YP Civitan Club Building Manual


YP Civitan Club Building Manual
young professionals
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
The Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
New Club’s Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Responsibilities of Each Club Builder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7
Recruiting – Important Ingredient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Pre-Charter Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9
Administrative Details (Paperwork) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11
Initial Officer Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
YP Club Building Kit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Step-by-Step Process and Procedures for Chartering New YP Clubs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-14
YP Club Building Checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-16
Sample New Club Profile Flyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Sample Attention Flyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Suggested Charter Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Sample Pre-Charter Meeting Agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Suggested List of Topics and Speakers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Sample Emails or Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20-21
Public Relations and Club Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sample Charter Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Sample Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24-25
Bylaws of YP Civitan Club . . . . . . . . . .
New Club Governance Documents . . . .
Request for Organizational Authority . . . .
Charter Presentation Supplies Order Form
. . 30
. . 33
Charter Presentation and Announcement Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Certification for Chartering a YP Civitan Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Charter Membership List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39-45
Application for Charter Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
New Club Development Team Appointment Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Banner Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Civitan International YP Program
One Civitan Place • P.O. Box 130744 • Birmingham, AL • 35213
www.ypcivitan.org • [email protected] • 1-800-CIVITAN
Organizing and chartering a new YP Civitan club is one of the most rewarding service projects a club
can accomplish. Searching for high caliber people to join Civitan is one of the principles in the Civitan
Creed — “My Eyes search for others to join in the fellowship and service of Civitan.”
Throughout the world, young professionals are looking for opportunities to volunteer their time
through community service. They also want to enhance their personal and professional skills, meet
new friends, and network with business associates. YP Civitan clubs provide these opportunities.
This manual outlines the entire process of building a new YP Civitan club. It is designed for use by
a club building team along with a sponsoring club to accomplish the process in six to eight weeks.
Please read this entire manual before beginning. Examples of materials to assist with recruitment and
communication are provided. All forms needed to charter a new YP Civitan club are included in this
manual. Forms are also available online at www.ypcivitan.org, or email us at [email protected] for more
The Basics
Club Building Team
A new YP Civitan club is chartered primarily by a club building team that consists of two to five Civitan
members who are Accredited or Certified Club Builders. Accredited Club Builders are members who
have completed Civitan International’s New Club in a Box Seminar (or New Club Building Seminar).
Certified Club Builders (CCB) have attended the seminar and earned credit for chartering at least one
new Civitan club. Someone can earn credit as a club builder before attending the seminar. However,
this person must complete the training within one year of the charter ceremonies before he or she is
officially recognized as a Certified Club Builder.
The club building team is the driving force of the entire new club building process. Each member
of the team offers unique skills in accomplishing the goal of chartering a quality YP Civitan club.
Therefore, each team member needs a copy of this manual and should read it and have it on hand
during the organization of a new club.
Recognition for the team’s accomplishments is the Certified Club Builder’s Blazer or Cardigan. This
navy blue blazer or cardigan with the CCB crest is known throughout Civitan International as “the
uniform” of Civitan success! The number of recognized club builders is based on the number of
charter members in the new club:
The sponsoring club
is responsible for
three things:
• Up to three builders are recognized for a new club that charters with 20-29 members.
• Up to four builders are recognized for a new club that charters with 30-39 members.
• Up to five builders are recognized for a new club that charters with 40 or more members.
• Help with start-up
It is best to determine recognition order at the beginning of the building process to avoid any conflict.
Example: When a five-member club building team charters a new club with only 30 members, each
builder already knows who is to receive credit as one of the four recognized builders. The district
governor, along with the district board, makes the final determination of who receives CCB credit
when a new club has chartered.
• Names of
• Support during
Sponsoring Club(s)
first year(s)
A Civitan club chooses to sponsor a new YP club when several members are interested in club
building. These members, or club builders, depend on the sponsoring club as a foundation for
support services. The sponsoring club’s board of directors should approve and fully support the
efforts of the club building team. Even though two to five individuals assume the responsibility for
building the club, they need the support of their entire club. The sponsoring club provides three basic
• Provide financial backing between $300-$700 for start-up expenses.
• Provide names of young professionals that fellow members know in the target area.
• Provide ongoing support through joint projects and socials.
Expenses: This is the budget for all expected expenses including postage, printing, meal costs (or
snack costs), publicity, Civitan supplies, and gifts. The sponsoring club is continuously compensated
for the $300-$700 investment by the projects and activities the new YP Civitan club completes in the
community. Two clubs may jointly sponsor a new club to share building expenses.
Members’ Support: The involvement of all members of the sponsoring club greatly assists the building
team. Several members of the sponsoring club should attend a pre-charter meeting to support the
efforts of the team. They should also provide the building team with names and information about
prospective members in the target community and bring these prospects to a pre-charter meeting.
Support during First Year(s): The sponsoring club should contact and maintain continuous
communication with the new club’s officers. Appoint a new club development team to assist and
coach the officers during its first full year as the new YP club strives to earn Honor Club recognition.
When the club is in a nearby community, plan and conduct joint meetings, projects, and social events
that may become annual occasions.
Minimum Number of Members to Charter
Civitan International policy states that a minimum of 20 members is required to charter in Canada
and the United States (a minimum of 15 members is required in all other countries). YP Civitan clubs
chartering with 20 or more members can have up to 20 percent of its charter members as transfer or
reinstated members. Charter membership is open to all qualified people for 14 days after the charter
date of the new club. At the end of the fiscal year, if all the requirements are met for issuing a charter
to the new club, a charter may be issued for that year, but charter ceremonies must be held within
one month of the actual charter issue date.
Forms are available
online at ypcivitan.org
or email us at
[email protected].
City Selection and Location
Selecting the right city or area for the new club is an important decision when building a YP club.
Consider a site in a metropolitan or expanding urban area. Communication between building team
members and key people of your target area is important. You’ll want to find a location near the club
builders. There are certainly times when pioneering in a distant community is in order, especially
when you have a contact in the community who is willing to take the lead in chartering the new club.
There are two advantages to a site in an urban area:
1. YPs live and work in populated, urban cities.
2. Clubs will have more opportunity for growth in cities that offer a large variety of meeting locations,
leadership and service opportunities.
New Club’s Meeting Location and Time of Day
When and where you conduct pre-charter meetings are important decisions. You can often identify
the best location and time of day by finding out when and where other successful clubs meet in this
area. Consider the following questions:
• When and where do other young professionals meet?
• What other commitments do your prospective members have?
• How successful are other organizations in terms of membership and participation among YPs?
• How much are members of these other organizations paying for dues, if any?
The local Chamber of Commerce can assist you by providing information about similar YP service
organizations. Selecting the same time and location as these clubs, but conducting the meeting on
a different day, is a good formula to consider. Usually, these locations offer an attractive atmosphere,
after work specials, and are convenient for people you want to recruit into this new club.
If you plan to hold pre-charter meetings at a restaurant, meet with the manager to explain the intent
and purpose of Civitan. Ask if they can provide a private room at no charge and a special discount.
Many managers welcome Civitan and offer special meal prices for all attendees at the pre-charter
When forming a social-evening club with snacks and refreshments, community centers are great and
usually allow you to bring in your own food. Pubs, restaurants and other after-work hotspots often have
rooms available for this style of club.
New Club’s Profile
Making good first decisions is an important task in building a new club. Photocopy the YP Club Building
Checklist, included, and use it as your guide when you review this section. You can even draft your new
club’s plan while you read.
Name: The responsibility for naming the new club belongs to the building team. Waiting until you have
10 charter members before voting on a name can create controversy before the club even charters.
Therefore, the club builders should decide on a name before the first pre-charter meeting, which must
include “YP” or “Young Professional.”
Day and Time: Plan to conduct pre-charter meetings weekly or biweekly during the organizational
process. This stimulates the enthusiasm and momentum of the charter members to go out and recruit
more charter members. It is more convenient to conduct pre-charter meetings on a different day of the
week than your own club’s meetings.
Membership Make-up: All YP Civitan clubs must be open to men and women.
