water-‐soluble liquid extracts
water-‐soluble liquid extracts
ΣNNAGRAM 64, rue Anatole France -‐ 92300 LEVALLOIS-‐PERRET -‐ FRANCE TEL.: +33.(0) FAX.: +33.(0) [email protected] BOTANICAL EXTRACTS & NATURAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS FOR THE COSMETICS INDUSTRY Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 2 CONTENT Contacts 2 Σnnagram, the Plant High-‐technology botanical acIves ENNACOMPLEXES – Botanical Complexes ENNACTIVES – Titrated Botanical Complexes Fruit & Flowers Acids – AHA & BHA Derived Extracts Vegetal Scrub Agents 4 5-‐9 10-‐13 14 15 16 Natural Clays Marin AcIves Herbal AcIv Principles Vitamin DerivaIves Microemulsions Water-‐soluble Liquid Extracts Chinese & Japanese Plants Extracts Seaweeds & Marine Plants Extracts Tinctures & Fluid extracts Oily Macerats Natural Oils DisIlled Waters EssenIal Oils Our Organic Products (CerIfied by Ecocert) 17 18-‐19 20 21 22 23-‐33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 3 Σnnagram at the forefront in vegetal extracIon Ennagram has more than fourteen years of experience in research, development and produc>on of natural extracts . The most advanced technology is applied to extrac>ng the ac>ve ingredients of herbal and marine raw materials. Our plant is located in the southeast of Paris near the main transporta>on routes • RAW MATERIALS To ensure op>mal care of crops from plan>ng to harves>ng , Ennagram obtains raw materials from all over the world exclusively through selected farmers and suppliers. Ennagram strictly prohibits pes>cides, heavy metals, aflatoxins and microbiological contamina>on in herbal and marine raw materials. • PLANT (ExtracIon & Package) In each adjusted place (liquid extrac>on, dry extrac>on, specific extrac>on), Ennagram maintains professional knowledge and experience in the prepara>on of natural extracts with its own technology and know how. Ennagram carries out specific and exclusive extrac>ons on request • QUALITY CONTROL Ennagram applies chemical, physical and microbiological control at each step of the produc>on process, from raw material to finished natural extract. Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 4 HIGH-‐TECHNOLOGY BOTANICAL ACTIVES CENNAMIDES (exclusivity of Ennagram) Vegetal Ceramides An exclusive and patented associa>on of phytosphingolipids (ceramides) and digalactosyl-‐ diglycerides (Dgdg) extracted from wheat. • • • • • Moisturising Regenera>ng Healing An>-‐elastase and an>-‐collagenase An>-‐radicals 3 available references : ⇒ Wheat lipids at 15 % Ceramides ⇒ Water-‐dispersible powder at 50 % Ceramides ⇒ Water-‐soluble emulsion at 5 % ADENNA Vegetal DNA A solu>on of DNA (desoxyribonucleic acid) extracted from wheat germs and intended for the care of dry, damaged or mature skin and hair. • Moisturising • Regenera>ng • An>-‐ageing (An>-‐elastase) • An>-‐radicals Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 5 HIGH-‐TECHNOLOGY BOTANICAL ACTIVES AVENNA MP25 Oat extract with high beta-‐glucan content (25%) • Moisturising, soothing, wound healing SPIRULENNA A blue algae (Spirulina platensis) extract with high phycocyanin content. • An>-‐oxidant (an>-‐radicals), an>-‐inflammatory THALASSENNA A micro-‐algae (Thalassiosira pseudonana) extract with high selenium content (25 -‐ 40 µg/l) • An>-‐oxidant (an>-‐radicals), acts against lipid peroxida>on TENSENNA A complex of proteins (albumin and globulin) extracted from wheat gluten • Tensor, moisturising, soothing, protec>ve (an>-‐radicals), an>-‐ageing SOYENNA Vegetal FILATOV extract An all-‐vegetal ac>ve ingredient issued from embryonic >ssues of soya (soybean) and prepared according to enzyma>c and molecular selec>on techniques (Filatov extrac>on). With a valuable content in amino-‐ acids, pep>des and trace-‐elements, SOYENNA has a double cosme>c interest : it boosts the skin and hair metabolism and provides essen>al nutriments. • Moisturising • Nourishing • Revitalising Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 6 HIGH-‐TECHNOLOGY BOTANICAL ACTIVES TURN WHITE COMPLEX Herbal skin-‐lightening agent A unique botanical ingredient with proven skin whitening and perfec>ng ac>vity. The TURN WHITE COMPLEX, by suppressing the pigmenta>on of the skin, reduces the brown colora>on, prevents the forma>on of freckles, birthmarks and senile keratosis, and can be used with good effects to whiten dark skin or areas of dark skin. The TURN WHITE COMPLEX is also an effec>ve answer for lightening ethnic skin. • Skin-‐lightening, rejuvena>ng, suppresses pigmenta>ons NOSTER MX An exclusive complex of phytosterols extracted from soya, avocado, corn and mari>me pine. • Moisturising, emollient, sodening, an>inflammatory MEDULLENNA Vegetal subsVtute for medulla (marrow) A blend of vegetal substances presen>ng an analogy with animal marrow. • Moisturising, protec>ve, sodening and smoothing KIGELIA EXTRACT An extract of Kigelia africana fruits which contains interes>ng amounts of steroidal saponins and flavonoids. • Bust and breast firming and upliding CAPSINE An oil-‐soluble extract of capsicum fruits with a content of 10 % capsaicin • Warming, analgesic, circulatory Also available: CAPSINE WS, a water-‐soluble extract with 1.5 % capsaicin. Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 7 HIGH-‐TECHNOLOGY BOTANICAL ACTIVES ENN’ACTIVE GINGER An oil-‐soluble extract of ginger roots with a content of 30 % essen>al oil. ▫ Toning and s>mula>ng ▫ Warming and analgesic ▫ Circulatory ENN’ACTIVE GRAPE SEED A water-‐soluble liquid extract of grape seeds with a content of 0.5 % procyanidins. ▫ Strong an>oxidant ▫ Improves blood circula>on ▫ S>mulates hair growth ENN’ACTIVE GREEN TEA A water-‐soluble powder extract of green tea leaves with a content of 15 % polyphenols & 3 % caffeine. ▫ An>oxidant ▫ DNA protec>on ▫ An>microbial, Deodorant ENN’ACTIVE GARCINIA A water-‐soluble powder extract of garcinia cambogia fruit rinds with a content of 60 % hydroxycitric acid. ▫ Fat burning ▫ Fat blocking ▫ Moisturizing and regenera>ng ENN’ACTIVE PAPAYA A water-‐soluble powder extract of papaya fruits and stems with a content of 5 % papain ▫ Cleansing and wound-‐healing ▫ Enzyma>c exfolia>on Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 8 HIGH-‐TECHNOLOGY BOTANICAL ACTIVES ENN’ACTIVE CARROT An oil-‐soluble extract of carrot roots with a content of 1 % carotenoids • An>-‐oxidant, natural colouring dye ENN’ACTIVE CHAMOMILE A water-‐soluble powder extract of chamomile flowers with a content of 0.3 % apigenin • Soothing, purifying, Blond hair bleaching ENN’ACTIVE GRAPEFRUIT SEED A water-‐soluble liquid extract of grapefruit seeds with a content of 0.2 % flavonoids • An>microbial, An>-‐inflammatory, Toning and circulatory ENN’ACTIVE PINEAPPLE A water-‐soluble powder extract of pineapple fruits and stems with a content of 10 % bromelain • Cleansing, Enzyma>c exfolia>on ENN’ACTIVE GINSENG A water-‐soluble powder extract of ginseng roots with a content of 4 % ginsenosids • Boos>ng, Toning ENN’ACTIVE APPLE A water-‐soluble liquid extract of apple fruits with a content of 0.5 % polyphenols • An>-‐oxidant Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 9 ENNACOMPLEXES Botanical Complexes ENNACOMPLEXES are blends of liquid (hydroglycolic) botanical extracts selected on the basis of their synergis>c dermo-‐cosme>c ac>vity. Their quality is guaranteed by the iden>fica>on of ac>ve ingredients. Skin Care ENNACOMPLEX 261 ANTI-‐CONGESTIVE (ANTI-‐REDDENING / ANTI-‐BLOTCHINESS) Mixed extract of red vine, St John’s wort, arnica, witch hazel, horse chestnut, and ivy Tonic, astringent, vasoconstrictor, sVmulates and regulates the micro-‐blood circulaVon ENNACOMPLEX 262 SOFTENING (SENSITIVE SKIN) Mixed extract of marigold, roman chamomile, linden, cornflower, German chamomile, and St John’s wort AnV-‐inflammatory, desensiVsing, relaxing, so_ening ENNACOMPLEX 263 ANTIWRINKLE Mixed extract of hops, rosemary, horsetail, pine, and lemon So_ening, anVsepVc, toning, anV-‐ageing sVmulates micro-‐blood circulaVon, clears the complexion ENNACOMPLEX 264 OILY SKIN Mixed extract of watercress, burdock, sage, lemon, ivy, and soapwort AnVsepVc, anVpruriVc, astringent, vasoconstrictor, decongesVve ENNACOMPLEX 266 MOISTURISING Mixed extract of mallow, ivy, pellitory, cucumber, elder, and arnica Emollient, soothing, itch-‐relieving, refreshing Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 10 ENNACOMPLEXES Botanical Complexes ENNACOMPLEX 267 YOUNG SKIN NORMALIZER Mixed extract of burdock, lemon, hops, St John’s wort, sage, marigold, and soapwort AnVsepVc, anVinflammatory, decongesVve, balancing, healing ENNACOMPLEX 273 ASTRINGENT Mixed extract of Rose flower, Hamamelis leaf, Oak bark, and Apple leaf Astringent, anVpruriginous, anVinflammatory, anVsepVc, anV-‐seborrheic Tightens open pores, reduces sebaceous secreVons, heals small cuts and blemishes ENNACOMPLEX 271 EYELID TONE Mixed extract of ladys mantle, ivy, horsetail, and chamomile Restores the elasVcity, astringent, soothing, improves the microcirculaVon ENNACOMPLEX 231 EYE CONTOUR Mixed extract of horsetail, witch hazel, licorice, ginseng, and ginkgo biloba Restructuring, soothing, toning, anV-‐puffiness, anV-‐dark circles, anVageing, protecVve