February - Ventura Yacht Club


February - Ventura Yacht Club
The Forecast
Meet Your Bridge
Brian McKenna, Jan Lawson and Bob Beck
Photos from Meet the Bridge on page 10
February 2016
Ventura Yacht Club
Established 1938
2016 Ventura Yacht Club
1755 Spinnaker Drive • Ventura • CA • 93001
Flag Officers
Vice Commodore
Rear Commodore
Port Captain
Fleet Captain/Sail
Fleet Captain/Power
Fleet Surgeon
Judge Advocate
Brian McKenna
Jan Lawson
Bob Beck
Bonne Drechsler
Gary Wolfe
Jeff Beller
Craig Leverault
Ken Collin
Dave Chase, M.D.
Rob Miller
Dotty Massa
Board of Directors
(Term Ending)
Judy Cunningham (16)
Belinda Del Pesco (16)
Jan Lawson (16)
Brian McKenna (16)
Bob Beck (17)
Mike Doman (17)
John Sugden (17)
Gary Wolfe (17)
Christina Baum (18)
Rafael Francke (18)
Neil Fraser (18)
Dean Prophet (18)
Yacht Club Staff
Office Administrator
Administrative Assistant
Club Keeper
Anthony Jesu
Robin Lafrican
Megan Zavala
Chuck Sobel
José Silva
José Rodrigues
Office Hours
Tuesday - Sunday
Closed during lunch hour weekdays
Telephone Numbers
(805) 642-0426
Fax (805) 642-0494
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Page: www.venturayachtclub.org
Marine Radio
VHF: WRV 530 Ch. 71
VYC Group MMSI: 036713092
In case of an EMERGENCY
contact The Commodore or a Flag Officer
2016 VYC Committees
Malcolm Knight, Chair
Stan Whisenhunt, Chair
David Boatner
Stan Whisenhunt/Sheri Green
Community Service
Mary Dame, Chair
Paul Swanson, Chair
Gary Wolfe, Chair
Rob Miller, Chair
Don Mills
Associate Historian
Dena Mercer
Human Resources
John Sugden, Chair
Junior’s Program
Scott Nordeng, Chair
Marina Management
Jeff Beller, Chair
Julie Leonard/
Sandy Swanson, Co-Chairs
PHRF Representative
Dave Trude
Predicted Log Race
Janet Lawson, Chair
Property Management Richard Van Gemert/
Judy Cunningham, Co-Chairs
Denny Dwire, Chair
Celeste Malott/ Sue Gentzle,
Ventura Cup
Denny Dwire, Chair
Robin Lafrican
From the Commodore
By Commodore Brian McKenna
elcome to February, the month of
valentines, presidential
birthdays, and a leap
year. Of course right
now it is mid-January as
I write this article and
I’m sitting in my condo
at Mammoth looking out
at mounds of fresh snow
from last night’s storm.
It’s a good thing that we
don’t have many boating
events in January because VYC is
well represented up on the mountain.
As some of you already know I work
as a ski host for Mammoth Mountain
and so far this season I have skied
with Stan and Sherry Whisenhunt,
Don and Cindy Lawson, Miguel
Valdes, Jeff Beller, Jimmy and Rita
Suley, and Andy and Diana Clark. I
also know that Rich and Sue Van Gemert, Scott Nordeng, Carlos Brea, Ed
Kutchma, Mike Stuzane, and even our
junior sailing instructor Annie Rossi
have been here. In the days to come
I expect to see Steve and Elke Fedde,
John and Betsy Grether, Bill and Mary
Fedde, Rafael and Heidi Francke, and
Jim Eisenhart skiing down the many
runs of Mammoth. When it’s too cold
and stormy to go boating, skiing is a
great alternative.
Speaking of skiing, our VYC ski
cruise in March should be better than
ever. See article on page 19 in this
Sometimes the publishing schedule for the Forecast makes it difficult to report on events in a timely
manner. However, I thought it was
appropriate to let everyone know of the first place
award won by the members
who worked hard to decorate our club launch, The
Leo Robbins, for the annual
Parade of Lights. I asked
Jim Graves to give me a list
of those members involved
with him in the project so
I could include them in
this column. Instead of a
list Jim wrote an excellent
article accompanied with a photo that
is included on page 8. Thanks Jim!
In previous columns I have highlighted members who have worked
hard or have done something significant for the betterment of our club
and/or boating. This month I would
like to compliment Staff Commodore
Paul Swanson (2004) for all that he
does for our club and for boating in
general. Following his term as VYC
Commodore, Paul stayed involved
and served as Commodore of ASBCYC
(Association of Santa Barbara Channel Yacht Clubs) in 2006. He was
then elected to the Board of Directors
for RBOC (Recreational Boaters of
California) and served in that position
for 2009-2015. If that isn’t enough,
this year Paul is the Commodore of
YRUSC (Yacht Racing Union of Southern California) which encourages and
promotes sailboat racing throughout Southern California. Also this
year (in his spare time) Paul is the
committee chair for the VYC cruising program, represents VYC at all
VYC Forecast
Continued on page 7
February 2016
Vice Views
By Vice Commodore Jan Lawson
an you imagine a holiday involving drunk
naked men beating women
with leather whips? Well
actually this is probably the
origins of “Valentine’s Day.”
