAD This parcel contains 0.4± acres and is located along Ten Rod Road in the southeasterly quadrant of the Rolling greens Golf Course. The parcel is currently vacant and entirely wooded. The property is bordered to the south by Ten Rod Road, to the east by a single family residential property and to the north and west by the Rolling Greens Golf course property. AP 110 LOT 10 VACANT LAND – OFF TEN ROD ROAD This small parcel contains 0.2± acres and is located along Ten Rod Road in the vicinity of the southeasterly corner of the Rolling Greens Golf Course. The parcel is currently vacant and entirely wooded. The property is bordered to the south by Ten Rod Road, to the west by a single family residential property and to the north and east by the Rolling Greens Golf Course property. AP 110 LOT 11 ROLLING GREENS GOLF COURSE – 1625 TEN ROD ROAD Currently Rolling Greens Golf Course, a nine-hole public golf club, occupies the property at 1625 Ten Rod Road. This golf course property contains two structures, an 1120± SF clubhouse and a 1008± SF maintenance garage. The clubhouse is located 300± north of Ten Rod Road near the center of the southerly boundary of the site and adjacent to the northwesterly corner of a large gravel parking area for the course patrons. The gravel parking area is centrally located along the southerly property boundary adjacent to Ten Rod Road. The clubhouse contains a small kitchen/ bar and a seating area for patrons. Greens fees are paid for in the clubhouse and food and beverages are sold primarily to golf course SITE NARRATIVE “THE PRESERVE AT ROLLING GREENS” MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A.P. 110 LOTS 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 LOT 5 Page 4 patrons. The maintenance garage is located 200± feet from the clubhouse to the west. The primary function of the maintenance garage is to store and service the maintenance equipment needed to care for the golf course. The golf course comprises the majority of the easterly portion of the property. The westerly portion of the property is largely wooded however there is a small cleared area that appears to have been used for gravel extraction in the past. There are also several gravel access trails throughout the property. A stream and associated wetland area are located along the sites northeasterly property line. The property is bordered to the northeast by Narragansett Bow Hunters property, to the east by a gravel access road to the Bow Hunters property, to the south by Ten Road, to the west by a gravel access driveway to residential property northwest of the subject property and to the northwest by the Rosewood Estates dedicated open space parcel. The Town of Exeter boundary line is a short distance west of the subject parcel. AP 126 LOT 5 VACANT LAND – OFF TEN ROD ROAD This is a landlocked parcel containing 24.5± acres located in the north of the Rolling Greens Golf Course property. Access to the property is from a gravel driveway known as “Mancini Place” that runs along westerly boundary of the Rolling Greens property. The parcel is currently vacant. There is a small pond and associated wetlands located in the northerly portion of the property and cleared pasture and/or orchard areas along the westerly property line. The remainder of the property is predominantly wooded. The property is bordered to the south by the Rolling Greens Golf Course, to the east and north by open space area of a residential subdivision (Rosewood Estates) and to the west by a residential property located in the Town of Exeter.. SITE NARRATIVE “THE PRESERVE AT ROLLING GREENS” MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A.P. 110 LOTS 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 LOT 5 Page 5 ZONING ORDINANCE Article IV Dimensional Regulations – Table 2A Neighborhood Residential District – NR/R40 Area Required – 40,000 SF Lot Frontage – 180 Feet Lot Depth – 200 Feet Rural Residential District – RR/R80 Area Required – 80,000 SF Lot Frontage – 200 Feet Lot Depth – 250 Feet Village Residential District – VR/R20 Area Required – 20,000 SF Lot Frontage – 140 Feet Lot Depth – 140 Feet General Business District – GB Area Required – 20,000 SF Lot Frontage – 200 Feet Lot Coverage – 90% max. The subject properties are not located within a Natural Heritage Area or the Narrow River Special Area Management Plan Area. The site is located within a Zone 2 Groundwater Protection Area. The site is also designated on the Town of North Kingstown Comprehensive Plan as a Scenic Area. The Comprehensive Plan future land use designations for the property project the easterly two thirds of the property as Medium Density Residential. The majority of the westerly onethird of the property is designated for Low Density Residential Use. A small area in the southwesterly portion of the property adjacent to Ten Rod Road at the intersection of South County Trail (Route 2) is projected for commercial use. These designations are defined in the Comprehensive Plan as follows: SITE NARRATIVE “THE PRESERVE AT ROLLING GREENS” MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A.P. 110 LOTS 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 LOT 5 Page 6 Low Density Residential (LDR) – Low density residential uses permit one dwelling per every 80,000 – 120,000 SF of lot area, or 2 to 3 acres. This range of density is also used for environmentally sensitive areas and areas served by onsite wastewater treatment systems for wastewater disposal. Medium Density Residential (MDR) – Medium density residential uses permit one dwelling per every 40,000 – 80,000 SF of lot area, or 1 to 2 acres. These areas generally include residential subdivisions approved since the 1950s. The designation is predominate in the northerly section of Town Commercial (C) – The commercial designation is intended for intensive commercial activities relating to the daily needs of North Kingstown residents. Typical commercial areas include supermarkets, drugstores, restaurants and other convenience goods. Retail developments, including shopping centers, restaurants and the like that serve the needs of North Kingstown residents. Commercial developments along Post Road and Ten Rod Road are examples of this land use designation. The majority of the property is located within the Annaquatucket River Basin watershed. A small area in the southeasterly corner of the property is located within the Queen’s River Sub-Basin watershed. The subject properties are currently serviced by the Town of North Kingstown public water system. Based on the USDA Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey of Rhode Island, the subject property consists of the following soil types: BhA BhB BmA BmB BnB EfA EfB HkC HnC Rc Rf UD Bidgehampton silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes Bidgehampton silt loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes Bidgehampton silt loam, till substratum, 0 to 3 percent slopes Bidgehampton