Type of Club: Most YP clubs meet after work in a restaurant, pub or community building. Before your first
pre-charter meeting, decide when and where this new club will meet after it charters.
Fees/Dues: Initially, the building team determines the charter member club initiation fees in order to
build up the new club’s treasury. Once the new club holds its election of officers, the board reviews this
structure and can amend its fees for approval by the membership. Charter members can join as: new,
transfer or reinstated.
• International dues for YP Civitan clubs are 2/3 of regular Civitan International club dues.
• District dues for YP Civitan clubs are determined and billed by the district and can be no more than
$100 per club, per year.
• Initiation fees and insurance (for U.S. based clubs) are included in YP dues.
(Per Civitan International Policy 0329)
Club Profile
• Name of club
• Day of the week and
time of meetings
• Dates of pre-charter
• Date for electing
charter officers
Dates of Pre-Charter Meetings: The building team determines all the dates for pre-charter meetings
and how many they plan to host. The sample material on our new club model located in this manual
is designed for seven pre-charter meetings, with the eighth meeting being the charter ceremonies.
Therefore, consider six to eight weeks of meetings.
Date for Election of Charter Officers: Before pre-charter meetings begin, the building team tentatively
selects the meeting date at which the election of charter officers will be held. The election should be held
two to three weeks prior to the charter date.
Responsibilities of Each Club Builder
Club building is a great exercise in teamwork! Building teams consist of two to five Civitan leaders. It is
important to divide responsibilities according to each one’s strengths. Below are four team management
levels for which a building team can outline responsibilities. The responsibilities under each title are
interchangeable, but it is important to develop a written outline of responsibilities for each person on the
building team. (See checklist included in this manual.)
Communications Manager
• Develop and print the “Summary Flyer”
• Write and email letters of invitation, follow-up, and congratulations
• Create and print meeting agendas
• Create and print Charter Ceremonies Program
• Contact local newspaper(s) with press releases
(Samples of all materials are included in this manual and are available online at ypcivitan.org)
Meeting Manager
• Contact and schedule a Civitan speaker for several pre-charter meetings.
• Set up meeting room prior to each pre-charter meeting.
• Make sure supplies are ready for meeting.
• Coordinate payment for appetizers with meeting site manager.
• Serve as greeter at the door—be sure prospects sign in and list their email
address and phone
• Bring and coordinate door prizes for each pre-charter meeting.
• Phone prospects and charter members before every pre-charter meeting (when list is over 20 people,
assign a committee to help with this).
Coordinate phone committee (other building team members) and have each member report weekly
with their phone call results.
• Be the Master of Ceremonies at each pre-charter meeting (sample agenda included).
• Collect all charter member applications with checks/cash for charter initiation fees. Keep funds/forms
in a secure location until the club bank account is opened.
Contact Civitan International’s Membership-Leadership Department prior to opening the new club’s
bank account to ask them to apply for the new club’s EIN (employee identification number) from the
IRS (US only).
• Assist in opening the new club’s bank account with new club’s treasurer and president on the signature
• Suggest the new club’s treasurer order a Square Reader after the EIN number is obtained from Civitan
International and the bank account is established. The Square Reader is an attachment used with
smartphones and allows clubs to process credit card payments anywhere. For more information visit
Fill out all the forms and administrative paperwork included in this manual. These easy-to-complete
forms are also available online at ypcivitan.org.
Sales Manager
• Visit and meet prospective young professionals, ages 21-35, in the target community.
• Schedule recruitment calendar: Building team members work in groups of two scheduling times to
visit local businesses and chamber/city leaders. (Visit two weeks prior to first pre-charter meeting &
possibly visit between pre-charter meetings.)
Attend Chamber of Commerce meetings and other community meetings to network and greet
prospective charter members (four or more weeks prior to first pre-charter meeting).
• Develop contact list of 75 or more prospects.
• Verify that follow-up emails and phone calls are being handled.
• At the end of each pre-charter meeting, encourage charter members to bring prospects to the next
Recruiting for
• Utilize social media
to recruit new
• Identify key person(s)
in the community
• Follow up with each
person contacted
Develop Summary Flyers
Making good first decisions leads to the development of the building team’s vision for this new club.
The New Club’s Profile Flyer is a very important printed tool for advertising this new club (a sample is
included in this manual, and online at ypcivitan.org). This informational flyer outlines the goals of the
new club during its formation. The general operational flyer is for the new club after it charters. This
information is important to prospective members when considering charter membership. They need
brochures and facts about Civitan International, but local club information is key to their decision to join.
Recruiting — Important Ingredient
The best way to get prospects to attend and join a new YP Civitan club is go into the target
community and meet the people. Bulk mailings have low results. Utilizing social media outlets like Facebook
and LinkedIn are a great way to reach out to your target group, as well. Develop a social media strategy
for content and posting times to best reach your audience.
A meet-and-greet through the chamber of commerce, chamber meetings and socials are also a great
way to network the new YP Civitan club. We suggest that the sponsoring club pay for a one-year chamber
membership in the target site’s community as a gift to the new club. The chamber’s fee for service
clubs is usually a fair rate, but more important are the doors that chamber membership open when
looking for prospects and community leaders. Chamber membership provides access to the chamber’s
membership directory, as well as their meetings and socials. Builders should plan to attend chamber
functions along with prospective YP members.
Visiting businesses and companies is another excellent way to find prospects for the pre-charter meetings.
Your own colleagues may also be a great resource for recruiting prospective members. Most importantly,
through these contacts, the building team develops a list of people who are most likely to join this new
club. Through follow-up emails, group text messages and phone calls this list becomes your source for
recruiting charter members.
Key Person: Identify a contact in the target community that will help organize the new YP Civitan
club. The ideal person is well connected and is comfortable recruiting YPs from many different networks
to join this new club. The key recruiter may evolve during the building process, but if he/she is known when
you begin, it can make the process go more smoothly. Many times, the sponsoring club members have
contacts in the target community the builders can attract. Identifying a key person can shorten the time
it takes to reach charter strength.
Emails, phone calls and visits are important when organizing a new club. It lets people
know they are a key ingredient to something special and new in their community. Whether they live or
work in the target community, this offer does not come their way often enough. Therefore, your follow-up
is crucial to attaining 20 or more charter members.
Pre-Charter Meetings
Showcase Civitan
• Meeting
Each meeting should showcase Civitan, since many prospects are learning about Civitan for the first
time. How you conduct each meeting determines whether prospects join the new club and ask others
they know to come learn about (and hopefully join) the club. Every pre-charter meeting is important.
Although the first one is always the most exciting, it is the job of the building team and sponsoring club
to make every meeting worthwhile.
• Pre-charter
meeting checklist
Meeting Preparation
• Pre-charter
The following items should be handled prior to each pre-charter meeting (these duties are listed for the
meeting manager in the builders’ responsibilities list):
• Follow-up
Plan a half-hour to one hour. Normally, pre-charter meetings with a social or networking time last an
hour to an hour and a half. Usually, the first thirty minutes are dedicated to social time with snacks and
• Plan a written agenda. Know who is leading each part of the meeting and what role each person plays.
• Contact those on the agenda well in advance to confirm their attendance and role in the program.
• Arrive 30 minutes prior to check the site and make sure it is properly set up, appetizers (if planned) are
prepared, and method of payment is arranged.
• Civitan Displays: Make sure the room is set up properly with lectern and a Civitan welcome display table.
The display table should include YP Civitan brochures, charter member applications, stick-on name
badges, sign-in sheet (with space for phone numbers and emails), black marker, pens and other items
such as past issues of Civitan Magazine or district newsletters.
Other items to check: Be familiar with the meeting room lighting and be sure that heat/air conditioning
is functioning properly.