On the ides of February the
women enjoyed this treatment because they believed
it made them fertile. It is
also believed they were
not hit very hard. After the
whipping,t names were put in a jar
and pulled out lottery style. This is
how pairs were matched up for the
duration of the holiday which lasted
three days. The Romans called this
celebration “Lupercalia.” I’m so glad I
wasn’t born a Roman. Something just
seems inherently wrong about trusting a naked drunk guy with a whip.
The holiday ultimately got its
name from at least two guys, maybe
three named “Valentine” or “Valentinus” who were executed by the Romans in the third century in different
years on February 14. The Catholic
Church canonized two and selected
the date of their death as the day of
the holiday. They were canonized
for possibly several events. The first
was for marrying Roman Christians
in violation of Roman law. Apparently Emperor Claudius II believed
single men made better soldiers so
he forbade them from marrying. The
second was for making the blind
daughter of a Roman jailer see again
despite the fact he was sentenced to
death. This version credits the Saint
with writing for the first time “from
your Valentine” to the girl whose
February 2016
sight was returned. A
third possibility is for
helping Christians escape
Roman prisons.
Picking February 14
was also an attempt to
“Christianize” the pagan
celebration of Lupercalia
which was outlawed in
the fifth century. It remained a drunken event
but the participants kept
their clothes on and ceased whipping
Shakespeare and Chaucer are
credited with making the date about
romance. In 1382 Chaucer wrote
“for this was on seynt Volantynys
day Whan every byrd comyth there
to chese his make.” (No, those are
not typos). In the Middle Ages hand
made notes were the norm. The first
documented written Valentine was by
Charles, Duke of Orleans, while doing
time in the Tower of London.
It wasn’t such a big deal in the
new world until the first mass produced cards appeared in 1849. By
1913 Hallmark was on it. It's now
very big business. Cards, flowers,
candy, jewelry and dinner. And
lord help you if you forget! But now
you have an out. Should you forget,
remind your loved one that the date
should be February 15, when the Roman fertility celebrations started. If
you really blow it remind you loved
one that when the Gregorian calendar
replaced the Julian calendar in 1582
the real date of Valentine’s Day is ac-
VYC Forecast
Continued on page 7
From the Rear
By Rear Commodore Bob Beck
t is now February 2016,
which actually is impossible because 2015 had
only seven months. I cannot believe just how fast
time is screaming past and
it reminds me that we cannot put off for tomorrow
what we wish to accomplish today. Maybe Yogi
said that…..or maybe not.
Anyway it is time to think
about a resolution to get out on the
water more in this coming year and
that means it is not too soon to get
some of those maintenance jobs done
now before all the mechanics and
support people are busy this spring.
Some like John and Darlene Davidson need a boat. They sold their old
one and now John needs to open up
the wallet and get a replacement so
he can anchor up. Rick and Cindy
Jones slipped their gorgeous Riviera
out the door and purchased one with
a bigger bed. This makes sense to
me and shows that it can be done
John. Most of us just need to get a
sail mended, a dinghy patched or for
heaven sake drain that miserable gas
out of the outboard, replace the spark
plug and put a tank of fresh gas back
in. My plan is always to get r done
and then I end up having to rebuild
the carburetor the night prior to the
over night cruise.
The Junior Day event was a hit
and a great start to the season. The
youth sailing program at Ventura
Yacht Club is world class. This is an
area of club activities that is not only
fun for families with younger mem6
bers but also a great way
for us older folks to enjoy
some real exciting times.
There is room for those
who would like to participate and those who would
just like to enjoy the fun.
If you are not aware of
the web site
you should log in. The
site presents a link to dates of
races and activities along with a window into their activities. Check it out!
Now for some really important
business, I have been informed that
my picture at the club posted with
the other bridge members on the
stairway is totally inappropriate. My
first thought was that it was a bad
likeness of me. You know, bad angle,
looking old, toothy smile etc. but
actually the picture was taken a while
back and more wrinkles and less hair
have taken a toll since then. Well,
Gary and Paul have explained that
this is not the case at all. Yacht Clubs
have traditions; you know class,
historical precedents, and it is only
proper to wear the winter yachting
garb of a blue blazer, starched white
shirt, VYC tie, and gray slacks in such
pictures. Not white pants, for heaven
sakes, these are for summer only.
I must apologize because the little
people who live on our shoulder to
jab some humor into these situations,
told me to explain that I was tired of
such standardized formality in my old
age and I would be promoting plaid
VYC Forecast
Continued on page 7
February 2016
From the Commodore
Continued from page 4
YRUSC events, and is my designated
representative to ASBCYC meetings
when they conflict with our own
board meetings. Thanks Paul for all
that you do.
Special Event
Scheduled for
March 20
Brian McKenna
By Julie Leonard &
Sandy Swanson
Vice Views
Continued from page 5
tually February 23. Better yet, sign up
for the Mardi Grass and Valentine's
dinner on February 12 here at VYC so
you can celebrate early and therefore
you won’t forget.