silt loam, till substratum, 3 to 8 percent slopes Bidgehampton-Charlton complex, very stony, 0 to 8 percent slopes Enfield silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes Enfield silt loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes Hinckley gravelly sandy loam, rolling Hinckley-Enfield complex, rolling Raypol silt loam Ridgebury, Whitman, and Leicester extremely stony fine sandy loams Udorthents-Urban land complex SITE NARRATIVE “THE PRESERVE AT ROLLING GREENS” MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A.P. 110 LOTS 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 LOT 5 Page 7 Overlay Districts Sec. 21-183 Very Severe Limitations District A small area in the northerly portion of the subject property contains Ridgebury, Whitman, and Leicester extremely stony fine sandy loam (Rf) soil types. The area is associated with the wetland complex in these areas of the property. The Town of North Kingstown includes this soil type within its Very Severe Limitations overlay district. The soils typically display very high water tables, peat and muck, tidal marsh or a flood hazard. Permitted uses within this district included any use permitted by the underlying zoning classification that do not require a basement or subsoil sewage disposal system. Given the location of the area is within Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management jurisdictional wetlands, no improvements will be proposed within this overlay district. Sec. 21-186 Groundwater Recharge and Wellhead Protection Overlay District As mentioned, the site is located within a Zone 2 Groundwater Protection Area. The Town of North Kingstown Zoning Ordinance describes this area as follows: Zone 2 groundwater protection areas. The zone 2 groundwater protection area includes those critical portions of the recharge areas to groundwater reservoirs as mapped by the state department of environmental management (RIDEM) which are located beyond the defined zone 1 groundwater protection areas or the line of zero transmissivity established by the U.S. Geological Survey, whichever is more conservative. These areas shall include: a. Those areas lying within the drainage basin and contributing recharge to zone 1 in the Hunt, Annaquatucket, Pettaquamscutt and Chipuxet aquifers. This boundary has been modified to reflect the findings of Phase I Report Hunt River Aquifer Wellhead Recharge Area Study. b. Zone 2 includes a 1,750-foot radius circle around the transient non-community water system wells located inside the water service area. The entire subject property is located within a Zone X according to FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel Number 44009C0085H (10/19/2010). The Zone X designation includes areas with minimal risks of flooding. SITE NARRATIVE “THE PRESERVE AT ROLLING GREENS” MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A.P. 110 LOTS 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 LOT 5 Page 8 Density Calculation Land Unsuitable for Development Area (ac.) Freshwater Wetlands Water Bodies (Ponds) Slopes Greater than 25% 6.0± 1.1± 3.2± Total 10.3± There are no areas of the property designated by soil type as being subject to steep slope restrictions. However, based on more site specific data obtained from aerial topography for the subject properties, there are some small, isolated areas within the development where the existing slopes exceed 25%. These areas are indicated on the existing resources and site analysis map. The total area of the parcels included within the development is 131.85± acres. The Town of North Kingstown Land Development Regulations requires the removal of land unsuitable for development when calculating the overall density of a project. Subtracting 10.3± acres from 131.85± acres yields 121.55± acres suitable for development. The Applicant is proposing eighty seven (88) dwelling units in the proposed development. Therefore, the overall residential density of the project is 1 dwelling unit per 1.38± acres of land suitable for development. Proposed Development The Applicant is proposing a mixed-use development containing approximately 35,225± SF of retail space, six (6) live/work units, thirty-six duplex (36) duplex and ten (10) single family units. The retail component will encompass several buildings of varying sizes and will be located adjacent to Ten Rod Road. The live/work area is located just north of the retail area and will provide an opportunity for individuals to maintain an office within their residence. For example, an attorney or architect may wish to live on a second floor while maintain an office on the first floor. This could be ideal for young professional or empty nester that may not need the extra living space and could thereby combine a residence and office in a professional setting. The residential component of the project could be described as “age targeted”. The vast majority of the units will be one-story, two bedroom, duplex units. Given the size of the units, one would expect the dwellings to be especially attractive to “empty nesters”. There SITE NARRATIVE “THE PRESERVE AT ROLLING GREENS” MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT A.P. 110 LOTS 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 LOT 5 Page 9 are several “civic” areas sprinkled throughout the proposed development. These areas could be used for recreational, entertainment or other purposes. There are five (5) large community gardens planned for the development. The Applicant is considering the reuse of the existing dwellings that will be displaced by the proposed commercial development. This may be accomplished by moving the dwellings to AP 110, Lot 7 however the feasibility of this component of the project must be further explored. A new clubhouse is also proposed for the Rolling Greens Golf Course. While the new clubhouse would be constructed in the same general location as the old clubhouse, the vehicle access and parking areas would be reconfigured to facilitate ingress and egress for golf course patrons. Stormwater management for the proposed development will incorporate several Low Impact Development (LID) Best Management Practices (BMPs) including, but not limited to, roof collection/recharge systems, rain gardens, pervious pavement and vegetated water quality swales. The drainage system will be designed in a manner consistent with the goals of the latest update of Rhode Island Stormwater Management Guidelines implemented in recent months. The proposed development will be designed in a manner that maintains the existing drainage patterns to the extent possible. Particular focus will be placed on limiting structural controls while emphasizing groundwater recharge. A primary objective of the design will be to maintain the wooded nature of the site by minimizing the cutting and/or filling of the area. Wastewater disposal will be accomplished with onsite wastewater treatment systems (OWTS). There will