Pre-charter Meeting Checklist
• Sign-in sheet at the door—include space for phone numbers and email addresses
• Stick-on name badges and black marker—the Civitan Supply House sells name badges
• Civitan display table—include items listed under Civitan Displays
• Written agenda—sample included in this manual
• Begin and end meeting on time
• Have everyone introduce themselves
• Have a quality speaker to make presentation about Civitan
• Ask new prospects to join as charter members—remember, this is why they are in attendance
• Ask each new member to fill out a charter application and pay dues
• Hand a charter application to those not joining and invite them back
• Ask new charter members to bring two prospects with them to the next meeting
• Hand out summary flyers and brochures to charter members and guests as they leave the meeting
Speakers at Pre-charter Meetings
The meeting manager of the building team should line up at least one or two speakers to present the Civitan story
throughout the charter process. Good candidates are past and current district or international leaders. They have
made these presentations before or even built new clubs. Each speaker gives a different presentation about
Civitan and what it has done for them. The builders or members of the sponsoring club can serve as keynote
speakers, but it is also good to have Civitan leaders outside the building team make presentations.
Communications = Charter Members
• Emails, text messages and letters
• Weekly phone calls
• Social media posts and connections
Election of Charter Officers
One of the most important decisions in organizing a new club is the election of charter officers. Electing the right
leaders, especially president and president-elect, ensures the well-being of the new club during its formative
first two years. The nominating committee presents a slate of charter officers for election including president,
president-elect, secretary, treasurer, and no less than three directors (see standard club bylaws included in this
manual). Note: the club president must be elected before announcement is sent out.
Sample forms
for Chartering
a New Club
can be found
on pages 31-51.
Forms are also
available online
at ypcivitan.org.
Since the building team most likely knows the charter members better than they know each other, the builders
should act as the new club’s nominating committee. You can add charter members to the nominating committee
if it seems necessary. Present the officers’ job descriptions at the third and fourth pre-charter meetings. Be sure
to review each member’s interests, which are noted on the YP Application for Membership, to determine the roles
best suited for them.
During the nominating committee meeting, develop an entire slate of officers, and assign one builder to contact
the nominees and find out if they accept the opportunity to serve as a charter officer. Once the slate is complete,
conduct elections at the next pre-charter meeting.
New Club Governance Documents
Pursuant to Civitan International Policy, Civitan clubs in the United States are required to be incorporated. As
the requirements of incorporation vary by jurisdiction, new clubs should contact the legal department at Civitan
International to obtain the necessary documents for incorporation. Canadian clubs should contact local legal
counsel regarding the necessity of incorporation in Canada.
Each new club must file articles of incorporation with its respective state (US clubs) and adopt its bylaws either
before charter or during its first month as an official club. A copy of these governance documents must be sent
to Civitan International Headquarters to be placed in the club’s permanent file.
All new clubs are required to adopt bylaws to direct the operation of the club. The approved form of club bylaws
is included in this manual and is also online at ypcivitan.org.
Additionally, new clubs may also adopt a policy manual to direct the specifics of club operation not covered in the
preceding articles of incorporation or bylaws.
Questions regarding governance documents, their content, adoption, or filing should be addressed to the legal
department at Civitan International.
Administrative Details
One member of the club building team should be responsible for all the paperwork. Civitan International
requires six forms to be completed for the chartering of the new club. They are all available online at
ypcivitan.org, or you can email [email protected] to request the forms. All forms are also located in the back of
this manual.
Forms for Chartering a New Club:
1. Request for Organizational Authority (ROA): This is submitted to the district governor immediately after the
first meeting, provided five or more prospects joined as charter members. After the sponsoring club president
signs this form, the governor signs it and sends it to the Membership-Leadership Department.
2. Banner Order Form: There are two banner options for YP clubs: the traditional felt banner, or a 2’ x 4’ vinyl
banner personalized with the club name and YP branding style of your choice. If you choose the 2’ x 4’ vinyl
banner you have a choice between the traditional or modern branding style. The banner is a free gift from
Civitan International to the new club. It takes a minimum of four weeks to process a new banner order, and we
strongly suggest ordering it early so it arrives in time for the charter ceremonies. Many building teams order
the new club’s banner at the same time they report the ROA.
3. Charter Supplies Order Form: This lists all the supplies given to the new club by Civitan International. To allow
time for shipment, send in this form at least two weeks prior to the charter ceremonies for clubs chartering
in the Untied States, three weeks prior for clubs chartering in Canada, and one month prior for all clubs
chartering outside of North America.
4. Charter Presentation and Announcement Information Form: Civitan International emails an announcement
to invite club presidents and officers in your district to attend the charter ceremonies of the new club. The
announcement is copied to the international board of directors, district governors, and governors-elect. Please
submit this form in a timely manner so leaders throughout your district can plan to attend the ceremonies
and/or send congratulatory messages. Note: the election of the club president must be held before the
announcement is sent out.
presents each
officer with
an engraved
name badge.
5. Certification for Chartering a New YP Civitan Club: This form reports charter officers of the new club, when
they were trained, when and where the club meets, and the lieutenant governor or area director for the new
club. When this form is submitted, please attach a copy of the club’s budget, a newsletter, and the approved
legal documents (i.e., bylaws).
6. Charter Membership List: The check to cover the charter members’ first quarter dues should be submitted
at the same time as the official listing of all charter members. Be sure to include the members’ addresses,
phone numbers, email addresses, and sponsoring Civitan(s) in the appropriate sections. If the charter
member is a transfer or reinstated member, please list his or her former Civitan club and approximate dates
of membership. Civitan International requires that all original charter member applications be placed in the
new club’s permanent file. Mail applications with charter member list or within 30 days after the charter
Additional Forms
1. Application for Membership: This form should be used at all pre-charter meetings for prospective members
to complete. Club builders should collect this form along with dues payment.
2 New Club Development Team Form: The new club development team is appointed by the club building
team. This team is intended to help guide the club and its leaders as the club continues to grow.
New Club’s Framed Charter
Civitan International sends the new club’s framed charter (the club’s license to operate) to the designated recipient
on the charter supplies order form. Payment for a minimum of 20 charter members along with proper paperwork
must be reported before the charter is shipped. Civitan International can ship all charter supplies and make the
charter celebration announcement prior to receiving the funds and charter member list. However, this can happen
only after Civitan International receives minimum funds and completed charter member list.
Sponsoring Charter Members
Credit for sponsoring a charter member should go to the person who is responsible for recruiting him or her into
the new club. This is important information for the records of Civitan International, and credit should always be
assigned to the proper person. Charter members may receive credit for sponsoring other charter members, but
a member cannot sponsor himself/herself.
Opening Banking Account/EIN Number (Employee Identification Number):
When opening a new club’s bank account in the United States, you will be required to provide an EIN (or tax ID
number) for the new club. Civitan International applies for this number. Once you’ve submitted your ROA paperwork,
simply call or email the Membership-Leadership Department of Civitan International and ask them to apply for the
number. The Civitan International Membership-Leadership Department sends a copy of the EIN confirmation letter
from the IRS to the new club’s billing contact.
Incorporation of New Club
The new club should be incorporated with the state or province in which it is located. Usually, this can be done
online. If assistance is needed, contact an attorney. If possible, consult an attorney who is a district officer, a member
of Civitan, or a charter member of the new club.
Initial Officer Training
Charter Officer Training: Training is the key component to the success of a new Civitan club. The charter officers
should receive a job description and complete the initial officer training requirements. It is the district’s responsibility
to set up initial training for the charter officers. Civitan International provides materials to the trainer(s) upon request.
The Club Building Team as well as the New Club Development Team should assist in coordinating all initial training.
The following year, training to certify each club officer will be provided by Civitan International through an online
format. The New Club Development Team members continue the on-the-job training by attending the first and
subsequent meetings of the new club’s Board of Directors and advising these leaders.
Charter Member Orientation Session: The Charter Member Orientation Session is an educational program with
PowerPoint and script conducted by a Civitan leader from outside the club. Schedule this speaker presentation
program at one of the club’s regular meetings during the first quarter after charter, in lieu of a guest speaker.
Since the new club may have limited income in the beginning, preparing a budget may seem difficult. However, it is
important to develop a budget to give the club’s board direction on how to allocate funds. The club builders should
assist the club in developing a budget either before the charter or within the first quarter after its charter. A sample
budget is provided in this manual.