Jan Lawson
From the Rear
Continued from page 6
and stripped shirts for our new formal wear. Madras is just senescent.
My ill humor cost me. Mary
decided that my old blazer and pants
were to be upgraded to reflect better
on my up bringing and Patrick James
Men’s Wear collected a “D” note or
McKinley for those of you who don’t
understand 500 big ones.
It should be a fun year with plans
for Opening Day already underway.
Let’s get r done.
ongratulations to all
our new members who
made the plunge joining
this fabulous club over the
past year. We have an exciting new year before us and
lots of fun ahead -- AND we
still have room for more
Mark your calendars
for our Spring Open House,
Sunday, March 20, beginning 2:30 p.m. and running concurrently with our
regular Sunday munchies.
Each guest will receive one
complimentary drink, a
tour of the club facilities,
and lots of information
on the many exciting and
engaging activities the club
has to offer.
Now is a great time to
be thinking of your friends
and colleagues that may be
interested in joining VYC.
Please bring them along to
share the opportunity of
club membership with us!
Bob Beck
February 2016
VYC Forecast
The Leo Shines Again
By Jim Graves
hanks to the VYC spirit of teamwork and excellent preparation,
the Leo won the 2015 Ventura Harbor Parade of lights in her division.
The organization of VYC volunteers had the advantage of Jan
Lawson and Debbie Lawson’s extensive collections of props, rope
lights, connectors, electrical cords,
and experience as a past winner in
the contests. It is hard telling how
much is stowed in the trailer and
storage units dedicated to the Parade
of Lights. As Jan and Debbie say,
“it’s a way we can give back to the
community and we do it for the
My fellow VYC workers gave
the work of putting it together. The
same faces, and some new faces,
show up for weekend work, which
is similar to our float building years
ago, when we were much younger.
The team that I worked with was
great. The chief engineer was, of
course, Don Mills who designed
and completed the structure of the
lighted props on the starboard side
of the Leo so they were secure in the
windstorm. Don also put a lighted
Christmas tree on the cabin top,
VYC Forecast
Continued on page 9
February 2016
The Leo Shines Again
Continued from page 8
which complemented the design.
Jack Gentzel and I attached a
number of props that completed the
theme of Ventura’s upcoming 150th
anniversary. Jack’s wife Sue worked
on the decoration of Kiss and she
stopped over from time to time to
give us advice. Jack and Sue worked
on last year’s float and had such a
great time that they did it again. I
connected the many electrical cords
and adapters to illuminate the contraption. All the while hoping that
when plugged into Gary Bright’ generator, that no one was electrocuted.
Sheri Green and Pat Haskins
made a lighted prop of “150” which
caught the judge’s attention. It balanced the float presentation of 50's
cruise night cars and the iconic “Historic Ventura” sign off the California
off ramp.
Rich Van Gemert piloted the
Leo on Friday night and gave me the
February 2016
tips about the vessel and the expected course..
I piloted on Saturday night with
the watchful eyes of wife Judy as
well as crewmembers, Heidi and
Rafi Franke. Extra eyes were very
important due to the rather chaotic
nature of the parade participants,
casual observers, and unlighted
paddlers in the dark and the glare of
lights and sounds.
The next morning I attended the
awards brunch at the Greek restaurant and received the award from
the mayor. She liked our design of
the “150” so much, she took one of
the photos and said she would put it
on display at city hall.
One of the best parts about the
Parade of Lights float building was
the work and cooperation of the
VYC team of dismantling and stowing all of the props and equipment
after the event. Nice work!
VYC Forecast
Meet the Bridge Photos
Check Out VYC’s Facebook Page
id you know the
Ventura Yacht
Club has a Facebook
page? Be sure to “like”
the page, and subscribe
to notifications so you’ll
see photos posted to the
page on your Facebook
feed, as well as people
checking into the club
when they visit for a
meal, a social event, or
a race.
Visit the page soon
and share it with your
friends: www.facebook.
VYC Forecast
February 2016
Social Committee Report
Super Bowl and Jason Clay –
February Highlights
By Celeste Malott and Sue Gentlzle, Social Committee Co-Chairs
he VYC Social Committee is
in a planning mode. We met
the second Sunday in January and
it was exciting to see several new
members at our first meeting of
Everyone agreed New Year’s Eve
2015 was a great party! The comedian Jason Love was the evening’s
headliner and his one hour monologue was spot-on funny. Party
goers danced their way into 2016.
New Year’s Eve 2016 will have a
New York theme – as we plan to
ring in the new year a little earlier!
Mary Beck will co-chair this VYC
party – stay tuned for more details!
Anticipation is ramping up for
Super Bowl Sunday, February 7.
Come early to the club, for 2 p.m.
pre-game drink specials. Bring your
favorite hors d’oeuvres or dessert to
share and enjoy hot dogs, chili, buffalo wings and much more. Cheer
for your favorite team!!
Mark you calendar:
u Friday, February 12 we celebrate Valentine’s Day with a New
Orleans inspired dinner. Jason Clay
will provide romantic and danceable
entertainment and we will have
winetasting on the deck.
u Friday, March 18 – we are
all Irish with a gaelic themed dinner.
u Sunday, March 27 – Easter
February 2016
Sunday Brunch.
