the power of partnership - Arizona Association of School Business
the power of partnership - Arizona Association of School Business
THE POWER OF PA RT N E R S H I P Collaborate : Solve : Implement SCHEDULE of EVENTS Tuesday, July 20, 2010 – Saturday, July 24, 2010 Friday, July 23, 2010 Tuesday, July 20, 2010 Board of Directors Meeting Fun Run & Walk 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Breakfast Roundtables/ Goldmine Sessions Wednesday, July 21, 2010 6:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Golf Outing at Starr Pass Country Club 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. AASBO Exposition Exhibitors Check-In 11:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. AASBO Exhibitors Prize Drawings Exhibits Set-Up 11:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Exhibitors Move-Out 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Second General Session and Luncheon 11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions IV for Attendees 2:00 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. Refreshments and Networking 2:50 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. Breakout Sessions V for Attendees 3:10 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Workshops Check-In Afternoon Pre-Conference Workshops 1:15 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Annual Conference Registration and Check-In 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions VI for Attendees 4:10 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Exhibitors Meeting 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Afternoon Free 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Welcome Reception and Exhibition 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. AASBO Dinner Buffet 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Arizona School Risk Retention Trust/AASBO Reception 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. AASBO CSI: Las Vegas Night 7:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, July 24, 2010 Thursday, July 22, 1010 Breakfast Buffet Breakfast Roundtables/ Goldmine Sessions 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. AASBO Exhibition Green Badge Meeting for First Time Attendees 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Spouses & Guests Program 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. First General Session and Luncheon 11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Breakout Sessions for Exhibitors 11:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions I for Attendees 2:00 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. Refreshments and Networking 2:50 p.m. to 3:10 p.m. Breakout Sessions II for Attendees 3:10 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Breakout Sessions III for Attendees 4:10 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Great Arizona ASBO Duck Race 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Hospitality Reception 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. CSI: Polynesian Night Show 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Hospitality Rooms Third General Session 10:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. 1 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Conference Adjourns 10:30 a.m. Hotel Check-Out 11:00 a.m. Collaborate : Solve : Implement Join Us 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition CSI: Connect with us . . . 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition July 21 – 24 ~ Tucson, Arizona A MESSAGE FROM : JOHN FUNG Whether it’s in our personal or professional lives, success is all about connections. Those connections help us shape our highest goals and ambitions. And in the school business management profession, goals and ambitions reaffirm the values and ideals that distinguish us from other educational organizations. That’s why I am especially excited to urge you to attend AASBO’s 57th Annual Conference and Exposition – a must-attend event for school business officials and vendors that has been specially designed to help maximize your connection to the K-12 education market. With so much uncertainty about the economy and the state’s financial crisis, AASBO’s annual conference has more relevance and urgency than ever before. Simply put, AASBO has developed the best content of professional development programs and they will provide you with the tools you need, to stay one step ahead in these difficult times. The conference kicks off Wednesday with a golf outing, pre-conference workshops and a preview of one of the largest trade shows of educational products and services in the Southwest. Thursday and Friday will feature top-notch inspirational presentations from two of the most highly respected keynote speakers you will ever hear. You can even customize your own personalized schedule to meet your specific professional or educational needs. Saturday’s closing session will feature a candidates’ forum of some of the most important statewide races in this year’s election. Come and hear what these candidates have to say about their vision and goals as political candidates. And speaking of connections, take advantage of face-time with your peers at the exhibit show! It’s an ideal forum for networking and discussing the latest challenges, issues, and solutions facing school business officials. In addition, you will have the opportunity to experience a fantastic Duck Race to benefit worthwhile charities, a hosted hospitality reception with a Polynesian flavor and even a Las Vegas night of fun and enjoyment. As you can see, our conference planning committee has developed a spectacular program filled with learning, networking and great entertainment to go hand-in-hand with this family-friendly location. I encourage you to visit and register today! 2 Collaborate : Solve : Implement Join Us 2010 Annual Conference & Exposition CSI: Connect with us . . . You will be exposed to inspiring keynote speakers and educational sessions that will surely help you face new challenges and decisions with confidence and conviction, utilizing proven methods for success. It takes time to mold a successful school business official – and yet in just 56 years, the Arizona Association of School Business Officials (AASBO) has grown vibrant and strong, providing critical guidance and training to the school business management profession throughout the state. Take time to reflect on the past and plan your future using the advice of industry experts. Learn to lead your school business operations successfully, get the latest compliance updates and gain insight into how to thrive in today’s economic conditions. Don’t miss this opportunity to help shape the future of Arizona’s educational institutions. AASBO’S Annual Summer Conference & Exposition is a great team-building opportunity for your entire central office staff and Governing Boards! It’s the perfect event for: • Business Managers • Chief Financial Officers • Finance and Budget Staff • Purchasing and Procurement Officials • Food and Nutrition Officials • Facilities and Maintenance Operations Officials • Transportation Directors • Accounting, Payroll and Human Resource Staff • Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents • District Office Support Personnel • Charter Schools • School Board Members • Administrators • Teachers • Individuals who work in or are interested in the school business management profession, including vendors and exhibitors who have an interest in doing business in the K-12 education market. Premier Education Specifically for the School Business Management Professional There is no better way to end the FY2010 school year and begin the FY2011 school year than with an educational experience of a lifetime. The conference planning committee has put together a highly educational program led by outstanding keynote speakers, breakout sessions and exhibits that you will not want to miss. Register today for AASBO’s 57th Annual Conference and Exposition – an exciting two and one-half day program for new, experienced and seasoned professionals. Conference participants will benefit by hearing from experts on specific topics geared toward your personal and professional development. 3 Collaborate : Solve : Implement Join Us July 21-24, 2010 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION CLASSES AASBO offers three professional development courses this summer as part of the association’s Educational Program curriculum. These four-day courses are open to anyone who has an interest in school business management. For the summer of 2010, AASBO is pleased to offer three of its most popular classes. The dates for all three classes are July 18-21. They will be held at the Tucson Marriott University Park Hotel, 880 E. Second St., Tucson, AZ 85719. This hotel is located near the main entrance to the University of Arizona campus. All AASBO Education Classes consist of 32 clock hours of instruction. Enrollees may also earn community college credit by satisfying the course requirements and payment of an additional registration fee to AASBO for credit through Central Arizona College. Contact the AASBO office at (602) 253-5576 or by e-mail to Whitney at [email protected] or Ana at [email protected] for enrollment and registration information. The following four-day courses will be offered this summer just prior to the start of the AASBO 57th Annual Conference and Exposition: Transportation: This is a practical course designed to develop and refine personnel, logistic, and management skills relating to pupil transportation. Participants will use practical exercises based on actual situations to craft a portfolio of notes and templates for their professional use. Discussions of skills and resources required to effectively manage education transportation programs will be highlighted in this course. prepare board presentations and bond and override presentations to support the initiatives. Budget & Finance: The Budget & Finance course provides a working knowledge of the budgetary process for Arizona public schools and an understanding of preparation of required state budget forms, including an introduction to Arizona school finance and an explanation of how financing relates to various taxes by using the Uniform System of Financial Recordkeeping (USFR) and Arizona Revised Statutes Title 15. This course will familiarize participants with school district budget forms and preparation of a school district budget. Maintenance & Operations: This course will focus on a deeper understanding of the maintenance and operations functions of a school district. The development of a maintenance-specific budget will be covered and an in-depth view of building systems will be presented covering mechanical HVAC, intercom, fire alarm, roofing, hardware and energy efficiency will be explored; and the development of specifications to procure these systems will be discussed. The ability to understand proprietary systems and their impact on facility operations will be presented. The development of an overall team approach to the safe operation and maintenance of facilities will be covered. The development of long-range plans and periodic facility reviews to support those plans will also be covered. Finally, participants will be shown the tools necessary to Note: Several rooms have been reserved at a special rate for conference attendees who are staying at the Tucson Marriott University Park Hotel while attending the four-day education classes. Please contact the AASBO office at (602) 253-5576 for details. 