`Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was d r y `


`Drove my Chevy to the levee but the levee was d r y `
‘Drove my Chevy to the levee
but the levee was d r y ’ - s e e page 5
IUPUI nothing more than an agreement
The blunt fact is w e do not yet have
T o the Editor
As you in fe s t e d in the lead story of
the Sept 19 g a g a - o r e . the effort of
the School of Medicine in the Faculty
Council to obtain pa— ^ e o f an
amendment in the form o f a subs Li
It r e
dram atically
power of the professional
ui Indianapolu, and of the
Medical School in particular
But the problems of IU P U I go far
beyond its name I have conaistenUy
tried to call attention to this fact in the
Faculty Council and tried to da a t at
the Sept 9 m eeting by m oving that the
question of a change of name be con
sidered by Faculty com m ittees in the
light o f brooder, underlying issues A
m e r ^ change of name without ad­
dressing the fundamental questions of
what that name signifies is like t r y u *
to cure a d i n cancer by tttaguMag M
with make-up
anything approaching a university in
Indianapolis We have a M edical
School which is extrem ely large and
powerful and intent an p r— e rrin g Mi
own interests, com e what m ay I cor
tainly do not blam e Dean B ern n g or
the Medical School for its strategy, if
I had what they have, I would proha6
ly act the sam e way Unfortunately,
the attitude that is e a rn ed to an ex
trem e by the M edical School ( because
It is the largest and moot powerful
and hi Indianapolis) prevails to s
leaser extent in the sm aller m em bers
of the confederation o f units that to
called by a few, a vary few , “ I U P U I '
It was interesting that Dr
created IU P U I What u even m ore
M t - h o g is he interpreted IU P U I to
be the name for the working arran ge­
ment created by that document,
rather than the name of a university
Reader finds Stroh’s calendar ‘racist’
T o the Editor
I appreciated the article on the Uni­
versity ’s A ffirm a tive Action O ffice in
the Septem ber 21 issue of the
Saga—ore The task of affirm a tive
em ploym ent issues and
full range of the effort (
In this regard, I take great
The calendar
its racial
caricatures la an overt exam ple of
as shocked to see la m
the Strah’s company to
express my chagrin over their um of
such racist promotional m aterials I
would invite the S a g a - o r e to join this
protest by le tU i* Strok's know that
part of the U n iversity’s affirm a tive
action is to reject such offensive
So being by that
The p rof—
I schools,
even the Vice President s O ffice, do
not use IU P U I an thou- stationery
Perhaps Dr Bosch was r * h t . IU P U I
does not exist except as a set of a gree
m enu arrived at by the trust— of
Induna and Purdue Universities
Perhaps indeed in Indianapolis it is
every school for itself within the
fram ew ork of those agreem ents and
each school can call itself what it
wants to and do what it wants, causing
the ultimate detrim ent of any identity
and unity that might be established by
having a rani university a communi
veraity. to serve our city and our
Frankly, I do not know how t o b r u *
about the identity and the unity I per
aonaily feel isao desirable Perhaps it
is not p o - ib ie with the vast disparity
in the siae, the p avar, and even the
academ ic m aturity of the different
units here, not to mention the prob­
lems created by the sprawling nature
o f our “ caa p a a a a .”
If the name should ever be changed,
no m atter Irhat the new name might
be, I hope it reflects the com ing into
being of, something new and truly
viable, add is not m erely a cosmetic
change to I f e f c hide the real issues
we must face before there w ill ever be
the groat university here we all hope
and work for
Sincerely yours,
M ichael Gem ignam . Chairman
exception to the Strati'l promotional
calendar for October, included with
the issue of the Sagan—re.______________
Offers exceient rental 3 4 4 bedroom homes, from $226
monthly Each rental home deludes ful amenities Garages or Car
ports. Clubhouse Pool Play Areas Private Patios 4 Lawn Care
Can yen canoe? Applications
(or the Student A ctivity Board's
(all canoe trip must be in tod >
(Sept M ) to reserve a canoe for
the Oct 2 outing The scenic 12
m ile trip down White R iver near
is lim ited
to 7«
The I I per person fee is
payable at the Student A ctivity
Board O ffice in the Union
2300 N TIBBS
635 7923
Thom as J W eber
4 a.
Serving IUPUI students, faculty, spouses and chrfdren thereof
Ekgtofcty Under Grads 9 credit hours or more Grad students 5
credit hours or more
Offers Apts and tanrHty townhouses
la case yea haven’t figured out
what those funny geom etrical
Sagam ore racks, w e ll tell you
They a re the plebiscite pyramids,
inverted in classic newspaper
fashion If you haven’t yet voiced
your opinion, find a Sept 21
Sagaa—re. Till the fro n tp a g e
plebiscite out, tear it off the page
and stuff it into one of the afore­
mentioned pyram ids by F riday
Hope to be hearing from you
The C r o p - of Wrath (1M0I
C arrs dine Jane DarweU and
Charley Grmpewtn will be shown
this F riday a t7 :2 0 p m in th Q o d i
of f l f c t o
DeBo— t Lecture Hall Admission
to the Academ y Award-winning
m ovie is 22 for IM A members,
| 23
la 12th <
E arl of Ducksoop had a repots
Used Plant Trade-In Sale
(we I take anything)
m arkable ease He even held the
Thurj. Sun., Sept. 29-Oct. 2, M ly
IU P U I N e w s ..........pages 3,5
L e tte r s .................. pages 2,4
Our V ie w .................... p a get
Cover S t o r y ............... page €
Midwest Arts
Trade m a n y used plant and receive
20 % off on any new plant purchase
Thurs -Sat 1 1 -6
1 2 -5
927 w—
257 5654
Gaiette..........pages 7,4,9
Zodiacal Zingers
and Help..............page*
The Inside Line........ page 9
Sports................... page 10
Classifieds............ page 11
record Urn* in the jousting com p­
e t itio n - \m of an hourglass In
fact, the E arl was so good that h »
name liv— even today in the col
i t ' s duck s o u p .' la
Belated birthday greetings go
to IUPUI student Dean Hanaen.
who is chief engineer at radio sta
tion W H Y T in NoblesviUe On the
day of his 19th birthday,
i ' s car was stolen
i. Jeex. Doan, need a ride?