• CCB Blazer
• CCB Cardigan
• CCB Gold
Charter Ceremonies
To make the charter ceremonies a memorable, first-class occasion, planning and preparation are essential. A
sample agenda showing the features to be included in the ceremonies is included in this manual. Following are
suggested elements the building team should consider in preparation for the charter ceremonies.
• Schedule the charter ceremonies when most of the charter members can attend.
• Order charter supplies in a timely manner so you have everything for proper presentation (banner takes 3-4
• Master Club
Builder’s Blazer
• Executive
Master Club
Builder Blazer
YP Club Building Kit
Tools You Need for Building a New YP Club
The YP Club Building Kit Includes:
young professionals
Process and Procedures for Chartering New YP Clubs
q Select target community.
q Discuss new club opportunity with key young professionals of the target community.
q Contact local political officials (mayor), chamber of commerce, community leaders.
q Acquire information about successes of other young professional organizations established in the target community.
q Conduct initial planning meeting with club builders and sponsoring club officials. Set goals, strategies, and time lines, and assign
building team appointments.
q Appoint builder to:
q Write emails of invitation, welcome, and follow-up.
q Set up room before each pre-charter meeting, welcome people, and handle dues payments.
q Write weekly email to prospects and charter members. Keep in touch through text messages and social media.
q Serve as master of ceremonies at each pre-charter meeting.
q Arrange quality speakers to make a presentation about Civitan at one or more pre-charter meetings.
q Fill out the official forms and order all supplies, available at ypcivitan.org and civitan.org.
q Email charter members and prospects before each pre-charter meeting.
q Manage social media posts and event listings for all pre-charter meetings.
q Set time lines for all builders to recruit YPs from the target community to attend pre-charter meetings.
q Plan club building strategies and develop new club summary flyer using the following information:
q Determine club name.
q Determine meeting dates for five to seven weekly or biweekly pre-charter meetings.
q Determine meeting place, time of meeting, food arrangements.
q Request that sponsoring club cover cost of snacks and refreshments for all first-time prospects.
q Set charter date and celebration fee.
q Determine quarterly dues, if dues include a club fee.
q Set goal to charter with minimum of 30 members (Civitan requires 20 to charter a new YP club).
q Determine regular club meeting time and place after charter ceremonies.
q Determine date to elect officers and approve articles of incorporation and bylaws (fourth or fifth meeting).
q Set goal for a future visionary project for the new club.
q Recruit prospective members:
q Prior to first pre-charter meeting, allow two weeks for recruitment and publicity activities.
q Attend chamber meetings and after-hours socials to network and promote.
q Visit business officials to discuss the opportunities of YP employees joining as charter members (recruit in
groups of two for the best success).
q Leave new club summary flyer and YP Civitan brochure with each prospect.
q Send follow-up invitation emails to all prospects.
q Place YP Civitan meeting announcements in key locations: businesses, restaurants, pubs, grocery stores,
churches, chamber of commerce, and other key places where young professionals go.
q Take announcement to radio stations and newspapers and request free public service announcements. Also, email the announcement to local news websites and place on all social media outlets.
q Conduct pre-charter meetings with professional atmosphere:
q Start and end all pre-charter meetings on time.
q Prepare display table at door to private meeting room. Include all necessary items.
q Prepare an agenda for each meeting.
q Ask new members to fill out charter member applications (they can bring membership fee to the next meeting).
q Hand application to prospects not joining to show you really want their membership.
q Correspond with charter members, prospects, and key people between each pre-charter meeting:
q Email newsletter to all prospects and charter members.
q Email welcome letter to all new charter members the day after pre-charter meeting at which they join.
q Email follow-up letter to all prospects that came, but did not join (include charter application).
q Email all charter members and prospects the day before each pre-charter meeting.
q Organizational meeting during fourth or fifth week (elect charter officers and approve articles of incorporation and
q Builders serve as the nominating committee.
q Select charter club officers carefully and have only one nominee for each office.
q Prepare standard form of club bylaws for approval.
q Charter Ceremonies:
q Schedule charter ceremonies at a time when most of the charter members can attend.
q Involve members in planning the charter celebration.
q Order charter supplies early for proper presentation. Banner must be ordered three to four weeks prior to charter
ceremonies. All other supplies may be ordered two to three weeks before ceremony.
q Submit all forms to International in timely manner.
q Invite local dignitaries.
q Assign builder and charter members to secure and arrange decorations.
q Assign builder to arrange program.
q Produce and print event program.
q Designate charter treasurer and member(s) to welcome at door. Have all in attendance sign a registration book.
q Determine if the sponsoring club will be making a donation to start the club’s treasury or gifting any items to the
new club.
YP Club Building Checklist
Making Good First Decisions
To-do Before First Pre-Charter Meeting in Your Target Community
Make copies of this checklist to use in planning the entire building process with your team.
Tasks To Be Completed
Determine New Club’s Name (include YP or Young Professional):
Type of club to be built in this community:
Select possible meeting sites in the community for holding pre-charter meetings.
Names and managers:
Select pre-charter meeting dates:
Select date for election of club officers:
Select charter date:
Determine quarterly dues:
Determine regular meeting place, date and times after charter:
Select builder to email and remind about meetings:
Select builder(s) to email letters of invitations, follow-up and congratulations:
Select builder(s) to manage social media campaigns and event postings:
Develop one-page informational summary flyer:
Develop list of potential speakers for at least one pre-charter meeting:
Select person to be in charge of room set-up prior to each meeting:
Does he/she have all the necessary supplies, such as: YP Civitan brochures, name badges, sign-in sheets,
applications, etc.?
Select builders to email and remind about meetings:
Determine visionary community project for the new club:
Determine who will contact key leaders in the community to promote the new YP Civitan club and help recruit
members (ie: chamber of commerce, mayor, local YP leaders, etc.):
Key Leader:
Key Leader:
Key Leader:
Plan for builders to attend all chamber functions for recruiting and promoting the new club.
Plan meeting with sponsoring club:
(Ask for two supporting members to attend a pre-charter meeting.)
YP Civitan Club of Anytown
A Community Service Opportunity Worthy of Your Time
These flyers are
available online at
• Goal: Charter as an official YP Civitan Club on the evening of March 10, with a
minimum of 35 charter members!
• Club Mission: To provide fellowship, community knowledge, personal development,
and networking opportunities to its members and service to its community with an
emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities.
• Club Formation Dates: Organizational meetings on Tuesday, January 20, 27, February
3, 10, 17, 24, and March 3 at Collins Bar and Grill, 2nd Avenue North.
• Meeting Times: Organizational meetings after work at 5:30 pm. Networking and
social time is from 5:30-6:00 and the meeting should adjourn by 6:30. This will also be
the schedule for club meetings following the charter.
• Agenda: Each organizational meeting includes an upbeat program about Civitan
and how the new Anytown Civitan Club benefits you and the Anytown community.
• Snacks: We provide the appetizers free of charge to all prospects at each
organizational meeting.
• Elections: Election of the Charter Officers is on February 24.
YP Civitan Club of Anytown
• Bring People You Know: We urge each charter member to bring a minimum of two
prospective charter members to each organizational meeting.
A Community Service Opportunity Worthy of Your Time
• Charter Membership Initiation Fee: $15.00 per person.
• Sponsoring Club: Anycity Civitan Club.
• Information Contact:
General Operations after Charter Date:
Tom Parker.......................(B) 641-1231 (R) 951-7259
Barbara Jones.............(B) •624-3107
102 (R)
a month
on the second and fourth Tuesday
• Time: 5:30 PM
• Where: Collins Bar and Grill
• New Member Charter Fee: $15.00, ($10.00 international dues + $5.00 club dues)
• Quarterly Dues: $10.00 per quarter (includes liability insurance)
• Meeting/Project Overview: Project ideas come from the members through the approval of the club’s board of directors. The club holds a short business session at each
meeting with updated reports on activities of the club and future project opportunities.
The entire club’s membership approves the club budget and elects officers for the
following year at an annual business meeting.
• Attendance: Meeting attendance is not mandatory, but we suggest all members
attend 60% or more of the meetings.