4 Collaborate : Solve : Implement Wednesday’s agenda July 21, 2010 Pre-Conference The Ins and Outs of Cash Flows and Short Term Financing BEGIN WITH A THOUGHT-PROVOKING PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP This session with cover an array of topics related to the forecasting of cash flows and the different methods of short term financing to alleviate cash shortfalls. Representatives from several different governmental organizations will discuss how to most accurately forecast the flow of revenues such as state aid, additional state aid, tax collections, and federal revenues. Various methods to address cash shortfalls such as advance of state aid, registered warrants and TANs will be covered by experts in these areas. County Treasurer Offices and their servicing banks will discuss how they work together to finance shor-term borrowing as well what information is needed such as cash flows and financial statements to create these lines of credit. The pre-conference workshops offer you the opportunity to study one topic or issue of current interest in greater depth than is possible in a breakout session. The pre-conference workshops will be held on Wednesday, July 21. Be sure to sign up early since space is limited. You do not need to sign up for the Annual Summer Conference in order to attend a pre-conference workshop. The two pre-conference workshops to be offered in 2010 include: Title: Ethics/Conflicts of Interest/Gratuities and Other Related Legal Issues Given our current economic struggles, it is more important than ever that we as School Business Officials maintain the highest ethical standards. This learned panel of attorneys and business officials will discuss current topics and case studies related to conflicts of interest, gratuities and avoiding the appearance of impropriety. Attendees will be given opportunity to ask questions and gain insights which they can apply to the everyday life back in their school district. This is your chance to hear from the top legal and business minds in the State on this topic. Presenters: Panel: Janis Merrill Tri-District In-House Counsel for Tempe/Kyrene School Districts Denise Bainton DeConcini McDonald Yetwin & Lacy, P.C. Todd Jaeger General Counsel, Amphitheater Public Schools Susan Segal Attorney General’s Office Susan Myers Attorney General’s Office George Graham Auditor General’s Office Chuck Essigs Arizona Association of School Business Officials Bill Munch Mesa Public Schools Moderator: Ernie Calderon Calderon Law Office 5 Bill Davis, Piper Jaffray and Laura Felten, Paradise Valley Unified School District Collaborate : Solve : Implement Wednesday’s agenda July 21, 2010 WEDNESDAY'S ACTIVITIES Welcome Reception and Opening of Vendor Exposition Wednesday, July 21, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Arizona Ballroom and Conference Center Foyers President David Peterson and the AASBO Board of Directors invite all registered conference participants and exhibitors to join them at this welcome reception. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and mingle in a relaxed setting. You may want to visit with old acquaintances and meet new ones. Stroll the aisles of the exhibit rooms and see the latest in products and services available to school districts and charter schools. Light refreshments will be served. This reception is included as part of your registration fee. Conference special activities have been planned to give you an opportunity to meet, mingle and network with your colleagues and the vendor representatives who have come to Tucson to make this a rewarding experience for everyone. Be sure to take time to participate in the special activities. You will be truly appreciative of the people who make school business management such a fun and worthwhile profession. 23rd Annual Mike Peacock Memorial AASBO Golf Outing Wednesday, July 21, 7:00 a.m. Starr Pass Country Club 3645 West Starr Pass Blvd. Tucson, Arizona Golf Club Phone: (520) 670-0300 There’s no better way to start off your week at the AASBO 57th Annual Conference and Exposition than with a round of golf at the Starr Pass Country Club, a 27-hole Arnold Palmer Signature Golf Facility. Our golf outing will be on the Roadrunner and Coyote golf courses. Play will begin promptly at 7:00 a.m. with a shotgun start. Mail in your golf registration early by completing the enclosed entry form or register online at Exhibits are located in the Arizona Ballroom and conference center foyer. One of the highlights of the 57th Annual Summer Conference and Exposition is the opportunity for conference attendees to visit and learn from more than 200 exhibits displaying products and services, including the latest in technological advances available for public schools. This is an excellent time for you to evaluate and compare as well as to speak to the vendors themselves. There will also be door prize drawings! Admission is by conference badge. PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILDREN OR UNREGISTERED INDIVIDUALS TO THE EXHIBIT AREAS. The tournament will be a two or four-person scramble with each group selecting the flight they want to play. Flights for the serious golfer to the beginner will allow all participants to feel at ease. Entry fee is $65 per person for school employees and $110 for vendors and guests, which includes continental breakfast, green fees, cart, prizes and box lunch. When registering, please include applicable preferred partner and handicap. The Starr Pass Country Club requires the following attire: collared golf shirts, no denim and soft spike shoes only. Hole sponsorships are available for $100. For additional information, please contact Tournament Director Bill Bauman at (602) 650-1184. 6 Collaborate : Solve : Implement thursday’s agenda July 22, 2010 Breakfast Goldmine Sessions 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. 1. Recording of Bonds and Other Debt Activities Come find out from the accounting and financing experts how to record those debt-related financing activities in your financial system as well as how they will eventually show up in an audit financial statement. Bond, TANS, registered warrants, lines of credit, capital leases….it will all be discussed in this session. Presenters:Melissa Spangler, Heinfeld, Meech & Co. and Megan Wienand, RBC Capital Markets 2. CAC College Degree Through AASBO Both AASBO staff and Central Arizona College administration will present the two-year degree program in School Business Administration. Learn how you can receive a degree while attending AASBO classes and workshops. Presenter: Jeff Gadd, Arizona Association of School Business Officials 3. ADM Dashboard Reporting from the Drawing Room to the Board Room Where do you see yourself in five years? This workshop will discuss the use of dashboard reporting in spotting ADM trends and how those trends translate to your general budget limit. Also, you can use trend identification to stop potential ADM reporting issues. Presenter: Tracy McLaughlin, Heinfeld, Meech & Co. 7 Collaborate : Solve : Implement thursday’s agenda July 22, 2010 4. Using Commodities in the National School Lunch Program 6. Best Practices for an Efficient and Effective Procurement Department Learn how to streamline your procurement department. This session will provide helpful ideas to do more with less. Hear the latest news on commodities, fresh new ideas, the flexibility currently available with the program and find out how much cost savings are associated with utilizing commodities. Lina Ardizzone, Paradise Valley School District Presenters: Arizona Department of Education and Commodity Advisory Council Presenter: 5. Support Staff Evaluations According to the EPA, about $40 billion is spent annually in the United States to air-condition buildings – one sixth of all electricity generated in a year. Energy Star qualified roof products reduce the amount of heat transferred into the building by reflecting the sun’s rays. As a result, the white reflective roof surface reduces the amount of air-conditioning needed to cool a building and can reduce energy bills by up to 50 percent. Presenter: 7. Why Cool Roofing This goldmine session will provide some sample evaluation forms that are being used on the support staff. In addition, you will receive some insights on effective methods to conduct performance evaluations of your support personnel. Presenter: Justin Wing, Washington Elementary School District Jerry Brown, Arizona Cool Roof Council Achieving Balance in a Crazy 24/7 World First General Session and Luncheon Tucson Ballroom Thursday, July 22 11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker: C onnie Podesta, Inspirational Speaker, Comedian, Educator, Certified Professional Counselor & Expert in the Psychology of Human Relations Connie Podesta, an expert in the psychology of human behavior and leadership development, is internationally known for her high-energy, interactive, powerful