likely be a combination of individual and community OWTS utilized in a manner which provides the most efficient means of effluent treatment and dispersal. While formal RIDEM site evaluations have not been performed on the property, RIDEM wet season monitoring has been conducted which at least verifies the seasonal high groundwater table (SHGWT) for the purpose of OWTS design. The SHGWT established for the property ranged from 9 to 28 feet below grade. This included testing throughout the Golf Course area. The SHGWT in closest proximity to the proposed development area ranged from 18.5 to 28 feet below grade. The applicant will request that he be allowed to connect the proposed development to the Town of North Kingstown public water supply system. The Applicant would still provide a private system to irrigate the property should the proposed development be connected to the Town public water system. To w n o f N o r t h K i n g s t o w n 1 of 2 S u b d i vi s i o n a n d L a n d D eve l o p me n t A p p l i c a t i o n Please complete all areas of this application in either black or blue ink only. Illegible or incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant. Please submit all supporting documentation as required by the appropriate checklists: failure to do so may result in the application being delayed or denied. 3/10/11 Application Date: _________________________________ APP LI CATI ON APPLICATION TYPE*: ___ Administrative ___ Minor (Conventional) Please check: ___ Minor (Conservation) ___ Minor (Land Dev.) ___ PreApplication ___ Preliminary ___ Final ___ Major (Conventional) Please check: ___ Major (Conservation) ___ Major (Land Dev.) ___ PreApplication ___ Master ___ Preliminary ___ Final ✔ ✔ Other (Specify) _______________________________________________________________ *If the development requires waivers or modifications it must be reviewed as a major subdivision. Please use the Comprehensive Permit Application if developing under the Low and Moderate Income Housing Act (RIGL 45-53) Applicant M.L. Hawk Realty, LLC (Mark L. Hawkins) (additional Applicants on separate sheet) Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 89 Miner Road Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Saunderstown City __________________________________________ RI State _________________ 02874 Zip Code _________________________ 401-580-9745 Phone ________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________ CONTACT INFORMATION Owner (if different than above) Same as Applicant Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________ State _________________ Zip Code _________________________ Phone ________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________ Preparers of Plans (list all, use separate paper if necessary) Donald Powers Architects (Donald Powers) Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 140 Union Street Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Providence City __________________________________________ RI State _________________ 02903 Zip Code _________________________ 401-272-4724 [email protected] Phone ________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________ Attorney William R. Landry (Blish & Cavanagh LLP) Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Commerce Center 30 Exchange Street Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Providence City __________________________________________ RI State _________________ 02903-1765 Zip Code _________________________ 401-831-8900 [email protected] Phone ________________________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________ NORTH KINGSTOWN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 55 BROWN ST. NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 (401) 294-3331 2 of 2 DEVELOPME NT I NFORM ATION The Preserve at Rolling Greens Name of Development/Subdivision ______________________________________________________ AP 110 Lots 2-7 & 9-11, AP 126 Lot 5 Assessor’s Plat/Lot Number(s) ____________________________________________________ Mix of commercial/residential/recreational and vacant land Existing Land Use(s)____________________________________________________________ Ten Rod Road Frontage Road(s) /Street Address_________________________________________________ GB, RR, VR and NR Current Zoning (indicate all) _____________________________________________________ 131.85 +/- acres Total Acreage of Property (indicate all) ___________________________________________ 1 dwelling unit per 2 acre (Zone 2 GW Protection Area) Minimum Lot Size Required by Zoning _____________________________________________ NA Number of Proposed Lots: ___________ 88 Number of Proposed Dwelling Units: __________ 35,225 SF Square Footage of Proposed Commercial/Industrial Space: __________ Other (specify): __________________________________________________________ ✔ no Zoning Board Approvals Required? ___ yes ___ Obtained? ___ yes ___ no ___ Variance ___ Special Use Permit Explain: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ✔ yes Comprehensive Plan Amendment Required? ___ ___ no ✔ no Obtained? ___ yes ___ Medium and Low Density Residential, Commercial Area identified in Comprehensive Plan as ________________________________________ Applicant is seeking to amend the Comprehensive Plan/Future Land Use Map to allow the Explain: __________________________________________________________________ subject properties to be recognized as an area suitable for a mixed use development in __________________________________________________________________ conjunction with the creation of a new Mixed Use Planned Village Overlay District (MUPVOD) __________________________________________________________________ ✔ yes Zone Change Required? ___ ___ no ✔ Obtained? ___ yes ___ no Explain: __________________________________________________________________ The Applicant is seeking to establish a new Mixed Use Planned Village Overlay District (MUPVOD) to allow a mixed use development in accordance __________________________________________________________________ with strict guidelines to be established by ordinance for the designated area. __________________________________________________________________ 10.3 +/- acres Area of development in development limitation districts ______________ 31.5 +/- acres Area of development considered land unsuitable for development _____________ ✔ CERTIFI CATIO N Requesting town water (see Water Service Area map)? ___ yes ___ no Private Private or public road system proposed within subdivision? __________________ Attest: The information provided on this application is true and accurate Applicant’s Signature _______________________________________________________ Date ______________________ Owner’s Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date ______________________ NORTH KINGSTOWN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 55 BROWN ST. NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 (401) 