• Vision of the club: To provide hands-on community service projects and give
financial support to projects benefiting people with developmental disabilities. To give
area businesses the opportunity to encourage employee volunteerism and extend
their corporate community involvement.
• Prospect-Guest Attendance: We urge each member to bring a prospective member
to a meeting each month. Members are also urged to bring prospective members to
projects and socials.
Would you like to join a group of Anytown Young Professionals
who want to help their community?
Civitan International, a service organization meeting community needs with an emphasis on
helping people with developmental disabilities, is forming a new club in Anytown.
YP Civitan Club
of Anytown
Join us at our first organizational meeting!
When: Tuesday, January 20, year
Time: 5:30 PM
Where: Collins Bar & Grill
2nd Avenue North
Civitan is an all-volunteer international service organization of 40,000 members in more than 35
nations working together in community clubs to help those less fortunate. Civitan clubs provide a
great deal of service to their communities, with an emphasis on aid to people with developmental
disabilities, youth leadership development, and good citizenship. Through Civitan, club members
discover the best in themselves and others. Civitan gives its members the opportunity to get
involved in helping others, develop new friendships and business contacts, and build valuable
leadership skills!
For more information about YP Civitan membership: Tom Parker: (B) 205-555-1231 or [email protected] Barbara Jones: (B) 205-555-3104 or (C) 205-555-6332
Suggested Charter Fees
Clubs have two options when collecting dues. Members may pay quarterly or once annually.
Quarterly Payments:
Quarterly International Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00
Annual Liability Insurance (for U.S. based clubs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Included
Club Fee (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25
Total $11.25
One Annual Payment:
Annual International Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40.00
Annual Liability Insurance (for U.S. based clubs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Included
Club Fee (optional) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00
Total $45.00
YP Civitan Club of Anytown
January 20, Year • Collins Bar and Grill
5:30 P.M. — 6:00 P.M. Social
6:00 P.M. Call the meeting to order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Barbara Jones
Anycity YP Civitan Club
• Invocation or Thought of the Day
• Self-Introductions
Name, Business
• Program
P Civitan — A Worthwhile Volunteer Opportunity . . . . . . . . . . . John Shields
Governor-Elect, Anywhere District
Anycity Club Project Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pamela Johnson
Anycity Civitan Club
hat Civitan Means To Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David Cooper
Anycity Civitan Club
• Charter Membership Opportunities
• Questions and Answers
• Announcements
• Adjourn 6:30 PM
Suggested List of Topics and Speakers
for Pre-Charter Meetings of a New YP Civitan Club
• A Successful Project of the Sponsoring Club — presented by sponsoring club president or member (not club
• Leadership Opportunities of the Club — presented by district training coordinator
• Junior Civitan Program — presented by district Junior Civitan chair or qualified Civitan International leader
• Civitan International Research Center — presented with video by District Foundation Liaison
• How a Club Functions (Honor Club Application) — presented by current or past district motivational speaker (not
club builders)
• District Sponsored Project — presented by the district’s project chair or current district officer
• Identified Community Project for New Club — presented by a representative from the group in need (not a Civitanrelated program).
NOTE: Do not have more than one non-Civitan-related speaker for the programs of pre-charter meetings.
Anycity Civitan Club
Anycity, Anywhere 63229
Building Good Citizenship since 1917
January 2, Year
Jerry Wantobe
Wantobe Company
1215 Humble Street
Anytown, Anywhere 63219
Before Visit to Company
Dear Mr. Wantobe:
The Anycity Civitan Club is organizing a new Young Professional club in your area called
the YP Civitan Club of Anytown. Our organization is well known for its volunteer work in the
community and offers many personal development opportunities for its members.
We invite you and any fellow employees to attend our first organizational meeting on
Tuesday, January 20, at Collins Bar and Grill on Park Street. We have reserved a private
meeting room. Our networking time begins 5:30 PM. Our program starts at 6:00 P.M. with
adjournment at 6:30 PM.
We are aware that your company has special interest in volunteer programs for its
employees. This new YP Civitan club is a great way for you and fellow employees to
become involved in community activities.
Anycity Civitan Club
Attached is information about the new YP Civitan Club of Anytown and the Civitan
organization. During the next few weeks two members of the Anycity Civitan Club will stop
by your office for a quick visit to introduce ourselves. Thank you for your time.
Anycity, Anywhere 63229
Building Good Citizenship since 1917
Best regards,
Tom Parker
Certified Club Builder
Anycity Civitan Club
Anycity, Anywhere
(205) 555-1231
[email protected]
January 12, Year
Jerry Wantobe
Wantobe Company
1215 Humble Street
Anytown, Anywhere 63219
Dear Jerry:
Thank you for taking a few minutes to talk with us about membership in the new YP
Civitan Club of Anytown. Again, we invite you and your fellow employees to attend our
first organizational meeting on Tuesday, January 20, at Collins Bar and Grill on Park
Street. Arrive anytime after 5:30 PM for our networking and social time. The official
meeting will begin at 6:00 and adjourn by 6:30 PM. You will find us in the private
meeting room in the back.
Attached is a reminder flyer about our meeting. Please share this with a fellow
employee or another person you want to bring as our guest. It was a pleasure to
meet you.
Best regards,
Sample emails or letters are
available online at
Thank You
Tom Parker
Certified Club Builder
Anycity Civitan Club
Anycity, Anywhere
(205) 555-1231
[email protected]
Anycity Civitan Club
Anycity, Anywhere 63229
Building Good Citizenship since 1917
Congratulations and Welcome
January 22, Year
Jerry Wantobe
Wantobe Company
1215 Humble Street
Anytown, Anywhere 63219
Welcome Jerry:
I want to officially congratulate you as one of the Charter Members of the YP Civitan Club
of Anytown. You may not realize what an honor being a charter member of a YP Civitan
Club is until you are formally initiated on March 10. You may not even realize what a great
contribution you are making to your community until you complete your first project, hold
your first meeting, or volunteer to chair one of the committees of your club.
Civitan is what you make of it. This is not an organization that asks for more than you can
give. However, you may be surprised at how much you want to give. Whatever the reason
you were drawn to YP Civitan — whether it be the personal improvement and leadership
opportunities, the enjoyment of the meetings and socials, the business contacts, or
simply the fundamental desire to be a more active citizen in your community — you have
made a worthwhile decision.
Anycity Civitan Club
Again, theAnywhere
club building team
is proud to welcome you, and looks forward to seeing you
Building Good Citizenship since 1917
January 22, Year
Tom Honeywell
TMH Products
1215 Second Street
Anytown, Anywhere 62313
at future meetings and the charter ceremonies. Bring two prospects to our meeting
next Tuesday and give them the opportunity to join us in making the YP Civitan Club of
Anytown a huge success. See you
next Tuesday!
Best regards,
Barbara Jones
Club Builder
Anycity Civitan Club
Dear Tom:
I want to thank you for attending our first meeting of the YP Civitan Club of Anytown, and
for your interest in being a part of the groundwork in this worthwhile project. I certainly can
appreciate the fact that you wanted more time to consider joining as a charter member
Tom Parker
of our new club.
Certified Club Builder
Anycity Civitan Club
We understand that you are busy! Busy people usually make the best YP Civitan members,
Anycity, Anywhere
because they know how to get things done. They have the experience to organize a
(405) 278-9823
task and then complete it. Their energy and enthusiasm inspire others to become more
involved. You fit this description, and therefore we strongly encourage you to consider
becoming a charter member of the YP Civitan Club of Anytown.
We meet again next Tuesday, same time and place, and would like you to attend. Moreover,
please bring a business associate or a friend as a guest. I have attached a charter
member application and a reminder flyer about our next meeting. Give the flyer to your
prospect and bring him or her next Tuesday. We look forward to seeing you there.
Best regards,
Barbara Jones
Club Builder
Anycity Civitan Club
Anycity, Anywhere
(205) 555-6332
Visited, Not Joined
Public Relations and Club Building
The following information is taken from the public relations manual
available from the Public Relations Department at International.
An effective public relations program can enhance your club building efforts. If your club does not have a public
relations chair, one should be appointed to work with your YP Club Building Committee. Your district PR chair may
also be able to provide you with public relations assistance.