Are you in the midst of the rainy
winter doldrums?? Want some fun
and excitement in your life?? Join
us for the next Social Committee
meeting, Sunday, January 31 at 2
p.m. upstairs at the club. We are a
fun group – always looking for new
members and fresh ideas. Come for
the planning meeting - stick around
for the munchies!
Have great ideas you’d like
to share? Send an email to Social
Committee Co-chairs: Celeste Malott: [email protected] or Sue
Gentlzle:[email protected]
We look forward to hearing from
you soon!
Members on Move
ust a reminder that the
deadline for “Members
on the Move” submissions
for the Forecast is the 12th of
each month at 5 p.m. Articles
should be about 150 words,
along with a couple of pictures about VYC member's
travels, accomplishments and
other items of interest. Submissions can be sent directly
to Jonathan Eells at:
[email protected].
VYC Forecast
A Joyful Adventure
By Jeff Stansfield
id October 2015 fellow VYC
member Scott Nordeng and
I left VYC on the sailboat Joy for a
journey south. With Scott’s insistence
we were off to participate in the Baja
Ha Ha. I had planned to head south
to Mexico on Joy with my son, Mason,
after he graduated from CU Boulder
leaving in early January 2016. Instead, Scott and I, along with Jeff Nelson (Catalina Island Harbor Patrolman) joined the Ha Ha. It was a last
minute endeavor and I was the very
last entry of 135 boats. As it turned
out, leaving early in the year kept us
on “pins and needles” watching hurricane Olaf and Patricia in October.
Looking at the El Nino storms of December and January, I am very glad
we went south early. The weather in
Bendaris Bay is warm and calm most
of the time with only a little rain now
and then.
We left San Diego with the Ha
Ha fleet on Halloween and after a
54 hour passage (350 nautical miles)
we arrived in Turtle Bay. There we
refueled with diesel and “rested” for
two days. The rest included a quest
for fish (Jeff found a fresh Grouper) to make a world-class ceviche,
a baseball game with cruisers and
local kids, a beach party (where we
served the ceviche to the fleet), sail
repairs for the fleet courtesy of Scott
and much socializing and getting to
know all the players. After this “rest”
we were off to Bahia Santa Maria a
40 hour passage (250 Nautical miles).
Bahia is is a large bay at the north
end of Magdalena Bay with fantastic holding ground, protection from
the North Westerlies a surf spot, an
amazing estuary and a year-round
fishing village. Here we “rested” again
for two days by surfing, socializing,
dinghy trips up the estuary, and
capping it off with a beach party like
no other. An enterprising fisherman
brings in 1000 beers, serves fish dinner and brings in a rock and roll band
from La Paz. They have to travel 150
miles and cross the bay by ferry (two
pangas with a wood platform lashed
to form a barge). The party is set up
at a house on the cliff overlooking the
anchorage. With the food, drinking
and music came the dancing…
After two days of “resting” in
beautiful Santa Maria Bay we left
for the final leg of the Ha Ha on a
short 180 nautical mile trip to Cabo
San Lucas. Here we were to “rest” for
VYC Forecast
Continued on page 13
February 2016
A Joyful Adventure
Continued from page 12
three days before the fleet all went
rejoined us we headed south 300
their separate ways. The first order of nautical miles to Puerto Vallarta. This
business was the “check in to Mexiwas the best sailing of the trip and we
co.” The Ha Ha had arranged for an
only ran the motor for a few hours
agent to meet us all on the dock and
the entire voyage. Our journey ended
provide “one stop shopping” for all
in La Cruz Marina where just like
the paperwork. Complying with the
Captain Ron, Jeff Nelson left within
papers for Mexico is really simple if
one hour and headed south on a bus
you know the drill. Each boat needs
to go surfing. Scott stayed several
Mexican Liability Insurance and a
days and flew home to Ventura and
ten-year “Temporary Import Permit” or
I stayed several weeks cleaning the
TIP, these can be purchased online
boat, varnishing, waxing and preparahead of time. Each boat needs a
ing to leave Joy for two months while
“Crew List," each crew member
I returned home for the holidays. All
needs a Passport, and the “Forma
told we traveled 1100 nautical miles
Migratoria Multiple” or FMM. As a Ha
and had the time of our lives. Scott is
Ha participant you are able to pura great friend and long time sailing
chase all these documents from the
companion, Jeff Nelson’s knowledge
agent in Cabo. I joined the Discover
of cruising techniques, command of
Baja Travel Club and was able to get
the Mexican language, familiarity
everything ahead of time.
with anchorages and surf spots was
The parties in Cabo were non
second to none and his gregarious
stop and the final big party is held at
personality kept a vast supply of new
the legendary “Squid Row” bar. For
friends coming our way.