entertaining and result-oriented sessions. She is an award-winning speaker with degrees in Human Relations and Counseling, author of five books, Board Certified Therapist and Radio/TV personality. Connie will deliver an incredibly entertaining, dynamic and interactive presentation that will help you decode the mystery of human behavior in all areas of your life, both personal and professional. Connie has worked with hundreds of corporations and non-profits nationwide. She is uniquely able to involve her audience with her diverse talents as a comedian, author, Licensed Professional Counselor and radio/TV personality to inspire her audiences to reach new heights in their personal and professional development. Connie Podesta has been a keynote speaker to thousands of educators and has presented to standing-room-only session in national meetings. She has experience in working with all levels: administrators, teachers, support staff, board members, and community/business interests. In her presentation, Connie will strive to help people stay sane when there is just too much to do. Connie uses humor, insight and a realistic take on life to help people re-assess what is important, realign their priorities and re-adjust their thinking so that they can enjoy the life they work so hard to achieve. Note: The First and Second General Session will begin promptly at 11:15 a.m. with luncheon service followed by keynote program speakers. Attendees are requested to be on time and to stay for the entire session to minimize disruption. This is a ticketed event. 8 Collaborate : Solve : Implement thursday’s agenda July 22, 2010 Breakout Session I 104 Incentives for Your Employee Benefits Program - Better Health Reduces Direct and Indirect Costs 2:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. 101 Utilizing Excel Pivot Tables to Streamline Reporting Requirements Arizona School Boards Association Insurance Trust (ASBAIT) trustees and staff will explain how preventive and identification screening (mammograms, PSA, flu shots, etc.); employee assistance programs; wellness programs; health care and prescription cost identification and education; and safe-working awareness training will reduce the direct costs of your health care benefit program, including claims and administrative costs. Learn how indirectly all of these cause the employees of your district to have higher morale, less absenteeism, and be more productive. Presenter: Jerry Edwards, Arizona School Boards Insurance Trust We will demonstrate how to use Excel’s pivot table capabilities to summarize data. The example will summarize the District GL information to complete the U.S. Department of Education’s Study of School Level Expenditures required report. Presenter: Cathleen Amabisca, Glendale Elementary School District 102 CSI Bargaining - Collaboration, Sharing, Listening This session will look at the keys to the development of a positive working relationship between the school business official and employee bargaining groups. Interactions between the school business official and employee group leadership that are based upon collaboration, sharing of data and listening to each other’s needs lead to mutually beneficial solutions and builds the essential foundation of trust that can carry a district through trying financial times. 105 Implementing What the Consultants Tell You Food Service consultants have three main recommendations when it comes to maintaining financial stability in food service operations – minimize labor, use commodities, and merchandise your program. This workshop will provide guidelines and successful examples for implementing these recommendations for all districts, large or small. Paradise Valley Unified School District has been self sustaining financially for 15 years, while Kayenta Unified School District, which had not been financially stable for more than 15 years, had its first “in the black,” end-of-year-fund balance in 2009-2010. Presenter: Tom Elliott, Paradise Valley School District 103 Courageous and Critical Communications: Key Strategies and Roles to Communicating Difficult Information The economic downturn affecting state funding for education has created a complex maze for districts to manage in a manner that is clear, open, and honest. It requires multiple layers of communication among Governing Board members, administrators, employees, parents, community members, and the media. A well thought out process or lack of one can be the demise or triumph of a district. The presentation will outline proven strategies that will strengthen your district’s communications. Presenter: Tim Ham, Madison Elementary School District Presenters:Kathy Glindmeier, Paradise Valley Unified School District and Cathy Getz, Kayenta School District 106 Going Stepless This session will focus on the single salary schedule (step system) and the range salary schedule (stepless system). It will provide reasoning on the purposes of both and why school districts are moving away from the step system to the range system. Participants will learn the pros and cons of a stepless salary schedule and receive practical advice on the implementation process. Presenters: Sandy Cooper, Chandler Unified School District and Justin Wing, Washington Elementary School District 9 Collaborate : Solve : Implement thursday’s agenda July 22, 2010 Breakout Session II 107 Surplus Property: What Do I Do with My Junk? 3:10 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. For many of us, fixed assets and surplus property are just one small part of our daily job. There always seem to be more questions than answers. Come hear from the “Babe Ruth of Surplus Property in Arizona.” The presenter deals with property management issues on a full-time basis for the state of Arizona. His dynamic presentation and best practice ideas will keep you riveted. You will never look at surplus property in the same way after attending this session. 201 5 Key Steps to Increase Control and Accountability at Your District Hear how an Arizona district banded together with its accounting firm and software provider to achieve their district goals for better control and accountability. In this best practices session, learn 5 key steps that redefined their processes to result in better control and accountability. A must-attend session if your responsibilities include finance and business operations. Presenters: Tracy McLaughlin, Heinfeld, Meech & Co., P.C. and Windsor Management Company Presenter: Steve Perica, State Surplus Property Management Office 108 Buying Technology: Hints and Pitfalls This session focuses on a cooperative effort between IT and Purchasing on how to buy technology. Discussion includes curriculum staff who attend conferences, what is really a sole source and when to schedule demonstrations and presentations. An outline on how IT and Purchasing need to team when developing RPFs, who makes decisions, presentations and “ownership” of technology. Presenter: Bonnie Gonzalez, Phoenix Union High School District 202 Property Tax Fun Facts In this tumultuous real estate environment, understanding property taxes and property valuation is more important than ever. This session will tackle the implications behind declining assessed values, explore the ramifications of a changing Qualifying Tax Rate and highlight the impacts of shifting assessment ratios. The presentation is direct and to the point, covers all types of school district circumstances and will help you understand your situation now and in the future. Presenters:Randie Stein, Stone & Youngberg and Lesley Kratz, Maricopa County Assessor’s Office 109 How to Recognize Signs of Water Damage to Minimize Costs Attendees will learn how to recognize often overlooked signs of water damage in order to save the district’s time and money by addressing problems promptly and effectively. We frequently see evidence of water damage that occurred over months, or even years, that had not been recognized or addressed. As a result, repairs that may have been relatively minor can become quite extensive. By helping staff recognize early warning signs, district personnel will be better equipped to understand the warning signs of water damage. Presenters: Alicia Holmes, East Valley Disaster Services, Inc. and Jack Musella, Kyrene School District 203 2010 Legislation Affecting School Capital Finance, School Facilities and Property Taxes This session will review the 2010 legislation and budget changes affecting school capital finance, school facilities, and property taxes. We will also discuss the implications of the 2010 legislative action for school finance officials and other district decision-makers. Presenter: Judy Richardson, Stone & Youngberg 10 Collaborate : Solve : Implement thursday’s agenda July 22, 2010 204 An Overview of the National Nutrition Standards and the Impact on Child Nutrition Programs their district’s homeless liaison. Transportation Directors will have an opportunity to strategize about how to most effectively and efficiently provide transportation to/from the school of origin. Presenter: Frank Migali, Arizona Department of Education This presentation will cover the National Nutrition Standards for school meals and ala carte sales and what that means for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast programs. This includes the impact on food and labor costs. A comparison of the proposed recommendations versus the AZ Nutrition Standards will also be presented as well. Presenters: Michelle Walters, Scottsdale Unified School District 208 Management of Energy Requires Energy of Management The Arizona gold rush is here. Energy Management suppliers, vendors and contractors have arrived. How can you protect your district during the next several years of economic difficulty? By attending this session, you will better understand the benefits of using Performance Contracting, but you must also understand the risks. Real world examples will be given. Each attendee will receive a Performance Contracting Workbook that clearly helps one understand the value of Performance Contracting as well as recognizing the disadvantages. Presenters: David Johnson, Thunderbird Mountain Facilities Performance Services and Tom Rushin, Yuma Elementary School District 205 What Business Managers Need to Know About Increasing Employees Retirement Benefits without Increasing the Cost to Your District This session will discuss the ways in which school districts can (and should) manage their 403(b) plans to maximize benefits for the employee while protecting the school from plan sponsor and fiduciary liability. Vail School District has implemented a single vendor platform that lowered employees’ fees, provided better plan design, offered more savings options and protected the district from its fiduciary liability as the plan sponsor. Presenter: Stuart Duncan, Vail School District 209 Cooperative Purchasing Due Diligence Due diligence reviews are an essential part of the use of cooperative purchasing contracts. In this session, we will look at a simple, but effective means to perform due diligence. 