What is PR?
Public Relations is the ongoing process by which
any organization – such as your YP Civitan Club –
projects and maintains their public image. Unlike many
companies or other groups, you have a head start on
this process, since Civitan is a recognized charitable
organization with roots in communities around the world!
Why is PR important?
Active and intentional PR efforts are the best way to get
the word out about your club. Many groups take it for
granted that they will be recognized and well-known for
their charitable activities. Yet if you only tell your close
friends about what your club does, they are the only
ones who will know! Publicizing your club through press
releases, advertising, community calendars, and social
media outlets helps others in your community know
what you are doing. This not only assists recruitment,
but also helps when you are looking for donor or other
community partners.
When developing your strategy, try to plan for the future.
If you plan to have a big service project in a couple
months, now is the time to plan how to promote it.
News Media
When talking with the news media, remember that you
represent Civitan, and be respectful of their time and
attention. We need them more than they need us! If you
are promoting an event or meeting, we recommend
contacting them by email. Make sure you contact them
at least a week before the event you wish to promote,
as well.
Make sure you have all the necessary information
about Civitan when talking to the news media, as well.
The Civitan website is full of useful information about
our organization, and the Civitan Fact Sheet is a helpful
piece with general information about our organization.
How do we get started?
Producing Materials
International Headquarters has a variety of resources
for those looking to publicize their club. These tools are
frequently changing and being added to, so we suggest
you visit the PR and Media section of the Civitan website
(www.civitan.org). You can also visit the Civitan Supply
House online to order items such as pins, t-shirts,
brochures, bumper stickers, posters, and other tools.
Civitan’s PR training manual can give you useful insight
into how to promote your club.
Civitan International gives its clubs a large amount of
freedom in producing their own materials. You can
order professionally produced materials from the
Civitan Supply House, or produce your own. If you have
questions about how to use the Civitan logo or YP Civitan
branding, contact International Headquarters. Most print
materials are allowed, although there are limitations on
what can be sold with the Civitan logo.
As your club building team develops a strategy to build
your club, we recommend that you develop a strategy
to promote it, as well. Look at the local media outlets
that are in your area, and find out what resources they
offer to local nonprofits. Many newspapers and radio
stations offer discount advertising rates to charitable
organizations, and most cities have community event
websites where you can post events free of charge.
Develop your contacts at these local outlets – these
people are your “in” when you need to promote your
new club.
After any public relations project, go over what worked
and what didn’t. Evaluations can be as simple as
personally asking a few of those involved in the project.
An honest evaluation will help you learn from your
mistakes and improve your next program.
International Headquarters is continually working to
update and produce new materials for Civitan clubs.
If you have any questions about promoting your club,
or need some guidance, feel free to contact them at
[email protected]
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Charter Cere
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YP Civ
Sponsored by
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ACTION Civ gham
of Birmin
December 3,
The J. Clyde Alehouse
vern and
Hot Ro Ta
, Alabama
Charter Members
Will Harris
Malea Higdon
Kris Knight
Emily Lansdell
Adam Pearson
Dane Pemberton
Laura Pemberton
Omar Sayyad
Jim Sears
Whitney Seitz
Tasha Springer
Mike Stanton
Lauren Smith
Coy Weege
Lauren Weege
Kaleb Allen
Stephanie Baj
Cassie Carraway
Leslie Clark
Mackenzie Cogle
Claire Davis
Dallas Dixon
Lauren Bland
Teddy Bland
Jenny Ely
Payton Ely
Jenna Flanagan
Michelle Franco
Caleb Gibson
Margo Harris
Charter Officers
Lauren Bland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President
Jenna Flanagan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President-Elect
Stephanie Baj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary
Payton Ely . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer
Claire Davis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Service Projects
Teddy Bland . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Budget and Finance
Margo Harris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Membership
Laura Pemberton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Programs
Lauren Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Fundraising
Club Builders
Lauren Bland . . . . . . . . . . . . . YP Civitan Club of Birmingham
Russ Towns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ACTION Civitan Club
Lauren Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . YP Civitan Club of Birmingham
Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Grover
Master of Ceremonies
Member, ACTION Civitan Club
The Civitan Creed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie Clark
Charter Member, YP Civitan Club of Birmingham
Introductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Master of Ceremonies Grover
Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stephanie Baj
Charter Secretary, YP Civitan Club of Birmingham
Initiation of Charter Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caleb Adair
Governor, Alabama Central District
Installation of Charter Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Russ Towns
Past President, ACTION Civitan Club
Presentation of Charter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caleb Adair
Governor, Alabama Central District
Charter Acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lauren Bland
Charter President, YP Civitan Club of Birmingham
covers are
through the
Civitan Supply
Welcome To Civitan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lee Butler
Immediate Past President, ACTION Civitan Club
Closing Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . President Bland
YP Civitan Club of Birmingham
Civitan Club Budget
Operating Revenue (see details below Project Revenue (see details on page 2)
Total Revenue: $
Operating Expenses (see details below)
Project Expenses (see details on page 2)
Total Expenses:
Total Operating/Project Profit/Loss:
Operating Revenue
Club Dues at $5 each (30 Members) International Dues at $40 each (30 Members)
Donations Special Operating Revenue Project
Total Operating Revenue:
Operating Expenses
International Dues at $40 (30 Members)
District Dues at $100 Annually
District/International Meetings/Conventions
Networking, New Member Recruitment
Chamber of Commerce Membership
Stationary, Office Supplies
Postage, P.O. Box
Legal Fees
Bank Charges
T-shirts, Logo Items
Total Operating Expenses:
Net Operating Profit/Loss:
Approved by the Club Board of Directors
Anticipated Donations to Charity from Project Net Profit
Percentage: 24
Civitan Club Budget 201X–201X
Project Budget
Project Revenue
Project A
Project B
Project C
Total Project Revenue:
Project A
Project B
Project C
Total Project Expenses: $
Net Project Profit/Loss: $
Habitat for Humanity
Junior Civitan
Total Donations to Charities:
Project Expenses
Donations to Charities
Percentage of Donations to Charity from Net Project Profit: 45%
Bylaws of YP Civitan Club
Of (City/Club Name), (State), Inc.
(An (State) Nonprofit Corporation)
These Bylaws of YP Civitan Club Of (City/Club Name), (State), Inc. were adopted on (month) (day), 20XX
and supersede all prior and existing Bylaws of YP Civitan Club Of (City/Club Name), (State), Inc.
Section 1.02 Minimum Qualifications:
(e) The club secretary shall notify the candidate in writing
of his or her election and of arrangements for his or
her orientation and formal initiation.
(a) The membership of this club shall consist of young
men and women of good character and leadership
potential between the ages of 21 and 35.
Section 1.03 Initiation Fee:
(b) Membership in this club shall be open, except as
limited herein to all persons without regard to sex, race,
religious faiths or beliefs.
Section 1.02 Applications for Membership:
Members to this club shall be elected in the following
The initiation fee for membership in this club shall be
$_________. This payment shall be accepted as
the first quarter dues to be paid before a candidate
shall qualify as a member. The initiation fee (the amount
prescribed by the Bylaws and/or policies of Civitan
International) shall be promptly forwarded to the World
Headquarters of Civitan International.
(a) A candidate for membership shall be sponsored
by an active member of Civitan. The proposal for
membership shall be delivered in writing to the club
secretary and shall contain the name, address and
business or profession of the prospective member
and any other information deemed necessary in order
to determine qualifications for membership.
Section 1.04 Dues:
(b) The secretary shall promptly notify the membership of
the candidate proposal in open meeting or through
the club newsletter.
(b) All dues shall be payable when billed by the treasurer.
No member shall be deemed in-good-standing who
is in arrears more than thirty days in payment of his or
her quarterly dues.
(c) The membership proposal may be submitted to the
director of membership and committee for review
and recommendation, or, in the event there is no such
director or committee, directly to the board of directors.