When the Lord sent me forth
into the world. He forbade me to
put off m y hot to any . high or low
George Fox
September » , 1VT?
S a f* m e re
. . . because it feels so g o o d . . .
IUPUI salary equity complex
by Maftoa K \ « r « ~ d
Interviews re*-eel that the question
of salary equity for academ ic and pro
feasMnai adm inistrative) em ployes
at IU P U I la complex
I V A ffirm ative Action ( AA >office,
headed by Lincoln V L e w * , has dealt
with the problem since 1974 by con
ducting the salary equity review
T V purpose of the review , accord
in f to Lewis, is to insure that people
doing equal w o rt receive equal pay
without regard to race or sex
I V review * done, be said, because
clearly defined salary schedules do
not exist for academ ic and profession
•(em p loyes
Interviews with deans, however,
indicate the problem is com plicated
by the availability of funds to correct
s the case for Student
Services, according to its dean.
Gerald C. Preusx
Student Services
encompasses the offices of 'inanctal
aids, career counseling and p ls '* mrnt. veterans affairs, handicapped
student services, student activities,
nonacadem ic counseling and day
c a re ie r\ ices
Inequities among counselors in
these offices w ere identified before
initiation of the salary equity review.
Preusx explained
They w ere caused, V said, because
counselors originally hired by Purdue
w ere paid m ore than those hired by
I.U .
When t V Indianapolis extensions of
the two universities m erged, Preusx
explained, some of the counselors
made m ore money than others be­
cause their previous em ployers paid
R em oving the inequities has been
difficult. V said, because funds far
that must com e from the annual m erit
pay raises which all em ployes get
In som e years, he added, money has
been found for equity raises in addi­
tion to m erit raises
T V equity problem in Student Ser
vices also relates to the equal
This has been pointed out, he con­
tinued. by counselors who say they
should all receive equal pay although
they w o rt in different offices
But. Preusx added, the education,
placement counselor * different from
a financial aids cOM M tar. sa equity in
his/her pay cannot be achieved
In summary he said. “ I am rsnaor
ably satisfied we have equity within
(Student S ervices) departm ent* and I
couldn’t say that two years ago ”
Another dean who has grappled
with the equity problem *
Elisabeth Grossman, dean of the
School of Nursing
A fter assuming her position in 1973.
Grossman explained, nursing faculty
pay guidelines w ere adopted which
left many lower ranking instructors
below newly established salary bxaes
Inequities related to Una have V m
dealt with, she said
form er
professors. M ary A lice James and
Delores Swan, have filed a class
action tun against IU P U I s U e g 'ig n
equities in nursing faculty pay due to
sex discrimination ( Sagam ore Aug
In response to the suit,
E xecutive Dean Dr Edward ( Moore
said the salaries of the two women for
the last four years were ana.yxed and
in three of (hose yet<s their pay was
above parity with m ale faculty
T V analyses w ere made, a c c o rd u *
to officials, h> using the form ula em
ployed in the A ffirm a tive Action
salary equity review That fo r m u la *
composed of six variables which g ive
data about the individual They a re
t V professor s school, rank, year of
rank, highest degree date highest
degree was earned and years of
These are fed into s com puter which
then determines a predicted salary
If t V predicted salary is leas than the
individual’s actual salary, an inequity
In bringing t V suit, however,
law yers
indicated that their clients’ pay c o n
plaint is related to the number of
hours nursing faculty spend in choice I
This was termed “ a great am ount"
by Robert James, who n (n a m e d to
M ary A lice James and is one of the
p rofessors'law yers
He indicated tLc hours spent tn
cluneal instruction are t V variables
used in t V formula which determ ines
salary equity
In addition. James stated, t V suit
m ay cnailenge t V equity formula
even though it has been s c rip te d by
Department of Health
Education and W elfare
T V suit also alleges thel IU P U I
has only a general salary policy and
m l a salary d a a sificatior for I V
various instructional »\»nk*
Both sides said a settlement of I V
suit short of going to trial is unlikely
James s a d I V trial will probably V
within 12 months
Aside from i V nursing professors
investigation shows that no form al
complaints have been made about
salary mequiUea
Some inquiries have
however, according to L ’ncobi L ew is
three y e a r n ’d
review .