206 Alternative Project Delivery Methods (APDM): Where it Is Now and Where it Is Going APDM for procuring construction has been available to school district for ten years. Come hear from the expert in Arizona as he talks about where we are and where we may be going with these innovative methods of construction procurement. The presenter was instrumental in getting these rules approved by the Legislature and State Board of Education. He will address best practices and strategies for getting the most out of your construction dollar through APDM. Presenter: Gary Aller, Arizona State University Alliance for Construction Excellence Presenter: Tom Peeler, Mohave Educational Purchasing Cooperative Breakout Session III 4:10 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 301 Fixed Assets: How to Get It Done We know the rules and requirement for fixed assets, but now find out how to get it all done! Come learn from the experience of two districts as they discuss how they manage to meet all these requirements without going crazy (or maybe just a little!). Presenters: Ken Alexander, Mesa Unified School District and Lupe Bandin, Union Elementary School District 207 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Transportation Requirements This presentation will provide an overview of the McKinneyVento Act as it pertains to the requirement of transportation for homeless students. The presentation will provide transportation personnel with pertinent information they need when working with 11 Collaborate : Solve : Implement thursday’s agenda July 22, 2010 302 Credit Rating Agency Calls… Not just for Bond Issuance Anymore 306 E-Rate Q&A This session will provide an opportunity for participants to ask questions and get answers about the E-Rate process. There will be no presentation, just a Q&A format. A panel of 3 experts will be on hand to answer those questions you never get a chance to ask. Presenter: Ernie Nicely, Nicely Done Consulting This session is intended to provide perspective and guidance to business officials in preparing for inquiries and requests of credit analysts. Included will be comment and perspective from a Moody’s credit analyst on key areas of emphasis for Arizona school district credit ratings, including foreclosures, ADM, budget cuts, deferred state aid, credit lines and more. A general discussion of factors impacting credit ratings, among other new developments, will also be provided. Presenters:Bryan Lundberg, Stone & Youngberg and Justin Resuello, Moody’s 307 Technology on Board This session offers a presentation surrounding Glendale Elementary School District’s experience with the latest in school bus technology. The district implemented an electronic bus pass system more than 12 months ago and went to a No Pass/No Ride policy on Jan. 5 of this school year. You will hear about experiences with bus passes, a multi-camera, digital video surveillance system and GPS. Cost and availability of funds have kept districts from exploring these technologies. Presenter: Eric Kissel, Glendale Elementary School District 303 Anatomy of Bond Campaign - Getting to Yes on Election Day Hear from the experts in developing a successful campaign in this interactive, in-depth look at the anatomy of a bond campaign. Highlights include practical how-to information to assess your needs, communicate vision, build consensus through collaboration, and implement resources and methods of delivering the message to your staff and the community. We’ll even consider the electionday aftermath. Here’s the insight you’ll need to make it all work, plus lessons learned from districts with successful campaigns. Presenters:Brett Hobza and Tom O’Neil, DLR Group 308 CIP Master Planning Whether you are a School Business Manager, District Administrator, or Facility Director, effective management of your district’s capital improvement needs is essential. This session will give you the basics to improving the educational environment of your district’s facilities (planned and existing) through organizing and completing a master-planning effort. Topics include inspection, interviews, investigations, capital fund analysis, prioritization of projects, strategic implementation planning and approach, internal district buy-in, School Board presentations, and effective public meetings approach. Presenters: Jeff Cook, The H2 Group and David Peterson, Scottsdale Unified School District 304 Just in Time Purchasing A panel discussion from school districts that have eliminated stocking supplies in their warehouses. Come hear why districts are moving in this direction and how it might benefit your district. Presenter: Mike Romanoff, Scottsdale Unified School District 305 Purchasing Pitfalls 309 Concrete and Structural Repair Are you aware of the not-so apparent sources of compliance issues that come with certain money sources such as federal dollars? What about the hidden hazards that can be found in Energy Performance contracts? What about all the new “cooperatives” coming into our state? This session will address these subject areas and talk about how you handle such scenarios. Presenter: Caroline Brackley, The Professional Group This session will discuss how “slab jacking” and “forensic concrete/ structural repair techniques” can save money and time on facility repairs, in a very sustainable way. The session will explore common structural problems with existing facilities and explain how repairs can be done, including case studies of actual projects that demonstrate the techniques. There will be plenty of examples and ample opportunity for the attendees to ask questions of the presenters. Presenters: Dewayne Craig and Howard Kropp, Washington Elementary School District 12 Collaborate : Solve : Implement thursday’s agenda July 22, 2010 THURSDAY'S ACTIVITIES Hospitality Reception Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Meecha Terrace and Poolside There will be no better way to enjoy a busy day of meetings at the conference than to join your colleagues and exhibitors at a memorable social event that will be filled with an evening of fun, delicious food stations, music and entertainment. You will want to be in attendance. Vendor Exposition Hours of Operation: Thursday, July 22: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Arizona Ballroom and Conference Center Foyer Exhibits are located in the Arizona Ballroom and conference center foyer. One of the highlights of the 57th Annual Summer Conference and Exposition is the opportunity for conference attendees to visit and learn from more than 200 exhibits displaying products and services, including the latest in technological advances available for public schools. You will not want to miss this opportunity to enjoy some excellent hospitality and refreshments at our AASBO hosted vendor hospitality reception. This is a great time to network and meet new friends. Be sure to take a moment to thank the vendors who are hosting the various hospitality stations at this reception. This is an excellent time for you to evaluate and compare as well as to speak to the vendors themselves. There will be door prize drawings throughout the time the exhibition is open. Admission is by conference badge. PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILDREN OR UNREGISTERED INDIVIDUALS TO THE EXHIBIT AREAS. AASBO CSI: Polynesian Night Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Ania Terrace After the Hospitality Reception, we will continue the evening with entertainment that will make this year’s Annual Bash a real memorable event. First Time Attendees Thursday, July 22, 9:00 a.m. Tucson Ballroom If you are attending the AASBO Annual Summer Conference and Exposition for the first time, this special reception is for you. You will be welcomed by the leaders of AASBO and receive pointers on how to obtain the maximum benefit from your time spent at the conference. As a first-time attendee, you will receive a green name badge when you register. This badge enables other attendees to readily identify you and welcome you to the conference. This orientation is included as part of your registration fee. This year’s Annual Bash will be an experience of the Polynesia culture with the Spirit of Aloha presented by Tia’s Royal Islanders. This will be a live group with many band members and dancers. We will be entertained by beautiful dancers who will amuse our attendees with dances from all the islands; from the graceful hula to the fast moving hips of Tahiti, to dances from Samoa. And, we will witness the “Samoan Fireknife” dance which is action packed with a lot of excitement. Inaugural AASBO Duck Race Thursday, July 22, 6:30 p.m. Lazy River Come have fun in the sun and join us at the Lazy River on the grounds of the JW Marriott Starr Pass Golf Resort & Spa where we plan to release hundreds of the most adorable rubber ducks you have ever seen. They’ll paddle their way to the finish line and just might make you a winner! The fun and festivities begin at 6:30 p.m. Make sure you are around for the Duck Drop. There will be races among ducks adopted by our school business officials and a second race of ducks adopted by our vendors competing for our championships. Proceeds raised from our Duck Race will benefit the operations and mission of the Association of Arizona Food Banks to deliver food and quality of service to food banks and foster relationships in support of eliminating hunger statewide. This event is included in your conference registration package. Additional tickets are available at $15 each for guests and family members. Please be sure to bring your admission ticket, as this is a ticketed event. 