In any event, it must go to the board and if the proposal
is acted upon favorably by the board, the prospect
shall be considered elected to membership and so
(d) Any protest against the admission of the candidate
shall be brought to the attention of the board of
directors. In the event there is such protest, the board
of directors shall submit the candidate’s name to the
membership at a regular meeting and if two-thirds
of those active members in-good-standing present
approve said membership, then the candidate shall
be accepted as a member.
(a) Membership dues shall be $___ per quarter, payable
in advance, which shall include International dues.
liability insurance, and an electronic subscription to
the Civitan Magazine. Members shall have the option
of paying dues quarterly, biannually, or annually in
Section 1.05 Attendance:
Members shall be expected to attend meetings
regularly except for unavoidable schedule conflicts due
to personal or business matters. Prospective members
shall be informed of this membership responsibility.
Section 1.06 Authority of Members:
Each voting member shall have the right to vote on all
matters submitted to or requiring a vote of members
under these Bylaws including without limitation, the
(a) election of members of the Board of Directors;
(b) election of the President-elect;
(c) amendments to the Articles of Incorporation; and
(d) amendments to these Bylaws.
Section 1.07 Meetings:
(a) Regular Meetings: The regular meetings of this club
shall be held as follows:
Meetings of the club shall not be less than twice a
month, and meetings of the board not less than once
a month, at a time and place suited to the convenience
of the membership.
(b) Annual Meetings: The annual meeting shall be held
as designated by the board of directors during the
months of March, April or May for the election of officers
and directors, for the presentation of annual reports
and transaction of other business. The installation
of officers and directors shall be held at a regular
meeting in September, which may be designated
as the installation meeting. The term of officers shall
officially begin on the first day of October following their
(c) Business Meeting: This club shall have at least
two business meetings yearly. Any such business
meetings may be postponed or dispensed with by the
president or board of directors who may call business
meetings at other times when deemed necessary.
(c) Non-Attendance: If any active member shall absent
himself or herself from four consecutive meetings of
the club, the board of directors shall inquire as to the
reason for such absences and may suspend his or
her membership. Such suspension, after thirty days,
may be made permanent by the majority vote of the
club. Absence from the city, or illness of himself or
herself or immediate family shall be valid excuse, and
notice thereof must be given to the secretary. Absence
from meetings occasioned by the performance of any
patriotic service shall be held as a valid excuse.
(d) Misconduct: Any member who, by personal or
business conduct, violates the principles or ethics of
the club or Civitan International may be expelled from
membership by the board of directors by a two-thirds
vote of the entire board at a meeting called for that
purpose, provided that said member shall have been
given ten days notice in writing of such pending action
together with a copy of the complaint against him, and
shall be given opportunity for a full and fair hearing.
(e) Age: Membership shall automatically terminate on
September 30 of the Civitan year in which the member
becomes 35 years old.
Section 1.10 Members in Good Standing:
(a) Definition: A member shall be in-good-standing with
this club if the following requirements are met:
(i) He or she is a duly initiated member of the club.
(ii) He or she is current in his or her dues and other
financial obligations to the club.
(d) Special Meetings: Special meetings of the club may
be called by the president or the board of directors
or by any 12 members upon written notice to the
secretary at least five days in advance of said meeting.
(e) Quorum: A majority of the active members in-goodstanding shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of
the club.
(f) Rules of Order. Parliamentary procedure in
all meetings of the club, board of directors and
committees shall be in accordance with the most
recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, as amended.
Section 1.08 Termination of Membership:
(a) Resignation: The resignation of any member, when
delivered in writing to the president or secretary, shall
become effective immediately upon its acceptance by
the board, providing all indebtedness of such member
to the club has been paid. The board shall inquire into
the cause of each resignation in an effort to determine
why members resign so as to reduce membership
(b) Non-Payment of Dues: Any member owing dues or
otherwise indebted to the club for a period of sixty
days from the date when same becomes due and
payable, may be terminated as a member. If he or she
applies for reinstatement within sixty days from date
of such suspension and pays all amounts owing to
said date, the board of directors may, in its discretion,
reinstate the member to good standing.
(iii) His or her attendance meets the attendance
requirements as established by the board of directors.
(b) Determination/Appeal: The determination as to
whether a person is in-good-standing shall be made
by the board of directors. This determination may be
appealed to the club.
Section 2.01 Composition and Term:
The board of directors shall consist of the elected
officers, the last past president (who is active in the
club) and three directors elected by the club. (Not less
than three or more than nine directors to be elected,
dependent on size of club.)
Section 2.02 General Powers:
The board of directors shall be the governing body
of the club and shall have power to make such
regulations and take such action as in its judgment
may be necessary for the welfare of the club. The
decisions of the board in all club matters shall be final,
subject to appeal to the club.
Section 2.03 Meetings:
The president shall be chairman of the board. He or
she shall call regular meetings of the board at least
once a month. He or she shall call a special meeting
within five days after receiving a written request from
three or more board members.
Section 2.04 Functions:
(a) The board shall be responsible for the appropriation
of all funds of the club in accordance with the club’s
budget, and shall, through the president or other duly
authorized member of the board, approve all vouchers
before payment by the treasurer. It shall designate the
bank or depository for funds of the club, approve all
investments of funds of the club and determine the
amount of the bond that shall be given by the treasurer.
It shall receive and approve the budget and the annual
audit of the financial transactions of the club.
(b) It shall pass on all recommendations of committees,
which must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the
entire board before submitting the same to a vote of
the club membership.
(c) It shall pass upon all grievances, default and
complaints by or against a member, and may take
such action as it deems appropriate on behalf of, or
against, such member. It may, for good cause, declare
an office vacant, upon two-thirds vote of the entire
board, provided, however, before such action is taken,
the office-holder shall be notified of such proposed
action and shall be given an opportunity to be heard
by the board.
(d) It may fill vacancies that occur during the year, except
in the offices of president and president-elect, which
offices shall be filled only as provided by Article IV of
the bylaws.
Section 2.05 Quorum:
A majority of the members of the board shall constitute
a quorum.
Section 3.01 Standing Committees:
(a) The president shall appoint the following standing
committees: (i) Membership and Retention, (ii)
Community Service Projects, (iii) Programs, (iv) Budget
and Finance, and (v) Fundraising.
(b) These standing committees may be combined or
divided or sub-divided as the president or board of
directors deem necessary.
Section 3.02 Duties:
(a) Membership and Retention: This committee shall
encourage members to seek new members for the club
and investigate the character, business, social standing,
eligibility of all persons proposed for membership; shall
accept or reject such proposals. Those approved shall
be certified to the secretary for action in accordance
with Article I – Section 1.03. The committee shall ensure
that each new member is initiated into the club with
an appropriate ceremony; is indoctrinated as to the
purposes and goals of the club; and is promptly involved
in a club project or activity. The committee shall work to
retain existing members as well as seek new ones.
(b) Community Service Projects: This committee
shall devise and consider suitable and appropriate
projects and shall devise ways and means whereby
definite interpretation of the aims and objectives of the
organization shall be given expression. The committee
shall explore the needs of the community’s citizens. It
shall take cognizance of all matters of civic, charitable
or similar nature and recommendations of the Projects
Committee shall constitute the basis for consideration
of all projects of the club. Adoption of a project shall
require a two-thirds vote of the entire board of directors.
Thereafter the club shall approve such projects by a
two-thirds vote at any club meeting.
(c) Programs: This committee shall arrange and have
charge of all programs for regular meetings of the
club. The purpose of said programs shall be to provide
each member with a better understanding of his or
her community and world. It shall also have charge of
all social functions and parties of the club, as may be
directed by the board of directors.
(d) Budget and Finance Committee: This committee
shall prepare a budget of the estimated income and
expenses of the club for the year, and shall pass upon
all major expenditures of the club, same having been
recommended and approved previously by the board
of directors. In the month of September each year, the
committee shall cause an audit of the books to be
made, and such statement shall be distributed to the
(e) Fundraising: This committee shall seek out new
methods of fundraising for the club and seek to
improve the existing methods and shall have the
general responsibility and supervision over all club
Section 3.03 Other Committees:
In addition to standing committees, there shall be
appointed by the president such special committees
as the president or the board of directors may deem
Section 4.01 Elected Officers:
(a) Composition and Term: The officers of this club
shall be a president, a president-elect, one or more
directors as desired, a secretary and a treasurer (or
secretary-treasurer combined). All officers shall hold
office for one year or until their successors are elected
and qualified.