Lew *
explained. I V salaries of all 2.M a c s
dem ic and professional em ploye* at
IU P U I have been review ed a ’ least
T V first review . 1974 7V resulted
UM # * ' » i the second (1973 #•) resui
ted i". I I adjustments and the third
<t97ft-77> in fiv r
We Hunk we have everyth in * in or
der now. Lew is said
interview s with several employes
who received equity adjustment*
reveal that few expected the raiaes
the em ployes
w ere
com pletely surprised and happy
about t V adjustments Tw o employ
sa explained they w ere satisfieu t V
review had brought equity to their
pay. hut they still bad questions a
bout other compensation such as
benefits (insurance)
Preusx and Grossman both said
several employes ta ile d with them
about pay equity, but not one
appear*** >g*H about it
"N obody * com ing in and pounding
on t V table about salary inequities ”
said Preusx
Grossman explained that one of t V
nursing faculty who received an
equity adjustment was a m ale
A faculty m em ber in one of t V two
IU P U I schools which is m erged with
salary equity
T V person said com parable Bloom
ington faculty of t V school receive
higher pay than Indianapolis faculty,
but hu/her salary, when review ed,
brought no adjustment
Featuring finely crafted leather coats, shoes, boots and
92S W n tM d Bkd
Braid R*>pW VJbgr
i l l 7) 2S7 k7M
Student Leaders’ Workshop
‘tremendously’ successful
by G n u * LakewMM
T V Student Leaders' Workshop this
past weekend in Brown County at t V
Happy Hollow Campgrounds turned
oui to V tremendously successful
Twenty four members of t V Black
Student Union, four from the Student
A ctivities
10 from
Sagamore and 15 from the Student As­
sociation attended the two-day re­
treat Others included personnel and
idvtsors T V high count at noon on
Saturday amounted lo well over to
weekend retreat
unique group experiences headed by
Dan Motto, which brought members
and friends U gether throughout the
weekend Other workshops varied
‘ Parliam entary P ro ced u re"
and "Z e ro Based Budget n g," to
"M e e t the M rtra s" and "Y o u scratch
m y back, I'll scratch you rs," a w o rt
shop on studenl/faculty relations
headed by Paul Watson
M eals ranged
I meatloaf. baked
potatoes, and rolls to chili and crack
era. and w ere prepared by different
m em bers by means o f a w o rt sched
<ile set up by Student Association vice
president Denise Booher In th e *
tim e
enjoyed fishing, swim m ing, canoeing
and hiking A ll students had their
choice of cabins in which to sleep
during the weefceod
Saturday Night at 19:30 pm in the
dining hall was a well attended a t­
traction Some lights stayed on all
night, while many people went to bed
early after an exhausting day
All who participated in the retreat
would certainly agree that those who
missed it this year should by all
means attend next year
extended to Denise Booher and her
com m ittee for their outstanding ef
forts in 'wganixing and carryin g out
t V Student Leaders' Workshop All
jrgam xers and participants would
like to giv e thanks and recognition lo
John W alker, who saved t V Uvea of
two young women who accidentally
tipped their canoe while going far a
r id r o o t b r U k r
ALL Kin d s o f PRINTING
1 & 2 bedroom apartments
starting at $ 185. Clubhouse
& pool available. Gas, heat
and water included, plus
appliances Call Linda
2 93 -5 27 0
Our view
For the betterment o f IUPUI
Congratulations are due the IU PU I Student Association and
the Black Student Union for the outstanding and worthwhile
student leaders' workshop of this past weekend in Brown County
Approximately 70 people attended the workshop and spirits
ran high while students worked together at discussing common
problems and trying to solve the various group dynamic tasks
provided by moderator Dan Motto
Special consideration should be given lUPUl^SA vice president
Denise Booher and her crew for providing the meals for all who
attended the workshop
The people attending the workshop should also be commended
for their participation and willingness to assume some responsi
bility that the programs ran smoothly, including clean up and
setting up for meals
Summing up, we would like to encourage this type of activity
again H ie workshop idea might be considered on a twice a year
basis because it inspires those attending to come back to IU P U I
ready to devote the necessary time and effort into their re­
spective organization and for the betterment of IU P U I as a
-J E M S
Don’t call u$, write
fTlore Letters
Student thinks ‘IUPUI’ best
Wow, man, responses to our plebiscite so far have been far be­
yond our expectations In less than a day, we received over 100
responses but w e’re not going to tell you what they said until
w e’ve got them all in.
Perhaps there are more of you out there who would like to re­
spond to the questions asked in the plebiscite but who have not as
yet filled one out It's fine with us if you continue to send them in,
since we don’t plan to publish the results until our Oct. 3 issue
But please, don’t call us. write.
In the future, readers can expect plebiscites on parking, news
coverage at IU PU I, our entertainment section, beer at Metros
basketball games, or questions about campus layout
Anyway, everybody drop us a line, fill out those plebiscites and
let us know you’re alive.
—P M
To the Erhtor
Why are Urn faculty, i
staff of I
What does future hold for IUPUI?
To the Editor
With Uue letter I am
i f the proposal. I
se part of the a d
/Q o a m o r e
The Safe more it published by
otudeats of Indiana University
J Aiken, Ed
Ann Miller
Tom McCain
Gary Varvei
S u n Writers
V i m tapr cooed are those of the
ethional staff or of the individual
Those views do not necessarily
of the student body,
or faculty of IUPUI
The Sagamore is a bi-weekly
(weekly during the summer)
Michigan, Indianapolis, Indiana
Mike Callaway Clarence Brooks
Charles Grigsby Donald Gorman
aa----- n at----------a
Mason it Norwood
Prod Tucker
Evalds Valaims
Brenda Bishop
Chns Carter. Mgr
Harry Goodyear
Keith Blue
Marilyn Phillips
Joe Bray
Michael Root
Gale Schreiber
Patncia Ford
Lynn Ann Taylor
Susan Land
Ron Whitehurst
J N Williamson Gregory Rutan
Bottom Manager
Roy Yates
M William LuthoiU, Ed
Charles Poole, Aaot
Kevin C Eixkiey
Robert Mayboum. Credit Chrwtine Kopitike
Rebecca Barrett
i Heath
Deborah LM cDem d. Mgr
Jackie Kartfy
of I
I hove friends who waft beside me
i the fnot door of Cavaam«h
d they are otutotos of Pwdue
University I appreciate the heritage
My Bret question is why t
versy’ Searchmg through back
of the toga more, I eaa find on
Owe M then
Holmes admirer wants copy
it nddflcwk totortvoai
IUPUI, and th
“Ooey Puoey" attached le it
In my optoma, the tiei
A—— toy ohundy hno too much t
to deni with And there * too i
To the Editor
Aa an admirer of The Great Deter
live (and an admirer of Michael Whe
Ian), I'd eery much appreciate a copy
of the
(Vol 6. No 4 6 )« o
taming the article entitled "The
Albert KooenbUu
Pleasant Valley. Now York
Kd ante: The oaly ran
printed this letter was to prove that
^ are
I well read New York.