13 Collaborate : Solve : Implement friday ’s agenda July 23, 2010 Goldmine Sessions 4. How can I Generate Revenue with my School’s Website? 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. 1. How the Finance Office Works with Officials and Referees Ever wonder how to pay athletic officials and referees? Do they have to be issued 1099s at year end? The AIA’s new payment system for paying game workers will also be discussed. Now that schools are allowed to advertise on their websites, find out one way to implement a website advertising campaign, support local businesses, and start generating additional revenue for your district. Presenter: “Best Value” seems to be the new buzz word. Come and see how ASU is using the Best Value evaluation process in their service contracts. This innovative process was developed some 14 years ago. It has produced projects that are truly Best Value contracts and have saved money, time and contract administrative efforts. Presenter: 5. Best Value Evaluation Process Presenters: Ginny Williams, Paradise Valley Unified School District, and an AIA representative 2. Investigating the AFR The purpose of this session will be to “investigate” and review the information contained in the Annual Financial Report. Why is this report critical, where does the information come from, and what does the information mean to the school district? Presenter: Paul Christensen, Murphy Elementary School District 3. The Black Box of Bond Financing No pressure and a quick explanation! Do you know what the price of the bond means? Do you wonder what the difference is between coupon and yield? When is it best to sell bonds at par, with a premium or at a discount? Most importantly, are you interested in finding out how this information impacts your district when you are selling bonds? In just a few minutes you can understand the basics and open the black box. All questions are welcome in this open discussion, rapid-rate format. Presenter: Tim Leedy, Fountain Hills Unified School District Randie Stein, Stone & Youngberg 14 Peggy Ferrin, Arizona State University Collaborate : Solve : Implement friday ’s agenda July 23, 2010 6. Financing in a Weak Economy Tight Budget? Need to do more with less? Learn how you can stretch your budget dollars to afford needed student transportation vehicles as well as to free up cash for other operating and budgetary needs. Presenter: Phil Polizzatto, Canyon State Bus Sales 7. Constant Awareness: It’s not Just Driving a Bus This class will explore the importance of quality customer service and having a positive attitude. We will discuss the driver’s role in the transportation team and how their positive leadership role with students is so important. Presenter: 8. Hot Topics The Arizona School Risk Retention Trust, Inc. has developed three new programs to enhance safety and lower the risk of potential loss for member districts. These new programs are: (1) Bus Driver Training, to assist districts in training their bus driver, (2) Mercury Exposures, which gives guidance to districts on how to properly handle a mercury exposure, and (3) Roof Inspections, which help educate districts on recognizing potential structural issues before it’s too late. Presenter: David Frandsen, Arizona School Risk Retention Trust Mike Fisher, Littleton Elementary School District Become Unstoppable – Motivate Yourself & Others Second General Session and Luncheon Tucson Ballroom Friday, July 23 11:15 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Doug Nielsen Doug Nielsen has been a captivating keynote speaker since 1993. He also is an executive coach, private practice psychotherapist, former Chief Operating Officer, contributing author to #1 best seller, an earned graduate degree in Behavioral Science, composer, singer and magician. One of the most overwhelming challenges organizations face today is dealing with “people problems.” In fact, recent research shows that 80-90% of a person’s success is based on relationship IQ and not intelligence. This keynote address will help you improve your ability to understand, work with and influence various personalities – even those who drive you crazy. Enduring success boils down to one element – building successful relationships. Doug tells you what your greatest competitive advantage is and how to use it. Doug plans to share with the audience the latest research on how to improve your ability to understand and work with various personalities, enhance and enrich relationships both personally and professionally. This fun, yet practical presentation, will detail the critical keys to unleash the power of relationships to help you become unstoppable. You will learn how to motivate yourself and others and also how to dramatically increase your personal fulfillment. Note: The First and Second General Session will begin promptly at 11:15 a.m. with luncheon service followed by keynote program speakers. Attendees are requested to be on time and to stay for the entire session to minimize disruption. This is a ticketed event. 15 Collaborate : Solve : Implement friday ’s agenda July 23, 2010 Breakout Session IV 406 Net Zero Energy - School Building 2:00 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. A case study of a newly designed Net Zero school building, which produces 100 percent of the energy it consumes through efficient technologies and on-site power generation over the course of a year. The building utilizes most of the renewable resources and sustainable design methods and materials currently used today. The building also educates students and staff on how to use the entire school as an extension of the classroom to become stewards of the environment through energy conservation. 401 End of Year Procedures for Closing the Financial Books It’s that time of year again! Encumbrance period – AFR is due – auditors are coming. Let’s review the various encumbrance period requirements. Review how one district prepares for the closing of the fiscal year and all that it entails. Presenters: Laura Felten and Ginny Williams, Paradise Valley Unified School District Presenters:Robert Erickson, Corgan Associates and Scott Layne, Assistant Superintendent of Support Services, Irving, TX 402 Federal Impact Aid CSI Style Finance in an impact aid district. Learn from the team as they Collaborate on the application that will help you Solve the criteria to Implement the application. You will learn about revenue bonds, revenues and debt payment accounting, Title VII, and some of the unique areas you must be aware of to successfully apply and account for impact aid funding. Presenter: Lana Berry, Page Unified School District 407 Transporting Students with Special Needs This session reviews the current laws governing special transportation related to the individualized education program process, recommended staff training, and policy development. Transportation administrators and pertinent staff will become familiar with laws, guidelines, policies and procedures. Presenter:Anthony Mendoza, Transportation Director, Isaac Elementary School District 403 Tax Rate Calculations August is tax rate time. Setting an accurate tax rate has never been more important and has also never been more challenging. Come to this session to review the critical steps to be followed to ensure your review of the proposed tax rate calculated by the County School Superintendent’s office results in an accurate tax levy that provides those funds your district needs to support its budget. Presenter: George Zeigler, Mesa Unified School District 408 Successful Bond Program This presentation will focus on how to manage a successful bond program. Starting with pre-bond planning and facilities assessment through effective management processes, we will present methods for districts to maximize their bond funds and deliver effective educational environments to the community. We will discuss performing facilities assessments, project identification and prioritization, capital funding reviews, and other bond planning and management activities. Presenters:Ed Boot and Joe Schnupp of Arcadis, and John Bachler, Osborn School District 404 Evaluation Techniques for Assessing a Supplier’s Financial and Bonding Strength This presentation will review the various techniques that can be used to assess a supplier’s long- term viability. Presenter:Michael Green, CPM, Purchasing Director, City of Tempe 409 Legal Update This session will provide information on current legal issues related to K-12 education. You will learn how new laws, Attorney General Opinions and court decisions impact your school districts. Presenter: Tom Pickrell, Mesa Unified School District 405 The GPS of Cooperative Purchasing Websites Learn how to navigate those confusing cooperative websites and find that elusive contract available for your district use. This session will also cover how to find the due diligence documentation required to use cooperative contracts. Presenter: Michelle Hamilton, Mesa Unified School District 16 Collaborate : Solve : Implement friday ’s agenda July 23, 2010 Breakout Session V 505 The Foundations of an Extraordinary Day at Work, Home and Beyond 3:10 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. How is your career impacting your lives? How are we, as individuals impacting our work? How close is your career to your original vision? Are your values and goals the same as when you started? These questions and subsequent answers impact each of the four major areas or “spheres” of your lives: your families, community connections, career and your individual well-being. Focusing on one sphere necessarily diminishes the attention you can give to the others. Presenter: Craig Maron, Branded Food Systems 501 Reconciling Cash with the County Whether large or small, districts must reconcile their financial activity with their county. This session will provide pointers on making this task go smoothly on a monthly basis, as well as what to do if you have walked into a situation where the records have not reconciled recently. Presenter: Cathy Elliott, Consultant 502 Distance Learning - Arizona Online Instruction K-12 online learning is a new field consisting of an estimated $300 million market, which is growing at an estimated annual pace of 30% annually. This session will discuss how online learning can provide more options for your students, help increase graduation rates, and keep funding coming to your district. We will outline the requirements to participate in Arizona Online Instruction and discuss the funding aspects of the program. Presenter: Chad Turley, Deer Valley Unified School District 506 Staying Positive and Productive in Difficult Times The Triple Bottom Line expands traditional economic motives to include the realms of ecology and society as a whole. You may have heard it phrased as “People, Planet, Profit.” People refers to the practices that benefit the surrounding community and society. Planet refers to practices that benefit the environment. Profit refers to the fiscal responsibility of the school district and the positive economic impact on the community. See how Colorado River Union High School District successfully achieved its Triple Bottom Line through Performance Contracting. 