ENNACOMPLEX 274 MARINE Mixed extract of fresh brown seaweeds: laminaria, fucus, himanthalia, ascophyllum, giant kelp, and wakame Toning, revitalizing, moisturizing, highly nutriVve Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 11 ENNACOMPLEXES Botanical Complexes Body Care ENNACOMPLEX 265 SLIMMING Mixed extract of ivy, fucus, queen meadow, clema>s, and horsetail AnV-‐cellulite, draining, microcirculatory, astringent, toning, firming, restructuring effect ENNACOMPLEX 268 CONNECTIVE TISSUE RESTORER Mixed extract of horsetail, ivy, tormen>l, and centella Restores the connecVve Vssue in case of stretch marks, wrinkles, skin ageing, eye pouches ENNACOMPLEX 269 CONGESTED LEGS (« HEAVY LEGS ») Mixed extract of red vine, butcher’s broom, pine, and witch hazel Improves blood circulaVon toning, anVinflammatory, protecVve ENNACOMPLEX 270 RHEUMATISM Mixed extract of harpagophytum and juniper Analgesic, anVinflammatory, anVrheumaVc ENNACOMPLEX 212 BUST FIRMING Mixed extract of sage, olive leaf, ginseng, lady’s mantle, and shepherd’s purse Firms and tones the bust Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 12 ENNACOMPLEXES Botanical Complexes Hair Care ENNACOMPLEX 260 HAIR TREATMENT Mixed extract of white nelle, pine, burdock, chamomile, rosemary, ivy, arnica, watercress, and garlic SVmulates the acVvity of hair roots, sVmulates hair growth, controls dandruff, eczema and seborrhoea Baby Skin Care ENNACOMPLEX 234 BABY SKIN Mixed extract of carrot, marigold, and chamomile Moisturising, so_ening, nourishing, purifying Oily Basis MOISTURISING AND SOOTHING OIL Mixed infusion in sunflower seed oil of marigold, linden, mallow, St John’s wort, elder, and arnica . Provides extra moisture and emolliency in addiVon to the soothing properVes of the mixed botanicals Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 13 ENNACTIVES Titrated Botanical Complexes This new genera>on of complexes offers >trated (quan>fied) amounts of ac>ve cons>tuents, and thus a consistent ac>vity. ENNACTIVE 203 SLIMMING Mixed extract of tea, fucus, grapefruit, meadowsweet, horsetail, ivy, and clema>s Dosed in caffeine and naringin AnV-‐cellulite, lipolyVque AnV-‐cellulite, lipolyVc, toning, firming, restructuring ENNACTIVE 205 BODY SHAPING Mixed extract of hibiscus and garcinia cambogia Dosed in hydroxycitric acid Blocks and burns the fafy accumulaVons SVmulaVng, regeneraVng, moisturising Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 14 FRUIT AND FLOWER ACIDS AHA and BHA Derived Extracts AHA EXTRACT Mixed fruit extract . An exclusive fresh fruits extract with a natural content (5 % min.) of alpha-‐hydroxy-‐acids. Apricot, Strawberry, Raspberry, Guava, Mango, Grapefruit, Peach and Passion fruit have been chosen, as a source of Glycolic, Lac>c, Citric and Mandelic acids. • • Moisturising, Soothing, Purifying Improves hair texture AHA EXTRACT 44 Mixed fruit extract with 44% AHAs Mix of fresh fruits extracts (Lemon, Bilberry, Apple, Sugar cane & Grape) plus a blend of alphahydroxy-‐acids (Citric, Lac>c, Glycolic and Tartaric) to reach 44%. • • • • • Moisturising and soothing Regenera>ng and an>ageing Purifying, Complexion-‐clearing Peeling (at high doses) Improves hair texture MIXED FLOWER EXTRACT 26% flower acids An extract of 3 flowers (hibiscus, dog rose and sweet violet) naturally rich in organic acids (citric, salicylic, ascorbic, malic and tartaric), with a complement to reach a standardised content of 26%. • • • Moisturising and soothing Rejuvena>ng, Purifying Reduces fine lines and age spots, improves hair texture BHA EXTRACT Natural BHAs complex An exclusive standardised extract of Cauliflower, a plant chosen for its natural content in beta-‐ hydroxy-‐acids (BHAs), especially Serine and Threonine. • Moisturising and soothing Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 15 VEGETAL SCRUB AGENTS Vegetal Scrub Agents, thanks to a mechanical exfolia>on, help to eliminate dead cells, and s>mulate the micro-‐blood circula>on and cells renewal. CITRUS EXFOLIATING POWDER Micronised and standardized powder of orange, grapefruit and lemon fibres, with big par>cles made especially for the body. COTTON POWDER Micronised powder of pure cellulose made from colon fibres. A very sod, non-‐aggressive scrub agent for delicate and sensi>ve skin types. BAMBOO FIBRES POWDER Micronised powder of Bamboo fibres. A very sod, non-‐aggressive scrub agent for delicate and sensi>ve skin types. CITROMAT A vegetal talc which associates a micro-‐smoothing effect to an oil absorbent effect: the fineness and regularity of the par>cles allow a very precise and non-‐aggressive exfolia>on, and when they are in contact with the skin, they also act as a micro-‐blomng substance which can absorb the excess of sebum. ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ ▫ Non-‐aggressive Eliminate dead cells S>mulate cells renewal Smooth the skin Absorb the excess of sebum Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 16 NATURAL CLAYS GREEN CLAY An illite type clay with purifying and complexion-‐clearing proper>es, dedicated to oily skin. YELLOW CLAY An Illite-‐kaolinite type clay dedicated to normal or combina>on skin. PINK CLAY A kaolinite type clay dedicated to sensi>ve or irritated skin. RED CLAY A kaolinite type clay dedicated to normal but irritated skin. WHITE CLAY A kaolin type clay dedicated to dry or dehydrated skin NATURAL BODY WRAPS ALGAE GEL A ready-‐to-‐use spa product especially designed for revitalizing, detoxifying, and slimming treatments for the body. Thanks to its exclusive texture, it is very easy to use, no wet room is required. Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 17 MARINE ACTIVES COLLAGENNA Marine naVve collagen Solu>on of soluble type I na>ve collagen extracted from fish skin. • • • Moisturising Maintains elas>city and firmness of the skin Condi>ons and protects the hair => Powder measured at 44% collagen => Aqueous solu>on measured in 0.6 % collagen COLLAGENNA H Hydrolysed marine collagen Solu>on of hydrolysed collagen extracted from fish skin. • • • Moisturising Nourishing Film-‐forming ELASTENNA High MW marine elasVn Aqueous solu>on with 2,5 % elas>n extracted from fish skin. • Moisturising & Tensor ENNAPEPTID M Marine pepVdic extract A solu>on of pep>des extracted from fresh fish • • Regenera>ng, s>mulates cells mul>plica>on Immuno-‐s>mulant ENNAPURE CS Marine oligosaccharide A solu>on of chondroi>n sulphate extracted from fish car>lage • • Highly moisturizing Film-‐forming, restructuring Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 18 MARINE ACTIVES CAVIAR EXTRACT A solu>on of pure caviar extrac>ves obtained from cer>fied sturgeon eggs • Rich in precious and nutri>ve substances. Gives a luxurious and greedy touch CHITENNA Top-‐grade chitosan extracted from fresh shrimp shells. Cer>fied to be completely soluble. • • • • • • • • • Film forming effects on skin and hair Reduces hair sta>c charge Gives body to the hair Enhances a persistent skin smoothness Reduces skin irrita>ons Stabilises emulsions and modifies the viscosity Increases the water-‐resistance of sunscreens Haemostat An>microbial for toothpastes, shampoos and deodorants Cosme>c grade free flowing powder available in different viscosi>es (10, 110, 400, 1200 cps). GLYCOSENNA Depolymerised marine oligosaccharide A solu>on of low molecular weight hydrolysed chondroi>n sulphate extracted from fish car>lage • • Highly moisturizing, restructuring S>mulates cells growth, reduces skin sensi>vity PEARL POWDER A micronised pearl shells powder • • • Improves the elas>city of the skin An>-‐ageing Sodening Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 19 HERBAL ACTIVE PRINCIPLES Purified FracPons of Plants BROMELAIN (FROM PINEAPPLE STEMS) HAP1126 • Cleansing, wound healing, KeratolyVc (enzymaVc exfoliaVon) GRAPE POLYPHENOLS HAP1112 • AnV free radicals, improve blood circulaVon GRAPE SEED PROCYANIDINS (OPC) HAP1102 • AnV free radicals, improve blood circulaVon, sVmulate hair growth GREEN TEA POLYPHENOLS HAP1106 • • AnV-‐oxidant (anV-‐radicals), deodorant prevenVon of dental caries, anVmicrobial LYCOPENE 6 % / LYCOPENE 2 % WS (FROM TOMATO) • Cleansing, wound healing, KeratolyVc (enzymaVc exfoliaVon) PAPAIN (FROM PAPAYA FRUIT LATEX) HAP1115 • Cleansing, wound healing, KeratolyVc (enzymaVc exfoliaVon) QUILLAJA BARK SAPONINS HAP1122 • Foaming, Cleansing SOPHORA JAPONICA RUTIN HAP1001 • AnV free radicals TANNIC ACID (FROM OAK NUTGALL) HAP1116 • Astringent Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 20 VITAMIN DERIVATIVES VITENNA L Vitamin E Linoleate (Tocopheryl Linoleate A deriva>ve of Vitamin E and Linoleic Acid, an essen>al faly acid, that synergises the effects of both compounds to provide superior moisturising benefits to the skin, hair, and nails. • • • Moisturising and smoothing Maintains elasticity of the skin Antiinflammatory VITENNA N Vitamin E Nicotinate (Tocopheryl Nicotinate) A derivative of Vitamin E and Nicotinic Acid that synergises the effects of both compounds to provide positive microcirculatory effects to the skin and scalp. • • • • • Improves microcirculation Decongestive Reduces cellulite Increases hair growth Moisturising VITENNA COS VCE Purified Ethyl Ascorbic Acid A new vitamin C derivative, very stable, very effective. • • • • Anti-oxidant Promotes the synthesis of collagen Whitening, suppresses melanin Anti-inflammatory INOXAN 583 Vitamin-based antioxidant A mix of ascorbyl palmitate and dl-alpha-tocopherol to be used as antioxidant for any oil-based products. Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 21 MICROEMULSIONS Microemulsions are unique water-‐dispersible delivery systems. This technology gives thermodynamically stable systems made of droplets of less than 100 nm and offers the possibility to incorporate vitamins directly in aqueous or hydroalcoholic liquid products, or in emulsions with con>nuous water phase. These microemulsions also increase the biodisponibility of vitamins inside of the intracellular medium . MICROEMULSION A A water-‐soluble microemulsion with high vitamin A content. • • • • • • • S>mulates cells growth Acts against skin ageing Smoothes wrinkles Helps to repair injured skin Improves the contour of dry scaly skin Reduces harmful effects from UV exposure Improves the complexion MICROEMULSION E A water-‐soluble microemulsion with high vitamin E content. • • • • • • Limits skin ageing Moisturising An>inflammatory Protects against UV damage Improves blood circula>on Promotes hair growth MICROEMULSION CEV A watersoluble microemulsion with the 3 cosme>c essen>al vitamins: A, E and C. Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 22 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Ennagram offers an extensive range of the finest liquid botanical extracts made with plants, herbs, fruits and seaweed coming from all over the world and intended to be used in prac>cally all cosme>c products. These extracts are normally available in a hydroglycolic (water and propyleneglycol) base, but also offered in water and butyleneglycol (ref HB), or water and glycerine (ref HGL), water and ethanol (ref. TINC), propyleneglycol only (ref. G), butyleneglycol only (ref. B), glycerine only (ref. GLY). Preserva>ve-‐free extracts are available on request, as well as decolorized extracts, and when possible we suit individual requirements. We use 1 kg of fresh plant (or its dry equivalent) to obtain 1 kg of extract but less concentrated, cost-‐effec>ve extracts are also available. All extracts are made by the cold-‐process to preserve the integrity and ac>vity of each ingredient, and whenever possible organically grown plants are used. Our exclusive manufacturing process allows to extract all the ac>ve frac>ons of the plants : vitamins, tannins, flavonoids, amino-‐acids, trace elements, minerals, essen>al oils ... All extracts also conform to quality standards. Quality control includes organolep>c characterisa>on, physical-‐chemical measurements (density, pH, refrac>ve index), ac>ve maler determina>on (by TLC and/or HPLC) and microbial count. Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 23 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Absinth HG575 Baccharis HG502 Acacia HG486 Bamboo HG864 Acacia flower HG471 Banana HG783 Acerola HG773 Barley HG825 Agave HG440 Basil HG536 Agrimony HG669 Bean pod HG525 Alder HG540 Bearberry HG739 Alfalfa (Lucern) HG824 Beech bud HG603 Almond HG665 Beech leaf HG803 Aloe vera HG652 Beetroot HG483 Alpine strawberry HG460 Bell pepper HG443 Amaranth HG450 Bennet HG707 Amla HG599 Berberis (Barberry) HG601 Angelica HG710 Bidens (Bur marigold) HG758 Aniseed HG541 Bilberry HG658 Apple HG582 Bilberry leaf HG424 Apple leaf HG771 Birch HG701 Apricot HG687 Birch sap HG496 Arnica Mexico HG708 Bistort HG694 Arnica Montana HG705 Bitter melon HG410 Aronia (Chokeberry) HG576 Bitter orange leaf HG828 Artichoke HG804 Bitter orange peel HG626 Ash HG802 Black currant HG805 Aubergine HG688 Black currant leaf HG870 Avocado HG681 Black currant bud HG434 Azuki bean HG445 Black horehound HG545 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 24 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Black pepper HG767 Cactus flower HG852 Black radish HG772 Caju nut HG519 Black tea HG645 California poppy HG735 Black truffle HG480 Capsicum (Chillies) HG695 Black walnut hull HG600 Caramel HG749 Blackberry HG577 Caraway HG435 Bladderwrack (Fucus) HG610 Cardamom HG448 Blessed (Holy) Thistle HG602 Carob HG526 Blood orange HG843 Carrot HG673 Bloodroot HG726 Cascara HG549 Blue iris (Blue flag) HG881 Catechu HG550 Blueberry HG658 Catnip HG880 Boldo HG546 Cat’s claw HG470 Borage HG752 Celandine HG861 Boswellia HG543 Celery HG718 Box HG806 Centella (Hydrocotyle) HG659 Bramble HG807 Chamomile Roman HG624 