New York?
vanetv of
j^ a f f
duo, I dank the u a t IUPUI Ms wad
The atojwtty of mm i
m I U . and do
**t.U. at
I V Sagamore
letters U I V editor. Letters
should V short, to tV |
and hietodf IV some and
phone Bumher of tV writer.
Oily IV oaose will V pub­
lished with IV letter. T V
editors reserve tV right to
edit a l letters sad to reject
those letters they feet are
ohjecttottohle. AH letters
be typed.
IU P U I remains a tragedy
Dear ( ■ « » * » :
Give uni
t o I.
Sp iw sh mayor
I was taluag to Mr Shafceapeor the
other toy aad he stod “A rooe by aoy
name ■ a real t
Kd: to have we. p * we to a l Mob of
IUPUI aa a tr agedy, tod mart of a
Jur to ti
S ep tem ber 2K, If77
Med Center establishes diabetes center
A major diabetes center will be mUbiMhed at the School el Medicine.
IUPU1. acconbag to Dr Stephen C
Beenng. medical school dean and
director of the Medical Center at the
The center will have a threefold
function Community service to bring
the latest treatment to diabetics re­
search on the prevention and treat
ment of fhihriro i
seminars planned
The Department of State to planning
14 Scholar Diplomat Seminars during
the 1177-71 academic year Regional
bureaus will hold seminars on
Europe. Utin America. Sub-Saharan
Africa, East Asia. Middle East and
South Asia, and a number of topical
I.U Bloomington.
prepared to reimburse a participant
in this seminar senes up to $300 for
travel and living expenaee
For further information, call the
office of George M Wilson. Dean of
I.U •
Bloomington, <SU) W m m
Application forms may also be
Programs Office, IUPUI, Room 145,
Union Building
ing the beet methods of diabetic
health care to teams of health pro
several investigator* Hus
A $14 million grant from the
National Institutes of Health will fund
the Diabetes Kaaaearrh sod Trauui*
('enter for three years The grsnt was
awarded in a national competition
The center is one of five such centers
to be established. Beering said
i t is important to note that this to
the arm of diabetes for which we ex
lute at the Medical Cantor The dll
fersnee between a center and a grant
to an individual is that centors involve
j to Or Otortm
p f m r a m r a l ^ r t Uto madleul
because of the e d r
variety of i
Augmentation of
reeearrh and
«f new
investigation are two of the renter s
primary purpeess A care of r
The School of Medicine also has
centers for the study sf hypertension.
search, arthritis and paychiatiir re-
It wiB be uwd
betkn in the stale and the la r « v n
SMn sf the Uahetoa Cantor urtl
will be supparted by thr center. an im
partaal aapect sf which will be dto m
laNtofuntnl of • Model Treetmeni
In addition to the grant from the
sf Health the
will afce ahere a II
and duto investigator for the prw
to the dtosnae Clnrh. whe to ate* «
t a r t a r to the Diabetes Chair
to Itoto
■ e e e 8 e »*• * « © . . . . . ©
Stereo Components
Here’s why:
© ••••> ©
Onkyo refuasp to
M l Programs office serves
foreign, domestic students
by Lynne Peyton
The office of International Pro­
grams at IUPUI is designed to meet
the needs of both foreign and domestic
Most of the MM44 international stu
dents at IUPUI are strangers to the
U S and, in addition to aftondMg col­
lege. must face the usual problems
which confront any visitor to a foreign
The International Programs office
coordinates many functions for the
foreign student, including visas, peas
ports, university admission and
housing In the poet, international stu
dents were admitted to IUPUI
through I U Bloomington. however,
the International Programs office
here at IUPUI m
Outside speakers are available to
any community or student orgaaiza
lion through International Programs
The American Universities Field Ser
vice (of which IUPUI is a member)
sends professors from all over^be
world to lecture at various colleges
and universities for a period of six
f l f l o * * *
Each Onkyo Tunar, saparata or part of a recahmr, it
dartgnad for optimum parformanca. But Onkyo goaa on#
flap further by provKhng tarvo lockad or quartz*
hyThttl tuning.
• 9 9
*1 Qwh w B#c»onlc« mrtconwmnl Onfcyo’t
•upwto F* p o to M iK t and tecauM ol S e t
see ©
s e e s
- - -
R IS K -F R F .F . S T E R E O !
tfiat you Itoton to in our showrooms ran sound s tot (hherefit
s w eek to d ecid e if wtiet you buy
is exn cty what you want So you
M * .t
otter tug pinches# could you make
this year fia t is returnable ri you re
y o u P > * 0> W h jl
do so (m perfect condition w*fi
aM cartons’ peper w<yk. e t c )
ttoroo oompononts feom Graham
C iM M n o r o u -l. M W
unhappy, no matter what tie
rwuon. w .1 >Mnd row mono,
7-0 sy Money Beet Guarantee
H lol w y >cuon you wont to
check tor tout tun txechaao once
« l w 7 miking d.7. kom
||W i.W < o M M |i
F l. y i B lW c t M . c w R M .