(b) Duties:
(i) President. The president shall appoint all committees,
shall preside at all meetings of the club and the board
of directors and shall perform such other duties
as ordinarily pertain to such office. He or she shall
represent the club at area and district-wide meetings
if desired. The president shall be an ex officio member
of all standing committees. Within 15 days after his
or her election, he or she shall select all appointed
club officers. In the event of a vacancy in the office of
president, the president-elect shall assume the office
and title of president during the unexpired term of the
giving the offices to be filled and one or more members
for each office, which must be presented to the club at
least two meetings before the annual meeting.
(ii) President-Elect. The president-elect shall have the
duty of familiarizing himself or herself with all Civitan
affairs and preparing himself or herself for assuming
the presidency. He or she shall work under and
in cooperation with the president. He or she shall
automatically succeed the president at the end of his
or her term.
(d) At any time after the report of the Nominating
Committee, and before the final election of officers
whose nominations have been made by the Nominating
Committee, upon motion of any member, or filed with
the secretary or made upon the floor immediately prior
to election, any name or names of candidates for any
office shall be placed upon the ballot to be voted upon
by the club.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of presidentelect, the office shall remain vacant until the next
annual election - otherwise a special election shall be
called to fill the office.
(iii)Secretary. It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep
the records of membership; record the attendance at
meetings; send out notices of meetings of the club,
board and committees; record and preserve the
minutes of such meetings; make the required reports
to Civitan International on time; and perform such
other duties as customarily pertain to such office.
The secretary shall cause to have published a regular
newsletter to inform the membership of club activities.
(iv)Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to have
custody of all funds, account for same to the club at its
annual meeting and at any other time upon demand
by the board of directors and to perform such other
duties as pertain to his or her office. He or she shall
collect all dues and funds of the club and deposit
them in the bank or depository named by the board
of directors. He or she shall forward the required dues
to the district and Civitan International on time so as to
prevent delinquency on the part of the club. Upon his
or her retirement from office, he or she shall turn over
to his or her successor or to the president all funds,
books and accounts or any other club property in
his or her possession. (The offices of secretary and
treasurer may be combined.)
(c) Compensation: All the officers shall serve without
(d) Officer Training: All officers shall participate in
training sessions conducted or provided by Civitan
International and/or the district in order to become
familiar with the duties of their respective offices as
required by the policies of Civitan International.
Section 5.01 Selection and Procedure:
(a) Directors and the elected officers of the club shall be
elected at the annual meeting held in March, April, or
May each year.
(b) At an early regular meeting in March (or at least three
meetings before the annual meeting) the president
shall appoint a Nominating Committee of at least
(3) members. The chairman shall be the last past
president then an active member of the club.
(c) The Nominating Committee shall prepare a report
(e) At the annual meeting there shall be furnished to
the entire membership in-good-standing, a ballot
containing the names of the nominees for the
respective offices, upon which each member shall
indicate his or her choice.
(f) The nominees receiving the largest number of votes
so cast for the respective offices, for which they were
nominated, shall be declared elected for the terms of
office commencing October first next following the

Section 6.01 Resolutions and Motions:
No resolutions or motion to commit this club on any
matter shall be considered by the club until it has
been considered by the board of directors. Such
resolutions or motions, if offered at a club meeting
shall be referred, without discussion to the board,
which after having given consideration to the matter,
shall submit its recommendations to the club. Having
received the recommendations of the board, the club
may then proceed to take such action as may seem
proper to the majority.
Section 6.02 Assessments:
No assessments shall be permitted to be placed upon
the membership of the club.
Section 6.03 Expenditures:
The expenditure of the club’s funds in excess of the
amount of $100.00 for any purpose whatsoever shall
not be made except on the recommendation of the
board of directors, or as specified in the club’s budget.
The fiscal and administrative year for the club shall be
from October 1 of each year to September 30 of the
following year.
Section 9.01 Procedure:
(a) The club may, by unanimous vote of the active
membership, surrender its charter in accordance with
the rules and regulations as proscribed by Civitan
International Bylaws and Civitan International Policies
following written notice to the Executive Vice President
of Civitan International.
(b) In the event a majority of the members of the club
desires to surrender the charter but a minority of at
least five (5) members oppose, the minority group may
retain the charter of the club together with all funds
and assets of the club if such group agrees to the
conditions established by the Executive Vice President
to rebuild the club to charter strength within a six (6)
month period.
Section 10.01 Procedure:
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote
of the active members in-good-standing present
and voting at any regular meeting of the club, after
recommendations by the board of directors, provided
written notice of such proposed amendments shall
have been given to members at least ten days prior to
the meeting.
Section 10.02 Subordination:
No amendments or additions shall be made which are
not in conformity with the club’s Articles of Incorporation
and with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and
policies of Civitan International. Any provision herein
ruled by the Civitan International Board of Directors
to be contrary to, or in conflict with, the Articles of
Incorporation, Bylaws or policies of Civitan International
shall be void.
These Bylaws and all amendments thereto shall
be forwarded to Civitan International for review and
approval and a copy shall be forwarded to the World
Headquarters of Civitan International for inclusion in
this club’s permanent file of records at that office.
CL 153
New Club Governance Documents
Pursuant to Civitan International Policy, Civitan clubs in the United States are required to be incorporated. As the
requirements of incorporation vary by jurisdiction, new clubs should contact the legal department at Civitan International
to obtain the necessary documents for incorporation. Canadian clubs should contact local legal counsel regarding the
necessity of incorporation in Canada.
Each new club must file articles of incorporation with its respective state (US clubs) and adopt its bylaws either before
charter or during its first month as an official club. A copy of these governance documents must be sent to Civitan
International Headquarters to be placed in the club’s permanent file.
All new clubs are required to adopt bylaws to direct the operation of the club. The approved form of club bylaws is
included in this manual and is also online at ypcivitan.org.
Additionally, new clubs may also adopt a policy manual to direct the specifics of club operation not covered in the
preceding articles of incorporation or bylaws.
Questions regarding governance documents, their content, adoption, or filing should be addressed to the legal
department at Civitan International.
Young Professionals
Request For Organizational Authority
YP Charter Presentation Supplies Order Form
YP Charter Presentation and Announcement Information
Certification for Chartering a YP Civitan Club
YP Charter Membership List
YP Charter Membership List – Page 2
YP Charter Membership List – Page 3
YP Charter Membership List – Page 4
YP Charter Membership List – Page 5
YP Charter Membership List – Page 6
YP Charter Membership List – Page 7
YP Civitan Club
Application for Membership
Please fill out this application and turn it into an officer with your local YP Civitan Club.
YP New Club Development Team
Appointment Form
YP Banner Order Form
Every YP Civitan club receives a 2’ x 4’ vinyl banner for easy display. Please choose either the Traditional or Modern style,
shown below, for your club’s vinyl banner. Vinyl banner preparation time is three weeks. Please order as soon as possible.
young professionals
of Birmingham
young professionals
Check here for traditional
of Birmingham
Check here for modern
Club Name:
Check here to also order a traditional felt banner. (Please allow four to six weeks)
The sponsoring club is the:
Civitan Club, charter number:
I understand that the banner is presented free to the new club by
Civitan International, and there is no charge to the sponsoring club.
However, if the new club fails to charter within a reasonable length
of time, the banner cost will be charged to the sponsoring club
Sponsoring Club Contact:
Sponsoring Club Contact:
Postal Code:
Lines 1 and 2 are for club name:
Ship to: *Give street address. P. O. Box is not acceptable for
banner delivery.
Line 3 is for city. Line 4 is for state/province or nation.
Postal Code:
Send to Civitan International YP Program • P.O. Box 130744 • Birmingham, Alabama 35213-0744 • Fax (205) 592-6307 • Email [email protected]
CL 185 Printed in USA