507 World Class Purchasing and Schools Does the recession or other challenges in your environment get you down? Do you sometimes struggle to stay positive and focused? Or, do innovative and creative solutions come easily to you, no matter what happens? Learn how your brain is wired to produce fear when confronted with an uncertain environment. This fear blocks your productivity and limits your creativity. Then, learn how to change your brain so you can influence your environment. Presenter: Paula Shoup, Internal GPS 503 Achieving the Triple Bottom Line Learn the procurement practices of world class agencies, including negotiation tips, procurement metrics, strategic vs. tactical procurement both in and out of the public sector. The presenters compare and contrast specific best practices of public and private entities to the practices of school districts today. Finally, they provide detailed information on moving your school purchasing programs toward World Class or Best Practice status. Presenters:Larry Larson, Washington Elementary School District and Mark Kinsey, Mohave Educational Cooperative Presenters:Todd Becker, APS Energy Services and Donna Roach, Colorado River Union High School District 504 Retaining, RIF’ing and Re-hiring post HB 2011 This presentation will discuss the impact HB 2011 has on school districts and address proper reductions in force policies and strategies in light of current legislation. Presenter:Matthew Wright, Esq., Attorney at Law, Holm, Wright, Hyde & Hays 17 Collaborate : Solve : Implement friday ’s agenda July 23, 2010 508 The Solar Initiative - Eco-friendly Solutions to Energy Cost and Consumption 602 ADM - The “times” they are a changing Significant changes have been and will continue to be made to the systems that the state uses to count students for state funding. See how the future state and local systems will change and make sure that your district is prepared for the significant changes that are coming to the Arizona Department of Education and Arizona school districts. Presenter: Yousef, Awwad, Arizona Department of Education Join the experts from school districts using solar energy, Kennedy Partners and architects from DLR Group to discuss how solar solutions can offset up to 100 percent of your electric usage. We’ll highlight cost models, including tax incentive plans, utility rebates and financing solutions that are capital and operational neutral. Learn how solar solutions present a unique teaching opportunity for your students. In addition, we will share new school incentive programs being developed within APS service areas. Presenter: Scott Shively, DLR Group 603 Arizona State Retirement System This presentation will give you a better understanding of benefits available from the ASRS. Whether you are close to retirement or just starting your career, you need to understand what your benefits are and how the ASRS impacts your employees. Learn about recent changes and steps that the ASRS is taking to plan for your future. Presenter: Pat Klein, Arizona State Retirement System 509 Solar - The Intelligent Choice for a Green Solution The sun provides us with the fuel of the future solar energy. It shines on us every day providing heat, light and energy. A solar water heating system easily and conveniently converts this energy to heat your domestic hot water (DHW), benefiting the environment and you with clean and efficient water heating. Presenter: Chuck Hink, Pueblo Mechanical 604 More Year Than Funding - A Real CSI Scene We juggled all year in FY 2010, not knowing what our budget would be and just received the latest payments for 2009-2010. ARRA is ending, now what? Come listen to your peers as we collaborate to solve the issues of how districts implemented last year’s budgets and strategies on this year’s challenges. How will ARRA affect us now? Breakout Session VI 4:10 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. 601 CSI Your Grants To properly implement a grant, learn how to collaborate with your business office staff to solve the issues of budget, timing of funds, payroll, procurement, and travel/dues/fees. This will include ways to easily transfer payroll by journal entry, time and effort documentation, cash management reports, completion reports, and the disposition of funds following the Completion Report Process. Learn the steps to help solve the dilemma of old-year money pay back or roll into the next fiscal year. Presenters:Gene Gardner and Laura Smith, The Professional Group Presenters:Brain Mee, Pendergast Elementary School District and Kevin Kelty, Casa Grande Elementary School District 605 Saving Human Capital: Coaching the Marginal Performer to Success With the extremes of budget cuts in Arizona and the long-term financial impact on our K- 12 education system, no district can afford to have marginally performing or underperforming employees. Attendees will use painless performance coaching techniques and learn the application of these techniques to coaching underperforming and non-performing employees to success. The ten critical mistakes in performance management will also be included in this session. Presenter: Teri Traaen, Traaen & Associates, LLC 18 Collaborate : Solve : Implement friday ’s agenda July 23, 2010 606 CMAR Process - Construction Phase 609 This presentation will discuss exactly what to expect from your Construction Manager at Risk during the construction phase, and will cover the kick-off to punch list and everything in between. Presenters:Pat Prince, Phoenix Union High School District and Paul Hartley, H2 Group A panel discussion on the benefits of solar projects for Arizona schools and how to effectively implement a solar project in your school. Discussion points will include: the key variables to analyze in determining solar viability, the true benefit to schools, financial incentives, working with a power purchase provider vs. ownership, sizing the solar system, solar impact on school budgets and energy efficiency first. Moderator: Bob Chmel, Climatec Building Technologies Group 607 Energy Conservation – Real Results This session will discuss real life ways to reduce energy use and save money. Learn no cost and low cost ways to save your district money. Discuss energy tracking and benchmarking that will help you understand your energy use, your building’s operations and that will assist you in prioritizing your capital projects. Briefly discuss the U.S. Energy Department’s Energy Star Program and how you can use this free program to track your energy use. Take home helpful hints for everyday energy conservation. Presenters: Tim O’Brien, Valley Schools Management Group and Jim Migliorino, Deer Valley Unified School District Is Solar PV Right for Your District? FRIDAY'S ACTIVITIES Vendor Exposition Hours of Operation: Friday, July 23: 8:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Arizona Ballroom and Conference Center Foyer Exhibits are located in the Arizona Ballroom and conference center foyer. One of the highlights of the 57th Annual Summer Conference and Exposition is the opportunity for conference attendees to visit and learn from more than 200 exhibits displaying products and services, including the latest in technological advances available for public schools. 608 Understanding Changes to the Municipal Bond Market The municipal bond market is changing. Come to this session to gain insight into these changes and learn about the new products available to school districts as a result of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. This is an excellent time for you to evaluate and compare as well as to speak to the vendors themselves. There will be door prize drawings throughout the time the exhibition is open. Admission is by conference badge. PLEASE DO NOT BRING CHILDREN OR UNREGISTERED INDIVIDUALS TO THE EXHIBIT AREAS. Presenter: John Snider, RBC Capital 19 Collaborate : Solve : Implement friday ’s agenda July 23, 2010 Healthy Heart Fun Run/Walk Friday, July 23, 2010 6:45 a.m. Resort Lobby Continuing in the tradition of past years, remember to plan to participate in this family- oriented AASBO event. Research indicates that a routine of moderate exercise will relieve stress, help with weight control and increase the likelihood of reaching those “golden years.” This event involves an invigorating walk/jog (approximately one-mile) around the grounds of the JW Marriott Starr Pass complex. Participation includes a free (AASBO) polo shirt for adults and a tee shirt for children. In addition, entrants are afforded the opportunity to win a $100 cash prize (adults) or one $50 cash prize (children). There is no entry fee. Open to AASBO family members and exhibitors. Come join us! AASBO CSI: Las Vegas Night Friday, July 23, 2010 7:00 p.m. Buffet Dinner 7:45 p.m. Casino Night There is no better way to finish a busy week of meetings and networking at this year’s annual conference than to enjoy an evening of good food and fun at our very own CSI: Las Vegas Night. We will start off with a delicious buffet supper fit for royalty to be followed with a casino night where you can try your luck and skill. Special Thanks to AASBO's Corporate Partners Strategic Partners Alliance Partners For information about being an AASBO Corporate Partner, contact the AASBO Office at (602)253-5576. 