»MM m wo ^n p n »n pwchwod d*j ot t.hxn
weeks in China; and Imas D«gvee
(Oct a and M). an arrheeotogwt and
one primary area of
I is Afghanistan Beth men can
be reached for lectures by coniart mg
the Interastiociai Programs office
Many events are I# be sponsored by
this office through
the yuer Is
eluded in tone me a Third World
i (Oct IS and Ml. a wort
n mvm
i n i PtoasalvaUs
^ e t u d s n t s ^ ll^ U I
Onkyo dosm l fust daafgn aqulpmant to look good on
a apoc totaat-Onkyo uaat square-mawa tachnofogy
to daalgn unha fiat sound at good kt your homa aa
•tay look on|
This semester at IUPUI the guest
lecturers are A1 Revenhold (Oct IS
and 14), an expert an world affairs
teachers and a Third World
Each sf these acthrtttes u 4
by the office of
i for Ns phot. For t
muNflpolo tip t mnnftor Inputs with toupMcitlon tsrltltn to
aftow you to uao and axpand your ayrtam bayond fust
playing records or Hslaning to FM broadcasts.
toJi n m S t o « ( M w
L \ ____
tjtoywto b u n n mm m i m rnmmAm as
014) to il to
tot o t o t i i t T t o w a
ZTMOtoetam t o m
o ph m
t t M U flo m a m a
70 Onto m s n
Wf S i A Y f d WHAT m m u
cohvchhht pay
k o m G i.h w iC lM M
Spectator* watch the flood from the Washington Street bridge one
hour before its collapse.(photo courtesy o f Indiana State Library)
W eedy
A re d s almost cover this stretch of the levee mi*iing along White River Parkway The cost o f buil
ling the levee in 1917 was S lJ million. Recent esti-
mates for its repair go as high as $4 million, (photo
by Evalds Valainio)
In need o f repair ~
A bystander eyes the remnants of the Washington Street bridge.
Damages from the 1913 flood amounted to more than $H) million,
(photo courtesy of Indiana State lib r a r y )
White River levee falls on hard times
by M tr (.sitsway
Once the pndr of Indtanapoln. the
lever on the West Fork of the White
River has fallen on hard tunes Show
ing signs of wear, its concrete slabs
slipping from to years of holding hack
spring floods, the levee n hi bad need
of reps ir
The levee was built after the spring
flood of ItU. conaadered the worst to
ever 1st thr city That flood began
with what seemed to be a mere tbun
derstonn on March K Faster Sun
day The ram c w ^dow n harda ^
only the bridge, but atoo 10 loaded box
cars fed into the torrential waters
Water overran the power station for
the streetcar system, bringing Irons
porta lion and rescue efforts to a near
halt In some parts of the city, parti
cutorly on the west side, the only form
of transportation available was by
boat Police rowed through the streets
searching for flood victims
The flood waters reached their crest
by Wecteesday Existing nver gauges
had been swept away by the flood, but
it has been estimated the waters had
risen to 31 feet 19 feet above flood
saw nothing to worry about
By tote Monday morning, the
ground was saturated and the levels
W rivers and streams in the arsa
began to rtor Soon thr earth dikes
•long White River aad Fall Creek
lave way and the waters begaa to
*1*11 into the city Four to !• inches of
•ater covered a four square mile
•action of Inihanapohs. and still thr
rain came down with mcTensug tery
wetoern part te the city A f r o g *
k in «
p * « fee Vamtoha Rad
r*ad bridge Is keep if from bong
Waahedawsy The result was that not
ports of the aty averaged 13 feet, but
the leveto were higher in same arena
One of those areas was the iMhanapo
lii Water Company* main pumping
station, wteeb the flood waters com
the Water Company employes who
attempted to hold hack the water with
Without dean dnnkug water, the
danger of typhoid compounded the
flood’s damage
Health affinals
qmckly began to umocutole to prevent
the girrod of disease
By Friday, thr flood waters had
abated, having behind mam destnar
tion Thousands were left homeless
More than 10,(WO homes were ruined
and S9 persona killed by the flood
Damages were estimated at over $10
million Refugees lined thr streets
outside relwt <trili-rs hoping for food
and lodging Many people donated
their private wells for public use until
water service could be restored
Amid the turmoil in the aftermath
of the flood came Joseph E Bell He
promised, if elected mayor, to build a
levee system that would insure such a
disaster would never happen again
Bdl easily won the election, and in
June. 1913. mode good hn promise
Work on the levee began
Bell had B J T Jeup a efty mg,
neer, (haw plans for the levee After
extensive survey. Jeup decided the!