me this was over the top… Scott and
Prices in Mexico:
I stayed until 11:00 and since the
u Baja Ha Ha entrance fee $350
panga taxies were no longer running,
u Diesel Fuel in Turtle Bay
we had to hitch a ride back to our
$5.00 per gallon
anchorage just outside the harbor
u Tie up at the fuel dock in
entrance. Jeff stayed at the party late, Cabo $100 to $200
and early the next morning he was
u Diesel Fuel in Cabo $4.50 per
on a bus to Todos Santos Village to
visit his aunt and go surfing. Early
u Slip fee in Cabo $100 to $200
the next morning (with still two parper night
ties left to go) Scott and I left for San
u Slip fee in San Jose $65 per
Jose Del Cabo; there we would be
able to get fuel and tie up in a slip, go
u Diesel Fuel in San Jose $3.15
out for a nice quiet meal and prepare
per gallon
for the next leg of the journey. By
u Slip at Marina La Cruz $1000
comparison to Cabo San Lucas, San
per month
Jose is quiet, inexpensive and quaint.
u Two Beers and Guacamole at
We stayed two nights and after Jeff
the Gecko Rojo in La Cruz $5.00
February 2016
VYC Forecast
Master Calendar 2016
13-14 Sat-Sun
20-21 Sat-Sun
26-28 Fri-Sun
VYC Potluck
Private Party – Chepley
Super Bowl Tailgate Party & Appetizer Competition
Junior’s Day
VYC Potluck
Power Squadron
Book Group
Private Party – Everhart
Mardi Gras & Valentine’s Dinner
Ullman-Frost Race (VYC hosts) Laser Regatta
Power Squadron
VYC Potluck
BOD meeting
Private Party – PS Change of Watch
SCYA Midwinters
VYC Potluck
Power Squadron
Monthly Birthday Dinner
PCYC/VYC Cruise (Dock Party)
VYC Potluck
Power Squadron
Junior’s Day
VYC Potluck
Power Squadron
Annual Snow Cruise
Book Group
Power Squadron
VYC Potluck
Irish Theme Dinner
Anacapa Cruise (Lunch & Guided Hike)
Private Party – Labins
Predicted Log Race (Practice)
Membership Open House During Sunday Munchies
Power Squadron
VYC Potluck
BOD meeting
Monthly Birthday Dinner
Clean-Up Day
Easter Brunch
VYC Potluck
Power Squadron
VYC Forecast
February 2016
February 2016
VYC Forecast
Members on the Move
By Jonathan Eells
Jeanette, Ryan and Carter
Cox joined Carlos Brea, his son
David and granddaughter Sydney
Brea for a couple of days skiing
at Mammoth Mountain the week
after Christmas. Being Carter’s only
second time on skis, he nonetheless exhibited perfect snowplow
technique and “made pizza” all over
the mountain, while - having gotten
her own start skiing with private
lessons from Ed Kutchma - Sydney
Brea continued developing strong
form, and Sydney and Carter had a
great outing; both are active Opti
sailors in the VYC Junior’s Program.
The Eells family of Brenda,
Jonathan, Wyatt, Audrey and
Sydney made a two-week holiday
excursion through the American
Southwest by car - a road trip to test
the children’s readiness for a longer,
upcoming adventure to Norway and
Sweden come May. They hit every
available National Monument and
Park between Las Cruces, NM and
Ventura, making a grand loop to the
Grand Canyon and home. They
returned with hundreds of photos
of thousand-year old ruins from
the pre-American desert civilizations, every Park Service trail badge
that you can get, and memories of
extraordinarily bold desert mice in
frozen northern Arizona. Jonathan
and Brenda consider the children
well-tested and ready for the fjords.
Thanks to all VYC contributing
members, you make this column possible! Submit your articles (between
150 and 300 words please) along with
pictures -- by the 12th of every month
-- to Jonathan Eells at jonathan.eells@
VYC Forecast
February 2016
VYC’s Defense Against Blowing Sand:
A Concrete Block Wall and More
Story and Photos by Donald F. Mills, Club Historian
number of people have asked
why there is such a massive
wall along the street on the west and
windward side of the club premises.
The simple answer is: it is a defense
against blowing sand.
Blowing sand had been an issue
for three years, however in 1970, a
year after the 1969 floods, blowing
sand became a major problem due
to the fact that severe erosion of
the nearby beach removed the two
large sand hills (or dunes) that were
placed there as a part of the harbor
construction. The purposes of the
sand hills was three fold: to protect
against wave run-up, supply sand to
an eroding beach, and trap blowing
sand. When the beach was restored
with sand and silt removed from
the harbor clean-up dredging, it was
placed level, without dunes. This
created conditions for sand to easily
migrate downwind. Photo 1 shows
the flat beach and club parking lot
covered with sand. Removal of the
sand, as shown in Photo 2, was an
on-going problem.
An even more serious problem
was that the blowing sand was reaching the water area of the harbor and
eventually would require expensive
dredging for removal. Photo 3 shows
the rip-rap slope protection in the
club area and further north covered
with sand.
The club’s first efforts to miniContinued on page 18
February 2016
Photo 1: Wind blown sand covers
much of VYC parking lot in spring
1970 before construction of the wall.
Unlike snow, sand never melts when
the warm weather arrives.
Photo 2: Volunteers with a tractor and
shovels are removing wind blown
sand from VYC paved driveway in the
area of the entry gates in spring 1970.