294-3331 Additional Applicants Virginia L. Mancini 1 Mancini Place Exeter, RI 02822 401-294-2140 VKV Realty, Inc. P.O Box 829 North Kingstown, RI 02852 Joshua L. Hawkins 89 Miner Road Saunderstown, RI 02874 Additional Plan Preparers Gregory Souza, PE 14 President Drive Narragansett, RI 02882 HIGGINS, DIANE L 102/004 1526 TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 GAUTHIER, THOMAS G & MAUREEN A 102/026 1690 TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 MORRIS, MARYANN 110/012 1773 TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN RI 02852 BATTLE, JOYCE 102/005 & 102/020 1560 TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 CHABOT, GEORGE T JR & STACEY A 102/027 1670 TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 LANG, ROBERT J & JAMES F 111/001 175 ROCK HILL RD COVENTRY, RI 02816 CGM INC 102/007 PO BOX 344 NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 MCGEE, TIMOTHY J & LAUREN E 102/029 242 PLAIN RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 WASHINGTON ASSOC OF WICKFORD 111/026 PO BOX 189 NORTH KINGSTOWN RI 02852 SCHARTNER, RICHARD J 102/011 RTE 2-1 ARNOLD PL EXETER, RI 02822 MORRIS, JOHN P III & CYNTHIA E 110/001 65 MILL COVE RD WARWICK, RI 02889 CESARO, KENNETH S & KAREN M 111/029 32 WICKHAM RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 STRATE, BARBARA L 102/012 1540 TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 KECHIJIAN, HIGUE 110/002 1755 TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 COOK, J JEFFREY & JULIE R 111/030 42 WICKHAM RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 ELSTON, ANGELIQUE M 102/013 1590 TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 VKV REALTY INC 110/003 PO BOX 829 NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 BALLOU, SUSAN M 111/031 52 WICKHAM RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 MCWILLIAMS, HAROLD R JR & MARION A 102/016 1610 TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 HAWKINS, MARK L 110/004-007, 110/010 89 MINER ROAD SAUNDERSTOWN, RI 02874 BURNS, ROBERT L & BARBARA E 111/032 62 WICKHAM RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 BARSKE, WILLIAM C JR & JUDITH E 102/019 3 PINECREST DR EXETER, RI 02822 NARRAGANSETT BOW HUNTERS 110-008 & 126/001 PO BOX 1355 NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 MANCINI, VIRGINIA L TRUSTEE 126/005 1 MANCINI PLACE EXETER, RI 02822 HAWKINS, JOSHUA L 110/009 89 MINER ROAD SAUNDERSTOWN, RI 02874 TOWN OF NORTH KINGSTOWN 126/010, 102/130 80 BOSTON NECK ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 M L HAWK REAL ESTATE LLC 110/011 89 MINER ROAD SAUNDERSTOWN, RI 02874 MASIELLO, CARL R JR & SHERI J 126/043 157 CASSANDRA LANE NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 INMAN, WARREN K, KENNETH & PAMELA INMAN 102/022 16OO TEN ROD ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 MERINGOLO, RICHARD A & KATHLEEN H 126/044 153 CASSANDRA LANE NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 DOLAN, ELIZABETH S 126/045 145 CASSANDRA LANE NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 IADELUCA, MATTHEW & JUSTINE F 126/046 133 CASSANDRA LANE NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 JOHNSON, GLENN G & LISA A 126/047 127 CASSANDRA LANE NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 AZZARONE, JAMES N & ROBYN A 126/048 121 CASSANDRA LANE NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/046 COTTER, THOMAS P COTTER, ELIZABETH R 30 LAUREL RIDGE LANE NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-055 TRASK, PETER C & CHRISTINE L 94 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-056 FIORI, FRANK JR 108 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-057 CHRISTOPHER, JASMINE B VORASINGHA, ERLINDA BELMONTE 124 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-058 MAHONEY, JOSEPH & KELLY K 138 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-059 COLELLO, ARTHUR J & GAIL M 158 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-060 LYNCH, TIMOTHY J & BETTY 30 ASPEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-061 MCGRADY, KEVIN M & LORI A 36 ASPEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-062 PARIS-OBRIEN, MICHELE L OBRIEN, MATTHEW T 40 ASPEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-063 OMALLEY, BRIAN E JR & KELLY A 41 ASPEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-064 HARRALL, STEVEN H 37 ASPEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-065 STALEY, DAVID C STALEY, KAREN C 29 ASPEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-066 MACLEAN, KENNETH B & MARGARET J 180 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-067 CESARO, THOMAS P & SUSAN 192 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-068 HINES, STEPHEN L & PATRICIA A 204 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-069 LABBE, GRACE L & JAMES 216 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-070 ZIEGLER, CHARLES R ZIEGLER, ROCHELLE ELLEN 228 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-071 CHAFFEY, SHERYL J 69 AUTUMN DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-072 ALEXANDER, ERIC 59 AUTUMN DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-073 MCBRIER, ROBERT A & DIANE E 50 AUTUMN DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-074 MERRILL, JOHN T GREMEL, KATHLEEN I 393 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-075 RHIEU, DENNIS M RHIEU, ROSEMARIE A 381 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-076 ROTHWELL, CHRISTIAN S ROOLF-ROTHWELL, JEANNETTE M 371 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-077 CROCKFORD, RALPH O CROCKFORD, EDRIS M 359 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-078 SCHAVONE, ROBERT F SCHAVONE, JANE 349 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-079 DRISCOLL, RAYMOND A & JOANNE 339 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-080 GIANQUITTI, FLORENCE D 331 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-081 SALOMONE, JOHN L SALOMONE, MARY K 325 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-082 FIORAVANTI, EMIL R & PATRICIA A 340 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-083 FOLLANSBEE, TERRIE R & DAVID L 362 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-084 PISANO, PAUL J JR & ERINN 376 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-085 DANIS, ROBERT & DEBRA 388 LAUREL RIDGE LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-086 MILLER, ALEXANDRA E & TIMOTHY 242 LAUREL RIDGE LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-087 NELSON, RICHARD E & MARY K 258 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-088 MARIANI, MICHAEL A & SUSAN M 272 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-089 OSULLIVAN, COLIN M & ALICE S 284 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-090 HODOR, BRIAN M HODOR, ROBIN A 306 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-091 BRANDT, THOMAS J & SUSAN A 10 HIGHBUSH TERRACE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-092 