the river had to be widened and deep­
ened to insure s smooth flow te water
during flood periods When ttes was
completed, earth would be piled along
the river’s herd to form a levee Tim
would then he covered with concrete
slabs to protect the levee from erosion
by the river
The bulking of the levee was no
easy tmk The unpredictable White
River on several occasions washed
19ttf there was s real danger that the
river would ageia flood, hut workers
managed to keep the river contained
In 1917, after two years and $1 33
million in expenses, the levee was
completed A boulevard (White River
Parkway) was built, officially, for
(hivug pinm re,” ted Ike actual
reason was to h a ^ Ike nearby rent
dents from depositing trash an the
levee Grosvenar Dewe, s a vie ana
tyst, called the levee and accompany
teg partway an engineering feat
Two other portions were later added
to the levee One was built in the 1930s
by Ike WPA, under President
Roosevelts wort programs The
second was built by Ike Army Carps of
causing problems
The slipping
concretestobs could damage sewers
rmptJVftnto White River and imder
mine the partway nearby
'Parts of the levee will be repaired,
but some areas will Imve to be ripped
vp and ra t e n .” acrordug te a
Piddle Works spokesman “We hope
tegM the Corps of Engineers to do the
work, but it doeoal took take we will
If we can’t get them, a private firm
that giveo the beat ted will do the
wort ”
Even though it a te need of repair,
the levee would prevent a flood, even
one of the 1913 prop wham , according
to Victor Warning of the Department
of Natural Resources The levee to
checked thoroughly each year to
Raymond te 3Mh Streets It is made
up of vertical concn
•ks and te
la 1917, Ike levee i
that was ui 1917 Today, the levee on
the West Fork of White River a n d
levee from Washtegl
lCth Street, at a cote te $3*4 milbar
Mayer Bel) once said of the levee,
“ It will stand as a monument ter a
The problem is that the levee I
years ain’t bod
Scptoaher a , 1177
Still not
S apM Tf
by M William lutkotU
It's m y pleasing to report that
Corky S ieg d still hasn‘1 m ade the Big
T im e At toast not in the negative
sem e of that phrase He can still walk
through an audience of adm iring fans
without getting the toe shirt ripped o ff
his back
He can still have a quiet talk with
the man on the sound board between
gigs without being pummetod into the
ground by hungry autograph seekers
And best of all, he can still m ake his
artful south Chicago blues happen
without being farced into a big bag of
com m ercialism s for the sake of the
Corky opened with two shows at the
Black Curtain Sept 25 in what prom
iaes to be the first of a once a month
senes of concerts that will be pro
duced in the Talbott V illage dinner
theater with sim ilar name talents
Appearing before an audience of
elate to 200 (with m ore than a few
Time, Corky Siegel doesn’t need to be
fam iliar facaa from I U P U I » Siegel
pulled off one of the moat satisfying
concerts that I'v e seen ia quite
About V^u’ " and *1 (to o t ( a r e What
You Da (A s Long As You Do It With
M e)
Y m his piano u still moan and
Thao the H orn’s over and it s tim e
tor two auroras
Take Some In
auranco Out Oa Me
For starters, he had the good tor
tune of playing to a very straight
c r o w d -n o bouse sales at the Black
Curtain on Sundays The mast juice
anybody could get was either orange
or pineapple, a big switch from the
crow d he played the last tune he was
in town two years ago: a bummerfest
which suffered from the handful of
drunken xfcots in the audience who
slinky No, he still can't comprehend
the meaning af a soft vow el The tael
one s okay, in the busmen* they call
It "a rtistic license "
and good mght
kept yelling "b o o g ie 1" all night king
A bettor, quieter audience and the
im provem ents noticeable Funny how
art can always communicate a little
bettor when it isn't through a hate of
scotch and soda
He tod off the show with "T h e South
west Coast (o f la k e M ichigan ) Blues"
which got everybody up for more
rapidly followed by "A m I Wrong
The harmonics ts still as vicious as
ever, m ore so if that is possible From
one who's been playing the harp for
nearly 14 years. I still don't undrt
stand com pletely how he gets some of
thr sounds out of that bos that he man
ages to make so deceptively easy
Paul Butterfield am t got nothin on
this boy at all!
A fter a 10 minute break ito facili
tote thr sales of O J and coffee > hr s
hack with "T h e Blues Am t Gonna Get
Ya When You re Bolling in thr Mora
mg C orn " and "H a lf Asleep at the
W h eel" - a tale of driving across thr
great state of Nebraska
Somewhere m thr m iddle af all that
hr manages to w o rt w aa a n t e * re
suig along based on his ideas of the
future of San F ra a n a ro
scrapers scraping thr stars from the
sky Poking the Man m thr Moon «
the e y e 'P o u tin g to where we re going
to end up l!p in God s heaven. If we
have any luck "
Still the wry humorist still thr low
key auebence rap. still the all around
showman as artist Some folks still
grouse about his departure from the
phenomenal Siegai Schwab Band of
thr early days I c a n t see their argu
men! he does a bettor show by tom
self with a tot mare satisfaction
Opening act was town loral D ave
Goodman another one I haven't
heard tor a raupto * yearn H iam re
aad guitar are vartfc m^rarag tod
af a n a l cameutmaat aad
aagar make d sound hke maybe to
was tom ahaut to yaam too ietq f t *
dua l teemed tom too oaody more
work and mpenewe* may make tom a
top bit hug yet
AS m all d was a dandy evomng
The audience wa paying to • hoed tor
(to show and to rs d a e w ra s P ro
motor John Hamilton af Mandrui
Hendenng W ort* lm pramneo more
of the same in the m ar hdur* with
groups tike Soda toe g rl s Mud*, hood
from Chicago and Stnwtdam s* a
Chicago )a si group Dates tor todh «r e
y«4 to t o firm ed up After that threes
a pmailMkty of more l toragutond
names H r
Homur M t o
(kmdman etc >
As for Corky Smget Ic a n o n lv k a p r
t o doenni stay away tor two more
years before h a neat show___________
Send us home to mo and p e l
Afarfw eat
at kata
A lot more
than their hopes
have dried up.
So have their 6elds. But they don’t need
your tears. They need you in the Peace
Corps. Be a Peace Corps volunteer, so they
can once again hope for a future.
The Peace Corps is alive and well. Call
toll free: 800-424-H580. Or write the Peace
Corps, Box A, Washington, D.C. 20525.
taaJfhaSagamore wfurmr fa
ft m
aifaifagear friatds ati tataffm.