20 Collaborate : Solve : Implement Guest Programs Your spouse or guest is welcome to join us for a delightful program to be presented by our world acclaimed keynote speaker, Connie Podesta on Thursday, July 22 at 9:30 a.m. Join Connie for a delicious continental breakfast as she shares some proven insights and ideas in personal and professional growth. Connie Podesta’s top priority for more than 25 years has been helping people understand people. She is an expert in how people think, work, act and feel – information that is vital to the success of every individual, organization or even their family. Connie is considered by experts to be a first class executive coach. Her philosophy is that great coaching is a great partnership between two people who want the same thing – to create powerful, positive and significant change. If you want to be a better leader, increase sales, become more productive, develop better relationships, reassess your career goals, achieve work/life balance, be healthier or more financially secure, you will be amazed. Connie will share ways for you to understand yourself better . . . she will discuss why we do what we do, feel the way we feel, and say what we say . . . the first step towards personal and professional growth. Connie will help you identify all the amazing qualities you already possess that can be used to your advantage. The spouse/guest registration fee of $15 includes a continental breakfast, door prizes and presentation by Connie Podesta. This will be a sixty minute program and pre-registration is required to assure adequate seating and continental breakfast. 21 Collaborate : Solve : Implement AASBO Service Project. . . THE GREAT ARIZONA ASBO DUCK RACE TO BENEFIT THE ASSOCIATION OF ARIZONA FOOD BANKS On Thursday, July 22, the rubber ducks will be fighting for position in the Lazy River at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa in Tucson, for the inaugural Great Arizona ASBO Duck Race to benefit the Association of Arizona Food Banks (AAFB). In Arizona, the high unemployment and underemployment, home foreclosures and the lagging economy have sent record numbers of families to food banks across the state. With nearly 1 in 5 Arizonans struggling with hunger, your participation in the Great AASBO Duck Race will provide needed food for many Arizona households. It is just $5 to adopt a duck. Whether you are a school business official vendor or exhibitor, you will want to be a part of a worthwhile family fun event. And, the first ducks to cross the finish line will be awarded great prizes. You can register yourself, your school district, or business. Registration and additional information regarding The Great Arizona Duck Race will be available on the AASBO website starting June 15th. You will be able to adopt your duck online and win some big prizes. Once you have adopted your ducks online, you will automatically be entered into the online duck race. The computer will select a duck number at random and if it’s your duck, you win . . . simple. What’s even better is that you will be assisting a statewide effort to provide for the hungry and needy families across the state. When: Thursday, July 22, 2010 Where: Lazy River JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa 3800 West Starr Pass Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85745 What:Approximately 1,000 rubber ducks will compete for prizes. Ducks can be adopted for $5.00 each. How:There will be two Duck Races; the first race will be among vendors and the second Duck Race will be among school business officials competing for some great prizes and benefiting the Association of Arizona Food Banks. Beneficiary: The Association of Arizona Food Banks is a non-profit organization established in 1984 to bring a more efficient, coordinated approach to the enormous task of providing emergency food to the growing number of hungry Arizonans. Register:You will be able to adopt a duck beginning Tuesday, June 15, on a secure registration website. Information on how to adopt a duck will be available on the AASBO website by Wednesday, June 9, 2010. 22 Collaborate : Solve : Implement Register today Conference Registration Procedures SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU REGISTER EARLY! Save money when you register early! Registration fee includes all program sessions, breakfasts, luncheons, social functions, admission to the exhibition trade show and handout materials. Spouses and guests may participate in designated conference activities by registering on the appropriate area of the registration form and paying the associated fees. **(If you have attended an AASBO event in the past, it is likely that you already have a log-in with our site and you need NOT register with our site again. Simply log in as a non-member and follow the steps below. If you need help remembering your user name or password, please call the AASBO Office at (602) 253-5573) You may register for all of AASBO’s 57th Annual Conference & Exhibition events by utilizing any of the three methods described below: TO REGISTER BY MAIL, complete and return the registration form included in this brochure with payment to AASBO, 2100 North Central Avenue, Suite 202, Phoenix, AZ 85004-1477. The deadline for mail-in registration is Friday, July 9, 2010. TO REGISTER ONLINE (recommended): TO REGISTER BY FAX, complete the registration form and fax it to the AASBO office at (602) 253-5764. You will be responsible to mail the original registration form to the above address along with payment no later than Friday, July 9, 2010. Registration is available online both to members and non-members at Members: Go to and log-in. Click on the Quick Link for “57th Annual Conference” located on the right hand side of the home page. EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT: Early registration discounts apply only if registration form and full payment is received by the early registration deadline. Early registration discount deadline is Tuesday, June 29, 2010. No exceptions. Register early to assure seating availability. Online registration is available until Friday, July 9, 2010. After this date, you will need to contact the AASBO office to check on space availability. For additional information, contact the AASBO office at (602) 253-5576. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION CANCELLATIONS. Cancellations must be received by Friday, July 9, 2010. To qualify for a refund, less a $30 processing fee, you must submit a written cancellation notification. The cancellation notice may be faxed into the AASBO office by the deadline. AASBO’s fax number is (602) 253-5764. AASBO will not honor or process any request for refunds after Friday, July 9, 2010. Non-members: If you have not attended an event with us before and would like to attend this conference, but do not wish to become a member, please go to and click on the “Join Now” link at the top. Then, select the “Non-Member” option. This will take you through the steps to register with our website and will enable you to register for any event we have, but will not give you access to the members’ only pages. Once you have registered with our website, please log-in and follow the steps below in the “Members” instructions. ** To register for AASBO events, each person needs their own account. Please do not change your name under your account to register someone else. If the person who wishes to attend the event is not in our system, have them create the appropriate type of account by clicking the “Join Now” link at the top of AASBO’s home page. 23 Collaborate : Solve : Implement Registration Fee Schedule Early Bird Regular Reg. If Received By If Received on or Tues., June 29, 2010 after Wednesday, June 30, 2010 REGISTRATION FEES (Select One) _______ A. Includes membership dues to ASBO International AND AASBO $540 $565 _______ B. Includes membership dues to Arizona ASBO ONLY. $350 $375 _______ C. Single Day Registration (Includes Lunch & Break) $115 $140 _______ D. Spouse or Guest Registration $135 $160 ADDITIONAL SPECIAL EVENT TICKETS _______ Guest/Spouse Seminar with Connie Podesta (Thursday morning) $15 _______ First General Session Luncheon (Thursday) $30 _______ CSI: Polynesian Night (Thursday evening) $15 _______ Second General Session Luncheon (Friday) $30 _______ CSI: Las Vegas Night – (Friday evening) $15 PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP FEE Check workshop you wish to attend: _______ Conflict of Interest and Ethics – Panel Discussion $75 _______ Cash Flows in Levy Funds $75 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $_______ 24 $______ Collaborate : Solve : Implement Registration Form Arizona Association of School Business Officials (AASBO) 57th Annual Conference & Exposition July 21 – 24, 2010 – JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort & Spa – Tucson, AZ BEFORE COMPLETING THIS REGISTRATION FORM, READ ‘HOW TO REGISTER’ ON THE ADJACENT PAGE. RETAIN A COPY OF YOUR REGISTRATION FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS. You may register online at (preferred) Please Print Last Name ___________________________________ First Name _______________________________ MI________ Title _________________________________________ Nickname for Badge_ ________________________________ Employer________________________________________________________________________________________ Work Address_____________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________ State ______________ Work Phone ( ) ____________________________ Ext. __________ E-mail _________________________________________ ________ Zip___________________ Fax ( ) ___________________ Web Site_ ______________________________________ (check) This is my first time attending an AASBO Annual Conference & Exposition Provide the following if you are registering your spouse or a guest: Spouse/Guest Registration Name: ________ Last _____________________________ First_ ______________________________ Check here if you require special accommodations to fully participate at the conference. Attach a written description of your needs. Credit Card Payment: M/C VISA AMEX DISC Credit Card Number _______________________________ V code (3 digits on back of card) _________ Signature: _ __________________________ Exp. Date_ ______________________________________ Name of Card Holder_ ___________________________________________ Billing Address of Card Holder _________________________________________________________________________ Street City 25 State Zip Collaborate : Solve : Implement Education Breakout Sessions Please indicate the education breakout sessions by number that you plan to attend. Breakout Session Times Session Number Breakout Session Times Session Number Session 1 – Thursday. 