Photo 3: Wind blown sand covering rip-rap rock near guest dock in
spring 1970.
VYC Forecast
VYC’s Defense Against Blowing Sand
Continued from page 17
Photo 4: In late 1970 first defensive
effort to mitigate blowing sand was
the installation of four foot high sand
fence on windward (ocean-side) of
Spinnaker Drive to trap sand and start
a dune building process. As vandals
destroyed sections of fence, palm
fronds were substituted for the missing
or broken lath.
mize the amount of wind blown
sand was to join with the Port District in the construction of over 600
lineal feet of four–foot high sand
fencing (similar to snow fencing )
on the windward side of Spinnaker
Drive. This type of fencing causes
sand to be deposited on both the
windward and leeward side of the
fence, as is shown in Photo 4. The
fencing was effective and in a little
over a one year time sand accumulated to a depth of four feet as
demonstrated in Photo 5. Planting of
vegetation on the dunes aided in the
dune-building process and was substituted for additional fences atop
the dunes. While the sand fencing
and vegetation helped stop some of
the sand there were still substantial
quantities crossing the street and
building dunes between the street
and the club parking lot as shown in
Photo 6.
Photo 5: In a little over one year a
newly formed dune nearly covers a
4-foot high fence.
Photo 6: Spring 1974, wind blown sand
continues to build-up and form dunes
in the VYC parking area.
After over four years of coping
with continual sand removal, the
club in 1975 built a six foot high
concrete block wall along the entire
street frontage that effectively stops
most of the sand. Along the north
property line a chain-link fence was
replaced with a solid wood fence to
stop sand from entering the premises from that direction. Volunteers
recently refurbished 80 feet of that
In 1981-82 the street was widened by the Port District from two
lanes to four lanes and added a 10foot wide sidewalk. VYC provided
the 10 feet of additional right-of
–way needed for the sidewalk. The
wall was moved 10 feet eastward to
VYC Forecast
Continued on page 19
February 2016
Biggest Snow Cruise Ever Shaping Up
e have three rental condos
filled and several folk
staying “off campus.” Best
ski conditions in years at
Mammoth Mountain awaiting the gang from Ventura
Yacht Club.
Don’t miss the 2016
VYC Ski Cruise – March
Condos are being rented for the
nights of Wednesday through Saturday, March 9-12.
Head Ski Guy Stan Whisenhunt
is formulating plans for another great
ski trip. In addition to nine couples
in the three VYC condos, there will
be numerous VYC skiers staying “off
campus.” If you are one of them,
please contact Whisenhunt so you can
be included in the pre-trip advisories.
Festivities include a pizza party at
Giovanni’s on Thursday, a group photo and lunch at McCoy station on Friday, and the every popular “Slammer”
party at June Mountain on Saturday
at the chalet of PK Edwards and Nelly
Mac. Party-goers for the “Slammer”
party are asked to bring an appetizer
or a dessert and wine or beer.
Not everyone skis on the VYC ski
cruise but everyone has fun.
Already checked in for rooms in
the rental condos are Stan & Sherry
Whisenhunt; Gary Bright & Michelle;
Bonne Brown Drechsler; Lisa
Renshaw & Jay Cook; Doug &
Lorna Lonberg; Rafael & Heidi
Francke, Craig & Doris Leverault, Jim Albert and Marty
Members staying off campus include Brian McKenna
and Bonnie, Don & Cindy
Lawson, Jim & Rita Suley,
Mike Stuzane, Andy & Diana Clark,
Carlos Brea, Miguel Valdes, Rich &
Sue Van Gemert, Jeff Beller., . . . If
you plan to be “off campus” and want
to participate, please contact Whisenhunt at 919-0555 or 340-1444 or email
him at [email protected].
Very important we get a proper
head count for the Thursday pizza
party. Assume all names listed above
will be at the pizza party (unless you
advise Stan otherwise). We also need
a head count for the “Slammer” party.
Early agenda:
u Thursday, March 10, 5:30 p.m.,
pizza party at Giovani's.
u Friday, March 11, 11:15 a.m.
Group photo at McCoy Station, then
u Saturday, March 12, 4:30 p.m.
“Slammer” party at PK Edwards and
Nelly Mac’s June Mountain Chalet.
u More details of the ski trip will
be forthcoming.
VYC’s Defense Against Blowing Sand
Continued from page 18
the new property line. A part of the
street widening project was the construction of a continuous solid wood
sand barrier fence along the westerly
side of the street and vegetation of
the beach dunes. The combination of
February 2016
all of these barriers and measures effectively reduced the volume of sand
requiring removal. It is important to
keep all of the facilities in place to
control blowing sand.
VYC Forecast
VYC Forecast
February 2016
Lammot – A World Traveler in 2015
By Susanne Lammot
015 – oh where oh where has
she been? - Susanne was indeed
‘away’ in far corners of the world last
year –
January - Kenya, Africa for a
family wedding with traditional three
day tribal ceremony. The beautiful
bride is a member of the Kikuyu tribe.