Please enter my subscription for one full year (7 7 issues) of the Sagamore
/ogomore r z
Indiana UntoersHy-Purdue University at Indianapoit*
925 W Michigan Strawt
Indianapolis. Indiana 44202
midwest Arts
The Sagamore's Guide
To Entertainment
In Indianapoto
: or those who’ve never heard,
here’s the Nebulous Players
by M WtlUaM lalbahi
conscious theatre owner Randy
Calvin had a hand in there with a
I found out a couple of weeks ago
there are still people out there among
you who have never heard of our local
S e h a lw
Players, and who. consequently, have
never heard of last year's Black
Curtain Dumer Theatre presentation
at T V Best of the Nebulous Players
For those of you who haven't, as
well as everybody else, the new show
at the Curtain is T V Best of I V Best
of the Nebulous Players. It was
originally going to be T V Second Best
of I V Nebulous Players but PR
At any rale, whatever the name, the
package remains the sam e-a nice
long evening of Nebulous brand
humor T V word “long." by the way.
a not to be construed aa derogatory
but merely an indication that you do
get your money 's worth
i of
Hair, with all sorts of significantly
apathetic undertones Then it'* a
Ground Wheat
{ Wcleonu. to
!3 *oa J
Bakery * DaftcaSasaon
743 fbood fhpp* Ava
2 SO 4880
lim it O p m H m * ToursUrtsat
New York Street Smgorsi uncort Spm Ci'
Mood Un*e. Alpha Phi Omega. I S m i « u pm. Caw
H art' oarert a m ( avaaa^M aU
M .I
First M F all Festival
Day l
Almost Anytlaag Gooa. One Day Gi
Vahaa Clarification Wortahap, CMdor far Wamoa. »a a i4 pm.
•a m 4 Wpm. School of Nursing
First of Fa ll Festival
C a m Trip. Oawfordsvtlle. Im v t* Umaa Bldg at lam
T V second act opens with Find
Your Behind." a computerized ver
of Roots by way of RC and I V
Sunshine Rand Using thr ultimate
family tree computer banks, (har
Heroine Inca to find her tong lost
ancestor Gorbii George Then we
have a brief return to t V old "Billy
Bob Frteibong Show," thr resftcation
of Porter Waggoner and aU ha dk
might wen V advaad la b ru * s lu g
Custom Crafted
Wood Furniture
WIPP radio routine which a I
tag a moldy gold hit in its
I V group's inside look at the average
AM aado-maaochatir rock radio
h m « i F ad festival
Then it's tame for a V « parody, thr
immortal "Transparent Zoo" by
Maaimippi Wtlhams. followed by Act
the Hard with the "GoMfrey of L e v a
quick trip to I V grocery in H*
“Subenaargk” sketch, a place where
all of t V food sings and dances. deiay
mg Our Weary Shopper ua ha search
far a can at anchovies
Calendar Central
Meaagerte and T V Csnterhnry Talcs
It s a
good show and thr
player* Jack and Pat O’Hara and
Gayle Slngrrwmld are aa funny aa
ever Its a faod encore for t V u e * m
who ve been waiting and a good
The Best
Venire loading at T V Boot at I V Best of T V Nobnfona Ptsyors aad theoe are
I V beat. tLrlti Pat O’Hara. Gayle M f w v a l i . aad Jack O’Hara T V y'rr
at I V Block C u ta h
sissnoAonem av (
82«A Brood RwW
m i l 925 5555
$ s m ii
JU § T M O V f D
u im t
6306 N. Guilford
Broad Ripple Villaye
Mortoy Bonos • Tiaanoe
Cord • Alncan Trade Roods
• O
iit s is a
10% §1
«l«u U tir
9 month
1 bertoom $155
2 brnTxai $ 165
Noun 10 to 6 Dndy
11 to 5 Sat • 1 to 6 S w
Gateway-W ear APArtTMKNTS, I
{M th ttoaO
In Broad Ripple Vilage
925 Westfield Bivd
Men. - Sat 108 Sun. 12-6
(317)257 2784
a, i»n
• ^
HEyjwoNdAy n
fooitwll Ia n s !
Z o d ia c a l Z in g e rs a n d h e lp
by Jerry N.
m p^ghliihfrl an
s®d m s Ns ( (hsiru^ Id b r i^
e IUPUI mlabbahmeat down an my heed. I won't look loo
le fun with a look at
te the women te the
Of cam e, the e u d hour, place and fete te birth are rw
quired lo create tftt
much eaten (he prrsonabt y of aa inchvidua) Tlaa. if you're
Taurus bat bare Lao name. y«u won t show true Taurean
traits and will reflect certain Leo qimhtMa
Arteo The Artca woman approaches I
with (hftnity camea tersetf wed and an t quickly
sive te bim When be
groups of 6 or more get first round of
draft beer or mixed bar drinks for
Is i n t e r , often a fmmm*
Scarp* The Scarpm
fatal*, who waa never a bttle gat and always bad a
group leader gets one
5* * P#f*0°
PR EE Production Sandwich
in the
pnay. a alarmingly i
game of the week
New England Patriots
i is strictly
style but as
men like She can be so stubborn or standoffish that Mr
Right is delayed in tea own actions Eventually she is goofy,
M H & u A matter te-fact
G e a M - I t o Gc m im n o u n coum in dnguiMi and ap“ odd knact for knowing jual