Broccoli HG842 Chamomile German HG608 Broom HG808 Chardonnay grape HG867 Brown sugar HG468 Chaste fruit HG858 Bryony HG809 Cherry HG500 Buckthorn HG547 Cherry blossom HG466 Buckwheat HG411 Cherry leaf HG433 Burdock HG633 Cherry plum HG512 Butcher’s broom HG676 Chervil HG723 Chestnut leaf HG724 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 25 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Chinese orchid HG795 Cowslip HG812 Chinese pear HG469 Cranberry HG497 Chinese skullcap HG459 Cucumber HG627 Chive HG421 Cumin HG447 Cinchona HG654 Cypress HG655 Cinnamon HG714 Citronella HG850 Daisy HG537 Clematis HG651 Damiana HG876 Clementine HG799 Dandelion HG813 Clove bud HG875 Date HG859 Coaltar HG863 Desmodium HG453 Cocoa HG869 Devil’s claw HG721 Coconut HG789 Dill HG456 Coffee HG713 Dittany of Crete HG790 Coltsfoot HG712 Dog rose HG700 Comfrey HG617 Dong quai HG849 Condurango HG729 Coneflower root HG709 Echinacea root HG709 Coriander HG455 Echinacea (whole plant) HG534 Corn germ HG866 Eclipta alba HG769 Corn poppy HG716 Edelweiss HG775 Corn silk HG638 Elder berry HG552 Cornflower (Centaurea) HG606 Elder flower HG623 Cotton flower HG793 Elecampane HG436 Couch HG728 Elm HG826 Cowberry HG662 Eucalyptus HG722 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 26 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Evening primrose HG764 Grape, white HG753 Everlasting HG479 Grape leaf (Red vine) HG642 Eyebright HG553 Grapefruit HG702 Grapefruit seed HG513 Fennel HG685 Griffonia HG528 Fenugreek HG649 Grindelia HG554 Fig HG488 Gromwell HG755 Figwort HG736 Green tea HG588 Flax seed (linseed) HG774 Ground ivy HG594 Frangipani HG862 Guaiacum resin HG555 Fucus (Bladderwrack) HG610 Guarana HG596 Fumitory Guava HG674 Gum plant HG747 HG815 Galangal root HG457 Galega HG531 Hamamelis (Witch hazel) HG629 Garcinia cambogia HG751 Hawthorn berry HG853 Garlic HG644 Hawthorn leaf and flower HG557 Gentian HG630 Hawthorn flower HG482 Giant reed HG489 Hay flower HG598 Ginger HG743 Hazel leaf HG818 Ginkgo biloba HG697 Hazel nut HG473 Ginseng HG636 Heartsease HG647 Golden rod HG816 Heath Speedwell HG837 Goldenseal HG727 Heather HG675 Gomphrena HG503 Hedge bindweed HG801 Grape, red HG754 Hedge garlic HG663 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 27 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. Hedge mustard HG750 Henna HG666 Herb Robert Nom Ref. Juniper HG660 HG794 Kava HG776 Hibiscus HG732 Kidney bean HG890 Himalaya honey HG491 Kigelia HG820 Holly HG823 Kiwi HG744 Honey HG819 Kola HG745 Honeysuckle HG646 Korean shiitake HG409 Hops HG628 Horse chestnut HG620 Lady’s mantle HG635 Horseminth HG558 Lalang grass HG524 Horseradish HG414 Laminaria HG692 Horsetail HG634 Laminaria saccharina HG657 Hydrocotyle (Centella) HG659 Laurel berry HG542 Hyssop HG740 Laurel leaf HG533 Lavender HG706 Iris HG625 Leek HG838 Ivy HG611 Lemon HG650 Lemon balm HG680 Japanese rice HG467 Lemon peel HG504 Jasmine HG761 Lemon verbena HG889 Java tea (Orthosiphon) HG827 Lemongrass HG594 Jeju tangerine HG408 Lentil HG442 Job tear HG759 Lettuce HG539 Jojoba HG730 Lichen HG715 Jonquil HG829 Licorice HG725 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 28 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Lilac flower HG425 Marsh cistus HG560 Lime HG844 Marshmallow HG619 Linden flower HG615 Marshmallow root HG848 Linden leaf HG800 Mate HG415 Lobelia HG559 Matricaria HG608 Loofah HG872 Maypop (Passion flower) HG661 Lotier HG734 Meadowsweet HG639 Lotus HG810 Melon HG637 Lovage HG416 Milk thistle leaf HG562 Lucern (Alfalfa) HG824 Milk thistle fruit HG561 Lungwort HG538 Millet HG814 Lychee HG878 Mimosa tenuiflora HG578 Mistletoe HG672 Magnolia HG797 Motherwort HG770 Mallow flower HG640 Mouse-ear hawkweed HG832 Mallow leaf HG604 Mugwort HG671 Malt HG846 Mulberry HG768 Mandarin orange HG798 Mullein HG563 Mango HG597 Mushroom HG444 Mangosteen HG406 Mustard HG886 Manioc HG779 Myrrh HG703 Manuka HG885 Myrtle HG817 Mapple sap HG481 Marigold HG607 Nasturtium HG609 Maritime pine HG520 Neem HG796 Marjoram HG811 Neroli (Orange flower) HG632 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 29 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Nettle HG677 Patchouli HG412 Neutral henna HG517 Pea HG441 Nigella HG884 Peach HG698 Noni HG530 Peach leaf HG423 Nutgall HG618 Pear HG426 Nutmeg HG501 Pellitory HG648 Peony root HG877 Oak HG614 Peppermint HG656 Oak gall HG618 Periwinkle HG621 Oak moss HG781 Pimpinella HG564 Oat HG690 Pine cone HG493 Olive leaf HG580 Pine needle HG616 Onion HG763 Pineapple HG667 Orange Orange flower (Neroli) HG821 Pink