HOLMANDER, LORI A 32 HIGHBUSH TERRACE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-093 DUFFY, GERARD & PAULETTE 39 HIGHBUSH TERRACE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-094 ANJUM, RANA PARVEZ, ANJUM 27 HIGHBUSH TERRACE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-095 MASCIARELLI, JANICE 15 HIGHBUSH TERRACE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-096 PERRY, KEITH A 297 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-097 ROY, RICHARD R & CYNTHIA 10 LEATHERLEAF TR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-098 RACOFSKY, JOHN M & CHERYL J 20 LEATHERLEAF TR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-099 OLERIO, MATTHEW D & MARJORIE J 30 LEATHERLEAF TR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-100 MONIZ, JAMES JR & MARIBETH 35 LEATHERLEAF TR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-101 WHITE, JOSEPH J 31 LEATHERLEAF TR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-102 FATICA, MICHAEL G CIUFFETELLI, DEBORAH A 25 LEATHERLEAF TR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-103 LAYCHAK, EUGENE JR LAYCHAK, LINDA 205 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-104 MALIN, LLOYD, LINDA S 193 LAUREL RIDGE LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-105 DUHAIME, JOHN E & MARGARET A 181 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-106 SMITH, NEVANN W 169 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-107 DIMEO, WILLIAM J / MURTHA, DONNA M 155 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-108 PAULL, GARY J & CAROL A 141 LAUREL RIDGE LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-109 MOTTINGER, JOHN P & BARBARA C 129 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-110 PRIMAVERA, GARY J & SUSAN R 14 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-111 ERICKSON, MICHAEL L & CINDY M 24 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-112 MALONEY, JOSEPH R & TAMMY A 32 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-113 ADAMS, MATTHEW E & DONNA J 40 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-114 DELAHUNT, HAROLD A & SHERYL L 46 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-115 CAMPANELLA, MARYANN 47 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-116 STREICH, NEIL A STREICH, LYNN D 41 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-117 GALLANT, EDWARD T & MARTHA R 33 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-118 SCHNEBLY, ROBERT W SCHNEBLY, KATHLEEN P 23 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-119 TAGGART, DAVID G TAGGART, LINDA DROZD 13 TAMARACK CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-120 LABONTE, PAUL A LABONTE, BETSY J 8 CARRIE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-121 ZERBINOPOULOS, PAUL BLODGETT, PAMELA J 22 CARRIE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-122 BEATTY, ROBERT M & LYNN L 32 CARRIE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-123 OHANIAN, JOSEPH & CANDICE L 33 CARRIE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-124 ELLIS, ROBERT R & LISA B 27 CARRIE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-125 MURPHY, R MICHAEL & EILEEN A 19 CARRIE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-126 LUKOWICZ, STEVEN R ANDREWS, DIANA M 33 LAUREL RIDGE LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102-130 N KINGSTOWN, TOWN OF 80 BOSTON NECK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-028 HOLLAND, STEPHANIE O 22 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-029 CESARO, KENNETH S & KAREN M 32 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-030 COOK, J JEFFREY & JULIE R 42 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-031 BALLOU, SUSAN M 52 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-032 BURNS, ROBERT L & BARBARA E 62 WICKHAM ROAD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-038 MCCARTHY, KEVIN T & DEBRA G 197 LANG DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-039 OCONNELL, KEVIN P & MILDRED P 175 LANG DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-040 DAY, JAMIE L & THOMAS E 167 LANG DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-041 FALCETTA, BARBARA M MORRELL, FRANCESCA N & DENNIS O 157 LANG DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-042 BLUME, SCOTT 8 RIDGEFIELD CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-043 MICELI, JAMES J & MARIANN J B 22 RIDGEFIELD CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-044 CAUTHORN, THOMAS D & MARIA D 21 RIDGEFIELD CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-045 ALARIE, THOMAS R & PAMELA L 15 RIDGEFIELD CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-046 MCALLISTER, DENNIS J UTTER-MCALLISTER, SUSAN 133 LANG DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-047 SAVICKAS, JOSEPH A SAVICKAS, LORI L 154 LANG DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-048 HART, ROBERT A & BARBARA R 166 LANG DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-049 BELLINI, ANGELO F & MARLENE S 176 LANG DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-050 WILSON, MARK R & EMILY 119 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-051 DENICOLA, THEODORE J & VIRGINIA M 85 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-052 ELAND, ALAN & JOANNE 67 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-053 ROTONDI, JOHN R ROTONDI, SUSAN L 55 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-054 LACROIX, ERNEST J IV & KATIE 43 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-055 BESSACINI, EUGENE JR BESSACINI, ROSANNE G 27 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-056 COSTA, MICHAEL A & ANNE L 17 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-057 TANNER, IRENE B TRUSTEE 7 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-058 OBENAUF, ROBERT W OBENAUF, NANCY A 8 BROMLEY CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-059 BEAULIEU, JAMES J & DONNA J 20 BROMLEY CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-060 MARGINSON, JOHN & DENISE 26 BROMLEY CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-061 JACOBUCCI, JOHN & CONSTANCE 30 BROMLEY CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-062 FERLAND, JEFFREY D & PATRICIA A TR 31 BROMLEY CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-063 PLANTE, STEPHEN M & KIM 21 BROMLEY CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-064 CROSS, ROBERT A & JEAN W 7 BROMLEY CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-065 GANUNG, JAMES R GANUNG, ANN M 6 WESTRIDGE CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-066 HAYEK, GEORGE B JR 16 WESTRIDGE CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-067 CHENARD, KATHERINE M 26 WESTRIDGE CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-068 MATTIUCCI, JUDITH A ET AL & ROBERT J AND WASHINGTON TRUST CO TRUSTEES 30 WESTRIDGE CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-069 EMERSON, WILLIAM A & SUSAN A 27 WESTRIDGE CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-070 WARD, WILLIAM G II WARD, JANET R 17 WESTRIDGE CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-071 PRELIASCO, RICHARD J & CHRISTINE 87 LANG DR N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-034 SILVEN, DONALD B TRUSTEE SILVEN, CAROL R TRUSTEE 86 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-035 COTE, RICHARD L & PAULA A 96 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-037 OFARRELL, BRIAN P & MARGARET L 120 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-074 BARRINGTON, LORI A 134 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-075 CHARPENTIER, CHRISTINE M 144 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-076 LYNCH, MICHAEL D & MARY E 154 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-077 JOY, CHRISTOPHER R 164 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-078 SILVERSTEIN, JEFFREY E SILVERSTEIN, CARMEL A 176 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-079 LUNDIN, SANDRA H 200 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-080 ISAACSON, ROBERT L & JUDITH E 85 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-081 SCANLAN, JAMES P & SUZANNE M 75 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-082 DAVIES, THOMAS A & LISA C 67 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-083 JORGENSEN, RAYMOND T 59 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-084 BORGOS, ERIC A & MARLANA J TRUSTEES 6 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-085 TOUSIGNANT, MICHAEL T TOUSIGNANT, DIANA 16 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-086 MURRAY, MICHAEL P & VALERIE B 26 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-027 VANDYNE, BLAINE L VANDYNE, MICHELE K 12 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-033 MALONEY, KEVIN V HENSON-MALONEY, YVONNE L 78 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-036 MCHALE, JOHN T IV & AMY P 108 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-087 LYONS, ALBERT P & MARY KAY 46 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-088 XU, GANG / TANG, FEIXUE 37 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-089 DEANGELIS, KEVIN & SALLY M 27 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-090 ROWLANDS, MICHAEL P ROWLANDS, YVONNE 15 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-091 STEVENS, HERBERT E & CHRISTINE R 185 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-092 DAGGETT, THOMAS A BASILE-DAGGETT, BETH A 212 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-093 FINE, NEAL E FINE, JENNIFER A 224 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-094 PALANA, ANTHONY J & GIOVANNA 14 LINDEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-095 PIERHAL, LEON M PIERHAL, BRENDA D 18 LINDEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-096 DIMAIO, WILLIAM F JR & CLAIRE A 26 LINDEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-097 MADOIAN, GREGORY & MARGARET 27 LINDEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-098 BOSTON, CHRISTOPHER 21 LINDEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/031 Thompson, Rickey & Patricia 194 Plain Road N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102/032 Ricci, Brenda L 180 Plain Rd N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102/033 Silva, Darin M Vito Silva, Kristen A 164 Plain Rd N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102/003 Heffron, David H 1500 Ten Rod Rd N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102/131 Town of North Kingstown 80 Boston Neck Rd N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102/042 KOLLING, THOMAS R & DEBORAH G 217 PLAIN RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/043 PALANGIO, JOHN R & ELLEN M 12 LAUREL RIDGE LANE NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/044 NOTARTOMASO, DANIEL & KIM E 199 PLAIN RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/045 WASHINGTON COUNTY REAL ESTATE TITLE COMPANY INC PO BOX 444 NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 13/2/2 Rhode Island Historical Society 110 Benevolent St Providence, RI 02906 111-099 KNOWLES, ROBERT L & JANE C 9 LINDEN CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-100 WHITNEY, BRETT WHITNEY, MARY BETH 6 NAUSHON CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-101 EVANGELISTA, PETER M & JAYNE B 16 NAUSHON CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-102 GASKILL, DAVID M & LINDA A 24 NAUSHON CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-103 DESANTIS, RAYMOND & AMANDA 30 NAUSHON CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-104 WAYNE, ROBERT A WAYNE, JUDITH S 267 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-105 CRAMER, RICHARD P & KIMBERLY J 257 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-106 BEHM, RONALD & DENISE HUNTER 243 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 111-107 GOULART, ALAN R & MARIA C 231 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-054 WHITEHEAD, JOSEPH J LASSY, SUSAN B 351 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-055 FRIEDMANN, GARY J & KAREN E 179 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-056 LAWANDY, NABIL M & JANE E 169 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-057 PATHAK, ASHISH P & JIGISHA A 159 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-058 QUADRINI, GREGG M & AMY G 149 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-059 DIBATTISTA, RONALD A & MARY ANN 139 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-060 WOZNIAK, THOMAS G WOZNIAK, BETSY A 107 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-061 BIELLO, THOMAS & PAULA 95 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-062 SAMSON, DANIEL D & DEMETRIA 136 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-063 TILLOTSON, SCOTT A TILLOTSON, MELISSA J 150 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-064 PYNE, THOMAS P & SHARON M 178 EASTWICK RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-065 CASIMIRO, RICHARD P JR & JULIE A 329 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-068 FEDERICI, EVERETT J FEDERICI, ROBIN 298 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-069 SCHWAB, M KATHLEEN SCHWAB, GERARD M 308 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-070 GASPAR, VICTOR M & VILMA E 320 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-071 ADLEY, JOHN M & LUZ MARINA 330 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-072 JOHNSON, MATTHEW E & MELISSA B 31 NAUSHON CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-073 PRELI, JOHN L & LISA N 29 NAUSHON CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-074 MCCARTNEY, KEVIN P & VERONICA 19 NAUSHON CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-075 MAXWELL, JOSEPH P JR & EILEEN K 7 NAUSHON CT N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/030 Improta, Kelli 218 Plain Road N. Kingstown, RI 02852 125-076 LADERS, THOMAS W & NANCY L TR 309 