2:00 to 2:50 p.m. _____ Session 4 – Friday, 2:00 to 2:50 p.m. _____ Session 2 – Thursday, 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. _____ Session 5 – Friday, 3:10 to 4:00 p.m. _____ Session 3 – Thursday, 4:10 to 5:00 p.m. _____ Session 6 – Friday, 4:10 to 5:00 p.m. _____ Breakfast Roundtable/Goldmine Session To be held at 7:30 a.m. on Thurs., July 22 (Check line if you plan to participate) Breakfast Roundtable/Goldmine Session _____ To be held at 7:30 a.m. on Friday, July 23 (Check line if you plan to participate) _____ FIRST TIME ATTENDEES Please indicate on the registration form if this is the first time attending the AASBO Annual Summer Conference and Exposition. First time attendees will be invited to a 30-minute orientation session to enable them to meet the AASBO leaders and what to expect and see at this year’s annual conference. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION PACKAGES Conference Registration Packages include a one-year membership to AASBO (new or renewing). The Conference Package Fee includes event tickets to all scheduled functions at the Annual Conference and admission to all AASBO bi-monthly membership meetings. SINGLE DAY REGISTRATION The One Day registration fees includes General Session & Luncheon SPECIAL EVENT TICKETS Special Event Tickets may be purchased separately (i.e. General Sessions Luncheons and The Bash) and are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Please order your tickets when you submit your registration. PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS To register for a specific workshop, check the appropriate space on the Registration Form and include the fee with your registration. See details on adjacent page. METHOD OF PAYMENT Receipt of a purchase order does not constitute payment of dues or payment of Early Bird registration discount. If payment is not received in full by June 29, 2010, the regular fee will be charged. You may charge your fees on your credit card. We accept VISA, Master Card, Discover and American Express cards. You may pay online at by logging into your account, then clicking on “My Profile.” Once on your profile page, scroll to the bottom right section labeled “Outstanding Invoices.” Then, hit the “Pay Now” option next to your invoice. Or you may enter the requested information on the registration form if you wish to pay by credit card. 26 Collaborate : Solve : Implement Lodging Information LODGING Reservation and Cancellation Policy If you desire hotel accommodations while attending the conference, you will need to make your own room reservations. The official conference hotels for the 57th Annual Conference are listed below. When making your reservations, please indicate that you will be attending AASBO’s Annual Summer Conference in order to obtain the special room rates. The following cancellation policy will be in effect for all room reservations made for AASBO’s 57th Annual Conference & Exposition. • A valid credit card is required for all reservations. • There will be a limit of two rooms per reservations. • Reservations cancelled prior to Friday, June 25, 2010, will not incur a cancellation fee. Conference Hotels JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort Reservation: Room Rate: $108 • Reservations cancelled on or after Friday, June 25, 2010 will incur a non-refundable cancellation fee equivalent to one night’s room rate and applicable taxes. • The last day to make reservations at the Marriott Tucson University Park Hotel is Monday, June 21, 2010. After June 21st, reservations will be accepted based on availability. Tucson Marriott University Park Reservation: 866-596-7897 Room Rate: $103 • The last day to make reservations at the JW Marriott Starr Pass Resort is Wednesday, July 7, 2010. After July 7th, rooms and rates will be accepted based on availability. Room rates are subject to applicable hotel and sales taxes. Be sure to indicate special needs or requests (e.g., crib, and king-size or double beds) at the time you make your reservations. All Marriott hotels in the United States are smoke-free facilities. You will be required to provide a major credit card at the time your reservations are made. Reservations are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. The hotel will mail confirmations. AASBO does not assume responsibility or discretion for hotel room assignments. Please do not contact the AASBO office for room reservations. 27 Collaborate : Solve : Implement Golf Tournament Information 23rd Annual Mike Peacock Memorial AASBO Golf Tournament Location: Starr Pass Golf Club 3645 West Starr Pass Blvd., Tucson, Arizona Golf Course Phone Number: (520) 670-0300 Start the AASBO Annual Conference off with a round of golf on Wednesday, July 21. Register early in order to reserve your spot in this tournament. The tournament will be a two or four-person scramble depending upon the flight selected, but you may only sign up as a twosome or individual. Twosomes and individuals will be randomly paired in Flights 2 or 3 to make a foursome for the scramble. Each player must select the flight in which he or she wants to play. Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2010 Time: 7:00 a.m. Shotgun start Flight 1 For the serious golfer, low score wins. No handicap necessary. Two person scramble. Cost: $65 per golfer – school employees $110 per golfer – vendor and guests Includes greens fee, cart, box lunch and prizes Flight 2 For the serious golfer with a handicap. Each player must have a handicap. Low net wins. Four person scramble. VENDOR HOLE SPONSORSHIP IS STILL AVAILABLE FOR $100. SEND PAYMENT WITH ENTRY FORM NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JULY 2, 2010. Flight 3 Any player may select. No handicap required. Four person scramble. IF YOU DO NOT SELECT A FLIGHT OR IF ANY PLAYER ON YOUR TEAM DOES NOT HAVE A HANDICAP, YOU WILL BE ASSIGNED TO FLIGHT #3. Online Registration is available at under the Quick Link for 57th Annual Conference (Preferred) _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________ last namefirst namehandicap flight 2 only ______________________________________________________________________________________________ school district or vendor ( _______ ) ________________________________________ ( _______ ) _ _________________________________ office phone/extensionfax ______________________________________________________________________________________________ email _______________________________________________________________ ___________________________ preferred twosome partnerhandicap flight 2 only ______________________________________________________________________________________________ partner school district or vendor ( _______ ) ________________________________________ ( _______ ) _ _________________________________ partner’s phone/extensionfax Flight preference (check one): #1 #2 #3 Amount enclosed: $ __________ Check here if you wish to sponsor a hole Golf Entry Deadline is Friday, July 2, 2010 Please make check payable to AASBO and mail registration form, entry fee and hole sponsorship, if applicable to: Golf Tournament Committee Arizona Association of School Business Officials, 2100 N. Central Avenue, #202, Phoenix, AZ 85004 28 Collaborate : Solve : Implement Enrollment Form for Four-Day Educational Classes Online Registration is available at under the Quick Link for 57th Annual Conference (Preferred) Classes Transportation Maintenance & Operations Budget & Finance Dates July 18-21, 2010 July 18-21, 2010 July 18-21, 2010 Location Marriott Tucson University Park Hotel Marriott Tucson University Park Hotel Marriott Tucson University Park Hotel The deadline for class registration is Monday, July 12, 2010 Please mail this registration form along with a check made payable to AASBO for $175 to: AASBO, 2100 N. Central Avenue, #202, Phoenix, AZ 85004. Your check must accompany the registration form. (Please Print) Name: ______________________________________________ District:_____________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ City:___________________ State: _____ Zip:____________ Phone: _________________________________________ Fax:_ ___________________________________________ E-mail:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Indicate which Education Class you wish to enroll in: Transportation Class Maint. & Oper. Class Budget & Finance Class Credit (check one) Professional growth only CAC Community College Two Year Program Students requesting Central Arizona Community College credit must complete the proper forms at the first class. The CAC course credit forms will be available from the instructor on the first day of class. By completing the form and returning it to the instructor, with a check made payable to AASBO for $124 for two hours of college credit or $236 for three hours of credit upon successful completion of the course work requirements. Note: Students must attend all four days of instruction in order to receive certificate of completion. AASBO does not issue partial certificates. The Marriott Tucson University Park Hotel may be able to accommodate participants at their hotels for education class registrants, subject to availability. Please contact the AASBO office for details if you need accommodations. Please be sure to identify yourself as a participant in the AASBO Educational class for the special room rate. 29
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