grapefruit HG865 HG632 Pistachio HG427 Orange leaf HG822 Plantain HG831 Orchid flower HG476 Plum HG882 Oregano Orthosiphon (Java tea) HG830 Pollen HG840 HG827 Pomegranate HG516 Pomelo HG465 Pagoda tree (Sophora) HG581 Poplar bud HG422 Papaya HG664 Primrose HG511 Paprika HG762 Propolis HG583 Parsley Passion flower (Maypop) HG587 Pueraria HG518 HG661 Pumpkin seed HG532 Passionfruit HG792 Purslane HG529 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 30 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Quebracho HG566 Rye HG449 Quillaja HG689 Safflower HG871 Quince HG711 Sage HG613 Quinoa HG446 Saint John’s wort HG641 Sandalwood HG413 Radish HG748 Sanicle HG569 Raspberry HG738 Sarsaparilla HG586 Raspberry leaf HG429 Savory HG514 Ratstail plantain HG567 Saw Palmetto HG742 Red cabbage HG428 Scarlet pimpernel HG835 Red clover HG785 Schizandra HG887 Red currant HG719 Seabuckthorn HG492 Red vine (Red grape leaf) HG642 Senega HG574 Red wine HG777 Senna HG570 Rhatany root HG696 Sesame HG439 Rhubarb HG452 Shallot HG454 Rice HG584 Shea nut HG477 Rice bran HG464 Shepherd’s purse HG836 Rooibos HG485 Shii-take HG766 Rose HG717 Siam benzoin HG704 Rose bay HG670 Siberian ginseng HG731 Rose laurel HG833 Silvertip white tea HG407 Rosemary HG612 Soapberry HG463 Rowan HG834 Soapwort HG622 Royal jelly HG874 Sophora (Pagoda tree) Rupture wort HG860 Sorrel Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram HG521 31 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Soy HG653 Tormentil HG684 Spinach HG733 Tribulus HG431 Squash HG451 Turmeric root HG458 Star anise HG571 Strawberry HG737 Valerian HG590 Strawberry leaf HG418 Vanilla HG591 Sugar cane HG845 Vervain HG720 Summer savory HG705 Vetiver HG475 Sundew HG572 Viburnum HG556 Sunflower HG593 Violet HG592 Sweet chestnut HG430 Sweet clover HG679 Walnut leaf HG682 Sweet flag HG527 Walnut hull HG691 Sweet gale HG499 Water lily HG780 Watercress HG643 Tamarind HG841 Watermelon HG784 Tangerine HG461 Wheat HG699 Tansy HG478 Wheat germ HG535 Tarragon HG420 Wheat sprout HG522 Tephrosia purpurea HG510 White bryony HG495 Thuja HG746 White dittany HG756 Thyme HG693 White horehound HG573 Tiare HG851 White lis HG757 Tibetan goji HG490 White lupine HG760 Tolu balsam HG544 White mulberry root HG585 Tomato HG589 White nettle HG631 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 32 WATER-‐SOLUBLE LIQUID EXTRACTS Nom Ref. White orchid HG474 White pond lily HG787 White rose HG515 White tea HG484 White wine HG778 Wild strawberry HG847 Wild thyme HG683 Willow HG839 Witch hazel (Hamamelis) HG629 Woodruff HG678 Yam HG595 Yarrow HG686 Yeast HG668 Ylang ylang HG579 And many other plants we can source at your request Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 33 CHINESE & JAPANESE PLANTS EXTRACTS In addi>on to ginseng, fennel, ginkgo or ginger, ENNAGRAM also offers a selec>on of very specific extracts made with herbs tradi>onally used by the Chinese and Japanese folk medicines. • • • • • • • • • • • • Tsao Ko (Amomum Aroma>cum) CE601 Bai Qi (Ble>a Hyacinthina) CE602 BiaoBeng Li (Rubus Chingii) CE603 Ho Shou Wu (Polygonum Mul>florum) CE604 Hua Jiao (Xanthoxylum Alatum) CE605 Lung Xu Cai (Laminaria Japonica) CE608 Nu Chen (Ligustrum Lucidum) CE609 Po Zhu Lin Hua (Nelumbium Nelumbo) CE610 Tan Shen (Salvia Mil>orrhiza) CE611 Xin Yi (Magnolia Liliflora) CE612 Pi Pa (Eriobotrya Japonica) CE614 Da Zao (Zizyphus Jujuba) CE630 AnV-‐bacterial -‐ toning Emollient -‐ soothing Protects against free radicals sVmulates micro-‐circulaVon promotes hair growth Moisturising -‐ astringent Astringent -‐ anVcongesVve -‐ toning Moisturising -‐ anVinflammatory Toning -‐ sVmulates micro-‐circulaVon Moisturising -‐ toning SVmulaVng Astringent regulates greasy skin and hair Healing -‐ soothing -‐ moisturising Emollient -‐ astringent toning -‐ purifying Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 34 SEAWEEDS & MARINE PLANTS EXTRACTS • Ao-‐nori ME003 Ascophyllum ME001 Chondrus ME002 Dulse ME008 Fucus HG610 Himanthalia ME005 Laminaria HG692 Lithothamnium ME007 Nori ME009 Samphire ME012 Spiruline ME013 Ulva ME010 Wakame ME011 Revigorates and moisturises dry/mature skin • Protects and tones hair and scalp Slimming and firming • Emollient -‐ moisturising -‐ healing • Protects and sVmulates hair and scalp • AnV-‐celluliVs • AnV-‐ageing -‐ oil-‐control • • Improves blood circulaVon Tones and restructures the skin (high amount of minerals and trace elements) • Regenerates and nourishes the skin • Moisturising -‐ slenderising • • Regenerates and nourishes the skin Regenerates and nourishes the skin • Protects and