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-077 NADEAU, MARYLU & DAVID E 297 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-078 MONTI, MICHAEL A III 283 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-043 EMRICH, THOMAS L & JACQUELINE A 350 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-044 PATIL, SUNJAY V & JANINE L 362 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-045 GERLACH, KRISTIN C 374 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-046 BUSH, CHRISTOPHER R & CHRISTINE K 384 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-047 BERGLUND, MARK S & LAUREEN S 396 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-048 CICCHETTI, JOSEPH W 406 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-049 MONICA, STEPHEN H & ROBIN S 418 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-050 HE, HAIBO/YE, YINJIAO 426 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-051 SHERBURNE, MICHAEL T & MELANIE A 436 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-052 LAYMAN, DAVID E & KARIN JANSSEN 435 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-053 EGAN, ROBERT T & TAMARRA R 421 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-066 OBRIEN, RICHARD J III & DEBORAH 524 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-067 GREENE, WILLIAM R 536 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-081 PELLETIER, PAUL A & MICHELLE C 391 WICKHAM RD N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-082 OLAUSEN, STEHPEN A & SHELLY P 20 QUEENSFORT WAY N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-083 VIENS, MICHAEL L 28 QUEENSFORT WAY N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-084 DIDES, STEPHEN M 30 QUEENSFORT WAY N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 DIBENEDETTO, ALAN D & CHRISTINE M 31 QUEENSFORT WAY N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-086 DALE, CHRISTOPHER B & LORI L 23 QUEENSFORT WAY N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-087 BUTERA, STEVEN R & JENNIFER L 9 QUEENSFORT WY N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125-079 RESTIVO, ALAN F & BEVERLY D 278 WICKHAM RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 125/080 BLEUEL, JOHN E BLEUEL, SUSAN A 288 WICKHAM RD NORTHKINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/53 Normand, Dennis K & Cindy A 35 Princess Pine Ct N. Kingstown, RI 02852 125-085 102/54 McHugh, Candice Y & Patrick J 80 Laurel Ridge Ln N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102-006 50 SOUTH COUNTY TRAIL LLC 141 POWER RD PAWTUCKET, RI 02860 102-008 50 SOUTH COUNTY TRAIL LLC 141 POWER RD PAWTUCKET, RI 02860 102-025 50 SOUTH COUNTY TRAIL LLC 141 POWER RD PAWTUCKET, RI 02860 102-133 SCHARTNER, RICHARD J RTE 2-1 ARNOLD PL EXETER, RI 02822 039-001-002 SCHARTNER, RICHARD J RTE 2-1 ARNOLD PL EXETER, RI 02822 026-001-001 MORRIS, JOHN P III ET UX 65 MILL COVE RD WARWICK, RI 02889 013-002-002 NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION TEN ROD ROAD EXETER, RI 02822 126-017 SILVERSMITH, HOWARD G SILVERSMITH, WENDY R 6 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-018 DIBENEDETTO, BRIAN M & STEPHANIE R 16 LINDSAY LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-020 ARMY, TIMOTHY & SUSAN K 40 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-021 ABATE, CHRISTOPHER J & STEFANIE P 50 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-023 CARUOLO, JAMES J & VIVIAN L 72 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-024 SULLIVAN, ROBERT E SULLIVAN, DONNA MARIE 82 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-025 MOSES, BRIAN K 90 LINDSAY LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-026 DRISCOLL, ROBERT G JR & CATHERINE T 91 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-027 WEBER, THEODORE V JR WEBER, KAREN M 85 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-028 THAYER, ROBERT V & MARION A 73 LINDSAY LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-029 BLASDELL, GREGORY A & NANCY D 63 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-030 SCHULTZ, WILLIAM SCHULTZ, JANE SALISBURY 51 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-031 LACROSS, PETER K & JUDITH K 39 LINDSAY LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-032 DIPALMA, RAMONA, TRUSTEE DIPALMA, PAUL J TRUSTEE 11 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-033 MANOCCHIA, AUGUSTINE A JR MANOCCHIA, MEGAN C 12 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-034 VENTO, PAUL J VENTO, ANDREA G 40 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 026-001-002 & 026-001-003 MANCINI, VIRGINIA L. SETTLOR & TRUSTEE THE VIRGINIA L. MANCINI REVOCABLE TRUST ONE MANCINI PLACE EXETER, RI 02822 102/028 Schaefer, Carl B & Lorraine 224 Plain Rd N. Kingstown, RI 02852 126-019 KLEK, DAVID E 30 LINDSAY LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-022 VIENS, WILLIAM B & KELLY M 62 LINDSAY LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-035 KERSHAW, DANIEL J & CHRISTINE 52 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-036 CALABRESE, CONSTANCE G TRUSTEE 64 CASSANDRA LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-037 SELWYN-COSTA, JEAN M 221 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-038 ZARRELLA, LYNMARIE 209 CASSANDRA LN N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-039 GREEN, MICHAEL E GREEN, MARISA G 197 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-040 MOROSETTI, CHRISTOPHER 189 CASSANDRA LANE NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-041 PADULA, GARY S & CINDY L 173 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-042 WILLIAMSON, DAVID B WILLIAMSON, LEZA C 161 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-043 MASIELLO, CARL R JR & SHERI J 157 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-050 PINTO, PAUL L & BRENDA D 101 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-051 DEBERARDIS, SUSAN 89 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-052 BARTHOLET, FREDERICK I & MARY 73 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/47 Rosendale, Michael J & Sarah E 42 Laurel Ridge Ln N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102/48 Damm, David A & Anne R 12 Princess Pine Ct N. Kingstown, RI 02852 126-049 SPONTAK, RALPH G & LADORA M 111 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-053 MASON, RENNIE / SULLIVAN, CHRISTINE 59 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-054 DOLAN, MATTHEW HUBERT DOLAN, CLAIRE WEILAND 45 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-055 WILSON, SUSAN M WILSON, ROBERT C 33 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-056 LAURO, STEPHEN A & GINA M 19 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-057 COPPOLA, BRUCE E & SHANON 9 CASSANDRA LANE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 126-058 DALY, ROBERT W & EILEEN M 15 SOPHIA CIRCLE N KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 MICHAEL EMBURY, TOWN MANAGER TOWN OF NORTH KINGSTOWN 