Some of you may be familiar with
these wonderful people as they are
the tribe featured in the film Out of
Africa. Of course we also took in an
extraordinary Safari, which was fun
to do as a family group with multiple
Grandkids were calling in April,
and I went to New Zealand to visit
and help out while ‘mom’ was away –
fun to see ‘little Leo’, named after my
son Kevin’s sailing instructor, getting
his NZ Opti ready to go out in really
rough water, from a beach launch!
The kids here have it easy!!
Alaska called me north in August, and I took my daughter and
her family on a cruise up the inside
passage – we were well rewarded with
a spectacular Northern Lights Show,
bears up close, kayaking on a quiet
still glacier lake in Canada early in
the morning, and excellent weather
for the entire trip.
And Christmas? Back in New
Zealand of course, with family, just
enjoying the wonderful summer
weather there, sailing – jet boat riding
– hiking - and starting to wonder what
it would be like to spend more time
‘down there’ – specially during our
cold/damp winter here.
Note – I am also proud to announce the publication of son Kevin
Hall’s first full length book Black Sails
February 2016
and White Rabbits, Cancer was the Easy
part – more about this in the next
Stay tuned for the next report!! –
Planning medical work in Malawi and
Zambia, and who knows what else
2016 will bring!!
VYC Forecast
VYC Forecast
February 2016
February 2016
VYC Forecast
Office Waves
By Yacht Club Manager Anthony Jesu
ark your calendars
for our special Friday
night dinner on February
12. We are having a Mardi
Gras Celebration with a
twist of Valentines! Jason
Clay will be our entertainer for the evening so you
will be able to enjoy and
dance to his classic renditions of Neil Diamond, Rod
Stewart and others.
Now is also the
time to book your
office Christmas parties as our calendar
is already filling up
quickly. If you, a
family member or a
friend have a party
or gathering coming
up you should see
about using the club.
It is a wonderful location and I always
find that member’s family or friends
love it here and truly enjoy the food,
service and spirit of VYC. Best of all
you are spared the hassle of cooking
and cleaning and can instead enjoy
the party!!
It has been some time since I
wrote articles introducing our staff to
the members. I have been asked to do
this again and so I’ve decided that this
month I would introduce our friendly
and ever smiling Assistant Office Administrator Megan Zavala.
Megan has been working at VYC
for eight years and has proven to be a
great asset working in the office. On
top of all her regular duties and tasks
Megan is always happy to help with
any member queries and is
always willing to put in the
extra effort to make sure
that member’s needs are
She was born and
raised in Ventura (five
generations) and graduated Buena High school
in 2000. Megan has two
lovely daughters Lola (9)
and Lucy (2). She
loves working
with children as
well as adults and
enjoys learning
new things. Right
now she has been
involved as a Girl
Scout leader for
the last four years
and is also on her
daughter’s school
council board.
Megan likes
to camp and take the girls on road
trips and being with family. She loves
Disneyland and she and the girls can
be considered frequent flyers to the
amusement park. This year for her
birthday Megan will be traveling to
DC and New York with her cousin.
She is very excited as this is her first
trip back east.
Her goals for this year are to go
back to college and finish her Liberal
Arts degree and to complete her CERT
(community emergency response
team) training.
Anthony Jesu
VYC Forecast
February 2016
February 2016
VYC Forecast
VYC Forecast
February 2016
Ventura Harbor Marina
Yacht Yard
A Full Service Boatyard
Specializing in:
m Rigging
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m Hull Painting
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1644 Anchors Way Dr. • Ventura • CA • 93001
February 2016
VYC Forecast
VYC Forecast
February 2016
February 2016
VYC Forecast
Marina Management Report
By Port Captain Jeff Beller
Marina Movements
The big news this last month
was that Crews and Pelican Express
finally were able to slip their dock
lines and head south on a long
anticipated cruise. They plan to
be out several years and will begin
with a season in Mexico.
Joel Bozarth and his Californian
Xtasea has been sub-assigned their
berth while they are gone.
Berth and vessel length qualifications
I get a surprising number of
questions about what size berths
members can qualify for, so I decided to summarize that information
for this column. We have waitlists
and berths of 30’, 36’, 37’, 42’, 50’
and 63’. For all of these there is
both a minimum and a maximum
length (LOA) that is allowed. Here
are the allowed lengths for each
berth size:
u 30’ - Minimum 24’, maximum
u 36’ – Minimum 32’ 5”, maximum 40’
u 37’ – Minimum 33’ 4”, maximum 41’
u 42’ (B dock) – Minimum 37’
10”, maximum 46’
u 42’ (E dock) – Minimum 37’
10”, maximum 44’
u 50’ – Minimum 45’, maximum
u 63’ – Minimum 54’ 1”, maximum 67’
So how do we measure your
vessel? We don’t go by the builder’s
stated length. Almost all vessels are
longer than that number. Here is
the exact wording of the measurement rule from our Berth Assignment Rules:
“the LOA of a vessel includes
all overhangs, above and below the
waterline, of items permanently
attached to the vessel such as
pulpits, bowsprits, swim platforms,
transom mounted outboards in the
“up” position for power vessels with
the primary propulsion system as
an outboard or outdrive only. All
retractable and folding appendages
such as dinghy davits, bow sprits,
and swim steps or ladders, shall be
in the folded or retracted position. If
a dinghy is regularly carried on the
stern, either on davits or other fixed
brackets, it shall be included in the
LOA measurement for berth eligibility.”