which •‘face” he prefers to see Clever, quick witted, she
hokh bun at hoy but he always comm bock for more She
views dating os a game
Cancer The Cancer woman obviously wants s borne of
bar own and can *t wait te be taken home to Mom and Dad
She's htg-eyed, umially tiay. female ta the core, and seems
full of isdaldsarrate magaap-cnosteg post Actually. fee's
tan comm on like a powerhouse who
r man’s fire, but extinguish it Shew
and must be kept active No subtlety
here if fes bkm tern, he knows it, and vice versa She
rants a man whoa a MAN
Virgo The Virgo woman often has traits of sUnc dignity,
i She loves variety and wants
U> be challenged She's other very tall or small, is flip, can
<hd, slender and a likeable nut" capable at being a mans
Caprteom The Capricorn woman goes to weighty ex
irttna one way or UtroUvr and o ftm liulm llh p n iM n m
wt»di pm kun
4 1 Skr
persistent when she loves She really knows bow
to hove s good tune, no
kqaartes H it Aquarius
the way. free-dunking,
guy She won’t be dominate
alike Often tall, gorgeous a
very lang or quite short Cool
w o r ld a f
ioo par
6316 East 82nd St.
B fw l
(nsxt to Castteton Square)
Tuuaday. Wadnuaday T h u raday-tu alu n n g Slu*u Ounbar
i n the liberated type all
■ i m a
i is aa <
yet one who belongs to
efs and theamt that he
can never enter Loom a
tern aad be balm it. becomes jealous She
l wed to be
The Inside Lino
by M. WBhew Lothatli
Late tea s* book stuff this week U
There IS mdifference!!!
FIm i Mu PioytuM 4 Hour*
the Christinas book
One te the biggest M the p
t te Ahstnir Cooke's Amertra
spot a long and finaqpally
f ported on the bestseller charts
in hardback It will be in trade p
back form aad the price still not
exactly cheap is U M from Knopf
s o e c ia tfS T s s m c i i s m
tenses I
Fs isoBomis
te *
m m im
R M S Mm
Mi Msfor US Cities
i-b § 8 8 0 "itite ls n d
bock from Delta at Q R 11m j
aae of Vam
O te i. a
Cancer* A ('uhcha Dept ttys at
the Circle ttes Friday night Gate
> at
t Hall
te Music Oct I M i m a concert
at Q n n i Hall O d S (good gnte. it's
The Return te Hootenanny M Oct »
it's Rohte Trower Be Bop Delate and
Ram Jam at the acouteicalfy im
proved' ( I I bekeve it when I hear it)
Get DOW N this fall!
Acnnte goose-down jackets & vests
OF Castleton Plaza
m for the
O c L M n ste l
at Clawss Hal. And if j t e 1* got the
te tetee iq> te Chicks, the
4937 W. 38th T
Mon-Fri 10-8 Sat 10-6
E. 82nd
Featuring the best in 10 speed bites—
r .J l 411-t .a .: » * - i -
»- H n t fi h ----------
r i p , NtsniKi Kdietgn M o too ecane
Hours: 1 0 -8 d a iy. 1 0 - 6 S a t , 1 2 - 5 Sun
lift !
___ _ _
b u rb i
lUPUI’s sports activities varied
T W esF eh l
iw s .r s b k
*P »
b tra h li
if m
i nsr* r i k W
m .r e h ii
fc> Am M iller
T V I t ’P U l h tram u raU Depart
ment ertil sponsor a mue hole coed
scramble golf tournament. Sat . Oct
7. at 3 pm The outing w ill be at E agle
( reek (Soil Course, and E a gle Creek
pro Jerry Ha vs left w ill be rules offi
All participants will meet at the
course • * pm to “ choose up four
some* There is a tournament fee of
SI. plus a S3 Ml green fee The entry
deadline is Oct 7. but ln tram u rab
D irector J eff V essel) urges Uc&e m
ter rated to get their entries in much
earlier as a lim ited number of entries
w ill be accepted
Duffers can contact Vcaret) at
and the
M ilwaukee Bucks will square o ff at
New Castle s Chrysler Arena Oct II.
a !7 30 pm. in a pre season eahibiUon
gam e Tick et* are t& and are a va il
able at the Dai
office Afl seating s reserved
y e a r’s IU P U I Metros gam es
lntram urab Department a b a i
First call for IlI W I I l
ketbell h r the 107 74 w
Turn , Oct 4 at the School af Physical
at the Schs l of Physical Education
Education W O W 44U. St
M ftps
FiN in the blank spacus to com ptw le th e w ords e a c h con ta in in g the Is tls rs U S E
The c iu es may, or m ay not. h elp you
Oct. 4 first call for women
Anyone who » interested should
contact M etres Conch K irby (K a n s a s
m m*
The*.. Feb »
Wed., Feb 0
All heme games v tf be played at We Wheel el Fhyetoai
The *eread senu annual I U P l’ 1 P m
ball Wtaard < anteel M underway
again *n 'he recreation rooms at the
Players arc
To enter the ceutast pby
ers only need to be itudenta faculty er
staff at IUPUI and be wtlitng to drop a
thru Oct 7. with the p b y o f f rompoti
♦tea achodbbd M r 'h e week « f Oct l b
14 AH pn a es are pooled m the rerren
from J A J
Trade Dinner Club fo rm ed * (
light Dinner Club) and the P u U M
Pack wood, t t l*2l eat
M V u v l n C K V il W
Tickets for IU P U I Metres wtU he en
t a b Junng the month of Novem ber
and w ill be a v a ila b b at aU IU P U I
hooka tores the School of Physical
Education tbto W 44th SI and ail
Student A ctivities offices
Single tickets for studsnb w ill be
11 M Season tickets for the 10 h om e
gam e A b b a re 114 Aw ay tickets
avera ge I 1 I 4 B
AD home gam es will he played at
he fr.Giano State Fairgreundi Osh
seum, directly ocrem from the IU P U I
Nav. 1ft
Athletes in Action
Contra! State of Otuo
Dec 4
Dec 17 Northern Michigan
Doc 14 W aght State <ofG h b )
Joe 21 Oakland l'n
When there’s a challenge,
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