80 BOSTON NECK RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 MICHAEL BESTWICK NORTH KINGSTOWN TOWN COUNCIL 80 BOSTON NECK RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 CHARLES BRENNAN N. KINGSTOWN TOWN COUNCIL 8O BOSTON NECK RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 ELIZABETH S. DOLAN NORTH KINGSTOWN TOWN COUNCIL 80 BOSTON NECK RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 CAROL H. HUESTON NORTH KINGSTOWN TOWN COUNCIL 80 BOSTON NECK RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 CHARLES H. STAMM N. KINGSTOWN TOWN COUNCIL 80 BOSTON NECK RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 SUSAN LICARDI DIRECTOR OF WATER SUPPLY TOWN OF NORTH KINGSTOWN 80 BOSTON NECK RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 TOWN OF NORTH KINGSTOWN BUILDING OFFICIAL 80 BOSTON NECK RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 CALVIN A. ELLIS EXETER TOWN COUNCIL 675 TEN ROD ROAD EXETER, RI 02822 ROBERT E. JOHNSON, JR EXETER TOWN COUNCIL 675 TEN ROD ROAD EXETER, RI 02822 KENNETH L. FERNSTROM EXETER TOWN COUNCIL 675 TEN ROD ROAD EXETER, RI 02822 WILLIAM P. MONAHAN EXETER TOWN COUNCIL 675 TEN ROD ROAD EXETER, RI 02822 ARLENE HICKS EXETER TOWN COUNCIL 675 TEN ROD ROAD EXETER, RI 02822 RONALD A. DEFRANCESCO TOWN OF EXETER BUILDING INSPECTOR 675 TEN ROD ROAD EXETER, RI 02822 DIRECTOR, W. MICHAEL SULLIVAN, PhD RI DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 235 PROMENADE STREET PROVIDENCE, RI 02908 102/034 STAMPS, NEIL M STAMPS, ELIZABETH O 146 PLAIN RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/037 SABITONI, TODD C SABITONI, DONNA J 102 PLAIN RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/038 HARON, ANDREA W 88 PLAIN ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 Listing of Open Space Lots Rosewood 126/003 126/059 126/060 126/061 Wickford Highlands 102/49 Medeiros, David J & Karen A 30 Princess Pine Ct N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102/035 ORABONA, JOSEPHINE G/L EST HAYES, PETER & LOIS 130 PLAIN RD NORTH KINGSTOWN RI 02852 102/51 Bousquet, Jennifer A & Robert 48 Princess Pine Ct N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102/039 PIETRANTOZZI, LYNN & STEVEN P 70 PLAIN ROAD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/50 Leyden, John J Jr & Carlotta 40 Princess Pine Ct N. Kingstown, RI 02852 102/036 BARRETT, ELAINE 116 PLAIN RD NORTH KINGSTOWN, RI 02852 102/52 Ventriglia, James P 145 Phenix Ave, 2nd Fl Cranston, RI 02920 111/003 111/014 111/020 111/072 111/073 125/040 125/041 125/042 Mountain Laurel 102/128 102/024 102/127 71° 30' 31'' 71° 31' 10'' Soil Map—State of Rhode Island: Bristol, Kent, Newport, Providence, and Washington Counties 290200 290300 290400 290500 290600 290700 290800 41° 35' 9'' 4606800 290100 4606800 290000 41° 35' 8'' 4606700 4606700 BmA BnB 4606600 4606600 BmB BmA 4606500 Rc Rd 4606400 ham Wick Rf BmB HkC 4606300 HnC 4606200 HnC 4606200 4606300 EfA 4606400 4606500 BhA BhB BhA BhB Pine Ct Prince ss 4605700 County Tr l HnC Laurel Ridg e 71° 31' 8'' 290000 290100 290200 290300 290400 290500 Map Scale: 1:5,850 if printed on A size (8.5" x 11") sheet. 0 0 4606000 HkD Rd Ten Rod Rd 50 200 Natural Resources Conservation Service 100 Meters 300 200 400 4605800 EfB UD BhA 4605900 EfB 4605700 4605800 BhB Mancini Pl 4605900 4606000 BhA Pla in 41° 34' 28'' 4606100 BhB 800 Feet 1,200 Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 290600 Ln 290700 41° 34' 29'' 290800 71° 30' 29'' BhA BmA BnB HnC 4606100 MmB 7/15/2009 Page 1 of 3 Soil Map Units Natural Resources Conservation Service Stony Spot Spoil Area Sodic Spot Slide or Slip Sinkhole Severely Eroded Spot Sandy Spot Saline Spot Rock Outcrop Perennial Water Miscellaneous Water Mine or Quarry Marsh or swamp Local Roads Major Roads US Routes Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey Interstate Highways Rails Transportation Streams and Canals Landfill Lava Flow Oceans Water Features Cities Political Features Other Short Steep Slope Gully Special Line Features Other Wet Spot Very Stony Spot Gravelly Spot Gravel Pit Closed Depression Clay Spot Borrow Pit Blowout Special Point Features Soils Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) MAP LEGEND 7/7/2003; 7/19/2003 7/15/2009 Page 2 of 3 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: Soil Survey Area: State of Rhode Island: Bristol, Kent, Newport, Providence, and Washington Counties Survey Area Data: Version 5, Nov 14, 2008 This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: Coordinate System: UTM Zone 19N NAD83 Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map measurements. The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:12,000. Map Scale: 1:5,850 if printed on A size (8.5" × 11") sheet. MAP INFORMATION Soil Map–State of Rhode Island: Bristol, Kent, Newport, Providence, and Washington Counties Soil Map–State of Rhode Island: Bristol, Kent, Newport, Providence, and Washington Counties Map Unit Legend State of Rhode Island: Bristol, Kent, Newport, Providence, and Washington Counties (RI600) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BhA Bridgehampton silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 14.8 8.4% BhB Bridgehampton silt loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes 20.2 11.4% BmA Bridgehampton silt loam, till substratum, 0 to 3 percent slopes 27.8 15.8% BmB Bridgehampton silt loam, till substratum, 3 to 8 percent slopes 20.1 11.4% BnB Bridgehampton-Charlton complex, very stony, 0 to 8 percent slopes 17.9 10.2% EfA Enfield silt loam, 0 to 3 percent slopes 2.8 1.6% EfB Enfield silt loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes 12.6 7.1% HkC Hinckley gravelly sandy loam, rolling 4.7 2.7% HkD Hinckley gravelly sandy loam, hilly 6.2 3.5% HnC Hinckley-Enfield complex, rolling 31.1 17.6% MmB Merrimac sandy loam, 3 to 8 percent slopes 0.0 0.0% Rc Raypol silt loam 14.4 8.1% Rf Ridgebury, Whitman, and Leicester extremely stony fine sandy loams 2.2 1.2% UD Udorthents-Urban land complex 1.9 1.0% 176.7 100.0% Totals for Area of Interest Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 7/15/2009 Page 3 of 3 Unit Legend Civic Retail/ Commercial (35,225 Total sf) Live/Work (6) Duplex (72) Single family (10) Total Units (88) N ay nt 2 The Preserve at Rolling greens Scale: 1” = 200’-0” 0 Master Plan 100’ 200’ 300’ 400’ 500’ February 28, 2011 First Floor Plan Scale: 1/8” = 1’-0” 0 1’ 2’ 4’ 8’ 16’ 32’ The Preserve at Rolling greens Duplex Floor Plan March 31, 2010 Front Elevation - Side Garage | Side Garage Scale: 1/8” = 1’-0” 0 1’ 2’ 4’ 8’ 16’ 32’ The Preserve at Rolling greens Duplex Elevation Option ‘A’ March 31, 2010 Front Elevation - Front Garage | Side Garage Scale: 1/8” = 1’-0” 0 1’ 2’ 4’ 8’ 16’ 32’ The Preserve at Rolling greens Duplex Elevation Option ‘B’ March 31, 2010 Front Elevation - Front Garage | Front Garage Scale: 1/8” = 1’-0” 0 1’ 2’ 4’ 8’ 16’ 32’ The Preserve at Rolling greens Duplex Elevation Option ‘C’ March 31, 2010