If you are unsure about your
vessel, you can request a “courtesy”
measurement from one of our Marina Management Committee members so you know exactly where you
Cleat Maintenance
Several members have noted
that some of their dock cleats are
loose and move a bit. There is not
much that we can do about that. It
is kind of the nature of cleats in
twenty year old docks that they will
tend to wallow out the holes in the
wood they are mounted in. The
nuts on the bottom side are most often not accessible because they are
Continued on page 31
VYC Forecast
February 2016
Property Management Report
Clean-up Day Set for March 26
By Judy Cunningham & Rich Van Gemert
e have two important items
for the membership to keep
in mind:
u Spring Clean-up Day has
been scheduled for Saturday, March
26. Your volunteerism in this important task will be sincerely appreciated. Help from all able-bodied
members is what keeps us special.
Anyone wishing to participate in
our walk-thru is welcome. Please
contact me or Judy.
u The showers in the women’s
restroom will be rebuilt soon. It is
our intent to complete this project
so that one shower will be continuously available.
Marina Management Report
Continued from page 30
on top of a float. The dock would
need to be lifted with a crane to get
at them and they probably are rusted enough they would not tighten
anyway. That said, if one or more
of the mounting bolts breaks, please
let us know right away and we will
get a replacement installed. As the
docks age more we have a program
for doing a wholesale replacement
of all of the cleats (as we did on B
dock a few years ago).
February 2016
MMC Members Sought
I’m still looking for a couple
more members that would like to be
part of and contribute to the Marina
Management Committee for this
year. We’re responsible for all the
various aspects of managing the
marina from hands-on maintenance
to financial planning, the new dock
construction, and setting rules
and policies. If you are interested,
please send me an email or call me.
VYC Forecast
VYC Forecast
February 2016
February 2016
VYC Forecast
Club Hours
(Closed Monday)
Sunday .................................................. 0800-1230
Saturday ................................................ 1200-1400
Friday .................................................... 1830-2000
Saturday Grill Night ............................. 1730-1930
Friday .................................................... 1700-2200
Saturday ................................................ 1700-2100
Sunday .................................................. 1500-1900
Saturday Sunset Happy Hour .............. 1730-1930
Sunday Hors d’oeuvres ........................ 1500-1700
Office Hours
Tuesday-Sunday .................................... 0900-1700
(Closed during lunch hour weekdays)
The Forecast
he Forecast will be mailed
the last week of each
month. The deadline for
copy and photographs is the
15th of the previous month.
Copy should be submitted to
Stan Whisenhunt at
[email protected]. Pho-tographs should be submitted
in digital form to graphic artist
Cindy Daly at [email protected], or photographs should be
left with Anthony in the club office.
Copy, deadline: The 15th of each
Stan Whisenhunt,
919-0555, swhisenhun@
Editor: Sheri Green,
[email protected]
Photographers: Bob
“Flash” Wheeler, Paul
Swanson, Ed Kutchma,
Amy West
West, Stan Whisenhunt, Jean
Crew, Sheri Green
Graphic Designer: Cindy Daly,
647-1554, [email protected]
VYC Forecast
February 2016
Daniel Higson, February 2.
Janet Lawson, February 15.
Robert Campana, February 5.
Diane Clark, February 16.
Joan Egbert, February 6.
John Grether, February 16.
Leslie Barnes, February 8.
Amy West, February 17.
Scott Hess, February 8.
Carlos Brea, February 18.
Robert Stine, February 8.
David Trude, February 19.
Linda Witham, February 8.
David Harris, February 20.
Maryann Daws, February 9.
Sally Thompson, February 20.
Scott Sampson, February 9.
Alan Carver, February 21.
Daun Barr Stansfield, February 9.
Marc Weniger, February 21.
Leslie Dennis-Rigney, February 10.
David Boatner, February 22.
Robert Seward, February 10.
Elizabeth Frank, February 24.
Ronald Sillo, February 10.
Robin Matt, February 24.
Mike Doman, February 11.
Meloney Roy, February 24.
Garrett Baum, February 12.
Norris Leap, February 25.
Chris Stine, February 14.
Lee Coit, February 26.
Norma Crandall, February 15.
Rena Randall, February 26.
Jack Gentzle, February 15.
Daniel Jordan, February 27.
Malcolm Knight, February 15.
Jim Keegan, February 28.
Ventura Yacht Club 2016 Advertising Rates
Business Card (3” wide x 2” tall)*
$ 20 per month
Half-page (5” wide x 3 1/2” tall)*
$ 35 per month
Full-page (5” wide x 7 1/2” tall)*
$ 53 per month
Full-page - back cover - color
(5” wide x 7 1/2” tall)*
$100 per month
*Prices are for camera ready ads. If not camera ready, an additional charge
will apply for set-up. Ads are black and white except for the back cover.
To place an ad please contact Robin Lafrican at the VYC office at 642-0426.
February 2016
VYC Forecast