sVmulates hair and scalp Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 35 TINCTURES, MOTHER TINCTURES & FLUID EXTRACTS (PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE) Tinctures, Mother Tinctures and Fluid Extracts are alcohol (ethanol)-‐based extracts prepared according to the French or European Pharmacopoeia and by the cold-‐process to preserve the integrity of ac>ve ingredients. For Mother Tinctures we can also manufacture following the requirements of the German Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia. The plant/extract ra>o is generally 1/5 for the Tinctures, 1/10 for the Mother Tinctures and 1/1 for the Fluid Extracts. We are using dried plants for the Tinctures, Fluid Extracts and fresh plants for the Mother Tinctures. The final alcoholic >tle is generally 60° for the Tinctures and Mother Tinctures and 40° for the Fluid Extracts. OILY EXTRACTS (MACERATES) Oily Extracts are oil-‐soluble extracts of plants made with refined sunflower seed oil as the solvent. These extracts are made at a controlled temperature and contain some of the oil-‐soluble and aroma>c frac>ons of the plants. Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 36 NATURAL OILS Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Apricot kernel HV167 Jojoba HV164 Argan HV179 Musk rose HV161 Avocado HV169 Neem HV180 Babassu butter HV205 Olive HV168 Borage HV173 Palm HV200 Chaulmoogra HV175 Peach kernel HV184 Coconut HV191 Plum kernel HV176 Corn HV165 Pumpkin seed HV202 Cotton seed HV182 Rose hip HV161 Evening primrose 9% GLA HV172 Shea butter HV181 Grape seed HV177 Sunflower seed HV178 Hazelnut HV171 Sweet almond HV166 Inca inchi HV211 Wheatgerm HV162 India poon (Calophyllum) HV170 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 37 DISTILLED WATERS Dis>lled Waters are obtained by water-‐steam dis>lla>on at 100°C. They contain the aroma>c frac>on and some of the water-‐soluble components of the plants. They facilitate the formula>on of transparent and colourless products. They also allow to perfume your toning waters naturally. Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Balm ED006 Orange flower (Neroli) ED012 Bramble leaf ED040 Peppermint ED008 Chamomile ED007 Roman chamomile ED018 Cornflower ED004 Rose ED023 Damask Rose ED041 Rosemary ED009 Hyssop ED003 Sage ED029 Lavender ED005 Vervain ED011 Linden (Lime) ED039 Witch hazel (Hamamelis) ED017 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 38 ESSENTIAL OILS A selec>on of 100 % pure and natural essen>al oils. Nom Ref. Nom Ref. Angelica root (Holland) HE101 Juniper berry (Yugoslavia) HE119 Angelica seed (France) HE102 Laurel (Syria) HE125 Basil (Vietnam) HE104 Lavandin (France) HE128 Cade (France) HE106 Lavender (France) HE126 Cajeput (Vietnam) HE107 Lavender Provence (France) HE127 Carrot seed (France) HE110 Lemon (Italy) HE112 Celery (India) HE111 Magnolia flower (China) HE129 Cinnamon (China) HE109 Magnolia leaf (China) HE130 Citronella (China) HE113 Mandarin orange (Italy) HE131 Clove (Indonesia) HE122 Marjoram (Egypt) HE132 Coriander (Russia) HE114 Mugwort (Morocco) HE103 Cumin (India) HE115 Neroli (Egypt) HE136 Cypress (France) HE116 Niaouli (Madagascar) HE135 Eucalyptus (China) HE118 Orange (Brazil) HE137 Geranium (Egypt) HE120 Oregano (Morocco) HE138 Ginger (China) HE121 Parsley seed (France) HE142 Helychrisum (Yugoslavia) HE123 Patchouli (Indonesia) HE139 Hyssop (France) HE124 Peppermint (India) HE133 Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 39 OUR ORGANIC PRODUCTS (CerPfied by Ecocert) • ORGANIC BABASSU BUTTER (100% ORG.) • ORGANIC KARITE BUTTER (100% ORG.) • ORGANIC ARGAN OIL -‐ DEODORIZED QUALITY (100% ORG.) • ORGANIC BORAGE OIL (100% ORG.) • ORGANIC HIGH OLEIC SUNFLOWER SEED OIL -‐ DEODORIZED QUALITY (100% ORG.) • CORNFLOWER -‐ ORGANIC DISTILLED WATER (99,4% ORG.) • ROMAN CHAMOMILE -‐ ORGANIC DISTILLED WATER (99,4% ORG.) • ORANGE FLOWER-‐ ORGANIC DISTILLED WATER (99,4% ORG.) • WITCH HAZEL -‐ ORGANIC DISTILLED WATER (99,4% ORG.) • LAVENDER -‐ ORGANIC DISTILLED WATER (99,4% ORG.) • PEPPERMINT -‐ ORGANIC DISTILLED WATER (99,4% ORG.) • ROSE -‐ ORGANIC DISTILLED WATER (99,4% ORG.) • ENN'ACTIVE GREEN TEA (100% ORG.) • ORGANIC GLYCERIN (100% ORG.) • ARNICA ORGANIC OILY EXTRACT (100% ORG.) • CHAMOMILE ORGANIC OILY EXTRACT (100% ORG.) • ROYAL JELLY ORGANIC OILY EXTRACT (100% ORG.) • LAVENDER ORGANIC OILY EXTRACT (100% ORG.) • MANGO ORGANIC OILY EXTRACT (100% ORG.) • LIS ORGANIC OILY EXTRACT (95,238% ORG.) • EXELSIOR CONEFLOWER (100% ORG.) • EXELSIOR DAISY(100% ORG.) • ORGANIC BROWN SUGAR (100% ORG.) Catalogue 2013 -‐ Ennagram 40